Riddles for the little ones 2. Riddles for the little ones. Funny riddles for kids

Toddlers at the age of 3 years old develop very actively: they learn about the world, learn to think and compare facts, find similarities and differences between objects, their functions and actions. The riddles posted on this page continue to acquaint little fidgets with the outside world, contribute to the development of intelligence, logical thinking, and memory.

Riddles are not only useful, but also very exciting. Solving them together with the child, parents become closer to him, jointly making decisions, helping to be friends. By solving riddles, the mind is strengthened, communication skills are formed.

Heals young children
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
Good doctor... (Aibolit).
* * *
Mixed with sour cream
It's cold on the window
Round side, ruddy side,
Rolled ... (Kolobok).

* * *
Furry, mustachioed,
He drinks milk, sings songs.
* * *
In summer - in the garden, fresh, green,
And in winter - in a barrel, strong, salty.
* * *
It is both yellow and loose, heaped in the yard.
If you want, you can take - and play.

* * *
He sits very obedient,
He doesn't want to bark at all.
He is overgrown with wool,
Well, of course it is - (dog).
* * *
He stood in the forest, no one took him,
In a red cap fashionable, good for nothing.

* * *
She walks in the rain
Loves to nibble grass
Quack is screaming
It's all a joke
Well, of course it is - (duck).
* * *

Above the forest, above the mountains, a carpet is spread.
He is always, always spread over you and over me
He is gray, then he is blue, then he is bright blue.

* * *
I have a question for you -
Who got their mouth and nose dirty?
Who sits in a puddle all day?
Grunting and fat swimming,
Tell me friends -
What is her name - (pig).

* * *
Every evening, so easy
She gives us milk.
She says two words
What is her name - (cow).

* * *
Like a white star
From silver ice
Spinning, flying
Melts on the palm.
* * *

I wasn't raised.
Made from snow.
Instead of a nose deftly
Put in carrots.
Eyes are coals.
Hands are bitches.
cold, big
Who am I?
* * *

Snow on the fields
Ice on the waters
The blizzard is walking.
When does it happen?
* * *
The snow is melting.
The meadow came to life.
The day is coming.
When does it happen?
* * *
The sun bakes
Linden blossoms.
The rye is earing
The wheat is golden.
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen?
* * *
I bring the harvest
I sow the fields again
Sending birds to the south
I undress the trees
But I don't touch the pines
And Christmas trees. I ... (autumn).
* * *
The red maiden sits in a dungeon,
And the spit is on the street.
* * *
The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat,
Who undresses him
He sheds tears.
* * *
Above is green
red below,
It has grown into the ground.
* * *
Round side, yellow side,
Sits on the garden bed.
Rooted firmly into the ground.
What is this?
* * *
Small, bitter
Luke brother.
* * *
Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large
Those are round.
green in summer,
By autumn they turn red.
* * *
Broken cramped house
For two halves.
And poured out from there
Pellet beads.
* * *
round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch.
adults love me
And little kids.
* * *
Planted a seed
Raised the sun.
We'll tear this sun -
We will collect a lot of grains.
* * *
On a green cord
White bells.
(Lily of the valley)
* * *
Winter and summer in one color.
(Fur tree, pine tree)
* * *
Who gets dressed up once a year?
(Christmas tree)
* * *
The guys have a green friend,
Cheerful friend, good.
He will stretch out hundreds of hands to them
And thousands of hands.
* * *
A green bush grows
Touch - bite.
* * *
In the spring they grow
And fall off in the fall.
* * *
small, remote,
Passed through the earth
Found the red cap.
* * *
Here's someone important
On a white leg.
He has a red hat
Peas on the hat.
* * *

Who's on the tree, on the bitch
The score is: "Ku-ku, ku-ku"?

* * *
He doesn't sleep at all at night.
The house guards from mice,
Drinking milk from a bowl
Well, of course it is ... (cat).

* * *
He keeps saying one thing - ha-ha,
Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone
Well, of course it is ... (goose).

* * *
He sleeps in a den in winter,
Snoring little by little
And wake up, well, roar,
What is his name ... (bear).

* * *
Above the flower she buzzes,
It flies so fast to the hive,
I gave my honey to the honeycombs,
What is her name ... (bee).

* * *
Rope creeps on the ground
Here is the tongue, open mouth,
Bite everyone, I'm ready,
Because I... (snake).

* * *
All the time he prowls through the forest,
He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He clicked his teeth from the bushes,
Who say it ... (wolf).
* * *

Likes red carrots
Gnawing cabbage very deftly,
He jumps here and there,
Through the forests and through the fields,
Grey, white and oblique
Who tell me he is ... (hare).
* * *

It's gray and big
On four pillars
Look at him
And just say, ah!
The trunk lifts up
Waters everyone from the fountain,
Tell me who is he?
Well, of course it is ... (elephant).

* * *
On the path in the forest
I carry a big apple
I look like needles
Call me of course ... (hedgehog).

* * *
The king of beasts growls loudly,
In a hurry to collect all the animals,
Gracefully sitting on a stone,
Tell me who is it?
(A lion)

* * *
Oranges and bananas are very fond of ... (monkeys).

* * *
I lost my sock, dragged it away ... (puppy).

* * *
I'm not afraid of the word "scat" - I'm a forest cat ... (lynx).

* * *
He gets up at dawn, sings in the yard, a comb on his head. Who is this?..

* * *
One hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

* * *
Yellow Antoshka spins on his leg.
Where the sun stands, there he looks.

* * *
They are waiting for me - they will not wait,
And when they see it, they run away.

* * *
I'm friends with hair
I put them in order.
Thank you hairstyle
And my name is ... (comb).

Riddles about animals for children are the simplest and most interesting riddles, as well as. They are suitable for both toddlers and older children. All riddles about animals with answers and in poetic form - read and guess with your child.

Riddles about animals for children with answers

A long tail,
Tiny growth.
gray coat,
sharp teeth ( mouse).

fluff ball,
long ear,
Jumping smartly
Likes carrots hare).

Drinks milk, sings songs.
Washes often
Don't know about water cat).

Jumping across the field -
hides ears,
Will stand up -
Ears upright (hare).

He sleeps in a den in winter
Under the big pine
And when spring comes
Wakes up from sleep bear).

I know how to cleanly wash -
Not with water, but with a tongue.
Meow. How often do I dream
Saucer with warm milk! ( cat)

He's tall and spotty
With a long, long neck
And he eats leaves
tree leaves ( giraffe).

A fluffy tail sticks out from the top.
What is this strange animal?
Cracks nuts finely.
Well, of course, this is ... ( squirrel)

He slept in a fur coat all winter,
He sucked his brown paw,
And when he woke up, he began to cry.
This beast of the forest - ... ( bear).

I am a hunchbacked beast
And the guys like me camel).

Lives in a hollow
Yes, he gnaws all the nuts ( squirrel)

Beard and horns
running down the path ( goat).

Grayish, toothy,
Roaring across the field
Looking for calves, lambs ( wolf).

Changed the color of the coward
And then confused the trail ( hare).

With a beard, not an old man,
With horns, not a bull
They milk, not a cow,
Lyko pulls,
But he doesn’t weave bast shoes ( goat).

The field goes, chews the grass,
Mooing "Moo-oo", and who, I don’t understand ( cow).

Who alone has a horn?
Guess... ( rhinoceros)

Lie down between the trees
Pillow with needles.
Lying down a little
Then suddenly ran away hedgehog).

Believe it or don't believe it:
An animal ran through the forest.
He carried on his forehead for a reason
Two branchy bushes ( elk).

barks loudly,
The house is guarded
Big bully -
Who is this ( dog).

Hungry - mooing.
Syta - chews.
little kids
Milk gives ( cow).

Walks, wanders, shakes his beard.
The children asks: “Me-e-e.
Give me delicious weed" ( goat).

Gray wolf in dense forest
I met a red (fox).

Hot summer in the mountains
Runs in a fur coat ram) .

Like a huge mountain it is -
Very kind, kind elephant).

small, white,
Jump-jump through the woods
On the snow poke-poke ( hare).

The red-haired cheat walks through the forest,
Leads with a fluffy tail
The chicken loves
Petushkov steals.
Who is this? ( fox)

Most of all its size.
Color — normal, smooth, gray.
He carries loads like a robot.
Instead of hands and nose - a trunk ( elephant).

For some reason, not up to games,
If it wanders around ( tiger).

oranges and bananas
Very much love (monkey).

Instead of a nose - a patch,
Instead of a tail - a hook,
A screeching voice and a call,
Who is this? ( piglet).

Lives in the forest
Chews raspberries.
Cheerful tramp -
Who is this? ( bear)

Lives in a mink
The bark gnaws.
Gray baby -
Who is this? ( mouse)

I wear a fluffy coat
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak
I gnaw nuts ( squirrel).

What is this forest animal
Got up like a post under a pine tree?
And stands among the grass -
Ears bigger than head hare).

Friendly with the owner
The house guards
Lives under the porch
And the tail is ringed ( dog).

Jumping far
Swimming deep.
Merry frog -
Who is this? ( frog)

circling in the sky,
Buzzing merrily.
Landed on the bough -
Who is this? ( bug)

He sat on a flower
Like a small hand
Buzzed and flew away:
He has a lot to do bug).

Curled up into a ball
fluffy lump,
Pink mouth -
Who is this? ( cat)

The beast jumped on the lampshade,
He purred: "Meow, mur-r" ( cat).

"I'll take it! I'll swallow it!"
clicks teeth ( pike).

A log floats on the river -
Oh, and it's wicked!
For those who fell into the river
Nose bite off ( crocodile ).

Quickly hiding from fear
In a hard shell ( turtle).

Where does the underground passage lead?
Only knows about it mole).

“Y-ho-ho,” the child cries.
So this is ( foal).

Mom knits
long scarf,
Because son giraffe).

Let the roof flow
And the gate broke
Your home for nothing
Won't leave ( snail).

Which of the animals
furry tail
And longer? ( fox)

Give someone away
His ears are long
The tail is short, like a pom-pom,
Fluffy himself - who is he? ( hare)

Doesn't speak, doesn't sing
And who goes to the owner,
She let you know dog).

pointed ears,
Pillows on paws
Mustache like a bristle
Arched back.
Sleeps during the day
Lies in the sun.
wanders at night,
Goes hunting cat).

Lives in the water
tail wags,
Toothy, not barking pike).

Sleeping in winter
In the summer the hives stir ( bear).

Like a Christmas tree
All in needles hedgehog)

tail fluffy,
golden fur,
Lives in the forest
He steals chickens in the village ( fox).

In summer, gray
In winter - white ( hare).

Who is cold in winter
Walking angry, hungry? ( wolf)

Summer in the swamp
You will find it:
Green frog.
Who is this? ( frog)

cunning cheat,
red head,
Fluffy tail is beautiful.
Who is this? ( fox)

On the branch is not a bird -
small animal,
The fur is warm, like a heating pad.
Who is this? ( squirrel)

I dig a mink day and night,
I don't know about the sun.
Who will find my long move
Immediately say: this ( mole).

Are you unfamiliar with me?
I live at the bottom of the sea.
Head and eight legs
That's all of me - octopus).

Day and night all year round
A good mink digs ... ( mole)

Behind the door is heard the ringing of the bell,
And barking is heard in the house ... ( puppy)

Who is in the den until spring
Dreaming day and night bear)?

Small stature, long tail,
gray coat, sharp teeth mouse).

little boy
In a gray coat
Collects crumbs.
He is afraid of cats sparrow).

The owner lives in the house:
satin coat,
velvet paws,
Ears are sensitive ( cat).

On the trees lope yes lope,
Alive flutters a light ( squirrel).

This little baby
Glad even for a bread crumb,
Because before dark
She hides in a mink ( mouse).

Not a beast, not a bird
Afraid of everything.
Catch flies -
And splash into the water! ( frog)

Not a lamb and not a cat,
He wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray coat for summer
For winter of a different color ( hare).

Look at what -
Everything burns like gold
Walks in a fur coat dear,
The tail is fluffy and big ( fox).

Front - patch
Behind - hook,
middle back,
And it has a bristle on it ( piglet).

Gray chases white
Wants to dine white wolf).

Who lives in the deaf forest -
Clumsy, clumsy?
In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw
Or wandering through the forest bear).

thick cheeks,
fluffy barrel,
Lives at my house hamster).

He looks like a dog
Each tooth is like a sharp knife.
He growled, bared his mouth:
I wanted to attack a sheep ( wolf).

Stroking - caressing
Teasing - biting.
Sitting on a chain
The house guards dog)

Who is afraid of everyone in the forest -
Bear, wolf and fox? ( hare)

Who is the strict forest master
Does he sleep in a den in winter? ( bear)

Winter night under the moon
He howls in the wilderness of the forest.
He knows a lot about a long howl
This predatory scary ( wolf).

Doesn't walk on earth
Doesn't look at the world
And for lunch, for dinner -
Everyone calls her. (fish).

two horns,
Not a bull
Six legs -
No hooves. (cancer)

top stone,
below the stone,
Four legs
Yes, one head. (turtle)

Eyes on horns
And the house is on the back. (snail)

A collection of puzzles for fun and educational activities with children. All children's riddles are given with answers.

Riddles for children are rhymes or prose expressions that describe an object without naming it. Most often, the focus in children's riddles is on some unique property of the object or its similarity with another object.

For our distant ancestors, riddles were a kind of test of the wisdom and ingenuity of fairy-tale heroes. In almost every fairy tale, questions were asked that the main characters had to answer in order to receive a magical gift.

It is customary to share riddles for children and adults. In this section you will find only children's riddles, the solution of which turns into a game and not only teaches, but also develops the logic of your baby. Their number is constantly growing, because people still continue to invent, and we continue to post the most interesting ones.

All riddles for kids are answered so you can test yourself. If you are playing with a very young child, then you should look at the answers in advance, because you need to make sure that he already knows the word that is the clue. Play riddles with your child and he will understand that learning can be interesting and even fun!

Children's puzzles: how to choose?

Surprisingly, the children's preferences for riddles are so different that it is not possible to identify any trend. Of course, kids are delighted with riddles for children about birds, animals, all kinds of bugs and spiders. Older children love to play riddles about fairy tale characters and heroes of modern cartoons.

To turn solving into an entertaining game, you need to choose a topic in accordance with what you are currently doing and where you are. On vacation outside the city, choose children's riddles about animals and birds, if you went to pick mushrooms in the forest - riddles about mushrooms. This choice will bring you and your child new experiences and joy. Imagine that you are relaxing on a lake or river and your baby saw a fish. And if you prepared in advance and took riddles about fish with you? Your success in the game of a puzzle on the water and sea theme is guaranteed.

Attention: the site contains riddles for children with answers! Just click on the word "Answer".

Hi all! If you have small children of 4 years old, then my selection of riddles with answers will come in handy for you, I have collected several categories of fun and easy riddles about animals, vegetables, fruits, transport, weather and just interesting ones in rhyme.

Already at the age of three, a child should make riddles, because this is not only a fun pastime, but also a time for the development of logical thinking. When asking a child of 3-4 years old a riddle, make sure that it is suitable for this age, that it is not difficult, and he will cope with it. Sometimes tell your kids, give them extra tips.

I am white, fluffy, sparkling,

I will cover all the ground in winter.

I am very cold, but the children

They love to play with me (Snow).

Even though we have four legs,

We are not mice or cats.

Although we all have backs,

We are not sheep or pigs.

We are not horses, even on us

You sit hundreds of times.

To rest your feet

Sit on (a chair).

Sections, straight

To hell with her quickly!

Fields without difficulty

Will hold you (ruler).

On an airship

Cosmic, obedient,

We, overtaking the wind,

Ride on (Rocket).

I wake up early in the morning

Together with the sun ruddy.

I make my own bed

I quickly do (Charging).

Builder builds buildings

The truck is driven by a driver.

And who is very needed in the kitchen,

We are preparing a delicious dinner (Cook).

Anyone who has been to the sea

With a bright umbrella sign.

From water and from salt

It consists entirely.

Don't touch him in the water

Burns like fire (jellyfish).

And this time of year

Like morning for nature

Drops ring, streams murmur,

The chicks chirp "Chwi-chwi".

From the captivity of an icy dream

Freed everyone (Spring).

Smooth on clothes

It smoothes wrinkles

Ironing jackets and linen

My school dress

Ironing the arrows at the trousers

Electric (Iron).

In this kitchen utensil

Soup and porridge are cooked by people.

Well, mother for sons

Boils cabbage soup in a large (Pot).

Riddles for children 3 - 4 years old with answers

Ku-ka-re-ku he screams loudly,

Flapping its wings loudly, loudly,

Hen is a faithful shepherd,

What is his name (rooster).

I lost my sock, dragged it (puppy).

Redhead feathers

And a red comb

Who is that in the chicken coop

Yes it is (Cock).

Green in the garden

In a jar salted (Cucumbers).

steel bird

Aiming for the sky

Pilot driving

This bird (Airplane).

He passes through the water

But he does not leave the place (Bridge).

He doesn't sleep at all at night.

The house guards from mice,

Drinking milk from a bowl

Well, of course it is (the cat).

He repeats one ha - ha,

Who offended? Where? When?

I'm not afraid of anyone

Well, of course it is (goose).


Likes red carrots

Gnawing cabbage very deftly,

He jumps - here and there,

Through the forests and through the fields,

Grey, white and oblique

Who say he is (hare).


On the path in the forest

I carry a big apple

I look like needles

Call me of course (hedgehog).

Piglet digging in the ground,

I swim in a dirty puddle. (Pig)

Sitting in a cage all day

And under his breath he repeats,

But hearing the door creak,

He shouts "Philip - Philip"

Let Kesha drink faster

Who is this - (parrot).

Over the seas, over the oceans

A wonderful fish swims.

And huge fountains

It shoots straight into the sky.

The marine world honors him there.

Who is he, of course (whale).

Eating goes far.

He gives us milk for everyone.

She only says two words.

What is her name (Cow).

Long ears.

Quick paws.

This is not a mouse.

This is (Bunny).


He is so big and huge.

And it looks like a crane (Giraffe).


They flew in a noisy flock.

On the ground, all the crumbs were eaten (Doves).


He walks with his head up

Not because of a proud disposition,

Not because an important count,

But because he (Giraffe).

Lives calmly, not in a hurry,

He carries a shield just in case.

Under it, not knowing fear,

Walks (Turtle).

mustachioed muzzle,

Striped coat

Washes often

But they don’t know about water (Cat).

All selected puzzles are perfect for children 3 years old, they are not difficult, easy simple. I’m sure you won’t even have to prompt much, or it won’t happen at all.

Riddles for children 4 - 5 years old

Children aged 4 - 5 years are already smart, they boldly guess riddles for logic, reflecting on the questions posed. Logic riddles for children 4 years old are difficult to pick up, for this age period, funny ones are more suitable, in rhyme and, of course, with answers. Riddles with answers will not mislead adults and their children.

Bitter in autumn, sweet in winter.

A very useful red berry (Kalina).

This old woman with one ear runs boldly across the fabric.

She pulls a web all over the canvas

Can create beautiful paintings (Needle).

They have big teeth.

They never whine, they never hurt,

How they walk on the earth

All garbage will immediately be collected (Rake).

It grows in the garden

Round, pot-bellied and red.

When ripe, it flies into the basket,

Its salad is excellent. (Tomato).

On her clothes just can not be counted,

But the benefits are great

Raw, salted or stewed,

It is tasty any (Cabbage).

Like the most delicate flower in the world,

Like a huge moth

gracefully flapping its wings,

What is her name, who will say (Butterfly).

No, I'm not a tangerine at all

Only one color is similar.

My useful carotene

Heals eyes and skin

It can even purify blood.

Everyone calls me (carrot).

The sky turned black and black

Lightning flashed.

Something followed,

Frightening everyone in the district (Thunderstorm).
I am the mistress of different dreams,

About dolphins, about elephants.

About crystal palaces

And about distant stars.

You lie down on your ear

Dreams will whisper to you ... (pillow).

Riddles about animals for children 4 years old

I live in the jungle for a long time

You will see me in the cinema:

I'm mustachioed and striped,

And with claws on the paws.

You think a little

Guess who I am

(Tiger, not cat).

I bark and bite

I guard your house

I always look into my eyes

What is my name

(Dog, not goat).

Weaved thick grasses

Meadows curled up

Yes, and I myself am all curly,

Even a curl of a horn (ram).

He has a huge mouth

He is called


I have a question for you

Who stained his mouth and nose.

Who sits in a puddle all day.

Grunting and fat swimming,

Tell me friends

What is her name (pig).

cloud on legs

Walks along the paths (Sheep).

He wanders importantly across the meadow,

Comes out of the water dry

Wears red shoes

Gives soft feather beds (Goose)

Combed without a comb

And washed without water

Climbed into an easy chair

And he sang in every way (Cat).

Even on the iron roof

Walks quietly - quieter than a mouse,

Go hunting at night

And as in the daytime he sees everything around,

Often sleeps, and after sleep

She washes herself (Cat).

Grumbled live castle, lay down at the door across.

Two medals on the chest, it is better not to enter the house (Dog).

Small stature, long tail

Gray coat, sharp teeth (Mouse).

Not a lamb and not a cat, wears a fur coat for a whole year.

Fur coat gray - for summer, for winter - a different color (Hare).

Who is cold in winter

Walks angry, hungry (Wolf).

Lying between the trees

Pillow with needles.

Lying quietly

Then she suddenly ran away (Hedgehog).

Who from the tall dark pines

Threw a bump at the kids

And into the bushes through the stump

Flashed like a flame (Squirrel).

Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest.

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide (Elk).

They always call me blind

But it's not a problem at all

I built a house underground

All pantries are full in it (mole).


I'm fine with:

I have a closet with me.

Where is the pantry behind the cheek

Here I am cunning what (Hamster).

I will take a nap and sing

My song for you.

But when I'm on the hunt

I'm not lazy at work (Cat).

Friends, how do you like such an interesting selection of riddles for children 4 years old with answers about the animal world. I picked up questions not only about domestic animals and birds, but also about wild animals. Children at 4 years old know many wild animals, so these riddles should not be difficult for them. I'm sure they can easily find answers to them.

Riddles for children 4 years old about vegetables

At 4 years old, children know not only domestic and wild animals, they are well acquainted with vegetables, fruits, berries and plants. They had a chance to try many vegetables directly from their grandmother's garden in the country, which means that riddles about vegetables will not be difficult for them. It is not necessary to make them for children of 4 years old, children of 3 years old will cope with some.

Broken cramped house

into two halves

And poured out from there

Pellet beads. (Peas)

Red cheeks, white nose

I sit in the dark all day

And the shirt is green

She is all in the sun (Radish).

Sweet, but not sugar.

With a tail, but not a mouse. (Turnip)

She hides from the sun

Under a bush in a deep mink,

Brown is not a bear,

In a mink - but not a mouse (Potato).

And green and thick

A bush has grown in the garden.

Started pinching -

They began to cry and sob (Green onions).

I don't know a better vegetable

I always plant it.

Well she's growing

Beauty when it blooms

Can be fried and boiled

And stew with mushrooms.

You think a little.

What kind of vegetable is that (Potato).

Summer is sweet and green.

In winter - yellow and salty (Cucumber).

Head, and on top of the moustache.

No, it doesn't taste sweet.

Ran with all legs

We tear (garlic) for dinner.

He lived in a greenhouse in the summer,

Friendly with the hot sun.

With him fun and enthusiasm.

It's red (tomato).

He sits down with his teeth

Water is poured.

Green rows

The whole bed is covered:

Grow from the stem

Like feathered leaves

On the arrows bloom

Fragrant flowers.

Healing and juicy,

They eat his tops,

In seasonings very different

Useful roots (Garlic).

It comes in red, black,

Golden and green

Bitter, sweet and fragrant,

Elongated and fleshy.

Reigns in summer cottages,

Requires order around.

He is a Bulgarian - a foreigner ...

What is his name (Pepper).

Riddles about fruits for children 4 years old

I'm red and sour

Growing in the swamp

Ripe under the snow

Well, who knows me (Cranberry).

Bright, sweet, poured,

All wrapped in gold.

Not from the candy factory -

From distant Africa (Orange).

We are loved by adults and children.

After all, we are the tastiest in the world.

Even the monkeys love us.

And they call us (Bananas).

This sweet fruit grows

In hot countries all year round.

Monkeys are very fond of

Eat ripe bananas.

The fruit, of course, is known to everyone -

Both beautiful and useful.

Orange brother,

And what a fragrant one!

It is a pity that he is very sour -

Vitamin fruit (Lemon).

Fruit hail on the vine.

Eat it - well, everyone is happy!

Ripe grapes hang

They beckon with a delicious smell (Grapes).

The balls are hanging. They burn in the sun.

I will treat the guys with red and yellow.

So they are delicious! Everyone will be happy!

Guess what kind of fruit the garden gave me (Apples).

Riddles for children 4 years old in rhyme

He sits very obedient,

He doesn't want to bark at all.

He is overgrown with wool,

Well, of course it is - (dog).

Who sits in a puddle all day.

Grunting and fat swimming,

Tell me friends

What is her name - (pig).

Rope creeps on the ground

Here is the tongue, open mouth,

Bite everyone, I'm ready,

Because I am (the snake).

Oranges and bananas are very fond of (monkeys).

I decided to marry Thumbelina,

Only a bird saved the girl

He fills his mouth with grain,

Well, of course it is - (mole).

He sleeps in a den in winter,

Snoring little by little

And wake up, well, roar,

What is his name - (bear).

Above the flower she buzzes,

It flies so fast to the hive,

I gave my honey to the honeycombs,

What is her name (bee).

I'm friends with hair

I put them in order.

Thank you hairstyle

And my name is (Comb).

Spreads its tail like a peacock,

Walks like an important gentleman

On the ground with their feet - a knock,

What is his name - (turkey).

lives in the rivers of Africa

Angry, green steamer

Whoever swam towards

Swallow everyone - (crocodile).

Easy riddles for children 4 years old

He will boldly hammer a nail into the wall (Hammer).

A lot fell from the sky

White covered everything around (Snow).

With a red motley tuft

He loudly wakes everyone around (Rooster).

They call Derez, Because she (Goat).

He likes juicy carrots and cabbage too,

He is only afraid of the wolf, so he is used to being a coward in the forest (Hare).

Squirrels live in it and wolves,

It grows oaks and firs

Tall - to the skies!

They call it (forest).

Birds fly to warmer climes

The leaves are falling from the trees.

Tell me what this season is called (Autumn).

Deftly bright yellow heads settled in the field.

Pretty boys, simple (dandelions).

Old people and kids from the grass are barely visible,

They all put on hats and squatted down.

You look for them and you will not find them, or you will pick up a basket (mushrooms).

Needles on the back

Long and prickly.

And he curls up into a ball

There is no head, no legs (Hedgehog).

Wagged its tail above the wave

What a predator (Shark).

Again playing and shalya

In front of the ship.

Backs flicker over the water, -

Nimble rush (Dolphins).

Island with water palm

Say hello to me!

He puffs offendedly:

I'm not an island! Me (Kit).

Friends, how do you like these riddles for children 4 years old with answers, I think you liked it. After all, here are collected the most interesting, logical, easy riddles with answers for children 3-4 years old, 4 years old and children 4-5 years old about domestic and wild animals, birds, vegetables, fruits, seasons and weather. Share the article on social networks.

Sincerely, Nina Kuzmenko.

He doesn't bark or bleat
He knows how to crow
He proudly wears a comb.
What kind of bird? - (Cockerel)

Those birds by the groove
Wash their paws often
Run away from Granny.
Who say it? - (Geese)

All this bird cackles,
Looking for something to eat.
No, she doesn't frown.
It's just - (Chicken)

The furry beast loves honey.
If something does not understand
May roar wildly
Because he is (Bear)

The furry animal lives in a hollow,
Likes to sit there warmly,
Although the hollow is not a heating pad at all.
He spends the winter there - (Squirrel)

Will get to the gate
A little faster she is a snail,
Her shirt is heavy
Wears a shell - (Turtle)

Long-necked giant
He is as tall as a crane.
He has a cheerful disposition
Because he is (Giraffe)

Fish surfaced little by little -
And on land sound the alarm!
Scared everyone away from the beach
Sharptooth - (Shark)

There is a trunk, big ears,
It is important to walk on dry land,
And huge and strong
African - (Elephants)

This bird does not fly
Lives in Antarctica
Lord of the coastal ice
Imperial - (Penguin)

The skin of the beast is expensive,
He proudly wears horns
He is not too lazy to live in the tundra,
Because he is (Deer)

This individual makes faces,
Can't live without bananas.
If the image is flawless,
Before us - (Monkey)

This is his fate:
Carries two humps in life.
Curious people crowd:
Walking along the pavement - (Camel)

If he decides to go
Don't get in the way.
Huge horn on the nose
Wears only - (Rhino)

Even though her hole is in the forest,
Kurt drags from the yard.
What doesn't fit in her hole?
This is how she behaves - (Fox)

Predator, mouth open,
From the water threatens to attack.
Wandered along the shore
Bloodthirsty - (Crocodile)

Mom, in a hurry,
Carries a baby in a bag.
Rides with him on everything
Australian - (Kangaroo)

Soared easily in the sky,
I saw vigilantly, far away,
Hunt for ferrets
On a clear day steppe - (Eagle)

In more often a horned beast walks,
Everyone calls him "the bastard".
So long ago it happened.
Wanders in the dark more often - (Moose)

Wherever life takes
Shouts everywhere: "Eeyore! Eeyore!"
Among the fields and mountain villages
Carrying a cart - (Donkey)

This predator of kings -
He is the ruler of the beasts.
Cool and terrible is his anger,
Because it is (Leo)

Here is a simple clue to the riddle,
Like a cactus, it is prickly.
You, look, do not touch him,
After all, he curled up in a ball - (Hedgehog)

The beast in the forest knocked down an aspen,
He built a dam on the river.
He is a builder and fitter,
And his name is - (Beaver)

A beast of prey roams the forest
Leads the hunt for rabbits
He knows a lot about pigs.
Who say it? - (Wolf)

The wedge flies curly to the south,
Not wanting to meet the blizzard.
Flying around the floor of the earth
Rushing into the distance - (Cranes)

Here is an animal known to the world,
Got to the cheese...
The cover flew to the floor -
Ran into a mink - (Mouse)

Who liked the poems and it seemed a little,
now the continuation has come out: "Poems - riddles
for the little ones No. 2" and "Rhymes-riddles for the little ones about insects"


Thank you very much, Alexandra! He wrote poems from the heart for his daughter while she was little, which is probably why other children like it. I'm very pleased!!!

Dmitry, I read it to my nephews! And I realized that little geniuses are growing next to me - instead of the correct answer, at first they tried to come up with a word in rhyme !!! It worked out funny.
And I also noticed that love for children creates such miracles that those who did not communicate with children do not know about.
I will come to you again.
Victory to you in the competition! You deserve it with your poetry.

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