Dream Interpretation: what a wedding ring is dreaming of. The modern dream book says that. Talents and abilities will help you

Seen in a dream wedding ring portends a quick wedding and a happy marriage.

The ring put on your finger during the marriage ceremony portends true love, strong family and healthy offspring.

A golden wedding ring means an increase in wealth and new useful acquaintances.

Gold-colored alloy ring - you will find yourself in difficulty, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your enemies are.

Buying wedding rings - they will charge you with a wagon of community service, not finding a better candidate.

Selling your engagement ring means that in reality you will find yourself in a difficult financial situation.

Lose a wedding ring in a dream - to an unfortunate mistake, look for - Lucky case help to avoid trouble, to find - you will receive good news.

Too small a ring that does not fit on a finger - problems with children; falling from it - to losses and losses.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

If in a dream your wedding ring is bright and shiny, you will be protected from excessive worries and unfaithful spouse.

If the ring is lost or broken, sadness will enter your life.

Seeing an engagement ring on another person's hand means that you won't take someone's promises too seriously.

Interpretation of dreams from

Signs surround us everywhere, and especially if we are talking about the world of dreams.

The secret, mysterious and unknown world of night dreams takes us into its expanses every night. And sometimes they are so bright and filled with meanings that there is no doubt - it means something. What exactly? It's not easy to understand.

Symbols are very diverse, and sometimes simple thing, seen in dreams, can mean something completely unexpected and in no way, it would seem, not tied to what was seen.

The ring is a particularly ancient, powerful and bright symbol, it cannot be ignored. This subject has a lot of associations - and can mean both the cycle of life and eternal union.

The ambiguity of the symbol makes it difficult to interpret dreams with his participation, and it is not always easy to interpret what the ring is dreaming of. However, if you can remember the details of the dream and ask the dream book the question correctly, then the answer will be found. Variants of dreams with rings can be as follows:

  • Seeing just a ring in a dream.
  • Gold ring.
  • Wedding ring in dreams.
  • Seeing a ring in a dream.
  • Silver ring.
  • I dreamed of a copper ring.
  • Dreaming of a ring with a beautiful diamond.
  • An old, antique ring with or without a stone.
  • A ring with a ruby ​​in a dream.
  • Signet ring.
  • Dreaming of an iron ring.
  • With a very large stone.
  • With small stones.
  • The ring was dreamed of by an unmarried young girl, an engaged, or a married woman.
  • Find a ring in a dream.
  • Lose him in dreams.
  • In a dream, they gave you a ring.
  • You broke the ring.
  • You gave it to someone in a dream.
  • They removed the ring from their hand in a dream.
  • You try to remove the ring from your hand, but it does not come off.
  • Seeing a ring on your finger in a dream.
  • Put it on your finger.

Such a variety of options is not surprising - after all, in real life A lot can be connected with the ring.

Each dream has its own, sometimes very important meaning, therefore, in order to reliably determine what the ring is dreaming of, it would be useful to carefully recall all the details and nuances of dreams, and only then turn to the interpreter.

I just had to see

The most frequent question remains, why dream of a ring seen in dreams only from the side? Whatever it was, it is important that you only contemplated it.

In such cases, it is extremely important to remember and consider what exactly the decoration was. It is from this that the meaning of the symbol will depend.

1. According to the dream book, the ring, seen from the side, like a kind of vision in dreams, symbolizes everything you can dream of! strong, true love, marriage and harmony, mutual understanding in a couple. This is what such a dream promises to those who are lucky enough to contemplate it.

2. Very curious what the dream is about Golden ring- it's a special symbol. He always, believe me, promises great happiness!

And here the interpreter does not set any framework, and promises happiness in all areas of the dreamer's life. Probably, this happy sign portends a white streak, free from any sorrows and failures!

3. The ring, according to Miller's dream book, on the contrary, is a warning symbol. The dreamer, who saw such a sign in his dreams, walks in circles in reality, stepping on the same “favorite” rake.

And such a dream comes to point out mistakes, and inspire change. Change something in everyday life, finally break out of this vicious circle- it's up to you!

4. It is very interesting what the wedding ring is dreaming of - here the dream books are discouraging, claiming that this is for a happy wedding. And nothing else!

If such a symbol is seen married lady, then her marriage will be the happiest. Misunderstandings will pass, and harmony will come in a couple.

5. Such a dream, in which the ring turned out to be made of copper, portends unexpected joy, good news and fulfillment of desires - where the dreamer will not expect this. Ready to be pleasantly surprised?

6. According to Miller's dream book, a diamond ring is a unique symbol. It is worth understanding the value of diamond jewelry! Yes, and this gem itself symbolizes luxury, dreams and all the most valuable and worthwhile.

If in your dreams you were lucky enough to see a ring with a diamond, not even a very large one, you will, no doubt, expect huge and complete success in the business field.

All things will be so successful that you will be surprised - and you will achieve very great, dizzying heights, without making extra efforts at the same time. The only condition is faith in one's own strength, optimism and a positive attitude!

7. FAQ to the interpreter, why dream silver ring- a symbol of purity, purity and sincerity.

As a rule, a ring made of this beautiful metal is dreamed of either to gain a faithful, devoted and sincere friend for life, or to a pure and bright romantic relationship.

In any case, the dreamer who sees the silver ring expects new person. And it will change your life for the better.

8. Seeing in a dream an old, antique ring or ring, with a diamond or other stone, made of any metal, is, according to the interpreter, a symbol of an inheritance that will soon "fall" on the dreamer's head.

Or perhaps a significant material aid from wealthy relatives, generous cash gift. One way or another, expect great wealth from your relatives - how, only time will tell.

9. If you dream of a ring, but not a simple one, but with a beautiful ruby, this portends wealth and nobility. Your work and talent will soon lead to unprecedented success - you just have to reap the benefits and be proud of yourself!

10. And if the ring in a dream was massive, with a signet, this is a symbol of great honor. Your position in society will be different than it is now - you will be given honors and recognition.

11. Seeing an iron ring or a ring made of this metal in dreams promises a lot of work.. A period of tireless work awaits you, but know that this will lead to great success, so gather your strength and do not give up. It will pay off!

12. If you saw in dreams a ring with big stone- you will have a pleasant and extremely unexpected acquaintance. It will be true gift fate - a new person will literally burst into your reality, and this will change your life.

13. As the dream book says, a ring with small pebbles portends sadness and tears. However, there will be no serious reason for this, so do not expect trouble. It may just be a small, short period of melancholy, but you will get through it!

15. And for a young lady, such a dream portends betrothal and engagement. Moreover, such a dream with a ring indicates right choice, and you can be sure that your union will be strong and harmonious, nothing will break it.

Memorial ring...

It is one thing to see such an ornament in a dream in a detached way, but another thing is to find it, lose it, receive it as a gift or see it on your own hand. Such dreams, where you take a ring in your hands, do something with it, have other meanings. And this is where action matters.

1. Finding a ring in dreams is a lucky sign. You will probably have to find a new love, find a faithful companion and partner in love, in general, a very significant meeting awaits you. Do not miss such a gift from fate!

2. If, on the contrary, you happened to lose the ring in a dream, you decide in reality to destroy or interrupt past ties (not only love ones, but also, possibly, friendships).

This will be followed by a new life page, new acquaintances, new friends that you are destined to find, new perspectives. So if you feel the need to cut off old connections, don't be afraid to do so.

3. If you were given a ring in your dreams, then Miller's dream book confidently predicts love for you. Such a gift in dreams is unambiguous - you can expect a bright feeling, soon you will experience it!

4. But to break in a dream the ring that you wore on your finger is a quarrel or dispute. If the ring before in a dream was on ring finger, it is obvious that you will come into conflict with your spouse. Try to avoid quarrels though.

5. If you yourself gave someone such an ornament in a dream, you will have to establish a strong connection with someone in reality, and this will be on your initiative. Be brave, build your own happiness!

6. When in dreams the ring on your ring finger right hand is not removed, but you are trying to do it - this is a symbol of the fact that you feel bondage in your own relationship or marriage.

It can be another hand or finger, the symbol will retain its meaning - you subconsciously want to break free and feel like a prisoner. It is worth considering what you want, be honest with yourself.

7. Take the ring off own hand- means, in reality, decisively end some relationship or even a marriage union. Take your time with such decisions, think it over several times - this is a very responsible step.

8. Seeing a pretty ring on your finger, admiring it - for the wedding!

9. But if you put a ring on your finger, your desires and even bold, old dreams will soon begin to come true, as if by magic.

A ring is a small, inconspicuous object, but what influence does it sometimes have? difficult decoration, and what a powerful, large and voluminous symbol it is in dreams!

Do not rush to immediately draw conclusions after reading the advice of the interpreter, but believe in the best - after all, happiness requires confidence that it will come, and a willingness to accept the generous gifts of fate. Author: Vasilina Serova

In real life, an engagement ring is a symbol of love and the union of hearts. Now you need to figure out what fate has prepared for you if you saw such a sign in a dream. To get more accurate and extended information, you need to remember other details of the plot. Many dream books also recommend comparing the received transcripts with events that occur in reality. In addition, the emotional component of the dream is of great importance.

Why dream of a wedding ring?

For people in a relationship, such decoration indicates the renewal of passion with a loved one. If the wedding ring shines, then the marriage is protected from treason. Night vision, where such an ornament was on the hand of another person, warns that you may lose authority in the eyes of loved ones, and this will happen due to rash acts. If the engagement ring was made of silver, this is a warning that you should expect various troubles that can affect any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

In a dream, you took off your wedding ring, which means that in reality you are worried that soon someone or something will violate ideal relationship in the family. Night vision, in which you found that the decoration is big for you, warns of serious obstacles to your goal. The reason is that you have taken on many responsibilities and tasks. To find that the ring is small means get ready for the onset of the “black” band, but don’t worry, it won’t last long. If a wedding ring breaks in a dream, this is a negative sign that warns of betrayal. loved one. Another such plot may be a harbinger of parting. Night vision, where you yourself broke the ring, prophesies the emergence serious problems in work and business, which will significantly affect the financial situation.

What does it mean to lose your wedding ring in a dream?

For unmarried people, such a dream is an unfavorable sign that warns that in the future reputation may suffer significantly due to gossip and the actions of enemies. The dream interpretation recommends not to enter into any conflicts in the near future and to be on the alert with unfamiliar personalities. If you see how the ring flies off your hand, this is a bad symbol that prophesies the emergence of conflicts with loved ones.

What does it mean to find an engagement ring in a dream?

If you have found such an ornament, it means that an acquaintance will soon occur, which can radically change your life. For lonely people, such a night vision indicates the occurrence new love which may end in marriage. Found someone else's ring, which means that in real life you made the wrong choice.

What does it mean to try on a wedding ring in a dream?

Try on different rings to choose suitable option, which means that you will soon have to make a choice between two fans. The dream where you try on a wedding ring and evaluate it is auspicious sign, which indicates that you can achieve happiness.

What does it mean to buy wedding rings in a dream?

If you buy jewelry with stones, it means that soon you can expect beautiful courtship and romantic dates. Night vision, where you buy 2 rings at once, prophesies the end of a bachelor's life.

What does it mean to wear a wedding ring in a dream?

If you put a ring on your finger, this is good sign, which prophesies the emergence of numerous happy events. For a single girl, such a dream promises a successful marriage. A dream where you put a wedding ring on the finger of a loved one indicates that the marriage will be strong and happy.


Dream interpretation wedding ring

Why dream of a wedding ring in a dream from a dream book?

The dream interpretation considers the engagement ring as a symbol of new relationships, friendship, love, the upcoming marriage.

Relationships will develop rapidly, new feelings will take you headlong. You will enjoy every moment.

Who dreamed of a wedding ring? Where was the wedding ring in the dream? What did you do in a dream with a wedding ring? What wedding ring did you dream about? What happened to the engagement ring? How many wedding rings did you dream about?

Who dreamed of a wedding ring?

An unmarried girl dreams of a wedding ring

An unmarried girl dreams of a wedding ring - she will have to tie the knot. Future family relationships will be harmonious and happy, without significant problems.

A married woman dreamed of a wedding ring

Dream of a wedding ring married woman means getting pleasant surprise from a spouse. The gift will be long-awaited, will bring a lot of positive emotions.

A man dreams of a wedding ring

An engagement ring for a man in a dream promises an early marriage or business union. In any case, the relationship will be long-term, harmony and mutual understanding will be established in the family.

Where was the wedding ring in the dream?

I dreamed of a wedding ring on my finger

Why dream of a wedding ring on your finger? You have to take on the implementation of new cases, in the implementation of which you can count on good luck. Fortune will favor you, everything will turn out as well as possible.

Seeing a wedding ring on your hand in a dream

I dreamed of a wedding ring on my hand - in reality you sacredly follow the agreement. There is a possibility that you want to personally supervise ongoing cases or follow the work of others.

Seeing a wedding ring on a man's finger in a dream

The dream book interprets a wedding ring on a man's finger as being too serious. It will most likely relate to an agreement with someone. Try to take it easy on her.

What did you do in a dream with a wedding ring?

Lose your wedding ring in a dream

Dreaming about how you lost your wedding ring - your marriage will be unhappy. Those who are not married are at risk of separation. Lonely dream portends unrequited love.

Find a wedding ring in a dream

A dream about a wedding ring found is a sign of a strengthening financial position in reality. There is also a high probability interesting acquaintances that will be beneficial.

Wearing a wedding ring in a dream

You put on a wedding ring in a dream - in reality you will have an assistant. He will be near even in the most confused situation and help deal with unresolved issues.

Remove wedding ring in a dream

Why dream of taking off a wedding ring? This dream is an unfavorable sign. It promises separation or parting with a lover. family people it promises divorce.

Choose a wedding ring in a dream

I dreamed about how to choose an engagement ring - in reality, you will have to seriously think about the choice between gentlemen. Everyone is good, and because of this it is difficult for you to decide.

Why dream of buying an engagement ring

Dream Interpretation of Felomena interprets the purchase of an engagement ring as confusion in choosing your other half. Several persons of the opposite sex pay attention to you, but only one can remain nearby.

Why dream of wearing a wedding ring

Dreaming that you wear a wedding ring - in reality enter into happy marriage. You see the betrothal - for a girl a dream is warning sign. Unfamiliar men should be avoided.

Trying on a wedding ring in a dream

A dream about trying on a wedding ring portends the long-awaited onset of happy moments. We can talk about material well-being or meeting a person who can become a life partner. Trying on someone else's wedding ring speaks of your craving for temptation.

What wedding ring did you dream about?

Dreamed of a golden wedding ring

A golden wedding ring in a dream is a symbol of reliable, strong relationship lovers who can last for a long time. A dream promises good luck, happiness, prosperity in the family.

Dreaming of a cracked wedding ring

Why dream of a cracked wedding ring? The vision portends a quarrel, a break in relations, parting with a lover. Infidelity in a relationship, betrayal of one of the partners is not excluded.

Seeing a broken wedding ring in a dream

I dreamed of a bursting wedding ring - misfortune is coming in family life, for lovers, separation, breakup is possible. The ring burst on the hand of a loved one - quarrels are possible, conflict situations around this person.

Why dream of a bent wedding ring

A bent wedding ring is interpreted by the dream book as a harbinger of impending quarrels and conflicts. Disrespect will appear in the family due to mutual misunderstandings of the household in relation to each other.

Dreamed of someone else's wedding ring

Someone else's wedding ring is dreaming - you may have made the wrong choice when determining your life path. If things go wrong, take a look at other opportunities provided by fate. It's never too late to change something.

See a wooden wedding ring

The dream of a wooden wedding ring portends a long, painstaking work necessary to find a real family happiness. Your efforts will be fully rewarded.

Dreaming of wedding rings

See wedding rings in a dream - to the unity of a couple, their hearts and destinies. Marriage is coming, capable of giving a long and happy family life. You have made the right choice.

Dreaming that the wedding ring is big

Why dream that the wedding ring is big? Bad omen. Difficulties are expected, problems on the way to achieving goals due to too much commitment. A large wedding ring symbolizes thoughts of marriage.

Dreamed of a men's wedding ring

I dreamed of a man's wedding ring - for a woman, a dream portends getting rid of a number of difficulties, problems that are usually dealt with by representatives of the stronger sex.

Seeing a black wedding ring in a dream

Felomena's dream book describes a black wedding ring as a discord marital relations, the emergence of distrust in the family. There are too many reproaches and resentments in your relationship that can cause a divorce.

What happened to the engagement ring?

Cracked wedding ring in a dream

She dreams that the wedding ring has cracked - a serious illness of one of the spouses is expected. Take care and pay attention to the symptoms of malaise, otherwise serious health problems cannot be avoided.

Gave a wedding ring in a dream

A dream about a donated wedding ring portends a marriage proposal from a lover. The more beautiful the ring was, the sooner the date of the long-awaited event for you will come.

How many wedding rings did you dream about?

Why dream of two wedding rings

Seeing two wedding rings in a dream - to the marriage of two hearts in love. The rings are linked and are in your hand - to own wedding. If someone else is holding it, you will receive an invitation to the wedding of a close relative.


alien rings

Dream Interpretation Alien Rings had a dream about why other people's rings dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on initial letter characterizing a dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Alien rings in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Pass the ring - to losses.

Copper ring - joy.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Dream Interpretation - Rings

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Shoot - to divorce.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Transfer - loss.

Shoot - the pain of infidelity.

Copper is joy.


Ring on someone else's hand

Dream Interpretation Ring on someone else's hand had a dream about why the Ring on someone else's hand is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Ring on someone else’s hand in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ring

A dream about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, betrothal. To receive a ring in a dream means that someone believes in you or loves you, or will propose to you. Seeing gold rings and rings in a dream portends honors, wealth and prosperity. Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in relationships and the loss of a loved one. To receive a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a disappointment that you will experience greatly, especially if the ring has sharp ends. Seeing rings in a dream on others means that you will soon find yourself in society. wealthy people and make new acquaintances. Seeing or wearing an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies).

To receive an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but prosperous life. To see two wedding rings in a dream - for an engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or not take place at all. Talking about the size of wedding rings in a dream to hear is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love. The size of the ring in a dream means how big your love is. Wearing an engagement ring in a dream is a sign of a happy family life or an imminent engagement. Lose it - to the annoyance; to receive is the fidelity of a lover. If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts happiness and prosperity in family life. If the ring suddenly fades, then your happiness will suddenly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal. See interpretation: jewelry.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, new things are ahead in which you will be lucky.

A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.

If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are over. From now on, he will forever give her his heart.

Rings on the hands of other people dream of an increase in well-being and portend new acquaintances.

This is how Wang interpreted dreams about the ring.

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

The dream in which you put a ring on your loved one's hand symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t find a ring in any way for yourself, then in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

D. Loff wrote: “Rings can symbolize an agreement or the assumption of certain obligations, such as, for example, in marriage. Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. Rings drawn on the ground, or "wheat circles", are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross.

In dreams of this kind, you may worry about circumstances that are inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To have a golden ring on your hand - for marriage, the birth of a child.

Putting a ring on your hand - to the fulfillment of desires.

Wearing a wedding ring is a harbinger of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members.

Engagement or simply valuable to lose - by one's own will or fault, destroy old ties, find new friends.

Show interest in forbidden pleasures.

Wedding rings on the hands of acquaintances - the establishment of easy and non-binding relationships.

If a woman sees her engagement ring bright and shiny, it portends a lack of worries and marital fidelity.

Find a ring - to an important meeting, new love, new friendship.

Give a ring - to marry.

Pass the ring - to losses.

Get a ring - to well-being.

Remove or break the ring - to a dispute, loss or separation.

The ring is not removed from the hand - to captivity.

A signet ring is an honor, a symbol of a son, heir, spiritual successor, successor.

A ring with a large diamond - success in business, an important acquaintance, connections, work and benefit.

Iron ring - hard work and sadness.

Copper ring - joy.

Silver ring - secret sorrows.

Putting on a gold ring - to meet your loved one and the wedding.

Losing a ring and trying to find a ring is to make sure that your loved one treats you unkindly, ignoring your self-esteem.

Admire the ring - to separation or quarrel.

To receive a ring as a gift is a warning about something.

Give a ring - make an offer.

Buying a ring is a symbol of love.

Damaged ring - to curry favor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

An engagement ring seen in a dream portends a quick wedding and a happy marriage. Seeing in a dream on your fingers a lot of the most different rings means that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck.

Losing a ring in a dream is an unfortunate mistake, looking for a lucky break will help you avoid trouble, finding it means you will receive good news.

To receive a ring from a loved one as a gift - such a dream promises true love, a strong family, healthy children. Golden rings mean an increase in wealth and new useful acquaintances. Silver ring - imperceptibly, but steadily gain power over your beloved, while calling yourself his faithful slave.

Rings with precious stones portend that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to make acquaintance with interesting man. Seeing a coiled snake in a dream means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your real enemies are. If you dream that a snake coils around you and hissingly releases its forked tongue from its mouth, then you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies.

Seeing gymnastic rings in a dream portends that you will be able to fend for yourself in difficult situation with the authorities. Hanging on them means you won’t take someone’s promise seriously and do the right thing by insuring yourself with a fallback.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Symbol of obligations and promises.

How more expensive ring in a dream, the more important these obligations are for you.

Ring on the ring finger or on the little finger: is an indication of friendly relations. Often such a dream reminds you of the need to help a friend or acquaintance, or to use this kind of support yourself.

Middle finger: symbolizes marital fidelity.

Ring on index or thumb: means your responsibility to yourself. This is a symbol of those promises and vows that you have given yourself.

If the ring causes you inconvenience in a dream, this is a sign that some obligations may become a burden to you in the near future, and you will want to get rid of them.

Find a ring in a dream find a ring: a reminder that someone gave you oath promises that may come in handy soon.

The place where the ring found on the road is found: means that a friend is able to help advance your affairs.

A ring on a table or in a dish: a sign that, with help, you can improve your well-being. a ring on a chair or on an armchair: portends help in getting a new place.

Dream Interpretation - Rings

Rings can symbolize a contract or the assumption of certain obligations, such as in marriage.

Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural POWERS.

Rings or "wheat circles" drawn on the ground are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross. In dreams of this kind, you may worry about the inexorably advancing circumstances and feel the need for an intercessor.

Do you make or find the ring yourself? Do you feel like you are in control of it?

Is this ring being used by someone to gain power over you? By whom?

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To see in a dream from Monday to Tuesday a ring on your hand - to the joy that children will bring.

If from Sunday to Monday you dreamed that you received a ring as a gift, all the excitement and showdown with the person you love is behind you.

A dream from Friday to Saturday, in which you saw a broken ring, means quarrels and discord in marital affairs.

The dreamed rings on the fingers of other people indicate that your new acquaintance runs the risk of dragging on for too long and becoming burdensome for you. If you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you should beware of gossip.

By the way, the ring has always been considered a symbol of love. It is the rings that are used for the betrothal of the young, being a talisman new family.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

In a dream, you put a ring on your loved one's hand - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t pick up a ring for yourself in any way, this means that in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The wedding ring is a symbol of marriage.

Putting a ring on your finger or someone else - for the wedding.

Shoot - to divorce.

Other rings - to friendship, good luck in business, increased prosperity.

Break, lose the ring: for a woman - to the loss of a loved one.

For a man - at a loss in business from partners whom he relied on.

The iron ring is a sign of hard-earned profit.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To have a gold ring on your hand - marriage, the birth of a child.

Put on your hand - the fulfillment of desires.

Engagement or simple to lose - through your own fault, destroy the old ties; find new friends.

Finding a ring is a significant meeting, a new love or friendship.

Give - connect with the union.

Transfer - loss.

Get - well-being / your attention is being harassed.

Shoot - the pain of infidelity.

It is not removed from the hand - bondage.

Break - dispute, loss, separation.

A signet ring is an honor / symbol of a son, heir, your spiritual successor / successor.

A ring with a large diamond is a great business success, an important acquaintance, connections, work and benefit.

Iron ring - great work and sorrow.

Copper is joy.


Lose someone else's ring

Dream Interpretation Lose someone else's ring dreamed of why in a dream to lose someone else's ring? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Losing someone else's ring by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ring

A dream about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, betrothal. To receive a ring in a dream means that someone believes in you or loves you, or will propose to you. Seeing gold rings and rings in a dream portends honors, wealth and prosperity. Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in relationships and the loss of a loved one. To receive a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a disappointment that you will experience greatly, especially if the ring has sharp ends. Seeing rings in a dream on others means that soon you will find yourself in a society of wealthy people and make new acquaintances. Seeing or wearing an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies).

To receive an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but prosperous life. To see two wedding rings in a dream - for an engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or not take place at all. Talking about the size of wedding rings in a dream to hear is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love. The size of the ring in a dream means how big your love is. Wearing an engagement ring in a dream is a sign of a happy family life or an imminent engagement. Lose it - to the annoyance; to receive is the fidelity of a lover. If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts happiness and prosperity in family life. If the ring suddenly fades, then your happiness will suddenly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal. See interpretation: jewelry.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, new things are ahead in which you will be lucky.

A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.

If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are over. From now on, he will forever give her his heart.

Rings on the hands of other people dream of an increase in well-being and portend new acquaintances.

This is how Wang interpreted dreams about the ring.

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

The dream in which you put a ring on your loved one's hand symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t find a ring in any way for yourself, then in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

D. Loff wrote: “Rings can symbolize an agreement or the assumption of certain obligations, such as, for example, in marriage. Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. Rings drawn on the ground, or "wheat circles", are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross.

In dreams of this kind, you may worry about circumstances that are inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To have a golden ring on your hand - for marriage, the birth of a child.

Putting a ring on your hand - to the fulfillment of desires.

Wearing a wedding ring is a harbinger of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members.

Engagement or simply valuable to lose - by one's own will or fault, destroy old ties, find new friends.

Trying on someone else's wedding ring is showing interest in forbidden pleasures.

Wedding rings on the hands of acquaintances - the establishment of easy and non-binding relationships.

If a woman sees her engagement ring bright and shiny, it portends a lack of worries and marital fidelity.

Find a ring - to an important meeting, new love, new friendship.

Give a ring - to marry.

Pass the ring - to losses.

Get a ring - to well-being.

Remove or break the ring - to a dispute, loss or separation.

The ring is not removed from the hand - to captivity.

A signet ring is an honor, a symbol of a son, heir, spiritual successor, successor.

A ring with a large diamond - success in business, an important acquaintance, connections, work and benefit.

Iron ring - hard work and sadness.

Copper ring - joy.

Silver ring - secret sorrows.

Putting on a gold ring - to meet your loved one and the wedding.

Losing a ring and trying to find a ring is to make sure that your loved one treats you unkindly, ignoring your self-esteem.

Admire the ring - to separation or quarrel.

To receive a ring as a gift is a warning about something.

Give a ring - make an offer.

Buying a ring is a symbol of love.

Damaged ring - to curry favor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

An engagement ring seen in a dream portends a quick wedding and a happy marriage. Seeing in a dream on your fingers a lot of different rings means that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck.

Losing a ring in a dream is an unfortunate mistake, looking for a lucky break will help you avoid trouble, finding it means you will receive good news.

To receive a ring from a loved one as a gift - such a dream promises true love, a strong family, healthy children. Golden rings mean an increase in wealth and new useful acquaintances. Silver ring - imperceptibly, but steadily gain power over your beloved, while calling yourself his faithful slave.

Rings with precious stones portend that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to make acquaintance with an interesting man. Seeing a coiled snake in a dream means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your real enemies are. If you dream that a snake coils around you and hissingly releases its forked tongue from its mouth, then you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies.

Seeing gymnastic rings in a dream portends that you will be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation with your superiors. Hanging on them means you won’t take someone’s promise seriously and do the right thing by insuring yourself with a fallback.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Symbol of obligations and promises.

The more expensive the ring in a dream, the more important these obligations are for you.

Ring on the ring finger or on the little finger: is an indication of friendship. Often such a dream reminds you of the need to help a friend or acquaintance, or to use this kind of support yourself.

Middle finger: symbolizes marital fidelity.

Ring on the index or thumb: means your responsibility to yourself. This is a symbol of those promises and vows that you have given yourself.

If the ring causes you inconvenience in a dream, this is a sign that some obligations may become a burden to you in the near future, and you will want to get rid of them.

Find a ring in a dream find a ring: a reminder that someone gave you oath promises that may come in handy soon.

The place where the ring found on the road is found: means that a friend is able to help advance your affairs.

A ring on a table or in a dish: a sign that, with help, you can improve your well-being. a ring on a chair or on an armchair: portends help in getting a new place.

Dream Interpretation - Rings

Rings can symbolize a contract or the assumption of certain obligations, such as in marriage.

Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural POWERS.

Rings or "wheat circles" drawn on the ground are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross. In dreams of this kind, you may worry about the inexorably advancing circumstances and feel the need for an intercessor.

Do you make or find the ring yourself? Do you feel like you are in control of it?

Is this ring being used by someone to gain power over you? By whom?

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To see in a dream from Monday to Tuesday a ring on your hand - to the joy that children will bring.

If from Sunday to Monday you dreamed that you received a ring as a gift, all the excitement and showdown with the person you love is behind you.

A dream from Friday to Saturday, in which you saw a broken ring, means quarrels and discord in marital affairs.

The dreamed rings on the fingers of other people indicate that your new acquaintance runs the risk of dragging on for too long and becoming burdensome for you. If you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you should beware of gossip.

By the way, the ring has always been considered a symbol of love. It is the rings that are used for the betrothal of the young, being the talisman of the new family.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

In a dream, you put a ring on your loved one's hand - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t pick up a ring for yourself in any way, this means that in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The wedding ring is a symbol of marriage.

Putting a ring on your finger or someone else - for the wedding.

Shoot - to divorce.

Other rings - to friendship, good luck in business, increased prosperity.

Break, lose the ring: for a woman - to the loss of a loved one.

For a man - at a loss in business from partners whom he relied on.

The iron ring is a sign of hard-earned profit.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To have a gold ring on your hand - marriage, the birth of a child.

Put on your hand - the fulfillment of desires.

Engagement or simple to lose - through your own fault, destroy the old ties; find new friends.

Finding a ring is a significant meeting, a new love or friendship.

Give - connect with the union.

Transfer - loss.

Get - well-being / your attention is being harassed.

Shoot - the pain of infidelity.

It is not removed from the hand - bondage.

Break - dispute, loss, separation.

A signet ring is an honor / symbol of a son, heir, your spiritual successor / successor.

A ring with a large diamond is a great business success, an important acquaintance, connections, work and benefit.

Iron ring - great work and sorrow.

Copper is joy.


Why dream of finding in a dream and trying on someone else's wedding ring?


Georgy Talmach

measure someone else's ring - you will probably indulge in forbidden pleasure.

Antonina Makarova

take someone else's fate


You ask your husband for your wedding day to give you golden decoration and he will make your cherished dream come true.

Nadezhda Lomaeva

wearing a ring on your finger in a dream means taking on any long-term obligations in reality

Alexey Revenkov

this is to the appearance of offspring (copy) of your mind in the invisible world, first you dream of a bracelet, rings, Wedding Dress, then the wedding, positive test for pregnancy, then dream of pregnancy, and then a baby


Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

To the groom.


Dream Interpretation - Ring

A dream about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, betrothal. To receive a ring in a dream means that someone believes in you or loves you, or will propose to you. Seeing gold rings and rings in a dream portends honors, wealth and prosperity. Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in relationships and the loss of a loved one. To receive a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a disappointment that you will experience greatly, especially if the ring has sharp ends. Seeing rings in a dream on others means that soon you will find yourself in a society of wealthy people and make new acquaintances. Seeing or wearing an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies).

To receive an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but prosperous life. To see two wedding rings in a dream - for an engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or not take place at all. Talking about the size of wedding rings in a dream to hear is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love. The size of the ring in a dream means how big your love is. Wearing an engagement ring in a dream is a sign of a happy family life or an imminent engagement. Lose it - to the annoyance; to receive is the fidelity of a lover. If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts happiness and prosperity in family life. If the ring suddenly fades, then your happiness will suddenly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal. See interpretation: jewelry.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, new things are ahead in which you will be lucky.

A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.

If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are over. From now on, he will forever give her his heart.

Rings on the hands of other people dream of an increase in well-being and portend new acquaintances.

This is how Wang interpreted dreams about the ring.

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

The dream in which you put a ring on your loved one's hand symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t find a ring in any way for yourself, then in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

D. Loff wrote: “Rings can symbolize an agreement or the assumption of certain obligations, such as, for example, in marriage. Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. Rings drawn on the ground, or "wheat circles", are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross.

In dreams of this kind, you may worry about circumstances that are inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To have a golden ring on your hand - for marriage, the birth of a child.

Putting a ring on your hand - to the fulfillment of desires.

Wearing a wedding ring is a harbinger of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members.

Engagement or simply valuable to lose - by one's own will or fault, destroy old ties, find new friends.

Trying on someone else's wedding ring is showing interest in forbidden pleasures.

Wedding rings on the hands of acquaintances - the establishment of easy and non-binding relationships.

If a woman sees her engagement ring bright and shiny, it portends a lack of worries and marital fidelity.

Find a ring - to an important meeting, new love, new friendship.

Give a ring - to marry.

Pass the ring - to losses.

Get a ring - to well-being.

Remove or break the ring - to a dispute, loss or separation.

The ring is not removed from the hand - to captivity.

A signet ring is an honor, a symbol of a son, heir, spiritual successor, successor.

A ring with a large diamond - success in business, an important acquaintance, connections, work and benefit.

Iron ring - hard work and sadness.

Copper ring - joy.

Silver ring - secret sorrows.

Putting on a gold ring - to meet your loved one and the wedding.

Losing a ring and trying to find a ring is to make sure that your loved one treats you unkindly, ignoring your self-esteem.

Admire the ring - to separation or quarrel.

To receive a ring as a gift is a warning about something.

Give a ring - make an offer.

Buying a ring is a symbol of love.

Damaged ring - to curry favor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

An engagement ring seen in a dream portends a quick wedding and a happy marriage. Seeing in a dream on your fingers a lot of different rings means that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck.

Losing a ring in a dream is an unfortunate mistake, looking for a lucky break will help you avoid trouble, finding it means you will receive good news.

To receive a ring from a loved one as a gift - such a dream promises true love, a strong family, healthy children. Golden rings mean an increase in wealth and new useful acquaintances. Silver ring - imperceptibly, but steadily gain power over your beloved, while calling yourself his faithful slave.

Rings with precious stones portend that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to make acquaintance with an interesting man. Seeing a coiled snake in a dream means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your real enemies are. If you dream that a snake coils around you and hissingly releases its forked tongue from its mouth, then you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies.

Seeing gymnastic rings in a dream portends that you will be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation with your superiors. Hanging on them means you won’t take someone’s promise seriously and do the right thing by insuring yourself with a fallback.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Symbol of obligations and promises.

The more expensive the ring in a dream, the more important these obligations are for you.

Ring on the ring finger or on the little finger: is an indication of friendship. Often such a dream reminds you of the need to help a friend or acquaintance, or to use this kind of support yourself.

Middle finger: symbolizes marital fidelity.

Ring on the index or thumb: means your responsibility to yourself. This is a symbol of those promises and vows that you have given yourself.

If the ring causes you inconvenience in a dream, this is a sign that some obligations may become a burden to you in the near future, and you will want to get rid of them.

Find a ring in a dream find a ring: a reminder that someone gave you oath promises that may come in handy soon.

The place where the ring found on the road is found: means that a friend is able to help advance your affairs.

A ring on a table or in a dish: a sign that, with help, you can improve your well-being. a ring on a chair or on an armchair: portends help in getting a new place.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

In a dream, you put a ring on your loved one's hand - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t pick up a ring for yourself in any way, this means that in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.


Trying on someone else's wedding ring

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

Lose an engagement ring in a dream - to widowhood.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

To the groom.

Dream Interpretation - Drop an engagement ring

Family conflict, divorce, betrayal.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding ring (loss)


Dream Interpretation - Ring

A dream about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, betrothal. To receive a ring in a dream means that someone believes in you or loves you, or will propose to you. Seeing gold rings and rings in a dream portends honors, wealth and prosperity. Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in relationships and the loss of a loved one. To receive a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a disappointment that you will experience greatly, especially if the ring has sharp ends. Seeing rings in a dream on others means that soon you will find yourself in a society of wealthy people and make new acquaintances. Seeing or wearing an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies).

To receive an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but prosperous life. To see two wedding rings in a dream - for an engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or not take place at all. Talking about the size of wedding rings in a dream to hear is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love. The size of the ring in a dream means how big your love is. Wearing an engagement ring in a dream is a sign of a happy family life or an imminent engagement. Lose it - to the annoyance; to receive is the fidelity of a lover. If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts happiness and prosperity in family life. If the ring suddenly fades, then your happiness will suddenly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal. See interpretation: jewelry.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, new things are ahead in which you will be lucky.

A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.

If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are over. From now on, he will forever give her his heart.

Rings on the hands of other people dream of an increase in well-being and portend new acquaintances.

This is how Wang interpreted dreams about the ring.

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

The dream in which you put a ring on your loved one's hand symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t find a ring in any way for yourself, then in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

D. Loff wrote: “Rings can symbolize an agreement or the assumption of certain obligations, such as, for example, in marriage. Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. Rings drawn on the ground, or "wheat circles", are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross.

In dreams of this kind, you may worry about circumstances that are inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To have a golden ring on your hand - for marriage, the birth of a child.

Putting a ring on your hand - to the fulfillment of desires.

Wearing a wedding ring is a harbinger of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members.

Engagement or simply valuable to lose - by one's own will or fault, destroy old ties, find new friends.

Trying on someone else's wedding ring is showing interest in forbidden pleasures.

Wedding rings on the hands of acquaintances - the establishment of easy and non-binding relationships.

If a woman sees her engagement ring bright and shiny, it portends a lack of worries and marital fidelity.

Find a ring - to an important meeting, new love, new friendship.

Give a ring - to marry.

Pass the ring - to losses.

Get a ring - to well-being.

Remove or break the ring - to a dispute, loss or separation.

The ring is not removed from the hand - to captivity.

A signet ring is an honor, a symbol of a son, heir, spiritual successor, successor.

A ring with a large diamond - success in business, an important acquaintance, connections, work and benefit.

Iron ring - hard work and sadness.

Copper ring - joy.

Silver ring - secret sorrows.

Putting on a gold ring - to meet your loved one and the wedding.

Losing a ring and trying to find a ring is to make sure that your loved one treats you unkindly, ignoring your self-esteem.

Admire the ring - to separation or quarrel.

To receive a ring as a gift is a warning about something.

Give a ring - make an offer.

Buying a ring is a symbol of love.

Damaged ring - to curry favor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

An engagement ring seen in a dream portends a quick wedding and a happy marriage. Seeing in a dream on your fingers a lot of different rings means that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck.

Losing a ring in a dream is an unfortunate mistake, looking for a lucky break will help you avoid trouble, finding it means you will receive good news.

To receive a ring from a loved one as a gift - such a dream promises true love, a strong family, healthy children. Golden rings mean an increase in wealth and new useful acquaintances. Silver ring - imperceptibly, but steadily gain power over your beloved, while calling yourself his faithful slave.

Rings with precious stones portend that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to make acquaintance with an interesting man. Seeing a coiled snake in a dream means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your real enemies are. If you dream that a snake coils around you and hissingly releases its forked tongue from its mouth, then you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies.

Seeing gymnastic rings in a dream portends that you will be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation with your superiors. Hanging on them means you won’t take someone’s promise seriously and do the right thing by insuring yourself with a fallback.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Symbol of obligations and promises.

The more expensive the ring in a dream, the more important these obligations are for you.

Ring on the ring finger or on the little finger: is an indication of friendship. Often such a dream reminds you of the need to help a friend or acquaintance, or to use this kind of support yourself.

Middle finger: symbolizes marital fidelity.

Ring on the index or thumb: means your responsibility to yourself. This is a symbol of those promises and vows that you have given yourself.

If the ring causes you inconvenience in a dream, this is a sign that some obligations may become a burden to you in the near future, and you will want to get rid of them.

Find a ring in a dream find a ring: a reminder that someone gave you oath promises that may come in handy soon.

The place where the ring found on the road is found: means that a friend is able to help advance your affairs.

A ring on a table or in a dish: a sign that, with help, you can improve your well-being. a ring on a chair or on an armchair: portends help in getting a new place.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

In a dream, you put a ring on your loved one's hand - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t pick up a ring for yourself in any way, this means that in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.


Damaged wedding ring

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

Lose an engagement ring in a dream - to widowhood.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

To the groom.

Dream Interpretation - Drop an engagement ring

Family conflict, divorce, betrayal.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding ring (loss)


Dream Interpretation - Ring

A dream about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, betrothal. To receive a ring in a dream means that someone believes in you or loves you, or will propose to you. Seeing gold rings and rings in a dream portends honors, wealth and prosperity. Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in relationships and the loss of a loved one. To receive a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a disappointment that you will experience greatly, especially if the ring has sharp ends. Seeing rings in a dream on others means that soon you will find yourself in a society of wealthy people and make new acquaintances. Seeing or wearing an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies).

To receive an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but prosperous life. To see two wedding rings in a dream - for an engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or not take place at all. Talking about the size of wedding rings in a dream to hear is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love. The size of the ring in a dream means how big your love is. Wearing an engagement ring in a dream is a sign of a happy family life or an imminent engagement. Lose it - to the annoyance; to receive is the fidelity of a lover. If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts happiness and prosperity in family life. If the ring suddenly fades, then your happiness will suddenly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal. See interpretation: jewelry.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, new things are ahead in which you will be lucky.

A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.

If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are over. From now on, he will forever give her his heart.

Rings on the hands of other people dream of an increase in well-being and portend new acquaintances.

This is how Wang interpreted dreams about the ring.

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

The dream in which you put a ring on your loved one's hand symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t find a ring in any way for yourself, then in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

D. Loff wrote: “Rings can symbolize an agreement or the assumption of certain obligations, such as, for example, in marriage. Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. Rings drawn on the ground, or "wheat circles", are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross.

In dreams of this kind, you may worry about circumstances that are inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To have a golden ring on your hand - for marriage, the birth of a child.

Putting a ring on your hand - to the fulfillment of desires.

Wearing a wedding ring is a harbinger of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members.

Engagement or simply valuable to lose - by one's own will or fault, destroy old ties, find new friends.

Trying on someone else's wedding ring is showing interest in forbidden pleasures.

Wedding rings on the hands of acquaintances - the establishment of easy and non-binding relationships.

If a woman sees her engagement ring bright and shiny, it portends a lack of worries and marital fidelity.

Find a ring - to an important meeting, new love, new friendship.

Give a ring - to marry.

Pass the ring - to losses.

Get a ring - to well-being.

Remove or break the ring - to a dispute, loss or separation.

The ring is not removed from the hand - to captivity.

A signet ring is an honor, a symbol of a son, heir, spiritual successor, successor.

A ring with a large diamond - success in business, an important acquaintance, connections, work and benefit.

Iron ring - hard work and sadness.

Copper ring - joy.

Silver ring - secret sorrows.

Putting on a gold ring - to meet your loved one and the wedding.

Losing a ring and trying to find a ring is to make sure that your loved one treats you unkindly, ignoring your self-esteem.

Admire the ring - to separation or quarrel.

To receive a ring as a gift is a warning about something.

Give a ring - make an offer.

Buying a ring is a symbol of love.

Damaged ring - to curry favor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

An engagement ring seen in a dream portends a quick wedding and a happy marriage. Seeing in a dream on your fingers a lot of different rings means that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck.

Losing a ring in a dream is an unfortunate mistake, looking for a lucky break will help you avoid trouble, finding it means you will receive good news.

To receive a ring from a loved one as a gift - such a dream promises true love, a strong family, healthy children. Golden rings mean an increase in wealth and new useful acquaintances. Silver ring - imperceptibly, but steadily gain power over your beloved, while calling yourself his faithful slave.

Rings with precious stones portend that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to make acquaintance with an interesting man. Seeing a coiled snake in a dream means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your real enemies are. If you dream that a snake coils around you and hissingly releases its forked tongue from its mouth, then you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies.

Seeing gymnastic rings in a dream portends that you will be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation with your superiors. Hanging on them means you won’t take someone’s promise seriously and do the right thing by insuring yourself with a fallback.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Symbol of obligations and promises.

The more expensive the ring in a dream, the more important these obligations are for you.

Ring on the ring finger or on the little finger: is an indication of friendship. Often such a dream reminds you of the need to help a friend or acquaintance, or to use this kind of support yourself.

Middle finger: symbolizes marital fidelity.

Ring on the index or thumb: means your responsibility to yourself. This is a symbol of those promises and vows that you have given yourself.

If the ring causes you inconvenience in a dream, this is a sign that some obligations may become a burden to you in the near future, and you will want to get rid of them.

Find a ring in a dream find a ring: a reminder that someone gave you oath promises that may come in handy soon.

The place where the ring found on the road is found: means that a friend is able to help advance your affairs.

A ring on a table or in a dish: a sign that, with help, you can improve your well-being. a ring on a chair or on an armchair: portends help in getting a new place.

Dream Interpretation - Rings

Rings can symbolize a contract or the assumption of certain obligations, such as in marriage.

Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural POWERS.

Rings or "wheat circles" drawn on the ground are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross. In dreams of this kind, you may worry about the inexorably advancing circumstances and feel the need for an intercessor.

Do you make or find the ring yourself? Do you feel like you are in control of it?

Is this ring being used by someone to gain power over you? By whom?


Golden ring on someone else's hand

Dream Interpretation Golden Ring on someone else's hand dreamed of why in a dream the Golden Ring on someone else's hand? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Golden Ring on someone else’s hand in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Golden Ring

To the wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

A dream about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, betrothal. To receive a ring in a dream means that someone believes in you or loves you, or will propose to you. Seeing gold rings and rings in a dream portends honors, wealth and prosperity. Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in relationships and the loss of a loved one. To receive a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a disappointment that you will experience greatly, especially if the ring has sharp ends. Seeing rings in a dream on others means that soon you will find yourself in a society of wealthy people and make new acquaintances. Seeing or wearing an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies).

To receive an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but prosperous life. To see two wedding rings in a dream - for an engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or not take place at all. Talking about the size of wedding rings in a dream to hear is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love. The size of the ring in a dream means how big your love is. Wearing an engagement ring in a dream is a sign of a happy family life or an imminent engagement. Lose it - to the annoyance; to receive is the fidelity of a lover. If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts happiness and prosperity in family life. If the ring suddenly fades, then your happiness will suddenly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal. See interpretation: jewelry.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, new things are ahead in which you will be lucky.

A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.

If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are over. From now on, he will forever give her his heart.

Rings on the hands of other people dream of an increase in well-being and portend new acquaintances.

This is how Wang interpreted dreams about the ring.

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

The dream in which you put a ring on your loved one's hand symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t find a ring in any way for yourself, then in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

D. Loff wrote: “Rings can symbolize an agreement or the assumption of certain obligations, such as, for example, in marriage. Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. Rings drawn on the ground, or "wheat circles", are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross.

In dreams of this kind, you may worry about circumstances that are inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To have a golden ring on your hand - for marriage, the birth of a child.

Putting a ring on your hand - to the fulfillment of desires.

Wearing a wedding ring is a harbinger of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members.

Engagement or simply valuable to lose - by one's own will or fault, destroy old ties, find new friends.

Trying on someone else's wedding ring is showing interest in forbidden pleasures.

Wedding rings on the hands of acquaintances - the establishment of easy and non-binding relationships.

If a woman sees her engagement ring bright and shiny, it portends a lack of worries and marital fidelity.

Find a ring - to an important meeting, new love, new friendship.

Give a ring - to marry.

Pass the ring - to losses.

Get a ring - to well-being.

Remove or break the ring - to a dispute, loss or separation.

The ring is not removed from the hand - to captivity.

A signet ring is an honor, a symbol of a son, heir, spiritual successor, successor.

A ring with a large diamond - success in business, an important acquaintance, connections, work and benefit.

Iron ring - hard work and sadness.

Copper ring - joy.

Silver ring - secret sorrows.

Putting on a gold ring - to meet your loved one and the wedding.

Losing a ring and trying to find a ring is to make sure that your loved one treats you unkindly, ignoring your self-esteem.

Admire the ring - to separation or quarrel.

To receive a ring as a gift is a warning about something.

Give a ring - make an offer.

Buying a ring is a symbol of love.

Damaged ring - to curry favor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

An engagement ring seen in a dream portends a quick wedding and a happy marriage. Seeing in a dream on your fingers a lot of different rings means that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck.

Losing a ring in a dream is an unfortunate mistake, looking for a lucky break will help you avoid trouble, finding it means you will receive good news.

To receive a ring from a loved one as a gift - such a dream promises true love, a strong family, healthy children. Golden rings mean an increase in wealth and new useful acquaintances. Silver ring - imperceptibly, but steadily gain power over your beloved, while calling yourself his faithful slave.

Rings with precious stones portend that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to make acquaintance with an interesting man. Seeing a coiled snake in a dream means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your real enemies are. If you dream that a snake coils around you and hissingly releases its forked tongue from its mouth, then you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies.

Seeing gymnastic rings in a dream portends that you will be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation with your superiors. Hanging on them means you won’t take someone’s promise seriously and do the right thing by insuring yourself with a fallback.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Symbol of obligations and promises.

The more expensive the ring in a dream, the more important these obligations are for you.

Ring on the ring finger or on the little finger: is an indication of friendship. Often such a dream reminds you of the need to help a friend or acquaintance, or to use this kind of support yourself.

Middle finger: symbolizes marital fidelity.

Ring on the index or thumb: means your responsibility to yourself. This is a symbol of those promises and vows that you have given yourself.

If the ring causes you inconvenience in a dream, this is a sign that some obligations may become a burden to you in the near future, and you will want to get rid of them.

Find a ring in a dream find a ring: a reminder that someone gave you oath promises that may come in handy soon.

The place where the ring found on the road is found: means that a friend is able to help advance your affairs.

A ring on a table or in a dish: a sign that, with help, you can improve your well-being. a ring on a chair or on an armchair: portends help in getting a new place.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

In a dream, you put a ring on your loved one's hand - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t pick up a ring for yourself in any way, this means that in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

Dream Interpretation - Rings

Rings can symbolize a contract or the assumption of certain obligations, such as in marriage.

Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural POWERS.

Rings or "wheat circles" drawn on the ground are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross. In dreams of this kind, you may worry about the inexorably advancing circumstances and feel the need for an intercessor.

Do you make or find the ring yourself? Do you feel like you are in control of it?

Is this ring being used by someone to gain power over you? By whom?

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To see in a dream from Monday to Tuesday a ring on your hand - to the joy that children will bring.

If from Sunday to Monday you dreamed that you received a ring as a gift, all the excitement and showdown with the person you love is behind you.

A dream from Friday to Saturday, in which you saw a broken ring, means quarrels and discord in marital affairs.

The dreamed rings on the fingers of other people indicate that your new acquaintance runs the risk of dragging on for too long and becoming burdensome for you. If you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you should beware of gossip.

By the way, the ring has always been considered a symbol of love. It is the rings that are used for the betrothal of the young, being the talisman of the new family.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The wedding ring is a symbol of marriage.

Putting a ring on your finger or someone else - for the wedding.

Shoot - to divorce.

Other rings - to friendship, good luck in business, increased prosperity.

Break, lose the ring: for a woman - to the loss of a loved one.

For a man - at a loss in business from partners whom he relied on.

The iron ring is a sign of hard-earned profit.


Trying on someone else's wedding ring

Dream Interpretation - Take someone else's ring

Your dream says that the man of your dreams has already appeared in your environment, but you are so busy looking for "your own" that you do not notice him. Rings dream of love and changes in personal life.

Dream Interpretation - Take someone else's ring

Indeed, the rings in your dream are men! The girl who started dancing with you - it looks like she took someone away from you, but when a lot of rings appear, it turns out to be taken away. Or swap men - not so bad. After all, this is what happens in life: some part, others meet. A ring with a pebble is the man that you like, or will like soon. Your unconscious has already noticed him and is worried about whether he is free!

Dream Interpretation - Found someone else's ring

A skirt in a dream portends love flirting. The shorter it is, the more superficial your feelings promise to be in reality,.... Beautiful jewelry symbolizes the joy that you have to hide...

Dream Interpretation - Widow and Ring

The dream is not connected with your young man, the only thing he hints at is that you will be rewarded with power in the esoteric sense of the word (ring) if you fix right relationship with yourself and correctly perceive the attitude of people towards you (fingers). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Marriage proposal and ring

A big and interesting dream in content, but its ESSENCE is this - the Dreamer, as a result of the experience gained, came to the conclusion that the basis of close relationships (or happy married life) lies the harmony of all its components (not attachment to any of the components specifically), and as a result, the Dreamer gains the long-awaited peace of mind from the realization of her past experience (albeit negative). A good DREAM, promising the fulfillment of the dreams of the Dreamer in reality, because desires are fulfilled exactly when the Person is internally ready for them (in this case, symbolically, marriage and ring). Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - Broken Rings

I think that rings in a dream symbolize your relationship with people with whom you were once close and took on certain obligations towards them. Reassessment and renewal, actualization for today of many of these relationships (repair of rings) is too expensive or impossible at all. Lyudmila's message about the death of a friend may indicate that you and a friend either broke up, or you got lost with her and there is no way to renew the relationship. The name Lyudmila itself needs an individual interpretation - with whom and what do you associate it with? - from here it will be possible to conclude why Lyudmila ...

Dream Interpretation - Again balls and a ring

Your first dream suggests that you often hesitate to the last before making a decision. You often underestimate yourself. A friend may indeed appear in your environment. And it will seem to you that it is difficult for you to achieve what is easily given to him. But it's not. Second dream. Perhaps someone will join in solving your personal problems. This initiative will be perceived by you with skepticism, and the proposed candidacy of a man will be subjected to comprehensive criticism. This man will be a little older than you and may not be exactly your type. However, it's up to you to take the risk or not.

Dream interpretation - 4 gold rings

To acquire personal power (ring) you need to start to realize your Creative skills(number 3), you must not reject the obvious solution (key) in this case. Otherwise, the acquisition of power will be delayed (search for the ring). Good luck.

Sleep is good. In general, receiving something as a gift is good luck and joy in real life. And even more so the ring. Dream of a wedding ring. Perhaps to yours, or one of your close friends or relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Silver ring as a gift

In the near future, a certain man will surprise you with his act, perhaps they will make an offer to you.

Of course, any person is pleased to find new things.

It brings pleasure not only in reality, but also in a dream. Why dream of finding a ring?

Or even why dream of finding a golden ring? Worth sorting out.

Why dream of finding a ring - the main interpretation

The ring is a symbol of endless movement, the transition from one state to another. In a dream, a ring means the possibility of renewing life, the possibility of its transition to another round of events.

In a dream, a girl dreams of a ring for an imminent marriage. Why dream that a girl found an engagement ring? To the fact that the marriage will be long and happy. If a girl found in a dream not her own, but someone else's ring - such a dream means that she will become the culprit of breaking someone's relationship. The girl has to decide today, but is it worth it? Perhaps you don’t need to interfere in someone else’s love, so as not to lose your own later? A dream will also tell about this.

It is worth carefully remembering all the details of the dream, perhaps familiar people appeared in it, perhaps they gave advice, or took some kind of action. All this will push the girl to correct interpretation sleep.

If a man found a ring with agate in a dream, such a dream portends only negative events in his life. They a long period will thwart his plans. If a man found several rings in a dream, such a dream suggests that he will rush between several relationship options. Several girls will interest him. It is worth remembering which ring a man chose in a dream in order to understand what kind of girl he needs to choose in reality.

There are also such interpretations of the dream:

A ring found in a dream promises new love and new friendship;

If a girl doubts her partner and she had a dream in which she found a golden ring - she should not doubt anymore, she has already found her happiness;

Found a silver ring in a dream - a house full of bowl and many children in it;

If a girl puts on a found ring in a dream, all her dreams and desires will come true;

If the found ring does not fit in size, the girl will not be able to decide on the choice of a life partner for a long time;

Find a broken ring - to treason;

Find a broken wedding ring - to the illness of a loved one.

What is the dream of the ring according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book says that the ring appears in a dream as a symbol of new deeds, renewal of a person's social position. If a new exquisite ring is found - such a dream speaks of good taste person, but not only in relation to things, but also business matters. A person knows only in his work and rather he is a godsend for his employers.

If the ring found in a dream then disappears somewhere, that a person will be given a dubious chance to improve his life. It is possible that he was counting on new relationships and connections, but they did not justify themselves and now he is suffering losses and losses.

Admire the found ring and wish not to part with it to gain an important and fairly stable union. It will give impetus to new positive events in a person's life. If such a dream occurs young girl- she will admire her lover, and he will admire her. It will be a strong union of full-fledged personalities.

If a girl finds a ring in a dream, but cannot pick it up, it is not given to her, which means that she will miss the opportunity and will be very sorry about it. If the ring is buried in the ground, and it cannot be dug up by any means, the opportunities will go to someone else, since the person has already missed them a long time ago and he should not hope for an improvement in the situation. It can be both opportunities to restore relationships, and promotions, establishing friendships.

Why dream of finding a ring in a women's dream book

IN women's dream book it is said that the ring appears in a dream to push a person to solve urgent problems. For a long time he refused to solve them, and now many troubles have overtaken him and his family. It is worth breaking this vicious circle of accumulated failures and troubles. To do this, just make an effort and the issue will be resolved.

To see how someone else found the ring instead of you - new acquaintances await you, but you should be careful, as these acquaintances can damage your reputation. If the found ring is intended for a loved one, you will keep your promise and give him an unforgettable vacation. If the ring found in a dream puts on your hand stranger- you should expect support from strangers from whom you did not expect it.

Why dream of finding a golden ring? To new opportunities and quick problem resolutions. But what if in a dream a golden ring found slips out of your hands - such a dream warns that promises will not be kept and relationships will be broken. You will disappoint not only yourself, but also those around you.

If the found ring is broken, then quarrels, a quarrel, a difficult period in life await you. But do not despair. All adversity was expected and you knew that life cannot be without incident. But there is always a bright future behind them.

Why dream of finding a ring from other dream books

Why dream that I found an engagement ring from an idiomatic dream book? To a new love affair. If a loved one puts on a ring found on a girl’s finger in a dream, their relationship will be beautiful and romantic. If before the dream there were many disagreements between the partners, they ended, and now the relationship will bring them only joy.

In the summer dream book it is said that finding a wedding ring in a dream is a divorce and a break with your current loved one and finding a new love. IN children's dream book it is said that the ring dreams of the formation of strong ties and it does not matter here we are talking about intimate or business relationships. Their occurrence is caused vital necessity person. Don't miss out on making these connections. Wearing a found ring in a dream - you will bind yourself with promises that are difficult to fulfill.

In the psychological dream book Meneghetti said that the ring is a symbol of power, dominance, a huge ego. A golden ring in a dream, especially if it was found, promises career advancement, a change in status in life. Also, a ring in a dream can mean certain person and if you found him, it means that you will make a new acquaintance, but it will end in friendship or relationships - other symbols of the dream will tell about this.

If a person dreams of a broken ring found and at the same time he has enough trouble in his life, such a dream suggests that these problems were transmitted to a person by race. It means that someone in his family also had similar troubles and hardships. It is worth understanding the situation and not repeating the mistakes of your ancestors.

In an esoteric dream book it is said that finding a ring is to find peace of mind and peace. This is certainly very joyful prospect, but you should not relax too much, if a dream does not give a person pleasure and joy, then along with a find, grief and disappointment can come into a person’s life.

The modern dream book says that:

Find a ring on your hand - to marriage, childbearing;

To put the found ring on another person's finger - to have close connection with this person, justified trust;

Break the found ring in a dream - enter into an argument and lose in it;

Find a signet ring - to the birth of a son;

Find a diamond ring - to new acquaintances and connections;

Find an iron ring - to work, sadness;

Find a silver ring - to the good news and event;

Admire the found ring in a dream - to quarrels and discontent.

In Medea's dream book it is said that the ring appears in a dream as a sign of the beginning of a new stage in relationships and friendships. It is worth taking a closer look at the role of the found ring in a dream. As a gift of fate, or as a test. So will friendship and love. Also, finding a golden ring in a dream promises the acquisition of new knowledge and skills that will be very useful to a person. If a ring with a stone is found, honors, respect and recognition of his merits await a person.

In any case, a find is always good. This is a chance to change your life for the better, because the period of stagnation will end, and new prospects will open up before a person. A dream can suggest the right direction of movement, and this is very important. Without it, a person may not get the desired result.

Every person has had a dream at least once in their life. We plunge into the realm of dreams every night, not knowing what we will see there. Each dream has its own special role. And if you correctly interpret what you see, you can even save yourself from terrible, unpredictable events.

The wedding ring seen in a dream is certainly a very strong sign sent to us from above. This symbol pure love don't just dream. It is up to you to decide which dream book to believe, but the fact that an engagement ring in a dream promises only good things unites all dream books.

According to Vanga, seeing a wedding ring in a dream is a symbol of purity, fidelity, purity and a series of unforeseen events.

If in a dream you happened to put a ring on the very finger of your beloved or beloved - a symbol of the fact that in love you behave with restraint, not promising "golden mountains", but at the same time a faithful companion is next to you. After all, “with a loved one and in a hut is paradise,” isn’t it?

If you dreamed that a stranger was ringing you - in the future you will accept help in solving major problems that plague you.

Can't figure out what size you need? Such a dream is an interpretation that your heart, like a stork in the sky, is free for a new love.
If in your dreams you feel that the ring is not enough for you, squeezes your finger or you cannot remove it - you do not give enough love and affection to your soulmate.

Wedding ring - dream book of the XXI century

  • Walking with a wedding ring on your finger in a dream - to imminent birth a new family, the appearance of a baby.
  • Trying on a wedding ring in a dream - to bring an old dream to life.
  • If you lose the ring in a dream, you will voluntarily destroy past ties, old relationships or friendships.
  • Trying on someone else's wedding ring in a dream - “forbidden fruit is sweet” or you are too often interested in what is not allowed.
  • Seeing a polished, shiny ring in a dream for a woman is the absence of worries and troubles that are burdensome. Such a dream means that in everyday life you do not do things that you would not like.
  • Finding an engagement ring in dreams is a meeting that can turn life upside down. Perhaps to start a new relationship or a strong friendship.
  • Get an engagement ring - to soon well-being.
  • If you can’t remove the ring from your finger - to a lack of freedom in a relationship.
  • Wedding ring in a dream - Miller's dream book
  • If in a dream you see that you are wearing a ring on your finger, interesting things await you soon, which will be “new”, but they will be lucky.
  • If you dreamed of a broken ring - an abundance of omissions, misunderstandings and quarrels in everyday life. Possible rupture of relations, marriage due to household grinding.
  • If a young girl dreamed that she was receiving a ring, this means that the loved one is now completely yours, ready to share your life with you and devote your life to your family.
  • Seeing a ring on a stranger in a dream - new meetings in the future that will bring profit to the house.

Dreaming ring - interpretation of the dream book of psychologist D. Loff

Gold ring, engagement, valuable or others Jewelry- such a dream is interpreted as signing an agreement, assuming responsibility comparable to marriage. The dreaming ring symbolizes own wish deal with the responsibilities that life brings.

A ring forged on the ground or circles in a wheat field is a symbol of protection. Since ancient times, people have been protected from evil spirits by drawing a circle on a horizontal surface. What they wanted to protect - objects, children, themselves - had to be in the epicenter of the circle, since it was believed that evil could not pass through this circle. Such a dream is also interpreted as a need for protection from environmental problems.

Dream Interpretation - wedding ring

The wedding ring that you saw in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in the future you will legitimize your relationship with your loved one.

If in a dream a loved one puts on a ring - long love, a strong family and a warm hearth. Such a dream symbolizes the absence domestic problems, and in general, a good family.

If the wedding ring is seen with - a sign that you will find your former ease in communicating with the opposite sex, and also soon you will meet a person on your way with whom you will go through your thorny life path. This person will not necessarily be exactly love relationship, possible good friendship.

Wedding ring according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If in a dream you enjoy your wedding ring - a symbol of an imminent wedding and the appearance of a child.

If in a dream you intentionally break or throw away the ring, this is a sign of an imminent separation, divorce.

Ring according to the Women's dream book

Wearing a wedding ring in dreams is a symbol material well-being, success in matters related to business.

Seeing a wedding ring on a stranger is a new acquaintance in the future.
At the wedding, an engagement ring fell to the floor - life has prepared a test for you that can only be passed with a person who is faithful to you.

Freud's dream book - why dream of a wedding ring?

The wedding ring is a symbol of female gender.

If you were presented with an engagement ring in a dream - someone is trying to please you in order to further enter into a long-term relationship, possibly marriage.

If you see multiple wedding rings on your ring finger:

  • for a woman, such a dream represents her secret lesbian desires
  • for a man this dream is an inclination permanent shift partners, is also a warning that promiscuity leads to sexually transmitted diseases.

If you lost the ring in a dream, it is a sign that a break in relations with a regular sexual partner will soon occur.