On which hand is the ring worn in marriage. On which hand is a wedding ring worn in different countries? Which hand do Muslims wear a wedding ring on?

Question about how to wear wedding ring, does not have a clear answer. After all, different countries have their own beliefs and traditions. The fact is that the custom of putting rings on wedding ceremony- exclusively religious. Although now this tradition is closely associated with civil institution marriage, it is one of the most ancient. It is religion, as well as the customs of the ancestors, that determine on which hand the newlyweds will wear rings, whether they can be removed and in what cases. And since there are several major religions in the world, they certainly leave their mark on ordinary civilian life.

In Russia

Many couples can't figure out how to wear rings. Most likely, this was the fault of the global mixture of Western and domestic traditions. It should also be remembered that in addition to the actual engagement, there are also engagement and wedding.

There is one important point. If the couple nevertheless decided to get married, then during the ceremony, when they put on wedding ring, the other two - engagement and engagement - are removed.

Only one thing remains, since it is believed that with its help a man and a woman are bound together by the Lord himself and this marriage is approved in heaven. Therefore, the wedding is the most important.

Traditions of the Slavs - subtle energies

Why, then, in this way, and not otherwise, are wedding rings worn on the territory of Russia. This custom came from the ancient Slavs. Their main patron was Yarilo - the god of the awakening of nature, fertility, sexual power and all living things. Associated with him ring finger on the right hand. Therefore, the rings were worn on it. Moreover, they were very cherished, as they were considered the most powerful family amulets and endowed with mystical properties. The husband presented his wife with a gold ring, since this metal carries the solar - male energy. The wife, in turn, is silver. After all, silver is a lunar metal, and the moon has always been considered the patroness of a woman, endowing her with her energy. Such an exchange established a balance in marriage, so the rings were never removed. The surface had to be smooth, without any gaps and patterns, because this could affect the relationship in marriage, and they should be soft and calm. In addition, the irregularities of the metal could change magical properties talisman. They were passed down from generation to generation. The more happy families saw these rings as an ancestor, the more precious they were considered for descendants..

Another reason for the right hand

In addition to the fact that all Orthodox are baptized with their right hand, there is another reason for wearing a wedding band on this particular hand. At a minimum, this symbolically shows that spouses do not just live together, but actually revere family and marriage as the greatest value. Again, if you look from the point of view of the peculiarities of the mentality, then the "right" has always been considered more valuable, real, correct, strong. It is not for nothing that in Russian the words “pravda” and “right” (even if it is a designation of a side) come from the same root. In contrast, the "left" symbolizes the crafty, insincere, weak and wrong. That is why the right hand - the right hand - has always been a priority.

From the point of view of psychology

By studying the structure of the brain and its functions, science has come to the conclusion that the left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking, and the right, on the contrary, for feelings, sentiments, imagination, and so on. This is what happens to the vast majority of people. The only exceptions are those who are called left-handers. However, there are very few such people, only about 10%. The left hemisphere is responsible for the work of the right side, and the right one is vice versa. Some psychologists explain the right-hand wearing of the wedding ring by our people and some others by the fact that we treat the institution of marriage more responsibly and rationally. Whereas in countries where it is customary to wear an engagement ring on left hand, pay more attention to subtle matters - feelings. That is, it directly shows the attitude of a certain group of people towards marriage and marriage.

Widows in Russia?

Among other things, wedding rings symbolize fidelity to your soul mate, a promise and a desire to be always together. As stated in marital oath"in sorrow and joy, until death do us part." Many women, even after the death of their beloved spouse, want to remain faithful to him. That's why they don't want to take off the rings. Right or wrong - the widow wear a badge married woman? And if so, how exactly should it be worn. Unfortunately, it rarely happens like in a fairy tale - loved ones die on the same day, having lived a long and happy life. Therefore, it is worth touching on this issue. Firstly, it is worth saying that this symbol is both an indicator of the status and a personal thing of the deceased husband. Therefore, no one can be entitled to tell a woman who has lost her beloved what she should do with his things. And even more so, whether to tell her, even in the language of symbols, about her status as a widow. However, there are traditions that require widows to change this jewelry on their left hand. This is done as a sign of an unbreakable bond with this person. A variant of this tradition is the wearing of both rings - one's own and her husband's - on the same finger of the left hand.

There is also an opinion that it is necessary to give the decoration of a deceased loved one to the church. It is believed that precious metal can leave a part of a person in itself, accumulating his energy.

And remaining in the house, such a ring will not allow the soul of the deceased to leave this world, as if tying it. However, the church itself does not comment on this in any way, just as there is no rational explanation for this.

What about Catholics?

Catholics believe that closer to the heart is the left hand. Even in this religion cross from left to right. Since ancient times, it has been customary in the Western world to designate the “busyness” of a person’s heart through wearing a ring on the left hand. Here it is also customary to wear it on the ring finger. Firstly, the decoration in this place does not interfere with everyday activities. And secondly, even from Ancient Egypt there was a belief that combines love and feelings with the heart into one whole. There has been a lot of research into the structure. human body, so we knew that through the left ring finger there is a single vein leading directly to the heart itself.

In America

Most Americans are Catholics, therefore, according to common beliefs and traditions, they wear wedding decoration From the left side. It also came from the fact that the “vein of love”, the same one that the Egyptians knew about, gives the husband and wife faithful and eternal love, and the decoration symbolizes the promise of love, given friend spouses on the day of marriage. From a historical custom, this has already turned into a real norm of etiquette.

In Europe

IN European countries, as elsewhere in the world, the choice of hand for wearing the main wedding decoration is determined in most cases by the religion that is practiced in a particular region. Accordingly, Catholics are left-handed, and Orthodox are right-handed. However, there are also exceptions to this rule. For example, in Belgium, it depends on a certain region of the country, and in Catholic Austria it is customary to “ring” the right ring finger at the wedding. All this is connected with the traditions of the region and sometimes may have nothing to do with religion.

What are the customs of Muslims?

Speaking generally about Muslims, the custom of putting on and wearing wedding rings does not belong to them. Their religion does not reject rings as ordinary jewelry, but does not say that engagement rings should be worn.

First of all, it should be said that Muslim men are not supposed to wear a metal like gold. Not in the form of a ring, nor any other kind of jewelry. You can use other precious metals, copper and more. Women can wear gold. The most famous Muslim theologian said that for the bride and groom to give each other rings (especially with names), believing that this can strengthen a new union is unworthy and unacceptable. Although there is nothing wrong with this decoration itself. Based on all this, then wearing such a symbol is unacceptable for Muslims, as it affects the issue of faith.

And the Armenians?

Most of the population of Armenia are Christians. However, it is worth remembering that Christianity has different currents, differing from each other in rituals and traditions. In Armenia, there is not an Orthodox, but a special Armenian Apostolic Church, which is sometimes called the Armenian Gregorian. Not only in ritual, but also in dogma, it differs from Byzantine Orthodoxy, which we are accustomed to, and even from Roman Catholicism. Often it is referred to the so-called ancient Eastern churches, since it is actually one of the oldest in all Christianity. Although believing Armenians are still closest to the Orthodox, their church can be called akin to the Egyptian Coptic, since both are Monophysite. They recognize in Christ only one principle - the divine. It was from Egypt that the tradition of wearing wedding rings on the ring finger on the left hand.

Another reason for wearing such a symbol of marriage is also directly related to the church rite. Here they make the sign of the cross not like the Orthodox, but from left to right. In the next video we will be shown a great explanation of why the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uygoe6lYG6g

Interview of the newspaper "Echo" with a culturologist,teacher at the Institute of Culture, head of one of the St. Petersburg registry officesLeila Ibragimova.

- Recently you have published in one of the culturological publications of St. Petersburg a rather large work devoted to wedding rings and their history. Why did you choose this topic?

One day, an employee who was conducting the marriage procedure fell ill. Unexpectedly, and there was no one to replace. Then I, who started my work in the registry office with just such a position, decided to replace it myself. A young couple registered. The boy is ordinary, and the girl is very lively. And when I said: “I ask the young people to exchange rings,” instead of sticking her finger, she asks me the question: “Why exactly rings? I asked everyone - no one knows.” I started mumbling something, that, they say, this is an ancient custom and all that, I remembered something from history ... And then I decided to clarify this issue for myself and found a lot interesting information. The result is this article.

After all, a wedding ring is a very interesting thing! Have you noticed that when we consider stranger, then we must pay attention to the insignificant, but important detail. This detail is the presence or absence of a wedding ring. It is this small piece of metal, usually gold, that brings us very important information.

Why is a wedding ring worn on the ring finger?

The tradition of wearing a wedding ring on this finger comes from Ancient Egypt. It is said that Cleopatra herself was the first to wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of her left hand.

It is said that Cleopatra herself was the first to wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of her left hand.

Although, of course, the ring itself was invented no one knows where, most likely everywhere at the same time. And very often it was not an ornament, but a kind of identification mark. In this meaning, the rings are mentioned, for example, in the Indian epic of the 11th century. As for Egypt, gold rings were already popular there, the pharaohs used them as a seal, and later everyone began to wear them as an ornament. The seal was carved, often with inscriptions, on a wire rim. Simpler citizens wore rings made of silver, copper, glass and even ceramics.

In ancient times, the Egyptians believed that the fourth finger of the left hand was a special nerve or blood vessel connected to the heart. The ring, worn on the ring finger, was thus directly connected to the heart and symbolized love or marriage.

The ring, worn on the ring finger, was thus directly connected to the heart and symbolized love or marriage.

However, the ancient Hellenes were the first to make the ring and love dependent. If a ring was worn on the ring finger, it meant that the heart of this person was occupied. If on the index finger, then this person is in search of a wife, but if on the little finger, then this indicated that he was not ready to get married at all. But if you saw a ring on the middle finger of an ancient Greek, it would immediately be clear - in front of you is a local Don Juan, well versed in the science of love. By the way, such a language of rings existed until the 19th century. According to legend, the very first ring (not an engagement ring, but simply) was worn by Prometheus on the orders of Zeus. This ring was supposed to remind him of those days when he was chained to the mountain.

Christians acted very wisely and, unlike other pagan beliefs, did not refute the ancient belief about the connection between the left ring finger and the heart, and in the 9th century, Pope Nicholas I legalized this connection with a church ritual, although the use of this decoration directly in the marriage ceremony takes its toll. beginning in the 4th century. He also ordered with his divine blessing to engrave a church text on the ring. However, for some reason, only Catholics did this. Orthodox Christians today wear a wedding ring on their ring finger. right hand, on the left, only divorced people wear it. But the Orthodox have always wanted to be different from the Catholics, maybe this is the reason? However, the whole world, including the Muslim one, wears a wedding ring on the left hand. Although I was mistaken in saying that only the Orthodox wore it on the right hand. Also Soviet. This is where they really wanted to stand out. From the rest of the civilized world.

However, history knows many examples of the "journey" of wedding rings literally on all fingers of both hands. For example, in England during the reign of King George I at the beginning of the 18th century, large wedding rings were worn on the thumb. The same was done in India. True, the newlyweds there, in principle, did not wear wedding rings for long - after a while they could simply be melted down for any other jewelry.

By the way, in the early Middle Ages, when it was customary to wear only one ring, it was worn on the ring finger. And in China, wedding rings were made in such a way that they could be put on any finger. On the ring itself, the hieroglyphs "fu" - "happiness" and "show" - "longevity" were carved, or a three-legged toad denoting the same thing. Great importance there was attached to the stone, which will be embedded in the ring.

- You have listed several countries where wedding rings were worn. And what, in other countries they were not worn?

Wedding rings were worn in almost all countries. The custom of exchanging rings also existed among the ancient Hindus, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, ancient Germans, all Slavs and many other tribes.

And why, as that bride of yours asked, are the rings the symbol of marriage, and exactly they need to be exchanged? And why are they gold?

In ancient times, a golden ring among many peoples symbolized the sun - a source of heat, light and, in general, the joy of life. This, in particular, is mentioned in many ancient legends, tales and songs. I read the lyrics of such old songs from Lithuanians, Finns, Belarusians, etc. From here, obviously, comes the custom of exchanging rings between newlyweds, which should serve as a guarantee of a happy family life. But this is the reason that, as they say, lies on the surface. In ancient times, when there were not so many people and each member of the tribe was counted, new family meant the birth of new people, the family was a sacred concept. Circle, wheel - one of the most ancient symbols. Round decoration without beginning and end, which cannot be opened, symbolizes eternity family union(by the way, two rings, put together, form a sign of infinity), and precious materials - how dear to each other from now on two people who have created a family. Gold has always been considered the most valuable metal among all peoples.

As for the custom of exchanging rings, it did not arise immediately. As a subject of exchange between spouses and, accordingly, an important part wedding ceremony wedding rings became only in the II century.

Now the wedding ring is made of only one metal. And before it was done with precious stone. Where did this custom come from?

In the Italian city of Perugia, a relic is still kept - an amethyst ring, which, according to legend, was presented by Joseph to the Virgin Mary for betrothal. From here, according to another legend, the fashion for engagement rings with a stone began. By the way, precious stones are also closely connected with the history and symbolism of the rings. Very often, a stone embedded in a ring carried quite definite information. For example, in the 19th century in Brazil, a stone in a ring spoke of the profession of its owner. A lawyer wore a ruby ​​ring, a doctor wore an emerald ring, and a civil engineer wore a sapphire ring. Wedding rings began to be decorated with diamonds and diamonds in the Middle Ages, when diamond deposits were discovered in India and South Africa. It is believed that for the first time a young Austrian Archduke Maximilian gave a wedding ring with a diamond when he married Mary of Burgundy. It was in the 15th century under Frederick III. Maximilian ordered his jeweler a ring made of pressed gold and silver, framed with diamonds in the shape of the letter "M", thereby forever introducing precious stones into fashion on wedding rings. Gradually, the diamond became an integral part of the women's engagement ring. However, men still prefer a ring made of gold of the highest standard, not burdened with any frills.

- And why did they stop making wedding rings with a stone?

Don't stop! Such rings are still given in Europe, or rather, they never stopped giving. The fact is that before there was a rite of betrothal and a wedding rite. According to the established custom, the ring that the groom gave to his chosen one for engagement or betrothal was usually much richer and more expensive than the one that he put on her finger during the marriage ceremony. This ring, worn during the registration of marriage, had to be without a stone and in the form of a continuous circle. It was believed that the stone on the ring broke its continuity, that is, weakened the protective properties of the ring from evil spirits. That is why wedding rings were simple - why tempt an evil spirit seeking to bring discord between spouses? In addition, wedding rings were a symbol of purity, eternity and fidelity between spouses, and had to be simple, without any decorations, and made of pure, without impurities, and durable metal.

By the way, the rings were already changed during the betrothal. This custom was, for example, among the ancient Slavs. Such a custom at the time of a preliminary agreement - betrothal, secured the firm intentions of the bride and groom to marry. At the same time, as it were, certain moral obligations arose, which should not be violated even formally. Later, starting from the 18th century, during the engagement, rings were no longer exchanged, the groom gave the bride a ring with a stone, but she did not give him anything. The ancient Romans also had a betrothal ceremony, when the groom gave the bride's parents a ring as a symbol of obligations and the ability to support the bride. Moreover, the rings indicated social status residents: the upper classes had the right to wear gold rings, the townspeople - silver. Even slaves wore rings, but only iron or copper. By the way, already then the Romans invented marriage on a contractual basis. And betrothal was considered more important point than the wedding itself, since the main agreements between the groom and the bride's parents were made during the engagement process.

As for the times of the Soviet Union, there was only one ring for our women, it is called an engagement ring, although in fact this name is incorrect. No one thought of any ceremony of betrothal or wedding. But when they were strong Christian traditions- before the October Revolution, the Orthodox Christian wedding ceremony in some way combined betrothal and marriage. Back in 1775, the Russian Orthodox Church combined the betrothal ceremony with the wedding ceremony. Since then, wedding rings, which the bride and groom exchanged in front of the altar, have also been called wedding rings. True, newlyweds getting married in a church will be interested to know that the rite of exchanging the symbols of marital fidelity itself is not a marriage, it is an engagement, which is simply traditionally combined with a wedding in time and is held immediately before wedding ritual. And the real bonding of the union by the church occurs when crowns are held over the heads of the bride and groom, and the future spouses drink three times from the wedding cup.

- I read somewhere that in some countries the rings for the bride and groom were made of different metals. This is true?

Yes, this was the case in many Catholic countries, but not for long, the custom existed somewhere from the middle of the 17th century to the end of the 19th century. The groom's ring was made of gold, and for the bride - of silver. At the same time, the name of one of the spouses was engraved on each ring, and the bride got an ornament with the name of the groom, and the groom - with the name of the bride. By the way, many Catholic couples adhere to this tradition to this day. In some European countries, it is customary to use the same ring as an engagement and wedding gift. In this case, the jewelry is considered "engagement" until the inscription is engraved on it - the name of one of the spouses and the date of the wedding. After that, the ring is already considered wedding.

- Then it turns out that gold is not always used for wedding rings?

Yes, wedding rings were not immediately and not everywhere made of gold. Initially, rings were made of bronze, later of iron, and only about 3rd century gold became their main material. By the way, gold was once considered the material of the Sun, silver - the material of the Moon. Platinum for wedding rings began to be used about two hundred years ago. Wedding rings made of two metals were quite popular, and such combinations as gold plus iron symbolized the harmony of beauty and strength. An alloy of platinum and gold, the so-called white gold, is still popular. Somewhere in the 70s, 80s of the last century, wedding rings made of three metals were fashionable: white gold, red gold and yellow gold.

Already in the Middle Ages appearance wedding rings was distinguished by an unprecedented variety. They were made from a wide variety of metals, decorated with notches, patterns, niello, enamel, pearls and precious stones were inserted into them. The rings had the form of intertwined hands, chains, hearts pierced by an arrow... Often they were marked with cabalistic signs, all kinds of images, symbolic and religious inscriptions, stamps, etc. The Nuremberg Museum, for example, has a 13th-century ring found by archaeologists. It has a simple triangular profile and the inscription "Loyalty in me". There were also other inscriptions: "Love to the grave", "As long as I love - I hope", "United together by God cannot be separated by man." There were also magic numbers on the rings, most often 3 and 7. The number 3 was considered a symbol of hope, faith and love, and 7 was just happy. Half rings were also very popular. They were worn separately by the husband and wife, but only these halves connected together made up a whole ring on which one could read some saying.

Even in Europe there were rings with the image of two hands and two hearts. They were first worn in the 17th century. And in Ireland since ancient times they wear a ring with the image of two hands holding one heart, over which a crown is depicted. This ring is called "Kladdag". If in the Claddagh ring the heart is turned in outside, then this suggests that a person is free, if inwardly, then he is engaged or married. Claddagh is also worn in France - in Brittany and Normandy. In Italy, in the provinces of Bolzano and in Alto Adige, there is a similar version of a silver gilded ring with two hands that hold not only a heart, but also a flame.

- Are there any beliefs, superstitions associated with wedding rings?

How not to be! Perhaps, there are not so many beliefs associated with any wedding attribute as with rings! Beliefs were very different, most of all there were beliefs regarding the mysterious power of the rings. It was considered, for example, that Golden ring, especially wedding, helps with childbirth, and in Little Russia he was held in front of a woman in labor. One of the most common beliefs says that you can not reuse someone's wedding rings, so as not to adopt life's mistakes and possible troubles from the former owners.

One of the most common beliefs says that you can not reuse someone's wedding rings, so as not to adopt life's mistakes and possible troubles from the former owners.

An exception is made only for the rings of the parents, but even then only if they want the children to repeat them. happy fate. In some European countries, there is a tradition to pass on an engagement ring from mother to eldest daughter - from generation to generation.

Another belief is that you should not even let someone measure your wedding ring. But this belief "works" only in Europe and America, in Azerbaijan, for example, there is a custom, as they say, exactly the opposite. When the groom gives the bride a ring after he has proposed and the betrothal ceremony has taken place, the bride invites unmarried bridesmaids to her house to look at the dowry and try on the ring. The one who measures first will be the first to get married.

Many signs are associated with rings. It is believed that the worst thing is to drop the wedding ring from the hands, especially in front of the altar. In Russia, there is even a saying for this occasion: dropping an engagement ring under the crown is not a good life. Confirmation that this sign is true, there are in my practice. When I myself was registering marriages, I had three cases when the bride dropped the ring. And, imagine, all three couples after a while came to divorce. Now I no longer register marriages, but our girls say that the sign continues to work. Even worse is losing your wedding ring. This was generally considered a big disaster for the family. When the ring breaks or cracks, it is considered a harbinger of an imminent divorce.

When the ring breaks or cracks, it is considered a harbinger of an imminent divorce.

My girlfriend was like that. Her husband's faceted ring cracked, and after three months they separated. So don’t believe in omens after that!

No, signs regarding wedding rings always work. I, for example, am not a superstitious person, but my first husband and I lost our wedding rings with a difference of one day. You don't even have to ask if we got divorced or not... By the way, about faceted rings. Here we talked about why an engagement ring with a precious stone, and a wedding ring, must be simple and smooth. There is such a sign: if the ring is simple and smooth, then life will be simple and smooth.

If the ring is simple and smooth, then life will be simple and smooth.

- In the dream book, a lot of space is allotted to the rings. Do you believe in dream books?

I personally - no. Dream Interpretations are entertainment for teenagers and exalted ladies. To solve a dream, you need not a dream book, but logic or a psychic. But in a variety of dream books, a lot is really written about wedding rings. For example, if a woman sees in a dream her engagement ring shiny and bright, then this is supposedly a sign that she will know neither worries nor betrayal. If you see that you have lost or broken the ring, then this means that in real life sadness awaits you. In principle, a wedding ring is such a magical, mysterious and mystical thing that these signs often work with dreams.

And why, if the wedding ring is such a mysterious and mystical thing, does it hardly appear in any novels or plays? That is, rings are mentioned, but I can’t recall a single piece where the wedding ring would play such important role like, for example, the handkerchief in Othello?

Well, this question is not for me! Maybe that's why they didn't write that the writers were afraid of all sorts of mysterious things? However, you are not quite right literary works where wedding rings take enough important place. There is, for example, such a plot, the origins of which are lost in the darkness of centuries. The English chronicler of the 12th century, William of Malmesbury, tells of an amazing, and, in his words, reliable incident. A certain Roman youth, before playing "balls", I really don't know what kind of game it is, but that's not the point, took off his wedding ring so that it would not interfere with the game, and, without hesitation, put it on the finger of a nearby statue of Venus . The consequences of this reckless act were indescribable. On the eve of the first wedding night Venus herself, assuming a human form, laid claim to the groom. The young man, of course, was terribly frightened, and in order to get rid of the nightmarish obsession, he turned to the warlock Palumbu. He sent a decisive message to Venus, which made the goddess of love have mercy and leave her unintentional "betrothed" alone. Later this story various options found in various medieval poems, in the opera, ballet "The Marble Bride", in the wonderful ironic story of Prosper Merimee "Venus of Ile". But if for Merimee this incident with the unlucky young man was a matter of irony, then for medieval authors it was more than a serious matter. In those days, people really believed in the magical power of the rings, moreover, the ring itself mysteriously it was often considered connected with the fate of the person himself, even determined his location.

- And why is the ring worn on the other hand during a divorce?

Some do indeed transfer the ring to the other hand. By this, they seem to signal to the opposite sex that "I am free and ready for a new relationship." But no strict rules No, this is a personal matter for everyone. It was a strict rule to wear the ring after the wedding. There was even a sign: "If your ring cools down, your love will cool down too." Therefore, many women do not remove their wedding rings even during cleaning or other dirty work. Although, I must say, it is harmful. True, not for women, but for men.

Is it harmful to wear rings?

Yes, scientists have proven that the constant wearing of a ring - any - is harmful to health. The fact is that precious metals, like others, are subject to oxidation. After all, no one makes rings from pure gold now! To impart the necessary mechanical properties and color, additives of non-ferrous metals are introduced into the rings, obtaining alloys, for example, gold with silver and copper, sometimes with palladium, cadmium, nickel and zinc; silver and platinum with copper. These alloys are capable of releasing products chemical reaction, which over time affect the male gonads and can even lead to disorders in the sexual sphere. Doctors say that even a fraction of a milligram of gold oxides can disrupt the normal functioning of the glands, regardless of the sample. Moreover, what is especially interesting - women's health this in no way concerns, their body is better protected, only men suffer!

After this interview, all the men will take off their wedding rings and say that this is what the newspaper advised them to do...

Men should not panic at all! After all, before the oxidation process reaches a dangerous level, must pass long years. But if someone is still afraid of this, then we can advise a very simple way out: wash your hands more often, and that's it! And clean your rings often. But what is really harmful is if your ring is small, tight. This negatively affects not only the condition of the nerve endings concentrated in the fingers, but also the blood circulation in general. So wear rings and be happy!

A wedding celebration is one of the most memorable holidays in life. modern people. It is always associated with tender bride, Mendelssohn's march, flowers and the cherished "Yes!" Said to his soul mate among friends and relatives.

On this important day, an incredible sea of ​​​​various emotions mixes and creates new cell society, fastening its union with love and a symbol of its infinity in relation to each other - wedding rings. But have you ever wondered why a wedding ring is worn on the ring finger? Why were the remaining nine fingers so "offended" and by what criteria does the choice fall on the right or left hand?

Engagement and wedding ring

- This is a piece of jewelry that a young man gives to a future bride at the moment when he proposes to her. In other words, this symbol of future family life, which is awarded during the engagement. And it means that a particular girl has already accepted someone's marriage proposal and will soon become a wife, and now she is officially a bride.

wedding rings called those that the bride and groom put on each other during the wedding ceremony. They are considered a symbol of love, respect and fidelity.

The main wedding jewelry is associated with the gift of the newlyweds to each other, so they are usually made from precious materials (gold, platinum). But today there are many extraordinary options. For example, with wooden inserts or completely wooden decorations.

There is also a belief that the wedding rings of spouses should be smooth. Then in life they will be lucky, and it will go smoothly. But wedding fashion does not believe in omens, thanks to this, on the jewelry market, you can find a lot of jewelry options for young people, inlaid with precious and semi-precious stones, inserts with enamel coating and other non-standard solutions.

From the history of wearing wedding rings

Archaeologists who conducted excavations and historians who studied a lot of materials unanimously came to the conclusion that the prototypes of wedding rings appeared in Ancient Egypt, and they were worn on the ring finger, through which, according to people of that time, the artery of love passed.

In the Middle Ages, this issue was treated differently: almost any European ruler could issue his own decree, in which he prescribed on which finger a wedding ring should be worn. It is worth noting that any finger of the right or left hand that attracted could be chosen for this purpose.

In England at the end of the seventeenth century, the wedding ring was worn on the thumb, while the knights of the German lands preferred the little finger.

Which hand is the wedding ring on now?

Choosing a hand to wear wedding decorations so dear to the heart often depend on the religion, traditions of a particular country and the desire of the person himself. And some people fundamentally do not wear wedding rings, but at the same time they are in legal marriage. This may be due simply to the unwillingness to see any jewelry on oneself and dislike for them, or it may be due to the inconvenience caused by wearing them. So, for example, wearing a wedding ring can increase the risk of injury when working with equipment in a factory.

Right hand ring finger

Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians, Belarusians mostly belong to Orthodox religion. Therefore, married couples wear a symbol of love and fidelity. on the ring finger of the right hand. This is due to several reasons:

  • in Russia, according to the tradition of the Orthodox Church, the right hand, which helps a person to be baptized, eat food, is associated with honesty, and left-hand side, in turn, - with deceit;
  • it is believed that a person always has an angel protecting himself and his union behind his right shoulder, and the devil behind his left.

In Russia, the loss of a wedding decoration is considered an Orthodox person bad omen, and it is not recommended to remove it.

Ring finger of the left hand

In some countries of Western culture, where it is common Catholicism, - USA, France, Sweden - it is customary to wear wedding rings on the ring finger of the left hand.

This tradition among Catholics dates back to ancient times. It was believed that the so-called “vein of love” passes through this finger, and the left hand is close to the heart. Thus, the bride and groom symbolically declare eternal sincere and pure feelings towards each other.

Divorce engagement ring

Unfortunately, not all marriages last a lifetime, some of them still end in divorce. In this case, the desire to wear this jewelry depends solely on the preferences and feelings of the person. In other words, many people take off their wedding rings, not wanting to have an extra reminder of the past.

If you still want to leave the wedding ring and wear it, but not as a sign of marriage, then put it on as follows:

  • Orthodox - on the left hand;
  • Catholics - on the right hand.

It is a tradition to propose to a girl with a tender gift. precious jewelry came to us from the West and took root very well. Therefore, this ring can be called the forerunner of the engagement, ideally it is better to wear it on the same finger on which the symbol of family love and faith will settle. After the wedding ceremony, the engagement ring can be kept as a family heirloom or worn over the wedding ring.

Family life is full of surprises, and unexpected ups and downs in life sometimes surpass the scenarios of the most fantastic films. Therefore, it is always necessary to remember that the main thing in the family life of two people is still not wedding Jewelry. They are a nice addition. eternal symbol. But the most important thing is the fragile love that brings people together for many years. It is she who needs to be protected like the apple of an eye.

A lot of knowledge, legends and traditions were able to convey to us the ancestors. Some of them are preserved to this day. For example, people who have officially approved a marriage exchange wedding rings. This custom has been going on for a long time, and the first mention of it dates back to the fourth millennium BC. Then it was not only rings, but also bracelets made of wood. Decorations were given only female gender and meant that now she is the property of her husband.

After a period of time, 15 centuries long, men began to wear jewelry. Then the symbolism began to denote the union of two halves, two now kindred spirits. On which hand do men and women wear a wedding ring? This is what we will discuss in the article.

Ancient Rome and Egypt

Some beliefs and customs of the ancestors have not come down to us. This can be safely asserted based on the finds in ancient Egypt. Rings were found on the middle finger of the left hand of the ancient Egyptians. This is almost the only class of the population on the planet that wears jewelry on middle finger. It is difficult to say what this choice is connected with, but scientists have their own assumptions. In the Middle Ages, doctors did not perform autopsies on their patients, and knowledge of anatomy was completely dilapidated. In one of the manuscripts, it was said that the nerve that connects the left hand and the heart is called the "artery of love." Most likely, the Egyptian priests thought that this nerve was related to the middle finger of the hand.

Findings of archaeologists

Continuing to explore the ancient cities, scientists found out that they had three or four-sided profiles. They most often had various images or inscriptions. They said that lovers would be faithful to each other to the grave, never to be separated, and other love vows. You can also find numbers. As you know, in developed countries ancient world there were many philosophers and mathematicians. The relation to numbers there was special. Often on the finds you can find jewelry with the numbers 3 or 7. These numbers were considered by them as a symbol of faith, hope, kindness and happiness.

Orthodox Christians

IN ancient Rus' wedding rings were worn on the index finger. This is most likely due to the fact that before the adoption of Christianity there was another faith, following which wedding items were worn on the index finger, as in the most prominent place of the hand.

Each group of believers has its own principles and rules according to which wedding items are worn. According to statistics, more than 70% of the population of Russia are Orthodox Christians. Adherents of this faith have fun celebrating weddings, arranging numerous contests and "festivities". They have a large number wedding traditions which are gradually becoming obsolete. On which hand do women and men wear a wedding ring? It is customary to wear rings on the ring finger of the right hand.

Wearing luxury on the ring finger began in ancient Europe, because the name of this finger in their language sounds like "ring". It is important to note that traditions are characteristic of both women and women. male population Russia. The church explains the wearing of the ring on the right hand by the fact that in the ancient Slavic language the right one is the right one. That is, it is a symbol of loyalty and strength marital relations. As long as Christians have harmony in marriage, they adhere to the customs described above.

After a divorce, wedding rings are removed. A wife whose husband has died becomes a widow. For them, there are special rules for wearing exclusive jewelry. On which hand is a widow's wedding ring worn? On the ring finger of the left hand. This rule also applies to widowers.

On which hand do Muslims wear a wedding ring?

Currently, most representatives of terrorist groups adhere to this faith, because of this, it has lost some prestige and demand. Their protector is not Jesus Christ, but Allah. Instead of the Bible, Muslims have the Koran. This is their sacred book, which they cherish very much.

On which hand do Muslims wear a wedding ring? In wearing wedding rings, the Islamists have moved away from the representatives of Christianity. They wear rings not on the right hand, but on the left. And also on the ring finger, adhering to the European style. Wearing on the left hand is explained by the fact that it is located close to the heart. Many are ready to argue with this statement, but you will not go against traditions.

It is important to note that in some Muslim countries only women wear rings. Men, they think, are not allowed to wear shiny and beautiful jewelry on hands. Therefore, many male Muslims do not wear items that confirm their Family status.


On which finger do you wear your wedding ring? Representatives of this group of the population prefer a wild life in camps. They often get their way by robbery and deceit. But not all gypsies are like that, there are exceptions. Due to the vast number of luxurious things, "tabor" wear wedding rings on gold or silver chains hung around their necks. There are exceptions among the Gypsies. There are supporters of other religions, based on which, the ring should be worn on the finger of the hand. It all depends on what religious group a person belongs to, but most gypsies adhere to "classical" customs.


Most Armenians are Christians of the Armenian Apostolic Church. But also other religions take place on the territory of the country, such as Judaism, Islamism and so on. In Armenia, most of the opinions about wearing wedding accessories are usually divided into two parts. There are both Catholics and Christians in the country. On which hand do Armenians wear a wedding ring? Christians were mentioned above, and Catholics wear rings on the ring finger of their left hand. Such wedding rules exposes Catholic Church. Unlike the male half of the population, women do not take off their ring. Men, without realizing it, adhere to Muslim signs. But Catholics and Muslims do it for identical reasons. Widows and widowers change hands with an accessory. Not to put a ring on the other hand after the death of a spouse is considered an insult to him.

Judaism and marriage

The representatives of Judaism are a well-known people - the Jews. In historical practice, there are many cases of rot and genocide against them. But, despite all the difficulties, the ethnos has survived to this day and retained its religion. Jewish wedding rings are worn only by women. With the help of it, the young man devotes his daughter-in-law to his wife. What does it mean to consecrate as a wife? The Jews have certain traditions, following which the groom must give the bride money or some expensive item. A ring can act as an object. The wife does not remove it until her death. Men put jewelry on their wives forefinger, because they consider this place the most noticeable. The ring is always in front of a woman and reminds her of her husband.

So which hand do girls wear a wedding ring on? There is a tradition among representatives of Judaism that during the engagement, the ring is put on the index finger of the left hand, and after the marriage is officially approved, it is transferred to the right. The widows of the Jews once again change hands.


According to the teachings of the Buddha, people devoted to his religion should lead a monastic lifestyle. But, nevertheless, Buddhist families exist. For them there is certain rules family relations. They are presented in a large list.

On which hand do men and women wear a wedding ring? Buddhists have no idea about wedding rings. Marriages are confirmed by the rite of five monks who fumigate the newlyweds and read mantras to them. But if desired, the couple can get married in the registry office. Then the husband and wife will have rings on the ring finger of their right hand. The choice of the ring finger on their part is explained by the fact that, in their beliefs, he is responsible for the husband and wife. Most widows and widowers do not wear commemorative rings, and the rest believe that through them there is a connection with the deceased and leave an ornament on their hand.


The representatives of this religion have a very ornate concept of rings. On which hand girls wear a wedding ring depends on the place of residence, that is, on the country. Regardless of the place of residence, they put it on the ring finger. It is not customary for a husband or wife left alone to wear a ring. After the death of a spouse, they remove it and keep it at home. The loss of the ring is considered a great grief and setback for the only surviving spouse.

Traditions and signs of different peoples of the Earth

In English-speaking countries, that is, in Great Britain and America, it is widely believed that wearing a ring is a female occupation, and many husbands simply do not put it on their finger. But in general, both spouses tirelessly wear jewelry, removing it only in case of great discomfort brought by the pressure of the ring on the skin.

By Orthodox traditions It follows that you can not give your wedding ring to anyone. It is believed that you should not let anyone even try on jewelry. This, according to custom, can lead to the most deplorable and dire consequences up to and including divorce.

Auspicious omen is the betrothal of the young with "old" rings. That is, those with whom their grandfather and grandmother got engaged. It is important that the ancestors are alive and have a long and happy family life behind them, which they are ready to pass on to the newlyweds. It is a very bad omen to be betrothed with the objects of the marriage of the dead.

IN northern countries have their own traditions. To make the marriage more comfortable, before the exchange of rings, both copies are dipped into a glass of water and the contents of the glass are turned into ice. Before the wedding, defrosting is carried out. This is done so that the rings remember that they were once one and will always be attracted to each other.

Orthodox Christians have a belief that rings should be bought without trying them on. That is, you should not try them on in the store before the wedding.

In many countries there is a wonderful custom - to wear a gold ring on your finger after the wedding. This is not just a tribute to fashion, a beautiful decoration is considered a powerful protective sign. It has a long, interesting history.

The birthplace of the tradition is mysterious Egypt. Initially, only the pharaohs wore rings, with their help they chose their heirs. Chinese men gave such an accessory to pregnant women - it was believed that if they put it on, it means that the baby will have strong protection.

Only in the 3rd-4th century AD. this sign became a famous symbol of marriage, but then lovers exchanged silver jewelry, which symbolized the purity of thoughts, the innocence of the soul. Silver kept spouses from quarrels and separations.

Why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger? This custom gave the world Ancient Egypt. Egyptian healers believed that it was from the left side of the palm that an important artery began, reaching the heart - the "love nerve", as it was called.

And in many ancient Egyptian and Israeli regions, it was considered correct to wear a wedding attribute after the wedding not on the ring finger, but on the third finger of the right limb. This is exactly what the legendary Joseph and Mary did.

However, in distant, gloomy times, all laws depended on the mood of the rulers. Unpredictable rulers issued various decrees, where they said on which finger you can wear wedding rings after the wedding. There were ten wearing options - according to the number of fingers, sometimes the marriage attribute solemnly adorned the thumb.

Left or right?

On which hand do representatives wear a wedding ring various countries? The oldest tradition of Protestant and Catholic states allowed to wear a wedding attribute on the left hand. This is what couples in love do after marriage in Canada, England, Spain, Mexico, Australia and Brazil.

Why? Catholic theologians explain this principle by the close location of the heart (on the left side of the body).

The inhabitants of Turkey, Japan, America and France agree with them - they also believe that it is possible to wear marital attributes on the left hand, but because there is a “love vein” that keeps the family and marital feelings.


Why are some couples wear wedding rings exclusively on the right hand? This is the tradition of the Orthodox (after all, they make the sign of the cross over themselves from right to left). "The right hand carriers" of wedding jewelry are residents of Georgia, Poland, Norway, Austria, India, Israel and Greece.

In these countries, there is also a theory according to which a guardian angel stands behind a person’s right shoulder, the patron of marriage bonds and a protector from adversity. But behind the left side perched a demon-tempter, sending all sorts of temptations.

According to the canons of Orthodoxy, those who wear a wedding ring on their left hand can bring themselves trouble, terrible troubles. Only widows have the right to wear the symbol of matrimony on their left hand.


On which hand do Muslims wear wedding rings according to their laws? Muslims have completely abandoned such wedding symbols. Why? Men of the faith of Allah consider this a bad sign - after all, the Koran says that gold destroys, destroys spiritual development. It is not forbidden to wear jewelry there, you can give lovers a narrowed ring - but only it will not be considered a wedding, but will become an ordinary decoration.

Slavic world

On the ancient, before Orthodox Rus' It was customary to exchange rings after the wedding as a token of love. Our ancestors preferred the right hand at the same time - why? The hand that feeds, waters, works, greets, was associated with honesty, work, truthfulness, and the other vice versa. “The right is from God, the left is from the evil one,” as the ancient Rus used to say.

The hand on which the Slavic men wore the wedding ring spoke of their faith. Wearing a marital badge right side also testified to the firmness of the intention to start a family, and the presence of a ring on the ring finger said whether the girl’s heart was free or not.

On which ring finger the ring was worn, spoke about the situation of the family; in Orthodoxy, only widows could wear the family symbol on the left side.

Modern Russians

We adhere to the traditions of our ancestors and the opinion of Orthodoxy - after the wedding family people wear wedding symbols on the ring finger on the right side. However, there is a curious opinion that wedding signs should “kiss”, that is, touch.

Adherents of such views can wear them in different ways (for example, the wife on the right side, and the husband on the left). When lovers hold hands, their rings “kiss”.


Can we wear wedding rings long before the wedding? Why not. It allows beautiful tradition- engagement. The ring that is given at the ceremony is also worn on the second finger of the right hand until the wedding itself. At the celebration, the engagement sign should “give way” to the engagement sign, but many brides leave such a memory on their pen, and both gifts turn into a beautiful, harmonious ensemble.

Interesting signs about the wedding symbol

  • Newlyweds need to have only their wedding rings, take someone else's, it is absolutely impossible to use it.
  • Loss after marriage is considered a bad sign. wedding decoration- this entails separation, contention between spouses.
  • It is forbidden to give a ring to a stranger - so you can give him your happiness.
  • There is a taboo on getting married with a widow's or widower's ring - this is a very bad sign.
  • Cannot be worn wedding symbol over the glove - exclusively on the finger. And it is not recommended to remove it under any circumstances.
  • If a widowed person re-contracts marriage, a new wedding jewelry must also be worn on the right of the ring finger, and the widow's ring should be removed and hidden. You can’t give it as a gift - it’s someone else’s decoration.
  • But wedding paraphernalia happy marriages you can pass on to your children by inheritance - it should be kept as a family heirloom. In this case, the symbol of matrimony acquires powerful protective properties. You can only give them if the parents celebrated their silver wedding anniversary.

Putting on a wedding ring is an individual matter, you can stick to traditions home country or original, like Muslims. The most important thing is not to lose the meaning that lies in this beautiful symbol matrimony, a romantic sign of the union of two destinies.