Extraction, properties and application of aragonite. Aragonite - family amulet

Calcium carbonate is an inorganic chemical compound, which is represented in nature by such minerals as calcite, aragonite, vaterite. Aragonite is second in popularity after calcite.

It is formed when low temperatures close to the surface of the earth, for example, in stalactite caves. Has the same chemical composition, which is similar to calcite, but differs from it in structure. Aragonite is harder than calcite and is easily recognizable by its hexagonal prismatic tees.

History of the mineral

Legend has it that the tears of a girl who was separated from her lover and not allowed to marry her lover turned into aragonite. Aragonite tears were shed in the Spanish ancient city of Molina de Aragon.

The first mention of this mineral is found in the book of Father José Torrubia "Introduction to natural history Spain" (Madrid, 1754). In mineralogy, aragonite was immortalized by the Saxon geologist Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749–1818), who erroneously assumed that this city was located in the ancient kingdom of Aragon, and not in Castile. No one began to dissuade him from an erroneous opinion, and the mineral remained with this name.

Types and colors of aragonite

Usually aragonite or has. However, due to impurities, the mineral can acquire various shades - purple, blue, orange, red, gray, light green. Blue-green aragonite is called iglite, blue - zeyringite. Regarding transparency - it all depends on the content of impurities in it, there are both transparent, translucent and opaque.

Aragonite is found in the following varieties:

  • Needle crystals. They are transparent elongated prisms or needles.
  • Helictites are found in karst caves. They are coral-like aggregates growing in different directions. They voluntarily twist and branch.
  • Pisolites are rounded aragonite bodies the size of a pea (more than 2 mm), the so-called cave pearls. Refers to oolites.
  • "Iron flowers" - amazingly beautiful tangled branched and radially radiant aggregates.
  • Mother-of-pearl of sea pearls and shells is formed by thin layers of aragonite - conchite and organic matter.

In the form of sinter crusts and nodules, it is deposited at the bottom of cold springs, as well as on any objects that come into contact with this solution.

Mineral deposits

Today, the best crystals are mined in the autonomous regions of Spain: Aragon, Castile-la-Mancha, Navarre and Valencia. They are slightly inferior to aragonites from the Sicilian solfataras and oolites from Morocco. Pisolites are mined in the thermal springs of Karlovy Vary. Collection samples of the mineral are also found in Russia in the Urals and Taimyr, Kyrgyzstan (Khaidarkan), Turkmenistan.

Aragonite and its magical properties

Astrologers recommend using an amulet or talisman from this stone only couples. Since a lonely person, wearing aragonite jewelry, will feel lost, misunderstood and unhappy. This mineral protects the family and home. Helps to avoid family quarrels, brings peace and understanding not only to spouses, but to parents and children. For teenagers, a stone, as an exception, will help to outgrow transitional age, mature people"middle age crisis".

The mineral directs all a person’s thoughts to true values ​​​​- family and home, helps a person understand that next to him are the closest and dearest people, for whom he is just a dear and beloved person with all his shortcomings.

It helps to concentrate on one thing, gives patience and willpower, helps to make a decision with a clear head and a firm hand.

According to Feng Shui, there should be a figurine made of aragonite at home, which will attract prosperity and good luck to the house. It is placed in a room in a conspicuous place where the family usually gathers. The mineral will contribute to the acquisition of housing or the opening of a private business.

If the spouses have sexual problems or they are going to conceive a child, then the figurine is placed in the bedroom. The mineral has tremendous sexual energy, which it will share with the owners and will not let this relationship cool down.

It is believed that a person who constantly wears aragonite retains a bright mind and a strong memory until old age.

It is good to use in meditation as it brings peace and tranquility and is a grounding stone. The six sides of this crystal symbolize the Star of David or the Seal of Solomon. The mineral is often used by fortune tellers, astrologers, because it increases energy, which increases the energy of prayers and magical conspiracies.

The crystals themselves show a person how he is connected with the Universe. Its rays diverge from the center, like the soul of each person, which grows and passes through life experiences and events. Aragonite directs energy and self-discipline, helps a person to persevere.

Medicinal properties

The mineral can be called a healing crystal. If you use it as healing remedy, it must be protected from negative energy. Aragonite is placed either in the room of a sick person, or carried with them. It helps relieve fever, inflammation, reduce fever. Acting as an intermediary, it helps relieve stress, has a good effect on the nervous system. Helps fight diseases such as chronic fatigue. Relieves insomnia, irritation and anger. Helps with hair loss. Warms the limbs, stops muscle spasms and twitching. They treat skin diseases allergic reactions to lichen and psoriasis.

Aragonite stone is a hard and brittle calcium carbonate and has the formula CaCO3. There are impurities of strontium, magnesium, ferrum, zinc, plumbum. It differs from calcium carbonate in its crystal lattice.

Description of the stone

The mineral aragonite has thermoluminescence, when heated to 400 ° C it turns into another mineral - calcite.

Physical properties of aragonite stone: fluorescence, soft glassy luster and watery cloudy transparency. It has elongated shape. From thin layers the deposits consist of pearls and mother-of-pearl.

The color of Aragonite depends on the impurities in its chemical composition:

  • The white rock looks like ice, and is often intergrowths of needle-like crystals or sinter aggregates that have formed in completely dehydrated cavities of the earth's crust. The homeland of the white variety is Mexico.
  • Orange stone occurs in the form of rounded peas with a diameter of more than 2 mm. Oolites are small representatives, pisoliths are large, up to 5 mm. Deposits of orange aragonite in Morocco.
  • The most beautiful are blue aragonites(zeiringites). Their color range varies from pale blue to deep purple; are usually sinter aggregates. Unfortunately, this variety is rarely found in nature, and a few deposits are found in China.
  • Tarnovicite is one of the variations of the calcium substance, rich in lead and therefore has brown-violet colors of drusen.
  • Nicholsonite, rich in zinc, brown-red in color with violet impurities.
  • "Iron flower" is an interweaving of mineral formations, which usually have a white or milky color and look like corals.

The breed is mined in Spain, Germany, France, Japan, Austria, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Romania and Slovakia. A significant amount of this carbonate is located at the bottom of the ocean shelves. There is a legend according to which aragonites are not stones, but the tears of a girl who was left without a lover. And those tears were so bitter that they turned into deposits.

magical properties

The mineral is more suitable for family people, and a lonely person will feel miserable and lost. The stone provides spouses with harmony in relationships and the health of all family members, restores strength and reduces outbursts of anger.

Blue aragonite helps to avoid conflicts, and instead preserves mutual understanding, comfort, well-being and harmony,

The magical properties of Aragonite: gives determination and concentration, strengthens willpower, gives patience and memory and does not allow rash decisions to be made. It gives sexual energy, which helps to maintain passion in the relationship of spouses and even conceive a child, directs parents to the right upbringing.

Aragonite does not tolerate laziness, therefore, it faithfully serves both careless, inept, and lazy owners, whom it forces to work with inspiration, desire and pleasure.

Aragonite will suit any sign of the zodiac. The talisman should be handled with extreme care, because. in case of damage magical properties disappear irreversibly.

The healing properties of the mineral

Carbonate is characterized by medicinal properties with the following symptoms:

  • prolonged fever;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • stress, insomnia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • hair loss;
  • feeling of cold in the lower extremities;
  • pronounced muscle spasms;
  • dermatological problems (allergies, ringworm or psoriasis);
  • pain syndromes.

Aragonite is able to increase sexual activity, treats diseases of the reproductive system of both men and women, impotence and frigidity. In addition, talismans and amulets save the owner from alcoholism, drug addiction and gambling.


Calcite is highly valued in the jewelry industry and is classified as precious. Not only jewelry is made from stones, but also such decor items as caskets, candelabra and simple candlesticks, ashtrays, vases. It is valued as a collection stone due to its natural variety of shapes and colors.

Sprudelstein (the second name for pink aragonite) is another variety valuable breed- used as jewelry inserts and a suitable material for making beads, pendants, rings, earrings and bracelets. In addition, the breed has found wide application in icon embroidery. Pearls made of aragonite substance are regarded as a precious representative belonging to the first class.

Gems and minerals Aragonite / Gems and minerals Aragonite

Aragonite D Stone



Aragonite is not only a stone with pronounced magical and valuable healing properties, but also a valuable decoration for jewelry. Its advantage is its unpretentiousness to certain signs of the zodiac, but you need to remember that the mineral is contraindicated for lonely people.

Aragonite originally from Aragon. This is the name of the area in Spain, where the main mineral deposits in the world are concentrated. Here the stone was first discovered.

Aragonite is part of pearls, for which it is called its "mother". By composition, the mineral is classified as calcite. Chemical formula– CaCO3. Structure differs from ordinary aragonite crystal lattice.

In the photo, crystals of aragonite are pale orange in color.

Physical and Chemical properties aragonite

One of the main physical and chemical properties of a mineral is the instability of the crystal lattice. Over time, it is transformed, and aragonite becomes ordinary calcite.

The discovery of this property of the stone allowed scientists to answer the question: - why the "mother of pearls" is not found in the rocks of the earth's crust older than 100 million years. The main mass of aragonites, in general, is transformed into calcite after 10 million years.

In the photo, aragonite in the form of an earthy mass

Because of the short life aragonite counts rare mineral. The reason for its transformation into calcite is heat. At high temperatures ax, the crystal lattice passes from the unstable stage to the stable one. For millions of years, the mineral, one way or another, at least once is subjected to heating.

The color range of aragonite is diverse. There are purple, green, yellow, blue, yellow, gray and white specimens. All of them have a hardness of 3.5-4 points. For comparison, y is 1 point and y is 10.

In the photo, crystals of aragonite Pink colour

Depending on third-party impurities that affect the color of aragonite, its transparency also changes. There are cloudy, translucent and watery-transparent specimens. They have a sheen similar to iridescence or silk.

The elementary cells of mineral crystals are rhombus-shaped. Geologists call this parameter the syngony of the stone. Another concept from mineralogy is cleavage.

It characterizes the property to split along certain axes. Aragonite has imperfect cleavage. That is, when splitting a stone, smooth planes are not formed.

Features of stone formation

Aragonite stone belong to the minerals of the low-temperature group. Therefore, the stone is formed near the earth's surface, that is, it is exogenous. Most often, aragonite can be found in areas subject to weathering.

On the picture silver ring with uncut aragonite

Aragonite crystals have the form of elongated prisms or needles. The same crystals are found in another minerals of the calcite group - zeolites. However, unlike them, aragonite reacts with hydrochloric acid.

Aragonite deposits

In addition to Spanish deposits, large-scale deposits of aragonites have been discovered in Russia. The Kayerkannskoye field is being developed on the Taimyr Peninsula, and the Bakalskoye field is being developed in the Urals.

There are scarce reserves of stone in Germany. Aragonites are mined there in the Harz mountains. There is a small deposit in the Austrian province of Carinthia. Aragonites are also found in the Czech Republic, in the Karlovy Vary region and in several provinces of France and Japan.

Application of the mineral

mineral aragonite appreciate . The mineral is precious. The price is especially high for needle-like intergrowths of crystals in the form of flower buds. The Ural deposit is rich in such. The mineral is valued in pearls. Aragonite of white color is even turned into the shape of pearls.

Such beads are outwardly indistinguishable from real seafood. In addition, vases, caskets, candlesticks and other decor items are made of stone. In addition, aragonite is considered a collectible material. The stone is credited with healing and magical properties. They should be given special attention.

Medicinal properties aragonite stone

Known medicinal waters Karlovy Vary owes its properties to a mineral of the calcite group, scientists are sure. The springs flow through rocks rich in aragonites. Knowing about their healing properties, third-party manufacturers began to filter water for sale through rare stone chips.

The photo shows white aragonite crystals.

Baths in water saturated with aragonite particles relieve skin diseases. Water procedures act even on patients suffering from an ailment of unknown etymology.

Aragonite is considered a healer for the elderly. The proximity of the mineral restores erection, the functioning of the genitourinary system, delays menopause in women and alleviates its symptoms. The stone decides age problems with pressure, the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The magical properties of aragonite

Astrologers call aragonite family stone. It is recommended to purchase it only for those who are married. Mineral, say esotericists, smoothes sharp corners between spouses, resolves conflicts. If the union is bursting at the seams, aragonite is needed. The stone returns the former husband and wife, tender feelings each other, brings passion to the relationship.

Aragonite also strengthens the family because it fights human laziness. The mineral turns household chores into pleasure. Life becomes not a routine, but a pleasant duty. Statistically, everyday problems cause 40% of divorces. Eliminating the root cause of conflicts saves marriages.

Pictured is aragonite yellow color, formed in the form of large crystalline masses

Aragonite is not tied to any of the. The stone is allowed to have people who are patronized by different planets.

Talismans and amulets made of aragonite

From the foregoing, it is clear that aragonite talismans are intended only for family people. The stone relieves nervousness, gives a feeling of peace, harmony.

Therefore, it is advised to purchase it not only for relationship problems, but also for neurological diseases. Depression, nervous tics, etc., can also be associated with problems outside the family.

The main thing is not to heat up aragonite crystals. After all, considering physicochemical characteristics stone, it will turn into ordinary calcite. In this case, you will no longer have to rely on the magical properties of the talisman.

Aragonite is one of the varieties of calcium carbonate. The mineral differs from the same with it in composition by the structure of the crystal lattice and, accordingly, by properties. Aragonite crystals are found in prismatic, columnar, tabular, acicular and spear-shaped forms. They also form intergrowths of a wide variety of shapes. In addition, aragonite is a component of the mother-of-pearl layer of mollusk shells and coral exoskeleton.

On our planet, aragonite is very widespread. The largest number The mineral is mined on the European continent, since here it is in the highest demand. Deposits are known in the Alpine mountains, where high-quality aragonites are mined.

In addition, large deposits of stone are "hidden" in the strip of the shelf ocean zone. In the area of ​​surf and changeable currents, aragonite intergrowths become so-called oolites (egg-shaped pebbles).

The Aragonites became known as gems relatively recently. Although their age is approaching hundreds of millions of years, after which the stone turns into calcite. They began to distinguish aragonite from the latter only in the 18th century, at the same time they gave it a name consonant with the Spanish Aragon, where they first became interested in this mineral.

At the same time, the ability of aragonites to turn into calcites was also noticed. In order to improve the quality of the stone, stone cutters tried to heat it, but to desired result it didn't lead. On the contrary, aragonite crumbled into a fine calcite powder. This phenomenon is associated with an increase in the volume of the sample and the gradual detachment of the upper particles.

Aragonite is also known under other names, including: mother of pearl, iron flower, sparkling or pea stone, conchit. Natural specimens of a spherical shape are called oolites or oolitic stones.

Aragonites consist of calcium carbonate, as impurities they contain magnesium, iron, zinc, lead. The crystals are colorless or white, grayish, yellowish or reddish in color with a greasy or glassy luster.

They are characterized by rhombic syngony, transparency or translucency, imperfect cleavage, conchoidal fracture. Hardness on the Mohs scale is 3.5-4. Density 2.9-3.0 g/cm3.

Aragonite, which is mined in the territory of karst caves, forms aggregates in the form of a sinter crust with protruding crystals, needle-shaped spherical formations, and aggregates of a radial-radiant shape. Sometimes spherulites are mined.

Mother-of-pearl is formed from the thinnest layer of aragonite, which alternates with a transparent layer of solid organic substances. Thus, each pearl is a kind of “layer cake”, where the filling is precisely aragonite.

Depending on the content of certain impurities in the composition of the mineral, as well as its shape, several types of aragonite are distinguished:

  • Tarnovicites - characterized by hexagonal prismatic crystals of a warm brownish-purple hue. This variety of aragonite is rich in lead.
  • Nicholsonites - contain inclusions of zinc in their composition, they are distinguished by red-brown hues interspersed with pure purple. In general, this variety is characterized by the most diverse colors from all aragonites.
  • Sprudelsteins or pea stones, also known as cave pearls and marble onyx. Formed during the precipitation of calcium compounds from natural solution, and differ in various shapes and sizes of splices and drusen. It is polished sprudelsteins that are often used as jewelry inserts and material for beads and bracelets.
  • “Iron Flower” is an unusual variety of a mineral in which oblong mineral formations are intertwined into bizarre “inflorescences”.
  • Needle-shaped crystals are transparent prisms or elongated needles.
  • Helictite is a coral-like aggregate that is common in karst caves and branches beautifully into complex structures.
  • Pisolite is a rounded stone the size of a pea (about 2 mm), also known as "pearl of the caves".

Decorations and interior items made of aragonite contribute to the cessation of disputes between husband and wife. They are also able to optimize the difficult relationships that are characteristic of mother-in-law and son-in-law, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, parents and children. Aragonite "smoothes out" all sharp corners and helps representatives different generations reach mutual understanding.

Aragonites also attract prosperity and prosperity to the house of their owners. It is believed that in their presence the material condition always improves.

And also miraculously aragonite helps in maintaining household to everyone who doesn't like it very much. The mineral adds strength, fights laziness, and gives inspiration and ingenuity to complete even the most boring homework, which a person begins to perform downright perfectly.

In lithotherapy, aragonite is known as a stimulant of sexual function in both sexes. The stone also has a positive effect on the state nervous system a person, helps to get rid of fears and feelings of anxiety, enslavement, irritability and anger, quickly restores the strength of its owner.

With the help of aragonite applications, they treat various diseases skin. And the water that has been filtered through the aragonite chips becomes healing. These sources include those located in Karlovy Vary and Baden-Baden.

Noticed good impact aragonites on people middle age. So, they help to alleviate the manifestations of menopause, reduce senile dementia.

Aragonites are used in jewelry, for making handicrafts and souvenirs, and also as a collection material. Collectors highly appreciate the "iron flowers" of aragonite and other varieties of bizarre shapes and unusual color.

Basically, aragonite samples are colorless or colored in White color. If there are any impurities in the mineral, a variety of tones appear in it: from purple, blue and gray to orange, red, light green. Aragonites blue-green color are called needles, blue - ceyringites.

Gems are both transparent and semi- and opaque.

Caring for aragonite and products with it should be neat and careful, since the mineral is quite fragile and deteriorates when exposed to high temperatures and frequent exposure to bright sun.

The stone goes well with any signs of the zodiac. However, he becomes a faithful assistant only for couples. Lonely people do not benefit from aragonite.

In general, prices for aragonites are not very high due to their wide distribution. For example, a polished plate weighing 100 grams is valued at about $10. And picturesque aragonite deposits, which are purchased for mineralogical collections, are estimated at 5-7 dollars. Price jewelry with inserts of aragonite, depending on the material of the cut and the work of the master, is in the range of 40-500 dollars.

  • Aragonite talismans are used to maintain family unity. It is believed that such an amulet is able to discourage a person from romantic hobbies on the side, gambling, friendly feasts, addiction to drinking and everything that can destroy a happy family life.
  • The hexagonal aragonite is a symbol of the Star of David and the seal of King Solomon. IN magical rites the gem is often used to restore strength. In addition, aragonite is compared with the soul reaching out to the universe. As its direct rays are directed to the sides, so the soul during growth and development is strengthened and learns to cope with difficulties. With the help of aragonite, its owner becomes self-disciplined.
  • Aragonite is an unstable phase of calcium carbonate. Over 10-100 million years, it gradually turns into calcite. In this case, the volume of the stone increases. And if a sample of aragonite is heated to 400 ° C, then this transition occurs right before our eyes, and the durable stone crumbles into a fine powder.

In this article:

Aragonite stone got its name in honor of the deposit in Aragon, which is located in Spain. Here it was first discovered and here are its main deposits. This is a rare and "young" mineral that does not live long. After several tens of millions of years, the stone turns into calcite.

Aragonite stones

How are they mined?

According to legend, aragonite is the tears of a girl who was separated from her beloved and was not allowed to marry. She grieved so much that her tears turned to stone.

To date, aragonite deposits have been discovered in several places in Europe, the USA, and Russia. The largest mineral reserves are in Spain.

You can find aragonite in karst caves, mountain ranges, at the bottom of the ocean shelf. It can take the form of pebbles, balls, spherulites, crusts or radiant processes, which are called iron flowers. Some species look like an elongated needle. Aragonite peas are called cave pearls or pisolite.

Characteristics and application

The mineral aragonite has a Mohs hardness of 3.5–4 points. Its transparency depends on impurities. It can be cloudy, transparent, translucent. Has a glassy sheen. The cleavage that aragonite minerals have allows the stones to split along the axes. Aragonite has the ability to boil in acids and change its structure at high temperatures.

Due to various impurities, aragonite differs various shades: blue, yellow, orange, white, purple and many others. Most often there is a transparent or brownish tint.

The unique aragonite is valued in jewelry production. It is used to make earrings, beads, rings, bracelets. It is suitable for almost all metals, but most often silver, gold or platinum are used for framing. It is impossible to fake a stone, as it crumbles under the influence of temperatures and loses all jewelry properties.

Aragonite beads look very unusual and beautiful. For them, translucent minerals are used. For men, rings with dark stones are suitable. Iron flowers are considered the most valuable, because this is a real miracle of nature. A variety of shapes and colors of stone allow you to make products with an interesting design. Each woman can choose a piece of jewelry to her taste, emphasizing her irresistibility, elegance, perfection.

Prices for aragonite itself are small. They depend on the composition, color, shape and frame.

In order for the product to serve you for a long time, follow the rules for care:

  • store in a separate box with soft walls;
  • wear jewelry on the body after applying cosmetics, perfumes, varnish and other means;
  • remove jewelry before going to bed, going to the bathhouse, swimming pool, cleaning;
  • protect from moisture, high temperatures, chemicals and acids;
  • if appeared on the stone dark spots wipe it with a soft cloth.

In addition to jewelry, aragonite is used in the manufacture of handicrafts. From it I make vases of bizarre shapes, figurines, candlesticks, pyramids, caskets.

The magical properties of the stone

Aragonite has a special magic, because it protects the most precious thing - the family. The power of the stone is aimed at smoothing out disagreements among family members, getting rid of quarrels, helping to live in peace, understanding, love.

Crafts made from aragonite have their own meaning and will help bring prosperity to the family, get rid of laziness, and help in business. Children in adolescence aragonite will help to avoid the crisis, to become more confident, tolerant and stronger. The mineral contributes to the acquisition of housing, doing business.

Silver ring with aragonite

If you want to have children, put the figurine with aragonite in the bedroom. In addition, the stone helps to keep sexual attraction and keep the relationship cool. Jewelry with aragonite will help maintain up to old age memory and mind. Saves family members from betrayal, drunkenness, betrayal. If you are unsure of your feelings, this stone will help you understand the most important things, keep love, passion.

The mineral is used by magicians and sorcerers for rituals and conspiracies. The stone fills with energy, strength, calmness.

According to the sign of the zodiac, aragonite suits everyone, but it helps only married couples. He will rather burden lonely people, they will feel longing, as if someone they need is not next to them.

Due to its composition and impurities, aragonite has healing properties that help maintain the health of its owners:

  • relieves fever, fever during illness, infection;
  • relieves chronic fatigue;
  • helps fight insomnia, anger, stress;
  • cures allergies, depriving, psoriasis;
  • treats diseases of the genitourinary system, helps to get rid of impotence and frigidity;
  • relieves anxiety and fear.

Therapeutic mud of the Dead Sea contains aragonite, so it helps to get rid of skin diseases.

Aragonite is a unique miracle of nature, because its various types, shapes, colors allow you to make wonderful decorations and crafts. Unusual items will help create your own image, make its owner attractive, elegant, mysterious. Any outfit will play magic colors, if you decorate it with an aragonite product. In addition, if you are married or married, the stone will become a real talisman for your family. Comfort, love, fidelity, trust, mutual understanding, and prosperity will settle in your house.