Aloe vera for oily skin. Aloe oil is a healing remedy for the face. Can this be done every day?

Facial skin is often exposed to the environment and low-quality cosmetics, as well as other factors. Hence there is a need to use all kinds of cosmetic and folk remedies in order to preserve beauty and elasticity. One of the common options is the use of aloe vera juice for facial skin. It is applied in its pure form, added to prepared lotions and masks.

Indications for the use of aloe juice

Apply aloe vera juice to the skin of the face if you have the following problems:

  • rash, redness;
  • peeling;
  • excess fat;
  • comedones (black dots);
  • acne (closed), rashes of any nature;
  • other skin problems (chapping, burns from the sun and solarium);
  • fading epidermis;
  • sagging, folds, mimic wrinkles;
  • brownish, yellowish, greenish skin color.

The use of plant juice or gel is contraindicated for lactating and pregnant girls, as well as for people with rosacea. With caution, the product is used during menstruation.

The effect of aloe juice

  • soothes the skin, removes itching and peeling;
  • treats sunburn;
  • prevents cracks in the skin during frostbite;
  • soothes the epidermis;
  • softens the skin of the face, relieves redness;
  • accelerates the production of collagen fibers and elastin;
  • treats microtraumas, abrasions, cuts and other mechanical damage;
  • cleanses the pores of dead particles, fat, dirt;
  • normalizes the activity of the glands;
  • has a lifting effect;
  • treats purulent neoplasms, psoriasis, eczema, acne;
  • removes age spots and freckles;
  • protects the skin from premature aging;
  • has moisturizing and nourishing properties;
  • smoothes wrinkles, forms an oval of the face;
  • evens out the tone, removing the earthy tone.

Aloe juice preparation

  1. Choose a three-year-old plant whose ends are already partially dry. The lower part of aloe vera is used to make juice. Before cutting the leaves, do not water the flower for a crescent.
  2. After cutting, wash the aloe under the tap with cold water. Leave to dry on paper towels, then wrap the stems in loose cardboard paper. Leave the ends uncovered.
  3. Send the leaves in the cold for 15 days. When the specified period expires, you can start squeezing the juice. Cut the stems into small pieces with a knife. Put in a glass bowl, fill with filtered water in a ratio of 1 to 3.
  4. Cover the dishes, remove the container with the contents in the dark and cool, wait 2-2.5 hours. Now squeeze the mixture through several layers of gauze and strain again.
  5. Juice prepared using this technology is considered biostimulated. The tool got its name due to the fact that when favorable conditions are created, the stem of the plant begins to release biologically active compounds into the water. They are what heal the skin.
  6. After preparation, special attention is paid to the storage of juice. Keep it in a closed container or dark glass bottle. Leave the composition in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf or in the door. Expiration date - 2 weeks.

  1. You can make aloe vera gel, sometimes called juice. In this case, it is enough to squeeze the contents of the stem into a bowl and filter. The raw material is added to homemade masks.
  2. To increase effectiveness, after preparing the lotion or mask, keep the composition in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Under such conditions, aloe will release more nutrients.
  3. Before the first acquaintance with the product made, make sure that you are not allergic to the composition. To do this, wipe the skin on the bend of the elbow with lotion, leave for half an hour, rinse. Masks are checked in the same way.
  4. When you prepare the mask, before mixing all the components, heat each ingredient to 30 degrees. So valuable enzymes will interact with each other faster.
  5. Applying cosmetics with aloe vera is carried out on pre-steamed, cleansed and barely moisturized skin. This rule applies when the composition does not include oils or esters (water repels them).
  6. Treat the made means not only the skin of the face, but also the neck, chest. The listed zones are connected with each other, so they should not be bypassed. But it is better not to touch the eye area, the skin in these places is thin and sensitive.
  7. If masks or lotions are used for preventive purposes, it is enough to use them no more than 2 times in 10 days. When it comes to therapeutic therapy, the application of masks is carried out 1 time in 3 days, and the tonic is applied daily. The course is 1-1.5 months.

Application of pure aloe juice

  1. It doesn't matter if you use concentrated aloe vera gel or biostimulated aloe vera juice, the application principle is identical. First, prepare a bath: pour filtered water into a saucepan and boil, add a little sea salt, add a handful of dry herbs.
  2. Remove the dishes from the fire, put them on a stool, sit next to them. Lower your head over the container, keeping a distance of 35-40 cm. Cover with a towel to create a steam effect. Wait 7-10 minutes.
  3. In the allotted time, the pores will open, it will be easier to clean them. Use a peeling with fruit acids or, in extreme cases, a scrub. Exfoliate keratinized particles according to the instructions.
  4. Now wash your face and leave your skin slightly moisturized. Dip your fingers in the chilled aloe juice, then pat the face with the product.
  5. The composition is not recommended to be rubbed. Follow the massage lines, do not touch the eyelids and the area under the eyes. If the skin is oily or combination, additional products should not be used. In all other cases, apply a light cream and let it absorb.

Ice with aloe vera juice for facial skin

  1. Cosmetic ice is designed to remove any skin imperfections, including unevenness, wrinkles, pigmentation, gray complexion, etc. The frequency of rubbing the epidermis is 3 times a day, the period of use is unlimited.
  2. To prepare, first make a decoction based on a medicinal plant. Suitable sage, mint, plantain, chamomile, yarrow and even nettle.
  3. Send dried plants (30 gr.) In boiling water (400 ml.), Cook for 10 minutes. Cool, filter. Enter into the contents of 50 ml. aloe vera juice (biostimulated).
  4. Pour into ice cube trays, wait until set. Wipe the epidermis with cubes every day - after waking up in the morning, at lunchtime, before going to bed. Do not linger on one zone for more than 2 seconds.

Cucumber with avocado

  1. Choose a ripe avocado, remove half of the fruit from the skin and pit. Grind by immersing in a blender. Do the same with a quarter of a ripe cucumber, but do not peel off the peel.
  2. Prepare a strong brew of green tea leaves, measure out 10 ml. Mix this amount with 15 gr. biostimulated aloe vera juice.
  3. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, apply the mixture and wait 35 minutes. The mask perfectly moisturizes dry skin.

clay with rose water

  1. Buy rose oil and water of the same name in a specialized store. Measure the components, take 2 drops and 5 ml, respectively. Mix with 35 gr. biostimulated aloe juice.
  2. Sift 30 gr. blue clay, introduce it in small parts into a liquid base. Mix to a smooth paste.
  3. Apply to cleansed epidermis. Wait until hardened, remove in the usual way. The mask is suitable for problem skin.

Laminaria with honey

  1. Buy powdered kelp, sift 20 gr. (about a teaspoon). Mix with 25 gr. honey, 2 ml. tocopherol or retinol (pharmacy solution of vitamins E and A).
  2. Add to this composition 25 ml. aloe vera juice prepared using the technology above.
  3. Apply the mask on the skin of the face in several layers, let each of them dry. Wait half an hour. The mask removes inflammation well.

Peach with vodka

  1. You can use both the pulp and the juice of the peach. Measure 20-25 gr., Combine with 8 ml. vodka, 5 drops of jasmine ether, 30 gr. moisturizing face cream.
  2. Mix the ingredients with a fork, add a dessert spoon of biostimulated aloe vera juice.
  3. After careful distribution on the skin of the face, soak the composition for at least 20 minutes. The mask is ideal for oily epidermis.

  1. Cream. Cool high-fat cream, mix it with bio-stimulated aloe juice. Stick to the proportions of 3 to 1. Pour the contents into a bottle, use 1-2 times a day. Expiration date - 7 days.
  2. Herbs. Prepare a decoction of your favorite medicinal plants. Cool and strain it, measure out 100 ml. Enter 40 gr. aloe juice, stir and refrigerate. Apply in the morning.
  3. Lemon juice. Squeeze the juice of a lemon to get 20 ml. Combine with the same amount of aloe juice, add 30 ml. warm water. Infuse the composition in the dark for 2 hours, then filter.
  4. Vitamin E. Buy at the pharmacy an oily solution of tocopherol, which is sold in ampoules. You need 2-3 ml. Mix the contents with 30 gr. aloe juice, add 40 ml. decoction of any medicinal plant.
  5. Vodka. The lotion is suitable only for oily or combination skin, because it has a drying effect. Mix 10 ml. vodka with 40 gr. drinking water and 20 ml. aloe juice. Insist hour, apply.

As you can understand, aloe vera juice has a wide range of applications and a wide range of actions. It is used for rashes, excess fat or, conversely, dryness. Prepare cosmetic ice, masks and lotions on your own.

Video: aloe juice for face and hair

An article about the use of the beneficial properties of aloe juice in home cosmetics:

Aloe is a perennial plant whose healing properties have been known since antiquity.
At present, when it has become fashionable to invite landscape designers and other specialists to decorate a house, you rarely see a small plant - aloe. But in vain - once no housewife could do without this plant, unique in its properties. A faithful assistant in the fight against many diseases, it will be useful to modern women.

What vitamins does aloe contain?

Not sure what vitamins aloe contains? A perennial plant that does not require special care is simply a storehouse of useful substances. The list is long, judge for yourself:

  • mineral salts;
  • vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • tannins;
  • catechins;
  • carotenoids;
  • flavonoids;
  • enzymes;
  • carbohydrates;
  • amino acids;
  • fiber, glycosides;
  • resins, etc.

Juice treats manifestations of various diseases on the skin: ulcers, wounds and cuts, chemical and ordinary burns.

Aloe is an excellent remedy for colds, infectious diseases, and disorders of the digestive system. And much more that can not be described in a nutshell.

In cosmetology, aloe juice and its pulp are used in several main areas:

To moisturize the face, hands, body;
to relieve irritation of any origin;
for quick healing of burns;
in the treatment of infections expressed by skin rashes.

What is the benefit of aloe juice for facial skin?

The beneficial effect of aloe juice on the skin of the face is widely used in industrial cosmetology. It is included in the recipes for the production of many creams, lotions, whose action is aimed at eliminating rashes, oily sheen, peeling or redness of the skin.

Anti-aging facial cosmetics containing the juice of this magnificent plant tightens the skin, removes fine wrinkles, and corrects the oval of the face. The skin becomes elastic and blooming.

Do not know how to apply aloe juice for facial skin - use the easiest and most affordable way. Tear off a leaf of scarlet, cut in half to open the fleshy part, wipe your face with it. Rinse off the remaining juice with water and pat dry with a towel.

What is the benefit of aloe juice for facial skin? Possessing regenerating properties, the juice perfectly neutralizes redness of the skin, promotes the rapid restoration of damaged tissues in dermatitis, eczema and allergies. You can use not only pure juice, but also the leaves of the plant ground to a gruel state.

Mask for sensitive skin

Aloe vera juice is known to be applicable for all skin types. In folk medicine, there are a lot of recipes using aloe juice and its pulp for cosmetic procedures. They are based on the various medicinal properties of this plant.

If you grind fresh aloe leaves in a blender and add a few drops to the mass vitamin E, then this composition can be used for a mask with aloe for sensitive skin.

It is enough to add a regular cream to such a gruel and lie down with the mass applied to the face for about 15 minutes to see the beneficial effect of traditional medicine.

Below you will find a detailed description of how to apply aloe juice to the skin of the face and body in the form of various creams, ointments, lotions and masks.

aloe acne mask recipe

Try to apply a recipe that came from the past. An aloe acne mask will help with unwanted rashes.

Prepare a gauze bandage, a fabric face mask with holes for the eyes and nose. Rinse the plant (leaves) with water, blot and either squeeze out the juice, or finely chop into a gruel. Soak a washcloth in the juice or place a mashed plant between its layers and apply to a cleansed face. Lie down, rest with a mask for half an hour. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Repeat the procedure with the application of the mask daily for a week, then a week once every 2 days, and for a couple of weeks only twice in seven days. The total course of treatment will take a month, during which your skin will become clearer, get rid of the rash.

Aloe mask for oily skin

Great if there are no rashes on the face. If you are worried about oily sheen, then you should try to prepare a mask for yourself with the addition of lemon juice.

It includes, in addition to lemon juice and aloe, protein whipped into a strong foam.

All ingredients are mixed in a clean bowl. Due to the beaten egg, the mask will not be very liquid. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to achieve a dense consistency, then simply soak a gauze bandage in the liquid and straighten it on a pre-cleaned face.

Try not to talk with the applied mask - the egg mixture strongly tightens the skin, and unwanted wrinkles may remain.

Like any mask, hold for about fifteen minutes and rinse with cool water. The pores after such a procedure are narrowed, the skin looks refreshed. After the aloe mask for oily skin, apply a light cream.

Aloe mask for dry skin

Those whom nature has awarded with aristocratic thin and dry skin should worry about the early aging of the skin.

To maintain youth and elasticity, the face needs additional moisture.

This is facilitated by an aloe mask for dry skin, made from juice, glycerin and oatmeal.

Pour boiling water over the oatmeal, cover with a lid and let it brew until the gruel is warm. Then mix with aloe juice and glycerin (1:1) so that the gruel remains thick enough. Apply to the face, avoiding the nasal area and around the eyes. After about 10-15 minutes, wash off the mask with water, maybe with a couple of drops of citrus essential oil or lemon juice, and apply a light cream that matches your skin type.

An additional version of such a mask involves the use of the above ingredients (aloe juice, glycerin and oatmeal or flakes) along with honey. The mask is easy to prepare. Pour hot water over oatmeal, add other ingredients according to the recipe and beat with a blender. Let it brew for 15 minutes and apply a thick layer on a cleansed face.

Masks are used two or three times a week so that the skin has time not only to feed on useful substances, but also to rest from the effects of active substances.

Aloe anti-wrinkle mask

Aloe juice is useful for aging facial skin. In addition to those masks that are used for dry skin, you can make a special one for fading. The recipe is suitable for those who are not allergic to honey.

Prepare a blender in which you need to beat a mixture of a couple of tablespoons of honey with aloe juice. The aloe anti-wrinkle mask is designed to revitalize the face, give it radiance and moisturize. To do this, hold it on your face longer, about 40 minutes. The layer must be thick. You can cover the top with a gauze bandage. Follow the rules for applying the mask - avoid the T-zone.

A mask for mature skin with sour cream will also appeal to owners of dry skin.
Mix two tablespoons of honey, aloe juice and sour cream. Hold the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes and rinse your face with a contrast shower. Instead of pure juice, finely chopped leaf pulp can be mixed.

Aromatherapy lovers will appreciate the recipe using rose, ylang-ylang and lemon ethers.

Add a couple of drops of the above flavors to three tablespoons of plant pulp. Further, the usual use of the mass as a mask: application, 15 minutes of exposure and washing with cool water.

Compositions with aloe for the body

Biostimulated aloe juice

To wipe the face, not only fresh plant juice is used. There is a way to prepare the so-called biostimulated aloe juice, which retains its beneficial properties for 14 days.

To do this, the plant itself must "be patient" without watering for 20 days.

Then a few fresh leaves are cut from it, placed in the refrigerator, in a place for storing fruits, so as not to freeze. First you need to wrap it in paper. The ends of the plant should remain open.

It is necessary to withstand the cut leaves for two weeks, so that during this time the process of biostimulation begins in them. This is precisely what is achieved with the help of artificial drought and cold.

After the specified period, the sheets are crushed and poured with boiling water in a ratio of approximately 1:3. Infuse for half an hour in a dark place, covered with a lid. The solution obtained in this way is filtered through gauze several times. Store in the bottom of the refrigerator and apply externally.

Aloe juice with alcohol

An alcohol solution of juice is obtained by simple dilution with medical alcohol in a ratio of 1:4. However, when using such a concentrated solution, it should be further diluted at least twice.

Another option for obtaining an alcohol solution of aloe is to let the pulp of the leaves brew in vodka or alcohol for ten days. Remember to stir several times a day. Such lotions should be used with caution.

If you are not used to cosmetics containing alcohol, then start with a highly diluted version.

frozen aloe juice

Prepare fresh agave juice in the usual way, pour into special molds and send to the freezer. It is best to use silicone molds for sweets - small in volume, easy-to-use "lollipops" are obtained. Wipe the face with acne, with minor inflammation. Cold has an additional anesthetic effect.

For oily skin, aloe juice is used with tincture of calendula, oak bark. Ice for dry skin can be with linden, raspberry or rose petals.

Ointments, emulsions and creams with aloe juice

Sometimes ointments based on miraculous aloe juice are used. To do this, take the fat melted from the fat and mix with the fresh juice of the plant. If the mixture begins to delaminate, then add beeswax as an emulsifier.

With wax, you can also make a cream that is more delicate in texture. Buy a cream base, which is sold by specialized online stores of eco-cosmetics, add beeswax, almond oil and fresh aloe juice to it.

Such a mixture is not stored for a very long time, like any natural cosmetics prepared by oneself. Two weeks in a clean container on a shelf in the refrigerator, no longer. Can be used regardless of skin type.

If you mix fresh perennial juice with eucalyptus oil, castor oil and alcohol, then heat it in a water bath and beat the resulting mixture, you will get an emulsion to cleanse the face of impurities.

You should not use this composition often, as it contains a lot of essential oils that actively affect the skin.

Facial scrubs with aloe: recipes

Many cosmetic companies offer aloe products to their customers. For example, scrubs. They can be found in the product line from Oriflame, ALOE TREASURES and others.

According to customer reviews, this cosmetics is not satisfactory. Most of all "annoys" the price of products than quality. This applies to elite cosmetics of world brands.

In this case, there is only one way out - to use traditional medicine recipes that have been tested for centuries.

It is easy to prepare at home a mild anti-inflammatory and moisturizing scrub. For it, mix cornmeal (sold in grocery stores) with aloe juice. The gruel will soften the skin, relieve inflammation and moisturize. Instead of flour, use oatmeal, cosmetic clay.

Refrain from using aloe juice when treating children or the elderly. Allergy sufferers, pregnant women are also in the ranks of those who should not abuse this plant. During menstruation, exposure to aloe juice can cause a sudden allergic reaction, even if there were no problems before.

Video: Aloe masks for a youthful face

Video: Aloe for the face. super mask

In almost every house on the windowsill you can find such an unpretentious plant as aloe. But few people know about the beneficial properties of the agave, thanks to which it is called the "healing plant". In addition to bactericidal, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, this plant has a "powerful" cosmetic effect.

Useful properties of aloe for facial skin

Aloe juice has an excellent soothing effect. It softens and smoothes the skin. People whose skin is prone to irritation, dryness, redness, are advised to use aloe for the face. At home, cosmetics are prepared that relieve irritation, remove red spots and reduce itching.

Agave juice contains a large vitamin and mineral reserve: silicon and copper, fluorine, vitamins A, B, C, E, iron and iodine, zinc. The juice contains such useful substances as lignins. They are able to penetrate deep into the skin and have a beneficial effect on it right from the inside. In addition, they contribute to skin renewal, activate the processes of healing and cell regeneration. Even age spots with a properly selected aloe juice-based product can be removed in a few weeks.

Indications and contraindications

Aloe is one of the few medicinal plants that have a minimal set of contraindications for use. It is undesirable to use the agave in the "critical" moments that occur in women every month. It is also not recommended to use aloe for pregnant women, nursing mothers and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Very rarely there are cases of individual intolerance or allergies. But if you have even the slightest doubt, then do not use fresh aloe for your face. Test it on the skin of your hand. Let it soak. If no irritation, itching or redness has appeared, then it can be safely applied to the skin of the face.

Now for the testimony. Aloe for facial skin can be used by women suffering from problems such as acne and rashes, redness and chapping, peeling and oily sheen. Aloe is a universal helper. It nourishes and moisturizes dry skin, helps to dry out oily skin a little, and relieves fading skin of small unpleasant wrinkles.

By the way, aloe for the face at home can also be used to eliminate the effects of negative factors. This may be the effect of a solarium, direct sunlight, the effect of using bad, low-quality cosmetics. Aloe will help fight with a dull complexion.

Proper preparation of juice from aloe

As you know, it has healing and cosmetic properties. However, in order to get juice, you should properly prepare aloe leaves (for the face). At home, it should be noted, this is done much more carefully than in production. Therefore, homemade cosmetics with aloe juice are more effective and safer than store-bought ones.

Experts advise choosing leaves that grow on an adult plant. Aloe must be over three years old. It is recommended to stop watering the plant for a couple of days. After that, the largest, fleshy and juicy-looking leaves are selected. They need to be washed and dried. It is not recommended to squeeze the juice right away. Beauticians advise a little to hold the leaves in the refrigerator. Thus, the juice will be more viscous and saturated.

After resting in the refrigerator, the leaves can be crushed and the juice squeezed through cheesecloth. It is important that they are stored only for 2-3 days. Then you should prepare a new sheet for wringing.

Refreshing and toning

If the face is in good condition, it just lacks tone, then an aloe and honey face mask will help you. For cooking, you need two tbsp. spoons of warmed liquid honey and one teaspoon of aloe juice. The mixture is applied to the face and left there for ten minutes.

If your face lacks freshness, if it is tired during the day and requires immediate attention, then we advise you to prepare an egg mask with aloe. To prepare such a mixture, you should take: 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and a little fat sour cream. The mixture is applied all over the face. You can affect the area of ​​the neck and décolleté. Keep the mask for 25-35 minutes. Wash it off with warm water, then rinse with cold.

A mask of aloe juice and avocado also has a refreshing and tonic effect. Mix one tablespoon of aloe juice with crushed avocado and apply on face. Keep this mask for about 15 minutes. Aloe for facial skin in this case will act as a moisturizer. It will saturate dry skin, but in this case, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of olive oil to the mask. By the way, many other fruit masks (apricot, pineapple, etc.) will have the same effect.

Aloe for problem skin

A lot of women and girls suffer from rashes or excessive oily skin. Aloe will also help here. Medicinal properties, recipes are very diverse. But one of the most effective is the mask with aloe and lemon juice. The ingredients should be mixed in equal proportions and applied to the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. After such a mask, the pores are noticeably narrowed, an unpleasant oily sheen is removed. The skin becomes drier, but at the same time nourished and hydrated.

If you need more "formidable artillery" in order to cope with acne, inflammation, blackheads and enlarged pores, then we advise you to prepare a mask of aloe and radish. We rub the vegetable on a fine grater. Add an equal amount of sage broth and aloe juice. Keep it on your face for about twenty minutes and wash off with cold water.

Aloe lotion

Ideal helpers for women with oily skin are alcohol tinctures. Aloe face lotion helps to narrow pores, reduce oily sheen. For preparation, two parts of medical alcohol and one part of aloe pulp juice are used. Mixed ingredients are removed in a dark place for a week.

It is important to remember that alcohol is a rather aggressive substance. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such alcohol tinctures and lotions for girls whose skin is not prone to oily.

Aloe Gel

Many women prefer creams to various cosmetics in the form of a gel. If you do not trust the production of cosmetics on an industrial scale, then you can always prepare aloe gel for the face at home. It is important to remember that homemade gel is stored an order of magnitude less than store-bought. But you can be sure of its natural and safe composition, because you will make it with your own hands.

To prepare, you will need: four large fleshy aloe leaves, vitamin E (sold in a pharmacy in ampoules or 5 mg bottles), a clean mixing bowl, a jar for storing the gel and a home mixer for crushing the leaves.

So, we are preparing a face gel with recipes described on the Web in full size, but sometimes the latter are quite laborious. We have chosen one of the simple and quick cooking methods. Washing and drying aloe leaves is not necessary in this recipe. Just wipe them off the dust and place them in a container for grinding. After obtaining a homogeneous green mass, two drops of vitamin E should be added to it. It will act here not only as a useful tool, but also as a preservative, allowing the gel to last longer.

Aloe leaf gel is quite concentrated, so it should only be used on the face in a diluted form. Such a homemade gel will perfectly replace the purchased options. You need to store it in the refrigerator. Expiry date - one month.

Aromatic face masks with aloe

It is known that natural essential oils have a beneficial effect on the skin. But you can not use them as an independent tool in its pure form. Aroma oils must be added a few drops to a cream or lotion.

Preparing a cream with aromatic oils and aloe for the face at home is very quick and easy. This will require aloe juice and essential oils of ylang-ylang, rose and lemon. Add one drop of each oil to the aloe juice and apply on the face for a few minutes.

Such a mask will perfectly refresh the skin, tone it, get rid of the network of small wrinkles. In addition, these masks are perfect for teenagers whose problem skin needs gentle cleansing and moisturizing.

Masks for mature skin

Wrinkles are the eternal problem of women of Balzac age and older. Aloe face masks for wrinkles help very effectively and quickly. In addition, with constant use, the effect will last for a long time. And the naturalness of the components that make up the masks and creams with aloe does not make you nervous.

Mask for fine wrinkles

One tablespoon of pulp or aloe juice is mixed with a spoonful of sour cream. Before applying the product to the face, the skin should be cleansed. It is recommended to keep the mixture for no more than fifteen minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Loose skin mask

Any of your cream (1 tsp) is mixed with aloe juice (1 tsp). Stir thoroughly, add 1 tsp. olive oil. Before applying this mask to the face, it must be thoroughly steamed with a hot towel. You need to apply the mask along the massage lines, you can apply it on the neck and décolleté. After 15 minutes of being on the face, remove it with a cotton pad. You don't need to wash off the mask.

Mask for wrinkles with mustard

You have already learned how aloe is useful for the face. But you don’t know yet that its anti-aging properties will increase a hundredfold if “hot” components are added to it. Substances such as red pepper tincture or stimulate the skin, warm it up and help the aloe juice penetrate faster and better affect problem areas.

Try making a mustard wrinkle mask at home. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of aloe juice with two pinches of mustard powder. After mixing, add 1 teaspoon of butter (previously melted) and 3-5 tablespoons of St. John's wort decoction (it is better not to use packaged herbs).

This mixture, as we have already said, has a "hot" effect, so it is recommended to keep the mask on your face for no more than three minutes. After that, it is easily removed by washing with cool water. It is recommended to use this mask once a week.

Lifting mask for the décolleté area

So, you already know how to use aloe for the face, but we have not talked about such problem areas as the neckline and neck. We suggest you prepare a mask for the décolleté and neck, which has a rejuvenating, tightening and moisturizing effect.

You will need: fat sour cream or heavy cream (1 tbsp. Spoon), 2 tbsp. spoons of aloe juice. You can add a couple of tablespoons of softened honey to the mixture. Remember that honey is a pretty strong allergen. If you have reactions to it, then it is better to exclude it from the composition of this mask.

The mixture is applied to the problem area (neck, décolleté) for 15 minutes. Washes off easily with warm water.

with aloe

In skin care, you can use not only masks, gels and lotions based on agave, but also frozen aloe juice for the face. Reviews for cosmetic ice are extremely positive. It perfectly tones the skin, tightens it, saturates it with nutrients during washing.

The basis for making ice is decoctions of medicinal plants. If your skin is prone to oiliness, then it is better to take a decoction of oak bark or calendula. If the skin is dry, linden, raspberry, rose are perfect. Add a couple of teaspoons of aloe juice to the prepared medicinal decoction. Pour into specially prepared molds and place in the freezer.

Beauticians advise every morning to use cosmetic ice while washing. Due to the fact that it is cold, the skin wakes up faster and becomes elastic. And herbal extracts and aloe juice as part of such ice will nourish the skin, saturate it with vitamins, tighten and smooth.

Aloe for chapped lips

So many people suffer from such an unpleasant addiction as biting their lips during stress or licking them outside during cold windy weather. There is no benefit from such a habit, and getting rid of it can sometimes be quite difficult.

This is where agave juice comes to the rescue. It has a rather pronounced bitter taste, so once you put it on your lips, you won't want to lick them anymore. It is important that when it enters the body, aloe juice has only a positive effect and even a child will not have any negative consequences from such licking.

Everyone knows the medicinal abilities of this unique home plant, but few people know about the cosmetic properties. An easy-to-prepare anti-inflammatory aloe face mask will make even the most problematic skin look youthful and radiant with regular use.

You have healing aloe growing on the windowsill of your house, but you just can’t figure out how to use these prickly fleshy leaves? It's time to find out that this plant is an excellent natural cosmetic skin care product. Effective, very useful, nourishing face masks with aloe have cosmetic and medicinal properties. With their regular use, you can forget about the problems that your skin has been suffering from for a long time, about the complexes that develop on this basis. Give your skin a second wind, let it become healthy and radiant again, because the face is the calling card of any woman.

Aloe: beneficial properties for the face

To be convinced of the powerful effect of aloe on the skin, just look at the chemical composition of this medicinal plant. Each substance in it in its own way affects the processes occurring at the cellular level. A targeted, complex effect easily contributes to the manifestation of those amazing results that, with regular use of aloe for the face, will not be long in coming. They can be seen in the mirror with the naked eye. What does this plant consist of, which has moved to us from distant deserts?

  • Pectin - a natural carbohydrate with moisture-saving properties: thanks to it, aloe for dry skin of the face is the most effective and useful remedy for moisturizing;
  • carotenoids - organic pigments that prevent skin flaking and improve complexion;
  • catechins - flavonoids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, do not allow allergies and are a drug for various skin allergic reactions;
  • aloin - the basis of aloe, a substance that gives its juice a bitter taste, actively protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation, under the influence of which the epidermis quickly dries out and ages;
  • tannins - products of plant origin that effectively narrow enlarged pores, which have antimicrobial and bactericidal agents, which makes it possible to use aloe for;
  • organic acids (cinnamon , l-coumaric, lemon, amber, apple) start regeneration processes in cells, contributing to the rejuvenation of mature, wrinkled, fading skin;
  • B vitamins , A (retinol), E (tocopherol), C (ascorbic acid) needed to nourish the various layers of the epidermis, retain youth, being active participants in metabolic processes occurring at the cellular level, contributing to increased production of collagen and elastin fibers, which make the skin supple and young;
  • trace elements help vitamins to be absorbed, put in order the metabolism in cells, have a great effect on blood circulation, which in itself has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • mineral salts universal in their action, as they maintain the water-salt balance in the cells, which is important when caring for the glands so that the glands do not produce too much fat, and dry skin receives sufficient moisture.

Given such wonderful properties of the chemical composition of the agave, it becomes clear why aloe face masks, carefully caring for the skin, effectively prevent many of its diseases and quickly eliminate a variety of defects.

Using at home such a wonderful natural cosmetic product that many people grow on the windowsill, you can save money and at the same time take care of the beauty and health of your own skin. You just need to know in which cases these masks are most effective.

Indications and contraindications

Having a wide range of effects on the skin, homemade masks with aloe are recommended to be done regularly for those who have already tried many cosmetic products to solve their problem, but have not achieved the desired result. Indications for their use may be:

  • oily skin : many substances of this plant normalize the activity of the subcutaneous glands, effectively ridding the face of oily gloss and greasy film;
  • dry : agave - a wonderful natural moisturizer;
  • signs of aging (wrinkles, wilting, yellowness, folds): aloe juice smoothes wrinkles (shallow), turns yellowness into a natural blush, relieves fatigue, straightens wrinkles;
  • mixed (combined), normal : face masks with aloe nourish the skin with all the vitamins and microelements it needs;
  • problematic : the plant has wonderful wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties, which are very pronounced in the treatment of acne and at any age;
  • sensitive : after agave masks, the skin is under an invisible but effective protective screen for a long time from various negative external influences;
  • dull : aloe helps to ensure that yellowish, grayish, earthy and other unhealthy shades of the face come off - after masks with it, the skin acquires a radiance of beauty and the most healthy color.

Often, beauties who want to take advantage of this gift of nature ask how such contradictory properties can coexist in one plant: abundant hydration can ruin oily skin, while for dry skin, the narrowing of already closed pores is detrimental. The answer is in numerous recipes for masks. In them you can find auxiliary, additional ingredients that can enhance or neutralize, soften the various properties of aloe. For example, fatty sour cream expands the pores and enhances the moisturizing effect of the agave, while lemon juice narrows the pores. Accordingly, sour cream masks with aloe are suitable for, and lemon ones for oily ones. Along with this, it must be remembered that the juice and pulp of this plant are a highly effective, very active biological substance. That's why masks based on them have a number of contraindications :

  • menstruation;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • telangiectasia (blood capillaries are close to the surface of the epidermis);
  • hypertrichosis (abundant facial hair);
  • individual intolerance.

To avoid an allergic reaction, which is noted quite often on aloe, it is recommended to preliminarily be sure to test . Apply the mixture on the wrist (on the inner bend of the elbow), rinse after half an hour. Observe: there should be no irritating effects (itching, redness). In this case, you can fearlessly use the masks for their intended purpose.

Instructions for using masks with aloe for the face

When using aloe for facial skin care, the preliminary stage of preparing raw materials is of great importance. If it was carried out correctly, the mask will turn out to be amazing and truly healing.

  1. Cut off the lower leaves of the plant. Rinse them with water. Wrap in gauze. Put in the refrigerator for two weeks (if it does not tolerate, you can for one and a half). During this time, aloe will have time to release biological stimulants that are most beneficial to the skin. You can use the leaves immediately after cutting, but these substances have not yet had time to develop, and the mask will not be as effective.
  2. After the required time has passed, remove the leaves, carefully cut them lengthwise. You can use only aloe juice: squeeze it into a separate bowl. You can make masks from the pulp of the plant: grind cold leaves in a blender.
  3. Check the prepared raw materials for the presence of allergens for your skin.
  4. After the juice or pulp of aloe are mixed with other components of the mask, they can all be scrolled together again in a blender so that the mask is without lumps and lies flat on the skin. But it is not necessary to do so.
  5. Cosmetic oils (burdock, almond, peach, castor oil, jojoba and others), as well as honey and kefir, are recommended before mixing warm up to 40 degrees . But be extremely careful with this if the mask contains eggs (white, yolk) and esters. If the products are overheated to a hot state, the egg or its components will curdle, essential oils will become useless.
  6. Steam the skin with a steam bath (preferably with herbs), clean open pores from various skin debris with any scrub.
  7. Masks are applied to the face with a special spatula or fingertips along the massage lines, avoiding the skin around the eyes.
  8. During the cosmetic procedure, you need to take a lying position, relax, do not activate facial expressions, and, if possible, keep any emotions. On top of the mask, you can put gauze with slits for the eyes and nose.
  9. The time of action varies in each case individually. Much will depend on the other components of the mask: in the presence of cinnamon, salt, mustard, cognac, 15-20 minutes is enough. In other cases, the mask with aloe on the face can be left for half an hour.
  10. The mask is easily washed off with regular washing, after which the usual cream for daily use is applied to the skin.
  11. Frequency: as a prophylactic, in the absence of visible problems, masks can be done once a week, after a bath or bath. If the goal is to treat one of the skin ailments, you can apply them every three days. However, keep in mind that the general course of treatment should be no more than three weeks, after which the skin should be allowed to rest for a couple of weeks.

Simple, accessible, useful and extraordinarily effective - this is the treatment of facial skin with aloe juice.

Learn how to prepare such masks with your own hands - and skin problems will no longer arise.

Aloe Facial Mask Recipes

When choosing recipes for masks with aloe, consider their focus: what type of skin they are intended for, what effect they have, what problems they can solve. Also be guided by the fact that the dosages of the components are approximate, somewhere on the average length of the hair.

  • Aloe + cream = for normal skin

Mix two tablespoons of aloe juice and heavy cream.

  • Aloe + protein = mask-film for

Beat until foamy two tablespoons of aloe juice with two.

  • Aloe + herbs = anti-acne

Grind in a blender a tablespoon of lime blossom and rose petals, two tablespoons of St. John's wort and chamomile, one teaspoon of peppermint. Pour all this with five tablespoons of aloe juice.

  • Aloe + lemon =

Mix two tablespoons of chopped aloe pulp and lemon juice.

  • Aloe + honey + olive oil + oatmeal = cleansing

Mix one tablespoon each of aloe juice, warm honey, natural olive oil and oatmeal, crushed flour.

  • Aloe + honey = nutrition

Mix three tablespoons of warm honey with one tablespoon of crushed aloe pulp. The mask of honey and aloe perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, heals any type of skin.

  • Aloe compress = against acne

Moisten a cloth (gauze) abundantly in aloe juice, apply on the face.

  • Ice with aloe = rejuvenation

Pour two tablespoons of crushed aloe pulp with a glass of water at room temperature, set for 6 hours, pour into ice molds and put in the freezer for a day. Wipe the skin every day in the morning.

Magical, miraculous in its action, unusually easy to prepare, homemade aloe face masks will help you feel beautiful and young again. Want to always look good and be confident? Regular use of this medicinal and cosmetic natural remedy is a guarantee of the beauty and health of your skin.

Anti-inflammatory, healing face masks with aloe: the best medicine for problem skin

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Every woman wants to look young, have thick beautiful hair, a well-groomed face, a smaller aloe plant in this regard can be a godsend for each of you.

It's great if you have an agave growing on the window at home. You are just happy people! After all, the agave is both a pharmacy in the house and a great way to care for your appearance!

Aloe juice in cosmetology can be used for any type of skin. For oily people, this is an excellent remedy for acne. It moisturizes dry skin, and nourishes fading skin, makes it elastic and promotes collagen synthesis.

What you will learn from this article:

Useful and healing properties of agave for home cosmetology

The juice of this plant contains many wonderful ingredients that heal, heal and rejuvenate the skin. Use aloe at any age - the result will be the same! A well-groomed face, without the slightest flaws, clean and smooth skin, a minimum of age wrinkles.

The basis of the healing action of these leaves is a complete set of vitamins, mineral salts and a variety of substances that improve metabolic processes in cells. Only about two hundred unique components that, interacting with each other, have an incredibly beneficial effect on cleansing and nourishing the skin, as well as growing and strengthening hair.

Mucopolysaccharide acemanan attracts water and moisturizes dry, aging skin.

Vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium are the four knights, always ready to protect the skin from free radicals. The synthesis of collagen fibers that provide elasticity and protect against aging is the merit of antioxidant vitamins.

Various enzymes, phytoncides, resinous substances, salicylic acid and essential oils, wound healing saccharides and saponins have anti-inflammatory properties and perfectly help to care for oily, problem skin, especially if there is a tendency to acne and acne.

Aloe juice has biostimulating properties and smoothes wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial folds, wrinkles in the forehead and décolleté. Creams containing plant components make our hands young and heal cracks. And using shampoos and hair masks on the same basis, you can grow amazingly thick and lush hair.

How to get juice from biostimulated leaves.

It is believed that the most pronounced anti-aging and healing properties have leaves processed by the method of biogenic stimulation.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, a plant of three to five years of age is suitable. Previously, the agave is not watered for two weeks. Such a shake-up causes the cells of the plant to produce special biogenic stimulants for protection.

After the resulting drought, the required number of the largest leaves are cut off, which usually grow at the very bottom of the bush. They even dry out at the ends. Then all the leaves are wrapped in parchment, leaving the ends open to allow the plant to breathe. And put it in the refrigerator for two weeks.

In such adverse conditions, the plant begins to lose its vitality. In order not to die, special biogenic stimulants are produced in it, which make the cells increase their vital activity and maintain viability.

After a two-week confinement, the leaves are washed, crushed, water is added in a ratio of 1:3 and mixed. The mixture is allowed to stand for a couple of hours, filtered and placed in a glass container. Stored in the refrigerator.

If the juice obtained in this way is taken by a person or treated with skin, then the plant will transfer these life-giving forces to him and will have a truly extraordinary healing effect.

Recipes for masks with agave juice for the face

In addition to juice prepared according to the biostimulation method, you can immediately use the pulp of cut leaves. Grind, mix with water or alcohol, freeze. An important condition is that you need to use cut leaves immediately for several hours. The longer you store, the less useful properties remain in the plant.

Aloe mask recipes for dry skin

Recipe 1. Mix in equal proportions a tablespoon of gruel of aloe and fatty sour cream. After that, you need to apply a mask on the face and décolleté for about 20 minutes. Then rinse everything off with water. Do this mask twice a week for at least a month.

Recipe 2. Mix aloe juice, oatmeal, linden honey and olive oil in equal proportions. Keep the mixture on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

Agave Recipes for Oily Skin

Recipe 1. An aqueous solution of aloe juice (for 200 ml of boiling water, 5 tablespoons of chopped plant pulp) pour into cells and freeze in the freezer. Rub your face with an ice cube. The procedure should be carried out both in the morning and in the evening.

Recipe 2. Pour the pulp with vodka in a ratio of 4: 1. Wash your face with lotion twice a day.

Recipe 3. Make lotions from an aqueous solution of plant pulp and water (proportions 1: 1). Just soak a gauze in this solution, put it on your face, shoulders, wherever there are pimples and hold on the inflamed areas for 15 minutes.

Recipe 4. You can mix 50 ml of water with alcohol tincture of calendula and aloe juice, taken in 20 ml. Wipe your face with this solution daily.

Recipe 5. Take a tablespoon of the crushed plant and mix with white or blue clay powder to a mushy state. Apply a face mask. Wash off with water after 20 minutes.

Recipe 6. Mix white or blue cosmetic clay with plant juice to make a thick slurry. Apply this paste all over the face. After twenty minutes, wash off with water.

Recipes for normal skin

Recipe 1. Mix fresh, crushed agave leaf and honey in equal proportions. Leave it on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Recipe 2. You can take a tablespoon of cream or yogurt, mixed with the same amount of aloe juice. Apply to the face, after 15 minutes, rinse everything with water.

Recipe 3. Dissolve 100 grams of internal pork fat in a water bath (do not overheat!). In a slightly warm, but not frozen fat, add chopped aloe in the amount of two tbsp. spoons, as well as half a teaspoon of rose water or a few drops of essential rose oil. Stir thoroughly and place the finished cream in a glass jar in the refrigerator for storage. Use as a night cream.

Recipes for aging skin

Recipe 1. Mix with a blender 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fat sour cream with a teaspoon of aloe juice and egg yolk. Apply the mask on the face with a brush, layer by layer as each layer dries. Wash it off with water after 20 minutes. Finish off with a nourishing cream.

Recipe 2. Wipe your face daily with fresh and undiluted aloe juice or plant pulp. Make lotions on the wrinkle area. If skin irritation occurs, dilute the juice with water. The duration of the course is usually 3-4 weeks.

Recipe 3. You can freeze in molds the crushed pulp of two large leaves mixed with a 200 ml cup of water. Wipe your face with ice in the morning.

Recipe 4. Prepare a mixture of aloe juice with yogurt, sour cream or egg yolk. Combine to your liking. Take the ingredients in equal proportions. Keep the masks on your face for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Carry out such procedures every other day. Already after the fifth procedure you will notice positive changes. The freshness of the face will appear, the color and velvety will improve. The skin will become smooth, without any roughness.

Aloe juice with an expanded capillary network and redness of the skin

Daily in the evenings, lubricate the skin of the face and décolleté with juice from a freshly cut leaf. Just cut it lengthwise and rub in the fleshy pulp. This process may take more than one month. Conduct a course for a month, then take a break, and after 2 weeks resume and repeat several courses. In the future, periodically carry out it preventively.

Whitening mask to remove traces of pigmentation on the face

Mix half a teaspoon of aloe and lemon juices. Add a whole teaspoon of flower honey with castor oil. Add oatmeal to make a thick porridge. Apply the mask to a cleansed face. Wash off with water after 20 minutes. This is a vitamin, whitening and pore-tightening mask with a biostimulating effect.

Recipes for masks to strengthen and stimulate hair growth

For hair make a mask with aloe. It enhances growth, helps get rid of dandruff. Such procedures are very good for weakened, split ends. Protect from falling out. Nourishes normal hair with vitamins and biogenic stimulants

Recipe 1. It's easier than ever, just before washing your hair, add a tablespoon of freshly chopped plant pulp to the shampoo. The shampoo washes away dirt and grease, improves the access of beneficial elements of the agave to the hair follicles.

Recipe 2. To strengthen falling hair, take Art. a spoonful of juice from the agave plant and mixed with egg yolks from two eggs. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of natural sour cream. Rubbed first into the skin of the entire head, then the hair is treated. The head is wrapped in polyethylene or cellophane, covered with a warm scarf. The exposure time is half an hour, then washed off with water, without any shampoo. The head is washed very well.

Recipe 3. Take under Art. a spoonful of squeezed onion juice, honey and aloe, as well as one egg. Add half a teaspoon of mustard. All this mixture is applied to the hair roots, covered with polyethylene, and on top with a towel. It is advisable to wait half an hour. Some people may experience an unbearable burning sensation. In this case, it is better to wash off the mask with water. Time after time, the burning sensation will decrease.

Recipe 4. If hair loss is severe, you can also make such a mask: mix honey with aloe juice, taking 1 tbsp. spoon. Add 1 teaspoon garlic juice and egg yolk. After rubbing into the scalp, it is necessary to wrap it with plastic wrap and warm with a towel. Hold for 30 minutes. Rinse with nettle decoction.

Recipe 5. Alcohol tincture of aloe juice, which must be rubbed into the skin of the scalp 3 times a week, is excellent against dandruff.

Recipe 6. Incomparably beautiful hair will be after such a mask! Take one part of agave juice and castor oil, add 2 parts of kefir. (1 part corresponds to 1 tablespoon). Enter 10 ml of vitamin E and A. Apply to the head, hold for 30 minutes and rinse with water. The mask is done twice a week.

After hair care with masks with aloe juice, the condition of the hair improves quickly. They become shiny, silky, lush, the structure is strengthened, loss stops.

Aloe juice in cosmetology is a versatile and very effective remedy. The richness of vitamins, an exceptionally balanced mineral complex, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory components and much more has a beneficial effect on any type of facial skin and perfectly strengthens hair roots.

Of course, today you can buy any creams, tonics, cleansing milk, aloe-based shampoos, but a home-made product using exclusively natural ingredients does not contain any additives and is incomparable in price with expensive imported cosmetics.

If you don’t have an agave at home, it makes sense to get one! Ask your friends to give you a leaf of a plant. He's doing remarkably well. If you can’t get an agave in this way, buy it at a flower shop in your city.

Where to buy an aloe plant? The easiest way is to make a request through Yandex or Google “Where to buy an agave at your place of residence?” And no problem - there will be a lot of answers, and the price is trifling - from 100 rubles.