The magical properties of beryl. Variety and unusual properties of beryl. Beryl products

No one remembers exactly how the word “beryl” is translated, but it is known for certain that it came from the ancient Greeks, who called any transparent green stone beryl. Even the Egyptian pharaohs decorated their bodies with beryl, and not only during their lifetime, but also after it, as evidenced by archaeological finds.

And the legendary emperor Nero was the owner of a monocle with a beryl lens, because polished beryl crystals served as the material for their manufacture. In the Middle Ages, with the help of polished beryl balls, sorcerers managed to find thieves. In addition, the stone was widely used in various magical rites, served as a material for the manufacture of church utensils and seals.

Description of the stone and its application

To describe this stone in general terms, the term "common beryl" should be used. But this generalized name is applicable only to translucent green stones with blue or yellow hues. If the shade is dark, then such stones are usually called emeralds. The color is due to the content of chromium impurities in the composition of the mineral.

Beryl is also found in its pure form. It is nothing but beryllium silicate, which has no color, that is, it is completely transparent. It is this chemical compound that serves as a raw material for the production of beryllium, which is part of light alloys. In fact, beryllium silicate has no value other than technological. Another thing is its multi-colored "brothers", which for the most part are precious stones used in jewelry.


The collection of different types of stones, united by the single name "beryl", has been known to mankind since antiquity. They have long conquered the hearts of the first beauties of the world who want to become the owners of such a gem, jewelry with it.

The collection of different types of stones, united by the single name "beryl", has been known to mankind since antiquity. They have long conquered the hearts of the first beauties of the world who want to become the owners of such a gem, jewelry with it. It has become no less desirable for private collections of lovers of various valuable minerals. Differing in color, but having similar physical and chemical features, these crystals have become very popular, in demand, and, as a result, quite expensive. They are often used in the jewelry industry, bringing excellent income to craftsmen and great pleasure to their owners.

Beryl stone: origin of the name and characteristics

Finding out the meaning, the origin of the name of the stone beryl, it is worth paying attention that the word "beryl" comes from the distorted Greek "virillos", which means "precious greenish-blue crystal". True, it remains unknown how this word got into the Greek language. According to K.P. Patkanov, the Persian words "bilor" or "bulur", which means "rock crystal", could be borrowed by the Arabs, after which the Greeks borrowed the name of the stone from the Arabs. In Rus', this gem had several names: shfel, virnlion, verios.

Despite the fact that the gem has been known to various peoples since ancient times, there has been a change in opinion about it from time to time. For example, among the ancient Greeks, only a crystal of a pale greenish hue, slightly less valuable than an emerald, was considered beryl.

Precious varieties of beryl stone: groups of minerals

To date, there are about 10 popular and not very varieties of the most beautiful beryl stone, which include:

Green emerald.

Pink morganite.

Red bixbit

Raspberry pezzotaite.

Yellow heliodor.

Blue-green aquamarine.

Colorless goshenite.

Nowadays, beryl is not a separate specific stone, but a whole group of gems, including also:

Bazzite(dim blue crystal containing scandium and not used in jewelry).

Augustite(a blue mineral that tends to fade over time).

Mashish(a stone of saturated blue tones, but quickly fading, therefore it is not in demand, it is of little value and is almost never mined).

They differ in color, transparency, interest in them in the jewelry market, and value equivalent.

Take a look, below are a photo of a beryl stone, and brief descriptions of each of its types.

Beryl deposits of different colors are located in Brazil, Mozambique, USA, Russia, Kazakhstan, and also in Madagascar. In Russia, Brazil, Pakistan, as well as on the African and Australian continents, beautiful transparent greenish crystals are found. Occasionally, they reflect blue or turquoise. The color range of minerals is due to the presence of impurities of chromium and vanadium. At the same time, the gems found in Brazil are paler and more fragile than the African finds. But the most beautiful are the crystals brought from South America. In addition, they are incredibly large compared to other emeralds. Such gems of igneous origin are called emeralds and are precious stones from varieties of beryl.

No less magnificent than emerald is the beautiful transparent type of beryl, which, due to impurities of cesium, lithium and manganese, has a pinkish, peach, slightly purple hue called morganite. Those who decide to purchase jewelry with this gem should remember that cesium, which is part of it, is radioactive, so it is better to wear a stone in rings and bracelets. The crystal was first discovered in California, but today Madagascar and Brazilian minerals are considered the best. The weight of these stones is different: museums store specimens of about 600 and even more than 1600 carats, but in most cases they are mined much smaller (gems ​​weighing 25 carats are considered large).

Varieties of red beryl

Separately, two varieties of the red mineral beryl should be mentioned:



The first variety of this gem was discovered in 1897 by the American mineralogist Maynard Bixby in the USA. In honor of him, the stone was named "bixbit". Today, the extraction of these minerals is carried out only in small quantities in the United States (Utah, New Mexico). Many sellers call this amazing gem "red emerald". Its shades are rich crimson, strawberry tones. The stone is quite hard, but at the same time fragile. Bixbite is considered to be the rarest gemstone in the world today.

The second variety of red beryl - crimson beryl - was found in the area of ​​Ambatovita (Madagascar) in November 2002. In September 2003, the new crimson beryl was named "pezzotaite" in honor of the discoverer of this stone, the Italian mineralogist Federico Pezzot. Since 2002, no more than 10 kilograms of pezzotaite have been mined, after which the deposit dried up. This entailed the artificial creation of crystals by hydrothermal and flux methods in the Russian Federation and Japan. Currently, only single specimens of pezzotaite are found in Madagascar. The gem received a thick crimson color due to the high content of cesium, which can be up to 15% in the mineral.

Transparent varieties of beryl: stones of yellow and blue colors

It is difficult to ignore the transparent yellow stone, another variety of beryl, heliodor (from the Greek "gift of the sun"). Its hue varies from golden yellow to almost brown, depending on the impurities that the mineral is rich in. Greenish tones will give it iron, and crystals containing uranium, when heated, acquire a delicate blue. And yet, the heliodors of yellowish colors are the most valuable, in demand. Initially, crystals were discovered in Namibia, but today its mining is carried out in Madagascar, in the USA (South Carolina), Sri Lanka, and the Russian Federation. The largest specimens of the yellow variety of beryl stone are found in Ukraine. Here, in Volyn, you can find crystals weighing even 100 carats. The most beautiful yellow gem, cut and enclosed in a gold or silver frame, rings, earrings, necklaces or bracelets are worn by all the world's beauties with pleasure.

Like drops of water frozen in ice crystals, the mineral aquamarine looks like. It would seem discreet, he won the hearts of many collectors and lovers of exquisite jewelry. For representatives of aristocratic society, this blue variety of the mineral beryl has become a hallmark. They even encrusted the crown of British monarchs. At the same time, the color range of crystals is quite extensive. They come in the following shades:

Sky-water (British).

Greenish (South Ural).

Intense blue (South American).

Bluish (Middle Ural and Transbaikal).

The color of the gems is due to the high concentration of quartz in them (about 70%). Interestingly, the color of the stones changes after they are under bright sunlight. Minerals become yellowish, even brownish. It is also interesting that dichroism is inherent in aquamarine (a change in the color of a stone when viewed from different angles), which distinguishes the original aquamarine from quartz fakes.

The least expensive type is goshenite. It is a colorless, transparent variety of beryl stone, which is why it is often confused with topaz or crystal. But such restraint of the crystal attracts jewelers. Despite the fact that the gem does not emit glare, its transparency, delicate luster, and relatively low cost make it a common material for jewelry inlay. Decorations with it look strictly, festively, beautifully. Goshenite is in demand among lovers of beautiful crystals, who often purchase it to replenish their private collections.

Beryl cost: stone price per carat

As for the cost of different types of beryls, each variety is estimated in its own way. The value of crystals depends on:

  1. Mining sites.
  2. belonging to one species or another.
  3. Crystal color brightness.

No less important indicators that affect the value of minerals are the presence of a cut, the purpose for which they will be used, as well as their weight.

For example, augustite is offered at prices up to $150 per carat, and the most inexpensive in this group is goshenite. The complete absence of color makes this stone unattractive for jewelers. Due to low demand, goshenite is quite difficult to find in cut form. Its price, as a rule, rarely exceeds $30 per carat.

The situation is completely different with the cost of such a variety of beryl stone as an emerald. At the same time, even for this type of gems, the price varies greatly. High-quality green beryl is called "emerald", while low-quality green beryl finds its way into the retail trade under the name "green beryl". Green beryl is incomparably cheaper than emerald, and the range of this difference can be enormous, from 2 to 2500 times.

According to the Russian standard TU 95 335-88, emerald, the color of which is weaker than 5 - “light green”, cannot be called “emerald” in trade - only “green beryl”. The best green beryls cost no more than $200 carats. If we consider the value of emeralds directly, then their cost is formed based on the quality of the crystals, their purity, weight, and combination of colors. The price for this type of beryl stone varies between $350 - $8500 per carat. Moreover, the more massive the gem, the more expensive it is. It happens that weighty large crystals (from 5 carats) of excellent quality and color approach $15,000 per carat.

Morganite also belongs to expensive crystals. The price category of jewelry with it, depending on the mandrel and the presence of additional inlay with other types of gems, may vary. For example, for a silver pendant with morganite, topaz and pearls, the price is $120, and a gold bracelet with morganite and diamonds is about $6500.

Red beryl (bixbite) is extremely rare, and for this reason it is almost never used by jewelers in jewelry. The same factor influenced the fact that it became the most precious of all varieties of beryl. The price of a cut gem-quality bixbit exceeds $10,000 per carat. Mostly small stones less than 1 carat are available.

Collectible non-gem-quality pezzotaite crystals are relatively inexpensive - from $50 to $100 per stone. If we talk about cut gem-quality pezzotaites, they are extremely rare on sale, and their price can reach $2500-$8000 per carat.

Massive aquamarines weighing more than 10 carats, reeking of deep blue with a cost of about $300, became the most bought. If the stones are smaller, have a green color, then the pricing policy for this case will be about $20. Also, the value is affected by the naturalness of the mineral, as evidenced by various irregularities and inclusions, making it more expensive. And a perfectly flat surface without flaws, most likely, will indicate the artificial origin of the stone, making it cheaper.

Heliodor is also a precious type of beryl stone, the value of which is affected by the quality of the crystal, its transparency and purity. A 6.5-carat oval gem is valued at $650, while a 4.5-carat cut crystal is $400. In a properly cut mineral, the radiance, beauty and grace of heliodor can be revealed, and products with such inlay will seem sparkling, deep, shining. Heliodor is often used by jewelers as the basis of a collection. The advantage of this gem is that time has no power over it - even after a year it will have a magnificent appearance.

The magical and astrological properties of beryl

Since ancient times, the properties and significance of different types of beryl stone have been known, due to which they were often used by magicians, amulets were made from them. For example, morganite is often used by mystics, people who want to comprehend the truth. It is also perfect for those who seek spiritual insight, the manifestation of talents. Aquamarine is believed to be able to feel the mood of its owner: when it is bad, the stone becomes greenish tones, and when it is good, the gem is transparent, heavenly tones. Beryl was considered the stone of philosophers, so it will be useful to all lovers of reflection. With its help, brain activity is activated, consciousness is clarified, and the intellectual ability of a person develops.

The magical properties of different types of beryl stone differ from each other. So, it is believed that aquamarine makes its owner bold, brave, protects against deceit, and goshenite helps to remain faithful in relationships, reveal the truth, catch lies. Heliodor endows with spiritual lightness, positive, cheerful mood, is able to relieve depression and longing, as well as dispel nightmares. Going to rest, do not forget to wear just such an ornament, but wearing it daily can cause windiness, volatility, and frivolity. It is believed that morganite attracts good luck, protects from trouble.

In general, beryl stone exhibits such magical properties as:

  1. Promotes mutual understanding of the couple.
  2. Establishes good relations in the family between all its representatives.

The crystal protects the house from the negative influence of guests or household members, quickly dispelling the negative, because it is reputed to be a symbol of peace and goodwill. In addition, beryl is a kind of guardian of the material and professional well-being of its owners. With financial difficulties, it is necessary to wear jewelry with beryl - and things will go up. The mineral will also help win the trial. And for a woman, this gem will become a source of female happiness: the husband will be loving, faithful, the children will be respectful, and the girlfriends will be sincere.

Knowing the magical properties of beryl stone, you should find out who it suits. Each stone of this group has its own, pronounced astrological properties. For example, the emerald is the birthstone of the month of May. Most astrologers claim that the emerald will be a good talisman for Taurus, who will help to realize all his plans. Sagittarius, Cancer, he will help calm down. For Leo, Aquarius and Pisces, the gem will become an assistant in maintaining warm relationships, family well-being, friendship, and love. Jewelry with a green stone adversely affects Aries, Virgo, Libra and Capricorn. It is necessary to exclude contacts with the Scorpio emerald.

Aquamarine is a March gem, it is also suitable for representatives of the water element (Pisces, Crayfish, Scorpions). This type of beryl stone will give the Libra zodiac sign the opportunity to once again show prudence, justice and objectivity in the event of a dispute. But it should be avoided by Gemini and Sagittarius, to whom it can cause a lot of trouble and trouble. With Taurus, aquamarine is not able to reveal its positive properties, remaining just a beautiful decoration.

Heliodor, morganite and goshenite are suitable for everyone, the signs of the Zodiac, and bixbit and pezzotaite are practically unknown to astrologers, since not many people managed to hold these stones in their hands. For Lviv and Pisces, heliodor will become a talisman against adversity, will give self-confidence, in Leo it will calm excessive rigidity, and Pisces will give a positive attitude, help in communication. Morganite interacts well with Pisces, Cancers, Scorpions, it has a great effect on the representatives of the air element, becoming their engine, making them successful.

At the same time, it is believed that, in terms of its astrological properties, the beryl stone is most suitable for representatives of the zodiac signs Libra, Gemini and Scorpio. He will give active Gemini self-confidence, help solve the most difficult tasks, make it possible to achieve success and not quit halfway through what they started.

Sunny beryl will dispel longing, gloom, melancholy, pessimistic mood of Libra. With its help, a depressive state will be eliminated, mood will be improved, a charge of vivacity and a desire to conquer new peaks will be received. The gem will reduce the manifestation of such negative traits of Libra representatives as laziness, apathy, lack of will, self-doubt. In addition, he will help in negotiations, establish friendly relations. And for sharp Scorpios, the stone will become a real helper in getting rid of negative emotions, anger, anger. It will give you the opportunity to become friendlier, more caring, to show a strong will, spirit, to feel your importance and invincibility.

Choose for yourself the type of beryl you like, which will become an excellent talisman!

Beryl is an ancient stone. In ancient Greece, it was called beryllos, but the Greeks called it all green transparent minerals. The original name of the gem is now impossible to restore, it has been lost for centuries.

A Brief History of Beryl

Archaeologists, conducting excavations in Egypt, found beryl beads. Further analysis showed that the age of these beads is about six thousand years.

In those days, there was a belief that this stone helps to know the future.

Heavenly Jerusalem in the image of John the Evangelist

The Bible says that beryl was laid as the eighth stone in the foundation of Heavenly Jerusalem.

Beryl was used in the manufacture of optical instruments. A monocle with lenses made from this mineral was used by the Roman Emperor Nero.

The same stone was used in ancient times during magical rites to attract rain.

Seals were made from it, decorations for churches and temples, and even used to protect against thieves.

Shapes and colors of beryl

Under natural conditions, the mineral is most often found in the form of a regular hexagon. Usually this stone has a transparent or translucent structure. Beryl occupies one of the first places in terms of strength and durability among other gems, and it was for these properties that jewelers and ancient nobility so fell in love with it.

Very large beryls are found in nature.

It is hardly possible to indicate the average size of beryl. Minerals were found only a few centimeters in size, but there were also giants whose dimensions were measured in meters.

Now the largest beryl is known, over eight meters long, and its weight is sixty-one tons! This stone was mined in the USA.

Blue aquamarine and green emerald are the most famous variations of this mineral.

The color of the mineral can vary from yellow to dark green with a marsh tint. But, despite this, there are many varieties of this stone:

  1. A stone of a yellow, golden or light green hue is called heliodor. It was first discovered at the beginning of the 20th century in Namibia. A jewelry set for Kaiser Wilhelm II was made from this stone. The author of the jewelry was the famous jeweler von Cranach.

  2. Minerals of peach, orange or pinkish hues are morganites. There are also bright red morganites. If you look at such beryls in the ultraviolet spectrum, they will appear pale lilac.

  3. Colorless minerals are called goshenites. These stones are often styled as emeralds or diamonds.

  4. Transparent beryls or having a pale pink color are called rosterites.

  5. Dark blue minerals are augustites. Sometimes these stones are called maxis. Maxis is a Brazilian deposit where this gem was first found.

  6. Light blue Italian minerals - bazzites. These stones are not used in the jewelry industry.

  7. An extremely rare mineral is black beryl, it does not have its own name, it is called black. The color of this gem is very unusual - the stone is black in the center, and its edging is light blue.

  8. Minerals that are green in color, but not similar to emeralds, are usually called noble. Various impurities sometimes give such stones yellow, blue and brownish hues.

  9. And finally, bright red beryl with purple tints. It was discovered at the beginning of the current century in Madagascar and was called pezzottaite. A little later, deposits of red beryl were discovered in Afghanistan and Myanmar.

All these varieties of the mineral have many common properties:

  • unfortunately, they are all quite fragile and easy to split;
  • they all have a beautiful glassy luster, and are very aesthetic in appearance;
  • all beryls are not susceptible to attack by acids, with the exception of hydrofluoric acid;
  • when convex spherical processing or cabochon-shaped minerals, many of them get the effect of "cat's eye".

There are many deposits of this mineral on the planet, including in Russia, in the CIS countries, Brazil, Mozambique, the USA and others.

The largest, most transparent and high-quality beryls are mined in Brazil. In this deposit it happened to find stones up to 70 centimeters long.

The magical properties of beryl

In the East, beryl is called the stone of peace of mind.

Each type of beryl can be an excellent protective talisman. The magical properties of this gem make a person charming, attractive in the eyes of others and bring success. The energy of the mineral streamlines the life of its owner, removes and softens unattractive personality traits and suggests a way out of the most confusing situations. In eastern countries, beryl was considered a stone of peace of mind and attributed to it the properties of protection against mental disorders.

These gems also help along the way and protect against theft.

The mineral is very good for those who are expected by a court or litigation. In this case, you need to choose the most transparent option.

Marital happiness is also under the auspices of beryl. The stone perfectly removes energy negativity, both external and emanating from one of the spouses. Quarrels and misunderstandings pass at home where this mineral is. But not only spouses are patronized by beryl - children and other relatives living in the house will all live in peace and understanding. It is especially good for spouses who have been married for ten or more years, when the initial ardor of feelings decreases.

Beryl helps soothsayers in understanding the vicissitudes of someone else's fate

This mineral was held in high esteem by fortune-tellers and soothsayers, because it could teach its owner to understand the signs of fate.

This gem will also be very useful for people of science - it enhances the abilities of the mind and allows you to find the right solution when solving difficult issues.

The stone will also help in a difficult situation to find the best way out for its owner.

In the old days, people, seeking to enhance the magical power of beryl, carved images of animals and birds on the stone.

The image of a hoopoe, for example, gave the ability to understand the language of mermen and even communicate with the other world.

The raven or crab depicted on the talisman protected peace and tranquility in the family. As a rule, the raven was depicted at the top of the talisman, and the crab at the bottom.

In the East, the image of a dragon was preferred. According to legend, the dragon made the warriors fearless and allowed them to return to their native lands unharmed.

A frog inscribed on beryl helped to arouse the sympathy of a person who touched such an amulet. The amulet contributed to the cessation of hostility and the restoration of good relations.

Beryl is not suitable for young people

Green stones are the mascots of mature, established people. Astrologers do not recommend wearing green beryls to people under thirty-five years of age.

It used to be believed that the mineral “knows” the whole path of mankind and the universe itself. Therefore, beryl can rightfully be called the stone of philosophers and those who seek to comprehend the truth.

The healing properties of beryl

Beryl is a stone with strong positive energy. He is able to restore undermined health and strengthen the immune system. In ancient times, the properties of beryl were used in the treatment of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In Babylon, this mineral was successfully used to treat the liver and even such a formidable disease as hepatitis. Doctors believed that this gem was able to cure gynecological diseases.

Doctors of antiquity treated a diseased organ by directing a light beam passed through beryl to the sore spot.

Today, lithotherapists advise wearing this mineral for broncho-pulmonary diseases and headaches. In addition, the stone is able to relieve back pain.

The magical properties of beryl stone for zodiac signs

First of all, the properties of the beryl stone are revealed to the signs of the zodiac associated with the element of water, that is, beryl will also bring many benefits. With it, the Gemini will learn not to quit halfway through what they have started. In addition, Gemini, thanks to this talisman, will be able to successfully solve business issues and move up the career ladder, the mineral will help them look decent in case of possible conflicts. With the same success, Gemini can use heliodor or emerald as a talisman - a variety of beryl.

This mineral in silver will help Scorpio representatives to cope with nervous tension and angry outbursts.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

When they talk about beryl and emerald stones, in the minds of many people far from geology they are different stones, but in fact they are one and the same, moreover, emerald is only one of the world-famous varieties of beryl. The mineral beryl has a huge number of species, most of which have their own name.

For a long time, beryl was valued by ancestors for its relative ease of processing and a variety of colors.

However, what exactly is beryl, where is it mined and how is it used? What medicinal properties are attributed to it? What magical qualities does he possess, and to whom, according to the sign of the zodiac, does he fit? We will try to answer all these questions in the article.

About stone

Beryls are called a whole class of minerals - silicates of aluminum and beryllium. Blue aquamarine, dark green emerald and golden heliodor are all varieties of beryl.

Colorless beryls, found for the first time in the Goshen deposit (USA), are called goshenites. The amazing red and pink beryls of banker and gemstone collector J. Morgan are named morganites after him. Red-pink Ural beryls similar to them in memory of the Russian mineralogist V.I. Vorobyov began to be called vorobyevites.

In addition to sparrowite, beryl also includes such a rare stone as red bixbite. The variety of colors of beryls is surprising. This property was known to connoisseurs of stones of past centuries. Back in the XII century. in an old essay about precious stones (the so-called "lapidaria"), a medieval author wrote: "That nine types of beryl are known to scientists ...".

  • Beryls in the narrow sense of the term are usually called light greenish versions of these stones.
  • Sometimes there are star-shaped beryls and beryls with the effect of "cat's eye".
  • The color of the stones depends on the impurities of compounds of magnesium, iron, chromium, manganese.
  • Beryls that do not contain impurities are colorless.
  • In nature, beryls are found in the form of hexagonal prismatic crystals.

Theophrastus on stone

Beryl is already mentioned by Theophrastus. This word is probably of Indian origin. It should be remembered that the ancient Greeks called the word berillos any transparent green minerals. In Russian mineralogical literature, the term "beryl" in its modern sense began to be used from the 18th century.

Beryl is rightfully considered one of the best gems. Its purity and variety of colors are impressive: pink, green, yellow, blue - everyone will find a copy to their liking. Many varieties of beryl have already become known under their own names: emeralds, aquamarines, noble beryl.

This term was first used by Pliny the Elder. It was he who, in his "Natural History", describing these gems, used the Latin word "berilus", which translates as "shine". Since then, the term has become firmly established and is used to refer to top quality gemstones.

general description

The chemical formula of beryl stone is Al2. This beryllium aluminosilicate is naturally transparent. However, the presence of impurities in the composition gives the mineral a variety of colors. The high purity of the crystals makes the mineral very sensitive to foreign chemical elements in the composition. So, only 1% of iron oxide can make transparent beryl an exquisite pink gem. And a small amount of chromium gives rise to green beryls - emeralds.

The color of this mineral is very different: all shades of red, blue, green and even unusual purple or pink colors. The wide range of colors has given rise to many varieties of beryl. The most famous of them are emeralds. These green beryls are class 1 gemstones.

Translucent stone crystals often have the effect of pleochroism. They are cut cabochon and cat's eye stones are obtained from them.

Main physical properties:

  • gloss - glass;
  • transparency - transparent, translucent;
  • hardness - 7.5-8;
  • density - 2.6-2.9 g / cm3;
  • syngony - hexagonal.

Place of Birth

In nature, there are both single crystals of this mineral, and fused into groups. The structure of the crystals has the shape of a prism, and their weight can reach several kilograms. However, internal cracks and defects significantly reduce the number of stones suitable for jewelry use.

Natural deposits of beryl stone are located in granitic pegmatites and greisens.

In Russia, this mineral is mined at the emerald mines of the Tokovaya River, in the areas of the villages of Murzinka and Shaitanka in the Sverdlovsk Region. Large gem-quality stones are found in the Strelninskoye and Voronyetundra deposits, on the Kola Peninsula and in the Middle Urals.

In the world, the best suppliers of the gem are Brazil (Minas Gerais, Bahia), Sweden (Finbo), France (Limoges), India (Coimbatore).


Beryl showed its excellent jewelry properties in the manufacture of jewelry from it.

  1. Jewelers love this mineral for its high purity and ease of processing.
  2. Products with this stone have a high cost and are invariably popular among buyers.
  3. Emeralds, noble beryls, sparrow stones - all of them are the dream of every connoisseur of exquisite jewelry.
  4. Transparent varieties have high light refraction rates. In the photo, this gem looks like a real diamond, and only a jeweler will be able to distinguish between these two stones.

In industrial production, beryl is a raw material for the production of beryllium oxide. It is an essential component in the manufacture of laser and X-ray materials and is used in nuclear power.

What are the types and colors of beryl

Beryl has a huge variety of varieties and a rich range of colors. The most famous beryls:

  • Emerald is the most expensive of all beryl. Most often it has a rich green color, but in general the colors vary depending on the deposit.
  • Aquamarine. Colors vary from blue to blue, the color is most often uniform. Small gems weighing less than 3 carats are not of great value, but large stones play a big role in jewelry.
  • Morganite. Extremely expensive and rare gem. The mineral has a large number of red shades: from pale pink to burgundy.
  • Heliodor. Beryl is light green in color with a bright golden sheen. This gem can be completely transparent and have a soft yellow tint. When heated to 400 degrees, heliodor loses its golden color and acquires a blue tint.
  • Mashish. A gem with a deep blue color is named after the city in Brazil near which it was found. In terms of its properties, the stone is very similar to augustite, but fading is much faster. The instability of color has become the reason for the low cost of the mineral, and its extraction is considered unprofitable and is carried out very irregularly.
  • Rosterite. The color of this beryl can range from completely colorless to bright pink. The mineral differs from other stones in that it has a high content of alkali metals and other impurities. Similar in price and cost to goshenite.
  • Augustite. This type of blue beryl can reach $150 per carat. Due to its high cost, augustite is often counterfeited. The gem tends to fade from time to time or from prolonged exposure to the sun.

  • Goshenite. The colorless variety of beryl attracts attention with its discreet brilliance. A transparent gem as a jewelry material is valued much less than its colored counterparts. However, sets and decorative goshenites are in great demand, because this mineral does not scatter a large number of multi-colored sparks around itself. Jewelry with this gem is solemn and strict.
  • Pezzoatite. This gem, found in Madagascar, was considered a special variety of beryl for several years. The pink mineral struck the researchers with its bright color and high content of cesium in its composition.
  • Bazzite. A blue mineral with a weak color intensity. The stone is listed as a separate variety due to the high content of scandium. Not used in jewelry.
  • Bixbit. Beryl is red. Due to its rarity, a one-carat gem can cost up to 15,000 rubles. Many refer to bixpit as a red emerald, but its prevalence is much less than that of emerald. Crimson beryl is mined in just one deposit, which is periodically flooded with groundwater.

Products and prices

Beryls of huge sizes are sometimes found in nature. For example, a crystal found in the mountains of South Dakota (USA) was 8.5 m long and weighed more than 61 tons. The quality of such giants is low.

Although in the Urals in 1828 a large crystal of pure yellowish-green beryl weighing 2.5 kg was found. It was valued at 4880 rubles in gold. Currently, this unique copy is kept in the museum of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute.

Beryls used in jewelry are transparent. To improve their color, heat treatment is sometimes used, as a result of which the greenish-yellow or pale green color can be changed to blue. The pale pink color of morganite can be enhanced by heating.

In the Middle Ages, church utensils were especially willingly decorated with beryl. It is curious that optical glasses were made from colorless beryls in the old days. Hence the German word brille - "glasses".

The most expensive variety of beryl is red bixbite, similar in color to ruby. It's not just expensive. Quarter-carat stones can cost anywhere from $200 to $2,500 per carat! In other words, bixbites are more expensive than diamonds of the highest quality and the same size.

Scientists have been trying to get artificial beryl and find the key to its precious differences for a long time. The first fairly successful experiments date back to the end of the 19th century. In the 1930s, the first synthetic beryl was commercially available in Germany under the name "igmerald".

  1. The refractive indices, birefringence and specific gravity of igmerald are lower than those of natural stone. Fake under a microscope through filters gives a red color, and a fiery color in the UV rays.
  2. In 1963, two artificial emeralds appeared on the European jewelry market at once, in Germany and in France.The production technology was kept secret.The disadvantages remained the same, and were easily detected by specialists. Under a microscope, formations are visible in such products. These are flux inclusions, often with gas bubbles.
  3. In 1960, J. Lechtleitner (Austria) was the first to obtain complex beryls with a synthetic coating by the hydrothermal method. In the future, they became known as "simerald". A shell of synthetic emerald was built up on colorless or slightly colored natural beryl. The indicators are close to those of a natural mineral.

In the late 80s of the last century, an Australian company introduced a synthesis product, calling it "Emerald Pool". For the production, low-quality natural stones were used, which fed the solution.

In 1990, artificial pink beryl was obtained, but it differs from natural chemical composition, because it contains titanium.

With varying degrees of success, synthetic beryl (emerald) is obtained in Australia, Japan, and America. So far, these experiments have no practical significance.

Unfortunately, beryl, like most other gemstones, is often counterfeited. Naturally, different types of minerals have their own distinctive features, but there are certain similar qualities that are inherent in all varieties of crystals, thanks to which you can distinguish the original from the fake:

  • natural stones have exceptional transparency with a characteristic brilliance inherent only in beryl;
  • transparent crystals of the mineral are subject to pleochroism - a change in color;
  • often crystals can include a variety of natural inclusions;
  • faceted colorless beryls are subject to strong dispersion - the refraction of light rays, which makes it possible to achieve the effect of a "cat's eye".

I would also like to note that most varieties of the mineral tolerate the effects of hydrochloric and acid solutions well. If any of the above signs are found in the stone, then there is no doubt that this is a natural crystal.

How to distinguish a fake

For gemologists, specialists in precious stones, it is not difficult to distinguish a fake from an original. Natural beryl has unique features in the form of inclusions characteristic of this type. Absolutely clean (under the microscope) stones are unlikely to be natural.

Minerals of natural origin, more common on earth, can imitate emerald. The so-called "Siberian emerald" is very similar to the real one. This is an imitation of diopside. The difference is in hardness. In diopside, it is no more than 6, in emerald 7.5.

There is a way to fake emeralds by applying a plastic or non-metal film of deep green color to the surface of low-quality real stones. This fake can be recognized visually with a magnifying glass.

It is often simply unprofitable to imitate inexpensive stones.

Jewelry does not belong to utilitarian items. They are dear as a memory, are inherited, serve as talismans. The desire of owners to keep jewelry in the best possible condition for as long as possible is understandable. To do this, it is enough to follow simple rules. Like most transparent minerals, beryl stone is fragile. Do not hit or drop it.

If your jewelry is set in gold, but it has lost its luster, you can wash the item with a neutral solution.

  • The composition of water, ammonia (1:10) and soap without dyes is best suited for this.
  • For products with silver, dry cleaning with baking soda is recommended, after which the ring or pendant is rinsed with water and dried.
  • It is better not to leave light transparent stones of the beryl group for a long time in bright light: they may fade.

Precious beryl is sensitive to pressure and vulnerable to household chemicals. Beryl is one of the more durable types of gemstones, but it also requires some processing and care.

When to wear a stone

Avoid wearing Beryl jewelry when working with harsh chemicals or household cleaners such as bleach or acid. When cleaning, warm soapy water or a soft cloth can be used. Be sure to rinse the stones well to remove any soap residue. Best of all, avoid using ultrasonic cleaners and steam cleaners.

Remove beryl jewelry when cleaning, doing sports or any physical activity. Beryl can easily scratch other gemstones such as quartz and feldspar, so direct contact with other types of gemstones should be avoided.

To prevent scratches, store Beryl separately from gemstones and jewelry such as topaz, sapphire and diamond. You can store your gems or jewelry wrapped in a soft cloth or placed inside a box with a cloth lining.

Beryl crystals are quite common and are successfully used in the manufacture of jewelry. But not all mined minerals are suitable for making jewelry. Only absolutely transparent crystals without additional inclusions and other defects are used. However, the most important thing in jewelry is the color of the stone. It should be concentrated and even.

Most stones are suitable for heat treatment, which results in crystals with a brighter and more unusual hue. For example, yellowish stones in the process of heating acquire a note of blue tint. And given that such a color was highly valued in ancient times, you can often find antique jewelry with such crystals.

Products with stones can be produced in a variety of ways. This mineral lends itself perfectly to cutting, while it is given both standard and unusual shapes, but the final choice depends on the natural structure of the crystal. Often, beryl stones are used to make rings, bracelets, pendants and similar jewelry. But at the same time, in museums you can also find more unusual items, such as a tiara, necklace, brooch or ring.

Golden beryl is an excellent gemstone for any type of jewelry. It is quite tough and durable. It also has great sparkle and brilliance, making it an ideal gemstone for open frames. It comes in large sizes and is very affordable compared to other gemstones.

  1. Golden beryl is ideal for setting into large rings or pendants. Since it is almost always free of blotches and has a very intense and vibrant color, it is best installed in structures that light can easily penetrate.
  2. Golden beryl is an excellent gemstone for beads and alluvial jewelry such as beads and bracelets.
  3. Golden Beryl is often used as an alternative to the rare and expensive Imperial Topaz.

Beryl in general is one of the most popular gemstones in the world, and is a favorite among jewelers for its hardness, durability, affordability, and beauty.

Unlike many other rare colored stones, beryl is almost always available in local jewelry stores (although it is usually sold as emerald or aquamarine). Usually, beryl stones are set in earrings, pins, brooches, rings and mass-produced jewelry.

Buy colored gemstones by size, not by carat weight. Colored stones vary in size and weight. Some stones are larger and others are smaller compared to the weight of the diamond.

In esotericism

Beryl has been used by mankind since ancient times in magical rituals and lithotherapy. The powerful energy potential of the stone can change the fate of its owner for the better. For example, it is believed that yellow beryl charges its owner with optimism, cheerfulness, energy and inspiration. Under the influence of this stone, a person begins to better realize his purpose in life, and therefore, strive for self-realization.

The green emerald stone attracts wealth and success to the life of its owner. And also this gem can give a person inner harmony, which is important after emotional upheavals.

Red beryls help to energize both young and old people, as these gems symbolize good health and longevity. Blue beryls enable a person to cope with such problems as psychosis, hysteria, irritability, emotional exhaustion and depression.

Healing beryl helps a person in healing. First of all, the stone makes it possible to strengthen its owner's immunity and recover from a long illness.

  • In ancient times, varieties of this gem were used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver and intestines.
  • It is believed that wearing a talisman, in particular if it is golden beryl, will help a person get rid of the devastating complications of hepatitis.
  • It is believed that beryl helps a woman recover from gynecological diseases.
  • And also gems are used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system and the musculoskeletal system.

Jewelry with beryl, even if they are made of silver, certainly cannot be called cheap, in particular when it comes to Colombian emeralds. Therefore, if a person is thinking about buying such products, he should give preference to large jewelry stores that sell jewelry with natural stones.

All varieties of beryl are protective talismans. They give good luck and make a person attractive to the opposite sex. Their magical properties help to streamline life and thoughts, weed out the unnecessary and find a way out of even the most difficult life situations. As believed in the East, beryl was a stone of peace of mind and a good amulet against madness.

These crystals also protect travelers and protect against loss of property and valuables.

Beryl is a talisman of family happiness. This mineral very well reflects any negative energy: both brought in from outside and coming from the owner of the stone. Therefore, in a house where there is beryl, quarrels do not happen often. It builds understanding between children and parents and promotes trusting relationships.

In order to have a strong family and a loving and caring husband, a woman needs to wear a medallion or earrings with this stone. Such a talisman will especially help couples who have been married for a long time and the feelings between the spouses have cooled somewhat.

Beryl was often used by soothsayers and fortune-tellers, as this stone enhanced the ability to understand the signs of fate.

The gem is useful for people who are engaged in science, as it strengthens the mind and helps in solving complex problems. Also, the gem helps a person to get used to any environment and benefit from any situation.

Strengthening magical properties

In order to enhance the magical properties of this stone, various animals were carved on it.

  • The hoopoe, for example, helped to communicate with the afterlife and gave the ability to understand the language of the mermen.
  • The raven, located in the upper part of the amulet, protected the family hearth, gave prosperity and strong love to the legal spouse.
  • The image of a crab, applied to the lower part of the talisman, had the same magical properties.
  • In the east, an image of a dragon was carved on crystals of green beryl. It was believed that such amulets have the magical power to attract good luck in battle and endow warriors with fearlessness.
  • Engraved on a gold-rimmed crystal, a frog helped win the favor of any person he touched. Such a talisman contributed to the reconciliation of enemies and the restoration of friendship. The same talisman could be lowered into the water, and then given to drink to the person with whom you need to establish relations.

Green beryl is a stone of maturity. Wearing it is not recommended for people under 35 years of age. It is believed that this mineral knows all the secrets of the universe and the whole history of mankind. Therefore, it is often worn by those who sought to know the truth. This mineral is a good talisman for philosophers.

Which zodiac sign suits beryl jewelry

Beryl is considered a family amulet. It stands guard over the penetration of negative energy and all kinds of negativity into the house. It is the personification of peace, tranquility and goodwill. The importance of beryl is also great for the financial situation. If you wear a ring with it, financial problems are resolved in favor of the owner.

Beryl is unique in its variety of colors and shades. As a talisman, it is acceptable for almost all signs of the zodiac. The stone is able to get rid of many ailments. It has long been considered very beneficial for women. In addition, it can help with colds, as well as nervous breakdowns, depression.

This mineral will be an excellent protector for people born under the sign of Libra, they, as fickle and changeable natures, are extremely lacking in balance and balance. Beryl is able to endow them with these qualities. It also has a positive effect on the intellectual abilities of its owner.

Beryl will bring a very significant benefit to Gemini. The healing properties of the stone are very important for this sign. It will help Gemini in the treatment of colds, with problems with the spine and neuroses. The representatives of the fair half will be protected from women's problems. Sometimes helps with infertility. To protect the hearth of Gemini, a stone of a blue hue is very good.

All those born under the constellation Cancer are characterized by kindness and compassion. They are great friends and caring parents. Family is the main value that most Cancers aspire to. Beryl stone, as the guardian of family ties, helps in strengthening them.

For Cancers

This gem will be especially useful for Cancers of the third decade (from July 12 to 22). If a Cancer woman wears jewelry with beryl, she is less prone to sadness and anxiety. It uplifts the mood, relieves melancholy. Able to help in the liberation of too closed and shy representatives of this sign.

  1. Aries is often very ambitious and selfish. The influence of beryl on Aries is to muffle negative character traits. This mineral will smooth out the negative qualities of the owner and direct his energy in the right direction.
  2. Beryl will also serve as a talisman for those born under the Leo zodiac sign. The gem has strong energy and healing properties. For its owner, a lion, a stone will benefit if worn around the neck in the form of a pendant or pendant. It especially helps to strengthen women's health and increase libido.
  3. "Fiery" Mars endowed the representatives of the Scorpio sign with strong vital energy. To set her in the right direction, stones for Scorpios should contribute to appeasement on the one hand and a rational distribution of forces on the other. Beryl will bring success to its owner in any endeavors. It will help in getting rid of negativity and hidden vices.

People who saw the light under the constellation Sagittarius are quite hot-tempered. Unity and contradiction are also characteristic of the representatives of this sign. By virtue of their nature, red stones are more suitable for them. But in order to calm some of the nervousness inherent in Sagittarius, experts advise sometimes choosing jewelry with cold-colored minerals. Beryl will help such people to cope with their emotions.

  • This stone will bring good luck in any event.
  • Protects lovers.
  • Help people of mental labor.
  • It will always keep its owner from ailments and "bad" energy.

The blue mineral is a symbol of happiness. Yellow and green protect travelers from all sorts of dangers.

If a person's health is partially lost, then beryl will help restore it. It strengthens the immune system and heals from chronic diseases of the digestive tract. Beryl, regardless of its color, is always credited with medicinal properties.

For example, the ancient Babylonians firmly believed that this mineral could save them from liver diseases, and for women, beryl was considered simply the best remedy for gynecological diseases.

The mineral shows its healing properties depending on where it is set. Earrings with any kind of beryl will help to get rid of toothaches and headaches forever, and in order to maintain the health of the organs of the reproductive system, you just need to purchase a "beryl" bracelet and wear it all the time.

The mineral, the frame for which is a pendant, can be worn by people suffering from bronchopulmonary diseases, including chronic ones. This also applies to heavy smokers.

  1. A ring with beryl will help a woman avoid medical problems with the uterus.
  2. Men, on the other hand, may well carry a keychain with this mineral in their trouser pocket, which will help them maintain men's health.
  3. In addition, beryl improves metabolism and speeds up metabolism, which is very important for people who not only care about their health, but also monitor their weight.
  4. There is information that this mineral is able to save its owner from back pain, SARS and rhinitis. For these purposes, lithotherapy has its own technique: a beam of light passed through a crystal must be directed strictly to the sore spot.

Let's talk separately about two varieties of beryl - morganite and pezzotaite.

This mineral owes its name to a banker and philanthropist from New York, president of the world-famous Metropolitan Museum of Art, John Pierpont Morgan. He was an outstanding person, a millionaire, philanthropist, philanthropist and collector, who, by the way, was the owner of the infamous Titanic liner, but became more famous as a philanthropist and financier.

Although the name of this mineralogical rock "morganite" is the most widely used and generally accepted, in addition to this name, this stone has another.

Vorobevit- this name was given by the world-famous Russian researcher V.I. Vernadsky back in 1908. The scientist named the stone in memory of his deceased student V.I. Vorobyov. In 1906, this stone was discovered and brought by him from an expedition in the Urals to the capital of the Russian Empire.

In world practice, it is obvious that it was the American version of the name of this stone that stuck to the stone more. This is not due to the fact that John Morgan was much more famous in the West than Vernadsky, but rather the linguistic and phonetic features of the English language, for the speakers of which it was overwhelming work to pronounce the word "sparrow".

Types and colors

The most expensive morganite crystals have light peach shade. This stone is valued even higher in its properties than a diamond of the same weight as morganite. Jewelers most often use pinkish and peach-colored minerals as jewelry.

Due to the fact that the cesium impurity makes mogranite bright red and endows with a relatively high density, it becomes practically impossible to color correct it by radiation with x-rays.

Most pink beryls with a similar color, unfortunately, have an increased radiation background.

  1. Cesium tends to actively collect radioactive nuclides throughout the life of the stone.
  2. Such stones cannot be cut in any way, and must be transported with great care.
  3. It is precisely because of such fragility and vulnerability of the mineral that X-ray color correction is prohibited, because cesium will absorb all gamma radiation.

However, all stones that have a light shade are quite safe, and also have some healing properties.

Only slight color correction by heat treatment is allowed, and the temperature at which the correction is carried out should be about four hundred degrees Celsius. Although, as a rule, the stone is not subjected to any corrective procedures, so if you have a piece of morganite jewelry, then most likely this is its natural color.

Let's list the main characteristic features and properties of this mineral:

  • names: beryl (pink), morganite, sparrowite, amethyst - balsaltine;
  • beryl group: heliodor, aquamarine, emerald;
  • chemical formula: Be3 Al2Si6O18;
  • color range: from completely colorless to reddish-violet;
  • gloss, similar to glass;
  • degree of transparency: translucent, occasionally completely transparent;
  • the highest density is 2.9 g/cm3;
  • the presence of various metal impurities: cesium (up to 4%), lithium (up to 1.4%), manganese, rubidium and potassium.

Main deposits

As a rule, in the natural environment, this mineral is found in the form of single crystals morganite. The most probable place for its location are permatite veins. Often, feldspar, alexandrite and morion can be found with it.

  1. The main supplier of this mineral in the world is the state of Brazil. About a ninth of the world's production of pink beryl comes from the 600-kilometer pegmatite strip in the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and Bahia;
  2. Madagascar. Here minerals are found, having a diameter of twenty centimeters, in the deposits of Ambahidaba and Adrembuna;
  3. Deposits of the Middle part of the Ural Mountains, such as: Aduisky mountain range and Murzinsky;
  4. In Transbaikalia, they are mined on the Malkhan Range and in the Kibereevsky mines;
  5. In Tajikistan, deposits have been explored in the region of Rankgul Lake.

The largest specimen of morganite has been discovered in the US state of Maine two Holden brothers. It happened in 1989. The weight of this stone exceeded 23 kilograms. This specimen was given a very poetic name - "Rose of Maine". Unfortunately, the brothers did not manage to find anyone willing to buy the whole stone, so it was divided into three large parts (2 parts of 6 kg each and one part weighing 8 kg) and a large number of small pebbles. As such, it was sold.

The most famous instances

  • The Mineralogical Museum of the Mining University (St. Petersburg) has a five-kilogram morganite, the stone was found in the mines of Mokrush;
  • The Museum of Natural History (New York) has a figurine of a female figure, entirely carved from beryl crystal. The height of this figurine is 11 centimeters;
  • The Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto) has the largest faceted specimen of this stone weighing 1625 carats;
  • The St. Petersburg Hermitage exhibits a very large specimen of morganite, weighing up to 600 carats.

A rare gem with such an unusual name - pezzottaite (pezzottaite, pezzottaite, pedzottaite, raspberyl, raspberry beryl, pink beryl, pink emerald) is one of the most amazing and unusual gemstones.

First of all, pezzottaite has a color quite rare for precious stones - raspberry or pink. Because of this, it is called raspberyl (short for "raspberry beryl", that is, "crimson beryl"), pink beryl or pink emerald. Secondly, pezzottaite is one of the newest gemstones, because it officially appeared only in 2003 (and was discovered only a year earlier).

Pezzottaites are found only in one place on the planet - in the mine of Madagascar, where the gemstone tourmaline was mined (although, according to some reports, pezzottaite was found later in Afghanistan and Myanmar).

Pezzottaite got its name in honor of the discoverer, the Italian mineralogist Federico Pezzotto. In Russian, this gemstone is sometimes called a little differently - pezzottaite or pedzottaite.

Pezzottaite is a variety of beryl.

  • Has high hardness.
  • Crystals can be transparent and translucent.
  • Pure crystals without foreign inclusions are very rare.
  • The color is usually crimson, pink or purple, but may also be reddish or orange.
  • Sometimes stones with an optical effect of asterism come across.

Pezzottaite is similar to tourmaline, kunzite, morganite and bixbit (by the way, bixbit is also called raspberyl and very often these two stones are confused, or even combined into one pezzottaite-bixbit, which is a mistake). It is likely that the same tourmaline mine in Madagascar had previously found pezzottaites, but they were mistaken for tourmalines.

Pezzottaite is a very rare gemstone. Basically, all pezzottaites that have undergone jewelry processing have gone to the hands of collectors, and you can hardly find jewelry with this stone in jewelry stores.

Beryl is a stone that is one of a kind. Due to the variety of colors, the natural product has been known since ancient times. He was famous among jewelers, and church products were also decorated with stone. An amulet made of such a stone brings only happiness and protects its owner from diseases and other misfortunes.


The mineral has been familiar to people since ancient times, but every year the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bit about it has changed. In ancient times, only pale green beryl was familiar to people, which is slightly cheaper than emerald.

After a certain period of time, different shades of the stone appeared, and only 9 colors were in demand among jewelers. Not so long ago, the idea of ​​a mineral has changed significantly, so it is perceived not as a whole mineral, but as a group of different ones.

Beryl stone can be found both single and in the form of druze (with German brush). One of the most beautiful are formations in the form of columns, which in the cut look like a perfectly even hexagon. Most of the stone has a transparent structure, but there are also crystals that include inclusions in the form of a star. The rarest are crystals called cat's eye.

Description and deposit

The color range of the mineral is very diverse and you can see different stones, ranging from any shade of red, blue, green or purple. Due to the color range, the breed has many types, and emeralds are considered the most famous.

The stone is dominated by a characteristic glassy reflection, and all its fractures are uneven in shape. The stone is quite hard. The length of the raw mineral can be from a couple of centimeters to a couple of meters. Moreover, its mass can be several tons. In 1828, in Russia, namely in the Urals, scientists found a mineral that had a yellow color with a green tint, weighing 2.5 kg. A rock was also found in Dakota, which was 8.5 meters long, and the mass of the mineral was 61 tons.

It is worth noting that large stones are not of particular value, so they are used, as a rule, in order to remove beryllium, which is used in a variety of modern techniques.

The deposit of the breed is considered to be Russia, Ukraine, the states, Namibia, South Africa, as well as Madagascar and Sri Lanka.


  1. The most famous and expensive among the beryls is the emerald. It is valued similarly to diamonds, and sometimes even higher, due to its purity of color. As a rule, the color of the stone is green, but it can be of different shades. It all depends on the deposit. The most valued green emerald with a dark tint.
  2. Aquamarine. The color of the stone is similar to the sea wave. The cost of such a mineral is lower than that of an emerald, but only slightly. As a rule, the stone has a uniform color, but you can find a mineral that has a golden middle and a blue top.
  3. Rosterite is a colorless stone, sometimes slightly pink. Also of value in jewelry.
  4. Heliodor. Such material has a pale green color or is saturated with gold. This view can be completely transparent. The rock is much rarer than other types of stone.
  5. A rare but not expensive stone called morganite. Its cost starts from $ 25 per carat, while the mineral will be an unexpressed pink color. The richer the red color, the higher the value. A bright stone will cost from $100 per carat.

Of course, the beryl stone, the photo of which can be seen below, has more varieties, and every year the appearance of new species is not ruled out. In the photo you can see the mineral aquamarine.

Where apply

The mineral is widely used for making jewelry. Professionals love to work with stone and for them it is a real pleasure to process such a mineral. Jewelry with the presence of stone will have a high price, but remain in demand among their customers.

Transparent species have a high degree of light refraction. Therefore, beryl is often confused with diamond and only an experienced jeweler can identify these stones.

In industry, the mineral is used to obtain an oxide. Further, it is used for the production of lasers and X-rays. Beryl oxide is also used in nuclear science.

Application in jewelry

It should be noted that not all species are used for making jewelry. Jewelers use only pure and completely transparent crystals, but color is no less important. It should be uniform and saturated.

Many types of such a stone are amenable to heat treatment, because of this, crystals can be obtained with a brighter color and with unusual refractions. For example, yellow beryl after processing receives an additional blue tint. It is this color that can often be seen in antique products.

Beryl products are very different. This mineral lends itself perfectly to organic matter. It can be given both a standard form and the most unusual one, but it all depends on the natural structure of the stone. As a rule, the material is used for the manufacture of rings, pendants, bracelets and other jewelry. Beryl necklaces and brooches can be found in museums.

The price of one stone varies depending on the mass, color and its properties. The most expensive are those with the least amount of cracks and other damage. It is not difficult to buy a product with the presence of a stone, since they are available in almost any jewelry store, for every taste.

magical properties

The properties of the gem are the most diverse and there are both healing and magical properties, which will be presented below in the description. It should be noted that in the East the mineral has always been used for rituals in the form of amulets. It was used to protect people from the evil eye and misfortunes, as well as damage was removed with its help, and negative energy was suppressed.

The magical and healing properties of the crystal are as follows:

  1. The mineral, which has a yellow color with a greenish tint, as well as beige crystals, is able to normalize and restore the metabolism in the human body.
  2. The gem allows you to increase metabolism and promotes rapid recovery from diseases.
  3. For a long time, such a crystal was considered feminine, because its properties helped to cope with gynecological problems. For this, a blue gem is very effective.
  4. Some believe that the crystal can cure any female ailment. For example, bracelets with the presence of a gem can prevent diseases of the ovaries, as well as the genitourinary system. A ring with a crystal contributes to the rapid treatment of diseases of the uterus.
  5. The owner of the stone significantly speeds up the process of finding his love.
  6. Any jewelry with beryl crystals protects the family from all sorts of temptations. Therefore, it is customary to give products to married couples.
  7. The gem will help people who have been married for a long time. It refreshes old feelings and passion.
  8. From the crystal create amulets and talismans that bring good luck.
  9. The magical properties of the mineral allow you to put in order the thoughts of the owner, and also balance feelings. In the East, the stone was used for madness.
  10. It is recommended to take the mineral with you on long and short trips.
  11. Natural raw materials allow you to protect the owner from the negative effects of different energies.
  12. Crystal simplifies the solution of complex problems and issues. It is recommended that the products be worn by scientists.

In addition to good properties, a natural product also has negative properties, which lie in the fact that not all of its colors can be used. For example, green color is a sign of a mature stone, it is better not to use it for people who are under 35 years old.

Who can wear a stone

Those people who prefer to work hard, then the mineral will just be a suitable assistant. It allows you to relieve fatigue and irritability. In addition, he will help lazy people. The mineral is able to invigorate a person and give a desire to work.

The main meaning of the gem is well-being. Therefore, it should be used by couples, as well as people who want to start their own family. It helps to build relationships with children, parents, husband, wife. Helps maintain harmony and feelings. It also serves as a talisman for the family and removes negative thoughts and emotions that can be brought into the house after a hard day's work.

Definition of authenticity

Unfortunately, such a natural product is often counterfeited. Of course, each type of mineral has its own way of recognizing authenticity, but some similar features should be highlighted that are inherent in any beryl. It is thanks to their similarities that it is possible to identify the original and the fake:

  1. The natural breed will have a characteristic transparency, as well as an unusual sheen from the rays of light. No stone has such a brilliance, except for beryl.
  2. A transparent mineral undergoes a color change when light is refracted.
  3. In the middle of any natural stone, natural inclusions may be contained, but not gas bubbles.