How wine glasses are made. How to make a glass with your favorite label. Ways to decorate wedding glasses

Helpful Hints

You will need:

Empty bottle

thick thread

Acetone or isopropyl alcohol



1. Prepare an empty bottle, wash it and dry it.

2. Pour acetone (nail polish remover) or isopropyl alcohol into a bowl.

3. Dip the thread into a bowl and soak it with liquid.

4. Wrap the thread just below the place where the neck begins. The thread must lie flat.

5. Pour cold water into the sink. It is advisable to throw a lot of ice cubes into the water.

6. Holding the bottle gently over the ice bath, light the thread. Spin the bottle for about 30 seconds to burn the thread.

7. After that, immerse the bottle in a sink with ice water. Due to the temperature difference, the neck (in the place where the thread is wrapped) will break off.

8. Wait until the glass has cooled down, then use sandpaper to finish its edges.

* Before use, rinse the glass well.

How to make a glass (video instruction)

In this master class, we invite you to make original glasses from the boards. It will be natural wood kitchen utensils that will not harm your health and will not break if dropped. Thanks to a special professional treatment, the dishes can be rinsed under water without fear of damage. If you, as in this instruction, will make glasses from wood materials of different species, they will look very interesting. An additional plus to the appearance will be the inscriptions or logos burned by you with your own hands, but this is of your own free will.


To make wooden glasses with your own hands, you will need:

  • boards (in this case, food-grade pallets were used that were not treated with chemicals);
  • wood glue;
  • insulating tape;
  • wood finish with water protection;
  • plywood 6 mm for the template;
  • hammer;
  • saw;
  • lathe;
  • drill;
  • milling machine;
  • clamps;
  • soldering lamp;
  • wood burning tools;
  • belt sander;
  • sandpaper.

Step 1. First you will need to find boards suitable for this master class. Once again, they must be natural, untreated with chemicals. Otherwise, they cannot be used to make dishes.

If you want to create interesting decorative effects, choose materials of different breeds and shades.

Sort them by thickness, adjust if necessary by cutting off the excess, and be sure to sand the boards so that they fit better to each other in further work.

Step 2. Cut the boards to the same length.

Step 3. After the wood is harvested, the boards should be joined together. Using wood glue, glue them in small groups so that the total width of the resulting element is about 7 cm. For convenience, mark the bars with electrical tape and, after gluing, send them until the glue is completely dry, clamping them with clamps.

Step 4. At the end of the drying process, you will need to cut the bars into boards. Make the cut longitudinal so that one board consists of elements of several species. Please note that their appearance is shown in the photo.

Step 5. After that, the boards will again need to be glued together so that the pattern resembles a chessboard. Leave the width the same. When gluing, use wood glue, electrical tape and clamps again.

Step 6. After the glue has dried, you will need to process the bars into long cylindrical blanks. At this stage, the work will be rough. The edges do not need to be sanded.

Step 7. Cut each cylindrical beam into elements of the same height. Since these are blanks that will still be trimmed, make them a little larger than the height of the planned glasses.

With the help of a lathe and hand tools for working with wood, you will need to give the assembled blanks the shape of a truncated cone. Take a sheet of plywood as a template, adjusting its edge to fit the shapes you need.

Pay attention to the protruding elements in the lower part, necessary for fixing the elements on the machine.

Step 8. Place each piece of wood in turn on the machine and, using hand-held wood cutting tools, cut out the inner cavity.

Step 9. Carefully sand your blanks. They should be perfectly smooth inside and out.

Step 10. After that, clean the elements from the remnants of wood dust and cover with a finish designed for wooden utensils. Definitely waterproof.

If you do not approach the preparation of the celebration rationally, some details of the festival can be missed. Wedding planners advise future spouses to describe in detail all stages of preparation, all holiday needs and, from time to time, adjust the to-do list. Among the many important little things, there is something that is quite feasible to prepare yourself. This applies to holiday paraphernalia - do-it-yourself wedding glasses may well become your first family heirloom.

Wedding glasses are decorated by specialists, but if desired, any bride will be able to handle the decor of the glasses herself. There are several ways to decorate wedding glasses, you can choose your own, based on your own taste and the availability of special decorative materials. If possible, you can "rehearse" several ways to decorate on ordinary glasses.

Many people think, is it worth decorating glasses? Indeed, according to tradition, the newlyweds break them, so to speak, for happiness. However, this tradition is gradually disappearing, if you still want to be true to it, break a spare set of glasses. And leave the main couple, beautiful and refined, as a keepsake. When celebrating your wedding anniversary, you will see that it will come in very handy.

We advise you to buy at least 6 glasses before the wedding. You will not worry about their safety, you will not carry them with you in the holiday fuss. You will need one pair of glasses at the registry office (and if it is exclusively decorated, it will be a great highlight of your painting), the other pair will come in handy for a photo shoot. Of course, these can still be the same glasses from the registry office, but if in a hurry their relatives hide them away? Or will the glass accidentally break? In general, in such cases, you need to make sure. Well, the third pair of wedding glasses will be waiting for you on the festive table.

Glasses do not have to be the same in shape: the bride's glass can have a female silhouette (thin stem, rounded shape), the groom's glass can be thinner and more strict. However, the decor of the couple should be in the same style: this will emphasize the harmony of your union.

Any special stickers will still give way to handmade decor, and you, the newlyweds, will be pleased that you yourself participated in decorating wedding attributes.

Decorating wedding glasses means emphasizing the good taste of the newlyweds, emphasizing their creative abilities. After all, the glasses will be in plain sight, they will remain on the wedding photo and video. Take care of the decoration of glasses only when it is clear in what color and style you will decorate the hall, how your holiday outfits will look. Everything must be in harmony. For example, you have decided that ripe cherries will be the keynote of your wedding decor. This means that this should somehow "respond" in the bride's dress and in the design of the glasses.

Ways to decorate wedding glasses

Decorating wedding glasses with your own hands using rhinestones is a great decor option.

You will need medium-sized rhinestones: they will make the glass sparkle with bright reflections, shimmer. From the outside it will look very impressive. If the bride's outfit also has rhinestones, wedding attributes will complement each other. Rhinestones can be taken in one color, the same size or different. You can decorate with multi-colored rhinestones. From them you can lay out a fantasy drawing, or specific figures (heart, dove, rings), or simply arrange a brilliant scattering on a glass.

Lace gives special tenderness and elegance to glasses. At the same time, you will not need any super-skills and expensive materials. Buy beautiful, openwork lace, wrap a glass with it. Fix it all with glue.

Lace can be assembled into a "skirt", which will make the glass even prettier. A satin or silk bow, which is also attached to the leg with glue, can complement the image. Lace should be quite lush and durable, it has to keep its shape and not “fall off”.

You can take the same silk ribbon, wrap it in a spiral around the stem of the glass and secure it with an artificial rose at the top. A couple of small rhinestones on rose petals - and the glass is decorated.

Take a small decorative flower as a basis. Glue it in the center of the glass with acrylic paints on the stem and leaves. Glue the halves of mother-of-pearl beads over the area of ​​​​the entire glass. It looks very gentle and elegant. Beads can be put in a row along the edge of the glass, you can put them in a heart in the middle or the first letters of your names.

This is perhaps the most romantic way to decorate glasses. True, fresh flowers can decorate them for only one evening, and worries about their freshness and strength may not leave you ... but nevertheless it is very beautiful!

It is more practical to buy delicate artificial flowers, fix them on the glass with glue and ribbons.

A dark crimson rose on the groom's glass and a fuchsia rose on the bride's glass look great. For a romantic bride and groom who appreciate simplicity and naturalness, decor with daisies or forget-me-nots is suitable. Wildflowers on a glass are also suitable for young newlyweds.


If you want to decorate glasses in this way, you will have to turn to specialists. But compose the inscriptions on the glasses yourself: they can contain declarations of love, vows of fidelity and affectionate words that you call each other. Glasses can also have family logos, paintings, portraits of young people. Complement this decor with a thin soft pink silk ribbon wrapped around the leg.

Try to merge the engraving in one image with the same ribbons or beads. By itself, it will be visible only to you and nearby guests.

Decorating glasses with paints is a commendable idea. As the main material you will need acrylic paints. The surface of the glass must be degreased with alcohol or acetone. Print the picture you like, transfer it to the glass. Next, the most important thing is to color the glass. Let the paint dry (12&minus 24 hours). You can fix the result with ordinary glass varnish. After that, you can proceed to additional decor: rhinestones, beads, ribbons, sequins.

On the Internet you can find a lot of interesting patterns that will not be difficult to transfer to glass. These glasses will become a real treasure for your family.

Remember that decorating wedding glasses with your own hands does not require serious expenses. You can make a bow out of satin or lace ribbon, fix it on the stem of the glass. Attach rhinestones or pearl beads to the bow with glue. You can make a rose from the ribbon and attach it to the glass.

Ribbons can be the same colors, or they can differ. For example, the groom has a noble beige, the bride has a pale pink. But if the colors are different, then the material and width of the tape must be the same.

Decorating glasses with mastic or polymer clay

It is very easy to fashion flowers and leaves of the desired size from polymer clay. While the clay is still at the modeling stage, “try on” the flowers and leaves to the glass, control the process, correct the drawing. Once all the details are ready, they have to be baked. If the leaves are smaller than the flowers, bake them separately. How long to bake the clay, you will read from the instructions on the package.

After baking, it is necessary to align the bases of flowers and leaves. A wide nail file is suitable for this. At the end of the work, the parts must be varnished. It remains only to fix the elements of polymer clay on the glass. Complete the pattern with the same rhinestones and beads. You can paint the stems with acrylic paint.

Such work only seems painstaking, it will captivate you and, perhaps, you will find a new, interesting hobby.

How to glue decorations to a glass

It is very important to carefully glue the decor elements to the glass. No traces of glue should be visible: this immediately devalues ​​your work. Glasses are only a detail of a wedding celebration, but, like everything on this day, it must be impeccable.

Using beads, beads, rhinestones, ribbons, you need to make sure that their fixation on the glass will be perfect. There are several options for gluing decorative elements to glass. It could be:

  • waterproof instant adhesive
  • PVA glue
  • silicone adhesive
  • instant adhesive for ceramics and crystal
  • superglue with cyanoacrylate component
  • glue gun

Apply small details with a needle. It is better to remove glue stains immediately, using a solvent. Tiny spots can be removed only with a needle. An indispensable condition for the decor should be good lighting, with insufficient light, you may not notice deformations, glue stains, and irregularities.

Since decorating wedding glasses with your own hands is a delicate and painstaking business, “rehearse” the future image in advance on an ordinary glass.

Decor of wedding glasses with rose petals (master class)

In the design of weddings, a certain symbol, pattern, element can pass with a red thread. Often flowers are used as such. Flowers in the decoration of tables, in the outfits of young people and witnesses, in other important details. Naturally, glasses should not be in dissonance with the general theme. A rose as a symbol of tender relationships can be the main decor element of wedding glasses. We offer you an exquisite, incredibly stylish way to design glasses with a rose. This will only emphasize your sensuality, cordial affection and romantic atmosphere of the celebration.

For a fashionable and bright decor, we need: supermoment glue (gel), beads, artificial flowers, scissors, pencil, brush, stained glass paints - pearl and red. And, of course, the glasses themselves.

  1. The first step is to degrease the surface of the glasses. We wipe the glass with alcohol or acetone, then thoroughly rinse the glasses under running water. Then rub them with a soft cloth until they shine.
  2. Next, we have to disassemble the flower into individual petals. To do this, we disconnect the stem, remove the fasteners, separate the tiers of the rosette one by one. With scissors, carefully cut the tiers in order to separate each petal.
  3. Now with the help of glue we have to attach the petals to the glass. Forming the core, glue the smallest petals.
  4. As soon as the first "floor" dries, we begin to glue the next one. They need to be glued not “at the joint” with the first tier of petals, but a little lower. All gaps must be covered.
  5. Further we move according to the same scheme. Small petals adjoin the glass, and large ones are held only by the base on the glass. The largest petals are attached to the very leg of the glass. As a result, we get a glass, "sitting" in the core of a luxurious rose. The base is ready!
  6. And now we propose to make wedding glasses personalized. The names on each of the glasses will mean that everything at this wedding is dedicated to you. And it is read in every little thing! To make the inscription even, resort to a little trick. Print out a sheet with your names written or printed in a beautiful font. Put the sheet inside the glass so that it is in close contact with the glass. So that the sheet does not slip, pre-moisten it with water a little.
  7. We take a brush and circle our inscriptions with paint. The name of the bride is red, the name of the groom is pearl. Then you can add a couple more curls.
  8. If it seems to you that the letters are not bright enough, the paint should be applied in several layers.
  9. The main part of the decor is ready, it's up to the small. And let this smallest be mother-of-pearl beads that you randomly paste.

Making wedding glasses with your own hands is a troublesome business, but worth it. Glasses, even the most beautiful and expensive, will still be faceless if you do not bother to decorate them. And unusual glasses, decorated by you personally with love and tenderness, with anticipation of the upcoming emotions and impressions, will certainly be dear to you. They will take the most honorable place in your home, and for a long time will remind you of a wonderful celebration and the taste of the most passionate and sweet champagne.

Glasses with a bright, exclusive decor can serve you at an anniversary wedding, and after that this vintage item will also be useful to your children.

Let the ringing of your wedding glasses be the happiest, and let their decor amaze everyone with its unusualness and impeccability!


If you're wondering where glass comes from, go to the beach. Almost all glass is made from sand, which is actually ground quartz.

The sand contains a small admixture of iron. It is iron that gives glass made from ordinary sand its greenish color. Selenium is used to produce absolutely colorless transparent glass. This mineral imparts a slight reddish tint to the glass, which is offset by a greenish tint, resulting in the glass appearing colorless. (To produce glass of other colors, glassblowers add other substances: cobalt for deep blue; manganese for purple; chromium or iron for green.)

To get glass, sand must be melted. You must have walked on hot sand on a sunny day, so you can guess that for this it needs to be heated to very high temperatures. An ice cube melts at a temperature of about 0 C. Sand begins to melt at a temperature of at least 1710 C, which is almost seven times the maximum temperature of our usual oven. Heating any substance to such a temperature requires a lot of energy and, consequently, money. For this reason, in the production of glass for everyday use, glassmakers add a substance to the sand that helps the sand melt at lower temperatures - about 815 C. Usually this substance is soda ash.

However, if only a mixture of sand and soda ash is used in the melt, an amazing type of glass can be obtained - glass that dissolves in water (frankly, not the best choice for glasses).

To prevent the glass from dissolving, a third substance must be added. Glass makers add crushed limestone to sand and soda (you must have seen this beautiful white stone).

The glass commonly used to make windows, mirrors, glasses, bottles, and light bulbs is called soda-lime silicate. Such glass is very durable, and in molten form it is easy to give it the desired shape. In addition to sand, soda ash and limestone, this mixture (experts say "mixture") includes a little magnesium oxide, aluminum oxide, boric acid, as well as substances that prevent the formation of air bubbles in this mixture.

All these ingredients are combined and the mixture (the mixture is placed in a giant furnace (the largest of these furnaces can hold almost 1,110,000 kg of liquid glass).

The strong fire of the furnace heats the mixture until it begins to melt and turns from a solid to a viscous liquid. Liquid glass continues to be heated at high temperatures until all bubbles and veins disappear from it, since the thing made from it must be absolutely transparent. When the mass of glass becomes homogeneous and clean, the fire is reduced and the glass is waited until the glass turns into a viscous viscous mass - like a hot toffee. The glass is then poured from the furnace into a casting machine where it is poured into molds and shaped.

However, in the production of hollow things, such as bottles, the glass has to be blown like a balloon. Previously, glass blowing could be seen during fairs and carnivals, now this process is often shown on TV. You've probably seen glassblowers blowing a piece of hot glass hanging from the end of a tube to create amazing figurines. But you can also blow glass with the help of machines. The basic principle of glass blowers is to blow into a glass drop until an air bubble forms in the middle, which becomes a cavity in the finished piece.

After the glass is given the necessary shape, it faces a new danger - it can crack when cooled to room temperature. To avoid this, craftsmen try to control the cooling process by subjecting the hardening glass to heat treatment. The last stage of processing is removing excess glass droplets from the handles of cups or polishing plates with special chemicals that make them perfectly smooth.

Scientists are still arguing whether glass should be considered a solid or a very viscous (syrup-like) liquid. Since the windows of old houses are thicker at the bottom and thinner at the top, some claim that the glass runs down over time. However, one can object to this that earlier window panes were not made perfectly even and people simply inserted them into the frames with a thicker edge down. Even glassware from ancient Roman times shows no signs of "fluidity". Thus, the old window glass example does not help resolve the question of whether glass is in fact a highly viscous liquid.

Hello again, brain! I add my contribution to the piggy bank of the "garbage" section - an article about how to do shot from a bottle and retain the original label.

The project is quite simple, so the glass cutter in hand and go!

By the way, the effect of the haze of the glass was specially achieved for this picture by freezing it in the refrigerator, everything is simple :)

Step 1: Bottle

We pick up a bottle with a label and, with the help of a simple device and a glass cutter, we make a cut on it. Carefully, with a firm hand, having previously lubricated the wheel of the glass cutter, we pass it along the entire circumference.

Step 2: Optional: tapping

The step is not mandatory, but out of habit I tapped the cut around the entire circumference.

Step 3: Label Protection

To save the label, or rather the label with the label, we wrap it with cling film, and then brain foil. At the same time, we leave the cutting line open.

Step 4: Fire and Ice

In order for the bottle to split along the cut line, it must be “shocked”, that is, heated and cooled sharply. Fire and ice, or rather a candle and snow, will help us with this.

We heat the cut for 20 seconds, constantly turning the bottle, and then quickly immerse it in the snow. We repeat brain procedure before splitting the bottle into halves. I did this 5-6 times until the pleasant aroma of the sauce touched my nose 🙂

Remove the foil and film, dispose of the excess.

Step 5: Cleaning the Edges

The edges after the split are very sharp, so carefully, with a 220 grit sandpaper, we clean the edges, round them to a safe state. We wash homemade from glass dust and wipe, of course without damaging the label.

That's all, the glass is ready, put it on the shelf in the collection!