What should be the wedding ring? On which hand and on which finger are wedding, engagement and wedding rings worn in Russia

A wedding is one of the most beautiful and touching church ceremonies. During this sacrament, two sincerely loving people unite their destinies and hearts in the face of God. Wedding rings become the main symbol of their love, fidelity and devotion to each other. The portal site will tell you how to choose the right wedding rings in the Orthodox Church.

Church wedding rings: essence and meaning

The Orthodox Church strictly adheres to all established rules and traditions. Rings are required for the wedding ceremony, because they are one of the main attributes of the sacrament. Do not take them as ordinary jewelry. They carry a deeper sacred meaning. If you want to comply with all customs and canons, then you need to pick up two rings from different metals, but in the same style. A man is given a product made of gold, and a woman is made of silver. There are two explanations for this:

  1. According to the first interpretation, gold is considered the personification of the sun. It symbolizes the man as the head of the family. Silver is a symbol of the moon, which reflects the rays of the heavenly body. It signifies fidelity and obedience to the wife.
  2. The second interpretation is based on the statements of the Apostle Paul. He compared the union of two people with the relationship between Christ and the Church. In marriage, the husband represents Jesus Christ, and the wife represents the church. And, as you know, it is gold that reflects the Divine essence of Christ and Jerusalem, and silver is a symbol of church grace, purity and spiritual light.

Also, many newlyweds are interested in the question "Which finger to wear a wedding ring?". According to Orthodox church canons, wedding rings are worn on the right hand, on the ring finger. Since Christians are baptized with this hand. Everything from the right is considered correct.

The difference between wedding and engagement rings

Preparing for painting in the registry office, the bride and groom can buy absolutely any rings, unlike wedding rings. Jewelry stores offer a huge selection of such products, from simple budget options to unique designer rings with magnificent ornaments, original elements and placers of precious stones. Indeed, many newlyweds do not attach serious importance to them, more often perceiving them as ordinary jewelry. Some even stop wearing wedding rings after marriage.

But the church gives a clear idea of ​​what rings are needed for a wedding. Since Orthodoxy does not recognize attachment to material values ​​and perceives rings as a necessary attribute of the rite and a symbol of marital union, they should be modest, as simple and concise as possible. Rings with precious stones and various patterns are considered not acceptable. This is the main difference between wedding and engagement rings.

Church wedding rings: models and materials

There are several models of wedding rings:

As for the material, today many people stop adhering to the canons and choose either two silver or two gold wedding rings. The most popular option is classic gold jewelry. After all, it is not whimsical in care, strong and durable. Models made of white gold look noble and gentle.

Silver products are more affordable, but inferior in quality. After all, silver needs care and cleaning, and can also darken over time.

Remember that rings must be made of precious metals. Costume jewelry is not allowed for the wedding ceremony.

Signs associated with wedding rings

There are several signs regarding weddings and wedding rings:

  • According to tradition, both rings must be purchased at the same time and in the same place.
  • Products must be new. You cannot use other people's rings, even if they are a family heirloom.
  • You need to choose accessories made of one metal. For example, silver wedding rings cannot contain gold inclusions, and gold items should not contain silver.
  • It is not recommended to let anyone try on your ring.
  • On a solemn day, you should not wear other rings.
  • It is generally accepted that what wedding rings will be, this is how family life should be. Therefore, it is advised to buy simple jewelry without patterns and stones, so that everything in life is smooth and even.
  • The ring, during the wedding, is not worn on a gloved hand. If you have chosen as accessories for a wedding or

There are many mysterious legends among the people that tell about the meaning and history of wedding rings. The sacrament of marriage has a very ancient history, which dates back to the tenth - eleventh century. In this article, we will talk about the traditions and signs associated with wedding rings.


At the present time, most weddings take place in two stages: first, the newlyweds officially register the marriage at the registry office, and then get married in the church.

As early as the beginning of the tenth century, Christians registered marriages in special bodies of civil status, however, it was much more important for them to marry before God, that is, in the church and exchange wedding rings. Already in the eighteenth century, marriages were held exclusively in the church.

For many centuries, atheism was actively promoted in Russia, in the end, in the last century the church was completely destroyed and most people stopped holding the wedding ceremony in churches, since it was forbidden and very severely punished.

But times are changing, however, people's views have changed little and now you rarely see newlyweds getting married in a church, most of them are limited only to registration in the registry office.

Wedding ceremonies, according to which couples nevertheless decided to get married within the walls of the church, are due to such reasons: some Christians sincerely believe in the power of a wedding, others follow ancient customs and traditions that were similar to our ancestors, and some couples want to experience the incredible atmosphere of a wedding.

Many believe that it is the ancient ceremony with wedding rings, which are endowed with special power, that can bring happiness and prosperity to the home of the young.

Signs about rings

One of the most important symbols of the wedding ceremony are the rings that unite the destinies of the young.

Since ancient times, there has been one sign that spouses should have different wedding rings. The future husband's ring should be gold, and the bride's silver.

But many newlyweds do not follow this tradition and buy the same jewelry in stores.

You can hear about the established traditions from the lips of the holy Apostle Paul, in his speech he told us that the sacrament of the wedding of the young is similar to the relationship between the Church and Christ of God and that marriage between spouses takes place in heaven. The husband personifies Christ, and the woman represents the Church.

Therefore, the basis for wedding rings was chosen in such a way that they were symbols of the ascension of Christ - the golden color, and silver meant spiritual purity, sincerity and nobility.

One sign remains unchanged - it is customary to wear rings on the right hand, on the ring finger. This is due to the fact that the ring finger was previously considered a conductor directly to the human heart, since arteries flowed in it. It should be noted that this statement is incorrect.

The church has certain rules regarding such rings. They should be simple, with a smooth finish and without a lot of stones or any additional inserts. Otherwise, the priest may refuse to illuminate the newlyweds.

Even in ancient times, wedding prayers were applied to the inside of the rings, where there were conspiracies for a happy and long life together for the young. And at the present time, in the same places, the initials of the bride or groom, as well as the date of marriage, are most often applied.

Basic signs about rings:

  • it is strictly forbidden to measure wedding rings to strangers, it is believed that this will lead to an unhappy marriage, because the other person will take away a piece of happiness;
  • directly on the day of the marriage itself, it is forbidden to try on other rings, not taking into account the wedding ring;
  • decoration must be made exclusively from one material and no additional drawings and engravings can be applied;
  • future spouses cannot wear wedding rings that were previously worn by their parents or the rings were sawn, repaired, and so on;
  • if the husband or wife is widowed, then the wedding ring must be worn on the left hand;
  • in the case when a widowed woman marries a second time, she needs to wear a new wedding ring on her right hand, and the one left from the previous marriage should be put in a far place where no one could see it. It is also categorically impossible for children of widowed parents to wear such rings, it is believed that children can repeat the fate of their parents in this way;
  • when the family collapses and the husband and wife get divorced, such rings can no longer be worn. They cannot be used in wedding ceremonies either;
  • since time immemorial, there has been such a tradition among the Slavs that the future husband should buy a ring for himself and his bride;
  • it is recommended to purchase rings on the same day and in the same store; such a sign is a symbol of a long life together for the young.

What are the signs regarding the wedding ceremony

  • when the newlyweds go to the wedding, it is necessary to put a lock near the threshold, and after the husband and wife cross the threshold, you need to close this lock with a key and put it in a far place, and keep the key, it will symbolize well-being and happiness in the family;
  • you need to swear eternal love to each other by making this speech over the well, this will be the key to true love and fidelity between spouses, as well as a strong marriage;
  • for the wedding, the bride must go one way, already being a wife - another.
  • when the young are crowned by the priest, special crowns - crowns - are always held above their heads. It is difficult to withstand them, because the weight of such crowns is impressive. The crown is put on as a sign that the marriage will be easy and long. And if the newlyweds did not wear these crowns, then such a marriage is doomed to be short-lived and unreal;
  • the owner of the house was considered to be one of the newlyweds who could put on the wedding ring to the top of the finger above all;
  • when during the wedding itself in the church one of the rings fell, then this is a sign of a short life together of the spouses or death;
  • which of the spouses will live less is determined by whose wedding candle goes out faster;
  • a prerequisite for the church that performs the wedding ceremony for the newlyweds is some kind of gift on their part. According to tradition, young people usually gave a towel made of linen, in which bread was wrapped.
  • candles that burned during the wedding must be preserved throughout life. It is believed that if a woman has a difficult birth, then reading prayers over lit candles will alleviate her condition and the condition of the baby;
  • the symbol of the wedding is the towel of the newlyweds, which is also kept in their house throughout their lives;
  • when the newlyweds stand on the towel during the wedding, they need to determine who was the first of them to stand on the canvas. Thus, it is determined which of them will be the head of the family.
  • when the wedding ceremony takes place, the spouses are not allowed to look at each other, since they may not love each other and one of them may cheat during marriage;
  • when the newly-made spouses go back home after the wedding, the first thing the bride goes to the house of the groom's father and she is met by the mother-in-law, who stands at the gate, and then gives the cake to the young wife and scatters hops around her feet. Marriage should eat this cake together, dividing it in half. Such a sign symbolizes the well-fed and sweet life of the young.
  • during the feast at the wedding table, the spouses need to connect the right leg of the husband and the left of the wife to each other so that a black cat cannot run between the newlyweds and they do not quarrel.

No wonder the mysterious wedding ceremony was considered one of the most important events in the life of the young. They approached him with all responsibility and prepared for a long time before that. Such a marriage is concluded for an eternal bond between the spouses, a marriage that is concluded before God. Before taking such a serious step, weigh everything and think it over well, and if you still decide, then our advice to you is happiness and prosperity in family life!

Vika Dee August 27, 2018

Many lovers are interested in what wedding rings are needed, what signs are associated with the use of such jewelry, and what it is desirable to take into account for maintaining a strong marriage.

Are wedding rings necessary and what should they be according to church rules?

Ring designs may vary. Sometimes lovers take into account church traditions because they are honored. When choosing rings for an Orthodox wedding in a church, it is recommended to choose different jewelry for the bride and groom. This is due to the different personification of a man and a woman in an Orthodox marriage, consecrated in the church. The groom represents Christ, the woman is the church. For this reason, brides chose silver rings, symbolizing purity and light, while grooms chose gold jewelry, associated with the special glory of Jesus Christ.

Photo of wedding rings in the church

The wedding ring can be simple. Excesses, decor are not welcome. It is advisable to choose simple and smooth decorations. Sometimes allowed engraving. In most cases, such rules are a thing of the past, so you can choose different decorations.

The main task is the correct conduct of the wedding ceremony and further fidelity between the spouses

It is advisable to choose accessories together. If desired, jewelry is ordered in a jewelry workshop. Masters can engrave to order. Bride and groom often choose their names for engraving or initials, declarations of love, vows of fidelity.

Considering original purpose of accessories, there are the following rules for choosing jewelry:

  • modest design: intricate decor is not allowed;
  • obligatory absence of artsy decor;
  • compulsory use quality precious materials(silver or gold).

For the rest, freedom of choice is given to lovers, as they will wear selected jewelry throughout life.

On which hand is the wedding ring worn?

Believers wear a wedding ring on the finger of their right hand. Desirable wear a ring on the ring finger. It is believed that the decoration, symbolizing matrimony and a serious attitude towards marriage, is worn on the hand, which is used to sign business documents to seal contracts and confirm intentions. According to this scheme, the intention to live with each other is confirmed, while maintaining a strong marriage.

In many countries, spouses wear rings. on the ring finger of the left hand. This is due to the following opinion: on the left is a vein leading to the heart.

Photos of wedding rings

Priests do not recommend wearing an engagement and wedding ring at the same time. Desirable remove engagement and wedding ring, replacing them with wedding ones. After the wedding, people become a couple before the Lord God, since marriage is made in heaven.

Can wedding rings be used for weddings?

Nowadays, wedding rings are used for weddings, which were originally worn during the wedding in the registry office. Those who respect church customs choose others wedding decorations.

Today choose different gold wedding rings and rings. There are different approaches to decorating jewelry:

  • engraving applied to the outer or inner surface;
  • the same or completely different design;
  • a combination of several precious metals (yellow, white or red gold, silver, platinum);
  • presence or absence patterns;
  • different thickness;
  • diverse form execution (flat, convex).

Wedding rings should be simple in design. Fancy decor is not allowed.

It is advisable to make decorations without ornate patterns, inscriptions, precious stones.

Priests have the right to refuse a wedding if a couple in love chooses unsuitable according to church canons decoration. Such a refusal will be justified. Despite certain concessions, it is desirable to take into account church canons that have existed for centuries.

Gold ring with diamonds, SL(price link)

What to do with a wedding ring after a divorce?

Sometimes relationships end even after the wedding. In this case, you need to decide what to do with a wedding ring. This is determined by existing customs and church rules:

  1. Sometimes you can smelt or sell the ring. Usually people are interested in the possibility change the decoration. This procedure is carried out if the jewelry brings negative memories and the person realizes that the melted jewelry will not remind of past relationships, a divorce. Sometimes it is allowed to go to a jewelry store to exchange one piece of jewelry for another.
  2. If a person is not ready to go to a jewelry store or is not sure whether it is possible to change wedding rings without violating church rules and go against himself, you can sell jewelry to a pawnshop. With the money received, it will be possible to buy a neutral thing that will not remind you of a past marriage.
  3. Sometimes rings are put in a distant box and forget about them for a while. Subsequently, it is possible to decide how to use the little thing.
  4. Rings are allowed to be returned to former spouses if they personally bought them. This is done by prior binding agreement.

Former spouses who believe in omens think is it possible to store jewelry after parting and divorce.

Sometimes a piece of jewelry negatively affects future relationships due to negative memories.

You don’t want to wear jewelry anymore and you can’t, so you need to get rid of an accessory that reminds you of past relationships. The product can be donated, sold or taken to a pawnshop.

wedding rings after divorce

What to do if the wedding ring is lost?

Various signs are associated with the loss of rings.. They have a bad or disturbing coloration. If the wife has lost her wedding ring, the girl should not be blamed for what happened. The spouse is also not to blame for the possible loss of the ring. The main task is to decide how to proceed:

  1. Loss of wedding ring lead to divorce or serious family conflict. In fact, it all depends on the relationship, the actions of the two partners.
  2. According to a sign, if a man has lost his wedding ring, his wife is cheating on him.
  3. It is believed that the lost jewelry will lead to Trouble in personal or financial matters, health problems. This is only a sign, but it is advisable to take into account the inscriptions on the wedding rings.
  4. In rare cases, loss predicts the imminent death of a partner. It is undesirable to believe this sign, but it is better to focus on health or intuition.

Initially you need look for lost jewelry and don't get hysterical.

In many situations decoration found in a couple of days.

Sometimes you can talk to your spouse and buy a new decoration from white gold or other precious metal with positive energy.

This is especially important if the couple have paired silver wedding rings and need to worry about getting new pieces with a similar or identical design.

Paired silver wedding rings

The unpaired ring that remains is allowed to be donated to the parish and read a prayer to drive away possible troubles, bad thoughts, experiences.

The wedding ring is a symbol of true love, desires for a joint relationship, therefore, it is advisable to keep the decoration that was used in the wedding and give it the appropriate value.

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You and your loved one decided not just to get married and create a new family, but to seal your union through church weddings. Thus, preparation for this important stage in your life is added to the pre-wedding chores. Indeed, a wedding is a ceremony that surpasses the procedure carried out in the registry office in its significance. And if you firmly decided to be together "both in sorrow and joy", having entered into a marriage in heaven, then the wedding is your option. And even if you have never seen how this ceremony takes place, you don’t know how to prepare for it correctly, it doesn’t matter - Charla Women's Site tell you about it!

Basic wedding rules

So, let's start with the fact that in the Russian Orthodox Church wedding doesn't happen every day. For example, you cannot get married during a one-day or multi-day fast. One-day fasts, as a rule, are set on Fridays and Wednesdays (except for the week), and the dates of multi-day fasts must be found out directly in the church, since they change every year.

In addition, you can not get married:

  • at Christmas time (in the period from Christmas to Epiphany);
  • during the Easter week;
  • on Saturday;
  • in the days before the twelfth feasts;
  • on Thursday and Tuesday (that is, on the eve of Friday and Wednesday).

Also, the rule still applies, according to which, wedding in church impossible if the bride has "critical days". Of course, no one will check this fact, but still take this requirement seriously.

If we are already talking about the bride, consider the rules that the church establishes regarding the outfit of the newlywed:

1. Discreet manicure.

3. Weak spirits.

4. No pants.

5. Mandatory presence of a headdress (kerchief or veil).

6. Closed shoes (sandals are prohibited).

7. Arms, back, shoulders and chest should be covered ( women's magazine Charla recommends using a cape or stole for these purposes if your outfit is too frank).

Also, do not forget that a veil that is too lush is dangerous for the bride, as it can catch fire from the flame of candles, of which there are plenty in the temple.

What you need to take to the wedding in the church:

  • 2 towels (one newlyweds bandage their hands, and the other is placed under their feet);
  • 4 handkerchiefs (2 for witnesses who hold crowns, 2 for the bride and groom who will hold candles in their hands);
  • 2 icons;
  • wedding candles (you can buy them in the church).

Answers to questions about marriage

If you want to get married, but do not know all the intricacies of this process, do not worry - our article will shed light on all doubts and questions:

Can a priest refuse to conduct a wedding ceremony?

No, the priest has no right to refuse the bride and groom their request. Another thing is that he can ask them to think over their decision again and take it with all responsibility, because it is assumed that the wedding is held once and for life - it is very difficult to get a divorce according to church customs.

Are there special conditions for a wedding?

There is only one condition - the bride and groom must be baptized. Of course, one cannot fail to note a number of ecclesiastical canonical obstacles that also make marriage impossible. For example, you can get married no more than three times, and there is also a restriction of the union to the fourth degree of kinship.

Is parental consent required for a wedding?

It's not obligatory. The church always takes the side of the newlyweds, and therefore, even if the parents are against marriage, they cannot prevent the wedding.

Are witnesses required?

You can do without witnesses - their main function is that they hold crowns over the heads of the bride and groom. If you decide not to invite witnesses, the crowns will simply need to be put on your head.

What rings are needed for a church wedding

In the process of the wedding, the young people exchange. As a result, the groom has a silver ring on his finger, and the bride has a gold ring. The rings themselves must be given to the priest before the wedding.

Will all guests need candles?

No, only the bride and groom will need candles - they will hold them in their hands during the wedding ceremony, which, by the way, takes about 40 minutes.

Is it possible to get married, and only then register the marriage in the registry office?

Previously wedding was proof of marriage. The procedure at the registry office is rather a formality. But it is best if you discuss this issue with the rector of the church in which the wedding will take place. Data on the registration of marriage in the registry office can be submitted to the temple later - they will be entered in the wedding registry book, and then you will receive a wedding certificate.

Is it possible to register a marriage in the registry office and get married on the same day?

Yes it is possible. The bride and groom can go to church after registering the marriage at the registry office. Another thing is that it is very tiring. Some couples get married and sign on different days.

What should the bride wear if the wedding in the church is held the day after the wedding or at another time separately from the celebration itself?

It is not necessary to wear a wedding dress to a wedding. You can choose a closed dress blouse and skirt in pastel shades. The main thing is that the outfit must meet the requirements that we talked about above.

What time is the wedding?

As a rule, this time is after the Divine Liturgy from about 11.00 to 13.00. But the dates must first be discussed in the church by contacting the office. By the way, it is better to arrange a wedding in advance, especially if you plan to hold it in the spring or summer (the number of weddings is maximum during this period). You can get married separately from everyone or together with another couple - the choice is yours.

Can you only get married on an empty stomach?

This is necessary if the bride and groom take communion before the wedding.

What if the groom is Catholic and the bride is Orthodox?

First you need to decide on the church in which you plan to get married. Remember, a Catholic marriage is not dissolved under any circumstances. It is easier to get permission to get married according to the Catholic rite. An Orthodox marriage can be dissolved, but in order to get married according to Orthodox customs, in this case, you need to obtain permission from the ruling bishop.

We hope that now the issues of the wedding have not become an insurmountable obstacle to concluding an alliance in the church. We wish you strong family happiness and love for many years to come!

Tatyana Belashova

It should be flat, simple, without much embellishment. Another thing is a wedding ring. Let's talk about its differences.

Description and features of wedding rings

wedding rings otherwise called wedding. Previously, only the first concept existed, since it was unthinkable without a wedding. Actually, all in the temple and passed.

Contemporaries are often limited only to the civil procedure taking place in the registry office, or carried out by its employees on the road. However, this does not change the essence wedding rings. On the picture they appear from the wedding. They are exchanged, giving marriage vows. It is these rings that are worn all their lives, unless, of course, the family breaks up.

The simple design of wedding bands is related to their temporary role. As a rule, the proposal is followed by a wedding. The betrothed wear the first month, year, maximum several years.

Wear wedding rings will take longer. Therefore, rings of complex design, with stones, are selected. Since the 15th century, preference has been given to . Actually, they appeared 5 centuries ago.

Previously, diamonds could not be cut. In its raw form, the mineral is unsightly. Therefore, the first wedding rings in history that were exchanged in the Ancient One were with,.

Modern engagement and wedding rings they are perceived differently. In the first, other than diamonds are acceptable. In wedding models, they only insert. Others can be an addition, but not dominate the composition. Doubles are allowed, for example, .

Believe that wedding rings should contain is related to the characteristics of the mineral. becomes a symbol of the strength of bonds. There are no crystals in the world, and indeed no materials harder than diamonds.

They scratch any stone,. It is assumed that the newly formed family will be able to "ram" any obstacles, survive all the difficulties, preserve the sparkle of their feelings, their beauty.

Diamonds do not fall over the years, sometimes they grow. Accordingly, there is an opinion that buy wedding rings with diamonds means to carry the value of their bonds through decades, to maintain respect for each other for a long time.

However, if the marriage ceremony is held in a church, Christian traditions must also be respected. We learn what wedding rings fathers approve. In parallel, consider the types of wedding rings.

Types of wedding rings

Wedding rings, in fact, are divided into civil and Orthodox. wedding rings the last category differ in materials. Grooms in the church are allowed gold. Brides wear rings.

This is due to the fact that the metals represent. Gold symbolizes the divine glory of Jesus. In the wedding ceremony, a man is associated with him. A woman personifies the church, which means she should radiate purity, light, grace. These concepts are associated with .

The apostle Paul said that the wedding should resemble the sacrament of the relationship between the Lord and the church. At least that's what it says in the Bible. So, desiring to seal our bonds before Heaven, we acquire silver wedding rings.

Their symbolism, at times, is also associated with pagan views of the world. According to them, this is the masculine principle. - the embodiment, night mystery, and hence women.

However, such associations in the church are considered sinful. But, pagan views allow you to take rings from different materials for a regular wedding ceremony.

Civil servants do not set limits, what should wedding rings look like. Moreover, the registry offices are ready to confirm the marriage without rings at all, without exchanging them. Church wedding rings is an essential part of the program.

Without them, before the Lord, the union will not be approved. In addition, removing the wedding ring is a sin, as well as dissolving a marriage. In Orthodoxy there is no concept of "debunking". If a marriage is sealed in Heaven, it is eternal.

"Divorce" is a civil term. The ability to dissolve a marriage allows you to initially choose a simple design, similar to engagement ones. Some newlyweds have a philosophy of buying new rings every 5-10 years of marriage.

Each subsequent one is more expensive and more refined than the previous ones, dresses with them. This is how a family history is formed on the ring finger, symbolizing that marriage only grows stronger over the years, gaining value.

The meaning of wedding rings

The universal significance of wedding rings is associated with the strength of bonds. It is symbolized by a round shape. Since ancient times, the hoop has been considered a protective sign. There are many traditions associated with it. Where did the belts come from?

Why were they embroidered with red threads? This . Wrapping around, the belt closes the person in a circle, keeping demons out. Scarlet from afar symbolize them that they should not approach.

A similar applies to wedding. They are not without reason worn on nameless ones. In Eastern practices and pagan beliefs, it is said that an artery passes through it.

Accordingly, the rings protect, protect the feelings born in the hearts of lovers. Philosophy collapses if a marriage is made for convenience. In this case, the wedding ones are just a tribute to traditions and fashionable.

Also great is the role of wedding rings during going out. It's no secret that many people pay attention to whether there is a wedding dress for men or women.

Its presence protects against harassment, excessive attention from the opposite sex. Respectable citizens do not want to invade families, provoke conflicts in them, break up marriages.

Accordingly, wearing a wedding ring personifies a wordless statement to society that the heart of the owner of the ring is busy, that he does not intend to look for new passions.

That is why there are scandals if a woman lost her wedding ring. Jealous people may see in this the intent to hide their status as a married lady from others.

Women themselves are more likely to consider loss as a sign from above. If at the time of the loss the couple is quarreled, the ladies, as a rule, are affirmed in thoughts that the Lord himself does not want them to be subjected to such torment. From the point of view of the official church, this point of view is absurd. However, a woman in frustrated feelings has her own thoughts.

Particular importance is attached to the case of the loss of a ring by a man. The network is replete with forums with the theme " Husband lost his wedding ring". Share the problem with the fathers.

On the net you can find their answer that "the grace of the wedding will not become poorer from the loss of the ring." However, priests notice that parting with jewelry can serve as a hint of the need not only to keep the family, but also to strengthen it.

Otherwise, the demon will begin to “gnaw” loving hearts like rotten worms. The wedding is a symbol of the union of two Orthodox, which means it is also a symbol. It is not surprising that he haunts the Devil, who never ceases to tempt a man and a woman.

Such considerations give the wedding special value. This refers to the spiritual weight of the subject. We will talk about the material side of the issue in the final chapter.

Price of wedding rings

wedding ring price depends on the materials from which it is made, the mass of these metals and. Affects the presence of engravings. The most popular is the appeal to the Lord ""., lying at home with a "dead" load. Bringing it to the jewelers, the betrothed pay only for the work and stones. However, the latter can also be taken from old jewelry.

Completely free options are hereditary. The fashion returns to marry in mother's or grandmother's dresses, as well as to exchange family rings.

Their betrothed receive from relatives, as a rule, parents. But what to expect if the wedding symbol has to be bought? A silver ring can be purchased for a couple of thousand rubles.

Let's add a diamond of about 0.3 carats of average characteristics, that is, with flaws in clarity and transparency, we get about 7,000 rubles. For a similar stone in gold weighing about 2.5 grams, they ask from 15,000 rubles. If you replace the crystal with cubic zirkonia, similar in appearance to a diamond, but not in strength, the purchase will cost about 3,000-4,000.

A high-grade diamond weighing a carat by itself costs from 90,000 rubles. Add to this the exquisite design of the ring, gold or platinum with an equally noble ligature, for example, from.

Let's add an engraving of the smallest letters. Let's supplement the composition with a scattering of the same cubic zirkonia, or emeralds with. We will get ... almost any amount, because it is worth considering both the brand name under which it is released, and current requests for diamonds and on stock exchanges.

In general, if you want to spend money, there will be no barriers. Many believe that the price tag for a wedding ring is another proof of love and readiness for everything for the second half.