Games for the company in nature, or how to keep your friends from getting bored. Entertainment for the company. How to have fun with friends




Winter has come, roads are covered with snow, frosts are coming and walking along the street with friends is not at all fun. Therefore, the journalists decided to choose the 10 most interesting options how to spend a winter evening with friends almost without leaving home.

Play on console

A great way to spend an evening for a small male company, although it is also suitable for everyone else. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have a prefix - you can rent it (35 UAH per day) and have a great evening playing football, Mortal Kombat fights or some kind of race. Modern consoles support up to 4 joysticks at the same time, in addition, there are all sorts of interesting gadgets like Kinect that read your movements and diversify the gameplay.

Board games


The world of board games is vast and all-encompassing. You can find a board game for every taste - from the card-based "Mafia" "Bang", where you have to take on the role of a sheriff or a bandit from the Wild West and shoot all your opponents, to the strategic "Game of Thrones", where you play the role Stark or Baratheon will fight other Great Houses and capture castles and harbors. There are many places in Dnepropetrovsk where tabletops are rented (+/- 20 UAH per day), so this option is also very good in terms of economy.

You can spend more than one evening playing this game. Poker is good for everyone - the rules of "Texas Hold'em" are not very difficult to master, it is gambling, there is an element of luck in it, but there is nothing to do there without brains.

Up to 8 people can play poker, the only negative is that you only need to play for money. But if you "enter" with a small amount, only 10-20 hryvnia, which will only add spice and excitement to the game, but will not ruin you. The only advice - do not sit down to play with those who know how to do it - you will simply not be interested.

Home theater with popcorn

Not too original, but always popular way of spending time with friends. The main thing is that in your company there is a person with a large TV, to which you can visit.

Playing musical instruments

Of course, such option is suitable not for everyone, but for sure there will be guys among your company who can play at least one musical instrument. And if you take, for example, a guitar, a tambourine, a small drum (which can be played by almost anything), as well as a couple of singers, then you can arrange an excellent musical evening and please your neighbors with your favorite songs of youth. We advise you to start with the Kino group, they love it.

This option is suitable for those who do not have musician friends, but "the soul sings." It is desirable, of course, to have a couple of microphones and special disks, but, at worst, a simple computer with an Internet connection will do. For those who can afford it, there is a karaoke rental that starts from 200 UAH. And given that you will be throwing off rent together, it turns out not so expensive - once you can definitely afford such a pleasure.

To do this, you do not need to hire a professional photographer or rent a studio. After all, the most important thing in photography - interesting idea, so you and your friends may well come up with something original, such as retro shots in the style of the 90s, and photograph your entire gang as a keepsake. Also, as an option, find some old photos of you and take new ones in the same poses - it will be very original and cool.

cooking party

The most delicious way to pass the time. Take, choose a few unusual dishes that you have never tried yet, but always really wanted to try, and cook them together with your friends. The cooking process in this case will be easy, the comrades will help peel the potatoes and chop the onions, and the reward for all of you will be a new, previously unseen treat.

You can organize such leisure in the format of a reality show, for example, go to visit different guys from your party, and after eating, demand some entertainment from them.

Also, such a vacation is well suited for companies with children, because all kids love to help their parents mess around in the kitchen.

Future plans

Nothing out of the ordinary, but why not? Choose some place where you have never been, or have not been at this time of the year, and go! Walking through a winter city, park, forest or frozen river can be the most unusual adventure of your life. Just be sure to follow the safety rules!

Having fun and spending time with friends is always fun, but sometimes the same activities get boring. If you do not know what to do with friends, this article will help you. Read on to discover some fun things to do for yourself and your friends!


Outdoor entertainment

    Go to the park. It doesn't matter how old you are. Bring your friends and play sport games, frisbee or just take your kids to the playground. The park is perfect place for relaxation, and at no extra cost!

    • You can play football or basketball. If someone from passers-by wants to join, you will have a great chance to make friends with new people.
    • Go for a run in the park with a friend. If you are very busy man, This great way spend time with friends. Put this activity into your schedule. In addition, jogging will be much more fun if a friend keeps you company.
    • If you have children, going to the park with the whole family will bring pleasure to both you and your loved ones. Take food with you and go on a picnic. While the children are playing fresh air, you can chat with your friends.
  1. Have dinner or lunch together. You can go to your favorite cafe, and if you do not want to spend money or do not like public places you can have lunch at home.

    Go to your favorite coffee shop or bar. You will look cool when your friends see that all the waiters know you by name and know what you like. There you can relax and chat with friends.

    • Make time to meet up with friends at least once a week/month. For example, you can get together every first Friday of the month and share the news from your life. If you set up a meeting schedule in advance, chances are that most of your friends will be able to come.
  2. Do volunteer work together. Volunteering is more fun when you do it with loved ones. You can not only enjoy the time spent together, but also help other people.

    Go to a concert or festival with your friends. In many cities there are various concerts, cinema on outdoors, different games and festivals. Read the news of the city to be aware of all events in advance.

    • Find out if you can bring your own products to these events. Some festivals allow you to bring your own food and drinks and have picnics.
    • If possible, bring a blanket or folding chairs with you.
  3. Organize a trip. Hiking is a great way to have fun with friends and enjoy nature. You do not have to go somewhere far, you can go hiking in the nearest forest.

  4. Take part in competitions. IN warm time throughout the country various competitions and races are organized. Take part in a marathon. This good way spend time with a friend, even if you don't really like running. Most marathons are divided into groups according to physical ability, you can just walk with friends and do some exercises.

    Entertainment at home

    1. Watch your favorite movies or series with your friends. Find free time and get together to watch an interesting movie. After watching, you can discuss the film, as well as talk about what's new with you.

      • Prepare something to eat ahead of time. Make snacks and buy drinks - then watching will be more enjoyable.
      • Take breaks from time to time to stretch or walk outside.
      • Entertain yourself with an unusual movie, like a cult classic. You can also find a poorly written or stupid book, take turns reading it aloud and compete to see who can last the longest without laughing. You can turn this activity into real game(for example, a drinking game if you are 18, or a sweets game).
    2. Remember the old days. This is especially nice if you've been friends for many years. Remember what you did a few years ago, remember different funny cases from life. Your friends may tell you stories you didn't know about! You can take turns sharing stories about the past.

      • Try to find things that will remind you of the past. Look for old notes or diaries that you kept together. Maybe you played football together or made dolls? Things like this will help you remember some incidents from the past.
    3. Have a game night! Games are great entertainment for adults and children. Cards, board games, video games - choose what you like best.

      • The best option is card games, because almost everyone knows how to play cards. In addition, there are a huge number of card games for every taste. The game "Spoons" is suitable for big company, and the game "Speed" is suitable for small company. You can play poker using pieces of chocolate or candy as money. That will be even more fun!
      • Here are a few board games that you are sure to enjoy: Settlers, Scrabble, Bananagrams, and Clue. The game "Evidence" is the easiest and most fun, because the essence of this game is to accuse one of the participants of the crime.
      • Video games with multiple players are also great. You can play Super Mario or GTA.

Who said that leisure can only be spent with loved ones? Grab your closest friends (whether boys or girls) and get together for anything other than dinner or a movie.

Play games late

Wake up your inner child to spend time with your loved ones board games- This perfect combination fun and nostalgia. Or take a swing at more difficult level- create your own version of the charade. Categories can include celebrities you love or hate, animals you love, or movie characters you've watched together.

Introduce all your friends

What's better than dinner with friends? A dinner that absolutely all your friends gather for! You can dine in the restaurant where you will try all the dishes. Or invite everyone to your home. And even if you don't have the largest kitchen in the world, this will be a fun socializing experience for everyone.

Host a White Elephant-style gift exchange

Traditional holiday gift exchanges follow a pattern: you spend the right amount on a gift that is thoughtful, stylish, and memorable. When playing the "White Elephant" all this is useless. The gift can be a random handmade item from your apartment a long time ago, or a specific item that will remind everyone of a joke that only you and your company will understand.

Get active together

Finding motivation to exercise is like finding a second sock. You know you have it somewhere, but no matter how hard you try, you just can't find it. But when you work out with friends, exercise suddenly stops being something like hard work. Therefore, leave the house together and go for a walk around the neighborhood. Or ride bikes together. You will have many more fun moments and less negative emotions if you are doing this with friends.

Visit the food market

Hiking in the local grocery stores it certainly won't be more fun (or tastier) than a trip to the market. Indulge in gourmet snacks or shop for ingredients for some special meal you and your friends will cook.

Or go to the movies

Whether it's a romantic comedy happy ending or a thriller that you spend on the edge of your seat covering your face with your hands in fear, a movie with friends is amazing as long as you have popcorn, your company and lots of hilarious comments from them.

Sign up for courses

The word "class" probably brings back unwanted memories of your boring school days. Fortunately, there are many courses that do not have a blackboard. Develop your drawing skills in art courses. Create a new dish in cooking class. Learn to sew or crochet. The possibilities are endless when your friends are with you.

Be unpredictable

This funny game for seekers of new tastes and sensations. Simply, when you want to eat, go not to proven well-known establishments, but to random cafes and eateries that come across on your way while walking. No matter where you end up, you will enjoy a new experience, and a day spent like this in an unusual way with friends, will leave only good memories.

How nice it is to be in the circle of your friends: you can have plenty of fun, relax and just have a good time among your “friends”! But if all meetings with friends take place according to the same scenario, then even the most a positive person. What to do? Look for new options and ways joint activities. We offer you several ideas, both simple and more unusual, perhaps something that will interest your company.

Options for the whole company

How to spend time with friends? Sometimes, in order to find a new occupation, it is not at all necessary to rack your brains, it is enough to remember those that have long been known to everyone and are ideal for a friendly company:

  • Going to the cinema together. For a company of friends, comedies, horrors (together not so scary), science fiction films, "big movies" will be good.
  • Get together in an inexpensive cozy cafe, eat pizza and chat on different topics.
  • In the evening and at night you can go to a good bar or club.
  • For connoisseurs of art, theaters, museums and exhibitions are suitable.
  • A picnic in the park or in the woods can be very pleasant and romantic. If you get out on the shore of the lake in the forest, you can make a fire, sing songs with a guitar together and tell each other different stories from life.
  • If one of your friends has a good car, then why not drive around the city to places where you have not been before, or not far out of town?
  • Arrange get-togethers at home. "Sitting" at home can be diluted with cocktails, interesting snacks, pleasant music, movies, thematic conversations.
  • Company games. There are a lot of them - "Monopoly", "Crocodile", "Twister", card games, contests. Fun is guaranteed, and you can get to know your friends better in the game.

Options for guys

Where to spend time with friends when you are a purely male company, and you are tired of gathering at someone's house and just chatting?

  • Fishing - great option for a male company. Moreover, you can arrange a whole holiday with food, tents in nature, and not just fishing. Take a break from the bustle of the city, socialize and just have a great time in nature!
  • Bowling and billiards - corny, but still better than just sitting at home.
  • An option for the brave and those who have the time and money is to plan a trip around the country to other cities for a long period of time. You need a car, a well thought out route and funny company!
  • How to spend time with a friend if there are two of you? You can go to a strip club, especially if both do not have girlfriends who are against it. Even if you have never gone, why not try at least once for the sake of curiosity?
  • Another option for a male company is a game. Football, basketball and other sports suitable for men.
  • Finally, you can just chop together into your favorite toy. PlayStation, Xbox - at your service!

Options for girls

Girl groups really like to communicate, so girls very rarely get tired of just sitting, drinking tea, chatting and discussing something or someone. However, for a change, you can do this:

  • Shared shopping. It is not necessary to spend a lot and go only to the most expensive stores. Take a look at different things, try on, evaluate each other, give advice, discuss. So you can help your friend choose the best, and buy something new from clothes or cosmetics yourself.
  • Go see the animals at the zoo.
  • Visit a beauty salon together or arrange for each other salon procedures Houses.
  • Arrange a pajama or some other party at home along with watching a "purely female" movie about love, chat heart to heart.
  • get busy joint creativity and needlework - crafts, sewing, jewelry making, knitting, writing poems and stories, drawing.
  • Joint training - so, you can learn together the art of makeup, cutting and sewing, cooking, foreign languages etc.

And sometimes, when everything is tired, you just have to sit down and think together about what to do. Let everyone offer different variants, you will definitely be able to choose something interesting for yourself and you will already know exactly what to do with your friends!

We are sure that you already know what to do at home with your boyfriend without us. But let's open a secret: romantic conversations, kisses and all of this following - do not the only way have a good time.

Child's world

Get out the albums that your parents have been keeping for a thousand years and tell him why you were afraid of the plush rabbit in junior group kindergarten and who she was in love with in first grade. True, be more careful with the latter - if he suddenly tells about himself in response.

Offer to recognize you in a group photo. After 5 minutes, admit that you watched SpongeBob at home that day.

Happily ever after

Get comfortable on your pillows and dream about the future: tell each other how great it will be to live in the mountains, go to concerts in the middle of the week, and invite friends over (except Tolik) on weekends. Go wherever you want: Seattle or Vienna, St. Petersburg or Kamchatka.

Plan your vacation - choose a city and several excursions that no guide will guess. Even if you're not going anywhere.

Instead of sushi

Choose a few recipes to have a tasting later, and cook something unusual together. Get inspired by "Kitchen", "Ratatouille" and these sites: - with the ability to select the ingredients that are in the refrigerator; — website with cartoon design for fans of Japanese cuisine; - video recipes, which are divided into parts of the world and countries.

He is still running

If your boyfriend likes exercising as much as brushing his teeth, ask him to be your personal trainer (which is also a compliment). The main thing is not to be too serious. The motto of training at home is “Fool around is allowed!”.

An alternative is arm wrestling (he doesn’t have to carry a purse with a ton of cosmetics on his shoulder every day, which means you have every chance).

Pure dancing

Turn on your favorite slow song (or the very song that you call "ours") and... desk lamp instead of the usual will already give desired effect. Let this dance last as long as you want.

To make it really work like in the movies, change your T-shirt for a floor-length dress.

flap your eyelashes

It is unlikely that the guy is a fan fashion shows(or knows about them only from the Victoria's Secret show). But isn't his angel the best, even though sometimes he doesn't behave like an angel? Show off some of your favorite outfits and have him choose the one you wear next time you go out on a date.

If you need to choose a kit for the occasion (girlfriend's birthday or an exam), ask the guy to take a picture of you in each - he will feel like an artist, and you will see everything from the side.

Think of a quest for him

Buy some funny thing in advance and hide it in the apartment. Come up with a quest with hints that will help the guy get to him. When silence hangs, slap your forehead: “But I have a present for you!”

Recall the game "Hot-cold" and take turns looking for a plush otter.

Need a pencil

You can learn a little more about MCH with the help of psychological tests. As, however, and he about you. Just don't take it seriously, the result of any test is not a reason to quarrel, even if it turns out that Hermione is the perfect guy, and you look more like Ginny.

Come up with a test yourself. For example, how well does he know you, with questions like "What color is my Toothbrush? And he let him come up with for you, but more difficult.

Even making soap turns into an adventure when you are alone.

Came out of the foam

Girls call it “Beauty Day”, but don’t tell the prince about it. Turn on ambient, do to each other fragrant massage. Maybe you can even get him to make a blue clay mask that reduces redness and oil.

Try to learn meditation or yoga lessons on YouTube.

Everything is fine

Joint difficulties like cleaning bring together. His strong shoulder and a determined look will not let you leave the analysis of the boxes in the middle, and growth will be useful (more precisely, harmful) for the dust on the eaves. Every 15 minutes, arrange a "minute" during which you are allowed to lie on the couch and check the pages.

Don't tell him what to do or how to do it, and don't be offended if he moves a rare hemifusus colossus shell a millimeter. Be fun, not boring.

Geek romance

Self-education together is much more pleasant. Learn languages, solve puzzles, walk through museums virtually holding hands (already in reality). You can look at a site like - this is an interuniversity e-education platform, everything is serious.

If the guy has a technical mindset, and you have a humanitarian one, even better. Let him explain physics to you simple examples and with the use of improvised means, and you will tell him in his ear about the leitmotifs of Bulgakov's work.

And finally just shut up

If you suddenly have nothing to do objectively, and all the points above have been tried, just sit next to each other and go about your own business. And these moments will be more beautiful than any crazy parties and adventures.

6 simple games for two

  • "Jenga" (let him concentrate while you distract him with stories about what will happen to the loser).
  • “Sea battle” (warn you right away that if you don’t give in and sink all your ships, you will arrange a pillow fight in which you have no equal).
  • "Cities", "blue-haired cartoon characters" or whatever (avoid the use of any gadgets).
  • "Twister" (to the advice about yoga).
  • "Mario" (if you can't find a prefix, play on the computer - and be sure to wish).
  • Reading aloud and role-playing.

Photo: Konstantin Yuganov, Syda Productions/, Legion-Media