Making an origami rose out of paper is easy. Origami paper rose. Master Class. How to make a paper rose More complex origami

Greetings. We continue the topic. Recently we made, and today I want to create the queen of flowers - a rose. It looks very good in any interior and on any application.

Often it is made to decorate gifts or holiday decor. For example, large voluminous roses can decorate a wedding, birthday or International Women's Day, and also become the main decor for a photo zone.

I picked up the most understandable master classes, following which step by step, you will definitely succeed. There are easy options that can be made with children, and there are more difficult ones that need to be created carefully. But absolutely everything is doable, so let's get started.

I think that since school, most children at least once, but engaged in origami. Even in its simplest form, for example, they did or.

Making a flower is somewhat more difficult, but it is quite within the power of both a student and an adult. Today I will share with you 4 step by step diagrams, which show you step by step what needs to be done to make a rose.

So, the first scheme is in front of you. For her, you need to take a square sheet, you can cut the A4 landscape page. I advise you not to take small sheets if you are just learning this technique.

The second diagram is incredibly detailed. She describes each step that needs to be done in order for you to get this flower.

Origami does not involve the use of glue and scissors. But in this case, we will need to make more beautiful leaves, so we will give them a little shape in the last step.

The following diagram shows how to make a modular origami rose. This option is interesting, but also more time-consuming than the previous two. Also, each step is described in detail, which will be convenient for those who are just starting to hone their skills in this technique.

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video in which the master makes an unusual beauty, which also folds into a cube. This idea interested me, so I share it with you.

You can use not only colored sheets, but also newspapers.

Volumetric rose from corrugated paper with a candy inside with a template

Corrugated paper is now popular to make wonderful candies with a surprise. The whole craft wraps around the candy. And most often such compositions are created for gifts. These roses look like real ones and are not very difficult to make.

I will give three instructions on how to make such beauties. They differ in the shape of the petals. By this I want to show that the appearance of the flower will change greatly depending on the chosen shape and size.

In addition to corrugated, you can use crepe, it is also great for the techniques described. For one rose, you need to cut out three different petal shapes. The widest goes to the outer layers. And the narrowest ones create the middle and wrap the candy.

1. The necessary details are in front of you.

2. Each petal must be stretched in the middle and twist the edges with your fingers. They have become real.

3. We begin to wrap the candy.

In order for all layers to hold better, use hot glue to fix the bottom of the parts.

4. Layer by layer, we impose details and fix the end of the bud with a thread in order to keep the candy inside well. But you need to do this by wrapping the bottom of the flower with wire or a skewers skewer. They will act as a stem for us.

This is what the result looks like from above.

6. Open the petals.

The next master class is very similar in order of stages, but has a different shape of the petals. Three sizes are also used here, but they all have the same shape.

I suggest trying to make flowers from an unusual shape of parts.

They are of two types. One of which is a perky heart.

For one rose, you need at least five petals, the more there are, the more fluffy and open it will turn out.

If you do without candy, then immediately fasten the first petal with hot glue to the wire.

We stretch all the details a little in width, they become concave and twist the edges to give a greater resemblance to the real ones.

We begin to collect the bud. First we take narrow, and then wide prepared parts.

For those who do not have professional materials for such products, I advise you to take the same crepe or corrugated paper to wrap the stem.

If you use several shades, you get bright and beautiful compositions.

To give the flower more realism, choose sheets of several shades of the same color, from dark to light, so you can create a natural gradient that all plants have.

How to make paper flower with kids

The easiest way to make crafts with kids is to use napkins. They already have the right dimensions and are easy to roll and glue.

I offer an idea on how to quickly make a rose without glue.

Also, decorative napkins give several variations for folding crafts. The flowers are delicate and delicate.

Another simple option is to use a template. You draw a wavy spiral, cut it along the contour and fold it, straightening each layer.

The same technique is shown below, but its difference is that the edges of the workpiece are frayed. They wrap inward and this creates a fluffy center.

In the same spiral technique, slightly different flowers can be made.

To do this, a template is drawn separately, it is cut along the lines. See that the petals are more clearly defined here and there is a smooth edge?

Cut it out along the outline.

And turn from the end, correcting the outer petals.

You can finish the product with your fingers. The child will definitely be able to twist the part.

It is advisable to fill the bottom with hot glue so that the spiral does not unfold. This rose has the most beautiful and realistic petals than the results of the previous versions in the spiral technique.

And one of the easiest options is to cut out the most ordinary spiral. Usually they start with this option, because it does not require special skill at all.

I think that you liked the ideas and you can create a beautiful decor.

For example, you can decorate a panel like this with flowers made using the techniques described above.

How easy is it to make a flower in five minutes with your own hands?

Incredibly beautiful buds can be made in just five minutes. And for this we again need corrugated paper. We need a long strip five centimeters wide. The longer it is, the more blossoming flower you will get.

So, we bend the edge, turning it outward a little, as in the photo.

We do this along the entire length of the strip.

And we start spinning it.

Do not forget to fix the edges.

Another interesting and quick idea is created from tissue paper. It is thin and translucent. But it allows you to make voluminous crafts.

1. We need a rectangle, centimeters long and 7 centimeters wide.

2. Fold it in half so that the edges match.

3. And we wrap the resulting workpiece around the finger with the fold up.

4. Fix the bottom with a stapler and straighten the layers.

5. We will need a lot of such buds.

What creative people can't think of! For example, make beauty out of egg trays. It's eco-friendly and looks amazing. All instructions are shown in the diagram.

Another quick rose idea. True, it is more time-consuming than the previous ones, but it will not take more than fifteen minutes for an adult.

If there are no such curly staplers, cut out the details manually. But such assistants are sold in most stationery stores. And the kids will definitely appreciate such a purchase.

We will need parts of the same size, but with a different number of petals. Therefore, we take three parts and make cuts for each. At the first, we only cut only one line, at the second we cut out the petal, at the third we remove two already.

We turn each piece and cut off the bottom.

We glue each detail and see if your result is similar to the image.

From the cut petal we form the middle, attaching it to the wire. Then we insert this part into the shamrock, then into the middle blank.

The last will be the largest. Remember that all layers must be fixed so that the craft does not fall apart.

This option works well with thick sheets or cardboard. It will be especially beautiful if you take a sheet with a texture or reliefs. By the way, all these options can be repeated from felt. If suddenly you have such a desire.

Master class of a large paper rose for beginners with diagrams

Now popular. They are made in different sizes, ranging from standard to full size. Such crafts decorate photo studios, photo zones, decorate the interior and simply give to each other.

This big beauty is made of crepe paper. Remember, above we considered several options for petals that can be cut from corrugations? So, here we need details in the form of hearts.

The process is the same, one hundred and when creating ordinary flowers. We stretch each petal in width and bend the ends. A bud is assembled, around which layers of petals are glued.

For the stem, you can take a wire that corresponds in width to the volume of the bud. Of course, the thin one will not stand it.

And here is the beauty for large rooms.

The craftswoman shows the whole stage step by step. And it is almost the same as the previous one. But here are many more details.

All layers must be glued together, otherwise, under their weight, the petals simply will not hold and fall apart. You may need a whole pack of glue sticks, because the dimensions of the parts are large.

Any woman can make such crafts. And then put your creation to decorate the hall or living room.

For large volumes, one roll may not be enough for you, so buy at least two of them.

Beautiful quilling flower

Quilling has several directions. For example, there is laying flat modules on the surface of the picture. It turns out bright and openwork compositions, but I will not describe this method today, it requires complete immersion in technology. And today we will deal with a voluminous rose.

This option can be repeated with satin ribbons. You have probably already seen similar fabric flowers on brooches or other clothes. The sequence of actions is the same, but we use a different material.

If it seemed difficult for you to repeat the steps according to the scheme, then I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video in which the master shows how to fold the strip.

All the options I have given are beautiful and will help you out if you need to quickly decorate a gift or create decor for the holiday. And it’s also worth teaching children such wonderful creativity.

The rose is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, which is why it is very popular.

A paper rose is no less attractive than a real one, and the fact that you make a beautiful flower with your own hands, makes the rose even more meaningful to the person you give it to.

Learn making paper roses is easy. There are many ways to do this, and you will learn about several from us.

How to make a rose with your own hands. The easiest way.

In this example, you will spend very little time on a rose, but you will get a lot of pleasure. Such flowers can be used as decor in the apartment or as a symbolic gift with your own hands.

You will need:

Heavy paper


beautiful vase

1. From thick paper, you need to cut a square measuring 10x10 cm.

* The color of the paper depends on the color of the rose you will be making.

2. Draw a spiral on the square (see picture).

3. Cut out the drawn spiral.

4. Start twisting the paper spiral, starting from the outer end.

5. Screw the bud tightly to the end and glue the inner end to strengthen the structure.

The rose is ready, and you need to start the leaves for her.

6. Cut out a leaf and glue it to the rose.

To make the rose look more chic, put it in a beautiful vase.

How to make a paper rose. Method II

You will need:

Heavy paper


Adhesive (adhesive tape)

1. Fold an A4 piece of paper in half and then in half again.

2. Now you need to cut the sheet into 4 strips. To do this, unfold it and cut along the folds.

3. Use duct tape to secure the cut strips end to end to make one long strip.

4. The strip that you have turned out needs to be twisted so that a rod-barrel is obtained (see picture).

5. The rest of the paper you now need to fold in half, while slowly turning it around the center (see picture). Continue wrapping and collecting layers until you have a rose.

* If you wish, you can color the rose with your favorite color if you made it from white paper.

How can you make a rose. Method III

You will need:

Crepe paper (red and green)

Stick, skewer or wire



Floral tape or glue

1. Make a heart shaped template. The size of the template depends on the size of the flower. In this example, the height of the heart is 15 cm.

2. Cut out 5-6 hearts according to the template.

3. We make a stem. Prepare 3 wires or a stick and wrap with floral tape.

* Floral tape can be replaced with glue.

4. Making petals. Gently stretch the paper wide. Wrap the top edge of the heart around the round handle.

Wrap the first petal around the stem and secure with ribbon.

Do the same with the rest of the petals.

5. We make leaves. Prepare 3 wires and wrap them with crepe paper. Next, you need to glue leaves to them, which must be prepared in advance.

6. Let's make a cup of roses. Cut out a strip of green crepe paper.

Attach the strip to the base of the cup with adhesive tape (this can be replaced with glue).

Attach the leaves to the stem. Make one common stem and decorate it with green crepe paper.

Paper rose. Method IV

You will need:

Template for printing



Stick, toothpick, skewer or wire


1. To make such a paper rose you need to download a flower template

How to make a rose

2. After that, you printed out the template, cut out the petals and leaves.

* Take a close look at the template, where all the petals and leaves are numbered.

3. Use scissors to fold over the ends of the petals on both sides.

4. Three green leaves also need to be bent in half lengthwise.

5. Prepare a toothpick, thin wire, stick or skewer and twist petal number 1 around it. Use glue to fix everything.

6. Now around the twisted petal number 1 you need to wrap the petals number 2 and 3 and also secure with glue.

7. You need to glue petals 4, 5, 6, 7 to get something similar to cones (see photo).

8. Assemble and glue together all the parts of the flower!

You can find roses in other colors by clicking on the links below.

DIY paper roses. Method V

Like the previous roses, this one can be made in any color. The example shows the color red.

1. Prepare colored cardboard. Draw a spiral on it. The line that you draw from the center to the periphery, try to make it not even, but a little wavy.

2. Use scissors to make a cut along the entire drawn line. You should get something similar to the peel from a peeled apple.

3. Now you need to wind your spiral around the pencil. Try to wind tightly until you reach the middle. After that, the pencil must be removed, and let the flower straighten out.

* Using your fingers, you can try to slightly straighten the paper petals in the central part.

4. In the center, apply a lot of glue and let it drain into the central part of the spiral. In order for the glue to grab well, you need to press the entire structure to the bottom.

Do-it-yourself corrugated rose

You will need:

Corrugated paper (pink and green)


Wire (straightened paperclip or skewer)

1. Prepare pink or red crepe paper and fold it several times, first lengthwise, then widthwise.

2. Using scissors, cut out something that looks like double heart-shaped petals. In this way, you can make 8 petals at once with one cut.

* In the video, the petals are simply cut out of paper, but you can first draw them on it and then cut them out.

3. Each group of petals needs to be slightly crushed to give more naturalness. You can stretch by pressing your fingers into the middle part.

4. Now you need to cut a strip of 3 cm wide from a roll of corrugated paper (choose the length yourself, based on the video tutorial). Apply glue along the strip.

5. At one end of the tape, you need to put a short wire (you can replace it with a straightened paper clip or skewer) and wind the entire strip around it. Thus, you will get the core of the rose. It is to it that you will further glue the petals.

6. It remains only to apply glue to the petals and attach them to the central part.

7. At the final stage of green paper, you need to make leaflets. To do this, fold the green crepe paper in half and half again, and cut out the shape of the petals as shown in the video.

* In the video, a foam rubber tape is pressed against the wire, and then the wire is wrapped with green paper along with the foam rubber.

Origami rose Kawasaki (video)

This method of making a paper rose was invented by Kawasaki, after whom it is named.

How to make a rose out of a napkin (video)

Napkin origami rose (video)

A rose made of paper is perfect for decorating the interior, and as a gift to a loved one. Simple technique, inexpensive materials and minimal effort are the main advantages of paper roses. Thanks to step-by-step diagrams with detailed explanations, anyone who is far from the world of origami can make them.

How to make an origami paper rose - what you need

  • Paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Toothpick or match.
  • Optionally, you can use for decoration: beads, beads, rhinestones.

How to make a rose out of origami paper - step by step

  • It is best to take colored paper. This will significantly reduce the time of creating the figurine, because you don’t have to paint a white sheet and wait for the paint to dry. From a rectangular sheet, cut out an even square of any size.
  • Fold the sheet in half, connecting the sides. We make the first fold from top to bottom. Next, fold from right to left, carefully combining the sides. You should get a miniature square.
  • Expand by pressing on the right fold line of the second square. It turns out a triangle, we press one part of it to the untouched square, and draw the second to the right side. Ultimately, a square, covered by a triangle, should form.

  • We turn over the workpiece. Be careful and hold the paper with your hand so that the previously folded figure does not fall apart.
  • We transfer the square to the left side, folding it along the already existing fold line. Next, we repeat the manipulations with the square - unfold it, press on the fold and form a triangle out of the square. As a result, we get two layers.
  • We bend the corners of the top layer to the center line, trying to combine both sides. The bottom one should stay in place.

  • The small triangles that form the bottom layer are bent in half from top to bottom. We iron the fold line and unfold them back.
  • The right triangle of the upper layer, which was previously bent to the center line, is opened. By analogy from the second and third points, we make a square by flattening the fold line. We do the same with the second triangle.

  • The free corners of the two squares must be lowered down. Notice how the squares turn back into squares, and the figure becomes a pentagon.
  • Next, turn the workpiece over, placing the untouched part on top. Next, we perform similar actions with it, described in paragraphs 7-9. A uniform pentagon should form.

  • Bend the top corner down, creating a regular rectangle. Next, open the figure from below, lightly holding it with your fingers, preventing it from turning around.
  • Find the two central corners of the figure. Next, open the found corners to the edges, aligning in one plane. Please note that both angles must be identical. If the folds are uneven, then redo the element by bending the corners to their original position.

  • We turn the workpiece over, holding it with our fingers a little, not allowing the lower part to straighten.
  • Gently bend the upper triangle so that it is perpendicular to the square. Make it extremely simple - the triangle will bend exactly along the intended line.
  • Next, you need to look closely - four squares should come out, divided strictly diagonally. If everything is correct, then we look for the lower right square and bend it diagonally. A barrier is formed.

  • We turn the figure 180 degrees and repeat the action, bending the square diagonally. Slightly rounded walls with a single base should form.
  • We hold the future rose with one hand, with the fingers of the other hand, carefully twist the sides clockwise. Enough two or three turns. The blank should take the form of an unopened bud.

  • Take a toothpick or a match, a thin wooden stick will do. It is most convenient for her to unfold the petals. Do not try to straighten the paper in the same way, move randomly, then the rose will look more realistic.

The final version can be decorated with various beads, rhinestones or painted with ordinary felt-tip pens. Such a rose is suitable for interior decoration or as a gift to a loved one.

I have long wanted to do origami paper rose but not too simple. So that you can study the scheme, iron it slowly, fold by fold, and in the end you get magnificent colors - just like a real one.

The possibilities of ancient art are endless. It turns out that a beautiful rose is assembled from one sheet of paper. The optimal size is 20x20 cm. A small flower comes out and it is convenient to collect.

At first glance, it will seem to you that there is nothing complicated, but you will have to sit over the folds and folds before a delicious bud appears in front of you. But it is very exciting!

Origami paper rose: step by step instructions

Take a square 20x20 cm red or any other color. Bend it along the diagonal lines. Then fold in half so that the opposite sides meet and again. Divide the part closer to the center into two more equal parts by making a fold. Expand the sheet. Repeat the same in the other direction.

Remember: the better you iron the folds, the easier it will be at later stages of work.

Look at the expanded sheet. In the middle, three lines are visible, intersecting in the center. Now you need to select them so that the one in the middle becomes convex.

Lay the resulting edges in one direction one after the other. Turn the docking point into a square, gently smoothing it on a plane.

Turn the piece over to the other side. Start ironing the squares near the center and diagonal lines, bending every fourth part of the sheet in one direction.

Roll the rose petals along the marked lines so that the middle of the sheet is out.

Bend the ends of the petals inward and fasten one after the other to make a solid bottom. Use glue to be sure.

It remains only to open the petals, carefully removing them from the center of the rose. Curl the outer petals. Origami rose is ready!

I have no doubt that you have turned out very beautifully. If desired, you can make a stem from floral wire and make it. As a vase, any model from the modules is suitable.

I wish you a great mood and success in your hobby! Subscribe to new articles so you don't miss anything!

According to legend, the rose did not yet have thorns ... Such beauty is easily made from paper. A ready-made flower without thorns, which will not fade and will become an original gift for a loved one. To make an origami paper rose, follow the step-by-step instructions.

For beginners, it is better to choose an easy way to learn the basics of the procedure.

The process consists of several interrelated steps. The first is the preparation of lines (or stripes, depending on which scheme). This technique creates the basis for folding. A sheet of paper will need to be turned over 3-4 times in a special way, following the instructions. The second stage is folding.

What will be required:

  • a sheet of paper (office, corrugated, special color);
  • origami schemes;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue or glue gun (for fixing);
  • scissors;
  • wire (if necessary).

It is better to start mastering the manufacture with simple schemes, so that even a child can independently make a rose out of paper - origami. Some techniques allow you to make crafts without the use of glue and other additional materials.

Twisted paper rose

Take a sheet of paper prepared for crafts.

Cut the sheet into 2-3 identical long strips. Remember, the width of these stripes determines the size of the future flower (the wider, the larger the rosette). It is better to do 1-1.5 cm.

Bend the finished strips neatly diagonally. So from sheet A4 you get 2-3 (and more) colors.

If you want to additionally make a branch for the finished rose, take a separate sheet of green paper (corrugated or thick colored paper will do). Cut the leaf into 2-3 long strips. Let them be 10-15 cm in width. See that the length of the strip fits the size of the flower. Preferably 15-20 cm. If the flower turned out to be small - 10-12 cm. Fold and seal the edge with PVA glue.

Cut the leaves separately and glue to the finished branch.

Gently glue a rosebud to the end of the resulting branch. The method is considered simple, done quickly.

Origami rose simple

Master class on making a simple rose without patterns. For beginners, medium hardness, corrugated, office or colored paper is suitable for testing. Cut off the excess strip to get a square sheet.

Fold the paper in half first. Fold the resulting rectangle in half.

Open the upper side of the square, following the direction: from left to right so that you end up with a triangle. When finished, turn the workpiece over. Fold the other side of the square in the same way. It turned out a triangle.

Fold the bottom corners of the resulting triangle, following the center line. Instead of one, now two identical small triangles. Open and straighten the craft - you will again get a square.

Turn the piece over. Bend both lower sides from the upper triangle symmetrically, following the direction of a flat center line.

Bend one top corner towards the visible center point from the bottom line of the triangle. Straighten the sides.

Origami rose - transformer

It will turn out not a rose, but a masterpiece. For the manufacture of crafts, one sheet is enough. The finished rosette transforms from a three-dimensional cube and back.


  • thick paper in 2 colors (for example, pink and green);
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

The procedure seems dreary and complicated, but if you follow the instructions step by step, everything will work out. There is no need to take 2 colors, one A4 sheet is enough. It is cut into several identical squares (9 × 9 cm). But it's better to take 2 colors, it's easier to make an origami rose.

Fold the square in half. Fold both halves alternately in half so that the folds are on the same side.

Fold the upper right of the corners, focusing on the first of the folds on the left. Iron it.

Fold the bottom right corner as well. For convenience, you can expand the workpiece, then the angle will be on top. Two diagonal folds were added to the three straight folds on the paper.

Fold the bottom corner on the left, aligning the cut of the sheet so that it coincides with the right small crease.

Align the top cut by pressing with your finger, and then fix the resulting open pocket (see photo).

Turn the piece upside down. Repeat manipulations with a small lower corner on the left. Just look, there, push the corner down the corner made earlier.

Iron the crease, following until it intersects with the vertical crease on the right, as already done.

Repeat the manipulations to get another fold.

Turn the piece over. Carefully fold the corners. Bend the bottom corner on the right and the top left.

The result is a square with several corners. Fold the rest of the sheets (pink) as well.

Green squares must also be folded to form pockets. The step-by-step instructions described above will help. Bend the small corner at the bottom, located on the right. The resulting corner immediately bend up.

Rotate the workpiece to 180 degrees and repeat the steps above, taking the bottom corner on the left. You will get a blank similar to pink, only with a wrapped corner.

Turn the piece over. Bend its top corner looking like it was in pink, followed by the bottom corner.

At first it seems that making an origami rose out of paper is very difficult and time consuming. But in the end, you will get a paper cube that will transform into a beautiful little flower.

Connect the green parts. Hold the first (left) part so that the small corner looks up, and the longer corner looks down. Insert the second (right) part with a long angle into the groove.

Turn the third part and carefully insert the long corner into the groove from the second of the parts. Insert the long corner from the first into the groove from the third.

Follow the description and refer to the pictures. Try to cut the diagonals of the three parts to form a triangle.

Collect pink. Again, insert the long corners of these parts alternately into the open grooves. Look at the cutouts. You can see how the slots diverge beautifully to the sides from the top.

We connect. Carefully insert the long corners from the pink ones into the open grooves of the green ones. Do not touch short corners. You will get a small cube with protruding short corners. Open green.

Harder to open petals. To make the flower beautiful, act carefully. It seems that the craft is not assembled correctly. The petals just hold on tighter. If it doesn't work with your fingers, take something sharp.

After stretching everything, straighten the center, then the edges, so that each curl is noticeable. Here's how to make an origami paper rose that can turn back into a two-color cube.