How to understand that you fell in love with a friend test. Psychological love tests for guys and girls

Passion, affection, passion, - at the very wonderful feeling many facets and names. Psychological tests for falling in love for guys will help you figure it out own feelings those who are not accustomed to analyze thoughts, actions, engage in self-digging. Compiled by experienced connoisseurs of human souls, questionnaires will reveal your hidden motives, subconscious aspirations and dispel the pink haze that often accompanies relationships.

Sincere answers on all points of tests about girls, about love, sex, relationships will help you understand yourself and your partner, reveal the true background of experiences, sensations, actions that you were prompted by acquaintance with the object of passion. It is not customary for us to turn to a psychologist even in critical life situation not to mention the beginning of a relationship. To some extent advice experienced psychologist will be able to replace the result obtained after honest answers about the most personal, intimate. In addition, it is much easier to tell about your feelings to a soulless computer than to a friend and, especially, to a stranger.

For guys, the love test is perhaps the only one fast way determine the degree and intensity of feelings. Why are you together or do you want to be with her? A couple of minutes and a few answers will put everything in its place without unnecessary confessions and sentimental nonsense.

A test about girls, about love and sincerity of feelings will show whether your chosen one really loves, trusts and respects you, or all her assurances are sewn with white threads. Remembering some features of her behavior, words and deeds, draw the right conclusions.

Sometimes it is not easy to understand feelings and admit them even to yourself, not to mention the subject of passion. Tests for guys about love for a girl will resolve your doubts, the main thing is to answer questions honestly, without hesitation.

Having passed the test for love, for a guy from your inner circle, you can objectively assess the chances of developing a relationship. If a person is modest and does not show initiative, his body, eyes, gestures will give out thoughts and hidden desires.

Sometimes even living together under one roof or a long acquaintance is not a guarantee of mutual love. Simple but objective test on love for a person will help to find out whether this is a real feeling or a habit of comfort, conveniences and other household goods.

A love test is a test that will help measure the depth, sincerity, reciprocity of your feelings. Loves or not? Are you loved? We don't see much of ourselves. Answer the questions sincerely, and the result of the test will open your eyes.

Are you confident in your friendship, love to the grave, fidelity? Do you have anything to hide from your partner? Then get through pair test for love for two. Strong Relationships not destroy tricky questions but both of you will learn a lot interesting friend about a friend.

Loving loved ones is not always easy, but habitual. It's just as natural to fall in love with the first person you meet. You can love animals, help children, the homeless, but it is much more difficult to have similar feelings for passers-by, neighbors, colleagues. The test of love for people will show how responsive and humane you are.

Are you open to new meetings, are you ready to fall in love, or is healthy egoism prevailing in you? A short love test will demonstrate whether you can recognize a flashed feeling or consider it another hobby unworthy of close attention.

At the best human feeling hundreds of facets and definitions, someone considers love to be a synonym for devotion, mutual support, respect, others see insane passion. Choose your option by answering the questions of the test "What is love?".

There is no single sample emotional sphere and the feelings that a woman endures during the period of falling in love. But there are universal factors of such beautiful feelings.

Thanks to the test, it is possible to find out that you are in love, whether your attitude and feelings for your soulmate are serious. Find out if the suggested items are right for you.

  1. When the chosen one is nearby, you behave strangely and inadequately. If a girl is in love, then she can laugh and smile all the time for no reason. She begins to get lost, cannot choose a topic for conversation.
  2. Seriously prepare for a meeting that will happen "accidentally". For example, you are going to a party and you have already chosen an outfit. But suddenly you find out that the young man you like is also invited there. You change everything in one moment, you think that imperfect fingernails and hair roots that have grown back are a worldwide tragedy.
  3. Terrorize your friends. You only talk about him. And friends are tired of listening to this, they cannot bear his name. But you still talk only about the chosen one.
  4. Gather information. You are constantly looking for various facts about his life, listen when they say something about him. If a woman is in love, then subconsciously she will collect information and transform it into an ideal one.
  5. Self-hypnosis. When he talks to you or looks at you, you think that he treats you especially or even loves you.
  6. Higher signs. You went the wrong way and met him. In the book you read main character looks like your man. On TV they showed a clip with a song that played at the evening with his presence. A woman understands for herself - the signs from above say that she made the right choice.
  7. Romance is everywhere. You only hear romantic melodies, melodramas.
  8. The ideal choice. You are sure that it perfectly combines intelligence, beauty, sexuality, physique.
  9. Self improvement. You are ready to change for the better, although few people and things can move you to this.
  10. Thinking about serious feelings and about the future with him, that you will live together.

If the results were positive and you do not doubt your feelings, then psychologists give some advice:

  • It is necessary to think over topics for a conversation with him in advance. This applies to women who find it difficult to concentrate in the presence of the chosen one.
  • If you decide to seduce a man, then the image should be completely opposite to your natural appearance.
  • Experts say that it’s not bad at all to think about your beloved, imagine his image, think about life together. After all, thoughts tend to materialize.
  • There are times when a woman is in love and cannot soberly assess the attitude of a man towards your person. A friend will help here, who will be able to assess the current situation with a look from the outside.

Love is difficult to describe, but easy to deal with. You need to be yourself, then the relationship will be successful.

Are you in love or is it just your imagination? After all, sometimes we, gentle and impressionable girls, wind ourselves up: it seems that I really like this guy. Or not so much? How do you know if your feelings are real or fake? Take our test.

1. The object of your dreams was called to the board. And suddenly you see that the boy is very "floating" and cannot solve a simple equation. Will you rescue him?

A)"It is unlikely. I still didn’t have enough reprimand for hints ”;

B)“I would like to, but I think that I will fail from embarrassment. Probably, two words will not connect with me ”;

IN)“I will try my best! He is so dear to me that I am not afraid of any reprimands and remarks. And if I can’t help him, I’ll distract the teacher so that he peeps the equation in the textbook”;

G)“I will try to help, but only because I always help everyone.”

2. What do you know about him?

A)“I know where I live, what kind of music I listen to and with whom I communicate most often”;

B)“He has the most charming smile in the world!”;

IN)“I know who he is according to the horoscope, which team he supports, what is the name of my mother and all VKontakte friends”;

G)“I know that I like him. The rest is not so important."

3. How often do you communicate?

A)“We see each other every day at school and exchange views”;

IN)“We write text messages to each other and try to communicate in private more often”;

G)“We are friends, we communicate in companies, we meet in common companies in the yard.”

4. What would you do if your parents absolutely did not like him?

A)“I would think. What if they're right?"

B)“It would hardly have happened - dad and mom would approve of any of my choices”;

IN)“I would go against their will and still meet with him”;

G)"Don't know. It would have alerted me, but nothing more.

5. Disaster. It turned out that this boy has long been in love with your most best friend. Your actions:

A)“Since this is a long time and serious, it’s better for a friend to give in”;

B)“I will give you time to put everything in its place. To choose one of us is the boy’s business, my girlfriend and I have no right to share it”;

IN)“Love is like war. Alas, farewell, friend!

G)"I'll ask if he has a nice brother for one of my good friends."

6. Today he passed you along the corridor and did not even say hello. What do you think about this?

A)“Well, you never noticed. It happens to everyone?"

B)“I'm terribly offended. I say hello to him every day and in general I catch every opportunity to talk ”;

IN)“I'll be upset. What would that mean? Maybe he doesn't like me at all?

G)“I’ll catch up and say “hello” myself. I have a problem too."

7. At a break after a lesson in physical education, the teacher said that today, after school, you and this boy should both prepare for the school Olympiad. You look at yourself: your hair is disheveled, your mascara has run out, your lipstick has been worn off… In general, you are out of shape. How to be?

A)“In a couple of minutes I’ll put myself in order and boldly go to practice. Who cares what I look like? The main thing is victory at the Olympics, our super task!”

B)"Well, let. The main thing is that we will be alone. At the same time, the boy will have a chance to see me without gloss and brilliance - I hope that he will like me like that ”;

IN)“I won't go anywhere. I refer to toothache and run home. You can't let him see me so messy!"

G)“Just think, disheveled hair… You haven’t seen me yet on Monday morning. Feel free to go as I am. I am any beautiful!

8. Most of all you would like to hear from him…

A)“How beautiful you are!”

B)“You know, I have been watching you for a long time, you have a charming smile”;

IN)"I love you. From the first class. Fell in love as soon as I saw it for the first time, but hid my feelings all these years”;

G)“Let’s pin our class together! Let's go at the beginning of the biology lesson and say: “Guys, the cockroaches have scattered around the class, catch it soon!”

9. To please you, the boy must ...

A)"Be nice, charming, responsible, look good and be witty";

B)"Give me more attention, flirt and flirt";

IN)“Just be yourself. I like him anyway, any ”;

G)“To be with me, as they say, on the same wavelength: listen to the same music, read the same books…”

10. He did new hairstyle. Who will notice it first?

A)"Don't know. Whoever sees first, he will notice”;

B)“All those girls who have been looking at him for a long time”;

IN)“I, of course. I always like to watch him and pay attention to how he changes”;

G)“I think his mom. Parents are always the first to notice.

So, what letters did you choose most often:

More "A": You like him. A little…

The boy interested you, but nothing more. It seems that you do not consider his candidacy seriously or have gone too deep into other areas of life (friends, girlfriends, studies, hobbies) and do not pay any attention to him. Maybe you just don’t know him well yet, so you can’t understand whether he is attractive to you or not. Tip: Try to cross paths with him and talk face to face. What if this is your man? Don't miss your chance to get to know him better.

More "B": You sunk

You obviously like the boy, but you don't understand how to act. Since you are not yet completely sure of reciprocity, you do not want to upset yourself once again and try not to get hung up on his person. This is very clever, but perhaps your fan can be given a chance: it looks like you really like him after all. Tip: Try to be less afraid of everything. After all, the more you hide your feelings, the less likely you are to become a couple. Try to find out his hobbies, passions, communicate more often during breaks.

More "B": You fell in love, and strongly!

Are you really in love with this young man and most likely for a long time. He almost dreams about you. And your feelings for him are going through the stage of exacerbation right now. It is important for you now not to lose your head and learn to soberly evaluate both him and yourself. And also - do not forget about other areas of life, besides love. Tip: Let the guy know that you care about him. If you correctly "push" him, he will more actively show signs of attention. Give him the opportunity to play knight and conquer you. But you should not run after the boy if you see that he is indifferent to you.

More "G": Friend or boyfriend?

You are cheerful, sociable and open, so you like many guys and different people basically. You love to communicate, and you probably have a lot of fans. You like this boy, but you don't know him well enough to consider him a boyfriend. But you are ready to be friends with him, and this is a serious step. Well, friendship begins the most a good relationship. Tip: Let everything take its course, let everything go as it goes. If it turns out that he is in love with you, then this will definitely manifest itself.

If there are almost equal answers

You are not at all sure of your feelings: either you like him to hell, or you are cold as an iceberg. Wait a bit and take this test again after a while, in two or three weeks. If the result is the same, then you are not yet ready to consider a guy as a candidate for a boyfriend.


Sooner or later, a feeling of love enters the life of any girl. How to understand that you are really in love with a person, and this is not really a fleeting, meaningless hobby?

I think I'm in love, how can I check

People in love, first of all, want to spend as much time as possible with the object of their sympathy. They are characterized by fantasies about a possible future together and reflections on whether a lover or beloved is experiencing reciprocal feelings. If you catch yourself thinking about a person almost constantly. then most likely. you are indifferent to him. Although, of course, there are many other signs.

What is love

Women's opinion Most women believe that if a man loves her, then she will certainly feel and see it. A man in love, in the representation of the beautiful half of humanity, constantly renders signs of attention to the object of sympathy. If a guy rarely calls, invites few dates, is not particularly generous, is not interested in the girl’s affairs, then she will consider that the boyfriend does not have serious feelings for her. Most often, women believe that a man’s love is manifested in actions that they are ready for go for your chosen ones. Material confirmation of feelings is also important - even if a guy makes small surprises to his beloved, she understands that, most likely, he is not indifferent to him. Also, a woman is usually convinced that a man in love will not be interested in someone else, and if she catches him flirting with a certain lady, then it is quite possible to lose faith in his love. Men's opinion The vast majority of men agree with women in the opinion that love inevitably implies care and various signs of attention. In part, they expect from the chosen one the attitude that their mother showed them. In their opinion, loving woman should be interested in the affairs of a loved one, not deny him intimacy, admire him, listen to his opinion and the like. From the point of view of psychology Love is different, and everyone can express this feeling in their own way. For example, a man may feel an all-consuming and passionate love for one woman. Being carried away by this woman, he will always strive for physical possession of her. Over time, feelings may fade away, and the same man will fall in love with another woman, but this time the nature of his love will manifest itself differently - sexual interest will not be expressed as clearly as before, and now the man will strive to take care of his chosen one, patronage. That is, to different women Throughout his life, a man can experience completely different feelings, but every time it will be love.

Signs of a person in love

So, you feel that you are in love with a certain person, but how to determine this for sure? There are several clear signs. 1. Suspiciousness You think for a long time over each randomly thrown phrase thrown by the object of sympathy, trying to find some secret and very important meaning in it. You can interpret ordinary words in completely unexpected ways - both for the better and for the the worst side for myself. Even if the guy just said “Hi!” to you, you try again and again to remember the intonation with which the greeting was uttered in order to determine how the lover feels about you. 2. Curiosity You are trying to find out as much information as possible about the past and present of the man you like. You are interested in literally everything that has to do with him - with whom he met before, where he works, what he is fond of, with whom he is friends, what kind of character he has. Subsequently, you can go further - find on the Web ex-lover guy, study her page in detail, trying to understand what attracted the chosen one in this girl. 3. Jealousy It seems unbearable to you that the person you love can be carried away by someone other than you. It is unpleasant for you if he shows signs of attention to someone, and you react painfully to information that he is interested in someone. If your chosen one is registered in in social networks, you carefully study his profile in order to find out with whom he communicates the most. 4. Resourcefulness If in the near future you have no reasons for meetings and correspondence, you yourself are trying to find them, or even come up with them. Knowing where the object of sympathy works or studies, you can “completely by chance” end up in that area. Also, you will not miss the opportunity to write a message or call the guy you like, even if the reason for this looks very unconvincing. 5. Unusual behavior In the presence of your lover, you behave very differently than usual, and in this case two extremes can be noted. In the first case, you begin to be shy and withdraw into yourself, sometimes it is physically difficult for you to start a conversation with the person you fell in love with. As a rule, such changes in behavior are immediately noticed by mutual friends. In the second case, you begin to show unprecedented activity. You want to impress your loved one - you start talking loudly and a lot, joking out of place, often laughing and fussing. 6. Change of mood You see yourself changing moods more and more often. You can all morning, smiling happily, reflect on what the prospects for your potential relationship might be. Already after a couple of hours, you can be in a gloomy and depressed mood, without waiting for the desired sign of attention from your beloved, or even for no apparent reason at all. If you do not yet know whether your love is mutual, then you can constantly be thrown from a feeling of euphoria to absolute confusion and emptiness.

7. Desire to be better You want to admire the man you love and please him. In pursuit of this goal, a woman often decides to change in style, and often they can be very unusual. Now you spend more time in front of the mirror, carefully select your wardrobe and think over your makeup. 8. Willingness to “tune in” to his taste You found out that before the beloved preferred to meet with dark-haired girls, but you yourself are platinum blonde? The revealed information can push you to drastic changes and make you go to the hairdresser to change your hair color. Did you find out that the guy you like is fond of football? Even if you were far from the world of sports before, now you are starting to wonder which players play in your favorite team and what days the matches take place. Such examples can relate to almost everything - appearance, character, manner of dressing, hobbies, and the like.

Of course, love and falling in love are not the same thing! What key differences these feelings, which some people often confuse?