Hair cutting according to the horoscope, days of the week, zodiac signs: suitable haircuts, favorable and unfavorable days. How often should you cut your hair to make it grow faster? How to choose the right hairdresser? Moon in Cancer - haircuts, hairstyles and hair coloring

Haircut and condition

The best time to visit a hairdresser is when the Moon is in the constellation Leo. Haircuts, styling, coloring and lightening procedures are excellent, and the hair becomes thicker as a result. But it is better to postpone the perm for another time: although it holds well, it will be excessively lush.

A haircut performed during this period has a magical effect - it cuts off failures from a person. But you need to use this effect carefully, because lucky people can get changes not for the better.

Possible changes in life

A haircut made during this period can make every person attractive and beautiful. It also affects the rhythm of life. If everything is fine with you, then with this position of the moon you should not cut your hair. If you want changes in life, its course, then a haircut will contribute to this.

Features of cosmetic procedures

The strong effect of Leo on the heart can even cause heart failure. Therefore, you need to monitor physical activity on the body and nutrition. Recommended and procedures aimed at combating excess weight, which in turn will lead to an improvement in skin condition.

Scorpions, doing the usual self-massage at this time, can significantly improve their appearance - posture and skin condition.

For Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, a hardware massage of the thighs and buttocks, performed in a massage room, is better suited.

Libra should stop using makeup: their skin should rest, breathe freely. The same applies to Devs: they may become allergic to cosmetics and perfumes.

Aquarius should not sunbathe at this time.

Representatives of all zodiac signs are advised to take good care of their eyes, protecting them from bright light. You should also refrain from operations on the vessels, from the removal of capillary asterisks, warts and moles. Whitening of age spots, freckles, deep skin cleansing procedures and steam baths are contraindicated. A good result will provide plastic surgery of the face and chin, surgery to eliminate fat deposits in the hips and neck, lipomas. You can do hardware lifting, peeling, various physiotherapy.

Aries, Taurus and Sagittarius will get good results from tightening and rejuvenating masks.

For cosmetic procedures, preference should be given to light natural substances, homemade cosmetics. A good effect should be expected from the use of liquid creams containing honey, royal jelly, extracts of medicinal plants (chamomile, yarrow, mint, wormwood).

With the help of a hairstyle, you can attract good luck and direct the course of your life in one direction or another, because hair is the source of our cosmic power. And even a haircut is a special sacrament that must be approached responsibly!

Most people are very pragmatic about haircuts: grown up - it's time to go to the hairdresser. What happens next is not known to many.

We often notice that visiting the same master gives different results: sometimes the hairstyle turns out great, the hair lends itself well to styling, after the haircut it grows quickly and pleases the hostess, and sometimes it seems that it was better not to cut it, because. it takes a month, or even more, to bring your appearance into proper shape.

Why is this happening? Everything has its own explanation.

Look at the recipes that official medicine treatises of the 14th century AD contain: “... if a person is tormented by spleen and lack of strength, you need to cut his nails and hair on the growing Moon on the day of Mars (Tuesday) for three weeks in a row, after which he will begin to recover ... "

Methods of medical therapy for centuries were based on astrological knowledge. There was a time when no one was surprised that a hairdresser closed his salon on certain days of the moon. It was just that during this period there was no demand for his services, since people attached great importance to the cosmic influence of the night star.

A) The hair cutting procedure should never be carried out on the days of a solar and lunar eclipse. It is believed that because of this you can get sick or cut off the memory and mind. In general, it is not surprising, because the Moon expresses a person's connection with the past, and the Sun - with the present.

B) Four times during the month, the Moon “shakes up” our psyche, moving from one phase to another. The days of the phase change are critical, otherwise they are called satanic lunar days. So, God forbid, cut your hair on the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th lunar days, these are very unfavorable days for haircuts and other manipulations with appearance.

This completes the calculations, and next in line safety regulations.

The first and most important rule is that don't cut your own hair! The fact is that during a haircut, not only the shape of the hairstyle is created, but also the alignment of the bioenergetic potential of a person takes place.

For clarification, a small digression is necessary. The bioenergy field of a person contains all the information about him, including his mistakes, which lead to troubles and diseases. The meaning of extrasensory influence on the alignment of the human biofield lies in the fact that the psychic, even being in non-contact contact (for example, non-contact massage) with the patient, is introduced into his bioenergy structure by the vibrations of his biofield. Recovery occurs, to put it in a simplified language, due to the fact that, being in the contaminated field of the patient, the pure field of the psychic absorbs "impurities" until the resonance of the vibrations of both biofields occurs. True, after such treatment, psychics feel, to put it mildly, not very comfortable.

So in the case of a haircut, the point is not, but no matter how strong-willed and strong you are, it will be difficult for you to correct the deformations of your own biofield structures, since you will act on them with the same deformed energy. Therefore, it will be better if you trust the other person.

It is important to consider the second rule: you can't trust anyone to cut your hair. Even a super professional hairdresser can destroy your natural connection with the Cosmos by changing your biofield in the wrong direction. This will happen if he himself is in an unsatisfactory state, for example, he is sick, subjected to negative magical effects (evil eye, damage), or simply in a bad mood. After his manipulations with your hair, the negativity of the master will settle on you, and you may feel unwell, your hair will grow poorly and look ugly. Therefore, when visiting a hairdresser, opt for an energetic and cheerful master. In this case, you can expect that after a haircut your life will change for the better.

The older the hairdresser, the greater his influence on your life. If you are used to, prefer to solve your problems yourself and do not like it when something prevents you from achieving your goal, choose a master of the same age as you or younger than you. Then the upcoming changes under the influence of a haircut will be completely subject to you. But if, for reasons incomprehensible to you, you are chronically unlucky in something, use the services of a very old and well-known master, even if you have to pay a tidy sum. The result is worth it! Your life will change dramatically.

It is also considered that the hairdresser must be of the same gender as you. This is the third rule of a happy haircut. It is especially important to follow it for those who are in a legal or civil marriage. This is connected, again, with our biofield, in which changes occur during the haircut, as a result of which we easily succumb to other people's influence. Previously, there was an opinion that a man should not let anyone cut his hair except his wife, so as not to destroy the family. And now it happens that a man gets his hair cut by a woman hairdresser, and then there comes a cooling of relations with his wife.

A similar sign is also true for those who trust their hair to male masters. You probably already guessed that this is happening due to the fact that a master of a different sex with you could like you, and the interaction of your biofields led to troubles in your personal life. No wonder there is a biblical story where Solomon was killed by a woman who cut his hair.

It is hoped that this information may be of interest to professional hairdressers as well. After all, beauty salons that take into account such a non-trivial approach to their clients can increase their authority and claim the status of an elite institution. And the number of happy people on Earth will increase.

Helpful Hints

Have you ever thought that the appearance of a person can tell a lot about his character, and some character traits impose imprint on appearance? Each sign of the Zodiac, as you know, has its own characteristics, which are reflected in the appearance, in particular on the hairstyle and hair.

Today I would like to talk about the horoscope of hairstyles, about what haircuts and hairstyles most suitable for one or another zodiac sign, you will also learn about when it is best for you to go to the hairdresser, what hair care products to choose. All these subtleties will be prompted by the Moon and the Lunar calendar, as well as your solar sign.

Hair has always been considered magical part our personality, the guardians of the life force of many peoples. The first haircut of children was considered a special rite, even to this day many parents keep the first cut of a child's hair as a keepsake. Having made a certain haircut, you can change something in your life and inner world.

easier in spring and summer grow hair than in the cold season, especially if you cut the ends during the waxing moon. On average hair grows 12 millimeters per month, so if you cut at least 5-6 millimeters monthly, per year you can grow about 7-10 centimeters hair! However, hair growth can be accelerated if you use special stimulants in the form of masks, nutritional wraps, lotions, rinses.

Hair cutting horoscope


Representatives of the sign Aries often have blond, slightly curly hair. If the hair is straight, they may often have a desire to wind it on curlers or do “chemistry”. In most cases, this hairstyle suits them very well.

Aries hair is hard, naughty. Often they prefer to cut their hair short so as not to mess with long curls, but they usually choose modern, bright and memorable hairstyles, because fiery signs always like to stand out.

The head is the weak point of Aries, so the representatives of this sign should especially take good care of your hair, regularly make hair masks, as well as massage your head to accelerate hair growth and improve well-being.

What will suit you?

When choosing a haircut, you should always remember the golden rule: measure a hundred times, cut once. The fact is that your often spontaneous and unpredictable desire to act can play a cruel joke, and a hastily invented hairstyle can disappoint a lot.

It is better to go to the hairdresser after you have thought it over carefully and change your appearance only if you have been for some time (at least several days or weeks) want it. They say that classic Aries look great with short "male" or "unisex" haircuts, but too standard hairstyles will quickly bore you. Hair must be non-classical, stylish may even be asymmetrical.

Try to choose haircuts so that you can still change appearance, for example, pinning up hair, changing the location of the parting, twisting on curlers or changing the hairstyle with styling. You can also use washable hair dyes, because if you often repaint, the hair will quickly deteriorate, become thin and brittle.

For young representatives of the sign Aries, a short sports haircut will help to find your style, emphasize sexuality. Mature women with the help of this hairstyle can "lose" a few years, look younger and more attractive.

When to go to the hairdresser?

Days when the Moon is in fire signs Leo and Sagittarius, ideal for changing the image of Aries. It is especially recommended to cut your hair in waxing moon days so that your hair grows back quickly and you can update your hairstyle or completely change it, because you quickly get bored with everything and constantly want something new.

Tuesday- the day of Mars, the planet that patronizes the sign Aries. On this day, you can sign up for a hairdresser, or you can use it for hair care.

Aries should not cut their hair on a day when the Moon is in a sign Virgo and Capricorn. These days, hairstyles will turn out to be too strict and classic and will not suit your image.

How can Aries hairstyles help?

If representatives of another sign of the Zodiac choose sports short haircuts, "Avnov" hairstyles, then they can speed up your pace of life, find your place and acquire some leadership qualities. Of course, having made an Aries hairstyle, you will never fully become one, but this will give you self-confidence. It will become easier for you to realize your plans, generate new ideas and start doing what you have not dared to do before!


Taurus is the feminine earth sign of the zodiac, which is patronized by the beautiful Venus, which is why the appearance, and especially the hairstyle for Taurus, are of paramount importance. Taurus love long hair, because they are the symbol of femininity. Taurus natural hair does not have light shades, it is usually darker hair, very thick.

What will suit you?

Medium Length Hairstyles - not too long, but not too short, most of all you will go. Tauruses are often distinguished by a downed “stocky” physique, they may seem shorter than their height, you can’t call them a “light fluff”, so hairstyles should not be airy with a pile and fine chemistry, but more strict, meticulous.

Most of all Taurus go loose hair, not raised up with hairpins and hairpins, or puffy ponytails. Curls with curled hair should be perfect, not tangled with the rest, lying separately. Such hairstyles are easily obtained with the help of special curlers and gels. The obligatory presence of a form in the hairstyle is the main condition, because Taurus, like no other sign of the Zodiac, can feel the shape.

Taurus also go hairstyles with braids, woven ribbons, long bob.

When to go to the hairdresser?

Best of all, Taurus should go to the hairdresser when the Moon is in earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. avoid days Air and Water, then the hairstyle will not turn out the way you would like, and the new haircut simply will not work for you. Best day of the week for haircuts - Friday.

Get your hair cut on the growing moon if you would like to enhance hair growth. If the length suits you, you can go to get a haircut on the waning moon.

How can Taurus hairstyles help?

If you take advantage of the Taurus style (do a neat styling, cut your hair to medium length, style it so that the hairstyle holds its shape), you can stabilize your financial position, attract good luck.


Gemini is a dual, fickle sign that strives for change, which is why it chooses hairstyles light and easy to change. Mercury, the planet of Gemini, does not give the representatives of this sign a bright and catchy appearance. Their attractiveness, first of all, is connected with the ability to find a common language with literally everyone.

Usually women of this sign have refinement, harmony, they are characterized by ease of movement, airiness. In the choice of hairstyles, the Gemini really appreciate the convenience and practicality. Hair color is usually dark or brown. Facial features are rather small.

What will suit you?

Usually representatives of this sign go light air hairstyles. A very important thing in choosing a hairstyle will be the ability to transform it: especially in this case, long hair is suitable, which is easy to stab, raise, dissolve or curl.

You can go "chemistry" or just curled hair on curlers. However, you should not overload hairstyles with details too much. It can be simple but stylish haircuts, light, slightly careless perm.

If you are small, you can higher hairstyle but remember the sense of proportion. Try to raise your hair with a comb, hairspray, special foams. Voluminous hair will especially want to have those who naturally have thin hair, which is quite common among Gemini.

You can also dye your hair the color you like best, ideally for Gemini ashy shades.

When to go to the hairdresser?

To make the hairstyle perfect for your type, you need to go to the hairdresser on the days of the passage of the Moon on signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. avoid days Sagittarius and Capricorn when the hairstyle may be too "heavy" for you. Good luck will come to you if you go to the hairdresser in Wednesday.

How can Gemini hairstyles help?

Light hairstyles in the style of Gemini will help you harmonize nervous system. Such hairstyles will attract new acquaintances and allow you to significantly expand your social circle. This is especially true for those who move and want to quickly acquire new connections and acquaintances, find like-minded people and friends.

Cancer women usually differ in some roundness of forms, especially stands out in this case, the face, which is almost never narrow. Round shape attached to this sign Moon that governs Cancer. Hair is often quite thick, but much depends on the personal horoscope. With a disharmonious Moon in the birth chart, hair can be rather weak and thin and require more care.

Cancer women usually pay great attention to their appearance, often prefer to visit beauty salons and hairdressers, adore and home procedures self-care, because at home they feel much more comfortable than in public.

What will suit you?

Haircuts and hairstyles that allow you to visually lengthen the face, for example, long bob, asymmetrical hairstyles, haircuts with side parting and bangs.

If you have long, straight hair, you can curl it down at chin level and leave the top part straight or slightly wavy. Don't do it wide and very lush bangs which will make your face even more round.

You can also go ponytail, as well as a slightly raised top without bangs.

When to go to the hairdresser?

If you want your hair to be thicker, try to cut it on days waning moon in the days Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces. When the Moon grows in these signs, a haircut is recommended for those representatives of the sign of Cancer who want to quickly grow long curls. In the days of the passage of the moon signs Aquarius and Capricorn going to the hairdresser is not recommended, hairstyle can disappoint you.

Monday- the day of the Moon, which means the day of the sign Cancer, so you will be most lucky if you go to the hairdresser on Monday.

How Can Cancer Hairstyles Help?

Crayfish hairstyles (like a long bob) will allow you to improve your work digestive system. Try this haircut if you have stomach problems. Cancer hairstyles also help improve relationships with older people, as well as become family man, find a life partner.

Leo's hair is often thick and coarse, chestnut or golden in color. They are also often curly. The face of the Lions is wide, rounded. Facial features - large, high forehead. Representatives of this sign can be easily recognized by demeanor: lionesses walk in such a way as to seem taller than their height, they step importantly, raising their heads and keeping their backs straight. Lions love to adorn themselves in every possible way with jewelry, jewelry, often of their own production.

Attention to hairstyle emphasize bright details. Leo is a fire sign and loves to stand out. There is something “catlike” in the manners of female lionesses, by the way, many of them adore cats and keep them at home.

What will suit you?

The most important thing for you is to get an eye-catching hairstyle that is profitable. accentuate your personality and style, will be complemented by bright and spectacular makeup.

Lionesses will really like lush hairstyles that look like a mane. If by nature you do not have beautiful lush hair, you can hair extensions, use clips with strands, hairpieces, false tails and so on.

To make your hair look more voluminous, you can use stepped haircut.

suits you better long hair, and if you decide to cut them, let the hairstyle still retain curvaceous forms. You can wind your hair with curlers or make a perm with wide curls. By the way, you can style your hair with wide curlers, winding them on slightly damp hair and allowing them to dry.

You also cannot do without foams, shampoos and volume masks to always maintain a lush hairstyle. Don't forget to regularly trim the ends of your hair. Ideally once a month on the growing moon so that the hair grows faster, and the ends do not split.

When to go to the hairdresser?

It is best to go to the hairdresser on days growing moon in fire signs: in Leo, Aries or Sagittarius. Do not go to the hairdresser on the days when the moon passes the signs Virgo and Capricorn, since hairstyles during this period are obtained not your style at all. Lion driven sun, which corresponds to the day of the week - Sunday, so this is the best day for hair care, as well as haircuts.

How can Leo hairstyles help?

Lush Leo hairstyles will help you reveal your creative potential, become more self-confident, add romance to relationships with the opposite sex, joy and fun in life. If you want to fall in love, you also cannot do without such a hairstyle.

What hairstyle to choose?


Virgo is an earthly sign, restrained, which is distinguished by great accuracy, as well as incredible femininity. The hair of the representatives of this sign is often brown and dark, blond are less common. Wavy hair is not characteristic of Virgos, it is usually very straight hair. Virgo's facial features are usually small, but pretty.

What will suit you?

Hairstyles with clear lines, without complex details, if possible quite simple most of all will go to the representatives of the Virgo sign. The hairstyle should look very neat, the use of artificial strands, false hair, wigs is allowed.

It is unlikely that you will want to do something ultra-modern, you will also not be bright and catchy hair colors, like fiery red and red. It is better if these are natural colors - light brown, chestnut in different shades.

If your facial features are especially small, you should make more lush hair, you can curl your hair. It is better to avoid small details in the hair like small braids, and also not to cover the face with hair.

When to go to the hairdresser?

The best time for haircuts for you is the period when the moon passes the earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. At this time, hairstyles are neat, feminine, classic. Wednesday- day Mercury, which is the ruler of the Virgo sign, so you better make an appointment with a hairdresser on Wednesday.

How can Dev hairstyles help?

Hairstyles that are suitable for the Virgo sign can be done by representatives of other zodiac signs if they want. succeed in areas where precision, accuracy and patience are required. Such hairstyles will also bring success in trading and learning. For those who suffer from intestinal problems, Virgo haircuts will help.


Libra - feminine airy and very light sign, and its representatives are distinguished by the ability to easily find a common language, talkativeness, diplomacy and tact.

Libra planet - Venus so Libra women know a thing or two about beauty, know how to teach themselves, know the secrets of how to improve appearance, and know how to make beautiful hairstyles. They are also distinguished by slenderness and beautiful forms, even with a relatively large weight, such a woman looks very elegant, her figure is very feminine. Libra's hair is usually light shades, very shiny and lush. The facial features are usually very pretty, a little "angelic", the eyes are large, and the mouth is small and plump.

What will suit you?

Lush hairstyles in a classic style will suit you, without ultra-modern details, multi-colored strands and bright hairpins. Long hair may be gracefully arranged, raised up, or braided into a braid.

You can do a very simple classic haircut, but add a small detail in the form of neat fine highlighting. The hairstyle will look completely different and will be beneficial single you out. Also, hairstyles with a cascade will suit you - strands of different lengths will give lightness to the hairstyle, and if your hair is very thin, the hair will seem much thicker.

You intuitively choose for yourself a special feminine style, which can also be seen in the hairstyle. If you have large enough facial features, do not do hairstyles too lush but not too small either. Also, you should avoid too "heavy" hairstyles with a lot of varnish, as they most likely will not suit your fragile figure.

When to go to the hairdresser?

You should make an appointment at the hairdresser on days when the Moon is in air signs - Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. It is these days that get very airy light hairstyles, which will be not only stylish and modern, but also favorably emphasize your character traits. Day of the week, good for haircuts - Friday, day Venus.

How Can Libra Hairstyles Help?

Light Libra-style hairstyles will help you become a diplomat, find an approach to different people and understand them well. You can easily build relationships with those with whom you often quarrel, you can learn to compromise. This hairstyle will also allow you correct kidney function.

Choosing a hairstyle according to the horoscope


Scorpio women are usually distinguished by their gaze - piercing, concentrated. They have a very developed intuition, which they know how to use when choosing cosmetics, clothes, hairstyles. Scorpio is one of the sexiest signs of the zodiac, so the appearance of Scorpio women always slips sexuality and sensuality. Their hair is usually coarse, dense and unruly. The color is more dark than light.

What will suit you?

The “vamp” style is certainly associated with the sign of Scorpio, and hairstyles in this style will give even more mystery to your image. Long hair styled in neat waves looks sexy. Hairstyle should certainly be supplemented with bright makeup, then your image will become more complete.

You will also like straight and smooth bob with bangs. Long straight hair is also a great choice. Scorpio style haircuts may vary extravagance, unusual haircuts with straight lines in this list take the first place. Hairstyles in the style of “I just got out of bed” will not be entirely appropriate here, this is more of an airy path. It is better if the haircut is neat and smooth.

When to go to the hairdresser?

To go to the hairdresser, you should choose the days when the Moon is in the signs of the water element - Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer. And though the signs Cancer and Pisces not very favorable for haircuts, choose them when the moon is rising. For you, haircuts made under the Moon in Aries and Aquarius.

Junior Ruler of Scorpio Mars, so haircuts made in Tuesday, will be the most successful. Choose days growing moon for a haircut if you grow long curls.

How can Scorpio hairstyles help?

Vamp hairstyles will naturally attract the attention of the opposite sex, and you should use this style if you wish. conquer someone. However, do not go too far, remember that you should look mysterious and interesting, and not too vulgar, otherwise you will easily catch the wrong fish with the bait.

Scorpio-style hairstyles help protect against extreme situations, awaken your guardian angel, help to find harmony in the sexual sphere.

Lunar horoscope haircuts


Sagittarius women are self-confident, very purposeful and active persons who constantly need change of impressions, environments, communication and the opportunity to learn something. Because of the perpetual motion, they often do not have enough time to pay attention to their appearance, so they choose rather simple hairstyles that are easy to style and do not need to be touched up often. However, Sagittarius hair grows very quickly, so if they do not grow long hair, then hairstyles change quite often.

What will suit you?

Light haircuts and styling will suit you, without complex bells and whistles that are easy to style, or better yet, that style themselves when the head dries. Long hair also suits you perfectly, moreover, the hairstyle can be just natural, without bangs, with neatly trimmed tips. It will look effective if comb long hair back.

Hairstyle for you should be comfortable so that you can easily do styling, even in the farthest corner of the planet, because you Do you like to travel!

Step haircuts, light curls, but without much extravagance. A little tousled hair with a short haircut will look beautiful, which is easy to style with hair foam. This hairstyle will look different every time.

You will also like horse tails, as well as hairstyles with tails in the back and short in front. Such hairstyles will emphasize the dual nature of your sign, allowing you to always be different and interesting.

When to go to the hairdresser?

It is best for you to go to the hairdresser on days when the moon is in fire or air signs. It is at this time that light and comfortable hairstyles are obtained. Thursday- the day of Sagittarius, as it is ruled by his native planet Jupiter.

How can Sagittarius hairstyles help?

With Sagittarius hairstyles, you can set goals and achieve them, it will also be easier for you achieve recognition in the chosen case, you will be able to do something that did not work at all before. Hairstyles of this type will correct the work of the liver.


Capricorn is a serious and very hardworking zodiac sign. Representatives of this sign refer to themselves quite critical That's why they try to look perfect. But their style is rather a bit heavy, dry, businesslike than light and serene. This also applies to hairstyles. Capricorns usually do not differ in emotionality, they do not like bright colors in clothes and hairstyles and, first of all, revisit the classics.

Capricorn's hair is predominantly dark shades, they are often thin and rare, which makes it difficult to choose hairstyles.

What will suit you?

Capricorn is a rather conservative sign, so good old classic you feel much more confident. Restrained and concise haircuts will suit you more, without unexpected details, jagged edges, cutting-edge techniques. It can be just neatly collected back hair, braids, buns using special masking hairpins, sponges and rollers. Short hair should be strict and meticulous.

Hair can be collected with headband or scarf. You can hide your hair under a scarf, which can sometimes look very stylish, but without a hint of your religion.

When to go to the hairdresser?

The most successful days for visiting a hairdresser for you will be the days when the Moon is located in the signs of the earth element: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Don't choose air signs, especially Aquarius so that the hairstyle does not disappoint you. Also you will be unlucky if you go to the hairdresser in the days Cancer. Capricorn day of the week Saturday, so it is better to get a haircut on this day of the week.

How can Capricorn hairstyles help?

Hairstyles in a strict "Capricorn" style will help you realize yourself in material terms, achieve financial independence and stability, get a good and profitable job. Also, you will be able to achieve success in the profession.


Aquarius is the most unconventional and original sign of the Zodiac, so Aquarius women always attract the attention of their unusual, which can be expressed in appearance, behavior or character traits.

Aquarians are very unpredictable people, they don’t really like to plan something, so the idea of ​​​​going to the hairdresser may come to them. very unexpected. If you meet an Aquarius lady and see her new hairstyle, it is possible that the next day the hairstyle will be completely different.

Aquarians don't like it when they are limited in some way., dictate something, fantasy always works very well for them. They can take the most interesting things from fashion, combine the incongruous, combine different styles and directions.

Aquarius intuitively can ahead of time and therefore they feel fashion as if "in advance". The haircut that the Aquarius woman wears this season can only come into fashion next year, so this year seems somewhat unusual and different from all.

What will suit you?

Unusual and stylish haircuts that you can make up your own mind. It can be something non-standard - contrasting colors, bright coloring, cascades, a combination of long and short strands. You can add unusual hairpins, bows, headbands and other details to your hairstyles.

You can fit as short cutting edge haircuts and hairstyles with long hair. The main thing is that these hairstyles are special, unusual and unique.

When to go to the hairdresser?

It is better to go to the hairdresser on days when the Moon is in the signs of Air - in Gemini and Aquarius. Moon in scales will allow you to make a light haircut, but special raisins won't work. You should also avoid boring days for your sign. Virgo and Capricorn. Saturday- day Saturn, the second ruler of Aquarius, so it is best for you to cut your hair on this day of the week.

How can Aquarius hairstyles help?

Such hairstyles will give you courage, help you generate brilliant ideas and look boldly into the future. You can easily start new projects, you can find an approach to the right people, surround yourself with friends. This is a sure way to make new friends.


Pisces is the most mysterious, vulnerable and melancholy sign of the Zodiac. Pisces are subtle and intuitive natures, very gentle and feminine. Their hair is often are soft and wavy. Pisces love long hair and, even if they cut their hair mostly short, they try at least for a while grow long curls. Pisces love romance, and long hair is more often associated with it.

What will suit you?

If you have long or medium hair, hairstyles with using braids and complex weaves, which are symbols of the interweaving of different forces of the universe into one single one.

Choose harmonious hairstyles without sharp corners and strict straight lines. It is better if the hair curls a little. Hairstyle should be smooth, neatly styled. For example, for short hair, a square will do.

When to go to the hairdresser?

Go to the hairdresser on days when the Moon is in a sign Pisces or Scorpio, and Taurus and Libra. Fish are managed Jupiter, so your day of the week is Thursday.

How can Pisces hairstyles help?

Pisces hairstyles will help you gain inner harmony, add romanticism to gray everyday life, give the patronage of higher powers, help to heal the whole body. You can also feel a surge of new strength, calm your thoughts if something is bothering you. Such hairstyles should be done by those who feel that their nerves are on edge.

Nature is arranged in such a way that the atmosphere of the Earth, its seas and oceans, as well as all terrestrial vegetation, are to a large extent affected by the moon. Our hair is no exception, because it is also vegetation. Consequently, they also obey the lunar rhythms.

Since ancient times, many nations have had a special attitude to hair and their haircut. It was believed that hair is like hardened rays of energy that surround our body from all sides. And it's also a reserve of energy "for a rainy day." This explains the special attitude of people to haircuts: before, they cut their hair only when they felt well, for fear of losing energy and getting sick. Therefore, our ancestors have always advised to treat hair cutting carefully and choose a good day, and not let things take their course.

In astrology, it is customary to pay attention to the birth of everything new, the beginning of new deeds and events. At this point, an astrological chart is usually built, according to which things are done! there is a forecast of events. And cutting hair is just the birth of our new look. For such forecasts, astrologers, first of all, take into account the phases of the moon and the sign of the zodiac in which it is located. Data on the phases of the moon for other months can be found in tear-off calendars, and the date and time of the Moon's entry into the signs of the Zodiac can be found in astrological reference books. Please note that you need to take into account not only the day, but also the time of day, as well as the time zone of the area in which you are.

Since hair is vegetation, in principle, you can even use the astrological calendar for plants to choose a favorable time for a haircut. (Since appearance is important to us, in such a calendar you need to look at the “flowers” ​​or “lawn mowing” section). But remember that our hair has some features.
Haircut by the phases of the moon. Astrologers believe that all growth processes are directly related to the phases of the moon: on the growing moon, hair growth accelerates, and on the waning moon it slows down. Therefore, if you want your hair to grow better, cut your hair on the growing moon. If they already grow very quickly, and you want to enjoy a beautiful haircut longer and not visit the hairdresser too often, get a haircut on the waning moon.
On the day of the new moon (and also plus or minus a day from the moment of the new moon), our energy is in the lower part of the body, and our hair is weakened, so it is hardly worth cutting it. However, hair styling is sometimes allowed: they say that on the new moon you can cope with unruly, curly hair - at this time it is surprisingly easy to style them.
The first and last quarters of the Moon (as well as plus or minus 12 hours from this Moment) are busy times. The risk of cuts and injuries, conflicts with others increases. But it is also a time of great change. So if you want

Cosmic rhythms to radically change your appearance, try to schedule a haircut for this day.
On the full moon (as well as the day before it and the day after), the energy rushes to the head, and your hair becomes more magnificent. Therefore, many people like to get their hair cut on the full moon. However, for most people, this is a very hectic and unstable time, so it is unlikely that you will get what you expected. But if you value originality and a flight of fancy in your hair, these days may suit you.
In the table of phases of the moon, the days of eclipses are also indicated. For cutting hair, this time is considered very unfavorable. These days, our energy seems to freeze, and people (including your hairdresser) are tense and absent-minded. The result of a haircut can be unpredictable, and therefore it is better to postpone a visit to the hairdresser.
Moon in the signs of the zodiac. In general, the time when the Moon is in the "fertile" signs of the Zodiac, that is, in the signs of the elements of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), is considered favorable for hair growth. This time is best for dry to normal hair. With some reservations, the signs of the element Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are suitable for haircuts. Due to their dryness, they are only suitable for normal to oily hair. And very carefully you need to approach a haircut in dry and hot signs of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). This time is only for oily hair, also refrain from hot styling - there is a danger of overdrying the hair or greatly slowing down its growth.

Often, in popular publications, to improve hair growth, it is advised to cut your hair only during the Moon in the signs of Leo and Virgo, and refrain from cutting it in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The confusion is due to the fact that in the pictures of the signs of the Zodiac, Leo is often depicted with a large lush mane, and Virgo with beautiful long hair. With the growing moon, Virgo is really favorable for a haircut, but Leo is quite the opposite. This is a dry and barren sign. For example, for plants in the days of Leo, "weeding, removing unnecessary shoots" is recommended, as well as "mowing grass to slow down growth." So, exactly the same effect can be expected for hair.
The adverse effect on hair growth of water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) is not confirmed. These are just the best signs for enhancing hair growth, although, as always, you need to consider their features in each case.
Tips for cutting hair. And yet, what are the best days to cut your hair? There can be no definite answer here, since the best time for cutting depends on the condition of the hair and what we want to get as a result. Therefore, we will consider different options for what we usually need.

If you want your hairstyle to be the prettiest, wait until the Moon is in the signs of Taurus or Libra. These signs are ruled by the planet Venus, so the beauty of Venus de Milo is guaranteed to you. But remember that Libra is a sign of the element Air. Of course, your hairstyle will be more airy, but your hair may also become drier, and their growth may slow down. Therefore, with the Moon in Libra, it is better to cut your hair in its growing phase, and use moisturizing shampoos and balms while washing your hair.

Who doesn't dream of lush hair? If you want to enhance hair growth, it is good to get a haircut in the signs of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and on the growing Moon. At this time, very good results will give wellness and therapeutic procedures for the hair. If you need to slow down hair growth, cut your hair in Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and the waning Moon. If you want the hair on some part of the body to completely stop growing (epilation), it is best to get a haircut on the waning Moon and in the signs of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).
For good hair styling, so that your hairstyle stays for a long time, it is better to cut your hair in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), as well as in Capricorn. But remember that Leo and Aquarius are dry signs, so they are unlikely to work for dry hair, and in Leo hair growth can slow down a lot.

It is best to dye your hair with the Moon in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). At this time, the paint is easily absorbed. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are also suitable, especially if you do not tolerate “chemistry” very well. Refrain from coloring your hair in the signs of Scorpio and Pisces, as at this time the body's sensitivity to chemicals may be increased. It is better to bleach hair in "light" signs (Cancer and Leo). For dry to normal hair, Virgo is the best sign, and if you have oily hair, you can try Gemini.
Cutting hair in different signs of the zodiac gives them special qualities. Capricorn and Aquarius make hair strong. Sagittarius and Pisces - lush and thick. Scorpio gives a dark, rich color. Aries and Leo enhance brightness, Taurus and Libra enhance beauty, Cancer enhances brilliance, and when cut in Gemini and Virgo, hair becomes curly.

When is the best time to cut hair? Usually, astrologers advise to postpone visiting the hairdresser on the days of the new moon, full moon, the first and last quarter of the moon, and especially on the days of eclipses. This is a time of change, and therefore the success of a haircut is not guaranteed. Many astrologers do not recommend getting a haircut if the Moon is in the sign of Aries. By the way, at this time, surgical operations on the head are not recommended. However, there are exceptions here too.
So, if your hair has suddenly become thin and brittle and even the most expensive shampoo does not help, perhaps it's all about the haircut. One has only to choose the right time (and the Moon will help you to “conjure” a little), and your hair will become thicker and stronger. Why not try? And then your hair - from the roots to the very tips - will become healthy and beautiful.

Cut hair according to the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac

IN hairs cut on the waxing moon are most prone to a tendency to grow faster and thicker. Procedures aimed at strengthening the hair roots are most favorable on the waning moon.
Moon in Aries- hair will grow back quickly, but will become stiff. Hairstyles are short lived. Dandruff days.
Moon in Taurus - After cutting, the hair grows thicker and becomes a little darker. But be careful - the hairstyle will display your state of mind.
Moon in Gemini - hairstyles do not hold, hair is naughty, tends to curl. Nice short haircuts. Changing your hair is a life change.
Moon in Cancer- After cutting, the hair grows thicker and becomes heavier. A visit to the hairdresser will restore spiritual comfort.
Moon in Leo - bleaching and coloring of hair. Good luck with the hairstyles. Your new style will not go unnoticed by the opposite sex. The permanent is too curly. First haircut in the first half of the year.
Moon in Virgo- good days for a neat short haircut. The hairstyle retains its shape and beauty. Permanent. Regrown hair will take on a darker color.
Moon in Libra - after cutting, the hair tends to curl in large strands. Good luck with the hairstyles.
Moon in Scorpio - After cutting, the hair grows thicker and becomes stiff. Hair care increases emotional and sexual attractiveness.
Moon in Sagittarius - hair is naughty, hairstyles are short-lived due to active hair growth.
Moon in Capricorn - after a haircut, the hair grows back slowly, becomes thinner and slightly darker.
Moon in Aquarius - Successful cardinal changes in the hairstyle. But be careful - changes can affect fate.
Moon in Pisces - Hair grows thicker. Hairstyles are short lived. Chemical effects on hair are contraindicated.

Cut hair according to the Tibetan calendar

To cut hair according to the Tibetan calendar: the most good days according to the Tibetan calendar were the lunar days: 8th, 10th, 11th, 26th and 27th.

Auspicious days for cutting hair are determined in Tibetan astrology.
They are as follows: 6 lunar day - for appeasement, 8 - for long life, 9 - for attractiveness, 10 - for dignity, 11 - for mental abilities, 29 - for appeasement.
Please note, however, that the lunar days calculated according to the rules of Tibetan astrology do not always coincide with those in Western.
The energy and order of the lunar day is determined by the mutual position of the Sun-Moon at the time of sunrise. Sometimes double days are obtained, for example, two 29, sometimes missed, 23 and 25 at once ... And the time of sunrise in different cities is different.
To determine the lunar day of the Tibetan calendar, it is necessary to calculate the angular distance along the path of the Moon from the Sun between the luminaries and divide by 12.

Hair is given not just for beauty. They are a kind of natural antennas of our body, which conduct the invisible life-giving force of space to the body. There is a legend that before the fall, there was a nimbus around the human head (a spherical accumulation of bioenergy, which we can now admire only on icons) and there was no hair.
It is said that the head of the great man was covered with something similar to the fluff that we see on the head of a newborn baby. And when a person fell into sin, the rays of cosmic energy around his head became heavy and turned into hair.
They became a link between man and heaven until he again rises to his heavenly level of development.
Hair is treated with care. Cutting your hair means changing your life, it was well known in the old days. It is not for nothing that a huge number of rituals associated with this procedure have been preserved.
Magic for hair and all the problems associated with it is very simple. Since hair is the source of our cosmic Power, it means that everything that happens to them changes the course of an invisible river that washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any impact on the hair can change in one direction or another not only our appearance, but our whole life.
And therefore, in order not to go bald ahead of time and not to lose your heavenly half in the form of a Guardian Angel, you need to follow certain safety measures when cutting, to know when and why you do it.

RULE ONE says you can't trust your hair to just anyone. It should be remembered that the person who cuts your hair changes your biofield. Therefore, when you come to the hairdresser, choose an energetic and cheerful master, then your life after the haircut will change for the better. The older the hairdresser, the stronger his influence on your life. If you are an independent person, used to solving your problems yourself and do not like it when something prevents you from realizing them, choose a master either of the same age as you, or younger than you. When you are chronically unlucky for some unknown reason, it makes sense to choose a very old and famous master, even if the hairstyle made by him will cost you a lot. But after visiting the hairdresser, your life will change dramatically. And if you still correctly calculate the moment of visiting, then it will not only change, but improve.

RULE TWO: It's best not to cut your own hair. Even if you know hairdressing well, this sign should not be neglected. The roots of this "superstition" lie in a very important problem: it is very difficult for a person to cure himself. Anyone, the most powerful psychic, knows this. No matter how strong and strong-willed a person is, it is very difficult for him to correct the deformations of his own biofield, since he remakes them with such a deformed energy.

RULE THREE: it is considered better if a person of the same sex cuts your hair. The fact is that a lot of recipes for love spells are associated with hair, but the problem is not only pure witchcraft. During a haircut, your ethereal, astral and mental biofields change, and as a result of this, we easily succumb to someone else's influence. Therefore, if you liked the master of a different sex with you, this can lead to trouble in your personal life. It is not for nothing that in the biblical tales Samson was killed by a woman who cut off his hair. A similar sign is true for women, only we are talking about male hairdressers.

RULE FOUR: After cutting hair, do not throw it into the water. Follow this carefully at the hairdresser, then keep your hair lush and healthy until old age.

RULE FIVE: if you want your hair to grow faster after a haircut, you should do your hair under a full moon. If you want your hair to change its properties a little - for example, you are not satisfied that they are confused, naughty - you should go to the hairdresser on the waning moon. But remember that after such a haircut, the hair will grow back for a very long time. On the waning moon, it is also good to have a haircut if you want to strengthen the hair roots, delay their rapid loss.

RULE SIX: hair cannot be cut on the so-called satanic lunar days (9, 15, 23 and 29 days according to the lunar calendar), as well as on the days of solar and lunar eclipses. After such procedures, you can get sick or, as they used to say in the old days, "memory and mind cut off."

RULE SEVEN: how your life will change after a haircut will show the day of the week when you visited the hairdresser.

Monday- a day favorable for a haircut. At this time, you can remove a large number of negative emotions and unresolved problems that have accumulated in life. The day is favorable for hair coloring.
In Tuesdayit is better to go to a hairdresser if you do not have enough physical strength or will to solve some important problem, if you lack activity or are tormented by the monotony of life.
IN Wednesdayget a good haircut to learn something new or interesting, meet new friends or attract old ones, increase the number of trips, movements and communication in life.
Thursdaypromotes changes in relationships with others, contributes to the popularity of a person, increase his luck and well-being.
Friday- beauty day. When you visit the hairdresser on this day of the week, you are not just changing your hairstyle, you are changing your appearance. Therefore, if you are satisfied with how you look on this day of the week, it is better not to cut your hair. If you want to get prettier - visit the hairdresser on Friday, when the Sun goes to Capricorn (December 24 - January 22) or Taurus (April 22 - May 21).
Saturday- a good day for a haircut. Hair is healed on this day, and at the same time, part of the karmic debts and sins of your kind is removed from you.
IN Sundayit’s better not to cut your hair - you can kill your own fate or good luck. This day is good only for chronic losers - maybe fate will have mercy and after such a procedure it will change for the better. But no one can give guarantees.

RULE EIGHTsays that it’s not enough to choose a good day for a haircut, you also need to make it in harmony with your own birthday, otherwise all the favorable trends of the day will turn into negative ones.

Mondayharmonious energy of Thursday, Friday, Saturday. The antagonist day for Monday is Sunday.
If you were born inTuesday,you are related to the energies of Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. And the strength of Monday and Friday is unfavorable for you. Friday is the antagonist for Tuesday.
environmentSunday's power is harmonious. Its antagonist is Thursday.
Thursdayare related to the energies of Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. Its antagonist is the environment.
Fridaythe power of Monday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday is near. Its antagonist is Tuesday.
Saturdaythe energy of Friday is related. Its antagonist is Sunday.
Sundaythe forces of Tuesday and Thursday are harmonious. Its antagonist is Monday.

On antagonistic days, hair is cut when karmic bad luck haunts you in all areas of life. Usually, after such a haircut, life seems to freeze for a while, in order to then make a sharp turn that will lead you to victory.

RULE NINE says that, like plants, the speed and quality of our hair growth is subject to the position of the moon in the sky. Therefore, it is not enough to choose a good lunar day and day of the week for hairstyles, you must also take the position of the Moon in the sign of the Zodiac that is favorable for hair growth. The position of the moon is always indicated in lunar calendars for the year.

Moon in AriesIt is considered unfavorable for cutting hair in general, although it does not affect the condition of the hair and hairstyle. The fact is that after such a procedure, the body's immunity weakens, and the risk of getting sick increases.
Position Moons in Taurus, Virgo, Capricornconsidered the most favorable for visiting a hairdresser. Hair grows well, fills with strength, splits less after a haircut.
Moon in Gemini and Librahelps to make air hairstyles, promotes rapid hair growth, but does not affect their quality and condition.
Moon in Cancer and Piscesslows down the rate of hair growth, but saturates them with vitality.
Moon in LeoIt is considered an unfavorable time for a haircut if your business is going well, and favorable when you need to change the image or rhythm of human life.
Moon in Scorpiois very insidious and can either improve or worsen your personal life and relationships with partners of the opposite sex.
Moon in Sagittariusfavors changes in career, at work, in relationships with colleagues and business partners, helps to achieve recognition and social success.
Moon in Aquariusconsidered an extremely unfavorable position for a haircut.

RULE TEN The hairstyle of a certain zodiac sign is an excellent radar that captures the necessary cosmic broadcasts. Connecting to the energy of either one or another type - changing the shape of the hairstyle, the structure and color of the hair - we change our lives in the direction we want.

Aries- short sports haircuts. This form of hairstyle gives the image dynamism and, so to speak, has a rejuvenating effect. "Avnov" hairstyles contribute to a powerful transformation of the body, filling it with energy. In the old days, people with poor health often had their hair cut short. This procedure accelerated the metabolism, which means it contributed to recovery. The ancients knew what they were doing, because Aries is directly related to the brain, since its astrological projection on the human body is in the head region. Aries is responsible for the proper supply of blood and nutrients to the brain.
Using the hairstyles of this sign, a person heals his brain, and also stabilizes his activity. Aries hairstyles give a person the ability to break through their projects and plans, to get out of any life conflicts on their own without anyone's support. Contribute to the acceleration of the pace of life, help to find their purpose.

Calf.Hairstyles of medium length hair attract the energy of this zodiac sign best of all. They can be varied in form and method of execution. But the style of Taurus is always loose hair. However, the real Taurus styling is achieved with the help of a perfect technique, where one curl does not get tangled with another. It is clear that combed strands and styling products (varnish, gel, wax) that violate the perception of the form as natural are excluded. Using the Taurus style makes it easy to correct the work of the stomach and throat. Hairstyles of this sign stabilize the financial situation and well-being, make the owner successful in real estate transactions.

Twins.All manipulations with hair, carried out with the help of the achievements of chemistry, are under the influence of the air energy of Gemini. The invention of this sign is dyed and chemically curled hair. Best of all, the energy of this constellation is carried out by ashy (slightly blue), wavy hair of medium (up to the shoulders) length.
Gemini hairstyles harmonize the nervous system and the condition of the upper respiratory tract. The Gemini style perfectly attracts the resources needed in the field of communication, gives success in studies and travel.

Cancer.This sign of the zodiac is like a straight square. This is a favorite style of medieval crusaders, which saturates the body with physical strength. The hairstyle of this sign contributes to the good assimilation of food with its full use for the body to work. The energy of this zodiac constellation is associated with the genetic memory of mankind. Therefore, the hairstyle of Cancer normalizes relations with the older generation, gives protection to the family. By the way, she helps to start a family, and your choice will certainly be approved by your parents.

A lion.Naturally, the best conductor of energy for this zodiac sign is the classic Leo hairstyle - the "lion's mane". This style is achieved through a special stepped haircut. But in order for the hair to really look like a lion's mane and not crumble under the slightest influence of the breeze, you can add a little air by curling the hair (if it does not naturally curl). Leo controls the work of the heart. Hairstyles of this sign reveal creative abilities, make a person more self-confident, kinder, more romantic. They add to the character of cheerfulness, fun, but also make a lot of things "take to heart."

Virgo.This is one of the few zodiac signs whose favorite pastime is to disguise their natural beauty behind artificial beauty. The use of artificial hair, wigs, hairpieces, overlays creates good conditions for attracting energies transmitted by space, which will be excellent helpers when you need to cope with a lot of tedious and painstaking work. Virgo hairstyles give success in learning, crafts and commerce. In addition, they activate the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Scales.The style of Libra is a classic, a symbol of elitism, lush, but strict hairstyles “for one day”. Women's hair gracefully laid on the head creates a feeling of some inaccessibility of the owner of such a hairstyle. The male hairstyle of this zodiac sign emphasizes the masculinity and severity of the wearer. Classics in clothes and hairstyles allow a person to communicate only with people belonging to his circle and make the right decisions without hesitation. This hairstyle helps to find a compromise solution and establish calm relationships with any people. In the field of health, the Libra hairstyle regulates the functioning of the kidneys.

Scorpion.Hairstyles of this zodiac sign are uniquely vamp style, both male and female. Hair, which contributes to the collection of energy needed by this water sign, is straight and smooth. They can be cut short, which adds fire to the water. Such a style will emphasize the special sexuality of this sign and provoke people of the opposite sex to get to know each other. After all, the more acquaintances, the better Scorpio feels. Hairstyles of this sign give support and protection to higher forces in extreme situations, increase the sexuality of both sexes. In terms of recovery, they control the work of the sexual sphere.

Sagittarius.By themselves, Sagittarians are quite conservative. They do not like strictness, both in behavior and in clothes and hairstyles, and at the same time avoid extravagance. Streltsy-type women's hairstyles are a combination of a short haircut in front with a long ponytail in the back. The hairstyle of Pallas Athena very accurately reflects the type of Sagittarius woman. Men's hairstyles of this sign can often be seen in historical and pseudo-historical films. Also, these hairstyles can be seen on the images of Zeus the Thunderer and other ancient gods of Asia and Europe. The owner of the hairstyle of this sign will be accompanied by success in social, political and religious activities. Sagittarius gives a person self-respect and corrects the functioning of the liver.

Capricorn.The key position for the formation of hairstyles of this sign will be to reduce the cost of hair care to a minimum. A characteristic style of a male hairstyle that clearly captures the energy vibrations of this constellation is a shaved head. The female version is hair hidden under a headdress (hat, scarf, bandana). This style is especially suitable for owners of long hair who do not want to cut off girlish beauty for the sake of career aspirations. Like other signs of the earth element, the energy of Capricorn well helps to be realized in the material sphere. Contributes to a professional career and finding one's place in life. This style governs the health of the teeth and skeletal system.

Aquarius.This is the only sign in the entire zodiac that has no bindings to the shape, length or color of the hair. The main characteristic here is the extravagance, but at the same time the popularity of the hairstyle. Aquarius is somewhat ahead of its time and, recognizing the internal needs of people, forms extraordinary trends in fashion and hairstyles. Punks are in fashion - Aquarius will dye his hair and build a mohawk, hippies - and he is hippo, it's the turn of yampies - he cuts his hair short and gives the impression of a reliable and super business person. Choosing an Aquarius hairstyle will allow you to start new projects and build relationships with people. This sign controls the health of blood vessels, harmonizes the work of arteries and veins.

Fish.This zodiac sign symbolizes world harmony. The true hairstyles of Pisces carry a huge cosmic meaning. This is any kind of braid, where strands of hair intertwined with each other symbolize the merging of different forces of the Universe into a single one. Pisces hairstyles help to find inner harmony and peace, give the patronage of higher powers in any business and projects. Fish govern metabolism and the nervous system. For health purposes, they have a powerful healing effect on the state of the whole organism.

What is the lunar hair cutting calendar based on?

Each day of the week has individual opportunities that determine positive or negative indicators for cutting hair or performing other hair manipulations.

The hair cutting lunar calendar is provided in a convenient form that allows you to easily understand the available recommendations.

Haircut on LUNAR DAYS:

1st lunar day- cutting hair leads to shortening of life.
2nd lunar day- cutting hair will attract quarrels and litigation to you.
3rd lunar day- cutting hair will cause harm to the body and may attract waste to you.
4th lunar day- a haircut will bring discomfort, attract longing and fear of losing loved ones. It will cause throat and mouth diseases.
5th lunar day- cutting hair will increase property, you will become a little richer.
6th lunar day- it is undesirable to cut your hair - you will attract a cold, your sense of smell will worsen, you will look like a sick person and actually start to get sick.
7th lunar day- cutting your hair will attract quarrels and litigation to you, you can conflict with your boss. There is a threat of conflict with a loved one. Burning day in the Tibetan calendar, the day when cutting your hair will seriously impair your health.
8th lunar day- a haircut will attract longevity, good health and make your life worthy in the eyes of others (although not immediately, but in the coming months).
9th lunar day- cutting hair attracts diseases.
10th lunar day- burning day according to Tibetan traditions, it is recommended to refrain from cutting, as this will attract illness to you.
11th lunar day- a haircut will bring sharpness of feelings, increase your ability to foresee and insight of the mind.
12th lunar day- you can’t cut your hair - misfortunes, injuries are attracted and the likelihood of a threat to life increases.
13th lunar day- it is desirable to have a haircut, as a haircut will bring happiness and benefit, a beautiful appearance.
14th lunar day- a haircut will attract an improvement in activity, financial situation, an increase in property and the goodwill of the authorities.
15th lunar day- it is safer to refrain from cutting, as mental disorders as a result of cutting, increased pressure, headaches and a feeling of fear are possible.Recommendation:If you don't want to end up in a hospital bed, stay away from barbers.
16th lunar day- it is better to refrain from cutting - there will be misfortunes, mistakes. Negative habits and vices will fully manifest, cravings for alcohol will increase, and the ability to control passions will decrease. Cutting your hair can attract infidelity, as a result of which your health will deteriorate significantly.
17th lunar day- as a result of a haircut, obstacles will appear in business, diseases will arise. There is a high possibility of injury in the future. The psyche suffers. According to Eastern beliefs, a haircut on this day will attract harmful spirits to you.
18th lunar day- cutting hair will lead to loss of property, theft, your pets may get sick (they feel the dangers that threaten you and worry about you). Also, according to Tibetan traditions, this is a burning day and cutting your hair will bring you a serious deterioration in your health.
19th lunar day- you should consult a hairdresser - cutting hair prolongs life.
20th lunar day- it is undesirable to cut hair, there will be a "disgust" for life.
21st lunar day- it is desirable to cut hair - you will attract beauty and well-being.
22nd lunar day- a haircut will attract you the possibility of acquiring property, but you can get better, gain extra weight.
23rd lunar day- a haircut will bring an ugly complexion, worsen your well-being.
24th lunar day- a very bad day for cutting hair - diseases may appear. Want to be healthy - refrain from haircuts.
25th lunar day- cutting hair will increase eye pressure and lead to poor vision. As a result of a haircut, eye diseases will aggravate, inflammation, and the appearance of barley are likely.
26th lunar day
27th lunar day- as a result of cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle, you will attract joy and happiness.
28th lunar day- as a result of cutting your hair, the charm of your appearance will increase, people will like you.
29th lunar day- a very unfavorable day for a haircut, karmic diseases are possible.
30th lunar day- cutting hair can attract to a person the threat of meeting with misfortune, an enemy, and can even attract death. There is also the possibility of a car accident.

Lucky Hairstyles

Before you decide to get a new haircut or dye your hair, it is useful to figure out what it will bring you. After all, your well-being and attitude largely depend on this. Astrology will help you in determining your internal compatibility with a particular hairstyle or hair color. And from now on, you will be able to model your life, bringing luck into it and even adjusting your health.
We, the inhabitants of the Earth, the planet of the solar system, often forget that we are not just inhabitants of a certain locality, country, earthly territory, but also a part of infinite outer space. The energy of the cosmos has a very strong influence on all life on our planet.
All of us are given light and strength by the Sun, the Moon and other cosmic objects and bodies. Exploding the space of the Earth, meteors and meteorites cause electromagnetic storms and natural disasters of various scales. Depending on the habitat, we receive and absorb cosmic radiation of a different nature, which are reflected in the features of our behavior and appearance. The stars have the strongest and purest energy. The most powerful star in the sky is the Sun. During the year, the luminary passes through twelve main constellations, which are called the constellations of the Zodiac.
In a metaphysical sense, hair is an antenna that conducts cosmic energy to a person's head. The length and color of the hair, as well as the shape of the hairstyle, play an important role in the absorption of cosmic radiation. Therefore, the selection of a hairstyle that attracts good luck is carried out only after you decide what your soul still asks for. What do you need most in life right now? In material well-being, happiness in your personal life, or maybe you need to accelerate your career growth? Further bets that will bring the desired winnings depend on what you are set for.
So, if you are unhappy with the lack of career growth, focus your attention when choosing a hairstyle on the styles of the earth or fiery zodiac signs.
If you lack a solid social position, choose a look that captures the energies of earth signs and Libra.
Hairstyles of the air signs of the Zodiac and Virgo bring success in communicating with other people, gaining new knowledge and learning.
And in your personal life, everything will gradually get better by itself if your hairstyle is a good conductor of the energies of the water or fire element.
True, there is one important “but”! Proper selection of hairstyles that attract good luck is a very serious matter. After you have decided on which trajectory your soul will soar, that is, what kind of luck you need, it is advisable to make the following calculation. You must know under what sign of the Zodiac you were born, in general, who you are according to the horoscope. And check your internal compatibility with a particular type of hairstyle or hair color.
For example, hairstyles of the fire signs of the Zodiac are favorable for those born under the fire and air signs of the Zodiac, but those born under the signs of the water element are completely contraindicated, as they can ruin luck.
Hairstyles that attract the energies of air signs are contraindicated for earthly ones and are well suited to those whose zodiac sign belongs to the elements of air and fire.
Water hairstyles bring happiness to those born under the signs of the Zodiac of water and earth, and are harmful to those who are guarded by a fire sign from birth.
Earth hairstyles are shown for the earth and water signs of the Zodiac and are dangerous for the air ones.
Hair color determines the energy of which planet in the solar system a person receives. The shape of the hair gives information about what type of energy is mainly used by the human body.
For example, the energy of the water signs of the Zodiac - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - is characterized by straight, long hair with a strong shine. Such hair gives the impression of flowing water.
The hair of the air signs of the Zodiac - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - is wavy and of medium length.
Earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - belong to elastic and naughty hair.
Signs of the Zodiac with fiery energy - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - correspond to hair with a reddish tint and a shortened length, at least in front or on the parietal part of the head.
Hair length determines the amount and speed of perceived energy by the brain of a given individual. For example, the longer the hair, the more energy a person absorbs, but the longer its path to direct awareness.
When choosing a hair length, pay attention to the following recommendations:
Long hair gives great strength, but slows down your reaction and the course of events in your life.
Short hair supplies the body with a crude but powerful energy that accelerates the processes occurring in the body, as well as your reaction to the course of events.
Conclusion: If you want to delay the happy streak in life, it makes sense to let your hair go longer. But if you need to achieve something in a short time, then a short haircut will help you with this.
It has been noticed that most women who are successful in business and unsuccessful in their personal lives prefer short haircuts. Perhaps this is due to the fact that a short female haircut involuntarily destroys female happiness, adding active male energy to a woman.
Baranova Natalia

P.S.:The beauty of hair is, first of all, their health. Environmental factors have an extremely negative effect on the condition of the hair. Therefore, the health of the hair and scalp must be maintained. What can be used for this? Chamomile decoction and lemon juice In the intervals between dyeing, the hair often becomes dull and lifeless. A simple recipe will help revive hair color and strengthen their internal structure. You can pour over your hair after washing with a decoction of chamomile or lemon juice diluted with water. However, it is better not to use lemon juice on dark hair, as it can turn yellow from this. But chamomile decoction is the best remedy. To prepare a decoction for hair, it is necessary to brew four tablespoons of herbs with a glass of boiling water, insist, strain and cool. After that, the hair is rinsed with this product. Nutrition for hair shine If the hair has become weak, then first of all you need to pay attention to your diet. Nutrients from the blood penetrate to the hair, respectively, with a lack of them in the daily menu, the hair is also deficient in nutrients. For hair health, it is good to eat protein foods. And, finally, scientists have recently found that sleeping on silk pillowcases helps to heal hair, since the soft fabric does not injure the hair during sleep. In addition, silk underwear prevents tangling and hair loss.