Dream golden ring. Spring dream book Why dream of Gold in a dream book. Lunar dream book Why is Gold dreaming

Dreams in which a gold ring appears are interpreted as a positive and good sign.

However, each dream book considers it its duty to give its own meaning to what golden rings dream of.

What symbolizes

To receive a ring from a loved one as a gift, and even if only in a dream, is an exceptionally good omen that promises the dreamer a quick marriage. However, if the accessory turned out to be small or completely fell out of the hands of the donor, then marriage two lovers can be unhappy. This dream can also portend the birth of a child. But it is worth knowing that not all interpretations of the dream book about what golden rings dream of bring happiness and joy to the dreamer's life.

  • Putting jewelry on your hand is the fulfillment of desires;
  • A man giving a ring in a dream - the readiness of a partner to marry in reality;
  • Golden ring with pearls - disappointment and tears;
  • Seeing an accessory with a diamond is a profitable acquaintance and the appearance of a patron;
  • Lose a golden ring - miss a rare chance or use it incorrectly;
  • A stranger puts a ring on your finger - an offer of help in solving old problems;
  • Broken gold jewelry - quarrels and misunderstandings between lovers or spouses. Relationship problems can lead to a breakup;
  • Can't find lost ring- betrayal of a loved one or parting with him soon;
  • Giving your ring to someone else voluntary refusal from relationships;
  • To see how a dead person gives you jewelry is the assumption of the duties of a deceased person.

For a woman to receive a golden ring as a gift in a dream means a successful marriage. In reality, she will marry a wealthy, but very greedy and mercenary man. Giving someone a ring is a direct omen of the wedding you will attend soon. If you dream of gold rings in large quantities, then in reality you are surrounded by a lot of sycophants. This dream also speaks of wealth and prosperity that will overtake the dreamer in the near future.

Interpretations of dream books about golden rings

Most dream books are unanimous in their opinion about that. Why dream of gold rings. The interpreters are sure that they bring goodness and happiness to the life of the sleeping person. However, there are exceptions here too. In Vanga's dream book, for example, it is indicated that gold jewelry indicates unresolved problems, because of which the dreamer is very worried in real life. If in a dream a stranger gives you a ring, this means that very soon you will plunge headlong into a love pool. And dropping a golden ring from your hands is a harbinger of severe trials that fate itself will suddenly throw at you.

Freud believed that the ring is nothing more than a symbol of mutual understanding between male and female representatives. married lady a dream where a golden ring appears indicates nice gift, which the husband will present to her soon. Many rings according to Freud's dream book are not the most favorable symbol. He talks about frequent shift sexual partners and infidelity. And a golden ring with a very large gem, as it were, hints at the dreamer's rich experience in sex. Miller had an ambiguous opinion about the dreams in which the golden ring was present:

  • Wear wedding ring from gold - a symbol of a successful marriage, love and attention from loved ones;
  • Losing a wedding ring is the destruction of old ties through the fault of the dreamer. But do not despair, because you will be able to find many new friends;
  • Remove the ring - disputes, losses and separation;
  • Putting a gold ring on your finger is a date with your lover and a wedding;
  • Admire your ring in a dream - separation and conflicts.

The dream book of Nostradamus offers an interpretation of a dream in which you only happened to see a golden ring from afar. According to the interpreter, this dream promises a quick wedding and replenishment in the family. The loss of jewelry, on the contrary, indicates a break in relations. And if the ring sits tightly on the finger and cannot be removed in any way, then in fact you are striving for freedom and are tired of romance novels. Loff's dream book emphasizes that a golden ring in dreams means taking responsibility for certain things. But if you make jewelry yourself, then wait for the implementation of all your plans in the near future.

A precious ring in dreams is a symbol of the continuity of events and infinity. This information must be taken into account when trying to correctly determine what the golden ring is dreaming of. Also, the interpretation of sleep can be affected by the color of the jewelry, its location on a particular finger, the presence of stones, and many other details.

Why dream of a golden ring on a finger: interpretation from dream books

According to Miller's work, the whole beautiful ring is a harbinger of calm happy time V family life. Finally behind the quarrels and conflicts of lovers. If the decoration turned out to be broken, then the interpretation changes dramatically. In this case, the sleeper may expect a break with the other half, or even betrayal, betrayal.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, to find a very large gold ring - to the completion of a successful project that will bring huge profits. If a trusted partner after such a dream invites the dreamer to start a new business, you must boldly agree. It will be very successful and profitable.

Vanga has a gold ring on any finger as a symbol of fidelity. If a person in his dream clearly feels how it presses on the skin, he probably devotes too little time to his soulmate. You need to show your feelings more often and more actively, otherwise misunderstandings will begin to arise between the partners of all bowls.

In Freud's work, it is noted: if the sleeper hands someone a ring of gold, then he is in reality attached to this person. Perhaps it's time to confess your feelings to yourself and to a pretty person.

On which finger did the ring dream?

If you dream of a wedding ring, then you should try to remember on which finger it was located.

  • Decorations immediately on the entire five suggest that in real life the dreamer needs to be more restrained in promises. You should not take on someone else's responsibility and try to solve problems for other people. This may end badly for the sleeper himself.
  • The ring on the ring finger becomes a harbinger fateful meeting. If there is already a soul mate in the life of a man or woman, a wedding can be expected.
  • The ring on the middle finger portends a crisis in a love relationship. Both partners need to try to bring something new into them and ignite the former bright fire of love and passion.

What is the dream of the golden Ring in a dream from a dream book?

Why dream of a golden ring? The person whose attention you sought long time will soon show interest in you.

Your efforts will not be in vain, you will be able to achieve what you want both on the personal front and in business. Luck will be on your side.

Who dreamed of a golden ring?

An unmarried girl dreamed of a golden ring

An unmarried girl dreamed of a golden ring - to receive a marriage proposal from her lover. Your dreams of a strong and happy marriage will come true if you stick to your principles.

Where was the golden ring in the dream?

What is the dream of a golden ring on a finger

The dream interpretation considers the golden ring on the finger as a harbinger of marriage, the birth of a child. If the ring is put on your finger - expect the fulfillment of desires, the implementation of your plans.

What did you do with the gold ring?

Find a golden ring in a dream

She dreams that they found a golden ring - the dream has a double interpretation. If the decoration is yours, you can count on improving family relations, resuming past passion. If the ring is not yours, does not fit in size - to the wrong choice of a partner in life.

Lose a golden ring in a dream

A dream about the loss of a golden ring promises betrayal of a partner or spouse, parting, breaking off relations with a lover. Further relationships will depend on your behavior and character.

Trying on a golden ring in a dream

Trying on a golden ring in a dream - you are trying to arrange your life, to feel changes for the better in it. Luck will be on your side, take advantage of the opportunity.

Why dream of buying a gold ring

Why dream of buying a gold ring? Be at a crossroads in search of the right solution. A cheerful and handsome young man with whom he will meet will help to accept it.

Wearing a golden ring in a dream

I dreamed that they were putting on a golden ring - there was a meeting with a lover who was going to make a marriage proposal. Your marriage will be happy and strong.

What golden ring did you dream about?

I dreamed of a golden ring with a stone

A golden ring with a stone is interpreted by the Felomena dream book as a change in financial situation for the better. Take a closer look at the people around you - among them there is a traitor. Try to figure it out as early as possible before it causes you serious harm.

Dreaming of a broken golden ring

A broken golden ring is dreaming - unfortunately, quarrels in family affairs. For lovers, a dream portends a break in relations, parting. To prevent this - do not provoke a conflict.

The golden ring burst in a dream

A dream about a broken golden ring portends a disease or a serious deterioration in health. Loss of valuables, property, or loved one. You can part with someone you care about because of his move or change of residence.

How many rings were there?

Dreaming of a lot of golden rings

Seeing a lot of golden rings in a dream - you will be able to achieve prosperity and wealth, significantly improve your business. You should be more careful with others, among them there are hypocritical personalities.

What happened to the golden ring in a dream?

Gave a golden ring in a dream

Why dream of a donated golden ring? Someone from your environment wants to get close to you, build relationships, get married. A dream can mean reconciliation after a quarrel with a loved one.

Stole a golden ring in a dream

I dreamed that they stole a golden ring - in relationship will happen breakup, separation due to a quarrel. Reconciliation will not be easy, you should be patient.


Miller's dream book

This portends that she will be protected from worries and infidelity.

Many sorrows will enter her life.

Seeing an engagement ring on a friend's or other people's hand- means that you will not take someone's promise too seriously. It is possible that you will indulge in illicit pleasures.

If in a dream you carry rings in your hands- it means that you have new things ahead of you in which you will be lucky.

broken ring- means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs, and a break in relationships for lovers.

This means that her worries associated with her lover are behind, since from now on he will devote himself entirely to her present and future.

It means the growth of your well-being and new acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Ring- symbolizes strong friendship or happy family.

Also symbol- integrity of character, sometimes confirmation of power.

Lose the ring- destroy a friendship or marriage.

The ring falls off my finger- The loss of a loved one.

Find a ring, get it as a gift- new connections.

Ring with stone- a sign of honor, power, respect.

Freud's dream book

Ring- is a symbol of the female genital organs.

Putting a ring on or taking it off- symbolizes sexual intercourse.

If you were given a ring, especially gold- someone seeks to enter into a long-term relationship with you (marriage) or wants to significantly improve an existing relationship.

If you give the ring- You want to enter into such a relationship.

A woman has many rings- symbolizes her lesbian inclinations, and for a man - the desire for thoughtless collecting of all new partners.

broken ring- symbolizes health problems.

Lost ring- symbolizes a break with a partner or a desire for a new partner.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The appearance of a ring in a dream- symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

In a dream, you put a ring on your loved one's hand- this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

A dream in which you saw a stranger put an engagement ring on your hand- portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

broken ring- dreams of strife between spouses. Lovers such a dream- promises a break in relations.

If a girl dreams that she was given a ring- this means that she will stop worrying about her lover and he will prove to her his love and readiness for a joint future.

If a girl dreams of a beautiful engagement ring- this means that her lover will be faithful to her and protect her from trouble.

Lost ring- promises disappointment in love and bitterness from separation from a loved one.

If you dream of a wedding ring on the hand of a friend or other person- this means that you will be made an offer of marriage, which you will not take seriously.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Ring in dreams- a symbol of commitment and promises. The more expensive the ring in a dream, the more important these obligations are for you.

ring on ring finger or on the little finger- is an indication of friendly relations. Often such a dream reminds you of the need to help a friend or acquaintance, or to use this kind of support yourself.

Middle finger - symbolizes marital fidelity.

Ring on index or thumb means your responsibility to yourself. This is a symbol of those promises and vows that you have given yourself.

If the ring in a dream causes you inconvenience- this is a sign that some obligations in the near future may become a burden to you, and you will want to get rid of them.

Find a ring- a reminder that someone gave you oath promises that may soon come in handy. The place where the ring was found- may indicate what the help is related to.

Ring found on the road- means that a friend is able to help advance your business.

Ring on the table or in a dish- a sign that, with help, you can improve your well-being

Ring on a chair or armchair- portends help in obtaining a new place.

Jewish dream book

Ring- wedding.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Ring- fun wedding.

Women's dream book

A dream in which you accept a ring as a gift- Promises you peace and contentment. Your lover will once again successfully prove to you that he is faithful to you in body and soul, moreover, common interests will bind you even more firmly.

If in a dream you see a broken ring- you should prepare for various troubles and disappointments.

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

Rings (jewelry or magic rings)- can symbolize an agreement or the assumption of certain obligations, as, for example, in marriage.

Sometimes rings- indicate our desire to make commitments to ourselves or to obtain assurances of commitments by others in relation to us or a particular enterprise.

magic rings- may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers.

Rings drawn on the ground or "wheat circles"- are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross. In dreams of this kind, you may worry about the inexorably advancing circumstances and feel the need for an intercessor. Do you make or find the ring yourself? Do you feel like you are in control of it? Is this ring being used by someone to gain power over you? By whom?

Rings and circles are archetypes.

You may dream of round rooms, the magic circles of a shaman, oracle or other soothsayer, a circus arena or even round roads - all these are objects round shape. In fact, the circle is a positive image, but when interpreting dreams, other objects should be taken into account, as well as experiences associated with the appearance of circles in a dream. Did you yourself or someone else encounter a round object? The circle was interrupted or was it closed?

Dream interpretation for the whole family

See in a dream from Monday to Tuesday a ring on your hand- to the joy that children will bring.

If from Sunday to Monday you dreamed that you received a ring as a gift- all the excitement and showdown with the person you love is behind you.

Dream from Friday to Saturday in which you saw a broken ring- means quarrels and discord in marital affairs.

Dreamed rings on the fingers of other people- they say that your new acquaintance runs the risk of dragging on for too long and becoming burdensome for you.

If such a dream had a dream from Saturday to Sunday- You should beware of gossip.

If in a dream you lose your ring- then this is a warning about the danger of losing the state or disposition of a person who means a lot to you.

If you put a ring on your finger- then you will have a dizzying success with the opposite sex.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Ring to receive as a gift- your beloved belongs only to you.

wear on hand- new beginnings will be quite successful.

See rings on others- new interesting acquaintances, prosperity and well-being.

Wedding ring- in the future you will find the loyalty of your loved one and prosperity.

Break or lose- sadness, grief.

See someone else's hand Don't believe in empty promises.

Large and beautiful wedding ring- forbidden pleasures.

New family dream book

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger- you have new things ahead of you, in which you will be lucky.

broken ring

If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream- her worries associated with her lover are behind, from now on he will forever give her his heart.

Rings on other people's hands- dream of growing prosperity and portend new acquaintances.

If a woman sees in a dream her wedding ring bright and shiny- she will not have to suffer from worries and infidelity.

If the ring is lost or broken- ahead of the woman a lot of sorrows.

An engagement ring seen on someone's hand- portends that you will not take someone's promise too seriously. Perhaps you will indulge in illicit pleasures.

Modern combined dream book

Dream in which you wear rings- predicts new ventures in which you will succeed.

broken ring- portends quarrels, unhappy family life and separation for lovers.

If a young woman dreams that she is given a ring- she will stop worrying about the behavior of her lover, as he will devote himself entirely to her and their future interests.

See others wearing rings- promises an increase in wealth and the emergence of many new friends.

In a dream, a woman sees her wedding ring shiny and bright- a sign that she will know neither worries nor betrayal.

To dream that you have lost or broken a ring- means that in real life sadness awaits you due to death or dissimilarity of characters.

If in a dream you see a wedding ring on the hand of a friend or other person- in real life, you will not take your promises seriously and will indulge in illicit pleasures.

Eastern female dream book

Seeing an engagement ring or trying it on- for the imminent wedding of friends or relatives.

If you put a ring with a stone on your hand- Wait for a marriage proposal.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Ring- to the family union.

Children's dream book

Ring is a symbol of marriage and power.

Ring- usually dreams or to the formation of strong alliances between people (not necessarily love, it can be friendly or business relationship), or exaltation in one's community, gaining fame or respect.

If the ring is on your finger- it means that soon you will have to bind yourself with some kind of promise.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Any ring- a reflection of the Force.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seeing a wedding ring in a dream- to divorce.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

To widowhood.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Engagement ring- to the groom.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

ringlet- affection; wedding wear- wedding and happy marriage; lose- annoyance; get- true love.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing in a dream on your fingers a lot of different rings- means that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck.

Lose a ring in a dream- to an annoying mistake, search find

Receive a ring from a loved one as a gift- such a dream promises true love, strong family, healthy children. Gold rings- means an increase in well-being and new useful acquaintances. silver ring - imperceptibly, but steadily gain power over your beloved, while calling yourself his faithful slave.

Rings with precious stones portend that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to make acquaintance with interesting man. Seeing a coiled snake in a dream- means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where the real enemies are. If you dream that a snake coils around you and with a hiss releases its forked tongue from its mouth- so you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies.

Seeing gymnastic rings in a dream- portends that you will be able to fend for yourself in difficult situation with the authorities. hang on them- it means that you will not take someone's promise seriously and do the right thing by insuring yourself with a fallback option.

dream wedding ring- portends a quick wedding and a happy marriage. A ring worn on your finger during a wedding ceremony- portends true love, a strong family and healthy offspring.

golden wedding ring- means the growth of well-being and new useful acquaintances. Gold tone alloy ring- you will find yourself in difficulty, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your enemies are.

Buy wedding rings- you will be charged with a wagon of public work, not finding a better candidate. Sell ​​your wedding ring- means that in reality you will find yourself in a difficult financial situation.

Lose your wedding ring in a dream- to an annoying mistake, search- a happy accident will help to avoid troubles, find- receive good news.

Too small ring that does not fit on the finger- problems with children; falling from him- loss and loss.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Ring- fun, wedding

Women's dream book

Ring in a dream- a symbol of the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity.

Wear rings on your hands in a dream- to new and successful enterprises.

Seeing rings on others in a dream- means the growth of well-being and new acquaintances.

If in a dream you put a ring on the hand of a loved one- you will remain true to your feelings and keep your promises.

A dream in which you saw a stranger putting an engagement ring on your hand- portends unexpected help in solving a long-standing problem.

If a girl gets a ring in a dream- her lover from now on will devote himself entirely to her present and future.

If in a dream you can’t find a ring in size for yourself- this means that in real life you do not feel affection for anyone.

The ring that fell from your hand- bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

broken ring- means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs and a break in relations for lovers.

If in a dream your wedding ring is bright and shiny- you will be protected from excessive worries and infidelity of the spouse.

If the ring is lost or broken- sadness will enter your life.

Seeing a wedding ring on another person's hand- means that you will not take someone's promises too seriously.

General dream book

Seeing a ring in a dream- to big changes in life.

If you dreamed that you found a ring- soon you will make a valuable acquisition.

If a girl gets a ring in a dream- it means that all her worries are behind, since her lover will devote himself entirely to her present and future.

Seeing a ring on other people in a dream- means the growth of your well-being and many new friends.

Loss of the ring- to a tangible loss.

You dreamed that you bought a ring- ahead big changes in life.

If you dreamed that you sold a ring- big changes await you in life, which will occur through the fault of one of your friends.

You gave someone a ring- soon you will lend money to a reliable person.

melt the ring- to a quarrel with a person close to you.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

The ring has long been a symbol of friendship, engagement and marriage, if this is a sign for you.- it may portend the establishment of a strong relationship or betrothal. It also serves as a symbol eternal love.

Ring is a sign of an ongoing life cycle.

Also a ring- can be a symbol of completeness, wholeness and unity.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Have a golden ring on your hand in a dream- to marriage, the birth of a child; put it on your hand- to the fulfillment of desires.

wedding ring to wear- a harbinger of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members.

Engagement or just valuable to lose- means, by one's own will or fault, to destroy old ties, to find new friends.

Trying on someone else's wedding ring- means to show interest in forbidden pleasures.

Wedding rings on the hands of friends- tying relationships easy and non-binding.

If a woman sees in a dream her wedding ring bright and shiny- this portends a lack of worries and marital fidelity.

Find a ring- to an important meeting, new love, new friendship.

gift it- to marriage.

Pass the ring- to losses.

Get- to well-being.

Remove or break the ring- to a dispute, loss or separation.

The ring does not come off- to trouble.

Signet ring- means honor, a symbol of a son, heir, spiritual successor, successor.

Big diamond ring- success in business, important acquaintance, connections, work and benefit,

iron ring- hard work and sadness; copper- joy; silver- secret sorrows.

Wearing a golden ring in a dream- to a meeting with a loved one and a wedding.

Lose the ring and try to find it means to make sure that your loved one treats you unkindly, ignoring your self-esteem.

Love in a dream with a ring- to separation or quarrel; receive it as a gift- means a warning about something; donate it yourself- means to make an offer; buying a ring- a symbol of love.

Seeing a damaged ring in a dream- to fawning.

English dream book

If married woman in a dream drops the ring from his finger- this portends to her the infidelity of her husband, who was carried away by an unworthy woman who is capable of completely destroying his life.

If a woman sees in a dream that her wedding ring is breaking- this portends the illness or death of her husband.

And if the ring presses on the finger or crashes into it- this is a warning about someone's illness.

Putting a ring on your finger- a harbinger of union with the person you love.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Give the ring or lose it- to loss or grief.

Regain the ring- Promises safety.

Italian dream book

Ring- a symbol denoting power, social super-ego, (political, religious and even emotional). This image denotes recognition of the role or loyalty to the position, status, rules. prescriptions.

In some cases this image- can be simply indifferent and simply denote some kind of personality.

In some cases, although not often, this image- can symbolize a rather negative psychology, which is passed from generation to generation as mental semantics.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Ring, idle- marriage; girl- marriage; combined- family increment; with stones- profitable work; iron- sadness; broken- loss of a friend or property.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Ring- symbolism corresponding to all circular systems. Symbol of power, social Super-I. Recognition of one's role and social loyalty. The impossibility of refusing social role may have negative or protective effects.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

Ring or ring- portends a single marriage, the acquisition of friendship or a new acquaintance; have gold rings on your fingers- portends an exaltation in dignity, an increase in honors and the acquisition of power; receive a ring as a gift means safety; give a ring- portends a loss; lose your wedding ring- marks the death of the spouse whose ring is lost.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Ring- love, fidelity, marriage, marriage.

Presses, fell, lose- rupture of relations, divorce.

Modern universal dream book

Ring- openly declares that you are connected with your loved one marriage bonds. Perhaps the dream indicates that you want to connect your life with someone or participate in a joint project.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Cheap, shiny ring- you will suffer a slight malaise.

Rich, expensive ring- you are physically strong man in excellent health. An upcoming wedding.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Ring- wedding, birth of a child, acquaintance, connection; iron, stone- work with benefit; golden- to good; broken- loss; lose- loss, parting; present- a loss.

Esoteric dream book

Ring with stone- to sadness.

engagement- to divorce, failure to fulfill marital hopes.

ancient- you have a partner with whom you are connected karmically. Fate will bring you!

Other (large or ring-shaped item, such as a wedding band)- "walk in circles", do not look ahead.

Ukrainian dream book

golden wedding ring- wedding, silver- trouble.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Ring- offer, communication; lose ring black- divorce, separation.

Collection of dream books

Ring- a long friendship. Marriage. Engagement.

Wear a ring on your hand- connect yourself with love to another.

smooth ring - marriage, marriage; with big stone- unexpected acquaintance; with small stones- to tears; ring- for the wedding; broken- to the betrayal of a loved one.

Ring- to acquaintance or to marriage.

Ring- a symbol denoting power, dominance in a person of a social principle over a personal one, excessive respect for public rules and dogmas. Remember: the laws of society are much lower than the laws of our soul, and we should not attach such great importance to them!

Ring- wedding damage.

Get a ring for married women- promises happiness in marriage.

If you dreamed of a ring- your dream portends a new friendship or marriage (marriage).

If you break the ring in a dream- this is a sign of future disagreements with friends, their insincerity.

dream ring- symbolizes friendship or love.

If you dreamed of a gold, silver or wedding ring- your dream promises you a happy family life and many nice kids.

If in a dream you give someone a ring- your dream tells you: trust the heart, which is full of tenderness for you.

If you are given a ring is a sign of sincere love.

drop wedding ring - family conflict, divorce, betrayal.

Ring on the finger according to the dream book

A ring on a finger in a dream means a change in a person's status, wealth, fidelity and prosperity. To understand why such a dream is dreaming, one should recall in detail what he saw and analyze it based on the events taking place in real life. After that, you should look for the desired value in the dream book.

Miller's dream book - a ring on a finger (whole and without flaws), interprets it as a symbol of fidelity, family well-being and happy twists of fate. A broken ring in a dream is an unfavorable sign, indicating that a betrayal or a break in relations with a loved one awaits the dreamer ahead. Seeing a ring on the hand of other people is interpreted by the implementation of plans that will bring big profits.

According to Vanga's dream book, the meaning of sleep - a ring on a finger is an indicator of an oath, affection, fidelity or unresolved issues. If the ring presses, then the dreamer sparingly shows his feelings in relations with the opposite sex. Losing or dropping it is a sign of breaking the oath and coming trials.

It is useful to know why the ring on the finger is dreamed of according to Freud's dream book. This object in a dream is a symbol of harmony between lovers, a sign of unity and interaction. A gift made by a young man in a dream speaks of the firm intention of the person to start a family with a young lady. For a married lady, such a plot suggests a pleasant and unexpected surprise. To give someone a ring means the affection of a sleeping person to the person to whom the gift was intended. A broken item is a warning of impending health problems.

Features and appearance of the ring

To find out why such a dream is dreaming, you should pay attention to the appearance and metal from which the ring is made. A copper ring in a dream portends joy and fun pastime in a dream book.

If you dreamed of golden rings on your fingers, it means that in reality a person is waiting for wealth and honor. Buying this item in a dream - promises a love adventure, finding it - it will be possible to make a new acquaintance.

To a young girl in a dream, how a loved one puts a ring on the dreamer's finger, means sincere love the chosen one, who is very dear to the relationship with the young lady. If the decoration dresses completely unknown man, then, according to the dream book, a fascinating love affair is coming.

A sign of business acumen and oratory, power and might, that's what a golden ring dreams of big stone. A signet ring speaks of the high status of a sleeping person and the respect of others.

Removing a ring from a finger suggests a subconscious rejection of one's own promises. In some cases, such a picture portends a divorce or breakup. If the ring is not removed from the finger, then in real life, the sleeping person lacks personal freedom. To intentionally break an ornament in a dream is a sign that love for the chosen one (or chosen one) has left the dreamer's heart.

A silver ring on a finger in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the fulfillment of plans, unexpected support and help in a difficult matter, a romantic adventure, the beginning of a new project that will end in success. Wearing a ring on your finger in a dream is a sign of good luck in business and the fulfillment of desires. Besides,

A silver ring in a dream, according to the Mayan dream book, is interpreted as a feeling of a vicious circle. All attempts to get out of this situation will lead back to the starting point. Only outside help can break the cycle.

See silver jewelry on someone else's hand, characterizes missed opportunities due to excessive caution and distrust of others. To receive this item as a gift from a woman in a dream promises quarrels and discord in the family, from a man - gratitude from a superior person. Giving a gift to yourself is a sign that soon the dreamer will be connected with the person who received the present by common affairs or hobbies.

Why dream of an iron ring? Such an image symbolizes the need to work hard in the future to ensure a decent financial situation. Iron jewelry is often associated with the image of shackles, which can mean burdensome obligations that fetter the dreamer's actions, making it impossible to fulfill own desires and meet your needs.

Where is the ring placed?

Two rings on a finger in a dream symbolize harmony and idyll in relationships with a soul mate. Jewelry without flaws, according to the dream book, speaks of mutual understanding of partners, sexual compatibility and satisfaction.

Some dream books interpret quite ambiguously what many rings on fingers dream of. Freud's dream book indicates a partner's great sexual experience, as well as his tendency to cheat. Miss Hasse's dream interpretation interprets such a vision as a sign of luxury and material wealth sleeping person in the future. Nostradamus deciphers such a picture as a sign of honor and respect for others, high material status.

Those people who dreamed of rings on all fingers should be careful with promises in real life. Perhaps the obligations that the dreamer has taken on will be burdensome and bring a lot of trouble. However, if a person does not feel the heaviness of jewelry in a dream, then in reality the dreamer will cope with all the difficult questions and the responsibility assigned.

It is easy to guess why the ring on the ring finger is dreaming. Such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a quick declaration of love, betrothal or marriage. In addition, such a picture portends the presence of obligations and oaths that must be fulfilled.

What is the dream of the ring on the middle finger? This image symbolizes the fidelity of the second half. If the jewelry is broken, dented or has visible flaws, then in real life it is worth taking a closer look at your chosen one. Perhaps due to sexual dissatisfaction or lack of emotional contact, the beloved will seek solace on the side.

Search for this item in a dream, means according to Hasse's dream book family crisis and the search for a way out of the difficult situation between the lovers. It's time to think about how to bring something new and extraordinary into the relationship, make several attempts to rekindle the smoldering flame of love and romance.

Ring with a stone according to the dream book

Seeing a ring with a stone in a dream means good news, or the presence of unresolved issues, reminiscent of vicious circle. You can find out in more detail what the ring is dreaming of only if you accurately reproduce the entire dream, as well as when remembering all the details, up to the general mood.

A ring with a precious stone in a dream means success in business, which will bring fame and honor. According to the dream book, a large emerald in a ring portends a quick wedding. Sapphire - to the fulfillment of desires. A large diamond in a dream promises an important acquaintance, which in the future may end in successful cooperation.

A golden ring with a stone in a dream indicates an imminent change in material well-being in better side. Also, under certain events, such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the presence of a traitor in your list of friends (“Not gold that glitters”). It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings and identifying the ill-wisher as soon as possible, before he has time to harm you.

If you dreamed that a stone fell out of the ring, such a dream promises an early parting with your loved one, for whom you still have feelings. The dream book also explains this dream as the collapse of those things in work that seemed to be reliable.

A ring with a red stone symbolizes passionate love relationship. A dream where a woman receives a gift in the form of a ring with a red stone from a strange man means, according to the dream book, a quick meeting with a potential lover.

To interpret what dreams of finding a ring with a stone will help the dream book. This find in a dream portends the formalization of relations, as well as the conclusion of a large contract with new partners, cooperation with which will be long and mutually beneficial.

A dream where a silver ring with a stone is dreaming portends a long and happy marriage. The dream book also defines this dream as an unexpected surprise in the form of a small, but very necessary gift for you.

Why else dream of a ring with a stone in a dream

A ring with a large stone in a dream speaks of your business acumen, with the help of which you will soon succeed in business. Also, according to the dream book, such a dream portends an increase wages or receiving an award.

If in a dream you were presented with a ring, then some significant event will soon happen, it is possible that it will be a declaration of love and a marriage proposal. You make a gift in the form of a ring with a stone - trust your intuition and inner feelings, they will lead you to success.

Why dream of a ring with a blue stone. Such a dream portends imminent moral stress, up to depression, from which loved ones will help. If you have important events planned for the near future, the dream book advises you to reschedule them.

ring with blue stone in a dream is interpreted as the need for rest. And in order to have a good rest, you need to leave home. Such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the maturation of a major scandal between your relatives and friends.

Ring with green stone portends an early marriage or marriage proposal. Such a dream is also interpreted as the establishment of family life and getting rid of a long illness. A black stone in the ring portends difficulties at work.

Dream Interpretation Rings

If in a dream you saw an Engagement Ring, you were Given an Engagement Ring, or you yourself made such a gift to someone, Dream Interpretations claim that you are subconsciously ready to enter into family union. However, Dream Interpretations warn that if in a dream the Ring Presses or Falls, This is an alarming sign - marriage can become unhappy for you.

Seeing a golden ring or two rings in a dream, Giving an engagement ring in a dream (for men)- readiness for marriage; otherwise, the need to mechanically follow generally accepted rules and norms.

You need to look deep and deeply into yourself. The wedding ring can really be sent to you by the subconscious as a sign - you are ripe for the thought of marriage, it's time to propose to the chosen one, it's time to start a family. However, remember your feelings from the dream you saw. Perhaps the Ring on the contrary caused you a strong rejection or fear. Then the dream is provoked by your inner fears - you are afraid of a potential marriage, you categorically do not accept it, it is too early for you to think about the wedding.

To receive a ring as a gift in a dream, To see in a dream that they give you a ring, A guy or a young man gives a ring, A loved one gives a ring in a dream (for girls and women) - to a marriage proposal; obsession with thoughts of marriage.

In the traditional interpretation of such dreams, the appearance of the Wedding Ring is always associated with the subsequent receipt of a marriage proposal from the chosen one. However, the Dream could appear to you as a projection of daytime thoughts and feelings, As a result of your excessive immersion in thoughts about marriage (for example, With a long delay with a proposal from your potential spouse).

Seeing rings on fingers in a dream, The ring on the finger is tight, Wearing a ring that does not fit- inconvenience in relationships, constraint and limited living space.

The dream symbolically indicates to you the problems that really exist in your waking relationship. Probably, your couple lacks mutual understanding and harmony.

Seeing in a dream a ring without a stone, A smooth ring or a ring made of white gold, Wearing a non-wedding ring in a dream - appreciation, Affection; otherwise - obligations to someone.

Any non-Engagement Ring is a symbol of affection, Gratitude, Loyalty and love. And at the same time, the Ring image is quite complex - the Ring can act as a guarantor of obligations Given to someone in reality. You need to accurately understand what you see.

Seeing a pearl ring in a dream, a pearl ring- to tears.

Any Pearl jewelry traditionally portends tears, Sadness and disappointment for the dreamer.

Seeing a ring with a stone or diamonds in a dream, Seeing a ring with a stone on your finger, Finding a ring or two rings in a dream is patronage; profitable acquaintance.

A Precious Ring with Stones means that you will acquire some kind of powerful patron. Sleep is equally relevant for both women and men.

To dream that a stone fell out of the ring- Loss of patronage.

Lose the ring in a dream, Seeing the ring cracked or broken, The ring burst, Losing and not finding the ring in a dream - a break in relations; treason.

Loss or damage to the Ring in a dream traditionally portends a cooling of feelings, Divorce or a break in relationships.

Give a ring in a dream- Voluntary renunciation.

A dream can indicate not only the area interpersonal relationships and feelings. If we take into account that the Ring symbolizes mutual obligations, Perhaps you gave the Ring in a dream, Because you do not want (can not) fulfill the promises you once made.

To dream that a dead person gives you a ring- assume some of the duties of the deceased.

An exact interpretation of this dream can be made, Only if you take into account who the deceased was for you, What kind of relationship connected you in reality. Depending on your relationship, we can talk about a couple that did not work out (if the deceased is your lover or boyfriend), or about transferring some of their duties and powers to you (for example, your late brother or father gave you the Ring).

Dream Interpretation Gold, why dream of Gold in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What does Gold dream about in a dream book:

To see Golden stones in a dream - to throw them in a dream - to troubles, to find - to joys.

Why dream of golden stones - if in your dream you receive or collect them - to losses and deceit, to find them - to make a profit.

Also in a dream, gold stones may mean that you are prone to extravagant acts in reality.

Idiomatic dream book What does Gold dream about in a dream book:

  • Gold - "Not all that glitters is gold" - deception, falsehood.
  • "golden time" - success, a period of success, maturity.
  • “bonanza” is an inexhaustible source of income;
  • “The spool is small and expensive”, “you are my gold (appeal). "golden calf" - passionate enrichment with demonic meaning.
  • “gild the pen” - a reward, a bribe;
  • "golden hands" - about the craftsman-master;
  • "scrofulous" - sick;
  • "golden rain" - very large incomes.

Autumn dream book What does Gold dream about in a dream book:

Gold - Seeing in a dream how you buy yourself a gold ring - for engagement.

Summer dream book What does Gold dream about in a dream book:

Gold - Seeing gold in any form in a dream: in coins, jewelry, in grains - to waste and wrong image life, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book What does Gold dream about in a dream book:

  • Gold - If in a dream you see gold in your hands, you will find extraordinary success in all your endeavors.
  • Found gold means that you can easily overcome the path to material well-being and achieve respect from others.
  • If you have lost gold - in reality, due to your negligence, you may miss the greatest opportunity in your life.
  • If a woman in a dream received gold jewelry or coins as a gift, she will marry a wealthy, but mercantile person, many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Small Velesov dream book Why does Gold dream in a dream:

Why dream of gold - Joy, fun, wealth, success, earnings will be, good job// complaints, waste of time, bad, danger, separation from relatives; fake is a dangerous business; find - profit, benefit; lose - loss, death native person; wear on yourself - a warning; steal - lose respect; to give - to be at a wedding; to have a lot - you have freeloaders.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why does Gold dream:

Interpretation of sleep by a dream book: Gold - The same as money, but with a greater emphasis. Desire to be very rich. If this is a specific subject, then look at the subject. Losing a wedding ring means fear of parting.

Old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Gold:

Interpretation of the dream book: What gold is dreaming of - Seeing in a dream means wasted time; finding it marks profit and benefits; lose gold loss and death of one of the relatives.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: Gold what does it mean

  • Why dream of gold - The appearance of gold in your dream may be associated with famous phrases: “Not all that glitters is gold” (the external impression is deceptive), “The spool is small, but expensive”, “The word is silver, silence is gold.”
  • There are also quite common words: "Golden hands", " Golden heart”, “Golden character”, “Golden hair”.
  • If you dreamed that you lost a gold jewelry, then this warns you that an unpleasant event will happen soon, if you lost your wedding ring, then this is especially unpleasant, because it can portend illness or separation from your loved one.
  • Seeing gold coins in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will be rewarded for the work you have done, only this reward may not necessarily be material.
  • If you dreamed that you were a gold seeker, then this means that you are trying to find a profit in some business, but because of a frank selfish desire, you will lose the respect of others who will stop giving you the help that they previously offered.
  • Finding a golden thing in a dream - such a dream predicts the appearance of deceptive hopes in you, you hope in vain for a chance, you need to actively act.

Explanatory dream book Why does Gold dream from a dream book?

Why see Gold - Finding gold is a complete success; change silver for gold - a rush of blood to the head; to have gold utensils - to promotion or rank; swallow gold - success in science or art.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Gold what does it mean

Why dream of gold - False.

Polish dream book of V. Kopalinsky Gold according to the dream book:

Seeing gold in a dream Waste of money, so this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Gold:

  • Why dream of gold - Gold is unkind, danger.
  • Gold - soon there will be separation from relatives, this is a bad omen.
  • Gold wedding ring - wedding.
  • To have gold on you is a warning,
  • steal gold - lose respect,
  • give - you will be at the wedding,
  • lose - loss
  • to have a lot of gold and silver - there are a lot of freeloaders around you;
  • fake gold is a benefit.
  • To see goldfish - the expected will not come true.

Psychoanalytic dream book The meaning of sleep Gold:

What is the dream of gold - Something of the past, significant for the individual; emphasis on values, according to the dream book - predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Why is Gold dreaming?

  • Gold - A dream in which you see a lot of gold is usually auspicious.
  • Gold in a dream can promise you wealth, profit, good work.
  • Finding him means that you have to meet a reliable friend or meet a person who will be very dear to you.
  • To lose a golden thing or jewelry in a dream - to losses, unrealized opportunities, losses.
  • To see a golden cross in a dream - to joy, a crown - to changes in business, a chain - to deceit or illusions, a belt - to wealth.
  • A dream in which you saw a product with gilding or the brilliance of gold may portend a deception in reality.
  • Finding gold in a dream means that you have to learn some secret, but lose peace because of this.

Spring dream book What does Gold dream about in a dream book:

Gold - Seeing gold in a dream is a temptation, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing Gold in a dream, why?

Interprets the dream book: Why dream of gold - To see gold in a dream - to an extravagant act. If in a dream you make gold, in reality this portends wasted time. If you find gold, you will make a profit. Collecting gold or silver in a dream portends deceit or loss. If you dream of fake gold, the dream portends your gaining the truth.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea Gold according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see Gold in a dream, why dream - Gold in a dream symbolizes not only wealth, but also valuable memories. However, it is more a sign of disappointment than good luck. Gold in the form of dishes, utensils is a sign of lofty hope. Gold money, chains - failure, deceit.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller Why Gold Dreams:

  • Gold - If in a dream you are holding gold in your hands. You will be extraordinarily successful in all endeavors.
  • If a woman in a dream received golden little things as a gift - coins or jewelry, she will marry a rich, but mercenary man.
  • Finding gold means that your virtues will allow you to easily move on the path to honors and wealth.
  • If you lost gold in a dream, then because of your negligence, you will miss the greatest opportunity in your life in reality.
  • Finding a gold mine in a dream means that you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task.
  • If in a dream you intend to work in a gold mine, then it means. You will try to misappropriate the rights of others. The dream warns you: rumors around your name will lead to your shame.

Muslim dream book Why does Gold dream:

Gold - Seeing gold in a dream means sadness and suffering. If someone sees that he was spilling gold, this is to trouble and death, and if someone sees that he gave the gold to someone for safekeeping, that person will deceive him.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist D. Loff Why does Gold dream in a dream book?

What does it mean to see Gold in a dream - a universal symbol of purity and wealth. To acquire gold is to demonstrate one's power and wealth. It is important to determine the source of the gold and to know whether it was a gift, a conquest or a discovery. It is very important to understand how significant a gold item is. What use does gold find in a dream, whose wealth and power does it represent? If you are presented with a golden helmet, as in Don Quixote, this is an example of the archetypal form of that sacred power that you are endowed with to complete a mission or a HEROIC campaign. Have you found, lost, given or received a gold item as a gift from someone? Did this item bring you joy or sadness?

Modern dream book If you dream of Gold:

Solves a dream book: What gold is dreaming of - Luck, wealth

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Gold in a dream

Gold - See - falsehood and delusion; to buy - you are empty; a large number of- bad times await you; to receive as a gift - beware of fake friends.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of Gold:

Why dream of gold - To see poverty, ruin. Give, give, receive a gift. Receive, take an unsuccessful investment, they will not return the debt, you will lose your wallet or deposit. Wear gold jewelry carefully! The robber is already out big road, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Persian dream book Taflisi Dream Interpretation: Gold in a dream

  • Why dream of gold - Seeing it in a dream is good. However, if a man has such a dream, then he is destined for sorrows and sorrows.
  • If you dreamed that you were trying to melt gold, then know that people scratch their tongues about you, so be careful!
  • Selling or buying gold, but a dream - to sadness.
  • If in a dream you return to your home with handfuls of gold, this is good.
  • Your fortune will soon increase.
  • There is gold - a sign that you will not leave your girlfriend in trouble, perhaps you will begin to indulge her whims with might and main.
  • To dream that you are meeting with a goldsmith (this may also include communication with a dentist if you intend to put gold crowns on yourself) is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon encounter scammers who, naturally, wish to circle around your finger and stripped to the bone. So be careful and be extra careful when dealing with strangers

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing Gold in a Dream

In a dream, why is Gold dreaming - To see in a dream - falsehood and delusion - to buy - you - empty man- a large number - waiting for you bad times- receive as a gift - beware of fake friends

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

What is the dream of Gold (sand, ingots) - Spiritual knowledge; creative success. A lot - deceit, disappointment.

Lunar dream book Why is Gold dreaming?

How the dream book interprets: To see gold in a dream - To have a complaint; golden dishes and drinking from it is a sign of promotion.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Gold, gold jewelry for which dreams - More often, to deceit, trouble, activity of passions and vices. Swallow - success in science and creativity. Find, dig up ingots - acquire secret knowledge, spiritual wisdom.

Dream Interpretation Golden (color) why dream - To deceit, seduction.

why remove gold rings



The ring in a dream is a symbol of a circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, fidelity. Wearing rings on your hands in a dream - to new and successful enterprises. Seeing rings on others in a dream means an increase in wealth and new acquaintances. If in a dream you put a ring on the hand of a loved one, you will remain faithful to your feelings and keep your promises. A dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a long-standing problem. If a girl receives a ring in a dream, her lover from now on will devote himself entirely to her present and future. If in a dream you can’t pick up a ring for yourself in any way, this means that in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone. The ring that fell from your hand is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you. A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.


There is a lot to whatABC of interpretation of dreams Ring - symbolizes strong friendship or a happy family. Also a symbol - the integrity of character, sometimes confirmation of power. Lose a ring - destroy a friendship or marriage. The ring falls from the finger - the loss of a loved one. Find a ring, receive it as a gift - to new connections. A ring with a stone is a sign of honor, power, respect. American dream book Ring - a long friendship. Marriage. Engagement. English dream book If a married woman drops a ring from her finger in a dream, this portends her husband's infidelity, who is carried away by an unworthy woman who can completely destroy his life. If a woman sees in a dream that her wedding ring is breaking, this portends the illness or death of her husband. And if the ring presses on the finger or crashes into it, this is a warning about someone's illness. Putting a ring on your finger is a harbinger of an alliance with the person you love. Eastern dream book To see a wedding ring or try it on - for the imminent wedding of friends or relatives. If you put a ring with a stone on your hand, wait for a marriage proposal. Children's dream book The ring is a symbol of marriage and power. Ring - usually dreams either of the formation of strong alliances between people (not necessarily love ones, it can be friendships or business relationships), or exaltation in one's community, gaining fame or respect. If the ring is put on your finger, it means that soon you will have to bind yourself with some kind of promise. Women's dream book The dream in which you accept a ring as a gift promises you peace and satisfaction. Your lover will once again successfully prove to you that he is faithful to you in body and soul, moreover, common interests will bind you even more firmly. If in a dream you see a broken ring, you should prepare for various troubles and disappointments. Idiomatic dream book "Ring" - forcibly marry; "wedding ring" - the establishment of an intimate relationship. Icelandic dream book Wear a ring on your hand - bind yourself with love to another. Italian dream book Meneghetti Ring - a symbol denoting power, social super-ego, (political, religious and even emotional). This image denotes recognition of the role or loyalty to the position, status, rules. prescriptions. In some cases, this image can be simply indifferent and simply denote some kind of personality. In some cases, although not often, this image can symbolize a rather negative psychology, which is passed from generation to generation as mental semantics. Small Velesov Dream Interpretation Ring - wedding, childbirth, acquaintance, connection; iron, with stone - labor with benefit; gold - for good; broken - loss; lose - loss, separation; to give is a loss. Psychoanalytic dream book The ring is a symbolism corresponding to all circular systems. Symbol of power, social Super-I. Recognition of one's role and social loyalty. The impossibility of giving up a social role can have negative or protective consequences. Family dream book If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, you have new things ahead of you in which you will be lucky. A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers. If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream - her worries associated with her lover are behind, from now on he will forever give her his heart. Rings on the hands of other people - dream of an increase in well-being and portend new acquaintances. If a woman sees her wedding ring bright and shiny in a dream, she will not have to suffer from worries and infidelity. If the ring is lost or broken, the woman has a lot of sorrows ahead. An engagement ring seen on someone's hand portends that you will not take someone's promise too seriously. Perhaps you will indulge in illicit pleasures. Slavic dream book Ring - for acquaintance or for marriage. Dream Interpreter Ring or ring - portends a bachelor


To the sky in a cell.

Marina Emelyanova

To new things and good luck in them

Olga Sigacheva

To some surprises in your life.


On these links you will find the best dream books of Runet www.myjane.ru/sonnik/ - interpretation of dreams [link blocked by decision of the project administration] - secret meaning name and zodiac signs. What do the signs that you meet on the way portend www.interlinks.ru/browse-116-116-1.html - a very good dream book www.sunhome.ru/dreams - Miller's Dream Book. Freud's dream book. Wangi's dream book. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus. Loff's dream book. Assyrian dream book www.neolove.ru/son/ - an online dream book that includes interpretation of dreams according to the dream book of Miller, Freud and Vanga. www.kleo.ru/dreams/ — Modern dream book

fake gold ring

Dream Interpretation Fake Gold Ring dreamed of why in a dream a fake gold ring? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on initial letter an image that characterizes a dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a fake gold ring in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Golden Ring

To the wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

A dream about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, betrothal. To receive a ring in a dream means that someone believes in you or loves you, or will propose to you. Seeing gold rings and rings in a dream portends honors, wealth and prosperity. Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in relationships and the loss of a loved one. To receive a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a disappointment that you will experience greatly, especially if the ring has sharp ends. Seeing rings in a dream on others means that you will soon find yourself in society. wealthy people and make new acquaintances. Seeing or wearing an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies). To receive an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but prosperous life. To see two wedding rings in a dream - for an engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or not take place at all. Talking about the size of wedding rings in a dream to hear is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love. The size of the ring in a dream means how big your love is. Wearing an engagement ring in a dream is a sign of a happy family life or an imminent engagement. Lose it - to the annoyance; to receive is the fidelity of a lover. If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts happiness and prosperity in family life. If the ring suddenly fades, then your happiness will suddenly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal. See interpretation: jewelry.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, new things are ahead in which you will be lucky. A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers. If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are over. From now on, he will forever give her his heart. Rings on the hands of other people dream of an increase in well-being and portend new acquaintances. This is how Wang interpreted dreams about the ring. The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty. The dream in which you put a ring on your loved one's hand symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises. The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time. If in a dream you can’t find a ring in any way for yourself, then in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone. In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you. D. Loff wrote: “Rings can symbolize an agreement or the assumption of certain obligations, such as, for example, in marriage. Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise. Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. Rings drawn on the ground, or "wheat circles", are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross. In dreams of this kind, you may worry about circumstances that are inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To have a golden ring on your hand - for marriage, the birth of a child. Putting a ring on your hand - to the fulfillment of desires. Wearing a wedding ring is a harbinger of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members. Engagement or simply valuable to lose - by one's own will or fault, destroy old ties, find new friends. Trying on someone else's wedding ring is showing interest in forbidden pleasures. Wedding rings on the hands of acquaintances - the establishment of easy and non-binding relationships. If a woman sees her engagement ring bright and shiny, it portends a lack of worries and marital fidelity. Find a ring - to an important meeting, new love, new friendship. Give a ring - to marry. Pass the ring - to losses. Get a ring - to well-being. Remove or break the ring - to a dispute, loss or separation. The ring is not removed from the hand - to captivity. A signet ring is an honor, a symbol of a son, heir, spiritual successor, successor. A ring with a large diamond - success in business, an important acquaintance, connections, work and benefit. Iron ring - hard work and sadness. Copper ring - joy. Silver ring - secret sorrows. Putting on a gold ring - to meet your loved one and the wedding. Losing a ring and trying to find a ring is to make sure that your loved one treats you unkindly, ignoring your self-esteem. Admire the ring - to separation or quarrel. To receive a ring as a gift is a warning about something. Give a ring - make an offer. Buying a ring is a symbol of love. Damaged ring - to curry favor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

An engagement ring seen in a dream portends a quick wedding and a happy marriage. Seeing in a dream on your fingers a lot of different rings means that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck. Losing a ring in a dream is an unfortunate mistake, looking for a lucky break will help you avoid trouble, finding it means you will receive good news. To receive a ring from a loved one as a gift - such a dream promises true love, a strong family, healthy children. Golden rings mean an increase in wealth and new useful acquaintances. Silver ring - imperceptibly, but steadily gain power over your beloved, while calling yourself his faithful slave. Rings with precious stones portend that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to make acquaintance with an interesting man. Seeing a coiled snake in a dream means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your real enemies are. If you dream that a snake coils around you and hissingly releases its forked tongue from its mouth, then you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies. Seeing gymnastic rings in a dream portends that you will be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation with your superiors. Hanging on them means you won’t take someone’s promise seriously and do the right thing by insuring yourself with a fallback.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Symbol of obligations and promises. The more expensive the ring in a dream, the more important these obligations are for you. Ring on the ring finger or on the little finger: is an indication of friendship. Often such a dream reminds you of the need to help a friend or acquaintance, or to use this kind of support yourself. Middle finger: symbolizes marital fidelity. Ring on the index or thumb: means your responsibility to yourself. This is a symbol of those promises and vows that you have given yourself. If the ring causes you inconvenience in a dream, this is a sign that some obligations may become a burden to you in the near future, and you will want to get rid of them. Find a ring in a dream find a ring: a reminder that someone gave you oath promises that may come in handy soon. The place where the ring found on the road is found: means that a friend is able to help advance your affairs. A ring on a table or in a dish: a sign that, with help, you can improve your well-being. a ring on a chair or on an armchair: portends help in getting a new place.

Dream Interpretation - Rings

Rings can symbolize a contract or the assumption of certain obligations, such as in marriage. Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise. Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural POWERS. Rings or “wheat circles” drawn on the ground are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross. In dreams of this kind, you may worry about the inexorably advancing circumstances and feel the need for an intercessor. Do you make or find the ring yourself? Do you feel like you are in control of it? Is this ring being used by someone to gain power over you? By whom?

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To see in a dream from Monday to Tuesday a ring on your hand - to the joy that children will bring. If from Sunday to Monday you dreamed that you received a ring as a gift, all the excitement and showdown with the person you love is behind you. A dream from Friday to Saturday, in which you saw a broken ring, means quarrels and discord in marital affairs. The dreamed rings on the fingers of other people indicate that your new acquaintance runs the risk of dragging on for too long and becoming burdensome for you. If you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you should beware of gossip. By the way, the ring has always been considered a symbol of love. It is the rings that are used for the betrothal of the young, being the talisman of the new family.

Dream Interpretation - Fake Money

If in a dream you were engaged in the manufacture of counterfeit money, then you can mentally prepare for the fact that your financial situation will soon reveal its instability. You should hurry to deal with this problem, otherwise well-being and the current comfortable existence will remain only a memory. While there is still some time, try to prevent such a sad turn of events. The dream in which you paid for something with counterfeit money suggests that, knowing perfectly well the true state of things in relation to yourself, you strive to do, as they say, a good face when bad game. However, the dream warns that you won’t be able to throw dust in people’s eyes for a long time, and sooner or later everything will be revealed. So do not be overly proud where it is not necessary, and ask for help. Only then will you still have the opportunity to somehow get out of a difficult situation, and you will be able to get by little blood, i.e. get off minimal losses. Make the decision to fight the difficulties alone - you will never be able to recover from the blow of fate. Jewelry can also be fake. If you dreamed of just such, and in a dream you well understand the far from noble origin of these jewelry and stones, then this means that you, like no one else, know how to see the essence of things behind tinsel and external brilliance. Knowing the value of people, you do not give them a chance to deceive you; your life experience and insight are admirable. If you told someone in a dream that the jewelry he was wearing was fake, this means that you have been hiding the truth for quite some time. However, the moment of truth has come, and soon you will begin to cut the truth-womb, without looking back at the faces and position. The consequences will manifest themselves immediately, but not the ones you would probably like. Remember that the truth, of course, is a good thing, but not in all cases. Before using drastic measures, weigh the consequences, and you may not want to be so actively engaged in truth-seeking. In a dream, they themselves made fake jewelry - you will soon lie and dodge in order to avoid all sorts of troubles. The dream warns: if you are already embarking on the path of a lie, then do it with taste and as skillfully as possible - only then will you be able to achieve what you want. A clumsy, white-threaded lie will cause a sharp rejection among others, and this will not only not help you, but will also aggravate the unpleasant situation. Use fake documents or make them - achieving a high position for yourself or loved ones, you will use the help of an influential friend. They will really help you in a timely manner, but for further prosperity you should not forget to thank the assistant, since the debt is red with payment. If in a dream you had excellent works of art, and then it turned out that they were fake, then your loved ones have some important secret from you. In addition, you have a completely wrong idea about them, although this is not your fault. The fact is that these cute, from your point of view, people know how to simply masterfully pretend. You need to be extremely careful with them if you don't want to get a treacherous backstab from the people you consider your closest. Try to bring them to clean water: by doing this, you will protect yourself and help them change for the better. If in a dream you express false feelings, i.e. Those that you don’t really experience, then in reality you will be forced to sacrifice your principles, behave in a way that you usually never behave.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty. In a dream, you put a ring on the hand of a loved one - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises. The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time. If in a dream you can’t pick up a ring for yourself in any way, this means that in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone. In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

Every unmarried girl expects from her beloved and the only man marriage proposals. What dream is a harbinger of this event and after what details seen in a dream, you can safely try on a wedding dress, wise dream books will tell you.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

The ring is a symbol of the completed life cycle. A golden ring can be a harbinger of an imminent marriage or a proposal to enter into a legal marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

If a young girl dreamed of a golden ring, then in the near future she will receive an offer to marry. Seeing a golden ring in a dream for a representative of the fair sex, who does not have a stable relationship, indicates that very soon she will meet young man with whom he will be together for a long time, and perhaps even live a happy family life with him.

A dream interpretation where a man sees a golden ring with agate is a harbinger of problems at work and in personal life. If a young man in a dream buys a ring for someone as a gift, then in real life it will be difficult for him to make a choice between several girls.

If you dreamed that you found a ring, then in life you will meet a reliable companion and partner.

Meridian's dream book also explains "what the golden ring on your finger is dreaming of" - in real life you can realize your dreams. If a stranger puts a ring on your finger, in reality an outsider will help you find a way out of a difficult situation.

If in a dream you are trying on a ring and it is not your size - in life you have not found your only and faithful companion, you may need to change the requirements for opposite sex so as not to be alone for the rest of your life.

A dream in which a young man presents you with a golden ring - in reality, the formalization of relations is just around the corner. If a married girl has such a dream, your spouse has the deepest and most wonderful feelings for you.

Lose the ring - to the dissolution of the marriage.

In all dream books, a golden ring is a symbol of some unresolved problems, affection and fidelity of people, as well as receiving an oath of eternal love from members of the opposite sex. Depending on the events in which the ring appeared, the interpretation of sleep will be carried out.

If in a dream a gold ring is put on the finger of a loved one, it means that in real life a sleeping person will always fulfill his promises, while he will remain devoted to his own feelings, and will not be led by other, selfish people.

It is important to know what the golden ring is dreaming of, because in this way it will be possible to find out what surprises fate has prepared in the future.

For example, if in your own dream a stranger puts a ring on his hand, while the ring is an engagement ring, such a dream may mean that unexpected help will soon be received from outside, with the help of which it will be possible to solve some long-standing problem that over a fairly long period of time does not give rest.

If in a dream they make attempts to pick up a golden ring for themselves, but they all end in failure, such a dream can predict that in reality the sleeping person does not have a strong heart attachment to any of the representatives of the opposite sex.

But do not be sad, because soon the only person who can give love and happiness will meet on the path of life.

The dream in which a golden ring flies off the finger has a bad meaning, since it can mean that some very serious and difficult life test will soon have to be experienced, which will act for violation of fidelity and given word beloved person.

The ring, which was seen in one's own dream, may be a sign that the sleeping person has placed some serious responsibilities on his own shoulders - for example, those that are directly related to the planned marriage.

Indeed, most often, just before the upcoming marriage, many people begin to have dreams associated with rings - this is due to great anxiety and excitement, especially if this is the first marriage.

In some cases, dreams in which golden rings are dreamed may indicate that the sleeping person has strong enough desires to take on any obligations. Also, such a dream can express the following desire of a sleeping person - he passionately wants someone to take responsibility for him.

If a magic ring made of gold was seen in a dream, then this may be a sign that in the very near future, a sleeping person will receive an invaluable gift from fate - some kind of supernatural knowledge or abilities that make him really special. Thanks to this, he will be able to help other people who are in a difficult situation and cannot do without outside help.

The ring is a strong defense that makes it impossible evil forces influence the person wearing it. In the event that you had a dream in which the ring was lost, it may indicate that in reality a person experiences a feeling of great anxiety due to the fact that he cannot solve some problem on his own. serious problem and feels a strong need for outside protection.

If in a dream a person found a golden ring or made it on his own, such a dream may indicate that the sleeper has a chance to complete the work he has begun with great success. However, the interpretation of such a dream will be influenced by what feelings a person had - joyful or not. We must try to remember, because there may be such an option that someone in a dream tried to use such a ring in order to gain control over the sleeping person.

If an offer was made, followed by a gift in the form of a golden ring, it means that very soon a strong love relationship with a representative of the opposite sex will appear in reality. If in a dream, on the contrary, the ring was not received, but lost, separation or divorce from a loved one will soon follow.

To see a golden ring in your dream - some kind of fun, festive event will soon happen, for example, a wedding, at which a pleasant meeting will take place. To receive a ring as a gift - there will be devoted and long love. And if in a dream a person wears right hand engagement gold ring - marriage will take place soon.

To lose a ring in your dream - some unpleasant event will soon happen, for example, in reality, a person will completely unexpectedly lose something very important and valuable. This can be not only the loss of something material, but also spiritual - for example, a quarrel and parting with a loved one.

Dream interpretation golden ring

Why dream of a golden ring in a dream

A golden ring seen in a dream always portends good. If at the same time it is on your hand, expect an early marriage or the birth of a child. Also, such a dream may indicate that you will gain power. If in a dream you wear a gold ring on your finger, in real life you should prepare for happy event: marriage or replenishment in the family. Seeing yourself putting a gold ring on your finger portends the imminent fulfillment of your innermost desires. Seeing a golden ring in a dream is a symbol of unresolved problems, a circle of events, an oath, affection and fidelity.

Dream Interpretation Golden Ring

What is the dream of the golden Ring in a dream from a dream book?

Why dream of a golden ring? A person whose attention you have sought for a long time will soon show interest in you.

Your efforts will not be in vain, you will be able to achieve what you want both on the personal front and in business. Luck will be on your side.

Who dreamed of a golden ring? Where was the golden ring in the dream? What did you do with the gold ring? What golden ring did you dream about? How many rings were there? What happened to the golden ring in a dream?

Who dreamed of a golden ring?

An unmarried girl dreamed of a golden ring

An unmarried girl dreamed of a golden ring - to receive a marriage proposal from her lover. Your dreams of a strong and happy marriage will come true if you stick to your principles.

Where was the golden ring in the dream?

What is the dream of a golden ring on a finger

The dream interpretation considers the golden ring on the finger as a harbinger of marriage, the birth of a child. If the ring is put on your finger - expect the fulfillment of desires, the implementation of your plans.

What did you do with the gold ring?

Find a golden ring in a dream

She dreams that they found a golden ring - the dream has a double interpretation. If the decoration is yours, you can count on improving family relations, resuming past passion. If the ring is not yours, does not fit in size - to the wrong choice of a partner in life.

Lose a golden ring in a dream

A dream about the loss of a golden ring promises betrayal of a partner or spouse, parting, breaking off relations with a lover. Further relationships will depend on your behavior and character.

Trying on a golden ring in a dream

Trying on a golden ring in a dream - you are trying to arrange your life, to feel changes for the better in it. Luck will be on your side, take advantage of the opportunity.

Why dream of buying a gold ring

Why dream of buying a gold ring? Be at a crossroads in search of the right solution. A cheerful and handsome young man with whom he will meet will help to accept it.

Wearing a golden ring in a dream

I dreamed that they were putting on a golden ring - there was a meeting with a lover who was going to make a marriage proposal. Your marriage will be happy and strong.

What golden ring did you dream about?

I dreamed of a golden ring with a stone

A golden ring with a stone is interpreted by the Felomena dream book as a change in financial situation for the better. Take a closer look at the people around you - among them there is a traitor. Try to figure it out as early as possible before it causes you serious harm.

Dreaming of a broken golden ring

A broken golden ring is dreaming - unfortunately, quarrels in family affairs. For lovers, a dream portends a break in relations, parting. To prevent this - do not provoke a conflict.

The golden ring burst in a dream

A dream about a broken golden ring portends a disease or a serious deterioration in health. The loss of valuable things, property or a loved one is not ruled out. You can part with someone you care about because of his move or change of residence.

How many rings were there?

Dreaming of a lot of golden rings

Seeing a lot of golden rings in a dream - you will be able to achieve prosperity and wealth, significantly improve your business. You should be more careful with others, among them there are hypocritical personalities.

What happened to the golden ring in a dream?

Gave a golden ring in a dream

Why dream of a donated golden ring? Someone from your environment wants to get close to you, build relationships, get married. A dream can mean reconciliation after a quarrel with a loved one.

Stole a golden ring in a dream

I dreamed that they stole a golden ring - there will be a break in the relationship, parting due to a quarrel. Reconciliation will not be easy, you should be patient.

Ring with a stone according to the dream book

Seeing a ring with a stone in a dream means good news, or the presence of unresolved issues resembling a vicious circle. You can find out in more detail what the ring is dreaming of only if you accurately reproduce the entire dream, as well as when remembering all the details, up to the general mood.

A ring with a precious stone in a dream means success in business, which will bring fame and honor. According to the dream book, a large emerald in a ring portends a quick wedding. Sapphire - to the fulfillment of desires. A large diamond in a dream promises an important acquaintance, which in the future may end in successful cooperation.

A golden ring with a stone in a dream announces an imminent change in material well-being for the better. Also, under certain events, such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the presence of a traitor in your list of friends (“Not gold that glitters”). It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings and identifying the ill-wisher as soon as possible, before he has time to harm you.

If you dreamed that a stone fell out of the ring, such a dream promises an early parting with your loved one, for whom you still have feelings. The dream book also explains this dream as the collapse of those things in work that seemed to be reliable.

A ring with a red stone symbolizes a passionate love relationship. A dream where a woman receives a gift in the form of a ring with a red stone from a strange man means, according to the dream book, a quick meeting with a potential lover.

To interpret what dreams of finding a ring with a stone will help the dream book. This find in a dream portends the formalization of relations, as well as the conclusion of a large contract with new partners, cooperation with which will be long and mutually beneficial.

A dream about a silver ring with a stone portends a long and happy marriage. The dream book also defines this dream as an unexpected surprise in the form of a small, but very necessary gift for you.

Why else dream of a ring with a stone in a dream

A ring with a large stone in a dream speaks of your business acumen, with the help of which you will soon succeed in business. Also, according to the dream book, such a dream portends an increase in wages or a bonus.

If in a dream you were presented with a ring, then some significant event will soon happen, it is possible that it will be a declaration of love and a marriage proposal. You make a gift in the form of a ring with a stone - trust your intuition and inner feelings, they will lead you to success.

Why dream of a ring with a blue stone. Such a dream portends imminent moral stress, up to depression, from which loved ones will help. If you have important events planned for the near future, the dream book advises you to reschedule them.

A ring with a blue stone in a dream is interpreted as a need for rest. And in order to have a good rest, you need to leave home. Such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the maturation of a major scandal between your relatives and friends.

A ring with a green stone portends an imminent marriage or marriage proposal. Such a dream is also interpreted as the establishment of family life and getting rid of a long illness. A black stone in the ring portends difficulties at work.

Why dream of a golden ring with a stone?

Premonitions are not always conscious, and in order to make them more understandable, the subconscious reflects all fears or experiences. In addition, according to most people, the subconscious in a dream predicts pictures of the future, albeit in encrypted form.

Thus, in order to know and prepare for future events, it is necessary to correctly and timely interpret the events that occur in a dream.

Quite often, in a dream, girls see rings, precious stones and similar jewelry. And how could it be otherwise, because for them it is not just important, but interesting and necessary in order to look attractive. Naturally, such a dream can either frighten or, on the contrary, cheer up (which happens in most cases), forcing you to dream, sighing, about unrealizable hopes for another whole day.

Why do jewels really come off? First of all, we can say that the sign is dual, but depends on the size and number of jewelry, the specific type and, naturally, the nature of dreams.

Here you need to consider what a golden ring with a stone or several stones is dreaming of.

A large stone, set in a massive frame, will promise the sleeping person a surprise, news or new acquaintances. But on such a frame, a lot of small stones can cause trouble, worries, or even tears of loss.

Since people mainly consider the dreams of girls, then, having received a gift in a dream, they can hope and in reality become the owner of such a jewel in the form of a wedding ring. A large diamond on such a ring in a dream will say that everything will be wonderful in the future, success in business or a turning point for the better regarding personal life is planned.

In addition, large, bright and original stones promise the sleeping girl not only good luck in her personal life, but also receiving a long-awaited reward for work, career advancement or the like.

However, if in a dream a golden ring with a stone is broken, then the consequences of such a dream will be no less unpleasant. A big quarrel will await a sleeping man or woman (the size depends on the stone and ring).

As well as misunderstandings in personal life or certain difficulties with colleagues and partners. It is not recommended to carefully consider rings with stones in a dream, although this does not depend on the sleeper. The consequences will be quarrels and disagreements in life. If a person does not consider the ring, but simply receives it as a gift, and even in conjunction with a large stone on it, then this will indicate a new stage in his life, the threshold important event or forging new and profitable relationships.

By adding to this interpretation a diamond (preferably a large size) on the ring, you can get even more successful development events, the completion of projects or the receipt of a significant position, which, however, is appointed quite unexpectedly.

Thus, if we combine interpretations and do not consider particulars, during a dream in which a ring or a precious stone appears on it, new and interesting events. Exactly at this case they will affect not only work or career, but also personal life.

It will be important to pay attention to what color the stone is, what size it is and, if there are several such stones, the number. Too much, of course, promises only trouble. We should not forget about the circumstances of receiving the ring, as well as related events, if they are remembered.

Gold rings

Dream Interpretation Golden Rings had a dream about why Golden rings dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Golden Rings in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Golden Ring

To the wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To have a golden ring on your hand - for marriage, the birth of a child.

Putting a ring on your hand - to the fulfillment of desires.

Wearing a wedding ring is a harbinger of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members.

Engagement or simply valuable to lose - by one's own will or fault, destroy old ties, find new friends.

Trying on someone else's wedding ring is showing interest in forbidden pleasures.

Wedding rings on the hands of acquaintances - the establishment of easy and non-binding relationships.

If a woman sees her engagement ring bright and shiny, it portends a lack of worries and marital fidelity.

Find a ring - to an important meeting, new love, new friendship.

Give a ring - to marry.

Pass the ring - to losses.

Get a ring - to well-being.

Remove or break the ring - to a dispute, loss or separation.

The ring is not removed from the hand - to captivity.

A signet ring is an honor, a symbol of a son, heir, spiritual successor, successor.

A ring with a large diamond - success in business, an important acquaintance, connections, work and benefit.

Iron ring - hard work and sadness.

Copper ring - joy.

Silver ring - secret sorrows.

Putting on a gold ring - to meet your loved one and the wedding.

Losing a ring and trying to find a ring is to make sure that your loved one treats you unkindly, ignoring your self-esteem.

Admire the ring - to separation or quarrel.

To receive a ring as a gift is a warning about something.

Give a ring - make an offer.

Buying a ring is a symbol of love.

Damaged ring - to curry favor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

A dream about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, betrothal. To receive a ring in a dream means that someone believes in you or loves you, or will propose to you. Seeing gold rings and rings in a dream portends honors, wealth and prosperity. Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in relationships and the loss of a loved one. To receive a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a disappointment that you will experience greatly, especially if the ring has sharp ends. Seeing rings in a dream on others means that soon you will find yourself in a society of wealthy people and make new acquaintances. Seeing or wearing an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies).

To receive an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but prosperous life. To see two wedding rings in a dream - for an engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or not take place at all. Talking about the size of wedding rings in a dream to hear is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love. The size of the ring in a dream means how big your love is. Wearing an engagement ring in a dream is a sign of a happy family life or an imminent engagement. Lose it - to the annoyance; to receive is the fidelity of a lover. If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts happiness and prosperity in family life. If the ring suddenly fades, then your happiness will suddenly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal. See interpretation: jewelry.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, new things are ahead in which you will be lucky.

A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.

If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are over. From now on, he will forever give her his heart.

Rings on the hands of other people dream of an increase in well-being and portend new acquaintances.

This is how Wang interpreted dreams about the ring.

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

The dream in which you put a ring on your loved one's hand symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

If in a dream you can’t find a ring in any way for yourself, then in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

D. Loff wrote: “Rings can symbolize an agreement or the assumption of certain obligations, such as, for example, in marriage. Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. Rings drawn on the ground, or "wheat circles", are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross.

In dreams of this kind, you may worry about circumstances that are inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

An engagement ring seen in a dream portends a quick wedding and a happy marriage. Seeing in a dream on your fingers a lot of different rings means that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck.

Losing a ring in a dream is an unfortunate mistake, looking for a lucky break will help you avoid trouble, finding it means you will receive good news.

To receive a ring from a loved one as a gift - such a dream promises true love, a strong family, healthy children. Golden rings mean an increase in wealth and new useful acquaintances. Silver ring - imperceptibly, but steadily gain power over your beloved, while calling yourself his faithful slave.

Rings with precious stones portend that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to make acquaintance with an interesting man. Seeing a coiled snake in a dream means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your real enemies are. If you dream that a snake coils around you and hissingly releases its forked tongue from its mouth, then you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies.

Seeing gymnastic rings in a dream portends that you will be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation with your superiors. Hanging on them means you won’t take someone’s promise seriously and do the right thing by insuring yourself with a fallback.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Symbol of obligations and promises.

The more expensive the ring in a dream, the more important these obligations are for you.

Ring on the ring finger or on the little finger: is an indication of friendship. Often such a dream reminds you of the need to help a friend or acquaintance, or to use this kind of support yourself.

Middle finger: symbolizes marital fidelity.

Ring on the index or thumb: means your responsibility to yourself. This is a symbol of those promises and vows that you have given yourself.

If the ring causes you inconvenience in a dream, this is a sign that some obligations may become a burden to you in the near future, and you will want to get rid of them.

Find a ring in a dream find a ring: a reminder that someone gave you oath promises that may come in handy soon.

The place where the ring found on the road is found: means that a friend is able to help advance your affairs.

A ring on a table or in a dish: a sign that, with help, you can improve your well-being. a ring on a chair or on an armchair: portends help in getting a new place.

Dream Interpretation - Rings

Rings can symbolize a contract or the assumption of certain obligations, such as in marriage.

Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural POWERS.

Rings or "wheat circles" drawn on the ground are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross. In dreams of this kind, you may worry about the inexorably advancing circumstances and feel the need for an intercessor.

Do you make or find the ring yourself? Do you feel like you are in control of it?

Is this ring being used by someone to gain power over you? By whom?

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To see in a dream from Monday to Tuesday a ring on your hand - to the joy that children will bring.

If from Sunday to Monday you dreamed that you received a ring as a gift, all the excitement and showdown with the person you love is behind you.

A dream from Friday to Saturday, in which you saw a broken ring, means quarrels and discord in marital affairs.

The dreamed rings on the fingers of other people indicate that your new acquaintance runs the risk of dragging on for too long and becoming burdensome for you. If you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you should beware of gossip.

By the way, the ring has always been considered a symbol of love. It is the rings that are used for the betrothal of the young, being the talisman of the new family.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

In a dream, you put a ring on your loved one's hand - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t pick up a ring for yourself in any way, this means that in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.