The size of the minimum pension in Russia is the principle of calculating old age, disability and loss of a breadwinner. Minimum pension

Municipalities in our country still have rules for setting minimum pensions. Information that the next pension reform will primarily affect this question, have repeatedly appeared in the media, however, today both the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Labor are more concerned with the issue, and complex manipulations with the federal law "On Pensions" will most likely be postponed to a time when strong fluctuations in the national currency will, if not excluded, then at least smoothed, and gold and foreign exchange reserves and the stabilization fund - steadily growing.

What is the minimum retirement pension in Russia today?

A citizen has the right to receive an old-age pension Russian Federation having general experience at least 5 years and the age set by the rules for old-age pension. For women today it is 55 years old, for men - 60 years old. If the seniority of a pensioner is less than 5 years, he will be assigned a social pension. Her the average size in 2016 - 8,290 rubles. Taking into account the last reindexation (there was no increase after September 2015), it increased by about 790 rubles. Next size up social pension in Russia in 2016 will be held in 2 stages - approximately on February 15 and during September (according to Olga Golodets, the departments have not yet decided on the final dates).

At the same time, as already mentioned, the minimum assigned old-age pension in Russia is set in the regions taking into account many indicators and their own formulas. However, its size should not be less living wage, established in the region of residence of the pensioner. For comparison, in Russia as a whole, the subsistence minimum for pensioners is set at 7 951 rubles. (Q3 2015 - Q1 2016), that is, on average, pensioners should receive at least this minimum. The minimum old-age pension is 10 040 rubles, social pension - 8 400 rubles.

How to calculate the minimum retirement pension in Russia in 2016

The old-age pension today is calculated as a labor or social pension (we wrote above about the case in which a social pension is assigned instead of a labor one). The labor pension, in turn, consists of insurance and funded parts, that is, it depends on the age of the pensioner and on the amount of his salary that he received during his working life. It is knowing these values ​​that you can calculate the size of your pension. In different regions of Russia, the cost of living has its own values, and it is to it that the size of the minimum pension payments is tied.

According to the statements of the leaders of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Finance, in Russia there will be an old-age pension in 2016, in total the increase should compensate for the inflation registered at the end of 2015.

The minimum pension in the Russian Federation can be considered a relative concept that cannot be precisely defined. But in this case, the main indicator characterizing the “minimum” is the size of the subsistence minimum, and for each region of Russia it is set its own.

Citizens whose pension provision is an order of magnitude higher than this figure are “lucky”, but if it is lower, then you should not worry, since the state policy is aimed at protecting the poor.

What is the average pension in Russia?

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation provided information according to which the average old-age pension before April 1, 2016 amounted to about 9227 rubles. Analysts conducted comparative analysis pensions with salaries in Russia, and they came to the conclusion that this amount is equivalent to 40% of the average all-Russian earnings. But here it is necessary to indicate the average size of the social pension - this amount is 7067 rubles.

Children with various groups a pension is accrued, the average size of which is 11,445 rubles. The category of citizens who received pensions for disability resulting from military mutilations and injuries averages 14,307 rubles. All of these pension payment figures will be indexed in April 2016.

Please note that in Russia, in the post-Soviet period, the pension provision of citizens was considered the highest, and only the countries of the Baltic region could compete with the wealth of our state. But even here it is possible to make amendments that in the Baltic countries it is fixed high level expenses associated with paying utilities, and most of the "retirement earnings" are taken by them. If we take into account the state pension policy that was carried out during this time, then in comparison with the nineties of the last century, there are practically no crisis phenomena.

At the same time, the size average pension is increasing, and according to preliminary calculations, the figure is growing almost twice as fast as inflation in prices for goods in the consumer basket. This is influenced by the indexation of pensions, which is carried out by the state twice a year - in the first days of February and April.

The size of the minimum old-age pension in the Russian Federation

After a working citizen reaches the retirement age fixed by law, the question arises of the minimum amount of pension to which he is entitled to count. It is worth pointing out that there is no concept of “minimum pension” as such in the legislation of our country, and its amount is directly related to various circumstances.

The minimum pension amount upon reaching old age should not be lower than the subsistence level, which was legally established for pensioners in the region of his residence. But there is an amendment here: if such a situation is still observed, and the old-age pension with allowances from the state does not exceed the subsistence level, then there is still a way out. The needy pensioner will be established (payments) - their amount should eventually equalize the pension with the subsistence minimum established in the region. Those pensioners who work may not count on additional social payments, and all other pensioners need to write an application to receive such allowances.

In what cases can a citizen count on an increase in the minimum pension:

  1. The pensioner has reached the age of eighty.
  2. He has dependents: from 1 to several relatives.
  3. The pensioner decided to continue working.
  4. The insurance pension is being indexed.

If you want to receive the minimum pension in Russia, then your seniority must be at least five years old, but what about those who do not have it? Then the state appoints social pension provision.

The amount of the maximum old-age pension in the Russian Federation

  1. Size wages.
  2. When a citizen retires (his age).
  3. Length of work experience.
  4. The amount of monthly contributions to the Pension Fund.

Let's look at innovations in the field of pension legislation, and specifically to the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions". Immediately pay attention to the age of the citizen did not take into account. To save the expenses of the Pension Fund, officials decided to go the "original" way. For example, if a man, having reached the age of 60 (retirement age), does not want to retire, but continues labor activity, then he will receive a substantial increase in his pension, which will be proportional to the time that he could be on a well-deserved retirement vacation. The same applies to women over 55 years of age. Conclusion: the longer you work after retirement age (the more you don't retire), the higher your pension amount will be.

PFR pension calculator - how to use it?

If you visit the official website pension fund of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Labor, for several years now the so-called "pension calculator" has been operating there, allowing all citizens to calculate their future pension, based on seniority, salary and other indicators. According to the Russian Minister of Labor, this mechanism does not make it possible to determine Exact size pension provision. Using the calculator, you can only make a preliminary forecast, taking into account a set of calculated indicators.

For the convenience of calculation, citizens are provided with a convenient and understandable form in which they need to fill in the appropriate columns: gender, seniority, salary, term military service, decree and so on. But the calculation is carried out in such a way that the preliminary amount is calculated as if for today - that is, if you are retiring now. The settlement mechanism uses a new pension formula, statutory"On Insurance Pensions", starting to "work" in 2016.

Should not be missed important point: has a component that can reduce the size of the pension. This tool has a name - the cost of the pension coefficient. This indicator depends on a number of indicators, for example, the demographic, economic situation in the country, on the basis of which it is established.

What is due to citizens in addition to pensions?

As you know, a significant part of pensioners do not work, so they can be classified as citizens who are not socially protected. For this reason, the state has developed a set of benefits and allowances that pensioners are entitled to count on:

  1. Firstly, it is preferential travel for pensioners in public transport provided by the legislation of the subjects of the federation and regions.
  2. If we talk about tax deductions, then pensioners were given some “indulgences”. The pension is not taxed - that's one thing. Pensioners do not have to pay property tax to the state (they were exempted from this). And if a pensioner bought real estate, and a property deduction was made, then he can get it back within a three-year period (after going on a well-deserved retirement in old age), in which he must apply to the relevant authorities. That is, after retirement, 3 years may pass, during which you can make a deduction, but ordinary citizens cannot do this.
  3. The health care system has also not bypassed pensioners. They are covered by the compulsory health insurance program, so all pensioners can freely receive medical care without spending a dime. And those persons who receive a disability pension or have been accrued a minimum old-age pension can count on a benefit: in pharmacies they must sell the necessary medications half the price - that is, with a 50% discount.
  4. The housing and communal services sector also showed concern for pensioners and introduced a system of compensation for payment for the services provided, and if a pensioner is recognized as poor, he is given the opportunity to receive subsidized assistance to pay for communal services. In some Russian regions introduced a set of measures social assistance, and the pensioner may receive housing payment compensation.

We draw general conclusions: by bringing together local and federal laws, the following picture opens up: along with a pension, people can receive additional state benefits and subsidies.

What will happen to pensions next year?

Today, we can single out the entry into force of a part of the federal law “On Insurance Pensions”, which has been gaining momentum since January 1, 2016. One moment brings joy retirement age remained unchanged. But we will now get to the bleak moments, which are not so few. Firstly, this is a new formula for calculating pensions, secondly, it is an increase in the length of service for calculating pensions, and, thirdly, pensions are now recalculated in points.

In order to receive a good pension, it is now becoming profitable for working citizens to “discover” their income and receive a white salary. Now the amount of salary and the amount of your deductions are directly related to the amount of pension that you will receive.

The new legislation introduced the concept of "annual pension coefficient”, which characterizes how the employee worked throughout the year. The question is, how is it calculated? It is equal to the ratio of the funds paid by the management of the enterprise where you work to the possible amount that can be deducted in the PF from the maximum salary multiplied by the pension coefficient. The maximum value of the coefficient is taken for calculation.

minor positive moment for women, there was such a moment: it was decided to include only 1.5 years of childcare in the length of service necessary for calculating an old-age pension, but not more than 4.5 years, in general. But this leave can be added not only to the experience of the mother, but also to the experience of the person who was on leave for care, formalized by law.

The pension will continue to consist of two components: funded and insurance part. According to the current Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", the funded part will be calculated, and the amount of the insurance part will be determined by the new law.

What final conclusions can be drawn? Pension reforms and new changes in legislative framework they say that the state is doing everything possible to bring the country out of "critically low" pensions. The guarantee is indexation, which is carried out twice a year. A tangible plus for working pensioners is the recalculation of pensions, taking into account the continuation of labor activity.

But talking about perfect pension legislation it is too early. It may take time to “swing” innovations in order to taste productive fruits after an adaptation period.

How older man, the more often he begins to think about the amount of his state allowance, due to him upon reaching a certain age. Although, given the innovations on the part of the Duma officials in the section of legislation regulating pension system, younger people have begun to address this issue. For many senior citizens, this view social support is the only financial income necessary for life.

What affects the size of the pension?

The main circumstances affecting the amount of pension provision:

  • official salary;
  • the presence of a disability group;
  • the number of family members dependent on the pensioner who, due to age or health, are unable to work;
  • retirement at or after a certain age;
  • the presence of the first disability group or its change;
  • The Far North and the same equated regions, where the citizen worked out the necessary experience and also lived there;
  • are pension savings formed.

This year, for citizens permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation and receiving a pension as of the end of 2016, a one-time cash allowance in the amount of five thousand rubles was paid, without the need for an application. According to articles 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and N 385-FZ, this payment is not subject to taxation.

Maximum Retirement Points

The size of the “white” salary before income tax, which is used to calculate and pay mandatory insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as length of service are the main factors for the formation of the number pension points.

This year, the maximum score is 8.26. From 2021, they are expected to increase to 10. This coefficient is determined for those citizens who send their insurance premiums for the formation of an insurance pension. In case of its formation simultaneously with the accumulative, maximum number points for the year will be equal to 6.25.

For people born in 1966 and older, only the insurance type of pension formation is available. For citizens younger than the previous year, it is possible to choose the method of calculating state benefits - funded and insurance or only insurance. However, people who made a choice before 12/31/15. two methods of pension formation at the same time, have the right to refuse the funded part in favor of the insurance part at any time. Thus, six percent of contributions are directed only to the accrual of the selected accumulation system.

The dependence of the amount of pension on the region of residence

Depending on the established subsistence minimum, the minimum pension payment is determined. Since the size of the consumer basket for each city is different, respectively, state allowance will be different. The average minimum pension in Russia in 2017 amounted to 8,504 rubles.

Average value of the minimum benefit for pensioners for 2015-2017 depending on the area of ​​residence.

Thus, largest size of pension payments falls on the Far Eastern Federal District, and the elderly of Moscow receive old-age benefits much more than the average minimum value throughout Russia as a whole - 11,561 rubles.

Which regions have the highest pension?

As of 2017, the largest pension benefit is received by residents of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - 19,000 rubles. Also, if a citizen has any social benefits due to disability or death of the breadwinner, the amount of the pension will be increased. Further in descending order are the following subjects of the Russian Federation (in rubles):

  • Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 17095;
  • Kamchatka Territory - 16400;
  • Magadan region - 15460;
  • Sakhalin region - 12151;
  • Murmansk region - 12090;
  • Moscow - 11561.

Maximum pension in Moscow

Elderly retired residents of the capital receive relatively larger state old-age payments than in Russia as a whole. It depends on the fact that the standard of living in Moscow is significantly high. In order for the pensioner to have enough means of subsistence, and he did not feel infringed, a presidential decree established minimum size old age cash allowance. In 2017, it amounted to almost 15 thousand rubles.

Maximum pension in Moscow, D.A. Medvedev should have a theoretical one. According to a law from 2001, the former head of state is entitled to a financial security corresponding to ¾ of what the incumbent receives.
For ordinary ordinary residents of Moscow, accrual government payments goes to retirement at the same level as throughout Russia:

  • the size of the "white" salary;
  • retirement age;
  • general work experience;
  • the amount of contributions to the NDP.

For indigenous citizens registered in the capital for more than ten years, additional payments are provided to the social. standard. Today it is equal to fourteen and a half thousand rubles, which is much higher than the subsistence level.

Which categories of workers can boast the largest pension

For the majority of municipal employees holding the highest public positions, increased pensions. Therefore, deputies are appointed state provision, focused on the income of current officials - 55-75% of the assigned amount. To calculate pension supplements, they do not take salary, but average earnings along with awards financial aid and everything else. The seniority of the municipal employee is also taken into account.

In addition, for higher officials benefits provided:

  • free operation of any type of transport, including public transport, except for taxis;
  • purchase of travel tickets for any type of vehicle out of turn;
  • the right to improve living conditions in apartments in Moscow allocated as service apartments;
  • sanatorium treatment and rest in special institutions;
  • monthly salary increase equal to 5 minimum wages.

The amount of pension allowance for a retired official differs significantly from ordinary citizens. The legislation establishes a certain percentage of what employees in power currently receive, who, in turn, constantly increase pensions at the expense of any allowances in order to secure a decent old age in the future.

An example of the size of the maximum old-age pension in Russia in 2017

The main criteria for receiving an old-age pension are:

  • official work experience of at least eight years, during which insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (every year until 2024 this criterion will increase by one year);
  • the presence of a minimum number of pension points from 11 (it will increase annually, by 2024 a minimum of 30 points will be required);
  • achievement established age, set for retirement - 60 years (men) and 55 years (women).

A citizen has the right to choose which type of formation of pension allowance will be more convenient for him. It should be noted that when choosing an insurance pension, contributions to the Pension Fund will amount to 16%, and funded - 10%.

On the illustrative case of citizen Petrov, it is possible to calculate what kind of insurance pension he will be entitled to upon retirement. For this we use the formula:

SP \u003d SV / MV x 10 x SIPC x K + FV x K, Where:

  • joint venture - insurance pension;
  • SW - the amount of contributions (with insurance 16%);
  • MV - the maximum contributions from the salary (in 2017 - 876,000 rubles);
  • SIPC - price pension point;
  • TO – premium coefficient;
  • FV - Fixed payment.

Citizen Petrov, having graduated from higher educational institution in 2016, got an official position since October 2016. He is twenty three years old. "White" salary before taxes will be an average of 60 thousand rubles. He plans to work in this position until the age of sixty. He refused the accumulative formation system, so we will calculate only insurance pension upon reaching the age of sixty:

  1. Work experience: 60 - 23 = 37 years;
  2. Pension coefficient (points) accrued for one year: (60000 x 12 x 0.16) / (876000 x 0.16) x 10 = 8.219 points;
  3. Number of points for seniority: 8.219 x 37 = 304.103;
  4. The cost of a pension point, as of April 1, 2017: 304.103 x 78.58 = 23896 rubles;
  5. To determine the final insurance pension, it is necessary to add a fixed payment: 23896 + 4805.11 = 28701.11 rubles.

Moscow is one of the multi-million cities in Russia and, of course, the highest standard of living is here. But, despite this, prices in the capital are growing rapidly and, each of us is interested in the question of the minimum pension in Moscow for non-working pensioners in 2016?

The retirement age in the country is 55 for women and 60 for men. In order to determine what payment a citizen will have, it is necessary to know well the information on the subsistence level in the region. Consequently, payment in Moscow will be different from payment, for example, in Samara.
From March 1, 2016, payments to non-working pensioners in Moscow should increase by 20%. This decision was made at a meeting of the government of the capital.

The minimum pension in Russia in 2016 from January 1

Despite the increase in payment since March, for some Russian citizens who do not have the necessary experience, they will receive 3692 rubles. Agree that this amount is much less than the living wage. That is why, thanks to regional budgets, it will be possible to compensate for the difference between the minimum payment and the amount that is necessary for living in Moscow and the region.

For example, in the capital minimum amount for old age on March 1 should be at least 14.5 thousand rubles, with the help of surcharges established in the city. It should be clarified that the changes will affect those non-working citizens who have payments not higher than the social minimum and have lived in the capital for 10 years.

For citizens who have the required work experience, you can always find out its size by visiting the Pension Fund. The amount of accruals is carried out according to an individual scheme. It takes into account the length of service, wages, number of children, and for women, the time of the decree. These factors largely depend on the size of the citizen's pension.

For example, in Saint Petersburg the living wage is a little over 7 thousand rubles. Even if a citizen does not have the required length of service and has reached the required retirement age, they will still be credited with the socially necessary minimum. And the city authorities must pay compensation for the difference from budget funds, providing the size of the living wage.

The minimum length of service for calculating a pension from 2016

Minimum pension in Russia it is considered relative, it is impossible to determine it exactly. The main indicator that characterizes its minimality, of course, is the size of the subsistence minimum. And it is set for each region its own, both for Moscow and for the regions.

On January 1, 2015, the federal law “On insurance pensions” came into force. New payments will be assigned to the younger generation who started working in 2015 and later. Its size will depend on the official salary, labor and insurance experience, and at what age did the person go on vacation.

The principle of the new law is simple - the higher the salary and the longer the length of service, the more significant the amount will be. Under the new law, the requirements for the minimum length of service that is necessary for her appointment are changing. Today it is five years new formula- 15 years. The minimum length of service will increase gradually, one more will be added every year. In 2015, it was 6 years, therefore, in 2016, the minimum vacation period is 7 years.

What will be the minimum pension in Moscow in 2016 for non-working pensioners?

Pension in Moscow in 2016 is formed according to the rules established in federal law. If the work experience is more than five years, the age for men is 60 years old, and for women 55 years old, any citizen can apply for an old-age pension in Russia.

If a person does not have the required work experience, he can receive a social payment. To do this, a man must reach 65 years old, and a woman 60. Starting from 2015, labor pension charged under the new law. It will be formed from a fixed payment and coefficients that directly depend on the amount of wages and length of service.

Based on the indexations carried out, the average amount of payment in Moscow is equal to:

  • labor due to old age 14 thousand rubles;
  • social 8.3 thousand rubles

The minimum pension in 2016 in Moscow corresponds to the subsistence level of 11,428 rubles.

The amount of the allowance in the Moscow region

Men and women who have not reached the age of 60 and 55, respectively, with at least 25 and 20 years of insurance experience, can receive minimum allowance on unemployment in Moscow and in Russia in general, which increases by two calendar weeks for each year of work exceeding the required insurance period. In this situation, seniority is also required for a pension, which gives the right to retire early in old age.

What is the minimum old-age pension in 2016 in St. Petersburg?

In 2015, the living standard in St. Petersburg was 6,260 rubles, and the minimum old-age payment in Russia reached 9,445 rubles. Given the current legislation, this amount cannot be less salary established by the minimum wage. And in 2015 this indicator was 9445 rubles.

In 2016, it is planned to index the pension twice, both in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The first indexation is in February, and the second one is planned for this fall. But the February increase is insignificant, so there will be a second increase in the fall. It is worth clarifying that this will become possible if the income of the Pension Fund exceeds the rate of inflation.

Consequently, according to preliminary estimates, after the autumn indexation, the amount of the minimum wage in St. Petersburg will increase by 700 rubles.

Will the social payment cover the living wage?

Undoubtedly, the issuance of an old-age pension to the elderly is a responsible undertaking, which is primarily regulated by the state. In Moscow in 2016, for non-working pensioners, the minimum pension depends on the length of service. Thus, if you do not have the amount of time worked out, most likely your payment will be about 4,000 thousand rubles.

For disability and the disabled in Russia, the minimum pension, which exceeds the usual one, has been revised. So on average it is 7000 rubles. However, the final amount depends on the group and category of disability. In the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, the rules for accruing money to the elderly and people with handicapped do not change.

How much is the minimum pension in Russia in 2016?

If we talk about the calculations of the minimum pension assistance, then it is compiled on the basis of the actual subsistence minimum. Also, do not forget that transfers consist of two parts - accumulative and insurance.

In the case of an average value with all allowances, the minimum amount of pension payments in 2016 will be approximately 13,000 rubles. In total, the state decided to raise the pension ball and the standard, in 2016 it will be about 74 rubles. This is significantly more than in previous years in rubles. If we talk about the minimum work experience for calculating pensions, then the following can count on an increase in the amount in March:

  • 1. Elderly people who have crossed the threshold of 80 years.
  • 2. The presence of dependents and disabled people in the hands of pensioners.
  • 3. A working pensioner who can thereby increase funded part old age benefits.

Latest news about pension payments in Moscow from January 1

On January 1, a new rule was introduced, which states that the insurance type of money issuance to the elderly will be increased by 4 percent, including for non-working elderly people. Mayor Sergei Sobyanin is going to increase the allowance in the future. The metropolitan area has its own rules and requirements. It was adopted at the meeting to index benefits and allowances.

Minimum pension in Moscow in 2016 for non-working pensioners

If there is official experience, older people can qualify for the minimum amount of payments. If we talk about the figures in the country, then the labor is - 14 thousand rubles, the minimum is 8,000 thousand. If the accruals of non-working citizens are less, they are provided with city allowances, as a result, the total amount can grow up to 11 00 rubles. A citizen who does not work, but has a dependent, may qualify for an increase in pension payments.

How much is the minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2016 from January 1?

If you are an unemployed person of age, then you are entitled to social pension payments. This means that at least 7-8 years of paid work are needed to receive a certain amount. With regards to points, it is desirable to have 9-10 points awarded.

Upon the loss of a breadwinner in 2016, the issuance of money to the family also increases, though everything here depends on the case. The Moscow City Duma set the minimum official wage for the elderly in February this year.

How much is the benefit for the elderly now?

The amounts vary depending on the region of Russia, for example, in the Saratov and Nizhny Novgorod regions, the minimum pension is about 7 thousand rubles.

The minimum pension in Russia in 2016 from January 1 by region

The table in rubles by region contains all necessary information. Let's consider these points in more detail:

  • 1. Belgorod region - 11,999
  • 2. Bryansk - 11,000
  • 3. Moscow region – 13 000
  • 4. Ryazan region – 11 200
  • 5. Oryol region – 11 000
  • 6. Tver region – 12 000
  • 7. Karelia - 14,000
  • 8. Chelyabinsk region – 11 800
  • 9. Samara region – 11 650
  • 10. Sverdlovsk -11 000
  • 11. Rostov - 11,630
  • 12. Krasnodar Territory - 9250

Minimum pension in Crimea from January 1, 2016

This year, old-age payments on the peninsula have increased and amounted to an average of 6,500 thousand rubles. It is planned to revise the city's indexation of payment indicators, which will increase it by about 20 percent.

Minimum work experience for calculating pensions in Russia 2016