Child development at 10 months Height and weight indicators of ten-month-old girls according to the World Health Organization. Skills at ten months

Having reached 10 months of age, the baby does not sit idle for a second. He continues to actively explore the surrounding space, mastering new skills and acquiring new knowledge.

Physical development of the baby - the height and weight of the child at 10 months

The physical parameters of a child's development at 10 months lie within:

By 10 months, most babies grow up to 6 teeth - 2 lower middle, 2 upper middle and 2 lateral upper incisors. Children at this age grow up within a month by 1-1.5 cm and gain 400-500 grams in weight, and overly active children - no more than 300 grams.

What has a baby learned by 10 months of age?

By 10 months little man learned a lot, became more independent and sociable. The child enjoys contact with both adults and small children.

By this time the child:

  • Can use a spoon and drink and mugs.
  • Without support sits with a straight back, walks holding on to a support or the hand of an adult, crawls quickly.
  • On one's own stands up, reacting to the outstretched hands to him.
  • Can bite and chew small pieces of food.
  • Performs during the game simple steps- rocking a doll, rolling a car or a ball, assembling and disassembling a pyramid, building towers from cubes.
  • Mastering tweezer grip - takes small items two fingers.
  • On one's own climbs onto a bed, sofa, armchair or gets off them.

Psycho-emotional development of a child at ten months

child's speech

At 10 months, the baby, continuing to babble continuously, pronounces short words, while already understanding their meaning (Lalya, woman, uncle).

Parents should improve and develop the child's speech, for which they devote enough time to communicate with him:

  • Continue acquaintance with surrounding objects and phenomena - bright sun, beautiful flowers in a flower bed, green grass or fluffy snow
  • Expand passive lexicon naming the baby all the objects and phenomena in which the baby shows interest
  • Encourage your child to make sounds , which are not yet in his vocabulary, that is, to form an active vocabulary of the baby
  • When talking to a child, use simple sentences from the subject and the predicate or turns of speech available to the mind of the child.
Actions with objects A ten-month-old child consciously performs many actions - rolls a car, shakes a doll, clap his hands or makes a house out of cubes. The child learns to manipulate two objects at the same time , for example, move a far-lying object away from the pyramid with a stick, put a toy in the back of the car and move it around.

Now the kid not only scatters and destroys everything, but also creates with great pleasure - builds or gathers scattered items into a box . The child does not just make chaotic movements, but acts purposefully, rejoicing in the praise of his mother when the goal is achieved.

The formation of personality At the 11th month of life, the baby is already actively showing character traits - stubbornness or complaisance, sociability or isolation, friendliness or aggressiveness. At this age, the formation of the personality of a little man takes place. . Now, sometimes, it is not the baby who fulfills the requirements of adults, but the parents follow the crumbs, obeying his requirements and desires.

The kid begins to question the prohibitions of adults, now he does not immediately refuse unwanted actions (for example, splashing tea from a mug or stuffing it into your mouth foreign object, unsafe for health), the baby does not respond to the exclamations of adults, stubbornly continuing the work begun. The kid is interested in what will happen, he, as it were, tests his parents for strength.

It will take a little time and the baby will begin to behave as expected, so adults should be patient and calmly treat the child's experiments.

Contacts and social development At 10 months baby than earlier goes on contact with strangers, tries to say something in order to attract attention . The child is already aware of the different moods of certain people. Realizing himself as a person, the baby is looking not only for the attention of loved ones, but also for fruitful cooperation with them. The kid not only carries out simple instructions of the elders, but also finds activities for himself. It is necessary to encourage the aspirations of crumbs for independence.

At 11 months of age, the child positions himself as an adult. He accurately copies the behavior of parents in relation to other people, phenomena and events. . Therefore, mothers and fathers should be careful in their actions, as the baby will equally quickly absorb both positive and negative behavior patterns.

Child's memory At the age of 10 months, the child knows the names of many objects, confidently finds them with his eyes. The kid can show with a pen where mom, dad or grandmother, favorite toy or sound source is. The child knows well where his toys lie, can reproduce the actions that he was taught a few days ago . The baby recognizes his books by colorful illustrations and can tell his mother which of the fairy tales he would like to listen to.

A child at 11 months old has learned that objects exist regardless of whether the baby sees them or not. The child learned to remember the connection between actions , for example, if you open the drawer, you can get toys, and if you crawl to the kitchen, you can see your mother.

Games and activities with a 10 month old baby

At this age, the baby needs more variety of experiences. It's about not only about new toys, but also about the environment, people, games and activities.

It is time for the child to expand his horizons, for which purpose to increase his social circle, to introduce him to new places, phenomena or actions.

At 10 months, you need to actively support the development of speech.

A child remembers words better when he performs any actions with objects. Therefore, the game remains the best educational element for the baby.

  1. Small scenes from life . When giving a child a toy or object, voice your actions and his actions: “Take the car, put a cube in it and roll it!” When you leave the room, wave the pen “Bye, bye!” to the baby, let the baby wave back to you. Entering the room, tell the child "Hello!", Stretch out your hand to him and shake his hand.
  2. Learning the cooking process . When preparing lunch, breakfast or dinner, take the baby with you to the kitchen. Show your baby what and from what products you cook. The kid is quite capable of remembering that porridge is cooked from cereals, and soup is made from vegetables. Show your baby how you wash and clean vegetables, mix milk porridge with a spoon or cook compote. At the same time, introduce the baby to such concepts as hot and cold, sour and sweet, liquid and thick.

Since the development of speech contributes to the improvement fine motor skills, you need to continue games and activities that develop the child's hands:

  • Pouring liquids or playing with loose materials . While bathing in the bathroom or in the summer in the country, give the baby sitting in the water 2 cups or any wide-mouthed container. Show your baby how to scoop water from the bath and pour from cup to cup. The child will enjoy the activity. The baby can do the same using bulk items, such as cereals. Such exercises strengthen the muscles of the hands and teach synchronization of movements.
  • The game of angler . While bathing, put a few small, but not sinking objects in the tub, such as plastic balls or fish. Give your child a small bowl or strainer and offer to catch fish. The exercise develops the eye and fine motor skills.
  • We sculpt from plasticine . Roll up the sausage and cut it into several pieces. Show your baby how to roll a ball from a piece of plasticine and stick it on paper or cardboard. Teach the baby to knead small pieces of plasticine, this contributes to the development and strengthening of the fingers.
  • Putting on a bracelet . Take a plastic bracelet or ring and put it on your own, and then on the child's hand. Show your baby how to hold the bracelet so that it is comfortable to put on. Usually such manipulations are obtained in a baby from 3-4 times.

Features of the nutrition of a child at 10 months

At this age, children are very mobile, so for them full development need to replenish the energy wasted during the day.

The nutrition of the baby should be balanced, saturated with vitamins and minerals, so that the musculoskeletal system of the child develops in accordance with his age.

In the diet of the child are already present such as meat and fish. Now that the baby is the owner of at least six teeth, you can refuse mashed potatoes in jars and cook almost adult food for the child.

  1. Baby breakfast should be nutritious and healthy . For this, milk porridges from buckwheat, oatmeal or rice groats are suitable. No less useful for crumbs are cottage cheese and fruit purees.
  2. At lunch, the child must necessarily eat the first course. like vegetable soup. Meat puree it's time to replace with steam cutlets, meatballs or meatballs. A kid who has already grown teeth can chew such food. Fish can be given to the baby in the form of cutlets or small pieces without bones, steamed, boiled or baked in the oven.
  3. Baby's dinner should be easy . Vegetable or fruit purees and kefir are suitable for it.
  4. During the day, you need to give the baby to gnaw a small peeled piece of apple or carrot. In addition, the baby will not refuse a delicious cracker or bagel. A child at 10 months needs to develop the first teeth, for which you need to gnaw, bite and chew food.

For the baby to grow up healthy and developed child, you need to give him maximum attention, surrounding the crumbs with care and love.

A ten-month-old child can crawl, walk, holding hands, understands and fulfills the requests of adults, and speaks the first words. The child becomes more independent, he can occupy himself, carried away by toys. Now in the games of the baby, the participation of an adult is not necessary. A ten-month-old child may be left without a mother for a short time.

  • At 10 months, the child has perfectly mastered the skills of crawling on a flat surface. He moves quickly on all fours, easily turns over in all directions, sits down and sits, keeping his balance, without support. The child can lie on his side, resting on one hand, while holding the toy with the other.
  • The child should be able to stand near the support, keeping balance well. If the baby is occupied with both hands with toys, the child will be able to stand for several seconds without holding on to anything, and then sink to the floor.
  • The child can walk near the support. The child loves to look at the contents of the lower shelves of cabinets and throw things that he can reach with his hands onto the floor.
  • At the tenth month of life, the child learns to climb stairs. Can climb on wall bars, firmly clinging hands to the crossbars.
  • You can teach your baby to get off the couch - just turn him with his feet to the edge and show how to get them off the couch. The child will quickly learn the lesson and will do it on their own.
  • The child can chew solid food, eat, holding a piece of bread or an apple in your hand and bite off pieces of it.

The development of fine motor skills of a child at 10 months

The child takes small objects, grabbing them with two fingers. You can train this skill by collecting beans in a cup with your baby, or by shifting buttons, etc. Cut fruit into small pieces for your baby, and the child will take food with his fingers and eat on his own.

A ten-month-old child knows how and loves to tear paper into pieces. This skill can be used in educational games with the baby. For example, tearing colored napkins and sticking them on paper is the first application.

The kid can draw with his hands. Use finger paints (they are easier to wash off and wash off). The child can smear paint on paper with both fingers and the whole palm.

Give your baby a spoon while feeding. At first, he will smear food on the table, but over time he will learn to eat on his own.

At 10 months, the child should be able to hold a glass with both hands and drink from it.

The development of hearing and vision of a child at 10 months.

  • If earlier kid perceived objects as a whole, now he studies the toy in detail. The child can show on the doll where her eyes, mouth, etc. are. The kid can recognize objects by a separate fragment.
  • The child is interested in the relationship of objects with each other. He may try to insert different containers into each other, knock the toy on other objects, using the toy as a tool.
  • The child listens to quiet sounds. The baby himself can speak in a “whisper”. You can hide a ticking clock behind the pillow, the baby will have to find them by listening to the sound.
  • Hearing music, most babies will begin to “dance”: rhythmically squat, nod their heads, stomp their feet.

Speech development of a child at 10 months

  • At ten months, a child can repeat syllables after an adult.
  • A child can meaningfully pronounce syllables - mother, woman, give, on, etc. Naming people and objects in this way.
  • The child already understands what they want from him, is able to point his finger at the objects and pictures in the book that are called to him, rejoices when his name is called, recognizes himself in the mirror.
  • The child's babbling is emotionally colored - he highlights syllables with intonation, pauses, can speak louder or quieter.

The child copies the actions of adults - combs his hair, wipes the floor with a cloth, may try to use things for their intended purpose. Encourage your child in his activities and be sure to praise.

What to do with a 10 month old baby

  • Offer your child a handbag (you can take a real mother's bag) with different items inside - the child will study the contents, get things out of it.
  • Any items can act as toys for a baby - pots, lids, boxes, beads, etc.
  • Take the baby with you to visit, to the store - it is important for the child to get new experiences outside the home, to see new people around him.

If healthy child by ten months does not have any of the skills described in the development calendar, this is not a deviation from the norm. The baby can start crawling later, closer to the year. Meaningful babble in children may appear after one year of age. Just engage with the child, teach him the skills that he has not yet mastered. They will appear in the baby when he is ready for them.

At 10 months, the child masters the space around him, imitates adults, learns to speak, explores various items and tries to use them for games.

A ten-month-old baby is a small emerging personality. Manifestations of character are noticeable in everything: the child wants to be independent, focuses on some business and is indignant when he is disturbed. The development of a child at 10 months is very rapid - sometimes mothers do not have time to record new achievements in a day and discuss them on the forum - there are so many of them.

Baby success at 10 months:

  1. Usually by this age the child already has at least 4 teeth. But this process is individual - do not worry if they are not there yet.
  2. The baby stands alone in the crib, holding on to the sides. Can crouch and bounce in it, moving around the perimeter.
  3. The kid is able to use several objects at once: for example, push the ball with a stick.
  4. Mimics the movements of adults. He explores the contents of cabinets and chests of drawers with interest, opening and closing the door.
  5. Knows how to get off the couch, booty forward.
  6. If you support him by the handles, he can move and stand.
  7. Sits on his own from a standing position.
  8. Fine motor skills of the hands are well developed, pinch grip is mastered.
  9. Able to crawl on the bellies.
  10. Repeats the words of mom and dad, reacts to jokes and poems.
  11. He actively uses gestures in communication: he waves his hand in farewell, holds out his hands towards him.
  12. Looking to interact with other children.

Child skills and reactions:

  • If you put the baby next to the sofa or chair, then he can stand for at least a minute.
  • By placing the child and stretching out his hands to him, you can see how he grabs them and gets up.
  • If you put the baby on his back, he should sit down on his own.
  • If you give the baby a doll, then he will examine its individual details with interest, touching them with his fingers: the nose, eyes, mouth of the toy.

Feeding a 10 month old baby

Complementary foods during this period fade into the background or are completely absent. The baby mainly eats ordinary food. How much should you eat ten month old baby? The daily dose is up to 700 grams of dairy products.

For one feeding, he eats an average of 200 grams of food. Breast milk is given at night. After feeding, you can give to drink 50 grams of juice or water.

If the child is not given enough liquid, then he may become constipated. Food must be steamed or boiled. You can give whole pieces of boiled vegetables or soft fruits to encourage chewing.

You don’t need to grind the puree too much - you can just knead it with a fork. The menu should be natural products without preservatives and dyes.

Baby care and health

Physical development at 10 months allows you to accustom the child to order. He is now active enough to learn how to clean up after himself toys. You need to set an example for him, folding them in place and asking the baby to help.

Mandatory walks with the child, at least two hours a day. You can not overheat the baby by dressing him too warmly. During this period, he can already walk on tiptoes or tiptoe, speak words, look at pictures and books. You can gradually potty train your baby, praising him for his success during the day.

Mental development of the child

The baby may have a favorite toy with which he does not want to part. He likes certain music, to which he will dance, stamping his feet. Sometimes excessive active kid may bite or pinch the face of an adult or another child. No need to yell at him even if he hits someone. It should be calmly explained that this cannot be done. It is now that the personality of a small person is being formed and an overly strict attitude towards him may be fraught with complexes in the future.

What else can a baby do at 10 months

  • Follow the instructions: “give”, “take”, “hug”.
  • Speak in syllables: ta-ta, ba-ba, ma-ma.
  • imitate sounds.
  • Name things in your own language.
  • Play with the tongue and saliva in the mouth.
  • Remember the position of objects.

He begins to understand where and what lies, and is not so scared when his mother leaves, because he already understands that she will return. At this time, the early associative thinking of the baby is formed.

What games can you play with your child?

Parents are often interested in how to develop a child through games? There are lots of ways to do this. Here are the simplest ones:

  1. "Round dance". Take the child by the handles and perform circular movements, imitating a round dance. You can sing funny songs or read poems. This game develops body coordination and teaches the child to perform simple movements.
  2. "Throwing toys" You need to put an empty box on the floor and throw toys into it with your child from a certain distance. This is how the manipulation of the object develops.
  3. “Passage through the tunnel.” You need to construct a tunnel from empty boxes and call the baby from the other side. Crawling through it, he will see how the distance and objects change.

Baby sleep at 10 months

In this period common sleep is up to 15 hours a day. Unlike a baby who sleeps for about 20 hours, a ten-month-old baby is awake a lot during the day and explores the world with interest.

Daytime sleep

At this age, the baby needs to sleep twice a day for 1.5 hours. If daytime sleep take longer, then the baby will not sleep well at night.

Sleep at night

A 10-month-old baby should sleep at least 10 hours a night. Sometimes the baby wakes up 2-3 times a night. Nursing mothers should put the baby to the breast between 5 and 9 in the morning.

Now you can develop a special sleep ritual and stick to a certain time for sleep. Then the child will notice the sequence of actions and will be able to fall asleep later on their own.

Weight and height indicators in children at 10 months

Boys and girls develop differently. By 10 months, the growth of boys is 69-75 cm, weight - 7.5-11 kilograms. Girls - height 65-70, weight - 7.5 -10.1. Such parameters are recommended, but it also depends on the heredity of the baby. Indicators can vary in one direction or another.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands

  • Games in the sand or snow with a shovel, rake, molds.
  • Drawing with fingers on sand or semolina.
  • Unscrewing bottle caps.
  • Sorting pebbles or pasta.
  • Transferring cereals from one container to another.

In the process, you need to make sure that the child uses both hands. This stimulates the same development of both hemispheres of the brain.

If the baby fell

A child at 10 months is restless and can crawl under a table, bed, or in any most unexpected place. Therefore, falling and bruising for him is a common thing. Even the most attentive mother may not follow, and the child will hit. If the baby fell off the couch and hit his head, there is no need to panic.

The baby is 10 months old, physical, emotional development moving forward at an accelerated pace. The child sleeps less, requires attention, willingly contacts with loved ones.

The baby is no longer so helpless daily care is slowly receding into the background. Hygiene measures are mandatory, but communication, acquiring skills, physical development take more and more time. The age of 10 months is difficult, but interesting period for parents. The joy of communicating with a grown child makes you forget about fatigue.

What should a baby be able to do at 10 months

The child becomes more active, explores the world around him with interest. The baby carefully observes adults, focuses on certain objects, enthusiastically engages with a certain object or toy.

The more attention you pay emotional contact, speech training, communicate with the baby, the more intensive the development will be. Children who do not receive enough attention at this age often lag behind their peers.

Physical development of the child

What the baby can do:

  • crawls actively, often at high speed, leaning on hands and knees;
  • sits well even without support and reliance on the handles;
  • easy to get up without outside help from a sitting position;
  • tries to take the first steps, learns to stand firmly, clinging to the legs of the parents, furniture;
  • sometimes the baby lets go of the handles, stands, takes a step - the other without support;
  • the baby moves with the support of the handles, tries to get a toy that has fallen on the floor, clinging to his mother's or father's finger.

Important! Does the child sit poorly without support, sway, lie for a long time, move sluggishly? Visit the pediatrician, tell about the low motor activity. Often, to solve the problem, strengthen the muscles, the services of an experienced massage therapist are enough. Targeted impact on biologically active zones will improve muscle tone. Great addition - special gymnastics that parents spend at home.

emotional development


  • at 10 months, parents notice that next to them is not a helpless little man, sleeping peacefully in a crib for most of the day, but a small personality with its own character and requests;
  • the child understands simple words, short phrases. Among the babble, one can distinguish the correct syllables, pseudo-words (butya - a bottle, av-av - a dog), with which the child replaces complex concepts. The more often you talk with the baby, the more actively speech develops;
  • say one phrase two or three times, avoid long, hard-to-pronounce words. Give up the constant "lisping", distorting words: the child will remember the wrong names of objects, it is difficult to relearn later;
  • the baby understands the mood of parents and others, knows when he is praised or scolded. Sometimes attacks of jealousy appear if the mother pays attention to another child at a party;
  • at proper development the baby expresses affection for parents, relatives, especially highlights the “beloved adult”;
  • some children are calm about the potty, they understand what they want from them. Optimal time to get used to useful tool- 12-18 months, but if the baby does not resist, potty for a short time at 10 months. A prerequisite for training is strengthened back muscles: the child sits confidently without support;
  • children are interested in toys, objects, explore the contents of boxes, remember the location of things in the room. The baby studies the properties of each toy, not just chews or knocks, but tries to assemble / disassemble it. Great option to study colors, shapes, develop attention - an ordinary pyramid with bright rings. Build a house together from light, not too large, cubes, study the pictures in the book (large, clear images of animals, vegetables, fruits are suitable);
  • at a sufficient level psychoemotional development children copy the behavior of their parents, remember actions, reproduce them. For example, my mother is talking on the phone, telling something enthusiastically. The kid will definitely be interested. Give a child's gadget with buttons and music (of course, a toy, without harmful radiation) into your hands. The child will “speak” on the phone in his own way, copy the movements of his mother;
  • appear taste preferences, the little man highlights the clothes he wears with pleasure. Psychologists advise to encourage the desire for choice: this is how the child learns to express his opinion, the psyche develops;
  • subject to the daily regimen, a ten-month-old baby gets used to the routine, remembers that after eating there will be a walk, and after an evening bath - a fairy tale and a dream.

Pay attention to the following points:

  • the understanding of simple questions, the fulfillment of requests and commands testifies to the correct development. For example, when asked: “Where is dad?”, the baby looks for one of the parents with the eyes, smiles, and often asks to be held. Psychologists advise to reinforce requests with actions. For example, mother says: “Give mother a cup,” immediately holds out her hand, then praises for correct execution. Repetition of the reception reinforces the skills of search, concentration of attention;
  • at 10 months, the baby becomes sensitive to change. Mom, who left home without warning and the traditional ritual of farewell, beloved teddy bear, forgotten at a party, upset the children, bring some to hysteria / bitter crying.

Important! Does the child weakly show emotions, is indifferent to his parents, looks indifferently at other children? Perhaps there is a developmental delay. Sometimes immersion in oneself, long studies with one subject, detachment from the world indicate childhood autism. Be sure to consult a pediatrician, neurologist, psychologist. Early detection of the problem gives a better chance of successful therapy.

Nutrition rules

A matured baby eats many types of food, shows legibility when choosing dishes. The difference between the complementary foods that the baby and the baby - "artificial" - disappears. Parents should prepare not only delicious, but also healthy food.

What to feed a baby at 10 months? Basic Rules:

  • you can’t give food from a common, “adult” table;
  • spices, spicy, fried, sour dishes, smoked meats, pickles, mushrooms, chocolate are prohibited;
  • steam, bake, boil. Steam dishes contain a maximum of vitamins;
  • avoid large pieces, tough meat. Combine pureed dishes with more solid foods;
  • exclude from the menu products that often cause allergic reactions in children;
  • offer portions according to age, decorate dishes beautifully;
  • do not turn food into pampering, give up performances and fairy tales, just to make the baby eat another half a spoonful;
  • don't overfeed the little man. Obesity, poor appetite, disgust for food, a plate of porridge on the floor, whims - the baby's response to excessive attention to food intake, a frequent reaction to feeding if the baby is not hungry.

Healthy dishes and menu for a child at 10 months:

  • vegetable puree from pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes. The optimal amount is 110–130 g;
  • oatmeal, corn, buckwheat porridge. Give semolina less often: a lot of carbohydrates, few vitamins;
  • butter: butter - up to 10 g, vegetable - no more than two teaspoons per day;
  • juices (60 ml), fruit puree from plums (if there is no stool disorder), green apples, blueberries, pears - 50-60 mg;
  • fish cakes, steamed meatballs. The volume is small: 1-2 small fish balls are enough so as not to provoke an allergy;
  • stewed, boiled meat steam cutlets, meatballs. Suitable rabbit, chicken, lean beef, veal. Lean pork - 1 time per week, not more often;
  • cottage cheese - 50 g per day. Too large portions of cottage cheese (a lot of calcium) increase the burden on the kidneys, especially when combined with kefir, fresh milk;
  • observe drinking regimen. In addition to juices, give unsweetened compote, boiled water. With a disorder of the stool, a tendency to constipation, herbal decoctions are useful (after consulting a pediatrician).

Helpful Hints:

  • if at 6–7 months you were overprotective of the baby, did not offer a spoon, catch up;
  • the child often imitates adults: play on this. Buy a plastic spoon, feeding table, show how to use cutlery;
  • parents must hold the spoon correctly so that the baby repeats after them. Of course, not everything will turn out right away, the porridge will not only be on the face, “bib”, around the table. Gradually, the baby will learn to hold the spoon tightly;
  • the main thing: to show that food is a simple process by which the body grows and develops normally. Do not allow to indulge, play with food, spill soup or juice on purpose;
  • baby playing at the table So he got drunk. Stop feeding, remove food. Gradually, the baby will remember how to behave at the table;
  • get ready for whims and resistance: some children play on their nerves for a long time, do not listen, deliberately tease their mother, indulging at the table;
  • be patient, during feeding, remove the "extra" people from the kitchen. Theatrical action, grandmothers fussing around the crumbs - this is an extra irritant that interferes with a calm meal.

Height and weight


  • the body of a grown child by ten months becomes more proportional;
  • weight gain, growth slows down slightly;
  • average indicators for girls: weight - from 8 to 10 kg, height from 69 to 75.4 cm, for boys: weight - 8.3-10.9 kg, height from 69 to 77 cm.

The difference depends on many factors: height, birth weight, nutritional status, individual features, heredity.

What to do if the child often goes? We have an answer!

Effective treatments for rhinitis in children are described on the page.

Read about how to recognize childhood autism and how to deal with it.


Compliance with the daily routine improves health, the child gets used to the order. On repeat certain procedures and actions, clear biorhythms are formed for each type of activity.

Healthy sleep is an essential element in the daily routine.


  • daytime sleep - twice, duration - about two hours each time. Sleep deprivation has a negative effect on weight gain, height increase, physical development, health of the nervous system;
  • if the baby sleeps little during the day, he is unlikely to oversleep at night for optimal, for his age, 12 hours. Create good conditions for relaxation, go for a walk during the day so that the baby sleeps in the air;
  • put a ten-month-old baby to bed no later than 22 hours, wake up at 6-7 hours in the morning. Break the regime less often: you yourself will create problems for yourself and the baby.

Focus on the indicators of the psycho-emotional development of the child at 10 months old, check whether the baby has mastered all the skills. With a slight delay, do not worry: all children have individual characteristics.

If the little man is far behind in development, do not sit idly by. Ask for help from a pediatrician, psychologist, pediatric neurologist. Read useful information on the topic, communicate with other moms: you will surely get useful tips.

More useful information for parents in the following video:

Your baby has round date- ten months. Now he understands and knows a lot. You began to notice the emergence of individuality in crumbs. Now he strives for independence, shows character: he actively moves and babbles, or vice versa, he is so focused on something that you do not dare to interfere. Indeed, a child at 10 months, trying to imitate you, is already persistent in achieving his goals and resents if someone interferes with him.

What's new in physical development at 10 months?

The baby is so active that weight gain begins to decrease compared to previous periods in his life. For the tenth month, the baby gains weight up to 300 - 450 g, and about 1 - 1.5 cm in height. At 10 months, the child has a body weight of 8.5 - 10 kg (± 1 kg) and a height of 71 - 74 cm (± 3 cm).

What can a baby do by the end of the 10th month

  1. The child rises to his feet and stands without support. If you take it by one handle, then it makes attempts to move. Some babies can walk along the wall.
  2. Can sit up without support from a standing position.
  3. He takes and holds objects well with both hands: he holds a cup with two handles, and a spoon with one. Completely mastered the pinched grip (with two fingers). At times, the child prefers one hand. You should not wean the baby to use the hand that he prefers.
  4. Many children are already well . Coordination of movements is developing all the time, and the child can crawl anywhere, so parents should take all safety measures.
  5. A child at 10 months old should be taught to get off the sofa: turn his booty to the edge and lower his legs.
  6. Copies the movements of adults. Opens and closes cabinets, pulls out drawers in a chest of drawers.
  7. Can roll the ball where you show it and crawl after it. Rides the car.
  8. A ten-month-old baby is able to manipulate several objects at once. Knows how to use one thing to get another: push the ball off the table with a stick.
  9. When the baby stands in the crib and clings to the railing, he can jump and squat, walk around the perimeter of the crib.
  10. By this age, the crumbs can already grow 4 teeth: two lower and two upper central incisors. But if there are no teeth yet, then you should not worry - wait up to a year.

What's new in mental development

  1. A child at 10 months already understands a lot of what you say. He repeats after you simple words and points to the named objects.
  2. Children at this age begin to understand jokes.
  3. At ten months old, a baby tries to imitate and do like adults: shakes the doll, brings the phone to his ear, takes a spoon and puts it in his mouth.
  4. In communication, the baby uses simple gestures: waving goodbye, hugging, holding out his hands.
  5. Now the child can fulfill simple requirements and understands prohibitions or praise.
  6. Consciously scatters and throws objects, destroys the pyramid.
  7. He is interested in other children, pulls his hands to them, tries to touch them.
  8. He is looking for a hidden object, remembers where the things removed earlier are, where his toys are.
  9. The kid consciously squeezes and unclenches his fingers. If earlier it was difficult to take something from him, now you can ask, and the baby will give you this item. Motor skills continue to develop, but the baby has already learned the basic functions: he holds tightly to the back of the crib when he gets up and deftly opens his fingers when he throws something.

Baby development test at 10 months:

  • At ten months, the child should be able to sit independently, stand at a support, crawl after a toy, take an object with two fingers.
  • The kid must pronounce syllables or short words, understand the meaning of several words. On average, a child at 10 months old should try to repeat about 8 words after an adult. The "speech" of the baby should be emotionally colored, and not monotonous.
  • The baby should be able to attract attention to himself with his voice, babble or using gestures: wave his hand “bye-bye”, shake his head “no”.
  • The baby must fulfill the simplest requests: “give”, “take”.

How to feed a baby at 10 months?

The child's nutrition during the day has already been completely replaced with ordinary products. The feeding time is gradually moving away, and the baby is transferred to the common table. You give breast milk and formula after and before bedtime, as well as after feeding instead of juice or water: 30 - 50 g. A child at 10 months old should receive 600 - 700 g of dairy products per day, so for the first and last feeding it will be enough breast milk or mixtures. For one feeding, the baby eats from 200 to 250 ml.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Now the child needs in large numbers vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats, so the nutrition of the crumbs should be easily digestible and balanced. Food should be cooked, preferably steamed, fried food should not be given. If the crumbs have teeth, then stimulate his chewing: give small pieces of boiled vegetables (potatoes) or soft fruits (banana, peach). Puree can already be crushed not on a blender, but knead with a fork. Keep introducing new products.

Mode - sleep and wakefulness

Up to about a year - a year and a half, the regimen for children does not change: at night they sleep up to 10 hours, and during the day - twice for 1.5 - 2 hours. Biorhythms are individual for each child: someone goes to bed early and gets up early, and someone likes later. Accordingly, daytime sleep in these children will be in different time. It is important for parents to accustom the baby to sleep and nutrition, then the child will not overwork and will eat with appetite.

How to help your child develop

  • Even though your baby is crawling or even trying to walk, keep carrying him. This upbringing tactic is also called holding (from English word"hold" - hold, hold). Dedicate at least 1 hour a day to this, take the little one in your arms and carry it with you everywhere, talking to him. Sit on your lap, look into each other's eyes, smile, hug the baby and say that you love him. Hold the baby close to you and sing songs. It is not scary if you do not have a voice and hearing, the main thing is that your singing should be colored with positive and affectionate emotions. Scientists say that singing not only promotes mental health child, and also stimulates speech skills. It is very good if the holding will be carried out not only by the mother, but also by the father.
  • Talk to your child as if he understands everything. Respond to his babble, keep up the dialogue. At the same time, try not to use too much compound words and long sentences, don't talk too fast. Be specific, for example: “this is a cube”, “a cube of blue color". Do not use pronouns yet (especially personal ones), it is still difficult for the baby to understand their meaning, say this: “Kolya, take a cube. Now Kolenka has a cube.
  • Develop a sense of humor in your baby, children at 10 months already understand jokes.
  • Do not forget that the baby perceives any game as a reality. It is very easy for a child at this age to be upset by taking and hiding a toy, just for the purpose of play.
  • Give the child room to crawl, but remember that now he will use this to get what he wants. Keep the house clean, remove all dangerous items higher - ensure complete safety for the crumbs. Explain to the child that there are things that cannot be touched because they are dangerous: there is current in the socket, the kettle is hot.
  • Teach your child to show body parts. You can do this while sitting opposite each other or in front of a mirror.
  • Let the baby throw the toy as much as he wants. Don't scold him for it. Get a special box for the baby in which you can throw toys and invite him to do this. The box can be placed either to the left or to the right of the child so that he tries to throw with both hands in turn.
  • You can already begin to conduct drawing and modeling classes with your child. While the baby will be enough 1 - 2 small felt-tip pens, one jar finger paints and a small piece of plasticine. Do not fill up the child with whole sets yet, most likely, all this will fly to different sides. Let the baby understand first what to do with it. Show him how to draw, color, mold a ball or sausage.
  • Do not give your baby a lot of toys at once: 2 - 3 is enough. Change them periodically.
  • Set aside some time each day for reading. Buy your child a few books in which he can turn the pages himself. Now, when the baby already understands some words or even pronounces it himself, you need to read to him short stories: "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen", "Teremok". Organize a bookshelf for the baby, to which he can reach himself and take a book.
  • Continue to develop your child's motor skills:
    • Pour pasta, peas or beans on a tray or in a bowl, let the baby dig into them with his hands, draw with his finger on a tray of flour.
    • play in fun game with clothespins: attach them to the sleeves and panties of the baby, it will be fun for him to unhook them from himself.
    • Give the child sheets of colored paper, let him tear it into pieces. From scraps of paper, make a "salute" for the baby.