Recipes for a 10 month old baby. What should a ten month old baby eat?

The menu of a formula-fed baby undergoes some changes by 10 months.

  1. It becomes much more diverse and complete.
  2. The adapted mixture can now replace only two feedings.

It is best to give the mixture in the morning and before bedtime, so as not to overload the child's stomach. Instead of an adapted mixture, fermented milk products, such as baby kefir, are allowed. The rest of the meals should be complete.

What should be the baby's diet?

Ten months is the optimal age to gradually accustom the baby to adult dishes, gradually teaching him to eat with a spoon, drink from a mug. Optimal for the child will be food boiled or cooked using steam processing. Since babies usually have teeth by the age of ten months, it is recommended to give food in pieces to develop chewing skills.

Allowed products:

  • Vegetable puree. You can use any vegetable for cooking.
  • Cereal porridge.
  • Butter no more than 5 grams per day.
  • Vegetable oil no more than 5 ml per day.
  • Meat (it is better to choose low-fat varieties).
  • Egg yolk.
  • Pasta.

Important! It is important that the baby receives a balanced diet. All of the above products should be present in his diet regularly.

All meals for the baby should be prepared immediately before consumption or a maximum of an hour before it.

How to diversify the diet?

You can diversify the diet of crumbs with the following products:

  • Fish. It can be given to a child for dinner with mashed potatoes or noodles, as well as cook fish soups. Choose only lean or red fish.
  • Cottage cheese. Some pediatricians recommend starting this product at this age. You can cook it yourself or buy children's cottage cheese in the store.
  • Pudding. It can be prepared from meat, vegetables, vermicelli. This dish will be a great addition to your diet.
  • Baby cookies. The baby can already be given to try baby cookies in small quantities. It is perfect as an afternoon snack.
  • Kissel. It will be a good addition to other drinks and also suitable as a snack.

On a note! All new products must be gradually introduced into the diet and ensure that the crumbs do not have an allergic reaction.

General rules

In order for the child to always remain full and satisfied, the mother should follow some feeding rules. It is important to study the preferences of the crumbs, to keep a balance in food, not to give sweet, fried, smoked.

How much should a baby eat?

To make sure your baby is getting enough food, you need to know his exact weight. If the body weight is below normal, then the mother should include more high-calorie foods in the diet. It should be remembered that It is impossible to self-diagnose underweight.

Do not consume more than 1000 ml of food per day. Ten-month-old children are recommended 5 meals a day. Thus, 1000/5 = 200 ml is a single feeding. If the child receives food 4 times a day, then increase the one-time intake to 250 ml.

Feeding mode

The optimal number of feedings per day is 5. The break between them should not be less than three hours. Mom should clearly build a regime, with a slight difference in time. For example:

  • first breakfast from 7:30 to 8 am;
  • second breakfast from 10:30 to 11 am;
  • lunch from 13:30 to 14;
  • afternoon snack from 16:30 to 17;
  • dinner from 19:30 to 20.

It is important to stick to the same time in the diet so that the child gets used to it. Each mother should build a routine, focusing purely on her baby.


The child should have separate dishes. It must be made of high-quality plastic so as not to break and injure the child. Cutlery is also better to have separate. Children's dishes should be washed with a special tool.

Sample menu for the week

Day of the week 1 2 3 4 5
Mon. Mixture Porridge with milk + fruit puree + jelly Vegetable soup with bread + vegetable puree with fish cake + juice Banana + cottage cheese + tea Blend/kefir
VT. Mixture Porridge with milk + egg yolk + compote Chicken broth + mashed potatoes + compote Fruit puree + kissel Blend/kefir
SR. Mixture Pudding + fruit puree + tea Vegetable puree soup + vermicelli + juice Milk porridge + rosehip broth Blend/kefir
Thu. Mixture Vermicelli + egg yolk + juice Rice soup + boiled fish + tea Fruit pudding + kefir with cookies Blend/kefir
Fri. Mixture Porridge with milk + cottage cheese + jelly Noodle soup + mashed potatoes + kissel Vegetable puree + kissel Blend/kefir
Sat. Mixture Milk noodle soup + juice Borscht + vegetable puree with meatballs + juice Fruit puree + kefir with drying Blend/kefir
Sun. Mixture Milk porridge + biscuits + tea Pumpkin puree soup + meat puree + tea Cottage cheese + kissel Blend/kefir

The volume of one feeding should not exceed 200 grams. The menu is a recommendation.

A ten-month-old baby still needs mother's milk. However, it is not enough to meet the growing needs of the baby in nutrients. His diet by this age should be varied. Although the list of products practically does not change, new dishes appear on the crumbs menu. Let's talk about this in more detail.

How to quench your baby's thirst?

Remember that the child's body must receive enough water. Even if you give him enough to drink throughout the day, this will not replace the usual plain water. Best of all - bottled, which is intended for children. In no case do not offer your baby carbonated water and drinks from concentrates, they are harmful even for adults, and they act on the child's body like a bomb explosion.

In addition to water, the baby can be given compotes, fruit juices, tea is also useful for him. Do not limit yourself to black tea, children perfectly perceive drinks with the addition of medicinal herbs - fennel or chamomile. Compotes with the addition of wild rose are very useful - you just need to give them enough time to brew. If the baby is not accustomed to sugar since childhood, he will be happy to drink drinks without it.

List of "allowed" products

At this age, kids already eat many cereals: buckwheat and oatmeal, wheat or cornmeal, rice. They can be boiled in diluted milk or water - in any case, they will be tastier if you add a tiny piece of butter to the dish, of course, natural.

Many children have already become accustomed to most popular vegetables. They like the sweet taste of pumpkin, hearty potatoes, tender broccoli or carrots with beets. Alternate mashed potatoes from them throughout the week, and then the baby will enjoy the variety of his menu every time.

The list of meat dishes has also expanded. In addition to mashed potatoes, meatballs, meatballs, puddings are now in the diet. It is permissible to cook from veal, turkey or chicken fillet, rabbit. It is better to refrain from pork, as a last resort, choose lean meat. Occasionally homemade liver pâté can be given. Twice a week - fish dishes.

Cottage cheese is recommended to be offered regularly, 1 time in 2-3 days, alternating it with yoghurts. Children really like tender cottage cheese with the addition of fruits. In the summer, it is easy to cook it yourself. Periodically prepare fruit purees for crumbs and combined ones - with the addition of vegetables, yogurt or cookies.

Baby cookies are a favorite treat for kids. They love to procrastinate him with their tiny hands, enjoying the opportunity to massage their gums. Don't deprive your kids of this fun. Bread can only be white.

What is prohibited?

The baby is not yet ready to eat fried foods, so you will have to limit yourself to boiled, stewed and steamed foods. Banned and other categories:

  • smoked meats;
  • food with hot spices;
  • fruits and vegetables of poor quality - with rotten, unripe, the skin must be removed from fruits and some vegetables (for example, tomatoes) - a piece of it on the gastric mucosa can cause vomiting;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • all types of salads that contain raw vegetables;
  • sweets - chocolate, confectionery with creams.

Do not experiment with a child, even if your mom friends boast that their children eat from an adult table. Quite often, neglecting the advice on feeding young children turns into serious digestive problems.

Should a 10-month-old baby be weaned?

Often, women who breastfeed their baby for 10 months begin to experience lactation difficulties. You can take measures to stimulate it, or gradually begin to wean the baby from the breast. Of course, if everything is in order with you, the answer is unambiguous - continue to feed your baby with mother's milk.

To make weaning as painless as possible, try to make this process gradual. Decrease the feeding time each time, limit breastfeeding to 1-2 times. What do pediatricians say about this? They advise up to a year to keep at least one feeding with mother's milk.

Menu extension

The diet of the baby changes slightly: portions increase (individually, depending on the baby's appetite and its physiological characteristics). The menu is expanding with the following dishes.

  • puddings. Kids love them because of their soft texture. For their preparation, you can take cottage cheese, fruits and berries. Useful for kids and meat or fish puddings.
  • Kissel- one of the most favorite treats for 10-month-old babies. Of course, in no case do not buy semi-finished products of industrial production, cook jelly from fresh fruits yourself.
  • Meatballs. As you remember, we suggested giving them as early as 9 months - quite a bit. A 10-month-old baby eats meatballs with pleasure - to improve the taste, you can add a little greens and onions to the minced meat (if the child treats him calmly).
  • Cottage cheese casserole- Another new dish in the diet of crumbs. By adding different fruits to it, you can surprise your baby with a new taste every time. So that the cottage cheese is not too watery, you need to add a little semolina to the mass. Grind fruits on a fine grater.
  • Vermicelli. You can give the baby vermicelli in the usual boiled form, or in the form of milk soup.

Pay special attention to the quality of products for preparing children's meals. They must be fresh and natural.

Approximate diet

The food schedule remains the same. Sometimes, in extreme cases, food intake can be slightly shifted, but not more than half an hour:

  • 07:00–07:30 - breakfast, porridge with filler or water, flavored with butter is suitable. Oat flakes are very useful, they are both satisfying and have a good effect on bowel function. You should not give the same porridge two days in a row, optimally - no more than 2-3 times a week.
  • 11:30-12:00 - lunch. Now the baby perceives the soup very well, especially with meatballs or chopped meat. In summer, add fresh herbs to the first dishes, in winter - dried. 1-2 times a week you can offer borscht, periodically prepare mashed soups. Mushroom dishes for the baby is still early.
  • 16:00–16:30 - afternoon tea. Mostly light dishes, cottage cheese, you can also make a casserole or pudding from it. Fruit purees should be offered 2-4 times a week, sometimes yogurt with fresh berries.
  • 19:00–19:30 - dinner. It's time to taste vegetable puree or porridge on the water. Complement these dishes with meat or offal pate.

Round off the day with a serving of breast milk or formula.

How to cook puddings?

The main ingredient (up to 80 g) must be mixed with raw egg yolk and milk (up to 30 ml per serving). To prevent the mixture from spreading, add semolina to it, it is permissible to replace it with grated rice. To improve the taste, you can supplement the dish with a small amount of sugar (no more than 5 g) or honey, as well as pieces of fruit (except for meat or fish pudding). The finished mass must be baked until cooked at a temperature in the range of 180-200? So that the pudding does not burn, the form must be greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

How to cook kissel

For its preparation, fresh berries and fruits are used or ground with sugar (in winter). Suitable strawberries, currants, raspberries, peaches, apricots and other fruits. It is necessary to wash them thoroughly and squeeze the juice out of them. After that, the remains of berries or fruits should be poured with juice and boiled for 20-25 minutes, then drained with gauze. Need to take? the resulting liquid, add starch to it (6 g per 50–60 ml of juice) and then carefully pour this mixture into the boiled broth (the remaining 3/4). Sugar is needed no more than 10 g.

We hope that these tips will help you delight your baby with tasty and healthy food. Always try to cook for him with soul and pleasure!

A child at 10 months old is already familiar with a significant amount of vegetables and fruits, so that mom can experiment and cook a wide variety of dishes for her baby.

Today we will talk about what you need to pay attention to in order to cook a truly healthy and tasty meal, and you can also learn some interesting recipes that your little ones will definitely like.

In order to prepare a menu for a baby that includes healthy food that could replenish the body with the necessary elements, it is important to take into account the developmental features at this age.

  • At 10 months, almost every toddler already has several teeth, so mom no longer needs to turn food into a homogeneous mass, but you can offer a menu of dishes that contain small pieces of vegetables or other products. Such food will bring much more benefit to the children's body.
  • It is also important to develop a chewing reflex, so it is worth offering food that you need to take with your hands: small pieces of vegetables or fruits, meatballs, small pieces of meat or bread.
  • At this age, it is already possible to acquaint the child with a spoon and offer him to eat from a plate on his own. This will positively influence the development of the nervous system.
  • The menu should consist of fresh dishes, i.e. cooked just before feeding. It is better to cook food by steaming, boiling or stewing.
  • It is also important to ensure that the food is warm, hot or too cold food can harm the baby.

Sample menu at 10 months

The diet of a child at 10 months is as follows: during the day he or she should eat 5 times, i.e. 3 main meals and 2 snacks. In general, an approximate menu for each day can be represented as follows:

  • For breakfast (7.00-8.00), you can offer crumbs porridge, dairy or dairy-free, and some fruit or fruit puree.
  • For the second breakfast (10.00-11.00), cottage cheese and mother's milk (or a mixture if the child is on artificial nutrition) are perfect.
  • For lunch (14.00-15.00), you can offer a 10-month-old child a menu that includes vegetables and meat. It can be various vegetable soups and mashed meats. You can also give some juice as a sweet dessert.
  • For an afternoon snack (18.00-19.00), fruits and breast milk or a little mixture are suitable.
  • Dinner (21.00-22.00) is recommended not to be very dense, but nutritious, otherwise the child will be capricious and is unlikely to fall asleep, because he will be hungry. Vegetables (stewed or mashed), porridge (dairy-free) and some meat may be suitable here. If the child does not really want to eat in the evening, but at the same time sleeps peacefully, you can give kefir or a little yogurt instead of the proposed options. As a rule, such a dinner is formed in children closer to 1 year.

Dosages and volumes

Regardless of whether the baby received mother's milk or formula, the amount of food and complementary foods is practically the same. To correctly calculate how much he should eat, you need to know the weight of the child and divide it by 9.

On average, a child at 10 months weighs about 9-10 kg, Therefore, he should eat about 1 kg per day. To provide the child's body with the necessary substances, the following approximate number of products that make up the complementary foods menu is required:

Ready meals or homemade meals

Today we can meet a wide variety of opinions about what is better: ready-made food or home-cooked.
Purchased product advocates argue that:

  • Such food is made exclusively from proven and high-quality products.
  • Despite the fact that it undergoes heat treatment, such food is additionally fortified, so it contains more useful substances.
  • It does not contain salt, sugar or other additives.
  • Purchased products have a certain consistency that corresponds to the age of the child. At home, this is very difficult to do.
  • Such food is convenient for transportation, so it is easy to take it on various trips or for a walk.
  • Using ready-made food saves a lot of time, all that is required of the mother is to heat the jar.

However, this is quite an expensive pleasure, and not everyone can afford to feed a child exclusively with purchased products, and how much is it really necessary?

Purchased food can help out in the cold season, when there is not such a variety of fruits and vegetables on the shelves and in stores. But in the warm season, there are a lot of seasonal fruits and vegetables, from which it is quite easy to prepare a wide variety of dishes and pamper your baby with them, especially if they grow in your own garden or you buy products from trusted people who can guarantee safety and quality.

kitchen helpers

  • a small pot for soups, 1-2 l;
  • wooden cutting board;
  • small bowl;
  • baby spoon;
  • cup.

It is important that all items are made from safe and environmentally friendly materials.

  • Food for a child at 10 months should be not only fresh and tasty, but also healthy. To cook really healthy meals, a double boiler or slow cooker will come to the aid of mom. This technique will also help mom save time on the cooking process itself.
  • A blender will help to prepare puree, because in the diet of a child at the age of 10 months there is still puree: vegetable or fruit.
  • Scales will also be useful, thanks to which you can take the right amount of ingredients for cooking, which is important for feeding a child at 10 months.
  • Today you can even find special multi-kitchens that will help mommy prepare everything necessary for the baby.

Delicious and healthy recipes

We talked with you about what a baby can eat at 10 months, and now we offer you several recipes for preparing delicious and healthy meals at home.

First course recipes

To prepare a menu of first courses or soups, you need to use those vegetables and cereals with which a child at 10 months is already familiar, and he is not allergic to them. To begin with, it is enough to cook vegetable soups and add a little sunflower or butter to them.

These soups are light, tasty and nutritious. Then you can add meat to them. However, it is worth remembering that soups should be cooked only on the second broth, i.e., first the meat must be boiled, then this broth must be drained and then new water should be used.

Vegetable soup with millet

Cooking time: 35 min.
Quantity: 3 portions.
Cookware and appliances: plate; small saucepan; cutting board; knife; spoon; ladle; grater; serving bowl.


Step by step cooking

  1. Pour 500 ml of water into a saucepan and put on fire.
  2. Rinse millet groats (25-35 g) well in water, put in hot water and cook over low heat until half cooked.
  3. Peel carrots (35 g), onions (35 g) and potatoes (60 g), rinse in water, finely chop, send to a saucepan and cook until tender.
  4. Put butter (9-11 g) and salt (about 3 g) into the finished soup, leave on the fire for another minute and then remove the fire.
  5. Allow the dish to cool, and then you can crush the vegetables with a fork so that there are small pieces in the soup, or beat with a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Vegetable soup with rice and fillet

Cooking time: 35 min.
Quantity: 3 portions.
Cookware and appliances: plate; grater; small saucepan; cutting board; knife; spoon; ladle; dishes for ingredients; serving bowl.


Step by step cooking

  1. Rinse the fillet (100 g) under running water, remove the mucus and cut into small pieces.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of water into the pan and put it on fire. As soon as the water boils, put the chopped meat into it and cook it until tender.
  3. Drain the resulting broth (the first broth), put the meat on a plate, pour in 1 liter of water and put it to bask on the fire.
  4. Wash rice (25 g) well in water, pour into a saucepan and let it boil over low heat for about 10 minutes.
  5. Peel potatoes (190 g), cut into small cubes, and grate carrots (60 g). Add vegetables to rice and continue cooking for 10-20 minutes.
  6. Then add finely chopped meat, salt (3 g), boil for another 5 minutes, and you can remove from heat. If the child is not allergic to dill or parsley, you can add some finely chopped greens.

If your kid has already got acquainted with beets, then you can diversify the menu and treat him to the next dish.

Light children's borscht

Cooking time: 30-40 min.
Quantity: 1-2 servings.
Kitchenware: scales; plate; grater; small saucepan; cutting board; knife; spoon; ladle; dishes for ingredients; serving bowl.


Step by step cooking

  1. All vegetables must be prepared: potatoes (35 g) peeled, washed with water and cut into small pieces. Beets (50 g) and carrots (15 g) are also peeled and grated. Cabbage also needs to be finely chopped.
  2. Pour water into a pot and put it on the stove to heat up.
  3. As soon as the water boils, add potatoes, beets, carrots and cook until half cooked.
  4. Add parsley root (5 g), grated on a fine grater, or you can add a little greens, cabbage and salt.
  5. Add 2-3 g of butter to hot soup and you can treat your baby.

All soup recipes for a 10 month old baby are easy enough to prepare, and most importantly, they are nutritious and healthy, so try it.

Second course recipes

The second meat dishes must be prepared from meat or fish of low-fat varieties. First you need to remove all the veins, mucus or bones from the pulp, this is fundamentally important, otherwise the child may be injured and will no longer want to eat such dishes. If you cook minced meat, it can be stored frozen and you can make healthy and fresh food for your crumbs every day.

Buckwheat porridge with apple

Cooking time: 20-30 min.
Quantity: 1 portion.
Kitchenware: scales; grater; serving bowl; spoon.


Step by step cooking

  1. Apple (1 pc.) Peel, remove the middle and grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Put 150 g of hot boiled buckwheat porridge in a bowl, add 3 g of butter and mix well so that the butter melts and spreads over the porridge.
  3. Add a grated apple to the porridge, mix, and you can give it to the child, the main thing is that the dish is warm.

Beef meatballs

Cooking time: 30-40 min.
Quantity: 2 servings.
Kitchenware: scales; meat grinder; spoon; a bowl for minced meat; saucepan (small); serving utensils.


Step by step cooking

  1. Beef (100-110 g) is well washed, dried, cut into small pieces and passed through a meat grinder three times.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. milk with water, in a ratio of 50/50, half the yolk, 3-4 g of salt and knead homogeneous minced meat.
  3. Form small meatballs.
  4. Pour 500 ml of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, put meatballs in a saucepan and cook until tender (about 15 minutes).
  5. As a side dish, you can offer your baby vegetable puree, mashed potatoes or porridge.

Steamed fish cakes

Cooking time: 60 min.
Quantity: 3-4 servings.
Kitchenware: double boiler; blender or meat grinder; scales; a bowl for minced meat; wooden spatula; serving utensils.


Step by step cooking

  1. Cod fillet (290-310 g) must be carefully reviewed so that there are no bones in it, peel the onion, chop everything finely and twist in a meat grinder, or beat with a blender.
  2. Boil rice (25-35 g), put it on the fish, add 3 g of salt, raw chicken egg and 30-40 g of flour. Mix everything well to get a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Form small meatballs.
  4. Put them in a double boiler and simmer in a small amount of water (500 ml), about 30 minutes.


Every kid likes sweet fruits, but cottage cheese or some vegetables, such as pumpkin, do not always please the little one. Cooking desserts often helps to solve this problem, and the baby will be happy to eat not only tasty, but also healthy food.

Dessert with banana and cottage cheese

Cooking time: 15 minutes.
Quantity: 1 portion.
Kitchenware: kitchen scales; blender; spoon; serving bowl.


Low-fat cottage cheese50 g
baby biscuits2 pcs.
Banana50 g

Step by step cooking

  1. Grind cookies (2 pcs) in a bowl, add 50 g of cottage cheese and 50 g of banana.
  2. Beat everything with a blender until smooth and you can have an afternoon snack or second breakfast.

fruit dessert

Cooking time: 10 min.
Quantity: 1 portion.
Kitchenware: plate; small saucepan; grater; blender; kitchen scales; spoon; serving utensils.


Step by step cooking

  1. Pulp of pumpkin (70 g), pear (70 g) and peach (70-80 g) finely chopped and put in a saucepan.
  2. Pour in 40 g of water and milk and put on fire.
  3. Simmer fruit over low heat for about 10 minutes.
  4. Put banana pulp (50 g) into the resulting mixture and mix everything.
  5. A ready-made warm dessert can be served in this way, or you can grind it with a blender.

Pudding with apples and pumpkin

Cooking time: 40-50 min.
Quantity: 2-3 servings.
Kitchenware: oven; baking dish; silicone brush; grater; a bowl for preparing the base; spoon; serving utensils.


Step by step cooking

  1. Rub apples (100-150 g) and pumpkin (200 g) on ​​a coarse grater and put in a bowl.
  2. Add semolina (20 g), sour cream (20 g), egg yolk and mix everything until smooth.
  3. Lubricate the form with butter (2-3 g), put the resulting mixture and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 °.

As you can see, the menu of a child at 10 months is quite diverse, so that a mother is able to arrange a holiday for her baby every day, and most importantly, this requires simple and affordable products.


The best drink included in the crumbs menu, which not only quenches thirst, but also has a positive effect on the body as a whole, is water. From childhood, it is worth teaching the baby to drink water. You can also enter compotes and fruit drinks in the menu.

It is also allowed to give about 100 ml of juice per day, you can do it at home, or you can use a purchased one, but the latter are less useful, and they contain sugar and various additives that can only harm, not benefit.

Video about nutrition and baby menu at 10 months

We bring to your attention a video in which you can learn about the nutrition of a child at 10 months, as well as what the crumb menu for every day consists of.

Helpful information

Every mom has a lot of questions when it comes time for a breastfed baby to introduce. Someone is interested in what kind of baby should be given, and some mothers may be interested in information about. You can also find out what it says about. So we advise you to read this information as well, which may be especially relevant for those whose children are approaching 6 months of age.

What did you feed your baby at 10 months, and what menu did you use for every day? We will be glad if you share your recipes and leave useful cooking tips in the comments that can help other moms. And also do not forget to leave your feedback about the information you read.

If complementary foods in your child have not yet caused severe eating disorders, then at the 10th month of the baby’s life, you can continue to introduce new dishes into the diet without fear. An expansion of the menu at this age is necessary, since breast milk and mixtures are no longer able to provide the child's body with the necessary trace elements.

There is an opinion that fruit purees and juices are not a good option for complementary foods. The amount of vitamins that a ten-month-old baby receives in a few spoons of puree is minimal, and fruit intake often provokes stomach upsets such as:

  • Colic;
  • bloating;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Rare stool;
  • Allergic reactions.

All these unpleasant symptoms prevent other, more healthy and high-calorie foods from being introduced into the baby's diet. Therefore, experts recommend giving the child more vegetable and meat purees, gluten-free cereals instead of fruit foods. And give juices as an insignificant, but pleasant element of the menu of a 10-month-old baby.

Many mothers begin to wean a ten-month-old baby from the breast. Therefore, breastfeeding needs to be “shifted” a little according to the schedule so that they do not interrupt the child’s appetite before eating. As a rule, these are feedings before bedtime and early in the morning.

Weaning should be done very smoothly - gradually reduce the amount of milk that the baby consumes at a time, and you can also skip feeding from time to time. Although most pediatricians are convinced that a baby under 12 months old must be fed at least once a day with breast milk. As a rule, this is the morning meal.

So, what new dishes can you treat a ten-month-old baby to?

  1. Give your baby pasta, such as vermicelli milk soup.
  2. You can introduce pudding based on meat, berries, fish, cottage cheese, rice into the diet.
  3. Another type of dessert is jelly. If your child is already accustomed to compotes and fruit juices, you can treat him to them as well.
  4. The child can be given varieties of meat that have not yet been tasted, for example, chicken, beef, veal, fish, rabbit meat.
  5. There are almost no restrictions on vegetables, except that it is better to give only legumes and soybeans from the second year of life.

What can cause allergies?

The following products should not be given at all or introduced into complementary foods, as they often cause allergies in babies:

  • Shrimps, mussels and similar seafood;
  • Tomatoes;
  • strawberries;
  • Pomegranate;
  • Kiwi;
  • Citrus;
  • Mango;
  • Chocolate;
  • Persimmon;
  • Nuts;
  • Wheat
  • A pineapple;
  • Raspberry.

Menu for a child for a week

Day 1

  1. 7:00-8:00 - breastfeeding or formula, 1 cookie.
  2. 10:00 - multivitamin juice with pulp or carrots grated with apple (30 g).
  3. 11:00 - porridge made from buckwheat flour (about 130-150 g), half a glass of jelly (about 100 g).
  4. 14:00 - vegetable puree, compote.
  5. 18:00 - porridge or pudding (200 g).
  6. 21:00-22:00 - Breastfeeding or a glass of milk.

Day 2

  1. 7:00-8:00 - Breastfeeding or formula, oatmeal cookies.
  2. 10:00 - grated apple (30 g) or 50 g of juice.
  3. 11:00 - rice flour porridge (130-150 g), 100 g thick compote.
  4. 14:00 - boiled potatoes mixed with minced meat, 100 g of thick compote.
  5. 18:00 - 200 g pudding, vegetable casserole or porridge.
  6. 21:00 - 22:00 - breastfeeding or a glass of milk.

Day 3

  1. 7:00-8:00 - breast milk or a glass of cow's milk, 1 cracker.
  2. 10:00 - juice or grated apple.
  3. 11:00 - semolina with breadcrumbs, 100 g of thick compote.
  4. 14:00 - boiled potatoes with minced veal, peach puree - 50 g.
  5. 18:00 - apple mousse - 200 g.
  6. 21:00 - 22:00 - breastfeeding or a glass of cow's milk.

Day 4

  1. 10:00 - grated apple or juice.
  2. 11:00 - rice porridge (from flour), compote with pulp.
  3. 14:00 - boiled potatoes in meat broth, seasoned with chicken yolk, compote with pulp.
  4. 18:00 - 200 g pudding.

Day 5

  1. 7:00-8:00 - Breastfeeding or a glass of milk, 1 oatmeal cookie.
  2. 10:00 - juice or grated raw apple.
  3. 11:00 - semolina with apple jam, thick compote.
  4. 14:00 - boiled vegetables with meat - 150 g, thick compote - half a glass.
  5. 18:00 - 200 grams of porridge from buckwheat flour.
  6. 21:00-22:00 - Breastfeeding or a glass of cow's milk.

Day 6

  1. 7:00-8:00 - Breastfeeding or a glass of cow's milk, 1 oatmeal cookie.
  2. 10:00 - juice or grated apple.
  3. 11:00 - rice porridge - 150 g, applesauce - 30 g.
  4. 14:00 - broth with chopped chicken meat - 100 g, mashed potatoes - 100 g, 50 g of grated banana.
  5. 18:00 - 200 g apple casserole with semolina.
  6. 21:00-22:00 - Breastfeeding or a glass of cow's milk.

Day 7

  1. 7:00-8:00 - Breastfeeding or formula, 1 oatmeal cookie.
  2. 10:00 - juice or grated apple.
  3. 11:00 - oatmeal porridge - 130 g, compote - 100 g.
  4. 14:00 - chicken pudding - 100 g, 100 g mashed potatoes, compote - half a glass.
  5. 18:00 - rice porridge - 200 g.
  6. 21:00 -22:00 - breastfeeding or formula.


These simple and very tasty dishes are sure to be a good addition to the baby's menu at 10 months.

orange soup

Finely chop a small onion, young carrots and stew vegetables in 30 grams of vegetable oil. Grind 3 medium sweet potatoes and 400 g pumpkin in a blender, mix with stewed vegetables and pour water so that the mass is covered with liquid.

Cook until tender, then beat the mass to a liquid puree. Add a little bit of salt.

Puree with meat

Cut into cubes 100 g of chicken breast, 150 g of young carrots, a few potato tubers (150 g) and simmer in milk over low heat for about 30 minutes. When done, season with salt to taste and beat in a food processor until smooth.

apple pudding

About 250 g of apples, peeled and cut into cubes. Put in the microwave in a special dish, cover the apples with a lid. Put 50 ml of milk on fire and add a teaspoon of flour. Make a dietary custard from the mixture.

After 3 minutes, remove the apples from the microwave and mix with the cream. Blend in a blender until smooth.

If over the past months the introduction of new products into the child’s diet has passed without complications and painful reactions of the body, if you have not had to interrupt the process, postponing further expansion of the menu, then your baby is ready for juices and fruit purees to appear on his menu. To date, among experts there is no consensus on the timing of their introduction. But they agree on one thing: juices and fruit purees on the first-year menu may appear much later than previously recommended (at 3-4 months, as the first complementary food product). After all, the main purpose of introducing new food into the children's diet is to provide the baby's body with more energy and nutrients necessary for active growth and development, while breast milk or milk formula can no longer meet the needs of a fairly large child in basic nutritional ingredients.

It has been established that the nutritional value of fruit juices and purees is not high, they provide only 2% of the crumbs in vitamins, and can also irritate the intestines, causing bloating, rumbling, abdominal pain and unstable stools or allergic reactions. Such phenomena postpone the introduction of new complementary foods, and the baby remains in the "lose". Based on this, pediatricians and pediatric nutritionists first of all recommend enriching the child's diet with foods that really have nutritional value: vegetable purees, cereals, meat purees. The appearance of fruit juices and purees in the baby's menu can be considered as a pleasant addition. Therefore, one of the options for the timing of the introduction of juices can be as follows: their introduction after all the main complementary foods, at about 10 months. Of course, if the child is transferred to artificial feeding, then it is quite possible for him to introduce juices and fruit purees at an earlier date (at 4-5 months; it is believed that the gastrointestinal tract of an artificial baby has time to adapt to "alien" food by this time) , which corresponds to the current methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia. Usually, acquaintance begins with literally a few drops of apple juice (as the least allergenic, with good digestibility and low acidity) in one of the morning feedings.

If the baby liked the juice, the stool has not changed, and there are no rashes on the skin, then the next day feel free to increase the portion of the drink to a teaspoon, and then gradually increase it to 100 ml. It is not at all necessary to give the entire portion at once: divide into two doses (for breakfast and lunch; keep an open jar in the refrigerator). When using commercial baby juices, choose clarified and no added sugar.

To make juice at home, you will need a juicer and sterilized dishes (for ready-made juice), but it is also possible to use a plastic grater (pour well-washed green apples with boiling water, peel, grate, transfer to sterile gauze and squeeze the juice). Be sure to dilute the resulting juice with boiled water (at the rate of 1:1).

After getting used to apple juice, crumbs can be offered other types of juice: pear, plum, cherry, apricot, peach, blackcurrant; as well as vegetables: carrot, cabbage, beetroot. It is desirable to postpone grape juice for a later period (after a year), as it increases gas formation in the intestines, causing bloating and pain in the abdomen.

Since the child is already well acquainted with solid foods, after the introduction of the full volume of apple juice (and if it is well tolerated), applesauce can also be offered (starting with 5-10 g and in just a few days bringing the daily volume to 100 g).

Thus, the baby's menu may look like this: 6.00 - breast milk or formula (200 ml); 10.00 - porridge (150 ml), egg (½ yolk), applesauce (30-40 ml), apple juice (20-30 ml); 14.00 - vegetable broth (20-30 ml), vegetable puree (150 g), meat puree (35-40 g), apple juice (60-70 ml); 18.00 - kefir or fermented milk mixture (150 ml), cottage cheese (20-30 g), applesauce (50-60 ml); 22.00 - breast milk or mixture (200 ml). But the introduction of new types of juice and fruit puree, again, should be gradual (with observation of the stool and skin). Please note: some types of juices and purees have a fixing effect - they can cause constipation (blueberry, blackcurrant, pomegranate, cherry juices, apple and banana puree), so they are useful for children with unstable stools (of course, not replacing the necessary treatment for possible pathology) . And apple-apricot puree, prune puree, cabbage and beetroot juices can be given to children with a tendency to constipation.

Meat dishes

What else will change in the diet of a ten-month-old baby? Meat puree can be alternated with meatballs, soufflé or meatballs. In stores or departments of baby food, ready-made meatballs from turkey or veal in broth are sold, produced specifically for children (without the addition of spices, preservatives, and other additives harmful to the child's body). But it is not difficult to prepare them yourself.

meat recipes

Meatballs: the meat is cleaned of films, fat, passed through a meat grinder along with wheat bread soaked in milk, again passed through a meat grinder. Add a little milk (mixture), butter and yolk, knead well, form meatballs and cook in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

Animal or bird meat soufflé: boil meat, peeled from films and fat, pass twice through a meat grinder, add milk (mixture), flour, egg yolk and mix thoroughly, then add egg white whipped into foam. Put the mass into greased molds and bake in the oven until fully cooked for about half an hour.

Allergy Danger

If the baby had allergic reactions to any products, then it is worth waiting with the introduction of chicken meat and fish into the diet (at least until the age of 1-1.5 years). Such children are recommended rabbit meat, horse meat, turkey, lean pork, beef.

We remind you that foods with high allergenicity (that is, more often than others causing allergic reactions) include whole milk, fish, eggs, seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid, etc.), carrots, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, oranges, tangerines, kiwi , pineapples, pomegranates, mango, melon, persimmon, chocolate, mushrooms, nuts, honey, wheat, rye.

Of the products with medium allergenicity (but also often causing allergic reactions), bananas and chicken meat should be noted. As a rule, such products are recommended for use in baby food after the baby is one year old (and nuts, mushrooms, seafood - after 3 years).

It must be remembered that for a healthy child of ten months, up to 100-150 ml of additional liquid is needed (it can be offered between feedings): it can be boiled water, a rosehip decoction, and an infusion of apples. per day, and in hot weather - up to 180-200 ml.

Preparing a rosehip decoction is not at all difficult: wash and dry the rosehips, chop, dip in boiling water for 10 minutes, then leave for 3-4 hours (preferably in a thermos). After that, strain and add some fructose. An infusion of apples is prepared in approximately the same way: rinse the apples thoroughly, cut them, pour boiling water over them and boil for 10 minutes, and then insist for a day. Fructose can be added to the finished infusion.

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