Calculate your own pension. Calculation of old-age pension - how to independently calculate according to the new formula, accrual of points and coefficients

Self-calculation of pensions is a very important skill.

It will help a person not only to make preliminary calculations, but also to understand in which places it is worth making timely adjustments in order to receive a decent allowance in old age. In 2018, there is such a system for calculating pensions that allows you to include three sources of income at once - insurance and funded. Proper orientation in the space of pension savings allows you to take care of your future.

The latest changes in the pension reform took place relatively recently, in 2015, and therefore not everyone has yet understood the essence of the changes that have taken place. Often, citizens do not want to delve into this issue and leave the calculation of the amount of pensions exclusively to PFR specialists, but this approach is fundamentally wrong. Let's figure out how to calculate the pension yourself. Consider the formula for calculating and those indicators that will be needed to calculate it.

Until 2001, pension accrual rules were in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, which were originally from the distant Soviet past. At that time, the calculation formula was quite simple and was based on one indicator - a citizen. This approach equalized the rights of pensioners and for the most part people received almost the same income. But economic changes did not allow to leave the calculation of pensions unchanged and required serious reforms. Therefore, today the formation of a pension is carried out according to other criteria, which allow applying an individual approach and repaying each according to his labor merits.

Since 2001, the concept of insurance experience has been introduced, which remains the leading one today. The insurance period is formed from the number of years when the employee not only worked, but the employer paid taxes to the pension fund for him. In addition to the years worked, the insurance period includes the following years:

  1. Carried out in the ranks of military conscripts.
  2. When the parent was
  3. And some other periods.

Until 2015, the work and insurance experience still coexisted separately from each other, but since the beginning of 2015, the labor pension as such has been completely replaced by the concept of an old-age insurance pension.

This does not cancel the previously adopted laws, they apply to that part of the population that started their labor activity earlier.

Consider what the old-age benefit consists of today:

  1. From the base or social part, this is a guaranteed amount that is accrued regardless of the number of years worked.
  2. The insurance part is an individual indicator of years worked.
  3. , consists of those savings that were deducted by the employer to the savings accounts chosen by the employee, as well as from the fact that the person himself put aside additionally.

In 2018, the old-age pension is calculated in accordance with two legislative acts:

  1. Federal Law "On insurance pensions" dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ.
  2. Federal Law "On Funded Pension" dated December 28, 2013 N 424-FZ.

The pension in 2018 is calculated based on the following indicators:

  1. income received during employment.
  2. Number of full years worked.

Knowing these three indicators, you can independently calculate the pension that a person can claim when he reaches a certain age or has worked a sufficient number of years.


The amount of an employee's salary directly affects the future labor pension. This is natural, because income determines the level of contributions made to the FIU.

Pension payments are formed as follows:

  1. Every month, employers calculate the amount of payments due for work performed for each employee separately.
  2. From the accrued amount of wages, 22% is deducted to the budget.
  3. This percentage is divided into two payments - 16% are sent directly to the budget, and 6%, at the request of the employee himself, go to a savings account in a state or non-state pension organization.

Thus, the higher the income of a citizen, the more deductions from his salary are made and, of course, you can count on a higher retirement income.

Due to the fact that the working period is long, and the economic situation is constantly changing, it was decided to bring wages to one generalized concept. This will make it easy to calculate future benefits, without the need for special correspondence tables and salary minimum indices.

The methodology for calculating the total income of a citizen differs depending on the period:

  1. Until the end of 2001, the calculation is made by calculating wages for any five years in a row, or two years 2000 and 2001 are taken. A comparative analysis of the figures obtained is carried out and the most favorable estimated amount is applied.
  2. Since the beginning of 2002, an individual pension coefficient has been applied, which is formed from two indicators at once - income and length of service.

The system for calculating individual coefficients is very simple and allows you to quickly and correctly make.

Length of service

An old-age pension in Russia is calculated in the presence of two mandatory indicators, namely:

  1. Reaching retirement age.
  2. The presence of accumulated insurance experience in its minimum indicator and more.

The length of service for the most part is formed from the years worked, but other years are also included in it. It includes an additional 10 items, which are listed in Article 12 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ.

To count on an old-age pension, you must have a minimum length of service, and it increases annually. The gradual growth of the indicator is designed to gradually bring the number of insurance years to the established level.

In 2018, when calculating benefits, you must have at least 9 insurance years. This figure increases by one year every year, and this growth will be observed until 2024, until the desired level of 15 years is reached.

Starting from 2018 should be:

  1. 2018 - 9 years.
  2. 2019 – 10.
  3. 2020 – 11.
  4. 2021 – 12.
  5. 2022 – 13.
  6. 2023 – 14.
  7. 2024 – 15,

After 2024, this indicator will no longer be increased.


An increase in overall life expectancy theoretically requires an automatic increase in the age at which you can claim old-age benefits. Most developed countries have already increased this figure, but in Russia this measure will not be applied yet.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the previously established age limits for receiving old-age benefits are still valid:

  1. Men can leave the labor force at the age of 60.
  2. The age limit for women is 55.

These boundaries apply to the general procedure for retirement, but there are exceptions to the rules. , due to its complexity, allow you to finish your work ahead of schedule, having reached a certain age or having gained the required amount of experience.

Formula and parameters for calculation

Since 2015, a new formula has been adopted for calculating future benefits:

SP \u003d (IPK * SIPC * K) + (FV * K),

SP - old-age pension;

IPC - the sum of individual coefficients that have been accumulated during labor activity;

SIPC - the monetary equivalent of one individual score;

K - premium coefficients;

PV is a social benefit that has a fixed value.

Please note that the premium coefficients indicated twice in the formula have a different value. For social payments, bonus points are calculated according to one system, and for insurance according to another.

In order to freely navigate in the indicated values ​​​​and know how to calculate the amount of a pension, it is first necessary to understand how this or that indicator is formed.

The procedure for calculating a pension requires basic calculation data:

  1. Pension point or IPC, a value that combines two indicators - the length of service and the amount of income calculated for labor activity.
  2. Premium odds. This is a multiplier that is designed to motivate workers to work above the established norms in order to receive higher benefits in the future.
  3. The social or fixed part of the benefit is a guarantee of the state, regardless of what individual indicators the future pensioner has.

Each of these points requires a separate explanation, since without them it will not be possible to calculate the future allowance yourself. Let's look at how each indicator is calculated separately.

Individual pension coefficient

IPK \u003d (SV / SVM) * 10,

CB - the number of paid insurance premiums. This indicator is calculated from the "dirty" income, that is, before the deduction of personal income tax from it. It is also important what percentage was deducted, because under the new legislation, both 16% and 10% can be charged, and the rest can be transferred to a savings account.

SVM - insurance premiums that could be paid at the maximum rate of 16% of the established taxable amount. In 2018, the taxable amount is 1,021,000 rubles.

The importance of the salary value when calculating benefits is undeniable, the more income and contributions paid, the more points are scored, and hence the higher the pension itself. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to officially find a job, but also to receive all the amounts earned legally. Additional part-time jobs are also taken into account if they were official and contributions were paid from them.

The cost of one individual pension coefficient in 2018 is 81.49 rubles.

Premium odds

Premium ratios are the government's way of incentivizing later retirement. The essence of their application is to work even after reaching the opportunity to receive benefits, without applying for its accrual. Since a citizen does not lose the right to receive pension payments after overcoming a certain age limit, he can continue to work and make contributions, while increasing future payments.

Consider specific indicators of multiplying coefficients (the first figure refers to old-age retirement, and the second for early pensioners):

  1. An additional 1 year worked - 1.07 / 1.046.
  2. 2 – 1,15/1,1.
  3. 3 – 1,24/1,16.
  4. 4 – 1,34/1,22.
  5. 5 – 1,45/1,29.
  6. 6 – 1,59/1,37.
  7. 7 – 1,74/1,45.
  8. 8 – 1,9/1,52.
  9. 9 – 2,09/1,6.
  10. 10 – 2,32/1,68.

Premium coefficients can significantly increase the size of future payments and affect how the insurance pension is calculated.

Fixed payout

The pension has always been formed, first of all, from the guaranteed amount of payments, and the present time is no exception. In 2018, the amount of the fixed part is 4,982.90 rubles. The amount is usually increased twice a year, along with the increase in pension benefits already accrued.

Social benefits may be increased if one or more of the following reasons exist:

  1. The pensioner has dependents. Surcharge is given only for three dependents and no more.
  2. Having an established disability.
  3. Reached .
  4. Accumulated for at least 15 years.

Also, the guaranteed part increases subject to a later retirement. The following coefficients apply:

  1. For one additional year worked - 1,056.
  2. 2 – 1,12.
  3. 3 – 1,19.
  4. 4 – 1,27.
  5. 5 – 1,36.
  6. 6 – 1,46.
  7. 7 – 1,58.
  8. 8 – 1,73.
  9. 9 – 1,9.
  10. 10 – 2,11.

Additional years worked can significantly affect the level of payments, however, not all professions allow you to continue working after 60/55 years.

How to calculate your own pension?

To understand how benefits are calculated independently, you need to turn to practice.

An example of calculating a pension:

Suprenkov A.V. He started his career in 2003 at the age of 22. His salary in a "dirty" form is 45,000 rubles. We calculate what he will be able to claim upon reaching 60 years. In this calculation, we are not talking about the cumulative amount, because its size is purely individual and is not subject to preliminary calculations.

  1. From 22 to 60 Suprenkov A.V. will be able to earn 38 years of insurance experience.

Pension provision of citizens is considered one of the most important social issues in Russia. Without exception, both current pensioners and those who are just about to exercise their legal right to state support for old age, constantly monitor information and follow the latest reforms in order to know how pensions are calculated. This is done in order to be confident in the future and understand what to expect, being on a well-deserved rest.

How is the old age pension calculated?

There are several types of pensions. One of them is the old-age benefit. It is a compensation that every senior citizen with officially registered work experience receives. Depending on the labor merits and the region of residence, the pensioner may receive additional increases. There are three types of old-age payments - insurance, social, state. They are entitled to receive it:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the required age (55 years for women and 60 years for men) who have work experience;
  • elderly people with Russian citizenship who, for certain reasons, could not earn a decent amount of individual accumulative points and experience;
  • representatives of the small peoples of the North;
  • citizens aged 45 (women) and 50 (men) who worked in underground works, in hot shops, whose activities are associated with harmful working conditions, who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, military men with 15 years of work experience for women and 20 years for men;
  • men under the age of 58, women under the age of 53, who have citizenship of the Russian Federation, officially recognized as unemployed and received such status as a result of dismissal due to bankruptcy, company liquidation or staff reduction.

insurance pension

The specified type of allowance, under the current legislation, is paid to Russian citizens as compensation for earnings lost due to old age. It is awarded to women and men when they reach a certain age, have sufficient work experience and retirement points. Insurance compensation and the procedure for its calculation are regulated by the Federal Law "On insurance pensions" dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ (last amended on 03/07/2018). The minimum requirements for receiving this type of old-age benefit are as follows:

  • age: women - 55 years, men - 60 years;
  • work experience: at least 9 years;
  • number of insurance points: 13.8.

For people who have performed hazardous/harmful work, the minimum retirement age requirements have been reduced. For civil servants, on the contrary, from January 1, 2017, the retirement age is gradually increasing (by 6 months every year). Citizens whose labor activity is related to:

  • mining and underground works, mining;
  • processing and enrichment of ore;
  • industry and nuclear power;
  • chemical, coke-chemical and coke production;
  • geological work;
  • chemical and pharmaceutical production.

Social pension

The allowance was created and exists specifically to support vulnerable segments of the population. It is assigned to disabled persons, citizens with disabilities and those who do not have the required work experience. All pensioners with permanent registration in the territory of the Russian Federation can count on a social old-age pension. Unlike insurance and state benefits, it is accrued to people who have neither work experience, nor pension points, nor Russian citizenship.

The following are entitled to social compensation for old age:

  • people who could not earn seniority and points to receive other types of payments;
  • representatives of the small northern peoples.

State pension

The type of payment in question is assigned to certain categories of Russians who suffered from the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or as a result of other man-made tragedies. State compensation for old age is also provided to citizens who:

  • work or live in the resettlement zone;
  • lived in a territory contaminated with radioactive waste and were evacuated;
  • live in regions that have a special preferential socio-economic status;
  • were exposed to radioactive radiation, received disability or disease.

Legal Framework

Russian legislation has a list of regulations that directly relate to the appointment and payment of state benefits for the return. The main ones are the following:

  • Federal Law No. 400 "On insurance pensions" dated December 28, 2013;
  • Federal Law No. 166 "On Pension Provision" of December 15, 2001;
  • Federal Law No. 385 "On the suspension of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the specifics of increasing insurance compensation, a fixed payment to an insurance benefit and social pensions" dated December 29, 2015

How to calculate old age pension - general procedure

Since January 2015, social rights have been converted into special individual points. This practice after the Soviet period was first used in 2002. On January 1, 2015, new laws came into force, after which the funded and insurance parts became independent pensions. The funded allowance continues to be formed and accrued according to the old principle; it does not lose its relevance only for citizens born after 1967. Insurance compensation continues to be calculated under the new program.

Terms of appointment

An applicant for old-age allowance, which is calculated on a case-by-case basis, must have:

  • insurance experience of at least 9 years, starting from 2019, and further ascending by 1 year until 2024;
  • in the PRF, a certain number of points are on the account - from 13.8 in 2019 with a periodic increase to 30 in 2025.

The age of an employee to enter a well-deserved retirement in old age remains unchanged - for women 55 years, for men 60 years. Citizens who belong to the categories of beneficiaries can apply for a state old-age allowance 10 years earlier, provided they have a work experience of 15 years or more. In the near future, the Government of the Russian Federation will consider raising the minimum retirement age. For women, it can increase up to 60 years, for men - up to 65 years, but neither specific figures nor the timing of the decision have yet been settled.

Calculation formula

The Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) calculates state old-age compensation using a special methodology, taking into account seniority, age and a number of other indicators. It is important that the length of service takes into account the time of military service and training in a higher educational institution. The calculation of the due old-age pension is carried out according to the following formula:

SPS = PV × PC1 + IPC × SPC × PC2, where SPS is the amount of the old-age payment, PV is the amount of a fixed payment, PC1 is the calculation coefficient used and provided for by the current legislation, by which the total payment increases subject to a later retirement, IPC is an individually selected pension coefficient, PC2 is a special coefficient by which the individual pension coefficient increases if the employee continues his labor activity after the retirement age.

Accrual coefficient

The calculation of the insurance pension is carried out according to a new formula, based on the points that a citizen has accumulated during his career. To find out how many of them the employee has accumulated during the time of insurance premiums to the PRF for the period of employment, you need to make the appropriate calculations. Retirement points are calculated according to the following formula:

Ʃpb = Ʃtv / Ʃmax * 10,

where Ʃtv - the amount of funds that the employee paid at the selected insurance rate;

Ʃmax - the maximum approved taxable limit of funds that were withheld from the salary at the rate of 16%;

The amount of contributions is chosen by the employee of the institution independently, based on how the collection is planned to be distributed. If to the insurance account, then 16% of the amount of the fee goes to the insurance fund, if the funded part is formed, then 10% of the contribution amount will be charged. The period of official employment is taken into account, when mandatory fees to the Pension Fund were deducted from earnings and withheld. Wages in "envelopes" will not be taken into account in the calculation, therefore, they will not affect the final amount of the old-age payment.

The cost of one pension point in 2019

The calculation of the old-age pension in 2019 is carried out taking into account the individual coefficient, the value of which is regulated at the legislative level. Its cost in 2019 is 81.49 rubles. This indicator will be used in the calculations. The highest score you can get this year is 8.7. In 2021, there will be an upgrade that will raise today's high to 10 points in one year.

The maximum possible number of points in 2019 can be counted on by employees whose earnings before insurance premiums are 85,083 rubles. The cost of an individual coefficient largely depends on the level of inflation in the country and is indexed by a percentage equal to the indexation of the insurance payment upon reaching retirement age, so it changes every calendar year. The planned indexation of pension points in full for the inflation of the previous year is carried out on February 1, the date of the second recalculation is April 1.

Fixed payment amount

In order to correctly calculate the old-age pension, in addition to the cost of one pension point, you also need to know the amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension. It is established and regulated at the state level. The procedure for accruing and changing a fixed payment is described in detail in federal law No. 400-FZ. According to Article 16, it is established along with the appointment of a pension, twice a year it is subject to valorization - on February 1, taking into account inflation and on April 1 at the expense of PFR revenues for the past period.

The amount of the fixed payment depends on the following factors:

  • type of insurance benefit - for the loss of a breadwinner, disability, reaching the required age;
  • the required work experience;
  • territorial district;
  • the age of the pensioner and the presence of dependents.

In 2019, pensioners who have gone on legal vacation due to age are paid compensation in the amount of 4,982.9 rubles. In the near future, its growth is not planned. You can count on her increase:

  • persons over 80 years of age;
  • disabled people of the first group;
  • persons with 15 years of work experience in the regions of the Far North;
  • children of the deceased breadwinner under the age of 18;
  • persons with 20 years of work experience in areas equivalent to the Far North;
  • citizens who have written an application for a pension and started the procedure for its registration after reaching retirement age.
  • pensioners with dependents.

Calculation of pensions for those born before 1967

For citizens of Russia over 50 years old, the calculation and calculation of age benefits is not carried out according to general rules, but in a special way. The pension for such persons consists of an insurance and a state part. Its value is influenced by such factors:

  • age;
  • work experience according to the work book;
  • profession;
  • the amount of income received.

When calculating pensions for citizens before 1967, the fact of their participation in the co-financing program is taken into account. Co-financing is support from the state in the form of additional allowances for age compensation. Due to these accruals, personal contributions of citizens for the future funded share can significantly increase. The participant of co-financing can be the employee himself, the employer, the state.

In order to receive compensation under the insurance part, certain conditions must be met. Their list is as follows:

  • a man must reach 60 years old, women - 55 years old;
  • insurance experience of at least 15 years;
  • the sum of individual coefficients is not less than 30.

Labor allowance for persons born before 1967 is assigned upon reaching retirement age. Citizens working in harmful conditions, having certain positions, work and insurance experience, can count on the payment of this type of pension ahead of schedule, while the amount of compensation will not be fixed. The insurance share is due to people who are raising a child (children) alone. If the sole breadwinner has a certain length of service, then the accrual of the insurance share payment is carried out in full.

The formula for calculating the funded part

This type of old-age pension has not been accrued since 2015. Only those persons who are members of the OPS and were born before 1967 can count on receiving it. A funded payment can be formed if, from 2002 to 2004, the employer paid monthly insurance premiums for the funded share - 6% of earnings. The following formula will be used to calculate compensation:

NP = PN / T, where:

  • NP - the size of the funded pension;
  • PN - special pension savings, which are included in the personal account of a citizen;
  • T is the payment period during which the pensioner will receive compensation (in 2019 it is increased, so 246 months will be taken for calculations).

How to calculate your future pension using a calculator

The amount of future compensation by age can be found out without contacting the FIU or the MFC. It is easy to calculate the old-age pension on your own via the Internet, for this you do not need to submit any specific documents and certificates anywhere. The website of the Moscow FIU has an official online calculator. The procedure for calculating compensation will be as follows:

  • the form fills in data on the status of a citizen as an employee, total length of service, annual income;
  • the program automatically calculates the number of individual coefficients, the total length of service and the size of the insurance pension.


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This means that the primary task of future pensioners is to accumulate as many pension coefficients as possible, because even in the case of indexation, the cost of the IPC will not fundamentally change.

Fixed payment amount

Fixed benefit (FB) is a guaranteed amount added to the insurance pension by the state. According to Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2015 N 385-FZ, from February 1, 2017, the amount of the fixed payment was 4805.11 rubles. Like the cost of the pension coefficient, the EF will increase from January 1, 2018 to 4982 rubles 90 kopecks.

Under certain circumstances and conditions, the size of the PV may be further increased on the basis of Part 8 of Article 18 of the Federal Law "About insurance pensions". These circumstances may be:

  • the presence of disabled dependents;
  • the establishment of the I group of disability or the achievement of 80 years of age;
  • the presence of experience of 15 years in the Far North or areas equated to it;
  • later (due to premium coefficients).

Below is a table that reflects the dependence of the amount for a fixed payment on the period for which a citizen delays or suspends receiving pension payments:

The period for which he postponed the application for a pension, yearsPremium multiplier for a fixed payout
1 1,056
2 1,12
3 1,19
4 1,27
5 1,36
6 1,46
7 1,58
8 1,73
9 1,9
10 2,11

As can be seen from the data presented above, if you do not retire within 10 years after receiving the right to it, but, for example, continue to work, then in addition to the additional (and therefore pension points), the citizen will receive an increase in the fixed payment more than twice.

But you need to understand, for example, that the average life expectancy in our country is 66 years, and you will have to wait until 70 - how cost-effective it is, each citizen must decide for himself.

How to calculate the old age pension yourself?

The calculation method, at first glance, is not complicated and consists of the following steps:

  • calculate the number of pension points based on gross wages;
  • in the event that it is planned not to retire after receiving the right to it, we look for the required period in the coefficient table and multiply the number of pension points and the fixed payment by the corresponding values;
  • we multiply the cost of one individual pension coefficient by the number of points;
  • add up the resulting amount with a fixed payment.

However, the whole difficulty lies in the fact that such values ​​as a fixed payment, the cost of a pension point and gross salary are non-constant values: if the PV and the cost of IPC only increase (indexed), then wages change many times over a career.

Therefore, any calculations regarding the size of the future pension are approximate character and serve only as a guide for citizens.

Citizen Ivanov, after graduating from the university in 2017, was offered a job from February 1, 2018. He is 23 years old, the official salary will be 50 thousand rubles on average before taxes. He plans to work until his retirement. There will be no funded pension. Calculate the amount of pension that he will be able to receive upon reaching 60 years:

  1. we calculate the insurance period: 60 - 23 = 37 years;
  2. we calculate the number of pension points that Ivanov will receive in one year: (50,000 x 12 x 0.16) / (1,021,000 x 0.16) x 10 = 5.877 points, where
    • 12 - number of months;
    • 0.16 - the rate of insurance premiums (16% when forming only an insurance pension);
    • 1,021,000 - the maximum taxable base in 2018 (Decree No. 1378 of November 15, 2017).
  3. multiply the number of points by the number of years that these points will be formed: 5.877 x 37 = 217.449 points;
  4. we calculate the product of the number of IPC and its value (according to data for 2018): 217.449 x 81.49.58 = 17719.92 rubles;
  5. add to this the size of the fixed payment: 17719.92 + 4982.9 = 22702.82 - this will be the amount of the old-age insurance pension.

Once again, it is worth noting that the values ​​of the values ​​as of January 1, 2018 were used in the calculation. Given the indexation of both the value of the pension point and the fixed payment, it can be concluded that the pension will slightly higher than the one that turned out in the calculation (commensurate with inflation).

Formula for calculating funded pension

Allocated the funded part of the labor pension to independent view pension payments. At the same time, citizens have a choice: or not. If the first option is chosen, then the insurance premiums are divided: 10% of the gross salary goes to the insurance pension, 6% - to the funded one. In addition, future pensioners had the opportunity to participate in and further increase their savings. However, since 2015, the possibility of joining the program has ceased.

Please note that the accumulated funds are not indexed by the state and are not protected from inflation, so you need to carefully consider the choice of an organization that will deal with capital management.

According to Article 7 of the Federal Law "On funded pensions" The formula for calculating the funded pension is as follows:

NP = PN / T,

  • NP- the size of the funded pension;
  • Mon- the sum of all pension savings in the special part of the personal account of the insured person (including savings formed with the help of maternity capital, state co-financing, etc.);
  • T- the estimated period during which the pension will be paid, equal to 246 months in 2018.

The contributions to the funded pension depend on wages and make up 6%.

At the time of retirement, Citizen Petrov had 300,000 rubles in savings. To calculate the amount of payments, it is required to divide the amount of pension savings by the period that a citizen will receive a funded pension:

300000 / 246 = 1219.50 rubles.

How to find out the amount of pension savings?

In the era of the Internet and communication technologies, there are quite a few ways to find out almost any information. Information on pension aspects is no exception:

  • Now you can calculate your pension without leaving your home, sign up for a consultation with the FIU.
  • And besides this, through your personal account on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia, as well as through the bank (subject to the availability of relevant agreements), you can find out the amount of your pension savings that will be used to form your funded pension.

How long do you have to work to receive a pension of a given size?

Of course the answer to this question cannot be unambiguous and depends too much on many factors - the size of wages and fixed payments, as well as the value of the individual pension coefficient. It is also necessary to take into account in which the citizen retires, or whether he will suspend receiving it after her appointment, keeping in mind the premium coefficients for the above values. In addition, there are bonuses for working in the Far North, etc. Therefore, the calculation of the length of service required to receive a certain amount is the same approximate character, as well as the calculation of the pension itself.

To answer this question, you first need to form an algorithm by which the length of service will be calculated:

  • deduct the fixed payment from the amount of the pension;
  • we divide the remaining amount by the cost of the pension point - we get their number;
  • from the formula for calculating the IPC we calculate the amount of insurance premiums;
  • we divide the CB by 0.16 and determine how much you need to earn for your entire labor activity
  • we divide what we got by the estimated salary multiplied by 12 months.

In the event that it is required to find out not the length of service, but the required salary, in the last paragraph the division must be carried out by the expected length of service.

Citizens A and B want to receive a pension of 20 thousand rubles. A knows for sure that he will receive a stable salary of an average of 40 thousand rubles, and B is sure that he will work until his retirement, he is 22 years old. How long does it take for A to work, and what wages does B need to earn to be able to receive the desired payout?

For citizen A:

  • 20000 - 4982.9 = 15017.1 rubles, where:
    • 20000 - the expected amount of the pension;
    • 4982.9 - the amount of the fixed payment as of January 1, 2018.
  • 15017.1 / 81.49 = 184.282 (number of points), where:
    • 81.49 - the cost of one pension point (rubles) from 01/01/18;
  • SV = 184.282 x 1021000 × 0.16 / 10 = 3010430.75 (the amount of insurance premiums required in rubles for setting the desired pension amount);
  • 3010430.75 / 0.16 = 18815192.19 (the amount of money earned by A for his labor activity);
  • 18815192.19 / (12 x 40000) = 39.2 years - this should be the experience of citizen A.

For citizen B:

Because we already know the amount he has to earn (18,815,192.19 rubles), it remains to divide it by the number of years left before retirement: 60 - 22 = 38 years. Now, using an analogy, we calculate the salary required for the specified amount of pension:

  • 18815192.19 / (12 x 38) = 41261.39 rubles.

Calculation of pension using the Pension Fund calculator

So, basic quantities that affect the final amount of payments are:

  • "white" wages;

Thus, calculating the amount of a pension is a purely mathematical matter: there are clear formulas and algorithms that need to be used to find out the number of pension points, the required length of service or the salary that will need to be received for a given amount of payment.

Therefore, for all the apparent complexity, modern technologies make it possible not to resort to manual calculations - for citizens this can be done by special calculator programs.

For example, for calculation of pension using the Pension Fund calculator you only need to enter the initial data, such as the year of birth, official salary, pension option (tariff), the number of children raised, the nature and duration of your work activity - and the calculator will automatically calculate the amount of the pension and display the result within a few seconds.

But it should be understood that the use of calculators does not give an understanding of the structure of the pension system. All the nuances can be understood only if you delve into the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Since January 2015, another conversion of pension rights has been taking place, now into pension points. For the first time after the Soviet period, the conversion of pension rights in Russia was made in 2002 - into pension capital.

From January 1, 2015, on the basis of laws No. 400-FZ and No. 424-FZ of December 28, 2013, which entered into force, the insurance and funded parts of the old-age pension became independent pensions.

We remind you that the funded pension is formed and calculated according to the old principle (it still remains relevant only for citizens born in 1967 and younger), and the insurance pension is calculated according to the new formula - on the basis of pension points accumulated by a citizen during his working life.

SPS = FV× PC 1 + IPK × SPK × PC 2,

where SPS is the insurance pension.

PV - fixed payment.

PC 1 - premium factor for increasing the fixed payment at a later retirement.

IPC - individual pension coefficient.

SPC - the value of the pension coefficient at the time of registration of the pension.

PC 2 - premium coefficient for increasing the individual pension coefficient if a citizen continues to work, despite the onset of retirement age or other conditions for the emergence of the right to an insurance pension.

To understand How is old age pension calculated? according to the new formula, we will consider what are and how its main components are calculated: a fixed payment (the former base part) and an individual pension coefficient, as well as who will be entitled to premium coefficients.

So, we got acquainted with the general concepts regarding how to calculate a future pension. Now let's cover this topic in more detail.

Fixed part of the insurance pension

To calculate old age pension, should be aware of the existence fixed payment (hereinafter FV) to the insurance pension, established by Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On insurance pensions" No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013. In 2016, the payment amounted to 4,558.93 rubles. This is a guaranteed minimum by the state for every Russian citizen of retirement age. Twice a year, the PV is indexed: on February 1, taking into account the growth in consumer prices, and on April 1, at the expense of the Pension Fund's income for the previous period. April Fool's compensation is prescribed in the legislation as possible, and the possibility is determined by the Russian government.

For some categories of citizens, the PV is set at an increased rate. In order to be true calculate old age pension , the data shown in the table below should be taken into account.

Fixed payment to the insurance pension for various categories of citizens, northern pension

Gr-not eligible for ATP

Number of dependents

PV size (rub.) 1

Under 80 years of age and without a disability

Those who have reached the age of 80 or disabled people of the 1st group

Under 80 years of age and without disabilities, worked in the Far North for at least 15 years, insurance experience of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Those who have reached the age of 80 or people with disabilities of group 1 have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years, insurance experience of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Under 80 years of age and without disabilities, worked in the Far North for at least 20 years, insurance experience of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Those who have reached the age of 80 or disabled people of the 1st group, have worked in the Far North for at least 20 years, insurance experience of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Work experience in agriculture for at least 30 years, not engaged in activities with mandatory pension insurance, live in rural areas 2

1 Amounts rounded to hundredths of a ruble

2 A new category of citizens included in the list of preferential PV from 01/01/2015. In the case of a citizen moving to an urban area, this benefit does not apply. In 2016, there was no increase in the fixed payment for this category of beneficiaries.

Individual pension coefficient - the basis of the insurance pension

Individual pension coefficient (hereinafter referred to as IPC) is an innovation in the practice of calculating pensions. He became a key component in the formula for secure old age. You can even say - the basis of the foundations for a citizen who wants to independently provide for himself after retirement and live with dignity at the same time. The higher the pensioner's IPC, the more likely it is to achieve this goal.

IPC is determined at the time of registration of the old-age pension and consists of the amount annual pension coefficients (hereinafter APC) or pension points accrued to a citizen annually in the process of official employment with a “white” salary. That is, for those years when employers transferred insurance premiums to the future pensioner.

The new pension legislation also determined other periods for which pension points will be accrued to citizens, and provided for the coefficients for increasing the IPC and EF - for a later registration of the implementation of the pension right.

How is the pension calculated? 2015-2016, are there any differences from the calculation in 2014?

GPC = SSP/ SSM× 10

3 quantities are involved in the calculation of the CHP:

  1. The amount of insurance pension contributions from the annual income of a citizen (SSP).
  2. The amount of insurance premiums in the amount of 16% of the maximum taxable salary, annually established by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation (SSM).
  3. Factor 10 . It was introduced for the convenience of calculating pension points. Also, 10 is the maximum number of annual pension points that can be accrued to a citizen in the billing year.

But future pensioners will be able to receive 10 points for the billing year only starting from 2021. And only those who do not participate in the formation of their funded pension. In 2015, the maximum allowable GPC is 83. As can be seen from the table below, it will increase gradually.

Maximum values ​​of the pension coefficient by years

Year of the old-age pension

The maximum value of the IPC with contributions to the funded pension

The maximum value of the IPC without contributions to the funded pension

1 When calculating pension coefficients, the values ​​are rounded to three decimal places.

This means that if a citizen’s CPC calculated for 2016 according to the above formula is, for example, 9.9, then only 7.83 will be taken into account when calculating the IPC upon retirement.

At old age pension calculation pension points for all years when the employee's mandatory pension fund received insurance contributions from employers are summed up and an individual pension coefficient is displayed. The longer a citizen worked and the higher his salary was, the higher his IPC will be. Accordingly, the higher the IPC of a citizen, the higher his pension income.

IPK= GPC 2015 + GPC 2016 +…GPK 2030

where CPC 2015 is the number of pension points earned by a citizen in 2015, CPC 2016 - in 2016, etc.

Calculation of the individual coefficient: which years are better to take

Let's try it on our own calculate pension. As mentioned above, the annual pension coefficient is equal to the ratio of insurance pension contributions from a citizen's income for the year to the maximum insurance pension contributions established by the state in the billing year, multiplied by 10. For clarity, we will give examples. But first, let us recall that the total amount of pension insurance contributions deducted by the employer per employee is equal to 22% of his salary. Of them:

  • 6% go to the so-called solidarity part of the Pension Fund, from which a fixed payment (basic part) of the insurance pension is paid to current pensioners;
  • 16% are intended for the formation of the employee's insurance pension or, at his request, 10% of them go to the insurance, and 6% - to the funded part.

An example of calculating the GIC with a deduction for an insurance pension of 16% of income

The salary of a citizen in 2016 is 20,000 rubles. per month. The amount of insurance premiums paid by the employer to the Pension Fund will be: 20,000 rubles. × 12 months × 16% = 38,400 rubles.

In 2016, the maximum taxable salary is 796,000 rubles. The amount of the maximum insurance premiums from the employee's income is 127,360 rubles.

GPC = 38400 / 127360 × 10 = 3,015

The annual pension coefficient of a citizen in 2016 will be 3.015 pension points.

An example of calculating the GIC with a deduction for an insurance pension of 10% of income

For clarity, let's take a citizen with the same salary for 2016. His employer contributes only 10% to the insurance pension, and the remaining 6% goes to the funded pension. The amount of pension contributions to the insurance pension of a citizen for the year will be: 20,000 rubles. × 12 months × 10% = 24,000 rubles.

GPC = 24,000 / 127,360 × 10 = 1,884

The annual pension coefficient of a citizen in 2016 will be 1.884 pension points.

Since the amount of future pensions directly depends on the value of the CPC, the examples show that the formula for calculating pension points campaigns for refusing to participate in the formation of funded pensions.

Additional pension points: how to check the correctness of accrual

In addition to the pension points accrued to a working citizen for the payment of insurance pension contributions by his employer, when calculating the IPC, other periods are taken into account during which pension contributions were not paid to the citizen. For each full calendar year, the GPC is charged under the following circumstances.

  1. Care of one of the parents for a child under 1.5 years old (no more than 6 years in total):
    - for the 1st - GIC = 1.8;
    - for the 2nd - GIC = 3.6;
    - for the 3rd or 4th - GIC = 5.4.
  2. Care for a disabled child, for a disabled person of group I, for a person over 80 years old - GPC = 1.8.
  3. Service in the army by conscription - GIC = 1.8.

Point value

The cost of 1 pension point in 2016 is 74.27 rubles. It will increase every year:

  • February 1, according to the inflation rate for the past year.
  • April 1, according to a formula that includes such values ​​as the amount of income to the PFR budget in the form of insurance premiums and federal transfers.

Premium odds

Despite the fact that in Russia the retirement age comes much earlier than in most other countries of the world, Russian legislators have not taken the path of raising the age limit for old-age pension rights. But they have built tools into the pension calculation formula that encourage people to voluntarily retire later.

If a citizen, having reached retirement age and the onset of pension rights, does not encroach on receiving funds from the Pension Fund, that is, does not draw up an insurance pension, but continues to work, the legislation provides coefficient of increase of the fixed payment to the insurance pension (in our PC 1 formula) And coefficient of increase in the individual pension coefficient (PC 2).

Indicators of premium coefficients for full months of voluntary deferral of pension receipt

Number of months

IPC increase factor

EF increase factor

120 or more

Based on the above indicators, it is easy to calculate that if a citizen does not draw up an insurance pension within 10 years after the entitlement to it, then the PV will increase by 2.11, the IPC - by 2.32 times. And the insurance old-age pension, respectively, will grow by almost 2.5 times.

Converting to points of "old" pension rights

Citizens who reached retirement age in 2015 or who will reach it a few years later are worried about what will happen to their pension rights, which until now have been measured in rubles, and not in points. The same question worries people who already receive an old-age pension - after all, its further indexation will take place on the basis of pension points, which they do not seem to have.

The new pension legislation provided for a formula according to which pension rights formed before January 1, 2015 will also be converted into points:


SC - the insurance part of the labor pension as of December 31, 2014, excluding the basic and funded parts.

SPC is the value of the pension point at the time of retirement.

The amount of points received will either make up the citizen's individual pension coefficient if he is already a recipient of an insurance pension or retires, for example, in 2016, or will be added together with subsequent annual pension coefficients to withdraw the IPC.

How pension is calculated examples

Let's go back to the new pension formula:

SPS = FV× PC 1 + IPK × SPK × PC 2

Now we know how its components are calculated, and we can find out the approximate size of the future pension.

Example 1: Retirement upon Retirement Age

Citizen Ivanova reaches retirement age in 2017. In 2015, her pension rights were converted to 70 pension points. For 2015-2017, Ivanova will earn another 5 points.

Citizen Ivanova twice for 1 year was on leave to care for a child up to a year and a half. For the first child, she received 1.8 pension points, for the second - 3.6.

By adding up all the pension points, we get the IPK of citizen Ivanova by the time the right to receive an insurance pension comes - 80.4 points.

Let us assume that the minimum amount of a fixed payment (FV) for an insurance pension in 2017 will be 5,000 rubles, and the cost of a pension point (SPK) will be 100 rubles. Citizen Ivanova has no grounds for applying premium coefficients, so the formula for calculating her pension looks like this:


We consider the old-age insurance pension of citizen Ivanova:

5 000 rub. + 80.4 × 100 rubles. = RUB 13,040

Example 2. Coming to a well-deserved rest after the emergence of the right to an insurance pension

Let's try to calculate the monthly income of a pensioner from the distant future. Consider a conditionally ideal variant of calculating a decent pension according to the new formula. After all, as the legislators assure us, all their efforts and reforms are aimed at achieving a decent standard of living for a Russian pensioner. So, let's dream according to the new formula.

Citizen Petrov began his career in 2015 at the age of 17. After serving for a year, he was drafted into the army and served for two years. For military service, he was awarded 3.6 pension points.

Citizen Ivanov received a correspondence higher education and worked without interruption of the insurance period until the retirement age and 5 years after the emergence of the right to an insurance pension. In total, over 48 years of insurance experience, he earned 400 pension points. Together with the "military" points, his IQ was 403.6 points.

Suppose that by the time citizen Petrov retires in 2063, taking into account all possible indexations, the PV will be 20,000 rubles. But citizen Petrov worked for 20 years in the Far North, so his PV is increased by 30% and amounts to 26,000 rubles.

Petrov's premium coefficients for 5 years of voluntary pension deferral are: for a fixed payment - 1.27, for an individual pension coefficient - 1.34.

Let the cost of a pension point in 2063 be equal to 600 rubles.

We consider the old-age pension of citizen Petrov, taking into account bonus coefficients:

26 000 rub. × 1.27 + 403.6 × 600 rubles. × 1.34 = RUB 324,527.42

Of course, it is difficult to imagine what will happen to the ruble by 2063, but today it looks more than worthy.

It must be said that the given old age pension calculation according to the new formula is approximate. Not only in the second example, but also in the first. If you want to get a more accurate result - register on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia. The PFR already has all the information about the currently formed pension rights of officially working or working citizens, namely the number of years and months of insurance experience and the number of pension points already earned. This information can be viewed in the personal account of the insured person. Enter into the pension calculator additional information about your current place of work and salary, about other periods for which pension points are accrued. Click the "Calculate" button - and find out the size of your pension. Plan a well-deserved rest based on the result, if it suits you. Or, if possible, take steps to increase your future pension. Now you know how it can be done.

Can I now count on a preferential pension? If yes, how to calculate it?

Whether the new pension reform provides for preferential pension provision worries those who worked in hazardous industries, in the field of education, medicine, etc. Yes, preferential pensions have been preserved to date.

It is quite natural that such citizens are also interested in how to calculate discounted pension. We must say right away that it is not worth looking for any special differences in the calculation of a preferential pension from the calculation of a regular one, since the same formula is taken as the basis, its size is in direct proportion to the amount of accumulated points that have been taken into account since 2015. Contributions to the mandatory pension insurance system are transferred to these, while using the formula:

IPO/NGO x 10

IPO - the amount of individual pension contributions for the year,

NPO - the standard amount of pension contributions for the year.

However, it will be much easier not to engage in independent calculations, but to go to the PFR website and use the pension calculator available there.

Upon reaching the appropriate age, becoming disabled and in other cases established by law, a citizen receives a certain remuneration from insurance, pension and other funds. In other words, retirement.

Are there any calculation errors?

Pensioners and the disabled belong to socially vulnerable categories of the population. The social security of such persons is guaranteed by the state. Recalculation and revision of pensions is a frequent phenomenon, while no one is immune from incorrect accrual.

Basically, such errors are associated with the human factor, but this is not the only reason. There may also be failures in the operation of the software with which the calculations are made. That is why the question arises as to whether it is possible to check the correctness of the calculation of the pension.

The pension that Russians receive after the recent reform consists of two parts: insurance and funded. Since this system is relatively new, not all of its features are clear, so sometimes there are doubts about the correctness of its calculation.

If a pensioner is not sure that the amount of his pension payments is determined correctly, he has the opportunity to demand adjustments if errors are found.

Where to check

First of all, you should figure out where to check the correctness of calculating the pension. If a pensioner has any doubts about whether he receives the correctly calculated amount, he will have to apply directly to the Pension Fund of Russia. The application should indicate a request to re-verify the correctness of the calculations of the amount of pension payments and submit it to the PFR branch, in accordance with the pensioner's registration address.

Within five days from the date when the application was accepted, where a citizen asks to check the correctness of calculating the old-age pension, PFR employees are obliged to clarify whether the pension is correctly calculated and notify the applicant of the results of the check. If it turns out that the amount of payments was indeed calculated with errors, then, in accordance with applicable law, it will be adjusted automatically.

Brief instructions for verification

In addition to contacting the FIU, it is advisable to know how to check the correctness of calculating the pension yourself. To do this, you will need: a work book and a calculator, a certificate of the amount of monthly average earnings for 5 consecutive years, or for the period from the beginning to the end of the year.

Now it's time to do some math:

  1. First you need to find out the size of the seniority coefficient. 55% is taken as the basis. For women, such a coefficient is set for a length of service equal to twenty years, for men - for 25 years of work. Every year, if a person continues to work further, the seniority coefficient increases by 1% (but not more than 20%).
  2. The average income for one month is calculated. This can be done by dividing the amount of income for five consecutive years by the number of months in five years (sixty).
  3. Information will be required on the average monthly salary established in the Russian Federation for the period that was accepted in the calculations in paragraph 2.
  4. The average salary in the Russian Federation, which was calculated in the third quarter of 2001 and approved by the government of the country as the basis for calculating pension payments, is 1,671 rubles.
  5. The ratio of the number obtained in paragraph 2 to the figure in paragraph 3 is calculated. If we are not talking about residents of the Far North, then a ratio of 1.2 or less should be taken into account.
  6. The estimated amount of payments will be: the length of service coefficient (from paragraph 1) multiplied by the number from paragraph 5 and by 1,671 from paragraph 4.
  7. The pension capital is calculated. For this, the following actions are performed:
    • 450 rubles must be subtracted from the value obtained in paragraph 6 (the basic part of the pension as of January 1, 2002);
    • what happened is multiplied by the estimated period during which the payment of old-age benefits is planned (for example, from January 1, 2010 it will be 192 months).
  8. The amount obtained in paragraph 7 must be indexed by multiplying by a multiplying factor corresponding to the year. It can be clarified, including on electronic portals, which contain information on how to check the correctness of calculating the old-age pension.
  9. The part of the benefit, which is called the insurance part, will be equal to the result of dividing the pension capital by the indicative period during which the benefit will be paid.
  10. The result of dividing the total value of insurance premiums on the date of assignment of benefits for the same period that was used for the calculations in paragraph 9 is added.
  11. To the result obtained in paragraph 10, you need to add the amount of the basic payment from the insurance fund established by the government. This is the desired amount of pension.

By comparing the result of the calculations with the amount of the pension assigned in the Pension Fund, you can understand whether you should apply for recalculation. Having carefully studied the instructions on how to check the correctness of calculating the pension, you can independently find out if the PFR is right.

Payout by age

To understand how to check the correctness of calculating a pension, it is important to know about all the current changes in this matter. Thus, the year 2015 is notable for the fact that from this date it is planned to gradually increase the minimum value of the total length of service that will be required to calculate the retirement benefit by age. Previously, it was five years. Starting from the date of the introduction of the changes, over the next ten years, 1 will be added every year, and by 2025 the minimum to be worked out will be equal to fifteen years.

If the total number of years worked for calculating the old-age pension is not enough, then it is possible to apply for a social pension. Starting in 2025, it will have to be paid to women over 60 and men over 65.

Hazard pension: useful information

The category of harmful, according to statistics, includes almost 50% of all enterprises whose work is related to industry. Early completion of work and access to a well-deserved rest are a kind of compensation for people who are constantly exposed to risks. That is why the question of how to check the correctness of calculating the harmfulness pension is relevant.

But first of all, you should find out which conditions are considered harmful or dangerous:

  • increased level of humidity;
  • low degree of illumination;
  • high degree of environmental pollution (gases, dust, etc.);
  • increased noise level;
  • labor obligations associated with the use of or being in close proximity to harmful or toxic substances (for example, in the chemical industry).

Before checking the correctness of calculating a pension, it is important to know some of its features. In order to retire ahead of schedule, the total experience of the fairer sex must be at least twenty years, of which at least 10 years the potential pensioner must be a worker in hazardous production. For men, the minimum total length of service is 25 years, of which work in conditions deemed harmful must be twelve and a half years or more.

At the same time, two lists of harmful professions are distinguished. For professions that can be found in list No. 1, the retirement age will come earlier by another five years.

List No. 1 is quite small, it includes people whose labor activity was directly related to underground work, work in hot shops or in production in harmful conditions.

List No. 2 is much broader, it includes: employees of educational and medical institutions, workers in the food and light industries, employed in mining and transport.

To apply for a harmfulness pension, it is enough to contact the PFR branch, which is located at the place of residence, with the following documents:

  • passport;
  • a document confirming that the person worked in conditions giving the right to early exit for a well-deserved rest;
  • salary statement;
  • men will also need a military ID.

The basis for calculating pension payments will be: the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund and the length of service. The provision of additional benefits, as well as the lists of hazardous industries, are reviewed and supplemented regularly.

It should be noted that the list of people eligible for early retirement now also includes people of art (for example, actors), as well as those who earned seniority at enterprises in the Far North.

A little about social benefits

In order to understand how to check the correctness of calculating the old-age pension, you should know that a pensioner can be credited with a social supplement from the federal or regional budget.
For this, the following conditions must be met:

  • pensioner should not work;
  • the amount of the pension is less than the subsistence minimum established for the region where the pensioner lives.

At the same time, the amount of the additional payment and the actual pension is equal to the subsistence minimum.

If the latter in a certain region is higher than that established in general in the country, then a regional surcharge may be charged.

Instead of a conclusion

Pensioners are considered socially unprotected citizens. It can be difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to live on their income. That is why, in case of any doubts, you should contact where you can check the correctness of the calculation of the pension.