When is maternity benefit paid? The maximum amount of maternity benefit. Maximum average earnings

Exciting 9 months fly by unnoticed, and now future mom begins to engage in pleasant chores - preparing a cozy "nest" for his baby, buys him clothes, diapers and toys.

The joyful expectation of the appearance of a peanut in the world is often accompanied by concern about the financial component of the issue. Therefore, expectant mothers and those women who are just planning to expand their families seek to obtain the maximum amount of information about what payments for pregnancy and childbirth they are entitled to. Can every pregnant woman count on financial assistance and support from the state? The answer will, unfortunately, be negative. In addition, the dimensions financial assistance will be different in each individual case.

Maternity benefits in 2017

Payments for pregnancy 2017: types of benefits

There are several types of financial assistance in the form of benefits for women in a special position, which are assigned to expectant mothers in certain cases. What benefits are due during pregnancy?

  • “Maternity” - the right to receive this type of financial support is for women whose gestational age has “stepped over” 30 weeks (in case of waiting for one baby). If two or more little ones have settled in the female womb, then she can go on a well-deserved rest from the 28th week.
  • A one-time allowance, to which future mothers who applied to the antenatal clinic in advance are entitled (the waiting period for the baby should not exceed 12 weeks at the time of applying to the LCD).
  • A separate type of payment can be counted on by women in a position whose spouses are military service. This type support for women is also a one-time payment for pregnancy.

Payment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth 2017: grounds for receiving financial compensation

In the course of processing any type of payment, and pregnancy benefits were no exception, documentary evidence of the existence of grounds for receiving material assistance is required. What documents do expectant mothers need to prepare for the calculation of benefits?

  • Hospital sheet.
  • Application for maternity benefits.
  • Income certificate, on the basis of which the amount of the allowance will be calculated.

The FSS makes a payment on sick leave for pregnancy, which is calculated individually in each case, within 10 days from the date of receipt of information from the enterprise. In addition, there are other nuances when applying for this financial assistance:

  • A woman must provide a certificate of incapacity for work to calculate the amount of material assistance no later than 6 months from the day the sick leave ends.
  • One of the most important differences between this type of assistance and other benefits for the baby, which the father of the crumbs can also apply for, is that only a woman can apply for this type of payment.
  • Material compensation is not provided to a woman in parallel with salary. The mother-to-be must choose whether to receive maternity leave payments or not interrupt her labor activity and receives a general salary.

Pregnancy: claimants for payments and benefits 2017

Many women in a position mistakenly believe that only the fact of having a toddler in the womb entitles them to financial benefits from the state. This opinion is wrong. Financial support can be counted on:

  • Employed women. The amount of assistance is 100% of the average income for the 24 months preceding the decree. If, at the same time, the expectant mother was a part-time worker at several enterprises, each of the organizations is obliged to accrue payments for pregnancy and childbirth for a working employee.
  • Dismissed before the decree, but managed to register as unemployed during this period.
  • Students studying full-time (daytime) form of education. On a budgetary or contractual basis, training does not matter. The calculation of financial support is based on the amount of the scholarship. To calculate the entitlement assistance, you should contact the dean's office.
  • Pregnancy payments to non-working women are also made, although this statement is not true for everyone. Only those unemployed women who were deprived of their jobs due to the liquidation of the organization can claim payments.
  • Women who have registered IP. The amount of financial compensation will be affected by the amount of deductions that were made in the FSS.
  • Women in the military on a contract basis. In this case, the amount of her financial allowance is taken as the basis for calculating financial assistance.
  • Spouses of conscripts.

In addition, if a woman belongs to one of the categories from the list above and plans to adopt a baby under three months old, she can also apply for state assistance.

One-time Financial Assistance: Early Registration Payments 2017

If a pregnant woman applied to the LCD with the intention of registering in the first weeks (up to the 12th) of an “interesting situation”, she is supposed to additional payment. The amount is issued once, its size is 581.73 rubles. This type of assistance is assigned simultaneously with the accrual of sick leave payments for pregnancy (“maternity leave”), but no later than 10 days after the submission of the document from the LCD. The allowance does not exclude other accruals, due to a woman, but has a number of features that the expectant mother should be aware of.

Applying for benefits and maternity benefits 2017

IN general case a woman in a position to receive "maternity" financial support must contact her employer. The following situations are exceptions:

  • If within six months after the end of the period of the disability certificate issued in connection with the expectation of the baby and his birth, the woman did not turn to the employer for the due payment, she should go to the FSS. And then the fund will decide whether there was a valid reason for the absence and whether it is worth accruing state assistance.
  • The woman is registered as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, she must immediately contact the insurance fund. In this situation, the FSS calculates the pregnancy benefit.
  • If, when a woman contacts an organization, the latter has ceased to exist or has insufficient funds in her accounts, mom must also be sent to the FSS.

List of documents for receiving state compensation

A woman who registered for pregnancy earlier than 12 weeks is entitled to a payment not only on a “maternity” sick leave, but also a one-time fixed amount. To complete the latter, you will need:

  • A document from the LCD (certificate) confirming that the pregnant woman is observed earlier than 12 weeks of waiting for the baby.
  • Application for payment of maternity benefit.
  • Identification document (passport).

Calculation of payments for pregnancy in 2017

Financial assistance in connection with the expectation of the baby and its subsequent birth is paid in a lump sum, in full for the entire period on the disability sheet.

sick leave period

How many days of rest is due to the mother in connection with the upcoming appearance of the baby in the world?

  • 70 + 70. A total of 140 days is due to a mother who is expecting the birth of one baby.
  • 70 + 86. In total, a woman receives 156 days of “vacation” if she gave birth to one toddler, but the birth was pathological (caesarean section).
  • 84 + 110. A total of 194 days of sick leave should be paid for a woman expecting two or more crumbs.

Upper and lower limit of financial assistance

For sizing due payments an important role is played by the preceding decree seniority women.

  • If the expectant mother worked this moment for less than six months, then the payment financial aid made on the basis of the minimum wage - minimum size labor rates. Until June 30, 2017, its value is 7,500 rubles, so the amount of the minimum allowance during this period will be equal to
    7500 * 24 / 730 * 140 = 34520.00 rubles

From July 1, 2017, it is planned to increase the minimum wage to 7800 rubles. If this happens, the woman can count on 35,901.37 rubles of material assistance.

  • The upper limit of the allowance is also defined. For its calculation, I use the data of 2015 and 2016.

The maximum amount of payment 2017 = (718000 + 680000) / 730 = 1901.37 * 140 (days of disability) = 266191.80 rubles in case natural childbirth one baby.

If the birth was pathological, the maximum amount of the pregnancy benefit will be 353,654.82 rubles. When two or more peanuts are born, the amount of material assistance is determined in the amount of 368,865.78 rubles.

Benefit calculation rules

Material compensation for a woman's pregnancy and the birth of a baby does not have a clearly defined value. Its size is influenced by several factors:

  • Value insurance experience women.
  • The total income for the 2 years that lasted until the start of the decree.
  • Labor mode.

As you can see, the timing of registration for pregnancy does not affect the payments of "maternity" payments. When calculating the amount of state assistance for sick leave, the following formula is used:

C (amount of benefit) \u003d D (average daily earnings) * K (number of "sick" days - 140, 156 or 194), while the following algorithm is used to determine the average daily income:

D \u003d M (monthly income) * 24 / 730
When determining the amount of total monthly income, all types of payments from which taxes are withheld are used. There is no withholding tax on benefits received (personal income tax).

Thus, it is easy to see that most of the expectant mothers are entitled to state financial assistance. In order to meet the deadlines for the payment of financial support for pregnancy and childbirth, provide documents in a timely manner for the accrual of compensation due to you.

Pregnancy is a special state, a time of changes - physical and moral, which radically change the life of almost every woman. During this period, the health of the representative of the beautiful half of humanity is very vulnerable. Any accident, the slightest stress, overwork - all this can harm the unborn baby. Unfortunately, not everyone is so respectful of the person inside whom the new life. Every young mother should know what is supposed to be pregnant for free.

Pregnant woman and labor

When a girl finds out that she will soon become a mother, her soul is overwhelmed positive emotions. She begins to imagine how the baby develops in the stomach, what it will be, what name it will give. To fully enjoy the new state for her prevents her - work! The expectant mother should continue to work until exactly the 30th week. Here it is important to know what pregnant women are supposed to do for free:

  • An employee of any enterprise located in interesting position, you need to go through doctors and take tests. The employer is obliged to provide her with paid hours for this.
  • If before the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother performed hard, harmful and dangerous work, then she must be transferred to favorable conditions without a reduction in wages.
  • Such an employee has no right to be sent on business trips, detained at work and called to work on weekends.
  • The employee must be released maternity leave upon reaching the 30th week of pregnancy.

Some organizations have a wider list of what is legally required for pregnant women for free. In addition, they receive preferential meals. According to the law, the interesting position of a woman is not a reason for her dismissal or non-employment. If a future employer says: "You good specialist, but it makes no sense for us to take you to work, since you will soon go on maternity leave, and we will have to pay for it, ”then you can safely sue him.

Registration and medical services

What is free for pregnant women? Of course help medical professionals. As soon as she begins to guess about possible conception, then immediately comes to an appointment with a gynecologist at the place of residence. He will register the expectant mother and will observe her for all 9 months. Add to list medical services includes: patient consultation, appointment necessary analyzes, measurement of pressure, volume of the abdomen and body weight. In the first trimester in without fail you will need to visit doctors of a narrow specialization: dentist, therapist, ophthalmologist. They will assess the woman's health and determine if something is preventing full development fetus and natural childbirth.

The list of services also includes:

  • Ultrasound at 19, 30 and 36 weeks;
  • examination of blood, feces and urine;
  • diagnostics for the detection of pathologies in the fetus;
  • cardiogram with interpretation.

Some clinics offer to take an analysis to identify bacteria and microorganisms - for a fee. This is a direct failure to comply with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 62. In order not to fall for the trick of scammers, every expectant mother should know about what is legally required for pregnant women for free.

Validity of a birth certificate

The list of what is due to pregnant women for free by law includes birth certificate. It is valid from the 30th week of fetal development until the child reaches the age of 12 months. With such a document, the patient can:

  • use budgetary medical services;
  • have a baby in any perinatal center of your city and receive supervision over it until reaching 1 year.

In fact, this document has already programmed certain payments that specialists will receive for the services provided.


Getting sick in 2017 is expensive. And starting a family is even more expensive. The body of a woman who wishes to endure healthy child, should be filled with useful minerals and substances. Therefore, it is very important to get advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist or therapist in a timely manner about which vitamins are supposed to be given to pregnant women for free. This list includes:

  • Folic acid. It is necessary for the regulation of metabolism, the formation neural tube fetus, full growth of all cells and tissues. Compensates for the lack of vitamin B9, which is involved in DNA synthesis. It is recommended to take it 3 months before the expected date of conception and the entire period of pregnancy. Vitamin E. Its deficiency is manifested by anemia, weakness, convulsions.
  • Iron. It is prescribed if during pregnancy a woman's hemoglobin level in the blood has decreased.
  • Potassium iodide. Doctors recommend taking Iodomarin for the entire period of bearing a baby and lactation. This component is very important for the expectant mother, its deficiency can lead to spontaneous abortion, miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Multivitamins. Support the functioning of all organs of the patient.

In some polyclinics, employees do not issue referrals for free medicines. To such unscrupulous workers, the patient must show an order that clearly states which vitamins are supposed to be given to pregnant women for free.


From conception to completion labor activity a double load is carried out on the woman's body. Accordingly, the immune system weakens and becomes susceptible to diseases, infections and bacteria.The authorities adopted an order to support the health of the expectant mother. The list of medicines provided to pregnant women for free in 2017 consists of 60 items. It includes such medicines as: "Vitrum", "Gexavit", "Zitrum", "Multi-tabs", "Supradin", "Ferrovit", "Elevit", "Megadin", "Maltofer", "Teravit" and many others.

If the expectant mother suffers chronic diseases, then she is entitled to budget food.

When visiting a pharmacy, many are unpleasantly surprised by the high prices for pharmaceutical products. Beforespend your own, it is advisable to look at the list of which medicines are supposed to be given to pregnant women for free.You need to make a purchase at your own expense only if there is no specific name in it.

How to get a budget medicine?

If a woman finds that she has been prescribed medicines or vitamins prescribed for pregnant women for free, then she must do the following:

  1. Come to any budget medical institution providing the services of specialists who monitor the process of carrying a baby or taking birth.
  2. Present the insurance policy and demand to prescribe the necessary drug.
  3. The doctor must examine the patient and determine whether such treatment is really suitable for her. He will correct it if necessary.
  4. Further, the specialist draws up a prescription on a form in accordance with the norms, where he indicates the list of drugs and the code of the preferential category.
  5. With this document, the patient can come to any social pharmacy and get the necessary drugs.

Every doctor should know if pregnant women are entitled to free medicines and, if necessary, offer the woman to write a prescription for them. If for some reason he does not do this, then it is worth reminding him of the law “On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens of the Russian Federation”.

Lump sum cash benefits

What is due to pregnant women for free yet? Of course, cash payments. At the first stages of the development of the baby, the young mother will not have the opportunity to work, respectively, during this period she should be on state support.

First of all, she is paid sick leave. It is calculated on the 140th day (70 days before delivery and 70 days after delivery). The exceptions are difficult births, multiple pregnancies or pregnancies with complications. This amount is charged at a time. Its size depends on the length of service and the average salary.If she did not work, then this amount is calculated based on the minimum wage.

If the patient is registered before the 12th week of pregnancy, then she has the right to an additional payment - 581.73 rubles.

Another one-time allowance from the state is provided for the birth of a child. This is a fixed amount. For 2017, its size is 15512.65 rubles.

Some regions also provide gubernatorial benefits. Their size in all areas is different and ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that any of the above benefits is issued at the place of residence. Only one parent can count on him. That is, if the mother draws it up, then the father must provide a certificate stating that these benefits were not paid to him.

Long term benefits

In the list of what is supposed to be pregnant for free,includes long-term cash payments that can be issued at a state institution for social issues, at the place of registration or work. Namely:

  • Benefits paid for child care for children under 1.5 years old.
  • Child benefits up to 14 years. Designed for those families whose income is below the minimum subsistence level in the region.
  • If the child is not in kindergarten, then an additional payment in the amount of 709 rubles is assigned.
  • Many mothers prefer natural feeding. They are entitled to additional benefits for this. They are charged until the child reaches 5 months. To obtain them, you must take that the newborn is on breastfeeding.

All these benefits, as well as parental leave, are assigned to only one parent.

In terms of morality

We are all humans. Therefore, we must treat each other with understanding. If a person sees a woman in an interesting position in transport, then he must definitely give her his seat. It should be understood that public transport can adversely affect the health of the unborn baby: other passengers can accidentally push her, she cannot reach out to grab the handrail, and there is also a fairly significant load on her back.

From the point of view of morality, pregnant women should be allowed to go to the checkout in the store without a queue, give way to all public transport. Seeing a lady carrying a baby, you should not talk to her in a raised tone and insult her. At this stage, she is quite susceptible to everything due to the unstable production of hormones.

If you see a pregnant woman with a large and heavy bag, then do not hesitate to offer her help. If it is hard for her to go down the stairs, then offer a hand. If it's hard to stand, give up your seat. Carrying a baby is a very complex and lengthy process. It is worth respecting those who increase the size of our nation!

Benefits for Moscow and Moscow Region

Separately, it is worth talking about what is supposed to be free for pregnant women in Moscow.

Certain categories of citizens are provided free meals. It's about about future mothers suffering from chronic diseases, namely, diabetes or hypertension. In the Moscow region, any woman can apply for such a benefit. To do this, she needs to provide a certificate of pregnancy and an extract from the house book. The food list includes: dairy products, natural juice and vegetable puree.

Also, for people living in the Moscow region, additional payments are intended.

Benefits for St. Petersburg

Additional privileges have been established regarding what is due to pregnant women for free in St. Petersburg. They also include extra food. You can get it throughout the entire period of pregnancy and within 6 months after childbirth, provided that the baby is breastfed. It is worth noting that such a benefit is provided only if the woman is registered before the 12th week. The volume of products is calculated in proportion to the gestational age. For the first trimester - 1.5 kg per month, for the second - 1 kg per month, for the third 0.75 kg per month.

You can arrange additional nutrition for expectant mothers suffering from underweight, anemia, osteoporosis, diabetes, lactase deficiency and other diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Help for foreign citizens

Often to work in the territory Russian Federation arranged by foreign citizens. What to do if such a person becomes pregnant and plans to go on maternity leave? What payments are made to her?

If it was officially arranged, then sick leave and up to 1.5 years must be paid without fail. Is she entitled to free medical care? Yes. But only if she has a temporary registration, a mandatory health insurance policy and SNILS.

Child allowance for a newborn will be provided only if he has Russian citizenship. For example, if his mother is a foreigner and his father is Russian, or vice versa, then this status is assigned automatically. He will be considered Russian even if he was born on the territory of this country, and his parents abandoned him. In other cases, his citizenship will be the same as that of his parents. There may be 2 citizenships if the father and mother are natives of different countries.


In order to avoid unnecessary expenses, each future mother should know about what is supposed to be pregnant free of charge. Why are these incentives created? A similar project was developed by the authorities in order for our nation to become bigger, stronger and stronger. Raising a child today and starting a family is expensive. State benefits allow you to mitigate these costs. Summing up, it is worth saying that the budget list without fail includes: cash payments, health care, food, drugs and vitamins. You can apply for these privileges strictly at the place of registration if you have a certificate of pregnancy.

Expecting a baby is the most touching and exciting process. Thanks to the care of the state, we can feel safe!

During pregnancy or its planning, you should sort out in advance all the payments that are due to families in connection with replenishment. The state program in Russia provides for supporting material payments provided after the birth of the child. Their size is calculated depending on the specific situation.

Postpartum payments are due to all women in childbirth, regardless of whether she worked at the time of the decree or not. Young mothers are provided with several types of payments.

What are the payments - general information

How to get - registration rules

To receive child support, you must:

  • Statement;
  • Birth certificate;
  • A certificate from the spouse's work that he does not receive the same payments;
  • If for 2 recent years job has changed, you will need a 2-personal income tax certificate from the previous employer.

The unemployed must add to the above documents:

  • Employment book, military ID or certificate;
  • Copy of passbook;
  • Divorce certificate, if divorced;
  • An extract from the personal account stating that the child lives with the applicant;
  • Students need a certificate that they study full-time, as well as a certificate of paid maternity allowance.

Attention! When concurrently, it is necessary to provide an extract stating that no such payments have been made in other organizations.

What other payments are there?

In some cases, a child allowance up to 16 years of age may be issued.

There is also a monthly allowance for children up to the age of 16. It is paid if the family income is less than living wage for everyone. The amount of payments depends on the region, is charged by social security.

Any parent, adoptive parent, legal guardian may apply for these benefits. If a child is studying on a budget, the allowance is extended until the child reaches the age of majority or until graduation.

For registration you will need:

  • Statement;
  • Parents' passports;
  • Help 2-NDFL for 3 last months. Unemployed - work book;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • Statement about cohabitation with a child (children);
  • Birth certificate;
  • Copy of passbook;
  • Certificate of study, for children over 16 years old.

The decision on the appointment of this benefit occurs within 10 days. Every 2 years it is necessary to confirm previously submitted information. To do this, you must bring the same package of documents as for the initial registration.

You can count on additional subsidies poor families as well as single mothers. The amount of subsidies varies by region. Most often, material assistance is accrued as an increase to the allowance for up to one and a half years or in the form of benefits for utilities.

Additional compensations include a one-time payment to the wife of a serviceman. It is prescribed 180 days after the onset of pregnancy. Even those who are not married can receive this payment.

Also, the wives of conscripts are entitled to an additional monthly subsidy. It is paid to a child up to three years old for the period while the military father is serving in the military.

Important! This allowance is not accrued to the families of cadets and contract servicemen.

Single mothers are eligible for additional subsidy


Postpartum benefits are a significant support for most parents. The state is trying to help families as much as possible during this difficult period for them. Payment processing is the same in all regions. If you have any difficulties, you can contact the nearest social security service for advice. They can also ask for links to laws in which you can get additional information. Having the right information makes it easier to get what is due by law.

The state takes care of citizens by establishing financial payments and benefits for socially vulnerable categories of residents of the country. Pensioners, disabled people, military personnel, law enforcement officers have long been "under the wing" of social services. Pregnant women were not ignored either. Confirmation is the maternity allowance, which every woman can receive. The procedure, conditions, terms for granting benefits are regulated by federal and regional legislation.

Lump sum payments for pregnancy and childbirth

Being in an interesting position, the expectant mother requires moral and material support. Relatives, friends, relatives provide all possible assistance to a woman who is expecting a baby, understanding her quivering position with understanding. The state does not stand aside either. Get state allowance on pregnancy and childbirth, every pregnant woman has the right, if she submits at the appointed time required package documents.

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Who can receive benefits

One-time allowance for pregnancy and childbirth - targeted assistance which is used for the needs future mother. Therefore, only a woman who is in an interesting position and has a certain status can receive it. Husbands, parents, sisters, brothers are not entitled to claim payments. This should not be confused financial assistance with the money that parents receive after the birth of a child. State funds are intended:

  • Working moms. The disability certificate is provided to the employer's administration, which is responsible for the timely accrual and payment of monetary amounts.
  • Business women who have the status of an individual entrepreneur and are payers of contributions to state fund social insurance for at least a year (in the absence of debt).
  • Full-time students receiving a scholarship.
  • Unemployed, dismissed due to redundancy or liquidation of the employer's organization, if they are registered with the employment service.

There are nuances with unemployed pregnant women who are not registered with the state employment service. The allowance is not paid to them, since it is a kind of compensation to the employee for the loss of earnings due to being in an interesting position. Unemployed pregnant women had no earnings, which means that compensation was not due.

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Help in early pregnancy

financial assistance for early term pregnancy are received by women who applied to a medical institution before twelve weeks of pregnancy (considered obstetric weeks). The amount of payments, taking into account indexation, is 543.67 rubles. The following may apply for payment:

  • working women;
  • female students;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • unemployed pregnant women registered with the employment service.

To receive money, a document of the medical organization that registered the pregnant woman, confirming the fact of pregnancy, is submitted.

Such assistance is paid by the employer, educational institution or social protection authority at the place of permanent registration of the applicant. The term for obtaining financial assistance is ten days from the date of submission of the certificate, which is the basis for payments. If a woman was fired due to a reduction or due to the liquidation of a legal entity, the money is transferred by the twenty-sixth day of the month following the month in which the medical certificate was registered by the social security authority.

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Benefit Timings

Pregnancy is a period in which a woman should take care of herself, take care of the health of her unborn baby. Therefore, quite a considerable time has been allocated for the submission of documents. Since the term for paying maternity benefits is directly related to the promptness of preparing the required documentation, expectant mothers are in a hurry to collect certificates and receive money before the birth of the child. Some believe that childbirth is a kind of “point of no return” upon the onset of which maternity leave is not paid.

This is an erroneous judgment. After all, the legislation determines a six-month period from the end of the decree for filing documents. That is, the right of a pregnant woman to maternity leave arises on the day she receives a certificate of incapacity for work, and ends six months after the end of the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth.

After submitting the paper to the employer, the applicant receives maternity leave within a ten-day period. The social security agency pays cash until the twenty sixth next month. Assistance is paid in one amount for the entire period of incapacity for work.

If the newly-minted mother missed the deadlines for a good reason, she has the right to go to court with a reasoned statement and ask for their extension. Exculpatory materials are attached to the claim. The judge examines the evidence objectively. When confirming the validity of the mother's reasons, the terms are extended.

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How to determine the amount due

All pregnant women know about their right to maternity leave, but few guess where to run with a medical certificate to get money. The answer is simple. Pregnant women go to the personnel department of the employer; individual entrepreneurs, as well as the unemployed, who are registered with the employment service, - to the state agency of social protection of the population; students - to the administration of the educational institution. But how much money will “fall” into the account? You can tell fortunes on coffee grounds or take a piece of paper, a pencil and make simple calculations yourself.

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Calculation for working women

Medical institution certificate of pregnancy - the only basis for calculating benefits

The settlement period of the benefit is two full calendar years (730 days). Before calculating the maternity benefit, you need to know the total amount of income for a two-year period. Art. 136 of the Labor Code obliges the employer to inform employees about accrued earnings, taxes withheld, mandatory contributions.

That is, in order to find out the total two-year earnings, it is enough to summarize the data of the payslips for this period. The “dirty” salary (excluding taxes, contributions) is taken into account. You can get the coveted figure by contacting the accounting department of the employer. Everything is taken into account: salary, bonuses, vacation pay, material assistance.

Let's say the amount earned was 730,000 rubles. Initially, the average daily income is determined: 730,000 rubles / 730 days = 1,000 rubles per day. Now the amount received is multiplied by the number of sick days, thereby recognizing the amount of maternity leave.

The duration of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth depends on the condition of the pregnant woman, the number of expected children:

  • 140 days (70 days before delivery + 70 days after the birth of the baby) for normal childbirth;
  • 156 days (70 days before delivery + 86 days after the birth of the baby) in the presence of complications;
  • 194 days (84 days of delivery + 110 days after the birth of the baby) with multiple pregnancy.

That is, in order to find out the amount of the allowance, it is necessary to multiply the average daily income (1000 rubles) by 140, 156 days or 194 days. Taxes, fees, contributions are not deducted from the amount received.

The state limits the amount of salary, which is taken into account when determining financial benefits, the maximum amount of maternity benefit is also limited accordingly.

Financial assistance for pregnant women undergoing military service, is calculated on the basis of their monthly allowance for the preceding biennium.

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Benefit for unemployed pregnant women

If a woman in interesting condition, resigned own will, or did not work before pregnancy, then according to federal law, she is not entitled to maternity payments. However, such persons may be supported by local authorities on regional level.

To receive federal payments, a pregnant woman must be registered with the public employment service. Upon receipt of a medical certificate, she forms materials for receiving benefits and transfers them territorial authority social protection of the population at the place of permanent residence.

The following are submitted to the government agency:

  • statement;
  • a photocopy of the passport;
  • copy work book(in the presence of);
  • original medical certificate;
  • certificate of the employment service on being registered;
  • Bank account number.

After checking the completeness of the submitted documentation, the social security authority issues a written receipt of their receipt. This avoids disputes regarding the timeliness of applying for benefits.

Defining minimum allowance for pregnancy and childbirth, officials and accountants take into account the size of the minimum wage. Now it is 5965 rubles. Accordingly, the average daily earnings are 196.11 rubles (5965 X 24 months (two years): 730 calendar days). This means that a pregnant unemployed woman who gave birth to a child without complications will receive 196.11 rubles X 140 days = 27455 rubles 40 kopecks.

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What is required for students

How is maternity allowance calculated for female students? Girls who are expecting a baby are entitled to receive material assistance only if they are on a full-time basis and receive a scholarship. If pregnant women study in the third year, then assistance is determined based on scholarship amounts. In the absence of such payments in the "required" two-year period, they are replaced by the minimum wage.

So, when determining the size of the allowance for pregnancy and childbirth of a sophomore, the scholarship for the first year of study and the minimum wage are taken into account. The allowance is calculated after the original medical certificate is provided to the educational institution. Payments are made within ten days from the date of registration of the document.

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What foreigners and stateless persons can expect

Living in Russia a significant number of foreigners, refugees, stateless persons is perceived as a common occurrence. They work on an equal footing with citizens of the Russian Federation, enjoy social support. Officials did not leave without financial assistance and pregnant women from among the above persons. When applying for assistance, they must provide evidence of a special status.

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Lump sum at an early age

Count on lump sum payment expectant mothers can only if they are registered in a medical facility. Moreover, the setting is carried out no later than twelve weeks (obstetric weeks are taken into account). Pregnant women can receive payments at the place of employment or in the social security authorities. To accrue assistance to the employer, a medical certificate is enough, but the state agency needs to submit:

  • statement;
  • original medical certificate;
  • a document (original, copy) proving the identity of the applicant;
  • paper (copy, original) confirming the right to stay, live in the territory of the Russian Federation (for example, temporary or permanent residence permit, residence permit);
  • Bank details;
  • certificate of the employment service about being registered.
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Help with pregnancy and childbirth

The question of how to calculate the maternity allowance for foreign women, pregnant women without citizenship and refugees, most employers baffle. Some mistakenly believe that such persons are not entitled to assistance, and refuse to pay, thereby violating the rights of expectant mothers. In fact, only persons staying illegally in Russia are automatically deprived of financial assistance.

Calculation of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth is based on general rule. Two-year earnings are taken as the basis, in its absence, the minimum wage is used. The duration of the decree depends on the complexity birth process, quantities babies born and is 140, 156 days or 194 days.

140 days are taken as the basis for maternity leave calculations for pregnant women expecting one baby, and 194 days for multiple pregnancies. After a difficult birth, the medical institution issues an appropriate certificate, which the woman in labor submits to the organization that pays the maternity leave. Based on it, the previously received allowance is recalculated. The difference is paid within ten days from the moment the institution receives the certificate.

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What documents are required

When is the maternity allowance paid to pregnant foreign women, refugees, stateless persons? The legislation determines that the terms for the payment of assistance are the same as for Russian women. If the expectant mother is unemployed, then a mandatory package of documents is formed for submission to the state social security agency:

  • application for money;
  • passport, other identity card;
  • certificate of a medical institution, indicating the duration of pregnancy;
  • certificate of the state employment service on the status of the unemployed;
  • a document confirming the legality of the applicant's stay in the Russian Federation.

On the acceptance of materials, the state agency issues a written confirmation (receipt) to the pregnant woman.

Every expectant mother should understand that state assistance is addressed not only to her, but also to the unborn child. Therefore, do not delay with the formalities that allow you to get them. If it is difficult to collect all the documents on your own, you can seek help from close relatives, husband or specialists.

What payments are due to pregnant women, I'm interestedevery expectant mother. Eligibility for these payments mainly depends on whether the woman has official employment. But there are also a number of other circumstances.

Who is eligible for maternity benefit?

Women working on employment contract, shortly after going on maternity leave, receive maternity benefits. To receive assistance, you must take antenatal clinic sick leave (for a period of 30 weeks) and write an application for maternity leave at the place of work (see: How is maternity leave issued and paid?).

If the expectant mother works under an official contract, then she does not need to worry about whether the allowance will be paid, since its payment is the direct responsibility of the employer, who does not have the right to delay the issuance of the allowance or reduce its amount. But if a pregnant woman works without official registration, then the employer will not have an obligation to pay maternity allowance, although, at his discretion, he has the right to provide material assistance to the expectant mother. Problems with benefits can also arise if the employee receives payment “in an envelope”, since only white wages are taken into account for calculating maternity payments.

It should be noted that in addition to employees working under an employment contract, other categories of pregnant women also have the right to maternity allowance:

  1. Government employees and municipal institutions, military personnel.
  2. Persons with the status of individual entrepreneurs, or engaged in private practice (for example, notaries). They are entitled to maternity allowance if, within calendar year, preceding the start of the decree, they paid contributions to the FSS in the form of voluntary insurance.
  3. Women who study full-time in universities or vocational educational institutions.
  4. Women who are registered with the employment center for unemployment, if they were fired due to the liquidation of the organization or due to the closure of the individual entrepreneur by their employer. Other categories of the unemployed do not have the right to maternity allowance.

How is the amount of maternity allowance determined?

This allowance is accrued for the entire period of maternity leave. Its duration, as a general rule, is 140 days, if there were complications during childbirth - 156, and if two or more children were born - 194 days. Therefore, the longer the maternity leave, the greater the amount due to the woman.

To calculate the allowance, average earnings employees for the past 2 years. That is, if the expectant mother goes on maternity leave in 2017, then her income for 2015-2016 will be taken into account. The amount of earnings for these 2 years is added up and divided by 731 (the number of days in 2 years, given that 2016 was a leap year) - this will determine the average salary per day. The average daily wage must be multiplied by 140 (or another number of days if the duration of the vacation is more than 140 days) - this will determine the amount of the benefit.

It should be noted that when calculating the average income for 2016, earnings of no more than 718,000 rubles will be taken into account, and for 2015 - 711,000 rubles. Therefore, the maximum amount of the maternity benefit in 2017 is 266,191.80 rubles. (provided that the duration of the vacation is 140 days).

The minimum allowance for a working woman in 2017 is 34,521.20 rubles. (accrued based on the value of 1 minimum wage per month of vacation, the minimum wage in 2017 is 7,500 rubles). The same amount is paid to entrepreneurs and private practitioners, as well as to women working under an employment contract for less than six months. For students, the allowance is calculated on the basis of the amount of the scholarship, and for women dismissed due to the liquidation of the employer, at the rate of 613.14 rubles. per month.

Other benefits for pregnant women

Considering the question of what payments are due to pregnant women, one cannot but mention other benefits that are paid in addition to maternity. These payments include:

  1. Benefit for women registered for pregnancy earlier than 12 weeks. This payment is designed to encourage expectant mothers to register at the antenatal clinic at the very beginning of pregnancy. The same categories of women who are entitled to maternity benefits (including employees, individual entrepreneurs, students and the unemployed who have lost their jobs due to the liquidation of the enterprise) have the right to receive it. If the pregnant woman was registered before the period of 12 weeks, then, together with a certificate of incapacity for work for a period of 30 weeks, she will be issued a certificate of registration in early period pregnancy - this document will become the basis for calculating benefits. This allowance will be paid simultaneously with the maternity allowance. Its size does not depend on earnings and in 2017 is 613.14 rubles. In those regions where increasing coefficients are provided, the amount of the allowance increases accordingly.
  2. One-time payment to the pregnant wife of a serviceman. This allowance is due to the wife of a serviceman who is serving on conscription. It is paid once, and it is necessary that the gestational age be at least 180 days. This payment is a kind of compensation for material support that a military spouse cannot provide to his wife due to being in the armed forces. The amount of the allowance is indexed every year, in 2017 it is 28,892.45 rubles. If a woman lives in an area where district coefficients, the amount of payment increases proportionally.