Payments, vouchers and targeted assistance: how to get city support for a veteran. Payments and holiday packages: how the city congratulates veterans on Victory Day Payments for Victory Day

By May 9, WWII participants will receive 3,000, 10,000 rubles, and maybe 150,000 rubles each - it all depends on the region
This year, in honor of the celebration of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, more than two thousand residents of the region will receive a lump sum cash payment. The amount of payment to direct participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War (WWII) 1941-1945 will be three thousand rubles.

“To make a one-time payment in May 2018 to citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Estonia, who are invalids of the Great Patriotic War, participants in the Great Patriotic War from among the persons, specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of article 2 of the federal law of January 12, 1995, in the amount of 10 thousand rubles,” the resolution says.

What amount of payments by May 9, 2018 is planned by the government of the Russian Federation and the categories of veterans who will receive one-time assistance

In total, it is planned to allocate about 12.342 billion rubles for payments to veterans of the Great Patriotic War by May 9, 2018.

Residents of besieged Leningrad, war veterans and disabled people, as well as former underage prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, widows and widowers of those who died during the war and died disabled people and combatants will receive 7,000 rubles each.

Those who worked during the war years in the rear for at least 6 months, awarded orders and medals for their work, as well as former adult prisoners of concentration camps, will receive 3,000 rubles each.

If a citizen of the Russian Federation has the simultaneous right to receive 7 and 3 thousand rubles, they will not be summed up, but will only pay a larger amount, that is, 7 thousand rubles.

Citizens of the Russian Federation living in Russia and the Baltic States who belong to the above categories can count on financial support.

If in 2010, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the victory, 4.2 million people received payments, this year there are much fewer applicants - 2.6 million.

Who will be able to receive a one-time pension supplement in 2018

In 2018, a one-time pension supplement will become a kind of compensation for the lack of indexation of pension payments to working pensioners. Recent changes in legislation make it clear which of the pensioners will be able to count on a small one-time increase.

People of retirement age living abroad, who are considered citizens of the Russian Federation, will be able to receive a lump sum payment by May 9. During May and June, these funds will be transferred to pensioners, the amount of which will be 10 thousand rubles.

They plan, first of all, to distribute money to the residents of Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. In the Baltics, veterans and pensioners will be able to receive payment through consular departments.

The one-time surcharge in 2018 is due to:

WWII veterans;

disabled children or those who received a disability at a more mature age;

pensioners who receive an insurance pension;

working pensioners.

The Russian government has scheduled traditional payments by May 9, 2020. Who will be able to count on an increase in pension, how to get it and what additional gifts have the local authorities prepared?

Based on the presidential decree on lump-sum payments to veterans of the Great Patriotic War in connection with the 75th anniversary of the Victory, payments should be made in April - May 2020 to the following categories of citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, in the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania and the Estonian Republic:

  • invalids of the Great Patriotic War from among the persons specified in subparagraph 1-3 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the federal law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans", former minor prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, prisons and ghettos, widows (widowers) of deceased disabled people Great Patriotic War and participants in the Great Patriotic War - a payment of 75 thousand rubles is due"
  • Veterans of the Great Patriotic War from among the persons specified in subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the federal law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans", former adult prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, prisons and ghettos, are entitled to a payment in the amount of 50 thousand rubles .

Not only Russians, but also Baltic veterans living in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia will be able to receive payments by Victory Day 2020. Their inclusion in the list is due to the fact that the Baltic authorities do not recognize the role of the Soviet Union in the victory over fascism and do not support veterans.

How to get a?

The lump-sum payment by May 9 will be automatically “added” to the May pension, so there is no need to submit a separate application to the Pension Fund. The PFR has all the data on the recipients of the increased allowance. In extreme cases, employees may require additional paperwork.

Pensioners will receive money in the usual way, in the same way as they usually take a pension:

  • cash in the mail;
  • transfer to a card or savings account;
  • the postman or social worker will deliver to the home address.

It is important to understand that payments to pensioners by Victory Day are due only if they have veteran status, that is, not all pensioners will receive an allowance.

From regional authorities

In connection with the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide for their lump-sum payments to veterans, home front workers and other categories of citizens. They annually determine those who will receive allowances in the field.

In the Irkutsk region, the Governor signed a Decree in which he decided to pay 10 thousand rubles to veterans and disabled veterans of the Second World War, minor prisoners and family members of the dead (deceased) participants, disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

In the Volgograd Region, according to Decree No. 610-p dated December 9, 2019, war veterans and invalids will receive 5,000 rubles each, and home front workers, blockade survivors, underage prisoners and spouses of WWII participants - 1,000 rubles each. In addition to payments by May 9 home front workers, war children and other categories of beneficiaries, local authorities introduce special social support programs for the holiday, but residents are not ready to thank for all the initiatives.

In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in accordance with Decree No. 981 of January 24, 2020, the following additional payments will be made:

100 thousand rubles - disabled people, participants in the war;
30 thousand - to the widows of the dead participants in the Second World War, the blockade, minor prisoners;
20 thousand - to the widows of the deceased participants in the Second World War;
10 thousand - to home front veterans;
3 thousand - children of the war who have not reached the age of majority on September 3, 1945

From Aeroflot

Since 2001, the largest Russian air carrier has been holding an annual campaign to provide free flights for veterans.

From April 22 to May 13, 2020, a completely free flight, without charging commission fees, is provided:

  • in the economy class: veterans and disabled veterans of the Second World War, former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps;
  • in business and comfort class: to the heroes of the USSR and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

Privileges can be used not only by Russians, but also by those living in the CIS countries, Georgia and the Baltic states.

At the time of preparation of the article, it remains completely unclear who will receive the lump sum payment by Victory Day for sure, because there is no signed government decree and presidential decree. Probably, the documents will appear on the eve of the holiday.

The May holidays and Victory Day are approaching, so many pensioners expect that the state will not forget about them and will pay additional money to their pensions. Officials really planned such a payment, and even its size is known - 10,000 rubles. But who exactly is entitled to the payment on Victory Day and how to get it? Let's figure it out together.



May 9 Victory Day is a special holiday for all of us also because there are living people next to us who created this Victory with their own hands. It was they, the veterans, who managed to survive and make sure that our parents, ourselves, our children, grandchildren and all other descendants were born under a peaceful sky. Gratitude for this is difficult to measure materially, especially when it comes to the state, whose honor and freedom these people were able to adequately defend.

Thanks for the Victory

But at least once a year, officials remember that they need to thank the veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and all those who could survive it. Therefore, every year the president issues a decree on the payment of one-time assistance to veterans by the next anniversary of the Second World War, and the government issues a decree on who and in what amount such payments are due. 2018 was no exception. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2018 No. 195 “On a one-time payment to certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” was adopted on May 6.

Let's see who gets the money?

Lump Recipients

In May 2018, almost 110,000 citizens of the Russian Federation of retirement age should receive a one-time assistance in the amount of 10,000 rubles. These will be not only pensioners from Russia, but also our fellow citizens from the Baltic countries:

  • Republic of Latvia,
  • Republic of Lithuania,
  • Republic of Estonia.

Unfortunately, it was in these countries that WWII veterans were practically outlawed, so Russia took on the functions of supporting them. In connection with the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, officials will pay money to the following categories of citizens:

  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War and persons equated to them;
  • WWII invalids,

who live in Russia or in the Baltic states listed above. At the same time, pensioners who were born between 06/22/1928 and 09/03/1945 and belong to the category of "children of war", unfortunately, are not entitled to this payment. The children of war and their defenders have long been seeking recognition from the state that they suffered significantly from the Second World War and are entitled to state support and benefits on an equal basis with veterans, but so far no definite decision has been made on their issue at the federal level. No, they, of course, have a number of benefits, for example, for treatment, but they are not yet entitled to one-time federal assistance for Victory Day.

How and when to get 10,000 rubles

The President adopted the Decree. The government must ensure its implementation. Simply put, to make sure that all war veterans and disabled people receive this money on time and in full.

Payments to veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War on the territory of Russia will be carried out by the territorial offices of the Pension Fund. They have lists of all pensioners and veterans, so there is no need to write any additional applications. The funds will be sent to veterans in the way they usually receive their pension: to a bank card, to a current account or in cash to the post office.

At first they promised that all veterans should receive 10,000 in early May, even before the Victory Day. But the decree on this was signed only on May 6, and the Government Decree, although it was adopted promptly, came into force only on May 15. And the FIU said that the payments will take place in May and June. Therefore, if you or your relatives have not yet received the required 10,000 rubles, then you will have to wait a bit. But really a little - very soon the money will come to you.

Veterans from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will also be paid lump sum payments by May 9 by the PFR with the help of the Ministry of Defense and the support departments at the embassies (consular departments of embassies) of the Russian Federation in the Baltic states. The money will be paid in cash or sent by transfer, also according to the lists at the disposal of the officials. So neither the pensioners themselves nor their relatives need to worry about collecting documents and writing an application.

Help children of war

Although pensioners who were children during the war years will not receive federal payments, they have a chance to receive support from regional authorities. In many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, at the local level, legal acts have been adopted on monetary payments for Victory Day to children of war. For example, in 2018, pensioners-children of war who live in the Ulyanovsk, Vladimir and Irkutsk regions, Moscow and St. Petersburg can expect from the authorities from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles. It is quite possible that other regions will decide to pay the children of the war money for the holiday.

There are more than 75,000 veterans of the Great Patriotic War in the capital who receive payments and various social support, not only for the holidays, but all year round. Find out how veterans can get help.

Concerts, film screenings, open-air exhibitions, fireworks - this is how the townspeople will celebrate. The most important participants of this holiday are veterans. Concerts, trips to places of military glory and meetings with front-line comrades are arranged for them.

Monthly and Yearly: Veterans Payouts

All veterans are entitled to city additional payments to pensions, and to certain categories - which have doubled since this year -. They can be counted on by disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War, those who became disabled due to an injury received during the Great Patriotic War and did not work out the length of service for retirement, disabled since childhood due to a wound during the war, as well as those who were awarded a badge badge "Honorary Donor of the USSR" for donating blood during the war years.

Payment to participants in the defense of Moscow increased to eight thousand rubles. Heroes of the Soviet Union, Socialist Labor and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory now receive 25,000 rubles every month. Monthly payments can be made by contacting the department of social protection at the place of residence.

In addition, veterans of the Great Patriotic War from among the home front workers (who are not disabled) are entitled to a monthly city cash payment, which is also in.

By Victory Day, veterans traditionally receive lump sum payments. In April 2018, invalids and participants in the war were allocated 10 thousand rubles each, home front workers, blockade survivors and former prisoners of concentration camps - 5 thousand rubles each, and those who were born before December 31, 1931 - 3 thousand rubles each.

Benefits for utilities, travel and medicines

There are veterans and benefits. Disabled and war veterans receive a 50 percent discount. Those who use a home telephone are compensated 500 rubles every month for this service.

Health services: boarding houses, nurses and patronage

On Victory Day, 10,000 disabled people and veterans of the war, who are on home care, received holiday food packages. More than 24,000 veterans are helped by social workers to pay receipts and draw up documents to establish a disability group. They also accompany them to medical facilities and bring home food, medicines and rehabilitation equipment.

One of the priorities of the city is the organization of recreation for veterans. Many go on vacation: in 2018, about 670 people have already taken advantage of this right. Over 6.5 thousand people will have a rest this year in the Crimea, more than 3.5 thousand - in the Social and Rehabilitation Center for Veterans of Wars and the Armed Forces and the Nikolsky Park boarding house.

For those who, due to health reasons, cannot go to the resort, there is a program of medical and social rehabilitation "Sanatorium at Home". It is for 21 days. Specialists work on an individual program of treatment and dietary nutrition, trying to create a comfortable psychological atmosphere. It is planned that in 2018 the Sanatorium at Home will be organized for six thousand veterans.

In addition, more than a thousand veterans of the Great Patriotic War now live in boarding houses for war and labor veterans.

Veterans can receive emergency assistance at any time thanks to the Panic Button system. More than 30 thousand people have such devices. These are all disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War who wanted to use this alarm button. Nurses come to lonely, sedentary veterans every day. And for those who cannot come to the polyclinic on their own, all 46 city polyclinics have been created. These patients have their own therapist, who develops an individual treatment plan for them. The doctor visits the patient on average eight times a year, the nurse - 12-14 times.

Electronic passports and certificates

The main thing in social support is an individual approach, so an electronic social passport has been created for each veteran. It indicates the status, as well as information about what kind of help a person needs and what he already receives. The database is updated all the time.

In order for the assistance to be truly targeted, they use electronic social certificates based on the social card of a Muscovite. They buy groceries and durable goods. Starting this year, for example, the amount of the food certificate has been increased to 2,000 rubles. You can find out how to get it and how to use it.

Photo: Press Service of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow. Evgeny Samarin

May 9 is not only the Victory Parade and various festive events. First of all, this is the day of veterans who, like no one else, need support and help.

Tea parties and concert programs are organized in all boarding houses and social service centers. In addition, there are excursions to places of military glory, meetings with youth, lectures, talks and thematic exhibitions. In total, more than 900 events are planned in all social service organizations, in which about 44 thousand people will take part.

On the eve of Victory Day, disabled people and war veterans receive holiday food packages and personalized congratulations from the head of the Department of Social Protection.

And on May 9, social workers will accompany veterans to meetings with front-line friends on Red Square, in the Alexander Garden and near the Bolshoi Theater, and will also help during the laying of flowers at the memorials. 300 veterans will watch the Victory Parade from the stands on Red Square.

Theatrical performances, orchestra performances, films about the war, historical lectures and exhibitions of military equipment will be held in the parks and squares of the capital on this day, field kitchens will start working.

Payments and benefits

Now 91,257 veterans of the Great Patriotic War live in the capital: they all receive city supplements to pensions and lump-sum payments. There are also monthly compensation payments to certain categories. For example, in April, on Victory Day, all veterans, as well as those born before December 31, 1931 (about 184 thousand people in total), depending on the category, were paid 10 thousand, five thousand and three thousand rubles.

Disabled people and war veterans do not pay utility bills and receive compensation in the amount of 460 rubles for telephone bills. All home front workers, veterans of labor and military service can travel free of charge in public transport and commuter trains. In addition, they receive the necessary medicines free of charge.

At the same time, the scope of social support measures for home front workers was expanded. Now they can get a ticket to a sanatorium, and the social security authorities will reimburse all travel expenses. In addition, they can pay for housing and utilities with a 50 percent discount.

As a result of all additional payments, the average monthly income of disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War is on average 46.9 thousand rubles, participants in the Great Patriotic War - 29.7 thousand rubles, participants in the defense of Moscow - 27 thousand rubles and home front workers - 23 thousand rubles.

Sanatoriums and panic button

Particular attention is also paid to the organization of social services, recreation and rehabilitation of veterans. More than a thousand people now live in boarding houses. More than 27,000 veterans receive social services at home. They are delivered food and medicine, help pay receipts, draw up documents to establish a disability group.

All veterans who want to be treated in sanatoriums visit the best health resorts in Russia. Last year, more than 3.7 thousand people took advantage of this opportunity. According to forecasts, 3.5 thousand veterans will go to the sanatorium this year. More than six thousand people will have a rest in the Crimea. Some of the races are timed to the Victory Day. This year, 300 people will visit there from 10 to 24 May and 180 from 11 to 25 May.

Lonely invalids and veterans of the Great Patriotic War who, due to health reasons, cannot get to health resorts, become participants in the “Sanatorium at Home” program (more than five thousand people annually).

Since 2011, the Panic button system has been operating in the capital, with the help of which about 30 thousand people can receive all the necessary assistance at any time. At the Moscow House of Veterans of Wars and the Armed Forces, a service of nurses is organized to help 700 lonely bedridden front-line soldiers.

Direct assistance to veterans

New forms of targeted social assistance are also being actively introduced in the capital. So, in 2013, an electronic social certificate appeared, according to which food assistance is provided. In 2014, veterans began to receive durable goods. In 2016 and 2017, over 14,000 veterans received targeted assistance.

In 2014, 1,706 apartments for veterans and home front workers were repaired, in 2015 - 2,053, in 2016 - 1,184, and this year it is planned to put in order another 637 apartments.