Appointment of a monthly allowance for a child from low-income families. Benefit for low-income families

Low-income citizens are citizens who have been recognized as such by local governments. When making such a decision and assigning the status, the income of each family member must be taken into account. The status of "low-income citizens" implies their right to take advantage of the benefits and allowances that the state provides them.

Table of contents:

Who is eligible for indigent status?

When determining the status of a low-income family, not only the income of each family member is taken into account, although this is the most important moment for making a decision. The commission must make sure that the members of the family applying for the status of the poor live together and run a joint household.

In 2019, low-income families can be considered those that consist of spouses, their parents and children (relatives and / or adopted), grandparents, grandchildren and stepsons (stepdaughters), stepfathers and / or stepmothers, trustees (guardians) and their wards . First of all, the status of a low-income family is granted to those applicants who have disabled people and pensioners in their family.

Both childless families and a parent raising a child alone can apply for the status under consideration. But the law clearly states that couples living in a civil marriage (there is no official registration of marriage in the registry office) and those who are legally married but live in different territories cannot be recognized as low-income families.

Note:only a family that has fallen into a distress due to circumstances beyond its control can be recognized as poor. That is, those who parasitize, abuse alcohol and / or drugs (these facts must be officially confirmed), the status in question will not be assigned.

Types of assistance to low-income families in 2019

Assistance from the state for low-income families is not only cash payments, but also the issuance of food, subsidies for utility bills, and more.

Help for parents with the status of "low-income family"

It is worth paying attention to the fact that mandatory payments to parents from low-income families, as well as benefits for children, are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. But the specific amounts for each item must be found out in each specific region - the numbers will vary.

Help for parents and children from low-income families:

  1. If a pregnant woman from a family with the status in question is registered with an antenatal clinic for up to 12 weeks, then she is entitled to a lump sum payment of 581 rubles (in Moscow this figure will be higher).
  2. The maternity allowance for unemployed women from a low-income family will be 534 rubles per month. But it is only due if the pregnant woman was fired for the following reasons:
  • the firm that employed a woman providing lawyer and notary services was closed;
  • a company that requires a license to operate has ceased to operate;
  • the enterprise was officially liquidated;
  • the organization / firm / enterprise where the woman worked was officially declared bankrupt;
  • IP, issued by an individual, was closed.
  1. When a child is born, a mother from a poor family receives a one-time allowance - it is credited to the woman's account. The amount of such a payment is variable - in Moscow, for example, this is an amount of 15,500 rubles.
  2. If a pregnant woman is the wife of a serviceman, then in the third trimester of pregnancy she is entitled to a lump sum payment of 24,500 rubles.
  3. If parents from a low-income family are raising foster children (guardianship has been arranged), then they are entitled to a monthly payment of 15,500 rubles per child per month (the so-called “parent’s salary”).

In 2019, amendments were made to the laws on the payment of cash assistance to low-income families with children. Now families with the status in question are entitled to the following monthly assistance:

  1. Child under one and a half years old. One of the parents is paid monthly 40% of the average earnings. Such a payment cannot be less than 2,908 rubles for the first child and 5,817 rubles for the second and each subsequent child.
  2. Child under 3 years old. The amount of the monthly payment was set for a child under 3 years old, who was born in the family as the third in a row (and each subsequent one). In 2019, it is 9,396 rubles.
  3. A child under 5 years old from a military family. We are not talking about the family of a conscript - only children from the family of a contract serviceman fall under this type of allowance. The amount of the monthly allowance is 10,500 rubles.
  4. On the loss of a breadwinner for a military family. It amounts to 2,117 rubles and is paid monthly.
  5. Benefit for a poor family. We are talking about a specific amount, but it is determined only by the regional authorities and in many regions it simply does not exist.

New benefits for low-income families in 2019

First of all, innovations affect the educational sphere. For example, a child from a poor family can enroll in a higher education institution if:

  • his age is under 20;
  • successfully passed the final exams at school (USE) and earned the minimum passing score when passing the entrance exams to the selected university;
  • the parent of the child has the status of a disabled person of the 1st group, and the child himself is the sole breadwinner of the family.

In addition, children from low-income families are required to be placed in preschool institutions without queues, and until the age of 6, the state fully provides the baby with the necessary medicines.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if a child from a poor family is studying at school, then he is entitled to:

  • two meals a day free of charge;
  • receive school and sports uniforms for personal use;
  • use of a concessionary ticket with a 50% discount;
  • free visits to exhibitions and museums of various kinds no more than once a month;
  • a visit to a sanatorium-dispensary on a free basis (if the child is registered with a medical institution for any illness, then such a visit should be provided at least once a year).

Subsidies and benefits for low-income families in 2019

Firstly, they can register an individual entrepreneur, and this process for the category of citizens in question will be absolutely free (low-income families are exempted from any payments specifically when registering an individual entrepreneur).

Secondly, families with the status in question are entitled to receive preferential mortgage. The law also provides for the right of low-income families to obtain social rent for an apartment / private house and / or summer cottage.

Thirdly, workers from a family with the status in question can count on various benefits from the employer - for example, they may have a shorter working day or they may be given additional leave.

In addition, low-income families in 2019, as before, can use the right to issue subsidies to pay utility bills- such benefits are provided only for a period of up to 6 months.

How to get the status of a low-income family

To use the benefits for a family with the status in question and receive all the due payments within the law, you will need to work hard. And first of all, you need to collect a package of documents:

  • an application for a request to assign the status of a low-income family;
  • passports of all adult family members;
  • birth certificates of all minor children (natural and adopted / under guardianship);
  • Marriage certificate;
  • income statement for each family member;
  • a certificate of family composition - you can take it either at the passport office at the place of registration / residence, or make an extract from the house book if you live in a private house;
  • work books for each family member (if any);
  • certificates from the employment center for each adult family member (if they are registered with this institution as unemployed);
  • savings book or plastic bank card.

Note:all able-bodied members of a family applying for low-income status must either work or be registered with the employment center - the only exception is women who are on parental leave. If the location of any of the family members is unknown, then documents for obtaining the status of a low-income family will be accepted only if a search case has already been opened for the person.

In Russia, the possibility of receiving certain benefits and allowances for low-income families has been legally approved. Such a family can be recognized as poor, where the amount of income per month (per person on average) is less than the subsistence level adopted in a particular area. At the same time, in order to be recognized as a low-income family, it is necessary that members of this family live together and run a joint household. You will need to collect some documents to recognize the family as poor.

Conditions for assigning the required status to a family

The corresponding status is assigned to a family on the conditions that are determined by the Federal Law of April 5, 2003 No. 44-FZ “On the procedure for accounting for income and calculating the average per capita income of a family<…>to recognize them as poor and provide them with state social assistance. Before a particular family can be recognized as indigent, the following conditions must be met:

  • the average income in the family, calculated per person, is less than the minimum established for living in the area;
  • family members taken into account when calculating the average income live in the same place and have a joint household (military conscripts, cadets, prisoners and persons on state support are not considered in this case in accordance with Article 14 of the Federal Law No. 44);
  • family members are permanently registered in one place;
  • all able-bodied members of the family either work or are registered at the labor exchange.

If all of the above conditions are met at the same time, you can apply for the status of a low-income family.

Where to apply for the status of a low-income family

In order to obtain the status of a low-income family, you should contact:

  • to the department of social protection of the population;
  • to the multifunctional center;
  • to the website of public services (

When applying to these authorities, you will need to write an application for the status of a "low-income family" and provide a package of copies of certain documents. Payment of the state fee when assigning the status of a low-income family is not charged. Costs can only be for photocopying documents, but in some institutions the necessary papers are copied on the spot.

What documentary evidence will need to be collected

To apply for the status of the poor, you need the following list of papers (originals and copies):

  • passports of all family members;
  • birth certificates of persons under the age of fourteen;
  • certificates of conclusion or termination of marriage or court decisions on the termination of marriage;
  • certificates of income during the past three months (certificates from work - 2-NDFL, for individual entrepreneurs - 3-NDFL, from a pension fund - about a pension, from places of study - about scholarships, from a social security authority - about insurance payments, from a place of work or from bailiffs - information about alimony payments (or a notarized agreement),
  • from the housing office or department of the Federal Migration Service (passport office) - certificates of family composition;
  • work books of all able-bodied people or a certificate from the Employment Center if one of the family members is officially unemployed;
  • documentary evidence of the right to live in this dwelling;
  • extracts from the USRR in respect of each on the composition and value of taxable property (from Rosreestr or from the website of public services);
  • ITU certificates in case of disability of any of the family;
  • bank details or savings book data;
  • TIN (optional).

IMPORTANT! When submitting documents from the above list, it is necessary to provide not only copies, but also the documents themselves, otherwise they may not be accepted.

How to assign special status to a low-income family

An application for assigning a status is filled out and submitted directly on the spot, in the institution where the package of documents is submitted. The application is considered accepted from the moment it is registered. After that, it is considered within ten days (only working days are considered). After the social protection authority makes a decision about a particular family, it must inform the applicant about it within three days.

As a result of the decision, the family is entered into the social security database, and the applicant is issued a certificate of granting the family the appropriate status. If the social protection authority has decided to refuse, then a notification is sent about this.

What is the status of a low-income family for?

This status entitles the family to some assistance from the state. It can be expressed in:

  • cash payments;
  • assistance in kind;
  • benefits for paying utility bills;
  • housing benefits;
  • tax incentives;
  • benefits for admission to universities;
  • benefits when enrolling in preschool organizations;
  • preferential vouchers to the dispensary;
  • free legal assistance.

In general, it is worth receiving the considered status, if there is such an opportunity. It provides a fairly wide range of government benefits and subsidies. The main thing in obtaining such a status is the collection of the necessary package of documentary evidence of the family's right to the appropriate status. If all the necessary papers are provided, and the required conditions are met, then the social security authority will grant the family a low-income status with all the accompanying bonuses in the form of state subsidies and benefits.

The social reform being carried out in 2017 will affect not only pensioners, but also low-income citizens. Families will be able to count on great support from the state. Some benefits will increase in size.

Consider what innovations are already operating in the country.

What assistance is due to low-income families in 2019 - all benefits and benefits

Assistance to low-income families, which is provided by the state, is carried out at the federal and regional levels. It can be expressed not only in cash payments, but also in the material provision of people with food, clothing, and medicines.

The issue of helping the poor sounds very acute in 2019. After all, the number of low-income families, according to Rosstat, is noticeably increasing every year.

Help for the poor can be not only cash payments, but also clothing, baby food, food.

In 2019, there is lump sum assistance to women from low-income families

Moreover, note that these benefits are provided to pregnant, lactating, as well as parents raising children in an incomplete family:

1. Benefit paid on the condition that a woman is registered with a antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy.

The monthly amount will be paid to those who were fired due to:

  1. Bankruptcy and liquidation of the organization.
  2. Closing of the company that provided the services of a lawyer, notary.
  3. Closing of IP by an individual.
  4. A company that requires a license to carry out professional activities ceases to operate.

3. One-time allowance for mommy at the birth of a baby

Note that the payment is due to the mother, regardless of which child she gave birth to. When each child is born, a sum of money is transferred to the parent's account.

4. The pregnant wife of a soldier , located in the third trimester, a payment of 24.5 thousand rubles is due.

5. For children under guardianship, the amount of 15.5 thousand rubles is paid to the parent.

Note that this amount is the so-called parent's salary.

Also in the new year 2019, such monthly assistance to families with children

  1. Maternity allowance for working citizens. As a rule, it is provided only to mothers who worked. The employer is obliged to pay the employee a monthly amount equal to the established average earnings. This allowance varies from region to region.
  2. Allowance for a child under 1.5 years of age. One of the parents is entitled to a cash payment in the amount of 40% of average earnings.
  3. Benefit for a child under 3 years of age. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1291, approved on November 30, 2015, the amount of payment is the amount of the subsistence minimum. Remember, this is the amount that must be paid every month for a child born third or next in a row in the family.
  4. The child of a serviceman, a conscript (and not a conscript) is also entitled to monetary compensation. Parents can use the allowance until the child turns 3 years old.
  5. The payment "for the loss of the breadwinner" is due to the child of a serviceman.
  6. For a child in care must pay an additional allowance in an amount close to the subsistence level. In the subjects of the Russian Federation, this amount is different.
  7. Payment for a child whose age is from 7 to 16 or 18 years , is due to all poor parents. Children are paid an amount ranging from 100 rubles to a thousand.
  8. Assistance to poor families. Every month, a low-income family is entitled to a payment. Its size is set differently in each region, or it may not exist at all.

Provided more housing allowance, other allowances and benefits.

New types of benefits and benefits in 2019 for low-income families

Innovations will affect, first of all, the educational sphere.

Firstly, a child from a wealthy family will be able to enter state universities under the following conditions:

  1. Under 20 years old.
  2. Successfully passed the exam or passed the entrance examinations, gaining a certain number of points (passing minimum).
  3. The parent has a disability of 1 group and he is the only breadwinner in the family.

Secondly, children from low-income families of younger age will be sent to kindergartens without waiting in line.

In addition, for a child under 6 years required to provide necessary medicines.

Also, when studying at school, The child will be given the opportunity to:

  1. Free two meals a day in the dining room.
  2. Get school and sports uniforms.
  3. Use travel tickets. The discount will be 50%.
  4. Visit free exhibitions and museums once a month.
  5. Visit a sanatorium. If the child is sick, then he is required to issue a ticket once a year.

Parents in 2019 can count on:

  1. Preferential working conditions (additional leave, shortened working hours).
  2. Exemption from payment upon registration of IP.
  3. Acquisition of a mortgage with preferential payment terms.
  4. Obtaining a garden plot or an apartment under a social tenancy agreement.

What documents are needed and where to apply for assistance to low-income families in 2019?

Before fleeing to the Department of Social Protection of the Population, you should collect package of documents, on the basis of which your family will receive the status of low-income or low-income.


  1. Passports of parents, originals and copies.
  2. Child's birth certificate.
  3. Statement written by hand or typed on a computer. You can create your own document .
  4. Certificate confirming your marriage or divorce if the family is incomplete.
  5. Documents about your family property. For example, about a car, real estate.
  6. An extract containing information about registered residents in your household or apartment.
  7. Document confirming the composition of your family.
  8. Income statement from work for the last 3 months.
  9. If you are not working and applied to the employment center, then you will need a document stating that you cannot get a job.
  10. Certificate of disability, if necessary.

Within 10 days workers The Social Security Administration must review your application and make a decision. It happens that the period is extended up to 1 month.

The question of how and in what amount to pay benefits to low-income families in 2019 is still acute for state authorities at the federal and regional levels.

The number of families classified as poor is increasing every year.

Under these conditions, the government has chosen a new principle of providing assistance, relying on its targeting, which will make it possible to spend budget funds more efficiently and direct them to those who really need it.

Support for such families, including families with children, is becoming more selective. Experts note the ongoing departure from the principle of categorization in the issue of social support for needy families.

Which families can be recognized as poor in 2019?

In accordance with the current law “On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation” No. 134-FZ of October 24, 1997, the average per capita income of each member of a poor family cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum, which is established in the region of residence.

Citizens who believe that they can receive cash assistance must independently contact the social security department and document their right to receive assistance.

The formula for calculating total income is: ([total family income] / ) / [number of people in the family].

The following categories of families are supported by the state:

  1. complete families with an average income below the minimum;
  2. incomplete families without one parent;
  3. large families (3 children or more).

The calculation period of 3 months is due to the fact that the level of the subsistence minimum in the region is determined once a quarter.

Which relatives can be included in the family?

According to the law, one family can be united:

  • single spouses;
  • spouses and native children;
  • spouses and adopted, adopted or foster children;
  • grandparents and grandchildren;
  • stepfather (stepmother) and stepsons (stepdaughters);
  • a citizen who has no close blood relatives.

If the social security authorities confirm the need of the family according to the established criteria, then the family is entitled to benefits and benefits established by law.

What documents do you need to collect in order to receive benefits?

The required package of documents for classifying a family as a low-income family includes:

  1. documents proving the identity of family members (passports of parents and their copies, birth certificates of children under 14 years of age);
  2. marriage/divorce registration document;
  3. archival extract in the passport office from the house book on the family composition;
  4. certificates of income of able-bodied family members for the past 3 months;
  5. bank account information for transferring funds;
  6. employment documents: work book or certificate from the employment center;
  7. if necessary, a certificate of disability.

In what cases can a family not be recognized as poor?

Low total family income is the main, but not the only, criterion for determining families in need of social support.

A family cannot claim compensation if:

  1. able-bodied parents do not work, are not on the labor exchange or abuse alcohol;
  2. spouses live separately from each other, but are not divorced;
  3. deliberately false information was provided to the social security authorities.

What social benefits are provided to low-income families?

Cash benefits to needy families can be divided into 4 types:

  • social benefits for the poor;
  • social scholarships;
  • children's social benefits;
  • allowances for large families;
  • additional allowances and benefits.

1. Social benefits

The amount of monthly social benefits is set by the regional authorities and is linked to the subsistence minimum. In Moscow for the 4th quarter of 2017 it amounted to 15,092 rubles and 10,715 for pensioners.

2. Student benefits

The state also assumes the obligation of social benefits for students. Their minimum size is 730 rubles. per month.

To apply for a scholarship, a low-income citizen from the categories: disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, orphans who have served military service or served from 3 months in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as persons exposed to radiation or received military injuries.

3. Child benefits

They are divided into the following categories depending on the age of the child:

  • up to 1.5 years;
  • up to 3 years of age;
  • up to the age of 16;
  • up to the age of 18.

The amount of compensation depends on the category. The amount of benefits up to 1.5 years in 2019 is equal to 40% of the average monthly salary.

The minimum amount for non-working parents for the first child is 4512 rubles. Assistance for a child under 3 years old is equal to the children's subsistence minimum for the region.

The amount of child benefits up to 16 years of age is established by the subject of the Federation and can be from several hundred to thousands of rubles.

Unfortunately, the permanent receipt of benefits requires its renewal every six months. Payment up to the age of 18 is possible if the child continues to study at school after the age of 16 and goes to grades 10 and 11.

4. Large families

Families with many children, depending on the region, can receive additional assistance in addition to one-time allowances for children, and can also apply for compensation for expenses on rent, housing and communal services, travel in transport and food for the child.

To send a first-grader from a large family to school, a one-time assistance is paid.

The state is also compensated for the monthly expenses for the purchase of stationery by the student.

If there are more than 10 children in the family, then it is possible to receive annual benefits for the Day of Knowledge in the amount of 15,000 rubles. and Family Day in the amount of 10,000 rubles. one-time assistance to send the child to school

5. Additional benefits and allowances

Low-income families may also receive additional benefits or benefits.

The state pays additionally to families in the event of the loss of a breadwinner for each child from a family of military personnel, accrues a mother's allowance for pregnancy and childbirth, provides benefits for medical care, and provides free access to cultural and entertainment institutions for children. Separately, other types of assistance may be provided by decision of the regional authorities.

Video: Child benefits for the poor:

While economists are looking for a way out of the global crisis, citizens are trying to survive as best they can. Some take part-time jobs, others save money, others are trying to find out how to get the status of a low-income family.

Let's take a look at who is entitled to the status of a low-income family, how to get it in 2019.

General principle of status assignment

The nuances of income information

Unfortunately, there are many nuances when applying for low income. We list the most common options for accidental "withholding" of profits that occur out of ignorance:

  1. The employer is obliged to issue to the worker applying for the status a certificate in the form 2-NDFL. It includes amounts without deducting taxes.
  2. Be sure to submit information about all property owned by family members. Namely about:
    • machines,
    • apartments;
    • land plots;
    • grandmothers' houses in the village (left as a legacy);
    • garages;
    • cooperative and common property;
    • suburban areas and others.
  3. Divorced parents raising offspring are required to show receipt (absence) of alimony.
  4. In schools, children are sometimes provided with discounted breakfasts or other benefits (albeit small ones). This is also included in income. A certificate from an educational institution is required. Similarly, you should act if the child attends a kindergarten.
All information is verified through Rosreestr. Failure to provide information leads to a refusal to assign status.

Algorithm for calculating the average income per person

  1. To do this, you need to add the totals from each document.
  2. The resulting number should be divided by three (by the number of months of data collection).
  3. This number must be divided by the number of family members.
  4. The result is the average income per person.
  5. It is compared with the subsistence level in the region, set by the respective government.
  6. If the income is less, then the acquisition of the status of a low-income family is likely.

Only a specialist will make an accurate calculation, since the cost of living is set separately for each category of citizens:

  • able-bodied;
  • children;
  • pensioners and others.

Average income example

Suppose a family living in Moscow applied for the status of the poor. The composition of this unit of society:

  • mother looks after children two and five years old (has the right not to work);
  • dad works;
  • grandmother is retired.

The appeal took place on February 17, 2017.

Revenues are taken for the period:

  • November 2016;
  • December 2016;
  • January 2017.

We got the following sums:

  • dad - 90 thousand rubles for 3 months;
  • grandmother - 45 thousand rubles for the same period.

Calculation: (90 thousand rubles + 45 thousand rubles) / 3 / 5 = 9 thousand rubles. for one person.

The cost of living in the capital (the last indicator) is 15,307 thousand rubles, therefore, the family is recognized as low-income.

If an able-bodied person does not have a job without a good reason and has not applied for the status of unemployed, then the family will be denied recognition of the poor.

A package of documents for assigning a status

Status assignment procedure

Reasons for rejection

As a rule, the specialist already sees mistakes at the reception, reveals large incomes and the like. That is, a person is warned in advance that he will not be assigned the status of a low-income person.

However, there are cases of official refusal. The reasons for getting it can be:

  • providing false information;
  • erroneous data in income statements;
  • negligence in the writing of the application.
If a citizen is sure that his family is poor, in case of a refusal, you should contact the state agency again. The most difficult situations are resolved in court.

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Confirmation of the status of a low-income family

February 23, 2017, 01:46 February 11, 2019 22:57