Documents for child benefits for the poor. They can apply for benefits. Benefit for large poor families, material assistance

Quite often, citizens are interested in how to issue. In fact, this issue is important for the population. After all, in a crisis, many cells of society were below the poverty line. And the state has assumed responsibility for supporting such families to one degree or another. Accordingly, in order to receive certain "bonuses", you must first recognize yourself as poor. But how to do that? What is needed? Where to apply? What can you count on? About all this further. Understanding the procedure for recognizing a family as poor is easier than it seems at first glance.

Where to go

How to get the status of a low-income family? The first step is to understand which authorities you need to contact to obtain the appropriate status. At the moment, Russia provides for several bodies dealing with this task.

Among them are:

  • portal "Gosuslugi";
  • bodies of social protection of the population in the settlement;
  • one stop service.

More and more often, it is multifunctional centers that are being addressed for the execution of most documents. Not necessarily the status of a poor unit of society. This is the simplest solution. But you can also apply to social protection. She, like the MFC, will process this application extremely quickly.

Who is considered poor

Which family is considered poor? Already by the name alone it is clear that such people have little money. In other words, low-income families are those in which the income is less than the subsistence level per person.

This figure changes from year to year. And even several times in 12 months. Therefore, before applying for the appropriate status, it is required to understand which family is considered poor.

It is worth noting that each usually has its own living wage. It is different in all regions of the Russian Federation. The highest indicator is among the able-bodied population, the smallest is among minor children.

When recognizing a cell of society as poor, all relatives living together will be taken into account. Usually this:

  • spouses;
  • children;
  • grandchildren;
  • parents;
  • Grandmothers and grandfathers;
  • sisters and brothers.

Accordingly, the income of a cell of society is distributed on average to all members of the family. And, as already mentioned, if the monthly income is less than the established subsistence level, it is worth considering how to formalize a poor family.

What counts for status

Special attention should be paid to family income. After all, this indicator is the main one for assigning benefits and benefits to one degree or another. What revenues to the budget are taken into account by the social protection authorities when assigning this status?

The most common sources of funds are:

  • salary from official employment;
  • pensions;
  • allowances;
  • alimony;
  • scholarships
  • lump sum payments;
  • rental income;
  • cash from business activities.

If, taking into account all of the above components, each family member has less than the subsistence minimum, then you can apply for the specified status. There is nothing difficult in this. It is enough to collect a certain package of documents. But about him a little later. First, you should pay attention to what kind of assistance the state offers to families officially recognized as poor?

Benefits and allowances for the poor

In this case, there are quite a lot of various "bonuses" from the state. Some benefits and allowances are regulated at the regional level. Therefore, it is worth clarifying the information in each locality regarding payments and other benefits.

Nevertheless, there is a generally accepted list of opportunities that are offered to the population. What are the poor in Russia entitled to? They are entitled to the following types of support:

  1. Subsidies for utilities. Typically, the poor are paid 50% of the cost of the bills. This help is very helpful to many.
  2. Kindergarten Discount. Complete exemption from kindergarten fees is possible.
  3. natural help. What it is? This is the so-called targeted assistance to low-income families, which is expressed in various objects. People are offered food, clothes, shoes, furniture and other items to ensure life.
  4. Free legal advice. Not the most popular possibility, but it does exist. She is little known.
  5. Schoolchildren are provided with textbooks and meals free of charge. They can also be allowed to stay in extensions for free.
  6. Monthly allowances for low-income families are also required. This payment helps to meet some of the needs of citizens. It is established mainly at the regional level.
  7. Providing housing. The poor have the right to join the queue for a free apartment or land. As practice shows, it will take a long time to wait. But if you have patience, it will definitely take place.

These are not all subsidies for low-income families. Quite often, this category of persons is exempted from paying certain taxes. They may also be allowed to ride public transport for free. Children, as with large families, are sometimes allowed to visit places of cultural development once a month without payment.

income statement

And now it’s worth understanding how to arrange a poor family. You need to collect a certain list of documents. Which one? A lot of paperwork will be required. You will have to start with income statements.

Citizens must bring statements of income to the family budget for the last 2 years. All family members count. Documents must reflect all previously listed sources of income.

As a rule, for most people it is enough to take a certificate from work in the form of 2-NDFL. Students and pensioners provide additional documents indicating the amount of pensions, allowances and scholarships, if any.

Papers are presented only in originals. Copies are not accepted by any authority. Therefore, it is worth worrying in advance about the availability of relevant certificates. How to get the status of a low-income family? The list of papers does not end with income statements. Next, you will need to bring documents, the collection of which is not so much trouble.

Family Composition

The second point is the collection of documents indicating the composition of the family. This is also a mandatory item that is required to calculate income per person in a society cell.

What specific papers can be requested? Among them are:

  • an extract from those living in the apartment;
  • marriage/divorce certificate;
  • birth certificates for all children.

If there are non-native minors in the family, then parents will be required to provide documents on adoption or transfer of custody of children. Usually provide copies and originals of the relevant papers. Without the second application of the established form is not accepted.


It is worth noting that all adult citizens of the Russian Federation are taxpayers. And therefore, in order to recognize a family as poor, it will be necessary to collect a complete list of papers indicating one or another type of taxation.

Among them are:

  • for an apartment;
  • land ownership documents;
  • certificates indicating the ownership of the vehicle;
  • other evidence that can prove a particular case of tax payment.

As a rule, both copies and originals of relevant documents are required. This is not a mandatory item, but the population is increasingly faced with it in the process of how to formalize a low-income family.


Among other things, they may require the results of an assessment of the property that the family has. Without this document, as a rule, recognition of the status of the poor does not always take place. And this fact must be taken into account without fail.

In order to evaluate the existing property, you need to contact special appraisal organizations. Based on the results of the inspection of a particular property, as well as all available things, customers will be given the appropriate paper. It is provided in the original (preferably with copies) to the social security authority. It is not necessary, but it is desirable to have such a certificate. As practice shows, it is increasingly demanded from citizens.


What documents should a low-income family submit to certain authorities in order to obtain the appropriate status? In addition to the previously listed papers, you need to bring:

  1. Identity cards of all family members. Even from minors who have reached the age of 14. Both copies and originals are provided. Usually civil passports are meant.
  2. Application for recognition of the family as poor. Filled out in social security.
  3. TIN of applicants. If there are no documents, it is not necessary to purposefully obtain the appropriate certificate. This paper is optional.
  4. Certificates of registration of citizens as individual entrepreneurs. Provided if there is income from entrepreneurial activity.
  5. Lease or social housing contract. Needed if the family does not have a separate home.
  6. Certificates of registration or temporary registration. Not required for adults when presenting passports.

This is all. Now it is clear how to arrange a poor family. All previously listed papers are submitted to one of the relevant authorities. The next thing to do is wait for a response. Usually the application is considered for about a month. If the answer is yes, then from the moment the cell of society is recognized as poor, subsidies for utilities and other benefits can be issued.

Beneficial categories of citizens, in particular, low-income families living in Moscow, can receive benefits and other social assistance from the state. It will be necessary to confirm the status of the poor through social protection of the population.

Who is supposed to

Persons who are entitled to state support, first of all, must receive the status of the poor. For this, certificates are collected, which indicate the income of each family member. It owes less than the living wage established in the country.

At the same time, the commission must obtain confirmation that the persons submitting the application really live together and jointly manage the household.

A low-income family may consist of natural and adopted children, parents, grandparents, as well as guardians and caregivers. Out of turn, this status can be issued by citizens who are disabled and pensioners, and living in a low-income family.

Both a family member and a parent raising a child alone can apply. According to the norms of the legislation, a low-income family is one that has fallen into a difficult life situation and is in poverty due to circumstances that do not depend on it.

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That is, citizens can be transferred a pension, or they must carry out labor activities and receive a small salary.

The following conditions must be met:

  1. Low per capita income for each family member.
  2. Accommodation of all family members at one address.
  3. The absence in the family of citizens leading an asocial lifestyle, not employed.

The subsistence minimum is set separately for each region, in Moscow there is a certain indicator. For 2019, the figure is 15,307 rubles per capita, and for able-bodied citizens - 17,487 rubles.

When calculating the joint income in the family, payments under the system of remuneration of citizens, income from the rental of property, as well as various social benefits received by a citizen are taken into account.

What benefits do low-income families have in Moscow in 2019

In 2019, low-income families living in the city of Moscow are entitled to the following types of benefits and subsidies:

  1. Monthly allowance for a child up to 3 years.
  2. Payments to single mothers and fathers.
  3. Allowances for children under 18 years of age.
  4. Muscovite card - electronic, social certificate.
  5. Purchase of clothes, toys in some shopping centers.
  6. Kindergarten allowance in the amount of 20 to 70%.
  7. The pension supplement is calculated on the condition that the level of the pension paid does not reach the subsistence level.
  8. Providing free legal assistance both online and when visiting a legal organization.
  9. Benefits for admission to a university, provided that the child received at least a minimum number of points when passing exams.
  10. Benefits for food, including at school. Dairy products are provided for children under three years of age.
  11. Compensation for school uniforms.
  12. Free travel for children under 7 years old.
  13. Discounted visits to museums and theaters once a month for all family members.
  14. Exemption from payment of personal income tax.
  15. Discounts on utility bills.

The process of registering an individual entrepreneur for citizens living in low-income families is completely free. A preferential mortgage can also be issued to improve housing conditions.

How to issue

To apply for benefits, you need to contact the Department of Social Security.

The most demanded are benefits for low-income families for utilities, free travel, and the purchase of an apartment.

In order to issue them, you need to do the following:

  1. Collect documents. If the application is re-submitted, it is important not to miss the deadlines - this should be done once a year, or every 6 months, since the financial situation of the family can change over a given period of time.
  2. The application is made in the department of social protection. You can also apply for benefits during pregnancy or after the birth of a child.
  3. You will need certificates and papers from both parents, including a marriage registration certificate, which is the main document. An employee of a state organization accepts a package of papers and issues a coupon with a record of the fact of admission and the date the decision was issued.

Before submitting documents, you should make sure that the family is actually entitled to benefits, this can be done during the initial visit to the social service center where the specialist will ask a few questions that will determine the social status of the applicant.

He will also tell you what documents you need to collect in order to obtain the status of the poor or certain types of benefits.

Pension benefits are issued at the FIU of Russia, and tax benefits - at the branch of the Federal Tax Service. Each instance will require a separate application and a complete package of documents.

Payments will be assigned and made from the month in which the application was submitted. In order to receive them, you must also provide a personal bank account number.

What documents will be needed

The list of papers that will be required to apply for benefits for low-income families:

  1. A certificate issued by the registry office confirming the registration of a marriage between a man and a woman who became parents.
  2. Application for recognition of a family of low income.
  3. Passports of both parents.
  4. Documents from the place of work, which indicate the amount of income for each parent.
  5. A certificate from the educational institution that the child attends - kindergarten, school.
  6. Birth certificate for each child.
  7. If the family is incomplete - a certificate of divorce.
  8. Certificates confirming the reason for receiving income below the subsistence level - a work book or medical documents.
  9. Medical certificates of diseases, provided that the parent or child has a disability group.

A complete list of documents can be found by visiting the department of social protection, or by calling. Separately, a bank statement with account details is provided.

The government changes the list of benefits from time to time, more or less subsidies may be issued. In order not to be refused, the application must be drawn up according to the model issued by the social security officer.

If one of the parents or the child is registered in another region, then you will also need to present a certificate confirming that this benefit has not been issued earlier in another region.

The process of applying for this type of benefit is notable for the complexity associated with obtaining the status of the poor. It takes about ten days to process benefits directly and two visits to a state organization are enough.

To simplify the task, you need to prepare all the papers in advance and make photocopies, as well as correctly draw up an application. A refusal that is unlawful can be challenged by filing a complaint first with the head of the Social Security Administration, and then with the court.

For certain categories of citizens, the state provides material assistance. There are a lot of programs for which support is provided. They are implemented by both social protection authorities and employers.

A fairly wide range of people who find themselves in a difficult situation can apply for help, so it’s best to contact social security before you start collecting documents and clarify which program you can apply for in 2019. Below we describe the most popular community outreach programs.

Target contracts

At the end of 2012, changes were made to the laws on social assistance. A new type of support has appeared - the conclusion of contracts with the population. In 2018-2019, these amendments remain relevant. On the part of the state, under the terms of this agreement, social assistance (including financial assistance) is issued, and the citizen undertakes to undergo an adaptation program and fulfill one of the conditions:

  • job search;
  • undergoing training in a particular profession;
  • passing training programs;
  • opening your own small business;
  • housekeeping.

First of all, the opportunity to receive this type of support is available to needy families who are in a difficult situation. According to the data for the regions in which the project was implemented as a pilot, 50% of families were able to get out of a difficult life situation, and their incomes more than doubled. At present, the program operates throughout Russia. In 2019, its implementation is being carried out with the help of social protection specialists and the Employment Center.

How to get help for large families

Families with many children can also become applicants for state assistance in 2019. They are supported in several ways - in the form of benefits, allowances and payments once a year. For example, in a number of regions, before September 1, families with many children are transferred funds for collecting children for school. A prerequisite is the upbringing of all children in the family, and not in special children's institutions.

The federal law provides for subsidies to families with many children in the form of a reduction in monthly utility bills, child benefits, payments to mothers (they are equal to working people and can receive 1 minimum wage until the youngest child turns 16). Also, families with 3 or more children can, on preferential terms, receive a land plot for farming or building a country house.

Regional payments are more diverse. First of all, regional maternity capital is assigned for the 3rd or 4th child (about 100,000 rubles, which can be used for the same needs as the federal one). There are a number of payments that offset the cost of buying baby supplies, groceries and clothing.

For the exact list of benefits you may qualify for, contact your local Social Security office. Increasingly, with the advent of the 3rd and subsequent children, the income of family members is not enough to provide everyone with a decent standard of living. In this case, pay attention to payments to the poor.

Financial support program for the poor

The calculation of the amount of money per family member is based on income data of all able-bodied adults in it. It is necessary to submit certificates for the last three months to the social security authorities. The amounts of income are added together, and then divided among all family members. If the amount received is below the subsistence minimum established in the region, then the family receives a special status. She becomes poor.

The subsistence minimum is indexed annually; in 2019, each region has its own value. You can find it in the administration of your district or in the department of social protection. Its average value in Russia this year is 8200 rubles.

In some cases, no assistance is provided. For example, if the family has one or more able-bodied members, but they do not want to work. The only exceptions are the following cases:

  • the need to care for children or elderly relatives;
  • loss of property for reasons beyond the control of applicants;
  • maternity leave;
  • inability to return to work due to a serious illness.

However, more and more often, assistance is provided only to those families in which all able-bodied members are registered for unemployment or are employed (earnings may be minimal). At the same time, the composition of the family can be different, and often it is not only parents and children, but also grandparents and grandchildren.

In 2019, in addition to benefits for education, taxes and housing and communal services, other assistance to the poor is also provided. For example, the following list of support measures is available to a child:

  1. Meals twice a day in the canteen for school students.
  2. Providing a place in the lists of beneficiaries.
  3. Subsidies for the purchase or free issuance of school and sports uniforms.
  4. Free medicines are prescribed for children under 6 years of age in case of illness.
  5. Once a year, compensation of 50% of the cost of travel for treatment in a sanatorium (applies to one accompanying person).

It became possible for parents in such families to receive:

  1. Favorable working conditions.
  2. Beginning entrepreneurs do not need to pay a fee for opening an IP.
  3. Reducing the retirement age.
  4. Obtaining a garden plot out of turn.
  5. Lower requirements and interest on mortgage lending.
  6. Tickets for visiting exhibitions and museum expositions (no more than once a month).
  7. Payment by the state for babysitting services (this assistance is available only to residents of large cities, and you can find out more about it only at the social security department at the place of residence).

In addition, it is possible to pay material assistance in the form of benefits or one-time transfers, which is regulated by regional laws.

Other types of state support in 2019

Veterans in need of the Great Patriotic War can receive one-time targeted assistance up to 15,000 rubles in 2019 for the purchase of necessary household appliances, replacement of plumbing equipment or prosthetics.

To do this, you need to collect basic documents, write an application and prove the need to purchase equipment or prosthetics. Money to pay for the services of a dentist is the easiest to give - for this, it is enough to bring the relevant certificates and an extract from the outpatient card to the social security.

To date, the issue of providing targeted social assistance to those categories of the population that need it is being considered. But so far this has not been applied in practice due to the lack of criteria for classifying people as such groups. Today, the needy are low-income families whose income does not allow them to lead a normal life. Therefore, in the country, the authorities are developing benefits and introducing benefits for low-income families.

Which family is considered poor

Approved in Russia Federal Law No. 134 of October 24, 1997 g., regulating the calculation of the subsistence minimum and its application to the inhabitants of the country. According to Article 6, the concept of a low-income family is used, which is recognized as such in a situation where the average per capita income of all members does not reach the subsistence minimum (PM) in the region.

The value of the PM depends on the cost of the consumer basket at the level of the subject. It can be less or more than the national minimum. When the calculated income per family member is less than the subsistence minimum, the status of the poor is awarded.

When accounting for cash receipts, the income of all relatives living together and engaged in the same household is taken into account:

  • mother father;
  • grandmother grandfather;
  • children;
  • grandchildren;
  • stepfather, stepmother, adopted children.

ATTENTION! The option of obtaining the status of the poor for single parents raising a child alone is not excluded.

Low-income families are characterized by the award of a special position for the appointment of benefits in the event of reasons beyond the control of the relatives themselves. For example, assistance is not provided to parasites who are in good health and who do not want to be officially employed.

Features of calculating the average per capita family income

When calculating income per capita, the earnings of able-bodied members and other payments replenishing the budget are taken into account:

  • compensation awarded to certain family members in the performance of public duties;
  • or issued due to the employee's resignation;
  • social benefits in the form of child income, pensions, scholarship incentives, payments while registered with the employment service (alimony included);
  • personal income received from the delivery of real estate, car and other property;
  • profit that is available from the sale of products of one's own farm;
  • cash generating income from wages under a civil law contract, author's writing of books, texts, articles, participation in the share ownership of a company (shares).

These income items are described in detail in Government Decree No. 512 providing for the provision of social assistance in the event of an underestimation of the amount of cash receipts in comparison with the subsistence minimum.

To find out the amount of monthly income, you should sum up the total cash payments of each family member for 3 months and divide by three. The result is the amount for the whole family for 1 month. When divided by the number of people, the average per capita income is obtained.

The cost of living in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is recalculated every quarter. It is characterized by different values ​​for able-bodied persons, pensioners and children.

NOTE! When in a civil marriage, the family will be denied the status of the poor. This rule is also extended to those cells where parents have registered a marriage, but live in different territories.

What are the benefits for low-income families?

Upon obtaining the status, federal and regional benefits and payments are due. Federal aid is:

  • general cash payments in case of pregnancy, birth and upbringing of children under 3 years old;
  • in the absence of housing or the presence of an apartment in an emergency building, the allocation of living space on the basis of a social tenancy agreement;
  • monthly .

In addition, social benefits for the poor exist in the field of medical care, namely the provision of free medicines for children. Also, these categories of the population have the right to receive legal advice free of charge.

Recently, social mortgages have become widespread, when discounts are given when making payments for real estate in the first years of raising a child or preferential lending terms are offered for the poor.

When confirming the fact of having many children, additional benefits are provided for low-income parents.

In addition to federal support, regional authorities are introducing their own programs for the payment of benefits in case of poverty and are developing local benefits for low-income families.

Subsidizing utility bills

Low-income families have benefits when paying utility bills if their expenses under this item exceed the maximum allowable amount set for this. According to federal legislation, the amount of the discount for those with low security status is 22%. But regional authorities can change this amount and the rules for granting subsidies.

The registration procedure provides for the submission of a package of documentation confirming the fact of an increase in the share of expenses and the establishment of the status of the poor. Subsidized funds are designed to reimburse 6 months of housing and communal services payments to the poor. After this period, benefits can be used again if all conditions are met.

Cash payments in the regions

The regions provide for the payment of allowances for children in low-income families. Its size is different based on the regulations developed in the subject and its settlements.

For example, at the level of the Moscow region, the following support is provided:

  • In Moscow, 2,500 rubles are allocated monthly. for children aged 0-1.5 years and 1500 rubles. until they reach the age of 18. If additionally, then the payment increases to 2500 rubles.
  • When living in the Moscow region, the mother can already count on a smaller amount - 1115 rubles. when raising children under the age of 7 years and 558 rubles. until reaching adulthood. Single mothers in the Moscow region receive an allowance in the amount of 2,228 rubles. for a child aged 3-7 years and 1114 rubles. up to the age of 18 if the family is recognized as low-income.

In other subjects of the Russian Federation, social assistance in the form of payments to the poor has been reduced due to the establishment of a reduced subsistence minimum. Since the main source of funding for benefits to low-income families is the regional budget, the authorities can independently interrupt the registration procedure and set the transfer deadlines.

REFERENCE! In most regions, after a child reaches the age of 1.5, the monthly allowance for the poor does not exceed 500 rubles. In some areas, 100-200 rubles are assigned.

In addition to child benefits, the poor can apply for a monthly payment for good nutrition (not in all regions). The following have the right to receive:

  • pregnant women;
  • mothers or fathers involved in the upbringing of children under 3 years of age without attending a kindergarten.

For example, in Voronezh, the amount of payment varies between 1916-4310 rubles. depending on the age of the children. In Rostov-on-Don, pregnant women are entitled to 454 rubles, and when raising a child under 1 year old, 231 rubles.

Social benefits paid can be replaced by benefits in kind. As a result, local authorities provide a food basket, the cost of which is equal to the amount of cash compensation.

Birth allowance for 3 or more children

Such support is used in regions where the demographic situation is deteriorating. If you have 3 or more children, you can apply for a low-income allowance allocated for the third and subsequent children upon confirmation of status. But it is issued until the age of 3 years.

The regions implementing this program include:

  • Saint Petersburg.
  • Ekaterinburg.
  • Sakhalin.
  • Belgorod.
  • Tambov.
  • Vologda.
  • Voronezh.

Until 2017, such child benefits for large low-income families were in effect in Crimea. But after the increase in the birth rate, the program was suspended.

ATTENTION! When applying, you cannot receive payment on debt for a period of more than 6 previous months. Therefore, it is worth even before the age of six months of the child to begin to draw up cash benefits.

The monthly allowance for a child in a family where twins / triplets are born is provided in a single amount. In a specific situation, the poor when establishing the fact of the birth of 3 and subsequent children.

In addition to monthly payments, one-time financial assistance can be provided in case of a complex illness, non-fulfillment of alimony, death of a family member and need for care by a third person. The regulation of this issue of providing financial assistance to those in need is carried out by social support bodies.

Benefits for the poor without children

In some regions of the Russian Federation, there is support in the form of benefits for single people and low-income families without children. Monthly payments will be paid in the case when an able-bodied person has lost his job and no property is registered to him.

For example, in the Vologda Oblast, it is possible to accrue compensation in the amount of 150-200 rubles for 6 months. For more information about receiving benefits, the poor can get in the social security authorities.

Benefits for children from low-income families

In families with low incomes, children often receive social support in the field of education. The following benefits are provided for low-income families with children:

  • free meals for children at school;
  • provision of school uniforms;
  • discounts or reimbursement of travel to school.

In most regions, students receive two meals a day at school. To do this, you should confirm the status in the social protection authorities and contact the appropriate employee of the educational institution.

In a situation where it is necessary to get to school by transport due to the lack of a general education institution at the place of residence, the poor can apply for monetary compensation or children are provided with free travel upon presentation of a student ID.

In addition, children from low-income families receive the following benefits:

  • 1 time per month free admission to the museum;
  • visiting a sanatorium-dispensary once a year if there are medical indications.

For large families, a reduced payment for the child's stay in the garden and priority admission to preschool institutions are provided.

For students studying in colleges, lyceums, universities, it is possible to obtain a social scholarship if their family is recognized as poor. It is allocated from the relevant fund and is appointed if, in fact, the state has assigned this status with subsequent assistance.

Additionally, students can apply for a lump sum payment at their educational institution, if this is provided for by the charter of the organization. When writing an application to the dean's office and providing a certificate of the status of a low-income family, financial assistance is provided.

REFERENCE! Some subjects, for example, St. Petersburg, pay social benefits to families with low-income status, where the child became a student.

How to apply for state social assistance

Most benefits and allowances are issued through the social security authorities, where an application is written for receiving benefits and cash payments. In some cities and villages, it is possible to submit an appeal through the MFC and the State Services. The term for consideration of the application is 10 days.

Meals and social scholarships are due after writing an application to the school or the dean's office of an educational institution.

Documents for receiving payments

To receive any benefits or benefits, each low-income family must collect documents:

  • applicant's passport and its copy;
  • a copy of the passport of the other parent and copies of documents of other family members;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • certificate 2-NDFL or other forms of certificates indicating income;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate;
  • copies of work books of all working family members;
  • Bank account.

Based on the type of allowance and benefits, the main package of documents is supplemented by other papers that determine the provision of benefits to the poor:

  • payments for pregnancy and childbirth: medical certificates;
  • financial assistance: documents confirming the need of the family or its members for additional funds (medical certificates, certificates from the employment service, courts);
  • payments to students: certificates from the school on admission to the first grade (provision of uniforms), papers from the educational authorities about the lack of places in the nearest school;
  • food allowance: a medical certificate from a gynecologist on the provision of adequate nutrition, a copy of insurance policies, a certificate from a pediatrician on the need for an expanded food basket for the child;
  • reimbursement of paid housing and communal services: payment receipts, certificates indicating the absence of arrears in payments.

Benefits for large families are provided upon presentation of a certificate of family composition, which determines the issuance of an appropriate certificate.

The current programs to help the poor are aimed at saving the budget of poorly protected cells of society. By collecting the necessary documents and submitting to the social protection authorities, many can receive payments that allow them to increase their income to the subsistence level.