Co-financing 5. Co-financing of pensions - the main points of the state program and benefits for participants. The mechanism of the program

Those who applied to join the program by December 31, 2014 and made their first payment by January 31, 2015. Within 10 years from the date of payment of the first installment under the program, it is possible to receive co-financing from the state.

Choose the payment method that is most convenient for you:

Through the employer

The most convenient way to transfer contributions is through your employer*, instructing him to withhold additional insurance premiums from your salary. In this case, you can take advantage of receiving a social tax deduction through your employer.

To pay contributions through the employer, you just need to submit an application to the accounting department of your enterprise (organization) indicating the amount and frequency of withholding contributions. Based on your application, contributions will be transferred by the employer to the FIU.

Example of an application form for the regular transfer of additional insurance premiums through the employer

You can change the amount of contributions and the frequency of their payment at any time by submitting a new application to the accounting department.

* Art. 7, Federal Law of April 30, 2008 N 56-FZ (as amended on November 4, 2014 No. 345-FZ) "On additional insurance premiums for funded pensions and state support for the formation of pension savings."

On one's own

Payment of contributions can be made independently in any bank.

Details for paying additional insurance premiums to the Pension Fund you can get:

  • on the official website of the PFR (in the section "electronic services");
  • in the territorial body of the PFR at the place of residence.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to transfer contributions to the FIU, therefore, copies of payment documents after self-payment of contributions are provided by you to the territorial body of the PFR. According to Federal Law No. 56-FZ dated April 30, 2008 “On additional insurance premiums for funded pensions and state support for the formation of pension savings”, after accounting for funds on an individual personal account with the PFR, the funds will be transferred to NPF GAZFOND pension savings JSC.

At the legislative level, a decision was made several years ago to create a program to co-finance pensions. This has become an incentive for many citizens to accumulate funds and subsequently deposit to a personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. However, there hasn't been much news about this innovation lately. Nevertheless, pensioners continue to be interested in the possibility of joining this project.

Benefit co-financing regulations

The pension co-financing program was initiated in 2008, and the main goal here was to encourage the working population to make monthly transfers to the Pension Fund. Accordingly, a certain percentage was offered for contributions, the amounts of which remained on the person's individual account. As a result of such savings, at the time of retirement, a citizen would be able to secure a comfortable old age.

However, according to a number of expert observations, it turned out that starting from 2016, money from wages was collected for transfer to the Pension Fund of Russia, but did not reach it. State officials comment on this situation as a lack of budgetary funds. In other words, the country's economy is patched up with pension savings. To what extent this is true is still unclear.

State program to support pensions

State co-financing of pensions has been developed for a period of 5 years. Later, this period was extended due to high demand from the population. These events were supposed to double the contributions of citizens due to the receipt of money from the federal budget. Moreover, if a working person complied with a number of conditions, then the amount of savings could increase four times.

At the same time, in addition to the increased allowance, future pensioners had the right to receive a deduction from the funds transferred to the Pension Fund. An additional advantage of participating in a social project was the possibility of inheriting contributions. It is noteworthy that all payments were made on a voluntary basis, and the amount was regulated independently, but subject to minimal restrictions.

For your information: the motivation was that an individual could deposit at least 2,000 rubles every year, a maximum of 12,000 rubles, into a personal account. According to the results of 12 months, this money doubled.

So, making transfers to a personal account every year, a citizen could allocate 1,000 rubles from his salary and after 12 months receive 24,000 rubles. Of course, everyone had the ability to increase the amount to any limit, but co-financing was allowed only in relation to the maximum limit.

Where should contributions be paid?

If a person made a decision to join the program for state co-financing of pension payments and did so before January 2015, then the following procedure will apply to him:

  • contributions are indexed annually;
  • participation period within 10 years from the date of sending the application and payment of the first amount;
  • the funded part may be held by the NPF or PF of Russia.

Accordingly, funds are credited according to the details specified in the contract.

In a situation where a citizen sent an application for participation in the project after the specified period, the contributions are deducted from wages to the funded part exclusively to the account of the Pension Fund. However, there is no annual indexing.

How to become a member of the program

Participants of the program without fail each year voluntarily confirm their desire to make payments in the subsequent period to increase their own pension.

The application is sent to the name of the head at the place of work in any form. The main requirement is the presence of a clear amount of deductions or a percentage of wages. This money must be transferred to the funded pension, and the state is obliged to double the funds received at the end of the reporting period.

It is noteworthy that the employer can make such contributions for his employee. At the same time, the citizen does not lose finances, and the numbers on his personal account grow. This option looked more acceptable than small mandatory payments.

Attention: the situation on co-financing pensions has changed somewhat - now people do not have the opportunity to become participants in the program.

Moreover, at the state level, there was a debt on the obligations taken to the existing participants. Therefore, the only reminder of the action of the social project is the annual notifications from the Pension Fund of Russia about the voluntary need to confirm the desire for the next year.

Payment Methods

Reasonably, citizens are interested in how to receive payments from the co-financing of pensions. At the legislative level, there is a rule that a person receives funds in the form of a lump sum or as fractional parts throughout his life. Such regulatory and legal provisions are regulated.

For 2020, payments are made in a lump-sum format, provided that the total period of employment is not more than 9 years. At the same time, the number of accumulated points should not exceed the mark of 14 units. It is noteworthy that the calculation of the lifetime allowance is based on statistical data - 20.5 years.

For your information: if a program participant has a funded part of pensions formed in the state fund, then it is possible to apply for withdrawal of funds through the official portal of the Pension Fund of Russia or the MFC.

An additional opportunity is also provided in the framework of a personal appeal to the department or with the help of a person authorized by a power of attorney.

If the savings are in the NPF, then the pensioner must visit the branch of the representative with a corresponding application.

Possibility to exit the program

The period of pension co-financing (from the latest news) is set for 10 years. Participants of the program have the authority within this period to do the following:

  • cancel participation;
  • renew;
  • suspend payments.

For any manipulations, you should visit the PF of Russia at the address of registration or residence. At the same time, the withdrawal of the application for participation does not mean that the previously paid funds will be instantly returned. You can receive payments only after you have retired. Only having legal grounds, a citizen can apply.

Project principles

The procedure and rules for the program for co-financing pension payments are established in the current. For citizens, the edition with the amendments dated November 04, 14, which is valid from 1.01.15, is relevant.

At the same time, it should be understood that if the annual amount of payments is less than two thousand rubles, then such deductions will not affect participation, i.e. the state will not increase the contributions received.

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Benefits of co-financing contributions

In accordance with the changes in the co-financing of pensions, experts highlight the positive and negative aspects of participation in the program.

  1. Opportunity to increase the funded part of the pension several times over. At the same time, in a number of situations, an increase of four times is possible. Thus, when a person enters a well-deserved rest, he can guarantee himself a comfortable old age.
  2. Carrying out a tax deduction from those finances that have already entered the Pension Fund of Russia.

Negative factors:

  1. Existing restrictions on annual payments do not allow exceeding the limit of twelve thousand rubles. At the same time, it doesn’t matter if a person contributes 20,000 rubles. or 50,000, since only an amount of 12,000 rubles is subject to support.
  2. Ban on participation after January 15. Nevertheless, there is hope that this moment will be regulated at the state level, and the remaining population will be able to take advantage of this opportunity.
Note: a future pensioner from a social project can also take care of his relatives, because in the event of his death, the heirs will be able to receive payments for him.

Receiving money from a co-financing project

Pension savings, doubled by the state, are assigned and paid along with the insurance benefit for seniority or in the presence of a disability group. To receive finance as an urgent deduction or a one-time payment, you must contact the Pension Fund of Russia. In this case, the condition should be taken into account - the amount of savings must be at least 5% of the insurance part.

After a citizen has the right to receive state benefits, a person can apply to the department.

The application can be submitted in the following ways:

  • the pensioner personally applies to the division of the MFC or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • sends a registered letter with a notification and a description of the contents to the institution;
  • fills in a special form in the personal account on the official portal of the body;
  • Additionally, you can issue a power of attorney to an authorized person.

List of documents for receiving payments

The submitted application must be accompanied by official papers certifying the onset of the right:

  • a document confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • pension certificate (green card);
  • papers indicating the right to establish an insurance pension - a work book, contracts, the presence of disabled citizens in care, and more.

In a situation where the insurance benefit has already been assigned and paid, the person does not need to collect these documents, since they already appear in the case.

The period for consideration of the application directly depends on the chosen option for transferring savings:

  • urgent - 10 days;
  • at a time - up to 30 calendar days.

If the employees of the department have made a positive verdict on the appointment of benefits, then the deductions begin within 60 days from the date indicated in the decision.

Is it possible to bequeath funds

In the event of the death of the insured person, before the appointment of the funded part of the labor pension, it enters into force. This regulatory legal act establishes the procedure for when the collected funds can be transferred by inheritance.

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, an individual has the right to draw up a will. The text must indicate the shares for each successor in relation to pension savings. If you do not take such actions, then the following procedure takes effect:

  • priority heirs - close relatives, including guardians and adopted persons;
  • second order successors.

At the same time, a funded pension is assigned to relatives in a situation where death occurred under the following circumstances:

  • prior to the appointment of benefits or recalculation;
  • after making a decision on the urgent withdrawal of funds;
  • if it was decided to withdraw the accumulated contributions at a time, but this could not be done due to the death of the pensioner.

If a person has chosen the perpetual option of transferring benefits, then the heirs cannot claim it.

In order to receive the inheritance mass, the successors of the testator must apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the NPF in the framework of an open case, i.e. no later than 6 months from the date of death of the pensioner.

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Many pensioners of the pension co-financing program are concerned about the answer to the question - how to get money?

In autumn 2008, the government launched this program. The project was launched by federal law No. 56-FZ of April 30, 2008 and was widely covered in the media. More than 9 million people have joined the project for all the time.

For 2018, some citizens have already begun to receive payments under the program. How this happens, what are the rules for the formation of savings in the framework of co-financing, and whether it is possible to increase the future pension without being a participant in the project - we will cover all these issues in our article.

What is pension co-financing

Co-financing provides for an increase in insurance premiums at the expense of the citizen's own funds together with the state. It was possible to become a member from 2008 until the end of 2014.

A mandatory condition for everyone is to make additional contributions no later than January 31, 2015. The period of its validity for each participant is ten years from the date of entry and the start of payment of additional contributions.

The essence of the project is as follows: a citizen contributes to his individual pension account on his own or through an employer during the year money from his income in any amount, and the state multiplies these contributions by two or four if the amount is in the range of 2,000 rubles. up to 12,000 rubles

If a citizen has deposited an amount in the range of 2,000 - 12,000 rubles, then the state doubles the deposited amount, but the maximum threshold is 12,000 rubles.

Example 1 Ivan Ivanovich transferred 16,000 rubles for the year. for the insurance part of your pension. The state will add 12,000 rubles to him. The account will receive = 16,000 rubles. (from I.I.) +12,000 rubles. (from the state) total 28,000 rubles;

Example 2 Ivan Petrovich is a participant in the co-financing program. He contributed 4,000 rubles during the year. The state will double this amount. Ivan Petrovich will receive 8,000 + his own 4,000 = 12,000 rubles from the state;

Example 3 Marya Petrovna transferred 35,000 rubles. during participation. When she retires, she will receive 12,000 + her own 35,000 = 47,000 rubles from the state;

Example 4 Pavel Sergeevich, having become participants, translated 1800 rubles, and then refused to participate. Upon retirement, Pavel Sergeevich will receive only his 1800 rubles.

A citizen can transfer more than 12 thousand at his discretion, but the maximum threshold will not budge. If a citizen transfers less than 2 thousand, then the state will not add a penny, since the minimum bar has not been overcome.

It remains to clarify in which cases the amount is doubled, and in which it is multiplied by four:

  • doubling contributions up to 12,000 rubles is available to all participants who have contributed an amount of 2,000 rubles or more;
  • a fourfold increase in contributions in the same range from 2 to 12 thousand rubles is possible for program participants who have reached retirement age, who have not taken out a pension, and who do not receive any other benefits.

A working citizen of retirement age can deposit 12,000 rubles of personal funds in a year and receive another 48,000 rubles from the budget, as a result, an amount of 60,000 rubles will be on the pension account.

State co-financing programs

For the current year, the government has developed only one co-financing program, and applications for participation in it were accepted until January 1, 2015.

It is currently impossible to join the project, but the possibility of its renewal is not excluded, so stay tuned for news in the field of pensions.

Every citizen still has the right to increase his insurance part of pension savings at the expense of additional contributions from his own income. It is enough to apply to the pension fund.

The only difference is that the state will not transfer additional amounts from the federal budget to the account of the insured person.

Is it possible to exit the program

The question is periodically asked how to exit the program.

To exit, no action or writing of additional statements is required.

In general, in the co-financing project there is no concept of termination of the contract.

It is enough not to make contributions and the program will not automatically work for the participant.

How to withdraw money from NPF

So how do you get money? From the moment of the right to a pension benefit, a citizen personally applies to the branch of his NPF to apply for a pension.

The application form for each fund is individual.

From the documents you will definitely need a passport and SNILS.

Two months after the acceptance of the application, payments from the funded part are assigned.

You can receive pension money in three ways:

  1. One time payment. This form will always be established for the funded part, if the amount is less than five percent of the insurance part of the savings. If more, then it is paid at the request of the pensioner. This type implies the issuance of all savings at one time.
  2. Urgent payment. The bottom line is that the savings are divided in equal parts for monthly accruals for a period set by the pensioner himself. One condition is that this period cannot be less than ten years.
  3. Perpetual payment. Provides monthly accruals throughout the rest of your life. It is calculated as follows: the entire amount of the funded part is divided into 240 months (this period is set by the government and corresponds to 19 years).

The third option involves the smallest amount, but has an undeniable advantage - payments will not end after 19 years, but will be paid for life.


We examined the essence of the co-financing project, told how to exit the project and how to withdraw your savings from NPFs. The program offers favorable conditions for its participants, and payments under it occur on a general basis for all citizens.

Watch the video explaining how to get money from the pension co-financing program:

The pension co-financing program means the participation of citizens in the creation of a personal fund for subsequent payments.

With the help of additional accumulation, it becomes possible to receive an increase in old-age insurance coverage. The supplement allows you to maintain the level of income after the termination of employment.

The legislative framework includes the Federal Law of 2008 and 2014.

  • Law No. 56-FZ– Federal Law No. 56-FZ of April 30, 2008 “On Additional Insurance Contributions for Funded Pension and State Support for the Formation of Pension Savings”
  • Law No. 345-FZ– Federal Law No. 345-FZ dated 04.11.2014 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Additional Insurance Contributions to the Funded Part of the Labor Pension and State Support for the Formation of Pension Savings” and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”
  • Law No. 360-FZ– Federal Law No. 360-FZ dated November 30, 2011 “On the procedure for financing payments from pension savings”

The April 2008 law determined the order:

  • entry into the state program;
  • transfer of payments by the participant;
  • employer
  • state.

The changes stipulated by the Federal Law of 2014 affected the procedure for entry, reporting, and the duration of the program. There have been no major legislative changes in recent years.

Government program

The purpose of the program is to encourage participants in the mandatory pension system to increase their contribution to the funded part at the expense of their own income.

First of all, it concerns working citizens who have the right to old age. The second obligatory participant is the Pension Fund. The third can be an employer.

The essence of the program lies in its name "1000 to 1000".

Implementation of program provisions:

  1. An officially employed person annually transfers from 2000 rub. and more on a personal account. Payment can be made in parts, the whole amount at once. The savings account is opened at the request of the participant in the state PF or NPF. The non-state Pension Fund is selected personally from the list available in the Pension Fund.
  2. Amount from 2000 to 12000 rub. doubled from the state budget. If the participant has postponed his retirement, then the additional financing of his contribution is increased by 4 times. Transfers less than 2000, more than 12000 rubles. are not indexed.
  3. The employer has the opportunity to replenish the employee's savings account from his own financial resources. To increase interest, tax incentives are provided. The transferred amounts are not subject to insurance premiums, are reflected in the expenditure side, which reduces taxable income. The amount of transferred funds is not limited, it is not additionally financed from the state budget.
  4. An individual participant has a tax deduction privilege: 13% of the transferred amount is taken into account when calculating personal income tax (reduces retention).
  5. At the request of the participant, PF or can dispose of the funded part. The Pension Fund transfers funds to the management of the state management company (Vnesheconombank), a private management company. Non-state PF manages at its own discretion, investing profitable projects. The received investment profit after taxation is annually distributed among the depositors, which additionally increases the savings account.

The participant has the right to independently determine:

  • the amount of the contribution;
  • transfer method;
  • management company;
  • investment project;
  • period of participation in the program;
  • method of receiving accumulated funds;
  • disposal of the savings account in the event of his death.

The restrictive actions of the law relate to the amount of transfers, the receipt of accumulated funds by heirs, the participation of persons receiving a pension.

Where to send contributions

For citizens who became participants in the program before January 31, 2015, the procedure for transferring and indexing payments will remain until the expiration of a 10-year period from the date of application and payment of the first installment.

The formation of the funded share occurs at the request of the payer in the NPF, PFR.

Persons who submitted applications after 2015 have the right to deduct payments from their official wages into a funded pension to the PFR personal account. Indexing is not provided by law.

How to join the program

To become a member of the program you need:

  • submit an application to the PF branch at the place of registration;
  • or a multifunctional center for the provision of public services;
  • or by contacting your employer.

The employer is obliged to 3 days transfer the application to its destination: the territorial body of the Pension Fund.

The applicant must have a personal retirement account. In its absence, simultaneously with the application for participation in the program, it is necessary to submit documents for opening an account.

When applying to the PF authority, the future participant presents the originals and copies of the passport to confirm the specified data. Application processing time - 10 days. Employees of the pension department are obliged to notify the applicant in writing about participation in co-financing.

You can apply:

  • persons entitled to an insurance pension;
  • from 55/60 years and older, who continue to work and do not receive any type of security;
  • non-working pensioners.

Citizens could become full participants if the following conditions were met: submit an application before the end of 2014, the first installment - before January 31, 2015. If the application was submitted, but the funds were not transferred, then the possibility of individual deductions without a budget surcharge remains.

Important! Citizens who work and receive a pension of any kind are not eligible to become participants in the program.

How payments are made

Self-payment is made in installments or one-time through the bank. It is necessary to notify the PF branch of the transferred amounts after payment before 20th numbers April, July, October, January.

Payment documents certified by the signature of a bank employee are transferred to the PF branches to which the application was submitted.

To pay through the accounting department of the company, the participant must submit an application addressed to the employer, where he must indicate what amount or percentage of insurance payments to transfer to the funded part of the insurance pension.

The employer, at the request of employees, must make deductions from the first days of the next month. In case of transfer of own funds to the savings accounts of the insured employees, an order or addition to the collective agreement is issued.

Attention! Notification to the Pension Fund of the transfer is carried out in writing or electronically (if the number is more than 25 people) at the end of the quarter, before the 20th day.

The employer submits reports on additional contributions to the funded pension part in the form of a register. Payments of employees from wages and financing by the employer are drawn up in separate documents, which indicate the following information:

  1. payment order number,
  2. sum,
  3. where they are listed.

Termination of the contract with the employer means the suspension of additional transfers from the program participant on an unannounced basis.

Exiting the program

The period of state support after making the first contribution to the funded part of the pension is determined in 10 years. The participant has the right during this period to suspend his participation in the program, resume, terminate.

Attention! It is necessary to apply to the Pension Fund branches with the corresponding application.

Termination of participation in the target program does not mean that the transferred funds will be returned. To receive a funded pension, you must wait for legal retirement. After that, an application is submitted to the state or non-state pension fund.

How to withdraw your money from NPF

To receive the accumulated funds, it is required to apply to a non-state pension fund, if payments were accumulated there before the termination of employment.

The application is submitted:

  1. When applying for an old age pension. Payment occurs 2 months after the application is submitted.
  2. The citizen is retired. To receive the accumulated amount, you must additionally decide on the method of receipt: urgent, unlimited, one-time. The transfer period is 2 months after the application.

Indefinite payment - an additional payment to the monthly insurance payment for 19 years. Urgent payment means that funds from the funded share received under the co-financing program must be disbursed in installments over a period of at least 10 years.

A lump sum is due once every 5 years, provided that it does not exceed 5% of the insurance part with a fixed surcharge.

In the event of the death of a participant, his heirs have the right to receive the balance of funds in the savings account, subject to the appointment of an urgent pension payment. Any person can become a successor if there is a will. In its absence, according to the law, that is, the proximity of family relations. The notary determines the successor after the applicants have declared the right to inheritance.

In order to receive a funded share, the heir must apply with an application within a period not exceeding six months from the date of the payer's death, and present documents confirming the fact of death, family relations and inheritance rights.

During the next month, a decision is made on the payment of balances from the savings account. The transfer is made on the 15th day of the next month.

In accordance with the established procedure, it is possible to receive an earlier generally accepted age limit of 55/60 years, if the right to an insurance pension provides for an earlier retirement.