Suitable age for the birth of a child in a girl. Doctors set the best age for the birth of the first child

Many events in life occur regardless of our desires and capabilities. However, for such a serious step as replenishment of the family, some families want to prepare in advance. That's why modern women and men prefer to independently plan the birth of their first child, rather than rely on chance. When is the best time to give birth, and what do doctors say about this?

No one can give an exact figure, which is the ideal age for the birth of a baby. After all, every woman individual characteristics health, own family history and level of material security. Moreover, different families have different moral values.

And if for some only the health of the baby is important, then other parents consider it their duty to give the child a good education, provide proper care and leisure, which often requires considerable financial investment.

The range of reproductive age in women is quite wide. Physiologically, a child can be born from the age of 12-14 and up to about 50. Each period has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss below.

Should I give birth before 20 years of age?

Although conception is physically possible immediately after the onset of menstruation, which usually occurs at the age of 12-13, the young body has not yet been formed in this period, hormonal changes are actively underway, growth and development will continue, so the appearance of children at this age is highly undesirable. It not only harms the mother's body, but can also lead to underdevelopment of the fetus.

But doctors already allow giving birth at the age of 18-20. Moreover, this age is considered the most optimal for childbirth in terms of mother's health. The cardiovascular, endocrine and musculoskeletal systems are already fully formed, they function without failures, chronic diseases, as a rule, are absent. Pregnancy is easy, without complications, well tolerated. Since the elasticity of muscles and ligaments is very high, childbirth proceeds without ruptures, pathologies usually do not occur, the baby is born healthy and strong.

However, it is unlikely that parents age category the child appears as a result of joint planning.

  1. At this age, young people are usually in training or just starting to build a career.
  2. The financial situation of the family, as a rule, is rather unstable.
  3. In addition, neither a mother nor a young man at the age of 20 is usually mentally ready to devote himself to caring for a baby to the detriment of communicating with friends, playing sports, studying or other interests.

For this reason, conflicts and misunderstandings may arise in the family. Children in such families are less well-groomed and get sick more often. Therefore, if there is no powerful support from older relatives who can take on some of the responsibilities, sometimes, psychologically, the baby can become a burden for parents.

Age 20-30 years: a combination of health and psychological readiness

Doctors believe that in terms of female physiology most harmoniously female reproductive system works in the period of 20-25 years. There are still no chronic diseases in this period, and even if they are acquired, they do not have a significant impact on the development of the child and the course of pregnancy and childbirth. You can very easily opt out if you wish. bad habits, since a strong dependence has not yet developed.

There is some certainty in social status. As a rule, studies have already been completed, and some have even managed to establish themselves as an excellent employee, whom the company's management will look forward to from maternity leave.

After young people have taken place in terms of family and career, they are already mentally prepared for the birth of a child, they treat this event very responsibly and consciously.

  1. Men have enough strength and energy to ensure the well-being of the family during the day, and in the evening enjoy communication with their wife and baby.
  2. And mothers try to arrange the life of the family as best as possible, take care of the health of the crumbs, collect all necessary information and advice on caring for the baby, responsibly follow the recommendations of doctors.

Previously, pregnant women who were expecting their first child after 25 years were called "late-born" and put on a special account with a gynecologist.

Today's development of medicine has made this age the most optimal for the birth of a baby in terms of the physiology and psychological readiness of a woman for motherhood. Therefore, if your man is ready to become a father, do not put off this joyful moment for later.

What risks are fraught with the age of 30-40 years?

After 30 years in female body a number of hormonal changes. The amount of estrogen produced decreases, which reduces the likelihood of fertilization of the egg. In addition, malfunctions in the work of the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems are increasingly manifested, due to malnutrition and lifestyle often affect the kidneys and liver, the musculoskeletal system.

Existing chronic diseases significantly complicate health. All this greatly affects the ability of a woman to endure and give birth safely. healthy baby. According to statistics, the number of preterm births increases with age.

This age cannot be called the best for planning a child:

  • Due to the decrease in the elasticity of muscles and tendons, the likelihood of injury and rupture during delivery increases.
  • Exposure to harmful factors, such as tobacco, alcohol, or unfavorable environmental conditions, increases the risk of developing genetic abnormalities at the fetus.
  • Moreover, the danger persists even if it is not the expectant mother who smokes, but her man.

However, it is considered ideal psychological point vision. By this time, the grinding of characters between men and women is over, families are establishing trusting relationship. Both partners approach the issue of family planning very carefully and deliberately. realizing possible risks women are very responsible for their own health. And special programs and obstetric techniques used by modern medicine, in combination with observation in qualified specialist will minimize the risk of any complications.

Parents of such age period They strive to provide their baby with all the best, to give him as much attention as possible. It used to be that children born to 30-40-year-old parents grow up smarter, quick-witted and comprehensively developed.

However, recent studies have shown that the reason for this is not at all in children. It’s just that a man and a woman no longer want to run away from the baby to the gym or go fishing, but on the contrary, they communicate a lot with the child, play educational games, give to sections and circles, travel a lot, which favorably affects the child’s intelligence.

Is it possible to give birth after 40 years?

After the age of 40, the risks of having a child with a genetic or physiological pathology. However, many healthy children are born to mothers at this age. If life has developed in such a way that the opportunity to give birth to a child appeared rather late, then one should not miss the opportunity to increase the family.

Of course, the entire stage of pregnancy planning, childbearing and childbirth should take place under close supervision. good doctor. This will minimize possible risks and give birth to a healthy baby.

ABOUT psychological aspect late motherhood is not even worth talking about. Often, these babies become "light in the window" for their parents. Particularly sensitive to late child man. The birth of a baby brings new notes to family relationships.

And yet, after analyzing a large number of family stories, scientists were able to name optimal age for the birth of a child. They believe that in the period of 20-30 years, the highest probability of a healthy baby, to whom parents can pay enough attention. Therefore, all men and women are advised to plan their offspring at this particular stage of life.

Increasingly, on the streets you can meet not only pregnant young girls, but also women over 35 years old. The opinion of doctors and psychologists about the most favorable age for procreation is different.

So what is the best age to have your first child? According to many gynecologists and obstetricians, for health reasons, it is best to give birth to women from 19 to 26 years old. After 18 years, the girl begins to turn into a full-fledged woman, and therefore it is precisely at this age that her body flourishes. The internal genital organs are fully formed, the hormonal balance is maintained by the ovaries. The vaginal muscles are quite elastic and elastic. The pelvic bones have good mobility, and this is very important for childbirth.

And thanks to the well-trained abdominal muscles, it is easier for a young woman to follow the commands of a gynecologist during attempts. A woman in labor of this age category does not have chronic diseases. Childbirth is easy, without vaginal ruptures and uterine bleeding. Recovery physical form in young women it happens much faster than in those over 30 years old. Most often there are no complications after childbirth.
According to research by Scandinavian scientists, the most suitable age for the birth of the first child - 30 years. Doctors advise not to delay the first pregnancy, as the reproductive function fades every year, the likelihood of a successful conception decreases, and childbirth can begin ahead of time(from 23 to 37 weeks). In women who give birth for the first time after the age of 30, pregnancy can be complicated due to bad habits, excess weight And only then because of age. If we compare them with women in labor up to 30 years old, then the likelihood of complications in older women is 20% higher.

After 25 years, reproductive function declines. And therefore ideal age for childbirth - from 20 to 25 years. According to gynecologists, late pregnancy dangerous to the health of the expectant mother and baby. Most often, children with genetic pathologies, congenital diseases (for example, Down syndrome), are born to parents after the age of 30 years.

The opinion of sociologists and psychologists about the best age for childbirth

According to psychologists, a favorable age for childbirth is from 20 to 35 years. European women give birth for the first time around the age of 35. Late pregnancy is explained by the satisfaction of one's own ambitions and the achievement financial well-being. A woman primarily worries about her career and material stability, and only after that she decides to have a child.

According to statistics, 76% of women who have higher education believe that the ideal age for their first child is between 26 and 34 years old. Most of the respondents say that it is necessary to achieve success in a career and provide a financial base before the age of 28, and at 29 years old you can give birth to your first child.

Early pregnancy

In some cases, the first pregnancy occurs between the ages of 13 and 16. This is about unplanned pregnancy, because the expectant mother is not yet physically developed enough, and the father does not have material wealth to support future family. Suffering because of this nervous system girls, and depression negatively affects a fragile young body. And therefore, doctors do not recommend giving birth at this age, because the genitals, and, in general, the girl's body continues to develop.

As for the hormonal background, it is unstable, there may be a deficiency of progesterone and estrogen, which contribute to the formation of the placenta. According to the doctors, early pregnancy possible, but hazardous to health future mother and a child. Exists high risk complicated childbirth, ruptures, uterine bleeding. Psychologists categorically do not recommend giving birth to young girls, because they are not mentally prepared for everyday difficulties and motherhood.

According to gynecologists and psychologists, the most best age for childbirth is in the range of 23-30 years. Benefits of giving birth during this period:
mobile pelvic bones;
elastic birth canal;
there are no age-related diseases;
the probability of miscarriage is lower than that of late women in labor;
minimal risk of developing anomalies in the newborn.

If the first birth takes place during this period, then a woman will be able to give birth to a second child before the age of 30. The first child will be older than the second by about 3 years, during this period the woman in labor will have time to fully recover physically. In addition, the first-born will grow up, and the woman will be able to devote more time to the newborn.

Pregnancy after 30 years

A few years ago, a woman in her 30s who decided to become a mother was classified as "age primiparous." Now primiparous at 35 years old is no longer a rarity. But despite all the possibilities modern medicine, the first time to give birth at this age is quite dangerous. Even conceiving a child at this age is difficult. This is due to the increase in the number of cycles in which there is no ovulation. In addition, the susceptibility of the uterus to a fertilized egg decreases. In some cases, doctors diagnose infertility. Therefore, the optimal age for childbirth is 20-26 years.
Various complications can occur both during pregnancy and during childbirth. There is a risk of fetoplacental insufficiency - this is a common complication in which placental functions are impaired along different reasons. Pregnant women over 30 may experience the following complications: premature separation of the placenta, insufficient labor activity, severe uterine hemorrhages, vaginal ruptures.

Possible complications of childbirth:

Aborted fetus;
preeclampsia ( late toxicosis);
overdue fetus;
premature effusion amniotic fluid;
oxygen starvation fetus.

The first pregnancy after 30 years of age threatens with physical and mental pathologies in the embryo. In addition, after late childbirth, the risk of breast cancer and diabetes mellitus increases.
However, there are also pluses, a woman after 30 years old eats right, leads a healthy lifestyle, monitors her health. She devotes more time to the baby, as most often she already has a good career and a good financial base.
What is the best age to have a third child? Doctors say that it is better to plan a third baby at 27-30 years old. This is possible if a woman gave birth to her first child at the age of 19–20. Taking into account the mandatory intervals, the second baby will be born at about 23-24 years old, and the third - about 30 years old.

Pregnancy after 40 years

Despite the prohibitions of doctors, some women decide to get pregnant even after 40 years. The probability of conception at this age is quite low, more than 50% of women are diagnosed with infertility. If the age of the woman in labor is 40–45 years, then the probability of miscarriage increases by 3 times. During pregnancy, the following complications may occur: diabetes, premature separation of the placenta, exacerbation chronic diseases.
A woman over 40 who has decided to become a mother should be carefully examined, since the likelihood of complications is high. Although the body of each woman reacts differently to a special condition. On the positive side, women in labor after 40 years of age experience menopause later, they are less at risk of oncological diseases of the genital organs, and their life expectancy is higher. And therefore maximum age for childbirth - this is 40 years.
But successful conception And the health of the child depends not only on the age of the mother, but also on the father. If the partner is older than 40 years, then the chances of a successful conception are reduced. In addition, at this age, the quality of sperm deteriorates due to bad habits, poor environmental conditions, and the intake of hazardous substances. medical preparations. Older parents often give birth to children with pathologies, such as Down syndrome.

Average age of women in labor in different countries

Birth statistics by age indicate that Lately the age of first-time mothers has increased significantly. If in the 80s women gave birth to their first child at about 23 years old, now the joy of first motherhood is known at 25-27 years old.

This trend is especially observed in European women. Average age of women in labor in the world is 27 - 28 years. Moreover, residents of Bulgaria and Romania give birth earlier (25–26 years), and Italians and Spaniards later (30–31 years).

The average age of women in labor in Russia is 26–27 years. Although doctors remind that the reproductive function begins to fade after 30 years.

Thus, the best age for pregnancy and childbirth is in the range of 20-26 years. The body of a woman is formed, she is full of energy, easily endures childbirth and quickly recovers after them. In addition, if desired, a woman can become the mother of two more children.

In this article:

Having a baby is one of the most happy events in the life of every woman. However modern moms more and more often they try to plan a pregnancy and not rush things, they want to make a career first, and then have children. However, there are certain medical indications to the age at which it is better to give birth to a child so that he is strong, healthy and the gestation period proceeds without complications.

History and modernity

Previously, the situation was a little different. A woman who did not give birth to a child before the age of 20 was looked at with surprise and bewilderment. To a large extent this is due social differences. Life expectancy averaged only 50 years, young girls were not concerned about getting an education and did not try to reach career heights.

Today the situation has changed. Women first strive to secure their future: to have housing, a decent income, promising work. Only after achieving these goals, they begin to think about the appearance of a child in the family. The truth is that this is not the case for everyone. Sometimes pregnancy occurs unexpectedly and in enough early age, but this is not at all a reason to refuse childbirth. There are also cases when it is simply impossible to have children and the desired baby is born after 40 years, which is also quite normal. But still, what age of a woman is most suitable for childbirth?

Childbirth under 20 - pros and cons

At this age, most pregnancies are unplanned. Not yet fully matured girl discovers new world and completely forgets about caution. Motherhood in this case is more of a duty than happiness, because a young mother herself is still essentially a child who wants care and attention. In this case, it is very good if the father also participates in his upbringing.

WITH medical point of vision, a woman's body is completely ready for childbirth, upon reaching her 17-year-old age. Pregnancy at an earlier age is quite dangerous. It can pass with complications and there is a risk that a young girl simply cannot withstand the process of labor.

But at the age of 17-20, you can no longer be afraid for the health of the future mother. Her body is in the best condition. Hormonal background returned to normal, the skeleton is fully formed and the internal organs are in best form Therefore, childbirth at this age proceeds normally.

From a psychological point of view, the birth of a child helps a young girl grow up, become more independent and responsible, focusing on raising a child. Doctors believe that children who were born by a mother at an early age grow up sociable, active and independent. Parents can become good friends for them.

True, there is also one nuance in this matter. Young mothers, as a rule, are not serious about raising a baby and very rarely fully comply with the recommendations for caring for a child. As a result, he gets sick more often, and also receives physical and psychological injuries. Women at this age often do not pay due attention to their baby, show insufficient tolerance and understanding.

Besides, financial position young parents very often leaves much to be desired. In most cases, they are completely dependent on their dads and moms. Which is quite burdensome if parents try to influence them in everything. But if grandparents are loyal and ready to help you raise your grandchildren, then during pregnancy and vacation You can have time to get a good education, which subsequently opens up a lot of opportunities.

Childbirth at 20-25 years old - decide or not

This age is considered ideal for the birth of the first child. But unfortunately, not all parents during this period decide on such a responsible step.

There are quite a few reasons for this:

  • unstable financial situation;
  • lack of a separate living space;
  • dependence on parents;
  • higher education;
  • desire to make a career;
  • finally, just the desire to live for yourself.

But, as a rule, if a woman at the age of 20-25 has a desire to have a child, then it is already conscious. She is already morally ready to become a mother, pay enough attention to the baby and take care of him. In addition, health fully allows you to decide on this step. Therefore, if a young family is more or less financially secure and independent, then their first-born appears during this period.

And what should a girl do if she received a good education and wants to make a career? Give birth at 20-25 years old on the advice of doctors or postpone pregnancy until later. actually decide this question only you can. You can have a baby at 27, and at 30, and even later. IN European countries 34 years is considered the most optimal age for the first birth. Therefore, you shouldn't worry too much. But if you really want to become a mother, then you should not sacrifice your desire for a career, you will definitely find a way to combine it with raising a baby.

In general, some serious reasons It is difficult to name childbirth at this age. It’s just that a woman still wants to live a little for her own pleasure, see the world, assert herself in life. And with the advent of the family small child all the time and effort will have to be given to him.

Childbirth at 25-30 - it's time to think

At this age, almost every woman comes to the conclusion that it is time for her to think about a child. As a rule, she has already achieved some success in her career, has a stable financial position and is morally ready to devote herself to the baby. Grandparents by this time are usually happy to take care of their grandchildren and are ready to help their mother in everything. Therefore, at the age of 25-30, women, even if they do not give birth to a child, are already seriously thinking about its appearance.

At this age, the reproductive system of the expectant mother is in full bloom and she is able to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. Not so long ago, doctors argued that complications are possible during the first birth after 25, but medicine has stepped far ahead and today this age is quite acceptable for the birth of the first child.

But it must be remembered that the cardiovascular system of a woman by this time is changing from the effects of the environment, stress and bad habits. The walls of blood vessels begin to gradually thin out, which can affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to your health while planning and bearing a child.

In addition, you need to remember that after 28 years the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus increases, so you will have to pass a number of additional tests and regularly visit an ultrasound room to be sure of normal development pregnancy. But in most cases, everything goes well and a woman should in no case be afraid of possible complications.

Childbirth at 30-40 years old - dangerous or not

Psychologists say that by the age of 30 a woman is morally completely ready for childbirth. She has a certain social status stable financial position. She can fully devote herself to caring for the baby and be confident in tomorrow. And it seems that you can finally give birth long-awaited baby, but at this age, unfortunately, other problems arise.

The level of estrogen in the blood of a woman gradually begins to decline and it becomes much more difficult to conceive a child. Internal organs they no longer work as well as at 20-25, in addition, the elasticity of tissues decreases, which can lead to ruptures during childbirth. Therefore, you need to be aware that everything will not necessarily go perfectly.

It is very important to monitor your health, plan pregnancy in advance, eat right, give up bad habits. And women at this age are well aware of this and follow all the recommendations of a gynecologist. In addition, it is necessary to understand that a baby can be born with physical or mental disabilities if the mother is not healthy enough. And if you decide to get pregnant after 35, there is a risk of developing hereditary diseases in the child, so it is very important to pass a genetic test in advance.

Good video on the topic

But still, even if this age is not ideal for childbirth, it allows having given birth to a baby to provide him happy childhood and not experience a lack of material resources, without which in modern world It is very difficult to provide a child with everything necessary.

Having a baby after 40 is the last step towards a dream

It happens that a woman has dreamed all her life about the appearance of a baby, but various reasons she couldn't do it. And suddenly she has the opportunity to give birth to a child already in adulthood. How to be in this situation?

If this is the first birth, then you need to be prepared for the fact that serious complications may arise. When planning a pregnancy, you need to take your health very seriously and weigh the pros and cons. You need to think about who can help you raise a child, because caring for a baby takes a lot of strength and nerves.

You also need to think about your financial situation and the fact that over the years your income will decrease, and the costs for a child need to be quite large. But in case this is the last chance, women usually take all possible risks and give birth.

Medically late delivery can lead to the development of Down syndrome in a baby and other genetic diseases. Therefore, it is very important to be under the supervision of experienced specialists throughout the pregnancy and follow all their instructions.

If the birth is not the first, the risk of abnormalities in the child is significantly reduced, and pregnancy and childbirth are much easier. But still, do not neglect the advice of doctors. By the way, scientists have proven that late pregnancy contributes to the rejuvenation of the female body.

Drawing conclusions

According to gynecologists, it is best to give birth at the age of 20-25, but life leads us to the conclusion that the most optimal age for the birth of a child is 20-35 years. But still, the main thing is that parents sincerely wait and rejoice at the appearance of a baby, then childbirth is possible at the age of 16 and after 40. Because there is no greater happiness in life than children!

A woman can become pregnant, bear and give birth to a child between the ages of 12–14 and 50, but there are certain age limits when it is desirable to plan a pregnancy. Nevertheless, it is impossible to indicate the exact age that will be the best for pregnancy and the birth of a child: everyone has different organisms, opportunities, fates, psychological and physiological features. Besides, in different periods life has its advantages and disadvantages for pregnancy planning.

Today, many women prefer to plan a pregnancy: they paint their lives, build a career, predict the birth of a child by a certain period to be sure of the financial support of the future baby. On the one hand, the later the child is born, the better it will be. financial condition families and psychological readiness, on the other hand, increases the risk to the health of the mother and baby. To answer the question of what age for birth is best, you need to consider several age categories.

Having a baby at 16–20 years old

At the age of 16, the girl's body is almost fully formed and ready for pregnancy, and by the age of 18, the formation of the endocrine, bone and of cardio-vascular system in addition, chronic diseases have not yet developed, the body is young and full of strength and health, the organs are in excellent condition, there are rarely failures in the hormonal system. Therefore, both pregnancy and childbirth in this period proceed well, often without toxicosis and other complications. But at the age of 18–20, the girl still has little life experience, no financial stability, her studies have not been completed, her goals in life have not been determined. A child at this age is usually a rash and unplanned step, and sometimes even an inappropriate problem. young girls they are not always ready to become mothers, they have child psychology, they do not have such developed responsibility, therefore they neglect many rules for caring for a child, as a result, babies of young mothers get sick more often, fall and get injured.

Having a baby at 20-30 years old

After 20 years, slowly but surely, minor health problems appear: the cardiovascular system no longer works so well, the walls of blood vessels become thinner, stress and bad habits begin to affect health. But the reproductive system is in its prime during this period, so this is also a good age for pregnancy in terms of health. In addition, if you do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, exercise and do not have chronic diseases, then it is safe to say that this age is the best for a healthy and easy pregnancy and childbirth.

Previously, girls who gave birth after the age of 25 were called "late-born", but today this term is no longer used, and doctors have a positive attitude towards women who give birth during this period. In addition, studies show that between the ages of 20 and 30, women are already beginning to take a more responsible approach to pregnancy and raising a child, read books and articles, attend courses, and take care of their health. Therefore, this is also a good age for raising a healthy and intelligent child.

Having a baby at 30-40 years old

After the age of 30, the level of estrogen in a woman's body begins to decrease, ovulation occurs less and less, and therefore the likelihood of becoming pregnant decreases. In addition, low estrogen levels also affect health: the work of the heart and blood vessels, liver, and kidneys worsens. Pregnancy and childbirth in such a period of life are more difficult, there are problems with bearing, premature birth, how more age the greater the chance of fetal death. It also significantly increases the risk of developing defects and diseases in a child. During childbirth, ruptures of the birth canal are more likely, since women 30-40 years old have less elastic fabrics. From a health point of view, this age is not recommended for the birth of a child.

Today, medicine is well developed, there are special obstetric procedures, so in most cases, pregnancy ends well.

But from a psychological point of view, this is an excellent age for giving birth, since a woman has already reached certain heights, she has a well-developed responsibility, the desire for a child leads to the fact that she takes the most thoughtful approach to planning, maintaining pregnancy, childbirth and upbringing. She is confident in her abilities and is ready to take on many problems.

In the last century, a 25-year-old young lady was awarded the epithet "old-timer". Now most women are thinking about procreation far beyond 30-35, when certain career heights have been reached and life has been established. And it never occurs to anyone to reproach them for being "late". Together with the obstetrician-gynecologist of the Swiss Center for Modern Medicine and Cosmetology SwissMed Yulia Kikina, we will try to figure out what he really is - the ideal age for childbirth.

Age: 16 to 20

Arguments for

Physically, the girl is ready to become a mother already at 15-18. Approaching the age of 20, she enters a time of prosperity: now her health is in the best condition, organs and organ systems are not yet worn out, hormonal system rarely crashes. You can safely give birth!

Yes, and psychologists give the go-ahead: all young mothers want the same as their peers: work, study and relax. Hanging a baby on a still young grandmother is unlikely to succeed. As a result, a young mother learns to cope with everything alone and stimulates independence in the child as much as possible: he grows up active, lively and very sociable.

And one more fact: those who really want a boy should give birth before 20. It has been scientifically proven that 120 boys are born to such mothers per 100 girls - a tangible advantage!

Arguments against

Although the reproductive system matures by the age of 18-20, the psychology of many 18-20-year-old girls remains childish. They rarely fulfill the strict standards of caring for a child, and as a result, he often gets sick, gets injured - both physical and mental. Yesterday's girl is far from the level of responsibility mature woman. Also because pregnancy at this age is often unplanned.

Age: 20 to 30

Arguments for

Already by the age of 25, changes in the cardiovascular system occur in a woman’s body, the walls of blood vessels become thinner, the consequences of possible stresses and bad habits accumulate (smoking and alcohol wear out the body especially quickly). But, despite all this, the age from 20 to 30 is optimal for the birth of a child, since the reproductive system of a woman during this period is in its prime. In a word, if there is an opportunity to conceive, you need to discard fears and do it.

Arguments against

In the old days, it was believed that the likelihood of complications during the birth of the first child becomes higher if the mother is over 25. But today, the term "older primipara" refers to women over 35. Western medicine assures that a woman can give birth normally after 35. So there is no need to rush. On the contrary, say European doctors, a woman after 35 is more responsible for pregnancy and childbirth, she attends special courses, reads the necessary literature, takes care of healthy way life, and all this favorably affects the health of the unborn child. So 30 years is not a reason to frantically try to get pregnant. There is still time.

Age: 30 to 40

Arguments for

One of the main advantages of having a child in adulthood is that a woman approaches the issue as thoughtfully and responsibly as possible. Expectant mothers prepare both physically and mentally, clearly follow the doctor's instructions. Moreover, from a psychological point of view, a modern 30-year-old woman is in optimal readiness for childbirth. She, as a rule, has secured her material base and social status, is confident in the future, and her joy in connection with the birth of a baby is not overshadowed by everyday hardships.

Arguments against

After 30 years, the level of the most important hormone for a woman, estrogen, decreases in the body. So, less and less ovulation occurs and less and less ability to conceive. But that is not all. Estrogen is responsible not only for fertility (ability to bear children), but also for the health of a woman in general. In particular, it regulates the state of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and liver. A decrease in estrogen levels also provokes the likelihood of preeclampsia - a complex complication in which edema occurs, pressure drops, and protein is found in the urine. Severe preeclampsia can cause premature birth or even death of the fetus. In addition, we should not forget that after 30, tissue elasticity changes. This means that during childbirth, ruptures of the birth canal are likely. And to prevent this from happening, obstetricians perform auxiliary operations that help the baby overcome the "difficulties" of the birth canal. Is it necessary to explain that all these obstetric procedures are far from being so harmless for both the mother and the baby.

Age over 40

Arguments for

After 40 years, the opportunity to give birth to a healthy baby remains. But the risk congenital pathology increases tenfold. In a word, mom, who is over 40, needs close attention doctor and must follow all his recommendations. Under these conditions, age will be the minimum obstacle to happy motherhood.

If we are talking not about the first birth, then the risk of pathologies is minimal: the body "remembers" how to exercise tribal activity and delivery is faster.

Mom has also become more experienced - in every sense. For example, she knows for sure that a child is new life and for her, too, because it has already been scientifically proven: the birth of a baby rejuvenates the female body. Indeed, according to some scientists, the aging of the body is directly related to the extinction reproductive function. The logical conclusion is simple: than to more late age a woman gives birth, the longer her reproductive system works and the longer she stays young.

Arguments against

After 40, the number of healthy eggs in the female body decreases, and ovarian function fades. Low level estrogen leads to the fact that expectant mothers have severe complications- diseases of the kidneys and heart. Getting pregnant is getting harder.

Psychologists are also sounding the alarm: a 40-year-old woman is exhausted and plunges into motherhood with her head. Literally dissolving in the child, constantly caring for him, the mother risks raising an infantile, unadapted creature. However, it is not as difficult for a child to give up maternal custody as it is for a mother to stop taking care of beloved child. Hope only for female wisdom, which will help her dose care for the child and raise him in harmony.