Summary of manual labor lessons in the middle group of kindergarten. Topic: “Funny confectioners. Perspective plan for the work of the circle of manual labor "Very skillful hands

Program content:

Introduce children to the sunflower plant.
To teach children how to measure the volume of bulk solids using a measure. Strengthen the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting. Vocabulary: sunflower, honey plant, ornamental plant.
Develop the ability to give detailed answers to questions.
Cultivate curiosity, interest in nature.


Sunflower, picture of sunflowers, sunflower seeds (peeled and unpeeled), a bottle of sunflower oil;
Image of the sun (on a stick);
A picture with painted sunflowers for counting, conditional measurements: a glass, a doll cup, teaspoons;
Sheets of cardboard with a circle drawn on it, plasticine in black and green colors, leaves (dried leaves of trees or cut out of yellow paper).


Lesson progress:

sunflower riddle

On the winding path
The sun is growing on the leg.
As the sun ripens
There will be a handful of grains.

Take a look at the picture. (Show). It depicts blooming sunflowers. We say sunflower, but the scientific name for this plant is sunflower. Let's repeat it and remember.

A large sunflower flower reminds us of the sun. But not only the external similarity connects the flower with the sun. The sunflower has an amazing ability to turn the head of the flower after the sun, seeing him off from sunrise to sunset. No wonder the riddle says about the sunflower:

Worth Antoshka
On one leg.
Where the sun will be
That is where he will look.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Sunflowers and the sun"

The teacher picks up the image of the sun on a stick and moves it, and the children follow it, moving only their eyes.

Sunflower is grown almost all over the world. And we have in the Crimea too. A sunflower is used for the production of sunflower oil. Here it is. (Show).
Have you seen in your kitchen sunflower oil? How is it used? It is fried on it, added to food, baking trays are greased with it.
Sunflower is an important honey plant. How do you understand the meaning of the expression "honey plant"? A honey plant is a plant from which bees collect honey. Honey from the nectar of a flowering sunflower turns golden yellow.

There is also an ornamental sunflower. An ornamental plant is a plant that is grown for its beauty. Ornamental plants are ornaments. Repeat the words "ornamental plant" and try to remember what they mean. I have ornamental sunflower seeds. We will definitely plant decorative sunflowers in our kindergarten. Let them decorate our kindergarten.

Grow from seeds
Golden suns.

Roasted sunflower seeds are eaten as a delicacy and are called sunflower seeds. Have you ever tried seeds?
Seeds - very useful product because they are rich in vitamins and other health benefits.

Sunflower seed tasting

Children are invited to try peeled sunflower seeds.

Not only people like to feast on seeds. Remember who you and I treated to sunflower seeds in winter? We sprinkled sunflower seeds on bird feeders.

Dynamic pause "Yellow sunflower"

The yellow sun looks down on the earth
(Hands up, stretched, looked up)

A yellow sunflower follows the sun.
(With a turn of glory to the right, draw an arc with raised hands)

Only his yellow rays are not hot.
(Tilts of the head to the left-right shoulder)

It grows on a long stem
(Hands along the body, stand on toes)

With petals like horns
(Spread your arms to the sides and slightly up)

His head is large, full of black seeds.
(Connect rounded hands above the head)

Quantitative and ordinal count

Count how many sunflowers there are?
On which sunflower does the bird sit?
What number of sunflowers leaned down?
On what account did the bee land on the sunflower?
What is the number of this sunflower? (Show)

Volume measurement of bulk solids

How to find out how many seeds are in these two jars? Children's proposals are discussed. The countdown starts one by one. Children are led to the conclusion that counting one seed at a time is long and tiring.

If someone offers to weigh the seeds, the teacher says that there are no scales. If the children do not remember the measure, the teacher himself suggests using a glass and a doll cup. Children are called to measure. Before starting the measurement, children are asked if the number of seeds in both jars is equal? (Equal).
How many cups of seeds did you get? How many cups of seeds did you get? If there were the same number of seeds in the jars, why were there more cups than cups? Because cups are smaller than cups. Fewer seeds will fit into the cups, and more seeds will fit into the cup.
And now you need to take teaspoons and measure yourself two teaspoons, pour them into saucers. You will need these seeds to complete the craft.

Finger gymnastics "Sunflower"

golden sunflower,
Petals are rays.
He is the son of the sun
And a cheerful cloud.

(Hands point up. The palms touch with their bases, forming a bowl. The fingers are spread apart).

Wakes up in the morning
The sun shines
close at night
Yellow eyelashes.

(Hands and palms remain in the same position, and the fingers slowly bend).

In summer, our sunflowers -
Like a colored flashlight.
In the autumn we black
Give a seed.

(Alternately with each finger right hand knock on the open palm of the left hand. Then change hands.)

Manual labor "Sunflower"

Children apply a layer of black plasticine on a circle drawn on cardboard, apply and press leaves along the edges of the entire circle (yellow dry leaves or cut out of paper). Green plasticine is divided into two parts: a thin sausage is molded from one - a stem, the other piece is divided in half again and leaves are molded from them. Sunflower seeds are applied and pressed around the circle covered with black plasticine.

The formation of the human personality begins in early childhood. little preschooler with surprise and joy the world, and the task of parents and teachers is to make sure that the desire for creation becomes his life position. Work has a huge impact on both mental and moral development child, and enter into his life he should be as early as possible. Therefore, modern preschool pedagogy Very great attention focuses on this direction. As for the middle group, this preschool period the volume of labor tasks that are set for children is growing noticeably. Children actively master a variety of skills that will help them become more mature and independent.

Why work is necessary for children of middle preschool age

Labor education V middle group aimed at the implementation of various tasks.

Educational tasks of labor activity in the middle group

  1. Continue to teach kids to dress and undress on their own, carefully fold and hang (in a booth, on a high chair) wardrobe items, bring clothes into proper shape under the supervision of an adult (dry, clean), instill a desire for neatness.
  2. Teaching preschoolers to prepare workplace To productive activity, and also clean it up at the end of work (rinse brushes, non-spills, wipe the table, etc.).
  3. To form the ability to keep in order their group room (cleaning toys), a site (pick up garbage, clear snow in winter), assist the teacher in minor repairs of books, boxes, etc.
  4. To teach preschoolers on duty in the dining room: explain how to properly arrange cups and saucers, deep plates, napkin holders, bread bins, lay out cutlery in a certain order.
  5. lay the foundations proper care for indoor plants: gently water them, loosen the ground, wipe the dust on the leaves. Also teach kids to feed the fish, pour water into the drinker, wash it, put food in the feeders for birds (all these actions are carried out with the help of a teacher).
  6. To introduce children to work in the garden, in the flower garden (sow seeds, water the flower bed, beds, help adults or older preschoolers harvest).
  7. To teach to help the teacher to put in order the inventory that is used in the process labor activity(clean and dry it, take it to the right place).
  8. Learn to follow orders - both individual and collective.
  9. When performing a collective task, teach preschoolers to distribute responsibilities, strive to complete joint work in a timely manner.
  10. To expand the ideas of preschoolers about the work activities of adults, various professions, arouse interest in what professions parents have.

Developing tasks of labor activity in the middle group

  1. Labor activity helps the development of mental operations, cognitive activity: in the process of work, kids learn a lot of new, interesting things for themselves, acquire important knowledge, begin to analyze, compare, contrast them.
  2. Work improves the ability to concentrate, develops intelligence and creative imagination.
  3. The performance of this or that type of work contributes to the socialization of preschoolers, helps to learn how to build relationships with adults and peers, negotiate, and provide mutual assistance.

Educational tasks of labor activity in the middle group

  1. Labor activity brings up in children such important qualities, as self-confidence, independence, perseverance, willpower, the ability to plan one's time, forms an active life position.
  2. In the process of work, aesthetic issues are also touched upon: kids learn to see the beauty of nature, man-made things, to notice some shortcomings in environment and strive to eliminate them.

Types of labor activity in kindergarten and forms of their organization

In the middle preschool level, labor education is the following types activities:

  • deepening and expanding ideas about work activities adults;
  • self-service (meeting your daily needs);
  • economic- domestic work(arranging group room and plot);
  • manual labor (the simplest repair of toys, gluing books and boxes);
  • labor tasks in nature (work in the garden, flower garden, in the ecological corner of the group room).

In the process of implementing these types of activities, the teacher uses various forms of organizing child labor:

  • assignments (individual or uniting several people);
  • duty roster;
  • collective tasks;
  • games (mobile, didactic, speech).

Expansion of ideas about the professional activities of adults

At the middle preschool level, the teacher continues to acquaint the kids with the work of adults, while cultivating a positive attitude towards the worker. Such classes are observations of how a representative of a particular profession works. The easiest way to do this is within kindergarten. For example, the guys go to the kitchen and watch how the cook cooks delicious porridge, another time - how he cuts vegetables or prepares delicious meatballs.

Watching the work of a cook expands children's understanding of this profession

Thus, kids are led to an understanding of the essence of the work of a certain profession (in addition to the cook, this is also the work of an educator, laundress, nanny, music worker, janitor). Such observations are necessarily embodied in role-playing games that become deeper in content (“We are cooks”, “Laundry”), didactic (“Who needs what for work”), mobile (“Edible - inedible”). The teacher also offers the kids pictures for viewing, and also periodically reads to the kids works of art, proverbs and sayings, riddles on the topic of professions, thereby instilling respectful attitude to any job. The following literature can be recommended:

  • B. Zakhoder "Builders", "Driver";
  • S. Marshak "What do you have?", "Mail";
  • A. Kardashov "Our Doctor";
  • V. Berestov "Sick Doll".

Visualization always contributes to a better assimilation of the material.

Self service

The main type of independent labor activity in the middle preschool age is self-service. The teacher continues to stimulate children's interest in him, improve the work skills that the children have (washing, washing hands, dressing and undressing), instilling new ones (combing their hair, washing a cup after themselves). Preschoolers this age learn to name the order in which they take off and put on their clothes. Also, more complex tasks are set before the children: when going for a walk, they should try to tie a scarf for themselves, try to lace up their shoes.

In the middle group, preschoolers often have a desire to teach a friend something. The teacher, of course, must support this aspiration in order to instill in children the important skills of mutual assistance and goodwill. However, we must not allow some guys to abuse the help of others.

In middle preschool age, skills of mutual assistance are formed, for example, when dressing for a walk

Household work

In the life of children 4–5 years old, everything greater value begins to be given to elementary household work. As in more early age, its main form remains the execution of instructions. Since the children still do not have a good command of the relevant skills, the teacher gives the task to one child or to a small group (of 2-3 people). Specific examples: wipe shelves with a damp cloth, wash toys in a basin, remove clothes from dolls and wash them. Collective assignments (for all) are just beginning to be practiced, while the teacher helps the pupils in every possible way, distributes responsibilities between them.

In the process of household work, the educator gives a specific assignment to a small group of children

For children of middle preschool age, the teacher can give tasks that, it would seem, will not have a tangible result (for example, go somewhere, go up to the nanny and say something to her). However, they are very important for the formation of independence and responsibility.

Elementary household work can be offered to kids at any time of the day: both in the morning and in the evening, including the hours spent on a walk. Children learn to maintain order in the environment on an equal basis with adults. For example, at the site, the teacher offers the children to clear the benches or the gazebo from snow, motivating their request by the fact that they need to help the janitor (he can’t do it alone).

Household work can be organized in nature

When performing household work, it is extremely important that the guys learn to bring the work they have started to the end, while making an effort of will.

When entrusting children with certain tasks, overstrain should not be allowed: it is fraught with overwork and, as a result, a negative attitude towards work. The duration of continuous work activity for kids 4–5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes.

Canteen duty in middle preschool age has been practiced since the beginning of the year. At the same time, at first, the teacher explains in detail to the attendants all the methods of work. For example, a cup should be taken by the handle, and plates should be carried with both hands. Since it is difficult for toddlers under six to coordinate with the work of other children, each table is always served by one child.

Each table is served by one child.

Manual labor

In the middle group, children already work quite well with paper, can grease a large surface with glue, learn to use scissors and a ruler. Therefore, with the participation of the educator, the child can already glue the book or box. At this age, toddlers can also be trusted to sharpen pencils with a sharpener. Manual labor also teaches preschoolers to take care of things.

By repairing books, the children learn to take care of them

labor in nature

In kindergarten, an adult shows preschoolers an example of a caring attitude towards the natural world, while at the same time involving them in work activities. In autumn, kids can participate in the harvest in the garden of a preschool institution. In winter, they will gladly feed the birds on the site (by the way, you can first arrange family competition to make the most beautiful feeder).

It is necessary to feed the birds not occasionally, but every day, so that preschoolers realize the importance of this work and treat living creatures responsibly.

Regular feeding of birds in winter brings up responsibility, kindness and careful attitude to nature

IN spring period pupils of the middle group watch how adults dig up a garden, a flower garden, cut bushes, plant flowers and vegetables. It is necessary to show the kids how the pupils of the senior level sow the seeds themselves. All this makes them want to actively participate in their work. The teacher should provide the children with such an opportunity: for example, he pulls out the weeds, and the guys carefully put them in a pile. In summer, kids can take care of a flowering flower bed together with adults - water the plants from watering cans.

Another important area of ​​labor activity in nature is the involvement of children in the care of indoor plants. Although duty in the group corner of nature begins only with senior group, babies of the fourth or fifth year of life can, under the supervision of a teacher, water flowers, loosen the ground, gently wipe the leaves. Together with the children, the teacher regularly inspects the ecological zone in the group so that the children learn to see the changes taking place there.

There is no duty in the corner of nature in the middle group yet, but the kids are acquiring the basic skills of caring for indoor plants

Techniques relevant for working with toddlers of the middle group

So that work brings joy to the pupil of the middle group, does not turn into a boring monotonous action, the educator can use various techniques and methodological finds.

During the lesson, it is recommended to use various game characters. For example, the teacher warns the children that today Mishka will check how they wash their hands, if anyone wets their sleeves because they roll them up badly. And doll Katya, it turns out, dreams of becoming a cook and wants to learn more about this important profession. The task of the guys is to answer her questions.

In addition, it is desirable to include the actual games (didactic, speech, plot-role-playing, mobile) in the structure of the lesson. For example, with the help of a doll, you can organize the game “What has changed?” with preschoolers. Children memorize what she is wearing, and then close their eyes. The teacher at this time removes one item of clothing or changes it to another. The task of the guys is to determine what has changed. Repair of books can be implemented in the role-playing game "Hospital", where books will be patients, and children will be doctors.

Manual labor, such as book repair, can be presented as a game

When working with middle-aged children, visualization plays an important role. Therefore, at a labor lesson, it is necessary to offer the children various pictures, posters, pictograms, slides, etc. for viewing.

Photo Gallery: Visibility in Work Skills Training

Using the algorithm, it will be easier for children to remember the sequence of dressing. In the middle group, when teaching children self-service, visibility is very important. To expand the horizons of children, the teacher introduces them to a variety of hygiene products.

Babies 4-5 years old have not yet developed abstract thinking, therefore, in the course of labor education, an adult should lead concrete examples, illustrating the idea that he wants to convey to the pupils. For example, they explain to the child that if he cannot find his change of shoes for a long time after a walk, then this is because he did not immediately put them back in place, and the shirt is wrinkled, because he did not hang it neatly on the back of a chair before going to bed .

It is necessary to constantly emphasize the importance of their work for the kids. For example, if the teacher wants to ask the children to carefully arrange the building material on the shelf, he says that he trusts them with a very important matter, and then sets out the request.

In the process of doing the work, the teacher should praise the children, inform them of the specific results of their actions (for example, “Masha tied a scarf well, and now she will not catch a cold”), encourage them to introspection (“Let's check if we put on the mittens correctly”).

Labor education is inextricably linked with the use individual approach. It begins with taking into account the personal characteristics of each child, the level of his labor skills. This is very important - if the teacher's requirements are too high, then the children will quickly get tired, lose self-confidence. Also, when implementing an individual approach, we take into account moral qualities child (activity or, conversely, shyness).

Labor education of the child should be carried out with close interaction of teachers with the family: the requirements of educators and parents should not contradict each other. The teacher recommends to moms and dads that the guys have certain responsibilities at home.

It will be more effective if parents are also involved in the issue of labor education

Card file of topics of labor education classes

In accordance with the types of labor activity in the middle preschool age, the teacher selects specific topics for classes:

  1. Self-service, hygiene, clothing:
    • "Let's teach the doll Katya to dress" (sequence of dressing on the street);
    • "We fasten the buttons";
    • "How to take care of shoes";
    • "Cleanliness is the key to health";
    • Washing Rules.
  2. Taking care of things, cleaning, repairing:
    • "Toy Rescue" (they are dirty);
    • "Washing toy dishes";
    • "Washing doll clothes";
    • "Let's heal the books."
  3. Labor in nature:
    • "Care for indoor plants";
    • "Journey to the land of flowers";
    • "Planting seeds of beans (oats) in a corner of nature";
    • "Our beautiful flower bed."
  4. Territory cleaning:
    • "Cleaning the site from snow";
    • "Let's help the janitor remove the leaves."
  5. About professions:
    • "Merry cooks";
    • How does our nanny work?

How to motivate children to work

In the middle group, children are more interested in the labor process itself than in its result. And the task of the teacher is to strengthen this interest with the help of the right motivation:

  1. A rather unusual character, the Old Slipper, can come to visit the guys. He tells the kids sad story about the brothers Tapochkin, who serve the boy Alyosha. The boy treats them badly: he wears them carelessly, knocks the backs off and never puts them back in their place. As a result, slippers have become ugly, and soon they will be thrown into the trash. With the help of a teacher and a play character, preschoolers formulate the rules for caring for slippers: carefully adjust them with your fingers when putting them on, do not throw them anywhere, clean them from dust.

    Old Slipper will teach children how to take care of shoes

  2. Teddy Bear is going to the party, but his vest is open because he doesn't know how to use buttons. The task of the children is to teach Mishka.
  3. An upset doll Katya comes to visit the kids. She takes off her outerwear and throws things. The doll informs the children that no one wants to walk with her, her girlfriends do not invite her to visit, they call her a slob. Katya asks the guys for help, so that they explain what this word means and help her improve.
  4. Another option for the same household activity - the evil wizard Vredilius enchanted all the cubes in the group - infected them with a virus of dust and dirt. If the cubes are not saved, then all other toys in the group will become infected. Of course, the children will start the rescue operation with enthusiasm - they will wash all the necessary items.
  5. A teddy bear comes to visit the guys with a bag full of toys. He does not understand why the cubs refuse to play with them. And the thing is that the toys are dirty. Children will please the cubs with pleasure - they will wash the toys.

    There are dirty toys in the Bear's bag that need to be washed.

  6. Helping a nanny can be a motivation for work. At first, the teacher starts a conversation about how the kids help their parents at home, and then offers to make the cleaning process easier for the nanny. The supply manager can also ask for help: there is a large greenhouse in the kindergarten, and a lot of seeds need to be planted there. And she can't do it alone.
  7. If the topic employment- care for indoor plants, then the teacher can invite the children to go to magical land colors. But only affectionate and kind, attentive and caring children can get there.
  8. Another example on the theme of nature - a crying bunny appears in front of preschoolers. He is ashamed that he ate all the carrots from Masha and the Bear, because they planted and grew them. Bunny really wants to fix what he's done, but doesn't know how. The teacher shows the seeds of plants (carrots, peas, beans, pumpkins) and suggests planting them so that many delicious vegetables grow.
  9. You can start a lesson on labor education by reading a work of art, for example, L. Voronkova’s story “Masha the Confused”. The educator conducts a conversation on the content, while consolidating self-service skills (self-dressing and careful attitude to things).
  10. I. Gurina's "The Tale of How Clothes Offended" is devoted to the same topic. Her hero is the spoiled boy Andryusha, who really does not like to dress himself - his grandmother always does it for him. Own clothes he doesn't like it, he calls her ugly. And then one day the wardrobe items come to life and punish the boy. Tights turn into green branches of trees and hit Andryusha on the bottom, a sweater into a huge bird and pinch a spoiled boy by the knees, shoelaces into snakes, boots into biting dogs, a cap with ears into a growling bear head, etc. As a result, the boy realizes his ugly behavior, promises to always dress himself, and things are returned to him.
  11. I. Gurina also has another work on the topic of self-service, which can be read to pupils of the middle group - this is “The Tale of the Evil Sorceress, the Ruler of the Neryakh Country”. The boy Vasya already appears here, who never puts his toys away. The evil sorceress Neubirinda takes him to her land of Sloppy.

The structure of the lesson should include physical education minutes on the topic of labor.

Table: physical education "We help mom together"

Table: physical education "Shoe"

Table: finger gymnastics "Remember the dough with handles"

Table: abstracts of classes on labor activity in the middle group of kindergarten (fragments)

Author and title of the lesson Lesson progress
Kiseleva E.V.
"Cleanliness is the key to health"
Comes to visit the guys Teddy bear with a bag. He reports that there are cub toys in it, but for some reason they do not want to play with them, they do not like them.
The teacher asks the kids what their favorite toys are. There is a mini-talk.
The teacher takes a toy out of the bag and shows the children that it is dirty. Now it is clear why the cubs do not want to play with her. A problem situation arises: how to help the animals? The teacher puts the children before a choice: to play by themselves or to do a good deed for the cubs. Children, of course, choose the latter, because they are already big, and the game can wait.
A physical education session is held (pantomime according to the text):
  1. Washing, washing, washing all day long.

  2. Rinse, rinse, rinse all day long.
    Look, arms, legs, are they tired?
    Are you ready to go back to work?
  3. We press, we press, we press all day long.
    Look, arms, legs, are they tired?
    Are you ready to go back to work?
  4. We hang, we hang, we hang all day long.
    Look, arms, legs, are they tired?
    Are you ready to go back to work?
Kids are invited to wash toys, especially since Mishka has already prepared a basin. The teacher asks the children to smile before starting work, because they should be glad that they can help the cubs.
The teacher asks one girl to put all the basins on the bench (assignment), another child puts soap dishes on the table, the third one lays out sponges.
Labor activity of preschoolers (Mishka gives toys from a bag, children wash them and put them on a napkin to dry).
Stukalo L.V.
"Merry Chefs"
The teacher comes out to the children in an apron and a cap and says that today he is a pastry chef. And he offers them to become cheerful cooks and learn how to cook. But first, the children will have to get acquainted with the profession of a confectioner.
A conversation is being held on the topic: who is a cook. The teacher reads the poem:
  • The cook cooks for the kids
    Soup, potatoes, meatballs.
    Cooking porridge-semolina
    Salad with sour cream.

A poem about a pastry chef

  • I'll bake pies
    And carpets, and horns.
    This is the gift I have:
    I am a pastry chef.
The teacher's story with a simultaneous slide show. The profession of a pastry chef is difficult, but very creative. After all, cakes and cakes that are sold in stores have different shape, whimsically decorated.
Discussion of confectioner's clothes (robe, apron). Hair is always hidden under a scarf. Demonstration of confectioner's tools. Consolidation of new information with questions.
A dance-game "We clap our hands" is held.
Practical part. The pastry teacher invites preschoolers to make cakes from salty multi-colored dough. Of course, you can’t eat them, but you can treat dolls, play “Shop” or “Cafe”.
Children turn into cooks: they put on aprons and caps.
Held finger gymnastics"We remember the dough with our hands."
The teacher explains how to work with the dough: you need to roll the ball, flatten it and decorate the “cake” with pasta, beans, etc.
Independent activity of preschoolers. Ready crafts placed on a separate table. The analysis of works is carried out. The teacher treats the kids with real cookies.
Bakirova L.R.
"Journey to the Land of Flowers"
The teacher invites the children on a journey to the magical Land of Flowers. To go there, you need to be affectionate and kind, caring and attentive. Along the way, these qualities will come in handy. The teacher brings preschoolers to tables with indoor plants.
The game "1,2,3 - find a flower!" Instead of the word “flower”, each time a specific plant is called (violet, geranium, etc.), which the children should approach.
Flowers invite the guys to the flower meadow (sit on chairs). A conversation about what plants need to grow: kids show cards depicting water, air, soil, light, heat. Preschoolers build a time chain "seed - small sprout - large sprout").
The teacher asks the children to say a flower nice words(beautiful, beloved, blooming, etc.).
The attention of the kids is drawn to the fact that there is dust on the plant, and the soil is not loose. The question is what to do. Children guess that the dust needs to be wiped, the earth loosened and watered. Looking at cards showing how to care for indoor plants.
Children wear aprons. An individual conversation with each pupil about the name of the selected plant, the methods of work that he will use. If necessary, the teacher shows the necessary actions.
Independent labor activity of preschool children.
The teacher remembers proverbs about work with the children. Workplace cleaning.
Pentyukhova O.A.
"Our Helpers"
There is a game for the greeting "Good morning":
  1. Good morning eyes! You woke up? (Stroking the eyelids).
  2. Good morning ears! You woke up? (Rubbing the earlobes with fingers).
  3. Good morning pens! You woke up? (clapping hands).
  4. Good morning feet! You woke up? (stomp your feet).
  5. Good morning, Sunshine!
    I woke up. (Smile and stretch out your hands to the sun).

An audio recording from Chukovsky's fairy tale "Moydodyr" sounds that all the animals wash themselves in the morning.

Examination on the board of pictures, which depicts morning hygiene procedures. At the direction of the teacher, the children show specific pictures (brushing teeth, washing, wiping, combing).
Surprise moment. There is a knock on the door - a boy-doll "comes in" with a bag in his hands. There are personal hygiene items. Children take them out one by one, examine them, examine them by touch and smell.
Exercise "Find the right item": the teacher shows a picture, and the children find the same item on the table.
The puppet boy wants to play with the guys, but he has dirty hands. It's a pity for the boy: you need to help him - teach him how to use hygiene items.
A physical education session is held on a hygienic topic:
  1. Hotter, perforated cloud (squeeze-unclench fists)!
  2. Water your hands with water (rub your hands)!
  3. Shoulders and elbows (rub shoulders and elbows)!
  4. Fingers and nails (rub fingers and nails)!
  5. My nape, temples (rub the back of the head, temples)!
  6. Chin and cheeks. (rub chin and cheeks).
The teacher puts basins of water, soap and a towel on the tables. On the board, a scheme-algorithm for washing hands is displayed. The teacher explains the sequence of actions:
  1. Put on an apron.
  2. Roll up sleeves.
  3. Take soap.
  4. Wash your palm on one side, and then on the other side.
  5. Wash off the foam and dry your hands with a towel.

This algorithm is worked out in practice with each child - they wash the hands of a doll while reading a nursery rhyme:

  • Water, water, pour on the palm of your hand in a knife-ku.
    No, not a little, dare, it will be more fun to wash!
Doll-boy gives gifts to children - beautiful towels. Summing up the lesson, farewell to the toy character.

The use of folklore material in the process of labor education of preschoolers

Labor education of children will be more effective when using funds fiction. First of all, we are talking about folklore. He always brings an emotional note to the lesson. You cannot teach a child to work using a nursery rhyme, a proverb or a riddle, but with the help of these folklore genres, you can arouse in a preschooler an interest in work, the desire to be like the one who works, help children understand the importance of work for society.

Rhymes about hygiene

When teaching kids hygiene skills, you can accompany the actions by reading the following nursery rhymes:

Proverbs and sayings about work and laziness

The Russian people have a lot of proverbs about work. They glorify him and, on the contrary, ridicule laziness. folk wisdom teaches children to love their work and respect the work of other people:

  • Every young man has a craft to face.
  • A small deed is better than a big idleness.
  • The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.
  • See the tree in its fruits, but the man in his deeds.
  • A bird is recognized in flight, and a person is recognized at work.

When working with pupils of the middle group, the teacher should use only proverbs and sayings that are understandable to children. Otherwise, their use will have no effect.

Proverbs can also be introduced into the lesson separately, accompanied by illustrations.

For example, when kids are just starting some kind of work, it is important to immediately support them, set them up for a successful result:

  • A good start is half the battle.
  • If there was a hunt, any work would work out.

If one of the children reluctantly gets to work, then the proverb will express the grief of an adult, make the baby think about how to behave:

  • The lazy Egorka always has excuses.
  • The work is in full swing, and he is at the market.

If in the process of completing the task the guys quarrel, cannot agree, then with the help of a proverb you can smooth out the situation, push them to find a solution to the conflict:

  • They carry water on angry people, bricks on inflated ones.
  • Mind is good, but two is better.
  • Alone you will not overcome a bump.

When the work is done, the teacher emphasizes what children are doing well, how much effort they put into their work:

  • Golden hands - golden deeds.
  • What is the master - such is the work.
  • Whoever is not afraid of work, work is arguing with him.

In Russian, there are also proverbs on the topic of planning: after all, every business, even the smallest one, must first be considered:

  • The head will teach - the hands will do.
  • Strength is good, but intelligence is better.
  • Try on seven times - cut once.

A well-aimed proverb can do more for the labor education of a child than lengthy notations.

Other proverbs and sayings emphasize that if nothing is done, then the work will not budge:

  • A rolling stone gathers no moss.
  • Without taking up the ax, you will not cut down the hut.

If in the process of work some guys lose interest in it, try to avoid it, then the teacher can comment on this like this:

  • Fatigue will pass, but good glory will remain.
  • You can't take a fish out of a pond without effort.

If one of the children begins to show off the result of his work even before he has done it, then the teacher notices:

  • Talking is easy, doing is hard.
  • Do not hurry with your tongue, but do not be lazy in deeds.

Proverbs and sayings about those who are distracted a lot in the process of work:

  • Where there are many words, there is little deed.
  • One plows, and seven wave their hands.

When the children have successfully completed the work task, you can praise their results, invite them to rest:

  • Finished the job - walk boldly.
  • A good end is the crown of business.
  • The worker gets honey donuts, and the loafer gets fir cones.

Riddles on the theme of labor and hygiene

Preschoolers usually love to solve riddles. When working with children of middle preschool age, it is desirable that the teacher accompanied the correct answer with a demonstration of the corresponding picture.

So, the guys will like riddles about personal hygiene items:

An interesting idea is to build a lesson entirely on riddles. The Grandmother-Riddle (disguised teacher) can come to visit the children and offer them “delicious” riddles:

  • And green and thick
    A bush has grown in the garden.
    Dig a little
    Under a bush ... (Potato)
  • Above is green
    red below,
    It has grown into the ground. (Beet)
  • I was born to fame
    The head is white, curly,
    Who loves cabbage soup -
    Look for me in them. (Cabbage)
  • I grow in the ground
    I'm in the garden.
    orange, long
    Sweet. (Carrot)
  • In the summer - in the garden,
    fresh, green,
    And in winter - in a barrel,
    yellow, salty
    Guess, well done
    What is our name? (Cucumbers)
  • Threw off from Yegorushka
    Golden feathers -
    I made Yegorushka
    Cry without grief. (Onion)

When the guys guess all the riddles, the Mysterious Grandmother gives them aprons and offers to help her plant the onion in a pot of earth (a vegetable garden in the group).

Diagnostics and analysis of the results of labor education

To chart for myself effective ways work on labor education of preschoolers, at the very beginning school year The teacher is diagnosing children. It allows you to identify at what level of labor development each child, as well as the group as a whole, is.

As a rule, a three-point system is used for evaluation:

  1. Low (1 point):
    • the child has no expressed interest in work;
    • it is inactive;
    • tasks are not able to complete without the help of an adult;
    • labor does not give the baby positive emotions;
    • V joint work acts unproductively with other children.
  2. Medium (2 points):
    • a preschooler is interested in work, but at the same time almost does not show initiative;
    • when performing assignments, he cannot cope without the help of an adult;
    • easily breaks the sequence of work, switches from one thing to another;
    • does not always show a careful attitude to the results of his work.
  3. High level of development (3 points):
    • the child has a steady interest in work;
    • he is able to carry out simple tasks on his own;
    • while being proud of the results of their work;
    • the work process brings him joy;
    • successfully interacts with other children during the task.

On such a three-point scale, each type of labor activity is considered:

  • labor in nature;
  • household work;
  • manual labor;
  • self-service.

According to a similar scheme, diagnostics are carried out at the end of the school year (May). At the same time, the teacher compares the results, reveals the dynamics, notes the pupils who do not show any changes, and plans their further actions.

In addition to diagnosing work activity in kindergarten, it can be analyzed. As a rule, the educator himself analyzes a specific lesson according to the following parameters (when conducting open class this is mandatory):

  1. Have all the tasks set been solved (consolidating existing skills or developing new ones, what is the educational orientation labor, its practical significance)?
  2. How are the working conditions organized (does the equipment correspond to the tasks, is it rationally placed, what are its aesthetic parameters)?
  3. What forms of organization of the children's team were used in the lesson, how did preschoolers interact with each other in the process of work?
  4. What methodological approaches were used during pedagogical process Has an individual approach been implemented?

The correct organization of the labor activity of a preschooler is the basis of his full development. The child feels his value, the opportunity to benefit others. In the process of labor, useful knowledge is acquired about objects and materials, their purpose and use. As for pupils of the middle group, they are more attracted by the labor process itself than by its result. And the task of the teacher is to create an atmosphere of cooperation, to interest children in this activity as much as possible, to make it so that it brings them great pleasure.

Creativity is a special kind of activity,
it is self-satisfied.

Artistic manual labor is the creative work of a child with various materials, in the process of which he creates useful and aesthetic significant objects and products for decorating everyday life (games, work and leisure). Such work is a decorative, artistic and applied activity of the child, since when creating beautiful objects, he takes into account the aesthetic qualities of materials based on existing ideas, knowledge, practical experience acquired in the course of work and on artistic pursuits in kindergarten.

Adults surrounding the child should not only form and improve his labor skills, but also gradually expand the content of the child's labor activity, achieving awareness and purposefulness of labor motives. Therefore, it became necessary to teach children art work individually, that is, the creation of the “Very skillful hands” circle.

In the work of the circle necessary tasks for children to design from paper, natural and waste material, fabrics, paper, cereals. encourage interest visual activity; pay attention to the figurative expressiveness of various objects in the art of natural and everyday environment (things created by the hands of craftsmen, architectural structures); learn to notice the general outlines and individual details, contour, color, pattern. Familiarize with colors, with options for compositions and different arrangement of the image on a sheet of paper. Create conditions for independent artistic creativity.

Another of the main tasks set by me is the development of fine motor skills. Since the development of fine motor skills of preschool children is one of the actual problems, since the weakness and awkwardness of the movement of the fingers and hands are factors that make it difficult to master the simplest skills and self-service skills necessary in life. In addition, the development of the hand is in close connection with the development of speech and thinking of the child. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of readiness for schooling. Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, he has developed memory, attention, coherent speech.

Classes in the circle interest and captivate the children with their unusualness, the ability to use fiction, fantasy, to search different tricks and methods of action, creatively communicate with each other, the guys master the ability to repeatedly select and combine materials, it is advisable to use it, learn to comprehend the technique, the secrets of folk craftsmen. And this ultimately contributes to the artistic and creative development of preschoolers, the formation of a desire to engage in interesting and useful work.
The topics of my studies coincided with lexical topics kindergarten. For classes in the circle, various materials were used: cotton wool, cereals, foam rubber, CD disks, cotton pads, napkins, etc.

The circle is designed for children from 4 to 7 years old.


Create favorable conditions for the development of children's creative abilities
Help your child feel like a master and a creator.

Circle tasks:

1. Develop artistic Creative skills preschoolers through visual activity;
2. Develop cognitive, constructive, creative and artistic ability in the process of creating images using various materials and techniques.
3. The development of a children's, close-knit team through the education of diligence, perseverance, patience, mutual assistance, mutual assistance.
4. Develop in children fine motor skills fingers, imagination, creative thinking, coordination of movements, eye.
5. Accustom to patience and perseverance.

Middle group.

1 week: Topic: "Vegetables".
Material: Plasticine, cardboard with a stencil.

Target: Learn the rules of safe work with glue, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate a desire to do crafts.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, paper napkin.

Week 3: Topic: "Fungus".
Target: Teach children to work with cereals and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, grits.

Week 4: Topic: "Leaf fall".
Target: Teaching children how to work with paper napkins different color(yellow, green, orange, red). Learn to have fun while working with such material. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, napkins.


1 week: Topic: "Sheep".
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton wool.

Week 2: Topic: "Chicken".
Target: Learn to build complex crafts. Learn to use different materials. To form independence, to develop a sense of self-confidence. Cultivate independence.
Material: paper, bird stencil, millet, cotton wool, PVA glue, brush.

Week 3: Topic: "Hedgehog".
Target: Learn the rules of safe work with glue, seeds. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, seeds.

Week 4: Topic: "Forest".
Collective work.
Target: Learn the rules of safe work with glue, napkins. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, napkins, brush, cereals.


1 week: Topic: "Snowflake".
Target: Teaching children to work with different material. Learn the safety rules for working with glue, cereals. Learn to plan your work. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: pasta, cardboard, stencil, glue, brush.

Week 2: Topic: "Sweater".
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cereals.

Week 3: Topic: "Hat".
Target: Teach children to work with cotton wool and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.

4 week:
Theme: "Horse".
Target: Teach children to work with cotton wool and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton balls.


Week 2: Topic: "Bird on the feeder."
Target: Learn the rules of safe work with glue, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, cereals.

Week 3: Topic: "Plate"
Material: plate stencil, PVA glue, brush, cereals, seeds.

Week 4: Topic: "Cookies".
Target: Teaching children how to work with salt dough. Learn to have fun while working with such material. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Salty dough.


1 week: Topic: "Sofa".
Target: Learn the rules of safe work with glue, cardboard. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Cardboard, glue, brush.

Week 2: Topic: "Machine".
Target: Learn to convey the image, observing the relative value. Develop figurative, aesthetic perception. Cultivate independence.
Material: matchboxes, PVA glue, brush.

Week 3: Topic: "Cup for dad."
Target: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn to build simple crafts. Develop compositional skills. To cultivate the ability to bring the work started to the end.
Material: cardboard stencil, PVA glue, seeds, cereals.

Week 4: Topic: "House".
Target: Teaching kids how to work with boxes toilet water, colored paper, glue.
Material: cardboard, glue, brush, colored paper, boxes of toilet water.


Target: Teach children how to work with paper towels and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, paper napkin, disposable plate.

Week 2: Topic: "Basket".
Target: Learn to plan the progress of work. Develop compositional skills, color perception. To form independence, a sense of self-confidence.
Material: a bottle of lemonade, scissors.

Week 3: Theme: "Giraffe".
Target: Teach children to work with grits and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, millet.

Week 4: Topic: "Snowdrop".
Target: Learn the rules of safe work with glue, paper. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Quilling paper, glue, brush.


1 week: Topic: Teamwork. "Migratory birds"
Target: To teach children to work with cotton wool and glue, cereals. Work collectively. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton pads, cereals.

Week 2: Topic: "Space"
Target: Learn to plan your work. Develop manual skills. Cultivate independence.
Material: Colored paper, cardboard, cereals, PVA glue, scissors, brush.

Week 3: Topic: "Fish".
Material: lid from under yogurt, plasticine, seeds, cereals, toothpick, scissors.

Week 4: Theme: "Flowers"


1 week: Topic: "Butterfly"

Week 2: Topic: "Postcard for veterans"

Week 3: Topic: "Summer".
Target: Learn to build simple crafts. Develop initiative. Cultivate independence, activity.
Material: colored paper, napkins, cereals, glue, brush.

4 week: Diagnostics. Exhibition of works.

Senior group.


1 week: Topic: "Our cheerful garden that just does not grow here ...".
Tasks: To form the ability to work with corrugated cardboard, adding the main elements and converting them into various crafts. Learn to plan your work. Develop manual skill, imagination, creative skills. Develop speech. Cultivate independence.
Material: multi-colored cardboard(1/2 A4 sheet) for each child. Corrugated board strips green and orange flowers 1 cm wide. Corrugated green paper. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: "Orchard".
Tasks: To form the ability to make crafts from corrugated cardboard. To fix the technique of working with corrugated cardboard. Develop imagination, fine motor skills.
Material: Multi-colored cardboard (1/2 A4 sheet) for each child. Strips of green and cherry corrugated board, 1 cm wide. Green corrugated paper. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Theme: "Basket of mushrooms."
Tasks: To form the ability to make crafts from corrugated cardboard. Strengthen the ability to do the job accurately. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate aesthetic perception, interest in the occupation.
Material: The finished image of a wicker basket. Corrugated cardboard strips 20-30 cm long white color for the legs of mushrooms, strips of brown and orange colors 10-15 cm long. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Theme: "Golden Autumn".
Tasks: Continue to teach children how to use corrugated cardboard in their work. To form the ability to create plot compositions using various materials. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Tinted sheet of A3 paper, stripes.


Theme: "Flag of Russia".
Tasks: To develop in children the ability to work with napkins and glue. Fix the colors of the flag of Russia. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, PVA glue, brushes. Napkins of white, blue, red colors, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: "Pupa from a handkerchief."
Tasks: To form the ability of children to build a doll from a handkerchief. To form independence, to develop a sense of self-confidence. Cultivate independence. Develop motor skills.
Material: Handkerchief, cotton wool, thread.

Week 3: Topic: "Machine".
Tasks: To form the ability to work with different materials (matchboxes). Fix the rules of safe work with glue, scissors. Develop compositional skills. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: Colored paper, 3 matchboxes for each child, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Week 4: Topic: "Man".
Tasks: Learn the rules of safe work with acorns, matches. Develop compositional skills. Develop a desire to see things through to the end. Develop imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills. Achieve accurate and quality work.
Material: acorns, plasticine.


1 week: Topic: "Rowan branch".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials (napkin), plan their work. Fix the signs of winter. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: cardboard, stencil, white, red napkin, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: "Bullfinch".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with cereals and glue. Plan the progress of work. To fix the ability to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, painted millet, oilcloth.

Week 3: Topic: "Snowflake".
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials (semolina) Teach the safety rules for working with glue, cereals. Learn to plan your work. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: semolina, cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth.

Week 4: Teamwork.
Theme: "Christmas Tree of Wishes".
Tasks: Develop the ability to work in a team. Strengthen the ability of children to work with paper and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: sheet of A3 paper, palm stencil, PVA glue, brush, colored paper, cotton wool.


Week 2: Topic: “Christmas present. Angel".
Tasks: Learn to plan the progress of work. Develop compositional skills, color perception. To form independence, a sense of self-confidence. To form a desire to make a gift for relatives. Achieve accurate and quality work.
Material: cardboard, cotton pads, scissors, PVA glue, napkin, oilcloth.

Week 3: Topic: "Sheep".
Tasks: Teach the rules of safe work with glue, cotton swabs. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate a desire to do crafts with your own hands.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, PVA glue, brush, cotton buds, scissors.

Week 4: Theme: "Giraffe".
Tasks: Teach children to work with grits and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, millet.


1 week: Topic: "In the kingdom of fish."
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials, disks. Fix the rules for safe work with glue, paper, scissors. Develop compositional skills, eye, sense of proportion. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Colored paper, PVA glue, brush, scissors, napkin, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: "The Raft".
Tasks: Improve skills in working with various materials (cork, fabrics, toothpicks, rubber bands). Develop figurative, aesthetic perception. Cultivate accuracy, initiative.
Material: plastic stoppers(or regular cork), rubber bands, wooden toothpicks, a piece of full fabric.

Week 3: Topic: "Photo frame for dad."
Material: cardboard stencil, PVA glue, buttons of different sizes and colors.

Week 4: Topic: “Horseshoe for home
Material: salt dough, stack.


Week 1: Topic: "Mimosa sprig."
Tasks: Continue to improve skills and abilities when working with corrugated cardboard. To consolidate the ability to work with a napkin, twist balls of the same size. Continue to learn how to create a composition together. Develop a sense of color and composition.
Material: Toned sheet of A3 paper. Green corrugated strips 0.5 cm wide, 15 cm and 3 cm long. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth, scissors, yellow napkin.


Week 3: Topic: "Clothes".
Tasks: Plan the progress of work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.

Week 4: Topic: "Ice cream".
Tasks: Continue to improve skills and abilities, working with different materials. To fix the rules of safe work with glue, cotton wool, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate independence.
Material: Cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth, napkin, cereals, cotton wool.


1 week: Theme: "Swallow"
Tasks: Teach kids how to work with paper and glue. Plan the progress of work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: white paper, black paper, stencil, PVA glue brush.

Week 2: Topic: "Flying Saucer"
Tasks: Develop the ability to plan your work. Develop children's creative imagination, manual skill. Cultivate independence.
Material: Disposable plates, colored paper, cardboard, cereals, PVA glue, scissors, brush, napkins, oilcloth.

Week 3: Theme: "Bear".
Tasks: Learn to build simple crafts. Develop initiative. Cultivate independence, activity.
Material: stencil, millet, PVA glue, brush, napkin, oilcloth.

Week 4: Theme: "Flowers"
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn to have fun while working with such material. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Napkins, cardboard, colored paper, glue, brush, buttons of different sizes.


Tasks: Develop the ability to work in a team. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: PVA glue, brush, Pencils, napkins.

Week 2: Topic: "Butterfly"
Tasks: To form the ability to work with paper, to make blanks for work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: strips of colored paper, PVA glue, brush.

3 — 4 week Diagnostics Exhibition of works.

Preparatory group.


Week 1: Topic: “Bread is the head of everything”
Tasks: To develop the ability to work with salt dough. Learn to plan your work. Develop manual skill, imagination, creative skills. Develop speech. Cultivate independence.
Material: ready-made salt dough, molds, stacks, planks.

Week 2: Topic: "Fruit Basket".
Tasks: Continue to develop the ability to work with corrugated cardboard and quilling paper. Improve the ability to give crafts a resemblance to fruit. Develop fine motor skills, imagination.
Material: Cardboard basket blanks for each child. Toothpicks (pre-cut the sharp ends), strips of green paper, strips of corrugated cardboard in red, yellow, blue colors 0.7-1 cm wide, 10-15 cm long.

Week 3: Topic: "Bouquet for Autumn."
Tasks: To form the ability to make crafts from leaves. Strengthen the ability to do the job accurately. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate aesthetic perception, interest in work.
Material: Autumn leaves different colors, threads.

Week 4: Teamwork.
Theme: "Swans in the pond."
Tasks: Continue to teach children to work together. To form the ability to create plot compositions using various materials. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Tinted sheet of A3 paper, Cotton pads, white napkins, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.


1 week: Collective work.
Theme: "Birch Grove".
Tasks: To develop in children the ability to work with paper and glue. Consolidate knowledge about Russia. Plan the progress of work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in work.
Material: cardboard, PVA glue, brushes. white, green, black paper, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: "Matryoshka from salt dough."
Tasks: Strengthen the ability of children to work with salt dough. To form independence, to develop a sense of self-confidence. Develop motor skills.
Material: Salt dough samples.

Week 3: Teamwork.
Theme: "Race".
Tasks: To form the ability to work with different materials. Fix the rules of safe work with glue, scissors. Develop compositional skills. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: Colored paper, cardboard roller, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Week 4: Topic: "Family Tree".
Tasks: To form the ability to work with paper, napkins, cotton pads. Develop compositional skills. Develop a desire to see things through to the end. Develop imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills. Achieve accurate and quality work.
Material: A4 cardboard, colored paper, green napkin, cotton pads, PVA glue, scissors, brushes, napkins.


1 week: Collective work.
Theme: "Zoo".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials (cereals), to plan their work. To consolidate knowledge about wild animals and birds. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: sheet of A3 paper, stencils, cereals, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth.

Week 2: Teamwork.
Theme: "Birds at the feeder."
Tasks: Teach children to work with grits and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, cereals, dyed millet, oilcloth.

Week 3: Teamwork.
Theme: "Frost patterns".

Week 4: Teamwork.
Continuation of the lesson
Theme: "Frost patterns".
Tasks: Improve the ability to perform from paper for quilling. Develop a sense of color and artistic taste. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: Toned paper sheet of A3 format. Strips of white, blue quilling paper 0.5 and 0.7 cm wide. Toothpicks (sharp ends pre-cut). PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.


Week 2: Topic: "Angel".
Tasks: To form the ability to plan the progress of work. Develop compositional skills. To form independence, a sense of self-confidence. To form a desire to make a gift for relatives. Achieve accurate and quality work.
Material: white paper, scissors, PVA glue, napkin, oilcloth.

Week 3: Topic: "Cat".
Tasks: Learn the rules of safe work with glue, thread, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate a desire to do crafts with your own hands.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, PVA glue, a brush, knitting threads, cereals, scissors.

Week 4: Topic: "Zoo 2".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials (cereals), to plan their work. To consolidate knowledge about the animals of hot countries. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: sheet of A3 paper, stencils, cereals, PVA glue, brush, cotton pads, oilcloth.


1 week: Topic: "Underwater Kingdom".
Tasks: Continue to teach how to create a collective composition, previously acquired skills and abilities in working with different types of paper. Develop a sense of form and composition. Cultivate an interest in nature.
Material: Tinted sheet of blue A3 paper. Corrugated board strips different colors, width, length. Colored paper. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth, scissors.

Week 2: Topic: "Airplane".
Tasks: Improve skills in working with various materials. Develop figurative, aesthetic perception. Cultivate accuracy, initiative.
Material: colored cardboard, colored paper, PVA glue, stencil, yogurt bottle.

Week 3: Topic: "Postcard for dads."
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn to build simple crafts. Develop artistic taste. Cultivate independence.
Material: cardboard stencil, PVA glue, buttons, cereals.

Week 4: Topic: "Horseshoe".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials. To consolidate the ability to do the job carefully, to bring the work started to the end. Cultivate a desire to do crafts with your own hands.
Material: salt dough, stack.


1 week: Topic: "A flower for mom."
Tasks: Continue to improve skills and abilities when working with paper, scissors, cereals. Continue learning how to compose. Develop a sense of color and composition. Cultivate a desire to do crafts with your own hands.
Material: A glass of yogurt, a piece of cloth, a ribbon (braid), colored paper.

Week 2: Topic: "Furniture for dolls."
Tasks: Consolidate the ability to work with different materials (matchboxes) Learn to plan the progress of the work. To form independence, a sense of self-confidence. Achieve accurate and quality work.
Material: matchboxes, PVA glue, pieces of fabric.

Week 3: Topic: "Clothes".
Tasks: Plan the progress of work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: Stencil, cereals, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth, napkins.

Week 4: Topic: "Pie".
Tasks: Continue to improve skills and abilities, working with different materials. Fix the rules of safe work with salt dough, buttons, cereals .. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate independence.
Material: Salt dough, cereals, buttons.


1 week: Collective work.
Theme: "Snowdrop on a thawed patch."
Tasks: Continue to learn how to work as a team. Improve skills and abilities in performing the basic elements of quilling. Continue to teach to convey the characteristic features of the structure and color of snowdrops. Cultivate an interest in wildlife.

Week 2: Topic: "Space"
Tasks: Improve the ability to work together, performing team work. To form the ability to negotiate with each other, to plan work. Expand cognitive interest to space. Cultivate artistic taste.
Material: Toned paper sheet of A3 format. Corrugated paper green, white. Colored paper, napkins, quilling strips in white, green, blue. Toothpicks. PVA glue, scissors, brushes, oilcloth.

Week 3: Topic: "Butterfly".
Tasks: To form the ability to work with different materials. Consolidate knowledge about insects. Continue to teach to convey the characteristic features of the structure and color of butterflies. Cultivate an interest in wildlife. Develop initiative. Cultivate independence, activity.
Material: Strips of different colors 0.7 cm wide. Toothpicks, PVA glue, brushes, scissors, oilcloths.

Week 4: Theme: "Flowers"
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn to have fun while working with such material. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Napkins, cardboard, colored paper, glue, brush, buttons of different sizes.


1 week: Topic: "Postcard for veterans"
Tasks: Develop the ability to work in a team. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: PVA glue, brush, Pencils, napkins.

Week 2: Topic: "Favorite craft"
Tasks: Develop fantasy, imagination. To form the ability to work with paper, to make blanks for work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: strips of colored paper, PVA glue, brush., cereals, stencils, cotton wool, paper, cardboard, salt dough.

3rd week: Exhibition of works. Diagnostics.

Used Books:

1. "Colored palms" by E. Lykova.
2. Child in kindergarten” magazine
3. "Hoop" magazine edited by T. Doronova.
4. "Manual labor" edited by I. Klimova.
5. "From napkins to quilling" I.A. Cherkasova, V.Yu. Rusnak, M.V. Butov, Moscow, publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2013.
6. “Miracles for children from unnecessary things”, M.I. Nagibina, Yaroslavl "Academy of Development", 1998
7. "Mosaic of cereals and seeds" G.I. Pereverten, Publishing house "Stalker", 2006.
8. "Funny plastic toys", L.V. Kulikova, O.A. Solomennikova, Moscow "Mosaic-Synthesis"
9. “Making together with the children. Wonderful crafts from anything.” O.V. Poyda Publisher: "OlmaMediaGroup", 2013


2. Characteristics and significance of manual and artistic labor for the formation of the personality of preschoolers3

3.Methodology of organization and management of manual and artistic work in different age groups6



Labor is a purposeful human activity aimed at modifying and adapting natural objects to meet their needs.

K.D. attached great importance to labor education. Ushinsky - "Education should not only develop the mind, arm with knowledge, but also kindle a thirst for serious work in a person ...".

Great importance gave labor A.S. Makarenko, N.K. Krupskaya, V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Throughout development preschool education Much attention was paid to the problem of labor education of preschool children:

It was considered important and obligatory to introduce self-service work, work in the garden and in the garden, manual labor with various materials.

Leading tasks were identified - to learn to work with joy; learn to work well.

Since 1964, systematic in-depth studies of the problem of labor education began: V.G. Nechaev, G.N. Godina, D.V. Sergeeva, R.S. Bure, A.D. Shatova and others.

Their research gave an answer to the question about the content, means, methods and forms of labor organization and its role in educating the personality of a child of childhood.

Absence in educational process the labor component can lead to a delay in the development of the individual.

Characteristics and significance of manual and artistic labor for the formation of the personality of preschoolers

The manual labor of children is an independent production of crafts using the simplest tools. This work, as a rule, carries a practical, to a certain extent useful orientation. Children's awareness of the expediency of their labor activity has a significant impact on its quality, on the attitude of each child to the process and result of labor. individual character manual labor(meaning that even with collective work, each of the children performs some part of it with my own hands), subject to the consistent introduction of all children to it, allows you to fix and correct some shortcomings. Labor becomes effective means upbringing and development of the personality only when it is naturally included in everyday life kindergarten, aimed at satisfying children's interests, feasible for the child,

The performance of collective tasks develops in children the ability to negotiate among themselves, to subordinate their interests and desires to a common goal, instills a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, responsibility, develops initiative, ingenuity. In the process of performing collective tasks of a visual nature, children learn to independently plan the upcoming work, coordinate their actions with general plan, think over the sequence of its implementation, select and use the desired pictorial material. At the same time in collective work brightly revealed individual characteristics children develop their creative abilities.

Artistic labor is the labor of a child with various materials in order to create useful and artistically and aesthetically significant objects and products to decorate his life, games, work and recreation. This child labour is a decorative, arts and crafts activity, since the child, when creating beautiful objects, takes into account the aesthetic qualities of materials based on his ideas, knowledge and practical experience acquired in the course of work. Properly organized manual and artistic labor gives children knowledge about the quality and possibilities of materials, stimulates the desire to master the peculiarities of craftsmanship, and introduces them to decorative and applied arts.

The formation of a child's personality is impossible without labor education. In the senior and preparatory groups the main role is played by manual labor with elements of creativity. The manifestation of creativity of preschoolers is determined by the nature of the performance of the mental tasks offered to them. It is important that children can release their creative energy. In terms of practical significance, the basic skills and abilities acquired in needlework classes are necessary for every person. Many important qualities are brought up in these types of labor: the habit of effort, the ability to overcome obstacles, responsibility, the ability to plan work and foresee the stages in the sequence of its implementation.

In particular, beading is a type of needlework with which you can solve the following tasks:

to instill interest in the culture of their homeland, in the origins of folk art, to cultivate an aesthetic attitude to reality, diligence, accuracy, perseverance, patience, the ability to complete the work begun, mutual assistance in the performance of work, an economical attitude to the materials used, instill the foundations of a culture of work.

develop motor skills creative thinking, attention, imagination, creativity, to form an aesthetic and artistic taste.

In the process of classes, children develop attention, observation, imagination, fantasy, creativity. In each task, in each lesson, children are given the opportunity to dream up, the introduction of own images. Practical work on beadwork develops the eye, fine motor skills of the hands, which is essential element general labor training.

In the process of doing artistic work in children of senior preschool age, all mental processes, creative abilities and positive-emotional perception of the world around develop. The great importance of classes in artistic manual labor in comprehensive development personality, and especially in the moral and aesthetic education gave N.K. Krupskaya: "Classes in artistic manual labor should be gymnastics for the eyes and touch, establish the coordination of visual impressions of motor reactions, give a concrete acquaintance with the world of things."

Teaching classes in artistic and manual labor is impossible without the formation of such mental operations as analysis, comparison, generalization. In the process of observation, when examining objects and their parts, the size and location of the parts in the object, the color image of objects of different shapes, their comparison and the establishment of differences. At the same time, children learn to compare objects, phenomena and distinguish between common and different in them, to combine objects by similarity.

In the classroom for artistic work, the speech of children develops: the assimilation of the names of forms, colors and their shades, spatial designations that contribute to the enrichment of the dictionary.

A child who can do a lot feels confident among his peers. He is desirable in their games as well. In their little deeds. All this provides the child with a comfortable position among children and adults, contributes to the manifestation and formation of such an important personal quality like independence. The child becomes more sensitive to the beauty in the surrounding life, in objects created by hands, people. The child begins to appreciate the results of the work of not only his own, but also someone else's.

Methods of organization and management of manual and artistic labor in different age groups

junior groups. It is necessary to arouse interest in the "research" of the material and work with it, to help gain confidence in their own abilities, to enjoy the result of their work. It is necessary to promote the development of spatial relations between objects and certain physical laws by children, the knowledge of the properties of materials. To form in children the basic practical skills of working with materials and tools.

Middle group. Here, paper design is already being taught: bend rectangular sheet paper in half, combining sides and corners, glued to the main shape of the part. You can teach how to make crafts from natural material: bark, branches, leaves, cones, chestnuts, etc. The teacher teaches you to use glue, plasticine to fix the parts; use coils, boxes of various sizes, plastic bottles, etc.

Senior group. There is an improvement in the ability to work with paper: bend the sheet four times in different directions; work on the finished pattern. Children learn how to create volumetric figures from paper: divide square sheet into several equal parts, smooth the folds, cut along the folds. The training continues to create toys, souvenirs from natural materials (cones, branches, berries) and other materials (coils, colored wire, empty boxes), firmly connecting the parts. Skills are being formed to independently make toys for role-playing games; souvenirs for parents, kindergarten employees; Christmas tree decorations. It is good to involve children in making manuals for classes, and independent activities, repairing books, board-printed games.

School prep group. Here it is already possible to divide the work of the educator into several types:

Working with paper and cardboard - continue learning how to fold paper rectangular shape, square, round shape in different directions; use paper of different textures, make markings using a template; create fun toys; creating objects from strips of colored paper, selecting colors and their shades in the manufacture of toys, souvenirs, costume details and decorations for the holidays; formation of the ability to use the sample; creation of diverse voluminous toys in origami technique.

Work with fabric - teach how to thread a needle, tie a knot, sew on a button, hanger, sew the simplest products with a “needle forward” seam; teach how to make an appliqué using pieces of fabric of various textures, apply a contour with a crayon and cut it out in accordance with the intended plot.

Work with natural material- creating figures of people, animals, birds from acorns, cones, seeds, etc., to convey the expressiveness of the image, to create general compositions.

Conditions for independent creative activity of preschool children:

· subject-developing environment, saturated with materials and various materials for children's artistic creativity;

free access to materials and the possibility of experimenting with them;

Availability of samples of products and handicrafts;

The use of art products created by children for the design of a preschool institution, the preparation of performance attributes, the organization of exhibitions, and participation in competitions;

creation of a museum of children's crafts, albums, books;

direct involvement of parents in the process of creative activity with children.

For successful training preschoolers manual and artistic work, it is necessary to carry out certain preliminary work:

creation of exhibitions

creation of collections (candy wrappers, buttons, shells, stones, etc.)

creation of albums (samples and schemes of crafts, types of fabrics, herbarium, etc.)


viewing filmstrips

reading literature

looking at pictures

· excursions


Materials and tools necessary for manual and artistic labor in the preschool educational institution:

natural material (cones of spruce, pine, cedar, needles of coniferous trees, bark, leaves, seeds of fruits and berries, eggshell, pebbles, cereals, seeds of vegetables and flowers)

junk material (boxes and jars different sizes, discs, lids, tubes, wrappers, etc.)

paper (plain, corrugated paper, napkins, newspapers, cardboard, foil)

fabric, wire, cotton wool, cellophane, beads, foam rubber, buttons, etc.

scissors, glue, plasticine, brushes, sewing needles.


Manual and artistic labor - according to its purpose, is labor aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person.

With the results of their work, children delight other people by creating gifts for them.

Artistic work in a preschool institution is presented in two directions: children make crafts and learn to decorate the group’s premises for the holidays with their products, arrange exhibitions, etc.

Separate elements of manual and artistic labor can be introduced already in the younger groups.

The participation of an adult is required. More precisely, children help an adult in creating crafts. And although the activity of children of this age is minimal, it is very useful to get involved in such interesting work.

The kid sees how in the hands of the teacher a simple wand suddenly turns into a doll, and a ball into the head of a funny clown. This "magic" fascinates children, delights and encourages them to their own activities.


1. Bondarenko T. The introduction of preschoolers to work. Toolkit: - Method; 2014, 208 pages

2. Bure R. Preschooler and work. Theory and methods of labor education. A guide for educators preschool institutions: - Mosaic-Synthesis; 2011

3.Dmitriev Yu.A. Preparing students for the labor education of preschool children // Lecturer XXI century. No. 1, 2013, p. 104-109

4. Karpyuk G.A., Shabalin E.S. To educators about the organization of interaction with parents on the labor education of preschoolers // Doshkolnik. methodology and practice of education and training. No. 4, 2012, p. 54-56

5. Kutsakova L.V. Design and manual labor in kindergarten. program and guidelines. For children 2-7 years old: - Sphere, 2011.

6. Saygusheva L. I. Technologies for introducing preschoolers to work: Phoenix, 2013, 221 p.

7. Saygusheva L.I. Education of labor activity in children of senior preschool age: LAP LAMBERT, 2012, 219 p.

8. Semenova N. A. Possibilities of organizing research activities in the process of labor education of preschoolers // Kindergarten: theory and practice. No. 8, 2011, p. 70-75

9. Khlybova G.V. Labor education of preschool children (from work experience). Collection of proceedings of the conference "Education: Traditions and Innovations". 2014, p. 450-452

yulia naumova
Synopsis of a lesson on manual labor in the middle group "Cooks"

Abstract of a manual labor lesson in the middle group of kindergarten

Subject: « cook»


1. Introduce children to the labor of a pastry chef, with characteristic features of appearance, objects and equipment necessary for work. Expand your horizons and lexicon children. Cultivate interest in labor activity of a cook - confectioner.

2. Teach children to sculpt a treat from salt dough. Pin skill: roll a lump of dough in a circular motion between the palms, flatten it. Learn to give the product a finished look, making out crafts pasta, beans.

3. Develop: sense of form, proportion, eye, fine motor skills of hands, fantasy, creativity.


1. Multimedia projector.

2. Presentation « The work of a pastry chef» . (compiled by Yu. M. Naumova)

3. Musical accompaniment: "We'll clap our hands..." (music and lyrics by A. E. Frunze) "Gingerbread" (arranged by A. E. Frunze)

4. Diplomas "Merry cook» .

5. Aprons, caps.

6. Salt dough - yellow. Pasta of various shapes, beans.

7. Modeling boards, napkins.

Course progress.

Children come to visit « pastry chef» .

The teacher in an apron and cap.

"Confectioner": - Hello guys, I - cook - confectioner! Do you want to be funny cooks? (children's answers)

And for this we need to get acquainted with the profession cook - confectioner and learn how to cook like real cooks - confectioners.

And who is cook? (Children answer).

Slide number 2. « Cook» .

Slide story.

"Confectioner": - Cook is the person who cooks food: salads, soups, borscht, pasta, mashed potatoes, fries cutlets, makes dumplings, cooks porridge.

"Confectioner": - And now I will tell you about my profession, which is called cook - confectioner.

Slide number 3. "Confectioner".

(Story on slide number 3)

"Confectioner": - Cook- a confectioner is a person who cooks, bakes, and then decorates pastries, cakes, cookies, gingerbread.

The profession of a confectioner is very difficult, and at the same time very interesting, creative and… delicious.

Each of you has probably been to a cafe, or bought delicious pastries and cakes in a store. how beautiful they are decorated: and flowers, and mushrooms, and various balls, and hearts.

How many are sold in stores of different types of cookies and gingerbread. It's all prepared cook - confectioner!

Slide number 4. « The work of a pastry chef» .

(Story on the slide about confectioner's labor) .

"Confectioner":- cooks- the confectioner has special clothes that he puts on when he comes to work. This is a dressing gown, apron, cap or scarf. And he does this in order not to stain his clothes, and so that the villi, hair do not get into the food.

Slide number 5. "Tools for cook - confectioner» .

"Confectioner": - Certainly cook– confectioner great master your business. But he has assistants - these are working tools that help to make, bake, and decorate cakes and cakes.

(Story on slide number 5)

Show tools - assistants,

For cook - confectioner.

Anchoring: - What is the name of the person who bakes

pastries and cakes?

What clothes does he wear when he comes to work?

What tools does he use in his work?

Game - dance "We clap our hands".

Practical part.

"Confectioner": - Now I want to teach you how to make cakes.

We will sculpt cakes from colored, salty dough.

You can’t eat them, but you can play with them when they dry out, in "Cafe", V "Shop", treat dolls or just give.

But first you need to become small too cooks and put on your work uniform.

(Children wear aprons and caps)

Finger gymnastics

We remember the dough with our hands. - squeeze and unclench fingers.

Let's bake a sweet cake. - clap your hands.

Lubricate the middle with jam, - circular motions fingers on the palm.

And the top, sweet cream. - circular movements of the fingers in the palm of your hand.

And sprinkle with coconut crumbs "baby" fingers of both hands.

We'll sprinkle a little on the cake.

And then we'll make tea, - fingers "pinch", circular movements with the hands of both hands.

Invite a friend over! - palms up, squeeze and unclench fingers.

Sequence of work

1. We roll a ball from a lump of yellow, salty dough.

Let's flatten it. This is the foundation. Putting on a stand (CD disc).

2. We make out "cake" pasta, beans, giving the product a finished look.

As they are made, the children bring crafts to a separate table.

"Confectioner": - Guys, yes you are real cooks - confectioners. What beautiful cakes you have made.

"Confectioner": - And yet, we must make a promise "Merry cook» !

And now we smile

Let's hold hands tightly.

And goodbye to each other

We will make a promise.

We will be friends with the test,

And sculpt! Sculpt! Sculpt!

Music sounds "Gingerbread". (you can dance).

Graduations "Merry cook»

Issued "Merry cook»

In that he (A) passed (A)

courses "Merry cook»

and can help mom and grandma

in cooking

cakes, cookies, gingerbread

and other goodies.

The courses were conducted by the educator

MBDOU MO "Kindergarten No. 205"

Naumova Yu. M. ___

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