How girls can find their own clothing style. How to find your own style in clothing: advice from professionals

We all want to be healthy and attractive, we want to be loved by our loved ones and respected by strangers. And if the love of a family as a whole does not depend on external attributes, then the attitude of strangers is directly determined by your appearance. How complete and harmonious your appearance is, how confidently you carry yourself, can play into your hands or play a cruel joke on you. And harmony in appearance is, first of all, an individual, unique and incomparable personal style in clothing developed over the years and with experience. So how do you find your own clothing style? This is exactly what this article is about.

Very often we are faced with a situation when, having opened the closet, we realize that “the shelves are bursting”, but, as they say, there is nothing decent to find and nothing to wear. There are 20 T-shirts and blouses of completely different colors and styles hanging on hangers, but somehow none of them fit with these particular trousers or skirt. You try on different ensembles in front of the mirror that you have come up with hastily, it seems to be almost what you need, but somewhere something clearly doesn’t measure up, doesn’t look right or doesn’t suit the color, texture or pattern. And, as a rule, we find ourselves in this unpleasant situation on the eve of important events, when it’s too late to run to the store, and again, you don’t want to spend money at all with such an abundance of wardrobe. And such an evening usually ends with us finding the best of what is available, reluctantly and trying once again to convince ourselves that it will do “for the countryside,” perhaps no one will pay attention and will not look closely. And, as a rule, we really don’t feel close attention to our person. Unfortunately, Russian society is not used to paying enough attention to clothing. Probably, the origins of this lie back in Soviet times, when it was good that there was something to wear at all. But time passes, and people's attitudes to many things change. And with such an abundance of stores and information today you can already find something unique, interesting, and different. And for this you need to be at least a little oriented in the world of style and fashion and know at least the main trends.


If you want to catch the eye of others and radiate striking beauty with your presence when you walk into a room, you must make yourself stand out from the crowd. This can be easily done by creating your own clothing style. Creating your own unique style that reflects your personality can be fun and easy.


    Evaluate your wardrobe. Review what you already have and decide what you like. The components that you have should be in a form that suits your body, and at the same time, the overall look should flatter your figure. Throw away or donate everything that doesn’t suit you and that you don’t dare leave the house in. A great rule of thumb is that if you haven't worn clothing in 6 months (excluding seasonal items like sweaters in winter and swimsuits in summer), get rid of them.

    Choose things you love. Find out what it is about the clothing you've highlighted that makes you love wearing it so much—like the neckline, sleeves, embellishment, or color. Make a list of these features and take it with you when you go shopping later.

    Look for inspiration. One way to stimulate and develop your own style is to determine what looks good on other people. Flip through magazines, watch TV, looking for trends that catch your eye. If people often compliment you that you look like some celebrities, look up their names online and study what they wear to find the color and size. Also, take a walk in crowded places such as shopping centers or central pedestrian avenues. Observe what others are wearing and remember the fashion trends that you like.

    • Consider adding elements from another culture to your wardrobe. Some subcultures promote unique fashion that reflects a certain lifestyle. You don't have to imitate everything and support extravagant, outlandish views based on a particular culture, but you can watch them for inspiration. For example, if you like the bell-shaped skirts that goth girls like to wear, or the flight jackets that skinheads love. When you see something you like, it's so easy to add some new small accessory to your wardrobe.
  1. Ask for help. If you're going through a tough time looking for inspiration, or you're worried you have bad taste, ask for an outside opinion. Contact a close friend or family member whose sense of style you admire and ask him or her what would look good on you. Or visit a store or boutique that follows fashion that suits you and ask the salesperson to help you create a stylish look.

    • Do not be afraid! Asking for help can be difficult. Remember that most of your friends and family want you to feel as comfortable as possible in your clothing. Plus, most people who work in clothing stores love helping people find the look they want and will be happy to help you too.
  2. Don't forget your shoes. A new pair of shoes can breathe new life into your look. Look for something you can wear often and something that goes with the overall look you're going for.

    Go shopping. Once you decide what you like, start shopping. You don't have to fill your wardrobe in one go - instead, spread out your purchases over short periods of time, such as every few weeks, until you've built a wardrobe you love. Visit hardware stores, warehouse stores, clothing stores, shopping malls, retail outlets, boutiques and department stores, or shop online.

    • Shopping with a friend who isn't afraid to offer gentle (but constructive) criticism of you as you shop. This way you'll get an honest opinion about your style.
    • Shop out of season. Lighten the load on your budget by shopping during the off-season. For example, buy shorts and swimsuits in the fall and sweaters in the spring.
  3. Find a good tailor or seamstress (optional). Clothes are sized for the general public and therefore clothes may not fit as well as you would like. If you like a piece of clothing, but the size does not suit you, you need the help of a tailor or seamstress for correction. Altering your everyday clothes with inexpensive fabrics can be done at a fairly low cost, and the extra expense will definitely be worth the confidence you'll feel when dressing in the right size.

    Add accessories. Spice up your usual look by adding some fun accessories. This can be done very simply by purchasing clean shoe laces or wearing a discreet belt. If you really want to change up your look, try adding jewelry, scarves, hats, or hair pieces.

    • Transform what you already have. With some simple sewing skills, you can add ribbons, beads, embroidery, clasps, appliques or other accessories to highlight your garment. Visit your local craft store for ideas and supplies.
  4. Mix and match. Try combining different elements to create a compelling, unique look. For example, even if you're convinced that a new accessory won't go well with your capri pants, try it on anyway. Maybe all you need is to wear the entire outfit, complete with the belt you haven't worn since last summer.

    Change your hairstyle. True, your hairstyle is not a wardrobe item, but it can dramatically change the look of your clothes. Try styling your hair differently this morning or experiment to see if a new shampoo or product will help it look better. If you are going to try to radically change your haircut or hair color, consult with your stylist what will suit you best. Look at photos in magazines or online for inspiration and imagine it for yourself.

  5. It's important to be yourself. The most important thing is that your new look makes you feel great. Creating a personal style is really about simply wearing what you want. Think more positively and be more constructive and expressive with your ideas and possibilities.

    • Follow three rules: it suits you, it suits you, you have enough money.
    • Don't be afraid to copy someone. If you admire someone else's style, borrow ideas from that style. Just try to copy as few details as possible, otherwise you may turn them against you.
    • Don't try to wear clothes that are too tight thinking it will make you look slimmer. This is wrong. Every woman over 30 should own a full-length mirror and use it before leaving the house.
    • Wear colors that make you feel happy and beautiful. If you feel good in your clothes, then you will look good in them.
    • If you are a young girl, experiment with new makeup. Go to special department stores for makeup. Explain to the makeup artist what you are interested in, but be prepared to go along with his/her vision as you may be hiding your best features. Be prepared to purchase at least as a thank you.
    • If you're committed to keeping your budget in check, don't stop looking for discounts at big box stores. Despite their constant price reductions, you can find things even cheaper at second-hand stores.
    • You should have fun clothes with bright prints and cool designs.
    • Don't pay attention if someone copies you. You are so much more than your style, and your style is so much more than one detail. Take it as a compliment and find something new.
    • If you really want to be unique, you can create your own clothes and accessories. Of course, this will require skills in sewing, knitting, etc.
    • If you are a short girl, try wearing fluffy or gathered outfits. This will make you look taller


    • Be careful with solid-colored clothing: You may love hot pink, but an all-pink outfit might just make you look like Pepto Bismol. Break up the monotony with a neutral (not pink, at least) belt, shoes or accessories.
    • “Fashionable” actually means something that is very popular and then quickly goes out of style. Avoid trends unless you really like them.
    • Don't wear anything that hurts you. Even if it's fashionable now, in the future other people will look at photos of you tormenting yourself with fashion and laugh.
    • Be sure to thoroughly wash anything you buy at a thrift store, especially hair accessories or hats that may carry lice. When it comes to personal hygiene, it never hurts to be overly careful.
    • Never wear clothes that don't suit your figure, no matter how fashionable they are. Try a different style instead, and remember that not every style suits every person.
    • Try to avoid online stores that do not have a simplified return policy.

Let's talk about your own style, if you haven't found it yet.

But first, answer these questions for yourself:

Are you one of those who vainly goes through things in your wardrobe and can’t find what to wear now?

Or maybe they told themselves more than once: if I were tall, if I didn’t have such wide hips, if not for my square face, if not for my thin hair - if, if only...

If you answer yes to these questions, then listen to what tells you.

Most often, all the shortcomings that you listed to yourself while sitting or standing in front of the mirror cannot be changed. You can’t add height to yourself or make an oval face that you like better, you can’t make naturally thin hair thicker, and much, much more is impossible.

Now we won’t talk about plastic surgery, because the genetically determined features of our appearance cannot always be changed with a scalpel, especially if you see many shortcomings in yourself. And is there any need to rush to the operating table? What then can be done? Just don’t rush to increase your height while wearing high heels all the time, otherwise you will have to think all day about the end of the working day in order to quickly get into your fluffy, soft and warm slippers.

Do not try to carefully contour your face so that it becomes more oval, but at the same time completely unnatural. Don't try to change yourself by trying to be like someone else, even your friend. It's hard to become something you're not. If you try too hard, you might just look ridiculous. Here we can give a simple example - if you like someone's facial expressions, try to do the same on your own face, but keep in mind, only in front of the mirror, alone with yourself, and you will say - oh, horror! That's how it is with the rest.

Militta now considers only the most ordinary girls, excluding those who, by nature or for some other reason, have an extraordinary appearance.

And so, let's move on. Take a closer look at yourself, analyze all your strengths and weaknesses (perhaps someone else really wants to see these same shortcomings in themselves). Create your own image, which will be harmonious only if what you decorate yourself with is a natural extension of you.

As you can see, we came to the right decision - to create your own image with the help of clothes and accessories and express your personality in it. However, if the color, style, all the details and finishing of the clothes are harmoniously combined with the color of your face, hair, eyes, as well as with the proportions and silhouette of your figure, this may not be enough. What else is needed? All these factors must also correspond to your inner world. What are you like? Do you know yourself?

It's really difficult. The ancient Greek philosopher said: “The most difficult thing is to know yourself.” But still, you will be able to say something about yourself, and this something is reflected in your gestures, movements, facial expressions, in your attitude towards others, in your hobbies, etc. Being well dressed does not just mean wearing expensive and luxurious clothes, you must, along with your clothes, makeup and your manners, make an overall pleasant impression. Those around you will definitely feel it.

Coco Chanel once said: “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” And none of us would think to disagree with this. There is also a Russian proverb: “They meet you by their clothes, they see you off by their minds.” It’s just that at the first impression, in a few seconds, you may not be able to show all your intelligence, if, of course, you have any. In the first seconds after meeting you, people already judge a lot by your clothes, including education, culture, social origin and your financial capabilities. Therefore, you will have to start making an impression with your clothes.

Where should I start?

You need to decide on your own style, analyze all your strengths and weaknesses in your figure, yours - in order to emphasize all the best that you have.

Consider all the items in your wardrobe. Don’t rush to throw everything away at once and start collecting it from scratch. Remember which pieces of clothing fit you perfectly, and you feel comfortable and confident in them, and which ensembles are missing something (it could be a scarf or headscarf, an original belt or a bright necklace). Write down what you should buy and add to your wardrobe, and what should be shortened or lengthened, which blouse looks more interesting - with a belt or with a bow, etc. And only then make a decision to remove an item from your wardrobe.

Next, you should remember what your type of activity is, your profession, what clothes are most often required. Don’t forget about your entertainment, relaxation and the fact that at home they also want to see you beautiful and cheerful.

This advice will also help you a lot - before you have thrown everything out of your wardrobe, but are just trying to find a harmonious combination of what you have, let someone close to you take a photo of you in the outfits that you think suit you. Don't limit yourself to one photo. Sometimes, when looking in the mirror, you may not notice everything that is not ideal, because in front of the mirror you are in motion, and in the photo you can often see more flaws.

Remember that the famous brand name on the label is not a guarantee of your success, it does not mean that the dress will fit you perfectly. You can buy clothes from your local department store rather than in Paris and still look elegant in them.

Over time, you will learn to buy exactly those things that will decorate you, you will begin to combine clothes of different cuts and silhouettes, proportions and colors, and different fabrics. You just need to know what to look for, and for this you need to decide on your own style. Then your ensembles will reflect your personality.

To look perfect, you don’t have to buy only those clothes that are colorful on the pages of glossy magazines and at fashion shows. The main thing is to find things that suit you specifically, that can highlight your individuality and character. How to find your own style in clothing - this is the question many women and girls ask. We will gladly try to answer it in this article.


In order to find your own style in clothing, a girl first needs to know her color type. Traditionally, color types are divided according to the seasons. The colors of clothing, make-up and accessories should be selected according to the appropriate time of year: winter and summer are cold, spring and autumn are warm


Representatives of the spring color type are characterized by delicate peach skin with a pink tint and light hair (light blond, golden, honey, wheat). The color of the eyes of such people is transparent and light; they can be light gray, light blue, amber. Warm light colors are suitable for spring people:

  • Peach;
  • Coral;
  • Turquoise;
  • Lettuce color;
  • Honey color;
  • Coffee color.


If you have red, copper or bronze hair, as well as brown, gray or green eyes, then you can rest assured that your color type is autumn. It is advisable for people of this color type to use warm colors with high saturation:

  • Scarlet;
  • Red-brown;
  • Orange;
  • Blue-green;
  • Khaki;
  • Plum.


People of the summer color type are characterized by a cool skin color, with bluish tints. The hair of such people can range from light blond to dark chestnut, but always with a tint of light brown and ashen. Summer people are divided into contrasting (dark hair and eyebrows) and non-contrasting (blond hair). Coolish light pastel shades are recommended for them:

  • Grey-blue;
  • Grey-blue;
  • Denim;
  • Pink-brown;
  • Cocoa color;
  • Burgundy and cherry;
  • Gray-pink.


People of the winter color type have the brightest and most contrasting faces. They have dark hair, bright, expressive eyes and pale skin. Winter people are also divided into contrasting and non-contrasting. The former are characterized by dark hair and light skin, while the latter are characterized by a dark olive skin tone and dark-colored hair. Cool, bright colors are suitable for this color type:

  • Crimson;
  • Indigo;
  • Snow blue;
  • Emerald;
  • Graphite and anthracite.

If you doubt the correctness of your choice, you can take a color type test, of which there are many on the Internet.


Your body type also determines whether this or that look will suit you. For example, when choosing a clothing style for an older woman, you need to take into account many factors: a large butt, no longer firm breasts, a belly that can no longer be removed, and select clothes that can correct or make such shortcomings less noticeable. But young girls should also pay attention to some features of their figure.

Broad shoulders

For those with such shoulders, it is advisable to choose outfits with vertical fasteners, jackets with long narrow lapels, and should also avoid gathering along the shoulder line.

But girls with narrow shoulders should focus on a boat neckline, large patterns, and an American armhole.

Wide hips

  • Dresses and skirts of a slightly tapered or flared silhouette with a length from the middle of the knee;
  • Cuts or odors;
  • Seams along the edges;
  • Muted shades.

But skirts with yokes, pleats, wide trousers, vertical stripes, voluminous fabric will help visually widen the hips of those who have narrow ones.

High growth

If you are overly tall, then image makers advise making the top longer and moving the bright details down.

Girls with short stature need to do exactly the opposite, and also stock up on shoes with heels.

Small breasts

You can visually enlarge your breasts using yokes with gathers above the bust, large prints, voluminous fabrics and light shades.


Accessories can also correct your appearance and figure, emphasizing your strengths and distracting from your weaknesses. They can also highlight your individuality by combining them correctly with clothing and enhancing its impact on others.

  • Large bright earrings highlight the eyes;
  • A light, airy scarf will accentuate your gait;
  • Bracelets will highlight the beauty of your wrist;
  • Overweight girls should choose more voluminous accessories: thick, stable heels, a large bag, etc.;
  • For slender girls, thin heels and toes of shoes, narrow bags are suitable.
  • Don't copy celebrities;
  • Select and combine things the way you like;
  • Experiment with images to find your ideal;
  • Don't overload the bow.