Types of child labor and forms of its organization. How to conduct a lesson on labor activity in kindergarten

How to prepare your baby for the harsh everyday conditions? Teachers assure that it is one of the essential points for the development of a child on an adult path. This builds character, makes it possible to try yourself in various industrial professions and helps the baby to establish contact with peers. As you know, labor unites and reveals the most strengths character.

Labor education in kindergarten

IN kindergarten All education through labor must be strictly within the limits of the law. This process should not become the use of free labor. Labor protection in kindergartens is regulated by the rules. However, toddlers need to start getting used to what an adult usually does.

In order to begin acquaintance with any kind of work, you need to see how the child can cope with it. Child labor in kindergarten is just a game.

Familiarization process

Learning can start with the simplest tasks. Child labor in kindergarten should not cause a negative reaction.

It depends on the educator and parents whether the child will love work, whether he can become good helper. The most important thing he is taught is to appreciate the results of the activities of others.

The main ones in kindergarten

When asking children to do something, the teacher must act in accordance with the established rules and not exceed the authority.

The most popular work in kindergarten is in the form of a game. This is how babies develop. It could be:

  • Outdoors;
  • economy;
  • work with hands, here you can also include art work in kindergarten.

There are different forms of how you can perform the tasks:

  • collectively;
  • order;
  • assigned to a specific day of duty.


Best of all, assignments are suitable for younger groups in kindergarten. They are usually simple and consist of short requests from teachers to bring some object, fix something, and so on. However, the errand can be practiced at an older age.

Individual tasks give the child a sense of importance. Usually children in the youngest groups are not so independent. Teamwork will only bring them down. Toddlers need clear instructions and explanations, as well as praise from the elder for child labor in kindergarten.

Orders must also be submitted to game form. And it doesn't matter what the end result is. If the process does not interest children, they will not work.

Duty roster

This type of training can be started in the second junior group, and preferably from the second half of the year.

They provide for a certain independence of children, as well as work in small team. In addition, tasks are performed systematically. Thanks to the assigned dates of duty, the child is taught to be responsible.

This approach helps to learn at a slow pace how important collective child labor is in kindergarten. Kids still report to the teacher.

Collective manual labor in kindergarten

In seniors and preschool groups Team work is considered to be the best. Thanks to such work, the child can express himself. It will also be seen how easily he switches from one type of activity to another, and how his peers perceive him at the same time.

Each pupil depends on the work of the other. Thus, they push themselves to action.

During collective labor children learn to respect each other, patience, help, as well as discipline. Preschoolers themselves can distribute responsibilities and do what they can.

What is good work?

With the help of labor, children can develop their skills, motor skills. They become stronger physically. Movements gradually become more skillful. Coordination is getting better.

In addition, each task is able to provide children with a certain skill. While caring for a live corner, they learn how to properly handle pets. In playing with a plastic toy hammer, they learn how they should work. Children also learn what will be useful to them later at home.

Manual labor in kindergarten can be organized so that it becomes cognitive. For example, when picking apples in the yard in a small bucket, the child can count them, or the teacher will do it for him every time he puts a new fruit in the bucket.

To organize the work correctly, you need to draw up syllabus for a year. As a rule, in kindergartens it is coordinated with the directorate, which, in turn, is guided by the legislation of the country. Except general rules, there is also a well-defined circle of permissible and unacceptable actions. Occupational safety in kindergartens is the most main document which every teacher should know by heart.

The plan records not only possible tasks for pupils, but also expected results. When performing tasks, the child should not suffer. The educator is obliged to observe exactly how the work is done.

When exercising outdoors, children should be appropriately dressed. Each task must be chosen according to the weather. All details must also be calculated in order to find the optimal one. Labor can be different.

The teacher chooses the time when the children are more active. Before daytime sleep they are given an hour to rest.

You should also notice how active the child is. If he is waiting for reminders, does not want to do anything on his own, you should switch to another type of activity, and also interest him.

Children of any age group work better if they have a game task in front of them. They can arrange competitions with small prizes, solve riddles with the help of hints that will be given to them for the work done.

Each child needs to find their own individual approach. It will be enough for one to set a task and expect results, for another it will take time and a demonstration of what needs to be done. One child will take half an hour to his work, another the whole day.

The usual praise like "keep it up", "well done" will not have the desired effect all the time. Educators should develop various reward options for the work done. After all, even adults may lose the desire to work without additional motivation.

Before starting labor education of children, it is necessary to have a long conversation with parents. Find out their wishes, explain exactly how the kids will receive skills and what they should do. Parents should be asked if there are any objections on their part, and if there are any problems with this.


In the system of preschool education of children, feasible work related to the child's life in kindergarten and at home, with his interests and needs, is one of the activities and an important educational tool.

The main task of labor education is the formation of a positive attitude towards work, the development of labor skills and abilities, the development of the desire to independently achieve results.

Various types of labor are not the same in their pedagogical capabilities: their significance changes at a particular age stage. If, for example, self-service is of great importance in younger groups - it teaches children to be independent, equips them with skills, then at the senior level preschool age this work does not require effort, it becomes habitual for children.

Household work is of particular importance in the middle and older groups as socially significant, aimed at shaping the awareness of labor for the common good.

In the older group, the main role begins to play manual labor and labor in nature. Systematic collective work unites the children, instills in them diligence and responsibility for the assigned work, and gives them joy.

The work of children in nature creates favorable conditions for physical development, improves movement, stimulates the action of various organs, and strengthens the nervous system. Work in nature is of great importance for the mental and sensory development of children. In this work, as in no other, mental and volitional efforts are combined. Performing certain labor actions, children come across various properties of the soil, plants and learn these properties. Examining, examining the soil, plants, observing the behavior of animals, children identify such signs and habits that are important for the performance of the upcoming labor action. The ability to analyze the properties of soil and plants makes it possible to correctly regulate the expenditure of physical effort, to choose the appropriate tools of labor, and to develop certain skills to coordinate one's movements.

Labor in nature is associated with expanding the horizons of children, obtaining accessible knowledge, for example, about soil, planting material, labor processes, and tools. Based on his own experience, the child is clearly convinced of the needs of living organisms. For example, children learn that moisture is a source of nutrition, it keeps plants in a certain vital state. Children begin to understand the dependence of the organism on the environment, the sequence of growth and development of animals and plants (germination, leafing, flowering, fruiting), in the process of labor they establish patterns and relationships (successive, temporary, causal) that exist in the life of nature. This contributes to the formation of elements of a materialistic worldview. Children are brought to the main conclusion: a person, knowing the needs of living organisms, can influence their growth and development, that is, they learn about the role of a person in managing nature.

Labor in nature also contributes to the development of observation, curiosity of children, instills in them an interest in agricultural labor and respect for the people who are engaged in it. Labor in nature helps to cultivate love for it. To love nature means to recreate and increase the wealth of our Motherland, to take care of the living, the results of labor.

Through the content of labor in nature (for example, the cultivation of beautiful flowers), aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of people, through the organization of the labor process in accordance with the requirements of culture and aesthetics, the use of the results of labor to satisfy practical needs and joyful aesthetic emotions is carried out aesthetic education children.

Along with observations of the labor of those around them, a large place is occupied by the children's own labor activity. Preschool institutions have natural corners, gardens, flower beds, fruit and berry plots where children can work. Squirrels, birds live in the corners of nature, there are aquariums with fish. All this provides an opportunity to familiarize children with the life of plants and animals and master the skills to care for them.

The purpose of my work is to find out how purposeful activity is formed in labor, what are pedagogical conditions, contributing to the education of his industriousness, what are the methodological methods for developing his ability to set a goal, plan work and achieve results.

Let us consider all these components that make up the essence of the labor activity of children, organized in preschool.


2.1features and structure of work activity of a preschooler

Activity is the most important form of manifestation active relationship of a person to the surrounding reality. In activity, all mental processes develop, the mental, emotional and volitional qualities of the personality, its abilities and character are formed. Psychologists consider activity and consciousness as a unit, therefore, by studying the activity of a child, we have the opportunity to know him.

One of the most important specific features child labor is its proximity to the game - the leading activity of preschoolers. And this feature must be taken into account by the teacher, using it for educational purposes. In the game, children depict one or another labor process: they wash, cook dinner, go to work, build, treat the sick, transport passengers. And although the child does all this “pretending”, “as if”, he expends real efforts. This specific connection between child labor and play has importance at preschool age, game images help children to do work with interest, which is explained by the peculiarities of his thinking.

The next specific feature of the labor activity of children is its imitative nature. Most often, children imitate the labor actions of those people who enjoy their respect and love. Therefore, the desire of the child to directly participate in the labor process of the elders is so great: parents, educators, older brothers and sisters.

Gradually, imitative labor turns into cooperation, i.e., the child becomes an assistant to adults in household work and in nature. At the same time, the educator pays special attention to the active position of the child in labor activity. The working atmosphere in kindergarten and in the family is crucial.

The most important condition for moral and labor education is the combination of child labor with a positive emotional state of the child. Any work in which preschoolers participate should carry a positive emotional charge, bring joy and satisfaction, be performed with pleasure, good mood, and passion.

The most important feature of child labor and a necessary condition for correct labor education is the correspondence of labor to the age and individual capabilities of children.

In labor, the child must make certain physical, volitional and mental efforts, labor must cause in the child a certain tension of all his physical and mental forces. If this does not happen, then the child gets used to work without tension. And when he is offered to perform a more difficult task, the child is not prepared for it; he is unable to mobilize his forces and, as a rule, leaves the work unfinished or not done at all. Thus, the collision of a child with the slightest difficulty in the process of fulfilling a labor assignment leads to disappointment and a loss of interest in work.

Therefore, the best work tasks will be those that the kids cope with, spending sufficient effort, but not overworking. Slight fatigue is natural, it brings moral satisfaction to the child and makes the subsequent rest or change of activity more enjoyable. By fulfilling labor assignments and assignments, the child receives a correct idea of ​​labor, learns to overcome difficulties, and rejoices at the results.

Labor activity has the following structural components: the presence of a goal, a labor process and results. In the labor activity of preschoolers, adult guidance is necessary for the formation of these most important components of labor. Guidance in setting goals is especially important. Even older children cannot always set themselves a conscious goal of labor. Preschoolers are most often fascinated by the process of activity itself. Therefore, at first, the teacher sets a goal for the children. He also creates conditions and organizes labor activity in such a way that children can achieve results.

So, before the children of the younger group, the teacher sets a goal in the form of a specific task (water indoor plants, remove dust, etc.) and immediately explains what to do and how to do it, that is, organizes activities to achieve the goal. At the same time, it is important that the goal be close, understandable, accessible, attractive for the children, so that the path from setting a goal to achieving it would not be very long.

A benevolent, encouraging attitude and assessment by the educator of the child's labor activity to achieve the goal stimulate his efforts, activity, cause joy, satisfaction. And this is the best reinforcement for the development of interest in work.

The main task of labor education at the level of younger preschool age is the education of independence, the formation of labor skills. Therefore, the goals that the educator sets for the children serve to solve, first of all, precisely this task. Gradually, the educator moves from setting a goal for each child to setting it for all the children in the group, using stimulation here at the initiative of the children themselves. The ideas of children of this age are still unstable, and if the kids are not supported, if they do not show interest in them, then the children quickly forget about their intentions. That is why it is necessary to show constant interest in the children's plan, to help in its implementation, especially if the child has difficulty in achieving the goal.

In the older group, labor activity develops on a broader plane, with significantly increased opportunities for children. The children have a large amount of knowledge, skills and abilities in organizing their activities. They can already not only set a goal, but also show initiative and creativity in achieving it. It is necessary to instill in preschoolers the desire to bring things to the end even when the task does not give them pleasure. Older children tend to overestimate their abilities, they often think of something that is impossible according to the level of their knowledge, skills and abilities. In such cases, children should be taught to measure their strengths and skills, otherwise their plans will not be able to come true, and this will lead to disappointment, the appearance of self-doubt. At the same time, even complex but feasible ideas of children should be encouraged.

2 the formation of labor skills in preschool children

The teacher is required to have a clear knowledge of what skills the pupils of his group should master. This will give him the opportunity to determine the nature of the management of labor training in relation to children of different preschool ages: during the period of mastering the action, patiently show, explain, help, as they master it, demand independence and good quality execution.

The labor skills and abilities that a preschool child masters are different. Their nature and volume are determined by the specifics of a particular type of labor, its specific content.

Labor skills are formed on the basis of direct training, which is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of children and therefore, at each stage of preschool childhood, they have their own specifics. At the same time, the main principle of the formation of any labor skill is observed - from the initial acquaintance with it to the formation of a strong, stable skill.


For a child of 3-4 years old, each work process is attractive, as it makes it possible to show independence, satisfy the need for activities: water the plants, feed the fish, etc. It is very important for the teacher to support all attempts of children to independent actions. Children try their best: it's nice to do something yourself, it's nice to hear words of approval, to see your capabilities, to feel skill.

Teaching involves a leisurely demonstration and a detailed explanation of what the child should do and how to perform this or that action. In this case, the teacher suggests a sequence of actions.

It is very important to show in detail, to accurately explain to the baby each method of work. A child of younger preschool age, even with a detailed demonstration and explanation, cannot learn all the methods of work at once. The task of the educator is to organize the demonstration and explanation in such a way that the child understands each technique, their sequence.

The teacher should show and explain not the entire program of actions at once, but each individual technique in turn, immediately including the baby in its implementation. For example, he shows how to hold a watering can (in the right hand) and invites the child to do the same. Then he shows how to stand near the table (opposite the chair), and asks the baby to stand in front of the chair, etc.

So, demonstration and explanation always precede the child's activity, but constantly alternate with his analogous actions. This nature of teaching labor actions in relation to children of younger preschool age is due to the fact that they cannot see, remember and reproduce everything at once. The educator gradually leads the child along the path of performing a labor action, acting as a kind of "guide", ensures that the child acts in accordance with a given model.

Whenever the teacher plans the task of teaching the kids some kind of action, he himself must master it well, see what methods it is made up of, in what sequence they must be performed.

A detailed display of the techniques of each action and their sequence is carried out by the educator using an individual assignment. It is with this form of labor organization that the child interacts closely with an adult and, under his guidance, acquires the necessary skills. The teacher must constantly find an opportunity to show the methods of action not to the whole group, but to one or two kids.

It is very important, first of all, in the process of showing and explaining to be able to direct the child's attention both to individual techniques and how to perform them. This makes it possible to avoid the mechanical assimilation of the method of action by children, to achieve an understanding of the meaning of the work methods performed.

The educator exercises careful control over the correctness of the repetition of each individual technique and action as a whole. Monitoring the activities of the child allows you to see his successes and failures. Noticing the kid’s mistake, the teacher will additionally show what doesn’t work, what the child has difficulty with. Additional instructions can also be given.

At the same time, the teacher directs the child's attention to the purpose of the action. It is important for the child to explain what will happen as a result of the action. Such explanations are clear to a child of 3-4 years old, they help to draw his attention to the result of labor.

A labor skill, like any other, develops in the process of repeated exercise. Great opportunities for this are contained in didactic and role-playing games, game exercises widely used in younger groups.

When a child of younger preschool age reproduces a new or unfamiliar action, he almost always needs the help of an adult. The teacher should take this into account and direct his leadership to help. In each case, the form of assistance may be different.

For example, together with others, the baby waters the plant, but the watering can is held incorrectly. An adult notices this and helps the child take the watering can in the right way. At the same time shows how to water the plant. Another example. An adult helps a child water a plant in a corner of nature. He takes a watering can with water by the child's hand, puts the spout of the watering can on the edge of the pot, tilts the watering can. Water flows out of it and wets the soil. The educator, although acting for the baby, gives him the opportunity to feel that he is working, that he can do something. The child has the opportunity to practice in action, to learn it.

More often there is a need to help the child in performing the most difficult labor operation in the whole action. This form of assistance is used when the baby is already beginning to master the action. Everything works out as it should, except for one labor operation. This moment is important not to miss. We must give the child the opportunity to cope with this difficult task.

If the child's work skills are at the stage of development, you can reduce your help only to verbal instructions. Usually, in younger groups, educators resort to this form of assistance when the child has forgotten the subsequent operation.

The success of a child in mastering labor skills depends on the correct pedagogical guidance, on how correctly the methodological techniques are chosen, how much they correspond to the degree of mastering the skill. At the same time, it must be remembered that the degree of mastery of a skill in a baby is always relative.

It can never be said that the child has mastered the action perfectly, very well, because the implementation of this action will depend on many factors: in what conditions the action is performed, what is the mood and well-being of the child, from whom the request comes. If a child who previously performed actions well, for some reason at the moment finds it difficult, one must not reproach him, but, on the contrary, do everything so that the result is achieved, as before, satisfactory.

Thus, knowing that for children of primary preschool age everything depends on specific conditions, the educator selects such methods that will allow him, taking into account these conditions, to form labor skills. It is impossible to approve the activities of the teacher who formally approaches the solution of this issue, stands on the position that if the baby has mastered the action, he can and must perform it himself, regardless of his mood, well-being, from the conditions in which he is.

It is necessary to show great sensitivity and attention to each child, and if the child is worried about something and in connection with this he cannot fulfill the goal of the activity set for him, the methods of guidance should be changed.

The organization of multiple exercises is of particular importance in the methodology of pedagogical management of labor training. You can train your child in different ways.

First of all, it is very important to make stable the conditions in which the child performs the action, the requirements that are placed on this. The teacher uses situations that arise in everyday life to exercise children in labor activities.

Children's interest in labor activities, the desire to perform them can be increased by showing a table puppet theater. The content of such performances is invented by the educators themselves, taking as a basis the facts from the life of the children of their group.

In this way, you can exercise the guys in a variety of labor activities.

A positive assessment of an adult activates the activity of the baby, encourages him to act. Therefore, it is important to celebrate the achievements of the pupil, to praise him for the fact that he was able, for example, to water the plant, etc. Such an assessment is both positive and meaningful. It enables the child to find out what achievements he has today, what he has learned, what he can already do on his own. And of course, if the teacher knows how to give his voice desired shades, and besides, affectionately look, smile, his approval will cause a desire to do everything, activates the baby even more.

It is good if the teacher praises the child in the course of the assignment. This convinces the baby that he performs each labor operation correctly, and it needs to be done further.


Children of senior preschool age have a certain experience of participation in labor, possess a number of labor skills. The children also know how to perform individual labor actions of caring for plants and animals.

The educator takes into account this baggage of labor skills, directs his efforts to consolidate and improve them, and at the same time is working on the formation of new skills.

Experienced educators, taking into account the increased opportunities for children, immediately show and explain the entire process of the upcoming work activity. They do not break it up, do not divide it into intermediate small steps, as in working with kids. After listening to instructions about what actions he should perform, how to perform them, what is their sequence, the child proceeds to implement the task as a whole.

In this regard, great demands are placed on the child at the time of explaining the progress of the task: he must remember both individual labor operations and their sequence, see the connection between the content of the task and the method of execution, and then reproduce it in action.

When the children began to complete the task, it is necessary to check the correctness of their repetition of the techniques. It is very important that the guys do everything right from the very beginning.

You can often see that some children easily repeat the methods of activity, while others have difficulty mastering them. Children who experience difficulties should be shown in detail all the techniques, just as in working with toddlers. Only with such training will they learn both individual techniques and their sequence, and will be able to actively participate in activities. Such a return from a holistic teaching of labor actions to a fractional one is especially appropriate in the management of the work of children of middle preschool age.

Experienced teachers often, when showing even a new labor process, tend to limit themselves to demonstrating only the most complex methods of work. Children are given the opportunity to remember individual techniques themselves, to feel their skill.

When teaching older preschoolers to work, it is important to pay attention to a number of points.

First of all, it is necessary to focus the child's attention on the sequence in which he must perform the indicated methods of action.

The second important point in introducing children to the method of performing the labor process is to bring to their consciousness the observance of this particular method, and not another. It is necessary to explain not only what and how to do it, but also why it is so, and not otherwise. At senior preschool age, based on the experience of children, in the formation of labor skills, it is possible and necessary to refer to the motivation of techniques. This allows the children to consciously relate to the task, repeating the right way activities.

It is often possible to observe that the educator, when evaluating the work of children, speaks about the quality of the result achieved, but does not indicate due to which a good quality is achieved. Already at the first, preliminary stage of work, when it comes to the method of completing the task, the teacher must indicate the quality of the performance of each individual labor operation.

Children of senior preschool age, like toddlers, master labor skills through exercise. Six-year-old children have great opportunities for repeated repetition of labor actions, labor processes. Many children, thanks to systematic exercises, by the time they study at school, are accustomed to neatness and order, careful attitude to things, and caring.

Favorable conditions for the formation of labor skills are laid down in the organization of systematic communication between older preschoolers and toddlers, which naturally occurs when they stay together in a mixed group. Six-year-old children have the opportunity to practice labor activities by helping the little ones.

The ability to help younger children, as well as peers, the educator forms in all children without exception. Timid, indecisive children in the conditions of assistance become more active, strive to master actions, show their skill and accuracy of execution.

The participation of older children in helping the little ones is successful only if they have an idea of ​​​​how to perform this or that task. Therefore, the educator faces the task of involving children in providing, helping, reminding (or maybe showing and explaining) what and how to do. This instills confidence in one's strength, convinces one of skill. Later, when the skill begins to take shape, the adult will be limited to only general reminders: "Do everything the way you do it for yourself, so that it is neat and correct."

But sometimes undesirable manifestations can be observed in the behavior of older preschoolers. For example, when communicating with kids, older preschoolers begin to command, do not allow them to perform any actions themselves. To prevent this, it is necessary to talk in advance with the pupils, how and in what exactly they should help the little ones, what they can be taught, and what they will be given the opportunity to cope with on their own, to do something.

Labor skills are successfully formed in children in the process of common labor. Experienced teachers are doing the right thing, paying attention to the distribution of the guys in the links. They take into account the possible influences and mutual influences of children in the performance of work, especially the same content. Care must be taken to ensure that a child who has a good command of the method of performing a task does not suppress the one who possesses this skill worse. On the contrary, an inept child should see how skillfully, deftly other children work, learn from them.

Educators sometimes combine into one link children who have poor command of the necessary labor operation or the labor process as a whole. At the same time, they get the opportunity to show and explain this technique (process) to several children at once. But more often in the labor process an individual display is used, which is more true. Without diverting the attention of other children who are working correctly, actively, the teacher provides assistance to that child whose level of development of skills is insufficient. As with the individual form of labor organization, he shows and explains the necessary methods of work, achieves their assimilation.

To achieve a good result of collective work, an assessment of an adult given in the process of work helps. At the same time, the teacher timely warns the wrong actions of the child, encourages the right methods, their consistency, and the good quality of each. Verbal instructions, advice given by the educator in the course of work, the presentation of appropriate requirements also direct the child's attention to the observance of a certain method of labor.

Experienced educators, paying attention to the quality of the result, show its dependence on the degree of mastery of the skill. Older preschoolers must be taught to see the cause of success and failure.

Organizing the work of the child, the educator informs the method of implementation, names the requirements that he must comply with. Initially, the educator exercises control over the implementation of these requirements. His role is to promptly remind the child of a particular requirement for the quality and pace of work, to achieve its implementation.

If the task is performed collectively, control over compliance with the requirements for the quality and pace of work rests with the participants in the work. Responsible for the work in the link-link and other children do not lose sight of how their comrades work. Everyone has the right to present their claims to others regarding the quality of work, and hence the quality of the action performed.

Especially favorable conditions for this are created in joint work, when children work in a chain. Here, as you know, each of the participants in the collective labor must perform his operation extremely conscientiously, otherwise all the work will have to be redone.

If the children themselves cannot agree, the adult tactfully reminds of the need to comply with the requirements for the high-quality performance of labor operations, persistently achieves their observance by everyone.

Experienced teachers give the child the opportunity to see for himself whether he acts correctly or incorrectly. With the help of an adult, a senior preschooler sorts out the mistake he made and at the same time often finds the reason - he hurried, did not try, did not make an effort. If the child does not succeed, he should be helped.

Directing the efforts of children to improve the quality of actions, the speed of completing the task, it is important to find out how each pupil is able to do this. It is impossible to allow the same requirements for the pace of performance, the rhythm in work, to be presented to different children - fast and slow, well-versed in the skill and only mastering it. Therefore, an individual approach to children is so important, taking into account the degree of mastery of skills, the nature of the child's activity, the experience labor training. When the requirements are quite feasible for the child, when he knows what and how to do, wants to do well, works with interest and sees that everything works out for him as it should, sees the real, tangible fruits of his labor, then work skills are formed faster and better. , the ability to work is born.

If a person did not have the capacity for habit, he could not advance a single step in his development, because he would be constantly delayed by innumerable difficulties that can only be overcome by habit, freeing the mind and will for other works. That is why it is so important to develop useful skills, which are the most important support in mental development child.

It is all the more important to develop labor habits in children, because without this they will never learn to work quickly and well, and, consequently, real diligence will not be brought up in them.

Some educators complain that children develop labor skills slowly. The fact is that skills are not formed immediately. In order for the child to learn something, you need to constantly exercise him in this work. Educators during this period need to be more persistent and patient - and the results will be good. At some stage, the skill will be firmly fixed. Encountering difficulties in the formation of labor skills in individual children, sometimes the educator says:

You can't teach this kid anything. No matter how much I force him, no matter how much he exercises, nothing comes out and, probably, it will not work.

Such pessimism is unwarranted. Some children need less time to learn this or that method of work, others more. Sometimes the delay in acquiring labor skills is explained by the fact that the child was not able to be interested in the business. It also happens that the educators did not calculate the strength of the child, he is overworked and therefore poorly masters the skills of a certain type of work. It is necessary to ensure that the child constantly exercises in work, and labor skills will certainly be formed.

3 conditions for keeping plants and animals in kindergarten

All the inhabitants of the corner should be sufficiently diverse and interesting to observe, do not require complex care, so that the work of caring for them is accessible to preschool children.

In the corner of nature, plants and animals characteristic of the climatic zone in which the institution is located should be placed first of all. The corners of the older group are replenished with animals and plants from other climatic zones, unpretentious, interesting for observation. All plants and animals placed in a corner of nature should have pronounced signs of a group or class: for example, fish or birds with a body structure and habits typical of this class.

It is also necessary to take into account the age characteristics of the children of the group for the corner of which live objects are selected: for the younger and middle groups, plants and animals, the most typical in structure, in the older group, in addition, there should be objects in which typical signs are less pronounced, for example, plants that have not only green foliage, fish with round shape body and elongated fins, etc.

In the corners of nature of the younger and middle groups, inhabitants who do not require complex care are placed so that the children of these age groups are able to provide care for them. In the corners of nature, the older group can be inhabited by plants and animals that are relatively more demanding on living conditions, and their number should be much larger.

Some inhabitants, such as cold-water fish, common unpretentious houseplants, can be found in all age groups, but the amount of knowledge about them in older children should be greater than in younger ones.

When choosing indoor plants, the features of the room are taken into account: if its windows face the south side, it is advisable to place light-loving plants, in rooms with windows to the north, shade-tolerant ones develop well.

Some inhabitants of a corner of nature are constantly in a group, their children can observe throughout the year. These are indoor plants, fish, birds, mammals. The teacher, at his own discretion, can bring into the corner and new plants with which he plans to introduce children; change fish or birds between the younger and middle groups. Other objects are placed in a corner of nature for a short time - for the season, and sometimes part of it.

When selecting the inhabitants of the corner, one should also take into account the characteristics of the natural environment of the preschool institution and the age of the children in this group.

Acquaintance with the seasonal inhabitants of a corner of nature will help the educator to form an idea in children about a particular season, about its characteristic features.

All inhabitants of a corner of nature are placed in accordance with their biological characteristics and requirements for living conditions - birds in a brighter place, but away from drafts, an aquarium - in a wall so that sunlight does not fall on it. It is impossible to concentrate different inhabitants in one place in a group room: it is difficult for children in such conditions to observe and care for living beings, to single out, if necessary, one inhabitant from the mass of others. Aesthetic requirements should also be taken into account: various indoor plants and an aquarium with fish should be placed in such a way as to decorate the group room, make it attractive, cozy.

Low-growing light-loving indoor plants can be placed on the windowsill, if they do not block the light for children, you can make shelves for ampelous plants on the bottom of the window jambs. Part of climbing and ampelous plants (chlorophytum, begonias, netcresias) can be placed in flower lamps, hanging planters, on shelves, large plants (for example, sansevier) or compositions of some unpretentious plants are placed in floor vases. climbing plants(ivy, scindapsus) can be attached to decorative cords stretched from floor to ceiling and enclosing a small part of the room.

Indoor plants not only provide an opportunity for organizing interesting and meaningful educational work with children. They improve the microclimate of the room in which the children are located: they humidify the air, purify and enrich it with oxygen.

Optimal conditions for the full growth and development of plants and animals of the corner are created when they are placed in different rooms. They are taken care of by older children. However, animals that are in a separate corner of nature should be brought into groups from time to time to organize long-term observations of them, otherwise only those on duty see them.

Inventory is required to care for plants and animals of a corner of nature in a group. For caring for plants - watering cans, brushes, basins, oilcloth, rags, sticks for loosening the earth; for animal care - basins, rags, sweeping brushes, scoops, graters, bowls, cutting boards, knives.

All care equipment is located in the corner for attendants, oilcloth aprons are also stored there, which children put on during work. Aquarium care equipment should be placed in a cabinet under it; here you can store food jars tightly closed with lids. All work equipment must have its place, lie on the shelves in certain order. The teacher teaches the children, after finishing work, to wash everything they used, pour water into the watering cans and put the equipment back in place, then checks if they have removed everything. When evaluating the work of attendants, it is also important to take into account how children clean equipment for caring for plants and animals, thus forming their work culture skills.


The permanent inhabitants of a corner of nature in kindergarten are houseplants.

Plants corner of nature of younger groups. When selecting the inhabitants of a corner of nature for the younger groups of the kindergarten, one should take into account the peculiarities of children's perception of objects (the baby first of all pays attention to the brightest and most beautiful of them). Children develop the ability to recognize an object, distinguish and name its individual parts.

Pupils of the younger group should learn to recognize and name 2-3 plants, their parts (stem, leaf, flower). Children are involved in caring for plants: they pour water prepared by an adult (he also determines the dosage), wipe large “leathery” leaves of plants with a damp cloth.

In the corner of the nature of the younger groups, plants are placed that have pronounced main parts (stem, leaves) and bloom beautifully, profusely and for a long time. It can be ordinary geranium, fuchsia, ever-flowering begonia, balsam, camellia, Chinese rose, etc. Children and plants with variegated-colored leaves (Aucuba, Coleus) will also be interested. They also have distinct stem and leaves. Aucuba, camellia, Chinese rose (small sizes) have large enough and strong leaves on which you can teach children the first simple methods of keeping plants clean. The same techniques can be taught to children, having young aralia, ficus in the corner.

Of these plant species, the educator selects 3-4 specimens for a year. At the same time, it is necessary to have two copies of the same type of plants in the corner: children learn to find and recognize the same plants.

Plants of the corner of nature of the middle group. In the middle group, it is necessary to develop in children the ability to see the various properties and qualities of objects and their parts, the variety of shapes, colors, sizes, surface patterns, etc. Children master more complex methods of comparison, learn to establish differences and similarities of objects, generalize objects according to topics or other signs.

Knowledge about plants becomes more complicated. Children clearly distinguish the features of plants, get acquainted with the conditions necessary for their life. The number of plants that they recognize and name is increasing. In the process of care, (together with the teacher) children acquire simple skills: keeping plants clean, watering them properly.

With the expansion and complication of program tasks in the middle group, it is necessary to replenish the corner of nature with new plants. First of all, you should choose indoor plants that have different shape and leaf size (this is the most variable part of indoor plants). Children master new techniques for maintaining plants in frequency: pouring water from a fine-mesh watering can or spraying plants with small leaves from a spray bottle, wiping leaves with notches with a wet brush or brush, pubescent leaves with a dry brush, etc. At the same time, children are taught to determine the dependence how to care for the plant on the nature of the leaves: their size, quantity, surface, fragility.

In addition to plants for the corner of nature of the younger groups, in the middle group they also place aloe or agave (with fleshy leaves that have notches along the edges), rex begonia, asparagus, fragrant geranium (with patterned lowered leaves), etc. At the same time in a corner of nature can be up to 6-8 plant species. It should be especially noted that in the middle group it is good to have different types of plants of the same family (for example, zonal and fragrant geraniums, several types of begonias, etc.). When all this is there, then you can teach children to find differences and similarities.

Plants of the corner of nature of the senior group. In the older group, the formation of the ability to observe objects, compare, generalize and classify them according to various criteria continues. The main content of observations is the growth and development of plants, their changes in seasons.

The knowledge of the children of the older group about plants receives significant additions. Children learn that a plant needs light, moisture, warmth, soil nutrition for its growth. If something is missing, then this can lead to the death of the plant. Children should be explained that different plants need different amounts of light and moisture: some grow well in bright light, others in the shade; some need frequent watering, others need to be watered infrequently.

Children continue to get acquainted with many plants, with the features of their external structure, with a variety of leaves, stems, flowers. The ability to determine the way to care for the plant, depending on the nature of the leaves and stem (the way to keep the plant clean) is consolidated. The content of knowledge about plants includes ideas about some methods of vegetative propagation of indoor plants (propagation by stem cuttings).

All these tasks require the introduction of an additional number of plants into the corner (in this case, part of the plants is removed: transferred to a common corner or transferred to the younger or middle group).

Plants with a variety of stems (curly, creeping), having bulbs, corms, etc. are brought in. These can be 2-3 types of tradescantia, indoor grapes, climbing ivy, cyclamen, primrose, amaryllis, clivia, etc. They have a variety the shape and nature of the leaves, stems, flowers; they have different needs in the degree of illumination and watering.

The methods of care and the very nature of the organization of labor are becoming more complicated (duties are being introduced to clean up nature). The children learn to determine both the method of care and its need.

Thus, a careful selection of plants, taking into account the peculiarities of their appearance, the uniqueness of environmental requirements, and methods of reproduction, can make children's observations and work in nature more interesting, meaningful and exciting.

Houseplant care. It consists in their timely watering, spraying, washing, as well as loosening the soil, transshipment and transplantation, top dressing, pruning, propagation and pest control. |

Watering. Plants are watered room temperature. Tap water is kept in an open container to get rid of chlorine. During increased growth and flowering, plants are watered 2 degrees warmer than room temperature. At the same time, they make sure that the entire earthen ball is saturated with water. If during irrigation water appears on the pan and after 2 hours it is not absorbed back through the bottom hole, it is drained.

Spraying. This is an important part of caring for many plants: it maintains their water regime. By systematic spraying with tepid water, the plants remain fresh and green all winter, shoots, leaves grow faster, buds bloom.

The washing up. Plants must be systematically washed with lukewarm water to remove dust. They wash the plants in the shower or from a watering can with a strainer, placing the pot in a basin, after covering the ground with oilcloth to prevent it from being washed away. Thorny cacti should be cleaned of dust with a soft brush before washing. Plants with pubescent leaves can not be washed, they are cleaned of dust with a soft brush. Flower pots are washed outside with hot water and soap 3-4 times a year using a stiff brush.

Loosening. Loosening is dry watering. Spend it the next day after watering. It is necessary to loosen the earth no deeper than 1-1.5 cm near the walls of the pot, so as not to damage the roots.

Transshipment and transfer. Transshipment is carried out when the plant becomes crowded in a pot. In this case, the earthen lump is not destroyed. Fresh earth "is poured in a small layer on the bottom of the new pot and added between its wall and the earthen clod, as well as on top. When transplanting, the earthen lump is partially destroyed (most of the old earth is removed). The new pot should be 3-4 cm larger than the old one. It is best to transplant plants in the spring, before intensive growth begins.

Top dressing. For normal nutrition of plants, they need to be systematically fed. As a top dressing in a kindergarten, it is best to use mineral fertilizers ( ready mixes sold in flower shops with indication of their use). Plants should be fed when they begin to grow (after transplanting or rooting). Top dressing is applied 2-3 times a month. A few hours before top dressing, the plant should be well watered.

Pruning. For the plant to be beautiful, lush appearance, you need to manage its growth. To form a bush, pinch the top of the main shoot to induce the development of lateral ones. And the side shoots, upon reaching a height of 10-15 cm, are also pinched. Cutting is done with a sharp knife. Sections should be made over the kidney. The places of cuts are sprinkled with crushed coal.

Reproduction. You can propagate indoor plants by stem and leaf cuttings, offspring, rhizomes, bulbs, dividing the bush, layering, etc.

Propagation by cuttings. Cuttings are stem and leaf. Many indoor plants propagate by stem cuttings (tradescanthia, begonia, ficus, aucuba, balsam, pelargonium, etc.). A branch with 2-3 nodes is cut from a growing shoot. The bottom cut is made just below the knot. Then the stalk is immersed in water or planted in a pot, a box so that the lower knot is in the sand. Planted cuttings are covered with glass. Before rooting, they are sprayed twice a day from a spray bottle. Rex begonia, sansevier, and uzambar violet are propagated by leaf cuttings. On the underside of the Rex begonia leaf, the branching of the veins is cut with a razor, the leaf is placed with this side on wet sand. Places of incisions are pressed to the sand. When propagating the sansevera, its leaf is cut into pieces and each part is planted in the sand, like a cutting, with the lower end down. Care is the same as for stem cuttings.

Reproduction by bulbs. Bulbs propagate all bulbous plants - amaryllis, krinum, gemanthus, zephyranthes. Buds form on the bulb, from which baby bulbs grow. When transplanting, they are carefully separated from the old bulb and planted in a pot. Take care of them in the same way as for old plants -

Reproduction by offspring. Plants that form terrestrial offspring (saxifrage, chlorophytum, etc.) easily reproduce, which are, in essence, fully formed young plants. These offspring are cut off from the mother plant and planted in a small pot.

Reproduction by rhizomes. This is how some plants propagate during transplantation. Shake off the ground from the rhizome and cut it with a sharp knife, dividing the plant into several parts so that each has at least 1-2 buds or shoots and roots. Rhizomes propagate aspidistra, sansevier, cyperus.

Houseplant pest control. Most often, houseplants are destroyed by aphids, scale insects, worms, spider mites, tripe, springtails. Aphids are a small insect of green, black or brown color. The affected plant is doused with soapy water with kerosene (a bar of soap is dissolved in 1/2 liter of water and 50 drops of kerosene are added). The treatment is repeated several times every 7-10 days. The day after treatment, the plant is washed clean water.

Shchitovka is a small insect whose body is covered with a waxy shield from the back. Pests are removed with a brush and the plant is washed with soapy water. After a day, the plant should be washed with clean water. Treat the plant with soapy water several times.

The worm is a dangerous pest. The body of the female is covered with wax secretions in the form of threads. A plant affected by a mealybug appears to be covered with white fluff. Remove pests with a brush or a piece of cotton wool, then wash the affected areas with soapy water, which must be washed off with clean water the next day. If the plant has strong leathery leaves, you can destroy the blacklings by wiping the places of their settlement with cotton wool soaked in alcohol diluted with water.

Tripe is a small winged dark brown insect. It settles on the underside of the leaf. The affected plant is washed with soapy water, and then washed off with clean water the next day. This is done several times.

Springtail is a very small white insect. Appears in the ground with excessively abundant watering. To get rid of springtails, watering must be stopped until the earth ball dries out. In some cases, the plant is transplanted into fresh soil, rotten roots are cut off.


Of great interest to children are observations of animals. Permanent inhabitants of the corner of nature are aquarium fish. As aquarium fish, both fish of local reservoirs (small pond crucian carp, rudd, loach, vermiform, etc.) and unpretentious species of exotic fish, natives of the tropics, the so-called heat-loving fish (guppies, swordtail, scalar and etc.). Fish observations are varied, and work is quite accessible to children (feeding, cleaning the aquarium, partial water changes, etc.).

It is good if there are birds in the corner of nature. At proper care behind them they feel great, sing and even breed. Bird care arouses great interest in children, fosters a careful and caring attitude towards animals. In a corner of nature, canaries and budgerigars are usually kept - birds that have become domesticated.

Of the reptiles, only turtles can be kept - swamp and steppe.

Of the numerous and diverse class of mammals, the selection requirements are met, first of all, by representatives of the order of rodents - a rabbit, a hamster, a guinea pig. Unpretentiousness in food, the small size of the premises for their maintenance, peaceful disposition and, at the same time, a variety of habits make these animals desirable inhabitants of a corner of nature.

Animals of the corner of nature of the younger groups. Animals bring nature to life very much. Watching them, children learn to recognize and distinguish them by external signs: moving parts of the body, the nature of the movement, the sounds made, etc.

For kids, already in the second group of early age, an aquarium with a fish is placed in a corner of nature. The fish should be selected brightly colored, leading an active lifestyle for most of the year, willingly eating food, etc. These requirements are met by an ordinary gold fish, golden or silver carp.

Starting from the younger groups, songbirds can be kept. It is desirable that the bird also have bright plumage, a cheerful disposition, be unpretentious in food, and easily adapt to life in captivity. These requirements, for example, are met by a canary.

Mammals, even small ones, require much more attention than other animals: after all, they need to be fed abundantly and often, their cages cleaned daily, etc. Therefore, it is hardly advisable to keep mammals constantly in the corner of younger groups (with the exception of the summer period when you can keep a rabbit on the site, involving children of older preschool age in caring for it). Cages with a rabbit, squirrel, hamster or guinea pig can occasionally be brought into a group of babies for one or two days for occasional short-term observation.

Animals of the corner of nature of the middle group. Getting acquainted with animals, children note the originality of their external structure, movement, way of eating. The first connections are also established: the dependence of the nature of movement on the structural features of the limbs.

Caring for the inhabitants of the corner together with the teacher, the children master simple skills: washing the drinkers and feeders of animals, feeding.

In the middle group, it is useful to keep in the aquarium two types of fish that differ in appearance and habits: a sluggish pond crucian and a nimble, mobile topmelt, or keep varieties of goldfish in the aquarium: a veiltail, a telescope and at the same time (in another aquarium) a fish from a local reservoir .

Differences in the appearance and habits of these fish are quite noticeable and can be detected by children during observation.

Of the birds for a corner of nature of the middle group, one should stop at the one that was recommended for kids - the canary.

Mammals can be permanent inhabitants in a corner of nature of the middle group. Children of this age are quite mastering the skills of caring for some of them. So, it is advisable to place a guinea pig and a hamster that are very interesting in habits. They belong to the same detachment - they have both similarities and great differences, originality. Caring for these animals is simple; they are friendly; they easily develop reflexes to a variety of signals, time, and environment.

Animals of the corner of nature of the senior group. The selection of animals in the senior group should provide the opportunity to form the initial knowledge of children about the features of animal adaptation to environmental conditions.

In the corner of the nature of the older group, it is good to keep heat-loving viviparous and spawning fish (guppies, swordtails, angelfish, etc.). Looking at the life of the inhabitants of the aquarium, gaining skills in the proper maintenance of these fish, children will understand how these fish live in the wild, in nature and how important it is to preserve their natural habitat.

Children will also be interested in watching the loach. This small fish of local reservoirs is a kind of barometer. Before the onset of inclement weather, she swims excitedly, as if predicting the weather.

From birds, preference should be given to those that breed offspring in captivity (canary, budgerigar). The growth and development of chicks, the care of adult birds for their offspring are the most valuable material for observing older children. At the same time, one should not forget that caring for helpless growing chicks is a source of kind and humane feelings, respect for all living things.

In the corner of the nature of the older group, you need to place a turtle. Usually the turtle falls into a short hibernation in winter. If she lives in a corner for several years, then there may not be hibernation, but the turtle becomes lethargic, reluctant to take food. Only older preschoolers can understand the reason for this condition and create appropriate conditions for the life of an animal. From mammals, a hamster and a guinea pig should be placed.

A corner of nature can contain many mammals.

Guinea pig. This is a trusting and peaceful animal. The body of the pig is small, elongated. The color of the coat is varied: black, white, red, yellow and brown. There is no tail. The muzzle is elongated, the eyes are bulging, like meadows, a mobile mustache. The legs are short, with a different number of fingers on the front and hind paws: on the front - four fingers, on the back - three,

To keep a pig in captivity, you need a spacious box or a mesh cage measuring 70x50x40 cm, but always with a metal retractable bottom, with sides 4 cm high, so that sawdust can be poured. So that the wool does not get dirty in sawdust, a wooden grate with a clearance of 1.5 cm is placed above the metal bottom (there should be two such gratings to change daily, and wash and dry the dirty one). In one half of the cage, it is necessary to create a dark corner for the pig in which she will sleep and hide. The guinea pig is a herbivore. Her menu includes vegetables, roots, herbs, grains. She willingly eats carrots, beets, cabbage, parsley, tomatoes, dandelion leaves and various herbs. It is necessary to give the pig and crusts of stale bread, branches, crackers, so that she can sometimes gnaw them. He eats a pig and mashed potatoes (you can’t feed raw potatoes). Pigs, like all rodents, constantly grow teeth. In order for the animal to grind them down, several wooden chocks must be kept in the cage. Feed the pig three times a day certain time. On a day off, it’s good to put washed, unpeeled beets and a dry crust of bread in a cage; Dishes for food should be low and heavy. Together with the greens, it is not necessary to put water. Pregnant and lactating pigs should be given liquid: milk, clean water, especially with dry food.

Mumps can breed 2-3 times a year. One to four cubs are born. Cubs are born in wool and sighted. After 3-4 days, the babies feed on their own food that the mother eats, although for another 30 days they suck her milk. On the first day after birth, neither the female nor the cubs can be touched. The male should be placed in another cage. A guinea pig loves to be brushed with a small brush. The claws grow quickly in the pig, and from time to time they need to be carefully trimmed. Guinea pig should be protected from drafts, give her more light.

Hamster. This nocturnal animal belongs to the order of rodents. The animal is small in size, has a short body, small tail and legs, reddish coat. Hamsters have cheek pouches where they store their food.

You can keep a hamster in a metal cage or a wooden box lined with tin from the inside, an aquarium measuring 70x50x40 cm. The bottom of the box should be covered with sawdust or dry, clean sand with a layer of 3-4 cm. "bedroom", "pantry", the other as "toilet". For the toilet, you can use a box with sawdust and accustom a hamster to it, then there will be no need to cover the entire bottom of the cage with sawdust. A house should be arranged in a cage. Inside the house of rags and hay, the hamster makes a warm nest. You can make perches in the cage, hang a ring so that the hamster can run and climb.

Hamsters eat sunflower seeds, oats, and millet. Willingly eat bread, porridge, cottage cheese, apple slices, carrots, cabbage, beets, potatoes, pea pods, dandelion leaves. Protein food should also be given: flour worms, unsalted bacon, a little minced meat. Hamsters drink milk with pleasure. in winter it is useful for them to give a few drops fish oil. It is usually added to milk or on a piece of bread (once a week). The cage should always have mineral supplements (chalk) and clean water. The animals are fed twice a day. From time to time you need to check the stocks in the “pantry & and remove moldy feed.

Hamsters breed in captivity almost all year round. When cubs appear, the male needs to be removed from the cage, and the female is less likely to be disturbed. Babies appear blind, naked and completely helpless. Newborns do not need to be touched, because foreign odors will remain on them and the female can bite her children. Hamsters begin to see clearly only after 13-15 days. From the age of six, they will willingly eat food brought by their mother - pieces of potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots, biscuits, bread dipped in milk. The male can be put into the cage not earlier than a month after the babies begin to see.

Keeping birds. In the corner of the nature of preschool institutions, only domesticated birds (pigeon, canary, budgerigar) can be kept. When keeping birds, it is necessary to choose the right cages: they must meet the needs of this species. When choosing cages, it is necessary to approach each type of bird individually, but in any case, the cage must be of the correct shape, without any unnecessary decorations. Its volume depends on the size and mobility of the birds. The maximum volume of the cage for most of our birds should not exceed 50 cm in length, 30 cm in width, and 40 cm in height. Each cage must have a double bottom: the lower one is fixed, and the upper one is retractable. Dry sand is poured onto the retractable bottom of the cage. The cage should have a feeder, a cup of water for drinking. Every morning, for some time, dishes for bathing birds are placed in it. Several perches are strengthened in the cage. The perches should be placed so that, sitting on the upper ones, the bird does not stain the lower ones, does not clog the feeder and drinker. The cage with the bird should be hung at a height of about 2 m from the floor, on a light wall, not very far from the window; there should be no vents against the cage. In addition to cages, birds are kept in aviaries. They are a very high large cage that occupies part of the room. Many birds of the same or different species are placed in aviaries, which can live together. In addition to ordinary perches, small trees and shrubs are placed in enclosures.

The next condition for keeping birds is the proper organization of their feeding. It is best to feed them in the early morning hours. Grain-eating birds are fed once a day. Feed the birds should be given enough to be enough from the moment they wake up until the evening. Food should be as close as possible to natural, fresh, varied and rich in vitamins. It is advisable to put different types of dry food in different feeders or in different compartments of the same feeder. All birds should be given green oats, shoots of tradescantia, asparagus, mineral feed - potassium permanganate (give 2-3 times a month, dropping a small crystal into drinking water), a little crushed charcoal, table salt (give once a month, dropping small crystal in drinking water), crushed egg shells, especially for those birds that breed in captivity. The feed rate must be established empirically, remembering that it is best to give a little more feed than the bird can eat. On average, for birds, the daily norm of a mixture of feed is 20-40 g.

The cleanliness of the cage is one of the main conditions for maintaining the health of the bird. The feeder and drinker must be cleaned and washed daily. Once a week, the cage is cleaned with a change of contaminated sand. Once a month, you need to do a complete cleaning of the cage with scalding with boiling water or hot tobacco decoction. Perches also need to be cleaned of dirt more often. Claws grow strongly in a bird's cage. From time to time they are cut with sharp scissors. You need to cut the claws below the blood vessel (in the light inside the claw a red stripe is visible - a blood vessel).

How to protect birds from diseases?

Runny nose. Arises from drafts cold water. The bird has mucus flowing from the nasal openings, it shakes its head, squints its eyes. It is necessary to lubricate the nasal openings with vegetable oil and pour sugared water into the drinker.

Indigestion (diarrhea or constipation). It can be from poor-quality food, dirty water, excess food without greens. With diarrhea, rice water is given with the addition of 1-2 drops of Cahors (instead of water). For constipation, give green food, berries, add 3-5 drops of vegetable oil to the water.

Obesity. It is caused by excess feed, especially hemp feeding, low bird mobility. It is necessary to include greens, berries, grated carrots in the diet, to allow the bird to fly around the room.

Eye disease. Rinse eyes with warm water or a solution of boric acid (a teaspoon in a glass of water).

Lice, tick. The bird sits ruffled, itches. The bird must be moved to another room, rinsed with boiling water, lubricated perches and cracks with kerosene.

Foot disease (subcutaneous tick). The legs swell, the scales covering the metatarsus and fingers rise. It is necessary to lubricate the legs 3-4 times (with an interval of 2-3 days) with mineral oil (machine, spindle oil). Move the bird out of the cage. Process the cell.

Characteristics of songbirds

in terrariums for land turtle, lizards, toads, common frogs, the bottom is covered with a layer of earth and sand 5-6 cm thick. Most of the terrarium is planted with tufts of grass, small plantain bushes. It is good to put one or two flat stones. The pond in the terrarium is replaced by a small cup of water. For a toad, a land tortoise, you need to arrange a shelter house from shards of flower pots. In winter, the grass is replaced with indoor plants with narrow long leaves, shoots of oats, lettuce.

Terrarium care is not difficult. The water in the reservoir is replaced from time to time, and the water cup is washed. It is necessary to clean the surface of the soil, the walls of the terrarium as it gets dirty, 2-3 times a year, a thorough cleaning of the terrarium should be carried out. Plants planted in a terrarium are cared for in the same way as indoor plants. The inhabitants of the terrarium low temperatures air lose their mobility and do not take food. At this time, the terrarium must be placed near the battery or heated with electric bulbs. It is useful to bathe animals in a weak solution of potassium permanganate at a temperature of 25-30 ° C for 20-30 seconds without immersing the head.

The inhabitants of the terrarium are fed 2-3 times a week in summer and no more than once a week in winter. It is better to feed less often, but slowly and thoroughly.

watering indoor plants, removing dust, spraying, pruning dry leaves, loosening the earth; growing plants from cuttings;

sowing large and small seeds of vegetables and flowers, planting seedlings and transplanting plants;

cleaning the cages of birds and other animals (clean the retractable bottom, sprinkle with sand, clean the perches), washing the feeders, drinkers, baths for bathing, filling them with water;

feeding birds and animals at the direction of the educator and independently (older children), growing green fodder;

preparation of food for feeding small animals (wash and cut root vegetables, cook greens);

assistance to an adult when changing the water in the aquarium (catch the fish, place them in a basin with water at room temperature, try shells, pebbles); caring for the fish (feed them carefully, remove the top layer of water with a cup, add fresh water”;

The educator selects available types of labor for children of each age group. They should be, on the one hand, feasible for children, on the other, require a certain amount of effort from them.

If the children take care of living objects that are new to them, the educator at first leads the group on duty and performs all labor processes together with the children, helps the children understand their duties, encourages them to work as carefully as an adult; to those who find it difficult, provides timely assistance, instills in them confidence in their strength and thereby maintains an interest in work and a desire to work.

Let us consider the possibilities of children of each preschool age for their work in nature, the methods of organizing this work and managing it.


The possibilities of children of this age are extremely limited, labor education is carried out mainly in the process of familiarizing children with accessible phenomena occurring in nature.

The mental and labor education of children in the third year of life in the process of familiarizing them with nature is facilitated by two prerequisites: the desire for independence and the beginning of the formation of observation.

Program requirements for familiarizing children with nature can be met at this age only with visual-effective learning. The teacher systematically communicates knowledge to the children and forms the necessary skills in them, sets mental and practical tasks for the children (what to do). Explaining and showing the material, methods of action, reveals ways to solve the tasks (how to do it), directs the activities of children to achieve results, using the demonstration of actions; the explanation combines with the perception, actions and speech of the children themselves. The teacher should make the proposed content visual for children, and the requirements presented to them, accessible and understandable. For example, when getting acquainted with plants, involving a child in a visual-effective examination (show the stem - how long it is, and the leaves are small, the flower is round, like a ball; show the flower, smell it, pick a flower on a long stem, etc.), the educator helps to better perceive the characteristics of a particular plant.

A significant role in introducing children to work is played by familiarization with the properties of natural materials. Children of this age can use a variety of natural materials throughout the year, actions with which enrich the child with impressions. In games with sand, water, snow, children get acquainted with the properties of these materials (dry sand pours, it is easy to sculpt and build from wet sand; fish, ducks, etc. swim in the water). In playing with water, children have a lot of sensations (you can change the temperature). They really feel what cold, warm, hot water is. Children should pay attention to changes in the weather: the sun is shining, it is raining, snow is falling, the wind is blowing. You can organize observations of the work of adults (how snow is removed, trees are planted, etc.).

While observing animals, children are given the simplest instructions for caring for them (pour crumbs, grains for birds in the area, feed the fish). Children understand the need for this, learn how to do it (under the guidance of a teacher). For example: “You will help me feed the fish. This is food for them. Let's put it in the feeder." Puts food and invites the child to do the same.

The cognitive activity of a small child is formed and manifested in meaningful labor activity. The educator must organize the matter in such a way that the actions of the children stimulate the necessary manifestations of a living object (for example, he offers to feed goldfinches, a rabbit, a kitten in order to show their habits). From a superficial perception of the habits of an animal, the child proceeds to the perception of their mode of action (how he eats, how he swims, flies, etc.), he develops the analyzer ability to isolate individual parts of the animal body (beak, tongue, wings, etc.). Thus, children begin to enjoy practical actions How. cognitive.

Kids should know and be able to name the observed labor actions of adults (teacher, nanny). This is facilitated by a series of consistent and varied observations conducted with subgroups of children.

Watching with children how indoor plants are washed, they are explained to them: the leaves must be washed so that they are clean and beautiful. The goal should be clear to children, and the ways to achieve it should be visible and tangible for them. Show how carefully you need to wash off the dust, for example, from the leaves of ficus, aspidistra. It is necessary to draw the attention of children to the results of labor.

For the child, the content side of the activity gradually acquires significance. You can invite some children to help the teacher. “Look how you need to wash the leaves,” says the teacher. “Learn, then you will wash everything. And now Olya and Sasha will help me.”

Gradually, the teacher introduces the kids to the implementation of the simplest assignments. In a corner of nature - water the plants. The teacher teaches how to properly hold the watering can and slowly pour water into the ground. By copying the actions of an adult, children acquire the ability to act.

When performing even small episodic assignments, the educator associates them with caring for living beings: “We will feed the bird so that it sings”; "Let's water this plant, otherwise the leaves will dry up." During a walk, children are taught not to pick flowers in the flower beds.


Children of the fourth year of life are brought up with an interest in the work of growing plants, caring for animals and are taught the elementary rules for its implementation. It is necessary that simple things (sowing large seeds, watering plants, feeding animals, etc.) be a source of joy for children.

Children get acquainted with the inhabitants of the corner of nature during the year. Therefore, knowledge about their lives can be more complete and more related to the child's possible participation in their care. Performing simple tasks becomes a daily routine. In advance, in the work plan, the educator outlines which of the children to bring to his aid, how to organize work so that everyone practices in mastering the techniques. It is necessary to teach children to put in place the items of care for animals and plants.

Houseplants with wide leaves that are easy to wash, blooming profusely (primrose, begonia, etc.) are placed in a corner of nature. There should also be an aquarium where you can keep carp inhabitants of our stagnant ponds.

Caring for animals comes down mainly to feeding them, since this work is accessible to young children in terms of maintenance and physical effort.

Children of the fourth year of life are explained that birds need to be looked after: fed grains, grass, clean water to drink, they are taught to pour grains into the feeder, pour water into the drinking bowl, put them in a cage.

When caring for fish, children, under the supervision of a teacher, pick up food with a spoon and carefully pour it into the feeder so as not to pollute the aquarium; can wash the pebbles when changing genera in the aquarium. Children are gradually taught to water plants, grow oats, plant onions, sow large flower seeds, wipe large flower leaves and flower pots.

To develop a conscious attitude to labor processes, it is very important to combine the work of caring for plants with planting or sowing the plants themselves, with playing with natural material (sand, water, clay, snow) and giving children the opportunity to act with it in a variety of ways.

When organizing children's activities, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the material (loose sand, it can be dry and damp, you can build from raw sand; clay is viscous, strong; snow is cold, melts; in warm weather it is sticky, you can sculpt a house, a snowman, a hill and etc.).

Teaching children how to care for plants begins with the process of watering, with the children learning the techniques of this work: correctly hold a small (but not toy) watering can, rest against the edge of the pot with the spout of the watering can. The teacher teaches the child to distinguish dry soil from wet (examine the soil by color and touch) and establish the need for watering. At the same time, it is important to show children that in the absence of moisture, plants (leaves, stems) lose their elasticity and wilt. You need to water until water appears on the pan. Children of this age can water plants that are not branched at the bottom of the stem.

The joint activity of children and adults is already systematic here. From time to time the teacher brings the children together for common work on growing plants and caring for them, for example, washing the leaves of a plant (3-4 times a year). Here, special attention should be paid to careful attitude to the plant: wash each leaf carefully so that it does not break.

It is better to start learning how to do this work by rubbing large, dense, smooth leaves (for example, ficus, lemon, etc.): “There is a lot of dust on the leaves. Plants need to be washed so that they are clean, beautiful, and grow better. Today we will do it. I will show you how to wash the leaves. It is necessary to wring out a rag so that water does not drip from it, straighten it; put a leaf on the palm of one hand and, supporting it from below, slowly and carefully draw a cloth over it in one direction from the petiole to the end from above, and then from below. Rinse the rag and also wipe the next sheet.

Plants are washed with warm water. Children see that at first the water was clean, transparent, and then it becomes dirty. In order for each child to have the opportunity to practice caring for plants, there must be a sufficient number of them.

The teacher invites the children to remember the sequence of work so that they realize the task that they have to complete. He combines his demonstration and explanation with the subsequent practical exercises of the children: “Now you will all wash the plants the way I say.”

In younger groups, phased (stepwise) instruction is used, children perform individual techniques as directed by the teacher. At the end of the lesson, the teacher always reminds: “We worked, rinse the rags, wring out and hang to dry. The next time we wash the plants, the cloths will be clean."

Returning from a walk, be sure to draw the children's attention to the window sills and shelves where the plants are: “Do you like plants? We all washed together” to give them satisfaction from the work done.

At first, the kids are given homogeneous work: everyone is washing the leaves, or watering the plants, or sowing the seeds. Different tasks distract children, everyone wants to do what the neighbor does. By the end of the year, the child is accustomed to doing the work assigned to him, regardless of what others do.

When there is no greenery and flowers on the site, children are especially pleased with the plants grown by themselves in a corner of nature, for example, the appearance of oat sprouts.

You need to sow oats only when there is someone to feed. This goal is common to all children: to grow green grass for our bird, so that the bird is healthy and sings merrily. At the beginning of work, the teacher shows the grown oats, gives the children the opportunity to feed the bird with grass. Showing the results of labor allows children to understand the goal, causes a desire to fulfill it. IN this case for the child, not only the procedural nature of the action (sowing the seeds) will matter, but also the relatively long-term result. Sowing can be done several times. Repeated crops deepen the ideas and improve the skills of children.

Children sow on their own, each in their own box, sticking the seeds into the ground. This work is convenient in that its results do not depend on the pace, children do not need to coordinate their actions with each other. At the same time, children get the idea that in the work it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions.

Before sowing oats, the educator must prepare paper boxes with marks (children of the older group can make them), prepare land suitable for sowing together with the children, put oat seeds in a saucer (2 saucers per table), have water for watering. The teacher shows how to sow seeds: "These are seeds, look at them all, touch them." The process of sowing for children consists of two parts: sticking seeds into the ground (this method requires a certain labor effort from children, which is not the case when sowing seeds randomly) and watering. The explanation should be short and clear. The actions of the educator must coincide with the word: “Seeds must be sown in the ground, stuck deep so that only the tip is visible; I take one seed, I stick it in the ground, I stick another close to the first one, side by side, I will sow one more and so much. The phrase “I take one seed” should be repeated to teach children to sow carefully, one at a time, close to each other. Appeal to children at first should be individual: "Everyone, and Sasha, and Slava, and Ira, will sow the seeds." The teacher checks the quality of work, helps to cover the seeds with earth, waters with the children.

At the end of the lesson, you need to once again draw the attention of the children to the icons on the boxes so that they remember them and everyone can observe and care for their crops. It is necessary to invite the children to put the grass on the windowsill: “It will be warm and light there, the seeds will germinate soon if we water them.”

After finishing work, the teacher praises the children: “You tried, you did well”; “We worked hard, sowed a lot of grass. Thick grass will grow. This end of the lesson pleases the children, the next time they are willing to get to work.

From December - January, children plant onions. In order for the kids to understand the purpose of the lesson, it is necessary to show the previously grown onions before planting, to clarify: “This is a green onion. Whoever eats it is strong and healthy.” Showing the children onions, the teacher explains that green onion grew from an onion: "We will plant bulbs, and we will grow green onions." Children make holes on their own, distributing the earth in all directions with a stick: “The bulb must be planted in the hole down with the roots. Slowly, like this, you need to press the bulb so that it sits tightly in the ground. The teacher prepares boxes with earth in advance, a sufficient number of bulbs. Kids are interested in planting material, so it should be given after explanation. During work, reminds children how they will plant bulbs, corrects those who do it wrong, once again shows planting techniques, encourages kids. Finishing the lesson, the teacher emotionally sums up, notes Good work children and its meaning: “We worked well, we planted a lot of onions, there will be enough for everyone. When the onion grows, we will eat it.” For a child of three or four years, doing an action often coincides with getting a result. Therefore, it is necessary to bring the idea to the mind of the baby that the onion does not turn green immediately, it must be watered every day.

When caring for plants, small children sometimes pour too much water into one place, as a result of which the seeds float and deteriorate. It should be explained that, for example, oats should be watered all over the box, you can’t pour water on the bulb, you need to water carefully, pour water little by little, while observing how it is absorbed. This fosters concentration and slows down the hasty actions of children.

In February - March, for decorative purposes, peas, garden beans, nasturtium can be sown in boxes. Plants bloom in late April. The teacher can use illustrations and show which ones grow beautiful flowers. The label (colorful illustration) is left in the box with crops until buds appear.


Children of this age are brought up with a steady interest in objects and natural phenomena, a conscious attitude to the work of growing plants and caring for animals.

Since the beginning of the year, the teacher has systematically involved children in watering plants, loosening the earth, and feeding animals. In the process of such work, the teacher forms the ability to see and understand the timeliness of a particular labor action. At first, he attracts 2-3 children to work at will, and then they work in turn.

When giving instructions, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of children: for those who have unstable attention, give simple tasks (cut vegetables for rabbits, prepare water for watering, see if the animals have eaten food). Those who know how to bring the work they have started to the end are given more complex assignments (spoon food for fish, water plants, etc.). Sometimes children are offered individual tasks: they give one of them a plant for care, a few grooves in the garden. The fulfillment of individual tasks and assignments increases independence, brings up the initiative of children in using the acquired knowledge and skills. This is facilitated by the reports of children on the care of animals and plants to their peers, to whom they must tell what to do, how, why and when.

Caring for crops and plantings, the child systematically observes them, gets used to a responsible attitude to the task assigned. It is necessary to gradually bring children to the understanding that favorable conditions (soil, light, heat, moisture, etc.) must be created for the life and growth of plants. The educator should help children understand the significance of each process of labor, care, and form their ability to see and feel the timeliness of this or that action.

In the fifth year of life, children continue to be taught watering techniques: water plants as needed; pour water at room temperature; moisten the whole earth equally by tilting the watering can closer to the surface of the earth; at the same time, they find out who needs more water - a small or a large plant. Children conclude: the larger the plant, the more it needs to be watered. Children should also be taught to determine the earth's need for moisture by touch. Children should know that dry soil is hard, crumbles, wet earth is black, dark. Accumulating relevant experience, the children themselves try to establish the need for watering, based on the appearance of plants (elasticity of leaves, stems). It is useful to talk with children about the fact that plants grow vigorously in spring, new shoots, leaves, and flowers appear. They need to be watered more.

Children already know that the leaves of plants must be washed. Small leaves can be sprayed with a spray bottle.

When teaching children how to loosen, they draw their attention to the fact that the compacted earth does not pass water well to the roots of plants, they grow worse, that loosening must be done carefully, carefully. First loosen the ground near large plants that are far from each other (onions, beans, nasturtium). This work requires concentration, coordinated measured movements, which is difficult for children, especially excitable, mobile ones. If they are systematically involved in loosening, they learn to control their movements and not damage the plants. You can involve the guys in the removal of dead parts of plants, dry leaves, stems.

Plants in a corner of nature are arranged so that it is easy to care for them. They should be varied so that children can establish their similarities and differences in shape, size, color of leaves and flowers. In the spring, bulbous plants (amaryllis, krinum, etc.) can be introduced. Water them so as not to flood the bulb, then they will grow well and bloom.

In a corner of nature, children take care of animals (with the help of a teacher). They must know what kind of food is needed for animals (squirrel, rabbit, hamster), what it is called, where and how it is stored.

Under the supervision of the educator, the children prepare food: they cut the leaves of cabbage, root crops, tear the grass, according to the measure, the children pour food for the fish, grain for the birds.

Children should know the dosage of food and be able to distribute it throughout the day. They should pay attention to the behavior of animals: the bird cries restlessly - there is no water or food; the fish rises to the surface of the water and sticks its head out - there is not enough oxygen.

In order for the animals to be healthy, it is necessary to wash the drinkers, feeders with warm water, pour fresh clean water, change the bedding, remove garbage from the chicken coop and sprinkle sand on the floor. Watching the change of water in the aquarium, the children wash pebbles, shells together with the teacher, lay them and pour sand on the bottom of the aquarium, partially replace the water in it. You can organize a general cleaning of a corner of nature by distributing work between children: some wash drinking bowls, feeders, pots and pallets, others wipe the leaves of plants, others water, loosen the ground. Of particular interest to children are plants grown by them in a corner of nature.

At this age, consciousness of actions, independence, and the desire to achieve the set goal increase. Relying on experience allows children to better understand the content and purpose of work, and to do the work more willingly.

Here, there is no need to remind about the ultimate goal of labor (children remember it well). Together with the teacher, they prepare the land suitable for sowing oats and planting onions, pour it into boxes, boxes, sow seeds and plant bulbs, water them. In the process of work, the educator reminds (in a word, showing) of compliance with the rules for doing work, invites the kids to learn from each other, notes the neat work of everyone. Together with children, you can plant root crops (carrots, beets) in order to obtain greenery for the inhabitants of a corner of nature. The teacher clarifies that not only people eat vegetables, but also animals (not only the root, but also the leaves), there is no greenery in winter, and animals need it, so it’s good for them to grow green leaves of carrots and beets.

Children can also sow large seeds and seeds of medium size (cucumbers, beets; radishes, marigolds); they carry out watering and loosening.

There are several stages in the development of the labor orientation of a child of middle preschool age. At first, many children have no interest in this work, which is expressed in the refusal to work, but interest in procedural actions is noticeable. Further, there is a change in gaming and labor processes with a gradually increasing interest in labor activities. Then the actual work activity appears, not interrupted by game actions, where the goal is clear, the attitude towards the result is not lost. The skills acquired by children in caring for plants in a corner of nature are not transferred to work on the site.

In the work on the site in children for a long time there is a desire for play activities. They are almost indifferent to how work operations should be performed. Listening to an adult, they grasp only the general setting (it is necessary to dig, sow, loosen, etc.) and, taking agricultural implements, often reproduce the external side of labor actions (digging the ground, removing the top layer; loosening with an inverted rake, swinging a watering can when watering and direct jets of water to plants that need moisture). The actions of children take place in the game plan.

To really interest children in the labor process, they need to show the result of any work performed by the teacher together with the children. Working together with a group of children of three, the teacher has the opportunity to show each child the results of a specific labor task: well-loosened soil, clean shoots of vegetables and flowers.

At first, it is not so important how much the child will do, whether he will work to the end, fulfilling a labor assignment. It is important that he takes part in this work, feels the expenditure of strength. The child is fascinated by the labor process itself, and the desire to work is not yet associated with caring for plants. Therefore, when performing work tasks, breakdowns sometimes occur: the child can interrupt the labor action and leave to play, and then return and continue working.

Seeing the visual result of labor, children tend to work like adults, for real. But even in these works, the child is still primarily interested in and satisfied not with the result of the activity, but with the process of labor actions itself. Children can loosen the ground in the same place for a long time, water the same ridge several times a day. They already calmly listen to the instructions of an adult, look closely at his movements, try to imitate his actions consciously, ask him to show the right tricks.

Orders are of great importance for maintaining interest in labor processes. The work should be structured in such a way that each child has a clear idea of ​​what specific task he must complete in order for this task to be available to him.

The task given to the child of the middle group should be seriously considered, its dosage should be determined so that the children, without getting tired, get satisfaction from a well-executed joint work.

To maintain interest in caring for plants in a corner of nature and form the right ideas, it is important to use not stories and pictures, but the very fact of the growth and development of plants, to direct the attention of pupils to the need to care for them. So, in the process of caring for plants, children are persistently led to establish the dependence of the state of plants in a corner of nature) on the presence and absence of moisture in the soil and changes in their appearance. Therefore, when performing labor processes, it is necessary to explain several times why this work is being done, to remind how it should be done. Having understood the essence of the matter, the guys begin to relate to work in a different way, mutual assistance, mutual control, careful and caring attitude not only to “their” vegetables, flowers, but also to all plants arise.


In the older group, the range of labor duties expands even more, children are accustomed to more complex forms of activity. The work of each child is assessed in terms of both his attitude to duties and his assimilation of nursing skills (the ability to outline a sequence of actions, motivate ways to perform them, and correctly implement the decision).

In the older group of the kindergarten, children mostly come with a certain amount of knowledge, have the skills to care for animals and plants, and are conscious of their duties. Therefore, the educator can accustom them from the beginning of the year to independently perform work tasks.

If children have mastered the necessary skills and abilities to care for plants and animals, a new form of systematic work is introduced - duty. The readiness of children for duty is ensured by the previous daily work in a corner of nature.

At the beginning of the year, in the lesson “Conversation about duty in a corner of nature”, the teacher consolidates the knowledge of children about the rules (methods and techniques) for caring for plants and animals, about the sequence of work; clarifies the duties of the attendants (the attendants come to the kindergarten earlier than others, inspect indoor plants daily, take care of them as necessary, feed the animals, keep the premises of the animals clean, etc.); clarifies knowledge about inventory for work and the place of its storage; explains the purpose of the duty board; arouses in children an interest in duty, a desire to take care of the objects of a corner of nature, determining the importance of the work of those on duty for the good condition of plants and animals; gradually brings up responsibility for the task assigned and the ability to bring it to the end. The teacher in this case very subtly and imperceptibly "prompts" the children the choice of objects, makes sure that they carefully handle animals and plants, work neatly, together and bring the work they have started to the end.

The work should be arranged in such a way that the children inform the teacher about the end of the work and ask to check what has been done. Initially, the child's work is assessed at the end of each day. Children tell the whole group how they take care of animals and plants, what new, interesting things they noticed. Therefore, it is advisable to periodically inspect a corner of nature with all the children. This causes even greater interest in work, increases the responsibility of children for the performance of their duties. When evaluating work, the good condition of animals and plants should be emphasized in order to give children satisfaction and joy from the results of their work.

In a corner of nature, you need to pick up such plants that would be interesting for children. Plants should be contrasting in stem structure, shape, size and color of leaves, flowering. They require a variety of care practices. For example, a plant with succulent, fleshy leaves covered with a low-permeable layer of integumentary cells (aloe) needs less water than plants with large, tender leaves equipped with a large number of stomata, highly evaporating leaves (coleus, balsam, Chinese rose). A shallow rooted plant (primrose) requires more frequent watering than a deep rooted plant (aspidistra). In addition, a number of plants experience, depending on the time of year, an unequal need for moisture. The educator, of course, needs to know the characteristics of plant growth and how to care for each of them. Plants with juicy fleshy leaves need to be watered less often, they have enough moisture in the leaves, stems. Plants with large, delicate leaves - coleus, primrose, gloxinia, etc. - water more often.

When determining the need for watering, children should be "selective" in the examination of plants. There are some plants that you can't tell by their appearance if they need watering. You can solve this by tearing the soil with a stick: the dry earth crumbles (aloe, asparagus); the presence of water on pallets indicates soil moisture (Tradescantia, cyperus),

Children of this age continue to be taught how to water plants in connection with the transition to the winter regime and in accordance with the biological characteristics of plants.

As necessary, children loosen the soil of indoor plants, determining the need for this by the cracks in the ground, by the flow of water during watering. They also learn that the earth needs to be loosened in different ways. If the roots of the plant are located close to the surface of the earth (Tradescantia, begonia), loosen the earth with particular care. Children help the educator feed the plants, making sure that the plants that are fed bloom much longer and more beautifully than those that are not fed.

Children learn new and reinforce previously learned techniques for keeping plants clean. They learn to spray plants with delicate small leaves, brush the dust from fleecy leaves (saxifrage, river begonia) so as not to damage the leaves and delicate hairs.

Children are taught that plants need light and air. There are especially light-loving plants (sedum, fuchsia, ever-flowering begonia, saxifrage, asparagus, primrose), and there are shade-tolerant ones (aspidistra, tradescantia, rex begonia). Knowing this, the children themselves will decide where to put which plant, when airing, they remove the plants from the window.

In order for the children to understand the need to care for the objects of a corner of nature, the teacher invites them to decide on their own what needs to be done, why, how to do everything according to the rules, and checks how each child performs all the processes (looses the ground, waters the plants, washes the leaves) , while requiring children to take care of plants.

In the process of winter-spring sowing and planting, children get acquainted with various planting materials (bulbs, seeds, root crops). This strengthens their ability to sow, plant, care.

In the senior group, planting onions and sowing oats is entrusted to duty officers. It is important to carry out with children the distillation of bulbs of flowering plants: tulips, daffodils, hyacinths. Planting corms in pots is carried out from the beginning of September to the end of October. At the same time, the teacher relies on the experience of the children: he invites the children to tell how to plant the bulbs. Children remember, find the roots and the top of the bulbs and quite cope with planting beets, carrots in the room for animals to get greenery.

At the lesson on planting root crops, the children are brought up with a sense of caring attitude towards animals, they are given the task of growing fresh greens for food. The lesson consists of two parts. In the first part, the teacher conducts a conversation in which he clarifies the children's ideas about the use of vegetables, in particular root crops, introduces them to the structure of plants (thick root in the ground, tops outside). Root crops (beets, carrots) can be grown in winter in a warm room and get young tops. Then he shows how to plant carrots and beets: you need to plant the entire root crop in the ground, without falling asleep on the top, on which the kidneys are located. Children pour earth into flower pots or boxes, plant root crops, and water. The teacher chooses plants on which buds are visible or there are small sprouts. Every day, children watch the appearance of leaves.

Flowering plants are grown from seeds both for a corner of nature (seeds of Turkish beans, nasturtiums, sweet peas) and for forcing seedlings (pansies, tobacco, asters, marigolds). Vegetable seeds are also sown, mainly leafy ones (watercress, Khibiny cabbage, leafy mustard).

Animal care in a corner of nature is also carried out under the supervision of the educator and with his direct participation. Under such conditions, children quickly master the necessary skills and from the second half of the year they can take care of animals and plants on their own. In older groups it is good to have heat-loving, viviparous and spawning fish; from birds - a canary or budgerigars. You can also keep several mammals: guinea pig, hamster, squirrel.

When feeding fish, children must follow the following rules: feed the fish every day at the same time (in the morning); feed fish with dry and live food; pour food according to the measure (dry food a toy spoon, 2-3 bloodworms per fish); Pour feed only into the feeder so as not to pollute the water.

Assignments should be linked to an interesting observation ("Feed the fish and see what kind of food they eat best").

To develop the ability to care for fish, children should be involved in the care of the aquarium.

A corner of nature during the year is replenished with other animals (rabbit, squirrel, birds). Children examine animals, get acquainted with their habits, needs, learn the rules for caring for them, clean the cage, change the sand.

When distributing children into groups, individual characteristics of the child should be taken into account. It is good to combine mobile and slow, hardworking and non-hardworking children into one group.


labor preschooler animal plant

I work in the middle group of preschool institution No. 4 in Khoiniki.

Before teaching children labor skills in a corner of nature, I studied the kindergarten program and determined the amount of knowledge, skills, abilities of cognitive or practical activities to be learned by children.

Considering that the ideas of children of the fifth year of life about objects of nature as a whole are not yet sufficiently stable, and practical, labor skills are just beginning to form, I systematically and purposefully introduced preschoolers to nature in a corner of nature.

In the corner of nature, starting from autumn, I introduced children to plants and animals in kindergarten. To do this, I dug up the flowering ground plants of the flower beds and at the same time made a beautiful bouquet of cut flowers. Having placed the flowers in a corner of nature, she drew the attention of the children to the state of both in the first days, offered to admire them, smell, and examine the flowers. Together with the children, I took care of them (poured water into a vase, changed it, watered the dug up plants). Everyone discussed together what plants need.

In the following days, the children compared the condition of the plants, noted the imminent withering of the plants in the vase, established its signs and the reason - the absence of roots and earth.

In the corner of nature were placed the gifts of autumn - vegetables, fruits, berries. Children were taught to distinguish them by their appearance, taste, and to name them correctly. I told the children about their purpose in the life of plants, showed the seeds of some of them, told the children that plants grow from seeds.

Vegetables and fruits were used in didactic games and exercises such as "Know by taste", "Know by smell". Wonderful bag”, “Whose fruit?” etc.

The permanent inhabitants of the corner of nature also required attention and care in autumn. Children examined the plants, determined how they feel, remembered the names. I drew the attention of children to the needs of plants, taught them to notice in appearance when they need help (watering, moving to a bright place). At the same time, she introduced children to the main functions of plant parts: the root holds and feeds the plant, the leaves capture light, the stem transfers food from the ground to other parts of the plant.

In autumn, they brought new fish that differed in appearance and habits from those that already live in the group's aquarium, placed the hamster in a corner of nature, organized observation and feeding.

In the winter period of the year, when the opportunities for children to communicate with nature are limited due to weather conditions, a corner of nature in the group turns out to be an important tool implementation of meaningful work with preschoolers. Knowledge about nature, skills acquired in the fall, are expanding and deepening. I showed the children that indoor plants and animals in the corner of nature feel just as good as in summer. The plants have remained green, Some of them are blooming; animals are mobile, lead an active lifestyle. The children, together with me, tried to establish the causes of these phenomena (the room is warm, light, the animals are regularly fed, the plants are watered, turned towards the light). Thus, the living conditions of plants and animals correspond to their needs. Children actively participated in this: under the guidance of an adult, preschoolers regularly washed plants, animal cells, fed birds, fish, a hamster, and monitored their condition.

In winter, signs of life were purposefully identified in specific plants and animals. I explained how they eat, breathe, what movements they carry out. She told the children that plants breathe with all parts - leaves, stems, roots. Established a relationship between the needs of plants in the air, removing dust from leaves and loosening the soil.

Considering that in winter there is not enough green food for animals, she grew oats with her children. I drew the children's attention to how willingly animals eat such food, made the children feel satisfied that they took good care of their pets.

At the end of January, in February, they planted onions in the ground and grew them. She showed the children the movement of the leaves towards the light, explained this phenomenon. At the end of winter, I invited the children to find out if the plants were alive outside. To test the assumptions made by the guys, we conducted an experiment on the germination of cut branches, determined the manifestation of their life - swelling of the buds, the appearance of leaves. Comparing the state of plants in the group room and on the street, we determined the reasons for its difference.

In the spring, continuing the work begun in autumn and winter in a corner of nature, I paid special attention to familiarizing children with the processes of revival in nature, the phenomena of growth, development, and reproduction of plants and animals. For this, plants were planted (beans, oats, etc.) and long-term observations and care were organized. In the course of such observations, preschool children developed specific ideas about the growth and development of plants: individual bright stages, their sequence.

The observed process was compared with the living conditions of plants in spring: the appearance a large number sunny days, an increase in the duration of the light part of the day. The need for more abundant watering of plantings of indoor plants was emphasized, and changes in the way they were cared for were discussed with the children.

I organized observations of animals in a corner of nature: they become more mobile, active, some of them have cubs. The children were shown guppy fry, they compared them with an adult fish in appearance and behavior; we watched a canary sitting on a nest, they said that it warms the eggs with its warmth, from which the chicks will hatch. I tried to teach the children to behave properly around the bird so as not to frighten it away, otherwise the chicks would die.

In summer, children are more outdoors. I reminded them that the plants and animals of the corner of nature need care and attention. Together with the children, I clarified the ways of caring for the inhabitants of a corner of nature in the summer, taught me to perform simple labor assignments: water the plants, remove dust from the leaves; feed the animals with green food, take the hamster to the site, communicate with them, feed them with grass.

In the summer, we replenished a corner of nature with temporary inhabitants, whom the children observed. For the most part, these are small animals: a snail (a pond snail, a reel), a smoothie, a swimmer, dragonfly larvae, frogs, etc. Observations of them are interesting, attract children, bring up curiosity, inquisitiveness. Most of these animals we later released into the wild. The coil can be left in the aquarium over the winter for further observations.

In the middle group, I conducted classes on teaching preschoolers elementary ways caring for indoor plants and animals. The assimilation of initial knowledge about the needs of plants and animals, as well as the conditions necessary to meet these needs, made it possible to teach children how to properly water houseplants in an organized way in the classroom, to show some simple ways to remove dust from leaves. Such classes contributed to the consolidation and refinement of the knowledge gained earlier, as well as their active application in practical activities, taught children to take care of living beings living in a corner of nature and at home.

List of classes held in the middle group in the fall

Introduction to the aquarium

Target. To form a specific idea of ​​​​the aquarium as a place for fish to live (in the aquarium there is clean water, sand, stones, there are plants, snails). Determine its location (the need for light).

Observation of aquarium fish (telescope)

Target. Learn to recognize a new fish by characteristics appearance and features of movement (the body is rounded, short, large eyes, forked long caudal fin, dark color, swims slowly), to establish a connection between the shape of the body and the nature of the movements. Exercise children in comparing the movements of the telescope and the veiltail, teach them to highlight common features as signs of similarity. To cultivate the ability to admire the beauty of the fish, the desire to care for it. Activate the vocabulary by introducing words: aquarium, plants, shells, etc. Raise interest in the life of fish, the desire to care for them.

Examining indoor plants

Target. Learn to recognize, distinguish and correctly name plant-trees (crassula) and plants-bushes (Chinese rose) according to the characteristic features of their appearance (features of leaves, the nature and arrangement of stems, the relative size of the plant). Exercise in highlighting signs common with trees and bushes in indoor plants. Learn to compare on the basis of similarities. Enter the names of plant features into the dictionary, exercise in the use of generalization words: tree, bush. Cultivate curiosity, interest in plants.

Teaching children the correct watering of indoor plants Purpose. Learn to water the plant correctly: use water prepared in advance for this; correctly hold the watering can and direct the stream of water; water so that the entire earthen ball is saturated with water until water appears on the pallet; pour water with a light stream that does not make holes in the ground, without splashing on the leaves. To form an idea of ​​​​the direction of irrigation to meet the needs of the plant in moisture. Enrich the dictionary with the words: watering, pan, settled water, clod of earth. To cultivate a desire to take care of a houseplant, an understanding of the need to help a living being.

List of classes held in the middle group in winter.

Watching a bird in a cage (wavy parrot)

Target. Learn to recognize and name a new bird - a budgerigar - according to the characteristic features of appearance (small

the bird is green, the tail is yellow, there are black wavy stripes on the back, the beak is strong, thick). To acquaint with the features of behavior (a mobile, cheerful bird, chirps, flies, jumps on perches, eats seeds of various herbs; the bird is alive - it eats (has a mouth - beak), moves (has wings and legs), sees, hears). Learn to follow an observation plan. Enrich the dictionary by introducing words: alive, feels, moves. Raise interest in the life of a bird, the desire to care for it.

Teaching kids how to dust houseplants

Target. Learn to remove dust from indoor plants with a damp cloth (aspidistra) and a dry cloth (geranium fragrant). To consolidate the ability to recognize among indoor plants and name aspidistra and geranium, compare them according to signs that are significant for care (the nature of the surface of the leaves, their number, location). Learn to establish links between the characteristics of leaves and methods of removal from them

dust. To form the idea that plants are alive - they breathe leaves. Learn to use evidence. Maintain an interest in caring for indoor plants.

List of classes held in the middle group in the spring.

Planting onions

Target. To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bow, the features of the external structure, to learn to find the “bottom” with roots and the top. To give knowledge about the basic needs of the onion, the conditions that are necessary for its growth (water, earth, light, heat). Learn how to plant onions correctly (make a hole, plant the bulb with the roots down, press the ground tightly, water). Exercise in planting skills, arouse interest in observing the onion growth process.

In order to find out how the children mastered the components of labor activity, as well as the degree of independence of the child in labor and the quality of labor, I carried out a diagnostic of the development of labor activity in caring for living objects.

To do this, I prepared indoor plants that require different ways care (dusting, watering, loosening); a set of equipment for this work and unnecessary for it; pictures depicting labor equipment, labor activities; game character.

The scheme for studying the development of children's labor activity and the survey methodology

1. Find out if children are able to accept the purpose of work set by adults. Reveal the nature of labor motivation.

Diagnostic technique. The teacher gives the child the task of taking care of indoor plants. Offers different motivations, starting with the most complex: 1) cognitive (“Do you want to be on duty in a corner of nature today and learn how to properly care for plants so that they grow well?”); 2) practical (“Help me (or the duty officer), please, water the plants, loosen them, remove dust from them”); 3) game ("Dunno does not know how to care for plants, Do you want to teach him?"). Each subsequent motivation is offered only if the child does not accept the previous one.

2. Find out if children single out the object of labor, its features that are significant for the upcoming labor process.

Diagnostic technique. Invite the child to select two plants from a corner of nature that need watering, loosening, dusting, and explain why he chose these plants.

3. Find out if the child is able to foresee the result of labor.

Diagnostic technique. The child must answer what the plants will be like after he provides care.

4. Find out if the children are able to plan the labor process in accordance with the purpose of labor (cleaning dust from plants).

Diagnostic technique. Give the child the task to tell about the sequence of labor actions and explain the need for such a sequence. In case of difficulty, give the child a set of pictures depicting labor actions to remove dust from plants and offer to arrange them sequentially. (You can give the task in the form of the game "Confusion".)

5. Find out if the children are able to select equipment for the labor process.

Diagnostic technique. Invite the child to select the equipment necessary for work. Put him in a situation of choice: together with necessary tools and equipment to put unnecessary for this labor process (for example, a net for transplanting fish, a feeder, a stick for loosening the soil, etc.).

6. Check the development of labor skills and abilities by children.

check whether the plants are placed correctly in relation to the light, whether all moisture-loving plants have moist soil; explain whether all plants should be watered today; How do you know if a plant needs to be watered?

To identify whether the children have mastered the method of growing plants by cuttings: “What can a plant be grown from (geranium, tradescantia, etc.)? Show me how to plant it so that it grows."

7. Determine if the child is able to correlate the result of work with the goal.

Diagnostic technique. Give the task to tell Dunno what needed to be done to care for the plants. What did he want and what happened?

In the course of diagnostics, the student fills out a protocol, entering into it generalized data on the level of mastering by children of labor activity in caring for living objects.

protocol form

No. P / P Experimenter's task Evaluation and actions of children Evaluation of the activities of children in the course of implementation, we will set the degree of independence, quality of work performance, labor culture in planning, in the implementation of the labor process

Levels of development of labor activity of children in the care of living objects

I. The child does not accept the goal of labor set by the educator outside the game motivation. Doesn't set it up on its own. Does not single out the object of labor with its features. Selecting the means of labor, performing labor actions, follows the display of an adult. It does not independently isolate the result of labor, does not plan the entire labor process and the sequence of labor actions. The quality of the performance of labor actions and the quality of the result is low.

P. The child accepts the goal of labor under the condition of its playful or practical motivation; does not set a goal on its own. The objects of labor and its features that are significant for labor are singled out with the help of an educator. Individual labor operations are carried out quite independently, but not qualitatively; some - with the help of an adult and with the best quality. Isolates the result of labor, plans the entire labor process with the help of an educator; independent only in determining the sequence of labor operations.

Sh. Independently able to set the goal of labor; accepts a goal motivated not only by a playful and practical, but also by a cognitive task. Independent in determining the object of labor, singles out its features (signal signs of a living object); selects funds and performs labor activities independently and with high quality. Isolates the result of labor and is able to correlate it with the purpose of the activity. The result obtained is of good quality. Can plan both labor actions and the labor process as a whole.

As a result of the work carried out, 87% of children have mastered level III, 13% - level II.


Mastering the skills of labor activity should be considered as one of the main conditions for instilling in children the desire and ability to work. No matter how interested the child is in the goal of labor, without mastering labor skills, he will never achieve a result. The formed labor skills and abilities serve as the basis for educating children in a serious attitude to work, the habit of labor effort, the desire to work, to be involved in work of their own accord, and to successfully complete it.

The program provides for the inclusion of children in the same labor processes different ages, but the volume of labor activities for children of younger and older preschool age is different.

Knowing in what labor processes children of different preschool ages can take part, what labor actions they should perform, allows the teacher to clearly build work on labor training, without overestimating or, on the contrary, not underestimating the capabilities of the children. At the same time, it is easier for the educator to take into account what content is being worked on, whether it is well implemented in practice, which of the children has not mastered this content.

The program for labor education takes into account the gradual complication of the skills that need to be formed in children of younger, middle and older preschool age. So, the kids master individual actions, while the teacher brings them to the level of habitual actions performed independently and without tension. Children of middle and older preschool age must acquire quite a variety of skills that allow them to take part in various labor processes. These skills are already more complex, they allow you to perform the entire labor process, include more actions, labor operations in a certain sequence. The educator can judge the formation of a particular labor skill in a child by such indicators: how independent he is in performing the assigned task, what is the quality of actions (speed, dexterity, quality of work.

In order to fully implement the program tasks for labor training, the educator must improve the technique of performing both individual labor actions and the process as a whole. Speed, accuracy, economy, dexterity and beauty of movements - these are the signs that should characterize the skills of the ore activity of children in the older group.

Requirements for the quality of actions increase gradually, consistently from group to group. A teacher dealing with children of primary preschool age may only require them to perform actions correctly. For five-year-old children, he already sets new program requirements - to work diligently, accurately. The requirements for the quality of performance of actions by children of the sixth year of life are even more increased; they must work smartly, quickly, easily and beautifully.

In order to encourage children to fulfill these requirements, when observing the work of adults, attention must be paid to the quality of the labor actions performed by them. But observations alone are not enough. When performing any work, children must constantly be presented with similar requirements. Then they will gradually develop such qualities as accuracy, diligence, conscientiousness, organization.

Simultaneously with the mastery of labor skills, the requirements for the independence of the work of children are increasing. When a child is only being taught a labor action, one cannot demand that he perform it on his own. As the teacher masters this action, the teacher gradually provides the child with the opportunity to perform it independently.

The educator should form in children not only strong, but also flexible labor skills. This is one of important tasks labor training in the senior group. Often pupils of the 1st grade, who were well versed in the skills of self-service and household work in a preschool institution, for some reason begin to show helplessness and little activity. And the teacher expresses dissatisfaction with the fact that the children do not know how to do anything without prompting (sweep the floor in the classroom, wipe the dust from the desks, erase from the blackboard, etc.). This is observed in the event that children have not been taught to apply the acquired skills in other, somewhat changed conditions, they have not brought up their independence.

For the formation of skills, a long-term systematic participation of children in the performance of labor tasks is necessary. Practicing in the performance of certain actions, they begin to perform these actions not only correctly, but also quickly. Now it becomes possible to make higher demands on the performance of actions, the process as a whole, for children.

In the formation of labor skills, a unified approach on the part of the teaching staff, the unity of requirements is important.

When teaching children labor skills, an expedient and clear order that does not require unnecessary movements and energy expenditure should be introduced everywhere. The lack of a system and consistency in the requirements leads to inaccuracy, reduces organization, children, deprives them of the opportunity to practice this or that skill.


1. Bure R.S. Godina G.N. Teach children to work. - M .: Education, 1983. pp. 58-70.

Education of preschoolers in work, edited. Nechaeva V.G. - M.: Enlightenment. 1983. p. 84-124.

How to introduce preschoolers to nature, ed. Samorukova P.G. - M .: Education, 1983. pp42-53.

Kovalchuk Ya.I. Vasilyeva A.I. Labor education of preschoolers.-Mn .: Narodnaya asveta, 1983. pp. 20-25.

Markovskaya M.M. Corner of nature in kindergarten. - M .: Education, 1984. p. 4-6, pp. 14-20, pp. 39-58, pp. 58-66, pp. 109-131.

The World of Nature and the Child Ed. Manevtsova L.M.-St. Petersburg.: Childhood-press, 2000. p.162-210.

Nikolaeva S.N. Upbringing ecological culture in preschool childhood.-M.: New school. 1995. p.25.

Moral and labor education in kindergarten, ed. Bure R.S. - M .: Education, 1987. pp. 8-20.

Smirnova V.V. Path to nature. - St. Petersburg .: Soyuz, 2001. p. 84-87.

This material presents the result of the analysis of the Program of education and training in kindergarten, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. The methodological model of labor education will greatly facilitate the implementation of long-term and calendar planning of work with children for teachers, will allow you to consistently and systematically organize all work on labor education on the basis of the created subject environment for every type of work. Educators can change the planning of work, taking into account the algorithm for mastering specific labor skills, abilities, actions in each age group for all four types of labor.

In the summary tables of tasks and content of work for each type of labor, those that are new for each age group in comparison with the previous one are highlighted in font, which will help the teacher to start working on the implementation of new tasks of labor education in a timely manner and continue working on already familiar ones, until full formation sustainability of work skills in children.

In the tables of algorithms for familiarizing children with labor operations and actions available to them, those labor skills that children must master in this group are also highlighted. Educators will be able to carry out self-analysis of their pedagogical activities in organizing the labor education of children and pedagogical diagnostics of the assimilation of the program by children under the section Labor education.

Moreover, instead of the traditionally habitual diagnosis by levels (high, medium, low), the diagnosis of children is based on the principle that allows you to determine the degree of activity and success in relation to the child. this species labor (active or inactive) and the result of mastering it (successful) or not mastering labor operations, actions, skills (unsuccessful).

Such an assessment of the results of children's labor activity is more correct.


Formation of a positive attitude to work in preschool children.


  • Familiarization with the work of adults, the formation of ideas about the social significance of work.
  • Raising respect for working people, careful attitude to the results of labor.
  • Formation of labor skills, positive relationships of the child with adults and peers.

Types of work for preschoolers

  • Self-service.
  • Household work.
  • labor in nature.
  • Manual labor.

Forms of labor organization

  • Orders.
  • Duty roster.
  • Collective work (general, joint).

Methodological comment

Such types of labor as self-service, domestic work in nature, are used in all age groups, and manual labor - in the senior and preparatory groups. Instructions are widely used in all age groups of kindergarten. But in the younger group they are the leading form of labor organization. Therefore, work with kids on labor education should begin with individual assignments that the child performs together with the educator, and only much later move on to other forms.

Due to psychological characteristics, children of younger groups are not independent enough in their actions, they are prone to imitation, they cannot coordinate their actions with the actions of their comrades and work at the pace necessary for the team, they are often distracted, they do not complete the work they have begun. Toddlers are little interested in the result, they are attracted by the process of action itself. They do not yet possess the necessary skills and abilities to achieve results. Therefore, only from the second half of the year in the 2nd junior group, when the children already have some work experience, educators use group assignments.

The main form of uniting children of this age in labor is work "nearby", when each child works independently and is responsible for his work to the educator. At the same time, the baby exercises the skills and abilities necessary for teamwork.

In the second half of the year in the 2nd junior group shifts are introduced - systematic work that requires a certain level of independence.

The most widely used different types of duty are in senior and preparatory groups.

The most complex form of organizing the work of children is collective labor. It is widely used only in the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten, when the skills of children become more stable, and the results of labor are of practical and social significance. By this age, children already have sufficient experience in participating in various types of duties, in performing various assignments. The age capabilities of children allow the educator to solve more complex tasks of labor education:

  • teach children to agree on upcoming work;
  • work at the right pace
  • complete a task within a specified time frame.

In the senior group the teacher uses such a form of uniting children as common work, when children receive a common task for all, and at the end of the work a general result is summed up. In the preparatory group, joint work is of particular importance, when children become dependent on each other in the process of work. Joint work gives the teacher the opportunity to educate positive forms of communication between children: the ability to politely address each other with a request, agree on joint actions, and help each other.

In the process of labor, children acquire the necessary skills, including the skills of caring for plants and animals (labor in nature), master the simplest actions with objects, learn about materials and their properties (manual labor). Children develop an interest in work, a desire to work (domestic work, self-service). In each group, it is necessary to create conditions for all types of work that are appropriate for the age of the children.

Inventory and materials should be rationally stored so that children can use them independently. The content of children's labor, the system of including them in labor, its duration and volume, the forms of combining children in labor, methods and techniques, the gradual complication of tasks and the increased requirements for children's independence should correspond to the program of each age group.

ON A NOTE. Methodical literature for kindergarten at low prices from the specialized store for educators "Kindergarten"- detsad-shop.ru


1st junior group

1. To cultivate respect for people of any profession.

2. Emphasize the significance of the results of their work.

3. Support the desire of children to help adults.

4. Involve children in self-care

2nd junior group

To instill a desire to take a feasible part in labor activity.

middle group

1. Cultivate a positive attitude towards work, a desire to work.

2. To teach to carry out individual and collective assignments, to form the ability to negotiate with the help of an educator on the distribution of work, to take care of the timely completion of a joint task.

3. To form the beginning of a responsible attitude to the assigned task (the ability and desire to bring the work started to the end, the desire to do it well).

4. Explain to children the importance of their work.

5. Encourage initiative in helping comrades, adults.

Senior group

1. Continue to expand children's ideas about the work of adults. Show the results of labor, its social significance. Systematize knowledge about the work of people at different times of the year.

2. Talk about the professions of a teacher, doctor, builder, workers in agriculture, transport, clothing industry, trade, etc.

3. Explain that a variety of equipment is used to facilitate labor (computer, cash register, electric sewing machine, etc.).

4. To acquaint children with the work of people of creative professions: artists, writers, composers, masters of folk arts and crafts. Show the results of their work: paintings, books, notes, decorative arts.

5. Explain to children that the work of adults is paid, and people spend the money they earn on buying food, clothing, furniture, and recreation.

6. To develop a desire together with adults and with their help to carry out feasible labor assignments.

7. Learn to bring the work you have started to the end.

8. Develop creativity and initiative in the performance of various types of work. Form responsibility for the implementation of labor assignments.

9. Teach the most economical methods of work. To cultivate a culture of work activity, respect for materials and tools.

10. Learn to evaluate the result of your work with the help of an adult.

11. Stimulate the desire to take part in work activities.

preparatory group

1. Continue to cultivate interest in various professions, place of work of parents.

2. Continue to introduce children to professions related to the specifics of local conditions.

3. Expand ideas about the work of adults. Cultivate respect for working people.

4. Form the need to work.

5. Cultivate love for work.

6. Teach diligently, carefully carry out instructions, protect materials and objects, put them away after work.

7. To cultivate the desire to participate in joint work activities on an equal basis with everyone, the desire to be useful to others, to achieve results.

Methodological comment

Introducing children to work begins with the 1st junior group. The main type of work at this age is self-service.

In the 2nd junior group, the formation of a desire for feasible work in children continues.

The volume of tasks for labor education increases from the middle group, reaching a maximum in the older group. It is in the middle group that children actively master various labor skills and methods of labor in nature, household and self-service work.

In the older group, manual labor is added. In the older group, more emphasis is placed on the formation of all the skills available to children, skills in various types labor. A conscious attitude and interest in work activity, the ability to achieve results is formed.

In the preparatory group, the formed skills and abilities are improved. But basic foundation labor skills of children are laid in the senior group

ON A NOTE. Role-playing toys for kindergarten at low prices from the specialized store for educators "Kindergarten"- detsad-shop.ru

SELF-SERVICE: Tasks and content of group work

1st junior group

1. To form in children the ability to independently serve themselves (during undressing, dressing, washing, eating).

2. Continue to teach children under the supervision of an adult, and then wash your hands on your own as they get dirty and before eating, dry your face and hands with a personal towel.

3. Learn to clean up with the help of an adult.

4. To form the skill of using individual items with a handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot).

5. Encourage children to be independent while eating, teach them to hold a spoon in their right hand.

6. Teach children how to dress and undress.

7. Learn to take off clothes, shoes (unfasten buttons in front, Velcro fasteners) with a little help from an adult.

8. Teach in a certain order to carefully fold the removed clothes.

9. Learn how to properly wear clothes and shoes.

2nd junior group

1. Continue to teach children to dress and undress themselves in a certain sequence (putting on and taking off clothes, unbuttoning and fastening buttons, folding, hanging clothes, etc.).

2. To cultivate neatness, the ability to notice a mess in clothes and eliminate it with a little help from adults.

3. Continue to teach how to use soap correctly, gently wash hands, face, ears; wipe dry after washing, hang a towel in place, use a comb, handkerchief.

4. Learn how to properly use a tablespoon and teaspoon, fork, napkin.

middle group

1. Improve the ability to dress and undress independently; teach to neatly fold and hang clothes with the help of an adult, put them in order - clean, dry

2. To cultivate the desire to be always neat and tidy.

3. Cultivate the habit of washing yourself, washing your hands before eating, as they get dirty, after using the toilet

4. To consolidate the ability to use a comb, a handkerchief.

5. Teach coughing and sneezing to turn away and cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief

6. Continue to learn how to use cutlery correctly - spoon, fork, knife).

7. Learn to rinse your mouth after eating

Senior group

1. Form the habit of daily brushing your teeth and washing your face, as needed, wash your hands.

2. Strengthen the ability to dress and undress independently, carefully put clothes in the closet, dry wet things in a timely manner, take care of shoes (wash, wipe, clean, put away).

3. Learn to notice and independently eliminate the disorder in your appearance.

4. Form the habit of taking care of personal things.

5. Develop a desire to help each other

6. Teach yourself to brush your teeth, keep your nails clean

7. Keep order in your closet, lay out clothes in certain places

8. Learn to make a neat bed

preparatory group

1. To consolidate the ability to independently dress and undress in a certain sequence, correctly and accurately put clothes in the closet, put shoes in place, dry wet things in a timely manner, take care of shoes (wash, wipe, clean).

2. Learn to notice and independently eliminate the disorder in your appearance, tactfully tell a friend about a problem in his suit, shoes, and help eliminate it. To form such qualities as responsiveness, mutual assistance.

3. Learn to prepare materials and manuals for the lesson on your own

4. Teach to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth after eating, wash your feet before going to bed

By the end of the year, children can: dress and undress, keep their clothes in order, if necessary, put them in order.

ON A NOTE. Educational toys for kindergarten at low prices from the specialized store for educators "Kindergarten"- detsad-shop.ru


The formation of self-service labor skills is closely related to the formation of cultural and hygienic skills and affects their improvement. The algorithm will help the educator in working on a long-term plan, in thinking through the sequence and choosing specific forms and methods of work for the more complete and timely formation of all skills of self-service work in children of each age group.

ON A NOTE. Didactic games for kindergarten at low prices from a specialized store for educators "Kindergarten"— detsad-shop.ru

HOUSEHOLD WORK: Tasks and content of work in groups

1st junior group

1. Teach children to maintain order in the playroom, at the end of the games, arrange the play material in its place.

2. Involve children in performing the simplest labor activities. Together with an adult and under his supervision, before eating, put bread bins (without bread) and napkin holders on the table.

2nd junior group

1. Encourage children to independently complete elementary assignments - prepare materials for classes (brushes, modeling boards, etc.); after the game, put away toys, building material

2. To teach to keep order and cleanliness in the room and on the site of the kindergarten

3. Encourage them to help adults, cultivate a caring attitude towards the results of their work.

4. In the second half of the year, begin to develop in children the skills necessary for dining room duty: help set the table for dinner (lay out spoons and forks, arrange bread bins, plates, cups, etc.).

middle group

1. Teach children to maintain order in the group and on the site of the kindergarten: put building material in place, help the teacher, glue books, boxes.

2. Teach children to independently perform the duties of dining room attendants: carefully arrange bread bins, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

Senior group

1. Teach children to help adults maintain order in the group: wipe toys and teaching aids, wash toys and building materials, repair books, toys

2. To form the ability to clean up the kindergarten area: sweep and clean the paths from debris, from snow in winter, pour sand in the sandbox

3. To teach children to independently and conscientiously fulfill the duties of dining room attendants, set the table, clean up the dishes after eating

4. Learn to independently lay out the materials prepared by the teacher for classes, clean them up, wash brushes, paint sockets, a palette, wipe tables

preparatory group

1. Continue to teach children to constantly and timely maintain order in the group and on the site: wipe toys and manuals, wash toys, building materials, repair books and toys together with the teacher.

2. Continue to teach yourself how to clean up the kindergarten area on your own: sweep and clean the paths from debris, from snow in winter, water the sand in the sandbox.

3. Learn to make your own bed after sleep

4. Teach children to independently and conscientiously fulfill the duties of dining room attendants: fully set the table, distribute the second and third (berries, fruits) dishes, clean up the dishes after eating, sweep the floor

5. Learn to independently lay out the materials prepared by the educator for classes, clean them up, wash brushes, paint sockets, and wipe tables.

By the end of the year, children can: organize their own workplace and put it in order at the end of classes.

Work on the formation of household skills in children is interconnected with the formation of the general culture of the child: properly serve, clean the table, maintain cleanliness and order in the room, on the site.
Mastering labor household operations makes the child independent, ready for adulthood.

ON A NOTE. Role-playing costumes for kindergarten at low prices from the specialized store for educators "Kindergarten"— detsad-shop.ru



  • Voronkevich OA Welcome to ecology. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2006.
  • Golitsina N. S. Organization and conduct of thematic control in preschool educational institutions. - M.: Scriptorium, 2004.
  • Golitsina N. S. Organization and content of the work of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution. - M.: Scriptorium, 2008.
  • Kozlova S. A., Kulikova T. A. Preschool Pedagogy. - M.: Academy, 2002.
  • Guidelines for the program of education and training in kindergarten / Ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. - M .: Publishing house "Education of a preschooler", 2008.
  • Prikhodko E. G., Malyshevich T. V. A new model of upbringing and educational activity of a preschool teacher educational institution. - Krasnodar: World of Kuban, 2006.

Material provided by the magazine, November 2010

Elena Klisheva
Collective work "Organization and methods of labor education of children in a preschool institution"

Formation of interest and love for labor- one of the main tasks parenting. In various forms labor of preschool children(household, manual, labor in nature) contains the origins of the early detection of abilities, talents of the individual, right choice in the future profession.

Collective work is the fulfillment of labor tasks simultaneously by all the children of the group, more often by the older ones preschoolers.

To in collective labor all children were able to participate at the same time, it is necessary to take into account a number of conditions:

1) Unite everyone children only after they have gained the necessary experience work in a small team(joint labor assignments combining 5-7 children where children learn to distribute work coordinate their actions with each other).

2) B collective work appropriate for all children to divide into several links, each of them to offer some kind of common task. The number of links cannot be more than 4. Compound children in each link can be constant, and the things they do must change.

This ensures the gradual inclusion of each child in work.

Association methods children in collective work:

1) labor nearby;

2) general work;

3) joint work.

Association methods children at work:

Work next - used, starting with the younger group; in work, everyone is independent, this allows the child to act at an individual pace, and educator- take into account its capabilities, establish contact with each child; the tasks of forming the necessary skills, sustained attention to the case, the ability to bring it to the end are successfully solved;

General work- one of the types collective labor in which children are united by a common task and generalization of the results of the work of all participants;

For the first time it may be organized in the middle group in the second half of the day takes place in all types labor, organized as a general assignment allows the child to feel like a member team to realize the usefulness of your labor, make sure about team to him as a member of the children's society; the significance of each individual result and its connection with others appears only after the end of the process of activity itself;

Joint work, its features are:

a) the presence of a number of successive stages (each child does not complete the entire task, but some part, repeats the same actions many times and each time transmits the result of his labor to the next participant who continues to work further; at the same time, children become dependent on each other;

b) non-simultaneous inclusion children in the process of activity;

c) each of the proposed operations has some completeness; represents a great opportunity to form positive relationships between the participants.

Methodology for managing the collective work of children

caregiver, leading the collective labor of children, simultaneously solves two main tasks:

Manages the process labor(productive) activities;

Forms positive relationships between children.

IN organization of collective labor of children three consecutive stage:

1. distribution of work between participants;

2. the process of completing the task;

3. Discussion of results labor activity.

Each of these stages has its own tasks, the solution of which requires specific leadership methods.

Distribution of work between participants

At organization of collective labor activity, in which several people or the whole group should take part, it is necessary to distribute the work between the participants (combined into a link or into several links).

caregiver can do everything necessary:

Distribute the amount of work in such a way that all children finish it at the same time;

So organize work for every child to practice in all kinds of labor performed by the group;

Think over the arrangement children(next to an indecisive child, put a confident one, next to an inept one, a skillful one, etc.);

Take into account individual characteristics children, their desire to do work they enjoy, work with certain children, etc.

But in this case preschoolers do not learn to independently negotiate among themselves, to yield to comrades. AND the teacher makes the rules regulating the relationship between children: how to act so that it is comradely, fair.

exercise children on concrete examples from their own practice, teacher helps to understand what is a fair distribution of cases, as follows in collective Align your desires with the desires of others. Children learn, depending on the situation, to yield, to convince their comrades that they are right, they use the rules of behavior in collective.

The work of attendants in senior groups in the second half of the academic year should be organize also on the principle of general labor. In such conditions, they must independently agree on who will do what part of the work. It is interesting to note that in practice, children independently, although not always consciously, gain experience in the distribution of work.

It is important to teach children to take into account the interests of each other, independently resolve the arising misunderstandings, be active in the discussion of this or that issue. Gradually, the teacher moves from direct instructions, direct resolution of emerging conflicts to other methods. guides: controls, reminds, discusses with children the results of their activities.

Distribution of work among children organization of collective labor the whole group has its own characteristics.

Distribution sequence labor between links.

1. The work that children will do should be presented to them as important, necessary.

2. educator should be introduced full-time children and present it as one common task for all.

3. The teacher draws the attention of the children to that a lot of things can only be done if everyone works. Therefore, it is necessary to outline who will do what.

Getting acquainted with the ways of distributing work, children begin to understand why it is necessary to give in and restrain their desires, to coordinate them with the desires of others. children learn to resolve misunderstandings and disputes that arise.

The process of completing a task.

Fulfilling collective assignments children must start and finish work at the same time. But in practice it happens that one child finds it difficult in the performance of his task due to insufficient skills, the second forgot the sequence of operations, the work of the third turned out to be more time-consuming. Task educator - so organize the work so that the children finish it at about the same time. If the teacher offers to help a child who has poor skills, then he explains the need for this help: "You can't leave a friend in trouble" Comrades should always help.”

Task educator - present the case, which each child performs as part of a common task, to help children realize that they are collectively responsible for the final result.

Methodological techniques aimed at regulating behavior children in a joint activities:

1. Explanation of the need to work efficiently (not only in terms of the result labor, but also from the point of view of relations with comrades).

2. Communication of a model of behavior in case of poor quality of the work performed by a friend and the method of influencing him.

3. Communication of moral rules that justify patterns of actions in terms of positive relationships between children.

So let's consider organization of collective labor in different age groups. TO collective form of organization of work of children, the educator gradually prepares. In the younger group, simple individual labor assignments. At this stage, the teacher does not combine children in a team to perform common tasks, since the child still difficult Align the pace of your work with that of others children.

Already in the middle group educator, forming children new work skills, uses the union form − work"near". As you gain experience in participating in labor and mastering the children of labor skills, the teacher moves on to a more complex task - teaching children work together, to help each other.

IN labor organization in senior and preparatory groups educator identifies three consecutive stage: distribution of upcoming work, performance of various tasks by children, discussion of results labor activity.

In progress labor educator directs the efforts of each child to achieve the goal (one - to wash the plants, the other - to put things in order in the play center, the third - to wash doll clothes).

And, of course, the teacher pays special attention to those children who find it difficult to complete a job(shows how to properly wash the leaves of a plant or wash a doll dress). The teacher encourages the children help each other with advice, showing, but not doing work for another.

So, in the process of joint labor educator carefully looks at the relationship between children, regulates misunderstandings that arise, encourages the manifestation of camaraderie, responsibility. teacher yells: “How the children worked together today, helping the assistant caregiver make beds! The case was arguing with them, so the beds are neatly made, the bedroom is comfortable.

Job done right educator gives positive results. The overall level of development rises children. They acquire labor skills and abilities are aware of the vital necessity and usefulness of their labor for others, increased interest in labor. During collective activities, children learn to work together, help each other, distribute responsibilities fairly.

But, I would like to remind you that teamwork to unite children only after they have gained some experience in working with peers, can they independently work. And defining the content of the work, educator should include only those types labor which the children have sufficient knowledge of.

The discussion of the results labor activity.

Upon completion of work teacher summarizes. Its task is to show the advantage of collective labor. caregiver notes with satisfaction that, working together and amicably, the children have done a lot of good things.

When discussing the results collective labor educator notes such actions as the desire to help a friend. Along with discussion good examples need to draw attention children to disadvantages. caregiver indicates shortcomings in work children gently kindly, expressing confidence that the children understood their mistakes.

The whole discussion takes no more than 8-10 minutes, but it has a huge educational value: knowing that everyone's work will be discussed by peers, children begin to be more active labors, control their actions, try to remind their partners work on the quality of work to provide assistance if needed.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the various work gives children a lot of joy and contributes to their comprehensive development. IN children are taught to work together, to help each other.

In progress labor practical skills are formed, intellectual skills: plan work, select materials and tools, plan a sequence of operations, distribute them in time and between participants labor, evaluate results, etc.

Work creates favorable conditions for physical development children, since in most cases it passes in the air, it is diverse in nature, and this contributes to the development of movements, strengthening nervous system child.

IN labor aesthetic needs are met children. A feasible and interesting work gives them joy, and this is the basis for education further wishes work, sustained interest in labor.

Collective labor only if it has educational-educational value, if it organization and content meet certain pedagogical and hygienic requirements.

The most important pedagogical requirement is organization varied in content labor. Only varied work is interesting for children desire to participate in it.

In progress labor it is necessary to form practical skills and abilities in unity with knowledge. With such labor organization the child acquires not only the skills, but also the knowledge necessary for him in the future labor activity.

An important pedagogical requirement is awareness labor which involves the disclosure to the child of his goals, results and ways to achieve them.

Labor activity of children should be systematically increased. Skills become more complex, the circle of knowledge is enriched, observation and planning skills develop. children.

Labor activity must be regular. educator It is important to include every child in it.

List of used sources:

1. Nechaeva V. G. - « Education of a preschooler in labor» , M. Enlightenment, 1974

2. Bure R. S. - “Moral labor education of children in kindergarten", M. Enlightenment, 1987

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Communal preschool educational institution (nursery-kindergarten) of the combined type "Ladushki"

2 slide

Description of the slide:

3 slide

Description of the slide:

No nation can achieve prosperity until it realizes that plowing a field is as worthy an occupation as writing a poem. Washington B.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Labor education is one of the most important aspects of the upbringing of the younger generation. In kindergarten, labor education consists in familiarizing children with the work of adults, in introducing children to work activities available to them.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Formation of a positive attitude of the child to work The goal of labor education of a preschooler

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Who is the most important in the world, the kindest, the most glorious? Who is he? What's his name? Well, of course it's hard work!

7 slide

Description of the slide:

The tasks of the labor education of preschool children are familiarization with the work of adults and the education of respect for it; training in the simplest labor skills and abilities; fostering interest in work, diligence and independence; education of socially directed labor motives, skills to work in a team and for the team.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Means of labor education of preschoolers familiarization with the labor of adults; training in labor skills, organization and planning of activities; organization of children's labor in the content accessible to them.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

The main types of child labor are self-service, household labor, labor in nature, manual labor.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Self-service This is the work of the child, aimed at serving himself (dressing, undressing, eating, sanitary and hygienic procedures). The task of developing self-service skills is relevant for all age groups.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

1st junior group 1. To form in children the ability to independently serve themselves (during undressing, dressing, washing, eating). 2. Continue to teach children under the supervision of an adult, and then wash your hands on your own as they get dirty and before eating, dry your face and hands with a personal towel. 3. Learn to clean up with the help of an adult. 4. To form the skill of using individual items with a handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot). 5. Encourage children to be independent while eating, teach them to hold a spoon in their right hand. 6. Teach children how to dress and undress. 7. Learn to take off clothes, shoes (unfasten buttons in front, Velcro fasteners) with a little help from an adult. 8. Learn to fold clothes neatly in a certain order.

12 slide

Description of the slide:

2nd junior group 1. Continue to teach children to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence (put on and take off clothes, unfasten and fasten buttons, fold, hang clothes, etc.). 2. To cultivate neatness, the ability to notice a mess in clothes and eliminate it with a little help from adults. 3. Continue to teach how to use soap correctly, gently wash hands, face, ears; wipe dry after washing, hang a towel in place, use a comb, handkerchief. 4. Learn how to properly use a tablespoon and teaspoon, fork, napkin.

13 slide

Description of the slide:

Middle group 1. Improve the ability to dress and undress independently; teach to neatly fold and hang clothes with the help of an adult, put them in order - clean, dry. 2. To cultivate the desire to be always neat and tidy. 3. Cultivate the habit of washing yourself, washing your hands before eating, as they get dirty, after using the toilet. 4. To consolidate the ability to use a comb, a handkerchief. 5. Teach when coughing and sneezing to turn away and cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief. 6. Continue to learn how to use cutlery correctly - spoon, fork, knife). 7. Learn to rinse your mouth after eating.

14 slide

Description of the slide:

Senior group 1. Form the habit of brushing your teeth and washing your face daily, washing your hands as needed. 2. Strengthen the ability to dress and undress independently, carefully put clothes in the closet, dry wet things in a timely manner, take care of shoes (wash, wipe, clean, put away). 3. Learn to notice and independently eliminate the disorder in your appearance. 4. Form the habit of taking care of personal things. 5. Develop a desire to help each other. 6. Teach yourself to brush your teeth, keep your nails clean. 7. Keep order in your closet, lay out clothes in certain places. 8. Learn to clean the bed.

15 slide

Description of the slide:

16 slide

Description of the slide:

Household work This is the maintenance of cleanliness and order in the room (group, dressing room, washroom and bedroom) and on the site, assistance to adults in organizing regime processes.

17 slide

Description of the slide:

1st junior group To teach children to maintain order in the playroom, at the end of the games to put the game material in its place. Involve children in performing simple labor activities. Together with an adult and under his supervision, before eating, put bread bins (without bread) and napkin holders on the table.

18 slide

Description of the slide:

2nd junior group 1. Encourage children to independently complete elementary assignments - prepare materials for classes (brushes, modeling boards, etc.); after the game, put toys and building materials back in place 2. Teach them to keep order and cleanliness in the room and on the site of the kindergarten 3. Encourage them to help adults, cultivate respect for the results of their work. 4. In the second half of the year, begin to develop in children the skills necessary for dining room duty: help set the table for dinner (lay out spoons and forks, arrange bread bins, plates, cups, etc.).

19 slide

Description of the slide:

Middle group Teach children to maintain order in the group and on the site of the kindergarten: put building material in place, help the teacher, glue books, boxes. 2. Teach children to independently perform the duties of dining room attendants: carefully arrange bread bins, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

20 slide

Description of the slide:

Senior group To teach children to help adults maintain order in the group: wipe toys and teaching aids, wash toys and building materials, repair books, toys sandbox To teach children to independently and conscientiously fulfill the duties of dining room attendants, set the table, clean up the dishes after eating.

21 slide

Description of the slide:

All the toys in their places I can arrange myself, But it is much more interesting to put them away with Sonya together.

22 slide

Description of the slide:

Work in nature Diverse work in nature gives children a lot of joy and contributes to their comprehensive development. In the process of labor, love for nature, a careful attitude towards it are brought up. Children develop an interest in work activity, a conscious, responsible attitude towards it. In a team, children learn to work together, to help each other.

23 slide

Description of the slide:

1st junior group Kids help the educator take care of animals and plants in the corner of nature and on the site. They should be involved in the joint watering of indoor plants. He teaches children how to properly water plants, wipe strong leathery leaves with a damp cloth. Children plant bulbs and large seeds in the ground prepared by the teacher (in boxes, cups, soil), Water the plantings. Children should also be involved in harvesting vegetables: pulling out radishes, carrots, turnips. Together with the teacher, the kids feed the fish and birds in a corner of nature. The feed and its dosage are determined by the educator. Children perform individual assignments, which include 1-2 labor operations (take ready-made bird food and put it in a feeder, water the plant with prepared water, etc.).

24 slide

Description of the slide:

In the 2nd - junior group 1. It is possible to organize the work of the entire team of children. For example, planting onions, large flower seeds, harvesting. This labor will be organized as labor side by side. 2. Each child works at his own pace, without any dependence on others, which is very important when children are just learning skills. And at the same time, they develop an interest in working together. 3. Work in subgroups is possible. Two subgroups can work at the same time, but each performs the same labor operation: they wipe the plants, plant peas in the garden, or water the flower bed. This feature of the organization of labor is connected, firstly, with the great imitation of children, and secondly, with the fact that it is easier for the educator to teach them. 4. Learning new labor activities, as a rule, is carried out in the classroom.