Hair carving: technology features and a few before and after photos. Playful rings and lush waves. Types of carving for hair

Curling hair has long been considered a popular, but very aggressive way of styling until it was replaced by a completely new, innovative technology called hair carving. With its occurrence, all fears for the negative consequences of chemical exposure to the hair are far in the past. After all, hair carving not only in no way destroys the structure of the hair shafts, but, on the contrary, protects it.

Judging by the numerous reviews of the fair sex, who have tried this cosmetic manipulation on themselves, hair carving guarantees a stable result - lush, beautiful and voluminous curls. But at the same time, your hair will not suffer at all, remain healthy and will look even stronger and healthier than before the curl.

In this material, we offer you the most detailed information about the carving procedure, which will serve as a guide in such a difficult matter as beauty.

The word "carving" itself comes from English and in translation means curly carving. In hairdressing, this term came from the filing of the world-famous German company Schwarzkopf, it means one of the varieties of chemical styling.

At this point in time, hair carving is very, during which the master uses special compounds and products that have a gentle effect on the hair.

According to many reviews of this manipulation, carving is very popular in all the world's beauty studios. Such a great demand for the procedure is facilitated by its main advantage - the curls have a minimal impact. Due to the special composition of the products used for carving, during the manipulation process, all active ingredients remain on the surface of the hair and do not get inside, into its structure.

Therefore, carving can be successfully used even on very thin hair. Masters of hairdressing recommend carving hair to owners of straight, thin and unruly strands that are difficult to style and lack volume and vitality. Also, this curling method is perfect for hair prone to excess fat, as it has a pronounced drying effect.

And, of course, carving is an extremely convenient way to quickly change the image and style curls, in which there is no need to resort to potent chemicals. After curling for daily styling, you will spend very little time, which, of course, is very good news.

Note. Going to a hairdresser or beauty salon, make an appointment only with a master with extensive experience, who boasts positive reviews and an extensive client base. Hair carving is a rather complicated procedure, and if it is done incorrectly, you risk burning your hair and getting an unattractive washcloth on your head. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from such consequences, it is better to play it safe once again.


Hair carving is performed in several stages.
The first of these is the preliminary preparation of the strands for the procedure, during which the curls are washed and thoroughly. At this stage, it is extremely important that the master correctly assess the condition of the patient's hairline, since this procedure must not be performed on severely damaged hair.

If you naturally have dry hair, it is recommended to make a mask with a nourishing effect immediately before the procedure, and if there are split ends, cut them off. Thanks to all these measures, you will be able to get the maximum effect in the end, which will be very pleasant to please you.

And if you decide to read carving reviews on the Internet, you will understand that many women lament that they were not guided by expert advice and their hair after the procedure does not look as attractive as they would like.

At the preparatory stage, the master will also need to choose the composition of the product with which the curls will be processed, as well as select the desired size of the curlers. It will depend on the last point whether you get large curls or, conversely, become the owner of small cute curls.

The second stage of the procedure is the direct perm. To do this, the hair is first combed, divided into strands and wound on curlers of the desired diameter. Based on the type of winding, as well as the size of the curler, you can get either soft waves, or spirals, or light curls, and so on. Then the master applies a mixture to the already fixed curls, which provides a long and stable effect after the procedure.

The composition of the funds must be determined by the master in a strictly individual manner, it most directly depends on the condition of the curls and their type. After the drugs are applied, it will be necessary to wait for the reaction and let the funds work so that you get strong and beautiful curls as a result. It is difficult to say how long this process will take, it will depend on the main active components of the tool. In most cases, all products are supplied with instructions, which indicate all the nuances of their use.

Usually the composition is aged on the hair for about 15 to 20 minutes, after which the curlers are removed, and the remnants of the product are carefully removed from the curls. Then, at the end, it will be necessary to apply a special balm with a nourishing effect to the hair and dry it with a hair dryer.

According to most reviews, all hair manipulations take no more than two hours in time and are not particularly difficult. That is why hair carving began to enjoy such high popularity and so many women gradually began to master the implementation of this salon procedure at home.

note, masters of hairdressing claim that carving looks best on medium length hair. On very long strands, the effect will not be as pronounced, plus it will last a little less than on short mischievous curls.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Given the fact that carving is a chemical procedure, it has not only positive properties, but also negative ones. Let's deal with all of them in more detail.

Among the main advantages of carving are:

But speaking about the advantages of carving, one cannot ignore the possible disadvantages of this procedure. So, when performing this manipulation on dry curls that were previously discolored or stained with persistent dyes, their structure may be severely damaged. Therefore, after such aggressive procedures, you should wait at least 30 calendar days and only after that go to a beauty salon.

If you want to do not such harmful manipulations associated with chemical effects on the scalp and hair, for example, coloring or highlighting, you can start doing them a couple of days after carving. By doing this earlier, you run the risk of getting the wrong shade of hair that you expect.

In addition, hair carving made on dyed strands will hold much less than on natural-colored curls. In some situations, the procedure may not bring the desired result. This usually happens when the hair is too thick and heavy, making it difficult to style.

Please note that the fundamental difference between carving and other styling and curling options is the use of safe products, which in most cases are well tolerated and do not cause any side effects.

Carving opens up a wonderful opportunity to create absolutely any hairstyle that matches any of your taste preferences. This is just a great chance for those of the fair sex who do not have enough time to perform special styling.

The simplest option is, of course, the traditional perm. To create it, you will only need to wind your hair on curlers, and then gently straighten the resulting curls with your fingers.

It is also possible such a styling option as a vertical waving. In this case, vertical or spiral curlers are used. Reviews about this method are mostly positive, it is especially worth paying attention to this styling for owners of long hair. With this hairstyle, you can achieve the effect of wildly developing curls, impressive with their extraordinary volume.

To obtain additional volume in the root area, you can perform local winding. Then the curlers are used exclusively in the root zone, and the rest of the curls are left straight. Similarly, only the ends of the hair can be curled.

A lot of women who have resorted to carving advise the texturing procedure. It is a very unusual method of obtaining curls of various diameters. Performing such a hairstyle will not require any significant effort, just twist the curls on curlers of the required diameter.

If you want to subsequently perform specific types of hairstyles, you must first decide on the type of curlers on which you will wind the curls during the carving process. It is the shape of the curls that are obtained during this manipulation that most directly depends not only on the means used for styling, but on the type of curlers.

For example, if you decide to create curls with bobbins, you will end up with small curls in the style of African fashionistas. This kind of perm will look especially advantageous with a hairstyle that creates the effect of wet strands.

When using spiral curlers, you will get a vertical curl with many small curls. Experts say that it is this perm that will last longer than other options.

In the case of using voluminous curlers of large diameter, you will get large curls. In addition, you can create large curls using boomerang curlers.

The result of the described cosmetic procedure is stored on the strands for two months, and then it will be necessary to repeat the manipulation. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Therefore, experts advise taking timely measures to increase the shelf life of the curl. Use the following recommendations, and you will not have to go to re-carving your hair after 60 calendar days. It should be noted that after carving, there is no need for any special care, but some measures will still not be superfluous.

  1. To enhance the effect obtained, instead of your usual shampoo, use a special product suitable for dry or structured hair. When choosing funds, first familiarize yourself with their composition in great detail. So, a strict ban is introduced on all cosmetic products that contain alcohol. Curls after carving already need additional moisture, and using such products, you will only worsen your situation, and risk further drying out your hair. Also refrain from cosmetic products with a straightening effect. In this way, you can save the result obtained from carving for a longer period of time.
  2. Try to dry your hair as much as possible after washing in a natural way, without resorting to a hair dryer, as the structure of the hair shaft is gradually destroyed as a result of regular heat exposure. Also, after carving, the dryness of the hair increases, and with additional exposure to a hairdryer, you risk getting dry and lifeless strands. Overdried hair loses its natural elasticity, begins to break quickly and falls out. Therefore, postpone the hair dryer and other heat-styling devices only until the festive events.
  3. To style curls after the carving procedure, use special styling products designed to create curls.
  4. Refrain from any manipulation of the hair immediately after the carving procedure. Experts recommend waiting at least a couple of days before washing and styling your hair.
  5. On the first day, it is not recommended to even touch the strands once again. Thanks to this, you will be able to prolong the natural process that begins in the hairline immediately after the procedure, and provide a more sustainable result.
  6. Also highly undesirable is any mechanical effect on the curls. The latter means the use of metal combs, as well as brushes with frequent and sharp teeth.
  7. After shampooing, gently pat the curls dry with a towel and leave to dry naturally. But in no case do not go to bed with a wet head. Moisture penetrating the hair shaft during washing makes it more vulnerable to various irritants, so it is necessary to wait until the strands are completely dry, and not harm them during sleep.

The best way to bring the curls into perfect condition and maintain their attractive appearance is to provide them with adequate nutrition for the hair follicles. Various nourishing masks based on valuable extracts from plants and substances rich in trace elements successfully solve this problem.

Therefore, we recommend that you immediately after the procedure go to a specialized cosmetic store and stock up on the necessary funds for your curls. Do not try to save on cosmetics, remember that healthy beautiful hair is the calling card of any woman. It is they who will help to visually disguise small flaws in appearance and give the image of femininity and sophistication.


Despite the obvious popularity and effectiveness of such a procedure as hair carving, it also has certain contraindications. We advise you to carefully study this list so as not to harm your strands, but to get the desired result.

So, hair carving is prohibited in such situations:

  1. The main contraindication to perm, even sparing, is pregnancy and lactation. Although the chemical composition used for the procedure does not cause aggressive reactions, it is better to once again reinsure yourself against possible negative consequences. In addition, due to significant fluctuations in hormones in the body of a pregnant woman, the result of carving can become very unpredictable.
  2. It is also worth abandoning carving if at this point in time your hair is very dry as a result of various manipulations. Otherwise, you run the risk of turning your hair into an analogue of a washcloth, which, you see, is unlikely to add to your attractiveness and charm.
  3. Like any other perm, carving is stressful for curls. But if they are in a weakened state, stress may well provoke their severe damage due to the extremely low protective level of weakened hairs. If you carve hair on newly dyed strands, you run the risk of quickly losing their color. Therefore, in order not to take risks, you should wait at least 30 calendar days and only then start beauty restoration.
  4. You should also refuse this manipulation in the presence of any diseases of the skin of the head. First you need to see a doctor and be completely cured, and only because of this already think about curling curls.

The composition of the products used for carving contains some components that sometimes provoke the development of allergic manifestations in especially sensitive clients. Therefore, before deciding on the procedure, we advise you to test for allergic sensitivity. It is done very simply:

  • apply a small amount of the test product to the cleansed skin;
  • leave for approximately 15-20 minutes;
  • if during this time no reactions appear on the skin, you can safely take it for hair carving. Otherwise, it would be wiser to abandon this manipulation and resort to more gentle ways to create curls.

Using these recommendations, you will not only save yourself from possible negative consequences, but also get exactly the result you expect. And what could be better for a woman than enjoying her appearance and smiling every time she looks in the mirror?

We hope that this article was useful for you and from it you learned everything you wanted about the carving procedure. We wish you to always look like you just left the beauty salon and amaze the representatives of the stronger sex with one look.

Watch the video: Hair carving. Light Chemistry. My experience. part 2

To make your own "long-playing" hairstyle, you need to master the techniques of hair styling, called carving.

The beauty of carving is that it allows you to create and, most importantly, keep the volume for several months (everything will depend on the structure of the hair). Note that this is not "chemistry". We are talking about an alternative perm procedure, which differs from the traditional one in that the most gentle fixing agents are used during the styling process. In principle, carving can be done alone, but ideally it would be nice to have someone help.

What tools are needed for carving?

The list is small:

  • curlers (choose the size as you wish);
  • several non-metallic combs;
  • 2 sponges (namely kitchen ones);
  • measured capacity;
  • not to do without gloves;
  • polyethylene, but for convenience it is better to take a hat;
  • a couple of bowls (metal);
  • cotton tourniquet;
  • warm towel;
  • rubber bands.

In a cosmetic store, we purchase a special chemical mixture used during styling. We also buy fixatives there. You will also need vinegar (only 5%).

Attention! Before proceeding directly to styling, check if the purchased products cause an allergic reaction!

No allergies? Then you can start.

Stages of carving

Carving is done on clean hair, but it is better to leave the scalp oily. Therefore, I wash my head without massaging the skin.

Rare, preferably rubber or rubber (they are best used for wet hair), comb dry hair with a comb. Are you going to shave? Then do it right away.

Now we need to wind the curls on the curlers, for which we just need an assistant. It will not be easy to ensure tight winding of hair on your own. The main thing is to look during the process to see if you take equal strands - they should not differ from each other in thickness.

After the last strand is wound on curlers, "walk" through the hair roots and scalp with any oily cream. This will provide additional protection against the chemical effects of carving preparations. Throw on your shoulders some shabby towel from the category of those that are both a pity to throw away and use ashamed, thus covering your clothes from accidental splashes of “chemistry”. Be sure to wear gloves.

Instructions are attached to the kit for carving - do not be too lazy to carefully study it before proceeding with the procedure. Overconfidence in such a matter can lead to damage and hair loss.

If you have never heard of carving and have not seen the amazing creation of this procedure, then you can hardly imagine it on your own head. From the English translation, it means "cutting".

But, there is no need to panic in advance, they will not do anything terrible with your hair. The art of human creativity and imagination has no boundaries and is always successfully applied in any industry, whether it be cooking or beauty. Stylists, on the other hand, use the term "carving" if they begin to practice hair styling in a gentle and long-term manner.

What is hair carving?

If we take into account all the features of this process, we can conclude that the high term indicates an ordinary perm with a special gentle substance for the hair. This perm differs significantly from chemical exposure in its composition and structure. In hair carving, substances are used that do not violate the general structure of the hairline and do not penetrate deep into its shaft. This technique is equated to safe and gentle.

For split ends, damaged and overdried hair, it is best to go through the restoration procedure before carving. In many cases, to give the hair a decent look, you need to cut their ends and trim the shape. This simple manipulation will be an essential preparation for the main process.

The benefits of carving for hair

A gentle effect on the structure of curls is always commendable, but after curling, you will get an amazing effect on your hair. In addition, after each washing procedure, the strands will need to be properly styled, create curls with a comb and hair dryer, and give the effect of wet hair. The curls on your hairstyle will look real, and you can model their shape and size yourself.

To get a chic curl on your hair, it is best to use curlers of various types. Get thermal curlers or boomerang curlers in your collection and you will have every chance to get the perfect hairstyle.

If you don’t know which hairstyle to give preference to, look through the catalogs or view samples of the proposed options on our website - hairstyles for hair of different lengths.
Professional advice from a stylist will be just right for you. In addition, he has the opportunity to assess the structure of your hair, offer a suitable mixture for curling, choose the right curlers, and advise a cosmetic product for hair care.

The main advantage of a long-term perm is not to use specialized hair care, as required by dyed hair. All hair care procedures should be performed in the usual way without various tricks. But to keep your hair in shape, use moisturizing and restorative products, which are always welcome for hair texture.

After the hair curling process, it is strongly not recommended to dye your hair with dyes containing harmful substances. These substances include ammonia, as well as various chemical additives and bases. If you plan to do highlighting or lightening hair, it is better not to use long-term styling. Also, this method of curling is not recommended for pregnant women, young mothers during the feeding period and those who use antibiotics. The possibility of an allergic reaction is quite reasonable if you do not test for it before the procedure.

Hair carving before and after. Photo 1

Hair carving before and after. Photo 2

Hair carving before and after. Photo 3

Get ready for the fact that the perm, with proper care, will stay on your hair for up to two to three months. Effective creativity on the hair should be cut when all the beauty of this method does not become visible on the curls. Tellingly, hair carving looks great on curls of any length, and the drying mixture for styling will be a real remedy for owners of oily and combination hair.

The hair carving procedure is a real effective tool for the lazy and those who are not used to spending a lot of time on their beauty. But, so that the hair does not lose its natural shine and effect, do not abuse curls, styling and other modeling technologies.

Video about hair carving

In this video you will learn what hair carving is and how this procedure is done.

One of the clients of this procedure shares her experience of carving hair.

Photo of hair after carving

And now we invite you to see how hair carving looks in the photo, or rather on hair of different lengths. To do this, we presented you with five examples of photo carving hair for short, medium and long hair.

Carving for short hair. Photo 1

Carving for short hair. Photo 2

Carving for short hair. Photo 3

Carving for short hair. Photo 4

Carving for short hair. Photo 5

Carving for medium hair. Photo 1

Carving for medium hair. Photo 2

Many girls resort to such a procedure as hair carving. Reviews about this manipulation are different - from admiring to sharply negative. In this article, we will focus on both.

Hair carving: reviews

The procedure is a type of chemical treatment of hair using a gentle composition. Curling gives extra volume and long lasting styling effect. The solution that is used for the procedure acts only on the top layer of the hair.

Naturally, before doing a perm, you need to consult with a specialist who will assess the condition and structure of your curls. It is better to make high-quality hair carving, the cost of which will be higher (from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles), than a cheap perm, after which it will take a long time to recover. A competent specialist will be able to choose the right composition of the product, the shape and thickness of the curlers, as well as recommend protective and restorative products after the procedure. This will provide you not only the desired result, but also

If the master considers that your hair is weakened, in the process it will be necessary to carry out special procedures that will help restore their structure. People who are prone to allergies need to warn the master about this in advance. It is advisable to conduct a sensitivity test in advance.

Hair carving: how to do it?

During the procedure, a sparing permanent is used, which does not contain ammonia and theoglycolate. Hair is wound on curlers and covered with a composition. Then the curls are washed and dried. The total duration of the procedure is approximately two hours. The effect lasts from 4 to 8 weeks.

Hair carving: negative reviews

Typically, clients complain about such consequences of the procedure as dryness and recovery often takes a long time. Curls can grow slowly, lose their attractiveness.

They say that blondes with thin hair almost never get a good result. And although the masters say that the indications for the procedure are naughty and thin strands, which become lush after carving, it is better for owners of such hair to refrain from curling. Usually weakened hair can not withstand such a load.

Also, a bad result can be obtained if you do a perm shortly after highlighting or dyeing, during pregnancy or lactation. If the procedure is also better to refuse. At the very least, you need to trim the "tips", otherwise the styling will look untidy.

Hair carving: positive reviews

Usually satisfied with the result of girls who have healthy hair. Many note that the procedure allows you to choose the appropriate type of perm. For example, make a "curly" or "wavy" hairstyle. This type of procedure is suitable for both owners of long hair and short hair.

So that you do not become dissatisfied with the procedure, it is important to ensure proper care after it. Be sure to use moisturizing and regenerating masks, as well as cosmetics for textured hair.

Many note as a plus that after carving you can do a large number of different hairstyles on your own. After washing your hair, you can do any styling - from elastic curls to "mess". It is also easy to straighten curls with a hair dryer.


Long-term hair styling with carving procedure

If you are bored with straight hair, then it's time to do carving. This popular styling option will help to add a touch of playfulness and femininity to your look, your hair will become curly and acquire additional volume.

What is carving

Hair carving is translated from English as long-term styling. This is a way of gentle treatment of hair with chemical compounds, it has a more delicate effect on the strands and does not damage them as much as a perm. This is possible due to the composition that envelops the hair, and does not penetrate deep into them.

The effect of the carving procedure lasts 1 to 6 months. After the specified time, the curls begin to fall off or simply grow back. You can repeat this procedure after 3-4 months.

Cost of the procedure depends on the length of the hair and on the manufacturer of the chemical composition. The price is also affected by where you do the styling, in the salon or at home. On average, it ranges from 1000 rubles for short hair (haircuts such as bob or bob) and up to 5500 rubles for long hair.

What kind of hair is the procedure indicated for?

Carving is best suited for owners of thin and sparse hair who would like to add volume and extra rigidity to their hairstyle. But for owners of a heavy thick mane, the procedure is not always suitable, since curls often fall off under their own weight.

Too dry and stiff strands are better not to curl, as they will become even drier. But fatty ones, on the contrary, are perfect.

Carving, "chemistry" and biowave: how do they differ?

All these technologies help create long-term styling, but they also have a number of differences:

  • Hair carving, unlike chemistry, provides the most gentle effect on the hair, because the composition does not penetrate deep into the hair.
  • Biowave is a care procedure (the composition includes a biological protein resembling a human one in structure), while others cannot be called that.
  • After the carving procedure, the curls stay on the hair less than after bio- and perm.


Disadvantages and advantages of carving


What bonuses will you receive:

  • It is a gentle procedure.
  • During the craving procedure, the curl is more natural and natural, while "chemistry" means tight curls.
  • Curls stay on ordinary hair from one and a half to three months. If you perform carving on dyed hair, the effect can last even up to six months.
  • You can get different types of styling: with large curls, medium or small curls.
  • Any hairstyles last much longer (for example, styling with large curlers or ironing).


Before you decide on a perm, weigh all the pros and cons, so that later you will not be disappointed with the result. Keep in mind that this technology has a number of disadvantages:

  • If you need pronounced curls, it is better to resort to biowave.
  • The chemical composition applied to the hair has a characteristic smell. It persists for some time and is especially noticeable after washing your hair.
  • The ends of the hair may split.
  • Some women experience increased hair loss.
  • It is impossible to say exactly how the curls will behave after the end of the carving action: will they unwind themselves or will they simply grow back.
  • After carving, you still have to use styling products and give your hair the desired shape.


It is worth refraining from the carving procedure during pregnancy. Since the composition applied to the hair is by no means harmless. The same applies to lactation.

It is undesirable to do a perm during menstruation and during a period of prolonged stress: at this time, the hair is difficult to style.

People who are prone to severe allergic reactions should avoid this styling method. It is also impossible to carry out the procedure during the course of taking a number of medications (especially hormonal ones).

Technology and varieties of carving


Before starting the procedure, decide which type is best for you:

  • Large. To create large, not very pronounced waves, you will need large-diameter curlers.
  • Average. Curlers and bobbins of medium diameter are used. As a result, the hairstyle is airy, but not very fluffy.
  • Small. You will need the smallest bobbins. As a result, the hairstyle becomes very voluminous.
  • Vertical. Vertical bobbins are used. Usually this type of styling is done for the entire length of the strands.
  • texture. Curlers are used for it, different in diameter and shape.
  • Local (radical). Only the root area, individual strands or the lower hair zone is processed.

What curlers to use?

The general appearance of the hairstyle depends on the right choice:

Bobbin curlers are the smallest and thinnest carving devices. Thanks to them, a very voluminous hairstyle is obtained.

Spiral ones are suitable for creating a large number of curls.

Volumetric (diameter from 3 to 5 cm) are needed to give the hairstyle a light wave, as well as to create a basal volume.

Boomerangs or rollers- soft curlers made of foam rubber. Depending on their size, you can get both small and clearly noticeable curls.

What length of hair can be carved?

A similar processing method is suitable for haircuts of any length:

  • The minimum length of the hair is 7 cm. The most commonly used is the local version - the hair is curled in the root zone. In this case, the hairstyle looks more natural.
  • The average length is enough so that the strands do not fall off under their own weight. Carving looks very stylish on a square, bob and cascade.
  • If the hair is long and heavy, the curls can quickly lose their shape. Therefore, in such cases, they usually resort to chemical and biochemical perms.

Photos before and after the procedure:

Short hair

Medium hair

Long hair

But what about bangs? So that it does not discord with curled strands and does not stand out for its smoothness, it is recommended to do a local or textural styling option. In this case, the curls will look more natural.

Tools used

Compositions for carving are produced by many companies. The most famous of them are: Schwarzkopf, Cutrin, Londa, Estel, ISO, Wella, Goldwell and others. The kit contains a special ammonia-free agent that treats twisted strands and a fixative.

How to make hair carving at home: step by step instructions

To do the procedure, it is not necessary to go to the salon. It will take about 2-3 hours, depending on the length of the hair. Following the technology described below, you can perform curling on your own:

  • Before the procedure, wash your hair and lightly dry it with a towel.
  • Divide the hair into strands and wind each one into curlers (bobbins).
  • Using the applicator, blot each twisted strand with the product from the kit three times.
  • Put on a plastic cap or wrap your head in a towel. Wait for the time specified by the manufacturer.
  • Rinse your hair without shampoo, without removing the curlers.
  • Apply the fixative and wait the time indicated in the instructions.
  • Unroll the curlers and wash your hair again without shampoo.
  • Dry your head.


Many are interested in which hair is better to do this chemical procedure - dyed or natural. As experience shows, bleached or dyed hair holds curl more strongly, but it can become too dry. Waves on natural hair look more natural but are harder to style.

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