Methodological development on the topic: The scenario of sports entertainment with the participation of parents "Adventures of Zdorovyachkov" for children of the preschool group. Sports entertainment for children of the younger group of kindergarten with parents "Sports family". Scenario

Scenario of sports entertainment together with parents of children of older groups "Let's play!"

Author: Yulia Viktorovna Butova, physical education instructor, educator at MKDOU kindergarten No. 6 "Yagodka", Kirov, Kaluga region.
Description: this material will be useful to kindergarten teachers, physical education instructors.

Physical entertainment for children of senior and preparatory groups with parents "Let's play"

Target: Establishment of emotionally positive contact between parents and children in the process of joint motor-playing activity.

1. To consolidate the ability to perform movements on command, to form motor skills and abilities.
2. To educate psychophysical qualities in children.
3. To promote the emergence of a sense of joy and pleasure in parents and children from joint motor-game activities, to form a healthy lifestyle.

Families of children are invited to the celebration. The hall is festively decorated. In the corridor there is an exhibition of photographs of dads, grandfathers, drawings of children - “a portrait of my dad”.

presenter- We dedicate today's holiday to the dearest, kindest, strongest - our dads.

Children sing the song "Dad can."

Children read poetry
1 child -
I love, I love dad
His wide stride
Mighty daddy's voice
Both hands and jacket.
And how beautiful the sky
In the sun in winter!
How fun I am at home
When father is with me!

2 child
My dad has kind eyes!
If dad is at home
Miracles in the house!
If dad is around
I'm not lonely!
Dad will play
And will not let you be sad!
I'm good with dad
Live in this world!

3 child

It happens that mom is not at home ...
Who will cook dinner for us?
Who will cook a delicious berry compote?
Who will put you to sleep, sing a song?
Who will tell us a fairy tale, a book to read?
Of course dad, he knows everything about household chores!

presenter- Today we offer you, dear parents, to take a break from worries and household chores and play with children - to remember childhood.

"Dance Competition"
The presenter hand over the attributes for the dance to all participants - handkerchiefs, tambourines, ribbons. Music is playing, parents and children are dancing.

I suggest to play
We need to stretch our legs!

Game "Find Dad"
Dads (parents) make a big circle. Children run around their parents with a “snake” to the music, the music ends - they run to their dad (mother).

presenter- Children, I suggest you cook a festive cake, but we need help, dads and moms come out - help.

Relay "Apple Pie"
Two teams are selected (in each - children, parents), for this you need to choose from the proposed ingredients, those that will be needed for this pie.

presenter- There is a lot of trouble in the family - you need to wash the dishes, sweep the floors and wash the clothes. Do you children help your parents at home? Now let's check what helpers you are.

Relay "Cleaning"
Children play in two teams of 3-4 people. Competition with brooms, plastic cubes and hoops. Children with a broom try to scoop the cubes onto the scoop and take them to the hoop, give the move to another participant.
Then you can give the opportunity to play to parents.

presenter- The holiday continues, the dance begins.
A dance is performed to a Russian folk tune.

presenter- Sometimes it happens that dads are left alone at home with their children. We will now find out how dads cope with household chores.

Game with dads "Lingerie"
2 children are selected, each with their dad (grandfather). Rope pulled. The basket contains handkerchiefs of different colors. On a signal, the children choose handkerchiefs of a color determined before the game from the basket, dads attach them to the rope with clothespins. Who will hang up handkerchiefs faster.

presenter- Our dads are daring, in a word - well done! All household chores are done, it's time to take a walk. It is necessary to quickly and correctly dress the children for a walk. Children will tell you what to put on first and last.

Game "Dress up the child"
Dads, while we play music, put on sweaters, pants, hats, scarves, boots and jackets for children.

Now let's play
It's time to take a cheerful tambourine!

Game "Merry tambourine"
You run, run, run
Our cheerful, fast tambourine,
Quickly, quickly from hand to hand.
Who has a funny tambourine?
The one who, at the time of the question, had a tambourine in his hands, raises it up and goes to the center of the circle, dances to a Russian folk melody (2-3 tambourines can be used).

Leading -
All moms love fruits and candy
Yes, and indifferent to flowers, too!

Relay "Gifts for Mom"
2 mothers are put on chairs, 4 fathers (2 in a team) run, take one gift each (flowers, sweets, fruits) and give it to mothers.

presenter -
Our guests sat
They looked at the kids.
Come on, get out
Dance with us.
Dance "Lavata" is performed

presenter- Dads always have to spin so that everything is fine in the family.

Game "Field of Wonders"
Children and adults play. There are large (made of cardboard in safety techniques) keys on the floor, the players run in a circle to the music, as the music ends - you need to take the key in your hands, the one who did not get the key is out of the game.

The winner comes up with the key to the cardboard car and "opens" it, finds gifts for children.

presenter- What a pity to leave, but it's time for us to say goodbye.
The general dance "Boogie-Woogie" is performed,
children with their parents leave the room for tea.


To the music "Together it's fun to walk"


Children: From the workout!


You warmed up well

The holiday has gone merrier

New tasks are waiting for you

Difficult tests!


Instructor: "Mammoth"


Wash dishes, do laundry.

Let's take a handkerchief, we are colored

And wash under water.


1. Relay "Centipede"

2. Relay Races

Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Stage 3:


I can't feel my legs for joy,

I'm flying down the snowy hill

Sport has become dearer and closer to me

Who helped me in this .... (skis)

Rushing like a bullet I'm forward

Only the ice creaks.

And the lights flicker

Who carries me ... (skates)

This horse does not eat oats

Two wheels instead of legs

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive... (bike)

I twist it by hand

And on the neck and leg

And I twist at the waist

And I don't want to drop... (hoop)

Instructor: Well, now the relay "A tricky couple".

And finally the contest "The smartest dad"(The “Traps” game is played with all the children present at the holiday. The children are given ribbons - “tails”. Dads run after the children, trying to snatch the ribbons from their hands. The dad who scored more “tails” wins)


And physical education will become native.

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"Scenario of sports leisure with parents "We are a sports family!""



To the music "Together it's fun to walk" parents and children enter the hall, make a lap of honor and sit on the benches.

Instructor: Hello, dear guests, dear mothers, fathers, grandparents, our dear children. Today we are gathered together for a reason!

There will be competitions for kids, dads and moms!

Who will be the winner, then we will tell you!

Guys please tell me. And where do we start our competitions?

Children: From the workout!

Instructor: Right! I invite everyone to stand up and warm up to the music from everyone's favorite fairy tale about the golden key.

(the rhythmic composition "Pinocchio" is performed)


You warmed up well

The holiday has gone merrier

New tasks are waiting for you

Difficult tests!

Let's split into two teams: children and parents, and I'll see "Whose team will line up faster"

(music sounds (Alina Kukushkina), parents and children walk around the hall in random order, at the end of the music, parents and children line up in two lines).

Instructor: And now the relay race PARENTS against CHILDREN.

(relay race "Pass the flag")

Instructor: The next competition is "Mammoth"

(There is a competition "Mammoth" - on one side of the site - mothers or fathers, on the other - children. To the music, mother runs up to her child, takes him by the hand and runs back with him).


We all love to help our mom

Wash dishes, do laundry.

Let's take a handkerchief, we are colored

And wash under water.

(the composition "Mom's helpers" sounds)

Instructor: And now we invite family teams to the competition!

1. Relay "Centipede" (from the start line, at the signal of the leader, dad runs to the landmark, runs around him, takes his mother by the hand, both run to the landmark, also run around him and run after the child. All together run to their place) (to the music "Rides through the fields")

2. Relay Races

Stage 1: The child jumps on the "horse" (gymnastic stick) to the landmark and back.

Stage 2: Mom jumps rope to the landmark and back.

Stage 3: Dad with a child sitting on his back moves on all fours to the landmark and back.

Instructor: Riddles contest for spectators.

I can't feel my legs for joy,

I'm flying down the snowy hill

Sport has become dearer and closer to me

Who helped me in this .... (skis)

Rushing like a bullet I'm forward

Only the ice creaks.

And the lights flicker

Who carries me ... (skates)

This horse does not eat oats

Two wheels instead of legs

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive... (bike)

I twist it by hand

And on the neck and leg

And I twist at the waist

And I don't want to drop... (hoop)

Instructor: Well, now the relay "A tricky couple".(mom and dad (or child) participate. They need to carry the balloon to the landmark and back, holding it with their foreheads and being opposite each other.)

And finally the contest "The smartest dad"(The “Traps” game is played with all the children present at the holiday. The children are given ribbons - “tails”. Dads run after the children, trying to snatch the ribbons from their hands. The dad who scored more “tails” wins)


So our sports day has come to an end.

May your family starts be remembered

Let all adversity pass by

May all your wishes come true

And physical education will become native.

(at the end, everyone performs the musical-rhythmic composition “We are little stars”)

Leading. Hello dear guests! We are glad to welcome everyone, both adults and children, in our elegant hall at the “Happy Together” sports festival.

Our group has its own symbol - chamomile. Chamomile is considered a Russian flower and even one of the symbols of Russia - it is no coincidence that yellow-white inflorescences are painted on clay pots and nesting dolls, as well as chamomile - a symbol of sweet simplicity and tenderness, and most importantly - a symbol of fidelity.

Leading: We invite the families of our pupils to take part in sports entertainment. Let's welcome our members.

To the music (fanfare-07), teams (father, mother and child) enter the hall.

Leading: Today, these friendly, cheerful, resourceful families will take part in the competition. To do this, we divided them into two teams in advance. For participation in the competition, each team will be awarded a chamomile petal. We will sum up the results of our competitions, and at the end of our holiday, gifts will be presented to our participants.

1st participant:

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

2nd participant:

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

3rd participant:

Family is important!

Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

4th participant:

Always be together, take care of love,

I want friends to talk about us:

What a good family!

5th participant:

We love you for no particular reason

Because you are a grandson

Because you are a son

For being a baby

For what you grow

Because he looks like mom and dad.

6th participant:

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your secret support.


Every day in the morning

We do exercises

Get up don't be lazy

Together with us, pull up.

All participants perform movements (dance dance) to the music.

Leading: Physical education is useful, but doubly fun. Every minute devoted to sports prolongs a person's life by an hour, and to a fun sport by two. Don't believe? See for yourself. So, good luck. I propose to consider our family competition open. I would like to wish the teams success. Let's start the first competition.

1st child:

And to break records

And forget about the diseases of all,

With adults sports issues

Today we want to decide!

2nd child:

Dad, mom, like children,

They themselves are waiting for these minutes

They are on the game, the right of speech,

Not enough days off.

1. Contest "Collect a camomile" Inventory: balls, hoops, a basket with chamomile petals, determinants, slats. Participants are moms and dads.

Clutching the ball between the knees, we move to the hoop lying from the start line, puts the ball in it, takes a chamomile petal from the basket and returns to the team, passes the baton, at the end of the baton it is necessary to collect a flower from the brought parts.

3rd child:

The house we live in

This is a very noisy house.

After various things in the morning

There is always a game in it!

2. Competition "Magic hoop". Inventory: hoop, determinants, slats. The members are the whole family.

Teams stand in columns (from the window to start) and must take turns climbing into the hoop. The last participant also climbs into the hoop and returns it to the first participant.

4th child:

What a miracle - lope yes lope!

Look, the bag is off!

Hey, grab it, catch it

Grab the bag!

3. Competition "Dad can." Inventory: bags, determinants, slats. Members are dads.

Dads are built at the starting line in a column and at the whistle each team member jumps in a bag to the rack and returns back.

Leading. And now the adults will take a break, and I will make riddles for the guys, and they will guess them.

1. Who is not a joke, but seriously

Will a nail teach us how to hammer?

Who will teach you to be brave?

Having fallen from a great, do not whine,

And scratched my knee

Don't cry? Of course ... (dad)

2. Who loves you children more,

Who loves you so tenderly

And takes care of you

Without closing your eyes at night? (Mother)

3. Fragrant jam,

pies for treats,

delicious pancakes,

At the beloved ... (grandmother)

4. He did not work out of boredom,

He has callused hands

And now he is old and gray

My dear, beloved ... (grandfather)

5. I am not alone with my mother,

She also has a son

I'm small next to him

For me, he is the eldest ... (brother)

6. That's the thing - what kind of ...

We are not seven, but three:

Dad, Mommy and me

But all together we are ... (family)


Family - how much meaning in this word ...

When kids laugh in the house

So I want to live right now

Create, care, love.

Leading: Well, we rested, we continue on.

5th child:

And on holiday, friends,

We can't live without games

More passion, more laughter

Let all the fun go!!!

4. Competition "Friendly family". Inventory: hoops, balloons, baskets, slats, determinants. Participants are moms and dads.

It is necessary to overcome the distance in a pair, jumping over the hoops laid in a row, holding hands, take a balloon from the basket, holding the balloon with their stomachs, carry it to the start and when all the balloons are transferred, burst them and find the word FAMILY in one of the balloons.


We have one game

You'll like her

Come out to the platform

Line up in order.

Our little guys

We call on the rope.

5. Competition "Tug of war". Inventory: rope, rail. The participants are children.

6. Competition "Wand - lifesaver". Inventory gymnastic sticks, slats, determinants. The members are the whole family.

Dad - the first participant sits on top of a stick, runs to the counter, runs around, returns, picks up the next one - mom, etc.


Well done! Well done!

Run fast - it's familiar to everyone,

They did a great job with the relay.

You have conquered us all here!

You have shown the power of the spirit!

Leading. And now I invite everyone to a fun dance. And we also invite our young spectators to a friendly dance.

All participants and young spectators dance to the music.One two Three


The last type of competition

We have completed and now

The result of all our competitions,

We bring together for you.


Today there are no losers

There are simply the best of the best.

May there be light in every heart of friendship,

Will ignite the deeds of a good ray.

presenter: Dear participants of the competition, well, it's time to take stock of our holiday. Petals of the team scored equally, so friendship in our families won. We sincerely thank you for your responsiveness.

Rewarding and presenting gifts.

Dear guests. Our meeting has come to an end. To thunderous applause, we see off our participants and thank everyone for their attention.

To applause and music, the participants leave the hall.


  1. Balls - 12 pcs.
  2. Hoops - 6 pcs.
  3. Baskets - 4 pcs.
  4. Determinants - 2 pcs
  5. Reiki - 4 pcs.
  6. Large chamomile petals - 12 pcs.
  7. Small chamomile petals - 14 pcs.
  8. magnets
  9. Easel - 2 pcs.
  10. Bags - 2 pcs.
  11. Balloons - 6 pcs.
  12. Rope
  13. Gymnastic stick - 2 pcs.
  14. Sultans by the number of participants + young spectators
  15. Medals
  16. Diplomas
  17. Disks + flash card

In every little child

Both in the boy and in the girl.

There are two hundred grams of explosives,

Or even half a kilo.

He must run and jump.

Grab everything, kick your feet,

Otherwise it will explode

From what is unknown.


To draw the attention of parents to the physical abilities of the child, the development of his physical abilities, the nature of relationships with other children;

Involve children in a healthy lifestyle;

Promote mass physical education and sports among children and parents;

Give children the opportunity to compete, express themselves, deliver a sense of joy from communicating with each other and with their parents.


Increase physical activity and performance of the child's body;

To develop physical qualities in children: dexterity, speed, flexibility, speed-strength qualities;

develop mental and communicative qualities;

To reveal the creative abilities of children in various activities;

To foster a positive attitude towards physical education and sports;

To cultivate collectivism, "a sense of elbow", the ability to work in a team, the will to win;

To create a joyful mood from joint gaming activities with parents.

Equipment: Cards for the games “Let's say hello”, “In numerical order”, 2 large light balls, 6 pins, 6 hoops, 2 baskets with 30 small balls, 20 scoops, 2 large pyramids, 2 mirrors, 20 mittens, 2 pairs of non-standard skis, 2 balls - a jumper, 2 jump ropes, 2 cones - a landmark, a whistle.

Venue: gym

Event progress.

Leading: Hello dear guests! We are glad to see you in this hall! We hope that none of you are indifferent. So, there will be fans and spectators today! The month of November is famous for a large number of holidays, both Russian and world! I congratulate all those present on the past Tolerance Day (be tolerant and tolerant of each other), Greetings Day (may you always be greeted and charged for the whole working day by the smiles of your pupils and their parents!), Black Cat Day (let a black cat bring only good luck) and many other holidays. But the most interesting thing is that the month of November brought together three great days, in honor of which our today's event! This is World Men's Day (November 2), this is World Children's Day (20) and Mother's Day of Russia (24). Today in our gym there will be a meeting of two strongest teams "Firefly" and "Scarlet Flower"! Our vigorous, fit, invincible competitors will compete in strength, agility, ingenuity, speed! And of course they are excited! Let's support and greet them with applause!

(A sports march sounds, two teams enter the hall(children and parents) ) .

If you want to become skilled

Strong, smart, brave,

Learn to love jump ropes

Hoops and sticks.

Never be sad

Hit the target with balls.

Here is the secret of health -

To all friends - physical education hello!

Sport, guys, is very necessary,

We are very friendly with sports.

Sports help!

Sport is health!

Sport is a game!

Physical training!

There is no better recipe in the world

Be inseparable from sports

Live 100 years

That's the whole secret!


Attention attention!!!

Let's start the competition!

Competitions are unusual

Different from others!

Your moms, your dads,

At the start with you.

Now it's time to get acquainted with the participants of the holiday.

Representation of teams (name, motto)

Team number 1.

Title: "Scarlet Flower"

Motto: Not a step back, not a step in place,

But only forward and only together.

Team number 2.

Title: "Firefly".

Motto: Shine always, shine everywhere,

And help friends in need.

Leading: The teams are already ready and now we will find out how the athletes feel before the start of the competition (answers of children and adults). We welcome you, dear guests and fans! Fans show yourself! To cheer everyone up and get to know each other better, will the children teach you how to greet you in a different way, more interesting and more fun than usual? Dear parents, now the children will show you their greeting with each other, and then you will try!

Communicative game "Let's say hello!"

(Children in a circle with musicin 1 minutegreet with "elbows""cheeks""nose"heels, knees, "backs". Then it givesI have 2 minutes for general greetings). So we wished each other health in such an unusual way. And now do not disperse, you are waiting for a warm-up!

Mmusical warm-up "Forward 4 steps»

Four steps ahead

Back four steps.

Spinning, spinning our round dance.

Let's clap our hands.

Let's stomp our feet,

Move the shoulder

And then let's jump!

The warm-up is over, the competition begins! I wonder who will win today! And in order to start the competition, I will introduce you to the jury, which will evaluate the results of the competition.

(____________________) believes that the best family vacation is sports.

(____________________) still cannot figure out what to have

health to become a real cheerleader!

Jury member: Physical education is useful, and fun is doubly so. Every minute devoted to sports prolongs a person's life by an hour, and to fun sports by two. Don't believe? See for yourself! So, good luck!


Let the jury the whole course of the battle,

Track without a hitch.

Who will be friendlier

he will win in battle.

Today, none of the participating teams will be left without a memorable prize. The team that completed the first task gets 2 points, the second - 1. After each stage of the competition, the jury will count the points and provide information about the course of the competition. After the final round, the jury will announce the final results. The team with the most points overall wins. We wish the participants of the competition success. So, the competition begins!

Relay №1. "Who is faster?"

The first participant picks up a light ball, tossing it in front of him, runs to a certain mark, returning to the team, passes the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay race number 2. "Arrange the sentries."

3 hoops lie on the floor at an equal distance from each of the teams. The first participant receives three pins and, on command, carries them, placing one pin in each of the hoops, reaches a certain mark, runs back, passes the baton to the next participant. The next participant collects the pins from the hoops, reaches a certain mark, comes back running and passes the pins to the third participant. The third participant sets the pins again. The team that finishes the relay first wins.


We are not afraid of any difficulties,

We can do all sorts of things

Because the forces are young

We always strengthen with sports!

Relay number 3."Vacuum cleaner".

Balls, scatter on the floor, you need to collect with a scoop, without helping yourself with either your hand or your feet. The ball needs to be pressed against something so that it rolls onto the scoop. Caught balls are collected in a basket.

Relay number 4."In order of numbers."

Two teams of 10 people line up in ranks facing the audience. I have in my hands two sets of cards of different colors with numbers from 1 to 10. I mix the cards and attach one to the back of each participant. No one should know what number is written on it. Everyone can learn this only from his neighbor. On the signal, you must reorganize in order.

Relay number 5."Caterpillar".

The 1st and 2nd players of each team take the position " Caterpillars ": the 2nd player puts his left hand on the left shoulder in front of the standing 1st participant. On a signal, they begin to move forward, run around the landmark and return to their team. The 3rd player joins them and in this composition they continue to move. This continues until all players have joined the Caterpillar. The team whose last player in the column crosses the start lines faster wins, provided. That all players during the movement will maintain the position of the "caterpillar".


While the jury is summing up, we will rest a little! Fans! I read a poem and you take turns finishing it.

In order not to swim in fat,

Don't look bad

Weekend, middle of the week

Raise quickly ... .. (dumbbells).

If you want to lose weight

Have a thin waist

Don't eat soup with pork

Spin it... (hula-hoop).

If you want to be you too

Looks like Schwarzenegger

If you do not feel sorry for the forces -

Then sit down with an oar in ... .. (kayak).

Don't want to be like a bear

Legs are thick to have-

You can't hear the noise in your ears,

You roll down the hill on .... (skis).

You like to kick the ball with your feet,

To beat them at the gate,

So you came right

To play .... (football).

Kohl from fast movement

You get pleasure

Take the wheel, fly to victory

On your…. (bicycle).

To be healthy in winter

And don't drink the medicine anymore

Let's race

On our feet ... (skates).

Relay number 6."Assemble the pyramid correctly"(for children (5) and adults (6)).

Disassembled rings from the pyramid lie in a plate at a distance from the children. The children start the relay. On a signal, the players one by one run up to the rack and string one of the largest rings. The next one is smaller. The team that completes the task faster and more correctly wins!.

Relay number 7."Magic Mirror" (for adults).

In the hands of the players on a small mirror. Their task- reach the mark with your back, looking only in the mirror and avoiding obstacles (2-3 skittles are laid out on the floor). Then run back and pass the mirror to the next player.

Relay number 8."Find a couple." Parents and children are given mittens with different snowflakes. The team whose children will quickly find a pair of their mittens in the hands of adults wins.

Relay number 9."Together on skis." Teams stand in pairs (adult and child). On command, the first couples put on skis and run to the mark and back, passing the skis to the next pair. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay number 10. "Who is faster?". Children on balls - jumpers and adults on jump ropes overcome the distance, passing the baton.

Dear children, dear parents! You competed well today, and your fans cheered for you well, and this undoubtedly gave you strength. Let's turn around and greet our fans and all together, together, say "Thank you!"

Our competitions have come to an end, but whatever their results, we will consider that Friendship! won today.

The word of the jury is announced the result of the competition, rewarding.

Leading: So our competition is over. And let the world of movements give you cheerfulness, health, happiness of everyday communication with physical culture and sports.


Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. Outdoor games for preschoolers.

Bocharova A.G. 500 wonderful children's games.

Grishkov V.I. Children's outdoor games.

Gromova O.E. Sports games for kids

Davydova M.A. Sports activities for preschoolers…

Lysova V.Ya., Yakovleva T.S., Zatsepina M.B., Vorobieva O.I. Sports holidays and entertainment.

Minskin E.M. From game to knowledge.

Filipenko E.V. Boring holidays.

Scenario of entertainment in physical culture, dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics. Topic: "Space travel with parents"
(for older children)

- to develop in children physical and moral-volitional qualities (speed, dexterity, endurance, perseverance, organization, discipline).
- to develop interest in sports events among adults and children.
- to expand and consolidate the amount of knowledge about space, the ability of children to fold the basic form of a "rocket".
- to instill patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland and respect for the profession of an astronaut.
Equipment: hoops-4pcs; hoops on racks-4pcs; landmark-2pcs; balls-2pcs; split painted rockets - 2 sets; tubes with "food" - one tube for each; tennis rackets-2pcs; inflatable ball-2pcs; plastic bottles-4pcs; baskets-4pcs;. newspaper balls, shoe covers for each participant.
The hall is decorated with joint drawings about the space of children and parents. multi-colored stars, inflatable balls.
Two teams of children and parents enter the gym under the march. They are met by a leader dressed as an astronaut.
The course of the holiday
Presenter: Hello dear children, mothers, and dear guests! Today, April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. 50 years ago, the first man on our planet, Yuri Gagarin, flew into space.
1 child: In a space rocket called "Vostok"
He was the first on the planet to rise to the stars!
2 child: Spring drops sing songs about this,
Gagarin and April will be with us forever.
3 child: The day will come when we grow up.
Let's boldly launch rockets into space!
4 child: Brave and persistent guys be ready,
We will be astronauts - we give you this word!
Presenter: Dockings of spacecraft are taking place in the high celestial distances. Cosmonauts live and work in space stations for months, automatic stations go to other planets. Guys, are you ready to fly into space? And parents? Then we need to train well on the ground, and how to prepare for the flight. And so, we begin the training of 2 teams.
First task
"Fast guys" (show strength, dexterity, resourcefulness).
(jumping from hoop to hoop, climb into the tunnel, run to the landmark - back in a straight line, pass the baton to the next player).
Second task
"Friendly guys" (together with parents).
(stand in pairs on each other, on - against each other, hands on each other's shoulders. A balloon is clamped between them, you need to run a side gallop to the landmark and back - pass the baton to the next pair).
Presenter: And so, we conducted a strict selection for flight into space. But in order to fly into space, we need to build a rocket.

The third task for the teams.
"Pick up the rocket"
(we assemble a rocket from parts of a split picture depicting a rocket).
Presenter: The rocket was built. Now we need to prepare food for the entire flight.
Fourth task
"Preparing food in space"
(near the landmark in the hoop there are tubes of “food” signed (borscht, jelly, compote, bread, ice cream ....) Children, together with their parents, take turns running to the landmark, taking a tube each, returning to the team passing the baton to the next player.
Presenter: The crew is ready, the rocket is at the start, they took the food. Let's go to the stars! GO! We have arrived on an unknown planet, here adventure awaits us. But we took resourcefulness, dexterity, speed, mutual assistance with us. After all, supporting each other is great! Before we descend to the planet of the unknown, we will put on special "space" shoes - (boot covers).
The first test on the planet: "Sharobol"
(team members line up in two columns. Each team is given a tennis racket and a balloon. The first player runs forward holding the ball on the racket, runs around the landmark, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next player).
The second test: "Balloon"
(each team is given a ball and a hoop. Roll the ball with a hoop moving backwards to the landmark, running back to the team, passing the baton to the next player)
Trial 3: Gravity
(team members line up in columns, two plastic bottles for each team, rope loops are fixed on the bottles so that they can be put on their feet. The first player puts a bottle on each leg and runs to the landmark, runs around and returns to the team, passing the baton to the next player).
Fourth test: "Gazeton"
(each team receives a basket filled with crumpled newspaper balls, in front of each team there are empty baskets into which participants throw newspaper balls in turn. The number of balls thrown into the basket is taken into account).
Presenter: Guys, it's time for us to return home to Earth. Take your seats in the rocket! (children line up one after another and, spreading their arms to the sides with their parents, imitate a flight). Here we are at home. You guys are great, everyone tried their best. And I know for sure, if you want, all of you will fly into space without a doubt! I want to quote the words of the great cosmonaut Gagarin: “Having circled the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, we will preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it.” Let's fulfill the testament of the first cosmonaut! Until we meet again in outer space!