How to fill out an exchange card for a pregnant woman. When and where is the main document of the expectant mother issued - an exchange card for a pregnant woman

ABOUT The exchange card is the main source of information about the course of pregnancy. How to decipher medical terms what do they mean? What notes on the exchange card should you pay special attention to? You will learn the answers to these and other questions by reading the article.

Exchange card- an important document of a pregnant woman. The information indicated in it allows the doctor to objectively assess the state of your health and choose the tactics of conducting childbirth.

The exchange card consists of three parts - the first is filled in by a gynecologist in antenatal clinic, the second - the doctor who will take delivery, the third - the neonatologist of the maternity ward.

This document does not replace medical card, but allows each specialist a woman contacts to receive up-to-date information about the course of pregnancy and its features, and, if necessary, supplement it.

Exchange card: the course of pregnancy

The first part of the exchange card is filled in by a doctor from the antenatal clinic. Information about the state of health of the pregnant woman is entered into the card based on the examination and test results.

All transferred infectious diseases the presence of chronic diseases.

For example, an insidious infectious disease - - it is dangerous during pregnancy. If you have already had this disease in childhood, then you should not worry - you have developed lifelong immunity and re-infection does not threaten.

A major problem is the incidence of rubella in early dates pregnancy. The risk of congenital malformations in the fetus is very high - cataracts, deafness, open ductus arteriosus.

That is why it is so important to enter all this information into the exchange card - in case of trouble, the doctor will be able to choose the right tactics maintaining your

Important information about previous pregnancies and childbirth, if any.

For example, if in a previous pregnancy you had there is a risk of recurrence of complications during subsequent pregnancies.

Premature birth or urgent, natural childbirth or C-section- all this is also important for the doctor who is leading your pregnancy.

If previous births were difficult, or an emergency caesarean section was required, then this will require additional examinations.

risk factor for pregnancy

Their number and the gestational age at which artificial interruption was performed is reflected in the exchange card.

The first day of the last menstrual period is indicated.

From this date, it is customary to count the gestational age. The estimated date of delivery (EDD) is calculated as follows - by the first day of the last menstruation, you need to add 7 days and subtract 3 months. There is another way - to the first day of the last menstruation, add 280 days (40 weeks).

The date of the first appearance is indicated - the day when you will be officially registered in the antenatal clinic.

It is advisable to register before 12 weeks of pregnancy. First, it is necessary in order to minimize possible complications. After all, the first trimester is the most important period pregnancy, the laying of all the organs of the fetus occurs, and the supervision of a doctor will not hurt.

And secondly, women who are registered before 12 weeks are entitled to a separate cash allowance.

The exchange card also contains many other information: the date of the first the size and position of the fetus in the uterus, the results of ultrasound.

At 11-12 weeks Ultrasound is part of the 1st trimester screening - measured coccygeal-parietal size germ (KTR), the thickness is estimated collar space(This important indicator, which, together with a blood test taken at the same time, allows you to calculate the risk chromosomal abnormalities fetus).

At 20-24 weeks you can already see the anatomical structure internal organs fetus, determine if there are any malformations, assess the location and thickness of the placenta, the nature and amount of amniotic fluid.

At 34-36 weeks the doctor looks at the location of the fetus in the uterus (head or breech presentation), evaluates the size of the fetus, the state of the placenta - this is the necessary information to determine the tactics of the upcoming birth.

In addition, the exchange card must contain the conclusions of other specialists: an ophthalmologist, dentist, therapist, otolaryngologist.

For example, if there is pathological changes fundus and retina, then the oculist gives recommendations on the exclusion of the straining period. The otolaryngologist evaluates the condition of the pharynx and larynx - this is important for anesthesia during caesarean section.

Exchange card: childbirth and the postpartum period

The second part of the exchange card is filled in the maternity hospital. The map contains information about how and early postpartum period. At discharge, this part is given to the woman in her arms so that she can transfer it to the antenatal clinic for follow-up.

So, what should be included in the card in the maternity ward?

The most important thing is the date of birth. This is necessary for issuing a birth certificate for a child, for issuing an additional sick leave (if there were complicated births).

Features of the course of childbirth.

The duration of labor is indicated, the duration waterless period complications in mother and fetus. This information is important for predicting the course postpartum period.

The use of operational aids in childbirth.

The Apgar scale is a sum of points that assesses the state of functioning of the organs and systems of a newborn at 1 and 5 minutes of life.


color of the skin pale bluish limbs pink, red breath absent slow, uneven good, loud crying heartbeat absent less than 120 bpm more than 120 bpm reflexes no slight grimace coughing, sneezing, screaming muscle tone missing limbs flexed actively moving parts of the body

The maximum score is 10. A child whose condition is estimated at 6 points or less needs resuscitation and subsequent intensive care.

The character is indicated newborn (breast, mother's expressed milk). It is indicated which mixture was used in the maternity hospital, whether there is an allergy to it.

It must be noted whether anti-tuberculosis vaccination was carried out, the first against hepatitis B (in the first 12 hours of life). If not, the reason is given.

Exchange card: memo for pregnant women

An exchange card is issued to a woman in consultation at the 28th-32nd week of pregnancy. Some paid medical centers can also issue exchange cards.

If there is a need for hospitalization in the department of pathology of pregnant women, then the card can be issued for a shorter period.

But to get an exchange card, you need to pass at least once and visit the doctor at least twice - for the initial examination and obtaining referrals for research and for the results of the tests to be entered into the exchange card and issued to you.

This document is essential for admission. From the moment you receive your exchange card from your doctor, try to keep it handy at all times.

Even if there is a month left before the birth, and you go to the supermarket for groceries or to visit a friend, put the card in your bag - no one can predict exactly when your baby will decide to be born.

Remember, if you do not have an exchange card when you register at the maternity hospital, then you will be placed in the infectious diseases department. And usually there are women with signs of serious illnesses.

This is quite reasonable - if the doctor does not have data that you are not a carrier of any infections in the first place - and syphilis, then you are at risk and need to be isolated from other women in labor.

But what to do if you suddenly lost your exchange card?

Don't worry, there is a way out. A duplicate of the document remains in the archives of the clinic, all information about the course of pregnancy is in the medical record.

Therefore, if you lose the original, you can present your passport and policy, and get a copy of the card at the antenatal clinic.

According to Order No. 50 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of February 10, 2003 "On the improvement of obstetric and gynecological care in outpatient clinics", which regulates the process of managing pregnancy in antenatal clinics, a pregnant woman's exchange card is a document containing all necessary information about a woman and her child. This information is needed not only to provide medical care during pregnancy and childbirth, but postpartum period, but also when observing a child in a children's clinic. An exchange card must be presented upon admission to the maternity hospital for childbirth (or to the pregnancy pathology department). Without an exchange card, a pregnant woman is hospitalized in the observational department, that is, where they receive medical care unexamined pregnant women, as well as expectant mothers with infectious diseases.

An exchange card is issued in a antenatal clinic or another medical institution, who has the right to conduct pregnancy, for a period of 20–22 weeks and consists of three coupons. Let us consider in more detail which sections are filled out in this document, and explain why this or that information is needed. Indeed, it is often possible to hear statements from expectant mothers that the doctor at the reception asks a huge number of completely unnecessary questions and for some reason prescribes too many tests. But it is important to understand that the doctor does not do this out of idle curiosity, all this data is needed for the proper management of pregnancy and childbirth, and the number of tests and examinations is clearly defined by the relevant orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Exchange card: first coupon

This part is filled in at the antenatal clinic when registering for pregnancy, and then, at the next visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist. It contains all the necessary information about the expectant mother, including information about the presence of pregnancies, childbirth in the past and their course, about the woman's health before and during real pregnancy. This data will be needed by the doctor who will deliver the baby. At each visit to the antenatal clinic, a woman should always bring an exchange card with her. The doctor enters there the next results of examinations, studies, consultations, tests and other data of the pregnant woman. For some questions of the doctor (this applies mainly to the first visit to the LCD), it makes sense for the expectant mother to prepare in advance so as not to delay the appointment, remembering the necessary information.

1. Full name future mother.

2. Age. Pregnant women under 18 and over 30 require special attention as they are more likely to develop complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

3. Address and phone number of the pregnant woman. This data is necessary to contact the expectant mother or her relatives in case of emergency. For example, when receiving alarming test results, when you need to take urgent action.

4. Information about the father of the child. It is very important to know about the presence of hereditary and infectious diseases in the future father (especially hepatitis B and C, HIV). With a negative Rh factor in the blood of a pregnant woman (to predict the risk of developing an Rh conflict in the fetus), information about the Rh factor of the father of the child is necessary.

5. Past diseases of a pregnant woman. Availability chronic diseases various systems organism has a significant impact on the course of pregnancy and requires more careful monitoring by an obstetrician-gynecologist, consultations of specialists, addressing the issue of the need for planned hospitalizations, childbirth in a specialized hospital. Important information about childhood diseases, operations, the presence of allergic reactions(especially on drugs), bad habits.

6. Features menstrual cycle, date of the last menstruation, date of the first fetal movement, PDR. If the menstrual cycle is disturbed, it may be necessary additional methods to determine the gestational age. The date of the first day of the last menstrual period and the date of the first fetal movement are also needed to calculate the gestational age and the expected date of delivery (ED).

7. Date of prenatal leave, sick leave number, birth certificate number. These data will be needed at the place of work and in maternity hospital. Continue if necessary sick leave after childbirth, it is this information that will be used (the sick leave itself will be handed over at work when going on maternity leave).

8. What kind of pregnancy is on the bill, the presence of abortions, premature birth are you healthy born children, features of the course of previous pregnancies. During the initial visit, the doctor will ask in detail about how previous pregnancies, childbirth and the postpartum period went, whether there were abortions (year, for how long), in order to timely prevent possible complications during this pregnancy. It is important to know whether surgical interventions in previous births. This may affect the method of delivery this time.

9. Examination at the first visit to the pregnant woman. At the first visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist, the weight and height of the pregnant woman, the size of the pelvis, the results of the examination (general, blood pressure measurement, vaginal examination) must be indicated.

10. Summary sheet of dynamic observation. This section reflects the number of times the woman visited the antenatal clinic, as well as blood pressure, weight gain and the presence or absence of protein in the urine. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 50 determines how many times the expectant mother should visit an obstetrician-gynecologist. So, up to 28 weeks, the doctor appoints appearances at least once every four weeks. After 28 weeks and until full term, that is, up to 37 full weeks, a woman visits a antenatal clinic doctor once every 2 weeks, and after 37 weeks - every week.

eleven. . During pregnancy, blood is given three times for RW (syphilis), HIV, tests for hepatitis B and C.

  • Group and Rh factor of blood. In the absence of a specific protein on the erythrocytes of a woman - Rh, she is considered Rh-negative. If her future child is Rh-positive, with the development of complications such as termination of pregnancy, hemolytic disease and some others. The blood type must be indicated in the exchange card, as it is vital if the mother needs a blood transfusion during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Clinical Analysis blood taken three times during pregnancy. And with a decrease in hemoglobin (anemia) or other deviations in the analysis, it can be carried out more often.
  • Biochemical blood test and blood coagulation test(coagulogram) is carried out at least 3 times during pregnancy (if there are no deviations). This extremely important information needed to predict possible complications in childbirth (bleeding).
  • Biochemical screening carried out at 10-14 weeks and 16-20 weeks and identifies the risk of the fetus having genetic diseases(Down syndrome and others).
  • Results are recorded swabs from the vagina and cervix. This study is carried out three times during pregnancy ( last time before childbirth).
  • Feces on worm eggs examined once upon registration.
  • General analysis urine available for every visit. Normally, the analysis should not contain protein and a large number leukocytes. One indicator is entered into the exchange card - protein in the urine.

12. Data of a pregnant woman obtained as a result of consultations of specialists. During pregnancy, a woman should visit an ENT specialist, an ophthalmologist, a dentist, a therapist (other specialists according to indications).

13. Visits to the doctor, where complaints, blood pressure, weight, weight gain, abdominal circumference, fundal height, position and, fetal heart rate, edema, diagnosis, recommendations before next appointment, the date of the next appearance.

14. School of mothers and exercise therapy. The date and number of visits are indicated here.

Exchange card: second coupon

The second part of the exchange card is filled out in the maternity hospital and contains information about the course of childbirth, the postpartum period, and the health of the puerperal. This coupon is issued upon discharge from the obstetric hospital and presented at the antenatal clinic for follow-up monitoring of the health of the young mother. In addition to the general data of the pregnancy (full name, address of the puerperal, date of admission to the hospital), the following columns are filled in:

1. The date of birth is needed to issue a birth certificate for a child, to issue an additional certificate of incapacity for work in case of complicated childbirth.

2. Features of the course of childbirth. Includes the duration of labor, the duration of the anhydrous period, complications. These data are important for predicting the course of the postpartum period.

3. Operative benefits in childbirth (for example, whether a caesarean section was performed, indications for surgery are indicated).

4. Methods of anesthesia. Information is needed to recognize possible complications in the postpartum period (for example, pain in the spine after spinal anesthesia).

5. Gender, height and weight of the newborn, its Apgar score (a scoring system that assesses the state of the newborn; the maximum score is 10).

6. Features of the postpartum period. It indicates whether there were complications of an infectious or other nature after childbirth.

In addition to this information, the date of discharge, test results and treatment carried out in the hospital are recorded in the second coupon.

Exchange card: third coupon

The last coupon contains the information necessary for a pediatrician in a children's clinic. In this document, the doctor of the children's department of the obstetric hospital reflects information about the health of the newborn, about all the manipulations and studies carried out with him in the maternity hospital, as well as about those features of childbirth that could affect the health of the baby. It also indicates what type of feeding the baby is on, whether vaccinations were carried out, and the results of the tests are recorded. This coupon is also issued upon discharge from the maternity hospital.

2015-11-23 , 9127

The document that the expectant mother needs always carry with you is an exchange card. Collected in a small book all information, which will help doctors determine the condition of a pregnant woman if she has premature labor or another critical situation has occurred.

Exchange card- This is a brochure in which the results of tests and the condition of the pregnant woman are written out. Losing the exchange card does not threaten anything. Her you can always refill. And here birth certificate- this is the only document that cannot be fully restored.

What is an exchange card?

IN different cities and regions exchange card is different in appearance(size, beautiful decoration etc.), but its content is the same for all.

Sometimes an exchange card looks like an ordinary book with forms to fill out, sometimes like a bright brochure advertising various vitamin preparations, or just printed A4 sheets.

In any case, the exchange card must always be carried with you. For this it is better to select a folder, where the card itself, and the birth certificate, and other important documents (for example, extracts from the hospital, photocopies of ultrasound, prescriptions and doctor's recommendations) will be enclosed in separate files.

When are they handed out?

An exchange card for a pregnant woman is already being issued on. According to various sources, the document is allowed to be handed out in the maternity ward for a period of, or. This is evidenced by the special Order No. 50 of February 10, 2003 "On the improvement of obstetric and gynecological care in outpatient clinics".

This restriction was introduced in order to track birth defects fetus, and termination of pregnancy will be regarded as premature birth.

What should be in the exchange card?

The exchange card consists of three parts coupons. Each ticket corresponds certain period pregnancy or postpartum period.

Part 1. Information from the antenatal clinic about the pregnant woman

first part the exchange card is filled in by a doctor from the antenatal clinic, where the expectant mother is being monitored. This coupon must include the following items:

1. Full name of the pregnant woman.

2. The age of the pregnant woman. This point is important because early and late pregnancies may give rise to certain complications.

3. Actual residential address- needed in emergency situations when you can contact a pregnant woman only through her relatives.

4. Operations (general and gynecological) that a woman had before pregnancy.

It also includes childhood, chronic and hereditary diseases.

5. Previous pregnancies and their features.

If during a previous pregnancy a woman had complications, then each subsequent pregnancy will be observed with special care. This is a necessary measure to prevent pathological conditions: early or late toxicosis, threatened miscarriage, anemia, etc.

If during the previous birth a caesarean section was performed, then the subsequent ones will also take place in the same way.

6. Data on previous pregnancies and the number of children born.

7. Data on abortions: date of holding, term of interrupted pregnancy, etc.

This information will allow the doctor to predict possible inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages, which can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth, as well as cause incorrect labor activity and complications after childbirth.

8. Date and time of previous preterm birth. These data will help to identify the reasons why the pregnant woman developed a tendency to this pathological condition.

9. Date of the first day of the last menstrual period before pregnancy. This will help determine the approximate gestational age.

10. Gestational age during the first appointment at the antenatal clinic (LC). This information is necessary for the doctor to track the responsibility of the pregnant woman for her health and the health of the unborn child.

11. Number of visits female consultation. Usually the average number of visits is 10.

After the first admission to the LCD, the next visit should take place in 7-10 days to evaluate the results of the analyzes received and the conclusions of other specialists (otolaryngologist, dentist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, etc.)

Schedule of visiting the LCD:

  • up to 28 weeks - once a month;
  • up to 37 weeks - twice a month;
  • after 37 weeks - every 7-10 days.

If any pathology is found in a pregnant woman, then this becomes a reason for more frequent visits to the LCD. The schedule is negotiated individually.

12. Date of first fetal movement- information to determine the expected date of delivery.

It is important to know that during repeated pregnancies the first movements and tremors of the fetus are felt earlier than during the first pregnancy.

13. Features of the course of pregnancy. Here I write down all deviations and complications.

14. Pelvis sizes. If at least one of the pelvic measurements less than normal, then this is a reason to consider it narrow, which can lead to a difficult passage of the child through the birth canal.

15. Weight and height at the first visit to the LC.

If a pregnant woman's height is below 150 cm, this threatens with spinal deformity and hip joints on later dates pregnancy, as well as cause narrowing of the pelvic bones.

Weight gain for more than 40 weeks is 10-11 kg.

16. Fetal position- an important indicator for the management of childbirth. The final position of the fetus takes on a period of 37-40 weeks.

The position of the fetus can be longitudinal (normal), transverse or oblique (pathology).

17. presenting part b - this is the part of the fetus that first passes through the birth canal. The method of delivery depends on the nature of this parameter.

18. Fetal heartbeat. By the frequency and nature of the fetal heartbeat, you can determine its condition. And in the place of his listening - the location of the child in the womb.

For a baby in the womb, the normal heart rate is 140 beats per minute. This indicator is indicated in the exchange card after 32 weeks.

19. Lab tests. This item is the most important for the expectant mother: all tests for HIV infection and AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B and C are noted here.

Without these tests, a pregnant woman is considered conditionally infected and cannot be admitted to a regular maternity ward, but is redirected to a special center for infected women in labor.

20. Rh factor. If a pregnant woman is found negative Rh factor, then her body will regard the child as a foreign body and reject it in every possible way. Therefore, a woman may have frequent miscarriages in the early stages. The antibody titer will allow you to choose the optimal nature of pregnancy and delivery.

21. Blood type. This indicator is important if a woman needs a blood transfusion.

If mother and child different groups blood, the fetus develops hemolytic disease. Also, if the mother has a negative Rh factor, then it is necessary to determine which Rh factor the father of the child has.

22. Clinical analysis of urine and blood. Standard Procedures for diagnosing the general condition of a pregnant woman.

Analyzes are taken when a woman is registered with the LCD, at 18 weeks and at 30 weeks of pregnancy.

If there are complications, then additional tests are taken as prescribed by the doctor.

23. Analysis of blood clotting factors: platelet count, prothrombin index, bleeding time and blood clotting.

These indicators are necessary for accurate prediction of possible complications during labor bleeding.

Analyzes are taken three times: during registration, at 22 or 24 weeks and at 32 weeks of pregnancy.

Also, during the period of bearing a child, they pass twice biochemical analysis blood.

Bad performance analyzes show complications during pregnancy, imbalance of essential substances in the mother's body. Clinical analysis of urine handed over at each visit to the gynecologist: 10 times (ideally) at normal course pregnancy. Only one indicator is recorded in the exchange card - protein in the urine ( lack of protein is considered normal).

24. Vaginal smear. As with a regular examination, this analysis is necessary for the timely detection of inflammation and infectious diseases.

Any infection can cause congenital pathologies, difficult childbirth and prolonged recovery of the mother in the postpartum period.

25. Fecal analysis- to detect helminthiasis and its timely treatment.

26. Date of vaccination with staphylococcal toxoid. It is done only if the pregnant woman has a long inflammatory process. An injection (dose of 0.5 ml) is given subcutaneously under the shoulder blade at 32 weeks, 34 weeks and 36 weeks of pregnancy.

27. Blood pressure (BP). An increase in blood pressure to 135/85 is the first indicator of preeclampsia, which is accompanied by edema and the presence of protein in the urine.

28. Number of classes attended physical therapy(LFK).

Unfortunately, not all clinics and antenatal clinics provide special training for expectant mothers, so the doctor may recommend special or general exercises For physical activity during pregnancy.

29. Psychological preparation mothers for childbirth. From the 28th to the 30th week of pregnancy, the obstetrician-gynecologist conducts 10 special classes in the LCD.

30. Number of classes attended by mothers at school. This is where childcare comes into play.

31. Date of issue of the certificate of incapacity for work on maternity leave. This document is about maternity leave discharged at 30 weeks of gestation.

32. Estimated date of delivery (ED) determined based on various parameters.

33. Diary of visits filled in from 32 weeks of gestation.

34. weight gain chart for the entire pregnancy. This indicator helps to predict possible complications in the 3rd trimester and during childbirth.

35. Approximate fetal weight. An indicator that helps determine the tactics of childbirth. It is entered into the exchange card at 37 weeks, when the pregnancy is considered full-term.

36. Results of triple ultrasound: at 10-14, 20-24 and at 32-34 weeks.

37. Full name of the obstetrician-gynecologist who oversees the pregnancy, and his signature.

Part 2. Information of the maternity hospital about the puerperal

This coupon is filled out in the maternity ward, where all the features of the course are entered. birth process and early postpartum period. The woman sends this information to the LCD.

This part of the exchange card contains the following information:

1. Full name of the puerperal, her age, address, date of admission to the maternity ward and date of delivery.

The date of birth is indicated for issuing a birth certificate for the child, and in the case of difficult births, for drawing up an additional disability certificate.

2. Features of the birth process: duration, abnormalities or complications in mother and child. Was the birth natural or a caesarean section was scheduled, and for what reasons.

3. Anesthesia method: indicate all data on methods for detecting possible neurological complications. For example: pain in the spine after spinal anesthesia.

4. Features of the course of the early postpartum period.

5. Date of discharge from the hospital. They also indicate what day it was after the birth of the child. This period is affected general state mother and child.

6. Mother's health status at checkout.

7. Child's condition at birth, in the hospital and at the time of discharge.

8. Newborn weight in the first minutes of life and at discharge.

9. Baby growth at birth.

10. The need for a puerperal in patronage e. Sometimes, after discharge from the maternity ward, a woman needs an obstetrician-gynecologist at home.

11. Special remarks. This column indicates the number extra days, which are added to the issued sick leave for prenatal leave.

12. Full name of the obstetrician maternity hospital and his signature.

Part 3. Information from the maternity hospital about the newborn

In this ticket neonatologist indicates information about the newborn, who observes the child from the moment of his birth and captures all his features and indicators. The woman must provide information from this part of the exchange card pediatrician in a children's clinic.

The ticket consists of the following items:

1. Full name, address of the mother, date of delivery, what pregnancy was on the account, what week of pregnancy the birth took place, information about unsuccessful previous pregnancies (artificial or spontaneous abortion, stillbirth).

2. childbirth: Single or multiple. In case of multiple births, they indicate how the baby was born in a row.

3. Duration of labor, the presence of complications in the mother and child.

4. Application of anesthesia(what method was used and what is its effectiveness).

6. Discharge day: indicate what was the day after the birth.

7. Mother's health status at checkout.

8. Gender and height of the newborn, his weight at birth and at the time of discharge.

9. Assessment of the newborn on the Apgar scale. The efficiency of all organs of the child is taken into account at 1 and 5 minutes of his life.

The maximum score is 10. It is determined by the pediatrician of the maternity hospital.

10. Did the newborn cry straightaway. This is the reaction of the child to the postponed birth and an indicator of his well-being.

11. Revitalizing a child: what measures have been taken, what is their effectiveness.

12. What day of life the baby was first attached to the breast in the maternity home.

13. Type of feeding: breast, expressed mother's or donor's milk, artificial mixtures.

To exchange card make only the mixture to which the child is not allergic. If the child is on artificial feeding or accepts donor milk, then indicate the reasons for not breastfeeding.

14. On what day of life did the umbilical cord fall off.

15. Diseases of the child in the hospital: diagnosis, treatment, condition at discharge.

16. Tuberculosis vaccination(In case of refusal, the reason must be indicated).

18. Special remarks.

19. Date of completion.

20. Full name of the obstetrician-gynecologist and pediatrician of the maternity hospital and their signatures.

We wish you easy delivery and healthy babies!

This important document is issued to every pregnant woman, but not everyone knows what it is for.

Medical document recorded data exchange card
It is important to remember the pregnant phase
pulls how much

What an exchange card looks like, how to use it, the gynecologist usually tells the pregnant woman when she is issued.

Why is it necessary?

Consider why you need an exchange card.

  1. This includes all the data of the expectant mother.
  2. At each visit to the gynecologist, he makes a record of the course of pregnancy in the form.
  3. Includes the results of all analyzes conducted surveys.
  4. Also, here doctors leave their conclusions about the health of a pregnant woman - narrow specialists.
  5. An exchange card is required for a pregnant woman when she is issued a birth certificate.
  6. It includes information, as well as all the details about the course of childbirth, information about the child.

When a mother-to-be is given a card, she must carry it with her. This is especially important in the later stages, since at this time childbirth can begin unexpectedly.

When is it issued?

As a rule, such a form is entered when a woman is registered, usually on the first day. However, the terms when doctors issue an exchange card to a pregnant woman in her hands depend on the place of residence. In some cities and regions, it is given only in the second half of pregnancy.

A medical document that will indicate the features of the course of pregnancy

To get a card, you must confirm the fact of pregnancy. To do this, a woman must either undergo an examination by a gynecologist, or go for an ultrasound scan, or donate blood for analysis. If the expectant mother refuses all these actions, the doctor will not be able to register her.

In addition, when an exchange card is issued to a patient, she must provide:

  • passport;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • SNILS (pension insurance card).

To receive this form, the expectant mother must visit a gynecologist at least once, pass necessary tests, otherwise she may have certain difficulties with admission to the hospital. A woman in labor may not end up in the medical institution that she would like, and will most likely end up in the observational department of the maternity hospital.

Some believe that it is much easier to buy a document and if there is a fake exchange card for a pregnant woman, then you can not visit a gynecologist for 9 months. However, it is not.

The data from this form is extremely important for the management of childbirth, so the expectant mother herself should be interested in complete and reliable information. It is not worth risking your health, and even more so the health of your unborn child, for such an insignificant reason.

In case everything necessary procedures passed and certificates provided, the doctor does not have the right to refuse a woman to register and draw up such an important document.

Features and rules for obtaining

There are times when a future mother may have problems regarding dispensary book. Answers to the most FAQ can be found below.

ProblemYour actions
My card doesn't look like other women's, is it real?Appearance depends on the female consultation. Perhaps these documents were printed by sponsors or manufacturers of goods for mothers and children, so they have a different appearance and also contains a lot of promotional information.
I lost my exchange, what should I do?You just need to contact the gynecologist - he will restore all the data using an individual pregnancy card, in which he keeps detailed records of the progress of your pregnancy.
I don't have a pregnancy card, can I download it from the Internet?This is an important medical form that will be invalid without the signature of the doctor, the seal of the medical institution. You can't fake it!
When do I need to see a doctor and get a form?You can contact the consultation at any time convenient for you, but the period from 7 to 12 weeks of pregnancy is considered optimal. Then the doctor will have no problem establishing the fact." interesting position", and all possible problems will be identified in a timely manner. In addition, the state encourages registration in the first trimester, and also pays small benefits for expectant mothers.
I want to be observed in a private clinic, will they give me such a document, and will it be valid?Check this question in advance with the clinic where you plan to be observed. If they don't issue such a document, you may need to reconsider the decision and contact another institution. Otherwise, in parallel, you will need to register at the state antenatal clinic and, having provided the data of all tests and examinations, get it there.

What information is entered on this form?

The exchange card records data on the course and the results of the examinations passed

Such a form becomes the main medical document throughout the entire period of bearing a child. What it looks like usually depends on the medical institution, but the internal structure always remains the same.

The exchange card of the pregnant sample of 2015 contains the following sections:

  1. Information from women's consultations about women's health.
  2. Information from the maternity hospital about childbirth and the woman in labor.
  3. Information from the maternity hospital about the newborn.

The doctor from the antenatal clinic enters:

  • all personal data about a woman carrying a child;
  • information about the health of the expectant mother before pregnancy;
  • detailed information about the course of pregnancy.

All facts relevant to the course of pregnancy and childbirth are also entered:

  • all past illnesses;
  • information about the outcome of previous pregnancies;
  • test results, ultrasound;
  • risk factors.

It is important to remember that your health information is completely confidential.

All the woman's visits to the gynecologist are also noted, indicating the results of the examination, the doctor's recommendations, the current gestational age.

After labor, the obstetrician-gynecologist enters into this form all the information about childbirth:

  • date;
  • flow features;
  • complications;
  • the use of any medications or surgical aids.

The pediatrician must enter into it information about the height, weight of the child, the Apgar score, data on vaccinations, diseases, and the nature of feeding.

How is this form used?

To receive, you need to pass a series of tests at least once.

Such an important document must be kept throughout pregnancy. It does not replace a medical card in a hospital or antenatal clinic, but it is very important for the woman herself, since only from this document, if necessary, doctors from other medical institutions will be able to find out all the necessary data about the patient's health.

There are rules for using this form:

  • must be carried with you at every visit to the gynecologist;
  • must be presented when visiting other specialists so that they make a record of the examination;
  • only doctors can enter data here, independent entries or entries by unauthorized persons are not allowed;

Not really

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The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Website visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! Remember that only a complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

Expecting a baby is not only physical and psychological special condition, but also a recorded event due to a multitude of procedural and documentary rules - after all, a woman has to take care of the order of all her papers, the most important of which is a pregnant woman's exchange card. Every woman in a position is obliged to take care of this document, since often without it there are difficulties with admission to a maternity hospital or service.

The main purpose of the "exchange" is to record the results of various medical studies and the patient's indicators during the waiting period for review by the staff of the maternity hospital and the same record of information in the maternity hospital for return transmission to doctors at the place of registration, i.e. exchange of information medical specialists leading a woman before childbirth and during the birth period.

The card contains brief and concise information about the patient's condition, therefore, without it, the doctors of the maternity hospital will not be able to take into account all the features of the health and condition of the woman.

During the waiting period, the “exchange” takes about one level of value along with a passport - it should always be with a pregnant woman, since it is medical history throughout the gestation period.

In case of re-registration - if a woman has changed her place of stay or residence (this practice is relevant today, when pregnant women try to move to other cities or countries for delivery closer to childbirth), it is imperative to provide an exchange, or bypass, card from the place of the previous registration.


Depending on the conditions and capabilities of polyclinics and outpatient clinics, antenatal clinics, the document may have different covers, shapes, designs, but in essence it has standard features:

  • similar to a brochure or book - with soft paper sheets;
  • in black and white;
  • contains columns and tables for recording indicators and personal data;
  • divided into two parts - for records of antenatal clinics and for entering data in the maternity hospital.

In practice, the sheets of the card are not enough to fit all the tests, examinations and appointments of the pregnant woman, therefore, additional sheets, inserts and documents are pasted into the “exchange”, due to which it becomes very voluminous by the end of the waiting period.

In some institutions, the "exchange" looks like an advertising brochure, as thematic advertisements are placed on the cover.

In 2019, the bypass map consists of 6-8 own pages.

The title page of the card includes the personal data of the future woman in labor:

  • Date of Birth;
  • place of registration;
  • the name of the medical institution;
  • weight and height of a woman at the time of registration;
  • pelvic girth;
  • day of the first movement of the child in the womb;
  • expected date of birth.
  • general information about pregnancy - sequence, presence or absence of abortions and miscarriages, gestational age, etc .;
Next comes the analyzes section, where the numerical and symbolic values ​​of studies and observations are indicated. There is a table here with the main indicators of a woman, which change at different waiting times, so as appointments are made, new data are entered - about blood pressure, weight, hemoglobin level, urinalysis result.

Also, data from the examination of venous blood, ultrasound in various trimesters and other quantities are entered here:

  • the position of the child; normal is longitudinal position, pathology - transverse or oblique;
  • presentation - refers to the part of the child's body that is closest to the birth canal; for normal delivery, the head should be presented, early detection of the child's pelvic presentation will eliminate all the dangers of this situation with the help of surgical intervention;
  • fetal heartbeat - at each appointment, the gynecologist "listens" to the sound of the child's heart, also in the third trimester, the woman undergoes a CTG examination;
  • mandatory tests for infectious diseases - syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C.

The results of studies of feces for eggs of worms, a vaginal smear for viruses and infections are also recorded here.

The third section includes the results of the hospital - the "bypass" of doctors:

  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • dentist
  • otolaryngologist.
An important block of the document is a record of the issuance of a disability certificate - given after 30 weeks to receive maternity benefits.
  • the presence or absence of surgery;
  • the use of anesthesia;
  • treatment after childbirth;
  • dates of admission and discharge.

Then data is entered in the section about the child - information about his condition at birth, diagnoses, treatment, condition at discharge, and vaccinations are reported.

When is the card issued?

An urgent and trembling question for all pregnant women is when they can get an “exchange” in their hands, because every woman in this difficult period has a fear of premature birth or other dangerous events and wants to have a card with him.

But not approved by law specific deadline when an exchange card is issued. Depending on the region and territory, this document is provided in different time- sometimes in the first months of registration, for some consultations it is 28 weeks, for others 30 or 32 weeks. Often, the card is refused to be provided early in order to preserve it - after all, the owner can lose it or spoil it.

The practice is also the establishment of an exchange card for the most pregnant woman - if she refused to register for health insurance and visits private specialists.

In any case, after the exchange is issued, it must be constantly brought to appointments for doctors to enter new information.