How to hypnotize a cat to follow orders. How to put a person into a trance with the help of a glance or subject him to hypnosis. Special techniques for training the eyes and developing a hypnotic gaze that can hypnotize. Transfer technique m

Many amazing phenomena occur in nature. To some of them, people began to look closely centuries ago, and the interest of researchers over time not only did not weaken, but, on the contrary, became more and more intensified. One of these most interesting phenomena is hypnosis, which used to be called "animal magnetism."

Hypnosis is a Greek word. In translation, it means sleep, caused in humans and animals by special techniques.

Far 1646. It was then that the Jesuit scientist Athanasius Kircher described his famous experiment with chicken, which was included in the scientific literature under the name of "miraculous experience." What was wonderful about it? It turns out that if you tie the legs of a chicken, and then put it on its stomach or on its side and, slightly stretching its neck, press it to the floor, then it will lie motionless, even if you untie the rope on its legs. True, in Kircher's experiment with the chicken there was another point that played a significant role in inducing hypnosis in her: when the bird calmed down on the floor, a line was drawn in front of its head with chalk. At first, the experimenters believed that this trait reminds the chicken of the rope with which it was tied, the chicken will understand that it is useless to resist, and will obey the winner.

However, later, when trying to hypnotize many animals (and there are now more than fifty such animals and birds that are especially susceptible to hypnosis), scientists became convinced that the point was not at all in the mental abilities and imagination of the animal or bird. They don't seem to have either. Everything turned out to be much easier. Sometimes it is enough to change the position of the animal's body and give it an unusual posture, as a kind of muscle stiffness immediately appears, which in the scientific literature is called stupor.

Muscular stiffness occurs during hypnosis in many inhabitants of land and water. Man is no exception to this rule. If you hypnotize him and put him between two chairs in such a way that his head rests on one chair and his heels on the other, then he will lie like a board, without bending in the least. You can even sit on it and sit for a while, like on a bench.

And if the muscles do not petrify during hypnosis? What happens then? In this case, the muscles, on the contrary, become soft and supple, as if waxy. With such waxy flexibility of the muscles, the body can be given the most varied and bizarre poses. In a chicken, for example, you can bend your head to the floor, turn it on its side or even on your back, stretch your neck up, and so on. The posture given to the bird will be maintained for many minutes until some irritation brings it out of hypnosis.

But not only the muscular system of the body undergoes such strong changes during hypnosis. Strength and heart rate, the depth of breathing and the electrical activity of the brain become different. In fact, the functions of the whole organism in a hypnotic state are transferred to a new mode of operation that is not characteristic of wakefulness.

Interestingly, in hypnosis, the sensitivity of the skin and many internal organs and tissues is reduced to such an extent that certain types of operations can be performed without the use of any additional anesthesia. Here is an example. A patient who was about to undergo surgery for chronic appendicitis was told that he was re-watching a movie he liked. The patient was so carried away by the images suggested to him that he did not notice how completely painless the operation went.

In a hypnotic state, animals, and humans too, can more easily withstand the effects of many poisonous chemicals. The experiment was carried out with a frog. They put her in a glass jar and put tobacco smoke into it. Naturally, the animal immediately became worried and tried to get out of the jar. Then the frog was hypnotized and put back into the vessel. Under hypnosis, she completely ignored the suffocating atmosphere and sat as if she were in her usual element on the shore of a reservoir.

Hypnosis in animals can be observed not only in laboratory conditions, but also in nature. It is not difficult to trace the development of hypnosis in spiders if the web on which they crawl is suddenly illuminated with a bright light. When the hawk starts chasing small birds, they instantly fall like a stone from the sky into the grass or bushes and freeze there for a while. This is also hypnosis.

Based on such observations, scientists came to the conclusion that such immobility in the face of the threat of an enemy attack is a kind of protective adaptive reaction. A clear and convincing example of what has been said can be the “play” of a cat with a mouse. Anyone who watched the actions of a cat could notice that this predator attacks the mouse most often in those cases when it starts to move. If it lies and does not move, then the cat can sit on the sidelines for quite a long time and calmly watch its “ward”. In the end, her attention weakens, she begins to forget about the victim and steps aside, and the mouse manages to slip into the hole.

Some animals are very good at hypnotizing each other. There are eyewitness accounts of how snakes hypnotized small birds and rabbits, snakes - frogs. In India, a case has been described where the snake itself was hypnotized. She was hypnotized by a cat. In particular, such a case is known. The rooster, pursued by the fox, climbed up the tree. The predator began to circle around the bush. The rooster had no choice but to keep a close eye on the fox. Eventually he became hypnotized and fell to the ground.

Birds such as pigeons are also well hypnotic if they are forced to look at some object, for example, at a finger, a shiny ball, or in the eyes of the researcher. If the objects that the birds are looking at disappear from their field of vision, then the hypnosis usually stops and they wake up.

Vladimir Leonidovich Durov described a very interesting case of dog hypnosis with the help of just a glance in one of his books. As a child, he somehow argued with his peers that he would enter the premises of an abandoned dacha, in which there was a feral dog. As soon as Volodya went inside, the guys locked the door behind him. Hearing the creak of the door and the click of the lock, an angry dog ​​jumped out to meet the boy, who had not let anyone near him before. At the sight of the attacking growling dog, Volodya did not flinch and began to carefully look into his eyes. Dog stopped and also stared at the uninvited guest. His eyes were filled with blood, saliva ran from his open mouth, the hair on his back stood on end. After a few agonizing seconds, which seemed to Volodya Durov an eternity, the dog became frightened, the rage disappeared, and under the influence of a gaze, it began to back away, and then turned and cowardly ran under the broken sofa.

Having accumulated enough facts about the role of the gaze in inducing hypnosis in both animals and birds, scientists conducted experiments in the laboratory. In one case, a stuffed hawk and a live chicken were taken for the experiment, which had not yet seen this predator in its life. As soon as the chicken was shown the threatening pose of a hawk, he instantly fell into a hypnotic state. But it did not always arise in a chicken, but only when he saw the eyes of a hawk. If they were sealed with circles of black matter, the hawk seemed to cease to exist for him.

Man is no exception to the general rule. Hypnosis is best induced in him when he looks at a shiny object or in the doctor's eyes.

Remember, have you yourself never experienced such a feeling that it is unpleasant for you to look into the eyes of some people? You just want to look away or lower your head so that you don’t see the interlocutor during the conversation ... Carefully observe yourself, relatives, friends, and you will see that this effect occurs quite often.

The effect of hypnosis of a person by a person with the help of a glance alone can be attributed to those cases that can occur with people walking towards each other. In order not to collide, they begin to stare into each other's eyes. Such contemplation often leads to such a situation: one person turns to the side, and at the same time the opposite person steps in the same direction. This can be repeated several times until one of them lowers his gaze. If you do not look into the eyes of the oncoming one in advance, then this will not happen.

The literature contains many references to the fact that some historical figures had a hypnotizing look. They say, for example, that Ivan the Terrible had such a view. Few close ones managed to withstand it. Most of the people, under the gaze of the ruler, instantly became shy, lowered their heads and did not look at him, frozen in place.

Today we consider such phenomena from the standpoint of modern knowledge and brain functions. But there was a time when such things were interpreted exclusively as witchcraft: someone was bewitched, spoiled, jinxed ... And they believed in it. They believed very strongly. Indeed, try to convince a person who saw with his own eyes how a “miracle” happened in the church: the blind regained their sight, people who had been deaf for many years suddenly began to hear, the paralyzed moved their legs. Fairy tales? Not really. It really was. But this is not at all the result of some miracle, but quite understandable and understandable things. The fact is that the ministers of the church, knowing the magical power of hypnotic suggestion, used it as a “holy power”, which allegedly heals only those who believe in God and are devoted to him with all their hearts.

And in our time, with the help of hypnosis, doctors manage to alleviate the suffering of many patients. But now it is already clear to everyone that this is done by a person, medicine, and not a holy force. However, it must be said that not all diseases are cured by suggestion in hypnosis. With its help, diseases caused by overstrain of higher nervous activity are mainly treatable. Among them, in particular, is hysteria. At the height of its manifestation, a person can really experience functional deafness, blindness, paralysis of the legs or arms, that is, such disorders of the activity of the central nervous system that do not entail a violation of its morphological elements - nerve cells and contacts between them.

Just such symptoms of the manifestation of hysteria were eliminated in a number of cases with some success by the priests with the help of hypnotic suggestion. However, they explained the positive therapeutic effect at the same time by the miracle of divine forces.

Speaking of suggestion, I would like to note its strong influence on the human body, not only in a hypnotic state, but also in a normal, vigorous one. I want to tell you about one example.

A group of 100 volunteers were once given water with sugar dissolved in it. When they drank it, they were told with fright that the vessels with medicines were accidentally mixed up and they took the emetic inside. And what? Eighty people instantly became nauseated.

This is the role that simple suggestion can play in our lives, not to mention its significance for hypnosis, the opening of the mechanisms of which will allow scientists to penetrate deeper into the mysteries of the brain. Interesting discoveries await future researchers along the way.

The first information about the hypnosis of animals dates back to 1636. In their works, a number of scientists, in particular Schwenter, described the experience that a chalk line was drawn in front of the beak of a bound chicken, which instantly brought it into a state of complete stupor. Schwenter explained this state of animals by fear. But this work was soon forgotten. In 1870, the famous Czech physiologist Cermak proved by a series of experiments on birds that the phenomena of stupor (catalepsy) occur even without drawing a chalk line. It is possible, for example, to cause the same phenomena by fixing their gaze on some object, as a result of which they fall into a kind of "nervous sleep".

In Russia in the middle of the 19th century, the Ukrainian physiologist V. Ya. Danilevsky was very much engaged in animal hypnosis, as already mentioned.

In his experiments, V. Ya. Danilevsky showed that an animal brought into a state of hypnosis can be in it for many minutes and even hours. With careful movements, such an animal can be transferred from one state to another, without the slightest resistance on his part. It has been shown that not only skin sensitivity is sharply reduced or completely disappears, but the sensitivity of the mucous membranes is also lost. Such an animal can be cut, burned, stabbed without the slightest reaction on his part. The animal continues to lie perfectly still, as if it did not feel anything. Very clearly these experiments were obtained on lobsters, crayfish, octopuses, frogs, rabbits and birds. In the experiment with the octopus, the following was obtained: the octopus, turned with its mouth opening up and held in this position, took on a gray color, lost mobility, ceased to stick, and did not respond to chemical irritations.

It is interesting to note that the more often experiments of hypnosis are repeated in the same animal, the better it falls into this state and the less it resists the experimenter-hypnotist.

After conducting hundreds of experiments on various animals, V. Ya. Danilevsky came to the conclusion that hypnosis is "emotional, purely reflex inhibition of thinking and will." He also believed that the basis of animal hypnosis is the emotion of fear.

In 1969, a book was published by the famous hypnologist Voltesi, who described numerous and interesting experiments on large mammals, such as lions, bears, foxes, crocodiles, monkeys, in a zoo. So, for example, suddenly sitting on top of a young lioness, he brought her into a state of stupor. The crocodile was subjected to hypnosis by suddenly opening its mouth, and then turning it over on its back. The scientist also succeeded in hypnotizing young bears. Quickly, suddenly immobilized and turned over on their backs, they remained for a long time in a state of hypnotic stupor in a wide variety of forms (“waxy flexibility”). By scratching the neck and head of a chimpanzee, by tilting its head back, and by other methods, it was also possible to obtain a state of hypnosis in this animal. Having fallen into such a state, the animal was turned over on its back, and the monkey remained lying on its back for a long time, with outstretched and bizarrely splayed paws. At the same time, the eyelids of the animal soon closed. The pupils reacted poorly to light.

It is characteristic in these states that the animals do not react at all to any of the strongest external stimuli, such as knocking, fire, needle pricks, etc.

A very interesting method of hypnotizing monkeys is the following method, which we tested on chimpanzees and macaques. Usually, shy and mobile animals, with a close human gaze, hide in the corner of the cage. The experimenter slowly approaches the animal, without making sudden movements, and then, with smooth movements of the hands from top to bottom (from head to feet), performs peculiar “passes” that are no different from those used during hypnotization of a person. At this time, he continues to fix the eyes of the monkey with his gaze. Soon, the monkey's eyelids begin to close, the gaze "fades" and the animal becomes numb, losing mobility. After some time, the monkey falls asleep and remains in this state for a long time.

Scientists have found that a strong fright, sudden fear or pain irritation cause a kind of paralysis, shock, motor numbness in animals.

It is also known that a strong fright or a sudden shock stimulus can put a person into hypnosis according to the "mechanism of the animal organism." A sudden bright light, a blow to a gong, terrifying news can also cause instant hypnosis in a person or something similar, when he “loses the gift of speech”, stops “as if rooted to the spot”, “stupefies”, etc.

More than three hundred years have passed since scientists have been studying animal hypnosis with great interest, but the biological meaning of this state was still not clear.

The first one showed the physiological meaning of hypnosis in animals, when already in 1921 he wrote that “this is one of the self-protective reflexes of a delaying nature. In front of a huge force, when meeting with which there is no salvation for the animal, either in fight or flight, there is only one chance - precisely in immobility, or to be unnoticed, since moving objects especially attract attention to themselves, or so as not to cause fussy, restless movements this crushing force of an aggressive, attacking reaction”*.

In another work, I. P. Pavlov says directly that "the so-called hypnosis of animals is real hypnosis, one of the transitional phases between wakefulness and sleep, it is inhibition, focusing mainly on the motor area of ​​the cortex" **.

The study of hypnosis in animals is important because it helps, to a certain extent, to approach the analysis of the mechanism of hypnosis in humans as well.

* Pavlov I.P. Poly. coll. soch., v. 3, book. 1. M,-L., 1951, p. 359,
** Pavlov I.P. Poly. coll. soch., v. 3, book. 2, M,-L., 1951, p. 57.

Modern psychological practice welcomes completely different methods of influence: consultations, art therapy and even hypnosis - video sessions with the correct use of hypnosis can even be viewed online.

However, before you begin to master the basics of real hypnosis, learn the secrets of the magnetic gaze and try to apply them in everyday life, remember some rules.

  1. Of course, in order to hypnotize a person, we you need to have his consent. The only way. Your ward must completely trust you, otherwise it will not be possible to establish contact.
  2. Use hypnosis only for positive purposes. Of course, it will not be difficult for a real professional to put a person into a state of hypnotic sleep in just 2 seconds. However, the use of hypnosis for medical and psychological purposes requires a special license. At home, we can bring a person into a state of superficial trance, when he begins to fully concentrate on his inner feelings. A similar practice is used by yogis.
  3. Remember the main rule is do no harm. Teach the person the right way to come out of hypnosis.

Hypnosis is an altered experience of consciousness.

It should not be confused with a dream. During hypnosis, the characteristics of the imagination are structured on the basis of suggestion. As you know, almost anyone can be hypnotized. Most susceptible to hypnosis is the one who is in a relaxed state. So, before you can hypnotize a person, you need to relax him. This process occurs in the first stage of hypnosis.

As soon as you establish contact with your client, ask him about his previous experience with hypnosis, and make sure that he is ready to follow your commands.

So, let's move on to the initial stage of hypnosis - relaxation. Ask a man take a comfortable position in a darkened room. Make sure that no one interferes with you in advance. For the transition to the relaxation stage, you need to prepare not only your partner, but also yourself. Namely - to pick up phrases with which you will immerse your ward in relaxation, train your voice, control intonation. You can learn all this on your own. Dig into the thematic literature, after which you will be able to operate with words and sentences that can relax any person.

However, to hypnotize a person, relaxation alone will not be enough. Gradually your voice should become more impressive, you will have to switch the partner's attention to immersion in hypnosis. The central feeling here is peace and tranquility. Your phrases should be inspiring, and your voice should sound monotonous and natural.

Hypnosis and getting out of it

The next step is hypnosis itself. In this state, a person loses the ability to look at things critically. At the same time, he will remember and realize everything. If you are not yet confident in your suggestion skills, try hypnotizing a cat.

There are different methods:

  • you can stroke the animal and it will be imbued with confidence in you and simply fall asleep;
  • you can use the moment of surprise and catch the animal during the jump, take it by the scruff of the neck and turn it over in the air;
  • use mechanical methods of influence: the cat looks at the washing machine or at the clock, etc.

There are plenty of videos out there on how to learn hypnosis. And you can try to hypnotize both animals and people. Remember that for every person individual phrases and methods work effects during hypnosis. However, never try to scare or commit any illegal act.

The fact that a person is immersed in a state of hypnosis, you will be notified by him even breathing and a peaceful look. Try to match the rhythm of his breathing. Don't speak too fast, but don't stretch your words either.

A relatively small step will be the exit from hypnosis. Take the man out slowly but surely. For example, count aloud to five and ask them to open their eyes. Be sure to emphasize that it was a positive experience and ask the person to share how they felt.

How to learn hypnosis: simple exercises

Sessions are sessions, but the question remains unsolved: how to learn hypnosis? This will help you simple dot exercises to be looked at every day.

Since the simplest method is gaze hypnotism, we will learn how to control it. Have you ever seen how a person can stop an intruder with one glance or pacify an angry animal? There is nothing fantastic in this, it just lends itself to such a skill as magnetic gaze. And it can be easily developed.

To start draw a dot on a piece of paper, whose diameter is two centimeters. Hang a piece of paper at a distance of 2-3 meters from your eyes. Concentrate your gaze on this point, try to look at it for 5 minutes without blinking. When you start to succeed, increase the time.

Further complicate the exercise- move around the room and look at the dot on the wall. If you suddenly have watery eyes, then continue to look at the point in a static position. Repeat the exercise every day and you will succeed. After a while, place several sheets of paper with dots drawn on them on the wall at once. After that, you need to focus on each point alternately.

Through daily exercises, you will learn to concentrate your gaze and be able to hypnotize a person to follow orders. Of course, the concept of an order is conditional - they must be understandable and simple. Don't force someone to do something you don't want for yourself.

Coursework on the topic of animal hypnosis and animal telepathy. Author - Evgenia Volchkova. Animal telepathy interested me when I observed the relationship with my dog ​​Gilda. I wondered how she could carry out my commands, which I did not say out loud, but only thought about them. And I began to look for scientific studies on this topic, which turned out to be not as much as I would like. All of them are presented in my work. And also you can read my practical part where I experimented with my dogs.

Chapter 1. From the history of the issue.
§ 1. General ideas about hypnosis.
- depth of hypnosis
- basic phases of hypnosis
- basic types of hypnosis
- hypnosis techniques
- mechanisms of hypnosis and suggestion
- the role of consciousness and attention in hypnosis and suggestion
Chapter 2

§ 1. Through the haze of mystery to the scientific approach

§ 2. Hypnosis of man and animal according to Pavlov
§ 3. The difference between hypnosis in humans and animals
- a state of hypnosis in a person
- animal hypnosis
- experiments on the study of animal hypnosis
Chapter 3
§ 1. Non-verbal methods of hypnosis - a method of mental suggestion
- scientific approach to telepathy
- what is telepathy
- the technique of transmitting thoughts at a distance
§ 2. Telepathy between man and animal
- impact at a distance
- mind reading
- communication
§ 3. Magical abilities of animals

- experiments
Chapter 4
§ 1. Telepathy
- general rules
- Experiment 1. Influence at a distance
- Experiment 2. Termination of unwanted actions
- Experiment 3. Recall
- Experiment 4. Stance
- some useful tips for beginner telepaths
- telepathy tests and exercises
§ 2. Hypnosis


Hypnosis as old as humanity itself. It was used by ministers of various cults to strengthen faith in "miraculous healings", to show various visions of a religious nature. Hypnosis is an integral part of the art of witchcraft and is used by sorcerers, healers, shamans of various countries and peoples. Whatever natural willpower a person has, he always runs the risk of submitting to the influence of another person, even less strong in spirit, but who has thoroughly studied the rules of hypnotization, personal influence, suggestion and self-hypnosis. To achieve the ability to hypnotize means to be able to attract, impose and inspire others with your thoughts and desires.

Cuneiform tablets found in the area between the Tigris and Euphrates testify that the oldest known cultural peoples of the world, the Sumerians, hypnosis was known as early as the fourth millennium before the birth of Christ, and they used it then in exactly the same way as it is done in our time. It is known that in ancient Egypt hypnosis was used as a therapeutic tool. So, in the papyrus of Ebers, whose age is three thousand years, the methods of using hypnosis by healers of that time are described. Egyptian priests were at the same time people's doctors. And the ancient Greeks knew hypnosis and temple sleep. The sick who came to the temple had to first adhere to a certain diet for some time. The next stage of preparation for their own treatment was fragrant baths and ritual ablutions. Hypnosis in the form of temple sleep persisted until the middle of the fourth century. Then the heritage of the priests began to gradually take over the hands of Christian monks, who were engaged in miraculous healings with the help of prayers, holy water, the relics of the holy great martyrs and the laying on of hands.

For a long time hypnosis remains a mystery, this is the main reason for the increased attention to this phenomenon. The haze of mystery still exists.

So, hypnosis is a state that is different in its manifestations from both wakefulness and natural sleep. Despite a significant number of works devoted to the identification of the physiological and psychological nature of hypnosis, the essence of the phenomenon of hypnosis itself is the subject of sharp scientific disputes, in which both the inconsistency of individual empirical facts and the vulnerability of theoretical positions are revealed. The separation from the union of psychology with medicine in such a direction as hypnology is, of course, a progressive phenomenon. We are still very far from revealing the nature of the phenomenon of hypnosis, despite important clues rooted in the system of Pavlovian ideas. At the same time, numerous data on hypnosis and suggestion do not raise doubts about the clinical reality and independence of this qualitatively special condition.

The meaning of hypnosis is well revealed in the statements of Charcot and Kubi: “Between the correct functioning of the organism and spontaneous disturbances caused by illness, hypnotism occupies an intermediate position and opens the way to experiment. A hypnotic state is nothing but an artificial or experimentally induced nervous state, the numerous manifestations of which arise or disappear depending on the need for investigation at the will of the observer. Considered in this way, hypnosis becomes a precious, inexhaustible source of research for both the physiologist and psychologist and the physician. "Hypnosis is at the intersection of all levels of physiological and psychological organization, and the phenomenon called hypnosis, when fully understood, will become one of the most important tools for the study of normal sleep, the normal state of wakefulness, and the constant interaction of normal, neurotic and psychotic processes."

Hypnosis has a rich past and is the source of most modern psychotherapeutic techniques and plays a primary role in psychopathology and experimental psychotherapy. Hypnosis is a changeable, elusive, elusive phenomenon, and yet it is real. All these qualities are sufficient to explain the interest that it causes. Hypnosis is a specialized psychiatric technique and as such it creates an aspect of the doctor-patient relationship. In psychiatric practice, hypnosis is an aid to research, diagnosis, and treatment. It may also be useful in other areas of medical research and practice.

In the animal world, cases of hypnosis are often observed in everyday life. Some invertebrates, under certain conditions, fall into a state resembling catalepsy. At the same time, some animals can hypnotically influence others. From a theoretical point of view, animal hypnosis raises above all the problem of biological significance. For I.P. Pavlova (1951), animal hypnosis is a self-preservation reflex: if the animal does not find salvation in fight or flight, it becomes immobile so as not to cause aggression of the attacking force with its movements. Freud (1951) puts it similarly: “The peculiarity of the hypnotic state lies in a kind of paralysis of the will and movements, which is the result of the influence of an omnipotent person on a helpless, defenseless subject; this feature brings us closer to hypnosis, which is caused in animals through fear.

The study of the nature of hypnosis has raised another issue. In their explanations, the authors gave preference to one or another aspect of the phenomena. Some considered the hypnotic state in terms of emotional shifts (fear, submission), others - in the neurophysiological aspect (tonic reflex, cortical inhibition). But none of these explanations seems to be satisfactory: they one-sidedly draw a hard line between mental and physical factors. A more synthetic approach to the problem was proposed by Schilder (1926). Attaching great importance to physiological factors, the author emphasizes that not only they should be taken into account, because it is still impossible to say with complete certainty that motor inhibition in animals is the result of only a change in the state of motor activity and is not associated with mental changes. This dual aspect can also be found in human hypnosis. However, more generally, Schilder believes that, despite the variations due to the difference in the structure of the brain, animal hypnosis and human hypnosis are identical. He opened a new perspective in explaining human hypnosis, linking motivational and somatic factors. The author believes that hypnosis is a regressive process that can be induced by physical (sensory-motor restrictions) or mental means. According to Kyubi, the situation of a person who is forced to fix one point with his eyes for a long time is similar to that in which an animal is located with a motionlessly fixed head. This argument establishes for the first time a connection between animal hypnosis and the hypnotic state of man "through the medium of the bodily apparatus vital for maintaining contact with the stimuli of the external world."

In animal hypnosis, the element of situation seems to be essential, that is, the changes that take place in the physical and emotional relationship between the animal and its environment. As a result of various manipulations, the animal obeys a certain "sensory restriction", to which it reacts, falling into a state of stupor, immobility (such a state can be interpreted as regressive). It should be noted that forcible immobility is not always sufficient to achieve hypnotic immobility. Sometimes this also requires placing the animal in an uncomfortable position, i.e. add to the forced immobility an unusual posture for the animal, which changes its “way of existence in the world” and causes “mental stress”.

Chapter 1. From the history of the issue

§ 1. General ideas about hypnosis

A person's signals from the subconscious are suppressed by a powerful consciousness, and he does not perceive the information coming to him from the outside world through the energy-information field. But during sleep or in a state of waking relaxation, the subconscious mind is liberated, and the brain can accept it. Usually it comes from close people, beloved animals, especially in moments of crisis for them, with high mental stress.

Technique for transmitting thoughts at a distance

The inductor is tuned to a specific person or animal and transmits certain signals to him. Here, the tuning algorithm for the perception of weak energy-information signals is very important, the tuning in for the perception of which can only be done internally. The circle shown in the figure with a star and a triangle will help in this. All colors have their own meaning and carry a deep content:

Blue color is the color of comprehension of truth, music, sky. The symbol of the Cosmic Spirit descending to Earth to give strength. This is the channel we constantly use to recharge;

The light green color of the seven-pointed star is the color of wisdom, knowledge, a symbol of eternity and rebirth;

White is the color of purity, purification, clarity.

To learn how to transfer thoughts, one should practice a lot and sincerely believe in such a possibility. In addition, it is necessary to have inner self-control. It is better to start with close people:

each retires to a separate room. Within 15 min. you send thoughts, then the partner answers you. It is necessary to take a comfortable position, close your eyes and enter a state of waking relaxation. Imagine a visual image of a partner. Slowly, calmly open your eyes and observe a seven-pointed star with a white triangle against a blue background. Try to imagine, see it brightly, figuratively and follow the change in colors. They will start to show up. Weak at first, then brighter. Now you can send your thoughts in the form of images.

§ 2.Telepathy between man and animal

Higher animals, like humans, have a brain consisting of a limbic system and a neocortex (the difference is only in the volume of its parts), and a nervous system that permeates their entire body. Their sensory and motor skills are similar to ours, they show feelings, although they often express them differently than we do. They even dream at night, as scientific studies have proven. Therefore, animals may also emit signals from the brain and nervous system in the form of amplitude modulated radiation of cosmic energy, which can be received by a parapsychologist, or themselves be able to receive these signals radiated to them for the purpose of influence at a distance.

According to the practical information that has been obtained in this regard by parapsychologists around the world, there is definitely the possibility of telepathic contacts between man and animal. And just as in telepathy between people, we distinguish here:

Impact at a distance

mind reading

Communication (communication).

There is no need for preparatory exercises before establishing telepathic contacts with animals, that is, they obey the same laws as telepathy between people.

Influence at a distance

Telepathic interventions are also possible in the autonomic structures of animals, and many healers in this way cause "miracles" in animals that a veterinarian could not help. Radiation by a trained parapsychologist through his activated frontal chakra in the form of amplitude-modulated cosmic energy waves and figuratively designed inspiring orders are received by a "receiver" - an animal of any kind - through his parietal chakra. From there, they enter through the appropriate nadis into those (predetermined by the type of suggestive order) cortical or subcortical regions of the brain in which they, converted into neural excitations, become active.

If we want to carry out experiments on the effects on animals at a distance, then we act in principle in the same way as in the case of exposure or treatment at a distance of people:

We tune in by working out an imaginary likeness to their wavelength;

We formulate the content of thought transmission as a vivid and lively image, and not as a verbal command;

We radiate it simultaneously and sequentially through our activated forehead chakra.

mind reading

I know from my own experience that between me and the animals that I love and that are attached to me, during separation there is an immediate contact or a mysterious and inexplicable connection if they are in danger. So twice I heard my dog's call very clearly when I was on a trip. Upon my return, I learned that my dog ​​was sick.

Spontaneous telepathy : in an extreme stressful situation, even a non-parapsychologist can emit such intense cosmic-energetic mental impulses that they can be perceived by an emotionally ready "receiver". But, with the involuntary transmission of thoughts, we are not talking about reading thoughts in a telepathic sense, but more about spontaneous telepathy. The existence of this spiritual way of communication between people and animals convincingly confirms that animals, just like people, radiate the information content of their neural processes in the form of amplitude-modulated cosmic energy wave fields. If their life proceeds within normal limits, then the intensity of the transmitted radiation of cosmic energy is slightly less than during stressful situations. But just like the radiation of cosmic energy, it can be received by every trained parapsychologist, as soon as he concentrates on the "transmitter" animal. Or, on the condition of a close emotional connection with the "transmitter" animal, it is always ready to receive its mental impulses.

The mental images and information conveyed telepathically by animals are non-verbal in nature: animals think - like members of the "primitive" human races - mainly in images and feelings.

So, we read the thoughts of animals due to the fact that we spiritually tune in to the wavelength of the cosmic energy unconsciously (or consciously) sent by them, perceive them with our activated parietal chakra, then direct them through the nadi connection to our frontal cortex and there we transform by demodulation again into what they were originally: into images and feelings. Along with figurative and sensory information from the cortical region (or verbal information), we can also receive information from the subcortical regions and the entire nervous system (such as pain signals or information about the states of autonomous regulatory processes).


The parapsychologist telepathically projects the contents of his share of the conversation through his forehead chakra directly into the consciousness of his animal partner and receives his animal partner's share of the conversation with the parietal chakra, making sense of this conversation through mind reading.

§ 3.Magical abilities of animals

Many insects emit special "signals" that help their brethren and individuals of the opposite sex to find them. The author of the book "Informatiology" I. Yuzvishin writes: "The bioenergetic field surrounding all living objects has a certain frequency. In people with a similar genetic code, these frequencies coincide, so telepathy between relatives is much more common. But when people or animals are in contact, their biofields usually pick up the same frequency signals from technical structures, one or another of which is always located near us.Therefore, their fields to some extent "superimpose" and "tune" to each other.

Back in the last century, Professor Gregory of the University of Edinburgh reported on the experiments of the French researcher Bekua, who experimented with snails. The scientist took 50 snails, divided them into pairs and isolated the pairs from each other. After some time, having marked the shells of each pair with the same letter, the researcher sent one snail from each pair to America. Then, at a certain time, the Parisian snail was subjected to an electric current. And got absolutely amazing results. At that moment, when the "Parisian" received an electric shock, her half, located in America, also reacted to this shock. Despite such a huge distance!

At mice also has psychic abilities. French scientists Duval and Montredon conducted tests for premonition in mice and got a positive result. Mice were placed in a cage with two compartments, to the floor of which current could be supplied. At certain moments, chosen randomly, an electric discharge was sent to one or another compartment of the cage. Mice in most cases were in the compartment in which there would be no discharge this time.

In France, they set up such an experiment. Twenty dogs taken hundreds of kilometers away and released. Their owners, meanwhile, moved to other places. And the dogs came straight to them.

In London, there is a case of dove, who was also taken far away, and the owner, who unexpectedly fell ill, was placed in a hospital. The dove sat exactly on the window of the ward where its owner was.

cats able to sense an earthquake. According to research, cats pick up the electrostatic changes in the atmosphere that accompany it. In ancient times, cats guarded houses and monasteries. In many countries, cats are sacred animals, they are a symbol of the hearth and fertility, feminine energies, sensual beauty, and yin energies. In the papyri of Ancient Egypt it is written: "When you think, she hears you, even if you do not utter a word. With the look of God, she reads your thoughts in you." Cats feel the different moods of their owner, being an "emotional barometer". They are able to feel the subtle energy fields of a person and "heal" him by lying on the diseased parts of the body. And also to anticipate the return of the owner long before his real appearance. The ancients believed that cats were able to both read human thoughts and determine the intentions of invisible beings: spirits, ghosts. A cat is capable of becoming a medium: experiments were carried out at seances: a domestic cat was let into the room where the spirit of a dead person was called. If the spirit appeared, the animal first began to get nervous, wag its tail, then froze in place. When infused with a spirit, it could jump on its knees to the person whom the deceased loved, or it could cling to the face of his enemy. Since ancient times, witches have used black cats as magical allies. Black cats perfectly absorb and transform negative energy and therefore were considered excellent protectors. Even in past centuries, among the sailors of merchant ships, the opinion was firmly rooted that, thanks to telepathic information, cats know exactly the time of departure of their ship from a foreign port. They allegedly receive this information from the sailors due to their telepathic abilities. Cats constantly keep in touch with their owner, wherever he is. And if something happens to the owner, the cats are very worried. They may even die as a result of the stress experienced. For example, such a case is known:

“when the French Minister of Trade Maurice Kokanovski in early September 1928. died in a plane crash, at the same time in terrible agony and convulsions, his beloved cat died in Paris. An autopsy of the cat's corpse did not reveal any disease that could have been the cause of death."

Crow was considered a harbinger of death or bad news (a bad omen has survived to this day: if crows croak, be in trouble).

Bat is a symbol of transformation. Vampires were able to turn into bats. Bat blood has been used in many witchcraft potions, including love magic.

owls they wrote magical books with feathers, these birds helped to gain secret knowledge, revealed the gift of foresight, and served as protectors.

WITH wolves And foxes related legends about werewolves.

And if white horse lead at midnight to the full moon in the cemetery, she is able to identify the grave of a vampire. Next to her, the animal begins to buck and neigh heart-rendingly.

Dolphin was considered a messenger of sea deities. He usually warned sailors of shipwrecks and rescued those who were drowning. By the way, dolphins are able to communicate even with people who are in an extreme situation. Rescued sailors say that dolphins "broadcast" pictures into their brains about where the land is, what happened to the ship. This is possible, because these mammals communicate with each other in the ultrasonic range and are able to transmit information over long distances.

There were also rituals that allowed sorcerers and witches to move into the body of an animal. In Africa, voodoo sorcerers (bruho) mixed their blood with the blood of the patron animal for this: leopard, lizard or eagle. After that, they allegedly could see with the eyes of an animal everything that happened many kilometers away from them, they were even able to kill in the guise of a beast. However, it was believed that if a magical animal was killed, its owner, a person, would also die.

As proof that a telepathic connection exists between animals and humans, the following experiment can be carried out with a dog:

within 15 - 20 minutes it is necessary to persistently and clearly imagine that, for example, a cat is sitting motionless in the corner of the room, that is, imagine its image. At the same time, you should try to remain calm. The dog, which has so far been impassive in its place in the same room, will begin to feel the presence of the animal imagined by the person, thereby causing the manifestation of distinct signs of anger or malice.

§ 4. Experiments by V.L. Durov and V.M. Bekhterev on suggestion and telepathy on animals

In 1921 V.M. Bekhterev together with the famous animal trainer V.L. Durov conducted experiments of mental suggestion to trained dogs of pre-conceived actions.

Close contact with the animal world throughout his life, the famous Soviet zoopsychologist, circus performer V.L. Durov repeatedly observed in animals (dogs, lions, bears, etc.) the ability to understand a person's thoughts at a distance, to obey his mental orders. He widely used this tool in training.

In 1880, Durov discovered, and subsequently studied in detail, the amazing ability of an animal to understand (catch, perceive) the mental orders of a person without words and other visible or audible signals. The method of emotional training he created is a lever for controlling the behavior of animals in the hands of a person. Let us consider here how this tool can be used to solve parapsychological problems, namely, the experimental study of telepathy, one of the forms of extrasensory perception.

In his first observations, and in subsequent long-term experimental work, studying the behavior of animals during the transmission of mental suggestion, V.L. Durov attached great importance to the power of the human gaze directed into the eyes of an animal or "somewhere deeper than the eyes - into the brain of an animal." More than once he tested the power of his gaze and became convinced of the "strange" effect of this power on the animal.

Durov did not formulate his orders - as is customary when influencing people at a distance - as mental-verbal commands, but tried to a greater extent to achieve the appearance in the brain of the corresponding animal of a vivid, vivid image of the expected action from him. The closer was the telepathic connection between him and the dog, the more consistently she carried out the orders telepathically given to her.

In a number of experiments, the animals were deliberately separated from the experimenter; they were in another laboratory room at a considerable distance from V.L. Durov. Durov achieved that the animal at a great distance perceived his mental transmission. He also established the patterns of such mental transmissions. So, by the beginning of 1921 in the zoopsychological laboratory V.L. Durov for 20 months, 1278 experiments of mental suggestion to dogs were carried out, including 696 successful and 582 unsuccessful. Moscow State University G.A. Kozhevnikov (a great skeptic in relation to telepathy) and he personally delivered to the review of prof. mathematicians of Moscow State University L.K. Lakhtin, who confirmed the low probability of randomness of the obtained results: "... the answers of the dog were not a matter of chance, but depended on the influence of the experimenters on it."


Experiments with dogs showed one important pattern. To enhance the transmission of mental suggestion to an animal, it is not necessary that the transmission be carried out by a trainer. Another person can do it too. However, it is necessary that this person knows and applies the method of transmission established by the trainer of this animal. It should be noted that the experiments were carried out with dogs that have certain changes in the psyche that occur after special training. Here is an example of a method for transmitting a mental "order" to an animal for motor actions, told by V.L. Durov in 1922:

"I am alone, let's say with the dog Mars, as they say, eye to eye. No one and nothing interferes with us: complete isolation from the outside world. I look into the eyes of Mars, or, rather, into the depths of the eyes, deeper than the eyes. I produce passes, i.e. lightly stroking with my hands on the sides of the head from above the muzzle and up to the shoulders of the dog, slightly touching the coat. With these actions, I make Mars half-close his eyes. The dog stretches the muzzle almost vertically upwards, as if falling into a trance. My passes are chosen the dog has all the rest of the will, and in this state it is, as it were, a part of my inner "I". A connection or "psychic contact" has already been established between my thoughts and the subconscious of Mars. At the same time, in my imagination I try to clearly imagine the object of thought transmission, sensations, orders: an object or an action (and I don’t imagine the words, as such, denoting them.) I look through the eyes, as it were, into the dog’s brain and imagine, for example, not the word “go”, but a motor action with which the dog must complete the mental task. At the same time, I vividly imagine the direction and the very path along which the dog should go, as if imprinting in my brain and in her brain the distinguishing features along this path in the order of their location along the forthcoming path of the dog (these can be cracks, a stain on the floor, an occasional cigarette butt or another small object, etc.) and, finally, the place where the intended object lies, and in particular the object itself in its distinctive features (in shape, color, position among other objects, etc.). Only now I give a mental "order", as if a push in the brain: "go" - and step aside, opening the way for the dog to fulfill. The half-sedated consciousness of the dog, in which the thought, picture, motor action, etc., transmitted by me, the “order”, is imprinted, makes him perform the perceived task unquestioningly (without internal resistance) as if he had fulfilled his most natural impulse, received from his own central nervous system. And after the execution, the dog shakes himself off and obviously rejoices, as if from the consciousness of his intention successfully fulfilled.

Classical in the study of telepathy and suggestion are those described by Academician V.M. Bekhterev six experiments on the trained dog Pikki (1919). In four experiments, V.L. Durov, and in the other two - the academician himself, and he did not tell anyone about his mental task before the experiment. The experiments took place in the Leningrad apartment of V.M. Bekhterev, that is, in an environment unusual for the experimental animal. Doctors who worked together with Bekhterev also participated in the experiments. Here is what V.M. Bekhterev:

“The third experiment is as follows: the dog must jump onto the pre-piano round chair and hit the right side of the piano keyboard with its paw. And here is the dog Pikki in front of Durov. He looks into her eyes with concentration, wraps his hands around her muzzle for a while. which Pikki remains motionless, but, being freed, rushes swiftly to the piano, jumps up on a round chair, and from a paw strike on the right side of the keyboard, several treble notes are heard.In the fourth experiment, the dog had, after a well-known suggestion procedure, chairs that stood against the wall of the room, and then, rising to a nearby round table, scratch with his paw a large portrait hanging on the wall above the table. It would seem that this complex action is not so easy for a dog to perform. procedures (Durov concentratedly looked into the dog's eyes for several seconds) Pikki jumped down from his chair, ran to a chair standing against the wall, then with the same speed jumped up on a round table, and, rising on his hind legs, took out a portrait with his right forelimb and began to scratch him with his claws ... If we take into account that both last experiments were carried out on a task known only to me and Durov, and that I was always next to Durov and relentlessly watched both him and the dog, then it is impossible there was doubt about the dog's ability to perform any complex action. In order to have complete confidence, I decided to do a similar experiment myself, without telling anyone what I was thinking. My task was to get the dog to jump onto a nearby round table and sit on it. Focusing on the shape of the round table, I look the dog in the eyes for a while, after which it rushes headlong from me and starts running around the table. The experiment failed and I understood why: I focused exclusively on the shape of the round table, losing sight of the fact that my concentration should begin by moving the dog to the round chair and then jumping on it. In view of this, I decided to repeat the experiment, not telling anyone about my mistake and correcting myself in the above sense. I put the dog back on the chair, clasping its muzzle with both hands, I begin to think that it should run up to the round chair and, jumping up on it, sit down. Then I release the dog and before I have time to look around, he is already sitting on a round chair. Pikki guessed my "order" without the slightest difficulty. .. I do not make any special explanations for the experiments carried out. In themselves, these experiences are so striking that they deserve attention regardless of this or that commentary. The conditions under which the experiments were carried out rule out any assumption that the animal, when suggesting, uses any signs unnoticed by the experimenter himself. As for the last two experiments, they not only dispel all doubts on this score, but give grounds for assuming the possibility of transmitting the mental influence of one individual to another with the help of some kind of radiant energy.

At the beginning of the century, when radio had just been discovered, telepathy was explained as the result of an electromagnetic interaction between objects. Researchers built shielded chambers (Faraday cages) and searched hard for the frequency range in electromagnetic radiation that underlies telepathy. Fashion did not bypass Durov's laboratory, where they also conducted such experiments together with engineer B.B. Kazinsky, who is actively developing the electromagnetic hypothesis of telepathy - as biological radio communication.

Experiments were carried out in Durov's laboratory to test his hypothesis. Several shielding chambers were built for animal experiments. Based on these experiments, B.B. Kazinsky came to the conclusion that the basis of telepathy is electromagnetic radiation. Here, however, it should be recalled that Prof. L.L. Vasiliev in his experiments showed that shielding the experimenter from the subject with metal does not prevent the realization of the telepathic phenomenon. Research work in the laboratory of V.L. Durova walked intensively. By the time of V.L. Durov (August 3, 1934), the number of experiments with mental suggestion to animals exceeded 10 thousand, and a wealth of experimental material was accumulated. Here is a description of an experiment conducted with the participation of academician Bekhterev in a zoopsychological laboratory in 1926:

“The task was that the experimenter V.L. Durov must give the dog Mars a mental "order" to bark a certain number of times. V.L. Durov is with other employees in the laboratory hall. Prof. A.V. Leontovich leads the dog into another room, separated from the hall by two intermediate rooms. Doors between these rooms A.V. Leontovich tightly closes behind him in order to achieve complete sound isolation of the dog from the experimenter. V.L. Durov starts the experiment. V.M. Bekhterev hands him a piece of paper folded in half, on which the well-known number 14 is written to Bekhterev alone. Looking at the sheet, V.L. Durov shrugged. Then he took a pencil out of his blouse pocket, wrote something on the back of the sheet, and putting the sheet and pencil in his pocket, set to work. With his arms folded across his chest, he looks ahead of him. Five minutes pass. V.L. Durov in a free position sits on a chair. After that, A.V. appears. Leontovich, accompanied by a dog, makes the following message: “Having come with me to the back room, Mars lay down on the floor. Then he soon got up on his front paws, pricked up his ears, as if listening, and began to bark. Having barked seven times, Mars again lay down on the floor. I already thought that the experiment was over and wanted to leave the room with him, when suddenly I see: Mars again got up on his front paws and again barked exactly seven times. Leontovich. Everyone saw the number 14 on one side of the sheet, on the other there were signs added by Durov’s hand: 7 + 7. Excited, the great tamer explained: Vladimir Mikhailovich (Bekhterev) gave me the task of inspiring Mars to bark 14 times. But you know what to convey the number of barks is more than seven, I don’t recommend it myself. I decided: in my mind to split the given number in half - as if into two tasks, and conveyed the feeling of barking, first seven times, and then, after a pause, seven more times. In that order Mars barked." Everyone was stunned by what they saw. Even prof. G.A. Kozhevnikov was forced to admit that "it turned out exactly as if a Morse telegraph code had been transmitted: seven dots, a pause and seven more dots."

Another example of an experiment on the transmission of mental "orders" by V.L. Durov dog Mars:

“Except for V.L. Durov, professors A.V. Leontovich, G.A. Kozhevnikov, G.I. Chelpanov and zoologist I.A. A lion. B.B. Kazinsky kept a record of the progress of the experiments. The experience in question was very important from the point of view of proving not only the perception by Mars of the mental information transmitted to him by V.L. Durov, but the circumstances are no less remarkable in another fundamental respect. It consists in the fact that, having perceived a thought, sensation, or emotion that has come from outside, the animal experiences it as its own and acts as it does under the command of its normal impulse sent by its own brain through the elements of its nervous system to one or another executive apparatus. his own body. Many questioned precisely this important detail in the phenomena of telepathy. For example, present at the same experience, prof. G.A. Kozhevnikov, generally inclined to skepticism in matters of transmitting mental information at a distance, argued that if a trained dog perceives something during experiments of mental suggestion, then it performs the task received only as an artist playing his role in the play. At the same time, all the movements of the dog are, as it were, forced and alien to it, devoid of its own emotions and experiences. For V.L. Durov, such a statement sounded like a monstrous distortion of reality. Despite the late hour (it was well after midnight), he immediately offered to do the experiment and excitedly began to discuss the conditions for its implementation. By common agreement, it was decided to use a dog named Mars. The experiment had to take place in unusual conditions for the animal. Durov himself suggested G.A. Kozhevnikov, together with him, go around the laboratory room in order to find some unusual object for the dog to carry. Both left the laboratory hall (where B.B. Kazhinskiy and his dog Mars were staying) into the spacious vestibule. He watched them through the crack of the half-open door. After standing for a minute, Durov and Kozhevnikov glanced around at the objects standing around in sequential order: against one wall of the lobby there was a cabinet with a rag lying on it, next to it was a glacier, a mirror table with numerous headdresses on it, at the other - a tall round telephone table. On the table is a telephone and three subscriber books of different years of publication and different sizes, one of which was thicker than the others, more like notepads. Neither Durov nor Kozhevnikov came close to any of these tables and did not touch the objects. Having chosen the object of the future task (the phone book, as it turned out later), both of them returned to the hall.

Here is a record of the course of this experiment, made in more detail in a special act dated 11/17/1922 signed by V.L. Durov and B.B. Kazinsky:

"On the initiative of V.L. Durov, Prof. G.A. Kozhevnikov gives V.L. Durov the task of suggesting to the dog Mars the following actions: leave the living room in the hallway, go to the table with the telephone, pick up the address phone book in his teeth and bring it to the living room. Prof. Kozhevnikov first proposed to close the door to the hall and force Mars to open it, but this proposal was rejected and put aside. The experiment began by instilling V. L. Durov in Mars in the usual way. The door to the hall was open. After a half-minute fixation Mars rushed to the middle of the room with his eyes (i.e., the task was not completed. V. L. Durov puts Mars back on the chair, holds his muzzle in his hands, fixes it for half a minute and releases. Mars goes to the door leading to the hall, and wants her close (i.e. task not completed).For the third time, V.L.Durov puts Mars on a chair and after half a minute releases him again.Mars rushes to the front, rises on his hind legs at the locker, but finding nothing on it, falls , approaches the mirror table, rises again on his hind legs, looking for something on the mirror table, and although there were various objects, he lowers himself again, without taking anything, goes to the telephone table, rises on his hind legs, takes out a telephone book with his teeth and brings her to the living room. In addition to the telephone book, there were also alphabet books on the same table, and there was a telephone set. Despite two failed attempts, the researchers considered the experiment a brilliant success. During the experiment, everyone was in the living room. The dog was alone in the front. Her actions were observed by Prof. Kozhevnikov through the crack of the open door. V.L. Durov was in the living room out of sight of the dog. Later, in the book Animal Training, Durov wrote about one of the cases: “Suppose that an associative reflex is established, often repeated (sitting in a chair, fixation) makes the dog jump off the chair and want to do something. Let's suppose that I gave her the right direction by an involuntary movement. By a guess, the dog guessed (seeing the half-open door and being turned back if he wanted to close it) that it was necessary to enter another room through it, but as for the further behavior of Mars, I cannot make any assumptions. This is where the mysterious part begins. There was no one in the adjoining room. The dog could not see us. Prof. Kozhevnikov watched through the half-open gap and saw how Mars passed by the mirror with things lying on it, past the glacier, another table with things, and, finally, saw how Mars went to the telephone table, took the plan from three books. I ask myself the question: can foresight play any role in this case? Could Mars have guessed to fulfill the task on the basis of any previous similar actions? This experiment with Mars was, after all, the first time that a dog was instructed to enter another room and complete a task there. The books lying on the telephone table she could see every day, but she never had to pick them up in her teeth. I can't find answers to all these questions. I can’t admit a coincidence in any way, because the tasks were not homogeneous, except for the established reflex to apport, i.e. take and bring, but even this habitual serrated action in some experiments on a mental task was modified.

Opinion V.L. Durov that an emotional reflex inspired by an animal evokes in the animal its own association of ideas and movements is especially important for explaining the "mechanics" of the sequence of a series of animal movements that ultimately leads to the fulfillment of the mental task of the experimenter.

After Durov's death, no one else in the world conducted research on telepathy and other manifestations of extrasensory perception in animals on such a scale, depth and systematicity. The above descriptions show that the experiments do not require any complex ultra-modern equipment and violence against animals. Of particular interest is the development of suggestion methods. As noted by V.L. Durov, the most interesting thing is that both the animal and man reproduce the movements conceived by man as their own associations of ideas and movements, like an "order" from your own brain.

Chapter 4

I have been experimenting with telepathic communication with my dog. The experiment consisted of the dog going through a general training course and applying the knowledge gained by the dog at the level of thought transfer and hypnosis.

§ 1.Telepathy

General rules

At telepathy the most essential is establishing rapport, that is, the closeness between man and dog. The better you feel the dog, the easier it is to convey the imagined image and get in touch with it.

To establish rapport with a dog, it is necessary to develop signal system. That is, at first all actions are carried out at the physical level, and only then - mentally. Of course, not every dog ​​is the same. Depending on the dog and the contact established with it, the connection can occur either very quickly or not at all. People also have different opportunities. It all depends on the ability to vividly and clearly present the desired image. The more imaginative thinking is developed in a person, the better he will be able to establish rapport with a dog.

Experiment #1

The dog slept lying on the floor while I sat in the chair about three meters away. I concentrated on her back and thought that she should feel a prick there. After about 15 minutes, the dog jumped up, as if stung, and looked at me with fear.

Experiment #2

Let's say a dog grabs something unwanted on the street and I want him to throw it away. To do this, you need to imagine an image, for example, of a stone, and mentally throw it at her. In this case, the image should be bright. A person must feel this blow against the dog, convey this feeling to her. The dog catches this sensation and does not understand where it comes from.

Of course, the result is not achieved immediately. Training needed. You need to start with the development of a system of signals, that is, we teach the dog not to pick up from the ground by switching attention. In the future, we begin to combine physical contact and mental. That is, to begin with, close contact with the dog is necessary, in order to reinforce it with physical action in case of failure, in the future the distance does not matter. At first, all actions are performed sequentially and slowly: mentally you throw a stone, you feel the stone itself, the throw, the hit and the result. It is important to keep all these sensations in mind. Then this process is compressed and occurs instantly. It turns out the generated image.

Experiment #3

For this action, it is necessary to mentally pull the dog on a leash with jerks. That is, imagine the image of a leash, a jerk, a movement and a result. At the same time, you can even feel how the dog rests.

We also start with working out the system of signals and train to the ability to convey this command mentally.

Experiment #4

Telepathic communication can be used when working at an exhibition, when you need to beautifully put the dog in the rack. To do this, one must mentally very clearly imagine the image of the dog's stance and convey it to her. You can also imagine a toy, a cat, or something outside the ring to get the dog's attention.

I tried to analyze my behavior and the behavior of my dog ​​in the process of telepathic communication and identify those points that will help to establish a closer telepathic connection with the animal. Here they are:

1. Talk to your dog. You need to talk to animals the same way you talk to people, then a closer relationship will be established between you and your dog. The most necessary thing for communicating with an animal is love. Tell him how much he means to you. Having said everything, sit down and wait if you have thoughts in response. If you do this regularly, then soon your relationship will become closer and closer. You will learn to exchange thoughts and ideas.

2. Language of the body. Animals communicate with each other using an eloquent combination of body language, sounds and mental pictures, i.e. directly from mind to mind. Paying attention to the body language of your dog, you must also remember about your own gestures. For example, crossed arms are a defensive gesture and usually block telepathic communication.

3. Avoid stress. When trying to establish a telepathic connection, neither you nor your dog should be under stress. It is better not to conduct the experiment several times in a row, but to stop while all participants are still cheerful and interested.

4. Communication with a dog. You can communicate with your dog through words or just by thinking about what you want to tell him. In this case, it is better to recommend certain actions to the dog than to prohibit something. Don't talk down or talk down. It is better to formulate the request in normal everyday language. If the dog is reluctant to listen to the request, you need to repeat it, looking directly into her eyes. You need to take her head in your hands and not let her look away.

5. Listen to what your dog has to say. To hear a dog, it is important to be receptive. As you pet your dog, think about your mutual love and listen carefully to the thoughts that come to your mind. It can be distinct images or just ideas. The answer may not be a picture in your mind, but a feeling in your heart. Be impartial and open to incoming thoughts. It doesn't matter what form the communication takes (whether it be thoughts, feelings, emotions, or sudden knowledge), the main thing is that you communicate with your dog and understand each other. Sometimes the message seems fuzzy or doesn't get through at all. It can be helpful to close your eyes when petting your dog. When you turn off one sense organ, all the others become aggravated.

6. Practice, practice and practice again. It takes time to learn to accept your pet's thoughts well. Be patient and don't try to move forward too fast.

Telepathy tests and exercises

Here are some tests I have done on my dog ​​that anyone can repeat. There is no need to engage in these experiments for many hours in a row, because. their success will drop when the dog gets tired and loses interest. The optimal duration of the lesson is about 20 minutes. Classes should be short but regular. It is very important to reward the dog when he succeeds.

Test "Let's go for a walk ?!"

For this test, you should sit in a room where there is no dog, close your eyes and think that you are going for a walk with her. It is vivid to imagine how you are going for a walk, how you cross the threshold of the house, how you walk along the street. You can draw in your imagination how your dog usually behaves at the beginning of the walk. The dog may come running, happily wagging its tail, even before the thought has finally taken shape. This test should not be done at a time when you would normally walk your dog. The walk will be the reward for success in the test. In this experiment, you can use any actions that your dog likes.

Test "Unusual route"

When walking with a dog, you need to think about some place where you would like to go, about a place where you do not often visit, clearly draw it in your imagination. Without giving your dog any verbal or non-verbal cues, see if he turns in the right direction.

Test "What do you want?"

This is a rather difficult test. You need to sit down, close your eyes and mentally ask the dog what she would like to do. Perhaps the dog will immediately appear in front of you. At the same time, an image of the occupation that the dog has chosen may appear in the mind. If the image does not arise, you should watch the dog - he can suggest in some way what he wants.

Test "Search"

If the dog has a favorite toy, hide it when the dog is away. Then you need to call the dog and ask him to find a toy. If the toy has a specific spot, the dog will go there first. It is necessary to mentally imagine the place where the toy is hidden and send these thoughts to the dog, lead it to the object step by step with the help of telepathy. When she finds a toy, play with it. Repeat no more than 1 time per day. So that the dog is not guided by the smell, you can seal the item in a bag.

Test "Go wash"

My dog ​​doesn't like to bathe and tries to hide whenever he needs to be washed. You can conduct the following experiment if the dog does not like to do something. The dog is out of sight. You need to sit down, close your eyes and think about the actions that the animal does not like. Then call the dog and see if he comes. If she does not come or comes, showing how unhappy she is, then the experiment was a success. If the dog comes running in a good mood, then it didn’t work out.

§ 2.Hypnosis

Here is an example of working with a nervous, impulsive and easily excitable dog.

Here the most important role is played voice intonation. The voice should be calm, monotonous, a certain song rhythm is repeated (as in a lullaby): “good dog, you are doing everything well”, etc.

Thus, rapport is established, attention is switched entirely to me. This is achieved by voice, stroking, a shiny object in front of the dog's muzzle, monotonously swaying. When the dog has already entered the hypnotic state, we focus on the action that we expect from him, for example, the “Near” command. We select the “Next” command with a voice, while pronouncing the words-signals: “what a fine fellow, how beautiful”, etc. The dog calms down, I amplify the one signal I need, remove everything else and work on a clean signal. It is very important to choose the right tone, since for one dog it is one, for another it is different.


So, speaking of the hypnosis of animals, one must take into account the lack of a second signaling system in them, which is responsible for speech, where the word is perceived not just as a sound stimulus, but as a specific concept with a semantic meaning. Therefore, verbal hypnosis of an animal is impossible. But this does not mean that hypnosis of animals is impossible at all. It is possible, but in a different way, by transferring images. Thus, the ways of hypnosis are different, but the result is the same. The only drawback can be that figurative thinking can be developed worse than verbal, and if with human hypnosis we can use all available methods, then with animal hypnosis only those that are not verbal.

In summary, it should be noted that animal hypnosis is a behavior characterized by immobility and regressive torpor. Such behavior can be achieved in various ways by placing the animal in an unusual position or situation that changes the normal implementation of sensorimotor and emotional contacts with the outside world. The higher an animal ranks in the phylogenetic series, the greater the role played by emotional factors in the emergence of a hypnotic state (in elementary form, they certainly occur in lower animals as well). For humans, sensory limitation as such is also of great importance. Every living being needs constant contact with the outside world, and if contact is interrupted or changed, the being in question may experience a reaction of a regressive type. This occurs both in animal hypnosis and in human hypnosis, and it is on this generality of situations that the basic similarity of the two forms of hypnosis rests.

Human hypnosis still does not have a satisfactory theoretical explanation, which is why the study of animal hypnosis seems to be a useful "return to the sources". The study of animal behavior is valuable mainly for understanding the nature of man's instinctive drives. Being simpler and more accessible for experimentation, animal hypnosis can be one of the ways to study the problems of human hypnosis.

In conclusion, I want to draw attention to the fact that we are all a little psychics. Each of us happened to show paranormal abilities without even realizing it or writing it off as a coincidence. We often use our intuition without even realizing it. Information constantly comes to us through all the senses. It is likely that when exchanging messages of love with their pet, some do not even realize it. The dog is a born psychic. It does not turn these abilities on or off. They are always with her, and the animal effectively uses them in everyday life. And if you give free rein to your intuition, then the connection between the animal and the person will begin to strengthen. First of all, when communicating with an animal, you need to love and respect it. You need to practice the art of listening to what the animals have to say. You must be able to fully focus your attention on the animal with which you work. And no matter how good the current relationship is, after you have established a telepathic connection with the animal, they will rise to a whole new level. This connection will be beneficial in everyday life and will allow you to maintain close communication, even if you are separated by thousands of miles. By developing a close intuitive connection with your pet, you will be better able to detect changes in his behavior. But don't expect miracles to happen right away. With the help of your four-legged friend, you will be able to appreciate the worldview of animals, their amazing sensory abilities, as well as an incredibly strong sixth sense. You will also unlock and release your own intuition. And all you need is to listen and love your pet.


1. Krivolapchuk N.D. A dog that does not need to be afraid. M.-S.-P.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2003.

2. Shertok L. Hypnosis. M.: Sampo, 2002.

3. Kandyba V.M. Emotional hypnosis as a scientific phenomenon. M.: 1997.

4. Bekhterev V.M. About experiments on the "mental" influence on the behavior of animals // Questions of studying and educating the personality. P.: 1920, Issue 2.

5. Bekhterev V.M. On the experiments of mental influence on the behavior of animals. Report made at the conference on the study of the brain and mental activity. November 1919.

6. Vasiliev L.L. Experimental study of mental suggestion. L.: Ed. Leningrad State University, 1962.

7. Durov V.L. My four-legged and feathered friends. Zoopsychological essay. M.: 1914.

8. Durov V.L. Animal training. Psychological observations on animals trained according to my method (40 years of experience). New in zoopsychology. M.: 1924.

9. Vatsuro E. G. I. P. Pavlov’s teaching on higher nervous activity. Moscow: Uchpedgiz, 1955.

10. Methods of physiological research acad. IP Pavlov and his school. Issue. 2nd: Methods of studying conditioned reflexes. Moscow: AMS USSR, 1952.

11. Detlefin T. Fate as a chance. K.-M.-S.-P.: Sofia, 2003.

12. Webster R. Is your animal a psychic? How to establish telepathic communication with your four-legged friend. M.: Sofia, 2003.

13. Andreev O.A. Clear mind training and sleep management. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2003.

performance judge

Volchkova Evgeniya

Moscow 2004

Charcot, 1881

Kyuubi, 1961

A more complete definition of hypnosis is provided by the British Medical Association (1955). It states that hypnosis is “a short-term state of varying attention in the subject, a state that can be induced by another person and in which various phenomena can spontaneously arise in response to verbal or other stimuli. These phenomena include changes in consciousness and memory, an increase in susceptibility to suggestion, and the appearance in the subject of reactions and ideas that are not characteristic of him in his usual state of mind. In addition, phenomena such as loss of sensation, paralysis, muscle rigidity and vasomotor changes can be induced and eliminated in the hypnotic state.

subconscious trust

Information (lat. information - awareness) - literally: information transmitted by people in the course of communication that is associated with the presence of information processes (for example, managing people in a team or society, training, the operation of any automatic control system, hereditary transmission of signs of parents to children ).

Energy - the term of ancient Greek philosophy, meaning action.

hypnotic dream- this is a state of narrowed consciousness, caused by the action of a hypnotist and characterized by increased suggestibility. In addition to hypnotic sleep, in hypnology there are also suggested dream. This is nothing more than a hypnotic dream of a person, but caused by a word with a certain content, that is, an irritant of the second signal system. It is a conditioned reflex sleep, although it differs from ordinary conditioned reflex sleep in that this kind of primary signal sleep is caused by conditioned stimuli of the first signal system. It is important to note that in the case of suggested sleep, many analyzers of a person can be brought out of their inhibitory state by a word and thereby evoke various reactions.

Animal hypnosis. Telepathy as a method of hypnosis