Early pregnancy: a guide. When to register for pregnancy: specific dates and the need for registration

A woman who is preparing to become a mother should be aware of her responsibility for the health of the baby. Some approach this moment seriously and even before pregnancy visit a doctor, planning a conception and passing the necessary tests that confirm the health of their parents. Others are already registered as pregnant. When is the best time to do this?

Why do you need to register?

Usually a woman finds out about pregnancy for a period of 6-11 weeks. During the 1st visit to the gynecologist, she will be asked to register by registering for pregnancy. This can be done at any antenatal clinic to which the patient is attached - at the place of registration or work, where it will be more convenient. It is not necessary to choose the clinic where the woman was observed regularly, although in this case it will be easier for doctors to familiarize themselves with the patient's card, find out about the presence of chronic diseases and the treatment performed.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, a woman has the right to receive free medical care for all 9 months of bearing a baby, regardless of whether she is registered with the LCD for pregnancy or not. But a scheduled visit to the gynecologist, passing the appropriate tests, regular and systematic monitoring of the development of the fetus helps to avoid many problems and identify any deviations.

Medical consultation of a specialist is necessary for a woman throughout pregnancy, starting from the early stages.

Due to their own laziness or illiteracy, some women refuse to register with the LCD, so as not to waste time going through doctors and taking tests. There is no law that requires you to do this. Meanwhile, early registration at the clinic has its advantages for both mother and baby (to a greater extent):

  1. At the initial stages, important systems and organs of the child are laid. During this period of time, it is important to see a doctor and follow his recommendations on nutrition, taking vitamins, etc.
  2. With the onset of pregnancy, the immune system is lowered, chronic diseases are exacerbated, which can affect the health of the fetus. The gynecologist will be able to correct any ailment.
  3. Staging at the initial stages increases the chances of a successful pregnancy. But in the following months, it is important to monitor the development of the fetus, possible deviations in its development.
  4. With the help of analyzes, it is determined whether the expectant mother belongs to any risk group that complicates childbirth.
  5. There is also a financial benefit from early registration. If a woman registered with a doctor before the 12th week of pregnancy, she is entitled to a one-time payment (after giving birth). The amount is symbolic - just over 600 rubles, but the payment is guaranteed by the state.

What is the best week to register?

Each woman decides for herself when she first sees a doctor about pregnancy management. Everything is individual. Firstly, not all expectant mothers learn about their situation at the same time. Unplanned babies can go unnoticed, and only after a long delay and a change in the general condition, a woman begins to think about a possible pregnancy.

Strict maximum and minimum terms are not spelled out anywhere, but they exist:

  1. Ideally, register before 12 weeks. By this time, the first important studies begin: taking tests and carrying out procedures that monitor the health of the baby.
  2. The deadline is 30 weeks. It was then that maternity leave comes, and the woman still manages to complete all the certificates and go through some research.

It’s not worth delaying a trip to the gynecologist, but is it necessary to rush to get registered? You can draw up all the necessary documents and get medical advice much earlier than the “optimal” 7-12 weeks, although at this time a consultation with a therapist and gynecologist is enough. This is especially important when the doctor guides the patient at the planning stage and carefully monitors her health. Each time frame has its own recommendations.

Registration up to 6-7 weeks

It is difficult to register as a future mother in the LCD for a period of 1 to 4 obstetric weeks for several reasons. Before the first delay, it is difficult to diagnose the onset of pregnancy, both for the woman herself and for the gynecologist. Visually, the uterus does not change. The presence of an embryo can only be determined by ultrasound. If a woman came to the doctor at this time, he can attribute the signs of an interesting situation to hormonal imbalance.

Early registration is quite acceptable, but it makes no sense to run to register just after seeing two stripes on the test. Gynecologists do not recommend registering for up to 6 weeks, because. during this period, the probability of spontaneous miscarriage is high. In the case of the development of some pathologies, natural selection occurs. Sometimes, on the recommendation of doctors, no assistance is provided for preservation at this time: it is believed that it is better to give birth later, but a healthy child. Sometimes they even refuse to register for a short period of time, arguing that a miscarriage may occur. But pregnancy is confirmed by ultrasound.

There are situations when the expectant mother is monitored from 5 weeks. Difficult cases include:

  • a history of miscarriages;
  • serious chronic diseases;
  • age from 35 years and above;
  • unfavorable working conditions for women.

Registration from 6-7 to 9 weeks

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, the woman reached 7 weeks or more, she was convinced of her situation with the help of a pharmacy test and came for a consultation with a specialist, he should not have a reason to refuse her registration. Diagnosis is easier. If desired, a woman can go to private clinics and make sure that she is pregnant with blood tests (for the level of hCG) and ultrasound. With these documents then come to the antenatal clinic.

The term of 7-9 obstetric weeks is suitable for the first visit to the gynecologist. The woman will be assigned the necessary examinations, which include:

  • general analyzes of urine, feces and blood;
  • determination of the Rh factor;
  • hepatitis test;
  • examination for syphilis;
  • smear;
  • urine culture for latent bacteria;
  • ECG, etc.

From this moment (weeks 6-9), a woman can begin to undergo a mandatory examination by doctors, in addition to a gynecologist. Time allows, there is no point in rushing, and until about 12-20 weeks it is necessary to go through the following specialists:

  • Your family doctor;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • Laura;
  • Dentist (therapist);
  • endocrinologist (not always).

Registration from 9 to 12 weeks

In the early stages, modern medicine is able to detect genetic pathologies of the fetus. Due to this, treatment is started in a timely manner. The first examination - the so-called screening - is also aimed at suggesting an abortion in case of negative results. The timing of testing is prescribed by the gynecologist, but if pregnant women are at risk, the examination is carried out at 10-12 weeks. If you register before this date, the chance of diagnosing the pathology in time and taking action is higher. Women not registered with the LCD can also do screening, but for a fee, in private clinics.

The established period of 12 weeks is the approximate end of the first trimester. It is believed that an abortion performed for medical reasons during this period does not pose a threat to the health of the mother.

When the first visit to the gynecologist occurs for a period of 9 weeks, a specialist can make a diagnosis based on an examination of the uterus and mammary glands. Also, the expectant mother is sent for an ultrasound examination to exclude an ectopic pregnancy and make the necessary measurements of the fetus. At 10-12 obstetric weeks, it is not too late to register. Prenatal diagnosis will be carried out in full.

The process of registration in the LCD

A pregnant woman has the right to apply not only to the city clinic at the place of registration, but also to attach to any other - at will. Convenient location is an important criterion, since you will have to visit doctors regularly. In addition, you can choose “your doctor”, a friend or on the recommendation, and register at his clinic. Before you make an appointment with a gynecologist, you will need to attach to the LCD - bring the compulsory medical insurance policy and passport, write an application.

State polyclinics work according to the district principle, when a certain area is assigned to each doctor. The pregnant woman is referred to "her" doctor. But she can choose a gynecologist on her own and be observed by him (with the consent of the doctor). The patient has the right to change the doctor during pregnancy in case of lack of understanding and other reasons.

When the gynecologist conducts an initial examination, the woman writes an application again (addressed to the head of the LCD), and the gynecologist starts an outpatient card, which is kept in his office. It is important to collect an anamnesis, find out what diseases (hereditary and chronic) the expectant mother has, whether there were problems with pregnancy in the past (abortions, miscarriages), and so on. The woman attaches the necessary documents and their copies to the card:

  • passport;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy, which gives the right to receive free medical care;
  • SNILS pension insurance card.

How often should you visit a doctor?

In the gynecologist's office, to which the woman goes, there is a file cabinet where all outpatient cards of pregnant women are stored. The doctor keeps track, in addition, on a computer database, when and which patient comes to the appointment. If there are no deviations, you will have to visit a gynecologist every 2-3 weeks. Plus, regularly take tests (blood, urine), consult specialists.

The situation is complicated by the possible incompatibility of the Rh factors of the mother and child, then it is necessary to donate blood for the determination of antibodies at least once a month (every 4-2 weeks, depending on the period). The expectant mother will have to run around, but everything is done for the sake of the health of the baby and the woman herself. The sooner a problem can be diagnosed, the sooner it will be fixed.

If the pregnant woman is not registered

Sometimes it happens that a woman consciously does not register at the clinic and visits a doctor immediately before or during childbirth. Pregnancy can proceed well, and the baby will be born healthy. But if problems arise that lead to a miscarriage or fetal pathologies, no one will be able to tell the expectant mother how to act. Such connivance in relation to their health and the health of the child is fraught with consequences.

For non-registration, the state does not have the right to punish either with a fine or with suggestion. A woman punishes herself, depriving herself of timely medical care, diagnostics, and support. Even if the expectant mother feels great and has already had the experience of childbirth, it is still recommended to undergo planned studies. No one can predict how a pregnancy will proceed. If the "interesting position" is confirmed (at least by a test), but check-in complicates departure or other reasons, you can be examined a little later.

There is no optimal “single” time for registration. Each woman decides for herself at what time it is convenient for her to do this. For short periods, the gynecologist may refuse to register and schedule a second appointment in a couple of weeks, in the case when there is definitely a pregnancy. It is recommended to register in the 1st trimester, since all the necessary primary studies are carried out during this period.

Among the various payments that are accrued to a woman in connection with the birth of a baby, special requirements are placed on the registration of benefits for registration in the early stages of pregnancy.

It is paid in addition to the disability certificate. To qualify for this money, the expectant mother must come to the antenatal clinic no later than the first trimester of pregnancy.

What is this document?

The procedure for assigning payments is established by the following documents:

Funds are allocated from the FSS of the Russian Federation, and the correctness of the calculation of benefits is under the control of this body. Money is issued at the place of work of the recipient.

Registration of a separate order for the issuance of benefits by the regulatory documents of the FSS is not provided. But many enterprises publish and use it as an additional basis for paying money.

An order for benefits in the early stages of pregnancy is issued when paying for a sick leave, when a certificate of registration in a medical institution is provided simultaneously with it.

You can hand it over to your employer and apply for money later. But the deadline for this is 6 months after leaving maternity leave.

Early Pregnancy Registration Allowance Order 2019

Employees of the personnel department and accounting department of the enterprise must comply with the established requirements for processing and issuing benefits in order to prevent penalties from the FSS.

Therefore, when preparing an order for the payment of benefits, they check the correctness of the execution of all certificates.

How many weeks is it issued?

To calculate the payment, it is necessary that the woman registers at the clinic no later than 12 weeks of pregnancy. Only in this case does she have the right to an additional lump sum payment. The basic allowance is 300 rubles. But it is annually indexed based on the inflation rate.

In addition, in some regions, an additional coefficient may apply. This applies to the regions of the Far North and other territories with special climatic conditions.

What documents should a woman submit?

To receive money from a woman, two main documents are required:

  • certificate of registration deadlines;
  • an application addressed to the head for the calculation of benefits.

The certificate is issued in the antenatal clinic by a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy.

The legislation does not approve the form of this document, so each medical institution can develop it independently.

The certificate must be signed by the doctor, the signature is certified by the seal of the clinic.

It is allowed not only to issue a certificate on paper, but also to form and send to the employer in the form of an electronic document.

How to compose correctly?

After checking the documents of the employee, and making sure of the right to receive payment, the employees of the personnel department draw up an order.

It must contain the details required for such documents:

  • date of compilation;
  • serial number;
  • the topic of the order;
  • content.

The order contains information about the recipient of the allowance:

  • Personnel Number;
  • Full Name;
  • Department;
  • job title.

The text of the order should indicate the amount of the allowance to be accrued to the woman. In the line "Basis" it is necessary to write down the number and date of the document confirming registration up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

The order is registered in a separate log book. After signing by his head, the employee must familiarize himself with the document and put a mark about it in a specially designated line.

Who is signing?

The order is signed personally by the head of the enterprise or organization. In its absence, the right to sign passes to a person authorized to do so by a power of attorney or a local regulatory act.

In large enterprises, the head can delegate the authority to sign such orders to one of his deputies in charge of personnel or financial matters. This is fixed by a separate order.

Sample document

A unified form of the order, which should be issued for the calculation and payment of benefits for registration in the early stages of pregnancy, has not been established by laws. Therefore, each legal entity can develop it independently and fix it in its local regulatory documents.

Some employers use a leave order form (), which provides parental leave and at the same time indicates an additional payment for registration in early pregnancy.

At other enterprises, the document is drawn up in any form:

How much and where is stored?

The document must be filed in the file along with other orders on personnel and have a serial number according to the chronology of its creation.

After the end of the reporting year, the case is handed over to the archive, where it is stored for 5 years.

During this period, documents may be requested during inspections by the FSS, the tax office, and other control bodies.

Pregnancy is associated not only with monitoring the health of the expectant mother, but also with the execution of a large number of documents, not only related to birth, but also documents related to the payment of benefits, one of which is payment for early registration for pregnancy. A one-time allowance for women registered in medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks) is a one-time cash payment at the expense of the social insurance fund of the Russian Federation or state social targeted funds of the federal budget, assigned only to one of the parents. Such a payment is a one-time payment and is paid by the employer together with the maternity benefit. Let's take a look at how to apply for this guide.

Regulatory regulation of payment for early registration for pregnancy

The procedure for receiving payment for early registration for pregnancy

Ways to submit documents for receiving payments: in person, through a legal representative, by mail.

The allowance for early registration for pregnancy is assigned and paid by the employer at the expense of the FSS at the same time as the pregnancy and maternity allowance, if the relevant certificate is provided with documents for the appointment and payment of the maternity allowance. If the certificate is provided later, then the allowance is assigned and paid no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of the certificate of registration in the early stages of pregnancy.

For unemployed women, the specified allowance is assigned by the social protection authorities no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of the application with all the necessary documents, and the payment of the allowance is carried out according to the details specified by the recipient of the allowance, no later than the 26th day of the month following the month of receipt of documents.

Benefit amount

In accordance with Article 10. The amount of the lump sum allowance for women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 81-FZ, the amount of the lump sum allowance for women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy is 300 rubles excluding indexation, that is, this amount changes annually in accordance with the indexation coefficient established annually by the Government of the Russian Federation.

From February 1, 2018, a one-time allowance for women registered with medical organizations in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks) is 628 rubles 47 kopecks, the indexation coefficient for 2018 based on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.26.2018 N 74 is 1.025 ( for 2017, respectively, 613 rubles 14 kopecks and a coefficient of 1.054).

Documents for receiving payment

A one-time allowance for women registered with medical organizations in the early stages of pregnancy, who are employed or undergo military service, is paid at the place of employment.

Documents required to apply for an employer's benefit:

  • statement
  • certificate from the antenatal clinic or medical organization that registered the woman in the early stages of pregnancy

If the parent is a student or unemployed, the allowance is calculated by the social security authorities. Documents required to obtain registration for receiving benefits in the social security authorities (originals and copies):

  • statement
  • birth certificate of the child (if the certificate is not issued - a birth certificate)
  • parents' passports
  • certificates from the work of both parents about non-assignment of payment
  • applicant's work record
  • military ID (for military personnel)
  • certificate from the place of study (for students)
  • an extract from the employment center (for the unemployed)
  • current account (for transferring funds);
  • divorce certificate (if parents are divorced)
  • certificate of family composition (extract from the house book).

The original documents are checked against the copies and returned to the applicant. The original certificates are attached in the original

Refusal to receive payment

The payment of a one-time allowance to women registered with medical organizations in the early stages of pregnancy may be denied on the following grounds:

  • lump-sum allowance is not assigned to citizens of the Russian Federation who have left for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation
  • application for benefits after 6 months from the end of maternity leave
  • registration after 12 weeks of pregnancy

Common Mistakes

Mistake #1: When submitting documents for the payment of benefits after months from the date of birth, their acceptance was denied. Can this payment be recovered?

Only women who are registered in the early stages of pregnancy can receive benefits. An early term is when the pregnancy lasts up to 12 weeks (Article 9 of the Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ).

If we are talking about firms and entrepreneurs, then they should assign and pay benefits only to women who are full-time employees. That is, an employment contract must be concluded. These are the requirements of part 1 of article 13 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ and paragraph 21 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of December 23, 2009 No. 1012n (hereinafter - Procedure No. 1012n).

Be careful: the allowance is paid only at the place of the main job, it is not assigned to external part-time workers. If you pay an allowance to an external part-time worker, the FSS of Russia will refuse to reimburse such funds (clause 79 of the Guidelines approved by the resolution of the FSS of Russia of 04/07/2008 No. 81, the resolution of the FAS of the East Siberian District of 05/03/2011 No. A19-13214 / 10).

Is there a right to benefits if, according to the doctor's certificate, the pregnancy is exactly 12 weeks? It's safer not to do that. After all, the legislation does not clearly say which day of the term is considered the deadline. In addition, according to the classification of preterm birth, the term “up to 28 weeks” means that 27 weeks and 6 days have passed inclusive (letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 16, 2011 No. 15-4 / 10 / 2-12700).

So it turns out that the term “up to 12 weeks” means the following: 11 weeks and 6 days have passed, inclusive. That is, the 12th week is also included in the specified period. And if so, then the day when exactly 12 weeks turned out is the day by which you need to register.

How much to pay benefits and what documents to issue

In general, the basic allowance is 300 rubles, while it is regularly indexed. The last indexation was February 1, 2017. Moreover, in the period from January 1 to February 1, 2017, the allowance had to be assigned and paid in the same amount as in 2016, in the amount of 581.73 rubles. And by 5.4%, now it has become 613.14 rubles. (Article 4.2 of the Law No. 68-FZ dated April 6, 2015, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 88 dated January 26, 2017).

Also, with the actual payment, the allowance must be increased by the district coefficient, if any. This is stated in Article 5 of the Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ.

Benefits should be determined at the start date A simple example. A certificate of registration in early pregnancy was issued in November 2016, and maternity leave begins in March 2017. In this case, the allowance must be paid in the amount of 613.14 rubles. (clause 24 of Order No. 1012n).

To receive benefits, a woman submits two documents to the employer. Firstly, a certificate from a doctor who put the employee on a medical record. The doctor draws up a certificate in any form, certifies it with his signature and seal of the medical organization. Secondly, an application for the appointment of benefits.

These are the requirements of paragraphs 5 and 22 of Order No. 1012n.

When to pay benefits

The employer usually pays the benefit at the same time as the maternity benefit. After all, most often a certificate of registration and a statement from an employee are brought along with documents for maternity leave.

You can also pay the allowance separately - within 10 days from the date of submission of the certificate of registration, if the employee submitted it later than the documents for maternity leave (clause 24 of Procedure No. 1012n).

The allowance for registration in the early stages of pregnancy is paid at a time, in one total amount.

After receiving the documents from the employee, you can prepare a separate order for the assignment of benefits. Such an internal document is not required. According to the law, the basis for assigning benefits is a certificate and a statement from the employee.

One more moment. An employee can claim benefits for six months from the date the maternity leave ends. And only if the woman missed this deadline, then do not issue the allowance (clause 80 of Order No. 1012n, letter of the FSS of Russia dated May 30, 2016 No. 02-11-09 / 15-05-1361P).

How to account for benefits

The allowance for women registered in the early stages of pregnancy is fully reimbursed by the FSS of Russia. In accounting, such payments are reflected in the debit of account 69.

The allowance is not subject to personal income tax and insurance premiums (clause 1, article 217, subparagraph 1, paragraph 1, article 422 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, subparagraph 1, paragraph 1, article 20.2 of the Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ).

The amount of the allowance is not included in the expenses when calculating income tax, since this payment is fully funded by Social Insurance.


On March 10, 2017, the storekeeper of Omerta LLC O.A. Kulikova submitted to the accounting department a certificate from the antenatal clinic on registration in the early stages of pregnancy dated November 18, 2016.

Debit 69 subaccount "Social insurance settlements"   Credit 70
- 613.14 rubles. - Kulikova's allowance was accrued, who was registered in the early stages of pregnancy;

Debit 70   Credit 50
- 613.14 rubles. - employee benefits paid.

The accountant did not include this benefit amount in expenses when calculating income tax. This amount is also not included in the calculation of other taxes (contributions).

In conclusion, a few words about taxes paid in connection with the use of special regimes - the unified agricultural tax and the unified tax on imputed income and "simplified".

This is essentially the same situation as with income tax. The allowance is fully reimbursed by the FSS of Russia, therefore this payment does not affect the tax obligations of the employer (clause 2 of article 346.5, clause 2 of article 346.16, clause 3.1 of article 346.21, clause 2 of article 346.32 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

An employee hired under an employment contract, who is to be replenished in the family, is entitled to three main benefits, which in most cases she receives through the employer: for pregnancy and childbirth, upon the birth of a child and subsequent care for him up to one and a half years. But there is also an additional amount, which, I must say, is not always paid. The very fact of the appointment of such benefits depends on when exactly the woman reported her pregnancy to the antenatal clinic. It would seem that the right to social payments should not intersect with organizational issues of this kind, but, nevertheless, such are the norms of the law. This article will discuss the benefits paid when registering in the early stages of pregnancy.

How to get early pregnancy benefits

When registering in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman can apply for benefits if she applied to the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, the sick leave, which she will be given at 30 weeks, will be marked accordingly. She will give the right to this payment, which the company where the woman works under an employment contract will be obliged to make. In this sense, the allowance is no different from other payments related to the birth of a child. In the future, the employer will compensate them at the expense of the FSS: either simply reduce the current deductions by the appropriate amount, or submit documents to the social insurance to reimburse the benefits paid.

In some regions, direct payment of benefits directly from the FSS to individuals is provided. In such cases, the employer does not participate in the calculations, but is obliged to collect and prepare for submission to the territorial department of social insurance the documents necessary for calculating benefits.

Benefit payment procedure

As mentioned above, a note about early registration in the antenatal clinic is placed directly on the sick leave issued to the woman for the period of her maternity leave. This happens at 30 weeks of pregnancy or a little later. Delays can be associated mainly with bureaucratic issues that arise in the work of clinics or antenatal clinics.

However, problems due to such delays will not arise either for the woman in labor herself or for her employer. A woman has the right to apply for the payment of any of the maternity benefits within 6 months from the date of the occurrence of the relevant circumstance. In the case of the payment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, as well as benefits for early registration, this period is counted from the last day of the period of temporary disability prescribed on the sick leave.

But the amount of benefits for early pregnancy will depend, on the contrary, on the date of the start of the hospital period. The fact is that this allowance is indexed annually, and in recent years this has happened on February 1. So, from February 2016 to January 31, 2017, the allowance was 581.73 rubles. At the moment, its amount has been increased to 613.14 rubles.

Regardless of how the sick leave period intersects with this date, and when the registration with the LCD itself took place, the amount of a specific payment is determined on the date the maternity leave begins on the BIR.


On February 2, 2017, an employee of Romashka LLC Ryazanova A.N. provided a sick leave in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, opened on December 25, 2016 for a period of 140 calendar days. This sick leave contains a corresponding record of registration in the early stages of pregnancy up to 12 weeks.

Until February 12, the employer, in addition to the basic amount of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, is obliged to pay benefits for registration in the early stages of pregnancy in the amount corresponding to the period in which the sick leave was opened, that is, in the amount of 581.73 rubles .

Regional indexation of benefits for early pregnancy

If a woman works in those regions of the country where district coefficients are established that increase salary payments, then such coefficients are applied to the allowance paid in connection with early registration for pregnancy. Actually, in this case, the general rule applies: if the benefit paid is not related to the level of wages to which such indexation has already been applied, but is established, as, for example, in the case under consideration, by a fixed amount at the federal level, then the amount of the benefit must be indexed separately ( Article 5 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ).