Labor training lesson "egg decorated with carved mosaic", "Easter souvenirs". Summary of the lesson "Easter egg" Labor lesson paper Easter egg




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Easter eggs

Holy Sunday of Christ. The Easter holiday is one of the most revered by the Christian Church, for the Orthodox it is the main holiday. This day is mobile, transitional, several more holidays depend on it, which are celebrated on the days indicated in Paschalia. Easter is always celebrated on Sunday and personifies the triumph of the Savior over the forces of evil, life conquers death. Before this holiday, seven weeks of Great Lent, when the faithful, preparing for the meeting of the Bright Sunday of Christ, focus on mercy, do charity work.

Good Thursday is dedicated to cleanliness, rooms and courtyards are cleaned, which is probably why this day is also called "clean". In the old days, huts and yards were fumigated with juniper and put "Thursday salt" from any ailment. Girls and boys at midnight went to the river or lake to wash. Bathing in cold water that night promised health and beauty for the whole year. And Great Saturday was devoted to preparing dishes for the holiday, they cooked cabbage soup, porridge, baked pies and cooked mash. Closer to twelve began midnight. At midnight the bells rang and the faithful made a procession around the temple. Then the bright morning began. The resurrection of Christ was famous for joyful exclamations: "Christ is risen!", "Truly risen!". Upon returning home, they sat down at the festive table, decorated with Easter cakes, Easter and colorful eggs.

Christians celebrate Easter on the first Sunday after the spring equinox and the March full moon. The holiday lasts forty days, symbolizing the forty-day sojourn of Christ on earth after the resurrection.

The legend of the first Easter egg On the Easter holiday in Rus', it has always been customary to give each other elegant painted Easter eggs with the words "Christ is risen!" Where did this interesting custom come from? Here is what one legend tells about it. Christ had many disciples. One of them, named Mary Magdalene, witnessed the death of Christ the Savior on the Cross. Weeping bitterly for her teacher, she came to the place of His burial. One of the first Mary saw the Risen Christ, and then her joy knew no bounds. Even earlier, having believed in God, Mary began to live piously, and now she was not afraid to go preach about the Risen Lord in other cities. So she came to Rome. Without any hesitation, she went straight to the palace to the emperor Tiberius. -Christ is risen! - she said to him, holding out her modest gift to him - an ordinary egg. Such a greeting struck the stern emperor and interested him. “Who is this Christ? How is it resurrected? Was he dead and resurrected? This is impossible!" - flashed through his head. - And who is he? - Tiberius asked curiously.. - The Lord Who was crucified on the Cross. He died, but rose again on the third day, as he promised his disciples. After that, many saw Him, and so did I! Maria answered. - It can not be, no one has yet died so that later he was resurrected! It's as impossible as this egg of yours to suddenly turn red! exclaimed the emperor, waving the egg. And before he had time to finish, the egg in his hands suddenly began to turn pink, then blush and turn purple. In response to this miracle, the emperor had nothing to say ... In memory of him, Christians began to paint Easter eggs in different colors, mainly red - the color of the martyr's blood of Christ, with which He saved us all from eternal death.

Drops drip loudly Near our window. The birds sang merrily, Easter came to visit us. K. Fofanov On the Bright holiday of Easter in Rus', it has always been customary to give each other elegant painted Easter eggs with the words "Christ is risen!"

Holy Christ's Resurrection


Technology Lesson Outline

Matvienko Anastasia Igorevna

Program "Smart Hands" by N.A. Tsirulik, T.N. Prosnyakov. Class 2

Lesson topic : Painting Easter eggs.

Goals: 1) Introduce children to the history of the symbol of the holiday of Easter; show and acquaint with the types of painting and painting eggs; paint the egg.

2) Develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, get emotional release.

3) Raise interest in religious holidays; respect for each other.

Materials, tools, equipment for the teacher: ICT, finished products made by the teacher, egg basket.

Materials, equipment, tools for students: napkins, brushes, paints, a jar.

During the classes

Time, teaching method, form of student activity


T: Sit quietly in your seats. Let's check if you have everything on your desktops.

1 min

Introductory conversation.

U .: - Guys, tell me, please, what holiday will we have on Sunday?

D: Easter.

U: - That's right! Do you know what is the most important symbol of this holiday?

D: Egg!

U: Right. Now I will tell you the story of the appearance of this symbol.

Christ had many disciples. One of them, named Mary Magdalene, witnessed the death of Christ the Savior on the Cross. Weeping bitterly for her teacher, she came to the place of His burial. One of the first Mary saw the Risen Christ, and then her joy knew no bounds. Even earlier, having believed in God, Mary began to live piously, and now she was not afraid to go preach about the Risen Lord in other cities. So she came to Rome. Without any hesitation, she went straight to the palace to the emperor Tiberius. -Christ is risen! - she said to him, holding out her modest gift to him - an ordinary egg. Such a greeting struck the stern emperor and interested him. “Who is this Christ? How is it resurrected? Was he dead and resurrected? This is impossible!" - flashed through his head. - And who is he? asked Tiberius. - The Lord who was crucified on the Cross. He died, but rose again on the third day, as he promised his disciples. After that, many saw Him, and so did I! Maria answered.

It can not be, no one has yet died so that later he was resurrected! It's as impossible as it would be for your egg to suddenly turn red! exclaimed the emperor, waving the egg. And before he had time to finish, the egg in his hands suddenly began to turn pink, then blush and turn purple. In response to this miracle, the emperor had nothing to say ... In memory of him, Christians began to paint Easter eggs in different colors, mainly red - the color of the martyr's blood of Christ, with which He saved us all from eternal death.

4 min

Product analysis.

U .: - Now there are many ways to paint eggs. (the teacher shows a photo of painted eggs)

All colored eggs can be divided into three groups: krashenki are eggs painted in one color, speck-colored eggs and pysanky - some pattern is applied to them. Here are the three eggs I painted. What groups do they belong to?

D .: - Pysanky and krapanki.

U: Right.

3 min

frontal f/d

Work planning.

W .: - Let's plan your work. I give everyone an egg. At this time, you lay a napkin on the table. Then cover the egg first with one color, let it dry, and then draw on it. When the egg is ready, put it to dry and clean up the workplace. On the screen, the work plan is written:

1. Prepare a workplace.

2. Paint the egg one color and let dry.

3. Draw on the egg.

4. Remove the egg to dry.

5. Put things in order in the workplace.

2 minutes

frontal f/d

Independent work of students.

Students do the work, at this time calm music sounds, the teacher monitors the process and helps the children if necessary.

23 min

individual f/d

Exhibition (analysis of works and their evaluation).

W .: - And now let's arrange an exhibition of Easter eggs.

Products are displayed on a shelf in front of all the children, then the teacher calls the children in turn, and everyone collectively evaluates the work done by the student.

5 minutes

collective f/d

Summary of the lesson.

W:- You did a great job today. Each of you got your own Easter egg, and there is no other like it. And it was for such wonderful eggs that I made this Easter basket. (the teacher demonstrates a basket, the children put eggs in it)

W.: - Guys, did you like this lesson?

D.: Yes! It was interesting, we listened to such beautiful music, and painted eggs, and looked at photographs ... It was great!

W.: - I liked the lesson very much. You did a great job! Thank you for the lesson!

3 min

frontal f/d

Technology lesson introspection

During the lesson, I did not have a single unexpected moment. All work went according to plan. I noticed such a speech error behind me, how I incorrectly used the verbs to put and put in the course of a conversation with children. I believe that the lesson achieved its goals, because all the children were very active, listened carefully and with genuine interest to my introductory conversation, were completely passionate about the work and were satisfied with their result.

The topic, goals and objectives of the lesson were defined correctly. Educational, developmental and upbringing tasks solved in the lesson were taken into account.

The tasks proposed by the teacher performed teaching, developing, educating functions.

It deserves a positive assessment that the children were not limited in the realization of their fantasies; created a favorable emotional atmosphere.

The task at the lesson was of a creative nature, and it deserves more attention, because through it the children were not only able to turn their fantasies into reality, but also received emotional relief. The learning tasks corresponded to the goals and objectives of the lesson.

During the lesson verbal, practical and visual methods were used.

It was possible to establish contact with children, successfully correct their actions, create situations of success, implement the idea of ​​cooperation. The children's work was evaluated not by similarity with the model, but by the individual abilities and efforts of the children.

The lesson was wonderful, because the children after it received a charge of positive emotions, everyone was able to realize themselves as a creator.

Tasks: to create conditions for the formation of children's knowledge about folk holidays; explain what colors mean when painting; to acquaint with the symbolism of the painting; learn how to decorate Easter eggs; to promote the development of figurative and creative thinking, observation; cultivate accuracy, diligence, perseverance; to instill a sense of respect for folk traditions; educate students about aesthetic feelings.

Easter One of the great Christian holidays is coming soon. This holiday in Rus' is called differently: Easter, Great Day, Bright Day, Christ's Sunday. Once it was perhaps the most joyful and long-awaited holiday. It was a day of fun games, the first round dances, swinging.

For Easter, each family collected and dyed eggs. They were handed out to children, guests, and competitions were held among themselves, whose egg is stronger.

The symbolism of the asterisk is at the birth of girls, as a wish for moral purity; oak leaf - a symbol of beauty, stamina, vitality; pine branches - a wish for health and longevity; butterfly - a fun, easy, carefree life; mill - for a large harvest; vine - to a large family; cockscomb - protection from any bad weather; lamb - the wish "to live - to live - to make good."

Lesson topic: Easter egg as a symbol of life.

Lesson type: lesson-competition

Forms of work in the lesson: individual, group, pair.

Material support of the lesson:

Handout: egg blanks, patterned napkins, PVA-M glue

Tools and fixtures for the job:

scissors, brushes, acrylic primer, foam rollers and sponges

Samples of eggs decorated in different techniques

instruction cards

Presentation "Symbol of Easter"

Video "Happy Easter"

Interdisciplinary connections:

Mathematics, fine arts, history, geography.

The purpose of the lesson: introducing students to new types of arts and crafts

Lesson objectives:


the formation of skills and abilities in the manufacture of Easter eggs

Educational :

development of attention, creativity and aesthetic taste, fine motor skills and eye.

Educational :

fostering a thrifty attitude to work, a tolerant attitude towards each other.

During the classes.

I. Organizational part

Greeting students

The bell has already rung, the lesson begins, they lined up, pulled themselves up and smiled at each other.

Teacher picks up a box and invites students to guess what is in it?

Would you like to unravel the mystery of the Magic Box? Then on the road, to the discovery of the secret. What is in the box is a symbol of the origin of life on Earth, its fertility among many peoples of the world since ancient times. So, among the household items discovered by archaeologists during excavations in Egypt, their painted remains were found. Scientists have established their age - more than four thousand years (2000 BC). What do you think it is about?

Students answer - This is an egg

Right. Tell me, please, what holiday is celebrated by the whole Orthodox world in spring?

The students' answer is "Easter"

Yes, that's right. What do you associate this holiday with?

The students' answer is colored eggs, Easter cakes, Easter and a lot of delicious things, but most importantly, of course, Easter eggs and the greeting "Christ is risen!"

The teacher, together with the students, calls the topic of the lesson "Easter egg as a symbol of life."

What is our goal?

Students' answers: - learn about the history of Easter

Find out how eggs were decorated in the past

Learn to decorate your own Easter eggs

2. Presentation of new material.

Teacher offers to watch the video "Happy Easter Holiday"

and talks about the history of Easter

Tell me how Easter eggs are decorated and why they are called "pisanki" and "krashanki"?

Student responses.

Today in the lesson we will join this wonderful holiday and prepare an Easter egg using the amazing decoupage technique.

What do we need to work?

Tools and accessories for work

Teacher demonstrates to students the materials, tools and fixtures necessary for work

Technology for the manufacture of equipment "Decoupage"

The teacher explains and shows the implementation technology using instruction cards and a presentation.

The teacher shows the students visual aids and briefly explains the manufacturing technology and their application.

3.Fixing new material

Work in pairs. Students are invited to answer the questions of the task card and evaluate themselves. Answers are displayed on the slide

1. Name the main symbol of Easter (Easter egg)

2. List the ways to decorate eggs, name at least 5. (beads, onion peel, paints, sparkles, using the decoupage technique)

3. Why eggs were called "krashanki" (because they were dyed red, symbolizing the shed blood of Christ)

4. What does the "decoupage" technique mean? (The word "decoupage" comes from the French decouper, which literally means "cut".

5. Where did the decoupage technique first appear? (in China in the 16th century)

4. Physical education minute.

Video Students perform gymnastic exercises to the music.

5. Introductory briefing

The teacher introduces students to instruction cards, compliance with labor safety rules, organization of the workplace.

Demonstration by the teacher of the method of processing the Easter egg using the "decoupage" technique

6. Practical work of students.

Today I invite you to participate in the competition for the best Easter egg, which we will choose together with you. Well, for starters, we will draw up a plan of action.

What should be done first?

First you need to cut out a piece of the picture.

What should be done next?

Separate the top layer of the napkin.

Glue the pattern fragment to the surface.

What did we do?

We made a plan.

Students work with the teacher to create a work plan. So, forward, to accomplishments!

Bypassing workplaces by the teacher: checking the organization of work by students, compliance with safety regulations, assistance in the manufacture of weak students.

Requirements for implementation: accuracy and workmanship, originality and aesthetic taste.

7. Reflection

Teacher- So, we did a good job today, but we need to choose the best Easter eggs, they must be neat, beautiful and original.

Children choose the best works.

Teacher - Children, tell me, did you like our lesson? On the table you see ribbons of red, yellow and blue. Let's decorate a bouquet of willows with these ribbons. If you liked it - a red ribbon, if not quite yellow, if you didn't like it - a blue ribbon. Children decorate the willow.

Tell me, will the knowledge gained in the lesson be useful to you, and will you apply it? Have we achieved our goals?

Students - Yes. We learned about the Easter holiday, how it was celebrated in Rus' and the main symbol of Easter - the egg, as well as how to decorate it. We got acquainted with the decoupage technique and will use it in decorating various products.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you a parable.

“There was a wise man who knew everything.

One person wanted to prove that the wise man does not know everything. Clutching the butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her, if the dead one says, I will let her out.” The sage, thinking, answered: "Everything is in your hands."

And in our hands - to create, craft and bring joy to people!

9. Homework. Decorate an Easter egg in any other technique.


integrated lesson of technology and fine arts in grade 3

"Product from cardboard. Easter egg

The teacher of the beginning classes

Baeva Ludmila Maksimovna


2016-2017 academic year

Lesson Objectives:

1. Making an Easter pendant from cardboard using self-colored eggs.

2. Fixing the reception of rational marking and cutting out parts.

3. Teaching simple composition techniques.

4. Improving the skills of markup according to the template, working with scissors and glue.

5. Development of attention, variability of thinking, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of hands.

6. Raising respect for the religious views of other people. On the example of works of art, plots from the Bible, to cultivate devotion to friendship, kindness, a sense of beauty.

Planned results:

Subject: read, listen to explanations, consider and analyze; perform marking of parts according to the template; cut parts along a curved contour; create a decorative thematic composition on a plane using ornamental elements.


Regulatory: organize their activities when working on the product, prepare materials, tools and workplace; plan practical actions, distribute the total amount of work; be guided by the rules when performing work; to evaluate the work performed (his and his comrades).

Cognitive: perceive, analyze and understand educational information, creatively use it in work; analyze and compare product samples and methods of operation; perform work according to graphic instructions; predict actions with a focus on the intended result; analyze, compare the actions performed and the results obtained.

Communicative: discuss work with classmates, express your opinion with reason, listen to the opinion of comrades; engage in communication, distribute the amount of work between group members, observing the rules of communication, show goodwill and tact, listening to the other.

Personal: show interest and a positive attitude to learning and work, accuracy, perseverance, striving for conscientious and thorough work; understand the meaning of the holiday.


  1. Recordings of "Ave Maria" in Spanish. R. Loretti, Easter songs

3.Exhibition of drawings:

Easter, Easter cake, eggs;

Round dances, swings;

A peasant sowing a field;

Game with eggs;

Temples (churches and mosques); 7. eggs - the work of Carl Faberge (photo).

4. Reproductions:

    Raphael "Sistine Madonna";

    L. da Vinci "The Last Supper";

    Deonisius "Crucifixion".

    Gift Easter eggs made of porcelain, wax, glass.


1. Colored cardboard.

2. Scissors.

4. Pencil.

5. Markers.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

    Introductory conversation.

Who knows what religious holiday people started celebrating on Sunday?

    Orthodox holiday "Easter of Christ"

    Today in the lesson we will make a festive pendant. But first, I want you to know what this holiday is. What is religion? Why are there so many religions in the world?

    Imagine a mountain that you can climb to the top in different ways. If the mountain is large, many paths to the top will certainly be laid along it, because some climbers will go one way, others will choose another.

Years will pass, and it turns out that some paths are more thoroughly trodden, these are those that more people follow, believing that this is a reliable path.

So, imagine that there is a mountain between us and God, different routes to the top are different religions: there are more than 200 of them in the world, and the three religions that have the most followers are world religions: Christianity, Buddhism and Islam.

Each religion has its own holidays, different prayers, but God is the same, they just call him differently.

Those who want to know more read books, go to temples (showing photos of a church, a mosque). The main book of Christians is the Bible. It tells about the fact that about 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, who was predicted to become the Savior of people. Jesus Christ lived only 33 years, but managed to do a lot of good deeds: he healed and taught people, helped them. But it was predicted that he would be betrayed, including by his own students. And so it happened.

Jesus Christ was captured. He was interrogated, tortured, and then crucified on a cross. On the third day, Jesus was resurrected.

Since then we have been celebrating the bright Resurrection of Christ - Easter.

According to folk beliefs, the gates to paradise are opened in heaven during the Easter week, and anyone who dies at this time will go straight there.

The main symbol of the holiday is a painted egg. Each hostess sought to boil more eggs and be sure to color them (an egg is a symbol of rebirth, and a red one marks our rebirth with the blood of Jesus Christ). There is a legend about the first Easter egg.

This legend is associated with the name of Mary Magdalene. It was she who wanted to wash the wounded body of Christ after he was crucified. But she discovered the stone that covered the entrance to the place where they left the dead Jesus, rolled away, and the Angel informed her that Christ had Risen.

Mary Magdalene, like other disciples of Christ, began to wander from country to country and tell people about the life and teachings of Jesus, about his resurrection.

Once Mary Magdalene came to the palace in Rome. She was immediately let through to the emperor Tiberius. In those days, people went to the emperor with offerings and gifts. The rich carried jewelry, and the poor carried what they could. And so Mary, who had nothing but faith in Jesus Christ, stopped in front of the emperor, handed him a simple testicle and said loudly:

-Christ is risen!

The emperor was surprised and replied:

How can someone be resurrected from the dead?! It is as difficult to believe in this as in the fact that this egg is not white, but red!

And while he was saying these words, the testicle began to change color: turned pink, darkened and finally became bright red.

So with the words "Christ is risen!" The first Easter egg was presented.

In addition, a festive Easter was prepared along with eggs for Saturday and Easter cakes were baked to illuminate them in the church (figure).

Egg rolling was a favorite Easter pastime. Eggs rolled from some kind of tubercle or made special trays. If a rolled egg hit one of those lying on the ground, the player took these eggs for himself. Swings were built everywhere, dances were danced (drawings).

Various predictions, beliefs, fortune-telling were associated with the preparation and use of this or that Easter food. For example, the remains of Easter food - crumbs, shells - were never thrown away, but, for example, they were put in grain for sowing and then scattered around the garden.

Throughout the Easter week, joyful bell ringing and Easter hymns were heard.

III. Suspension work

    Today in the lesson we will also contribute to the celebration of Easter (showing a sample).

    Our work will go through the following stages:

    cutting parts according to templates;

    gluing parts of the base;

    coloring eggs;

    sticking eggs on the base;

    The work will be collective, so the success of the result depends on the coherence of each group, how you can distribute the work, help each other. If there is a need, I will be happy to be of service to you. Be careful, accurate, realistically assess your strengths and you will definitely succeed.

    And first, let's look and remember what kind of material we have to work with? (paper)

    What types of paper do you know?

    How should scissors be handled?

  • How to spend the material?

    Let's get to work. Think about what kind of work you can do better, distribute it among yourself. Remember, there should be one egg for each.


    And we will warm up with a rhyme by K.I. Chukovsky

There was a white house

wonderful house,

And something thumped in him.

And he crashed, and from there

A living miracle ran out

so warm, so

Fluffy and golden.

Well done! Do you know how chicks hatch from eggs? There comes a time when it's time for the chicks to get out of the egg.

It is not at all easy to hollow out its shell. But nature endows the chick with an egg tooth and a strong occipital muscle. Without them, the chick would not have been able to cope with such work. The egg tooth is a hard growth at the end of the beak - it scrapes the shell from the inside until it becomes very thin and can be easily split.

Having hollowed out the shell, fingering with its paws and resting its wings against the walls of the egg, the baby gets out.

    You have collected the base, you each have one egg. Imagine yourself as an artist painting eggs. Make your pattern.

    While your drawings are drying up, I want to tell you that the religious theme has inspired many people to create immortal works of art. One of them sounded at the beginning of the lesson: this is Schubert's song to the words of W. Scott "Ave Maria". Paintings "Sistine Madonna", "Last Supper", "Crucifixion", etc. (Presentation)

    Once upon a time, the Frenchman Carl Faberge worked in his jewelry workshop at the royal court. He made amazing jewelry eggs especially for Easter, which have now become his hallmark. (Illustration) And now this rule - to give each other eggs - is reborn (samples).

    Your eggs are dry, now place them on the base and glue.

Well done! All works are great.

IV. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

    What did you do in class? What have you learned? Did you like it? Rate your work.

I want to finish our lesson with a phrase that is the golden rule for all religions, let it become the law of life for you too: “Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself!”. Thank you for the lesson.