Total work experience for retirement. How to calculate the length of service for calculating a pension

As a result of changes in the pension system, the concept "insurance experience". It is tightly connected:

  • with the duration of labor activity of citizens who, with the introduction individual (personalized) accounting became participants in the system of compulsory pension insurance (OPS);
  • and contributions transferred to the FIU by employers for their employees.

The insurance period is the periods in which a person worked and (or) performed other activities, calculated in total, during which it was accrued and paid insurance pension contributions.

The length of service and its size, as well as the amount of transfers, are necessary to determine the right of a citizen to receive a pension benefit and to calculate it.

The concept of insurance experience is defined in Art. 3 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions". Before the changes in the pension system and the introduction of this term, when assigning pensions, the concept was used "seniority".

Insurance and work experience: what's the difference?

Despite changes in legislation, the concept of seniority is still used in practice today.

  • It includes all periods of work activity and other (socially useful), taking place before the beginning of 2002.
  • Its duration is used to calculate the amount of citizens' pensions as of that date. After this time with the implementation of reforms, the definition of pension rights and the calculation of benefits depends on insurance experience.

Insurance, unlike labor, is directly related to the transferable contributions made to the FIU during the work of a person. For this reason, it does not include certain time periods during which the amounts not listed. So, for example, during the insurance period does not include tuition, including with a break from production.

Types of work (insurance) experience

The presence or absence of labor periods affects the decision on the appointment of pensions for citizens, the timing of its appointment and size. True, the length of service is needed not only for calculating pensions, but also for calculating disability benefits. Depending on its duration, the amount of such benefit may be 60, 80 or 100% of average earnings.

The procedure for calculating work periods for both cases may differ depending on the periods taken into account for this.

In both cases, for the appointment and calculation of payments, the experience is divided into types:

  • general insurance;
  • special professional.

Special insurance experience

The duration of work in difficult and harmful working conditions, in a certain industry, production, in difficult climatic conditions, is defined as special insurance experience.

Having earned it, the employee receives entitlement to benefits in pension provision:

  • increased allowance, etc.

Modern pension legislation, after a number of changes, provides for the use of special experience for preferential appointment and calculation of payments:

  • old age for persons working in special conditions, employed in underground work and in hot shops;
  • for seniority for members of the armed forces, civil servants, educators, medical and creative workers.

General work experience

For the total insurance (labor) length of service, the duration of the working periods of citizens (total) should be taken when determining the right to insurance pension coverage, during which insurance premiums were received by the Pension Fund. Wherein:

  • The work activity of a person is recorded in work book, which starts up on all workers entering the job. According to it, you can calculate the number of years of service to calculate the assigned payments.
  • The general experience of pension legislation includes other periods of a person’s life that are not related to labor.

What is included in the length of service when calculating a pension?

In accordance with the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions" in the calculation of insurance periods is taken into account working hours or other income-generating activities carried out by citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • on the territory of our country, if at that time insurance premiums were paid to the FIU;
  • outside the Russian Federation, in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation or when paying insurance amounts to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The above law may include certain socially significant periods without paying insurance premiums.

Non-insurance periods when assigning pensions

The periods additionally counted in the insurance period, except for the time of labor activity, include:

  1. time of military and other equivalent service;
  2. receiving benefits in connection with the onset of temporary disability;
  3. mother's or father's care for each child up to his age of 1.5 years (no more than 6 years in total);
  4. receiving unemployment benefits, performing paid public works, the time of moving to another locality for employment in the direction of the employment service;
  5. being in custody and in places of restriction of freedom, exile in case of unreasonable prosecution, if innocence is then proven;
  6. caring for a disabled person of the 1st group, a disabled child, citizens over the age of 80;
  7. residence of the wife of a serviceman in an area where she cannot get a job (no more than 5 years);
  8. residence outside the territory of the Russian Federation of spouses of citizens performing duties in representative offices and consulates of the Russian Federation (no more than 5 years);
  9. statutory period "On operational-search activity".

These periods can be taken into account when assigning payments, if before them and after them there were periods of work (regardless of their time), during which the transfer of insurance premiums to the FIU took place.

Seniority for retirement in Russia under the new law

After the reform of the pension system in 2015 with the publication and entry into force of the Federal Law "About insurance pensions" the requirement for the minimum length of service for the appointment of an insurance old-age pension has been increased.

  • Even before 2002, the establishment of a pension and its size did not depend on the length of service.
  • After the entry into force of the law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", payment could be made if 5 years labor activity.
  • After the reform of 2015, its importance has increased up to 15 years old.

However, after the change in the pension system hasn't changed the length of service for the appointment of an early pension to certain categories of citizens specified in the article and the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ.

The minimum length of service for calculating a pension from 2018 in Russia

In addition to the age requirements for the appointment of old-age insurance payments in 2018, it is necessary obligatory presence minimum insurance experience of at least 9 years. In accordance with the law, the minimum seniority requirement will gradually increase, adding by one year annually. For example, already in 2019, 10 years of insurance experience are required to establish a pension, in 2020 - already 11 years, until it reaches 15 years by 2025 (see table).

Length of service for retirement in Russia under the new law (table 2018)

year of retirementWhat is the minimum length of service needed for a pension, yearsMinimum Retirement Points (IPK)
2015 6 6,6
2016 7 9
2017 8 11,4
2018 9 13,8
2019 10 16,2
2020 11 18,6
2021 12 21
2022 13 23,4
2023 14 25,8
2024 15 28,2
2025 15 30

Those citizens who have not earned any experience at all or its size is below the minimum, 5 years after reaching retirement age (that is, upon reaching 60 years for women and 65 years for men) can be assigned social pension.

Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance experience

The procedure for calculating the insurance period is regulated by Article 13 of the Federal Law N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions" which includes the following points:

  • insurance experience is calculated on a calendar basis;
  • if the non-working period by date coincides with the time of work, then one of them is taken into account when calculating the choice of the future pensioner;
  • activities of the self-employed population or work under contracts with an individual are included in the length of service in the event that insurance premiums are paid to the FIU;
  • when establishing a pension in another state, the periods of work taken into account there for the Russian pension provision not accepted;
  • recipients of state benefits for long service, the periods taken into account when calculating this payment, not taken into account when assigning old-age pensions;
  • persons with experience acquired before the 2015 reform, can choose according to what rules to calculate it, provided for by the new legislation or according to the old one.

When assigning a pension not always confirmation of insurance experience is required.

Labor periods after the introduction of individual (personalized) accounting (IPU) and receipt of SNILS are confirmed automatically based on the information recorded on the individual personal account of the future pensioner, together with the periods before the introduction of the IPU.

Confirmation of periods of labor activity in the presence of labor activity before the introduction of individual accounting may be necessary:

  • In the absence of relevant data in the FIU. In this case, as a rule, supporting documents are required from the employer or from government agencies, in the manner prescribed by law.
  • In case of destruction without the possibility of recovery or loss of documents on work without the fault of the employee. In this case, the establishment of the length of service (with the exception of the nature of the work) occurs on the basis of witness testimony ( 2 or more people).


In the history of changes in the pension system in relation to the work (insurance) period, one can single out some moments:

  • The main document confirming labor activity is still a work book. The information recorded in it is confirmed by the data of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and is counted in the length of service if insurance premiums were paid during the work.
  • The periods of work that existed before the introduction of registration in the OPS system were converted and entered into the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on individual personal accounts of citizens.
  • In the case of the self-employed population, work for an entrepreneur or individual, contracts and information from the FIU will be confirmation of the insurance period, if insurance premiums were paid at that time.
  • As a result of the pension reform in 2015, all working periods of citizens, taking into account the contributions made, are evaluated in individual pension coefficients, and in the future, to make a decision on the appointment of a pension, along with the requirement for a minimum length of service, their size will be taken into account.

For the majority of elderly Russians, pensions are the main, if not the only, source of income. Not all senior citizens have the support of relatives or a normal state of health that allows them to work fully. But even if they have a sufficient level of physical and mental resources, many employers do not want to employ such citizens because of their age.

The problem of state support for people who have retired has become more acute with the entry of our country into a crisis phase of development. First of all, this is due to economic sanctions against Russia and lower prices for basic export goods. So the Pension Fund is going through far from the best of times and is trying to cut, where possible, the outflow of funds. That is why, two years ago, the government, having reviewed the situation, developed a program of changes in the current legislation regarding this issue.

Reforms in 2015 relate to retirement pensions

The number of citizens going on a well-deserved vacation in Russia is steadily growing, and the number of people making insurance premiums is getting smaller. Many work on "gray" salaries, when the state does not withhold interest from a certain part of the monetary reward.

The idea of ​​the pension system of Australian legislation was taken as the foundation of a new system of social security for disabled citizens by age.

Since 2015, innovations have started, according to which a new concept has been introduced - “insurance pension and pension point” (coefficient), which is accumulated on the account of each working citizen. This currency is converted into rubles.

This method avoids the depreciation of funds due to rising inflation. For each year of employment, an individual receives 1 point.

Minimum pension: what is needed for this

In order to receive old-age cash benefits, the following conditions are required:

  • reaching the required age;
  • sufficient work experience;
  • general coefficient.

To enter a well-deserved rest, such a score must be at least 11.4 in 2017. It will increase by 2.4 points annually; stops at 30.

As you know, the retirement age for a woman in Russia is 55 years, and for a man - 60. These aspects have not changed.

How many years do you have to work to earn a pension?

The 2015 reforms also affected the duration of the mandatory period of labor activity for Russians in order to receive an insurance pension. The government believes that the required 5 years, which were previously required, are not sufficient incentives for the employment of citizens in formalized jobs.

In 2017, the minimum length of service for calculating a pension is 8 years. This indicator will gradually increase until 2025 and its growth will stop, stopping at around 15. For example, if this year the retirement age comes for a Russian, but the required length of service has not been gained, then whenever he applies for cash payments, he will be required the exact number of years.

What is included in the work experience

In addition to actual and officially confirmed employment, the length of service includes the following documented periods:

  • military training or service;
  • being registered with the Employment Center;
  • disability due to motherhood (up to 1.5 years);
  • caring for a relative in need of care;
  • paid social work;
  • deterioration in health that prevents the performance of work;
  • imprisonment if the person's innocence of the offense is subsequently proven.

What is the retirement age for citizens located in the northern regions and those closest to them? It is 5 or more years lower than the rest. In addition, 9 months of work in this area correspond to 12 months for the whole country.

The main document to confirm the experience is a work book. However, there are cases of its loss, and there may also be inaccuracies made during filling. Among the most common mistakes are the absence of a seal when recording a dismissal, the inability to parse it, the absence of a record of the position or the name of the organization, etc. All these details can complicate the process of applying for a pension.

In this case, the necessary information is taken from other documents that can be obtained from the place of work or archival institutions. Such papers include employment contracts that are drawn up in accordance with the law, certificates from employers, certificates from archives, extracts from orders.

Lack or lack of seniority for a minimum pension

If a citizen has not worked out the period specified by law or has not entered into labor relations at all, then he has the right to receive a social old-age pension. It is prescribed upon reaching a certain age, which is increased by 5 years from the above.

What determines the amount of the minimum age allowance

The amount of the old-age pension is the greater, the longer the period of service and the amount of salary, that is, 24% of the amount of monetary remuneration for labor activity. Such an allowance is assigned on the basis of the subsistence minimum, which differs in different regions (in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Crimea, Bryansk and the Krasnodar Territory - the maximum indicators of its value).

In the event that an individual, having reached retirement age, does not stop working, his future benefit will increase. The later he stops working, the higher the points become, which will then be converted into rubles.

In 2019, the change in the legislation on raising the minimum length of service for retirement, which came into force in 2015, continues to be in force. The number of mandatory years worked to receive insurance benefits by age will grow annually, eventually reaching 15. Such measures are applied by law in order to motivate Russians to work legally. An important role is also played by the introduction of a point instead of the ruble for accumulation on the individual account of each pensioner. These changes should protect cash from rising inflation.

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The most important:

What kind of pedstay is needed for a preferential pension in Russia in 2019 What influences and how is continuous work experience calculated

Upon reaching a certain age, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive payments from the state in the form of a pension. In recent years, the pension system in our country has been repeatedly reformed. Now the amount of the benefit is determined by many factors, but the length of service for retirement remains one of the most important conditions.

Until 2002, the size of the pension in Russia was determined by a single indicator: the number of years reflected in the work book. The length of service included periods of military service, education and maternity leave. The requirement for calculating a labor pension was compliance with the retirement age and the presence of a confirmed length of service of 20 or 25 years for women and men, respectively. Each additional year worked meant an increase in pension in the amount of 1% of salary.

After the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N-400-FZ “On insurance pensions”, a new concept of “insurance experience” was introduced. Starting from 2002, only those periods in which insurance contributions to the pension fund were made are taken into account. The employer lists them, and the amount of deductions depends on how much the employee's salary is. Therefore, the fact of employment in accordance with the Labor Code and the availability of a “white” salary become fundamentally important.

For 13 years, the minimum length of service for calculating a pension was equal to only 5 years of continuous work with insurance contributions. Given the high salary, even for such a short period of time, citizens could claim an above-average pension, which is not entirely fair for people who have worked for decades with a lower salary. In addition, soft requirements for the duration of insurance premiums are not effective enough in motivating citizens to look for official work and not agree to a salary “in an envelope”.

2015 reform

Taking into account the observed consequences of the previous reform and the developed economic crisis in 2015, significant changes were again made to the pension system:

  • The government has decided to gradually raise the minimum length of service for calculating an old-age pension from 5 to 15 years by 2025. So in 2019, the required minimum is 9 years.
  • The pension accumulation system is translated into points, the number of which is affected by both the length of service and the amount of income. On the one hand, this minimizes the risks of inflation. In the course of labor activity, the money itself is not actually accumulated, but a coefficient is formed, on the basis of which the amount of the pension benefit will eventually be calculated. On the other hand, it turns out that each citizen is no longer assigned a specific amount, and everything depends on the real state of affairs in the country's economy at the time of retirement.
  • The minimum length of service for retirement "for seniority" is being increased in some industries.
  • Changes have been made in terms of the types and terms of other activities taken into account when calculating the length of service.
  • The concept has been canceled, the total length of service of the employee is taken into account.

Since 2015, not only the number of years devoted to labor activity has become mandatory, but also how many insurance contributions have been transferred to the pension fund. That is, a situation is possible when there is enough experience, but the norm of points is not scored. For 2019, 12.4 points is enough, and by 2025, you will need to have at least 30 points. This means that in the near future, working for a low “white” salary will not guarantee the right to an insurance payment, even if there is a minimum length of service to receive a pension.

What periods are included in the length of service

If the employer or the citizen himself transfers insurance contributions to the pension fund, the length of service in most cases is calculated as follows: 1 day of employment is equal to 1 day of experience. But there are periods in which the employee does not fulfill his labor duties. Insurance premiums are not transferred, however, in accordance with Article 12 of Federal Law N400-FZ, this time is counted as:

  • Period of military service.
  • Leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years (not more than 6 years in total is taken into account).
  • A period of temporary incapacity due to injury or illness.
  • Time spent under detention in case of unfair prosecution.
  • The period of job search, subject to and following the rules of interaction with it.
  • The period of care for a disabled person or a citizen over 80 years old.

An important condition for accounting for the time spent as a result of these circumstances is the presence of official work before and after these periods.

With the introduction of the points system, socially significant activities are not only included in the length of service, but also involve the accrual of points for each year in the amount of:

  • Army -1.8 points
  • Decree - from 1.8 points, depending on the number of children
  • Care for the disabled - 1.8 points

Years of education, with the exception of advanced training and paid work practice, are no longer accepted as part of the total length of service under the new legislation. It is assumed that in the future the level of qualification obtained will provide a higher salary, which will allow you to receive more points.

Preferential calculation of experience

In some cases it is possible. It's about pay for service. Such a payment is accrued if a citizen worked in special harmful, difficult conditions or was engaged in a certain socially useful type of activity:

  • Residents of the Far North and territories equivalent to them have been reduced the age of possible retirement by 7-10 years. There are requirements for the total experience, the number of years lived in these regions and experience in a particular industry.
  • Medical personnel and teachers are entitled to a pension after 25-30 years of work in the profession.
  • For pilots and military personnel, 20-25 years of service is enough to apply for a pension.
  • In a number of industries that involve harmful effects on human health, the minimum retirement age is lower than the generally accepted one by 5 years.
  • Civil servants used to be eligible for a “long service” pension after 15 years of service. According to the law N143-FZ, adopted in May 2016, the required term of civil service will gradually rise to 20 years by 2026.

pension for the unemployed

In order to qualify for an insurance pension, it is important to meet the requirements established by law: to have the required number of points and the minimum length of service for granting an old-age pension. But if any of the two points is not fulfilled, this does not mean that a citizen of advanced age is not entitled to benefits.

In case of insufficient work experience or its absence, the state pays a social old-age pension. It is established on the basis of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”. Since the amount in the end is insignificant, at the expense of the regional budget, the size of the social pension is brought up to the subsistence level adopted in the region. Only non-working citizens can start receiving a social pension upon reaching the age of 60 for women and 65 for men, which is 5 years later than the general requirement for the retirement age.

In recent years, the minimum pension period has been increased, mandatory requirements for the amount of insurance contributions have been set through a point system, and there is a tendency to reduce the possibility of early retirement “for length of service”. The government does not hide the fact that the reforms are aimed at reducing state spending on pension payments. This measure is explained by the resulting imbalance between the number of able-bodied population and the number of people of retirement and pre-retirement age.

The payment of benefits, including pensions, is annually one of the largest expenditure items in the federal budget. The state expects that the measures taken can affect the replenishment of the pension fund at the expense of insurance contributions, and thereby partially solve the problem of the shortage of funds for the payment of labor pensions to current and future pensioners.

Sooner or later, every modern Russian woman thinks about retirement. What do we know about the current pension reform? It is known that in 2019 in Russia the pension system has already switched to a new scheme of work from January 1. Some Russian politicians (we won't give their names, but just express their opinion) believe that pension payments to women are made very early. That is, they could still work hard and plow for the good of the great Motherland, and already at fifty - fifty-five years old they are sitting at home on a pension, a “deserved” rest.

So there is an opinion that modern reforms do not stimulate Russian women, but on the contrary, they tend to finish their careers as soon as possible and relax, relax, relax ... Is this really so? And is it true that the length of service for women's pensions in 2019 may increase? All this will be discussed in this article.

Is seniority important?

We always remember the age criteria: 55 years for the female half of society and 60 years for the male. And how many of us know why experience is needed? How long does it take to retire?

Having rummaged in dictionaries, having re-read a lot of useful literature, we conclude that seniority is your time worked, both at a permanent workplace and taking into account socially useful activities.

This is a factual justification not only for a pension, but also for a well-deserved vacation, receiving benefits, benefits, social benefits, and in some cases, an increase in wages.

Several things need to be taken into account. Where is your experience recorded? In the work book - in a personal document, which confirms your work. In Russia, these books appeared in 1939 to make it easier to check workdays. Now, if you have worked in some organization for more than five days, then this is recorded in such a document.

It suddenly happened that they made an incorrect entry in it or lost it altogether, you will have to look for other documents that will confirm your work experience. This is an order for hiring, dismissal, employment contracts. Where to find them? Ask the authorities of those organizations where you managed to work. Although you can try to find them in the state repository, the area in which they worked.

What are the new requirements for seniority from 2019

A woman who has worked on a “white” salary for 30 years can expect a 40% pension from lost income. But with a minimum experience, the payment will be small - 24% of the salary.

As you can see, in order to receive a labor pension, a woman needs to have at least 5 years of experience. What prospects are offered to us? By 2025, the minimum total length of service will be 15 years. That is, today's 5 years over the next 10 years will gradually increase - by 1 year. Those women who have a total experience of less than 15 years will be able to apply to the FIU for a social pension at the age of 60. There is also a social supplement up to the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of residence.

Seniority and pension for workers of the Far North

Not only men live and work in the Far North, but also women. In these conditions, not grace periods are taken into account, but calendar terms of service. The time of study, service, etc. is also counted. If a pensioner decided to leave the area with an unsuitable climate for her, moved to another region of Russia, then the pension will be calculated in a new way. That is, everything will depend on the place of residence of the woman. Although the "northern" experience will not change.

Insurance experience for women working and, accordingly, living in the regions of the Far North, 20 years:

  • with two or more children (from 50 years old);
  • in special working conditions;
  • with permanent residence (45 years).

A year of experience corresponds to 9 months of work in the conditions of the North.

Since the beginning of 2017, a new calculation of pensions has also been introduced in the system of compulsory pension insurance. Labor was transformed into insurance, as well as funded.

Be careful! To perform the necessary mathematical operations, you need to know the number of your PBs, in other words, the “individual pension coefficient”. With the help of PB, each year of work is evaluated.

Now, to retire due to old age, you need to gain more than 30 PB. This year, the minimum BOP is 6.6. Each next year, this value will increase by 2.4 to 30 in 2025.

How much does PB cost? Since the beginning of 2017, 1PB = 64.1 rubles, and the amount of a fixed payment is 3935 rubles. In some areas, it is calculated taking into account the district coefficient.

You may wonder why they introduced pension points, because they only complicate the calculations? Experts explain it this way: all because of inflation, so that labor savings do not burn out and points are introduced.

Step-by-step instructions: how to determine the amount of a future pension

Here you need to act in the following order:

  1. It is necessary to determine the amount of insurance experience (according to the new law, the minimum amount this year is 6 years).
  2. The IPC should be calculated: the IC for the entire period of work of the pensioner is equal to the sum of the coefficients for the period before and after 2017: IC = K01 + K02.
  3. We find out the size of the insurance pension (SP): one should take into account the increase in the price of IC - in the first half of the year it is less than in the second.
  4. We calculate the final amount: JV + fixed payment (today - 3935 rubles).

Advice for women who are far from accounting: if you could not understand this part of the article after reading it three times, more and do not try to do it yourself, contact an experienced accountant.

More innovations

The Russian government is doing everything to encourage women to work even after the retirement age threshold. If you didn't sign up as soon as you turned 55, then for each subsequent year you will receive bonus points and an increase in the fixed payment.

We talked about the fact that since January 2017, the labor pension began to include insurance and funded. The state pays only the insurance (if you met certain conditions for the deduction of funds in the PF). The accumulative form is formed by the woman herself. Recall that at the moment, mandatory contributions to the Pension Fund from wages are 22%. Of these, 16% can be divided at will: 10% - insurance part, 6% - funded. But if a woman refuses to save money, what does the state do in this case? Persuading? Begging? No, all 16% go to the insurance part.

Of course, women are primarily interested in how maternity leave and parental leave, these very “non-insurance periods”, will be calculated in the PB. We answer: in such cases, a special coefficient calculation of pensions is assigned. For the period of caring for the first four children, a woman is awarded additional points: for 1 child - 1.8 PB, for 2 children - 3.6 PB, for 3 and

4 children - 5.4 PB. Another 6 years will be taken into account when calculating the old-age pension as seniority (today only 3 years).

A few "ifs"...

If a woman has worked for more than 30 years in agriculture, in the internal affairs bodies, in the military service, then the government promises to increase the size of the pension from next year.

If a woman does not officially work? How to be in this case with pension? Women-housewives will not be able to receive an insurance pension (there are no contributions to the Pension Fund, the length of service is not accrued, points - too) at the age of 55. But maybe at 60 - social.

If a woman works unofficially? The situation is similar: only a social pension at the age of 60.

Until 2015, in order to accrue pensions upon entering a well-deserved rest, citizens had to have at least five years of insurance experience. Since 2015, the rules have been tightened: the concept of “labor pension” as such has ceased to exist, and the length of service has been replaced by pension points.

The minimum length of service for a pension in Russia in 2017

The current accrual system obliges future pensioners to be more attentive to the tightening of the rules for calculating the minimum length of service for assigning pension payments, since starting from January 2015, the length of service for receiving them has increased to 6 years.

In 2017, the period is designated as 8 years and continues to grow in stages by one year over ten years, that is, in 2025 it will be 15 years. A person will receive the right to accrue the minimum pension benefit if he has worked the required number of years by the time he enters a well-deserved rest. For those who retired in 2017, that figure is eight years of formal employment.

The amount of future pension payments depends on several factors:

  • the amount of remuneration (salary) accrued to a citizen officially, that is, from which deductions were made to the PF;
  • the pensioner's choice of security option;
  • age when a person went on a well-deserved rest;
  • duration of accumulated insurance experience.
Despite the innovations, the retirement age for January 2017 remained the same: for women - 55 years, for men - 60 years. The changes affected only civil servants: for this category of working citizens, the retirement age for the female half of the population will be 63 years and 65 years for men, respectively, and the length of service must be at least 20 years. These innovations will also be introduced gradually.

Since the amount of the pension is tied to the amount of the officially received salary for the entire period of employment, the presence of the insurance period and the time to go on a well-deserved rest, the general principle can be described as follows: the higher the wages and the longer the accumulated insurance period, the more tangible the expected pension will be.

What is included in the minimum length of service for calculating a pension?

According to the new established rules, when applying for an old-age pension, the insurance period is taken into account, including the duration of the stages of the future pensioner's work activity and other non-labor stages, during which the employer made contributions to the Pension Fund.

In addition to confirmed labor activity, the length of service for paying pension benefits takes into account some periods, also documented, during which a person did not work and did not pay contributions to the Pension Fund:

  • being in military service and studying at the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • the period of stay at the Employment Center and receiving unemployment benefits;
  • the impossibility of conducting labor activities in connection with caring for children from 3 to 6 years old (but not more than one and a half years for each baby);
  • time of care for a disabled citizen;
  • the period of residence of the spouse of a military man, an employee of consular offices, if there is no possibility of employment;
  • the time spent by innocently convicted persons in places of deprivation of liberty (if the innocence of the person is proven);
  • social activities for which citizens are paid.
The period of study at the university is not taken into account: the government believes that a highly qualified graduate will make up for lost time through work. More about work experience and training -.

All indicated periods can be counted in the general insurance period, provided that the person officially worked before the specified event, pension contributions were regularly paid for him, and after forced disability he returned to work.

How is the amount of the pension determined using the insurance coefficient?

Prior to the latest changes in legislation, the pension capital of an employee was formed in rubles and was subject to annual indexation. According to the new rules, a worker is credited with insurance points (coefficient) - a kind of “currency”, which is indexed in rubles when calculating a pension. The number of pension points is calculated based on the sum of all paid insurance premiums paid by the employer to the Pension Fund for the employee.

The amount of earnings directly affects the amount of deductions: at the minimum salary, a person will receive only one point per year, and in order to earn a more or less decent pension benefit, a person must earn 11.5 points in 2017. The indicator increases gradually from year to year and by 2025 it will already be 30 points.

Accordingly, the higher the official (white) salary of citizens, the more likely they are to receive decent maintenance in old age. On the official website of the PFR, you can find out the number of points and the time of the existing experience.

Such innovations are designed to bring a part of the business out of the shadows and encourage employers to appreciate the work of their employees and pay them an official salary.

How to increase the length of service if it is not enough upon retirement?

The current legislation gives citizens the right to increase the missing insurance period in the following way:
  • pay additional insurance premiums on their own, both for themselves personally and for a member of their family (for example, if one of the spouses is forced to work), while increasing the insurance period and the number of points to the required amount;
  • “buy” the missing part of the insurance period by submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund, after which the amount of regular payments will be assigned;
  • , after which a pension supplement is calculated, respectively, and annual points - 1.8 per year (this can be done by both a relative and any other).
If, for some reason, at the time of retirement, a person has not scored the required number of points and the required minimum length of service, he is entitled to receive a social pension, although the amount of payments is quite modest, it is added to the subsistence minimum due to regional allowances.

The unpleasant moment is that you can get a "social program" only when women reach 60 years old, and men - 65.

Citizens who, upon retirement, did not get the required amount of insurance experience and points are entitled to the payment of social assistance from the state. If you have the strength and desire, you can continue to work further, gradually increasing the length of service. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that social security is not accrued to working pensioners.

In addition, in order to receive a social pension, you need to permanently reside on the territory of Russia, when you leave it for permanent residence, payments stop. The amount of the social pension must not be less than the established subsistence minimum. All pension payments are indexed annually.

For most senior citizens, pensions are the most important, and often the only, source of income. To get decent old-age security, you need to take care of this from a young age, observing all the conditions for accumulating a minimum insurance period and the required number of points.