How to celebrate the corporate new year with a small team. How to celebrate the corporate New Year

New Year's time is coming corporate parties, which in most of us' frame of reference equates to a three-hour hell with dressing up and bottled pencils. Let's say no to bad corporate parties: keep the chart of ideas from one of the most famous presenters in the city, Alexander Chumak, who will make the New Year with colleagues a joyful and expected event.


Rule number 1: The holiday must start early

All adults are small children at heart, so the expectation of the evening is sweeter for them than the corporate party itself. Start with the announcement of the event, which is worth preparing the sooner the better - at least two weeks in advance. These can be posters (you can collude with your designer to make them), e-mail newsletters (there are many convenient services, for example, Mailchimp or Unisender) or beautiful paper envelopes. Indicate the dress code in the invitation or lift the veil of the secrets of the alcohol menu - this will give a reason to discuss the corporate party on the sidelines even before it starts. Dress code is an important part of the event. You should not demand some incredible complex outfits from your colleagues, and do not forget about those forgetful guys who are definitely not prepared - hand out symbolic decorations at the entrance so that no one feels like a black sheep.

Rule #2: DIY is back in fashion

Performances, videos, surprises from employees - it is much more interesting to look at something sincere and prepared especially for you than at the next performance of show ballets and cover bands. The very preparation for the event can really bring the team together: accompany each rehearsal with pizza and lemonade, invite a professional director and screenwriter - they will help organize the people and avoid the worst manifestations of amateur performances, try to make sure that each employee takes part - if someone is missing, say , acting talent, let him at least cut out snowflakes. In general, fantasize and do not force anyone.

Rule #3: Don't Forget the Big Idea

Subordinate the whole holiday to one, the most important message: creating a company totem (maybe funny), a competition of homemade short films about how everyone works or relaxes together, the collective creation of a new anthem, a trip to a sports match or concert - there are many options, choose the one what is closest to everyone and fits into the budget.



The cheapest and easiest answer to a corporate party question. If you approach the DIY format wisely, the whole company will treat the workspace a little differently for at least a couple of months and perceive it not as a daily obligation, but as a place where you can also have fun and relax.

Turnkey solution

Service ready-made solutions Magic Box, Smarty Party - it can have many names: it is such a virtual box with very real solutions inside. It contains instructions for organizing and holding a holiday, a list of props for themed holiday(in order not to forget to buy false mustaches or straws for drinks), all entertainment-competitions (usually universal) are described, music is selected, a program for quick start audio and video files (so that an erotic slideshow does not suddenly turn on) and in general - a lot of useful things. The pleasure costs within 5,000 rubles, excluding the cost of props - in any case, it is cheaper than hiring a screenwriter and presenter.


It is clear that for whole year office space can get boring - and then it's time to transform it and help colleagues look at everything that happens from the other side. As an option - organize a quest to find some treasure (at least a box of champagne and a bucket of tangerines) with clues scattered throughout the room. Finding a marked bill in the accounting department, picking up the password to a secret folder on the system administrator’s computer, cleaning up the PR manager’s desk and finding a note with a code in a mountain of papers, solving a riddle laid out with colored buttons on the board in the director’s office - the search is limited only by fantasy and security rules.


Another chance to look at the office from the other side, close to the previous entertainment. It is easy and simple to perform such an operation on a daily basis: we announce a competition among employees for the best robot or dinosaur (or themed costumes for a fashion show, or new year decoration) from improvised office materials. Drafts, computer mice, trash cans, used tea bags, lunch boxes - whatever. The competition itself can be short or extended, say, for a week - the main thing is not to forget about the sweet and alcoholic prize for the winning team (department), as well as provide consolation prizes for all participants of the challenge.

Club or bar

You should not think that only you, so fashionable and youthful, want to hang out - just ask your senior colleagues how long they have been dancing on the bar and mixing cocktails on their own. It is quite possible to get a collective “yes” in response to an offer to have a drink all together, but in this case, you need to remember some subtleties: for example, it is better to find an isolated site so that the holiday is not spoiled by outsiders.

Master class from the bartender

Tipping stacks with a "cleaner" is dangerous and rather boring, and there is a more perky alternative to such an undertaking. You can ask the bartender of the establishment to conduct a master class for the company on making popular cocktails like old fashion or Bloody Mary, or, conversely, unusual pieces who have not even tried the office alcohol gurus. Take care in advance of the ratio of lovers of stronger drinks and light mixes, and also check if the bartender can tell an interesting story about the cocktail, and not mumble something under his breath.

Employees as DJs

A CEO who puts on the hits of "Draft" and gives himself away, a driver who loves Diana Ross (oops) or an HR manager who is a fan of Buzzcocks - such an evening can be full of funny surprises. The main thing is to warn everyone in advance and check the length of the songs downloaded from VKontakte, or even better, invite a professional DJ who can help beginners with mixing.

Chimes and video message

In a drunken stupor, it is easy to forget what everyone has gathered for, so be sure to record the chimes and ask them to solemnly turn it on at X-hour. It would be a good idea to record a video message from the director of the company, say, on Kuibyshev Square - let it be something sweet, informal and uplifting. Even if the director is not too talkative and sculpts banalities, pass his voice through the distorter - everyone will be happy (except the director, probably).

Location: in nature

If the weather allows, you can play "Susanins" - throw the whole office into the forest blindfolded and again arrange a quest: frozen and frightened participants at the end of the path will have a barbecue, a bathhouse, strong drinks. Again, shooting ranges, jeeping, laser tag, snowball fights, hockey, building a snow fort will do - do not be afraid of childishness. It is important, of course, not to overdo it: it is strange to warn about this, but many do not calculate the time spent in frosty air, and the corporate party turns into a sore throat party.

Event host and organizer

First of all, you need to think carefully whether you are ready to organize everything yourself or still turn to a team of professionals for help. Remember that you can organize an event yourself if the team does not exceed 20-30 people - otherwise the evening runs the risk of turning into an amateur circle, from which everyone is quickly driven away.

However, if in your company's smoking room the word "crisis" sounds more often than the names of employees, the general mood is panicky, and there is practically no budget for entertainment events, you need to follow these steps. First you need to evaluate the audience: the number of people, their age and what they might be interested in. And attention! Book your spot right now! Today, any site can be transformed in accordance with the theme of the event, but it is better to choose the one that most accurately meets all the technical requirements - this will save a lot.

Decide on the purpose of the event: it happens that the leadership needs to relieve itself of all official obligations and become, as they say, “closer to the people”, or, conversely, everything should be serious, in a secular way, until nine in the evening. In addition, it is important to take into account the experience of previous holidays and analyze what you definitely should not do.

Alexander Chumak group

Polina Khabarova, Deputy General Director for Human Resources at CROC: The New Year is a whole system of events that complement and enhance each other's effect. The site, presentation scenario, internal activities in the office are selected in such a way as to direct the energy of employees to improve business efficiency.

Each New Year in our company is a unique program that broadcasts corporate values. I must say that we do not resort to the help of event agencies. Such events are organized by specialists of the HR department, and this is a principled position. In our opinion, only specialists who develop corporate culture know exactly what the holiday should be like this year so that its concept meets the company's objectives.

The site, presentation scenario, internal activities in the office are selected in such a way as to direct the energy of employees to improve business efficiency.

We strive not to entertain employees, but to increase their loyalty, improve internal communication processes: develop horizontal connections, maintain the atmosphere of a family company, and manage changes.

Our New Year's holiday is always distinguished by unforgettable performances: Cirque du CROC, CROC humor Fest, dance show"Dancing in the net", etc. There is a rule: the main stars of the holiday are employees. Under the guidance of professionals, they master new roles for themselves and fully reveal themselves in bright shows.

The performance is developed as part of creative preparations that begin several months in advance. In addition to the development of creative potential, which contributes to both personal and professional growth, the goal is to strengthen the team: employees get to know each other and communicate, which subsequently works to increase the effectiveness of teamwork.

It should be noted that in New Year's performances key persons of the company are always involved - the owner and top managers. Thanks to this, we not only develop horizontal ties by establishing an informal dialogue between employees and tops, but also get the opportunity to promote them within the company, preserving corporate culture and values.

We also pay attention to internal PR before and after the main event. Information support starts 1.5-2 months before the New Year; as the “day X” approaches, interest is heating up: rumors are confirmed about where there will be a holiday, in what format, the secrets of the main show of the year are revealed. And then New Year's Eve we sum up, publish a report, exchange photos, prepare a video version of the show itself and what happened behind the scenes.

New Year as the main family holiday - a great opportunity influence the loyalty of the families of colleagues. The children of our employees are always looking forward to the New Year's KROK holiday, and this is no coincidence, because every time they have an interesting performance and show program, as well as gifts from the company. We give separate prizes to the children who took part in the competition. New Year's crafts. Perhaps this can also be called creative training! Children, of course, come to the holiday with their parents, which allows employees to get acquainted with the relatives of their colleagues, communicate in a pleasant environment and often strike up friendships.

Colleagues have a need to actively express themselves in the social sphere. We support this aspiration and create conditions for charity events. For example, corporate theater actors prepare New Year's performances for children from the sponsored orphanage.

In the atmosphere new year holiday, beloved since childhood, work is not only more joyful, but also more efficient. HR specialists know exactly how to make a holiday out of work.

Olga Filatova, HR Director, MegaFon OJSC:

Summing up the results of the year, it is necessary to make it clear to each employee that he is part of a great great team that appreciates his work and efforts. Moreover, for many, December remains one of the busiest months: some projects are being completed, others are being prepared for the start, plans are being made for the near future. In such a situation, it is important that a person goes on vacation with a charge of positive emotions.

The format of a banquet or a nightclub has already become familiar - and you want something new and unusual.

For example, having fun with colleagues on fresh air. Since our company actively supports sports and healthy lifestyle life, then we celebrate the New Year in this way.

The New Year's corporate party this time will be held at the skating rink near the Arc de Triomphe, it will be attended by 2.5 thousand employees of the capital's branch and head office. It will be real winter holiday V full sense of this word - with a smart Christmas tree, ice skating, games of hockey and curling, as well as large winter tents where guests can warm up.

Planning a corporate New Year, it is important to take this into account and create in each employee a sense of their own value, a creative impulse and belonging to " big family».

A presentation of a remake of our corporate anthem will take place at the celebration. Back in November, the contest-project "Voice of MegaFon" was launched, as a result of which it was possible to choose the best voices among the company's employees throughout the country. More than 200 people took part in the qualifying stages.

Natalya Yurievna Khanina, Head of Human Resources Department, Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPO Microgen of the Ministry of Health of Russia:

New Year is a family holiday. When planning a corporate new year, it is important to take this into account and create in each employee a sense of their own value, a creative impulse and belonging to a “big family”. Our regional offices have preserved (and we support it very much) the tradition of New Year's skits, skits, hand-made performances. Also, at our factories, Christmas trees with an extensive entertainment program are always held for the children of employees.

Recently, as an alternative to the New Year's banquet, we have chosen a joint visit to cultural events - theater, musical. This year it will be an ice show. We consider it a good find for New Year's events to hold various creative master classes - for example, decoupage, glass painting, coinage and even painting. Chinese lanterns. Such an appeal to the creativity of employees allows them to shake themselves up, gain new experience, bright emotions, take a different look at yourself, your work, get away from the routine.

Alexander Vladimirovich Kuzmin, CEO"RusHOLTS" company:

At corporate parties, you can identify many problematic moments in the team and not allow them to negatively affect the work.

New Year is perhaps the second most important holiday after the company's birthday. Although for many employees, especially new ones, it is even more important. Concerning alternative ways celebration, then yes, we, as a company that has celebrated it together more than 20 times, try to come up with something new and unusual every year. In the organization market corporate events there are many interesting offers, although most of them are not suitable for such large companies. We have to build some alternative and interesting moments into traditional formats. The ability to combine business with pleasure is the real skill of an HR specialist.

Victoria Shapran, ArrowMedia Sales Director (Kokoc Group):

The main goal, which, as a rule, is pursued by the organizers New Year's corporate party, team building. IN large companies this task is approached broadly, on a grand scale: for example, one corporation staged the musical Chicago with the help of its employees.

Our capabilities are much more modest, but we also hold New Year's parties designed to unite employees. Once they organized an event in the spirit of the Soviet stage: the guys themselves prepared the script, changed clothes, sang songs, held contests. Of course, it is easier to invite star performers to a corporate party, but the more we involve the staff in a common cause, the stronger it unites. In addition, previously hidden talents are revealed in people.

The more you involve the staff in a common cause, the stronger it unites.

A separate attribute is gifts to employees. We all remember catchphrase: "It's not the gift that's important, it's the attention." From childhood, we were taught to eat tangerines and sweets for the New Year, and now we are waiting for them at any age. Whatever the company's budget, it can always congratulate employees by rewarding them with at least postcards or certificates. After all, we spend a lot of time at work, and in addition to money, people also want to receive praise, individual attention. As my practice shows, in 99% of cases this motivates for further achievements, interaction and growth.

In state structures, they reward with the so-called thirteenth salary, but in our company there is no such thing, so I give gifts myself. When we had a small team, in the evenings after work I made presentations in the spirit of “tangerines, sweets, postcards”, and in the morning employees found on their tables delicious surprises. Last year I treated everyone to Olivier. Every year I make individual gifts to my colleagues in the sales department - good champagne, red caviar, tangerines, and if they have children, then Stuffed Toys. The most important thing is that the employee feels needed, and even a small new year giftgreat way show it.

Olga Luchina, Internal Communications Manager, Philip Morris Sales and Marketing LLC:

New Year corporate party- This great occasion remember the past year informal setting together to rejoice at the results achieved and, of course, to inspire colleagues to new victories in coming year. In addition, this is an opportunity for informal communication with the company's management, and for newcomers it is an ideal platform for adaptation in the team.

How to do new year party an effective tool for internal communications and exciting team building? Involving colleagues in the preparation of the holiday can be one solution. Since November, rehearsals of the show program have begun at the headquarters of our company in Moscow: employees from different departments share their creative ideas and one big team is preparing numbers for performing on stage on a festive evening.

Yulia Gubanova, HR Advisor R&D and Support, Veeam Software:

On new year event it is necessary to sum up the results of the outgoing year, note the achievements of the company, and discuss plans for the future.

The scale of the New Year's celebration should depend on the size of the company and its real situation. If things are not going well, a lavish corporate celebration will have a negative effect. You should start preparing for the event in advance, and first you need to decide on the site. She must contain required amount people, be convenient geographically and ideologically fit the company. The celebration must have a common concept, which must also coincide with the corporate culture. You can completely organize everything yourself, which is quite cheap, but resource-intensive, or you can turn to the services of a specialized agency. At the same time, it is important to see what companies it has worked with before, what events it has organized and what it is ready to offer you; it is also necessary to personally get acquainted with those people who will work on your project.

You need to carefully consider the design, interactive areas, transfer of guests and seating arrangements: a corporate event should facilitate informal communication between employees and establish new contacts, and an unsuccessful seating arrangement can greatly hinder this.

At the New Year's event, it is necessary to sum up the results of the outgoing year, note the achievements of the company, and discuss plans for the future. Well, if you can mark the most effective employees.

Gifts to staff for the New Year are not always and everywhere, but this year our company will please employees and their children. Choosing useful gifts, we try to take into account the interests of the people who work for us, as well as convey the spirit of the company, reflect its values.

Anastasia Verkhovtseva, Director of Selection, Adaptation and Internal Communications, Cetelem Bank LLC:

Spending the planned budget for charitable purposes is a great initiative.

New Year is, first of all, a holiday from childhood, when each of us dreamed that his wish would come true. This year, our bank employees offered new approach to spending funds planned for holding a corporate event: it was decided to spend part of the money on charity. This is another opportunity for us to help those in need. When you think about what is more important - a few hours at a party or the opportunity to fulfill the dream of a hundred years superfluous toddlers, the answer suggests itself. We support Orphanage and a baby house in the Tver region, so we will direct funds to help their children.

The same applies to corporate gifts. Today, this line of the budget is seen by an increasing number of companies as an opportunity to show social responsibility. Spending the planned budget for charitable purposes and telling employees about it, thus forming a more responsible attitude towards budgeting, as well as introducing the values ​​​​of a socially responsible company, is, in my opinion, a great initiative.

Olga Romanova, Senior Consultant, HI-Tech Practice, Marksman Recruiting Company:

Despite the fact that the New Year is considered family holiday, long before December 31, in many companies there is a large number of questions: “How to celebrate this year? What is our budget? etc.

The answers generally depend on the size of the organization. Large ones arrange large-scale corporate events for their employees: they rent restaurants or clubs, organize banquets, and there are always those who will be ashamed to look their colleagues in the eyes the next morning - the party turns into a banal drinking of alcohol. Small companies you have to save on such wild fun, and everything usually takes place in an office atmosphere; and it happens that employees themselves organize small holiday, throwing off in the general budget.

In a word, how many people, so many opinions. The choice of format is influenced by the level of the company, its corporate values, the composition of the team, its average age and interests. At large events, people usually disperse into “heaps”, many feel out of place, that is, they don’t have the soulfulness that the New Year brings. In some cases, each department also celebrates the holiday separately - it’s much more comfortable, because you spend 80% of all time with these colleagues, they are like a second family. It is quite possible to make sure that this event does not serve as a reason for a party, but becomes a tool for team building, meeting new team members, an opportunity to once again recharge with energy and goals of the company.

Various certificates are now indispensable as a New Year's sign of attention, gift cards or gifts-impressions.

New Year is significant date both for people and organizations; This is the moment of summing up and making plans for the future. Both ordinary employees and top management are present at corporate celebrations, so this great chance get to know everyone and find out who works at different levels. Of course, people come first of all to relax, so you should not abuse attention, but goodwill and sociability are always welcome.

It is also a good time to reward employees who have particularly distinguished themselves in the past year. Praise is not only pleasant for people, but also necessary for the organization itself, which thus forms the image of " perfect place work”, because where the staff is valued and respected, they work more efficiently.

Can you get some new tradition and make sure that each employee participates in its creation: a person will feel involved in a common cause, and most importantly, in corporate culture companies. For example, for 9 years now, among other things, we have been holding a Secret Santa. Everyone participates - both consultants and managing partners. Colleagues really like this format, gifts are made from the heart, interesting and unusual ones are chosen.

In general, it seems to me that various certificates, gift cards or impression gifts are now indispensable as a New Year's sign of attention. good option are also theater tickets or clothes with company symbols.

As you know, many companies arrange corporate parties and team building, and many have already had to participate in such events more than once. However, as a rule, few people can say that the corporate party was celebrated with fun, and it was remembered for a lifetime. Unremarkable places for banquets, uninteresting competitions and a boring program do not leave any bright memories in your memory. So where and how to hold a corporate party so that everyone likes and remembers it?

There are many interesting ideas and places for fun and active corporate holiday or team building. The main purpose of corporate events is team building, the opportunity to relax and chat in an informal setting. In this regard, it is important that all employees are involved in a common cause, a common game, a common interest.

In a short review below, interesting and unusual ideas and places that will help you celebrate a corporate party or have a team building fun.


Board games, Mafia

IN last years board games are becoming more and more popular. As practice shows, people of any age play them with pleasure. They are perfect for having fun even big company. There are games with more simple rules, in which the main thing is to be active ("Jenga", "Uno"), there are more complex ones, in which players have to express themselves without words, use gestures or draw (Allias, Imaginarium). The main difference between such games is that they are really interesting and fun and are perfect as an idea for a corporate party.

analogue board games, is a classic Mafia game that does not require any special accessories and is perfect as an original idea for celebrating a corporate party. There are many options for playing the game, the rules of which can be easily found on the Internet.

Quests in real time

The development of the topic of board games, a new, but already rapidly gaining popularity place for an active and interesting team building or corporate party, are the so-called live quests. For several hours, players are invited to participate in a fascinating thought experiment, try on one of the many roles, such as a detective, lawyer, doctor, gangster and many others.

Such quests are great entertainment for the mind, involve all participants in active discussion, and help develop the ability for collective communication, persuasion, logical thinking so they can be especially valuable in terms of team building.

Master Classes

You can organize a corporate event in an original way by visiting an interesting, and, most importantly, useful master class. In an informal setting, you can not only communicate with each other, but also learn something new. There are a lot of places for corporate events. For example, you can learn how to make soap self made, visit culinary master classes, tea ceremonies, wine tasting, pottery circle.

Professional photo session

As nice addition For a corporate event, you can arrange a professional photo shoot in the studio or outdoors. Then, from the best photos you can make a corporate calendar and present to the team unexpected gift for the New Year.

Horseback riding

At the moment, a large number of equestrian clubs offer their horse riding services. This is a great opportunity to actively hold a corporate party, enjoy horseback riding and communicate not only with colleagues, but also with graceful horses. Horseback riding in particular, and human-horse interaction in general, is recognized as a therapy and is excellent for promoting relaxation and relieving stress.

Skating rink

A classic for any season. Ice rink - a good place for moderately active and definitely fun corporate party. The most important thing is the desire to relax and have a good time, and the skill of skiing in this case not so important.


However, for active corporate recreation and team building best idea will be a joint trip out of town. The Kvadroprokat company organizes corporate events and team building. We write scripts and select interesting places to celebrate active corporate events.

Team building in nature

Classical training aimed at improving communication skills, developing friendly relations a team. There are many options for team building. Each scenario can be adjusted taking into account the specifics of the company's field of activity.

trolleybus Jug

Spider Skis

Pyramid Putanka


Quad biking

Quad biking is carried out on different scenarios. It can be overcoming tracks with obstacles, sports competitions, relay races, orientation. Driving an ATV does not require special skills, and guarantees an active and fun corporate party.


The shooting gallery is also offered to shoot semi-professional weapons. The most popular types of shooting range are pneumatic (using a rifle), slingshot, crossbow, knife and archery.

Pneumatic Crossbow

slingshot Knife

Luchny Mega slingshot


An excellent place for the quest - outside the city. On the agreed territory, participants are invited to become part of an interesting story and solve the secret cipher. Such an idea for a team building or corporate event will help to establish communication in the team, identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees when making decisions in a limited time.

Paintball and laser tag

The corporate entertainment that has already become a classic guarantees an extremely high degree of activity. The advantage of paintball from the company "Quadrokat" - high degree competition organization, really interesting places and locations for battles, high-quality equipment and qualified personnel.

It is also possible to organize more modern version paintball - laser tag. The main difference from paintball is the lack of pain when hit. The game uses weapons with optical and collimator sights, which make the sound of real shots. When an opponent is hit, his machine is turned off. Laser tag - unusual and interesting game for corporate holidays.


TO original ideas for corporate parties, riding on segways, zorbs and ATVs can be attributed. The Kvadroprokat company organizes these and other types of corporate recreation.

This year brought magic scissors under the Christmas tree to many companies in the country, which severely and without any ceremony cut the budgets for New Year's corporate parties.

Someone may perceive budget cuts as a hopeless situation, and someone as the ground for a creative approach. The SmartyParty team firmly believes that the reason for complete abolition corporate in the company is not a crisis and lack of money, but banal human laziness and problems in the corporate culture.

After all, as they say, "need for invention is cunning", and there are a huge number of ways to throw an incredibly fun banquet on a limited budget. So, if the boss said: "There will be no corporate party", show him our list "INSTEAD", and if after that he does not change his mind, then the boss simply does not want to see you off in 2014.

So, instead of sitting back and swearing at the economic situation in the country, cheer up your brains, make an effort and throw a fun corporate party in your company, relying on our list "INSTEAD":

1. Office INSTEAD of a restaurant. Who said office parties can't be fun? The main thing is to properly decorate the room, it will be an excellent platform for a party.

2. January INSTEAD OF December. Like it or not, but in December everyone raises the price tag, but just in January you can save a lot. Perhaps the liver of your colleagues will be a little tired on leaving New Year holidays, so after all, no one says that they must be soldered and fattened.

3. Buffet INSTEAD of a banquet. As a rule, the goal of a corporate party is to bring people together and informally communicate, so there is no need to lock their stomachs between a table and a chair, especially since a buffet table is half the price of a banquet.

4. Discount INSTEAD of a full check. Many managers simply forget to ask their contractors about the possibility of providing a discount, but this year no one wants to lose customers, so they will most likely give you a discount.

5. An idea INSTEAD of money. Known fact: The worse the idea, the more expensive its execution. It is better to spend a lot of time on creativity than a lot of money on a program.

6. Barter INSTEAD OF PURCHASE. Surely, your company has some kind of product or service, due to which it thrives. Think maybe you can be of some help to your contractors and offer to barter. For example, if you are optimizing taxes, just offer to do it for the restaurant where you are going to go out. Everything will be cheaper and better.

7. Office charismatic INSTEAD of a hired presenter. Perhaps you have a talent in your company that can spend a holiday, so let him show himself.

8. Own forces INSTEAD of hired ones. The more we put our souls into something, the more love more we him. Therefore, as entertainment program you can arrange a corporate KVN, a Minute of Glory and many other things that involve people. The main thing, in this case, is not to let everything take its course, forgetting about editing. In general, instead of a galaxy of stars at your banquet, your colleagues under the direction of one hired director can look great.

9. Freelancers INSTEAD of agencies. Agencies take a commission for organizing a holiday. And if in large companies it is almost impossible to cope without them, then small teams are quite capable of taking on this burden, especially since there are many freelancers on the market today who are ready to develop everything and everything literally for a penny: concept, script, video, design and all that the soul desires. In the end, you can find a freelance event manager who will take care of all the work for a modest fee.

10. SmartyParty ( INSTEAD of torment. And finally, you can use the boxed solution, which is becoming increasingly popular in the market. The idea is that in one box there is absolutely everything you need to organize a fun corporate party on your own. In this option, you can save mountains of money, as well as save a huge amount of time and nerve cells.