Corporate events holding corporate events. Management of corporate events in PR

Organization of corporate events (corporate events)

Conducting corporate events is not only aimed at entertainment for employees, but is a necessity for the management of the company, HR-specialists. Through internal PR, you can achieve a more coherent and effective work team, increase the non-material interest of employees in vigorous activity directed towards a common goal.

Why are corporate events important?

Everything that takes place within the company - from business meetings to happy Holidays, - designed to solve important tasks organizations. The main goal of corporate events is team building, in other words, team spirit, trust of employees to each other, motivation to work in a team. It is necessary that employees develop a sense of their personal involvement in the company, have an interest in the development of the company.

Let us note what other tasks are facing the activities aimed at the formation corporate culture within the company: 1. Retention of employees in the company, increasing their loyalty to the organization. 2. Intangible motivation of employees through awards, birthday greetings, organizing free concerts, etc. 3. Strengthening the relationship between management and staff. Corporate events provide an opportunity for informal, more confidential communication between top managers and other employees. 4. Identification internal problems company, shortcomings of its personnel policy. 5. Familiarization of employees with changes in the enterprise: new solutions, employees, plans. 6. Promoting the traditions and values ​​of the company. 7. Improvement emotional background a team.

Types of corporate events:

Depending on the specific purpose, situation and tone, corporate events are classified into a number of varieties: business (reception with the head, meetings, presentations, summing up the year); developing (seminars, master classes, trainings, conferences); team-building, or team-building (cohesion training, business games, competitions, rope course, hiking); sports (games, competitions, races, tournaments); entertaining (corporate holidays, receptions, concerts, corporate events in nature);

Solemn (rewarding employees, conferring titles) Often features different kind events combined in one. For example, corporate events in nature can combine a team-building game, a sports competition and a picnic. In any case, all elements of what is happening should be aimed at one result and strictly organized.

Planning of corporate events

Without a well-thought-out script and clearly defined goals, a training or party can turn out to be chaotic and frustrating for employees. At the stage of drawing up a plan for a corporate event, it is imperative to take into account the following points: the interest of employees in the upcoming event (preliminarily clarified through a survey); voluntary participation in the event; clear time frames; the date of the event should suit the majority; carefully and pre-selected premises, suitable in terms of capacity and comfort, corresponding to the conditions of the event (conference, holiday); preparing a clear detailed scenario corporate event, its coordination with everyone who takes part in the organization, speaks; responsible approach to design: from corporate invitations to hall design. The organization of a corporate event is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to involve each participant in it. It should be borne in mind that some like to help organize the event, others like to participate in competitions, others like to give a speech, and the fourth like to receive prizes.

Corporate events - important tool formation of the corporate culture of the organization: they raise the motivation of employees, promote team building, and also identify the main problems in the organization, that is, they are used as a tool for organizational diagnostics.

Corporate holidays- an inseparable part of the spirit of the company. The employee must work well and also have a great rest.

Each company has its own internal policy, according to which it is determined which holidays to celebrate. The calendar of "state" holidays of the company can be very diverse. To the typical “minimum” option - New Year and the company's birthday - sometimes February 23 and March 8 are added. Well, the “maximum” option is limited only by the imagination of the HR manager and the allocated budget.

It is believed that corporate events unite the team, but much depends on how they are held. Experts note that the main component of the success of a corporate holiday is the presence of a certain concept.

A corporate event can be a very effective tool for building corporate culture. But only if, even at the preparation stage, the organizers clearly formulate the goals and objectives that can be solved with the help of this event and, taking this into account, create its concept. It is useless to expect a high return on a corporate holiday if it comes down only to an entertainment program or joint gatherings, for example, in a restaurant at the expense of the company. When preparing a corporate event, it is advisable to set ourselves the task of rallying the team, demonstrating the company's success in the market and thereby increasing the motivation of employees and evoking a sense of pride in the company and its belonging to it, encouraging the best employees and the best divisions. Zverintsev A. Communication management: Workbook of a PR manager. - SPb., 2006. S. 204.

Another important point- relevance of the event to the target audience.

When choosing an outdoor or home format, developing a script, compiling a menu, planning the seating of guests, you must first of all focus not on mythical "generally accepted standards", but on compliance with the goals of your event, the corporate culture of the company and taste preferences your employees.

Experts remind that a special surprise for employees must be present at the holiday. What it will be depends on the capabilities of the company.

Corporate events are no longer a tribute to fashion, but a powerful tool for creating an atmosphere in the team, increasing staff loyalty and efficiency.

A corporate event is a strictly regulated event held in a predetermined place at a scheduled time, in which company employees actively participate. It is focused on achieving a specific goal of the company (company, organization, corporation) through the joint efforts of the participants in the event. It is both a part of the organization's culture, and a tool for recording success, and a field for promoting corporate legends, myths, rumors, it is a way to create contact, transfer values ​​and rules of conduct. Necessary condition To classify an event as a corporate one, it is the joint participation of employees of one company in it. Golubkova E.N. Marketing Communications: Textbook.-2nd ed., Revised. and additional - M.: Publishing house "Finpress", 2009. S. 147.

Corporate events can be classified as follows:

1. Business (dealer forums, conferences, congresses, business breakfasts, etc.).

2. Training, educational (seminars, trainings).

3. Presentation (press releases, publications).

4. Entertaining (corporate holidays and parties).

5. Team-building (courses, tests, internal corporate events for the development of team spirit).

6. Solemn (banquets, receptions, receptions of VIP guests and clients).

7. Sports (competitions).

9. Corporate events can be one-time (anniversaries) or periodic (monthly, annual).

When developing a corporate event, the following must be taken into account:

Period of the corporate event

Goals and objectives, desired result

Target audience (composition of participants, social status, age groups, personal preferences)

Corporate event budget (general or per participant)

Frames, restrictions, special preferences associated with traditions, and so on.

A corporate event is any event in the life of a company that is not related to the performance of professional tasks and in which its employees participate. Joint excursion, sport competitions, general training, some kind of holiday - all this can become a corporate event.

If you plan to hold a common holiday, you need to ensure that the place first of all corresponds to the number of participants in size. Worse than cramped can only be a stuffy room. Be sure to pay attention to air conditioners, windows and the possibility of airing the room. Durovich A.P. Marketing in business activity. M .: NPZH "Finance, Accounting, Audit", 2008. P. 106.

Forms of corporate events can be:

Sports competitions are one of the favorite forms of corporate events in "male" teams. Here it is important to ensure the involvement of all employees in the process: to offer several types of sports competitions of varying complexity. And for those who prefer to “stay in the stands”, offer to act as active fans using “chants” and other forms of support;

Awarding - these can be serious nominations from the series "Employee of the Year", "Discovery of the Year", "Hard work of the Year", "Event of the Year" or nominations with humor: "Caprice of the Year", "Phrase of the Year", "Misunderstanding of the Year". For the success of this form of holding, it is important to observe the following principles: the involvement of all employees in the selection of laureates and nominees and the availability of "commemorative" prizes (statues, diplomas with the name of the nomination);

visiting corporate trainings- the peculiarity of this form of holding is that it is possible to successfully combine business with pleasure. The problem is that not many training companies can offer a form of training that will create a fun and joyful atmosphere along with the transfer of knowledge and development of skills.

The objectives of such trainings can be different - to form a team, gain skills, conduct organizational diagnostics (identify areas in personnel management that need correction). Durovich A.P. Marketing in business activity. - M .: NPZh "Finance, accounting, audit", 2008. P. 215.

Thus, the definition of the "super idea" of the event is one of the most important components. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, the final decision should be made by one person, guided by his vision of this event.

Engagement can only be achieved when all the actions of the organizers of a corporate event are aimed at making people like the event that is organized.

It is imperative that employees on time and "without loss" be able to get to the holiday. Zhuravlev P.V., Kartashov S.A., Mausov N.K. personnel management technology. Manager's Handbook. - M.: Exam, 2000. S. 156.

Corporate holidays are one of the effective mechanisms of non-material incentives for personnel. Importance proper organization holidays are often underestimated by company management. Meanwhile, the planning of corporate events should be part of the overall strategy of the organization and consistent with the goals and objectives of its personnel policy. Corporate holidays create a positive atmosphere in the team.

This article, I hope, will help those for whom the holidays, or rather the organization and holding of holidays / corporate events in the company, is an immediate responsibility. Based on many years of experience in holding corporate events, I have formed a clear scheme, or the Matrix "10 steps to the holiday"! A systematic approach to this difficult process allowed me to long years do it with pleasure and imagination.

But let's go in order.

Step 1. To be a holiday.

But first you need to have a clear classification of holidays, according to the corporate culture that you have in your company. As a rule, in the vast majority of companies, the main occasions that are celebrated are the New Year, the birthday of the company, a professional or industry holiday. Of course, favorite holidays on the basis of "gender" - March 8 and February 23 - are not left without attention, but they are usually celebrated more modestly.

Any event has 3 characteristic features:

  1. Reason / Goals (what we pursue and solve)
  2. Number of employees/guests
  3. Budget

Let's take a closer look at the first feature. This reason is the red day of the calendar or a special date for the company. But the goals can be very different. Here are the most common goals that companies try to solve through the event:

  1. holiday as a holiday
  2. Team building. Formation and consolidation of corporate culture
  3. Motivation. promotion
  4. One spirit
  5. Social politics
  6. Implementation of ideas or behaviors.

And most importantly, you should never put an equal sign between Reason and Goals. Perhaps the event will be fun and successful, but if you, as the organizer, together with the company's management, did not determine the goals of the event, then know that half of the budget was wasted by you.

Although, now the following trend is very relevant: all corporate events are held under the peppy slogan "Team Building"! There is an erroneous opinion: “hung out” means “team-building”.

But more and more often in large domestic companies there is a clear prospect of a shift in the focus of corporate events from Corporate Events to HR Events, that is, to events with an emphasis on solving problems of personnel management (see paragraphs 3-6)

Step 2. The team that makes the holiday.

At this stage, you need to clearly separate for yourself those directions that you will do on your own and those that you will give to external providers - Event agencies. The demand for well-organized corporate events is constantly growing - more and more companies are ready to apply "for a holiday". There are more than 400 companies operating in the market of organizing and holding events in Moscow. BUT at the same time, their activities are based solely on outsourcing, sometimes the service is reordered several times. The quality of such services is extremely unstable, and the prices exceed the allowable/reasonable limits by several times!

If you have not yet had experience with Event-Agencies, then here are the topics that should be touched upon at the first meeting:

  1. How many years company on the market.
  2. Experience, Recommendations. A big plus for the company is the presence positive feedback and recommendations from other clients for whom solemn events have already been held. Almost half of new orders are based on recommendations. Better yet, attend some event that they hold for clients - after all, it’s not for nothing that the Russian proverb says “it’s better to see once than hear a hundred times.
  3. Availability of a license. (For example, to provide transport and meals, there must be a transport license and a catering license, respectively, and so on. If the event program is planned to involve complex technique or means - rope rides, jet skis, pyrotechnic effects, then special certificates or safety conclusions must be issued for them)
  4. Price lists with fixed prices.

Conducting trainings on organizing and holding corporate holidays, the participants and I filled out a table of advantages and disadvantages self-study or contact providers.

Table "+" and "-"

We do it on our own We turn to Event-Agencies. Partial or turnkey
  1. Alignment with expectations and goals
  2. saving money
  3. Adequacy to corporate culture
  4. Self-realization of employees involved in the preparation and holding of holidays.
  1. Creativity
  2. Professionalism/Quality of service
  3. Time saving
  4. A matter of prestige
  5. "There is someone to ask"
  1. High costs (effort, time)
  2. "Conflict"
  3. Unprofessionalism
  1. Expensive, sometimes not justified.
  2. Not getting into the corporate culture
  3. Lack of involvement of company employees in the process
  4. The problem of the "wrong" choice of contractor
  5. Formalism of the event

Step 3. How to come up with/choose the right concept.

Especially popular are thematic or story scenarios that are played out in all elements of the event: from invitations, hall decorations, dishes on the menu, concert program and ending with memorable souvenirs.

The most important thing is that the scenario chosen or invented by you is organically combined in a possible official part of the event - summing up the results of the company's work for the year, rewarding employees, etc...

Everything new is well forgotten old. I will give you a number of themes and plots that are most often used in scenarios for corporate events:

  1. "Oscar" - Rewarding employees in various categories
  2. "Pioneer Camp", "Pioneer Dawn" - a return to childhood (summer theme)
  3. “Come back to the USSR” – Nostalgia for socialist realism
  4. "Oh sport! You are the world!” (Sports competitions of the Olympics, Paintball, Bowling) -
  5. National parties (Ukrainian, Uzbek, Georgian, Italian, etc.)
  6. "Movie! Movie! Movie!" ("Irony of Fate", "Mask", "Carnival Night", etc.)
  7. BAL (flowers, Cinderella, White, Pink, Blue, butterflies, Crystal, chocolate)
  8. TV programs (“Field of Miracles”, “Guess the Melody”, “Weak Link”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, “The Smartest”, “Star Factory”, “KVN”, “Fort Bayard”)
  9. “Visiting a fairy tale” - (“Three Little Pigs”, “Morozko”, “Teremok”, “ The Bremen Town Musicians" etc.)
  10. Hollywood (Shrek, Superheroes, Spy Kids, Madagascar) etc.
  11. ACTION - GO7 Agent, Homeland Security Agents
  12. CARNIVAL (Brazilian, Venetian, Costumed)
  13. Disco 80s
  14. Corporate musical / skit - in Lately held in the Comedy Club format

Each theme can be developed and made very beautiful and original! But my most important advice to you: - Involve your employees and colleagues in the entertainment program. Believe me, it is much more interesting and more fun to watch top managers in Scheherazade costumes performing a belly dance or Vera Vanna from the financial department in the role of Thumbelina - than the whole color of the Russian stage combined!!!

To do this, you need to think over the degree of participation in advance: these can be solo numbers or numbers prepared by departments or services, and the most ideal option is a mix of their employees from different departments. What is called "Team-building" in action!

Step 4. Venue for the event

The choice of venue for events is influenced by a number of factors: seasonality, the status of the event and the number of guests, and the budget. If we are talking about summer events, priority is given to events on fresh air, and if we are talking about events in the cold seasons, then the number of guests is at the forefront. If the company employs up to 200 people - all the restaurants of the city of Moscow are at your service, if from 200 to 700 people - then you already need to look after nightclubs or entertainment centers, but if the company has 1,000 or more employees, then you already need special venues that can accommodate and accommodate such a number of guests. A list of such venues with prices exists in all Event-Agencies and catering restaurants that operate at these sites. The most prestigious venues are Gostiny Dvor, Manege, Forum Hall, Pushkin Museum, prices in the season are five-digit numbers and book a date on New Year stands in the month of July. But every year, extraordinary sites appear - the roofs of skyscrapers, abandoned factories, runways of airfields, cargo barges ...

If you did not have to choose a site, then when choosing, pay attention to the following points:

  1. What is the real capacity of the hall (will it not be crowded)
  2. Aesthetic appearance or, as clients/customers say, “unscrubbed” walls
  3. Find out when last time there was a repair
  4. Wardrobe, Restrooms (availability and condition)
  5. Hall for gathering and meeting guests
  6. Scene
  7. Is there "Light and sound", or is it an additional cost. In 70% of sites, this item is missing.
  8. dance floor
  9. dressing rooms
  10. Utility rooms for catering (with electricity supply for 220 and 380 W)
  11. Security
  12. Distance from the center, metro. How will guests get home?

Step 5 Menu

One of the most responsible steps and the most "delicious". What's a holiday without food? The most popular types of tables at corporate events:

  1. Cocktail. One of the most common forms of receptions. It is usually relatively short in time and allows for a significant number of guests (presentations, fashion shows, award ceremonies and openings). This is a reception where guests eat and drink standing up. The cocktail table differs from other tables in that there are no plates or forks on it. Snacks and drinks are served on large platters and offered by the waiters. As cutlery, guests use wooden or plastic sticks - "skewers".
  1. buffet. The main device for serving is a snack fork. This is where the name comes from - “a la buffet table”, which in French means “on a fork”. Convenient for receptions with a large number of guests. On the tables, in addition to food, stacks of plates are placed, knives and forks are laid out. Guests come up, take plates, cutlery and choose a snack they like on common dishes. Among the main advantages of the buffet are many guests and free movement of guests.
  1. Buffet (with seating). Tables are served in the form of a Swedish buffet, set against the wall or in the middle of the room. Cold and hot appetizers, salads, sauces, bread, sheven-dishes with hot appetizers and side dishes, sauces, confectionery, fruits, etc. are placed here. In a separately equipped bar, glasses, glasses, alcoholic and non-alcoholic are placed in rows. alcoholic drinks. Snack plates - a pile, slides with napkins. The tables at which guests are seated are set separately and not served.
  1. Banquet. The most solemn serving, the most expensive and status. Banquet tables served with dinner plates, cutlery, glass and napkins strictly in accordance with the menu. When serving a banquet, dishes and snacks are served in a certain sequence, according to the approved event regulations.
  1. B-B-Q. Summer. With regard to cold appetizers, the menu corresponds to the assortment and service " buffet". Hot meals are prepared on the grills. One of the features - "animation" cooking on a live fire in the presence of guests. (Pancake station, lamb on a spit, berry flambé, etc.)

You must first coordinate the menu with the restaurant and note that there is Golden Rule– Approximately 1 kg of food per guest, excluding fruits and drinks. When compiling the menu, the ratio of men and women is important. If more men- emphasis on meats, pickles, marinades, hot appetizers and variations of hot dishes. If there are more women - fish snacks, vegetable salads, fruits and various sweet table. The range of drinks should be varied - strong alcoholic drinks, champagne, wine, mineral water and juices. Also, when compiling the menu, you should take into account the duration of the event - so that it does not turn out that the guests ate everything in the first hour ...

This is how the menu should look like (by assortment and yields in grams)

“How much to hang in grams - 1 guest to make it fun and tasty”

An example of a Banquet with rules (19:00 - 24:00). Menu preparation for 1 person.

  • Meat platter - 100 gr.
  • Assorted fish - 100 gr.
  • Salads - 4-5 items 300 gr.
  • Marinades - 70 gr.
  • Hot snacks - 100 gr.
  • Hot - 200-300 gr. (! At a banquet, a hot dish is served immediately with garnish)
  • Desserts - 70-100 gr.
  • Fruit - 200-300 gr.
  • Vodka - 100 gr.
  • Champagne - 150 gr.
  • Red wine - 250 gr.
  • White wine - 150 gr.
  • Juice - 0.3l
  • Mineral water - 0.3l

In case you decide to use the services of the Catering Restaurant, keep in mind that they usually calculate and announce the price of the service for 1 person. This price includes:

  • cost of meals
  • waiter service
  • transport delivery of equipment, inventory and products to the venue
  • furniture rental (tables and chairs)
  • textile rental (tablecloths, napkins, napkins, etc.)
  • floristic design of tables and buffet lines - to be clarified

Step 6. "Invitation to the holiday"

As Stanislavsky said - "The theater begins with a hanger", and so for guests, any event begins with an invitation.

What are the canons of the invitation.

  1. The appearance of the invitation should reflect the status and stylistic direction of the event.
  2. Invitations must be sent out at least 3 weeks before the event. After that you need to do 2 phone calls. 2 weeks - received? And do you plan to come? A few days before the date - confirm your presence.
  3. The invitation must contain: Date, Time, Schedule of the event, Address and how to get there, Dress-code (in an ideal invitation), invitation for one or 2 persons.
  4. Your invitation should intrigue and set the mood. The recipient should have the strong impression that if he does not come, he will miss main holiday In my life. In case A very common two-in-one practice is an invitation + coupon for a lottery.

If you approach the information contained in the invitation with all seriousness, then you are guaranteed guests who will arrive on time, in outfits corresponding to the status of the event, with mood and drive.

Step 7. Gifts

“Before the New Year, Moscow was flooded with a batch of fake Christmas decorations. They look like real ones, but there is no joy from them. ”

Everyone loves gifts. But not everyone knows how to make and present them. This applies to both individuals and companies.

There is a fashion for gifts. It has become increasingly difficult to surprise, so non-standard gifts come to the fore.

You will not surprise anyone with office gifts. Fashionable "home" gifts - for the home, for the family. People are paying more and more attention to their homes. They are tired of the hustle and bustle and are looking for comfort and silence.

For example, Candles is a long-term leader New Year theme. I sincerely believe that candles burn away the negativity of a hard day.

The packaging is perhaps more important than the gift itself. Universal option packing a gift for a man - in the form of a parcel or parcel. First, in a velveteen or canvas bag / and then in craft paper / it is tied with twine and sealed with sealing wax. It is desirable that the seal be with your company logo.

latest fashion in women's gift- decoration with fresh flowers.

Frank "moveton" - expensive gifts. "Money does not bring the happiness that we expect from it" ...

In many companies, especially Western ones, employees are forbidden to accept gifts more than $100, otherwise it is regarded as a bribe or bribery.

Designing and presenting gifts is an art. And the worst thing for a gift is formalism, when a gift is made without a soul, but according to the allocated budget and category. I have a Memo "What should be a gift" - there are only 7 points, like 7 notes or 7 colors in a rainbow, and they are easy to remember:

  1. The gift should be pleasing to the eye (visuals)
  2. The gift should be pleasant to the touch: soft, silky, lacquered ... "It's nice to touch and hold in your hands." (kinesthetics)
  3. The gift “should sound”!: rustle paper, gurgle, rattle, ring. It is handed over to the music and the roar of firecrackers ... (audios)
  4. A gift should immerse a person in memories, childhood, dreams, dreams, fantasies...
  5. The gift should smell nice and delicious!
  6. A gift has no right to be tasteless - whether it is edible or not!
  7. A gift should make you smile!

Every time, thinking about a gift and considering options, try to “drive” them through these points ...

Here is my short list of gifts that "honorably" passed through these notes and colors:

  • Felt boots with satin stripes "left" "right". Jacket with silk lining
  • Warmer in a sweater
  • Ammunition for February 23 (A can of stew, a stick of sausage and Vodka, packed like a parcel)
  • Lemon wedges for the New Year
  • Parcel and letter from mom on February 23
  • Set for mulled wine in a wooden box with a recipe and a tall glass
  • Jar of homemade cookies
  • Rubber mittens
  • Real Director's Chair with recipient's last name

Step 8. Calendar plan - "Countdown" - Until the holiday left ...

This is a step to keep in mind at the very beginning of preparing for the event. Do not forget to plan everything, and it is advisable to plan in writing. Determine deadlines, set control points. Designate a person responsible for each item. Drafting calendar plan allows you to save both money and time.

Here is the plan that we made together at the training

The following parameters are defined:

  1. Reason and Goals
  2. Budget
  3. the date of the
  4. Number of guests
  1. Choosing an Event Agency
    1. Preparation of technical specifications "from us"
    2. Tender arranging. We are considering 2-3 agencies
    3. Agency choice. Attending one of their events or getting recommendations.
  1. Site selection
    1. Inspection
    2. Booking
    3. Definition of site coordinator
    4. Joint inspection with contractors (light, sound, dressing rooms, electricity, wardrobe and washrooms)
    5. "Test drive" - ​​visiting the site during the event there
    6. Delivery to the event venue and departure of guests after the event
  1. "Spectacles"
    1. Coordination and approval of the scenario
    2. Definition of an entertainment coordinator
    3. Host Choice
    4. "Demo tapes" of involved artists
    5. Part development entertainment program where employees participate
  1. "Bread"
    1. Choice of restaurant/catering
    2. Definition of coordinator
    3. Preparation and approval of the menu
    4. Tasting (sample table setting and tasting of dishes)
    5. Alcohol at the event
  1. "Details"

Present. We invent / select. We pack. We deliver.

Do not forget: on the eve of the holiday - GENERAL RUNNING is mandatory

Step 9. Performance evaluations. "Feedback"

Here is another event. If for you the organization and conduct was a direct responsibility, then you still have 2 last steps on the Matrix.

It is necessary to sum up. Mark all the successes, failures and errors, so that at the next event you do not repeat the mistakes, or carry out at an even higher quality level.

Summing up and getting feedback should take place on several levels. Firstly, the results should be summed up for themselves by the organizers, because only they know what was conceived and what happened in the end. Secondly, you need to ask the direct participants of the event, that is, the guests. The most effective way to do this is in the form of a feedback questionnaire. Make up a questionnaire with 8-10 questions (no more) and ask to rate it on a 5-point scale, either “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “disgusting” / “terrible” - make empty lines for additional statements of delight or indignation.

If you make the questionnaire anonymous, then the probability of getting a more reliable, emotional assessment increases. And if you ask them to name themselves, then it is possible to receive socially expected answers. What answers are needed - the choice is yours.

And finally, the last step! Step into the Future …

Step 10. "In life there is always a place for a holiday." Getting ready for the next one.

Being engaged in the organization of holidays for the company on an ongoing basis - try to create your own traditions! This is right"! It's "for real"!

Having worked in a large domestic holding for more than 7 years, from year to year, every March 8, all the top managers of men in white shirts with flowers in their hands met all the employees at the reception. This became a tradition / legend, which was told to all new employees, and among male top managers it was also recorded as one of the clauses of the contract "Duties in the month of March". This is a very minor but significant example.

Every time I conduct a training on organizing and holding holidays, it is very important for me emotional mood and the desire to invent and create holidays. And I always quote A.S. Exupery, in which I propose to listeners to replace the word "sea" with the word "holiday" ...

"If you want to build a ship, you don't need to call people to plan everything, divide the work, get tools and cut down trees, you need to infect them with the desire for an endless sea. And then they will build the ship themselves."

In case you have a desire, now you have the Matrix, which, I hope, will help you to come up with, organize and conduct beautiful and effective corporate events.

Typical activities of intracorporate PR are usually divided into the following groups. Various forms of official intracorporate communication. For example, regular appeal of management to their subordinates with an explanation of the current situation and prospects of the organization; solemn summing up the results of the year (month, quarter, etc.) in the form of collective meetings (often continuing in “ informal setting", but more on that below); intracorporate means of communication - from wall newspapers to well-known Soviet times industrial newspapers - "multi-circulation"; the very creation of an atmosphere of openness, when the subordinate is not afraid of the director's office more than anything else, but knows that in certain days l the clock can contact the manager "directly" (of course, this should be the exception rather than the rule - after all, no one has canceled the production hierarchy). Various forms of informal communication. First of all, these are corporate holidays in various forms- from “all-corporate” festivities to modest “corporate picnics”. However, as domestic experts say, within the framework of “management in Russian”, picnics sometimes turn into something that is embarrassing to remember in the morning ...
The main thing in all these events is to clearly indicate their goal (strategic) team building, and not on a negative basis (everyone dislikes the authorities equally), but on a positive basis - everyone believes in the organization's victory over competitors and personal benefit from

this. You should also clearly set goals and tactical tasks, that is, when organizing any event, ask yourself - what do we want to achieve with this? - and check ssbya - did it succeed? So common options like “relax, get together, drink, talk” do more harm than good!
And remember, by the way, that love for the authorities can not be brought up in every team, but in every team such love can be earned. Thoughtful and purposeful system of events including.
According to a survey conducted by one and:* Russian marketing agencies, 75% of the companies participating in the study have a regulated (open) system of employee motivation. The larger the firm, the higher the likelihood of such a system. Among companies with more than 300 employees, 83% of organizations have an employee motivation system. A slightly smaller number of companies have a separate item of expenditure on staff motivation in their annual budget. Only 57% of respondents noted the existence of such a position in the budget of their company.
At what here, apparently, actions? After all, we considered the main directions of staff motivation in the previous chapter. But the fact is that most of the companies surveyed use corporate events for employees (94% of surveyed organizations) and staff training (70% of surveyed) as non-material motivation means. Moreover, if corporate events are organized in companies more often than employee training, then the effectiveness of these methods of non-material motivation is estimated approximately equally. Corporate events are considered effective by 53% of respondents, training - by 55%.
The most popular corporate holidays, which include: calendar holidays, birthday of the company, weekend programs with a trip to nature, sports competitions, etc. 80% of the organizations participating in the study hold business events: conferences, seminars, presentations or meetings of dealers. 80% of the surveyed companies train their employees. Team building events are organized only in 33% of companies, but this trend, being fashionable today, is gaining momentum (we will discuss the team-building system in more detail below).

Nevertheless, corporate celebrations have a particularly serious effect on the loyalty of company employees - this is the opinion of many domestic HR managers. Accordingly, such activities should be given Special attention, spending them on a grand scale and imagination. For example, the Norilsk Nickel company organizes corporate races from the capital of Taimyr, Dudinka, to Norilsk on its birthday. Top management also participates in the race with banners, torches and T-shirts with company logos.
But it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on such promotions. Many corporate stocks can be inexpensive. For example, a competition demanded very little cost children's drawing“My parents work for Norilsk Nickel” (in the same way you can enter your company here). Everything at Norilsk Nickel, including solemn ceremony rewarding children cost the company $60,000 (everything can cost you 60,000, and on a smaller scale, even 6,000 rubles!). The effect of such actions is invaluable, because many will come with their whole families to see how a child will receive a toy bear for a painted zantsa. And positive emotions will be associated with the company that arranged this holiday. In other words, as experts note, thanks to corporate holidays, a person begins to work not just for money, but also because he is pleased to receive bears as a gift, run with torches and generally work with such wonderful people.
And the Megafon-Moscow company rides its employees on a steamboat and takes them to picnics, calling it loyalty programs and spending on it from 0.1% of annual turnover. MTS employees are taken on charter flights to Tunisia. The staff of the company "Rust" - to Sardinia...
But this is rest. And he, but in the opinion of many, does not contribute to team rallying. Whether it's team-building, that is, team building exercises, when managers are taken outside the city to climb rocks or climb trees for the sake of developing a team spirit. Moreover, it is estimated that, say, a trip to the Moscow region for a company with a staff of 400 people costs from $ 20 to $ 100 thousand. This is equivalent to an increase in the monthly salary of each employee 320. But, according to metropolitan experts, such a meager (for Moscow, with its regions consider additionally) many employees would consider an increase in salaries as a mockery, but after corporate picnics, HR managers note a steady increase in labor productivity.

Of course, it is necessary to clearly understand the tasks and goals of such training, to correctly understand the situation in which it makes sense to conduct it: for example, when teamwork in one of the company’s divisions noticeably goes wrong, or there has been a massive change or expansion of the team. Many experts deny professional effectiveness to such trainings, because climbing rocks together (the so-called rope course) and ensuring sales dynamics are still different things!
There is also experience in conducting more complex trainings, i.e., scenario team-buildings (they are based on long-term teamwork with a common idea, for example, a game like "Mission" by analogy with a computer one, etc.). Such events are intended due to their complexity and cost mainly for top management. The responses to them, however, turn out to be diametrically opposed: from enthusiastic memories of solving a detective story by the whole team for a long time with full getting used to the role to warnings about the dangers of scenario training and their incompatibility with the mentality and realities of doing business in Russia.
Of course, the increasingly complex forms of team events necessarily raise the question of attracting!;! third-party professionals, especially since in many large cities of Russia there are firms offering services for holding corporate "parties" of varying complexity and orientation (or specialized divisions of travel companies). Such outsourcing has a swap of pros and cons, however, according to practitioners, if the scale of your organization has not surpassed interregional ones, it is better to cope on your own (perhaps with the help of external consultants). ... and especially picnics and holidays
In the expanses of corporate Russia, picnics and holidays are still the most popular types of corporate events.
Characteristically, according to surveys, the frequency of corporate holidays most often directly depends on national and local holidays. Monthly parties in the surveyed companies are quite rare (1%), many respondents answered that they relax in this way no more than once every six months (31%) and even no more than once a year (11%).

However, there were also answers, according to which holidays in the company are organized quite spontaneously, without reference to any periodicity, when it becomes necessary to relieve work stress or just chat in an informal setting.
At the same time, it is typical that the majority of corporate events today are held outside the company's offices (78.1%), most of the wishes regarding future parties (82%) are associated with the same time. Traditionally popular are city cafes and restaurants, country boarding houses and recreation centers, as well as field trips. Interestingly, 8% of respondents have already celebrated holidays outside of Russia...
But whether abroad or in a suburban boarding house, the patterns do not change. " Best entertainment- gingerbread and cookies," says the proverb, but without an organizing beginning, without a "mass entertainer" any feast, and even more so a feast in nature, runs the risk of turning into a banal booze. Usually customers make a variety of requirements for this part of the picnic. Some want to sit at the table and listen, for example, to Syutkin's speech, others want to run around the paintball field, sending clouds of gelatin paint balls towards the enemy.
Experts emphasize how important it is to understand the purpose of the event when organizing a picnic.
“Maybe the management is seeking employee loyalty, or perhaps the picnic is organized to create a corporate spirit. In the latter case, sports competitions are good, better with division into teams. In this case, T-shirts are ordered different colors to enhance the element of rivalry and emphasize the division into friends and foes. However, each event should have a twist, so the approach is always individual.”
At the same time, we can safely say that the picnic program is limited only by the imagination of the organizers and their financial possibilities. The set of entertainment may include a concert on a mounted stage, fireworks, jet ski racing, and you never know what else ...
Here is a description, gleaned from the Internet, of one of the typical corporate picnics, which is not limited to banal kebabs and at the same time is moderately expensive (for a large corporation, smaller ones, accordingly, adjust their expenses to this benchmark).
“The annual event was organized in a picturesque place in the city of Pavlovsk - at the bastion of Emperor Paul. Corporate

The holiday was designed in the style of the popular program “The Last Hero”. After the official part and awarding the best employees, the guests were divided into six teams to pass the “survivability test”. Team games, sports competitions and competitions of the host (artist of the theater “Buff”) revealed the strongest team and the “last hero1” of the company. The festive day ended with a fun disco”.
As you can see, the practice of team-building is also used here, but as much as possible mild form.
Corporate holidays are held almost everywhere. Moreover, according to polls, financial structures pay special attention to this event. According to psychologists, this is due to the fact that work in the banking sector is one of the most stressful, and the atmosphere is more conservative than anywhere else. However, by the end of the year, the dissatisfaction of employees with their work and their company everywhere increases significantly (almost by 55%). The most common conversations before new year holidays: "There is too much work, the authorities do not appreciate and are not available ...". At the same time, after corporate parties, these moods disappear and the employee no longer perceives his activity in such gloomy tops.
Hence the conclusion - corporate holidays krappe useful to coincide with the New Year! This also applies to the company's birthday (especially since this date is most often very vague, because it is not clear what is considered a birthday: the date of registration, the date of the first transaction, etc.).
Such a celebration brings a feeling of a team, removes many accumulated working issues in relationships. However, we remind you that it is important that such parties do not turn into banal feasts with an unlimited number of drinks, or, conversely, into formal events.
The team principle will be effective only if the bank employees are already involved in the organization of the event itself. This is achieved different ways: competitions, amateur performances, carnival costumes and so on.
Thus, Probusinessbank has already established a tradition that new year celebration takes place over several days with a trip out of town (for example, two days at Brezhnev's former dacha in Kuntsevo). Initiators and authors New Year's program the employees themselves. They write scripts and come up with numbers for skits, in the form of which they pass corporate parties. Forays into nature have another very important consequence - after the first
corporate party in the open air in the bank formed six couples...
In general, the venue of the holiday has great importance. It's good if it takes place in an elite, closed and very fashionable club. It is unlikely that most employees will be able to visit it at another time - the more interesting it will be for them at a corporate celebration.
The involvement of employees in the holiday begins long before it starts. For example, in Soyuzobshchemashbank competitions "Mr. Bank", "Miss Bank", "The most charming employee" are held. Bank employees express their opinion in advance, and the names of the winners are announced at the celebration. And since the choice cannot be predicted in advance, the employees are looking forward to the results of the competition. The winners receive gifts, but the main thing is the realization that they are not just good workers but also attractive people.
An integral part of corporate holidays are various lotteries and competitions, the purpose of which is again to involve all those present in what is happening. Just spectators standing on the sidelines, should not be!
Chapter Summary: 10 Tips for Teamwork Remember that employees need to be treated not just “well,” but responsibly and seriously, making an effort to ensure that the person benefits both the organization as a whole and himself personally. The team should be considered as the human component of any organization, without which the organization is only a formal shell. And intra-corporate PR should be built as a system for debugging communication links within the team. Firmly understand that the team wants its contribution to the organization, as well as the contribution of each member of the team, to be adequately evaluated. And not only financially. Respect both within the team (from management and colleagues) and outside it (the status given by work in this organization) is the most important motivation for active participation in the affairs of the organization. The less formal channels are loaded, the more information goes through informal channels, which are weakly amenable to
regulation, in which negative information circulates most often: about layoffs, tightening of the working regime, etc. There is only one way out of this - to use, upload formal channels to the fullest! Hang a bulletin board in a conspicuous place and keep it up to date. The bulletin board gives orders, directives and other types of management documentation a touch of informal appeal: in any case, the level of official “instruction from above” is reduced by the very fact that
the tone of the same board, next to the last order, may well contain an ad of an interest club. Have regular face-to-face meetings between management and employees. Such meetings, which provide first-hand information, according to experts, are the most highly valued by employees among all sources of obtaining management information. The employee feels his involvement in the development of corporate policy, important management decisions. Organize the release of a corporate publication, supplementing it with a corporate website, available only for "internal use". A reliable “hook” for a company employee is the opportunity to study at her expense. Use this opportunity! Establish and maintain a system of additional rewards that will apply only to your employees, making their employment in this organization exclusive. Develop a system of corporate events, such as corporate picnics, team-building, holidays, etc. Hold these events regularly!
Task five: peace, friendship, detente
Description of the situation
The head of the bank is an authoritarian person by nature. So is upper management. Communication with the team is reduced to a formal minimum. Perhaps because of this, the situation among the employees began to heat up. There is talk that the bank may burst, that the management is stealing, that salaries in neighboring banks are many times

higher... Such sentiments gradually penetrate beyond the bank. The most interesting thing is that the rumors are completely untrue - in all respects, including salaries and prospects, the situation in this bank is more advantageous than that of neighboring competitors.
Task Formulation
Eliminate tension in the team by communication methods.


What is a "corporate event"?

Events- events that allow the customer to achieve certain goals” (Dmitry Smirnov, publisher of the “Events” magazine).

Event management(from English event - event) is a full range of activities for the creation of corporate and mass events. Moreover, corporate events are mainly aimed at strengthening the corporate spirit, while mass events provide powerful support for advertising and PR campaigns. The task of event management is to turn a banal event into a real event that will be remembered even after its completion.

The market for corporate events (business events) is formed at the intersection of two markets - the events market (special events - events) and the business tourism market (meeting industry, MICE).

All business events can be divided into 2 groups:

1. Activities aimed “inside” companies: motivational trainings and activities to develop corporate culture, incl. corporate holidays, incentive events, corporate conferences, etc. (these events are managed by HR specialists). Event tourism can be used as incentive trips, as well as special team tours with an exclusive scenario.

2. Activities directed “outward”: work with clients, partners, promotions, PR events, etc. (these events are managed by the marketing departments of the companies). For example, tourist trips, holidays, exhibitions and conferences, presentations, etc.

In addition, special events are usually divided into

  • workers (eg training seminars, congresses);
  • informative, organized in an entertaining way (for example, the release of the first batch of goods, the awarding of the millionth buyer, the birthday of the company);
  • leisure, communication and entertainment-oriented (for example, concerts and fashion shows, trips and festivals).

    By regularity, corporate events are divided into ongoing (trainings, staff training, etc.) and one-time (anniversaries, conferences, etc.).

    Who organizes corporate events?

    According to experts, over 1,500 companies are involved in the event business in Moscow. Including about 600 firms render services in the organization of various collective actions.
    Many large MICE companies provide services for organizing both a business program and a festive one. However, the number of firms providing a full range of services to businessmen is relatively small - about 15-20 companies.

    Event market participants can be grouped by specialization:

    1. Specialized companies for holding corporate events (event agencies)
    2. Firms for the organization of holidays,
    3. Training companies,
    4. Firms providing individual services for events, including:

  • organization of banquets (catering companies, restaurants)
  • technical support:
    - design firms (decorators),
    - companies providing professional equipment,
    - companies that organize photography and video filming,
    - firms providing services for scoring events

    Companies from the first group (specialized event agencies) provide, as a rule, a full range of services for holding events: turnkey organization and PR support for the event.

    The Agency's responsibilities include the following:

  • event concept development
  • script writing
  • venue selection
  • selection of suppliers to implement the idea
  • creation of a design concept
  • selection of performers, artists, presenter
  • selection of a catering service and menu development
  • technical support (light, sound, stage)
  • arrangement of the venue
  • directing and development of original numbers of the show program
  • recruitment and training of promotional staff
  • coordination of the event with law enforcement agencies, traffic police, local administration
  • provision of ambulances, fire brigade, security companies (if necessary)
  • providing a photo and video report at the end of the event

    Among additional services event agencies can be called, for example:

  • solution of transport issues
  • accommodation in hotels
  • boat rental
  • professional photo and video shooting
  • musical accompaniment
  • creation of corporate clips, films, photo albums
  • production of command paraphernalia
  • holiday decoration with balloons
  • confetti launch
  • birthday cake to order
  • fireworks

    The agency is an intermediary between the customer and dozens of contractors, from which the agency must choose the best and most suitable in terms of price-quality ratio for a particular event. In the database of such companies there are several design agencies, design firms, catering services, transport companies, printing companies, etc.

    A special place in the holiday market is occupied by companies “ original format". These are firms that operate within the same original idea: ethnic, historical, etc. (Information about such companies is published in the magazine "Events"). They occupy niches free from competition and have good prospects, since unusual events have become more and more in demand lately.

    The largest Russian event companies are * Event Factory, Events, Karlson Party, Next Event, One2remember, SPN Granat, Team Systems, Arlekino, Green Moon, Knyazev Producer Center, Holiday of Life, Holiday.

    Tips for those wishing to organize a holiday

  • Be sure to conclude an agreement with the agency, which will list the responsibilities of the agency and the parameters of the event that it organizes for you (date, time, place, etc.) in as much detail as possible. Such a seemingly elementary step will protect your financial and legal interests.
  • When comparing and choosing an agency for organizing an event, pay attention to the prices offered: a "quality" event cannot be cheap. Therefore, beware if you are offered a performance by a star artist for $1000 and a banquet for $10 for 1 person - and all this in the center of Moscow. You risk either not getting anything, or hungry and dissatisfied guests.
  • When working with an agency that organizes a corporate event for you, the most convenient, transparent, and, therefore, honest form of reporting, in which the agency "shows" all its cost and separately allocates a commission. Such a scheme allows you to control and check your contractor.
  • When choosing a host for your event, be sure to arrange a personal meeting, recommendations are, of course, a big plus, but personal contact will give you more information.
  • One of the positive features of a "quality" event organization is the provision of reports and informing you, the Client, about the progress of the preparation of the event. And the closer the event is, the more "intensively" the dialogue with you should be conducted by the Agency.
  • Often in the process of preparing your event, you have new wishes, suggestions and changes. A professional agency, of course, has an obligation to respond flexibly to the situation, but remember: the sooner you inform your agency about the changes, the The best decision it can offer you.
  • At the very beginning of the relationship, ask the agency to assign you a lead manager who will have all the information about the project, so that it doesn’t turn out that Masha is responsible for this, Sasha is responsible for this, and no one knows anything about this at all.
  • When choosing an Agency, remember that passion is worth billions: The Agency that works with you "passionately", selflessly and with full dedication is your Agency.
  • When choosing an event agency, focus on every promise the Agency has made to you and see if those promises are kept, see if the Agency is consistent in everything it does. Pay attention to the fact that you are spoken to and explained more clearly, much more clearly, so that every employee of the Agency who communicates with you is familiar with the art of clear communication, so that the Agency gets down to business - convincingly, confidently and immediately makes you an offer - otherwise you may never hear it at all.
  • When choosing an Agency, focus on how it presents itself: in what package it sends you documents and materials, how its equipment looks at the event, because the “package” of the Agency, the design of its services is its service, and visual images can tell a lot about the Agency - if you give them the opportunity. Notice the details.
  • Pay attention to the brand of the event agency you want to choose. The brand is the Agency's business, it is something that is of great importance. The agency may ignore the branding, but only at its own risk, and most likely at a high cost. Remember that brand beats quality.
  • Do not immediately tell about the tasks of the holiday, wait until the performer asks the key questions. You will understand how deeply your interlocutor understands the issue.
  • The presence of well-known logos on the agency's website in the "Clients" section does not always mean that this agency really successfully worked with the specified company and whether it worked at all. Trust, but do not hesitate to verify the information received.
  • View and compare the agency's portfolio of orders over the past two years. If there are no new serious clients, then something is wrong with this agency. In the event business, the earth is full of rumors. Recommendation and resonance are the main marketing tools. Therefore, those who can create, and most importantly, embody, do not lack the influx of new large customers.
  • In addition to external attributes, pay attention to how information about performers, leaders, and contractors is collected and structured. The order on the shelves (in the computer) may well mean a systematic approach, and this is one of the positive criteria. Mess and chaos does not necessarily mean the subtle creativity and creativity of the agency.
  • Ask the agency claiming to be your service provider to send you a list of their five mistakes. Moreover, indicate that the document should describe in detail the introductory situation, problem and solution. Note that the information should be easily verifiable. This way you can get a more accurate picture of the agency's reputation. A prompt response will mean that the agency keeps records and analyzes its mistakes. The ability to get out difficult situations and the ability to answer for one's actions will be most pronounced in the worthy. There are many more different conclusions you can draw before you make a decision.
  • A good agency has a pool of clients in the percentage ratio of 70:30, where 70% are regular clients who have been using the company's services for more than a year, and 30% are clients who have applied to the agency 1-2 times. Moreover, regular customers had to use the services of the company for at least three times. It is worth paying attention to the size of these orders. Ask the agency to provide you with relevant information and indicate that you would like to be able to verify its accuracy.
  • Ask the agency to develop several options for ending the evening in advance, which should be used depending on the mood of the guests. For example, you can increase the time allotted for a disco, or, conversely, hold more competitions that keep the public's attention.
  • A professional agency will definitely provide a per-minute rider of the event with responsible persons and contact numbers. This will help to quickly resolve issues on the site and save you from surprises in the program. 08/08/2007