Corporate holiday: ideas, organization and holding. Corporate parties, their types Holidays at work corporate parties

Sometimes we all need a party. It may be a birthday, a wedding, a graduation or just an amicable meeting. No matter what you want to celebrate, you always need to have a plan: nvitations, food, music, place and all other things you need to have a perfect party.

Firstly, you should pick a place. Before you do this, you should think whether you are going to have a big event or a little get together. If you plan to invite a few guests, you can organize a party at home or in a café or a small restaurant. Otherwise, you may book the whole restaurant or night club for a big party.

Secondly, you should determine a date and time of your party. You should choose the day when all your guests are free. You may also ask them about the most suitable date. After you decide, you may send invitations or inform the guests by the phone. If you make invitations by yourself, you can show all your creativity and make them look like work of art.

After that you may consider a theme. Nowadays, theme parties are very popular. Such events are more interesting and give an opportunity to participate in organization for every guest. The guests may buy or make special costumes, masks and accessories. It may be any theme you like: retro, marine, Hollywood, Halloween, Christmas and others.


Sometimes we all need a party. It can be a birthday, wedding, graduation or just a friendly meeting. No matter what you're going to be celebrating, you always need to have a plan: invitations, food, music, venue, and other things you need to throw the perfect party.

First, you need to choose a location. Before you do this, you should consider whether you are planning a large event or small get-togethers. If you are planning to invite a few guests, you can host the party at home or in a cafe or small restaurant. Otherwise, you can book an entire restaurant or nightclub for a big party.

Secondly, you should determine the date and time of the party. You should choose a day when all guests will be free. You can also ask them for the most suitable date. After you decide, you can send out invitations or notify guests by phone. If you are DIY invitations, you can get creative and make them into works of art.

After that, you can think about the topic. Theme parties are very popular these days. Such events are more interesting and give every guest the opportunity to participate in the organization. Guests can buy or make special costumes, masks and accessories. It can be any theme you like: retro, nautical, Hollywood, Halloween, Christmas and others.

Useful phrases:

Amicable meeting - friendly meeting

To celebrate - celebrate, celebrate

Get together - gatherings, party

To book (a table) - book (table)

To determine a date - determine the date

Invitation - an invitation

Theme party - theme party


Typically, a corporate event is held to increase motivation, create emotional capital and build employee loyalty.

To increase motivation, the employee must feel good: creative, skillful and in demand. The corporate event starts a chain reaction: the employee did something good at the corporate party → felt cool → again shows his best side, but already in a working environment. After a good corporate party, employees are emotionally turned on and want new achievements at work.

The corporate starts a chain reaction

Emotional capital in a simplified form, these are emotions, beliefs and experiences that help to cope with difficulties at work. This is a margin of safety, thanks to which the employee does more than is provided for in the instructions - for example, temporarily takes on additional responsibilities. Without emotional capital, an employee folds in any incomprehensible situation. A well-organized corporate party creates the necessary margin of safety.

Loyalty helps the employee not to go to competitors for a higher salary. “Yes, they will pay more there, but here they appreciate me, here I am needed.” At a good corporate party, an employee should feel his value.

More exotic corporate goals- evaluate employees, identify future leaders, shake up the team. You can help employees formulate new professional goals. You can resolve the emerging conflict, lay the foundation for the development of new skills. A good event company helps to realize all these tasks. Unfortunately, few people know that this is possible. Now you know.

A good corporate party can make you fall in love with a company, change your attitude to work, infect people with new ideas; evoke a sense of belonging to a big and important cause. And a couple of times a year there is a great reason for this. It would be foolish to exchange all these opportunities for a banal banquet.


Chaos begins when the holiday has no unifying idea and no one controls it. At a corporate party for 20 people, the boss or one of the colleagues will manage. This is a cozy event for a close company. You can add a cultural program: some agencies and venues are able to organize small events.

A good idea for a small event is to invite everyone to an unusual place: to a cooking class, to an art workshop or to nature. But remember that cooking dinner or painting a picture is not a goal, but only a tool. Formulate for yourself why you will organize this holiday, and let the organizer come up with an interesting content for your purpose.

When you are 100-200-500 people, an organizer is a must. Large corporate events are whole festivals: they rent a large venue, create "stations": shooting galleries, buffets, trampolines, labyrinths, creative workshops. The organizers think over how the employees will pass these stations, what will motivate them. Plots are created, participants are divided into teams, game and role-playing mechanics are invented. From the outside, it seems that it’s just a festival in front of you, but thanks to a well-thought-out structure, a person is interested in this festival.

Corporate regatta for a construction company

It is important that all this be subordinated to the goal: not just to put trampolines and soap factories in an open field, but to organize them in such a way that employees receive the necessary emotional experience. Thinking it through is the job of the organizers. Without structure, the celebration will turn into chaos.


Formalism is when neither the management, nor the organizers, nor the employees understand why they need this corporate party. This happens in international network companies. From the "center" they give the command to organize a corporate party to develop team values. But what this means, why they need team values ​​and how to develop them, no one knows. And the tortured creativity begins:

Let's do a tug of war, shall we? It's a team game
- Yes, but we need to implement our values! Let's all pull the rope, but at the same time sing the anthem of our company?
- Great idea! Just need to compose an anthem
- And let our employees compose it, and so that they use the words "team", "work", "team" and "Moskkrashimprommash-3000"!
- Super! And then we will hold a creative competition "What is teamwork for me ..."

When there is no purpose and values, the holiday turns into a farce. Employees, as it were, play all these tug-of-wars, and then in the smoking room they say, “Well, nonsense.” Money wasted.

If your company does not have goals and values, you do not need to force yourself to be creative. Order food, organize a movie screening or have a disco. Let people just rest.


Creativity is a universal component of a corporate event. Acting out a skit, making artistic soap, molding a pie, taking part in a photo session, filming a video clip, demonstrating superhero abilities - all this is safe, fun, versatile and, with the right approach, helps to solve most personnel tasks.

The head of the company tries on the image of a hero

Employees love creativity because creativity makes you feel good, smart and skilled. It's great when creativity is woven into the overall plot:

  • you are not just folding origami, but making part of a large art object that will be exhibited in the lobby of the central office;
  • you do not just dress up in a superhero costume, but get a secret task in which you need to show superpowers;
  • you are not just making a pie, but preparing treats for children from the orphanage.

Socially significant initiatives work well, for example, subbotniks. Employees spend several hours planting trees, beautifying part of the park, or assembling birdhouses. All this is organized, with music, refreshments and photographs. Employees feel that they are doing something useful and important. Being involved in something bigger is a powerful motivator.

Assembly of birdhouses in the eco-section of the Seasons design clean-up event (organized by the Chili Peppers for Volkswagen)

Man tends to love what he has created. Therefore, employees will take pictures next to their birdhouses, show photos to friends, be proud of themselves and their company. This is a good effect, even if you did not originally plan it.


Like everything in the world, there is a fashion for corporate parties. In the early 2000s, everyone was crazy about soap making and dance classes. Now in Moscow they prefer interactive quests using smartphones, tablets and augmented reality. In 2 years there will be something new in fashion. The job of an event company is precisely to find and come up with new ideas and connect them with the goals of the companies.

The most boring corporate parties are obtained by client briefs - when the responsible employee unilaterally comes up with what kind of entertainment to order and offers the agencies to set the lowest price. Such corporate events are a celebration of banality and a meager budget.

Tip: even if you have a small budget, contact the event studio for at least free advice. With due perseverance, many ideas can be implemented on their own, but it is better to take the ideas themselves from those who are professionally involved in this.

Interesting corporate parties are obtained when a client comes to the agency with a clearly conscious goal, and they jointly figure out how to realize this goal.

The bank has taken a leading position thanks to new products and technologies. But lately he has started to lose ground, because over the past year he has not created a single breakthrough idea. The personnel audit showed that employees feel like market leaders and rest on their laurels. The goal is to shake up the team, infect them with excitement.

The event agency offered to hold corporate games to launch breakthrough internal projects: employees are divided into teams, come up with a project idea, get help from mentors from the right industry and a launch site. At the end of the year - a presentation of projects in front of the whole company, which ends with the awarding of the winners and a big holiday with summing up. The agency came up with the mechanics of the games, ways to motivate employees, a powerful brand of the competition, and all the accompanying feed.

As a result, the New Year's corporate party was entirely devoted to leaders and innovators who set a new tone for work. In two months of corporate gaming, the New Projects department received more viable proposals than in the previous two years.


A good corporate party does not come cheap, because behind every detail of the holiday there is a huge invisible infrastructure.

The client wants to have a picnic. Among other things, he is offered a station with fresh berries. Price - 1000 rubles per person. “Are you out of your mind?! - the client is indignant, - I will buy each employee a bucket of berries for 1000 rubles. But when he says this, he doesn't think that:

  1. The berries will be beautifully packaged in individual baskets, washed and ready to eat. If necessary, they will be accompanied by napkins and disposable forks that will look like silverware.
  2. The berries will be fresh because they will be bought the same day early in the morning; they will be whole, not crushed and sour.
  3. Berries will be handed out by two spectacular girls in costumes, they will have a luxurious rustic-style stand in front of them, and a banner with the company's logo on top. The girls will smile and invite you to taste the berries, and the sound of their voice will be sweeter than those berries.
  4. Somewhere there will be a trash can hidden from view, where all the waste will fall, and after the event, this bucket, along with the waste, will magically disappear somewhere, it will be clean.
  5. On a hot day, a supply of berries for 100 people will be stored in a refrigerator hidden from view, to which electricity will be supplied from a generator, which will also be hidden from view.
  6. All this will be brought by truck, assembled, installed, monitored for safety, and then dismantled, put in a truck, taken away and cleaned up after themselves.

Mobile fruit station at an event in Gorky Park

Now imagine what will happen if the client decides to just buy 100 buckets of berries.

Turning to the agency, you pay not for props, products and costumes, but for a comprehensive service. If you're having an outdoor picnic and it suddenly starts to rain, a good event studio will have a gazelle full of big beautiful umbrellas, tents, blankets and burners in stock.

If the agency has counted your holiday too expensive, it is better to reduce the “coverage”: remove some stations and attractions. Better one good stand with berries than a whole park of boring second-rate attractions that get wet in the rain. And then clean up after them.

Little holiday

Corporate events don't have to be huge. Small but regular events are no less enjoyable. For example, to congratulate an employee on their first year of work or on their birthday. A person comes to the workplace, and a small congratulation and a gift are already waiting for him. For this, it is not necessary to hire an agency - you can also entrust one of the employees.

From time to time, a fruit salad bar or a fresh juice station may appear in the office. It's great when unusual objects appear in the office for a short time - a Soviet slot machine, a soda machine, a large mirror with the inscription "You look great", a mobile photo studio, a "Dandy" prefix or something like that. When an object appears for a short time, employees appreciate it more, and it does not have time to get bored.

Flower master class in "STS-Media"

If a company wants to spend a million rubles a year on holidays, then we recommend spending at least 400,000 on small surprises throughout the year. Prevention is better than cure.

Shake-up and staff evaluation

Large companies with multiple levels of management use corporate events to evaluate staff. There was such a case:

The head of the financial organization saw the problem: the company had become too bureaucratic and slow. Decisions are made for a long time, there are no initiatives, the quality of service has fallen. It can be seen that the problem is somewhere among middle managers. Some of them have either become skeptical or internally quit, and this infection is spreading. However, it was impossible to catch such a person, because at the meetings everyone walked along the line and portrayed exemplary employees.

The event studio came up with a shock training.

The entire managerial staff of the company was invited to a gala dinner at a manor near Moscow, with an overnight stay and weekends in nature. Gathering at 16:00 at the office, departure on a luxury bus, all at the parade. Halfway down the highway, the bus seems to break down. Managers, along with the leader, are planted. An instructor appears who orders them to move through the forest towards the camp site, where they are waiting for the night and assignments.

Several managers immediately send everything to hell, catch a ride and go home.

The rest walk 400 meters through the forest belt and end up in the camp. For the next two days, they compete, complete tasks, and dine around a campfire. They are closely monitored by the leader and instructors-psychologists: they identify leaders, analyze strengths and weaknesses. In a non-standard situation, it is difficult to hide the true character.

Hidden conflicts emerge and are resolved along the way. Managers are better at understanding themselves and their colleagues. Someone quits after the training, because he felt that he was not in the right place in this company. Someone suggested leading a new direction. But the main thing is that the team shook off the bureaucratic raid and began to work in a new way.

Such trainings require serious preparation and a professional team, including security, doctors and transport. And you need to be prepared that not all employees will want to go through these tests. Therefore, we do not recommend organizing such events on your own.

And, of course, behind such events there must be a clear methodology, structure and goals that guide people. If this is not the case, but there is a desire to run in the air - go to a paintball club.

  1. Even if you don't want to organize a holiday at an agency, ask them for their opinion on your idea. Professional advice doesn't hurt.
  2. If you apply to an agency, do not chase the lowest price. One unforeseen detail, and your employees will have to take out the garbage from the site themselves.
  3. Begin preparation by formulating problems and goals. Let the organizers think about how to solve these problems. If they don’t come up with anything, so be it, make a simple banquet with a cultural program.
  4. Corporate is not only March 8 and New Year. Think about when else you can please employees. This is not necessarily something expensive and large-scale: small pleasant surprises work just as well.
  5. Be careful with alcohol.

banquet with show program

Party in Vegas

In this theme, all participants of the holiday are transferred to the gambling intoxicating atmosphere of the famous Las Vegas sin city. It will not be easy to resist all its temptations.

Poker, roulette, chips, money, millions of lights, shiny convertibles, gorgeous girls and the full realization that you are the masters of this world. Let's check which of your colleagues loves fortune. The obligatory guests of the party will be the most popular characters of Vegas Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe, who will add charm and spice to the atmosphere of the evening.

tropical holiday

theme party

tropical holiday

How great it is in the midst of a harsh and endless St. Petersburg winter to suddenly find yourself in a real summer. And not anywhere else, but in Hawaii. Give your colleagues a day in paradise. And for this it is not at all necessary to buy all plane tickets and book hotel rooms. The hot sunny atmosphere of Hawaii can be created in our city.

To do this, we need colorful wreaths, exotic cocktails, hot music and all kinds of tropical entertainment, which we will gladly provide you with. A dance gift from the natives, a dance under the ribbon, the appearance of the leader of an indigenous tribe... These and many other surprises will make your corporate party bright, hot and unforgettable!

Journey to Wonderland

for creative companies

Journey to Wonderland

Having taken a sip from the bottles standing on the festive table, we all suddenly found ourselves in Wonderland. Here everything happens the other way around, here everything is strange and unusual. Here we will get acquainted with the wise blue caterpillar, find the smile of the Cheshire cat, paint the roses in the garden of the red queen, have tea with the March hare, listen to the funny compositions of Humpty Dumpty and much, much more.

An interesting, unusual scenario filled with puns and thematic competitions, including both mobile and intellectual competitions, is perfect for the demanding public, workers in a creative, bohemian environment, those who, it would seem, are already difficult to surprise and please with something.

With colleagues around the world

banquet with show program

With colleagues around the world

The best gift that a leader can give to his employees is, of course, a trip around the world. And it was in your organization that this joyful event took place, so we immediately set off on a journey in order to see what interesting things are happening around the world.

We will see passionate Spanish dances, taste Mexican cactus vodka, put Greek laurel wreaths on our heads and get acquainted with the customs and traditions of other countries. The scenario is ideal for filling the show program with numbers, it carries not only an entertaining, but also an educational mission.

theme party

Gangster party in Chicago

Are you tired of celebrating the holidays in your usual way? We already know how engineers, programmers, managers, doctors and many other specialists relax. And why not walk off this corporate meeting in the form of Chicago gangsters? Let's find out how the underground world lives. Each guest is given a new name, with which he will exist in the mafia environment.

Ladies in revealing dresses and men in suspenders, the smell of real cigars and expensive whiskey, incendiary cancans and strict tap dance. And, of course, not a single gangster event is complete without a raid of cops and a shootout. Let's hope that you are lucky, and, having passed all the tests, you will become a worthy member of the mafia family!

Favorite and dashing 90s

theme party

Favorite and dashing 90s

We will spend this evening in the atmosphere of dashing 90s. For everyone, they were completely different: someone learned the basics of entrepreneurship and fought racketeers, someone was a fan of "Combination", "Na-na" and "Hands Up", someone played Mario, and someone bought MMM shares. These and many other charms of the time await you at a party in the style of the 90s. Everyone will find here a piece of something of their own.

Your colleagues will turn into famous personalities of the 90s, remember the best programs of that time, everyone will receive their profit from the acquired shares of Mavrodi. And the main feature of the whole holiday will be the stall, which will open right in the banquet hall, and throughout the holiday will work to the delight of the guests. Here, everyone can buy the legendary Love is chewing gum, Tetris, cockerels on a stick, sprats in tomato, instant Jupi powder and many other rare goods from the 90s.

Corporate on TV

banquet with show program

Corporate on TV

Give yourself and your colleagues a great chance to become real TV stars! For all those who, sitting at home on the couch in front of the TV, are actively indignant at the topic “well, how could you not have guessed it ?!”, “how could you not have scored ?!” etc., we came up with a great opportunity to test ourselves! This evening we will open a new TV channel named after your company.

Naturally, in all programs, from news to reality shows, employees of the company will take part. They will have to taste different varieties of champagne in the Test Buy program, demonstrate their sense of humor in the Comedy club, take part in a dance battle in Dancing with the Stars, change their image in Fashion Sentence, and guess the leader’s favorite song in Guess the Melody ". This is just an approximate announcement of programs for your corporate evening. The scriptwriters will certainly take into account the wishes of the chief producer and include your favorite programs in the script.

Stylish corporate party

theme party

Stylish corporate party

Bright dresses and lipsticks, checkered trousers and colored ties, liquor from under the floor and a rare gramophone record. Here are just some of the attributes of this crazy holiday called "Style Party". And, of course, the same dances, which, even after 50 years, remain relevant and charge with positive.

Boogie-woogie, jive, rock and roll and other dances that you will learn to dance at this holiday. Well, those who prove themselves will certainly receive bright stylish accessories as a gift in order to demonstrate to people not only their fashionable outfits, but also their perfect unique style at the end of the evening! And let the "rednecks" from "Sovbaton" twist their heads in bewilderment, and the "Red Loaves" look enviously after us! We do not care about the deficit and the iron curtain! This party will be the most driving in the history of your organization.

  • Special dress code: bright puffy cocktail dresses, crimson blazers and suspenders, bright makeup and updos
  • The unexpected appearance of a huckster with prohibited goods from under the floor
  • Bright incendiary stylish music
  • Styling slang lessons for all participants of the holiday
  • Dance battle for the most desperate dudes


banquet with show program


The whole evening is devoted to cinema. We will celebrate this holiday the way it is celebrated by the most titled stars of the screen - of course, on the set!

Everyone will be able to try on the difficult role of a movie star, demonstrate their knowledge of Russian and foreign cinema, experience the whole palette of feelings that the director experiences on the set, show off his musical talents and perform the soundtrack to his favorite film, and, of course, for all these works, our newborn stars will certainly receive their Oscar.

Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry

program with quest elements

Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Attention all employees! We hasten to announce that your company is merging with NIIChaVo and forms a magical holding. Now you have a unique opportunity to see the place where miracles are born and put into action.

You will have a fascinating tour of the departments of linear happiness, eternal youth, absolute knowledge and many others, acquaintance with the institute's employees - magicians, sorcerers, gnomes and ghouls, and, of course, seeing magic with your own eyes!

Back to USSR

theme party

Back to USSR

We invite you to remember the distant Soviet times and summer pioneer camps. This script is based on the famous Soviet film "Welcome or No Trespassing". For the whole evening, all employees of your organization, regardless of age and position, become completely equal.

At the entrance to the hall, all the “guys” will receive pioneer ties and will be enrolled in one of two groups. The host of the event - a strict director of the camp will closely monitor the behavior of the "kids", how they eat, how they behave, whether they visit circles and clubs of the camp, whether they are engaged in cultural and mass work. The commercial director Pyotr Nikolaevich will turn into Petenka, and the chief accountant Tamara Ivanovna into Tomochka, since they will all again become children - pupils of our pioneer camp who have come for the summer shift.

super company party

theme party

super company party

If you have long suspected your employees of hidden extraordinary abilities, it's time to unleash their powerful potential! We offer to arrange a superhero party, where everyone can prove themselves and receive the title of a real superhero for this.

Spiderman, Catwoman, Zorro, Superman, Batman and many other outstanding personalities will appear on your holiday. And if at the end of the evening all the heroes, dressed in costumes, get together and take a group photo as a keepsake, then at the same second an incredible flash of superpower will fall upon them, which will charge everyone with unprecedented vigor and efficiency right up to the next corporate party!

Corporate in Russian

banquet with show program

Corporate in Russian

We live in a great country! And all other countries envy us! To better understand and feel this simple truth, we invite your company to enjoy all the delights of Russian national life and go on a virtual journey through the expanses of Mother Russia.

On the way, we will remember the famous Russian roads and the fools who drive along them more than once, we will meet the national symbol of our country - the bear, we will raise glasses filled with Russian vodka, we will learn the most popular stereotypes about our country and its inhabitants, we will relax in a Russian bathhouse. On the way we will see everything that foreigners are so afraid of and everything that Russians are so proud of. This scenario is perfect not only for Russian companies, but also for joint corporate events with foreign partners - there is an opportunity to combine the holiday with the presentation of our country!

    In a programme:
  • Guess the funniest facts about our country
  • We recall all the funniest stereotypes about our Motherland
  • We embody the most interesting table traditions of Mother Rus'
  • We arrange a fun disco in the Russian-folk style
  • During the holiday, we will look into the most distant outbacks and complete the tasks of their inhabitants


banquet with show program


Is every employee in your company important to you? Is everyone worthy of praise? Everyone works daily for the benefit of the organization, increasing results? If so, then it's time to reward the deserving! We are announcing the official Oscar ceremony.

This evening we will present awards in such categories as "The Brain of the Firm", "The Best Accountant of the Year", "The Fastest Legs of the Company", "The Phone Man", etc. Dress code: men in smogs, ladies in evening dresses. Posters of world cinema masterpieces with the faces of your employees are hung on the walls. And, of course, the red carpet and the coveted Oscar as the main symbol of the whole evening.

Eastern fairy tale

banquet with show program

Eastern fairy tale

A wonderful journey into the enchanting world of the fabulous East. At the very beginning of the holiday, the leadership is presented with a gift - Aladdin's magic lamp, from which, at the first touch, a cheerful Genie appears!

This character promises to fulfill any wish of the owner of the lamp, if everyone present manages to collect the elixir of eternal luck and fill the lamp with it. And the desire of the leadership is an order for subordinates, so we immediately set off in search of ingredients for the magic elixir. The script is imbued with oriental elements: music, costumes, accessories and is well suited for those who appreciate female modesty, beauty and male fearlessness.

Circus, circus, circus!

banquet with show program

Circus, circus, circus!

If you were looking for a bright program for a corporate event, you have found it! We all find ourselves in a favorite place for children and adults, and become not only enthusiastic spectators in the stands, but also real stars of the circus arena.

This evening, guests will try on the role of brave stuntmen, strict trainers, funny clowns, and someone will even feel like a bear on a scooter! In order to make this scenario even richer, you can include performances by a professional magician, trained animals, fakirs and other artists of the original genre in its program.

Treasure Island

indoor team building

Treasure Island

A cheerful dynamic scenario will suit active, mischievous and inquisitive teams.

The participants of the holiday get on a pirate ship and become part of an experienced team of sea wolves who cannot share a piece of an old pirate map among themselves. The map shows the way to Treasure Island, where the treasures of old Barbossa are hidden. All hands on deck! We set off on a journey full of dangers and adventures, to the cries of seagulls and the sound of waves overboard!

Good jokes

banquet with show program

Good jokes

A corporate holiday based on the well-known and beloved TV show. The evening turns into a humorous parade, a creative meeting, fireworks of improvisations and jokes. You will be able to get to know your friends and colleagues even better in situations that are unusual for them, created by our restless hosts.

We will divide your employees into teams of blue and red sofas. Each of the guests will take part in impromptu performances, try their hand at explaining words using the crocodile method, and, of course, in the most fun competition of all times and peoples of the APOS. The fate of the winners will be decided by your colleagues through an honest vote. Glory and honor await the winning team, and everyone together will have a great mood!

theme party

Features of national fishing

A colorful atmospheric theme, as if created specifically for holidays dedicated to the strong half of humanity. Indeed, according to statistics, every second man in our country loves fishing! We will talk about it on Defender of the Fatherland Day. In order to set the right atmosphere from the very doorstep and elevate colleagues in each other's eyes, we will arrange a photo exhibition of the best catches, where photos of satisfied employees with the fish caught will be placed. In the first part of the program, you will have table tests and interactive activities related to general knowledge of the ichthyosphere. And closer to the middle of the holiday, we will go into active mode

and we will deal directly with fishing in all its genres and manifestations. The program is filled with interesting author props. Ideal for fish restaurants or companies operating in the fish trade.

    Chips and entertainment:
  • piranha hunting is the most dynamic type of fishing when you need to catch a fish already caught by your rival;
  • a woman is a friend of a fisherman - let's check if they say that fishing is not a woman's business and find out how our ladies understand the intricacies of this craft;
  • The moonshine station will delight all experienced and novice fishermen with an assortment of drinks with a strength of 20 to 70 degrees;
  • in your favorite game "guess the melody" you will find out how many songs about fish and their environment actually exist;
  • at the end of the holiday, we will award fish oscars and give participants funny nominations from the series “Catch of the Year” (the most useful employee who came to the team this year) or “My Dream Fish” (the most charming and attractive lady in the company), etc.

In the program of the evening:

  • Tasting of the best French wines from a professional sommelier;
  • A talented cartoonist from Montmartre, who in a matter of minutes will create a funny portrait for each guest for a long memory;
  • Atmospheric musical accompaniment, expressed in the sweet sounds of a hurdy-gurdy or accordion;
    • An art master class where you have to paint a picture ... with wine!
    • Cheese bar - a stylish welcome area and the best addition to French wines;
    • A bright performance with a French accent from the snow-white theater of mimes;
    • Sweet completion of the table program with the removal of a traditional French cake from delicate profiteroles

    rock party

    theme party

    rock party

    This format only at first glance seems very harsh and purely masculine. In fact, it is perfect for combined options that combine the celebration of February 23 and March 8. If your organization has a lot of fans of Russian and foreign rock, then this is exactly what you need. The party is a mini-rock festival where everyone can find something to their liking without leaving their image. The center of everyone's attention here, as at any rock festival, will be the main stage - musicians will perform on it, competitions from the hosts will be held, and congratulatory speeches will be delivered.

    In addition to the main stage, many other zones will operate on the territory of our New Year's rock festival, including the "heavy artillery" bar, the "rock and rolls" snack bar, the "fan sector", the "chill-out", the "dressing room" and many others. For all guests, a dress code is announced in advance: black and red are a priority, T-shirts and sweatshirts with the image of domestic and foreign rock stars, leather, ripped jeans, all kinds of spikes, studs, chains and bracelets are perfect.

    Program features:

  • and you are weak - we will demonstrate our main advantages and capabilities in the creative battle of the sexes;
  • seduction lessons - we will choose the most unshakable man in the company;
    • master class in sensual Argentine tango or passionate bachata;
    • celebrity parade - your colleagues will be able to try on the images of couples famous in history and literature, and the task of the rest will be to guess who they are talking about as soon as possible;
    • betting on winning - everyone will have the opportunity to make a personal bet - on red or on black. At the end of the event, we will find out who won!

    Today you will not surprise anyone with corporate parties. It has become a tradition for many companies to celebrate all “red” dates, whether it is International Women's Day or the company's birthday, together with the whole team. Naturally, the New Year is one of the most long-awaited holidays, because it is necessarily accompanied by fun, dancing, gifts, champagne and, of course, the chiming clock, under which you need to make a wish.

    That is why every year it is more and more difficult to come up with such entertainment that will turn the usual absorption of food and drinking into an unusual meeting of the New Year. If the company where you work is quite large and the management can allocate a large amount of money for your entertainment, then you can safely offer an outing holiday, say, somewhere outside the city where you can rent a cottage, or in the mountains, or by the sea, or perhaps and abroad. But, since there are only a few such companies, it often becomes necessary to arrange a theme party on your own - they are in fashion today. Here are 10 original ideas that you and your co-workers will love...

    1. Snake party

    2013, as everyone probably already knows, is the year of the Snake according to the Eastern calendar. And how else to appease the symbol of the new year, if not to arrange a party in his honor! Of course, it is worth throwing aside the malicious jokes about the fact that some of the ladies present will not even need costumes, they say, it will be enough for them just to hiss ... Let's forget various quarrels, squabbles for a while and indulge in fun. How can you organize a "Snake Party"? There are several options. You can ask each guest to come with some kind of accessory that imitates snake skin: it can be a brooch or shoes for women, a tie or belt for men. You can ask everyone to dress only in those colors and shades that snakes have in nature. By the way, if you do not want a green and gray outfit, find a photo and description of a bright snake and remember its name. Thus, you will complete the task, and you will look bright.

    2.Masquerade ball

    Probably, there is not a single person who would not dream of trying on a mask at least for a while. New Year's masquerade ball is the best opportunity to make this dream come true! This is where you can really roam in earnest! At this evening, you can dress modestly, or you can dress provocatively - no one will judge you for this, because this is a masquerade where people try on a different image, and the more unusual this image, the more fun the corporate party will be! There are a lot of options here. For example, a masquerade can be themed: all guests must dress up as their favorite literary characters or represent a particular era.

    3.Hollywood party

    If you have ever seen how the Oscars are presented, then you perfectly understand what is at stake! Throughout the corporate party, guests will have to receive their bonus. These can be both comic nominations, like "Incorrigible bastard", and quite serious ones, for example, "Best Head of Department". Naturally, the dress code should correspond to the “red carpet”: men should be in tuxedos, and ladies in the most chic dresses. Do not forget to prepare the red carpet itself, the Oscars, and also invite a photographer, because the indefatigable paparazzi must accompany the stars of the company throughout the evening.

    4. Gangster or pirate party

    Here, too, everything is not very difficult: you just need to dress in accordance with your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgangsters or pirates. For example, male gangsters must be in striped suits, dark shirts and hats pulled down over their eyes, and women in vintage dresses and incomparable hats. Pirates must have a striped vest, a bandana and an obligatory ear ring. Everything else is up to you. At a pirate party, rum must be served, and at a gangster party - any alcohol, but in coffee cups. Entertainment - thematic, whether searching for a chest, or playing the "Mafia".

    5. Hogwarts

    The adventures of the young wizard have long captivated not only children, but also adults all over the world, so why not take this story to your New Year's party? All employees will dress in the colors of the faculties - Gryffinder, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. The boss or CEO will temporarily turn into Dumbledore, and the chief accountant into Severus Snow. But the role of the One Whose Name cannot be called can be played by a tax inspector. Fans of this story can easily come up with "Hogwarts-style" entertainment.

    6. Back to the USSR

    If many in your team still remember how it was during the Soviet Union, why not prepare a corporate blue light? Posters of the Soviet period can be hung on the walls, popular songs of the 50-80s can be put in the background, and the Christmas tree can be decorated with old toys. Do not forget about the obligatory attribute of the New Year - "Soviet" champagne and Olivier salad, processed cheese and doctor's sausage!

    7. Oriental party

    It will be a holiday for those who have a weakness for oriental cuisine. Guests must come in kimonos and exotic robes. On the tables - only all kinds of sushi, rolls and sashimi, and on the walls - fans and images of geishas.

    8. Party "The Last Hero"

    For the most persistent and hardy, you can prepare a "last hero" party, which will be a series of continuous competitions and events, according to the results of which it will be possible to determine the very, very "last hero" of the company. At the end of the evening, the director will give him a super prize, say, a week's vacation or a weekend abroad. The gift must be such that many would like to compete for it.

    9. Cave Party

    An excellent occasion to prove that women always remain women and even during the primitive communal system they can look 100%. What can this party do? Primitive and at the same time unique. There are only earthenware and fried meat on the tables, and dancing in fur coats that imitate primitive attire will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

    10. Party XXX

    The future has always been and remains mysterious and unknown, which is why it attracts and attracts so often, because it is very interesting to find out what awaits us in 100 or at least 10 years, but, unfortunately, it is impossible. But you can think of it - for this you need to organize a theme party. The advantage of this party is that outfits can be absolutely any - really, who knows what will be fashionable to wear, drink and eat in 2113 or 2213? This is where a flight of fancy really comes in handy.

    It was creative and left the best memories for all guests, you should take care of the format of its holding.

    We bring to your attention stylish and unusual ideas for unforgettable corporate parties for every taste.

    1 // office party

    A corporate event that takes place in the format of social networks. It features performances by animators in capes with logos of popular apps, installation fences for writing messages, wall newspapers with the ability to place photos with comments on them.

    With the help of special guns, the foam show can be held both indoors and outdoors.

    If the company employs young and energetic employees, they are guaranteed delight and pleasure!

    3 // In the format of the Eurovision Song Contest

    Best suited for a team that has "singing talents". Each of the participants performs, after which the "jury" evaluates the performance and determines the winner.

    The main condition is not to be afraid from head to toe to be in paints of all colors, with which, according to Indian tradition, participants sprinkle each other, while pouring water.

    5 // In body art style

    To create fantasy images of guests, face painting is applied to their faces during the evening, and a professional photographer and cameraman capture the created beauty on camera.

    6 // Mafia game

    An entertainment for a corporate holiday that has already become traditional, which allows you to show intuition and psychological qualities of participants.

    Employees are divided into several teams and take part in a test of intelligence and decision-making speed, answering interesting questions.

    A musical game to recognize a famous hit by the first notes of its fragment. The team that guesses the song the fastest wins.

    To immerse yourself in the world of economic strategies, you will need a giant copy of the famous board game. In an enlarged format, some details will look very realistic.

    10 // Trick Secrets

    First, the magician demonstrates tricks to the audience for half an hour, inviting the audience as assistants.

    During the next part of the program, he reveals the secrets to the audience and teaches some numbers.

    11 // Interactive science show

    In the company of "mad scientists" it will also be interesting for adults to look at chemical experiments and tricks, as well as to participate in scientific experiments themselves.

    12 // Sixth Sense Game

    Amusing props are used for entertainment, and players during the game need to use their 5 senses along with the sixth - intuition.

    13 // Costume photo session

    With the help of a dresser with props (costumes, wigs, accessories), colleagues are reincarnated into new images, in which the photographer captures them against the backdrop of the corresponding interior. And the captured photos can be placed on office calendars.

    14 // With cartoonist

    If employees are not devoid of a sense of humor, you can invite a cartoonist. A cheerful mood and a funny gift in the form of a self-portrait are provided for everyone.

    15 // Dance Marathon

    An experienced teacher of one of the types of dance is invited to the corporate party, who teaches those present his basic movements. And then all the guests, to the sound of music, demonstrate their skills to each other.

    16 // Culinary duel

    Two in one - both entertainment and treats for the holiday. Under the guidance of the chef, guests will prepare delicious dishes and have plenty of fun.

    17 // Wine tasting

    The invited sommelier will teach you how to properly use wine accessories and choose glasses for various types of wine, as well as share stories from the life of winemakers.

    18 // Creative workshop

    A great opportunity to have a good time and gain new knowledge at the same time. For women's groups, carving, decoupage, scrapbooking are suitable, for men - drum training, a master class on making cocktails, etc.

    19 // Movie quiz

    Movie buffs will love this one. They will be asked to recall interesting facts about domestic and world cinema, quotes and soundtracks from famous films.

    20 // Olympic style

    Skiing and sledding, snowboarding, team biathlon, winter football are the components of the corporate party, which is held by especially "hot" and sports teams. Instead of standard outdoor banquet tables, "warming stations" are installed for them.

    21 // Promenade Theater

    This type of acting performance, in which the viewer both observes the ongoing action and is freely involved in the interactive process as one of the characters.

    With the help of professional decorators, an office space or a room specially rented for a corporate party is styled as a communal apartment, a pioneer camp, etc. The dress code is set according to the theme of the past.

    23 // Joke Auction

    During it, serious “for sale” lots wrapped in wrapping paper alternate with comic ones. The participant who offers the highest price for the mysterious item buys it and shows it to the curious public.

    24 // With animals

    The trend of inviting animal trainers to corporate parties has been gaining popularity in recent years. The spectacular culmination of the New Year's event will be the appearance of the symbol of the coming year.

    25 // Eco-corporate

    Natural food and drinks on the tables, natural materials in the decoration of the hall, guests' clothing style a la "rustic chic" - all these are elements of one of the latest holiday trends.

    26 // Wellness-corporate

    The trendy idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle can also be implemented in a corporate celebration. For example, you can organize a trip to a Turkish hammam or a Finnish bath, where you can enjoy the taste of herbal teas and healthy food in between sessions.

    27 // ATV

    Those wishing to feel the excitement of speed and adrenaline rush can be recommended to turn the ignition key, squeeze the gas pedal and go on a trip through the meadows, fields or forests. Vehicle rental services are offered by various quad clubs.

    28 // Hot air balloon

    Air flights for companies of colleagues are usually arranged at dawn or at sunset, when the sky around strikes the eyes of ballooning participants with unusual colors. At the end of the flight, everyone is given a commemorative certificate of participation in such a euphoric event.

    29 // Exotic corporate party

    Such a corporate party is good to hold on the shore of a reservoir or near a pool, surrounded by real or artificial palm trees and invited people in bathing or beach suits.

    If the venue is an indoor venue, an alternative to sunbathing can be the use of tanning lamps.

    30 // Musical

    You can order a musical with the participation of employees from holiday companies. With the help of professional stage directors, a dynamic and spectacular dance and singing show will be presented to the attention of the audience.

    31 // Shooting a movie

    With the assistance of the coordinators of the film process, colleagues create their favorite film, the editing and premiere of which take place on the day of the corporate party. The result of the shooting becomes an unexpected surprise not only for the audience, but also for the participants in the story.

    32 // Corporate Disco

    The team is divided into 3 teams, each of which, for several rounds, together represents different musical eras: the 50s (dudes), 60-70s (hippies) and 80-90s (disco). A charge of good mood from beautiful music will go to everyone!

    33 // "Like Guinness"

    5-6 active and passive zones are placed on the site to set professional records. Thematic records of the company are thought out in advance, which will be broken at the corporate party by its participants.

    For these and many other corporate ideas, welcome to the agency " »!

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