Management of gaming activities in the conditions of the federal state. Business game for preschool teachers "we study the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education"













Preschool childhood is an age stage that decisively determines the further development of a person. L.I. Bozhovich, G.M. Breslav, K. Buhler, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, G.G. Kravtsov, A.N. Leontiev, M.I. Lisina, J. Piaget, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin recognize that this is the period of the birth of the personality, the initial disclosure of the creative powers of the child, independence and the formation of the foundations of individuality. The most important condition for the development of children's individuality is the development of the position of the subject of children's activities.

The game is one of the leading activities of the child in preschool childhood. In the game, the child himself seeks to learn what he still does not know how, in the game there is direct communication with peers, moral qualities develop.

The game is a valuable form of activity of a preschool child. According to L.S. Vygotsky, O.M. Dyachenko, E.E. Kravtsova, the replacement of the game with other activities impoverishes the preschooler's imagination, which is recognized as the most important age-related neoplasm. V.V. Vetrova, M.I. Lisina, E.O. Smirnova L.M. Klarina, V.I. Loginova, N.N. Poddyakov believe that replacing the game with other activities hinders the development of communication with both peers and adults, impoverishes the emotional world. Therefore, the timely development of play activities, the achievement by the child of creative results in it is especially important.

The game is a through mechanism for the development of the child (clause 2.7. GEF DO), through which the content of five educational areas is realized: "Social and communicative development"; "Cognitive development"; "Speech development"; "Artistic and aesthetic development"; "Physical development".

The game is the main activity of children, as well as a form of organization of children's activities. The specific content of play activities depends on the age and individual characteristics of children, is determined by the objectives and goals of the Program, this is reflected in the Standard of Preschool Education. In paragraph 2.7. GEF DO defines the features of the development of the child's play activity:

INinfancy (2 months - 1 year) direct emotional communication with an adult, manipulation with objects;

INearly age (1 year - 3 years) - objective activities and games with composite and dynamic toys ... communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult ...;

For childrenpreschool age (3 years - 8 years)- gaming activities, including a role-playing game, a game with rules and other types of games, communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers).

For the development of the child, it is important to develop play activities, as this will achieveformation of social and normative age characteristics (clause 4.6 of GEF DO):

    the child masters the main cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activity - play, communication, cognitive research activities, design, etc.; is able to choose his occupation, participants in joint activities;

    the child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with the failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately shows his feelings, including a sense of faith in himself, tries to resolve conflicts;

    the child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various activities, and above all in the game; the child owns different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conditional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms;

    the child speaks well enough, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech statement in a communication situation.

There are several classifications of games.

Classification of preschool children's gamesage (according to E.V. Zvorygina and S.L. Novoselova).

    Games initiated by the child (children):

Stand alone games:

Game - experimentation

Stand alone story games :

Plot - descriptive

(Everything that children do, in everyday life they display in their albeit very simple games. The content of the game usually becomes daily routine moments, such as feeding dolls or toy animals, walking with them, etc., in it children reinforce knowledge about the purpose and properties of objects, but represented not by real things, but by the form of toys).

Plot - role-playing. Role-playing games are the most characteristic games of preschoolers and occupy a significant place in their lives. A distinctive feature of the role-playing game is that it is created by the children themselves, and their play activity is clearly amateur and creative.

Director's. One of the types of role-playing games is the director's game.

Researchers of director's game - E. M. Gasparova, E. E. Kravtsova, G. G. Kravtsov, Kirillov, O.V. Solntseva and others.

Theatrical. A theatrical game is an action in a reality given by a work of art or predetermined by the plot, i.e. it may be reproductive. Moreover, the role requires more than in the plot-role-playing ones, subordination to the plot, almost a rule that reflects the logic of relations and interactions of the objects of the surrounding world fixed by the author, but does not exclude creativity (I.G. Vechkanova). In a dramatized game, there are no competition relations (unless they are scripted), unlike a game with rules. At the same time, the theatrical game retains all the structural components of the role-playing game identified by D. B. Elkonin: role (defining component), game actions, game use of objects, real relationships.

    Games initiated by an adult:

Educational games:



Musical and didactic

Leisure games

Games - entertainment


Festive - carnival

Theatrical - staged

3) Games coming from historical traditions:

traditional or folk

Role-playing game

D. B. Elkonin called a plot-role-playing game an activity of a creative nature, in which children take on roles and in a generalized form reproduce the activities and relationships of adults using substitute objects. Mastering first actions with objects, then with substitutes, the child in the game gradually begins to think in the inner plane.

Researchers identify various structural elements of the game - the main ones and the transition to a plot-role-playing game occurs at the moment when the child takes on roles. At the age of 3 to 5 years, children are at the initial stage of development of a role-playing game. Children are happy to display household episodes from family life in their games. With the enrichment of ideas about the world around us, games increasingly display the activities of adults. Thus, the main component of a role-playing game is the plot; without it, there is no role-playing game itself. The plot of the game is that sphere of reality that is reproduced by children. Depending on thisrole-playing games are divided into:

games on everyday subjects: in the "home", "family", "holiday", "birthdays" (a large place is given to the doll).

games on industrial and social topics that reflect the work of people (school, shop, library, post office, transport: train, plane, ship).

games on heroic and patriotic themes that reflect the heroic deeds of our people (war heroes, space flights, etc.).

games on the themes of literary works, film, television and radio programs: in "sailors" and "pilots", according to the content of cartoons, films, etc.

Before starting to play, children come up with an idea, in it they find the embodiment of ideas about various events. Younger preschoolers quite often still need the help of an adult in order for the idea of ​​​​the game to appear. The teacher creates a game situation, introduces a new toy. As the play and life experiences are enriched, children begin to determine for themselves what they will play.

So, the complication in the development of playing skills is expressed as follows:

First, the idea of ​​the game appears at the initiative of an adult;

Then - with the help of an adult;

In the future, the child determines the idea of ​​the game on his own initiative.

The ideas of children's games can be both monotonous and diverse. The more diverse the ideas, the more interesting the games, and this directly depends on the impressions of the world around. Therefore, in order for the ideas of the games to be diverse, and the games to be meaningfully interesting, a serious approach is required to planning and carrying out work to familiarize oneself with the outside world (educational area "Cognitive Development" (clause 2.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education).

Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions; the formation of consciousness, the development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, etc.). The solution by the teacher of the tasks of this educational area will allow children to successfully master the content of other educational areas in integration, including the OO "Social and communicative development": communication and interaction in a role-playing game, the ability to be attentive to the feelings and emotions of others, etc. .

As the main method of organizing role-playing games, you can use a comprehensive method of pedagogical support for amateur games(E.V. Zvorygina and S.L. Novoselova). The content of the work is organized in accordance with the age of the pupils:

Early age group - introducing children to different games: subject (including with composite and dynamic toys), the simplest plot, mobile; translation of objective actions into semantic actions in the context of a game situation.

2 -I younger group - enrichment of the gaming experience of children through joint games with an adult (individual and small subgroups), the formation and development of game actions, the simplest game interaction, understanding the conditionality of the game situation.

middle group - the development and development of role-playing behavior, support for children's gaming associations, enrichment of gaming interaction, expansion of the thematic focus of story games, enrichment of children's gaming experience through familiarization with games with rules (moving, leisure, theatrical, folk games).

Senior group - enrichment of the game experience in the development and complication of the game plot, in the organization of the subject space of one's own game through joint games with the educator by subgroups; creation of conditions and support for children's amateur play, introducing children to different types of games (mobile, with rules, leisure, didactic, folk, intellectual, etc.)

preparatory group - the formation and pedagogical support of the children's team as a playing children's community, support for independence and initiative in the selection and implementation of different types of games by children; support for the transition to dialogue games, fantasy games, games in a self-made object environment.

Requirements for playing the game:

In playing with children, an adult can have two main strategies. An adult can organize the game himself on the basis of a pre-thought-out general direction of the plot and prepared subject-play materials, or he can join children who are already playing. He participates with the children in the game on an equal footing and can influence the content and overall course of the game in the same ways that other players use. In a story game, he can come up with the plot of the game, come up with an interesting proposal for its plot continuation, introduce a new character into the game, create a problematic situation, etc.

Game Management Tasks

Game Content Enrichment

1. Encourage them to transfer events from everyday life into the game and thereby master the purpose and properties of objects.

2. Contribute to the ability to set a variety of game tasks.

Formation of subject methods for solving game problems

3. Enrich the detailed game actions with toys with a variety of content.

4. Timely form game actions with objects - substitutes.

5. Encourage the use of game actions with imaginary objects.

6. Lead to an understanding of the replacement of individual game actions with a word.

7. Encourage children to use a variety of subject methods to solve the set game tasks.

Development of independence

8. To develop independence in each child in setting a variety of game tasks.

9. Encourage children to independently choose various subject methods for solving the set game tasks.

Encourage interaction in the game

10. Encourage interest in peer games.

11. Teach to play without interfering with each other.

By the senior preschool age, the game of the child acquires "polythematism". The game becomes an independent activity. Children always determine the idea of ​​the game themselves or support the proposal of their peers. They set their own goals for the game.

Since the game ways of displaying the surrounding world are sufficiently formed, children can easily cope with the choice of the most appropriate subject and role-playing methods for solving game problems for a particular game situation.

Role-playing actions in the game are accompanied by role-playing speech, at the initial stage of the plot-role-playing game - role-playing statements (the area "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", clause 2.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO). As the life experience is enriched, the development of the sound and intonation culture of speech, role-playing actions become more diverse, which directly depends on the children's understanding of the world around them.

It is not recommended to specifically teach children certain game actions. It is important that children themselves come up with what role-playing activities to include in the game, only in this case the game will be truly creative.

Role-playing actions should be expressive, which is ensured by the performance of characteristic movements, gestures, facial expressions.

For example, in the role of a mother, one girl demonstrates that her mother is affectionate, cheerful, and the other girl in the same role is gloomy and strict. At the same time, both expressively perform the accepted role, but their means of expression are different.

Thus, during the formation of role-playing actions, attention is drawn to both the diversity and the emotional expressiveness of movements, gestures, and facial expressions.

The plot-role-playing game involves cooperation with other players, so it is necessary to teach children how to use role-playing statements to a partner.

An increase in the number of role-playing statements gradually leads to the emergence of a role-playing conversation. An adult can initiate the conversation.

Based on the complication in the development of the game, the tasks of managing the game are supplemented by the following:

Encourage children to take on a variety of roles.

Encourage children to use various emotionally expressive role-playing actions when playing a role.

To promote the formation of the ability to accompany role-playing actions with role-playing statements addressed to a toy - a partner, an imaginary interlocutor, an adult and a peer.

In older preschool age, the game becomes an independent activity. The players try to independently resolve conflicts that arise about the game.

The complication of the tasks of managing the game is presented in Table 1

Table 1

Game Guide Directions

Game Management Tasks

Game Content Enrichment

1. Enrich the theme of games, contribute to the emergence of interesting ideas, set reproductive and initiative game tasks for their implementation.

2. Encourage to display in games a variety of adult actions, relationships, communication between people

Ways to solve game problems

3. Encourage for originality, independence in the use of subject methods for solving game problems.

4. Strengthen emotional expressiveness and diversify role-playing actions used to display the role taken.

5. Encourage initiative in communicating with adults and peers about the game, promote the emergence of role-playing statements and role-playing conversation

Interaction in the game

6. Encourage peers to set game tasks.

7. To teach children to accept game tasks set by their peers, or tactfully refuse them, to negotiate about game interaction.

8.Maintain long-term interaction in the game


9. Continue to develop independence in the choice of various, interesting ideas and in setting various game tasks for their implementation.

10. Encourage the choice of original subject and role-playing ways to implement ideas in the game.

11. Teach yourself to negotiate with peers in the game

Game planning by type of activity during the entire educational process can be organized as follows:

Continuous direct educational activities will include a variety of didactic games in accordance with the content of educational work in the relevant areas.

Educational activity in the daily routine involves the organization of leisure, outdoor, theatrical games, games with rules, as well as the organization of story games jointly with the teacher, which contribute to the enrichment of the children's gaming experience. Here, the educator acts as a play partner, a bearer of play culture, which he passes on to children in the process of joint activities.

Independent activity is accompanied by the organization of pedagogical support for amateur children's games (role-playing, directing, experimentation games), as well as games with rules organized on the initiative of the children themselves, mobile, leisure, folk. The educator encourages manifestations of a variety of game activity, initiative, independence; provides an opportunity to freely choose topics, partners, ways and means of implementing their own activities. This creates the conditions for the formation of age-related neoplasms.

Organization of a subject-spatial developing environment

for organizing gaming activities

One of the basic principles of preschool education (paragraph 1.4 of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO) is the amplification (enrichment) of the conditions for the development of preschool children. Therefore, in the third section of the Standard - “Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education”, among the conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children corresponding to the specifics of preschool age (clause 3.2.5), it is emphasized:

creating conditions for children to freely choose activities, participants in joint activities;

support for children's initiative and independence in various types of activities (game, research, project, cognitive, etc.);

support for spontaneous play of children, its enrichment, providing play time and space.

This is the most important part of the work of teachers. , on the implementation of which the successful development of the child depends, which will allow the teacher to achieve the formation of the targets indicated in the Standard.

The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for DO for the developing subject-spatial environment (clause 3.3.) It is determined (clause 3.3.1 to 3.3.3) that:

    The developing object-spatial environment ensures the maximum realization of the educational potential of the space of the Organization, the Group, as well as the territory adjacent to the Organization or located at a short distance, adapted for the implementation of the Program (hereinafter referred to as the site), materials, equipment and supplies for the development of preschool children in accordance with the features of each age stage: Forchildren of the third years of life is a free and large space where they can be in active movement - climbing, skating. Onfourth year In life, a child needs an expanded center of role-playing games with bright features of attributes. INmiddle - senior preschool age, there is a need to play with peers, create your own world of play (director's play: small toys, constructor, layouts, etc.), in addition, the formation of psychological formations in different years of life should be taken into account in the subject-developing environment.

    The developing object-spatial environment should provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children (including children of different ages) and adults, the motor activity of children, as well as opportunities for solitude.

The subject-spatial developing environment must meet the requirements of the DO Standard (clause 3.3.3).

    The developing object-spatial environment should be rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

1) Saturation environment should correspond to the age capabilities of children and the content of the Program. Toys are of great importance. Their thematic diversity is directly related to the existing impressions of the world around and the playing interests of children. Ideas about the surrounding world are gradually enriched, in accordance with this, the set of figurative toys is gradually expanding. Therefore, play corners should not be filled with the same toys from the beginning of the school year until the end. We should not forget about such a simple technique in equipping the playing environment, when some toys are removed for a while and then returned again. A familiar toy that has reappeared makes you want to play with it. In the groups of the educational organization, centers of plot-role-playing games are created: "House", "Shop", "Hospital", "Hairdresser's", "Workshop" and other theatrical centers; various types of theaters; screens; attributes, dressing center, music center, upholstered furniture, toys: dolls, cars, etc. Small toys for director's games, board games, lotto, dominoes. Constructors of different types, cubes, building material. Didactic material for educational activities. Layouts, maps, models, dummies, group schemes, substitute items.

2) Transformability space implies the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children; the possibility of diverse use of various components of the subject environment, for example, children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.

3) Polyfunctionality materials implies: the possibility of diverse use of various components of the subject environment, for example, children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.; the presence in the Organization or the Group of multifunctional (not having a rigidly fixed method of use) items, including natural materials suitable for use in various types of children's activities (including as substitute items in a children's game). So, along with figurative toys, generalized material should be presented, first of all, substitute objects. Their combination allows children to realize the most daring ideas in the game.

4) The variability of the environment implies : the presence in the Organization or the Group of various spaces (for play, construction, solitude, etc.), as well as a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment that provide free choice for children; periodic change of game material, the emergence of new items that stimulate the game, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

5) Environment Availability implies: accessibility for pupils, including children with disabilities and children with disabilities, of all premises where educational activities are carried out. Using large game material, children replace in the game not one object, but a whole complex of objects, for example, they built a ship, and cubes or plates - boats or ice floes. They bring variety to the design and help in the implementation of the plan removable panels - paintings.

It is also free access for children, including children with disabilities, to games, toys, materials, aids that provide all the main types of children's activities; serviceability and safety of materials and equipment.

6) Safety the object-spatial environment implies the compliance of all its elements with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use: cases of falling from a height, falling out from the side surfaces of products, bumps and bruises as a result of the instability of the latter, injury from sharp corners, etc. are excluded.

Toy safety .

The safety of the toy is evidenced by the presence of a certificate. In any case, the toy should not have obvious mechanical or chemical signs of danger to the health of the child. The toy should not contain obvious signs that provoke the child to aggression and cruelty or cause fear and anxiety.

The toy or its description should not contain coarse naturalism, including a sexual context that is beyond the child's age competence. The toy should not humiliate human dignity or offend religious feelings, cause a negative attitude towards racial characteristics and physical disabilities of people. The toy should not cause psychological dependence to the detriment of the full development of the child.

3.3.5. The organization independently determines the means of training, including technical, relevant materials (including consumables), gaming, sports, recreational equipment, inventory necessary for the implementation of the Program.

A thoughtful selection of game material contributes to the fact that children's games become thematically versatile. The expansion of gaming interests leads to the fact that children tend to display more and more diverse events in games.

It is important to support the spontaneous play of children in time, to enrich it, to provide time and space for the play of preschoolers.

The social order of the state to the education system is formulated in the main regulatory documents and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Federal State Standard of Preschool Education - this is the upbringing of an initiative, responsible person who is ready to make decisions independently in a situation of choice. Each type of activity of a preschool child has a peculiar influence on the development of different components of independence, for example, the game contributes to the development of activity and initiative. Initiative and independence are most clearly manifested in games with rules. According to A.N. Leontiev, to master the rule means to master one's behavior. Therefore, the task of the educator is to motivate the children's play actions by directly participating and emotionally getting involved in the children's games. In the role of the organizer of the game, the educator introduces the rules into the life of the child, and in the role of a detached observer, he analyzes and controls the actions of the children. Only a combination of these roles can ensure the development of will, arbitrariness, independence of preschoolers as the main social and normative age characteristics of children at the stage of completing preschool education.

The development of play activities for preschool children in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Play is the leading activity of a preschooler.

Nobody argues with this position. But how is this implemented in modern practice? With each new generation of children, the play space of childhood changes. The socialization of the current grandparents took place in the yards, where they chased the ball all day long, played "Cossack robbers", and jumped rope. Their children were not so involved in the yard subculture anymore. The modern generation even prefers individual, computer games to collective yard games. However, this preference is largely formed by adults who are always in a hurry: many working mothers and fathers simply do not have time, grandparents live separately from their grandchildren and also work, and educators intensively prepare children for school. This trend is typical not only for our country, but for the whole world. Scientists and educators of all countries talk about the need to return the right to play to children.

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard and the requirements for the main general educational program of preschool education, a significant difference is the exclusion from the educational process of educational activities, as not corresponding to the patterns of child development at the stage of preschool childhood. The search for other forms and methods of working with children becomes relevant for preschool teachers.

At each age there is a leading activity within which new types of activity arise, mental processes develop and new mental formations arise.

The leading activity of preschool children is the game. With the right organization, the game creates conditions for the development of the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of the child, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities and ensuring the social success of the preschooler. Three interrelated lines of child development: feel-learn-create harmoniously fit into the natural environment of the child-GAME, which for him is both entertainment and ways of knowing the world of people, objects, nature, as well as the scope of his imagination.

When organizing the gaming activities of a preschooler in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is necessary to rely on regulatory and legal documents.

These are fundamentally new documents for the modernization of the preschool education system, such as the Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 1995 No. 61 / 19-12 “On the psychological and pedagogical requirements for games and toys in modern conditions” Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2014 No. 03- 51-46 in/14-03 Exemplary requirements for the content of the developing environment of preschool children brought up in the family. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 No. No. 436-FZ "On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development" Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of October 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education" Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 No. 26 " On the approval of SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the arrangement, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions." These documents have made significant adjustments to the definition of the legal framework for the content of the preschool education system, revealed the need to revise the organizational and content aspects of preschool education, and in many respects resolve issues related to the development of the play activity of preschool children.

Currently, the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education notes the priority of activity technologies, one of which is the technology of game learning. Already today, in preschool pedagogy, they are beginning to actively talk about these technologies and introduce them into the practice of preschool educational institutions. Educational technologies of the activity type, which, as we said above, include the technology of game learning, are such pedagogical technologies, the main goal and result of which is to change the pupil as a subject of activity. The main indicators of the technology of game learning as a representative of activity technologies are the presence of a problem, the solution of which is associated with the formation of a goal, and variability, the possibility of individual choice in the process of educational work with a teacher.

A number of conditions contribute to the successful implementation of gaming activities and the increase in the effectiveness of the development of the game among preschoolers:

1. Free and voluntary inclusion of children in the game: not imposition, games, but involvement in it. The exclusion of games that are too gambling: for money and things, games containing in their rules actions that violate generally accepted norms of morality. In the game, humiliation of the dignity of its participants, including the losers, is unacceptable. Games should not be overly (frankly) educational and overly didactic: their content should not be obsessively instructive and should not contain too much information (dates, names, rules).

2. Children should understand well the meaning and content of the game, its rules, the idea of ​​each game role.

3. The game should positively influence the development of the emotional-volitional, intellectual and rational-physical spheres of its participants. With the help of the organization of gaming technologies, children are given the social experience of the game (teaching gaming skills and abilities).

4. Sufficient time for play and the presence of those toys that help children realize their plan, i.e. creation of a subject-game environment.

5. When creating a play environment, the gender difference of children should be taken into account (the interests of both girls and boys should be equally observed); to carry out a timely change in the playing environment, taking into account the enriching life and playing experience of children and in accordance with their interests, mood, organizing non-overlapping areas of independent children's activity within the playing zone (intellectual, theatrical-playing, creative, plot-role-playing, building-constructive and motor activity). This will allow children to simultaneously organize different types of games in accordance with their interests and ideas, without interfering with each other. It is important to ensure access to all elements of the developing subject-play environment, conditions of isolation (“I see, but do not interfere”), selection of games, toys, play equipment, a place for organizing a play environment.

Game learning technology is included in the classification of modern educational technologies. And in turn, this technology has its own classification, because. includes a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. Game technology is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by a common content, plot, character. Also gaming technologymust meet the psychologically justified requirements for the use of game situations in the educational process in kindergarten, creating the opportunity for the child to assume the role of a character acting in a game situation. Such an organization of the joint activity of the teacher and the child is a means of recreating some elements of the game, and helps to overcome the gap that arises during the transition from the leading game to learning activity.

Learning in the form of a game can and should be interesting and entertaining.

It is necessary to take into account the features of the implementation of gaming technology in a preschool educational institution:

  1. Creative activity of the teacher.
  2. The choice of the game, during which tasks will be solved - didactic, educational, developing, socializing.
  3. Accounting for the characteristics of the participants in the game.
  4. Game time tracking.

In the modern classification of games, there are games with fixed, open rules, games with hidden rules.

N.A. Korotkova identifies such forms of play in the educational process:

1. The game as a cultural practice: a free story game, a free game with rules.

2. Game as a pedagogical form: didactic story game, didactic game with rules.

Game learning is guided by a complex of motives of the child:

  1. Cognitive - interest in the material, the novelty of events.
  2. Affiliation is the desire to establish or maintain relationships with peers and the teacher, to contact and communicate with them.
  3. Procedural-content - motivation for activity by the content of activity, and not by external factors.

There are three types of motivation:

1. Game

2. Motivation in the context of helping an adult

3.Motivation of personal interest.

The first type is game motivation - "Help the toy",the child achieves the learning goal by solving the problems of toys. The creation of this motivation is built according to this scheme:
1. You say that the toy needs help, and only children can help them.
2. You ask the children if they are willing to help the toy.
3. You offer to teach children to do what the toy requires, then the explanation and demonstration will interest the children.
4. During work, each child should have his own character - a ward (carved, toy, drawn character, to whom he provides assistance.
5. The same toy - the ward evaluates the work of the child, be sure to praise the child.
6. At the end of the work, it is desirable that the children play with their wards.

With this motivation, the child acts as an assistant and protector, and it is appropriate to use it for teaching various practical skills.

The second type of motivation is helping an adult - "Help me". Here, the motive for children is communication with an adult, the opportunity to receive approval, as well as an interest in joint activities that can be done together. Creating motivation is built according to the scheme: You tell the children that you are going to make something and ask the children to help you. Interested in how they can help you.
Each child is given a challenging task.
At the end, you emphasize that the result was achieved through joint efforts, that everyone came to it together.

3 type of motivation is based on the internal interest of the child. Such motivation encourages children to create objects and crafts for their own use or for their loved ones. Children are sincerely proud of their crafts and willingly use them. The creation of this motivation is carried out according to the scheme:
1. You show the children some kind of craft, reveal its advantages and ask if they want to have the same for themselves or for their relatives.
2. Next, show everyone how to make this item.
3. The made craft is ordered by the child. Pride in the work of one's own hands is the most important basis for a creative attitude to work.
If the child is already busy with some interesting business, which means that he already has the necessary motivation, you can introduce him to new ways of solving the tasks.

When motivating children, the following principles should be observed:

You can't force your vision on a child.
- be sure to ask the child for permission to do a common thing with him.
- be sure to praise the child's actions for the result.
- acting together with the child, the educator introduces him to his plans, ways to achieve them.
Observing these rules, the teacher gives children new knowledge, teaches them certain skills, forms the necessary skills.

Game is the leading activity of preschool children

Zhabina Irina Vladimirovna
Position, place of work: MDOU kindergarten teacher of a general developmental type No. 43 "Sosenka", Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, Tseleevo village
Material Description: the presented publication will be of interest to parents, employees of children's institutions who are engaged in the upbringing and development of preschool children.
Target: generalization of knowledge about the meaning of the game for preschool children.
emphasize the importance of play for the child;
to form a value attitude to the health of children;
to systematize the knowledge of teachers and parents on the organization of play activities for preschoolers.

The game is the most accessible type of activity for the child, during which he enters the world around him, gets to know him. The game decorates, fills children's life with bright events, brings joy, contributes to the development of all aspects of the child's personality. Therefore, the game is the leading activity in preschool age. Thought works in play; the will and character are brought up, norms of behavior, relationships with people around, a sense of collectivism are formed. It is the game that gives the preschooler the opportunity to actively act and learn about the world around him. Through the game, the child enriches his life experience, especially if the partner in the game is an adult who can competently and unobtrusively lead the game. However, quite often modern parents are mistaken that the child only needs to purchase toys to play, and he will play somehow himself. But having a lot of toys, children for some reason do not show interest in them. More time is spent in front of the TV or computer.

Play is vital for a child's health and physical development. So how to ensure that the game takes a special place in the educational process and has an impact on the comprehensive development of the child? In order for children to play with pleasure, parents can make attributes for role-playing games: astronauts, sailors, mail, etc., sew dressing gowns, jackets, hats, conductor and mail bags, aprons, clothes and bedding for dolls. Outdoor games are of great importance for strengthening the health of the child and his physical development. During walks, you need to organize various games, including role-playing ones. Children need for games and toys - homemade. Combined with store-bought toys, they provide more room for play creativity.

In order to enrich children's knowledge of the world around them and reflect this in games, parents should conduct excursions and select appropriate works of art. Observations of children on excursions must be supplemented with explanations from adults, stories and reading. The attention of children is primarily directed to the activities of adults who are next to them. Their life, activities are included in the content of children's games. Therefore, in conversations with preschoolers, it is imperative to pay attention to the form and tone of communication between adults and children.

Currently, in accordance with the Standard, the implementation of preschool education is carried out on the basis of the cooperation of the child with adults and peers in age-appropriate activities. In preschool age, such an activity, of course, is a game. Therefore, the educational situation, built in the form of a game, has a greater pedagogical and developmental value in comparison with a lesson like a school lesson. Thus, with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the value of the game increases even more.

Business game for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Experts of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of MDOU "Kindergarten" Bell "r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov region.
My publication will be of interest to senior educators, methodologists, deputy heads of the preschool educational institution, all those involved in the organization of educational and methodological work
Target: clarification and systematization of the knowledge of teachers of the Federal State Educational Standard. Leading:
It's good when in the morning
The game starts!
Laughter, fun, running around,
When the kids are playing.
Envy the kids:
Both girls and boys.
But today is a special day
We gathered for a reason.
And today we, adults,
The game starts!
Understand the rules of the game
What do you remember!

WARM-UP. "Brain attack"

Question one.

For 1 team: What is the name of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation?
For 2 teams: What is the name of the Minister of Education of the Saratov region?

Question two. (presentation slides)

Who is this? (photo to both teams)

(don't forget the bell and the right to answer first)

Task 1 "Crossword of the Federal State Educational Standard"
(execution time 5 minutes)

1. One of the requirements for a developing object-spatial environment?
2. One of the types of children's activities
3. What is a standard in one word?
4. With what type of activity does labor education begin at an early age?
5. Stages of childhood according to GEF (one of the ages)?
6. Who closely interacts with the teaching staff and are partners in the Federal State Educational Standard?

ROUND 3. "Pig in a Poke"

You “pull” a card with a question out of the bag, I read it out. If the team is ready to answer, they ring the bell. The jury evaluates the correctness of the answer.

1. Name the educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
* social and communicative development;
* cognitive development;
* speech development;

*physical development.
2. What educational area includes productive activities?
* artistic and aesthetic development;
3. What is the leading activity in preschool childhood?
*a game
4. With what type of children's activity does the development of work skills in children begin?
* self-service and elementary household work;
5. Name the stages of preschool childhood
*infant, early, preschool;
6. What requirements are determined by the Federal State Educational Standard?
- Requirements for the structure of OOP DO
- Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the BEP DO
- Requirements for the results of the development of OOP DO

7. What are targets?
*Socio-normative age characteristics of the child's possible achievements at the stage of completion of preschool education;
8. Name the types of children's activities in preschool age (communicative, construction from different materials, motor, perception of fiction and folklore, games, cognitive research, fine arts, music, self-service and elementary household work)
9. What requirements (principles) for the developing subject-spatial environment should be taken into account when implementing the Program?
*RPPS should be rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe
10. Is pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) carried out during the implementation of the program? If so, by whom and for what purpose?
*Can be carried out by a teacher to individualize education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the characteristics of his development and to create individual routes), as well as to optimize work with a group of children.

ROUND 4. “You for me, I for you”

Teams ask each other questions. Both the completeness and "trickyness" of the question, as well as the completeness and correctness of the answers are evaluated.

*** At what age (early or preschool) do the following targets apply:
- the child is interested in surrounding objects and actively acts with them;
-possesses active speech included in communication; can handle questions and requests, understands the speech of adults?

*** Determine which educational area the following tasks belong to:
- assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values;
- formation of positive attitudes towards various types of labor and creativity;
- formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.
(Socio-communicative development)

ROUND 5. "Pedagogical puzzles"

Teachers are given the task to compose a phrase, previously cut into separate words, phrases (the phrase is cut into one, two, three words). The time to complete the task is 5 minutes.

Suggested statements:

*** According to SanPiN 2013, 3-4 hours a day should be a walk for preschool children.
*** What should a teacher who is going on an excursion with children know? The exact number of children, the route.

ROUND 6. "Auction of pedagogical ideas"

Teams are invited to write in 1 minute and then name as many new words, phrases, concepts that you encountered when you got acquainted with the document of the Federal State Educational Standard.

(FGOS, standard, targets, object-spatial developing environment, transformable and multifunctional environment, support for children's initiative, individualization of education, optimization of work with a group of children.)

Within 5 minutes, the teams must come up with a name for the event - a super event within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, determine its goal, and develop a small plan for its implementation.

Jury summing up

"Experts of the Federal State Educational Standard" are announced

A few more interesting questions on GEF DO, which can be introduced into the game if desired.

**Is pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) carried out during the implementation of the program? If so, by whom and for what purpose?
(It can be carried out by a pedagogical worker to individualize education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the characteristics of his development and to create individual routes), as well as to optimize work with a group of children).

Extract from GEF:
3.2.3. The results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) can be used exclusively for solving the following educational tasks:
1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the characteristics of his development);
2) optimization of work with a group of children.
If necessary, psychological diagnostics of the development of children is used (identification and study of the individual psychological characteristics of children), which is carried out by qualified specialists (teacher-psychologists, psychologists).
Participation of a child in psychological diagnostics is allowed only with the consent of his parents (legal representatives).
The results of psychological diagnostics can be used to solve the problems of psychological support and conduct qualified correction of children's development.

** When solving which managerial tasks, targets cannot serve as a direct basis?
- attestation of teaching staff;
-assessment of the quality of education;
-assessment of the level of development of children;
-assessment of the implementation of the municipal
(government) assignment by including them in the performance indicators of the assignment;
-distribution of the stimulating wage fund for employees of preschool educational institutions.

**What is the specificity of preschool childhood?
Flexibility, plasticity of the child's development, a high scatter of options for his development, his immediacy and involuntariness.

** Highlight the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program, which include the Standard?
- psychological and pedagogical conditions
- personnel conditions
- educational and material conditions
- material and technical conditions
- medical and social conditions
- financial conditions
- developing object-spatial environment
- information and methodological conditions.

**What are the systemic features of preschool education?
The optional level of preschool education in the Russian Federation, the lack of the possibility of imputing any responsibility to the child for the result of mastering the Program.

**What is OOP DO? Expand the concept.
The main educational program of preschool education.
A program developed, approved and implemented in a preschool educational institution (group) on the basis of an exemplary basic general educational program for preschool education.

** Who is the family in the system of preschool education according to the standards?
Participant of the educational process and partner.

Game activity occupies a special place in the life of a child, and in preschool age (so short, but very important for the formation of character) is of great importance. The game, like a mirror, reflects the way of thinking of a small person, the features of his imagination, emotional sphere, shows his versatile internal needs for communication, activity, growth. Children are always ready for the game, and the task of the educator is to ensure that fun is not only entertainment, but also contributes to the solution of pedagogical problems. Games differ in types, goals, organization, content and other features, but they are united by the fact that they are all the cornerstone in the system of comprehensive development of the child's personality.

Classification of games in kindergarten

Children play almost all their free time. The game contributes to the intellectual, physical and mental development of the child and, like nothing else, affects the lives of children and their activities, both individual and joint. While playing, children enrich their mind with knowledge about the world around them, gain new life experience, master useful habits and skills and can realize their need for activity, new impressions and emotions. In games, the child develops an attitude towards himself and others, towards work, independence, correct behavioral norms, and so on. We can say that in the game the child realizes his need to interact with the world. The game acts as a training ground where kids work out different relationships and ways of interacting with their peers and adults, many other activities grow and develop from the root of the game.

A game for a child is not just entertainment, but a way of knowing reality.

The whole variety of children's games can be put into a certain logical system, based on one or another of their features. The classification of games will help the teacher to choose the right game, taking into account the pedagogical goals.

Table: classification of children's games on the basis of the existence of rules

The teacher S. L. Novosyolova in the book "The program of education and training in kindergarten" offers the following classification of games for preschoolers, in which the key feature is the initiative:

  • amateur games in which the plot and rules arise on the initiative of the children themselves:
    • experimentation (with natural objects, with animals, with toys, household items, etc.),
    • amateur plot games: plot-displaying, plot-role-playing, directing and theatrical;
  • games where the initiative comes from adults, they also control the course of the game, if the children have mastered the rules of the games well, they can play on their own:
    • educational (didactic, plot-didactic, mobile, "games with rules");
    • leisure (intellectual, fun games, entertainment, theatrical game, festive carnival);
  • traditional or folk games (the course of the game is regulated by the tradition of a certain people, “folk music and words ...”);
    • ritual;
    • training;
    • leisure.

S. L. Novosyolova believes that at this age, amateur games play the main role, in which the child improvises, trains imagination, fantasy and independence.

dating games

This is a good way to reacquaint children by introducing them to each other when organizing a new group, or if several new children have joined the group.

Dating games will help shy children to enter the team

"An ant walked on the roof"

The teacher says the first lines that do not change, and in the last one the names of all the children in the group are pronounced in turn. Then, when the children remember the poem, the teacher invites them to pronounce all the lines in unison. You can replace the ant with a sparrow or someone in rhyme.

  1. Fixed part:
    “An ant walked on the roof,
    Gathered my friends
    Many, many, many of us…”
  2. Changing line:
    “Tanechki (Vanechki, Anechka, Katenka, etc.) will get up now.”


Two benches or two rows of chairs are placed in parallel opposite. Boys sit on one, girls sit on the opposite. The first pronounce the names of girls known to them. If there are girls on the bench with that name, then they rise. And vice versa in turn. In older groups, children whose names are named tell a little about themselves, what they like to play, etc. for example, "I'm Petya, I love constructors, I'm Katya, I like to draw." They play until the names of all those present are called.

Games for the adaptation of children who first came to kindergarten

For toddlers, the transition from a family environment where everything is familiar to a new kindergarten environment is a challenge. To facilitate adaptation, the teacher can use fun games. Most often, a child comes to a preschool educational institution (DOE) at a younger preschool age (the first and second younger groups, less often the middle group), so the games are designed for the age of 2–3 years. The main goal of the games is to create contact and build trust in the teacher, emotional support is important. The initiator is always the educator. The goal set for the adaptive effect of the game is of great value: to familiarize new pupils with those who are in kindergarten and what they do in it (eat, walk, play, draw, do exercises, etc.). Therefore, any game event begins with the fact that the teacher introduces himself and clearly tells what everyone will do today.

Games will help create a harmonious psychological atmosphere in the group

"One, two, three - look!"

The teacher meets the children, greets them, seems to ask who their name is, then those who come can sit in a circle (taking into account the gaming opportunities, the place of the game, etc.). “Look, the teddy bear Misha came to visit us. (Shows a toy in his hands) Misha likes to play hide and seek. Do you want to play with him? You close your eyes, and Misha will hide behind someone's back (they hide the toy behind the child's back). When I say: “One, two, three - look!”, quickly open your eyes, where is Misha? (The game can be repeated as many times as in the group of beginners).

"The sun is radiant"

A collective game that involves preliminary preparation of parents (provide a photo of the child). You need a large sheet of paper (drawing paper) with a drawn yellow circle, felt-tip pens or pencils. Children call their name and put their palms with spread fingers to the circle - the sun, these are “rays”, the teacher circles the palm and fingers, then the drawn outline can be painted, write the name of the child, glue his photograph. Decorate the center of the circle like a funny face (draw everything together). The finished painting can be hung on the wall.

"To whom the star smiles"

This game can be played in the middle group. On the wall you need to hang in advance an image of a smiling star drawn on whatman paper (or a finished picture), it can also be the sun, a fairy-tale character, etc., depending on what the teacher has. Opposite the "Asterisk" children line up, standing or sitting on chairs. The rules are as follows: the teacher calls a sign, starting with the words “The asterisk smiles at the one who (who) ...” Those who have this sign run to the picture and clap (or touch it) with their hands. It’s best to start with a general one, for example: “The star smiles at the one who is in the dress today” - girls dressed like this will run to stroke the star”, then “... to the one who is in shirts / T-shirts”, which will capture the boys as well, can be interspersed with some common signs: who has a dog / cat at home, has an older / younger sister / brother, helps his grandmother, obeys mom / dad, etc. The teacher also calls comic examples so that the children can relax and laugh: who flew in a dream today, I watered the candy tree, brushed my teeth with jam, and so on.

Parachute games

We need a colored circle of fabric, the so-called "parachute", it attracts the attention of children, unites them and brings a lot of joy and fun. Children stand around the parachute, the teacher explains the rules and pronounces the words of songs and counting rhymes and shows the actions that the children repeat after him.


Children, holding on to the edge of the parachute, according to the teacher, unanimously raise and lower it, first quickly, and then slowly, creating “waves” (“calm sea” and “storm”). You can put a ball on the fabric of the parachute and roll it over the waves.

For adaptation, outdoor and team games, a large “parachute” made of bright fabric is suitable.


On a parachute, kids collect more light balls, soft toys, and more. Then the fabric is taken by the edge, and according to the count of “one, two”, all the children slowly raise and lower, and at the expense of “three” they throw it up. After all the children collect toys, the one who raised the most can be encouraged with a small prize.

Game "Salute"

Table: Carousel game using a parachute

"Carousel" - a game-variation on the theme of a round dance. Children, holding hands on the fabric, walk together in a circle, rotating the parachute; move in accordance with the words of the teacher, who sets an example with his actions.

Games about friendship and unity

Games aimed at developing communication skills, friendliness, mutual assistance, bring up attention and the ability to negotiate, act in a coordinated manner, and relieve emotional stress. They can be both mobile and carried out in a sitting position.

Guys let's be friends!

Cat Leopold

Cartoon "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat"

"What is good and what is bad!"

The teacher names problem situations related to friendship, the children listen, and if a positive deed is named, they applaud, if it is a bad one, they shake their heads, expressing condemnation. You can ask children to say why something is good and something else is bad. For example, helping mom, drawing together, picking up a fallen toy, comforting and pitying the sad Vasya, etc. is good, but pulling Katya's hair, stepping on Petya's foot and not apologizing, tearing a book, throwing sand, etc. - bad .


The children stand in a circle, the teacher tells what compliments are (nice, good words that please friends), offers to pass the ball in a circle (or throw it to someone if desired) and compliment the one who receives the ball. In response, the child thanks: “Thank you, I am very pleased!”. The teacher starts by passing the ball and saying, for example: “Katya, what a beautiful dress you have (bows, smile, etc.), Petya, you have a very neat hairstyle (you are very strong, etc.)!” It is important to say that you need to look into the eyes of the person you are complimenting.

Getting approval from peers is beneficial for toddlers' self-confidence

"The dragon (snake) bites its tail"

Children stand in a chain one after another, each holding on to the belt of the person in front. The first is the head of the dragon (snake), the last is the tail. The "head" is trying to catch the "tail". All the children of the "trunk" hold tightly to each other. If the dragon “does not bite”, that is, the first child does not catch the last one, for example, during the time the music is playing, then other children take the place of the head and tail.

The game is important in the life of a child, it has the same meaning as activity, work, service in an adult. What a child is in the game, so in many respects he will be in work. Therefore, the upbringing of the future figure takes place, first of all, in the game.

A.S. Makarenko

Pedagogical poem

Games for boys and girls (on gender education)

These games are aimed at the correct formation of the social gender of a person (gender), which combines the social, psychological and cultural characteristics of the individual, that is, the task of these games is to instill the correct male or female behavior. The games of this group also contribute to overcoming social stereotypes about men and women.

"Ears on top"

You can play starting with the second junior group. The game teaches you to identify yourself and others by gender. The teacher calls a group of names (the older the children, the more names). Children listen carefully and say which name is superfluous. You need to explain why they think so. For example: Misha, Seryozha, Petya, Lena; Natasha, Ira, Katya, Vasya.

"Where is whose job?"

The teacher selects toy objects or their images in advance, for example, a vacuum cleaner, a frying pan, a tape measure, a needle, a wrench, scissors, a plate, a ball of thread, etc. Children are invited to look at the object and choose who works with it: dads or moms. It is important to bring children to the idea that both moms and dads can use objects when they help each other.

Through play, children learn social roles by exploring them.

"Boys and Girls"

Each child receives two pictures from the teacher: the first shows a boy, the second shows a girl. The teacher calls a certain quality, the children should raise a card with a boy or a girl, depending on how they think who this feature is characteristic of. For example: athletic, brave, gentle, kind, capricious, affectionate, quick-witted, strong, beautiful, smart, obedient, bullies, spoiled. Children, as a rule, raise one card at a time (girls are beautiful, gentle, kind, boys are brave, bullies, strong), the teacher corrects by saying the correct answer: both boys and girls can have this quality, so you need to raise both cards. The goal is reached when everyone raises two cards.

Children's rights games

Every day on December 10, people all over the world celebrate Human Rights Day. This date was chosen to commemorate the fact that on December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the first global statement of the international principles of humanism. The teacher can teach children about rights and responsibilities. It makes sense to start such work with children from the middle group, when they are already able to comprehend these concepts.

Table: framework for modeling child rights games

"We eat healthy food"

Variant of the game "Edible-inedible". Teaching healthy eating habits. The teacher prepares cards in advance with images of different dishes, types of food, products (ice cream, chips, cakes, various vegetables, fruits, cheese, etc.). Children clap their hands on “useful” things, and stomp their feet on “harmful” things or turn their heads from side to side (denial).

"Dating Hat"

Props: funny hat, cap or other headgear. The teacher tries on this hat for each child and asks him to introduce himself, that is, to give his name, surname and patronymic. You can complicate the rules by adding that the child tells the names of his mom and dad, what things he likes to do in the family (how exactly to help with household chores).

"Wreath of Friendship and Help"

The teacher tells the children about the importance of friendship, support, mutual assistance and respect for the rights and freedoms of people. This game reminds us of the responsibility that we must show towards each other, support and acceptance of others. Cut out the contours of the children’s hands from colored thick paper in advance or right in the lesson (you can immediately circle their palms), and glue them together or attach them to the paper base in the shape of a circle to make a wreath. On the palms themselves, you can write the names of the children or invite them to draw a simple image - a symbol of friendship (heart, sun, flower, etc.), or stick a finished picture. In the center, you can not cut a hole, but glue an image of the globe.

This is what a wreath of friendship and help might look like

business games

These activities are carried out with children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old), as these children are sufficiently prepared and can play consciously. Children of this age can get acquainted with elementary economic knowledge, future school life, etc. during business games.

Table: a game about the family budget ("Need - you can")

Children get acquainted with the basic concepts of “family budget”, “necessary things” and “whims”, learn to highlight the paramount. The teacher prepares visual material (pictures) in advance or simply names the options, the children attribute the option to one or another group. You can fix pictures on a magnetic board, divided into two parts:
Necessary (primary) Desirable (minor)
Payment for electricity, etc. Buying a doll
Buying medicine Ride on the carousel
Transport ticket cinema ticket
Buying bread Buying a cake
Repair New phone
Buying winter clothes Hairpin

"Let's go to school"

You need to prepare in advance the items required for the school (notebooks, pencil case, pens, pencils, books, an album, a folder for notebooks, a book stand, etc.), as well as what the child does not take to school (dolls and other toys ) and two school backpacks. Children are divided into two teams, each must choose and put the necessary items in the briefcase and leave toys, the winner is determined by the speed and correctness of the fees.

Educational games

As the name implies, educational games are aimed at the direct complex development of the child, and also, depending on the direction, the formation of some specific abilities or aspects of the personality (logic, intelligence, mindfulness, speech, etc.). The kid has fun with benefit and at the same time gains knowledge, develops skills and abilities.

Tasks of educational games:

  • establishing relationships between children and their parents and with each other;
  • the formation of moral and volitional qualities, such as self-control, the ability to overcome shyness, fears;
  • development in children of auditory and visual perception, attention, perception of colors, shapes, properties of objects;
  • development of speech and logical thinking;
  • memory development.


A mini-quiz that can be adapted to any age category - the main thing is to pick up poems, songs, fairy tales and other material of the "relevant repertoire". The teacher reads aloud a recognizable line (fragment) from some literary source that the children already know; they must answer which work is conceived. With pupils of the middle and senior groups, the principle “who guessed, he raises his hand” applies, with the younger group, you can guess in any order: the one who knows, he speaks.

Game "Connoisseurs"

"At the same time it is possible - impossible"

Invite the children to think of some things that can be done at the same time (like clapping and singing) and things that can't be done (like getting up from a chair and sitting on a chair) and have them name their options. ("I can't close my mouth and say the letter 'A' at the same time, but I can touch my toes and laugh at the same time.") Offer to try and demonstrate. The teacher encourages the children, tells them not to be shy about doing something impossible, for example, desperately trying to sit and stand at once or jump on one leg and collect the designer. Take turns until each player has come up with at least 2-3 “possible-impossible” examples. The exercise trains attentiveness, patience, logic, children learn to understand that they cannot always immediately draw the attention of another person to themselves.

"Who is first - who is next?"

Table: popular games in kindergarten (for the development of visual perception)

Name Target Description
Mosaic Develops:
  • visual-figurative thinking,
  • Creative skills,
  • memory,
  • fine motor skills.
A creative game with geometric shapes, its course is determined by the teacher in accordance with a specific pedagogical task
Find your place
  • attention development,
  • memory development,
  • physical development.
There are geometric figures on the chairs, the children have cards with various corresponding figures. On a signal, the children take their places at a suitable chair. Similarly, you can play a game to fix colors, classify animals, etc.

Table: popular games in kindergarten (calm)

Name Target Description
Let's get acquainted!
What is your name?
  • Establish emotional contact
  • познакомиться.
Rules of the game:
  1. Children sit in a circle.
  2. The teacher throws a ball to everyone and asks for their name.
  3. Children, throwing the ball back, say the name (you need to be reminded during the game: “What is your name?”).
Mom's helpers
  • Attention,
  • benevolence,
  • the desire to help mom, the formation of labor skills.
  • A game with clothespins: we help mom sort and hang clothes on the clothesline (multi-colored fabric squares, colored paper clothing templates, etc.),
  • table setting game with toy dishes,
  • sorting "Cleaning",
  • finger gymnastics "We chop cabbage, chop",
  • we make a gift to mom (drawing, craft, etc.).
Cheerful cooks.
Vegetables and fruits
  • cognitive development,
  • expanding horizons on topics:
    • "Vegetables",
    • "Fruits",
    • "Etiquette",
  • formation of elementary mathematical representations,
  • formation of hygienic ideas
  • Board games based on cards ("Vegetables-Fruits"): mathematical, logical,
  • Preparation and serving of sandwiches from products prepared in advance by the educator (health-saving topic, hygiene),
  • a game of medium mobility: a circle is indicated on the floor (pot, bowl). Children come up with what everyone will be: potatoes, meat, carrots, etc. The teacher says that we will “cook” - soup, compote, salad, etc. The teacher names the ingredients, the named one jumps into a circle. When all the children are in the circle, the game ends, you can start cooking a new "dish".
tea drinking Skills of courtesy, accuracy A role-playing game for children, in which you can use real dishes and food, or you can use toys, skills of courtesy and etiquette, the ability to behave at the table, and set the table are worked out.
  • Formation of ideas about family relationships,
  • education of love, benevolence.
Role-playing game "in the family". Roles are distributed as desired. The family is very large, there is a birthday coming up, for example, Grandmother. Everyone is busy about arranging a holiday. Some family members are preparing a festive dinner, others are setting the table, and others are preparing an entertainment program. During the game, the teacher observes the relationship between family members, helps them in time.
Baba Yaga
  • dexterity development,
  • mindfulness development.
Baba Yaga acts as a host in the scenarios of holidays and games

Video: playing with Baba Yaga

Barkers and invocations at the beginning and end of the game in kindergarten

How the teacher starts the game, how much he can attract the attention of children, depends on the success of solving the pedagogical task that is implemented in the game.

Children will tune in to the game better if they are invited to it.

Pre-game barkers and invocations

In the folk tradition, special comic verses-jokes called barkers and invocations were used. They invited friends to play:

  • Well, who will play
    An interesting game?
    And in what - I will not say!
    And then we won't accept
    Let's raise our ears
    Ears will be red
    So beautiful before!
  • Put on your shoes quickly
    Tay, tay, come on
    In an interesting game
    And in what - I will not say!
    Who will be late
    Flies into the sky.
  • Attention attention!
    Fun festivities open!
    Hurry, honest people,
    The fair is calling you!
  • All for the holiday - New Year!
    Come on, honest people.
    Everyone who is cheerful is invited,
    We open a noisy holiday!
  • Children, children, all here,
    Here is a fun game!
    One two three four five -
    We're going to play.
  • drum, drum,
    You don't drum in vain.
    One two three four five -
    Take the kids out to play.
  • naughty baloons,
    Run out into the yards
    Get to play
    Voivode to choose.
  • Coward Bunny
    Running across the field
    I ran in a circle
    Called to play.
  • The stars in the sky are burning
    We are told to play blind man's blind man.
  • Come in buddy
    Start a circle!

Poetic completion of games in kindergarten

You can also end the game, determine the winner, go to the next horse in poetic form.

  • One, two, three, it's time -
    The game is over!
  • We played, we played
    And a little tired.
    One two three four five -
    see you again soon!
  • We quarreled, reconciled
    And sometimes they argued
    But very friendly
    For our game.
    The game is replaced by the game,
    The game ends
    And friendship never ends
    Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
  • We wrote, we drew,
    Our fingers are tired.
    Shake our fingers
    And let's start writing again.
    (finger gymnastics)

Features of the game with hyperactive and gifted children

Hyperactive and gifted (like everything that goes beyond the boundaries of the average norm) children are a "pedagogical challenge" for the educator. It is play therapy that will help the teacher find a way out in difficult cases.

Features of playing with hyperactive children

A hyperactive (overactive) child needs a special approach from the teacher. He is not "bad", he just needs a little more attention, patience and the right game activity to channel his energy and thought process into a productive direction.

Hyperactivity manifests itself through:

  • inattention,
  • distractibility
  • impulsiveness,
  • increased physical activity
  • learning difficulties.

At the same time, the intellectual development of hyperactive children may be higher than the age norm.

The rules that will help teachers in playing activities with hyperactive children, and most importantly, will help the children themselves:

  • Gradually, we correct some one quality.
  • We divide classes into short but frequent segments.
  • Physical education minutes.
  • Do not overexert a hyperactive child, the material is given in small parts with activity switching.
  • Tactile contact.
  • Clear and specific instructions.
  • Calm soft communication.
  • Goals of play therapy for hyperactivity: correction of its manifestations in the child's behavior, development of self-control. For this, outdoor games, games for logic and cognitive skills are suitable.

    Table: games for training any one quality


    An example of a mobile game. The leader is selected (according to the counting rhyme) - the eagle owl. Other children are mice or birds. The teacher says “Day”, “owl” sits in a “hollow” or “nest” (a hoop lying on the floor) and falls asleep (closes his eyes), and the birds fly (run, waving their wings). The teacher says “Night”, and the children squat and freeze, and the “owl” goes hunting. He is looking for those who moved or laughed, and "carries" them to his "hollow".

    Features of the game with gifted children

    When working with gifted children, it is important to support them and create an environment for the full development of their personality.

    Giftedness comes from the word "gift", but for its manifestation, you need the opportunity to develop the received talent.

    The preservation and development of gifted children is the most important problem of our society. The main task of the teacher is to contribute to the development of the personality of the child.

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    "I give my heart to children"

    Traits of gifted children:

    • easily and quickly grasp everything;
    • quickly remember what they heard or read;
    • solve complex problems;
    • ask a lot of questions;
    • interested in complex things;
    • think in an original way and offer unexpected answers and solutions;
    • very receptive, observant, quickly react to everything new;
    • make unexpected judgments.

    There are two groups of giftedness in preschool age:

    • high general level of mental development (mathematical, linguistic abilities);
    • creative talent (musical, artistic, physical).

    Table: task groups for games with gifted children

    Job groups Target
    • interesting questions,
    • joke tasks.
    • development of ingenuity;
    Puzzle tasks for composing figures from a specified number of counting sticks.
    • Development of logical thinking;
    • development of spatial thinking;
    • activation of mental activity.
    A group of games for modeling flat or three-dimensional figures:
    • "Tangram",
    • "Columbus Egg"
    • "Fold the Square"
    • "Fold the Pattern"
    • B. P. Nikitin's games:
      • "Unicube"
      • "Bricks";
    • Rubik's Cube;
    • making origami crafts.
    Development of thinking:
    • figurative;
    • logical;
    • spatial;
    • visual-figurative;
    • combinatorial.
    Visual logical tasks:
    • filling in empty cells
    • series continuation,
    • looking for signs of difference
    • finding patterns of rows of figures,
    • finding signs of difference between one group of figures from another,
    • other.
    Development of logical thinking.
    Acquaintance with such a topological object as the Möbius strip. Development of spatial thinking.

    All types of play activities are important for the comprehensive development of the child's personality and individuality. Creating a game reality, a game life, children endow it with realism and authenticity, sincerely experience, rejoice and grieve, sympathize and be surprised. Games for preschoolers develop imagination, fantasy, give invaluable experience, form skills and abilities, develop a sense of partnership and teach friendship.