Golden Rules for Successful Breastfeeding. Feeding schedule for a newborn baby

After the birth of the first child, every mother has a lot of questions. One of the most important is how to properly feed a newborn, at what interval? Is there a difference between breastfeeding and formula feeding? Let's figure it out.

First feeding after birth

As soon as your baby is born, he will most likely be placed on your stomach and attached to your breast. For a baby, this ritual is important, because he has just experienced a lot of stress, and now he needs a sense of security and care. maternal breast able to give the child peace of mind. In addition, the sucking reflex of the newborn is thus satisfied.

Many mothers are afraid that they will start feeding the baby incorrectly, which can affect not only his appetite, but also problems with bite and digestion.

Scheme of attaching the baby to the breast

The first attachment of the baby to the breast is also beneficial for the mother. Lactation is being established, the risks of postpartum complications are reduced (after all, breastfeeding by the baby contributes to uterine contractions), is restored hormonal background.

In the first days after childbirth, colostrum is secreted in the chest - a sticky yellowish liquid, which serves as the initial nutrition for the baby. The amount of colostrum in the breast is low, and this fact is a concern for many mothers. Will the child be able to eat these "drops"? Don't worry, colostrum is very nutritious and its composition the best way suitable for newborn.

The baby in the first days of life needs only 2-20 ml of colostrum at a time. After all, the stomach is still quite tiny, and there was no food in it yet. The body needs to adjust to new life, outside the womb. This takes time and consistency.

However, keep in mind that colostrum will be digested quickly enough, so offer the breast more often so that the baby does not feel hungry.

How often to breastfeed a baby?

Undoubtedly, mother's milkthe best food for the child, prepared for him by nature itself. Therefore, the task of the mother immediately after the birth of the baby is to establish lactation.

Doctors agree on one thing: the newly-made mother needs to drink plenty of fluids and try to be as nervous as possible.

So, how many times a day should a baby be fed?

There are two approaches to this issue. The first is that the newborn needs to be fed according to the regimen. Second, the baby should be breastfed on demand.

The first approach has been used in Soviet time. In fact, he stayed there. Of course, there are modern adherents of establishing a strict regime for the newborn, but they are in the minority. And there are reasons for that. The fact is that feeding on time is convenient for parents, but not for the child. After all, the baby may want to eat before the “set” hour, and also not have time to get enough for the 20 minutes allotted for feeding. Perhaps the child will gradually get used to the regime imposed on him, but how many tears and worries will it cost?

World Organization Health and most pediatricians recommend feeding your baby on demand. This means that the question of how long after the previous feeding can be breastfed again should not be raised at all. Just take a closer look at your child and you will understand when "it's time". When a child is hungry, he behaves as follows:

During sleep, the baby's eyelids tremble, sleep becomes restless, superficial;

The baby turns its head, trying to find a source of milk;

The child smacks, grunts, sucks a diaper or fist.

It is advisable not to wait until the child wakes up and starts screaming. As soon as you notice the first signs of hunger, immediately attach the baby to the breast - this way you will not only keep both of you calm, but also ensure a more correct latch on the nipple.

Be aware that the baby has active periods growth when it needs more frequent and dense nutrition. This is the interval between the 7th and 10th days of life, 4-6 weeks, 12 weeks, and 6 months. Be prepared that during these periods the baby will show more appetite than usual.

But at the same time, do not forget that it is still important to observe the daily routine for the baby. Talk to your pediatrician about which regimen is best for your baby.

Daily routine table up to 1 year

How often should I formula feed a newborn?

If for some reason the mother cannot breastfeed the baby, then you will have to select an adapted milk formula for him. Despite the fact that manufacturers try to bring the composition of the mixtures as close as possible to the composition of mother's milk, the difference between "natural" and "artificial" food is huge. Formula is heavier food for the baby's stomach, so it takes longer to digest breast milk. It follows from this that the feeding regimen of an artificial person should be different from the regimen of a child who is breastfed.

The serving volume for the artificial should be calculated.

  1. For babies under 2 months of age, the daily dose of the mixture is 1/5 of body weight.
  2. Children 2-4 months of age should consume 1/6 of their weight.
  3. Babies aged 4-6 months should eat 1/7 of their body weight.
  4. Babies from six months should be given a mixture in an amount equal to 1/9 of their weight.

At first, it is better to use a special table that will help you navigate the daily doses of products for the baby.

Baby feeding table up to 1 year old

In order to determine how much formula to give the child at a time, you need to divide daily dose for the number of feedings.

Do not forget to give water to the child who is on artificial feeding. Do this only after feeding. Keep in mind that only artisans need water. Babies who are breastfed do not need to be supplemented, as it replaces both food and water.

So, how many times a day to feed the baby is up to you. Or better yet, a baby. Be attentive to your child, be guided by his preferences, and you will not be mistaken. Health to you and your baby!

How is milk produced in female breast? How long should it take after the previous feeding of the child, in order for the milk to appear again in the body of a woman? What determines its quantity? Why does a baby ask for a breast so often at the beginning of life? In this article, you will find answers to all these questions and learn how to organize the feeding process so that the child always receives the amount of milk he needs.

Sometimes during feeding you may feel that the breast is already completely empty, as if the milk has completely run out, but at the same time your baby is still hungry. Knowing that milk is constantly produced in the mammary glands (in the alveoli), you will not panic and take the breast from the child, and then he will be able to calmly suck the amount of food he needs. On this occasion, a study was conducted that found that children drink only 76% of the milk in the breast per day.

What does the quantity depend on?

It directly depends on how often you give your baby a breast, how much milk he sucks, how much of it will be produced again. At the moment of feeding the baby, a signal enters the mother’s brain, prompting the body to produce oxytocin, which provokes the contraction of the muscles around the alveoli, and the milk from them flows through the ducts to the nipple. At such moments, mothers may feel a tingle or feel how milk comes in, this process is called a flush.

Lactation Inhibitor Controls Everything

Not so long ago it was found that in the composition of breast milk there is a certain protein, which is called "lactation inhibitor", it performs a regulatory function in the formation of milk. When the breast is full, the inhibitor sends a signal to the alveoli to stop working. And after the baby empties the breast, then this protein, respectively, will not be in it either, and there will be no one to stop the production of milk, so the process of forming food for the crumbs will begin again in the alveoli. Now it is clear why it is so important to give the baby a breast often and wait until he completely empties it.

Pumping: a necessity or an unnecessary intervention?

Many doctors believe that without pumping, a nursing mother must the milk will disappear, but this is not true. The pumping process turns out to be completely unnecessary during breastfeeding on demand, during which the mother does not pay attention to how much time has passed since the last feeding, but satisfies the baby's actual hunger. And therefore, milk comes at the very moment when the child needs it, and most importantly in the right amount. And because of pumping, this harmony between mother and baby is violated.

Which breast is "milkier" - small or large? Or is it a myth?

Often women with small breasts think that they will not have enough milk. But these worries are in vain, because many studies have already proven that breast size does not affect the quantitative indicator of milk.

But some scientists are of the opinion that women with small breasted Between feedings, less milk is stored in the mammary glands than in big breast. But still, this amount is enough for a child if the mother often offers him breasts. It’s just that in this case, milk is produced in exactly the amount that the baby needs, and this is what properly organized breastfeeding is all about.

Another reason why women with small breasts need to feed often is that their alveoli fill up faster than mothers with large breasts, and therefore the lactation inhibitor works faster for them.

How does the breast develop?

The breast in a person begins to form even in the period prenatal development when it future mom is at 4-7 weeks of pregnancy. Some time after this, the formed breast rudiments are transformed into milk ducts and alveoli. Then, immediately after birth, the baby's nipple is formed. At this stage, breast development stops and resumes only when girls begin puberty (about 10-12 years old).

Active growth breast begins 2 years before the onset of menstrual cycles. After that, the size of the mammary glands increases every month throughout the entire period of puberty, because it is at this time that the main stage of breast development falls. But it turns out that the mammary glands continue to form right up to 35 years, and it is believed that the breast cannot be called mature until the woman has given birth and fed the child.

Alveoli are part of the glandular tissue, it is in them that milk is formed and stored. When the baby begins to suckle at the breast or during pumping, the muscle cells in the alveoli push the milk into the ducts through which it arrives at the nipple.

Previously, scientists believed that milk was stored not only in the alveoli, but also directly in front of the nipple. But the ultrasound found that after the baby stops sucking, the milk returns to the alveoli again.

What changes occur in the breast during pregnancy

Under the influence of certain hormones during pregnancy, the female breast is rebuilt to fulfill its main purpose - feeding the child. Hormones such as estrogen, prolactin and progesterone play a major role in these changes.

In the first three months of pregnancy, the alveoli and ducts grow rapidly, causing breast enlargement. Also, expectant mothers note that the mammary glands become much more sensitive.

Three stages of lactogenesis

  1. Starts about 12 weeks before delivery.

Colostrum begins to form in the female breast, but progesterone suppresses its production in full until the baby is born. At this stage, the size of the breast becomes even larger.

  1. It occurs immediately after the birth of the child at the time of separation of the placenta.

In the mother's body, the level of progesterone drops sharply, while the value of prolactin remains elevated, so colostrum begins to be produced in full. After a few days, colostrum is already replaced by mature milk, in which the lactose content is much higher.

During this period of lactation, milk production occurs under the influence of hormones, that is, it appears even if the mother decided not to breastfeed her child. But it is at this time that it is very important to feed the baby often, as this directly affects the amount of milk in the future.

  1. stage of milk production.

Milk production begins at the moment when the breast is emptied, and not under the influence of hormones, as it was immediately after the birth of the baby. Therefore, the amount of milk directly depends on the frequency of feeding, i.e. the more often a mother feeds a child, the more milk she will have.

Now you know that there is always milk in the breast, so if your baby is not full, do not take away from him, as it seems to you, an empty breast. And next time milk will be produced exactly as much as your child needs.

Breastfeeding strengthens the emotional bond between mother and baby, provides the newborn with the necessary substances, and forms immunity. Therefore, many women are determined to breastfeed their baby for as long as possible. But often during the development of lactation, young mothers have many questions:

1. Will I be able to breastfeed my baby? The answer is clear: it will work! Each healthy woman is able to naturally feed the baby, regardless of breast size, physique, age. For this, the desire of the mother herself is needed. If you doubt your abilities, you need to familiarize yourself with the technique of applying to the breast, and the formation of lactation will be successful.

2. If milk does not come in the first days, is it necessary to supplement with formula? It is not necessary to feed the newborn. In the first days, the mother secretes colostrum, it has a high nutritional value. Therefore, even a few drops of it are enough for a newborn to saturate. In addition, during supplementary feeding, the number of attachments to the breast is reduced, which delays the flow of milk from the mother. Attach the baby to the chest and as often as possible on demand and the milk will soon arrive.

3. The baby is losing weight - does it mean that he is not full? When discharged from the hospital, all babies weigh less than at birth. This does not depend on the amount of milk that the newborn consumes. Weight loss is associated with the following reasons:

  • Excretion of fluid through the skin;
  • Urine emission;
  • Descent of the original feces (meconium);
  • Stress of a newborn: from a warm cozy tummy he got into a huge unknown world.

A weight loss of up to 10% of body weight at birth is considered normal, usually after returning home, the baby will quickly regain what was lost.

4. How often should I breastfeed a newborn? Feed your baby on demand: Offer to breastfeed when he is anxious. In the early days, the baby may need to breastfeed every 30 minutes. When milk comes in, the intervals between feedings become longer, but will not be immediately regular, or equal to 3 hours (as some believe). Feeding on demand will ensure that the amount of milk your baby needs is produced.

5. Do I need to express milk between feeds? When feeding on demand, additional pumping is not required. At first, there may be more milk than the baby needs, but over time this normalizes. You need to express milk in the following cases:

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

  • When the baby does not take the breast, or for health reasons is separated from the mother;
  • When there is too much milk and engorgement of the mammary glands occurs, or begins;
  • When there are deep painful;
  • When the mother takes medications that are contraindicated during breastfeeding.

6. How long should a baby breastfeed? The baby will suckle the breast for as long as he needs. The sucking time can be from 5 minutes to 2 hours. In one case, the baby wants to eat, in the other - to drink, in the third, he just needs his mother's warmth.

7. Do I need to wash my breasts before feeding? You don't need to do this. It is enough to take a daily shower with ordinary baby soap. Do not use deodorized and antibacterial agents: They often cause allergies in babies and neutralize beneficial bacteria. In case of sweating or excessive "leakage" of milk, you can simply rinse the breast warm water just before feeding.

9. Is it necessary to supplement the newborn with water? No, a newborn does not need water, because breast milk consists of 90% of it. Even colostrum can fully satisfy the thirst of the baby. Water has no calories, so it can cause additional weight loss or underweight gain.

10. Is the baby getting enough milk? This can be found in two easy ways:

  1. The number of urination. They have baby per day should be 12 or more. Urine is colorless or pale yellow, odorless. This criterion is true if the child is not supplemented with water and medicines.
  2. Weight set. healthy baby gains at least 120 g per week (excluding time spent in the hospital), monthly increase can range from 0.5 to 2 kg (We also read:

What happens in a woman's body when she stops breastfeeding? How to restore the depleted resources of the mother's body at the end of lactation and is it possible to independently determine which substances the body needs? All questions related to the end of breastfeeding are answered by a dietitian Anokhina Olga Vyacheslavovna.

Any change in the state of the body, the transition to new stage Whether we like it or not, it will be stressful for the body. The beginning of any physiological process, even provided for by nature - whether it is the arrival of the first menstruation, the onset of pregnancy or the termination breastfeeding- all this is connected with the need to restructure the body to a qualitatively new level.

Dietitian-nutritionist of the Ural Federal Center for Health Nutrition, Researcher laboratory of hygiene and nutrition physiology of Yekaterinburg medical center prevention and health protection Olga Vyacheslavovna Anokhina will talk about what happens in the body of a woman with the end of lactation, and will answer many other questions that arise in this regard:

What happens in the mother's body

With the end of breastfeeding in the body of a woman, first of all, hormonal changes take place. The hormone “prolactin” is responsible for the production of milk, but not only the quantity and quality of milk, but also other functions of the body depend on its concentration. Because all hormones are in interaction with each other: when there is a lot of one, it means that there will be less others. When breastfeeding ends, the level of prolactin decreases, and a signal goes to the brain to produce other hormones, prolactin antagonists.

- What exactly are these hormones and what are they responsible for in the female body?

We must start with the fact that there are always all the hormones in the body. It's just that throughout life (and even during one day), their ratio can change. For example, the male hormone testosterone is also present (in some quantity) in the female body, and female sex hormones are present in a small concentration in the male body. So, when, at the end of lactation, the level of prolactin in a woman’s body decreases, then, as in communicating vessels, the level of natural female hormones responsible for menstrual function - in particular, it is progesterone and estrogen. The body is rebuilt in accordance with the tasks that are at a particular moment. And if during pregnancy the level of prolactin in the mother's body rises gradually, and by the time the child is born (that is, when breast milk is in demand), this hormone in the body is enough to start breastfeeding immediately after birth. That, respectively, by the end of lactation (with a gradual reduction in the number of feedings), the level of prolactin decreases just as smoothly. From this point of view, there is less stress for the body of mother and baby: if complementary foods were introduced in advance, and most importantly, on time (and as a result, the number of feedings was reduced), then by the time lactation ends (a year and a half after childbirth), a woman feeds more than once 12 per day, as in the first months, and 2-3. it is not so difficult to refuse such a number of feedings - less milk is already produced in a woman's body.

- Does it matter if breastfeeding is suddenly stopped or lactation "faded" by itself, gradually as the child began to breastfeed less and less?

Naturally, it is always better for the body if some changes occur gradually. The WHO (World Health Organization) has recommended that breastfeeding can continue for up to 2 years. But we keep in mind that from six months, along with mother’s milk, the child also receives complementary foods - it has already been proven that after 6 months of the nutrients in mother’s milk, the child is not enough, and various deficiencies occur in the growing body. Therefore, there is a system for the introduction of complementary foods - gradually various products are added to the child's diet in order to make up for the deficiency of certain substances. And parallel to this process, the quantity breastfeeding naturally decreases in favor of complementary foods.

- It turns out that the end of breastfeeding is directly related to the introduction of complementary foods? (details on the introduction of complementary foods and the importance healthy eating at any age Olga Vyacheslavovna tells in the second part of the interview)

Certainly! Sooner or later (even taking into account the fact that the number of feedings per knock is already minimal), there still comes a moment when you need to stop feeding completely! And at this moment it is better to stop feeding once and for all. It will be difficult for the body to rebuild if the end of breastfeeding happens like chopping off the tail in parts: today we don’t give breasts, in two we give again, then we decided that we would stop anyway ... Each such “unscheduled” attachment of the baby to the breast, let even after a long time after the end of breastfeeding, it can cause a jump in prolactin, milk will begin to flow into the breast again. There are cases when women who stopped breastfeeding then suddenly resumed feeding for one reason or another (for example, in the event of an illness of the child) and milk appeared again. But if no emergency happens, then, having fed the child to a certain age (a year and a half is optimal), it is better to curtail the lactation function once and for all. The thing is, here's another thing: if these episodic attachments to the breast continue and continue, then not only will the mother's body never rebuild - in this situation, psycho-emotional distortions also arise.

- And, as far as I know, than older child, the more it is the psycho-emotional aspect of the completion of breastfeeding that comes to the fore, rather than the gastronomic ...

Quite right! From the point of view of nutrition, there can be no pain at all when refusing breasts at this age. The nutritional value of mother's milk for a child is no longer as great as in the first months of life - milk can no longer fully meet all its needs, at the age of one and a half years, milk is far from the only food for a baby. No matter how useful mother's milk is, for some reason, mothers of schoolchildren and students are no longer breastfed!

- Let's still clarify: at what age does the value of mother's milk decrease?

The point is not that the value of the milk itself is declining - it’s just that one child older than six months is no longer enough, because the baby is growing! He has teeth - this already serves as a signal that he is ready to bite and chew food, and not just suck! In addition, there are data from many studies, there are many scientific works on this topic: experts study both the composition of mother's milk and the child's needs for certain microelements. And they all come to the conclusion that after six months, when the woman’s body has exhausted all the resources accumulated during pregnancy, and the child’s needs are different than immediately after childbirth, after six months there is a lack of nutrients ...

Look out for the best interests of the child

- After the publication of the article How to humanely stop breastfeeding, where I wrote that after six months nutritional value milk is declining, readers reproached me for promoting the rejection of breastfeeding in favor of complementary foods ...

I think that the whole point is in the wrong accents in your article. In general, you can sing a separate song about breast milk. The World Health Organization, based on research data from scientists around the world, recommends not touching the baby at all until six months old, not introducing anything into the diet and giving only mother's milk. Because, no matter how exhausted the mother is, her milk is much better than artificially prepared, even the highest quality infant formula. Until now, scientists cannot explain the mechanism of milk production in the female breast: how the mother's body "recognizes" the needs of the child at a particular moment. Numerous experiments show that mother's milk can really adapt to the needs of the child, it changes in composition not only during the feeding period, but even during the day. If the child is thirsty, the milk will be liquid; if he needs more sugar, the milk will be sweet; if he needs calories, it is produced more fat and thick, “nutritious”. The baby will always get the milk he needs. But - I again return to this thought! - after six months, due to the fact that the needs of the child are changing, even the best mother's milk in the world cannot fully satisfy his nutritional needs - he already needs much more for growth and development than in the first months of life. Milk is still good, only it is not enough for the child! Gradually, from six months, we recommend the introduction of complementary foods, and how long a woman will keep lactation against the background of complementary foods, she decides for herself. Even up to five years, let him feed, if psychologically it is comfortable.

- And yet, what is the nutritional value of milk after a year? It turns out that if all complementary foods are introduced on time, the child eats fully - then what is milk for?

These are enzymes that help digestion, and immune defenses, and hormones, and other biologically active substances ... In addition, there are really difficult situations when a child can be saved by temporarily transferring exclusively to breastfeeding. This is mine too own experience: when my child became seriously ill for a year (and at that time I almost did not feed), due to a paroxysmal cough, he could not eat anything. In addition, the child had severe intoxication, and I applied it to the breast first to calm it down, and then the milk returned. And during the entire period of illness, we were fed only by breastfeeding.

- But what about the painful psycho-emotional attachment? Did she develop after this incident?

No, after the illness, the child quickly became cheerful, switched to others, no less interesting items, and gradually we again reduced to "no" breastfeeding. I gave this example to highlight the importance of breastfeeding and the unique mother's milk. This is Nature, and no one can debug this “mother-child” system better than her. And therefore, I recommend starting complementary foods not at three months (as, for example, the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences still recommends), but at six months. And then, only from those considerations, so as not to completely replace mother's milk - let it be! - but in order to nourish the baby additionally with those substances that he no longer receives enough with milk. Milk remains in the child's diet with its valuable components - enzymes, microorganisms ... And of course, the psycho-emotional component is very important, and at least for this reason it is advisable to continue breastfeeding for at least 9 months. And there already further - after a year, when the child has not only all the products in the diet, but also his own digestive system the child is sufficiently formed, breastfeeding can be slowly curtailed. And this is where psycho-emotional attachment comes to the fore.

- You want to say that he already understands what's what, and is quite capable of distinguishing tit from porridge?

If a child is breastfed for a very long time, then at the age of a year and a half, a crisis may occur: the child refuses to eat, he does not want anything from food, is naughty and requires only breasts. And this is understandable - the moment for a gradual, timely introduction products in his diet are missing, breasts are given on demand, at any time - there is no diet, nothing. Meanwhile, he is already able (and he needs to!) To receive other food besides the breast. And that's when he starts to freak out. His unequal system is like bare wires. And this is also connected with nutrition - being constantly on the chest, he does not receive the nutrients he needs, and the child's nervous system is overexcited.

- And by the way, for about a year they just take the first steps and become a little more independent, at least in terms of moving in space ...

Yes, there is such a moment. Before that, when he either crawled or moved on his mother's arms, he was not very worried. And at a year and a half, the child begins to separate from the mother, and there is a backlash: on the one hand, he is no longer so dependent on her either in movement or in nutrition, but on the other hand, he is afraid of losing his mother. And each time, returning to the chest, he kind of checks: is mom here? There is a kind of rollback - psychologists note it in the period from 7 to 11 months. And we just have a lot of problems with those kids whom the mother breast-fed for a long time, and at an older age, breastfeeding was no longer a joy, but only made both mother and baby nervous. And when with such children at the age of, say, two years old, parents come to me as a nutritionist with the question “what to do, he doesn’t eat anything,” then my work here is minimal - I send them to a psychologist. Because before you feed him the right food (that is, corresponding to his age), you must first awaken interest in this food in him. And protracted breastfeeding does not contribute to this at all. And the question “how to feed a child” should have been addressed at least a year and a half earlier.

- When?!

5-6 months is perfect time for the introduction of the first complementary foods, even with psychological point vision. The child is not yet afraid of anything, he is sure that his mother will not leave him, and most importantly, he has a healthy interest in adult food. Against the background of this interest, it's time to offer him new food for the first time, just try it - at six months, the child will swallow this new food with pleasure in every sense of the word.

- Good: they began to introduce new food in a timely manner, by the year - as you already said - all foods appropriate for age are present in the diet ... It turns out, when to breastfeed? There is no more room on the chest in this diet!

At first, the breast is given immediately after complementary foods: I ate two or three spoons vegetable puree or porridge, "washed down" with mother's milk. Later, one of the breastfeedings is replaced with complementary foods completely, then two feedings a day, three, and so on. By the age of one, the child receives the breast episodically, in between main meals. This is the scheme breastfeeding one year old baby- when we leave the breast, but by the year we introduce all the products ...

- Night feedings are especially painful for mothers. A common picture: the child almost does not apply during the day, forgets about the breast, but goes to sleep only with the tit, and besides, the tity uses the full program all night ...

If a woman really wants to maintain lactation, then she must come to terms with the fact that she will have to feed her baby at night - after all, it is at night that prolactin is produced, and the impulse from night feeding extends to the daytime.

- And it turns out that if a mother decides to stop breastfeeding, the first thing she does is stop night feedings?

Yes, if tuned in- then you need to start breastfeeding with night feedings. Soothe the baby, cradle, carry on the handles. Give him sleeping kefir, water, dried fruit compote ...

- There was a question on the forum about “glucose jumps”: according to one theory, the child asks for breasts at night because he needs sweets, that is, glucose, which is rich in breast milk ...

Yes, it really exists: there is a so-called "phenomenon morning dawn”, when there are moments of depletion of glucose in the blood, and it is the brain cells that are sensitive to glucose, and the child has a need for night feeding - yes. But after three months we also evaluate the duration of the night's sleep, because the habit of eating at night for older people is a bad habit. If by five or six months he still does not sleep well and wakes up every now and then, this does not mean that he does not have enough glucose - this means that he is really hungry.

- And in this case, what is the best way to feed him at night?

Well, fully feed what he loves and tolerates well. It is better if these are cereals and vegetable dishes rich in carbohydrates. Meat - at a minimum, it is digested for a long time and difficult. But in cereals and vegetables, glucose is contained in such a form that it is released gradually and slowly nourishes the child at night.

- You know, if we talk about the fact that in early childhood we form eating habits, then the habit of fully eating at night certainly cannot be considered good!

Am I talking about eating? overnight? It means evening food intake. Dinner. After all, we ourselves have dinner no later than three hours before bedtime.

- And yet, something should be given to the child at night? After all, he asks! And if it's not breasts, then what is?

Breasts, of course, after such a dinner will be nice addition before going to bed, but if we are talking about the age when the child no longer receives breasts, then dairy products- a good remedy in this case. One and a half to two hours after the main dinner, before going to bed, give the child kefir from a bottle. If he drinks from a cup, even better. Then he can fall asleep for 5-6 hours. In a year and a half, it is normal for a child to sleep at night for 5-6 hours without a break ...

And back to mom again: how to replenish resources

- What other advice can you give to women who decide to stop breastfeeding?

Of course, you need to try not to stop feeding abruptly, but start "from afar." Not that today I decided to finish feeding (despite the fact that the child sucked 8-10 times a day), but tomorrow I courageously hold on and do not give him a breast at all. With the start of the introduction of complementary foods (after six months), plan to reduce the number of feedings, and by one and a half to two years, when you breastfeed once or twice a day, only then can you think about stopping feedings altogether. At the age of about one and a half years, as practice shows, weaning from the breast occurs most painlessly from the point of view of the emotional state of both mother and baby.

- How should a woman eat at the stage of reducing the number of feedings and after stopping breastfeeding?

Recommendations opposite to what we give to nursing mothers: do not give resources to the body to produce milk. If the first advice to nursing is to consume plenty of fluids, then for those who finish feeding, at first, on the contrary, it is better not to drink a lot. And do not put the baby to the breast, because sucking is the main powerful stimulus that restarts the hormonal mechanism for milk production.

- You probably also need to eat less?

Maybe less, but more often. For at least a month and a half, you should try to maintain a fractional food intake regimen. That is, eat often, but little by little - just like during breastfeeding. This is necessary so that the body does not suddenly begin to accumulate everything and save it in reserve. From a nutritional point of view, the first months after breastfeeding is critical for women in terms of weight gain. After all, while a woman was intensively breastfeeding, not only incoming substances, but also the resources of her own body - everything was directed to maintaining lactation. Milk production itself is already a rather complex, energy-intensive process, and often nursing mothers, on the contrary, lose weight. But at the end of breastfeeding, a woman, finally, can not limit herself and leans on sweets, chocolate ... But her energy consumption no longer corresponds to the previous level - and everything received is deposited in fat depots. This, by the way, is generally one of the main rules for those who follow their figure: the same set of foods, eaten in six meals, is digested in a completely different way than the same food eaten, say, in two times.

- Like this?!

The less often you eat, the more intensively the nutrients are absorbed. Roughly speaking, the body cannot understand: “where is all this, why?” And most importantly - “when will I be fed next time”? - and just in case puts aside in reserve. So if for normal healthy adults the optimal diet is 4 times a day, then for pregnant, lactating and those who have just finished feeding, it is 6 times.

- And if the mother did not eat more often during breastfeeding three times per day - well, do you still need to switch to 6 meals a day at the end of lactation?

Yes, it was during this period, so as not to gain excess weight, I recommend that the same amount of food that you previously consumed three times, divided into six small meals. Increase the number of meals, but do not increase the amount eaten. Do not eat, for example, at lunch the first and second at once: eat only the first course, and the second - after two to three hours. Weight gain in the first months after breastfeeding is also facilitated by a change in lifestyle: often, after finishing breastfeeding, the mother immediately goes to work, where, as a rule, you have to sit a lot. And, in the literal sense, sitting at work, she no longer spends as many calories as sitting at home with a child. In general, it should be noted that sitting at home with children is a very difficult exercise in terms of physical activity! So, giving up feeding, a woman, firstly, actively takes up sweets, and secondly, she continues to eat a lot by inertia, but she already eats less often (since she goes to work), and most importantly, she no longer spends as many calories as before. Here are the main points due to which weight gain occurs immediately after lactation.

- What else to do to improve your health, support, replenish resources? After all, for sure there are losses of various substances in the mother’s body, for example, calcium ... They say: with each child, the mother loses one of her teeth ...

Prevention different kind losses should begin not even during pregnancy, but at the stage of preparation for conception. And during pregnancy, a woman must support herself with vitamin and mineral complexes. When we do not do this, then our own resource goes into milk. And vice versa, if we take additional calcium supplements, iodine, protein or something else (which is recommended), then the body's resources are not depleted so much. But the most unpleasant thing is that not everything that “came out of the depot” can be replenished. “Nature does not tolerate emptiness,” and if a nursing woman does not receive, for example, the same additional sources calcium, then something else is built in its place (in the tissue of bones, teeth, nails). And usually it is heavy metals. And then, even if at the end of lactation we begin to take calcium supplements, sometimes it is not possible to “embed” the once lost calcium in its rightful place - the place is already occupied by other microelements. Therefore, a woman who is still preparing for pregnancy should already saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. Studies show that if a woman ate poorly during pregnancy, and began to monitor her diet only after childbirth (starting to breastfeed), then the substances she receives do not go into milk! They go primarily to replenish its own resources. Because it is an organism, and milk is its secondary product. And the body takes care of itself first, and only then - about its additional functions.

- I think with horror: throughout the whole year of breastfeeding, I myself took best case calcium preparations. And those are from time to time. What to do now - run to the pharmacy for drugs?

There are many different drugs, dietary supplements, various food components, products special purpose, enriched foods ... You need to purchase one or another product - depending on what the body needs. As a rule, all mothers who have finished breastfeeding are deficient in calcium, iron, iodine and a number of vitamins.

- Is it possible to independently determine which substances are lacking in the body?

There are, of course, very complex tests that help to establish this, but usually no one consults with anyone, and women take standard, affordable vitamin-mineral complexes or vitamin cocktails for pregnant and lactating women. But of course better reception Any drugs should be started after consulting a doctor, because everything is individual. For example, if a woman ate half a kilogram of cottage cheese daily for the entire period of breastfeeding, then she may not need calcium at all, but vitamin D. And the other, for example, does not receive calcium at all with food, and she certainly needs calcium subsidies . And if we recommend that every woman (not pregnant and not lactating) consume 1000 mg of calcium per day (relatively speaking, this is a liter of milk or kefir), then a nursing mother should consume at least 1500 mg. If we do not get this amount of calcium, whether we like it or not, a deficiency occurs.

- And yet, there are probably some external signs: so, they say that with a lack of calcium, the nails become brittle and exfoliate, the hair begins to fall out ...

Most often, there is a combined insufficiency, many factors in the complex can cause similar symptoms, and therefore complex preparations are prescribed, where some components enhance the action of others, complement each other, and the body will take its own, as they say. The same hair can crumble due to a lack of not only calcium, but also iron and iodine, and it can also be a sign of a lack of B vitamins and protein ... Nails are, indeed, a depot of calcium, but they can also suffer due to a lack in the body of zinc and iron ... It is rather difficult to say unequivocally why certain symptoms occur - you need to analyze the woman's diet as a whole and take into account the lifestyle that she leads. and to this we must add: how all that wonderful, vitamin-rich food that you eat is digested. You can eat, eat and eat valuable food, but all this will be excreted with the same success ...

And a little more about the harmony of hormones

The hormonal background depends on many factors, and the production of hormones in the right ratio is a very finely tuned mechanism. It is directly related to the regimen of the day and nutrition, to the ecological situation in which a person lives and what kind of work he works ... The level of hormones can also be affected by the transferred viral infections, and much more. And the menstrual function can go astray from some seemingly insignificant reasons, including a psycho-emotional nature. Finishing breastfeeding, you do not need to actively change everything in your life on the same day - a woman should gradually part with the lifestyle of a nursing mother. When you finish breastfeeding your baby, don't run to work the same day, let your body adapt to the new living conditions! And if we say that a nursing mother should have more rest, be in the fresh air and eat well (that is, in fact, establish a kind of sanatorium-and-spa regimen for herself), then we recommend that women observe this very regimen for some time and after lactation.

- How long?

Any hormonal restructuring lasts in the body for at least 3 months. Or rather, from two to six months. For example, everyone who takes hormonal contraceptives knows that after the abolition of a contraceptive, at least 3 months must pass before conception can begin. They are necessary just to stabilize the hormonal background. The same, by the way, can be said about the use of hormonal contraception at the end of breastfeeding - let the body readjust, do not take pills on the first day! Only after at least three months (or better - six months) after the regular cycle is established, you can think about protection with the help of hormonal drugs.

- But in most cases, this is exactly what happens: mom goes to work at the same time as the end of breastfeeding, and begins to take hormonal pills! Moreover, at the end of feeding one of the first there is a desire to urgently network on a diet, do therapeutic starvation, all sorts of cleansing and physical education! (more about cleansing procedures, fasting and fasting days read the second part of the interview).

No need to torture yourself! Feeding a baby is big job for the body, requiring the cost of not only calories, but also the resources of the woman's body itself. And at the end of feeding, you need to give the body a rest and recover.

- What signs can indicate that the completion of lactation was successful, that this function was curtailed painlessly and the body was hormonally rebuilt?

First of all, this is the onset of regular menstruation. This should happen no later than six months after the end of breastfeeding. If, however, manifestations of PMS, pain in the mammary glands, psycho-emotional lability are observed without a reason, then this indicates that the adjustment of the body has not occurred, and it may be necessary to contact a specialist to find out what is happening and help the body restore its previous functions.

- Which specialist should I contact at the end of lactation? You can’t go to the gynecologist with such questions ...

Yes, and that's the problem, by the way. These are the so-called cases of conditional health - nothing hurts a woman, nothing bothers her, and, in general, there is nothing to turn to a gynecologist. Well, the periods didn't come after the end of breastfeeding - so many do not consider this a problem and live with it for quite a long time, as we see. And it often happens that the body simply simply lacks some elements. Iodine, iron or just protein - hormones are ready to be produced, but they have nothing. Because construction material for female sex hormones, these are proteins and fats. And you don’t need hormone therapy in order for menstruation to finally come - it’s enough to correct the diet and daily routine.

- It happens, on the contrary, against the background of breastfeeding, a woman has her period. Is this a signal that lactation will end soon? Does this mean that prolactin is no longer enough?

It may not be enough to suppress the body's menstrual function, but it may be quite enough for the full production of milk. And even with the end of breastfeeding, when a woman no longer feeds, and there are full-fledged periods, the so-called “free” prolactin circulates in the blood - the body cannot abruptly stop its production.

- How does it manifest itself?

There may be sudden rushes of milk, but not so obvious, similar to some feeling of fullness in the chest. Sometimes even if the baby is suddenly attached to the breast, milk may appear in enough in large numbers. It often happens in women that after quite big time after the end of breastfeeding, prolactin remains in the blood, and this is accompanied by irregular periods, emotional instability, irritability.

- This is a frequent picture for nulliparous women!

Yes, the endocrine system of any person in modern conditions of life works with a load, sensitively reacting to many adverse factors - we have already partially described them with you. But in connection with the lactogenic function, here's what I would like to say more. Because milk production in the body is hormonal process closely related to emotional state women, it sometimes happens that even after for a long time at the end of lactation, the synthesis and circulation of prolactin in the body continues, there is even a lot of it. And some "advanced" doctors say that the woman has not yet "let go" of her child, she is in a sense still "holding him on her chest." This can manifest itself as an increased maternal instinct, overprotection ... And these things, in turn, can have, so to speak, a “physical substrate” in the form advanced level prolactin and, as a consequence, a violation reproductive functions. Physically, the mother quit feeding him, but psychologically she still breastfeeds the child, constantly worries about him, painfully takes care of him. This is observed in some and up to ten years, and in general in life!

- Mom keeps the image of a baby in her head, although her son, perhaps, has already become a father himself

Quite right! And if a woman has decided for herself: “that's it, we are finishing with breastfeeding, we have passed this stage with the child, we must move on” - then with such a mental attitude she will really be able to finish feeding painlessly and will be able to continue to develop relations with the child in other directions, not limited to breastfeeding. Hormones - literally and figuratively - are taken "from the head."

The baby is no less joyful and difficult period in a woman's life than pregnancy itself. After the end of lactation, a lot of changes occur in the mother's body associated with hormonal changes. Most of them are concerned about breast restoration, but mother's milk is the most valuable and healthy diet for a baby, so you should not refuse it.

After the cessation of lactation, the glandular tissue gradually disappears, and the usual adipose tissue does not yet have time to gain the proper volume, which is why the breast looks less attractive.

Ways to maintain and restore breast shape after lactation:

  1. Avoid sudden weight loss;
  2. To combat stretch marks and prevent their appearance, it is recommended to use creams with elastin, silicone and vitamins or special creams against stretch marks. If, even before pregnancy, the skin did not differ in particular elasticity, then the use of these funds will not give the proper result;
  3. Contrast shower clockwise, preferably with cool water;
  4. A special set of exercises will strengthen the pectoral muscle;
  5. Common injection procedure for breasts with Botox, which must be repeated every 6 months;
  6. A radical and expensive method is plastic surgery.
  • You should not radically change your lifestyle. Need more rest, walk on fresh air;
  • Good nutrition and the use of vitamin-mineral complexes is mandatory to compensate for the lack of trace elements;
  • The cessation of production of prolactin is replaced by the production of other hormones (estrogen). After lactation, normal menstrual cycle, so you need to worry about the method of contraception;
  • Psycho-emotional state. - important point his next period in life. Many mothers endure it very painfully, causing depression, as it is perceived as a loss of contact with the baby. It is at this moment that understanding and support from the outside is very important. loving people, and first of all - the husband;
  • Hair loss, constipation, weight gain, dry skin, tachycardia may be symptoms of hormonal disorders thyroid gland. In this case, you should not postpone a visit to the endocrinologist;
  • Don't worry about sleep disturbance frequent waking up, insomnia). This is due to a decrease in the level of the hormone progesterone, which has a relaxing effect;
  • A dreary mood is caused by an insufficient level of estrogen - the hormone of youth and a positive attitude towards life.

On average, the hormonal background is restored in a young mother 1-2 months after the cessation of lactation. The end of breastfeeding is a new stage in the life of not only a woman, but also a baby. To facilitate its flow, the correct mental attitude And close attention to yourself.

The question of how to restore breasts after feeding worries most women. It is for this reason that expectant mothers refuse to feed. This can end badly for the baby, as breast milk helps him adapt to life as much as possible. If a woman decides in favor of breastfeeding, she still asks the question during gestation: how to restore her breasts?

All these doubts torment a woman, because during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the breast has perfect shape: rounded, elastic and attracting male attention. After feeding, it becomes soft, saggy, with loose skin. However, these signs can be avoided if knowledge is applied in time how to restore chest V short time. To deal with the problem of breast restoration after feeding, you need to start even during gestation, and then perform several simple rules after childbirth.

First you need to know what to wear during pregnancy special bra without cups: especially from 3-5 months and from 7-9 months. This is due to the active increase in the mammary glands during this period. Just as effective at this time will be cold and hot shower, which significantly improves breast firmness and skin elasticity.

During feeding, you can not cancel the constant wearing of a bra, which must be matched to the size of the breast. It should only be from natural materials, without synthetics and pitted, to prevent unwanted growths inside the gland. The straps should be wide and comfortable in length. The first influx of milk usually occurs on the 3rd day after childbirth. It is this period that you should not miss and support your breasts properly (put on a comfortable bra).

In most cases, after feeding, the breast takes on its former shape, like the stomach. But it's also related to individual characteristics female body and her efforts of course.

Common Causes of Breast Loss

1 When the baby is applied to the breast strictly according to the regimen, this can lead to stretching of the mammary glands and stagnation of milk. Feeding should take place at the request of the child. Every mother is able to feel this moment.

2 Expressing milk with your hands - stretches the skin of the breast. It is better to use a breast pump.

3 Uncomfortable posture during feeding. The chest should not hang. It is better to support it with your hand and feed the baby alternately from each breast in order to empty each gland, especially at night.

4 Not wearing a bra during the day. It should be comfortable and not tighten the chest.

5 Weakly developed muscle mass of the body. Muscles must be in good shape, for which you should not forget about exercise before and during pregnancy.

6 Since the breast skin has a weak natural elasticity, do not forget about its regular lubrication special creams and oils.

7 Often the cause is a genetic predisposition.

How to restore the breast if it has already lost its former shape? It can be immediately noted that plastic surgery although it leads to desired result, but is not a safe remedy for health, moreover, not everyone can afford this method. The easiest way to return the shape of your breasts to perfect condition is massage and special exercises. Swimming and a contrast shower will also give a great effect. The most important thing is the absence of laziness. If you visited the gym and did aerobics before the feeding period, then the chances of returning the previous appearance of the breast increase. The most important thing is to forget about laziness and immediately start exercising in order to always have beautiful and firm breasts.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the chest.

1. Push-ups. Rest your hands on the sofa, kneeling, and push up 10 times.

2. Rest your hands against the wall and try, as it were, to “move” it from its place. Put your hands shoulder-width apart.

3. Kneeling on the floor, lifting your feet up, do push-ups on outstretched arms, bending them at the elbow joint. Here it is important to snuggle up to the floor with your chest. Exercise to do 10 times. Do not bend your back and keep it straight.

4. Sit on the floor. While inhaling, press the palms together and hold the pressure of the palms for 15 seconds. You can count to twenty, then let go and exhale deeply. Then, while inhaling, continue to press your palms, increasing pressure. Do as many times as you like. Watch your breathing - it should be even and deep.

5. Attach the hands to the shoulders and make circular movements clockwise back and forth 10 times.

6. Standing on the floor, move your arms back alternately. The arm should be parallel to the floor. The body must remain motionless. 15-20 times.

7. Clasp the hands at chest level in the lock and try to disengage them with an effort.

8. Lying on the floor, placing an elastic roller under the shoulder blades, dumbbells in straightened arms above the chest. Spread your arms to the sides (inhale). Return to i. n. (exhale).

9. Lying on the floor, straightening your right hand with dumbbells in front of your chest, hold on to the support with your left. Take away right hand to the side (inhale) and return it to the sp. (exhalation). Repeat the same with the other hand.

10. Kneel in front of two chairs, rest your palms on their seats. Bending your arms, lower your chest as low as possible (inhale). Return to I.P. (exhalation).

11. Starting position: in the hands of a dumbbell. Circular movements hands clockwise (hands above - inhale, below - exhale). Finish the set with relaxation exercises.

12. Grasp one hand with the other above the wrist and raise your hands to shoulder level. Squeezing the skin, slide your hand up the forearm, while tensing the muscles of the hand and chest. If you do everything right, you can feel how the mammary gland rises. Relax and repeat again.

This exercise increases blood flow to the tissues and provides enough milk for feeding. It should be performed during lactation and after weaning the baby in order to maintain the elasticity of the glands for many years.

Upon returning home from the hospital, the new mother has many questions. Most of them concern bathing a child. When can you start bathing a newborn baby? In what cases should water procedures be limited to rubbing? Can I bathe my baby after eating? Let's deal with these and many other questions together.

When can I bathe my baby after feeding?

The first bathing of the baby is both joy and stress for parents, because they are afraid of doing something wrong. It is important, having previously read the answers to your questions, cast aside all doubts and start water procedures: they should bring joy to both you and the baby. Bathing with the right fit temperature regime bring only benefit to the child, so it is better to start them as early as possible. In preparation for the upcoming procedures, many parents are wondering if it is possible to bathe a newborn baby in big bath immediately, when he is not yet used to the bath, or it is better to limit the space. Pediatricians recommend opting for a large bathroom, as here the baby will be able to move, thereby developing his muscles and respiratory system.

When to start bathing a newborn

On what day after the birth of a baby can he be bathed, at what period is it better to start introducing a newborn child to the bathroom? Opinions of pediatricians about when you can start to get acquainted with water procedures, disagree: some say that it is worth bathing a newborn child only after the umbilical wound has healed, others recommend starting bathing the next day after being discharged from the hospital. There is no definite answer to the question of when it is better to bathe a baby, also because in each specific case it is necessary to assess the condition of the newborn, to see if there are any contraindications to contact with water.
Find out when your newborn baby can be bathed by your pediatrician, and follow their recommendations after the delivery.

Usually, if there are no pathologies, then doctors advise bathing a newborn child immediately after discharge, and when the mother decides to start herself. Many women need time to get used to the baby, to overcome the fear of taking him in her arms. In addition, an unhealed umbilical wound causes concern. While you are deciding on which day you will bathe your newborn baby, no one has canceled hygiene for the baby, you can use rubbing with a towel soaked in water, wet baby wipes, etc. Hygiene also includes washing the genitals and buttocks, caring for the ears and nasal passages.

You will be interested in discussing:

If you decide to start bathing a newborn when the umbilical wound has not yet healed, then you need to disinfect the water with infusions of herbs or sea ​​salt. To purify water, it can be boiled, but this is associated with certain inconveniences, including further temperature measurement. Bathe the newborn unhealed navel you need to be very careful when the wound heals, water procedures can be increased in time.

Often mothers ask the question whether it is possible to bathe a newborn child if there is discharge in the umbilical wound or the navel is bleeding. Water procedures in this case are contraindicated until the moment of consultation with a doctor.

On what day is it recommended to bathe a newborn so that the umbilical wound finally heals? It takes an average of 20 days to heal a wound. It is necessary to examine the navel, when a crust is already forming on it, you can begin to bathe the newborn. Although many doctors agree that it is not worth postponing bathing due to an umbilical wound, however, if you are afraid of harming the child, then it is better to really wait out this period, especially since it is not long.

If a newborn can already be bathed, is it possible to do this in a bath?

The bath is good for children, but too small child it is better not to take it there, as temperature changes can adversely affect his well-being. When asked when a newborn can be bathed in a bath, pediatricians answer this way: after six to eight months.

Is it possible to bathe a newborn baby with a cold?

You will be interested in consultations on the following topics:

Is it possible to bathe a newborn after eating

For many mothers, the question is whether it is possible to bathe a newborn baby after feeding or is it better to do this before meals. When to bathe a newborn baby (before or after feeding), the parents themselves should decide, focusing on the characteristics of their child. In this matter, only the comfort of the baby is important. Some children like to swim after eating, others prefer water procedures exclusively on a full stomach. Choosing what to do first - feed or bathe - is only necessary taking into account the "opinion" of the newborn. Some parents consider such an “opinion” to be whims, but this is due to the physiology of the baby. A baby is already an individual, and what suits one may not suit another at all.

Regardless of whether you bathe your newborn baby before meals or after meals, water procedures are not recommended when the child is hungry and asks for food. If ignored this advice, then water procedures can turn from a pleasant pastime into a real test: the baby will scream, and the mother will be nervous.

Is it possible to bathe a newborn immediately after eating? No, this cannot be done. When asked how many minutes after feeding it is recommended to carry out water procedures, pediatricians agree that bathing a newborn can be no earlier than half an hour. If you choose the best option for yourself and the baby, how long after eating to bathe, then it is worth immersing the newborn in water after feeding as late as possible. Ideally, an hour should pass between water procedures and meals. Bathing immediately after feeding can cause discomfort to the newborn baby. If you do not withstand the time interval between eating and taking a bath, then the baby may burp during the bath, after which there is usually an attack of colic, which is not very pleasant in principle, and is also aggravated by the fact that the baby is in the water. The child will have to be picked up and the procedure stopped.