Treatment of the navel in a newborn after falling off. What to do with discharge from the navel. Bathing and an unhealed navel of a newborn

The umbilical cord is an important organ of the fetus that connects it to the mother's placenta. Paired umbilical arteries and veins pass through its thickness (during the second trimester of pregnancy, one of them is obliterated). It ensures the proper supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus during the entire period of its stay in the uterus.

The umbilical cord continues to function during childbirth. The physiological need for it disappears only after the child begins to breathe independently. Clamp it two to three minutes after the birth of the baby. The presence of this time allows you to increase the hemoglobin and red blood cells in the child's blood. Several clamps are placed on the umbilical cord, between which it is cut. About 10 ml of blood is taken from it to determine the blood type and Rh factor of the child, as well as to conduct general and biochemical tests.

How to treat the navel and umbilical cord

For a long time it was believed that the navel of a newborn requires regular treatment with a solution of brilliant green. However, now more and more doctors advise not to apply anything to it.

The main thing is to keep the umbilical wound clean and give air access. It is necessary to use disinfectants or antiseptic preparations only when a secondary bacterial infection is attached.

Treatment of the umbilical cord and umbilical wound should be daily until it is completely healed. It is recommended to use a cotton swab or swab to remove dirt particles or blood residue. All movements must be made without applying excessive effort. If the mother feels that the crust is still strongly attached to the navel, or it is clear that the healing process under it has not completely ended, then it should not be removed prematurely.

It is important to provide air access to the umbilical cord during its healing, therefore, clothes should not be tucked in too tightly, as this contributes to a local increase in temperature and the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

Bathing a child until the umbilical cord completely falls off with a clothespin is prohibited. This is due to the fact that moisture can slow down the process of its death and healing. Parents are told that they can only gently wipe the contaminated skin with wet wipes or sponges.

When changing diapers, make sure that they do not cover the umbilical wound. The clothespin or clip on the umbilical cord remains and falls off with it. You cannot delete it yourself.

How long does it take for the umbilical cord to fall off

The period when the umbilical cord falls off depends on many factors. In most newborns, this happens on the second to fifth day of life. However, you should not panic if the child, even after the first week, the process of dying has not gone through to the end. The following factors can influence the period when the umbilical cord falls off:

  1. The thickness of the umbilical cord.
  2. High humidity environment(climatic features or unsatisfactory social and living conditions).
  3. Prematurity of the child.
  4. Wrong care using creams or ointments that moisturize skin.

It was in order to speed up the process of falling off the umbilical cord that a solution of brilliant green was previously widely used in domestic medicine. Because it is a drug based ethyl alcohol, it effectively dries both the remnant of the umbilical cord and the wound on the navel. However, brilliant green does not affect the incidence of omphalitis, so it is gradually being phased out.

anxiety symptoms

In most cases, the healing process of the umbilical wound proceeds favorably. However, there are a number of symptoms that may indicate the development of an inflammatory process (purulent omphalitis):

  • redness of the skin with swelling;
  • serous or purulent discharge from the remnants of the umbilical cord;
  • restless reaction of the child when pressing the navel;
  • the formation of a mushroom-shaped protrusion;
  • local (in the area of ​​the wound) or general increase in body temperature;
  • lethargy of the child, increased drowsiness;
  • decreased appetite, regurgitation of milk, repeated vomiting.

With a reduced immune response inflammatory process can spread rapidly, turning into phlegmon or gangrene of the anterior abdominal wall. That is why, without wasting time, parents with a child need to seek qualified medical help.

What to do with discharge from the navel

Most newborns have slight transparent selection light yellow without bad smell. Usually, doctors warn the mother about them when she is discharged from the maternity hospital. These secretions do not pose any danger and are defensive reaction organism, which contributes to more rapid healing umbilical wound. If the navel becomes wet, then you can simply remove the excess fluid with a cotton swab. Additionally, the navel area is gently wiped with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

A little less often the situation happens that the navel bleeds. This usually happens after feeding the baby or during a bowel movement, when intra-abdominal pressure rises. There is no danger for a small blood loss for a newborn. The risk of infection is also low.

How to properly treat the navel with omphalitis

With the development of inflammation of the navel, it is necessary to treat the navel two to three times a day using antiseptics. First, with the help of a cotton swab soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, exfoliated balls of the epidermis, blood crusts and pus are removed, and then a preparation containing a local antibiotic (bleomycin, furatsilin, polymyxin B) is applied. After treatment, a sterile bandage is applied to the wound.

In stationary conditions, physiotherapy is also used (microwave, ultraviolet radiation, helium-neon laser). A course of intravenous antibiotics is prescribed (preference is given to third-generation cephalosporins). Its duration is usually five to seven days. With an active purulent process, the possibility of surgical intervention is considered.

Here long-awaited baby was born! And along with it, a huge amount of happiness and joy, questions and fears was born. Often, the appearance of the navel of a newborn is unexpected for a newly-made mother. newcomer belly button looks weird for an inexperienced eye: after childbirth, the long part of the umbilical cord is cut off, tied up and the remainder is pinched, which disappears in the near future. After that, the navel of the baby will look the same as in all people.
The successful healing of the navel is very important for the health of the newborn. Small belly button demands great attention so study the question carefully.

How does the navel heal normally?

At healthy baby the umbilical cord falls off on the second or sixth day. At this point, he is literally holding on to a thin thread. If you do not intervene in the process, the cord residue dries up and falls off by itself, like a dried leaf from a tree. In the place where he held, skin begins to form. At first, a little ichor may stand out, but the wound dries up and tightens up literally before our eyes. And after two weeks there is no trace left of her.
If the umbilical cord fell off by itself and the wound is constantly dry, then the navel may not be processed at all. and bathe the baby. This practice of navel management is accepted in Europe and is recommended Methodical letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 15-4/10/2-6796 dated July 13, 2011 On the organization of the work of the obstetric service in the context of the introduction of modern perinatal technologies ().
How long the navel heals in newborns is an individual question. If the umbilical cord is thin, and the baby is healthy and strong, then this is a matter of a couple of weeks. If the umbilical cord is thick, the cord remnant dries out longer. But at general well-being it doesn't have much effect on general term healing of the umbilical cord. Usually to one and a half months the navel heals finally.

What can go wrong and what to do about it?

In many maternity hospitals the umbilical cord is cut off surgically on the third or fifth day, without waiting for it to fall off by itself. A wound appears at the cut-off site and is covered with a crust of blood. Such a wound heals much longer and requires careful handling. 2 times a day, you need to soak the crust with hydrogen peroxide and treat the navel with an alcohol tincture of calendula or eucalyptus. In the presence of an umbilical wound with a crust, neonatologists do not recommend bathing the baby. You can wipe his wrinkles, gently wash, but she herself the wound should not be wet.
If the umbilical cord has fallen off on its own, but the navel does not dry out, it also needs to be processed. Leave weeping navel without attention absolutely impossible.

How to handle the navel?

First task: clean and disinfect. To do this, 2 times a day, we instill 1-2 drops of hydrogen peroxide into the navel, wiping around with a cotton pad, while you can very gently move the umbilical ring with your fingers so that the peroxide gets into the folds inside and wash out all impurities and secretions. After that, drip 1-2 drops of alcohol tincture of calendula or eucalyptus into the navel.
Second task: weeping navel needed dry. Let the baby often lie naked in a warm room while you work with him. Try to do without disposable diapers, at least the first time, and make sure that diapers did not cover the navel. After, when the navel is clean, it can be carefully dried with a hairdryer. This is done as follows: the hair dryer is turned on to the mode with minimal heat and from a distance of 20 cm they blow on the navel. In this case, the free hand must be kept in the air flow between the hairdryer and the navel in order to control the temperature. Then you will feel if the air suddenly goes too hot. Dry the navel with a hair dryer can be 10-15 minutes after each bath. Kids like this procedure: it is pleasant, warm, the monotonous noise of the hair dryer soothes, because. it resembles intrauterine "white noise".
Sometimes at the end of the first month of a baby's life, when the navel has already completely healed and looks completely normal, you may find small traces of blood on diapers. Usually, the navel of a newborn “bleeds” quite a bit. You don't need to do anything with it. After bathing, carefully inspect the navel. If traces of blood have washed out, the navel and skin around normal color, there is no redness and swelling, everything is in order. If the belly button is red and/or swollen, this is an occasion to consult an experienced doctor whom you trust.

Navel and bathing: when can I bathe a newborn?

The recommendations of experts on this issue differ. Standard maternity hospital practice is not to bathe until the umbilical cord or blood crust falls off from it. However, there are neonatologists who recommend, since this procedure is so beneficial for the newborn that it outweighs everything possible risks. folk tradition forbids bathing a newborn until the ninth day. Listen to the opinion of an authoritative specialist in this matter for you, consult a pediatrician who is observing the baby, and make a decision that is suitable for your child.

If you bathe a newborn from the first days

  • Clean the bath with baking soda before bathing
  • Dry after bathing navel and treat with disinfectants

If you don't bathe your newborn for the first few weeks

  • Wash your baby regularly
  • Clean the wrinkles with cotton pads moistened with water, rinse the arms and legs under the tap, because. dirt accumulates between the fingers.
  • If the navel wet, dry and treat it with hydrogen peroxide and disinfectants

Umbilical do's and don'ts

  1. Before treating the navel of a newborn, always wash your hands with soap
  2. In the first days, when the umbilical cord has not yet fallen off, try less disturb the navel. Do not try to speed up the process of separation of the umbilical cord. When he falls away on his own umbilical wound heals much faster.
  3. Do not use coloring preparations for disinfecting the navel (fukortsin, brilliant green, strong potassium permanganate). It is necessary to ensure that the skin of the navel itself and around the umbilical ring does not turn red. And if the navel is stained with greenery, redness may not be noticeable..
  4. Do not treat the umbilical wound with alcohol-containing preparations more than 2 times a day. It may cause burns to delicate skin baby.
  5. Don't pour too much hydrogen peroxide. 2-3 drops from a pipette is enough.
  6. Don't close your belly button diaper. It is better to do without a diaper at all, especially a disposable one, in the early days. Just use diapers washed at 90 degrees.
  7. You do not need to bathe the baby in the solution potassium permanganate. If you exceed the concentration, the child may get a skin burn.
  8. Use cotton pads and chopsticks, because simple cotton wool fibers can stick to the wound.

Why is the health of the navel so important in the first days of a child's life?

The navel is very close to the vital important bodies baby. A long non-healing umbilical wound can become a gateway to infection. If the healing of the navel is unsuccessful, then dire consequences may develop, requiring antibiotics or even hospitalization. Fistula of the navel in newborns is a rare phenomenon, but it is better not to encounter it.
The speed of drying of the umbilical residue and healing of the umbilical wound speaks of the general health of the child, of how much strength he has to overcome possible infections. Therefore, the state of the navel is closely monitored by neonatologists, experienced midwives and mothers.
Contrary to popular belief, a beautiful navel is just an individual feature, like the shape of the nose and ears. And certainly the shape and size of the navel in an adult does not depend on what drugs and how long the umbilical wound was treated in his childhood. No matter how the umbilical remnant of a newborn looks like, if the navel heals safely, it will look pretty pretty when your baby grows up.
Belly button care is easy. loving mommy handle these procedures easily. Try to process quickly, gently and confidently. Sing the pestles, caress the baby. Your calmness and joyful mood will make the treatment of the navel pleasant. Carefully monitor the condition of the navel, and let the baby grow up healthy and happy!

For 9 months, the baby received nutrition through the umbilical cord, which connected it to the mother's placenta. Oxygen and the necessary micro and macro composition of nutrients came through it. After birth, the umbilical cord is cut off, and a medical clothespin presses its end.

Doctors try their best to allow the remaining nutrients enter the child's body. After the birth, the umbilical cord is not immediately cut off, they wait until its pulsation stops, only then they are clamped with a clothespin. This is in the case of uncomplicated childbirth and the absence of pathologies in the mother and child.

The umbilical cord is a thin tube that connects the mother and fetus. In diameter, it is up to 2 cm, in length it varies from 40 to 60 cm. The individual characteristics of the mother and fetus affect the structure of the umbilical cord and how the child's navel will be. As a result, this will affect the healing time of the umbilical wound.

By the way! The circulatory system of the umbilical cord can provide answers about the karyotype of the child, which is important if you suspect genetic diseases. The analysis procedure for the fetus does not carry any potential danger.

In a newborn, the umbilical cord atrophies due to the hormone oxytocin, secreted by the mother's body during labor activity. Doctors perform circumcision within 5-15 minutes and primary processing.

Turns clockwise and back allow the dried umbilical cord to be torn off faster, and the softened base will painlessly release the navel from the process. Hygiene is carried out twice a day: in the morning and in the evening after water procedures. More often it is not desirable, since the risks of chemical burns of the delicate skin of the newborn are high.

Clothespin on the navel of a newborn

Medical plastic clip, clothespin, allows you to reduce the time of mummification of the umbilical cord to 3-5 days. The clothespin consists of two sticks between which the umbilical cord is clamped. The sterility of the equipment avoids suppuration or allergic reactions. The material itself is safe for contact with the baby's skin.

After the birth of a newborn, the umbilical cord is clamped by a clothespin in two places: at a distance of 15 cm and 10-7 cm. An incision is made between the clamps, this is how the mother is separated from the baby. From that moment on, he begins to independently receive oxygen for breathing. The nutritional reserve from the placenta will remain for another day. Then nutrition will come from milk or adapted mixture. One clothespin remains with the child until the umbilical cord completely dies.

The clothespin does not interfere with the child, but it is not advisable to lay it on the stomach. The position "on the stomach" is best done on the hands, without touching the stomach. During daily procedures the medical clothespin is inspected, if there is contamination, then they are removed.

Usually the clothespin falls off in the hospital, but in the case of a thick umbilical cord, this happens later. Often, maternity hospital nurses advise you to twist it yourself. If this procedure does not cause discomfort to the child, then you can safely use it.

How long does the navel heal in a newborn?

If properly cared for, then the navel of the newborn finally heals by the end of the first month of life. The clothespin falls off for 3-7 days, the final formation of the umbilical scar after 21 days.

The time may take longer if suppuration or infection occurs in the body. Weakened, premature babies are characterized by reduced immunity, so their regeneration processes will be slower. At healthy child the navel should heal in 3 weeks.

If the umbilical space becomes wet, then the healing time increases, so do not allow the newborn to overheat, excessive sweating. It is necessary to maintain a cool dry microclimate in the room: 20-25 ° C and 75% humidity. IN warm time year more often ventilate and take air baths, and in the heating season to provide air humidification. The clothespin falls off on its own in a dry, warm room.

During breastfeeding copious excretion milk can get on the navel, so you need to monitor lactation, avoid getting any liquid on the surface of the wound.

What to do if a newborn has a belly button bleeding?

After the navel is finally cleared of the umbilical cord, an ichorus may appear, a white transparent liquid interspersed with drops of blood. This normal phenomenon for any wound healing process. This is how a new skin tissue is formed, which will become a protective barrier of the body.

A two-time treatment with 3% hydrogen peroxide and a dry treated surface removes liquid, promotes rapid healing. The navel is poured with peroxide so that there is a "hiss". Abundant foam indicates the presence of pathogenic microflora and damage to the skin. The absence of a hydrogen peroxide reaction indicates the complete healing of the navel, no further processing is required, only hygiene.

If the navel bleeds in a newborn, bright scarlet blood appears, then this indicates the presence of an injury and a wound. The navel should be examined immediately for the presence of a wound, redness, or other suspicious changes. It is necessary to inform the local pediatrician and nurse about this. Try to prevent the reappearance of blood on your own by carefully treating with hydrogen peroxide and wiping cotton buds.

Causes of scarlet blood:

  • tension in the abdominal muscles during crying and, as a result, there may be a rupture of the skin on the navel
  • mechanical injury during processing or playing with the baby
  • chemical burn antiseptic agents, therefore, the umbilical cavity is not treated with cauterizing agents: the skin dries, cracks appear

The doctor examines the navel at each visit, so you need to pay attention to the condition of the skin.

Care tips. How to properly treat the navel at home?

With the advent of a newborn in the house, the arsenal of funds in the first-aid kit increases. Ready-made solutions and fees are added to the usual hydrogen peroxide medicinal herbs. Only a born child is susceptible to negative influence environment. Its unformed the immune system and weak protective properties skin can not resist pathogenic microflora.

To prevent infection and not injure the navel, you must follow the sequence in the procedure for caring for the umbilical wound after the clothespin has fallen off.

  • Moisten the entire surface of the wound with hydrogen peroxide. In a newborn, this procedure does not cause discomfort. Store peroxide at room temperature so that the skin of the baby does not feel the difference during application.
  • Give the tool time to express itself. Abundant foaming softens the formed skin crusts, which can be easily cleaned.
  • With cotton swabs, without pressure, try to clean the navel from crusts, ichor, remnants of dried blood.
  • Touch the wound with a cotton swab dipped in brilliant green, avoiding the umbilical space. Avoid contact with skin. Zelenka dries out the skin, there may be a burn or areas with increased dryness that are prone to injury. Instead of brilliant green, a 5% solution of ready-made potassium permanganate is sometimes used. It has a stronger effect on the skin. Therefore, use with caution.
  • Leave the newborn without clothes for 15 minutes so that the navel dries. If the microclimate in the room does not allow organizing air baths, then they put on loose clothes or cover them with a light diaper.

After the umbilical cord finally falls off, you can bathe the baby. For this, only boiled water is used. Additionally, they are disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a decoction of chamomile and celandine.

Important! Use a decoction of medicinal herbs no more than 1-2 times a week. Dry, breakout-prone skin will be dry after these baths.

How to handle the navel of a newborn with a clothespin?

First of all, hygiene should be observed by the mother herself, relatives who have contact with the child, and medical personnel. Hands are washed more often, and it is better to wear lint-free cotton clothes. Bed sheets the newborn is washed and ironed with high temperatures. Underwear, undershirts and sliders should be made of smooth cotton fabric so that dirt does not get into the navel. Poorly processed tissue can cause infection.

In addition to antiseptics and cotton-gauze products, nothing is needed to treat the navel. Therefore, the first-aid kit should contain:

  • hydrogen peroxide
  • brilliant green
  • potassium permanganate, ready solution
  • cotton buds
  • sterile bandage

Neither talc nor oily creams the navel cannot be smeared. Possible risks of suppuration and infection of the wound.

What to look for in the first days of a newborn's life:

  • the first treatment of the umbilical ring, clamped with a clothespin, is carried out by medical personnel (special antiseptics are used);
  • do not wet the navel with a process, bathing should be replaced with wiping;
  • avoid exposure of the fabric to the navel, for this, the diapers of the first numbers have a special notch, you can bend the edge, the clothespin should not be closed;
  • treat the umbilical space with hydrogen peroxide until the clothespin falls off on its own.

If you smell from the navel, then you need to additionally examine the condition of the process. Putrid odor or sour milk may indicate suppuration. The appendix could get wet from water when washing or bathing. It is not advisable to bathe a newborn before the navel heals, just wipe it with a cotton or gauze cloth soaked in boiled water. Industrial baby wipes can cause irritation, so use them only if necessary: ​​maternity hospital, guests, clinic.

To eliminate the smell, it is enough to dry the umbilical cord with air baths. As it dries, the smell will dissipate on its own. If redness of the umbilical region appears and white discharge is noticeable, greenish color, then there is inflammation. It is necessary to inform the doctor on duty. IN daytime to the district pediatrician of the children's polyclinic during the day or to the neonatologist on duty perinatal center at night time.

Treatment of the navel after the clothespin fell off

It is better to wait for the self-rejection of the umbilical cord after mummification. During the first treatment, try to thoroughly clean the navel from the remnants of foreign tissue and blood crusts. Hydrogen peroxide works great for this. It softens and makes the process painless for the newborn. After cleaning, blot the umbilical wound with brilliant green or potassium permanganate.

Further processing consists in washing and cauterizing the wound with antiseptics. Zelenka or potassium permanganate are always used, especially in the early days. They dry and cauterize the wound, preventing pathogenic microflora from entering the body of the newborn.

If the peroxide stops foaming when it hits the navel, then a scar has formed and further cauterization is not necessary. Only rubbing and rinsing while bathing. Crusts may form in the umbilical fold. They are steamed in the bathroom, the navel is additionally massaged, wetting it with water. After bathing, wipe the navel with a cotton swab, removing crusts and dirt, if necessary, use hydrogen peroxide.

An overabundance of antiseptics, an overstrain of weak abdominal muscles can provoke a complication when the navel falls off in a newborn. Wounds and cracks appear, visually it looks like a hollow. The cause may be genetic diseases, individual characteristics baby's skin.

At the first sign of a deviation from the norm, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication of a newborn is contraindicated.

Elena Zhabinskaya

Hello friends, Lena Zhabinskaya is with you!

Today's article will be useful both for girls who have become mothers for the first time, and for those who, as they think, know how to handle a newborn's navel.

I took care of the umbilical wounds of two of my children. different ways and with a different approach. However, in one case, the wound healed for about three weeks, and in the other - about seven days. Significant difference, isn't it?

Today I will tell you absolutely everything on the topic of proper healing of the navel at home in as soon as possible so read carefully and put into practice.

Do not do it yourself and do not allow anyone to do this categorically: do not pull off the clothespin and do not pick at the navel with cotton swabs moistened with hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green.

It was in this way that the navel of a newborn was looked after in the old days.

The vast majority of pediatricians and nurses in municipal clinics do not consider it necessary to retrain, and will impose on you exactly this ancient way when they come to you to examine the baby after discharge from the hospital.

I had that with my first child.

That is, I kind of knew, and in the hospital they said that there was no need to poke around.

But an experienced nurse from the clinic came, who simply crushed me with her authority.

She was very terribly pulling this unfortunate clothespin and picking out something from there with cotton swabs. Brr!

When you are a mom for the first time, you very much doubt your strengths, abilities and knowledge. As a result, our navel healed for three to four weeks.

Therefore, in any case, do not do this: in best case this will increase the healing time of the navel four times, at worst, it will contribute to infection.

Hands off the navel.

This phrase is the essence of the approach to healing. It is this approach that is currently being used in advanced pediatrics in the US, UK, Germany and other countries.

Advanced maternity hospitals in our country also recommend this method.

Everything is simple here: you do not touch the navel. At all. In this case, you must follow the rules:

It is the bandage that is used, because cotton wool or cotton pad can leave behind villi, which then will cause unnecessary irritation.

As you probably already understood, when using this method, there is no specific rule about how many times a day you need to process the wound. If it gets wet, we drip green. If dry - do not drip.

What to do after the clothespin falls off.

The clothespin should fall off by itself! We don't touch it, even when it seems like it's hanging by a thread.

By tearing it off on your own, you run the risk of infection or significantly increase the healing time.

One day you go into the baby's room, and accidentally notice that the clothespins are gone.

After that, nothing fundamentally changes.

The wound has not yet healed, so we continue to follow all of the above rules as for a wound with a clothespin.

How long to use them?

Before everything heals, it will be obvious, and you yourself will understand it.

How many days does the navel heal?

In the vast majority of cases, subject to all the rules, healing occurs without problems within 8-12 days after birth.

Everything healed for my daughter on the tenth day after birth.

However, there are signs, when you see which, you should understand that something may have gone wrong and you should definitely consult a doctor urgently.

Signs of infection of the umbilical wound:

  • redness of the skin around the wound;
  • bleeding;
  • discharge of pus;
  • weeping navel more than 21 days after birth.

Now you know that an umbilical wound is not at all difficult. Just do not interfere with her healing, and nature will do everything for you.

If your hands are itching to pick or anoint something, direct this energy to your beloved. It's time to start tidying up your tummy and hips, returning them to their former smoothness and getting rid of stretch marks.

If it was useful, subscribe to updates and share the article on social networks. Be beautiful, take care of yourself and your kids!

The umbilical wound in a newborn is considered its most vulnerable place. Many parents are even afraid to touch her once again. To some extent, this may be correct, but then how to handle the navel of a newborn?

After all, such a procedure is an obligatory part of the daily hygiene care in the first weeks of a baby's life.

What should a mother know and be able to this issue so as not to harm your baby?

How is an umbilical wound formed?

First, let's figure out how the umbilical wound is formed and why it is so important to properly treat it.

Until the moment of birth, the baby is inextricably linked with his mother with the help of the umbilical cord, through which several large blood vessels pass.

  • After the birth of the newborn, the umbilical cord is removed. It is tightly bandaged in the area of ​​the umbilical ring, and the cutoff is made a couple of centimeters higher, fixing this place with a clamp. Thus, a small piece of the umbilical cord remains, which after a few days should dry out and fall off on its own.
  • As a result of this, a small umbilical wound forms at the site of dressing, and it oozes or bleeds a little more. Until the navel is completely healed, it is necessary to treat the umbilical wound in a newborn daily, otherwise there may be a risk of infection.
  • Doctors do not always wait for the umbilical cord to fall off on its own. There is a method surgical removal this cult. This procedure performed on the second day after childbirth with a scalpel or surgical scissors.
  • After cutting off, a sterile pressure bandage is applied to the place of the umbilical ring, which should be loosened after two hours. After a day, the bandage is removed, and the umbilical wound is provided with appropriate care.

The navel with the umbilical cord: when it falls off, how to handle it, what to do with the fallen umbilical cord?

Usually, first, all the procedures for caring for the navel of a newborn are carried out by a pediatric nurse. She will also teach you how to properly handle the umbilical cord of a newborn.

Attention! Some mothers try to tear off or “unscrew” such a stump, turning several times in different sides. Under no circumstances should this be done!

Doctors indicate that the shrinkage of the umbilical cord should occur naturally. Usually it disappears 3-5 days after the birth of the child. Sometimes this event occurs a little later, on days 6-10 (this may indicate intrauterine infection and requires more careful monitoring of the child). Until then, there is nothing left but to handle the navel of a newborn with a clothespin attached.

To do this, you must first lubricate the umbilical ring itself with an antiseptic, and then the entire umbilical cord residue. The clamp can be taken in hand to lift and facilitate access to the stump from all sides.

In the old days, a mother with a newborn was not discharged from the hospital until the umbilical cord fell off. Now this event often occurs at home. Whether to keep this fallen piece or throw it away is up to you. There are many tips for this.

The most interesting of them:

  1. Make a hole in the jamb of the door and, putting the umbilical cord there, cover everything with putty - it is believed that when the newborn outgrows this mark, all infantile diseases will pass;
  2. Keep until the baby is 6 - 7 years old, and then put in the pocket of his clothes when he is the first time will go to school - then the child will study well;
  3. Some mothers decide to bury such an umbilical cord in the ground.

Navel without clothespin and umbilical cord: processing technique

From the moment when the umbilical cord residue disappears, the most crucial stage begins - the healing of the umbilical wound. Risk of inflammation or infection in given period increases significantly. There are no special differences in how to handle the navel of a newborn after the clothespin has fallen off. This process also consists of the following stages:

  • Disinfect the umbilical wound with hydrogen peroxide. IN this case it will be most convenient to drip a few drops with a pipette. The liquid should start to foam. This reaction will be observed each time until the wound is completely healed;
  • A few seconds after instillation, the crusts that form inside the umbilical ring will get wet and will be easily separated from the skin. Then they all need to be carefully removed using cotton swabs;

It is important to remember that it is impossible to tear off dried crusts by force, otherwise bleeding will open.

  • Next, you should gently blot the wound with a sterile napkin so that it becomes completely dry;
  • The treatment ends with lubricating the entire umbilical ring with an antiseptic. At the same time, you need to push its edges apart and handle it well inside the navel. It is important to try not to hurt the surrounding healthy skin.

It is worth paying your attention to what exactly it is recommended to process the navel. Previously, for these purposes, they used "brilliant green" or a strong solution of potassium permanganate. It has now been proven that such products are not very suitable due to their rich color.

Know! The fact is that this makes it difficult to timely notice the onset of inflammation of the umbilical wound. The redness that appears in this case on the skin simply will not be visible.

Modern pediatricians suggest using chlorophyllipt to treat the navel. This drug is a colorless alcohol solution based on an extract from eucalyptus. It very effectively copes with pathogens of staphylococcus, is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. Chlorophyllipt can be replaced alcohol solution calendula.

Hygiene of a newborn with an unhealed umbilical wound

Until the umbilical wound is completely healed, you need to observe the hygiene of the navel as much as possible. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to create complete sterility. In no case should you refuse to bathe a newborn during this period or close the wound with a sterile bandage. Such actions are wrong.

The navel should always be open, because this way it will dry out faster. While the bandage, especially if it becomes saturated with secretions that may ooze from the wound, will become a favorable place for bacteria to multiply.

It is important to show a sense of proportion in the question of how often to treat the navel of a newborn. It is enough to do it 2 times a day. Full treatment is recommended in the morning, and in the evening after bathing, only lubricate the wound with an antiseptic. If she is constantly bleeding, then such procedures can be carried out 3 times a day.

Important! More frequent treatment with alcohol can lead to a burn on the navel and provoke its infection.

Also, until the navel is completely healed, you will need to adhere to the following hygiene requirements:

  1. Before proceeding with the treatment of the wound, thoroughly wash and disinfect your hands;
  2. Several times a day, change the newborn's sliders and undershirts, even if they are dry;
  3. Iron all children's clothing.

Special attention should be paid to putting on a diaper. His belt should not touch the navel. It is recommended to purchase special models in which a cutout is made in the front in the center, or to "correct" ordinary diapers in the same way. You can also Front edge wrap the belt outward or tuck a blouse into it.

When does the umbilical wound heal?

Complete healing of the umbilical wound occurs in 2 to 4 weeks. During this time, it is completely covered epithelial tissue. You should know that in the period from 19 to 24 days, the umbilical wound may begin to bleed. If, after 3 weeks, the navel continues to get wet, you should seek the advice of a pediatrician. Especially you should be alerted by the appearance of concomitant factors:

  • Swelling and redness of the skin near the navel;
  • Putrid smell;
  • Discharge of pus;
  • Increase in body temperature.

In this case, a doctor should be consulted immediately.