How to go to a solarium for the first time. Going to a solarium for the first time: how to tan properly

Today, to get a tan, it is not at all necessary to lie in the sun for hours or fly to warmer climes in the middle of winter. It is quite enough to visit the solarium several times a week. People who regularly maintain their skin tone know how to behave in it and what to take. For those who are going to the solarium for the first time, this article was written.

You should not choose a solarium based on the principle: where is closer and cheaper. There are a couple of ways to determine a good establishment:

  • Take an interest in the technical characteristics of the solarium. They should tell you how many lamps are in the installation, what power they are, what the UVB/UVA radiation ratio is (should be no more than 2.5%), how long ago the lamps were changed (no more than 600 hours). If any of your questions are not answered, it is better to leave the salon immediately.
  • Ask for a diagram. The administrator should inquire about the skin phototype, tendency to burns, and experience in visiting a solarium. For the first time, they should suggest no more than 3-5 minutes, especially for people with fair skin.
  • Find out what you will be given and what you need to take with you. You should be given glasses, special stickers for nipples and moles, preferably breast cones, a disposable hair cap, possibly disposable slippers and a towel.
  • Inquire about the administrator's education. It is desirable that he have a general medical education and specialized courses. Then you can be sure that he will be able to choose the right course.

If any of these rules are not followed, your first visit to the solarium should be moved to another place.

What to take with you?

Most beginners are interested in what to take for the first time to the solarium. “Basic package” consists of the following items:

  • Slippers and towel. Somewhere they offer disposable ones, but you can take your own.
  • Head scarf or scarf. Hair must be hidden so as not to dry out. Most salons offer disposable caps, but it’s best to check.
  • Lip balm. Otherwise they may get hurt.
  • Cosmetics before and after. In salons you can buy special products suitable specifically for solariums. Beach cosmetics are not suitable, nor are regular moisturizers, but, as a last resort, you can use regular olive oil or do without anything.
  • Glasses. They must be issued at the salon.
  • Swimsuit. Sunbathing without swimming trunks and a bra is extremely undesirable; in extreme cases, you can get by with just swimming trunks, then you need to cover your nipples with stickers or put special cones on your chest. Both men and women should hide their nipples.
  • Makeup remover. It is advisable not to apply decorative cosmetics at all or rinse thoroughly on the day of going to the solarium for the first time.

Read also: Is solarium harmful for women?

Rules for visiting the solarium

The rules for visiting a solarium for the first time are no different from any other. But they must also be strictly followed:

  • Before your first visit to the solarium, you should consult your doctor, especially if you are taking any medications or have chronic diseases. In general cases, this can be a therapist or a dermatologist, but if there are any chronic diseases, then a specialized specialist - a gynecologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, and so on.
  • You can take a shower or bath no later than 5 hours before the session, without soap or shower gel. You should not use scrubs the day before.
  • Before the session, you need to wash off all makeup and remove jewelry.
  • It is advisable to apply a moisturizer designed specifically for solarium use.
  • How many minutes you spend in the solarium for the first time depends on your skin type: the lighter it is, the less, but no more than 5 minutes. This is necessary to determine how the skin will react to tanning.
  • The duration of the course for the first time should not exceed 10 sessions, spread over 3-4 weeks.
  • After the session, you should reapply the moisturizer.
  • On this day you should drink more fluid to compensate for its loss.
  • If you feel pain or burning during the session, it should be interrupted immediately.
  • If redness appears after the session, then you should use an anti-burn product and temporarily avoid visiting the solarium.

A solarium allows a person to look tanned all year round, regardless of weather conditions and time of year. With its help, you can achieve a beautiful skin tone in a very short time. But in order not to harm yourself, you need to know about the benefits and harms of the procedure, what a solarium is, how to sunbathe correctly for the first time, including in a vertical solarium, as well as some nuances about how to properly go to a solarium to get a beautiful tan .

Despite the widespread belief that such a procedure is harmful, it also has some benefits. This is first of all:

  • production of vitamin D during tanning, which helps strengthen muscle and bone tissue and prevents the development of certain diseases;
  • ultraviolet rays strengthen the immune system and prevent the occurrence of colds;
  • the advantages of artificial tanning over natural tanning are that with this type of tanning the exposure to harmful factors is minimized;
  • the procedure activates the synthesis of the so-called “hormone of happiness” - endorphin, which prevents the development of diseases such as, as well as other psycho-emotional disorders;
  • regular tanning in the solarium will improve the condition of your skin, namely, get rid of blackheads and acne, if their appearance is not associated with hormonal changes in the body;
  • from an aesthetic point of view, a tan obtained in this way is more even, rich and beautiful.

Among the possible dangers of such a tan, the following should be highlighted:

  • destruction of the collagen-elastin framework, which can lead to rapid aging of the skin;
  • provoking coarsening of the stratum corneum of the skin, which can lead to clogging of skin pores;
  • provoking the development of skin cancer, which is associated with the active synthesis of melanin during the procedure;
  • severe harm to the hair procedure.

As you can see, this procedure is fraught with many dangers, but with the right approach (using special cosmetics and products to protect the skin and hair), the absence of contraindications, which include the presence of certain diseases, pregnancy, breastfeeding, age under 15 years , and without overusing this type of tanning, you can get a beautiful tan in a matter of minutes.

What is a solarium?

Today there are several types of solariums. If you decide to get a beautiful tan this way, find out what types of solariums there are and what are the advantages of each of them:

  • Horizontal solarium: the procedure in this type of equipment takes a little longer than in others, but due to the uniform arrangement of the lamps it is as safe as possible. Another advantage of such equipment is the comfortable position of the body when tanning, but the disadvantage is that the space is very cramped.
  • Vertical view: thanks to the use of powerful lamps, the session goes much faster. It takes a little effort to get an even tan. For example, to tan the sides of the body, you need to raise your arms. If certain rules are followed, getting a burn is excluded. But if the procedure is abused, high-power lamps can cause dry skin and premature aging;
  • Turbo solarium, which can be either vertical or horizontal. This is the most effective and safe type, one of the advantages of which is the presence of an air cooling system inside the flask, which makes the procedure comfortable.

How to properly sunbathe for the first time in a vertical solarium

How to sunbathe correctly in a vertical solarium when deciding on the procedure for the first time, so that it is safe for your health?

  • First of all, you should consult a doctor, because the presence of certain diseases is a contraindication to the procedure. These are primarily various skin diseases, oncology, bronchial asthma, hormonal disorders and many others. Taking certain medications may also be contraindications.
  • Before the procedure, you should not shower with soap, or do peeling, hair removal or other cosmetic procedures.
  • Remove makeup from your face, do not use deodorant or other perfumed products before the session, and remove your jewelry.
  • Buy special protective cosmetics that will protect your skin from unpleasant consequences.
  • Be sure to use special eye protection (glasses), nipple stickers, and a hair cap.
  • If you have tattoos or growing tattoos, special stickers are used to protect them.
  • When visiting a vertical solarium, you should put a towel on the floor. For an even tan, you will have to raise your arms up.
  • The first session should last no more than five minutes.
  • Regardless of skin type, the number of procedures should not be more than three times a week. You should not do the procedure every day. The maximum time spent in the flask should not exceed 20 minutes, and the total number of sessions per month should not be more than 15 (per year - no more than 50). Depending on your skin type, to get the result you need, you need to visit the solarium 5-10 times.

How to go to the solarium correctly to get a beautiful tan?

To get a luxurious tan faster, use bronzers or products that help you tan faster during your session. A prerequisite for obtaining an even and beautiful skin tone is the use of special tanning creams that have a firming and protective effect. These products need to be selected taking into account your skin type. After the session, use moisturizing and cooling lotions that will help your skin calm down faster and relieve possible irritation.

If you follow all the above rules when tanning in a solarium, you can quickly get a beautiful, safe tan that will give your skin an incredible bronze tint at any time of the year and give you a lot of positive emotions.

I hope the tips on how to properly sunbathe for the first time in a solarium, including a vertical one, will be useful to you if you decide to get a beautiful tan this way. And finally, a video where they will share with you a few more important nuances of safe and luxurious tanning in a solarium:

If earlier aristocratic pallor was in fashion, now golden skin is in trend. And it’s great that fashion trends coincide with technological progress - now you don’t have to go to resorts and spend a lot of time near the water. After all, you can go to the solarium!

What is a solarium?

When you are in a solarium, the body is exposed to long-wave radiation, which is why melanin begins to be produced, giving the skin a dark tint.

The intensity of the tan obtained is determined by several factors: the power and number of lamps, the duration of the session.

The effects on the skin of sunlight and radiation in a capsule are essentially the same. The only difference is that in a solarium you can change the intensity of irradiation and there are no dangerous rays.

Types of solariums

Now there are three types of solariums:

How many days after peeling can I go to the solarium?

In about 3 days. If you feel that your skin is still irritated, it is better to postpone the procedure.

Is it possible to take a bath after solarium?

Of course, it is possible, but preferably at least 2-3 hours after the procedure. But you shouldn’t take too much after the session or use scrubs because they can speed up the disappearance of the tan.

You can ask many questions to a doctor you trust. He will give specific recommendations based on your health data.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without glasses?

No, under no circumstances should you enter the booth without glasses. Even if you close your eyes, it will not protect them from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Is it possible to wear lenses to a solarium?

In general, sunbathing while wearing lenses is not prohibited, but it is not advisable. If possible, it is better to remove them. And also, in any case, you need to use special glasses.

Yes, but highly undesirable. At the same time, to protect the eyes, it is necessary to use special glasses to protect the retina from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without a stickini?

You shouldn't sunbathe without them. They provide indispensable protection.

What can replace stikini in a solarium?

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after a solarium (for example, at the dacha, on the beach of the sea or river)?

No you can not. It's better to lie down and rest.

Is it possible to exercise after a solarium?

Can. If you have the strength and desire. There are no special contraindications in this regard.

Is it possible to go to a solarium with a fever?

This is not worth doing. The body is already weakened and, thus, you can only worsen your condition.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium with fair skin?

In general, it is possible, but extremely carefully, no more than 3 minutes per session. Light skin is prone to burns.

Can Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium if you have tattoos on your body?

To prevent the tattoo from discoloring, it must be covered. You can purchase stickers to protect your drawing. They should be in a beauty salon. You can read more about tanning if you have tattoos.

At what age can you go to a solarium?

And in some progressive countries there is even a law prohibiting people under 18 from undergoing such a procedure. Therefore, you should not take risks and do such a procedure before adulthood.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy?

No. Since unstable hormonal levels can lead to the appearance of age spots and, in general, have a negative impact on the health of the expectant mother. Read more in .

Solarium and pregnancy

Is it possible to go to a solarium with various pathologies?

This issue can only be discussed with your doctor! Only he will give you the correct answer. You can't trust anyone but him. Information on forums, from beauty salon employees, or from friends may be unreliable.

Video: blogger talks about the important rules of tanning in a solarium.

Instructions for use

How to use a solarium? Step-by-step instructions:

  • Decide on the choice of salon. And choose the type of solarium that suits you best.
  • Before the actual session, inspect the area for cleanliness. If you see dirt on the booth, you should find another establishment.
  • The cabin employee must show and talk about the buttons in the cabin and their functions.
  • The employee will provide you with safety glasses, you must wear them!
  • Step into (or lie down in) the tanning bed and close the lid.
  • Step out of the solarium and enjoy the golden hue of your skin.
  • After the procedure you can.

Thanks to a solarium, anyone can achieve a beautiful skin tone, regardless of the season. Now such a tan is no longer a luxury that is available to a small circle of people. And despite stereotypes, a solarium can bring benefits to the human body. It is only important to adhere to the established rules and doctor’s recommendations.

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by Notes of the Wild Mistress

There is snow outside the window, but many fashionistas, in anticipation of the summer sun and vacation, do not forget to visit the solarium. On the one hand, tanned skin looks seductive and impressive, and, on the other hand, it will not be superfluous to prepare for the summer sun and beach holidays - the skin is not afraid of burns, and the tan will lie more evenly.

But a solarium can also harm you if you do not follow the rules and do not know what may be a contraindication for visiting this pleasant procedure. So, what should you know if you want to show off a fresh tan in the middle of winter?

Firstly, do not try to tan in a couple of sessions. Experts do not recommend visiting a solarium more than once a week. In addition, monitor the duration of the procedure - it should not exceed 5-7 minutes.

Tanned skin is good, but you should not overuse the solarium - after 5-6 sessions, take a break for at least two weeks, and then you can repeat the course. If you do not follow these rules, you risk severely dehydrating your skin, which will lead to so-called solar aging - loss of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin.

Many women try to enhance their tan by using various activators and special creams. If you are going to use such products, remember that you should apply the cream to the skin no later than one hour before the start of the procedure or immediately after its completion. Then you will be able to avoid both burns and skin irritations.

“Those who have oncological, infectious and some skin diseases, as well as during pregnancy, mastopathy, fibroids, polyps and multiple moles on the skin should not visit the solarium.”

Those who take various medications should be careful when visiting the solarium. The fact is that some medications, for example, antibiotics, diuretics and antihistamines, as well as some contraceptives, can cause phytodermatosis - an allergic reaction to the sun. Therefore, before going to the solarium, you should consult a doctor or wait until the end of the course of treatment.

Cosmetologists do not recommend visiting a solarium immediately after hair removal, since the hair removal procedure and the subsequent session in a solarium are too much stress for the skin. As a result, painful sensations, severe redness, peeling of the skin and even wounds may appear.

Do not take topless tanning sessions. This warning especially applies to those over 30. Ultraviolet radiation can trigger the development of breast cancer.

A few useful tips before visiting a solarium will help you get a quality tan without unnecessary problems!

Before going to the solarium, take a shower without soap or other cosmetics so as not to deprive your skin of protective fatty lubricant.

Be sure to protect your eyes with dark glasses during the session.

To prevent your hair from drying out, cover your head with a scarf during a session in the solarium.

Unfortunately, in our climate, sunny days, when you can sunbathe to your heart’s content, are a very rare occurrence, and not every girl can afford to regularly go to “warmer climes” for a golden tan, so for a couple of decades, a tanning session in a solarium has been a very popular cosmetic procedure.

Many people do not know that sunbathing in a solarium is less harmful to health than on the beach under the sun. The reason is that artificial UV rays contain fewer “harmful” rays than the sun. Therefore, you should not be afraid of going to a solarium only if you know when to stop and listen to the recommendations of specialists. Before your first session, it would be a good idea to find out some details related to visiting a solarium and get some simple tips.

First of all, you need to find out whether you are one of those people for whom such a procedure is contraindicated. In particular, going to the solarium is categorically not recommended for people with a predisposition to cancer, hypertensive patients, diabetics and women suffering from mastopathy, as well as those who have impaired normal functioning of the thyroid gland and during pregnancy. You should also refrain from visiting a solarium if you have many birthmarks and/or age spots on your body. This procedure will also have to be postponed if you are taking birth control or any other contraceptive medications, antibiotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants or anti-asthma drugs.

At least a month should pass before visiting the solarium after skin rejuvenation procedures such as injection, resurfacing or mesotherapy. Although almost all the contraindications for visiting a solarium are listed here, only a doctor can best answer the question about the advisability of this procedure for you.

How to prepare for your first trip to the solarium

Before going to the solarium, you need to thoroughly prepare the skin of your face and body: a couple of days after the procedure, you need to do a gentle peeling and regularly apply moisturizers, since in this case the tan will last longer and look brighter.

Immediately before visiting the solarium you should:

  • clean your face of makeup so as not to end up with a “spotty” tan, since many cosmetics do not allow ultraviolet rays to pass through;
  • take a shower (2-3 hours before) but without soap, wipe your body dry with a towel, apply a balm with a UV filter to your lips;
  • cover tattoos and rare moles with special stickers and remove jewelry and contact lenses.

There is no need to apply a moisturizer (you will need it immediately after the session), but it is recommended to use a cosmetic product with a protection factor that is suitable for you.
Your cosmetologist or the specialists of this solarium salon can advise you on what moisturizing and protective creams to choose for visiting a solarium.

First trip to the solarium: what to take with you, duration of procedures

And so, you decided to go to the solarium for the first time. Many girls planning to visit a solarium for the first time are interested in what items they should take with them. In the solarium, you must have special safety glasses with you to avoid damaging the retina of your eyes. A cap that will protect your hair from drying out, and special cone-shaped caps to protect your breasts and nipples. Usually, all this is sold in the salon, you can find out about this from the administrator.

The duration of the first session in a solarium for women with any skin type should not exceed 3-5 minutes. On subsequent visits, you can sunbathe longer, gradually increasing the procedure time to 15-20 minutes. If you are going to sunbathe in underwear, it should be exclusively cotton.

What to do after your first trip to the solarium

After tanning, you can take a shower, but it’s better to wait a little, but you need to apply moisturizer. It is recommended to go straight home from the salon and lie down to rest. This will help you avoid trouble if you suddenly experience a slight malaise associated with individual intolerance to this procedure. It's a good idea to drink green tea or a vitamin drink and avoid exercise. If you do receive a slight burn, then there is no need to panic: most likely, it will soon go away on its own. You just have to drink a lot of fluids and lubricate the affected area of ​​skin with moisturizers from time to time. For example, baby milk. The traditional method of treating sunburn using kefir is also perfect.