Remember that this is a kind of protective reaction of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. What is "possible" and "impossible" after visiting the solarium

There are many recommendations and tips on how to sunbathe properly. But extremely rarely, generalized instructions on the rules for safe tanning in a solarium allow you to take into account individual parameters, such as skin type, type of solarium (vertical, horizontal, turbo), use of special cosmetics, and so on.

So, for example, white-skinned people can visit a solarium no more than twice a week and sessions should be carried out for a duration not exceeding 3-5 minutes. Whereas clients swarthy from birth can calmly bask in the light of lamps for up to 20 minutes.

You can, of course, write that before visiting you need to visit a doctor and consult. But how many people will actually go to the doctor if suddenly the beautician is not in the solarium? In the best case, you will be able to ask questions to the girl at the reception, in the worst case, you will have to take care of your own safety.

We determine the type of skin and the frequency of procedures

The skin type primarily determines how long tanning sessions can be, how long it takes to get a beautiful skin tone, and how high the risk of burns is.

  • I type of skin, it is also "Celtic".

Owners of the Celtic type of appearance are distinguished by very fair skin. The natural hair color of such people is blond or light red, there are many freckles both on the face and on the chest and shoulders. The skin of people with the first type quickly turns red and burns in the sun, so the first time in a solarium they can spend no more than 3 minutes.

Subsequent sessions can be made longer. But sunbathing for more than 10 minutes without the risk of burns is unlikely to succeed. The maximum number of sessions is 2 per week.

In principle, some experts generally do not recommend that owners of the Celtic type visit a solarium and sunbathe in the sun.

  • Type II skin, which is also known as "light-skinned European".

The owners of this type of appearance are distinguished by fair skin, blond or blond hair, a small number of freckles, light eyes. The skin of such people tans, but the risk of getting burned is high. The first session for such people should be 3-5 minutes long.

The time of subsequent procedures can be gradually increased up to 10-15 minutes. You can sunbathe 2-3 times a week, provided that the procedures are not combined with a long stay in the active sun.

  • III skin type or "dark-skinned European".

People with the third type of skin are distinguished by the presence of dark blond or brown hair, gray or brown eyes. Skin color can be from light to dark. Owners of the third type of skin burn much less often than people with the first and second type. Therefore, there will be noticeably less restrictions on visiting the solarium. Owners of the third type of skin can start sunbathing from 7 minutes and then increase the session time to 20 minutes. You can sunbathe 2-3 times a week.

  • Skin type IV, also known as "Mediterranean".

Owners of 4 types of appearance are swarthy, dark-haired, brown-eyed. The time of the first procedure in this case should not be taken as long as possible. Still, you should give your skin time to get used to it. Then you can safely stay there for 20 minutes and enjoy a deep "juicy" tan.

Choosing a solarium

Modern solariums have several main characteristics at once:

  • vertical-horizontal;
  • turbo (lamp power is 160-180 watts and above);
  • percentage of ultraviolet B.

In a horizontal tan, it fits well on the upper body. If you choose a device with face lamps, then be sure to make sure that the solarium cabin is additionally equipped with an elevator (a special platform that can rise and fall so that the client's face is at the level of the face lamps, regardless of the client's height).

Photo: horizontal solarium

In the vertical position, the client can lie down and relax while the session is in progress. Sunburn in a vertical solarium lies better on the lower half of the body, especially on the legs below the level of the knees. The disadvantage is the likelihood of white spots appearing where the skin was squeezed during the procedure.

Photo: vertical solarium

The turbo solarium differs from the usual one in the greater power of the lamps. It can be both horizontal and vertical. The duration of the session should be reduced, while the result can be achieved much faster.

Photo: turbo solarium

The percentage of ultraviolet rays of types A and B can be found in the UV Certificate, which is provided with each device and must be provided upon request. For light, UV-sensitive skin, the UVB percentage should be around 0.7%. For dark skin that tans well, the percentage of UV B can be up to 2.4%.

We select cosmetics

You can go there without special cosmetics. But such instant savings will only lead to big expenses in the near future. Unlike the sunscreen we use at the beach, tanning products enhance the effect of UV rays and deeply hydrate the skin.

As a result, an even tan can be obtained much earlier, and it will last for a longer period, since hydrated skin will not peel.

Creams and cosmetics for a solarium according to their purpose can be divided into three groups:

  • developers;
  • activators;
  • fixatives.

Developers and activators stimulate the production of melanin by skin cells. Developers are used at the very beginning of procedures, when the skin needs to adapt to the ultraviolet radiation affecting it.

Activators are good for those who have already got their first tan and want to make it brighter.

They include bronzers and tingles. Bronzers stimulate the production of melanin, tingles cause a short-term blood flow to the skin, which has a positive effect on the formation of a tan during a session in the solarium.

A fixative is essentially a very good moisturizer, often with a cooling effect. Deep moisturizing of the skin prevents its dehydration and peeling, makes the skin velvety to the touch. The most common brands of cosmetics for solariums in Russia are Australian Gold, Jamaica Touch, Mega Sun.

For clients with tattoos, regular sunscreen can be used to protect the patterned skin. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, tattoo inks can fade or become allergenic to the body.

Safety regulations

To sunbathe without harm to the body, you must follow a number of simple rules.

  • Eye protection is required.

There are those among the regulars of the solarium who do not take this recommendation seriously. But in vain.

Recent studies conducted by European doctors have established a relationship between the amount of time a person spent in a solarium and the risk of developing a number of diseases that lead to blindness. Among these diseases are cataracts (clouding of the lens), damage to the retina.

To maintain eye health, it is not necessary to refuse to visit the solarium. But one should take into account the fact that the skin of the eyelids is thin and cannot provide sufficient protection of the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the use of goggles to protect the eyes during the procedure is mandatory.

You can use those glasses that are provided by hardware tanning salons to their customers. And you can buy your own glasses if you plan to have a long and systematic visit to the solarium.

  • Breast protection is also needed.

If there is no desire to sunbathe in a swimsuit, then you can use special stickers for areolas. If there are no such stickers in the tanning studio, then you can use ordinary cotton pads.

  • Consider contraindications.

A visit to the solarium is exactly the same physiotherapy procedure as many others. Ultraviolet radiation, just like other types of influences, leads to the development of changes in the functioning of the organs and systems of the body.

For a healthy organism, such an impact will be beneficial and will lead to an increase in resistance to various pathogenic environmental factors. In the event that the body is weakened by an acute or chronic illness, a session in the solarium can lead to a deterioration in the condition and well-being.

Who should not sunbathe in the solarium:

  • pregnant women;
  • minors;
  • people with the first type of skin;
  • people with acute or exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • those who have a tendency to bleed;
  • women during menstruation;
  • people with moles, when these moles are numerous or large;
  • clients with skin diseases;
  • everyone who takes drugs that increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation (these are not only retinoids, these can be some antibiotics, and hormonal drugs and other drugs).
Separately, it is worth discussing such a moment as visiting a solarium for psoriasis. In principle, sunbathing with psoriasis is possible, but a number of points should be taken into account.

The first point is the probability of getting an aggravation of the process. The risk is small. According to statistics, only about 5% of patients receive. At the same time, more than half note an improvement in the course of the disease or the complete disappearance of plaques. And about 30% of customers do not notice any changes.

The second point is the need for additional skin hydration. UV rays dry out the skin. Because plaques can crack and bleed.

  • We carry out the mandatory stages of preparation for the procedure.

Take a shower about an hour and a half before your visit. If this is not possible, then you can rinse in the shower immediately before the procedure. In any case, do not use soap. It is better to replace it with a light shower gel so as not to overdry the skin and not completely wash off the protective hydrolipidic mantle from it. Dry, completely fat-free skin is a risk of getting burned.

A day or two before visiting the solarium, it is not recommended to perform peeling, skin crabbing, traumatic procedures such as depilation, as all this can lead to burns or uneven tanning on the skin. In the case of peels, pigmentation can be obtained, which will be quite difficult to remove.

Before the procedure, all decorative cosmetics should be removed from the face. For lips, you must use a hygienic lipstick with UV protection. You should also not apply aroma oils, toilet water and other cosmetics to the skin after a shower, except for those specially designed for a solarium.

Hair must be hidden under a tight hat or scarf. Such preparation will allow you to avoid surprises such as patchy tan and burnt hair.

Price for 1 minute of tanning in the solarium

Depending on the number of paid minutes (when purchasing a subscription), you can get significant discounts. Therefore, the price of one minute in the subscription can be significantly lower.

Video: Sunscreens

Photos before and after

Although doctors unanimously claim that every trip to the solarium is a small step towards the first wrinkles, many beauties still show off their tanned skin. You can learn about all the nuances of a solarium, its benefits and harms from a separate material, and now let's talk about how how to sunbathe under the "artificial" sun and what needs to be done in order to achieve the result as quickly as possible. Remember that you won’t be able to get a beautiful shade the first time - it will take at least three to four sessions. In this case, the skin should be allowed to “rest” (more on that, you can find out here). However, this is not the only important point. What else to pay attention to "novice chocolates"?

Rules for visiting the solarium for the first time

If you decide to please yourself with a tan, before buying a subscription be sure to consult a doctor and consult if such procedures are allowed for you. This advice is especially relevant for fair-skinned people and blondes, as well as for those who have a lot of moles, age spots.

When planning a visit to the solarium, please note that the rules for getting a tan concern not only the regularity of sessions (they can be spend on average in one to three days, courses of eight to twelve procedures, and then just maintain the result once a week), but also special skin care.

Do not forget about protection - stikini in areas with increased pigmentation, special glasses for the eyes - this is the minimum that is needed to visit the solarium.

  • Stop epilating immediately before the session, and ideally, “spread” both procedures in time as much as possible.

Beginners should determine their skin type in advance. Depending on this, both the duration and frequency of procedures vary. There are four types in total:

You will learn more about how to sunbathe properly from a separate material.

Refuse to visit solarium during menstruation or taking medications.

What you need to do to quickly tan

Buying a subscription to the solarium, immediately put up with the fact that after the first session, you will not be able to get an excellent tan. Even the most powerful lamps will not help, because it takes time to get at least a golden hue.

You should not enjoy the procedure for too long - the time is calculated depending on the power of the lamps installed in the cabin, as well as the characteristics of the skin. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light can cause skin irritation and even painful burns.

To speed up the process of "turning into chocolate" Take advantage of these tricks:

What are tanning pads, how to use them and what can be replaced

It is worth returning once again to the issue of protecting the skin during procedures. This is especially important for areas of the body with increased pigmentation, in particular - for nipples and moles. To protect them from ultraviolet radiation, they use special stickers called stikini. They are made of a soft base with an adhesive layer that allows you to fix the device on the skin, as well as a metallized coating that repels ultraviolet rays. Used for chest stikini larger diameter, for moles - smaller products. There are also eye sticks that are suitable for those who do not want to wear goggles.

When asked whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium without a stikini, dermatologists answer unequivocally: yes, but provided that the bodice of the swimsuit has UV protection. Protective lotions or balms, ordinary cloth, napkins or pastes (decorative stickers) will not create a protective layer.

If you want to save money and are thinking about how to replace stickini for a tanning bed, try make them yourself– metallized paper is sold in online stores. You can also close the chest with your palms - this is not very comfortable, but quite effective. A more expensive, but safer option is special underwear for a tanning bed, which is offered by some manufacturers.

Please note that many tanning salons offer stikinis to their clients for free. To use such a protective agent, first of all lubricate the chest with a protective balm or cream (this will make the sticker easier to remove). Then remove the stikini from the base, roll into a cone shape and attach to the chest. Similarly, stickers are fixed on moles. or used to protect the eyes. Examples of tanning pads, as well as attached stickers, are shown in the following photos.

A solarium is a worthy alternative to sunbathing, available at any time of the year. In order for the procedures to be safe, it is necessary to choose their duration correctly and do not forget about protective equipment, such as stikini. Do you go to the solarium? Share your experience in the comments!

Solarium: how to sunbathe properly

Cold cloudy days drag on for a long time and inspire melancholy for the gentle summer sun. I would like to substitute the skin under its rays, soak up the warmth and finally get an even, beautiful tan. Fortunately, there is an opportunity to plunge into a little summer without leaving your native land, even in the most severe frosts - just go to the solarium. However, to protect yourself from trouble, you should know how to sunbathe properly in a solarium.

What are the benefits of a solarium?

1. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from a solarium, vitamin D3 is produced in the body - an important component of the normal functioning of the bone, muscle, and nervous systems. For reference: Russia is one of the countries with low insolation (low solar radiation), which means that almost the entire population is at risk for vitamin D deficiency.

2. Light radiation and heat contribute to the production of the so-called hormone of happiness - endorphin, which uplifts the mood and increases vitality.

3. Ultraviolet increases the immune defense of the body, improving its resistance to infections.

4. For some skin diseases (for example, psoriasis), a solarium is one of the effective means of treating and preventing exacerbations.

5. Visiting a solarium is safer than tanning in direct sunlight. This is due to the presence in the solarium of special filters that screen out dangerous gamma radiation, in addition, an individual program compiled by a solarium specialist, taking into account your skin type, will allow you to avoid burns and other complications with a guarantee.

6. A gentle tan in the solarium is a great way to prepare pale skin for the scorching summer sun. It is worth going through just a few procedures before the holidays - and you significantly reduce the risk of sunburn.

Getting ready for the solarium

Before going to the solarium, ideally, it is necessary to undergo an examination, including a consultation with a general practitioner, endocrinologist, gynecologist and dermatologist. The fact is that there is a fairly impressive list of diseases and conditions in which you should beware of ultraviolet radiation (see below "Contraindications for visiting a solarium"), otherwise, instead of pleasure and beautiful skin, you risk getting serious health problems.

When taking medicines, you should carefully read the instructions for your drug and consult with your doctor about compatibility with ultraviolet radiation - some drugs increase the photosensitivity of the skin, which means that the risk of burns also increases. By the way, taking some hormonal contraceptive pills can be a direct contraindication to visiting a solarium - be sure to consult your doctor about this.

Immediately before visiting the solarium, do not wash with soap - this way you deprive your skin of a natural barrier in the form of a thin layer of keratinized epithelial cells and sebum. For the same reason, you should not go to the solarium after using the scrub, bath and sauna - you risk drying out the skin and can get burned.

Stock up on sunscreen in the solarium. Please note: sunscreen is not very suitable here - it is designed specifically for natural sunlight. But you should not use perfume, toilet water and deodorant - the components of perfumes under the influence of ultraviolet rays can give the most unexpected reactions.

How long to sunbathe in the solarium?

The most correct answer to this question will be given to you by a specialist of a good center with solarium services. He will examine your skin and create a schedule and duration of visits tailored specifically to you. For reference, we offer the average values ​​of these indicators for each skin type.

1. Owners of blond or red hair and very fair skin with freckles (Celtic type) should be especially careful. Ideally, it would be better not to sunbathe at all. Slightly "tint" the skin in a tanned color will help self-tanning cream. But if you really want to lie in the solarium, start with 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the procedures up to 10 minutes no more than 1-2 times a week.

2. Classical Europeans with fair skin, blond hair and a tendency to quickly burn in the sun can visit the solarium, while the first procedure should take no more than 3-5 minutes. In the future, they sunbathe for 10-15 minutes with a frequency of up to 3 times a week.

3. If light skin without freckles rarely burns, hair color ranges from dark blond to brown, and gray or brown eyes, then you are a type of dark-skinned Europeans and you can sunbathe for 15-20 minutes 3 times a week - naturally, provided gradual increase in the duration of the procedure.

4. The Mediterranean type is swarthy, dark-haired people who tolerate ultraviolet radiation best of all. But even in this case, you should not overdo it: for an even, safe tan, you will need 5-6 sessions of 20 minutes each.

Solarium: sunbathing safely

There are several rules, following which you can not be afraid for your health and calmly sunbathe in a solarium, getting a beautiful bronze skin tone.

1. Visit only beauty centers with a solid reputation. Do not be tempted by low prices in an unfamiliar establishment: most likely, here the specialists do not have the necessary qualifications, and the equipment has not been updated for a long time, and sanitary conditions may be unsatisfactory.

2. Choose the time of the procedure, focusing on the advice of a solarium specialist: in addition to the type of skin, the duration of each visit also depends on the type of equipment, as well as the power of the lamps.

3. On the day of visiting the solarium, do not sunbathe in the sun - it can be dangerous.

4. The first 2-3 procedures are carried out with an interval of 3 days. Further, if necessary, they switch to a more frequent visit to the solarium.

5. Before the procedure, do not use perfumes, remove decorative cosmetics from your face, refuse to use nourishing creams.

6. Protect your eyes with special glasses (they are usually offered in every modern cosmetology center). If you wear contact lenses, be sure to remove them.

7. Protect the hair on the head with a cotton cap.

8. The mammary glands are covered with special overlays or a cotton bra. This rule is especially important for women over 30.

9. Tattoos should be covered from ultraviolet radiation so as not to provoke an allergic reaction and not to spoil the tattoo itself.

10. Jewelry is removed - all rings, chains, bracelets, earrings are best left at home.

11. Be sure to use sunscreen in the solarium. Protect your lips with sunscreen.

12. Refrain from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays: dark chocolate tan dries out the skin and significantly increases the risk of malignant tumors.

After the tanning procedure in the solarium, try to relax - so you get the maximum benefit and pleasure. Apply moisturizing milk or cream according to your skin type to prevent dry skin after sun exposure.

Indications for visiting the solarium

In addition to getting beauty, tanning in a solarium can also have a therapeutic effect, but you should not improvise: the doctor will recommend you what dose of radiation and frequency of procedures is shown to you.

1. Juvenile acne.

3. Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

4. Chronic inflammatory diseases that are difficult to treat.

5. Exposure to acute respiratory diseases: used in combination with hardening.

6. Some skin diseases: oily seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis.

Solarium contraindications

All diseases and conditions in which exposure to sunlight is extremely undesirable are also contraindications for visiting a solarium.

1. Severe general condition (cardiac and respiratory failure, exhaustion, etc.).

3. Any increase in body temperature.

4. Tuberculosis in active form.

5. Diseases of the blood (with rare exceptions).

6. Burdened heredity for melanoma.

7. Any tumors - malignant and benign; cystic formations.

8. Severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including arterial hypertension of the 3rd degree and clinically significant atherosclerosis.

9. Severe hypotension (low blood pressure).

10. Spasmophilia.

11. Defeat of the central nervous system.

12. Violation of the functions of the kidneys or liver.

13. Systemic diseases (eg, systemic lupus erythematosus).

14. Hyperthyroidism.

15. Diabetes mellitus (severe).

16. Taking certain medications.

17. Individual features of the skin: increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, a large number of moles, birthmarks, large hemangiomas.

Solarium restrictions

In addition to contraindications, there are restrictions for tanning in a solarium. Below is a list of conditions that require a mandatory consultation with a doctor of the appropriate profile before visiting a solarium.

1. Pregnancy and lactation: consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist is necessary. In any case, remember that ultraviolet radiation not only increases the risk of mutations, but also increases the likelihood of age spots on the skin, which may be persistent and not disappear after the end of pregnancy.

2. Age up to 15 years: consultation of a pediatrician is required. Permission to visit the solarium is usually given only for medical reasons with a therapeutic and prophylactic purpose.

3. Severe sunburn in the past.

Missing the warm summer sun? Then run to the solarium! Just remember to take precautions and consult a specialist!

The article was prepared by doctor Kartashova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Tanned skin favorably emphasizes the beauty of a healthy person. And in the 21st century, a beautiful tan can be purchased regardless of the time of year and weather - if the sun does not indulge in attention, it will be replaced by a solarium. But you should visit it with an understanding of how to sunbathe properly so that the desired skin color does not turn into health troubles.

The benefits and harms of a solarium

It seemed that the effect of ultraviolet radiation (it is thanks to him that the solarium “paints” our skin) has been fully studied. But between experts, battles continue about whether the solarium is harmful. Some dermatologists uncompromisingly advise to run away from him, and cosmetologists argue that the effect of a solarium is no more harmful than the effect of a natural luminary. proposes to stick to the golden mean. And put forward arguments.

"Cons" of a solarium in comparison with a natural tan:

"Pros" of a solarium:

  • according to research, a visit to the solarium improves mood, which can be explained by the psychotherapeutic effect of the procedure;
  • to get a tan, we need to be under the lamps for much less time than under the sun - this reduces the time spent under ultraviolet rays and reduces health risks (not excluding skin cancer).

Who can use solarium services

There are two significant reasons when a visit to the solarium is not forbidden, but even advisable:

  • chronic lack of sunny days (when living in northern latitudes, in gloomy weather);
  • gradual preparation of the skin for a beach holiday (so that, being “pale-faced”, you don’t get burned in the abundance of the southern sun).

There are a number of clear criteria when it is not forbidden to visit a solarium:

  • there is no diagnosis of any skin diseases;
  • in the anamnesis (life history) there were no general severe diseases;
  • neoplasms were not diagnosed;
  • the acute disease that was observed is completely cured (, acute);
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease stopped (exacerbation of chronic, exacerbation of chronic).

If all the points apply to you, you can go to the solarium, while not forgetting to follow the rules for visiting it (more on them below).

In other cases, with a visit to the solarium, it is better to postpone or completely abandon it.

Solarium contraindications

They are divided into:

  • absolute- uncompromising, when it is forbidden to visit the solarium because of the threat to the work of strategically important organs and systems;
  • relative- if they are present, a visit to the solarium is not prohibited, but it is not recommended either, as it can cause a deterioration in well-being, or it requires special care and observation.

Absolute contraindications to visiting the solarium:

Relative contraindications:

A separate relative contraindication to visiting a solarium is increased pigmentation - more intense than normal, "painting over" certain areas of the skin with natural pigment. This is a borderline skin condition that is not considered a disease, but in which the skin is prone to cancer. Hyperpigmentation can appear as:

  • so-called (small pigment spots, having a clear rounded shape and not exceeding 0.5 cm in diameter);
  • extensive pigmentation of irregular shape and arbitrary size (more than 0.5 cm in diameter).

In the presence of such pigmentation, you can visit the solarium, if the risk area is sealed with special stickers. They are provided free of charge in beauty salons, where there is a solarium. Another thing is if such a zone is extensive, and the aesthetic effect of tanning remains doubtful, since the entire skin will not be “painted over” with ultraviolet radiation - the tan areas will alternate with white spots due to the fact that skin fragments are covered from the action of ultraviolet rays.

The exact percentage of clients who fall ill as a result of tanning bed abuse is unknown, as there is no established collaboration between beauty salons and clinics. But the risks of too much enthusiasm for the solarium are known:

  • provocation;
  • if, after a serious illness, a pause is not maintained, and the patient immediately goes to the solarium, the general condition may worsen and relapse (return) of some of the symptoms of past illnesses;
  • a visit to the solarium during an exacerbation of chronic diseases can provoke not only a deterioration in the general condition, but also the appearance of complications;
  • ultraviolet radiation can provoke pregnancy disorders and changes in the composition and amount of milk during breastfeeding;
  • even a 1-2-3-time visit to the solarium during menstruation can increase their duration, cause pain and affect the regularity in the future;
  • exposure to ultraviolet light during time can affect their pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics (respectively, the movement in the bloodstream and the effect on the body).

Rules for visiting the solarium

In order not to pay for a beautiful tan with ailments, you should follow the recommendations of cosmetologists about visiting solariums. In different beauty salons, artificial tanning equipment may differ in technical characteristics. But the rules for visiting them are the same:

The mode of going to the solarium, thanks to which a beautiful tan would appear, but which would not harm health, is individual. Therefore, very average recommendations for the duration of a visit to the solarium are 10 visits with the following regularity:

  • in the first half of the course - in a day or two (if the skin is swarthy - pauses of two days can be omitted, one day is enough as a break);
  • in the second - every day.

Maintenance sessions are carried out once every 10 days, in total no more than 6-8. With maintenance sessions, due to which the skin will “keep” the acquired tan for a long time, it is recommended to sunbathe in the solarium for a few minutes less compared to the session that was the last within the accepted course. For sensitive skin, maintenance sessions should last no more than 5-6 minutes. The next course is recommended no earlier than six months later.

The characteristic smell of the skin (like slightly burnt animal fur) after a sunbathing session in a solarium should not cause panic. In this case, you need:

  • reduce the duration of the session by 1-2 minutes;
  • do not increase the time for at least 2-3 subsequent sessions.

Age restrictions for visiting the solarium

In natural conditions, children take sunbaths and sunbathe almost from the age of one. But in the solarium (contrary to the reflections that, they say, the ultraviolet is the same here and in nature), they are allowed to sunbathe no earlier than from the age of 16. Courses are allowed in the amount of 6-7 sessions, starting from 1 minute and ending with a 4-5-minute stay in the "capsule" of the solarium for 1 session.

Some cosmetologists lower this bar to 12 years of age - but in the event that parents go to a hot country: a solarium will help the skin to tan slightly, the child will not burn out under the scorching tropical sun. The closer to the equator the country of family vacations, the more appropriate it is for a child to visit a solarium. It is allowed to take a tanning course in the amount of 5-6 sessions, starting from 1 minute and ending with a 3-4-minute stay in the solarium. But if there is a possibility of strict control over how the child will sunbathe in natural conditions, it is better to cancel the solarium. Also, you should not take a child who has reduced production to a solarium - there are more effective methods for this.

With age, the skin loses elasticity, its age self (water loss) is observed. Melanin (skin pigment) is produced in an increased amount, but the substances elastans and collagens, which ensure the stability of the skin matrix, begin to be produced in smaller quantities and break down more and more intensively.

Such changes begin to take effect after 40-45 years - at this age you need to sunbathe in a solarium carefully, because ultraviolet radiation can act mercilessly on poorly protected skin . At a minimum, it will accelerate its aging, as a maximum, it can provoke oncological processes. For 1 course it is recommended to go through 7-8 sunbathing sessions. The dosing rules for artificial ultraviolet are as follows:

  • start from 1 minute of sunbathing;
  • add 1 minute to the duration of stay not every next session, but after one session - that is, the maximum time spent in the solarium can be up to 5 minutes;
  • go to the solarium no more than every other day.
  • From the age of 50, solarium is best avoided.

Combination of natural tan and acquired under lamps

They also go to the solarium after returning from the sea - in order to even out the tan with bumps. Cosmetologists say that in this case, the time spent in the solarium should not exceed 10 minutes per session. Some experts also allow a 15-minute stay under the lamps, arguing that the skin has adapted to the effects of ultraviolet radiation and is already tanned.

Often, going to the procedure, we forget about the main reason for our act - healing and strengthening the immune system. We do not want to wait a long time for a beautiful skin color, we only think about it.

Is this possible, and how safe is it? First, let's look at the principle that underlies the solarium. Lamps in different types of solariums may vary in power, but when a specific modification of the device is approved, it is tested in order to determine how long an untanned person with normal skin can receive the optimal amount of ultraviolet radiation.

Conventionally, such a value is designated as 4MED, that is, 4 minimum erythemal doses. There is an opinion that in order to get a quick tan in the solarium, you need to either increase the tanning time, or choose a device with a higher lamp power. It's a delusion. These characteristics (time and power) cannot be interchanged.

However, the minimum erythema dose that is recommended for you depends on your skin type and color. Based on this, solarium specialists set the duration and frequency of sessions.

Also, many seek to reduce the gap between sessions, wanting get a tan in the solarium quickly. And here it is important to know 2 points.

1. After the tanning procedure, pigmentation appears within 1-8 hours and lasts from a day or more. With each new procedure, the “developing” time is reduced, and the stability of the tan is increased. And for this it is not at all necessary to run to the solarium every day. In addition, frequent stimulation of the processes occurring in the body causes fatigue and similar unpleasant phenomena.

2. In the process of tanning, the rate of protein production is disrupted. When you give him time to recover, the tanning procedure only benefits. Moreover, the protective functions of the skin increase, it becomes more resistant to sunburn (up to 40%). If you are sunbathing too often, trying to get a quick tan in the solarium, there is no time to restore protein synthesis. As a result, it mattes, mutations accumulate and lead to diseases of the skin and the whole organism.

After the procedure, after a few hours, you will feel skin tension and notice a slight redness. This is normal and tells you that you have received the maximum allowable dose of ultraviolet radiation. striving get a quick tan in the solarium, you can ignore this fact and set the duration of the next procedure the same. This is not recommended; moreover, it is better to shorten the next session a little.

From what has been said, it is clear that the desire get a quick tan in the solarium unreasonable and even downright dangerous.

How to sunbathe in a solarium

First of all, you need to consult your doctor if you can sunbathe. If you are taking certain types of medications, this may contraindicate the procedure or you may be advised to wait until the end of the course.

When you come to the solarium, ask to see the certificates and characteristics of the lamps used. In order to sunbathing properly in the solarium, you need to know 2 things: the life of the lamps and the amount of UV radiation.

If the lamp life is less than 20 hours, it is better to reduce the session time. You are interested in UV radiation in terms of the percentage of UV-B. If you have dark skin, you need an indicator of up to 2.4%, and with light thin skin, it should not exceed 0.7%.

Sunbathing properly in the solarium means to use protective equipment. Do not neglect the special cosmetics for tanning in the solarium (leave the sunscreen at home). Cover your lips with lipstick with sunscreen. Be sure to cover your head - under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the hair becomes dry and brittle.

Close intimate places and be sure to cover your chest! The eyes also need to be protected. The fact that you have closed them does not at all guarantee protection against retinal burn. Put on normal sunglasses, but it is better to remove the lenses.

If you came to sunbathe for the first time, be sure to consult a specialist about the control panel of the device, so that if the need arises, you can quickly call for help.

In order to sunbathing properly in the solarium, you need to prepare the skin for this. In addition to using special tanning products, refuse to wash with soap before the procedure - overdried skin loses its protective properties and can burn.

Also, you definitely need to rest for some time - your body, having been saturated with ultraviolet radiation, works too actively and it needs time to switch to normal mode.

How long to sunbathe in the solarium

Usually decide how long to sunbathe in the solarium, the specialist who serves the procedure helps. It all depends, as already mentioned, on the type of skin. Do not try to spend as much time in the solarium as your dark-skinned girlfriend spends. If you have very light skin, you can get burned.

You have the right, of course, to decide for yourself, how long to sunbathe in the solarium, but the usual advice is:
- course - 10 sessions
- duration of the course - 2-3 weeks
- supporting procedures (after reaching the desired shade) - 1-2 sessions per week

Remember that the skin must rest and do not spend the whole year in the solarium. The optimal amount is twice a year in courses of 15-20 sessions.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady