What to do to run out of milk. Missing milk, what to do

Some mothers notice that the baby is naughty while sucking the breast, persistently continuing to suck. The baby remains hungry even after eating, demanding mother's breast more and more often.

Obviously, there is less milk, and young mothers are worried about this. There is no need to be scared or worried. There are periods when a woman's body produces less milk than usual.

Since this problem worries many nursing mothers, we will dwell on it in more detail and tell you if breast milk disappears - what to do.

Why is breast milk disappearing?

Usually such a problem occurs at 3, 7, 12 weeks of a baby's life. One of the reasons for the decrease in lactation is the rapid growth and development of the child. The mother's body simply does not have time to adapt to this and the baby does not have enough milk.

The main thing is not to worry about this. Usually such periods last no more than 3-4 days, then the production of breast milk is restored in the required volumes. Attach the baby to the chest when he wants.

The problem of reduced lactation can also arise due to the emotional background, the psychological situation at home, the mood of the mother, fatigue, overwork, and eating disorders.

In this case, with the elimination of all negative factors, lactation will be restored. All members of her family should help in this young mother.

How to stimulate the production of breast milk?

During the period of reduced milk production, be sure to monitor your diet, daily routine. Get plenty of rest, try not to be nervous and get enough sleep.

As a responsible mom, eat at least 5 times a day, drink plenty of fluids. It is good to drink at this time warm weak tea with milk, herbal tea to increase lactation, compotes from fresh apples or dried fruits.

At this time, communicate more with the baby, take him in your arms more often, press him to your chest, talk to him, sing lullabies to him.

Walk with the child in the fresh air, it is useful for both of you. Try to feed him at night as well, until he is full.

Be sure that close communication with the baby, your love, will launch secret mechanisms in the mother's body, the amount of breast milk will increase. It is your beloved baby that will help restore lactation.

Therefore, during periods of reduced milk, give him breasts as often as possible, because lactation works according to the principle: what is the demand - such is the supply, the more the child suckles, the more milk the mother's body will produce in the coming days.

Usually, such measures are enough for the mother's body to figure out how much the baby needs and the norm of milk for the baby has been developed.

In extreme cases, additional measures can be tried to bring milk to the breast.

Folk remedies to increase breast milk

* To get more milk in your breasts, try making a cumin remedy. To do this, mash 5-6 g of cumin seeds in a mortar, transfer to a saucepan, pour a glass of sour cream. Bring to a boil, cool, eat 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

* 1 tbsp. dry nettle pour 200 ml. boiling water, cover with a lid. After 15 min. strain, drink 1 tbsp. infusion after each meal.

* Grind, mix together in equal parts dill, oregano, anise fruits. 1 tsp Pour the mixture with boiling water (200 ml.). Wrap, leave for 20 minutes. Strain, drink 1 tbsp. infusion before eating.

* Grate fresh carrots on a fine grater, pour fat fresh milk. Drink this infusion in a glass half an hour before feeding, no more than 3 times a day.

* To increase the amount of milk in the breast, pour 1 tbsp. cumin seeds 1 liter boiled water. Peel, finely chop a fresh lemon, put it in water with cumin. Add half a glass of sugar, cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes, cool, take 0.5 tbsp. 3 times in between feedings.

During the period of reduced lactation, do not supplement the baby, do not give him a pacifier. Supplementary feeding of a child with mixtures is permissible only after a week after a decrease in the production of one's milk.

Pay attention to whether the baby grasps the nipple correctly, whether it is comfortable in the mother's arms during feeding. Is he sick, is the child's nose blocked?

Be firmly convinced that you yourself can feed your crumbs without resorting to milk mixtures. The production of milk very much depends on the psychological mood of the mother.

Now you know what to do if breast milk disappears. Good luck and may your baby grow up healthy and happy!

Any new mother experiences true happiness when she breastfeeds her child. She understands that the baby does not just eat, but receives valuable substances and nutritious vitamins with milk, which have a beneficial effect on his body, strengthening internal organs and systems. Thanks to natural feeding, the immunity of the crumbs increases, the bones become stronger, hair grows better, the baby sleeps calmly and develops actively.

If milk is available in sufficient quantities, and the mother is healthy, she will feed the baby for a long time. However, this process cannot last indefinitely - milk disappears sooner or later, and for a baby, excessive natural feeding can be fraught with consequences. And sometimes the baby just has to be separated from the breast due to certain circumstances. There are several ways to stop feeding, which we will discuss in more detail.

Milk disappears by itself: how to wean a child from the breast without resorting to medication?

The best option would be when the milk will gradually decrease in volume by itself. This method has several advantages:

  1. It does not harm the health of the mother and the body of the child, as it does not involve the use of medicines.
  2. The child weans gradually, so weaning from the breast does not negatively affect his psyche, does not make him worry and get nervous.

The essence of the method is that the mother each time reduces the number of breastfeeds. That is, their total number is decreasing - today it was 10, a little later - 9, then 8, and so on. At the very end, the baby is no longer breastfed, but a mixture from a bottle.

Such an unsharp separation from the breast allows the milk to disappear gradually: the glands give it less and less. And the baby, meanwhile, is learning to eat other milk formulas and even some other food. The main thing is not to be impatient, and then the weaning procedure will go almost unnoticed by the mother and the little one.

On a note! Sudden interruption is wrong and can cause such a disease of the mammary glands as mastitis. Before you start weaning, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

What if the mother is ill or leaves?

Sometimes, even with a large amount of milk, the mother is forced to tear the baby off the breast and transfer it to artificial feeding. This happens if:

  • the mother was diagnosed with a disease, and she has to take medications that are contraindicated during lactation;
  • Mom is leaving and will not be back soon.

In these situations, it is necessary to stop the flow of milk. This can be done with medication. A gynecologist prescribes a complex of hormonal drugs to the mother, taking which, the woman will soon get rid of milk. Usually, hormones are drunk from two days to two weeks, only an experienced doctor prescribes an individual course.

Medicines can be in tablet form, while some are enclosed in ampoules. Each dose has its own volumes of hormones, so in no case should the mother self-medicate, but you should contact a medical institution. Otherwise, you can provoke various diseases or give a new course to existing ones: develop diabetes, aggravate kidney disease, harm the liver.

Is it possible to end breastfeeding with herbal decoctions?

Yes, you can. And many nursing mothers resort to this method. Preference is given to folk recipes because taking medications, and even more so hormones, is not always safe and can lead to sad consequences. No woman wants to put her health at risk.

Two recipes are especially popular, which, according to moms, do not carry any danger:

  1. Taking decoctions of herbs that have a diuretic effect.

In the first case, you should purchase a whole complex of herbs at the pharmacy. The most suitable would be:

  • elecampane;
  • madder;
  • bearberry.

The mixture also needs to include finely chopped and dried parsley, which can be found in the dacha of every housewife.

Taking decoctions, you need to give up tea. That is, each habitual intake of a strong black drink should be replaced with a useful decoction of diuretic herbs. You should drink it all day long. And so for 5-6 days.

If the method of getting rid of breast milk is chosen by taking a decoction of sage, it is important to properly prepare it.

Herb called sage officinalis is sold in dry form in any pharmacy. You only need 1 large spoon.

Cooking technology:

  1. Pour sage into a bowl.
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Close the container with a plate and let stand for 30 minutes.

When the broth is cooked and cooled, you can start taking it - a whole day for a couple of sips every hour or 1.5 hours. After 3-4 days, the milk should disappear.

Breast constriction to stop the flow of milk: what is the danger?

According to the grandparents of modern mothers, you can get rid of breast milk by constricting the breast. This is done with the help of a tight tissue, which strongly tightens the chest. First you need to remove all the collected milk. In the future, when the milk will flow, you need to express it.

On a note! This method is extremely dangerous for mothers. It can provoke mastitis, lead to breast injury and infection. The onset of inflammation can cause serious illness and even death. It is not advisable to get rid of breast milk in this way.

Video - O ending breastfeeding

Can changes in the daily menu affect the reduction of milk?

To artificially interrupt the lactation period, you should reconsider your usual diet. First of all, it is necessary to exclude boiling tea, all kinds of soups. In general, you should eat and drink in smaller quantities. Forbid yourself all fatty, foods with a large amount of calories in the composition. After the complete disappearance of milk, you should eat like this for about a month.

This approach, according to experts, is also fraught with consequences. After all, short snacks instead of a full meal can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cause pain and discomfort. The body will weaken without enough vitamins.

When choosing a method for stopping breastfeeding, it is strongly recommended to visit a specialist.

There is nothing better for a baby than breast milk. Breastfeeding not only strengthens the immunity of the crumbs, but also affects the mental connection between mother and baby. Almost every nursing mother has experienced periods when there is not enough milk.

So that the baby does not suffer from hunger and does not waste energy on sucking an empty breast, women are forced to start feeding the child with a mixture. However, do not rush to switch from natural feeding to artificial.

What to do if breast milk disappears? There are safe and effective methods that help increase breast milk production and preserve natural nutrition for the baby.

How to tell if your baby is getting enough milk

Many young mothers ask themselves: “How to understand that breast milk is disappearing”? Usually, already in the first month of a baby's life, it becomes clear to the mother whether the baby will suckle at the breast and whether he has enough milk.

But what to do if the baby is already 3-6 months old and more, and there is a feeling that the child is not full. You can determine that the child does not have enough milk by the following signs:

  • The child is naughty during and after feeding, sucks the breast for a long time and with effort. Such behavior cannot be considered as the only and reliable sign of a lack of milk, but as an “alarming” bell it is worth taking note. All signs should be evaluated together. This will allow you to get a real picture of what is happening.
  • The baby began to urinate less often, the diaper remains dry for a long time. This sign is especially relevant for children under 6 months of age who are exclusively breastfed. If you count all urination in 24 hours, then the child pees less than 12 times a day.
  • The baby is not gaining weight well. Although weighing before and after feeding is not objective, weighing your baby once a week is quite normal. the increase should be at least 125 grams.
  • Rare, thick stools or no stools can be an indirect sign of a lack of milk.

If the baby does not take any other food besides the breast, the volume of urination can be measured:

  1. Wet panties or diapers should be counted
  2. We count exactly 24 hours
  3. We draw conclusions: if you have accumulated 12 or more - there is enough milk, from 9 to 12 - it is worth feeding the baby more often and controlling attachment to the breast, less than 8 - you need to seek internal help from a breastfeeding consultant or a local pediatrician.

It is important to know: if the child is older than 6 months, and he is already receiving complementary foods / supplementary foods, then there is no need to worry that the baby will remain hungry.

In this case, you should calmly find out the reason for the decrease in milk and try to restore lactation. The rate of weight gain according to WHO: after 7 months 350g, after 10 months 250g. per month.

After six months, the baby becomes more active, moves more, and therefore gains less weight. Do not worry ahead of time. But if lactation nevertheless decreased, you need to understand why breast milk disappears.

After finding out the cause, you can help to return to breastfeeding. The main thing is not to be nervous, the child feels the mother's feelings.

The main reasons for the decrease in milk

True and primary lack of lactation occurs only in 5% of young mothers. The most common cause is hormonal imbalance. The remaining 95% of women who have given birth have milk, and they can allow their baby to eat naturally through the mother's breast. The main reasons why milk is wasted are:

  • Reluctance to breastfeed. The body of a woman who has given birth is “programmed” to produce milk. If a woman does not want to feed for some reason, then there are frequent cases when lactation stops;
  • Infrequent attachment of the baby to the breast. At the very beginning of the breastfeeding journey, many mothers are ready to give up just because the baby cannot suckle. But you should be patient with the crumbs and help him in this hard work;
  • Rapid growth and development of the child. The mother's body does not have time to rebuild due to the rapid growth of the baby, so milk may not be enough;
  • Stress, nervous exhaustion. On an emotional background, due to fatigue, overwork, lack of sleep, a woman may experience depressive states. Due to such conditions, milk may disappear or lactation may decrease;
  • Unbalanced nutrition during and after pregnancy. Often the cause of a decrease in lactation can be malnutrition and lack of drinking;
  • Feeding the crumbs is not on demand, but according to the regimen;
  • Use of pacifiers, breast milk bottles. Often the reason is the separation of the mother from the child during the day. You have to pump into a bottle;
  • The introduction of complementary foods and supplementary feeding ahead of time.
  • After a caesarean section, there are often problems with breastfeeding in the first week.

Lactation crises: myth or reality?

A lactation crisis is a very real period when a lactating woman experiences a temporary decrease in milk production. Often the cause of the crisis is malnutrition, sudden physical exertion and stress. >>>

According to statistics, a lactation crisis is observed at 3 weeks of a child's life, and later at 3, 6-7, 9-10 months of life. When the baby is actively growing and developing, requiring more and more nutrition.

The crisis is the so-called restructuring of lactation to the needs of the child. Often during these periods, mothers notice that:

  • The chest becomes soft, the tides are not felt;
  • After the introduction of complementary foods, lactation decreases, as the child eats up new food;
  • The child begins to move actively and asks for breasts less.

The crisis has a certain periodicity of 1.5 months and lasts for 3-7 days. During these periods, you should put the baby to the breast as often as possible, even when it seems that there is no milk at all. Perhaps the baby is naughty not because of hunger, but, for example, because of teeth at 6 months, colic at 3 months. >>>
See also my video tutorial on the topic:

Milk starts to disappear, what to do?

The most important thing is not to despair and to put the baby to the breast as often as possible. It is important not to set limits and not to come up with feeding schedules. The baby cannot eat according to the schedule. He should eat when he feels hungry. >>>

Due to frequent application, more milk is produced. Often, many mothers mistakenly believe that if they do not feed during the day, then there will be more milk in the evening. But, unfortunately, this is a huge misconception. Milk is produced when the baby suckles intensively at the breast.

Interesting to know: milk production is influenced by the mother's love for the child.

Many women shared stories that when they took their beloved baby in their arms, their breasts began to tingle and milk splashed out of their breasts.

To increase lactation, you should take the baby in your arms more, press it to your chest, sing songs to him and talk with the baby. Communication and love will launch secret mechanisms in the mother's body.

To stimulate milk production, you should:

  • Drink as much liquid as possible (2 liters minimum). Drinking liquid affects lactation, especially water, compotes, warm tea with milk.
  • It is very important to watch your diet. The menu should be balanced so that vitamins are enough for both the child and the mother. >>>
  • Follow the daily routine, avoid stress. Try to get enough sleep and give yourself time to rest. If you feel overtired, it is better to ask loved ones for help and get a little distracted from caring for the child. A woman definitely needs a rest from everyday worries. You should take a bath, listen to music and do breathing exercises, or you can meet a friend and go shopping;
  • Outdoor walks are useful both for lactation and for the psychological and physical health of mother and baby;
  • After reducing lactation, it is not necessary to supplement the child with mixtures for a week;
  • It should be checked whether the baby's nose breathes well, whether he is sick. It is important that the baby lies correctly in his arms and holds the nipple correctly.

Folk remedies to increase milk production:

  • Cumin syrup. 5 grams of seeds should be crushed, pour 100 grams of sour cream and boil. You can pour cumin with boiled milk. Cool the syrup and drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals;
  • Nettle decoction. In the pharmacy you can buy nettle herb. Brew 1 tablespoon of dry herb in 200 ml. boiling water. Let the decoction infuse for an hour. Drink three times a day after meals;
  • Tincture on carrots and milk. Grate carrots on a fine grater and pour 200 ml of milk. Let it insist. Drink 30 minutes before feeding a glass of tincture.

Remedies to restore milk production:

  • Herbal teas "Hippie", "Laktavit" based on herbs. Similar teas are sold in any pharmacy. They are designed for nursing mothers, and the composition of the tea includes: fennel, lemon balm, rosehip, anise, nettle and cumin. The drugs have no side effects, except for individual intolerance to herbs. Drink tea should be warm in the morning and evening;
  • Dietary supplements "Laktogon", "Apilak". Preparations are produced in tablets, the composition includes royal jelly, which remarkably stimulates lactation. The composition of the preparations also includes amino acids, folic acid and vitamin B. You need to take tablets 3-4 times a day.

It is important to know: If the child has already been introduced complementary foods, then you should first give the breast, and only then supplement with food.

8 facts about the benefits of breastfeeding

  1. Strengthens the child's immunity.
  2. Increases the intellectual abilities of the child in the future.
  3. It binds mother and baby with the strongest bonds.
  4. Reduces the risk of diabetes in the mother.
  5. Lowers blood pressure.
  6. Helps to get rid of depression and stress.
  7. Feeding is a means of preventing mastopathy and breast cancer.
  8. Helps reduce weight.

Of course, breastfeeding is a great gift that only a woman has. Children develop better, grow up healthy, happy and intellectually developed. Successful lactation is important and must be fought for.

Health to you and your children!

Today, the site for moms, the site will touch on a topic about which quite a lot has been said and written - breastfeeding. Pediatricians highly recommend breastfeed the newborn for at least six months. For a baby during this period of his life, the most valuable thing is mother's milk.

Most nursing mothers try to prolong the lactation period. Unfortunately, there are situations when the secretion of mother's milk decreases or completely stops. There can be many reasons: and stress, and fatigue, and just the physiological characteristics of a woman.

What to do if breast milk is gone? Is it possible to restore lactation?

What to do if breast milk is gone

The very first thing is that you need to calm down, if you are nervous, this will only aggravate the situation. Please do your best to fix this issue.

It is not uncommon for moms to put all the household chores on their shoulders. This will inevitably lead to great fatigue, resulting in a decrease or complete loss of lactation.

Any pediatrician will tell you that in order for the lactation of a nursing woman to return to normal, household chores should be done as much as possible, as well as psychological stress and stress should be minimized. All family members must come to a compromise: the family should live in an atmosphere of calm and understanding. This is the only way to deal with this problem.

A breastfeeding woman should feel the care, support and love of people close to her.

If you have lost breast milk, review your diet. You need to try before each feeding of the baby, and also after it, drink a glass of warm, weak and preferably green tea (possible with milk), rosehip infusion or any fermented milk product.

Apply a warm towel to your breast before feeding.

If breast milk is gone traditional medicine will not be superfluous - you can use decoctions and infusions of herbs and plants that improve lactation.

Here the choice is great and you can choose to your taste:

  • Melissa;
  • caraway;
  • anise;
  • fennel;
  • dill;
  • nettle;
  • hawthorn extract;
  • young parsley.

Such herbal teas can be combined, for example: 1 teaspoon of lemon balm, fennel and cumin. It is drunk 3-4 times a day.

Helps a lot juice of blackcurrant. Add 1 tablespoon of currant to a glass of boiled warm water. Such fruit drink should be drunk 3-5 times a day, milk should appear on the 4th day.

Good help in this situation. walnut tincture with milk. Take 100g of walnuts and pour 1 liter of boiled milk. You need to insist 12 hours. Drink 3 - 4 times a day for half a cup.

Please note that walnuts are an allergen.

If you try this method, you need to drink one serving and watch the baby during the day. If the child does not show any reactions, then you can continue.

What to do if breast milk is gone, and teas do not help - try sour cream with dill. Take 0.5 liters of sour cream and mix with 2 tablespoons of dill seeds (no dill - try cumin). Boil this mixture for a couple of minutes over low heat. The mixture itself should be eaten warm with bread.

There are situations when, on the contrary, lactation is very intense. .

If these tips did not help, pediatricians prescribe ultrasound therapy, ultraviolet radiation, compresses on the mammary glands. Pharmacies now have a lot of different medications to restore lactation, but many women do not resort to medications, but use milder folk methods.

If breast milk is gone, try give your baby both breasts when breastfeeding. Baby sucking is the best stimulator of the lactogonal process.

Avoid night feedings. Night feeding is the most nutritious. Do not replace the breast with a bottle, even if you think that the baby is hungry.

What mistakes do parents make when there are signs of hypogalactia (reduced lactation)

A very common mistake is when parents, noticing that the baby is not eating enough, immediately panic. All children develop differently, and there are times when a child does not immediately gain weight, refuses to breastfeed, and is naughty. This is not a reason to run to the store for a mixture and a bottle.

You need to understand the reason and not panic.

Any, even minor experiences of a nursing woman can lead to disruption of oxytocin production- a hormone that is responsible for the outflow of milk from the breast. In such a situation, the very process of sucking by the baby is difficult, and the child begins to act up and refuse the breast.

To calm the baby, they use pacifiers and dopasing from a bottle, as a result, the mammary gland is not stimulated, and the secretory function gradually stops.

If your breast milk is gone, try do not apply supplementary feeding until the sixth day from the onset of the crisis.

The baby will understand that getting food through the nipple is much easier than sucking on his mother's breast on his own, and will begin to be lazy. Very often, parents immediately switch to artificial feeding.

Pediatricians say that slight malnutrition of the baby for 3 days does not harm him, with the condition that the number of urination of the baby is temporarily reduced to 6-8 per day. If urination does not increase after 6 days, complementary foods should be introduced.

Every woman after the birth of a child should make every effort to maintain lactation and breast milk. However, there are situations when milk is lost from a nursing mother and this leads to certain difficulties with breastfeeding.

It is very important for a child to receive mother's breast milk as a food product, as it provides the body with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. A young mother can ask all her questions about breastfeeding to a pediatrician, who is obliged to tell in detail about the benefits of breastfeeding a baby, the peculiarities of a woman's nutrition during lactation. If the milk began to disappear, then you should find the cause of this condition and do everything possible to continue breastfeeding.

Why do women have lactation problems?

The secretion of breast milk is regulated by the nervous and humoral system of a woman, and the nutritional characteristics of a nursing mother also play a certain role in this process. In the presence of hormonal imbalance or concomitant diseases in a woman, a decrease or complete cessation of the secretion of breast milk is possible.

Most often, breast milk is lost due to the following factors:

  • a woman is not in the mood for breastfeeding, this process is accompanied by the appearance of negative emotions in her;
  • chronic psycho-emotional stress against the background of stress, postpartum depression;
  • insufficient intake of fluid and nutrients into the mother's body;
  • a woman rarely puts a baby to her breast, feeds him not on demand, but on schedule;
  • the use of bottles with a pacifier, pacifiers (because of them, the baby may refuse to attach to the breast, will eat sluggishly);
  • the introduction of complementary foods in the early stages;
  • inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands (lactational mastitis).

The above reasons for the deterioration of lactation can be eliminated by changing lifestyle or undergoing a course of appropriate treatment. However, in some cases, milk disappears or is not secreted at all due to a serious violation of hormone production. In such cases, the baby is most often fed with adapted milk mixtures. Many women also experience periods of decreased lactation at a certain age of the child.

Lactation crises usually occur at the end of the first month of a baby's life, at 3, 6 and 8 months. This condition is explained by the fact that it is at this time that the child's needs for nutrients increase, and the mother's body cannot immediately adapt to this. If you have noticed a deterioration in lactation precisely at such times, then you should not panic. It is enough to eat a balanced diet and apply the baby to the breast more often. In cases where this does not help, you should contact a specialist and find out why milk is disappearing.

How to Know if You're Not Enough Milk

For a nursing mother, it is very important to know that the baby receives the amount of food he needs through milk. There are a number of signs that should alert a woman and make her think about insufficient lactation. These signs include:

  • the weight of the baby does not correspond to the age norm;
  • the child behaves uneasily, often cries, psychomotor agitation is noted after breastfeeding;
  • the number of urination in a child is less than 8 times a day;
  • decrease in the amount of breast milk during pumping.

If you notice the presence of at least one of the above signs, then you should use safe and proven methods to improve lactation.

A nursing mother is primarily interested in what to do if breast milk disappears.

To return normal lactation, it is necessary to exclude the influence of negative factors on the woman's condition.

If you are not in the mood for breastfeeding, then you should study the special literature that details the health benefits of breastfeeding for your baby. You can also ask any questions you have to a lactation specialist or pediatrician. Often, milk becomes less due to stress and fatigue, so you need to relax more, set aside some time for a relaxing hobby, ask relatives for help in caring for a child.

You can also stimulate the production of breast milk with the help of special preparations or nutritional supplements. For nursing mothers, special teas have been developed that improve lactation. Most often, they include medicinal herbs (melissa, nettle, anise and others). The intake of dietary supplements should be discussed with the doctor beforehand. You do not need to start taking nutritional supplements or lactation-stimulating teas if you or your baby has a pronounced tendency to allergic reactions. It is also very important for a woman to establish a drinking regimen when milk disappears. You should drink as much as you want, as both large and small amounts of liquid can lead to a decrease in lactation.

Nutrition should be complete and high-calorie, a large amount of fiber, vitamins and trace elements must be present in the diet. Black tea with milk is considered an excellent stimulant for the production of breast milk, nuts also increase lactation (you need to use them in small quantities). Remember that breast milk is the best nutritional option for babies in their first year of life, so it is very important to maintain lactation during this period.

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