How to draw a big cat. What you need to work. Drawing a beautiful, thoroughbred cat

In this lesson I will tell you how to draw a cat in stages for a child. Quite often, children are faced with a problem when they are just starting to develop their Creative skills, and the drawing object is very complex. In our lesson we will easily draw a simple but beautiful cat step by step.

We get this drawing:

And at the very end of the lesson we will draw such a cutie:

Let's start drawing the cat. If you are drawing with a child, explain to him what parts the cat consists of. In our case, we start drawing from the head - it has a round shape, slightly elongated to the sides.

After the circle is drawn, start drawing the body of the cat. We draw two curved lines from the head, and on the side - two semicircular lines denoting the cat's hind legs.

What cat is without ears? So tell your child that ears are a must. We draw a pair of ears on top of the head in the form of triangles.

In the lower part of the cat's muzzle, draw a nose in the form of a triangle, and from it - two curls denoting the cat's mouth.

From above, draw cat eyes with the child - they are not round, but pointed to the corners and slightly slanted. The pupil has an elongated shape.

Now draw the paws of the cat as shown in the picture below. On each paw we will draw three fingers, and if your cat is angry, advise your child to draw claws.

And of course, any cat simply needs a tail - draw it on the side.

We add fluffiness to the kitty by drawing fur on the chest and on the paws.

Our cat is almost ready, it remains to add a few details - fur on the ears, mustache and bow. Your child can add some of his own details at his own discretion - for example, draw a bowl of milk next to it or a mouse.

I hope you liked the lesson and you learned how to draw a cat with a child in stages. If you like to draw with children, I advise you to visit my website.

Let's try to draw some more cute and cute kitties with step-by-step schemes. First, let's draw a realistic cat in full height by using walkthrough with pictures.

In the first step, I mark up the sheet to indicate the proportions of the cat. Our base will consist of several figures - I draw the shape of the head, body, the triangles of the ears are located on top. Look, it's already starting to resemble a painted cat! Try to keep the base lines barely visible, this will allow us not to be distracted by them in the future. Next, I begin to draw the face of the cat. It is somewhat pointed, in the lower part of the muzzle there is a nose and a mouth. Just above the nose, draw the shape of the cat's eyes.

Now we start drawing the ears of the cat. I add vertical pupils as well as whiskers. The next step is drawing the paws. Pay attention to how they are located in the figure below.

Now we need to draw the back, hind legs and tail of the cat. I also add touches that will make the kitty more detailed. We remove unnecessary lines, outline the contours and, if desired, color our beauty. Here we managed to draw such a cat!

Now let's try to draw a cute cartoon kitten. The drawing is very simple, even a kid can handle it!

Let's draw a big oval. Kittens always have a fairly large head in cartoon drawings, we will also use this technique. Then I draw lines - they will mean the body and tail.

Next, I will draw the ears of our kitten, give shape to the tail. It turns out pretty cute! Now our cat needs to draw a muzzle - I draw two big eyes, and between them I add a nose and a mouth. A couple of lines on top and on the ears.

Let's draw the pupils of the cat shifted to the right, add the antennae and take on the paws. First the front and then the back. Now I want to add stripes to the cat's head and tail.

On final stages you can circle the sketch and get rid of extra lines. I decided to draw a cat in purple and pink tones, and made the eyes green. The cat looks a bit unusual, but that doesn't make it any less wonderful. And what happened to you?

The next cat will be a little more difficult to draw, but believe me - it's worth it. First, mark the sheet with such figures. Practice on a draft, after a few attempts you will definitely get it nice and neat. Also actively use the eraser, removing unnecessary uncertain lines.

Let's draw a figure located under two triangles. In the very center where our lines intersected, draw a nose and a mouth. The cat's eyes are closed - it seems that she has warmed her sides in the sun and just glows with pleasure!

Ears need to be detailed. Shade the side parts with parallel strokes.

We begin to shape the muzzle. We draw over the sketch, but now the lines are smoother. I also drew a mustache.

Now we begin to draw the body of the cat. She lies with her back to us, so there is no need to draw paws. I add some strokes to the place where the spine will be located, this will allow you to immediately understand in what position the drawn cat lies.

Everyone loves cats! At least if you are on our site, then this is so. Sometimes you want to draw a funny cat, and sometimes like a real one. But not everyone has the talent of an artist. However, just as children are taught at school to draw in stages, so we simple example we can have a cat. Just look how cute he is. And he wants you to draw him

First, draw a circle - this will be the head. It is from the very simple forms and start drawing step by step.

You can immediately draw the ears. Now it is already possible to draw the body. It expands from top to bottom, because the cat's legs are there. Let's not forget the tail. What will your cat be like? Well, now the most important and difficult thing is the eyes and muzzle ... It depends on the expression of the eyes whether your cat will be cheerful .. or sad ... Now it remains only to color it.

If everything worked out wonderfully for you, then you can move on to other options for drawing a cat in stages.

We often ask ourselves the question from the title when we really want to embody a cat in some product, but do not take finished picture and draw it yourself. How to do this, there is no clear algorithm for anyone, we all have a different mindset, but still there are some relatively standard recommendations.

If your goal is to draw on a children's t-shirt or draw a stencil to create an original animal print t-shirt later, then limit yourself to the simplest, most concise option. For example, something like this, simple; drawing clearer forms, perhaps cartoon characters.

When creating such drawings, natural proportions can not be observed, the main thing for you is the character of the character, a couple of forms and features inherent only to him.

You can start drawing such a plan both from the main forms - the body, the head, and from the secondary ones, let's say, these are the eyes, ears, nose, etc.

To draw a cat with high quality, and not only a cat, you must already take into account the proportions of the body, muzzles. For example, how many times the width of the eye fits in the width of the entire muzzle - similarly think over, measure the rest of the picture.

And remember to give the animal a more natural appearance, you do not need to make it symmetrical. Even with apparent ideality, animals, like people, have character traits: for example, one eyelid is slightly lower than the other, the mustache is unequal - for granted, some strip on the skin is slightly longer or shorter.

The article contains instructions and diagrams that will help you draw a kitten, a Siamese cat and a lop-eared cat, sleeping, in anime style.

A cat is an amazing animal: elegant, graceful, smart and cunning. Sometimes she is tenderness itself, sometimes she is a formidable predator with the habits of a born killer.

The habits of a cat, its postures in a dream can be observed for hours. And the breeds of this animal are so different! That is why it is quite difficult to draw a cat, to display it realistically without missing details. But why not try?

How to draw a kitten with cute eyes in stages with a pencil for children and beginners?

Drawing a kitten is very pleasant and not very difficult. What should be done first?

IMPORTANT: It is best to start by marking up the drawing. It is necessary to decide where the kitten’s head will be, in what position the little body, how to add paws and a tail to it, whether the kitten will walk or lie down.

Markup can be done using simple forms:

  • head - like a ball flattened from above and below
  • the body is like a big bean
  • paws - like sausages
  • tail - curved and tapering towards the end
  • ears are triangles

  1. The next stage is the connection of forms, so that the paws are not drawn separately from the body, but so that they are one with it.
  2. Next, you need to draw the natural curves of the body and head of the kitten, draw the paws.
  3. The next step: drawing a muzzle, again, with the help of preliminary markup. The eyes of the kitten and his nose will be located approximately at the same level in the picture. If you look at pictures with cats, they get like a triangle between inner corners eye and bottom corner spout. In order for the kitten to have cute eyes, you can make them a little larger than usual, draw and darken the pupils, leaving glare at the bottom.

VIDEO: Learning to draw a kitten's face

How easy and simple to draw a kitten in the cells in a notebook?

Drawing by cells is easy and convenient both for children, who have more than enough such notebooks, and for adults. The advantages are that you do not need to make preliminary contour sketches of the future drawing, it is easier to calculate the symmetry, etc.

  1. Depict the head of a kitten - this will be the widest place on the paper.
    For example, they draw a straight line of 3 cells in place of the head - the forehead, which goes to the top of the head. Next, and 3 cells each, where the “cheeks” of the kitten will be.
  2. Make stepped transitions in the head pattern, they will add volume and a sense of wool.
  3. Allocate cells for large and voluminous eyes and a small nose 1 cell lower than the lower part of the eyes.
  4. Attached to the head necessary part the essence of a cat is its whiskers.
  5. Ears are drawn using stepped transitions.
  6. They move on to the image of the neck, and with the help of the cells they try to make it not straight, but in some places stepped. The body of a kitten is also depicted.
  7. When drawing a ponytail, you need to make sure that it curves beautifully and gracefully.

How to draw a lop-eared kitten?

Fold-eared Scottish and British cats have a peculiarity - their ears are bent forward, and do not stick out, like other fluffy ones.

  1. Make two vertical and horizontal lines to determine the symmetry of the head. Horizontal lines will help draw the eyes and nose of the kitten, and vertical lines will help to draw the position of the head, using the lines to determine that the kitten's head is turned as if to the side.
  2. Draw eyes. They are placed at a distance from each other, equal to the volume of each of them.
  3. Below in the middle between the eyes draw a small nose.
  4. They make expressive contours of the eyes and leave white highlights on the pupils on them. The eye section is created for the cat by slightly lengthening the outer part of the eye.
  5. Auxiliary light rounded arrows are drawn symmetrically from the spout. They will help draw fur.
  6. Shade the fur with a pencil. On the top of the head, under the ears, on the “cheeks” and at the bottom of the muzzle, the hatching is thicker, so the hair grows in the Scottish Fold.
  7. We must not forget to draw a long mustache - whiskers.

VIDEO: How to DRAW a Scottish Fold CAT?

How to draw a Siamese kitten?

Siamese cats have a main distinguishing feature- their coloring, so they draw a cat in full growth so that the whole coloring is visible.

  1. A vertical line is drawn, from which there will be lateral symmetry and several horizontal ones, indicating the head, an extension on the cat's chest and the place where the paws will be located, that is, the end of the pattern.
  2. The contours of the head are outlined around, and the contours of the chest and bent paws in the sitting position of the kitten are outlined in ovals.
  3. Draw a drop-shaped oval between the chest and paws of the cat. In this part, the front paws of the cat, on which it rests, will be drawn.
  4. Eyes are drawn symmetrically to the first vertical line from which the drawing began.
  5. Begin to draw the body and head of the kitten. Lines are narrowed on the head in the chin area, a nose is drawn, which in Siamese cats is larger and more protruding than in some other breeds. Depict paws, and finish the tail.
  6. They begin to hatch those places where thicker hair grows, these are lines from the nose, on the forehead, under the ears, on the stomach behind the front legs, at the tip of the tail. Also do hatching for shading.
  7. Erase the auxiliary lines and start coloring the muzzle, ears, paws and tail like Siamese cats.

How to draw a sleeping kitten step by step?

  1. First draw a circle for the head of a sleeping kitten. Inside the circle, markup is made that will help draw the eyes, nose and mouth.
  2. Eyes, nose, mouth are outlined with semicircular lines, and ears are also added. Lightly outline the kitten's fur with lines. The ears of a sleeping kitten are lowered parallel to the head.
  3. Draw an oval at the back of the head bigger size, which would mean a sleeping kitten curled up. Stretch a rounded line forward of the kitten's muzzle, as if he was hiding behind his tail during sleep.
  4. A paw is drawn under the fluffy cheek, on which the kitten rested its head.
  5. Erase the auxiliary lines, circle the main ones.
  6. Draw a mustache on the muzzle.

Sleeping cat: stages 1-2.

Sleeping cat: steps 3-4.

Sleeping cat: steps 5-6.

Sleeping cat: steps 7-8.

VIDEO: draw a sleeping cat

How to draw an anime kitten?

A feature of anime characters is the huge eyes of cartoon characters. As for the kitten, in addition to huge eyes, it should have a head much larger than the body. That's why:

  1. Draw two circles - one bigger for the head and one smaller for the torso.
  2. Where the head will be, markup is made, dividing the circle into 4 parts.
  3. Now it follows, focusing on the contours, to change the shape of the head, expanding lower part where the fur is located, and finish the kitten's ears.
  4. Draw a kitten big eyes with oval lines. Display the eyebrows and nose of the kitten.
  5. In front of the oval denoting the body, paws are outlined.
  6. Round the body and draw a tail.
    Make the eyes of the anime kitten expressive by darkening certain areas and round light highlights inside the pupils.

Anime cat: steps 1-2.

Anime cat: steps 3-4.

Anime cat: steps 5-6.

Anime cat: steps 7-8.

VIDEO: Kitten in stages with a pencil

How to draw a muzzle of a kitten?

  1. by the most simple pattern the kitten's muzzle will become an oval, above it there are triangles-ears.
  2. Inside the oval, the eyes are depicted symmetrically from the conditional line of the vertical center of the oval.
  3. Below the eyes, between them, there is a nose, short rounded top lines extending from it, and under them a dot indicating the mouth.
  4. Ears are drawn with triangles and they are lightly stroked, they also make the “bangs” of the kitten with lines.
  5. Draw a mustache.

Drawing for drawing: striped cat pencil.

VIDEO: How to draw a cat with a pencil?

Drawing master class for children from 5 years old "Cats of our yard"

The master class is designed for older children preschool age, students, teachers and parents.
Drawing- one of the favorite activities of children. Most children boldly take on any pictorial material. But unfortunately, not everyone manages to transfer their plans to a piece of paper. In this master class, a method for teaching drawing according to algorithmic schemes is proposed.
The proposed algorithms are simple and rational.
Target: To teach children to draw animals using algorithmic schemes.
- to educate children's interest and desire to engage in artistic creativity.
- cultivate patience and perseverance,
- develop creative thinking
-to consolidate the ability to draw round and oval shapes.
For work you will need:
- paints or pencils (in this master class we used watercolor)
- simple pencil

Lesson progress:

"Cats of our yard"
It was raining outside the window. Fedka went to the window, sighed heavily, from that that today he will not be able to go for a walk. Probably the same way Fedka thought and his cat sitting on the window and looking at the falling raindrops. The cat's name was Vaska, he was red-haired and loved to walk on warm sunny days. Vaska did not walk alone, he had friends from our yard.
The cat from the second floor was called Tihan, he was black in color, and a white wooly path ran from the pink nose to the tip of the tail. Tikhan was the master in the yard, that even the dogs were afraid of him, and once again preferred not to meet him. Tihan loved to fight very much.
In the summer, grandchildren came to Baba Shura from the first floor and brought their kitty Murka. Murka had a smoky color, her fur was soft like plush. Murka loved to sleep on the windowsill and look at people passing by.
And not so long ago, another red cat Murzik appeared in our yard, he was presented as a birthday present to a girl named Olya. Murzik is still quite small and restless, he loves to hide everywhere, run in packages, and sometimes he climbs to the very top of the carpet hanging on the wall. All cats, like people, are very different, each has its own character and appearance. These are the cats of our yard.
-Guys, let's try to draw cats, which are described in the text.
Step work.
"Cat Tihan"

1. We draw a large circle - the torso. photo 1

2. In the lower part of the large circle - the body, draw a smaller circle - the head. photo 2

3. Draw ears. photo 3

4. In order to symmetrically draw a muzzle, you need to divide the small circle into 4 parts. photo 4

5. Now draw the eyes, nose, mouth. photo 5

Remove dividing lines.
6. We draw the antennae, paws and tail. photo 6

7. Coloring. Meet the cat Tihan. photo 7

Murka cat.
8. We place three identical circles on the sheet - the head, the front of the body, the back of the body. photo 8

9. We draw paws, ears, a tail. photo 9

10. Draw eyes, mouth, nose, mustache. photo 4.5.

11. Coloring.
Murka kitty.

Cat Murzik.
12. We draw a circle-head, an oval-torso. photo 12

13. We draw paws, a tail, a muzzle (photo 4.5). photo 13.

14. Coloring.
Cat Murzik

Cat Vaska.(Back view)
15. We draw a large circle-torso, add a small semicircle-crown of the head. photo 15.

16. We finish the ears, tail, mustache and color it.
Cat Vaska

Here are the cats we got.

The kitten is fiddling with a ball:
That creeps up to him secretly,
Then he will start throwing himself at the ball,
Push him, jump to the side ...
Can't guess at all
That this is not a mouse. And a ball.
(author A. Barto.)

Master class on drawing cats in sitting and sleeping poses step by step with a photo.

Gorbova Nadezhda Yuryevna, teacher of MBOU DOD "Children's School of Arts" of the Yaransky district Kirov region, the city of Yaransk.
Description: This tutorial shows step by step drawing ginger cat sitting and sleeping watercolor. It also shows the step-by-step drawing of a Siamese cat using the raw technique.
Purpose: the master class is intended for teachers of fine arts, educators additional education, parents and children from 7 years old who wish to perform beautiful work for an exhibition, interior decoration or just for a gift.
Target: making a drawing of a ginger cat in a sitting and sleeping poses, making a drawing in the technique of a raw Siamese cat.
- consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities of drawing an animal with the help of simple geometric shapes;
- further improvement of watercolor skills;
- fixing the skills of arranging an animal on a sheet of paper;
- consolidation of skills in color science;
- fostering love for animals;
- development of attention and accuracy.

Materials: pencil, eraser, watercolor, sheet of A4 watercolor paper, squirrel brushes No. 2,6,8, white gouache, rag, jar of water.

Hello dear guests!
This master class is dedicated to drawing one of your favorite pets - a cat.

Cats - children of the universe -
Poems are dedicated.
Cats are cute creatures
Graceful and light!

Egyptians and beyond
They could be deified
So many years have passed since then
Do not return the centuries of those back.

But centuries are not a burden to them,
Cats don't care about years
After all, they have in our time
The tail is a pipe, but life is the key!

Cats just have a mass:
Bring coziness and comfort into the house.
Yet the cat is a princess,
Well, the cat, no doubt, lord!

Cats and cats are varied in color. Today I propose to draw a red tabby and Siamese cat.
The watercolor technique is not simple, it does not tolerate fading and it is not always possible to correct a mistake. But we will not be afraid, and if the drawing does not work out, we will take new leaf and try again.


1. Let's imagine the cat's body as an oval, and the head as a ball. The body is placed at an angle and shifted relative to the center of the sheet to the right. There should be margins on the sides. We leave a little more space at the bottom than at the top.

2. Draw the front, hind legs and tail.

3. We begin to draw a muzzle. The nose is similar to the letter "T", the eyes are slightly oval and are located at an angle. Let's increase the breast a little and bend the back.

4. Paint over the muzzle with the color of golden ocher. Cold pink nose. Leave white spaces around the eyes.

5. We outline the dark areas with red ocher.

6. Paint over the ears with dark pink. Draw stripes (pattern) on the muzzle in brown.

7. We paint over the entire body with shades of yellow ocher and red ocher and, until this layer is dry, immediately draw a striped pattern.

8. Then we will depict the texture of the wool, drawing with small strokes in the direction of hair growth.

9. Let's start drawing the muzzle. Emphasize the nostrils and the contour of the mouth pink-lilac color. Let's draw dots from where the mustache grows. Then we draw a yellow eyeball, then a black pupil in the form of an elongated oval dry, leaving a white highlight. Circle the eye around the contour with a pink-lilac color.

10. Then draw a mustache in pink-lilac color, and repeat on top of them with white gouache. With white gouache we will paint on the hairs on the ears of our cat.

11. You can also emphasize the fur on the cat's chest with white, so it will look even more voluminous.

Now I propose to draw a sleeping ginger cat, curled up in a ball, using the raw technique.
1. Draw an oval

2. Outline the tail, right hind leg and round muzzle.

3. Wet the sheet well cold water. The sheet should absorb water well. Before you start writing, make sure that there are no puddles on the sheet of paper. daylight cold, so we will go through light places in blue and pink.

4. We paint over the remaining places with shades of yellow ocher, red ocher. When dry, the color in watercolor is very lightened, so take a thicker paint on a wet brush.

5. Strengthen the shadows on the body, muzzle and under the tail.

6. Draw a striped pattern.

7. As the paint dries, the tone brightens, so I will strengthen the shadow parts. If you drip from a brush clean water next to fresh paint, you will get interesting stains.

How to draw in the technique of raw Siamese cat.

1. On the right side of the sheet, draw an inverted drop. This will be the head and front legs. On the left side of the sheet, draw a semi-oval (the back of a cat).

2. Then we will draw a muzzle in more detail, outline a fluffy tail and paws.

3. The Siamese cat has a very interesting coat color. She casts blue, lilac and different shades blue and brown. We begin to write from light to dark, after the sheet is well saturated with water. Puddles should not be on the surface of the sheet. We paint the chest with cold shades, interspersing warm ocher. Then brown shades back and paws.

4. We begin to write a muzzle. At first light shades brown, then the tone is richer, and at the end we emphasize the center of the muzzle with dark blue.
Attention: we try so that the paint does not flood the eyes of the cat, we will write them in a dry, beautiful cornflower blue color!

5. Let's draw the wool on the breast and make the tail darker.

6. Select the central part of the muzzle even darker (the paint dries and brightens). With a dry brush, remove the paint on the cheeks a little so that they are lighter. Let's draw a nose more clearly. Lastly, we write the eyes: first in blue, and when it dries, we put narrow vertical pupils. At the end, we put highlights in the eyes and draw a mustache.

Taika is made of fur

Taika is made of fur
From desires and riddles.
A cat is not a dog
She has her own habits!

Someone's secret cannot be
Appreciates kindness and care.
It was very hard
She is without a home in bad weather.

Taiko was invented by people
To come home from work,
Ironing sitting on the couch
Forgetting worries.

Taika comes to the house at night
Through the window on the first
She knows a lot of windows
Just be able to be true.

Taika is a matter of mood:
Suitable when you want
If he gives a look
Also somehow by the way.

Taika wants to go to the roof
To fall in love under the moon
Remember, you can't replace Thai
Will only by yourself!

Taika sees everything in the dark
Bright blue eyes.
Thai soft paws
Only the truth with claws.

Taika is a complex creature,
It’s not easy with her, it’s not funny,
I need this cat...
Taika is made of fur.
I wish you creative success!

Here are some drawings made by my first graders.