Rules for choosing a German Shepherd puppy: at what age is it better to buy and how to distinguish it from a mongrel. How to tell a German Shepherd puppy from a crossbreed

Tell me, please, got a puppy, there are doubts about the breed. The tail wraps in a bagel. Is this normal for a one-month-old puppy, or will it gradually pass? Suddenly just deceived and it's not a shepherd?


Indeed, it is difficult to determine the thoroughbredness of a German Shepherd by the appearance of a puppy, often outbred dogs demonstrate the traits inherent in the breed. The younger the dog, the more difficult it is to correctly determine the breed. The appearance of the dog and the main features of the breed are formed as they grow older. Here are the main features by which it is possible to determine the thoroughbredness of an animal.

Common features

The message refers to the pet's tail. The tail of a thoroughbred dog looks straight, saber-shaped and goes down. But judging by a single sign is wrong. The tail is able to change as it grows, you need to look at the totality of signs.

Purebred puppies often look awkward at first. By about two months, they begin to grow very quickly and gain weight, literally before our eyes. The body is stretched, gaining the proportions necessary for a shepherd dog. Mutts don't grow that fast.

Main features: head

The head of a true German from an early age is moderately developed and proportional. The forehead is slightly convex and narrow. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle in the early stages of development is not too sharp, the muzzle is not as pointed as in adults. The nose is relatively large, black. In mongrels, unlike thoroughbred shepherd dogs, the frontal furrow is clearly developed. Near the corners of the animal's mouth, five distinct moles are found - a distinctive feature of the breed.

The eyes of a natural German are often dark brown, without spots, and have an almond shape. In small puppies, the color is smoky blue. The eyes of outbred dogs look bulging and round. Sheepdogs are distinguished by a focused and inquisitive look.

The natural German has a scissor bite, the gaps between the teeth do not exceed 1-2 millimeters. There are no fused or double teeth in the mouth.

The ears of a small puppy look either hanging or erect. Already by 2 months, the dog's ears rise and become sticky. In purebred dogs, the ears do not rise, they remain lop-eared forever.

Key Features: General Appearance

  1. The German chest is wide, powerful and developed. In mongrels, the chest is often narrow or barrel-shaped. The body of a purebred dog is elongated, the back is straight, the neck is long and strong. A thoroughbred young German has a short back and lower back, the shoulder girdle and hips, on the contrary, look massive.
  2. The paws of a purebred German Shepherd puppy are long, with well-developed muscles and certainly even. Dewclaws are missing. When moving, the front and hind legs should be in contact with the surface.
  3. By appearance and color, it is problematic to determine the thoroughbredness of a small dog. However, we highlight a number of special features. Puppies have a black or black and tan coat color, clear light or white spots are not allowed. Babies often have a light down, leaving after the first molt.
  4. In natural German Shepherd puppies, the coat is slightly rough to the touch. The coat of outbred dogs is in most cases much softer.
  5. The skin of the German does not form folds or sagging, elastic.

According to most cynologists, a simple way to determine the purebredness of a shepherd dog is training. A purebred dog from the age of two months is perfectly trainable and easily remembers commands, readily fulfills them. Mutts are harder to train.

Understand the purpose of acquiring a pet. If you want to participate in various exhibitions and competitions, you need a purebred puppy with a good pedigree. The seller always has documents for noble youngsters. If you got a dog for the soul, by and large, thoroughbredness is unimportant. Let it be discovered that the pet does not have a breed, you should not throw the puppy out into the street. Surround the dog with love, care and attention - and the dog will pay back handsomely.

We learn in detail from the article.

Too early weaning can negatively affect the psyche of puppies. This moment must be timely, it must be correctly guessed.

Weaning from the mother must occur before the first vaccination. It is done at 2 months.

  • . The rarest color for German Shepherds, only 5% have it. Black dogs of this breed are a real elite;
  • Black and tan. The body is black, and the belly and paws on the inside are light.
  • . Each hair is colored with ring zones: light, then black, yellow, black.
  • . The coat on the back is black, the belly, neck and limbs are tanned in various colors: chocolate, reddish, yellow, fawn, gray. The muzzle is black or grey;
  • . A German Shepherd can be white if both parents have a recessive gene for this color. In Canada, they even managed to breed a separate breed of such dogs.

The red color of the German Shepherd does not meet the standard, but this does not prevent her from becoming your pet and friend. This also applies to grey.

  • West Germany. It is a high breeding line. These dogs are the most suitable standard for shows. The appearance of the dog was detrimental to its general qualities. Such dogs are ill-suited for duty;
  • Western – Czech/Slovak, , Dutch, Belgian. These dogs, on the contrary, have everything to become excellent service pets. They differ from their West Germanic relatives;
  • American line. The Americans have focused on the appearance and ease of movement of the dog, because of this, they are slightly different in addition from their other brethren. Dogs of the American line are balanced, calm and easy to train;
  • English line. Their progenitors are sheepdogs brought to England in the middle of the 20th century. Over time, they were practically forced out of the island by their continental relatives.

How to distinguish from a mongrel?

Everyone can distinguish in or from a mongrel, but not every buyer can do it in or out.

The main rules that will allow you not to become deceived:

  • When buying, ask where the puppy's parents are, ask them to show them. Also find out what documents are on the parents. To be 100% sure, you can call the Club and find out if these dogs are registered there;
  • Puppies must be branded. The data on the brand and in the metric must match;
  • The puppy's eyes have an almond-shaped slit, when they turn their head, a white protein is visible. Because of this, the eyes of the "German" are often compared to human ones;
  • The iris can be dark yellow to dark brown. Up to two months, the eyes may be blue. In mutts, eyes are protruding, white, yellowish or interspersed.
  • By the beginning of the shift, the shepherd should have 28 teeth. Their splicing or malocclusion is unacceptable;
  • The head of a purebred puppy should be in proportion to the body. The forehead should not hang over the muzzle. There should be no beard between the eyebrows. The nose is black without a point. Lips in the color of the nose;
  • Neck of medium length;
  • The back is short and strong, the chest does not fall below the elbows;
  • The tail should be long, it never rolls into a ring, always straight;
  • Paws are large and large;
  • The usual color of the German Shepherd is black-backed, but others are allowed. There may be a white swallow on the chest, but spots within it are not allowed;
  • A purebred puppy will not be afraid of a person, but will try to fulfill any of his instructions - this is on a subconscious level. Mutts avoid people. Also subconsciously.

What is the best age to buy?

This is 3-4 months old.. Some take even older Germans.

But you need to remember that the sooner you start, the more likely you will be to succeed.

Where is it better to buy - private owners, breeders, nurseries?

Your choice of location depends on the goals that you pursue when buying a dog.

If you are interested in the exhibition and competitive career of an animal, then you need a show class pet that meets all and has all the documents about the tribal pedigree th. In this case, you will have to fork out and buy a dog in a kennel or from a breeder.

Breed-class dogs are most suitable for breeding, not exhibitions. You can also purchase such a puppy from a breeder.

If you need a dog just for spending time together, guarding the territory or for the soul, then the pet class is also suitable.

This type of shepherd dog can be bought from any private person "on hand".

“The right thing to do would be to choose a place first. Before that, do not be lazy, read reviews about the nursery or breeder. If you plan to take a puppy "from your hands" - be extremely careful, you risk choosing a "pig in a poke". See what real German Shepherd puppies look like at least on the Internet, get acquainted with their distinctive features, and then compare with the dogs you choose from. If you have enough information in your head, then you will never be deceived. Be persistent, ask, be interested. Often, even by the reaction of the breeder to questions, you can understand whether he is conscientious or not.

The main rules - what to look for when buying

  • Find out how many puppies were in the litter. If more than 10, then most likely the bitch had problems during childbirth and feeding;
  • Look at the conditions in which the mother and puppies are kept, what they eat and where they sleep;
  • Pay attention to the appearance of the puppy, his fatness and physical perfection;
  • The puppy should not smell bad, the mucous membranes should be clean;
  • The forehead should not be too wide, and the muzzle pointed. The dog's bite is scissor;
  • The puppy should not fall when running, on the contrary, the coordination should be good, there should be no chroma;
  • The addition of the puppy should be proportional;
  • Babies have wool without bald patches, most often black-and-white.

The puppy's limbs should not be twisted, the German Shepherd's tail should be free of bends and creases.

What does a healthy puppy look like?

A healthy German Shepherd puppy looks like a little bear cub.


The paws should be wide and compact, looking at the dog from the front, its front paws and chest should form the letter A.

The back of the puppies is flat, dense and without any deflections.

The baby should have a wide chest belt, their chest is deep. There should be no fifth toes on the hind legs - this is a defect. Also, the paws should not have any bumps. The tail is long and straight.

The ears should not have stiff tips - this indicates an excess of calcium, such ears may not stand up in the future. The eye color is blue in the first months, then it begins to darken. At the same time, there should be no discharge from the eyes and ears of the dog.

Healthy puppies do not have skin lesions. It is elastic and soft.

Assessment of mental and other abilities

To determine the intellectual abilities of the German Shepherd, a special test by zoologist William Campbell has long been used.

It helps to determine:

  • The desire of the puppy to communicate;
  • His ability to follow the owner;
  • The degree of obedience of the puppy;
  • The desire for dominance;
  • Self-esteem.

But such a test can be carried out by a breeder or a specialist, but you can only evaluate the general capabilities of a puppy.

Look at the parents and determine if there is any cowardice, aggression or hysteria in them - this can be passed on to the puppy. The kid should be a curious little explorer.

If shyness in a puppy is still due to the fact that he can endure aggression from other brothers, but cowardice in this breed is not allowed.

The puppy should not be afraid of you, noise, by no means, it will be interesting for him to sniff and get to know a new person.

The puppy must be socialized and communicate well with the rest of the brothers and mother.

This will make it easier for you to educate.

In general, the German Shepherd baby is lively and inquisitive, he is interested in exploring the world, showing interest in the new.

Compatibility test

The puppy should approach you in temperament and character. Therefore, play with him, watch how he behaves in the circle of brothers. Also, it will not be superfluous to conduct several tests with him in order to understand what rudiments of character are already in the puppy.

See if he runs up to you as soon as you move away from him, whether he follows your call, how much he is subject to submission and domination - to do this, turn him over on his back and try to keep him in this position, stroke and look at the reaction, take him in your arms and observe the behavior - whether the puppy can stay off the ground in your hands.

Based on the reaction of the puppy, draw conclusions about what he will become and whether you need a pet with such a character.

Whom to choose - a boy or a girl?

Boys always have the best exterior, they are more successful in exhibitions. This is also due to the fact that females are subject to twice a year, which means pregnancy and childbirth.

The last factors should also be kept in mind when choosing a dog.

Do not forget that the male will also need a female, but all the consequences fall on her.

If you plan to make a show career, choose a male, a female is more suitable for breeding.

Otherwise, only the owner can choose which gender pet he prefers.

Conclusion and Conclusions

Choosing a puppy is not an easy task. After all, you take a dog not for a year or two, but for a long time.

Therefore, it is important to understand the breed standard, to be attentive to the behavior of the puppy and its addition.. Literacy in this matter will help you choose a real "German" - healthy, loyal and courageous.

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to choose a German Shepherd puppy:

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Getting a puppy is the only time money can buy friendship. And it will not be a mistake among the variety of breeds to opt for a German Shepherd. This dog is known for an amazing combination of positive character traits, among which are diligence, devotion, non-conflict, fearlessness and a developed sense of duty. But to the fullest extent, the properties for which the "Germans" are valued are manifested only with a good pedigree and a responsible approach of the breeder to breeding dogs. How can you recognize your future pet, if not all puppies are equally promising even in a high-quality litter? What characteristics should you look for when choosing a German Shepherd?

How to choose a German Shepherd puppy? Age

According to the rules, the minimum age when a puppy can move from a kennel to a new home is 45 days. This is due to two main reasons:

  • the effect of the Breeding Regulations of the RKF, according to which it is impossible to carry out verification earlier (examination of the litter for compliance with breed standards) and issue documents;
  • the need for a puppy younger than 1.5 months to constantly maintain contact with the mother and littermates. At this time, the dog begins to receive the first skills and learns to communicate with his own kind.

But the line is very thin - and already at 2 months, when the dog ceases to depend so much on the mother, the puppy can be taken home. There is one more factor, because of which it is not recommended to take a shepherd dog that is too old: there are a lot of puppies in the kennel, and it is difficult to cope with all at the proper level even for a breeder who sincerely cares about his wards. At the same time, one should not forget about the profit that the nursery seeks to receive in any case.

As a result, there is a lack of proper upbringing on the part of a person and often attempts to save money, which is why the puppy is given cheaper food and vitamins, inexpensive vaccinations are given and budget medicines are bought. Since it is during the period of 2-6 months that especially active physical and mental development of dogs takes place, such an experience for them can be disastrous. It is better to have a loving and caring owner next to him at such a critical age for a puppy, who will devote enough time and money to the diet, treatment and training of the pet.

We must not forget about exceptions. Many people take a puppy that is good in all respects and bring it to a miserable state with their inability to handle dogs. On the other hand, there are breeders who show enough attention to each puppy, thanks to which you can take a 6-8-month-old dog from them without fear for its physical and mental health (although such a shepherd dog will cost quite a lot).

It is advisable to purchase a puppy with a pedigree: this will serve as a certain guarantee of quality. You should familiarize yourself with the information about the ancestors of the dog, making sure that they did not suffer from dysplasia, epilepsy and other serious diseases. The price of a good "German" is at least 400 euros, in most cases significantly exceeding this amount.

German Shepherd puppy: how to choose? Appearance

Traditionally, breeders talk about the need to carefully examine several litters in order to select the best puppy. It is recommended to avoid dogs with:

  • twisted limbs;
  • bright eyes;
  • short jaw;
  • too narrow muzzle;
  • overly wide forehead;
  • feathers in the ear area.

You can recognize a puppy, which in the future is likely to grow into a high-quality German Shepherd, by the following signs:

  1. Normal bite. Allowed only 1-2 mm undershot, disappearing with age.
  2. Correct ears. Puppies go through several "ear" stages: at the age of 2-2.5 months, the tips of the ears rise, but by 3-4 months (i.e., during the period of changing teeth) they fall again, again "rising" only by 5-6 months . Most likely, at the time of purchase, the dog's ears will hang - there is no need to be afraid of this. But if the situation does not change by 6-7 months, you should make sure that the cartilage is not injured.
  3. Dark eyes. By 2 months, the puppy's eyes should be rid of the baby blue color and darken.
  4. standard weight. An ordinary healthy German puppy weighs from 2.5 to 4 kg. At the same time, females are lighter and calmer than males from the same litter.
  5. Healthy joints. Pay attention to how the dog runs. A good sign is if the puppy pushes off powerfully with its hind legs and throws out its front legs strongly, then the joints are in order.

It is very difficult for a non-professional to determine the correct anatomy of a puppy, so you will mostly have to rely on intuition (or the opinion of a friend who understands dogs). Although you have to be fair - even experienced breeders sometimes make mistakes, because it is difficult to determine the future conformation by looking at a 2-month-old puppy.

If the dog is purchased as a pet, and not a potential winner of exhibitions, it is enough to make sure that it is healthy. This will be indicated by the following signs:

  • shiny coat;
  • leanness, if the puppy is more than 2.5 months old (at a younger age they are almost always well-fed);
  • clear look;
  • eyelids close to the eyes;
  • pink shade of the oral cavity and mucous membranes of the eyelids;
  • cheerfulness;
  • a good appetite.

Dull coat against the background of a "swollen" tummy indicates the presence of helminths in the puppy.

You should not choose the most active dog in the litter if the cynological experience is zero: such a puppy can be restless, hysterical and difficult to control.

In principle, German Shepherds at a young age (3-10 months) often do not look very pretty, but after a year they are transformed. In addition, many shortcomings (such as an atypical color) do not play any role for a puppy that is given as a pet. It is much more important to properly educate and socialize a dog - a calm, confident shepherd dog will bring much more benefits than just an individual that meets the standards of the exterior.

The German Shepherd, like any pet, is not only a joy, but also a colossal responsibility. And it starts from the moment you choose a puppy.

Anyone who is interested in dogs and has a general idea of ​​their breeds usually knows very well what a German Shepherd looks like. However, not everyone knows that it is with this breed of dogs that most outbred dogs have the greatest similarity. Therefore, wanting to start this breed in your home, it is so important for the future owner to know exactly how to identify a German shepherd.

First of all, you need to understand that the younger the dog, the more difficult it becomes to distinguish a shepherd puppy from a mongrel. After all, the appearance and main features of the breed have not yet been fully formed in a small puppy. However, with knowledge and observation, a non-professional can do this if desired.

It is only important to see some features that accurately indicate the dog's belonging to the breed.

So, it is important for the owner to know that puppies at a very young age look rather awkward and even awkward. Closer to the age of two months, puppies of a real German Shepherd begin to grow very actively. They are literally changing right before our eyes. Their body becomes much more harmonious. This is the first sign of the breed, because the mutts do not grow so fast and do not gain weight.

There are also several common characteristics in how a thoroughbred shepherd dog looks.

The dog's head should not be unduly light, small or rough. In a thoroughbred shepherd dog, it has been moderate in shape and size since childhood. The forehead should be slightly convex and narrow. The transition from it to the muzzle of the puppy is at first weakly expressed. The very muzzle of the puppy should not be pointed while he is small. The nose of a thoroughbred puppy is quite large and always black. Mutts are clearly distinguished by the fact that they always have a very clear frontal groove.

A common, BUT OPTIONAL, breed indicator is five black moles located near the corners of the dog's mouth. If they are, they are always clearly visible.

The eyes of a shepherd dog are dark (most often dark brown), clear and almond-shaped. In puppies up to 2 months, their color is smoky blue. It is not recommended to take light-eyed or odd-eyed shepherd dogs. In mutts, the eyes are usually more prominent and rounded. The look of a shepherd dog is always inquisitive and focused.

It is worth looking into the puppy's mouth. He must have a scissor bite. The gaps between the incisors of the puppy should not be more than 1-2 mm. You should also immediately check whether the baby has fused or double teeth.

At the same time, this will also be an excellent opportunity to determine the age of a German Shepherd - by looking at the dog's teeth, you can at least approximately understand how old it is.

Puppies under 3 months old have small and sharp teeth. If the puppy lacks teeth, he is clearly between the ages of 3 and 7 months, when the teeth in dogs are just changing. If the dog's teeth are large, white and not chipped - most likely it is still young and they have changed relatively recently, that is, the dog is from 7 months to 3 years old. If the teeth have a yellow coating, the dog is already an adult, older than 3 years. Also, in dogs older than 3 years, the incisors (front teeth) are usually already noticeably worn.

What often confuses inexperienced novice owners is the puppies' long "burd" ears. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, and in purebred puppies they will “stand up” with age. In mutts, the ears are usually medium in size and usually always remain hanging.

A thoroughbred dog has a very massive and developed chest since childhood. In mongrels, it is always more "barrel-shaped". The body of a thoroughbred puppy is always elongated, the back is straight, and the neck is long and strong. A well-built purebred shepherd puppy has a short back and loin, wide shoulders and hips.

For many experienced cynologists, it is easiest to identify a shepherd dog by the shape of its paws - in purebred dogs they are of an “aristocratic” elongated shape, large and even. The paws of young puppies are strong and plump. They should not have dewclaws.

You should also observe the proximity of the puppy's paws to the ground during movement - both the front and hind legs of the puppy should be close enough to the surface.

The tail of a thoroughbred shepherd dog is lowered and is shaped like a saber blade. In mutts, the tail is usually twisted into a ring over the back.

As for how German Shepherd puppies look in appearance and color, it is rather difficult to determine the breed on this point - in childhood, German Shepherd puppies are usually all black or black and tan (depending on the color of the parents). In small puppies, the coat often looks like “gray hair” or light down. This doesn't mean dishonesty. Such wool leaves with the first molt. However, the dog should not have clear white spots.

Their identification "mask" on the face and the final color are formed at a more mature age. Mutts, on the other hand, often have light spots on their chests, which do not disappear with the maturation of the dog.

Pedigree shepherd dogs have a harsh coat, however, at the same time, it is very pleasant to the touch. In mutts, the coat is often much softer and even silkier.

The skin of a shepherd dog is very elastic - it does not form folds or sagging.

Also a good sign of how to identify a German Shepherd puppy is dog training - you can start it as early as 2 months of age. A purebred puppy is very easy to train. After several repetitions, he remembers the commands and easily executes them. Mongrel memorization of commands is given with difficulty and reluctance.

Future dog owners should understand that a puppy does not always immediately look like a small copy of an adult dog. Many traits and signs of the breed appear much later, when the dog has already grown up and formed.

For example, Caucasian puppies do not always look like an adult Caucasian Shepherd Dog. In childhood, they usually appear small, too fluffy and round, not at all aggressive and too playful. Therefore, before buying, owners should familiarize themselves with how to identify a purebred Caucasian Shepherd puppy.

Well, in addition, you should clearly understand why you are getting an animal - if for exhibitions and competitions, then of course you should select a puppy very carefully and carefully, having studied all the relevant documents. If for the soul, sport or protection, the main thing will be how you will take care of the dog, how to train or educate and how much attention to pay to it. This is what will help to form a devoted and faithful friend and protector from any dog.

German Shepherds are extremely smart, infinitely loyal and devoted dogs with excellent service and working qualities, a balanced psyche, and a mild temperament. These and many other aspects determine the popularity of the breed in all countries of the world. We can say that the Germans are a breed of dogs that is universal in all respects. The Germans take part in sports, help in the military border service, police, shepherd business. Due to the balanced psyche, representatives of the breed are used as guide dogs. And that's not counting the fact that the Germans are wonderful companions and true friends.

How to choose a German Shepherd

Before a clumsy, funny fluffy ball of happiness appears in your house, on which high hopes will be placed, we recommend that you read this review. A dog is not a toy, but a member of your family, a living being that constantly requires attention and care. It should be borne in mind that the shepherd is a service dog breed that requires the right approach to education. Any mistakes made during training, gaps in education can cause big trouble when a beautiful big dog grows out of a small clumsy puppy.

Before making a final decision, without fail you need to try to find out as much information about the breed as possible, communicate with professional breeders, cynologists. You can visit exhibitions, watch how dogs of this breed work in the ring, read the relevant literature.

The Germans were bred over 100 years ago. Over the centuries, through selection and selection, dogs have been bred that are suitable for performing a wide variety of work, from protecting grazing flocks and territories, ending with work in various services, saving people. The ancestor of the breed spared no effort, carefully selecting dogs for breeding work that had excellent working qualities. High intelligence, learning ability, endurance influenced the popularity of the breed. Breeding work to improve the breed was continued by breeding nurseries, clubs, private breeders. Many promising breed lines were created, which became the progenitors of modern Germans.

But it must be borne in mind that each animal is individual, has its own unique temperament, disposition, character. It should also be noted that character formation is influenced by education and training. Shepherd dogs cannot do without mental, physical work, so this aspect must be taken into account first of all. In addition, in addition to the excellent genes, the “core” laid down by nature, there are several areas of selection aimed at developing certain qualities, depending on the purpose of the dog. For example, the Germans working lines.

Choose your favorite German

Before you go for a German, answer honestly the question - what was the reason for choosing this particular breed, what kind of dog do you dream of seeing next to you? There may be several reasons why the choice fell on this breed, ranging from the popularity of the Germans to the desire to see next to them the most intelligent, devoted breed with excellent working qualities and breed characteristics. Note that the German Shepherd is suitable for people with an active lifestyle, people with a strong, strong-willed character. Do not forget that for the most part representatives of the breed recognize and "obey" the owner only if they see authority in him. The Germans are very attached and love all members of their family, but still, this is a dog of one owner.

Many people get Germans to do various jobs: guarding the house, as a bodyguard dog. Perhaps your activity is related to the use of dogs for official purposes (security, border guard, police), you simply cannot find a better assistant than a German. In this case, you should choose a puppy from purebred working lines. When choosing a "working" shepherd dog, special attention should be paid to the behavior, manners of parents and the baby. Puppies should have a balanced psyche, be inquisitive, moderately active, not show cowardice, aggression. Various tests can be used to test puppies. Perhaps your pet will not become the champion of world exhibitions, will not receive the title of "Best in Show", but with the right upbringing and training, it will be endowed with excellent working and service qualities.

For those who wish to engage in purebred breeding and dream of a brilliant show career, it is worth paying attention to the puppies of the leading "show lines" grown in specialized nurseries. Parents of babies should be well-established producers. At the same time, it is very important to know what you need to pay attention to when choosing a German Shepherd puppy. Of course, in order for a puppy, and then an adult pet, to become the star of the ring, you will have to make a lot of effort. This is training, training, work with the handler. In the process of growing up, despite the excellent gene pool, with improper maintenance and upbringing, the dog may develop defects (malocclusion, mental disorders, problems with hair). In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that purebred Germans have a rather high cost. You may even have to reserve a baby in advance.

If the goal is to have an active, hardy dog ​​for participation in sports, it is worth choosing a baby from the manufacturers of "working breeding". In breed selection, there are separate areas that specialize in developing the necessary qualities for competitions. This is endurance, endurance, energy, mobility. Dogs must have strong bones, prominent muscles, a high temperament, a balanced psyche, and a desire to work tirelessly. To participate in sports competitions, competitions, the dog must be trained by Schutzhund. The choice of a puppy begins with viewing the producers of "sport lines". Particular attention is paid to the exterior, behavior, manners of kids. Ideally, little Germans should adequately respond to third-party stimuli, harsh sounds, not be cowardly, show interest in strangers. Any signs of strong alertness, aggression, cowardice are unacceptable as for working dogs. Babies should be moderately well-fed, have a strong constitution without deviations in the direction of looseness, a large, wide, deep sternum, strong jaws, and a correct bite.

Some helpful tips for choosing

Before you take responsibility for the life of a living being, consider all the pros and cons, analyze whether you will have enough time for classes, walks with the dog, consult with all family members. Do not forget that keeping a dog entails considerable financial costs.

Acquire, preferably, purebred representatives of the breed, exclusively from proven good producers in a professional nursery or from an experienced breeder. The pedigree confirms the breed, purebredness of the dog, the gene pool, but the further behavior of the pet depends only on properly organized training and education. Having no experience in handling and training, it is best to seek help from professional cynologists or enlist the support of a familiar breeder.

But even if you decide to buy a dog without a pedigree, you are not interested in the participation of your four-legged friend in exhibitions, you need to approach the choice of a German puppy as responsibly as possible. When choosing a baby, pay attention to the conditions in which the puppies are kept, evaluate the parents, external data, behavioral features, manners, exterior, degree of fatness, general physical condition. Do mental tests. But if you immediately liked any baby, follow the call of the heart. Perhaps this is exactly your ideal German!