World Traumatology Day. Ministry of Health of the Kirov Region Who will put a plaster cast faster

Every year on May 20, doctors from all over the world specializing in traumatology and orthopedics celebrate their professional holiday. Traumatology is one of the most ancient branches of clinical medicine, the history of which goes back many centuries. After all, a person received injuries and various injuries at all times. It is the principles, foundations and practical knowledge of traumatology that are postulates for all other surgical specialties.

The profession of a traumatologist deserves great respect and is truly a vocation. It simply obliges you to be an attentive person, an expert in your field, to be able to make a responsible decision quickly and carefully, to have high qualifications and experience, and to constantly improve yourself. Often, not only the health of the patient, but also his life depends on the knowledge and skillful hands of an orthopedic traumatologist.

Show congratulations

Our lives are not complete without trauma.
Every day there is a queue of patients.
And the emergency room every day has to
Receive people without days off.

A traumatologist is a special doctor.
He alone knows how to do it
To make you able to work.
Heals a fracture, bruise, bruise.

We celebrate the day of the traumatologist,
And we want to give him praise
For healed hands, heads.
And wish you success in life.


Every day someone breaks something
And it hurts a lot
The traumatologist is busy all day,
Work gives me a migraine...

Arms, legs, rib, head,
You barely have time to eat
Why are you walking carelessly?
Is it impossible for you to live without injuries?

Traumatologist, you are a doctor, what you need,
And for your work such a reward:
Everything has grown together, the arms and legs are intact,
Your patients are funny!


When you break your knee
Or a hand on the log.
Or just a bone ache.
You are not disabled yet.
Not a proctologist will help you,
Not an andrologist, not a neurologist,
Not a dentist, not an aculist,
And the usual traumatologist.
So congratulations on this day
This profession of people.


On the day when people become attentive,
Where they come, they will look.
From the icy mountain, in a drunken fuse,
Upside down - they will not fly.

Away from flammable objects -
The children will play in peace
And mom and dad will tell the child:
What happens if you put a light bulb in your mouth.

On this day, the doors will close earlier,
And the robe, lonely, will hang in the night.
Well, the traumatologist is happy and cheerful;
On watch, security - leave the keys.


Fractures and bruises
We go to whom to treat?
Doctor - savior - traumatologist,
It can even resurrect!

Normal medical etiquette
He is serious, businesslike,
He's always in good shape
With a patient, he is simple!

On this day of difficult professions,
We want to wish you
Don't worry, smile
You decide the fate of people!


As a child, my mother forbade
Run, jump and jump.
Because she knew
You can break something.

It's better to always be healthy
To uncle doctor
At work I had to
Quiet and peaceful rest.


Traumatologist, dear,
I would bypass
I love you, brave friend
But today is an important occasion!

Bones in a pile, people in shock
But our good doctor is in a hurry,
And today we are in a hurry -
We scribble congratulations!


Healing patients is a trifle for you,
The fracture will heal and the bruise will go away.
Everyone rushes to you with gratitude,
You are not in vain given a doctor's coat.

I wish traumatologists to manage affairs,
Always be happy, relax in Miami.
So that the wife loves, hugs,
So that the children joyfully shout: "Dad!"


If you think he's a chiropractor
Know: you, comrade, are not a bit wrong.
He is not a manual, but a traumatologist,
This is not your urologist.

The bones will fold like a puzzle, it's easy
And wrapped in a white bandage.
Will skillfully tie the ends with a bow,
You, plastered, will boldly go out into the world.


If someone slips
God forbid, falling on the ice,
Then he will have to go to the emergency room
Ride if you're unlucky.
Traumatologist, can you help
Poor fellow, as always,
You can cure him
So grief is not a problem
And I congratulate you
My friend, happy holiday
I express gratitude
Stay safe!


Day of the traumatologist, mind you, celebrate
And those who do not know about this day,
And just, ironically,
Emergency rooms are filling up like mushrooms.
Live even if very carefully
Injuries cannot be avoided in life,
But I want to wish traumatologists
Less work, more rest
More joyful moments in life
And there are fewer patients every day.


The work of a traumatologist is not easy:
The pain of someone else is hard to satisfy,
Compassion, and pity, and care
Patients need to be shown.

On this day we want to congratulate you
And wish happiness from the heart
Leave all the vanity, worries,
And from us - to accept gifts.


Broken arms, legs
Who was called in the ambulance?
Traumatologist, of course,
He runs to help forever.
After all, the doctor will help, heal
Always see where it hurts.
I want to congratulate you
And leave a message:
For a career to flourish
And wages went up
To the angel of all saints
Protected you, sick!
Happy traumatologist day to you,
I wish you eternal good!


You are close to people like no one else:
Both a doctor and a psychologist.
We are with your holiday
Congratulations, traumatologist.

Be as humble and smart
Let it also just be
Adjust joints and brains
To all careless people.


Known to everyone since childhood
A poem about Aibolit.
And everyone knows: there is a trauma point,
Once the "paw is broken."

Today, on your holiday, on your professional day,
We wish you hiccups
(although there is a shadow of selfishness in that) -
Less work for you!

It is difficult to imagine a more multifaceted holiday than the Day of the Traumatologist. On the one hand, this date is dedicated to people of the most noble profession, who, by the nature of their work, not only save lives, but often collect injured bodies piece by piece, restoring the ability to move and relieving the unenviable fate of a disabled person. On the other hand, these doctors daily face manifestations of human carelessness and stupidity, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity.

On this holiday, it is customary to honor traumatologists, expressing gratitude and admiration for their courage, tact and professionalism. Everyone who happened to be in their confident hands knows what the minutes of delay in making a decision and providing assistance are worth. It is very important to find words of gratitude and keep those whose everyday life is an ongoing battle with pain and suffering with the warmth of their hearts.

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Arms, legs, ribs, back,
Fracture of bones, sternum.
Get help quickly
You will improve the situation.

Our traumatologist, dear,
Genius and beloved
Helping patients
You will fix their bones in an instant.

You entered the profession
And I found a calling.
We hasten to congratulate
Big wishes.

Traumatologist is your holiday today,
Traumatologist is your day today!
We wish you happiness today
Let sorrows and problems go into the shadows!

At work, you are attentive, serious,
You are patient, determined, smart,
Let everything in your work be so difficult,
But for this we are very grateful!

Traumatologists - honor and praise to you!
The big day is today!
Today we will shout "Hurrah!"
We wish you success, lots of strength!

Your service is both dangerous and important,
And we're nowhere without you!
And your work is so difficult!
We need you, doctors, always!

A doctor is a profession from God, it is not easy to save people,
And a brave traumatologist can sew up wounds
Dislocations and fractures - the destiny of a traumatologist
After all, our people are cheerful, there is no doctor without work!

On your professional holiday, we wish you to relax,
Drink a glass for happiness, mess around a little
May peace, tranquility, love come to your heart!
To give patients hope again and again.

Firmness of character, firmness of hand
Not everyone can be a traumatologist.
They can go at the expense of a minute -
The main thing is life, the rest is not important.
Let the worries go away forever
Bringing light and joy into the soul.
Low bow for your honest work,
Self-giving, courage, courage.

The day of the traumatologist is not in vain celebrated,
Many people, they help the state,
Their work is complex and requires a lot of knowledge,
It is very important to pay maximum attention.

Congratulations on the holiday,
And we wish you great success in your work,
Well excellent health, patience, kindness,
Happiness, love, respect, life without fuss.

Happy holiday to you, traumatologists, we sincerely congratulate you,
And with all my heart we wish you success and happiness.
And you can never foresee any injuries in advance -
Lightning speed is important here, your knowledge, attention.

And injuries are waiting for us at home, on vacation, on the road.
And we also have a lot of industrial injuries.
And we sincerely always hope for your mercy,
What kind of life and health will you fight with zeal.

Traumatologist Day - World Wrestling Day,
With a traumatic defeat dangerous,
Often you win life from the tunnel,
Excellent surgical art!

I wish in your life and ministry,
Successes unchanged and glorious discoveries,
Let your house be like a spring reservoir,
Filled with happiness and love of all hearts desired!

On the Day of the Traumatologist, we congratulate the Creators,
What can a person reassemble -
Small children, mothers, gray-haired fathers -
Sew up and set, calm, raise to your feet.

We will sing greetings to them with gratitude,
In which the wishes of happiness, joy, victories,
So that with your soulmate together
You have discovered the most important secret in love!

A very traumatologist is a necessary profession,
We honor and respect your hard work.
Let work become a friendly family to you,
Let there be more quiet moments.

May your hands always be light, strong,
Decisions will be quick and correct.
Let your efforts be saved
More people in the vastness of the country.

Arthroscopic surgery at the Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery

Today is World Traumatology Day

Every year on May 20, doctors from all over the world specializing in traumatology and orthopedics celebrate their professional holiday. Traumatology is one of the most ancient branches of clinical medicine, the history of which goes back many centuries. After all, a person received injuries and various injuries at all times.

The profession of a traumatologist deserves great respect and is truly a vocation. It simply obliges you to be an attentive person, an expert in your field, to be able to make a responsible decision quickly and carefully, to be highly qualified, and to constantly improve yourself. Often, not only the health of the patient, but also his life depends on the knowledge and skillful hands of an orthopedic traumatologist.

In our region, the main institution of the traumatological and orthopedic profile is the Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery. There are 22 departments and 17 operating rooms in its structure.

Every year, more than 13,200 patients receive specialized and high-tech medical care in emergency and emergency forms in the hospital, and about 12,900 surgical interventions are performed. The polyclinic provides primary specialized medical care to 800 patients per day.

In the Center, primary specialized and high-tech medical care is provided to patients not only from the city of Kirov, the Kirov region, but also to residents of other regions of Russia. These are patients with injuries of the musculoskeletal system, spine, central and peripheral nervous systems, thermal lesions. So in 2015, the clinic treated 1,948 patients from other regions of Russia, in the 1st quarter of 2016 - 717 people.

The Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery is a clinic of modern medical technologies. The team is constantly improving and trying to use the latest medical advances with proven effectiveness for the treatment of patients with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Due to the provision of modern medical equipment, the applied new medical technologies provide a high level of medical care. The institution has a license to provide high-tech medical care in traumatology and orthopedics, neurosurgery, combustiology, and thoracic surgery. In 2015, the clinic performed 1808 high-tech operations, in the 1st quarter of 2016 - 543.

Due to haste, carelessness and the fault of accidents, people now and then become victims of various kinds of damage to bones, joints, ligaments and muscles. All this can be summed up in one word "trauma". Of course, in a situation of receiving such a person turns to traumatology, where doctors will provide him with first aid. Well, after that, if it turns out that the injury is too serious, you will have to pay a visit to a traumatologist, but not one ... On May 20, the planet celebrates the World Day of the Traumatologist. This holiday is an excellent opportunity to express your respect and gratitude to those who improve the shaken human health.

general information

Traumatology can be safely attributed to the oldest branches of knowledge about the human body. This term comes from the Greek word "trauma", which means "injury, violation of integrity" in translation. That is, traumatology is a science, the subject of which is various wounds and tissue damage, their treatment and preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of such anatomical troubles.

The voiced discipline has a close relationship with numerous areas of medicine. It all depends on what exactly the injury affected and in which part of the body it is localized. First of all, we should mention surgery, which can be purulent, burn, septic, etc. In addition, hematology, neurosurgery and phlebology are directly related to traumatology. Of course, the areas of medicine associated with traumatology are not limited to this, but the ones listed are the most basic.

If we take into account the point of view of an ordinary mortal, that is, an average citizen of any of the currently existing states, then the word "trauma" in his mind is associated primarily with damage to the musculoskeletal system. Indeed, visitors to standard emergency rooms most often become people who have suffered from bruises, sprains, fractures, dislocations, which they have acquired as a result of strong falls or blows. Based on this, a logical conclusion can be drawn: traumatology has the greatest connection with the discipline called orthopedics. There is even such a medical specialty: traumatologist-orthopedist. A person belonging to this profession specializes in the treatment of deformation, mechanical damage and chronic diseases of the components of the musculoskeletal system.

Historical reference

As mentioned above, traumatology has its roots in ancient times. So say scientists who carried out archaeological excavations and found signs of fusion of fractures in mummies in ancient Egypt and in the soldiers of the Roman Empire. In another part of the world - on the American continent - the Indians have also practiced the treatment of injuries to bones and joints since ancient times. In addition, they even performed amputation of seriously injured limbs.

Modern traumatology would never have taken shape as a separate developed medical field, if not for the solid foundation that was laid in this regard by the famous ancient thinker and scientist Hippocrates. His pen belongs to specific works "On the Joints" and "On Fractures". In these medical treatises, the great philosopher and physician of antiquity set out his views on the methods of treating such injuries. In today's medicine, doctors still use the term "dislocation reduction according to the Hippocratic method." Among other things, Hippocrates distinguished himself in the field of orthopedics, having made more than one successful attempt to correct the curvature of the spine.

There were other scientists who made an invaluable contribution to the development of traumatology. This is Celsus Aulus Cornelius, who studied fractures and dislocations. This is G.I. Turner, who became the first to open a specialized orthopedic clinic. It is especially worth noting N.I. Pirogov, who informed the whole planet about how to solve the problem of open fractures. The number of innovations developed by this scientist in the field of traumatology included such a plaster cast that is familiar today. Certain merits belong to the researchers Polenov, Volkov, Sitenko.

On World Traumatology Day, one cannot fail to mention the famous Avicenna, who created the "Canon of Medicine". In this text, more precisely - in the fourth volume of the "Canon" - an oriental doctor described, among other things, bone diseases, fractures and dislocations, as well as the method of their treatment. During the Renaissance, the name of Ambroise Pare thundered throughout Europe, a talented French surgeon, who today has been given the title of "father of modern surgery." He became the author of such works as "A way to treat gunshot wounds, as well as wounds inflicted by arrows, spears, etc." (1545), the doctrine of stopping bleeding and amputations. In them, Pare described in great detail all the nuances of the treatment of the listed injuries and defects, as well as orthopedic devices and prostheses.

As for our country, chiropractors have been operating in Rus' for a long time. The first evidence of their activities was documented in the spring of 1655 and refers to the period of the Russian-Polish war. The paper mentions the name of the chiropractor Pervushka Petrov, who served in the royal camp, in the Pharmaceutical order, which speaks of the great skill of this person. In 1654, the first Moscow medical school appeared in the capital. First, within the walls of the institution, medical science was taught to students by foreign doctors. The school had two departments: medical and chiropractic. Persons serving in the second, assisted with bone injuries. The chiropractors of that time, no doubt, deserve to bear the title of the founders of domestic orthopedic traumatologists.

Profession traumatologist

On this spring holiday, World Traumatology Day, it would be appropriate to say a few words about the profession of a traumatologist.

To become a traumatologist in our country, you must first graduate from a medical institute at the appropriate department. The duration of study is 6 years and another 1 year the graduate should serve in an internship. The knowledge of a traumatologist must be deep and very specific. To do this, you must have an excellent memory and a sincere interest in the information received, since cramming will not help here. Specific knowledge in the field of traumatology should include:

  • structure and features of the musculoskeletal system;
  • varieties and classification of damage;
  • methods of diagnosing wounds;
  • trauma therapy;
  • nuances of rehabilitation.

In addition to all this, a traumatologist must have a good knowledge and understanding of anatomy, physiology, morphology, and also have the skills to read x-rays. This is the theoretical and practical minimum that is necessary for successful implementation in the profession of a traumatologist.

Where do doctors of this specialty work? In emergency rooms, general hospitals and clinics. As for the improvement of professional status, career growth is possible in two directions: obtaining the position of chief physician and head of the department. In addition, a good doctor can conduct a private practice by registering an individual entrepreneur or replenishing the staff of a paid clinic. Another way of development: engaging in scientific activities.

We sincerely congratulate all traumatologists on May 20, World Traumatologist Day!


It is difficult to imagine a more multifaceted holiday than the Day of the Traumatologist. On the one hand, this date is dedicated to people of the most noble profession, who, by the nature of their activities, not only save lives, but often collect injured bodies in pieces. On the other hand, these doctors daily face manifestations of human carelessness and stupidity, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity.

History and archeology suggest that even in the Ancient World, people tried to treat the consequences of injuries by performing surgeries to heal broken limbs and even skull bones. Among the finds of the past, scientists also have medical instruments that were supposedly used by doctors in antiquity. The first attempts to systematize information on the treatment of injuries were made by Hippocrates.

World Traumatology Day congratulations: beautiful congratulations in verse

On this holiday, it is customary to honor traumatologists, expressing gratitude and admiration for their courage, tact and professionalism. Everyone who happened to be in their confident hands knows what the minutes of delay in making a decision and providing assistance are worth. It is very important to find words of gratitude and support with the warmth of your hearts those whose everyday life is an ongoing battle with pain and suffering.

All traumatologists today
They celebrate their holiday
Bouquets and cognac French
From patients grateful receive.

Their work is very responsible,
Both day and night the bones are set,
It takes a lot of experience here.
And everyone knows this very well.

Therefore, today, on a holiday,
They drink coffee and cake
Well, something stronger
Perhaps in the evening, later.

Traumatologists around the world! We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish you always a good mood and financial well-being! Thank you for your talent, courage and professionalism! We wish you not to stop on the way to the main goal of your life!

Traumatologists - honor and praise to you!
The big day is today!
Today we will shout "Hurrah!"
We wish you success, lots of strength!

Your service is both dangerous and important,
And we're nowhere without you!
And your work is so difficult!
We need you, doctors, always!

Traumatologist, you help out,
If abrasions and pain
How to help, you know exactly
Since I chose this role.

If dislocations, bruises,
And then we go to you
Allow me to say thank you
And congratulations on your day.

May your goodness return
You are not in vain an excellent doctor,
And let fate smile
Difficult without carrying tasks!

It's better to always be healthy
But sometimes trouble happens
When a bruise is big, a bruise or a fracture,
We always rush to the traumatologist.

I congratulate you on your professional holiday,
I sincerely wish you endurance, patience,
Let sorrows go away
And joy and sorrow always come to the house.

Traumatologist - a doctor from God,
He has a very light hand.
Broken bones make up together
And they become stronger than from novya.

On the day of the traumatologist, I heartily congratulate you,
Good luck, joy, I wish you a lot of love,
Let experience help you in your work,
May the Lord protect you from troubles.

If trouble suddenly happened to you,
They fell on the ice, a broken leg,
Go to the emergency room as soon as possible
And get help from a doctor there.

Congratulations on the day of traumatologists,
May dazzling success await you in your work,
Let luck accompany you in everything,
Let reliable friends surround you.

World Traumatology Day congratulations: cool congratulations

We are not afraid of fracture,
bruise and sprain,
We have a wonderful friend -
Traumatologist genius.

He will always save you from injury,
Gypsum will be applied professionally,
Solve all problems at once
Just instantly.

We congratulate him
On this holiday of traumatologists,
We wish you happiness and good
And have fun days.

Day of the traumatologist today,
Accept congratulations, doctor,
May life be filled with fun
We wish you good luck and good.

May patients be grateful
You are always admired
Let labor days, shock
They always end successfully.

We respect you immensely
And we appreciate your titanic work,
From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you,
More travel you tourist.

Day of the traumatologist, mind you, celebrate
And those who do not know about this day,
And just, ironically,
Emergency rooms are filling up like mushrooms.

Live even if very carefully
Injuries cannot be avoided in life,
But I want to wish traumatologists
Less work, more rest

More joyful moments in life
And there are fewer patients every day.

On the Day of the Traumatologist, we congratulate the Creators,
What can a person reassemble -
Small children, mothers, gray-haired fathers -
Sew up and set, calm, raise to your feet.

We will sing greetings to them with gratitude,
In which the wishes of happiness, joy, victories,
So that with your soulmate together
You have discovered the most important secret in love!

On the Day of the traumatologist, accept
You are congratulations from me!
You always live happily
I sincerely wish you!

Save people tirelessly
Treat injuries with a bang!
I'm in the situation given to you
I wish you joy, good.

And may success await you
And waiting for recognition ahead!
I wish you good health
Move forward confidently!

The day of the traumatologist is not in vain celebrated,
Many people, they help the state,
Their work is complex and requires a lot of knowledge,
It is very important to pay maximum attention.

Congratulations on the holiday,
And we wish you great success in your work,
Well excellent health, patience, kindness,
Happiness, love, respect, life without fuss!

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