How easy it is to make beautiful makeup. How to make beautiful lip makeup? Step-by-step guides to make-up at home

Beautiful makeup transforms the face. The right make-up will help hide all the imperfections, emphasize the shape of the eyes, make them visually larger. Professional makeup, of course, looks perfect, but if there is no way to entrust your face to a specialist, you can master evening and daytime makeup for beginners and do it yourself at home.

Do beautiful make-up will help you step-by-step instruction and photo.

If you want to do professional makeup right, you need to know what mistakes to avoid.

  1. Too thick foundation will make the look heavier. If you need to mask problem areas, it is best to do it pointwise, using a pigment of the appropriate color.
  2. Incorrectly selected foundation color creates a “mask” effect. If you're having a hard time picking a shade, buy 2 colors and mix them.
  3. Applying a foundation on dehydrated, flaky skin focuses on problem areas Oh. Apply products in the form of a scrub and peeling, and only after that proceed with makeup.
  4. Bronzer instead of blush. Such a product of decorative cosmetics as a bronzer is designed to darken certain areas on the face, but certainly not to give a blush.
  5. Wrong eyebrow shape. If your eyebrows are not well-groomed, even professional makeup will not save you.
  6. Thick layer of ink. If you apply too much mascara to your eyelashes, they can become clumpy, and they themselves will stick together and look unattractive. False eyelashes will be appropriate if your makeup is evening.
  7. Too much pale lipstick. To highlight the eyes, it is not at all necessary to apply foundation on the lips. The ideal neutral option is a pale pink lipstick.
  8. An unshaded black line around the eyes visually reduces them. If you are painting your lash line with a black pencil, use a blending brush.
  9. Bust with powder. Do not try to mask all the existing imperfections on the face with a plentiful application of powder. It is designed to fix makeup, so you need very little of it.
  10. The wrong color of the shadows will make your eyes teary and tired. Choose neutral tones that suit any eye color.
  11. Dark lip contour. The pencil should be no more than 1 tone darker than your lips.

Mastering the technique of applying makeup at home is easy. The main thing is to follow the instructions. Consider how to prepare the skin for applying cosmetics and do makeup step by step.


Before proceeding with the application of decorative cosmetics, the face must be cleaned and refreshed. Suitable for quiet purposes special means in the form of gels, foams, mousses and tonics. These actions will help eliminate excess oil and cleanse the pores.


After toning, moisturizing the face with a cream follows. You need to choose it, focusing on your skin type. It is desirable that the product includes sunscreens. The task of the cream is to moisturize the skin, protect it from negative impact ultraviolet light and prevent foundation from clogging into pores.

Basic toning

Correction of skin imperfections before applying the base will help to make a beautiful even complexion. You need to mask the flaws in stages.

Applying blush

Makeup, which you do at home yourself, implies the right lighting. Blush should look natural, so they need to be applied evenly in one line.


Properly shaped eyebrows make the face neat. give them desired shape possible at home. You should not make them too thin, as eyebrow threads are not in trend today. For eyebrow makeup, you can use two shades of pencil. Lightly paint over the eyebrow at the ends, and darken the rest of the hairs. Great replacement for a pencil - shadows Brown.


How to paint eyes in stages at home:

  1. First draw the outline of the eyes. For a daily make-up, an eyeliner is suitable. Draw a line from the inner corner of the eyes to the outer and blend with a brush. If you want to make an evening make-up, use eyeliner. It’s not easy to paint her eyes if you don’t have the skills, but you can practice making beautiful arrows for yourself at home.
  2. Use an eyeshadow base before applying eye shadow. The main color of the shadows, a lighter shade, should lie on the eyelid from the inner corner. dark tint paint over the eyelid to the outer corner. Be sure to blend the borders of the flowers. Correctly painting eyelids at home is easy, you just need to prepare brushes, shadows and a base and follow the instructions. Regular training will help you master professional eye makeup.
  3. For a daytime eye make-up, a soft color scheme is appropriate. Evening beautiful eye makeup allows you to experiment with a palette of shades, even if you do it at home.

Eye makeup options are shown in the photo:


Classic ink colors are black or dark brown. Evening make-up allows you to use mascara in bright colors. Do not apply mascara in a thick layer, it is enough to walk over them with a brush a couple of times. If you are doing evening makeup, do not forget that mascara with the effect of false eyelashes is suitable for these purposes.


Options for applying lipstick photo:

Learning how to properly paint lips at home is not a difficult task. To keep lipstick on them for as long as possible, cover them with thin layer powder.

Helps to contour special pencil in the tone of lipstick, as in the photo above. You can make lips more voluminous with gloss. You can apply it over lipstick.

Mastering the technique of makeup is easy. A step-by-step photo tutorial for beginners will help you make a flawless and beautiful make-up, whether it be evening or daytime.

Many women have thought more than once about how to create an evening make-up, without resorting to the services of a makeup artist.

To accomplish this task, you need to stock up on time and special means.

We'll show you how to do it yourself.

Skin preparation

How to prepare your face for makeup application? Cosmetical tools better on cleansed skin, so it would be best to use a light scrub.

Then a moisturizer should be applied. Now the face is ready to visually hide possible imperfections. This process can conditionally divided into 3 stages:

  1. Application . Base tool applied to the entire face, for the skin around the eyes you need to apply the foundation under the shadow.
  2. Deficiency Correction natural tone of the face with the help of concealer. concealer yellow color will hide dark circles under the eyes, green - redness, orange - veins and capillaries, translucent through the skin, purple - pigmentation. It is better to have a palette of these miracle products and individually select the desired shade.
  3. Applying foundation. Tonal means should be applied to the face, neck and décolleté, depending on the depth of the neckline.

Since skin color has nuances in different parts of the body, you should use different shades and apply in a thin layer.

It is possible to use powder with a bronzing effect or a radiance effect.

Now you can place accents with help various shades decorative cosmetics.

Preferred Shades

Trends often dictate to fashionistas what shades to use in makeup, however it will be useful to take into account your eye color to make the chosen shade look more successful, especially if you focus on the eyes.

Important Rules

What principles and rules should be followed when performing evening make-up? To properly make an evening make-up, need to know some important points:

  • the main feature of evening makeup - bright palette cosmetics;
  • when performing an evening make-up, it is taken into account for which event it is being done;
  • You should not put on makeup for a secular reception as eccentrically as in a nightclub.

  • it is better to use persistent cosmetics;
  • it is advisable to “rehearse” the chosen makeup option before the event;
  • an evening make-up is performed under artificial light;
  • the emphasis is on the eyes or lips. It is possible to single out both, but one must be very careful not to look vulgar;
  • the more pretentious the outfit looks, the more modest the makeup, and vice versa;
  • a beautiful make-up should be complemented by high-quality styling.

What mistakes should be avoided?

To avoid mistakes, let's find out what they are:

  1. The wrong tone. The foundation must match the natural skin color or be slightly lighter than it, discrepancies of several tones are unacceptable. It is better if the shade is translucent and without pink pigments.
  2. Inconsistency of makeup technique with the type of eyes. Women with wide-set eyes are not recommended to lighten the inner corners of the eyes. If the eyes are narrow or small, then smokey eyes are not suitable for them.
  3. The outlined lower contour visually reduces the eyes. The eyeliner line should not rush down.

  4. Lip pencil tone mismatch with lipstick tone. It can be a little darker, but not by several tones.
  5. Excessive extension of the natural contour of the lips. It is allowed to go 1 mm outside the contour.
  6. Lots of lip gloss. A few layers of glitter will make the image vulgar.
  7. Fresh eyebrow tattoo. It is better for tattoo lovers to take care of it in advance so that there is no excess paint left.

When applying evening make-up it will be useful check makeup artist recommendations:

  • don't overload the image. Hide flaws with accents. For example, an emphasis on bright red lips will distract from bags under the eyes;
  • avoid mother-of-pearl shades in folds;
  • beige shadows do not require applying a base under them;
  • powdered shadows are contraindicated when wearing contact lenses;
  • in eye makeup, shadows are used first, then eyeliner, then mascara;
  • lowered outer corners of the eyes can be visually raised with the help of arrows;
  • use a brush to separate sticky eyelashes, and to thoroughly paint them, pull back upper eyelid towards the temple.

The main secret of a successful evening make-up consists of correct selection colors, techniques for applying cosmetics and matching it to your image. It remains only to complement the make-up expressive look and smile.

Every woman and girl must know simple rules applying makeup. They will help you always look beautiful and well-groomed, without harming the skin.

Where does the great sacrament begin and what is the sequence? Which important secrets do makeup artists know?

Properly applied makeup can beautifully emphasize your strengths and hide all the flaws. Some 5 years ago, this secret was known only professional makeup artists. Today, every girl has access to a sea of ​​​​information on how to become beautiful with the help of cosmetics. The best makeup artists world have long been open about their secrets.

Basic rules for good makeup

When starting makeup, remember that the most important thing in any make-up:

  1. perfect face tone
  2. well groomed eyebrows.

What do we mean when we say perfect tone"? Color foundation should match the complexion, and the use of color corrective concealer in the presence of problem areas (bruises, pimples, scars, dark circles under the eyes) for sure.

A couple of years ago we didn't pay so much attention eyebrows. Today in the store of decorative cosmetics appeared a large number of products just for them. What happened? The thing is that makeup artists understood how important beautiful eyebrows makeup in general. Sloppy eyebrows can ruin even the most perfect makeup. Too thin plucked or, conversely, very thick massive - this is what should be avoided. Perfect option- natural form.

And finally, I want to say that it is very important do not overload the face with cosmetics. Today, more and more often, ladies sin with this, so professionals say that “under” is better than “over”.

Analyzing the features of your face

Applying foundation

Apply a foundation or BB cream that matches the color perfectly. Choose those tinting agents that have a light yellow pigment. They are perfect for European women. Apply with a slightly damp beauty blender or special brush from synthetic fleece.

Fixing the tone with powder

We use loose powder in makeup in order to fix the tone. It is preferable to fix only the T-zone, which quickly acquires shine due to the release of sebum.

You can use transparent or white transparencies. The main thing to remember is that powder is auxiliary means that mattifies and fixes foundation. It is applied with a large fluffy brush in small amounts. During the day, you can lightly powder the T-zone with compact powder or get wet with matting wipes.

Correction of the face with dry correctors

We give shape to the face, because after creating perfect tone, it turns into a blank page without natural shadows and highlights.

  1. Blackout: With a soft brush made of natural bristles, we pick up some dry brown correctors (Mac “Harmony” is ideal), drive it in on the arm and lightly draw it under the cheekbone (starting from the middle of the cheek we go to “no” towards the cheekbones), along the hairline, lateral side of the nose, under the chin, slightly under the lip.
  2. Highlight. We highlight the back of the nose with a highlighter, a tick over upper lip, chin, protruding part of the cheekbone, under the eyebrow, inner corner of the eye, middle of the forehead.

Shade everything thoroughly!

Eyebrow drawing

Combing with a special brush pushing the hairs up. With a pale pink or white pencil, draw a line under the eyebrows and slightly shade. For correction, we use a beveled hard brush and matte shadows or a special hard eyebrow pencil.

If desired, you can fix it with a special transparent or brown gel (today there is a huge selection in stores for both blondes and brunettes).

Step by step eye makeup

At this stage, you can adjust the shape of the eyes, but we will consider the average light daytime makeup.

Stage 1 eye makeup. Apply a base under the shadows (the primer makes the shadows more resistant, helps them lie down better and blends well).

Stage 2 eye makeup. Apply dark matte shadows to the outer corner of the eye and the crease of the upper eyelid, light - to the inner. Shade the border. You can add some brown matte shadows on the outer corner of the lower eyelid along the lash line, reaching the middle of the eye (shade).

Stage 3 make-up gdaz. Line your eyes with black pencil or eyeliner. You can just walk along the lash line or make a soft arrow on upper eyelid and blend going beyond the edges of the eye and lifting it up (this will make the eye much larger).

Stage 4 eye makeup (optional). Paint over the mucous membrane of the eyes with a light pink or beige pencil.

Stage 5 eye makeup. Make up the eyelashes, slightly twisting and focusing on the roots at the base (many people like to paint over only the ends of the eyelashes, but over time they fall from gravity and we get no big eyes, but the exact opposite effect).

Applying blush

We take pink (you can peach or coral) blush and apply it to the apples of the cheeks that form when we smile. Lightly blend towards the temples. Lightly run along the tip of the nose and around the perimeter of the face to create a harmony of color in the makeup!

Lip makeup

We moisten the lips with a balm and stained with your favorite lipstick. If you would like to create more lasting effect, make up your lips completely with a pencil, the same shade as lipstick, and only then apply lipstick.

Fixing makeup

sprinkle thermal water or makeup fixative(Not mandatory step, but for evening make-up desirable).

How to choose the right cosmetics

The choice of cosmetics is one of the most important issues, because good cosmetics It is inexpensive, and cheap does not always please with its quality.

foundation should suit your skin type and meet your needs:

  • light texture and color;
  • rich color and high covering power;
  • resistance;
  • additional hydration or the ability to matte.

And how to choose the right tone color? When choosing a shade, do not major mistake, which absolutely everyone does - they test the tool on the wrist. The tone of the hands and face is very different. Apply a small amount of product to the under eye area and blend onto the cheek. When you go outside, take a look at yourself daylight. Shops often sin by turning on yellow lamps that neutralize the redhead. That is why when we come home, we are often disappointed with the purchase.

It is best to apply the product on the face and live with it all day. A good store will not deny you the opportunity to test the foundation correctly. You must understand whether you are comfortable or not and whether this product can withstand your rhythm of life.

At lipstick The key is color and texture. Apply some lipstick on your hand and decide if the texture is pleasant for you. Next, apply to the lips and look at the color. Don't try the color on your hand, as this also distorts the color. You can apply a little on the inside of the fingers, as it is almost the same color as the lips.

The only one universal color lipstick, which will suit absolutely everyone - a cold red shade (if you rub it on your hand, it should be shaded to pink).

It is advisable to buy loose powder, and use pressed powder only in order to throw it into purses and correct it during the day. Loose lay down in a thin light layer, while pressed has the property of layering.

Blush better choose cream, so they look as natural as possible. The color can be cold or warm pink, peach.

ink it's not that hard to choose. Just decide what you need: to make eyelashes longer or thicker.

concealer should be slightly denser than the tonal and lighter by one tone, but no more.

Eyebrow pencil or shadow must be brown or gray-brown without "red". It is best to choose a shade a tone lighter than your eyebrows.

Eyeliner choose according to the principle of shading. We draw a small line on the hand, wait a bit and rub it. If the line is practically not smeared, we take it.

What can you save on?

We all know that the more expensive cosmetics, the better quality. But there are ways to save money.

  1. . Natural brushes are very expensive, while good synthetic ones do the job just as well. Plus, don't overpay for the brand. Brushes of an unknown brand are not worse than branded ones. Just touch the pile, giving preference to soft brushes.
  2. Mascara for eyes. good mascara you can buy in any supermarket literally for a penny. Sometimes they are not inferior in quality even to premium products.
  3. Pencil. A solid, non-greasy black pencil will draw an arrow no worse than expensive analogues.

And also, which are great for home use.

What is not worth saving?

foundation must be expensive and good, as we put it on the face and live with it for the whole day. But the most important thing is that the quality of makeup depends only on it. You can have an expensive foundation and all other products are very cheap and no one will notice. A cheap tonal one will lie in spots, be too “red” or even be like a mask.

Pomade natural Pink colour- this is what you need for every day. Enough for you for a long time, so do not spare money.

Shadows cheap ones can lie in spots and just shade badly. Buy just one palette natural shades and it will last you a very long time.

Loose powder It's a good investment in your looks. A jar with such a product is enough for you for 3-4 years, provided that you use it every day. But the whole secret is that she lies down as beautifully and naturally as possible.

Video lesson

A visual aid for those who want to learn how to paint quickly and beautifully. But remember that in this case the main thing is practice. Constantly practice, make mistakes, correct yourself and after a while you will learn how to bring beauty in 5 minutes.

Light makeup for every day

Arm yourself with all your makeup and start experimenting. Only if you devote at least 10 minutes to makeup every day, you can become a good makeup artist for yourself.

Simple budget makeup

Not every girl can afford expensive premium cosmetics, but everyone should know how to look expensive for little money.

Evening makeup for going out

Beautiful makeup from a professional makeup artist is very expensive, so we must learn how to bring beauty on our own.

With the help of decorative cosmetics, professional makeup artists skillfully hide significant flaws, visually change the features and even the shape of the face. Of course, without special training, it is unrealistic to acquire such skills, but it is quite possible to perform beautiful makeup at home. It is enough to know the basics of makeup and the rules for applying cosmetics.

How beautiful to do makeup at home?

To begin with, it is worth paying attention to several important nuances:

  1. Skin condition. Before using decorative cosmetics, the epidermis must be prepared. Means for cleansing and moisturizing should correspond to the intensity of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Suitable Foundation. The most common mistake independent make-up - the effect of the mask. It occurs due to a mismatch in the shade of the tonal base and natural color faces. You can choose the right cream if you apply a small amount of it on the inside of your wrist and compare it with a natural tone.
  3. Eyebrow shaping. If it is not possible to independently model the desired shape and width, it is advisable to contact a professional at least once. After that, you can just keep your eyebrows in good condition.
  4. Applying blush. The type of cosmetics in question plays a very important role. Through the correction of facial features, its shape, length and width. Therefore, the schemes for their application to the cheekbones must be carefully studied, to choose the most suitable option.
  5. Product quality. Don't skimp on decorative cosmetics. Cheap products purchased at spontaneous markets are made from low-quality raw materials and can provoke allergies, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

How beautiful to apply makeup at home?

If the above rules are reliably learned, it is necessary to stock up not only with cosmetics, but also with devices for its comfortable and uniform application:

  • soft sponges;
  • eyebrow brush or comb;
  • brushes with different cuts and sizes;
  • powder puff (for powder).

Also in the process you will need cotton buds and disks.

Step-by-step guide on how to do easy and beautiful makeup at home:

  1. Apply to a thoroughly washed face. with clean hands base under the foundation, well distributing it over the skin.

  2. Cover the area around the eyes with a base under the shadow.

  3. Smooth and comb your eyebrows.

  4. Moisturize lips. You can use a regular balm or lipstick base.

  5. Apply foundation with a sponge. If necessary, pre-use concealers.

  6. Areas that require highlighting (depending on the shape of the face), treat with a highlighter, shade it.

  7. Finish the skin correction by applying a finishing translucent powder.

  8. Shape the eyebrows with special shadows or a pencil. Hue should be natural, slightly darker colors hair.

  9. Apply matte translucent light brown shadows to the entire moving eyelid with a brush.

  10. Darker brown shadows draw a small arrow and a line along the crease above the upper eyelid. Shade them.

  11. Internal corners draw eyes and lines under the eyebrows with light milky shadows.

  12. Bring neat thin arrows on the upper eyelid along the lash line.

  13. Underline the lower eyelid with dark brown or black shadows. The line should be thin, gently "melt" to the middle of the eye.

  14. Apply mascara to eyelashes.

  15. Apply blush according to the shape of the face.

  16. Circle the contour of the lips with a pencil of a light brick shade.

  17. Make lips soft matte lipstick, roughly matching their natural color.

  18. Gently blend the lipstick so that there is no noticeable transition between the main tone of the lips and the pencil.

A beautiful and simple make-up done at home can be modified with your own hands. For example, this makeup is easy to make daytime and discreet, just not using dark brown shadows. Or give it solemn brightness by adding sparkles, increasing the width and severity of the arrows.