What kind of paint can be used to color eyebrows. An allergy test is a must. Here are the main steps of the home procedure

What's in the article:

Regardless of the changeable fashion, eyebrows have always been considered one of the main elements of the face, because they are responsible for its expressiveness. “How to dye your eyebrows at home without making mistakes?” - this question worries many women.

Therefore, today on the site Koshechka.ru you will learn how to carry out this procedure yourself, at home, and also get acquainted with the secrets and subtleties of painting, which are used in their work by masters of beauty salons.

Staining methods

Every woman tries to master the art of applying makeup. Implementation cosmetic procedures on its own allows you to significantly reduce cash costs.

It's not hard to color your eyebrows at home. The main thing is to master all the secrets of mastery, which will be revealed in this article. Through certain time, you will definitely master this procedure and significantly reduce the time of its implementation.

Coloring can be done in two ways: with the help of shadows or a pencil and using a special paint.

In this article, we will consider in detail all the nuances of coloring with paint, since this method gives a lasting effect of up to several months. You will be given two options:

  1. Staining with chemical paint;
  2. Coloring natural remedies: henna and basma.

Choosing a paint

The cosmetic industry produces eyebrow paint in the form of: powder, powder, gel or cream.

The site site warns - hair dye, in this case, will not work! It contains chemicals that can have an extremely negative effect on delicate skin in the area of ​​the eyebrows. Buy coloring preparations that are designed to color your eyebrows.

The best among cosmetologists is paint in the form of a gel.

The color range, unfortunately, is not very wide. You can choose: light, graphite, brown or black. To choose the right color, keep in mind that it must be in harmony with the color of your skin and be darker colors your hair by 1 or 2 tones. If you want to achieve a more natural shade, you can try mixing different colors coloring matter.

Another important factor- an allergic reaction to the selected agent. Even if the instructions indicate that you bought a product with the most gentle composition, do not be too lazy to do an allergy test. Before you start coloring, test the preparation on another part of the body, for example, on the arm. If, after 30 minutes, you have not noticed anything alarming, you can safely use the purchase.

And yet, if you have inflammation of the eyes, first - get cured, then - bring beauty.

Step-by-step instruction of the procedure

Naturally, before you dye your eyebrows at home, you determined which color suits you, bought paint and tested for an allergic reaction. Now you need to prepare the necessary tools.

  • Paint;
  • Dishes for mixing the coloring matter;
  • Mirror;
  • A brush for applying the drug (it can be replaced with a cotton swab);
  • Cotton pads;
  • The fattest face cream you have.

After that, correct the shape of your eyebrows. Delete everything extra hairs. Control the removal of light, barely noticeable hairs so that they, after dyeing, do not spoil the shape of the eyebrows.

Before you paint your eyebrows with the purchased paint, carefully study the instructions. Pay attention to how long you can not wash off the coloring matter.

Let's get started:

  • Wash your face and cleanse your face of impurities.
  • Pin up your hair, removing it from your forehead.
  • Cover your shoulders with a cape.
  • Put on gloves.
  • Sticking to the proportions in the instructions, dilute the paint.
  • Lubricate the skin around the eyebrows well with cream.
  • Carefully wielding a brush, spread the paint along the entire length of the eyebrow. The fatter you apply the paint, the richer the color you get after staining.

How to paint eyebrows at home with paint? It must be applied from top edge eyebrows moving inward. At the same time, try not to get the paint on the skin!

  • Do not wash off the dye for the time indicated in the instructions. Optimal time– from 10 to 20 minutes. Remember that the duration of time, you can adjust the intensity of the color. But, the thinner the hair structure, the faster you need to wash off the paint.
  • Lubricate the cotton pad fat cream and remove the paint. Wipe off the paint until the cotton pad is clean.

When doing the procedure at home, try not to get the paint in your eyes. If this happens, immediately rinse them with running water.

What to do for lovers of natural cosmetics

In this case, well-proven henna and basma will come to the rescue. How to dye your eyebrows with henna at home?

This method will take much longer than dyeing with chemicals, but the effect will be persistent, the paint will last longer. natural ingredients more sparing, and, moreover, favorably affect the condition of the hair.

In order to properly stain yourself, you need to know some secrets. For coloring, henna in pure form, more suitable people with red hair. More dark color achieved by mixing henna and basma. The intensity of color depends on the amount of basma. By varying the amount of this coloring matter, shades from black to dark brown can be obtained.

Secrets of beauty salon masters

Finally, especially for you, a few secrets that will help make your eyebrows more beautiful and well-groomed.

If, after painting your home, you notice a darker color than you would like, don't be discouraged! There is an exit! Immediately lather with a cotton pad and remove excess paint.

After removing the paint, you can slightly correct the shape of your eyebrows. To do this, you will have to remove light hairs that were not visible before, which, after the dyeing procedure, can make the eyebrows sloppy. To do this, treat the tweezers with an alcohol solution and remove them.

All cosmetologists insist that you can paint eyelashes and eyebrows no more than once a month.

Now you know everything about how to color your eyebrows at home. Do not forget after the procedures to feed them with castor, peach or olive oil to strengthen and grow hair.

Beautiful, well-groomed eyebrows favorably emphasize the eyes. Take care of them! When coloring, do not forget about care, and you will always be satisfied with your appearance.

Clear and regular facial features, bright colors- it all helps to emphasize natural beauty highlight certain advantages and negate the disadvantages. Knowing how to paint eyebrows with paint, shadows or a pencil, you can easily become a few years younger and emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes.

How to paint with a pencil

Now the girls are giving great attention eyebrows. Previously, the trend was to pluck them to thin threads, but now they should mainly be wide and thick. Not everyone has been endowed by nature with such a beautiful and catchy facial feature, some girls have light or thin hairs that need to be shaded regularly. To do this, you can use paint, pencil, shadows, mascara and even lipstick. To understand the best way to paint eyebrows, you need to try all three options described in the article.

Previously, only a pencil was used to paint this part of the face, and all means of this type were used: contour for lips, for eyes, and others. Now there are already special pencils designed exclusively for eyebrows. Their differences lie in color scheme and softness. They are much more convenient to use, because the strokes lie down softly and naturally.

Before you color your eyebrows, you need to choose the shade of the product. Brunettes and brown-haired women are more fortunate here than blondes and fair-haired, because in the case of an incorrectly chosen color, you can shade the paint a little and get desired shade. But, if you have light eyebrows, then you need to remember some rules:

  1. Ideally, the shade of the pencil should be on tone lighter hair(in dark girls) and darker in fair ones. As with eyeliner, choosing the wrong range can add a few years to yourself;
  2. Naturally, they will only look brown shades and close to them (depending on the color type). Of course, tattooing is still fashionable now, but it rarely looks natural, and when the paint fades, it becomes a grayish tint, clearly indicating the artificiality of the eyebrows;
  3. To beautifully paint your eyebrows with a pencil, you need to make several small strokes, and not one solid on the hairline, and one thin (if necessary) on the skin.

In addition, you will first need to pluck out excess hairs or cut them. Otherwise, they will protrude beyond the painted outline and break the lines.

Instructions on how to paint eyebrows with a pencil:

  1. Eyebrows comb, pluck and trim;
  2. After you need to choose a form, this is a very important part of the work. The bend of the house is considered universal, the main thing is not to make it too big. To do this, you need to take into account the size and shape of the eyes, their level on the face. Top part the house should fall on the third part of the century;
  3. Now you need to make a couple of test strokes near the bend - this will help you choose the right intensity of pressure and check the correctness of the choice of shade. After light movements, color the eyebrows from the outer corner to the inner;
  4. Make sure that the tail gradually becomes thinner - this looks the most natural;
  5. If the eyebrows are not only light, but also thin, then the pencil will need to be applied to the skin. Areas are painted over only from above - if you make a line from below, then your eyes will drop and your eyes will become tired;
  6. Then gently blend the strokes and, if necessary, trim them.

This is very convenient way. They are the easiest to learn how to do makeup and it is the cheapest of all. In addition, you can color your eyebrows with a pencil every day without harming the hairs. Instead of a pencil, girls often use mascara. But such option is suitable only if you need to slightly shade the dark ones, but on the light ones, separately dyed hairs will be noticeable.

How to work shadows

Now many cosmetologists in their work use special shadows that are suitable for coloring. various parts faces. With shadows, you can paint your eyebrows on your own at home, even without experience or special skills. The advantage over the pencil technique is the ease of the method, the disadvantage is the high cost and rapid loss of shade.

How to step by step to paint eyebrows with shadows:

  1. As with a pencil, you will need to prepare the base: pluck and trim the eyebrows;
  2. You need to take a brush and an eyebrow brush. The contour will be drawn with a brush, and the brush will be needed to apply shadows;
  3. With a brush, you need to paint the lower line of growth of the eyebrows to the tail. Draw the tail especially carefully - one sharp movement, and it will bend;
  4. After that, you need to lightly paint over the center of hair growth with shadows;
  5. You also repeat with top line growth;
  6. Pay attention to the break. Depending on your face shape, you can make the line straight, round the corner or sharpen it;
  7. If thick eyebrows are emphasized, then with a brush you need to paint over in the middle several times, if thin ones, then just evenly distribute the paint;
  8. Blend the shadows with a brush and comb the hairs.

To make the makeup look professional, you need to apply a little corrector under the bottom line or foundation light shade This will help bring out the contrast. Learning how to make such a make-up is easiest with liquid shadows, but powder ones are also suitable. For naturalness, you can add a couple of strokes under the eyelashes on the upper eyelid.

A few secrets to make shadows last longer:

  1. Before dyeing with powder dyes, the hairs need to be waxed - it will become a reliable and durable base;
  2. After application, blot the area paper napkin- this will remove the top layer, which, when worn, will crumble under the eyes;
  3. You can fix the result transparent gel. good options MaxFactor, Maybelline and Evelyn have it.

Video: how to paint eyebrows step by step

How to paint with paint

Most natural photos obtained by dyeing eyebrows with paint, basma or henna. Such the way is fine, if you need to tint light, red or gray eyebrows, as it will help to give them a bright and rich color. The main advantage of this option is the duration - for at least two weeks you can forget about tinting the hairs.

How to paint natural eyebrows paint:

  1. Before starting work, you need to anoint the skin around the eyebrows with a greasy cream, petroleum jelly or lip balm - then the paint will not transfer to the epidermis;
  2. Special tools are used for coloring. Rocolor and Estel brands are very popular. In no case do not apply hair dye to the eyebrows - it can cause the appearance of allergic reaction. If you mix henna and basma, then the proportions for regular dyeing will come in handy, with their help you can get any color: red, brown, chocolate, black. It is better to choose the right shade right away, otherwise it will not be possible to repaint later (you will have to wait until washing);
  3. When applying paint, the same technique is used as with shadows. First, a contour is drawn, after which it is filled with color. Work with a large mirror to look at the eyebrows and, if necessary, correct even small gaps;
  4. Many girls are interested in whether it is possible to paint eyebrows during pregnancy. Experts do not recommend, because during this period there is a high probability of rejection of the chemical components of the paint. There may be a reaction: the face will turn red, swell or become covered with a rash. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to either use a pencil and shadows, or work with henna;
  5. The exposure time depends on the brand and color of the paint. Most often, the composition is washed off the hairs after half an hour. Don't be alarmed if the shade seems too dark - it will lighten up after a few washes.

The first staining is best done in the salon - so you can see the equipment and tools that professionals work with. On each eyebrow it is determined individually how often they need to be painted. It depends on the structure of the hair and its original color. Blondes need to repeat the procedure almost every two weeks, while brunettes need to shade once a month.

How to paint eyebrows with paint at home? This question worries many women, because everyone wants to be beautiful, but only a few have enough time to go to the master. But now we can fix it!

How to choose the right paint?

The choice of means for coloring eyebrows must be approached with all responsibility - only in this case you can count on good result. There are two main rules in this case.

Rule 1. Use products designed for coloring eyelashes and eyebrows. Be sure to check if there is a corresponding inscription on their packaging.

Important! Should I dye my eyebrows with hair dye? This is absolutely impossible to do! It contains the strongest reagents that can ruin a good half of the hairs and damage the epidermis. If such paint gets into the eyes, the consequences will be even more sad.

Rule 2. Buy only good and proven products. Remember, experimenting with low-quality drugs can cost you your eyebrows.

What is the best color for eyebrows? We offer you a small overview of the highest quality brands.

Estel Professional ONLY looks

A professional cosmetic brand with an affordable price (about 150 rubles). A set is sold with it. necessary tools- application brush, mixing container, developing emulsion and gloves. Consumed sparingly. It's easy to find for sale.

Important! Estel paint colors not only the hairs, but also the skin.


This dye is characterized by a variety of shades and affordable price. It qualitatively colors the hairs without affecting the skin. Unfortunately, there are no special tools in the kit.


This brow tint provides rich tone, is easy to apply and long lasting. Consumed sparingly. Among the shortcomings are the ability to dye the skin and the lack of accessories.

Important! Instructions for use are included with each package of paint. Having decided to paint eyebrows at home, do not be too lazy to study it carefully. Special attention give contraindications and side effects. If for some reason you cannot use this or that dye, refuse the procedure - this can lead to sad consequences.

Eyebrow paint consumption is minimal, so one tube is enough for about 4-6 months. But for the same reason, before each procedure, you should check the expiration date. Is it safe to use expired products? Certainly! This will not only not desired results, but also cause a severe allergic reaction.

How to choose the right color?

Deciding to color your eyebrows yourself, pick up desired color. Fortunately, such a palette will not be as large as that of hair dyes. Most manufacturers offer 4 basic shades - light, black, graphite (gray) and brown. Ideally new color should be 1-2 shades darker than the hair. So, burning brunettes are perfect fit black color. Brown-haired women should stop at brown paint or mix it with black. This decision will make the eyebrows more natural, so do not be afraid of any experiments in this direction. By the way, brown paint it can be light and dark, so the owners of red, golden and chocolate hair there will be plenty to choose from. As for blondes, colors a couple of tones darker than their natural shade are suitable for them. And last - grey colour. With the help of such paint, you can achieve the most natural shade, which is suitable for both dark and light.

An allergy test is a must

Painting eyebrows with paint requires a mandatory allergic test. Do not neglect this procedure, because any paint is a chemical product that contains not only color pigments, but also many other aggressive components.

An allergy test is carried out 24 hours before the proposed procedure. To do this, a small amount of paint is applied to the skin of the wrist or elbow. If during the day there is no redness or irritation on the treated area, feel free to move on to the eyebrows.

Tips to help you choose the right eyebrow shape before painting:

How to paint eyebrows - instructions

Eyebrow tinting at home takes place in several stages. Let's look at each of them, but first let's figure out what we need to work:

  • Coloring composition;
  • Tweezers;
  • Cotton sponges or cotton wool;
  • Cosmetic pencil;
  • tassel;
  • Container for mixing paint - it is better to use ceramics or plastic, as the metal oxidizes the paint;
  • Cotton buds;
  • Oily cream.

How does the eyebrow tinting process go?

Step 1. Give the arcs desired shape removing excess hair. Note that it is better for blondes to correct after coloring!

Step 2 Outline them with a white or dark cosmetic pencil. This will prevent errors during the application of the composition.

Step 3 Lubricate the skin around the eyebrows with any fat cream - it will prevent the absorption of pigment in unnecessary areas. If the ink does get on the skin, a waterproof mascara remover will help remove it.

Step 4. Mix the paint according to the instructions - 2 gr. paints + 8-10 drops of 3% oxidizing agent. Remember, the color will be slightly lighter in the container, but you should not increase the dose just in case - it will become too dark.

Step 5. Apply color to the eyebrows with a thin brush with a beveled edge and artificial fibers. The movements should be soft and pressing. Start from about the middle of the arc and gradually move towards the outer tip. The inner part of the eyebrow should be a little lighter, so it is painted last.

Advice! Paint the arcs separately - this will allow you to see and correct possible imperfections in time.

Step 6 Remove excess with cotton swabs. You need to do this quickly - after 2 minutes the dye will leave a mark.

Step 7. Lie down on the sofa and wait the right time. How long to keep the paint on the eyebrows? The exact time is indicated in the instructions, but, as a rule, it is about 10-15 minutes.

Step 8. Wipe off the pencil marks from the skin.

Step 9. Immediately after coloring, lubricate the eyebrows with a fat cream.

Important! The longer the paint lasts, the darker the shade will be. Therefore, to obtain a deep black color, the composition is kept for a quarter of an hour. To dye my own eyebrows brown tone, wait 7-10 minutes.

Step 10. Remove the paint with a sponge dipped in warm water.

Advice! If you don’t like the resulting color, try washing it off with a tonic from lemon juice And ammonia. But this can be done no earlier than 24 hours after the procedure.


Eyebrow coloring with paint has several contraindications:

  • Intolerance to the components of the dye;
  • Sensitive skin prone to irritation;
  • Eye diseases of an infectious nature;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Periodicity of painting

Many women are worried about one more important question: "How often can I paint my eyebrows with paint?". Despite the attractiveness of this procedure, you should not get carried away with it. Experts recommend staining no more than 1 time per month. At the same time, the coloring pigment will fade after 1.5-2 weeks, but it is better to be patient and tint your eyebrows with a pencil or shadows than risk their health. Over the next 2 weeks, the hairs will be able to fully recover, especially if you regularly lubricate them with special products to accelerate growth.

How to care for eyebrows after painting?

To avoid hair loss, learn how to properly care for dyed eyebrows. This is done simply:

  • Daily lubricate the arcs with burdock, olive or castor oil. Thanks to this, they will become beautiful and thick;
  • 2 times a week do warm compresses with any vegetable oil. Warm it up to 40-50 degrees, apply on 2 cotton pads and apply to the eyebrows for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off the residue with water or a clean piece of cotton wool;
  • A very good effect has a light massage. It promotes increased circulation and the flow of more to the bulbs. useful substances, allows the hairs to recover faster and makes them stronger and shinier. Massage is also performed using oils. A small amount is applied to the eyebrow area and rubbed with soft massage movements for a quarter of an hour.

So that everything turns out beautifully and does not harm your health, listen to the advice of experienced cosmetologists.

Tip 1. During work, put on gloves, and cover your shoulders on your body with a cape.

Tip 2. Before applying paint, you need to clean your face - it is advisable to do a peeling.

Tip 3. Wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in a disinfectant solution - peroxide and chlorhexidine are ideal.

Tip 4: Avoid Contact coloring mixture with eyelids and eyes.

Tip 5. If it still gets on the mucous membranes, wash yourself with plenty of running water. If the burning sensation and redness persist for a long time, consult a doctor immediately.

Tip 6. Do everything in stages, without neglecting a single step.

Tip 7. Use only freshly prepared formulations.

Now you know how to dye your eyebrows with paint at home. As you can see, it's quite easy. After several such procedures, you will become a real pro.

Coloring eyelashes and eyebrows can be done at home and in order to do everything right, you need to take into account some of the nuances and follow certain rules. The procedure for staining at home is fully described in this article.

The choice of paint for eyelashes and eyebrows

First you need to choose the right paint color. It must be said right away that eyelash and eyebrow paint and hair dye are completely different things, so when choosing coloring agent keep that in mind.

Second - make sure that the paint you choose will not cause an allergic reaction. Of course, in the instructions of each coloring agent it is written that the product contains the most gentle composition, which should not cause any unpleasant consequences, but you can't trust the word. Make sure that the composition does not include those components that cause you allergies. Moreover, before applying the dye to the eyebrows and eyelashes, test it on the body, if after a few minutes there are no anxiety symptoms then this tool can be used.

In the event that before staining you find any inflammation of the eyes, then painting should be postponed until complete recovery.

Color selection for eyebrows and eyelashes

Many girls are very long time choose suitable color for eyebrows. Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky to have by nature dark eyebrows and eyelashes. Blondes and red-haired beauties simply cannot do without constant touch-up.

Of course, you can change the color of eyebrows and eyelashes without staining using cosmetic pencil and carcasses. But such tools have one drawback - you need to tint your eyebrows daily, moreover, during the day you need to adjust makeup. Eyebrow coloring with special paints saves a lot in hot weather when under the scorching sun all makeup spreads.

Thanks to special paints eyebrows and eyelashes will always be bright

How to color eyelashes and eyebrows

Before you start coloring, remember, no need to experiment. In the process of preparing the paint, it is necessary to strictly observe all the proportions that are indicated in the instructions. Probably, it should be said that all paints for eyebrows and eyelashes initially have light color and only after contact with eyebrows or eyelashes, the paint begins to appear. Therefore, it is not necessary to add coloring pigment more than it is indicated in the instructions.

In order to start painting, you need to carefully prepare everything. For this process you will need:

    Cotton swabs and swabs.

    Fatty cream, which is designed to care for the face or eye area.


Before starting the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and wash your face, it would be better if the makeup is initially removed with a special composition, and then washed off with water. Then the eyelids and the area around the eyebrows must be carefully treated with cream, but this must be done so that it does not get on the eyelashes and eyebrows.

Then you need to prepare the paint in full accordance with the instructions. As mentioned earlier, in no case should you experiment. To apply the product on the eyelashes, you can use special brush or cotton swab. So, you need to apply cotton swabs dipped in water or protective paper, so that the lower cilia are on top. Then the paint is carefully applied in a thick layer on the eyelashes and eyebrows.

Eyebrows are best to start painting from the top edge and gradually move to the inner edge of the eyebrow. It should be noted that eyebrow coloring is best done when the arc is made neatly and asymmetrically. During this procedure, try to do so as not to stain the skin.

During staining, you need to squeeze the eyelids very tightly and tilt your head slightly forward so that the paint does not get on the mucous membrane of the eye. In the event that this happened, then without fail you need to rinse your eyes with running water and postpone the painting procedure.

On average, the paint is left on the eyelashes and eyebrows for 5-15 minutes. The exposure time is indicated in the instructions, but it can be slightly adjusted depending on what color you want to get in the end. That is, if the paint is kept for a short time, then it will not be saturated and bright. However, the exposure time of the coloring agent also depends on the structure of the eyelashes and eyebrows, the thinner they are, the shorter the exposure time.

After the staining is completed, the remnants of the product must be removed with a cotton pom-pom dipped in water. It is worth noting that you need to wipe your eyebrows until there are no traces of paint on the swab.

Eyebrow shape correction

Are your eyebrows too dark? It doesn't matter, you just need to lather a cotton swab and remove excess paint. Moreover, after all the excess paint is removed, you can correct the shape of the eyebrows. To do this, take the tweezers and wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol solution. It must be said that the main correction must be carried out without fail after the staining procedure, since the light dies, which were not visible before, will be “striking” after painting, this will make the eyebrows sloppy.

Even despite the fact that you consider yourself an expert in many women's beauty issues, you still need to be very careful with the procedure for dyeing eyelashes. Incompletely or incorrectly colored eyebrows or eyelashes look, to put it mildly, ugly. Therefore, if you doubt your abilities, it is better to consult a specialist. He will carry out the procedure not only more accurately, but also faster.

Modern technologies of the beauty industry allow a woman to abandon the daily application of makeup. And if eyelashes can only be extended by a master, then every girl can easily learn how to paint eyebrows with paint at home. The procedure is simple and it is quite possible to perform it yourself.

  1. The first step to take is to choose a coloring material.
  2. Under the ban, ordinary paint for curls is due to the content of aggressive substances in the composition. For fine hair it can not be used on eyebrows and skin.
  3. The staining procedure is best carried out using special means. They are created taking into account all the features of this area, the use of which is safe.
  4. There are two options - paint and henna. The second method does not differ in durability and saturation. It is more suitable for fair-haired girls.
  5. If you paint your eyebrows with paint, then you can count on a long-term effect. Plus, the range of colors allows you to choose the right shade.
  6. Before such a procedure, it is necessary to do an allergy test. Classic method- apply a small amount on the wrist and wait 10 minutes. During this time, the body will respond to the stimulus. If there is no allergic reaction, then the paint is suitable.

How not to make a mistake with the color?

For many girls, painting eyebrows at home becomes very difficult due to problems with determining the color of the substance.

It is worth remembering the rule - eyebrows should look as natural as possible. Then the whole image will be harmonious. Consider hair color:

  1. Brunettes. Dark-haired girls will suit lighter shades. natural curls. But no more than a couple of tones.
  2. Blondes. So blond hair light brown tones of paint are combined.
  3. Redheads. All shades of brown are suitable here. But it is worth considering the saturation of hair color.

You can not take colors that are darker than curls by 2 or more tones. Such a mismatch in color will separate the eyebrows from the face and will look unnatural.

Correcting the form

This item is optional. If the eyebrows already have the desired shape, then this step is skipped. But if something does not suit you, it is better to correct it before the procedure itself.

Eyebrow shaping options:

  • using stencils (sold in cosmetic stores);
  • draw the outline yourself.

Action algorithm:

  • we arm ourselves with a pencil with a greasy base;
  • mark the starting point of the eyebrow and its end;
  • We connect these points from below and from above.

It turns out the contour - inside it should be filled with paint. Due to the fat content of the pencil chemical agent will not go beyond the outlined boundaries.
It is important to note that the line should not deviate much from the natural eyebrow. Otherwise, they will turn out to be unnatural in size.

Procedure steps

Initially, you should prepare a number of devices. They should be laid out in front of you on the table - so that you do not have to look for each item for a long time.

For the procedure you will need:

  1. Disposable cotton pads and sticks. They are easy to remove excess paint.
  2. Cream. It should be quite fat. Choose products that are used for the face or eye area.
  3. Brush - the product is applied with it.
  4. Dye.

Preparation: important rules

Before applying the coloring pigment to the eyebrows, you need to carry out preparatory measures. Consider all the steps step by step.

  1. If there is makeup on the skin, it should be removed with a special cosmetic. After that, rinse your face with water.
  2. Treat the area around the eyebrows with cream. The hair itself remains intact. Such manipulation will protect the skin from staining.
  3. You should also carefully remove all excess hairs. Even fluffy ones can stain and spoil the contour of the eyebrow. Because of this, the result will be blurry.

Accurate application

  1. When coloring eyebrows at home, there is no need to rush. The outlined contour is filled with paint. The layer of the agent must be dense. Thus, the shade will turn out saturated and without bald spots.
  2. The distribution of the substance starts from the top of the eyebrow and gradually reaches the bottom point.
  3. All movements must be smooth.

The product is left to "soak" for about 20 minutes. This figure varies and depends on the manufacturer and the components included in the composition. The degree of saturation required and the structure of the hair also play a role. For example, thin and light ones need less time to color.

Skin cleansing

  1. The painted area is treated with a sponge. The cream is applied first. Thanks to this, the removal of excess paint is faster.
  2. The swab is changed until the coloring agent is no longer imprinted on it.
  3. After that, you can blot your eyebrows with a sponge dipped in water.

Tutorials on how to properly color eyebrows can also be found in video format.

Precautionary measures

It's easy to color your eyebrows. But at the same time there are some nuances of this procedure. They must be taken into account:

  • if paint gets into the eyes, they must be rinsed well - preferably with running water;
  • it is worth carrying out the procedure no more than 1 time per month - frequent use chemical substances harms hair and skin;
  • an allergy test is a prerequisite.

These rules must be observed not only for good effect but also to protect your health.

Eyebrow care

Coloring for a couple of days changes the facial used at home.

  1. Wash with water only. Without application cosmetic products. Such a measure is necessary due to the fact that the paint reacts with the components of other products. As a result, the final color of the eyebrows will change, but it will not work to control the shade.
  2. You need to watch out for regrown hairs. They will be different from the painted ones - they should be carefully removed.
  3. Due to exposure to chemicals, eyebrows weaken. For thick and strong hairs, you need to use special vitamins contained in creams and oils. Periodic combing of the eyebrows with a special brush will also help to activate growth.

How to paint eyebrows with paint at home? Conduct this procedure eyebrow tinting is easy. The quality of the result depends only on practice. With each application, the skill of staining will increase and improve. It is not necessary to seek help from expensive salons. Any girl can provide such a service to herself.