What bottles are best for a baby. Tommee Tippee with anti-colic system. Sterilization methods - choose the most convenient

Nature took care of perfect food for the baby - mother's milk. But there are situations when you have to transfer the child to artificial (lack of milk from the mother) or mixed feeding (insufficient milk from the mother). And then the only way feed the child - offer him a bottle of formula. You can also bottle feed with expressed milk if, for example, your mother is sick or has gone to work. Closer to six months, almost all babies get acquainted with the bottle - because it is so convenient to drink juice, kefir, tea and plain water from it. Therefore, the question “how to choose a feeding bottle” worries all parents.

The right bottle - what is it?

When choosing, remember two main requirements - the bottles must be safe and comfortable. Design and all kinds decorative elements- things are pleasant, but secondary.

1. Material

Bottles can be made of glass or plastic. Glass ones tolerate a large number of sterilizations well, last longer, but break easily. Plastic bottles weigh less, do not break, may have different shape. Plastic ones are especially convenient for walking and on the road, and they are also indispensable when a child learns to drink from a bottle on his own.

2. Shape

The shape of the bottle can be both straight and very intricate. The bottle in the form of a ring is convenient for the baby to hold, but it is not easy to wash it. Therefore, it is better to choose a feeding bottle without excessive bends - it is easier to care for it. When your baby starts trying to hold the bottle himself, opt for ribbed models or ones that taper in the middle.

3. Anti-colic protection

The main trouble with bottle feeding is that the baby swallows air along with the incoming milk, which can provoke colic and spitting up. But today, well-known manufacturers offer bottles with anti-colic protection. A specially designed ventilation system or valve system prevents air bubbles from entering the baby's stomach. Air enters the bottle and gradually replaces the decreasing liquid, but does not mix with it.

4. Pacifier

When choosing a pacifier, it is important to choose the right size and number of holes. If the hole is large, then the baby will suckle too quickly, without effort, and subsequently he may refuse the breast. If the hole is small, then the child will need a lot of effort, he will be tired and possibly malnourished. Therefore, the size of the holes should be chosen taking into account the age of the child - there are recommendations on the bottles for what age they are intended. The number of holes in the nipple may vary depending on the density of the mixture. The rule applies - the thicker the mixture, the more holes.

It is worth paying attention to the shape of the nipple. Teats fitted with anti-vacuum "skirts" are preferred to prevent air being sucked in during feeding.

Nipples can be latex or silicone. It is better to choose silicone - they are stronger, more durable, easier to care for.

5. Volume

For newborns, bottles with a volume of 100 - 125 ml are suitable, for older children - 250 - 260 ml. It is more convenient to use the bottle on which there is a scale in milliliters and grams.

6. Neck size

If your baby is breastfeeding, you can choose a wide-mouth feeding bottle. The nipple in this model copies the mother's nipple, which significantly reduces the risk of subsequent breast rejection. For feeding with instant liquid cereals, such a bottle is also preferable. In addition, these bottles are easier to clean.

Choose a manufacturer

When choosing a bottle, focus on well-known manufacturers- they have scientific laboratories and invest heavily in the development of safe products. Cheap bottles of unknown brands are good for one thing - a low price.

Today there are three leaders on the market - Dr. Brown's, Phillips

Dr. Brown's

Dr. bottles Brown's are equipped with a unique ventilation system, which was developed by pediatrician Dr. Craig Brown. It allows air to enter through the holes in the outside sleeves along the tube inside the bottle. During feeding, the liquid is gradually replaced with air, which avoids the formation of a vacuum and excessive pressure. But the ventilation system does not allow the baby to swallow air and helps prevent such common problems as the accumulation of gases in the tummy, colic, and frequent spitting up. Milk flows in a continuous stream, just like when breastfeeding, and babies suckle at their own pace, without stopping or getting nervous.

Since the bottles of Dr. Brown's air does not mix with liquid, this helps to prevent rapid oxidation and destruction of vitamins in both formula and expressed breast milk.

Another interesting offer companies - bottles with a wide neck. The nipple for such bottles is structurally similar to the nipple of the female breast. This avoids later refusal of breastfeeding due to the so-called "nipple confusion".

Phillips Avent

Phillips AVENT bottles have a one-piece valve at the base of the nipple that lets air into the bottle and prevents the formation of a vacuum in it. At the same time, the child can suck at his own rhythm, as with breastfeeding.

The Philips AVENT silicone nipple follows the shape of the female nipple as closely as possible, which eliminates the problem of “getting used to” the bottle. The nipple retains its shape and does not stick together thanks to the diagonal ribs. Bottle teats have five different milk flow patterns. Flow control allows you to combine bottle feeding and breastfeeding and switch from one mode to another depending on the age, health and individual needs of the baby.

Nuby tilt bottles have a removable vented bottom that, in combination with anti-colic nipple valves, prevents vacuum from forming in the bottle and prevents air from entering the mixture.

The 6-Stage Kit gradually teaches your baby to drink from a cup. This includes wide-mouthed bottles that change as the child grows: first they have handles, then soft spout for drinking, which then turns into a drinking straw.

An interesting model of a heat-sensitive bottle equipped with a temperature sensor. It shows the temperature of the mixture - the OK icon means that the temperature is optimal.

Helpful Hints

1. New bottles must be sterilized. If there is no sterilizer, you can boil all the parts for 5-7 minutes.

2. Be sure to get a bottle brush. Don't forget to change it every 3-4 months.

3. Check if the teat holder and cap are securely closing the bottle. With vigorous shaking, the liquid should not leak.

4. Removable handles are sold separately for many bottle models. They will come in handy when the baby shows a desire to hold the bottle on his own.

While waiting for a baby future mom prepares for the birth of a child, she seeks to create for him ideal conditions surrounded by care and love. Baby bottles, pacifiers and pacifiers occupy a special place in the list of must-haves for a future baby. How necessary are these accessories for breastfeeding and how not to get confused by a young mother among a huge number of manufacturers of baby bottles.

The issue of the need for a bottle rather affects the interests of a young mother, her convenience and willingness to sacrifice her freedom to a certain extent. The first months of life and food and drink the baby receives exclusively with mother's milk. The baby, especially in the first weeks of life, needs to feel maternal warmth, her care. Therefore, there is nothing better for a baby mother's milk and the sense of security and emotional closeness that breastfeeding brings.

Of course, one cannot deny those situations when lactation is impossible or contraindicated for medical reasons, and baby bottles are simply necessary. In addition, the life of a modern woman is so intense that often baby bottles are necessary for mommy to feed her baby with expressed milk or when lactation is temporarily stopped.

It should also be mentioned that the use of pacifiers, nipples and pads to a certain extent disorientate the baby. This can lead to rejection of the breast (most often, a bottle with a nipple is preferred as the easiest way to get food). This rule it is especially important to apply in the first 6 weeks of a baby's life. Although, such methods are somewhat difficult if the baby wanted to eat in a public place.

It is worth noting that manufacturers of modern baby bottles use technologies in which the process of sucking a bottle with a pacifier imitates sucking. maternal breast.

How to choose the right bottle for your newborn

Modern baby bottles vary in many ways. In order not to make a mistake and understand which bottles for babies are better, it is worth considering individual characteristics infants: age, tendency to colic, type of feeding.

You need to know that baby bottles are classified according to a number of criteria:

  • according to the material from which they are made; Baby bottles are made from silicone, plastic and glass. A glass bottle is easier to keep clean, but can be damaged if hit. In addition, the milk in it is heated longer, but also longer and kept warm. The glass bottle has a significant weight - it is not possible for the baby to hold it in the hands. Plastic bottles are convenient for walking. When choosing such bottles, it is important to exclude the dangerous component in their composition - bisphenol A. The absence of this component is indicated on the label by the following designations - BPF free or 0% BPF. Silicone baby bottles have soft walls, which allows them to be used not only for water, milk and formula, but also for feeding the baby with thicker foods.
  • in form; There are bottles for newborns of a standard form, bottles with a wide neck, curly bottles with a hole in the middle. Standard-shaped bottles are less stable than wide-mouthed bottles. Thanks to the hole in the bottle, it is easier for the baby to hold it, but it is more difficult to keep it clean.
  • by volume; The variety of bottles is quite large: 80, 120, 250, 320 ml. The optimal volume for a newborn is 120 ml, but by 12 months this volume is no longer enough - the baby will need another bottle. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a bottle of the largest volume.
  • by the presence and nature of the application of the division scale; For the preparation of the mixture, a scale with a 30 ml multiplicity is convenient. It is better if divisions and designations are applied by extrusion, and not with paint.

About some innovations and modern functions of baby bottles

Many baby bottles have anti-colic system. This feature is indispensable for babies prone to increased gas formation. Special technologies in this bottle prevent air from entering the digestive system child.

Some of the best baby feeding bottles are self-sterilizing bottles. Their sterilization takes place in a microwave oven and does not exceed 1.5 minutes.

Some of the latest generation baby bottles have special liquid temperature indicator. By coloring it in the appropriate color, the mother knows that the baby's nutrition has reached optimal temperature for feeding.

Some modern bottles are made with a soft tube instead of a nipple. This innovation is convenient for children over one year old as a transitional element between the bottle and the cup. Such a straw does not injure the tissues of the baby's mouth. Sometimes the baby uses it as a teether.

Well proven baby bottles with a spoon instead of a pacifier. This product is ideal for starting weaning. Mom presses on the soft silicone surface of the bottle and the necessary portion of porridge or puree enters the baby's mouth. Instead of a nipple, a silicone or plastic spoon is screwed to the bottle.

How many bottles does a newborn need

If a young mother does not know how many bottles a newborn needs, then when answering this question, first of all, it is necessary to be guided by the type of feeding. If the baby is breastfed, does not receive supplementary feeding and the mother does not practice pumping, then one bottle can be dispensed with. A baby receiving a mixture will definitely need three or even four bottles. The increased number in the second case is due to the need for frequent sterilization of baby dishes. In addition, an artificial baby needs more fluid than a baby.

How to choose a pacifier

In addition to the question of how to choose the right feeding bottle, the issue of a pacifier is equally important. The nipple is an integral part of the baby bottle. It, along with a cap and a plastic gasket, is included with the purchase. A pacifier for a baby is selected based on the age of the child and the type of food.

Depending on the material from which the nipples are made, there are latex and silicone nipples. Latex nipples are soft, light yellow in color, may retain a rubbery taste, lose their shape quickly, and may crumble and stick together. Silicone nipples are quite hard and durable. Important when choosing a nipple is the size of the hole. This factor affects the rate of food intake. They are designated from 0 (the smallest hole for water and juices) to 6 (a cross-shaped hole for cereals, soups, purees). Each nipple contains recommendations regarding the age of the baby.

Some tips for choosing and using a baby bottle

  • In addition to the lid, nipple and plastic pad for preparing formula, many baby bottle manufacturers supplement the basic set with a special brush for more thorough cleaning in difficult places;
  • Often, after long and repeated sterilizations, the cap of the product stretches and does not hold well on the bottle. Therefore, it is better to choose models with a screw cap;
  • Often, manufacturers of baby utensils offer convenient products that you will need if you take your baby on a trip. This is a thermal bag, a travel container for nipples, special mixture dispensers. Feeding your baby in a car or train is much more convenient with these accessories.
  • The presence of an electronic or electric sterilizer will greatly facilitate the life of a young mother;
  • If a nursing mother is concerned about questions about how to properly teach a baby to a bottle. Or, on the contrary, a child accustomed to the nipple refuses the breast. Perhaps the way out of the situation will be soft silicone bottles and nipples that mimic female breast.

Which manufacturer to choose

Many mothers do not know how to choose a bottle for a newborn among such a huge variety of manufacturers, functions and which bottles for feeding newborns are the best. The characteristics presented in the table will allow you to compare the features of each product and make the right choice.

ManufacturersMaterialFormTeat materialCharacteristics
Philips Avent
(Great Britain)
polypropylenewide mouth productssiliconeavent bottles contain a special anti-colic valve, it is as close as possible to HS, has a large silicone nipple. Avent - baby bottles that are easy to upgrade (breast pump nozzle or handles to hold the baby)
Chicco (Italy)polypropylene,
wide mouth,
ergonomic with a hole in the middle
silicone and
baby bottles chicco have a comfortable ergonomic shape, many models are equipped with flow rate regulators on the nipple
Nuk (Germany)polypropylene,
traditional and
with a wide neck
latex and
nuk bottles are equipped with an orthodontic silicone nipple that mimics the shape of a breast nipple
Dr. Brown (USA)polypropylenewide-mouth and traditionallatexThe company specializes in the manufacture of products for newborns. The bottles are equipped with one of the best anti-colic systems.
Сomotomo (USA)siliconewith a wide necksiliconeit is possible to sterilize these bottles in a microwave oven, has a pleasant soft texture and an effective anti-colic system

According to the manufacturer, a child with an Avent bottle, or a Dr. Brown is less prone to colic symptoms. Chico's baby bottles are equipped with a flow rate control on the nipple rim. Nook products are ideal in terms of economy. The comotomo baby bottle is a great option for babies who want the soft feel of a mother's breasts.

Breastfeeding a newborn is natural procedure for every young mother, however, there are times when you need to switch to artificial feeding. For example, when a new mother plans to return to her old place of work in the first year of a baby's life, or simply when she wants to get a short break for rest, during which other family members will look after the child.

Therefore from right choice feeding bottles will depend very much. To make it easier to find the right accessory for your baby, we offer for your consideration a rating of the top ten feeding bottles, compiled on the basis of recommendations medical specialists and mothers who have already used them.

TOP 10 best feeding bottles for newborns

Place Name User Rating Average price in rubles
1 🍼 « » ⭐ 4.3 out of 5 460 r.
2 🍼 "(anti-colic bottle)" ⭐ 4.1 out of 5 600 r.
3 🍼 « » ⭐ 4.2 out of 5 650 r.
4 🍼 « » ⭐ 4.9 out of 5 800 r.
5 🍼 « » ⭐ 4 out of 5 700 r.
6 🍼 « » ⭐ 4.9 out of 5 590 r.
7 🍼 "" (Glass bottle) ⭐ 4.2 out of 5 550 r.
8 🍼 « » ⭐ 4.8 out of 5 440 r.
9 🍼 "Playtex Baby Nurser" ⭐ 4.3 out of 5 530 r.
10 🍼 « » ⭐ 3.2 out of 5 240 r.

1. "Nuk First Choice"

The first place of the top was given to the Nuk First Choise bottle, for its three main wonderful qualities - this is versatility, health benefits for the baby and durability. The bottle itself is made of wear-resistant plastic, which is difficult to scratch. In addition, it will not change its color even after long period use. The nipple that comes with the kit is made of soft and flexible silicone and does not let air through, so the risk of colic in the baby is minimal. If desired, you can additionally purchase other types of nipples that fit the bottle: there are six different types.

  • High-quality and safe for health raw materials used for the manufacture of nipples and bottles;
  • Ergonomic and comfortable nipple shape for feeding;
  • Versatility;
  • Clear and indelible gradation on the bottle.

❗ What to warn about:

  • A number of mothers have complained that the lid does not fit snugly and the bottle can leak.

2. Dr. Brown's"

Dr. Brown's anti-colic feeding bottle is the best of the bunch and has a patented ventilation system designed to prevent your baby from swallowing air bubbles. This means that when using this bottle, the child is not afraid of colic. In addition, since air never mixes with milk, your baby is still getting the necessary vitamins: A, C and E-groups. The nipple in appearance resembles a female breast, so the transition to artificial feeding will be painless for the baby.

✅ Advantages of a feeding bottle:

  • Does not contain materials harmful to health;
  • Prevents the formation of air in the bottle and its ingestion;
  • Reduces the risk of colic in a child.

❗ What to warn about:

  • Complex cleaning system: for this, a special mini-brush is even provided in the kit, however, it is not very convenient to use;
  • The gradation of the scale on the bottle is barely visible.

Parent feedback: These bottles are so nice and easy to use! I couldn't breastfeed, but I still wanted to give to the baby breast milk. For this purpose, I used these bottles: my daughter adapted immediately, without any problems.

3. Philips Avent Natural

The most discussed and famous feeding bottle among Russian mothers. The Avent Natural design features an anti-colic valve that returns air back into the bottle. The feeding bottle is quite ergonomic, making it easy to clean and assemble. The appearance and shape of the nipples are suitable for both newborns and older babies. The safety of the product has been verified by repeated tests of well-known medical organizations, and the products themselves are widely distributed in the CIS and you can buy it in almost any pharmacy.

✅ Advantages of a feeding bottle:

  • Good wear resistance;
  • Available for purchase;
  • Fully compatible with the company's children's products: sterilizers, drinking bowls and other products for babies;
  • Easy to clean and assemble.

❗ What to warn about:

  • The reviews noted complaints about the operation of the valve to prevent air from entering the food: it may malfunction.

4 Comotomo Natural Feel Baby Bottle

One of the best bottles for the current year: it takes first place in many tops. Like most other modern feeding devices, this bottle is equipped with a special valve to cut off air from the milk mixture, and the shape of the nipple imitates appearance breast, for faster baby getting used to the nipple.

The main advantage of the bottle is the material from which it is made: its soft walls will allow the bottle to shrink, which will help regulate the rate of milk flow. Unfortunately, the bottle itself and its accessories are quite expensive, and there are not much more advantages than cheaper analogues of competitors, so only the fourth place.

✅ Advantages of a feeding bottle:

  • Only materials that are safe for health are used;
  • Good wear resistance;

❗ What to warn about:

  • High price.

5. "Tommee Tippee"

This fluffy bottle is light and comfortable in the hands, which makes it easier for the baby to feed. It is made of safe polypropylene and equipped with a well-thought-out air bleed system. An additional plus is the shape of the nipple that comes with the kit: it is very convenient for feeding and milk almost never spills.

✅ Advantages of a feeding bottle:

  • Sophisticated air valve system;
  • Easy to clean and easy to assemble;
  • Ergonomic pacifier shape.

❗ What to warn about:

  • Some mothers complained about the nipple intended for feeding newborns: according to them, the milk formula comes too quickly and in large volumes.

6 Munchkin Latch

The main advantage of the bottle is the nipples that come with it. The developers of the product have made a really thoughtful shape, which greatly facilitates the feeding of the child. In addition, it ensures proper grip during feeding, so the outside air, along with the mixture, does not enter the baby's stomach. There is also an air release valve inside the bottle. The shape of the bottle correctly distributes the pressure inside the structure, so that the feeding process is almost 100% similar to breastfeeding.

✅ Advantages of a feeding bottle:

  • Ergonomic and comfortable nipple shape;
  • All components are made from raw materials that are safe for the health of the baby;
  • Existence of the valve for bleeding of air.

❗ What to warn about:

  • When the bottle is heated in a water bath, milk flows out of it.

7. "CHICCO Nature Glass" glass bottle

In seventh place was the products of the Italian company. Compared with similar products from competitors, it is more ergonomic and of high quality workmanship. The bottle is made of strong glass, besides, it retains for a long time internal temperature. Latex was chosen as the material for the pacifier, and its shape facilitates the feeding process as much as possible.

✅ Advantages of a feeding bottle:

  • bottle capable long time keep the temperature of the milk poured into it;
  • The glass is strong and impact resistant;
  • The nipple is ergonomically shaped and made of first-class latex.

❗ What to warn about:

  • Fairly expensive;
  • Non-standard large volume and weight of the bottle;
  • Incomprehensible gradation of the scale.

8. "Pigeon"

Made by Japanese craftsmen, this feeding bottle has unusual shape nipples and it got into our top precisely because of its specific application. Since a silicone spoon is used instead of the usual type of nipple, it is suitable for those mothers who want to teach their child to eat from a spoon as quickly as possible. Liquid food is delivered to it by simply pressing the bottom of the bottle.

✅ Advantages of a feeding bottle:

  • Made in Japan;
  • Low price;
  • Rich starting equipment;
  • For those who want to teach a child to eat from a spoon.

❗ What to warn about:

  • specific area of ​​use.

9. "Playtex Baby Nurser"

Another interesting product chosen by us because of unique way filling the bottle with milk formula. It is not poured directly into the bottle, but into special disposable bags. This provides several undeniable advantages. Firstly, after filling the bag with milk, you can bleed excess air from it, and secondly, the bottle itself is very easy to clean. The quality of the materials used for the bottle pacifier is also beyond praise. However, in our market it is quite difficult to get bags for pouring milk, and they also cost a lot of money. Because of these nuances, only ninth place.

✅ Advantages of a feeding bottle:

  • Innovative feeding bottle filling system;
  • Components are made of materials safe for health;
  • Easy to clean.

❗ What to warn about:

  • Rare and expensive consumables.

10. "Canpol Babies" (glass)

Best a budget option feeding bottles today. The gradation of the scale is clearly visible on it, the glass is durable and impact-resistant. The nipple is made of silicone and provides a slow flow of formula. Given the price of the item, this the best option shopping among inexpensive bottles: cheap and cheerful.

✅ Advantages of a feeding bottle:

  • Low price;
  • Good quality;
  • Impact-resistant and strong glass;
  • Only materials that are safe for health are used.

❗ What to warn about:

  • There are no air bleed valves.

What else should be considered when choosing feeding bottles?

The first is the material from which the bottle and accessories are made. They must not contain harmful substances. The second is the volume and shape of the bottle. The third factor is the availability and quality of manufacturing of additional accessories and their availability on the market. Our top includes best models leading in the polls in these three positions.

If the newborn is receiving expressed breast milk, formula milk, or early feeding can't do without a bottle. If you are breastfeeding regularly, your baby will need a small bottle for water and a large bottle for expressed milk.

With artificial or mixed feeding, the child will need at least four bottles different sizes for formula, milk and water. It is important to choose the right container so that it is comfortable to use and care for, and, most importantly, safe for babies. Let's take a look at how to choose the right feeding bottle for your newborn.

Which bottle to choose

  • For the first time, choose small bottles in size. A sufficient volume is 80-120 ml. From such containers it is convenient to drink water, juices and compotes. They are practical in operation and storage;
  • For older children and babies on artificial feeding, one or two bottles of 150-350 ml are additionally needed;
  • Wide models, narrowed in the middle, it is convenient to hold when feeding. But they can be uncomfortable for the baby to eat and hold the bottle;
  • For water and drinks, a bottle with a wide neck is suitable, for mixtures and complementary foods - with a narrow one;
  • It is better to choose bottles from several materials. So, food grade plastic is lighter and safer. It does not break, does not take up much space and is easy to move. Great for walking or traveling. Glass is easier to clean and sterilize. It withstands repeated boiling and is suitable for home use;
  • When buying a plastic bottle for newborns, choose only high-quality food-grade plastic with the appropriate marks of quality, safety and suitability for hot food. After all, when heated, this material releases dangerous toxic substances;
  • Anti-colic curved bottles form natural intake air inside the container, so air does not get to the end of the nipple, into the mouth and tummy of the baby, which reduces;
  • Before choosing a bottle for a newborn, check the tightness of the product. The cap should fit snugly to the container and leave no gaps. The most reliable and tight caps with a tight latch or screw;
  • Choose bottles with a scale. In this case, the scale should be clear, bright and indelible. Be sure to check the accuracy, as practice shows that some products have deviations of up to 10%;
  • Experts advise buying a container that unwinds and disassembles into individual elements. This will simplify care and improve the quality of washing or sterilization. You will be able to carefully process every detail;
  • Release various models with caps that can immediately serve as a mug. For walks, choose products with a lid or a sealed plug. In addition, you can buy additional accessories, including a brush for washing containers, .

Which material to choose: plastic, glass or silicone

Before choosing a container, the question arises what material to choose. Today they produce plastic, silicone and glass products. High-quality food-grade plastic is a suitable and popular solution in this case. The material is characterized by light weight and comfortable use. The bottle is convenient to take with you, but the products need to be changed regularly. Even high-quality plastic containers are gradually deformed, covered with scratches and microcracks. In addition, plastic is not suitable for hot sterilization and boiling.

Glass bottles will become a reliable and durable product. Although they are quite heavy and can break, the material is hygienic, environmentally friendly and has a long service life. Such products can be repeatedly sterilized and boiled. How to sterilize bottles for newborns, read.

In addition, soft dishes are made from medical silicone. Such products do not break, withstand mechanical stress and do not cause allergies. The soft container can be squeezed, which makes it easier to feed the porridge. However, this complicates washing and maintenance. And with strong squeezing, milk or other liquid will spill.

bottle teat

A suitable solution would be to use several bottles of different materials. Don't forget the pacifier too. You need to select a pacifier depending on the age of the crumbs, the shape and material of the product. Products numbered “0” are suitable for babies up to three months, “1” for ages 3-6 months and “2” for babies older than six months.

Soft and elastic latex is suitable for babies in the first three months of life. Durable and hardy silicone is chosen for older children. Durable and rough rubber will come in handy when teething. However, it can cause diathesis. And sharp, torn material can injure a child. Therefore, the use of rubber nipples regularly is not recommended.

Classic round nipples with a ball at the end and oval products that resemble in shape female nipple– universal models that are suitable for every child with normal development. Orthodontic nipples with a beveled angle and a flattened end form the correct bite, develop the jaw and facial apparatus.

For babies with an underdeveloped lower jaw, anatomical nipples are chosen in the form of a droplet with a slightly flattened tip. You can read more about how to choose, how to use it correctly and how often to change the nipple in.

baby bottle rating

When choosing products, they pay attention not only to the shape, volume and material of the product, but also to the manufacturer. We offer popular firms and the best feeding bottles for newborns:

  1. Nuk is a universal bright bottle made of high-quality plastic with a convenient narrowed shape. Drawing and color are not washed off and are not erased. The ability to choose the right teat, bright and accurate scale, volume from 120 to 300 ml. However, the cap does not fit snugly on the bottle, which can cause leakage. Cost - from 400 rubles;
  2. DR.BROWN is a container with an anti-colic system and an additional tube that does not let air into the child's body and prevents or reduces colic in the baby. Wide comfortable neck, aesthetic design and color, high quality plastic. But poor visibility of the scale. Cost - from 300 rubles;
  3. PHILIPS AVENT is a good strong and durable baby bottle made of quality plastic with an ergonomic shape, wide neck and anti-colic valve. Avent is in demand among mothers, as the products are characterized by hypoallergenicity, thorough quality control and the availability of confirming certificates. Features easy care, wide selection of nipples and additional elements. Cost - from 300 rubles;
  4. CHICCO is a convenient glass bottle with a soft physiological latex nipple. Heat-resistant glass keeps the temperature of the contents for a long time, ergonomics, reliability and durability. But the container does not have a measuring scale and is distinguished by a high price of 550 rubles;
  5. PIGEON with a spoon is the best option for supplementing or. Suitable for both liquids and liquid foods. Strength and durability, high Japanese quality. Instead of a pacifier - a comfortable silicone spoon. The kit is completed with a brush for washing and a cover. It has an affordable cost for this category of goods, which is 280-300 rubles;
  6. CANPOL produces affordable, reliable glass bottles. These are classic eco-friendly products with a measuring scale, a standard narrow neck, a stable pattern that is not washed off or erased. In addition, modern CANPOL bottles are made of silicone and modern, safe, durable tritan. Cost - from 240 rubles;
  7. The World of Childhood is a simple cheap plastic container priced from 100 rubles. Such a product is perfect for water, juices and compotes. They have a tight lid, bright durable pictures and drawings, a measuring scale and a silicone nipple with anti-vacuum inserts;
  8. Medela offers a variety of sizes starting from 80 ml. Products are equipped with a measuring scale, a strong tight cover. Made from plastic and silicone. Wide price range from 100 to 1000 rubles.

We have considered what bottles are better suitable for newborns. After the purchase, it is important to ensure proper care and use. If you do not wash and change bottles or nipples in a timely manner, harmful bacteria appear and multiply in the products. This causes indigestion, infections and diseases in the child.

Application and care

Bottles are washed immediately after each use. To facilitate the procedure, use a special brush that can easily penetrate through a narrow neck. Before the first use, be sure to boil the container for five minutes, the nipple for three minutes. Subsequently, you can simply pour boiling water over the dishes after washing. The bottles are placed to dry upside down on a napkin or paper towel.

Be sure to monitor the integrity of the nipple and bottle, as microbes and dangerous microorganisms get into microcracks. In addition, such products may injure small child. Do not use the utensil if there is a build-up, a color change or a pattern is erased. Nipples are recommended to be changed every 1.5-2 months.

Baby feeding bottles irreplaceable thing for young parents. A bottle is needed when artificially feeding with a mixture, for supplementing with water or feeding the baby with expressed milk during the mother's absence. At correct selection the child suffers less from colic and bloating and drinks from a bottle with pleasure. Modern bottles are closer to breastfeeding conditions to meet the baby's sucking needs and avoid breast rejection.

bottles Russian manufacturer"Mir Detstva" are produced under strict control in accordance with the quality standards in force in Russia. They are safe for children and are not inferior in quality to foreign counterparts. The manufacturer offers bottles of standard and ergonomic shape with silicone nipples volume of 125 and 250 ml. There are specimens with a wide neck, which facilitates the process of washing the bottle after use. All bottles are decorated with cute children's drawings.

The manufacturer's defect is the lack of a clearly drawn measuring scale. The marks are convex, but merge in color with the bottle. To determine the volume of liquid, you have to strain your eyes and look closely. Many parents complain about the quick failure of the nipples included in the kit and the lids that are inconvenient to use.

  • Colorless scale, which makes it difficult to navigate the volume of the drink in the bottle
  • Low quality nipples and plastic from which the lids are made

Avent natural - the easy combination of bottle feeding and breastfeeding

British manufacturer Philips Avent has been producing baby bottles for over 30 years. The Natural series is designed to help new mothers combine bottle feeding with breastfeeding when they need to supplement their baby. The peculiarity of this bottle is the shape of the nipple, which follows the contours of the breast. To drink from a bottle of Avent natural, the baby has to make an effort and make movements with the tongue, just like when sucking at the breast.

Bottles are produced in 3 versions - 125, 260 and 330 ml. To reduce colic, a double valve is provided that prevents air from entering the stomach. The bottles have a wide mouth, convenient for washing or filling the mixture.

Parental feedback on Avent natural bottles is mostly positive. Although some note an uncomfortable position in the hand when feeding.

  • Breast-moulding nipple to reduce the risk of not breastfeeding in favor of a bottle
  • Variable flow rate that changes with the age of the child
  • wide neck
  • Double anti-colic valve
  • Not suitable for weak babies, because drinking requires some effort
  • Not everyone is comfortable holding wide bottles in their hand

Bibi bottles

Anti-colic bottles from the Swiss brand "Bibi" have an interesting nipple design that is easy for newborns to grip. Compliance with European standards guarantees high quality and safety. Bottles can be sterilized by steam, microwave or dishwasher. The shape with a "waist" contributes to a comfortable arrangement in the hand.

Of the minuses, a strong flow can be called even when using a pacifier 0+. Some babies may choke with a large amount of incoming fluid.

  • Made of high quality plastic or impact resistant glass
  • They have an anti-colic system in the form of a special valve
  • Ergonomic shape, comfortable for adults and children
  • Strong fluid flow rate from the nipple

Bottle "Nuk First Choice" - imitation of the female breast at an affordable price

Bottles of the German manufacturer Nuk of the First Choice series are designed to help parents combine natural and artificial feeding of the baby. The wide base of the nipple and the beveled tip imitate the female breast so that the child does not get confused when different ways feeding. Bottles of this brand are produced from polypropylene and glass in several volumes - 120, 150, 240 and 300 ml. Parents can choose from a latex or silicone nipple.

According to customer reviews, these bottles have one weakness– insufficiently tight fit of the cap leads to leakage of liquid when shaking or in a horizontal position.

  • Excellent German quality
  • The possibility of combining breast and artificial feeding
  • nipples different material and flow rates
  • Weak lid that does not cope with the function of leakage protection

The Italian company Chicco offers parents of a newborn an innovative nipple with a velvety top layer and an inclination to one side. This bottle provides the baby with comfort and ease of feeding. The shape of the pacifier encourages the baby to make sucking movements. According to research conducted by the company in 2016, 96% of children from birth to three months agree to drink from a Natural Feeling bottle.

The disadvantages include the difficulty of emptying the bottle to the end. Due to the beveled nipple, tilting the bottle so that the last drops fall into the baby's mouth is almost impossible. Therefore, it is better to dilute the mixture or pour milk with a small margin. Many users complain about the lid being too tight and opening with a lot of effort.

  • Soft, velvety silicone nipple surface
  • Angled tip to encourage suckling
  • The shape of the pacifier is liked by most babies.
  • Inability to feed the baby the entire amount in the bottle
  • Doesn't fit in most thermal containers
  • tight lid

Another manufacturer who tried to repeat the mechanism of sucking from the mother's breast in a bottle was the Japanese "Pigeon". Like its competitors, the Pigeon Peristaltic Plus bottle is anti-colic with a patented nipple valve. A decrease in colic during use was noted in 97% of cases, which was confirmed by scientific tests of the SCCH RAMS in 2013. The nipple has a raised surface that makes it easier for the newborn to grasp it.

The rather high price of the bottle corresponds to its quality. There are practically no negative statements about her. The disadvantages include the absence of a 30 ml mark on the measuring scale and a slight sound that appears during the operation of the anti-colic valve.

  • Mimics the shape of mother's breasts
  • Effective anticolic system
  • Rough nipple surface for a comfortable grip
  • High price
  • Extraneous sounds when using
  • Measuring scale starts at 60 ml

"Tommee Tippee closer to nature" with anti-colic tube and valve system

The next contender for the title of Super Baby Bottle comes from the UK. Manufacturer Tommee Tippee offers a nipple that follows the curve of the breast, its elasticity and movement during feeding, as well as a whole system of valves and tubes to combat air swallowing. The bottle fits comfortably in the hand due to the curves on the sides. There is a temperature sensor that changes color when the drink cools down.

A slight inconvenience is the washing of all constituent parts bottles. Another disadvantage is the inability to drink the mixture or milk to the end, about 10-20 ml remains in the lid area.

  • The shape of the nipple is comfortable for the baby, but does not distract from the breast
  • Anti-colic valve system
  • Ergonomic shape
  • Thermal sensor
  • Difficulty washing
  • The need to pour liquid with a margin

"Medela Calma" is a bottle that repeats the process of sucking from the breast as much as possible. In order for the liquid to enter the mouth, the baby must apply the same force to create a vacuum as when breastfeeding. This happens due to a special design - the smart nipple is pulled over a plastic base of several parts, attached to the bottle. As a result, the transition from breast to bottle and vice versa occurs imperceptibly and naturally for the baby.

Despite the complex design, which, moreover, is not easy to rinse, the Medela nipple often gives a strong pressure and the child chokes when feeding. Bottles are produced only in a small volume - 150 ml, which is not suitable for grown-up babies.

  • Breastfeeding simulation system to reduce the risk of breastfeeding
  • Comfortable nipple shape
  • High price
  • narrow neck
  • small volume

The Polish brand Canpol offers its own version of the anti-colic feeding bottle for newborns with a nipple shifted to the edge of the bottle. The design has a special filter, thanks to which the milk or mixture is constantly in the nipple, and the air and foam remain in the bottle. The nipple allows liquid to pass through only when feeding, ensuring the tightness of the product.

It will take a little more time to assemble and wash the Canpol Haberman system than for a simple bottle. This is a small price to pay for getting rid of colic when feeding.

  • Comfortable nipple shape that mimics breasts
  • Anti-colic filter
  • Not very convenient process of washing the pacifier and air filtration system

Dr. Brown's Best Baby Bottle of 2018

The generally recognized leader of our rating is the feeding bottle from the American manufacturer Dr.Brown’s. It was created by a pediatrician to relieve colic in babies. The patented ventilation system prevents air bubbles from entering the liquid by directing them to the bottom of the bottle. Milk and formula do not oxidize, retaining all the benefits and natural taste. Dr. bottles Brown's has earned the approval of neonatologists and parents around the world.

The ventilation system has its own negative sides. If the nipple is twisted, the cap is screwed too tightly, the bottle is horizontal, or the bottle is agitated, liquid will leak through the cap. Please keep this in mind when using the product.

  • Created by a pediatrician
  • Unique ventilation system that prevents fluid from coming into contact with air
  • Drip liquid supply
  • Often leaks when operating conditions are violated
  • The ventilation system is difficult to clean

Final table

small bottleManufacturer countryprosMinuses
Russia+ BPA Free
+ Low price
+ Bright design
- Colorless scale
- Poor quality of nipples and lid plastic
AventGreat Britain+ Breast-shaped nipple
+ Flow rate that changes with the child's age
+ Wide neck
+ Double anti-colic valve
- Not suitable for weak babies
- Not comfortable to hold wide bottles in hand
bibiSwitzerland+ High-quality plastic / impact-resistant glass
+ Anti-colic system in the form of a special valve
+ Ergonomic shape
- Strong fluid flow rate from the nipple
NukGermany+ German quality
+ Possibility of combining breast and artificial feeding
+ Nipples of different materials and flow rates
- Weak lid
ChiccoItaly+ Soft velvety nipple
+ Angled tip to encourage suckling
+ The shape of the pacifier is liked by most babies
- The inability to feed the child the entire amount in the bottle
- Does not fit into most thermal containers
- Tight lid
Japan+ Follows the shape of mother's breast
+ Effective anticolic system
+ Rough nipple surface for a comfortable grip
- High price
- Extraneous sounds when using
- Measuring scale starts at 60 ml
Tommee TippeeGreat Britain+ comfortable nipple shape for baby
+ Anti-colic valve system
+ Ergonomic shape
+ Thermal sensor
- Difficulty washing
- The need to pour liquid with a margin

  • Breastfeeding simulation system

  • Comfortable nipple shape

  • Prevents swallowing air

  • High price

  • narrow neck

  • small volume

  • Inconvenience when washing and collecting the bottle

CanpolPoland+ Comfortable nipple shape that mimics breasts
+ Anti-colic filter
- Not very convenient process of washing the pacifier and air filtration system
USA+ Created by a pediatrician
+ Unique ventilation system that prevents fluid from coming into contact with air
+ Liquid drip
- Often leaks when operating conditions are violated
- The ventilation system is difficult to clean

How to choose a bottle for feeding a newborn?

When choosing a bottle for feeding a newborn baby, we recommend paying attention to certain features of the product:

  • Shape - bottles with a wide neck are more convenient to wash, but especially pot-bellied specimens are not very comfortable to hold in your hands and they may not fit in standard thermal containers and heaters. It is convenient when the bottle has a “waist” or special notches for fingers;
  • Pacifier - it is desirable that the pacifier can be chosen depending on the age of the child. As they grow older, the fluid flow rate should increase. If you want to combine breastfeeding and artificial feeding, then buy bottles with nipples that mimic sucking from the mother's breast. Their shape and behavior facilitate easy transition from bottle feeding to breastfeeding and vice versa;
  • Anti-colic system - when buying, make sure that the selected bottle has anti-colic valves or a ventilation system that prevents babies from swallowing air when feeding. This will reduce the amount of gas in the baby's tummy and minimize the likelihood of colic;
  • Volume - as the baby grows, his need for nutrition increases. If a newborn drinks 100-120 ml per feeding, then by 4 months this figure reaches 180-200 ml. Therefore, it is more profitable to immediately purchase a bottle for feeding a larger volume. But for supplementing with water or diluting drugs, you can choose a smaller instance.