Schemes for assembling various models of ships using the origami technique. Origami paper boat for children: step-by-step instructions for the Origami sailboat scheme with a description

If the baby is bored with toys, just show him how to make a paper boat. Children study the process with interest, and then work on its details for a long time, equipping the origami ship with plasticine passengers, paper tools, a straw flagpole or an impromptu sail. Launching paper boats is even more interesting than folding. Adults do it with the same passion as kids. Why not make folding and launching a paper fleet a family hobby then?

Option 1 "Basic"

Making a paper boat

The first scheme is widely known. However, not everyone knows how to make a simple paper boat using it. But everything is simple here - you only need an A4 sheet or any other format (rectangle, but not a square) and a little patience. You can use colored paper, for example, green - you get a warship, which is often decorated with red stars (application). Please note that one-sided sheets are folded with color inside to get the maximum color on the outside of the ship. Step by step instructions and fig. 1 will help you understand the intricacies of the process. So let's get started:

  • Place a rectangular sheet in front of you vertically, and then fold it in half from top to bottom;
  • Now bend the workpiece vertically, equalizing its left side with the right, press the bend;
  • Go back one stage - in front of you is again a horizontal half-folded sheet (the place of the fold is on top, free edges are below);
  • Now bend the upper corners towards you, bringing them to one point and equalizing the edges along the central edge of the workpiece (see how to do it in Fig. 1);
  • Turn up the “walking” lower sides on each side and give the workpiece the shape of a triangle, tucking the protruding corners into each other;
  • Open your triangle from below, reducing its sharp corners to each other - you will get a square (see fig.);
  • The workpiece will have only 2 free corners, each of which must be wrapped to the opposite vertex on each side;
  • Open the resulting triangle again from below, turning it into a regular square (as in step 6);
  • Spread the “walking” corners to the sides, releasing the mast, straighten the toy - a paper boat with a mast-cone is ready.

We looked at how to make a paper boat in stages, and you just have to decorate and stylize the toy according to your plan: a passenger liner or a military battleship - as you wish. Such a craft swims excellently and stays on the water for a long time. So that the toy does not get wet and pleases the baby even longer, paint it on the outside with acrylic paints or use glossy glossy sheets of paper.

Option 2 "Sailboat"

DIY paper sailboat

Have you studied the first scheme and mastered this technique in practice? Then it's time to diversify your origami skills and fold a beautiful sailboat, which will also require nothing but a paper sheet. It is important to consider that the sailboat is folded a little differently - unlike the first scheme, here the colored side of the sheet remains outside, that is, the sheet must be placed “face down” and the draft side towards you. So, to business:

  • Place a rectangular sheet in front of you vertically and fold it at an angle, bringing together the left side of the sheet with the top;
  • Cut the workpiece with scissors along the revealed lower edge - you need the correct square sheet, the cut edge will not be useful to you;
  • "Line" the square by folding it in half and from left to right, and from top to bottom, and then diagonally;
  • Sticking to Fig. 2, fold the "sashes" of the sheet to the center and fold the "boats" on both sides along the intended line, pressing the workpiece in the center and opening it from the inside with a free hand along the edges;
  • Turning the resulting adjacent boats down “face down”, fold the workpiece diagonally, turning the elements perpendicular to each other (see Fig. 2);
  • Press the folds and straighten the toy - the boat with a sail is ready to make its first voyage.

Such a boat can be made from colored paper of any tone - a matter of your personal choice. And if you decorate the ship with a cocktail umbrella and give it a name (write on the side), you get a full-fledged origami yacht - an interesting interior decoration for a nursery that can be used in an exciting game. After all, such a cool cruise liner is always a tasty morsel for pirate ships. And knowing how to make boats out of paper, now you can easily fold the filibuster schooner too.

Game development of the child

Not every adult knows how to fold a paper boat, let alone children. A small child will methodically and with interest master the process if mom or dad helps him. And folding paper figures is useful not only for leisure purposes, but also for the overall development of the baby. Hand motor skills, non-standard thinking, design skills, memory and attention - all this trains the basic origami course for children and paper boats in particular.

Children always love to do origami, they are ready to sit all day long and make some origami crafts and show them to their relatives. Any child would like to learn new origami crafts, for example, to make the simplest paper boats with their own hands. Below in our master class, we will teach you how to make this easy, as well as complicated paper sailboat with your own hands.

1. The most common version of a do-it-yourself paper boat

For the lightest boat, of course, we need only 1 sheet of A4 format. The following ten steps show how to make origami.

You can also try to make another origami, a paper boat according to a slightly more complicated pattern. We, as always, need a regular sheet of A4 paper.

2. Scheme of a sailing boat.

First, we take our blank and bend it in half with a “book” (pic.1). Then both sides, we also fold them in half (Fig. 2). Mentally divide the folded sheet into 4 parts (you can use a gray pencil), then fold the top and bottom half to the middle (picture.3). Then we expand to the previous step back (fig.5), the result was a blank with three fold lines. Then the second half must be unscrewed and bent along the fold lines as on the template (fig.5). And then fold up the bottom half of the paper (fig.7). Do the same with the top half of the craft (image.8). After unfolding up the first folded part (number.9), must look like the picture (fig.10). Then turn the product upside down, in front of you is a large square and four small triangles (fig.11). Then fold the square in opposite corners from top to bottom (under number 11). So they assembled a beautiful sailboat (fig.12).

3. Step-by-step instructions for origami sailboat

4. Scheme for making a steamer out of paper

An easy way to make a boat, an easy option in 10 minutes.

How to make a boat out of paper detailed instructions photo

To make a boat, we need a thin sheet of A4 paper.

1. We find the middle of the workpiece. We bend it in half.

2. On the resulting rectangle, bend one corner to the middle.

4. We turn the remaining parts of the craft up, first the front part.

5. Then, similarly to step 4, we fold the other part of the paper.

6. We turn the corners over the folded workpiece.

7. We also precisely tuck the remaining corners on top.

8. Next, we take the lower corners of the triangle and connect them together. We have a big rhombus .

9. You should have a large diamond unfold .

10. W Then we bend the lower corner of the front side of the rhombus to the upper corner, and similarly with the back side.

11. You should get three triangles.

12. Then we connect the lower side corners with each other (origami folds into a small rhombus with equal sides).

13. We take different sides (for the upper corners of the triangle) and begin to push them apart.

And now you have a beautiful boat with a large deck. Collect a collection of different courts on your table made according to various schemes.

Origami ship is one of the most popular paper origami. If you do not know how to make an origami ship, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of the origami ship was taken by one of our site users. His ship is made of white paper, and its design is similar to those that many made in school. If you have photos of the origami you have collected, send them to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Assembly diagram

Below is an assembly diagram of an origami ship from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then the assembly of the origami ship will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami ship quickly and without peeping into the diagram.

Videos master class

Assembling an origami ship for beginners can seem like a daunting task. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query "origami ship video" on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find many different videos about the origami ship, which clearly show the steps for assembling the ship. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions on how to make an origami ship.

This video tutorial will teach you how to make a slightly different ship out of paper:

And here is a tutorial video on making a simple origami ship with two pipes:


The ship has quite a few symbolic meanings. So, for example, one of the main such meanings of the ship is hope. Previously, it was the ship that gave hope to sailors thrown onto a desert island. The ship also symbolizes the transition to the better or to other phases of existence.

If you conduct a survey on which paper craft is the most popular, probably half of you would say that it is an airplane, and the other half would say a boat. No wonder, because launching paper airplanes into the sky or floating a paper boat along a stream is fun entertainment for any child. Making such figures is easy, it does not require a lot of time or materials. This is what paper origami is great for, the boat turns out to be beautiful, and you can not be limited to one model, but make a whole fleet of different ships.

Origami paper boat - collecting materials

If you are going to make a boat out of paper, the instruction begins with the preparation of materials. This is the easiest stage, because you need very little to work:

  • paper;
  • scissors.

Most often, the photo shows a boat made of white paper, but you can choose absolutely any color that you like. On the contrary, the brighter - the more interesting crafts you can get.

Paper origami - classic boat

A model of a classic paper boat is the simplest scheme that is available even to children. The procedure is as follows:

Fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half.

We outline the middle, bend the upper corners to the center.

We bend the paper remaining at the bottom up, repeat the same on the other side.

Bend small corners on both sides, you should get a triangle.

We open the structure and fold it again, now the workpiece should turn into a square.

We bend the lower corner up, repeat on the other side, we get a triangle.

We unfold the structure and fold it again along other fold lines.

We open the side parts of the figure to the sides and get a boat.

Such an origami model is available even for beginners, step-by-step photos of a paper boat will be an additional hint.

An important point: if you choose thick paper or cardboard for this model, the boat will be able to stay on the water longer, which will undoubtedly please the child.

How to make a boat out of paper - ship

This master class on creating a paper boat with your own hands is considered more difficult, although it takes very little time.

The scheme of work is as follows:

On a square sheet of paper, we outline the lines of the diagonals.

We bend each of the four corners of the square to the center.

We turn the structure over and again bend all the corners to the center.

We repeat the same thing again: turn over and bend.

Turn the workpiece over again and open the side pockets.

We open the structure and get a ship made of origami paper.

Origami boat - video master class crafts

Do you want to make an unusual paper boat? The video below will definitely help you!

Interesting paper boat

Another step-by-step paper boat diagram that will definitely surprise your child. A simple sheet of paper turns into a real sailboat, and all this in a couple of minutes. Let's get to work:

We bend a square sheet of paper diagonally, then along the other, outlining the fold lines.

We unfold the workpiece and bend three corners to the center, we get an envelope.

Bend the bottom of the envelope down, retreating from the bottom edge of about 1 cm.

Fold the piece in half along the diagonal line.

We fold the structure, directing the center inward.

We bend the lower corner of the workpiece to one side so that the paper sailboat can stand.

Yes, such a paper boat will not be able to swim, but it looks original and very unusual. And if you make a lot of sailboats out of paper with your own hands, you get an excellent interior decoration.

A paper sailboat, a paper steamer, a simple origami boat - interesting schemes do not end there! For more great ideas with master classes, see our article.

You can create a paper fleet from different figures, make a boat from origami modules, use glue and additional materials in your work. Start with simple diagrams and move on to complex origami paper boats.

Master classes, videos, step-by-step photos, as well as your imagination will definitely help you create real masterpieces!

The origami ship has been familiar to many people from different parts of the world since childhood. Making paper boats is a very pleasant experience, because a ship or a boat is a symbol of freedom, hope, change and dreams. And the arrival of spring is also associated with a paper boat: rivers open up, streams flow and it is interesting to launch boats and ships along them.

An origami ship can be made in several ways, depending on the model. It can be both simple boats and sailboats, as well as steamships and liners. By performing the assembly steps in stages, you can build a whole fleet using the origami technique.

The article offers a variety of origami boats and ships that beginners will like. For ease of understanding the assembly, it is recommended to rely on the drawings, photos and videos presented in the master classes.

This master class offers step by step to assemble different figures of boats. The origami boat has several options. Paper boats can be with or without sails, "be able" to swim or play the role of stationary crafts (for example, for applications). They can be folded from colored sheets of paper or painted with pencils and felt-tip pens, write wishes and dreams on the sides. Design ideas can be very diverse, depending on the imagination and purpose of the boat.

A paper boat can be a boat, yacht, sailboat, canoe or kayak. Let's try to fold different models of boats.

Instructions for assembling a simple origami paper boat. Bend the rectangular sheet in half, and then again in half, unfold (a vertical bend should be obtained). Connect the two upper corners of the origami ship along the intended bend.

Bend the bottom edges up on both sides. Bend the bottom corners. Once again, fold the edges up.

Take the edges from the inside and pull in different directions (the triangle should fold into a rhombus). Bend the lower corners of the rhombus to the middle on both sides. Repeat the previous point.

Once again, bend the bottom edges to the middle of the origami ship. Bend the triangular edges in different directions and stretch the figure.

Sailing yacht

The yacht is made very simply, the assembly scheme will be clear to beginners and even children. Bend a square sheet diagonally and unfold. Repeat step 1 for the second diagonal, do not unfold.

Tuck the bottom edge of the resulting triangle to the middle of the origami ship and unfold. According to the intended bend, bend the lower edges up (turn inside out).

It turned out an origami yacht.

It also offers three more schemes of different models of sailboats with step-by-step instructions.

The first version of a paper boat is made from the basic “double square” figure:

Turn the workpiece over and bend the top layer in half. Fill the left corner into the workpiece. Raise the corner from the bottom up.

Fold the top and bottom corners towards the middle of the origami boat. Bend the top layer of the workpiece in half.

The second version of the paper origami ship is made from the basic catamaran shape:

Straighten the sailboat.

The third version of the sailboat:


A canoe or kayak is assembled from a square. To do this, you need to: bend diagonally and deploy. Bend all corners to the center and unfold.

Connect all the corners to the bends outlined in paragraph 2. Wrap the workpiece from all sides along the folds made in step 2. Turn the workpiece over and fold the edges towards the middle.

Bend all corners inward. Bend the sides as shown in the picture.

Match the corners on both sides with the middle. Open and unfold the figure.

Raise the middle and edges.

Ready-made boats and sailboats can be decorated with flags, hearts, flowers that can be cut according to patterns, or you can try to decorate the boat yourself.

Steamboats and ships

This MK offers models of self-propelled ships and steamers. It is very easy to make a cruise ship (assembly is similar to a yacht model). You need to take a square sheet and do the following: bend diagonally. Bend obliquely upward and bend the corner. Turn the workpiece inward along the bend.

Cut out the pipe with scissors.

At the end of the work, you can paint the liner, give it a "real" look. How you can decorate your steamer is shown in the photo.

To make a classic steamboat with two pipes, you need to prepare a basic pancake shape. Next, follow the steps:

  • turn the workpiece over and fold the corners to the middle;
  • repeat step 1 twice;
  • turn two opposite corners outward to make pipes;
  • bend the other two corners in different directions and slightly flatten the figure.

Here is the ship!

Video master class on assembling a boat

The boat that will go sailing is going to be somewhat more complicated than previous models. To assemble it, you will need a 20x20 cm square and a glue stick.

A detailed assembly of the boat can be viewed in the video.

Finally, for professional assemblers, a video is presented with a visual description of the assembly of a beautiful paper sailing ship. This is a good example of how, from a simple and familiar material, you can make works of art with your own hands.

Video: Making a big sailboat