How and where to spend a bachelorette party fun and bright: original ideas, suggestions and interesting places. Ideas for a bachelorette party: how to spend a bachelorette party so that everyone remembers

A bachelorette party is one of the stages of the Russian wedding ceremony. According to tradition, on the eve of the wedding, the girl was supposed to be sad and mourn her youth and freedom. That was the purpose of the bachelorette party.

Times have changed. Now the girls are preparing for the wedding with joy and enthusiasm, carefully choosing dresses and rings, ordering a cake and an entertainment program. And don't forget about bachelorette parties. Only today, a bachelorette party is a fun event, an opportunity to spend time in a pleasant company of girlfriends and relatives.

We offer you several options on how to prepare and hold a bachelorette party. Choose a concept that suits you, add your ideas and fantasies to it, prepare surprises - and be sure that neither the bride nor her guests will forget this holiday.

Option 1. "Beware, groom!"

One of the most common options for celebrating a bachelorette party is preparing for a ransom. You can discuss the script, come up with something unusual, assign roles, start preparing props. Relaxed atmosphere, light drinks and snacks, fun and anticipation of the holiday are the components of a pleasant pastime. And the benefits of such a format of the holiday are undeniable.

Option 2. "Enjoy your bath!"

In Rus', the bachelorette party ended with a visit to the bath. You can also spend a holiday with benefits for the body - in the sauna. Prepare fun water related games and activities. Use bath attributes (towel, broom, etc.) as props for competitions. If the bachelorette party takes place in the winter, then you can organize a trip in the summer. To do this, prepare fruit and vegetable treats, bright cocktails and the main delicacy - ice cream.

Option 3. "A fun walk"

It is not necessary to spend a holiday indoors. You can organize a fun walk around the city, as the girls from Riga did in 2004. Photos from their bachelorette party in pink (all the participants were dressed in pink) circled many resources of the wedding Runet. Judging by the pictures, we can conclude that such a beautiful demonstration with funny posters brought a lot of positive emotions to both the participants and the audience.

Option 4. "We will go, we will rush"

A bachelorette party is a good reason to go out of town, into nature, away from gassed and noisy streets. It can be a trip to the country, and a trip to the forest, to the river, to the lake. Here you can arrange campfire gatherings with songs and stories from life, boating, competitions for the most beautiful wreath and girlish fortune-telling with their help. And if your girlfriends have a spirit of adventurism, then the culmination of such a holiday can be a treasure hunt, for example, a chest with gifts from the bride.

Option 5. "Farewell to childhood"

Despite the sad name, a party with this theme can be the most fun event of the pre-wedding period. The bride and her bridesmaids will have the opportunity to feel like little girls with huge bows again (the image of a little girl can become a condition for guests). Decorate the place of celebration with children's photos of the bride and her guests, lay out children's toys. As a treat, our favorite dishes in childhood are suitable. You can remember the most popular children's games, sing songs of your childhood in karaoke, try to voice your favorite cartoons in your own way, make gifts for the bride with your own hands, molding them from plasticine or making an appliqué.

Option 6. "Graduation party"

This idea echoes the previous one, but the emphasis in it should already be on school symbols and associations. Cheesecakes, pies, compote - simple and nostalgic school treats - can become part of the festive menu. A wall newspaper with photos of the bride and her bridesmaids and stories from their lives and a school board will help create the appropriate surroundings. You can arrange exams for the bride in various subjects, giving her grades in a symbolic diary. Or hold a bachelorette party in the “One day from school life” format, where each lesson in the schedule is games and entertainment. For a Russian language lesson, you can pick up games with words, for a drawing lesson - drawing cards for the bride, for a botany lesson - creating flowers from balloons, etc.

Option 7. "You and I are not up to sleep"

The pajama party was illustrated in The Princess Diaries 2. Dress code for such a holiday: pajamas and beautiful nightgowns. Have a party on a large bed or on a large soft blanket and pillows spread out on the floor. Of course, it is best to spend such a bachelorette party at night, so we recommend light snacks, fruits and vegetables as a treat. For this holiday format, extreme pillow fights (just don’t wake up the neighbors), calm games, heart-to-heart conversations, and viewing photos and videos are suitable. As a keepsake, you can give all guests beautiful pillows for rings.

Option 8. "Holiday in the harem"

The East keeps many women's mysteries and secrets. Try to solve them at an oriental-style party. Decorate the place of celebration with translucent fabrics, scatter pillows on the floor. Prepare wine and exotic sweets. Pick up the appropriate music and smoke the room with incense. You can arrange a master class in belly dancing, compete in the ability to tell fairy tales and create exotic dishes.

Option 9. "Only girls in jazz"

Retro car, elegant hairstyles, boas, long mouthpieces and champagne. You can start this holiday by creating images of the stars of the early 20th century and walking around the city in a retro car. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of chic, brilliance and sophisticated sophistication to the sounds of jazz compositions. You can invite a photographer or videographer for a walk to capture yourself in retro shots or silent film footage. You can end the evening in a jazz club or in a cozy restaurant.

On the eve of the wedding celebration, the bride and her bridesmaids are racking their brains over the organization of the bachelorette party. It is understandable, soon you will tie the knot, so in the end you need to have a good time. Many girls do not know where to start, there are so many ideas that their head is spinning. We will help you with the organization of an incendiary event. So let's get started.

Decide on a date

In the old days, a bachelorette party was held exactly 1 day before the wedding, this option is hardly suitable for modern girls. The ideal time for the event is Friday or Saturday, you can capture 2 days at once. It is advisable to arrange a bachelorette party 5-7 days before the celebration, the bride will move away from the parties and begin mass preparations for the wedding, and the girlfriends will have time to sleep off at the weekend.

Make a guest list

Carefully go through all the acquaintances and write a detailed list. Re-read it several times so as not to accidentally bring in those who will tell the groom all the secrets of your fun. Only best friends should be present at the bachelorette party, with whom you share your innermost dreams and experiences. It is not necessary to invite 10 people if they are not close to you. It is better if there are fewer people, but you can trust all of them.

Work out the script

The most important stage of the bachelorette party, it sets the tone for the entire event. Describe in detail all the places you want to visit, indicating the time of arrival / departure. You should have everything scheduled by the minute, perhaps something will not go according to plan, but this cannot be predicted. Sit down with witnesses and make contests, think over fortune-telling and interesting games.

Order themed costumes

Are you planning an 80s themed party? Great choice! Shop for retro suits, tight corsets and wigs. Decide on stage images, buy fabric and give it to tailoring. You can also visit carnival shops and pick up masks and ready-made outfits for yourself.

Start from the script, if you are not planning anything grandiose, buy a white top for the bride and order the print “Bride!”, For the bridesmaids, choose pink or red outfits, the inscription is appropriate - “Bridesmaid!”. Do not forget about the veil, it should match the color of your attire.

Send out invitations

Make an individual invitation for each of your girlfriends. Now you need to find out which of them will be able to attend, and who should not be counted on. Indicate the approximate start and end time of the event, the exact date and sketch out a rough plan for the bachelorette party while maintaining intrigue. Do not forget to mention the preparatory meeting, where you will try on images and agree on a meeting place on the day of the bachelorette party.

You should also discuss the amount that each of the invitees will contribute to the piggy bank. An interesting feature is that the bride usually does not pay for the bachelorette party, it is completely organized by her friends. It all depends on the material well-being of the participants. Send out invitations in advance to take into account all the important points and adjust the plan in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Book your seats

Decided to spend a bachelorette party in a strip club? Alright, now you need to book your seats. Visit the establishment and discuss the menu with the administrator, learn about promotions, possible discounts and evening scenarios. Discuss all the nuances with the manager, for example, calling the bride to the stage and the boundaries of what is permitted. Decide on alcoholic beverages, in some establishments you can bring booze with you, subject to an order for a certain amount. Feel free to ask questions, on the day of the bachelorette party, the waiters, dancers and the entire administration will work for you.

If the choice fell on the spa, find out about the availability for this date and the workload of the masters. Discuss the desired set of procedures, their duration and cost in order to pre-calculate the budget and plan the time.

Order a limousine

The most popular form of transport for a bachelorette party if you are planning to visit several places for the evening. Don't forget that weddings usually take place on Fridays and Saturdays, so all cars may already be booked. Call the limo rental company 3 weeks before your bachelorette party and book a car.

You can call several companies to determine the price. Tell the manager your approximate route, discuss important points (1 hour as a gift or frequent movement from one institution to another).

This is how the main moments of preparing a bachelorette party before the wedding look like. Do not shift duties from one friend to another, control the entire process yourself. Even if you don't succeed, best friends will find a way to have a bachelorette party without preparation. Agree, brilliant ideas come to mind friends!

Interesting ideas for a bachelorette party

In addition to the standard preparation, you can consider other options for an incendiary event.

Bachelorette party for brave ladies
Are you young and energetic, adrenaline flowing in your blood? Do you like to party with your friends and are not afraid of bold ideas? Pay attention to extreme sports! Always dreamed of skydiving? Alright, time to get things done. The groom and all his friends will be jealous when they learn how the ladies saw off the bride to family life.

If there is no company in your city that does this, give preference to karting, quad biking, jumping, catamaran rides (boat, water skiing), wind tunnel. Plan and book everything in advance, do not reveal your secret to anyone. Take lots of photos and stock up on champagne to mark the end of a good day before the wedding.

Bachelorette party for photogenic girls
Do you like to take pictures and post pictures on Instagram? Hire a professional! Buy beautiful clothes, arrange shootings and feel like a model from the cover of glossy magazines. Come up with interesting images, rent a studio or go in search of beautiful places.

During the summer, you can climb on top of a building and take a series of shots against the blue sky. Ask for help from a makeup artist, the master will make makeup to match your outfits. This option for holding a bachelorette party will leave a lot of positive emotions, and the photos will remind you of a great time spent with friends!

If the event is scheduled for the warm season, come up with a picnic menu and go to nature. Decide on the outfits, you can wear short shorts, plaid shirts and cowboy hats to look like western movie characters. If this option is not suitable, give preference to developing sundresses, wide-brimmed hats and beautiful sandals. Do make-up and hairstyles that match your images, take your camera with you. Try to dress in outfits that are similar in color and style to maintain a unique style.

The shore of a river, sea or lake is suitable as a venue for a bachelorette party. You can also go to the lawn in the forest or to the country. Prepare the blankets on which you will sit, take care of the dishes. From drinks, choose champagne, sangria or wine, they are more suitable for gatherings with friends.

Bachelorette party style pajama party
This style of pastime is suitable for calm girls or for those who have limited funds. Gather all your friends in advance, discuss an approximate scenario and menu. Go shopping and buy the most beautiful pajamas, soft slippers and headbands.

Choose funny movies to watch, stock up on champagne and fruit. Plan a party for the night, arrange with your friends to stay overnight. Play twister or lie on the couch and just chat. Sincere conversations without gossip and intrigue will be remembered for a long time.

Puzzling over how to arrange a bachelorette party before the wedding? Gather your closest friends, think over the scenario and outfits. Choose a venue for a party or sit in nature. Book a limousine in advance to be driven by a personal chauffeur throughout the evening. Have fun to the fullest!

And the bride with her friends - for a bachelorette party, and this event is usually held with enthusiasm and good mood. In order for the party to be remembered by both the hero of the occasion and her guests, it is necessary to think over ideas for a bachelorette party before the wedding.

There are several popular options for holding such an event, among which each girl will be able to choose the right solution for her company, and if you wish, you can come up with something of your own based on ready-made ideas.

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home option

Among the ideas on how to spend a bachelorette party, the simplest in terms of organization is. It can be made original if you select a specific topic, for example,. In this case, all the girls dress up in outfits in the style of the last century, watch old films together and dance to jazz, blues and rock and roll.

It is considered popular in the home stop. This is a quiet version of the event, where all the girls dress in home clothes, spend time talking, do each other's hair, makeup and manicure. It is advisable for everyone to cook several different dishes together so that it is enough for the whole night, because a pajama party involves an overnight stay.

At home, you can organize an impromptu spa. To do this, you will need to stock up on masks, scrubs, creams and other products for skin and hair. Girls can help each other with procedures and spend time reminiscing about the past and dreaming about the future. In this case, the bachelorette party will be not only interesting and memorable, but also useful for appearance.

In any case, the bride will need to prepare suitable entertainment for her bridesmaids. Dancing, karaoke, games, competitions and quizzes are good ideas for a bachelorette party. For relaxation, you can buy light alcoholic drinks, if the girls do not mind. If desired, you can arrange a mini-bar with original cocktails.

Party in a club or restaurant

If the bride and her bridesmaids are not used to a quiet pastime, a bachelorette party is a great occasion to have fun from the heart. It is not known when it will still be possible to gather in the same composition, because many have families and obligations, so such a party will leave the warmest memories in memory. If you choose a popular public institution, it is better to book a table at least a week or two in advance, so that on the appointed day you will not encounter a lack of empty seats.

Previously, the bride needs to talk with all the bridesmaids, you can do this in one of the social networks, organizing a general dialogue if you can’t meet in person. The girls need to decide together where they would like to go - to a cafe, restaurant, bar or club. And then choose a place.

The issue of costs also needs to be addressed. In some cases, the bride pays for the entire holiday on her own, in others she asks her friends to pay a reasonable part of the check. In the latter case, this nuance must be discussed with friends in advance so as not to cause embarrassment during the event. But in most cases, the cost of a hen and stag party falls entirely on the shoulders of the bride and groom, because this is their holiday.

Popular places

To have a fun and cool party, it is not necessary to use original ideas for a bachelorette party. You can easily choose the right solution from those that are used most often.

If the city is large, then you can find other interesting places for a bachelorette party in it. For example, you can find an anti-cafe, arrange or go to a concert of a musical group. When choosing such places, it is advisable to consult with friends if there are doubts that they will like a particular solution.

To beautifully hold a bachelorette party, many girls prefer to use extraordinary ideas for conducting and scenario. For example, you can arrange an extreme vacation - skydiving, ride a plane over the city with a pilot, visit go-carts or a climbing wall. However, when choosing interesting ideas for a bachelorette party, make sure that the final decision suits all friends, as some are afraid of heights, others are afraid of high speed.

If the bachelorette party will take place in the warm season, there is no need to have a party in a stuffy apartment, because you can take advantage of the good weather. For example, you can have a beach party until late at night with a fire, guitar songs and outdoor contests. If possible, you can ride a catamaran or boat.

In those cities where there are rivers or access to the sea, in the summer you can often meet pleasure boats. They allow not only to admire the beauties of urban nature, but also to have a party on the deck.

Interesting! The bachelorette party will be unforgettable if you arrange incendiary dances on the ship to the sound of champagne glasses.

In some cases, it is possible to have a rooftop party if the weather permits. From there, an excellent view of the city will open, and at the same time no one will disturb the girls. Climbing onto the roof of a house without permission is not the best idea, it is better to use the services of special agencies that will not only ensure safe passage, but also creatively design the surrounding space.

Theme parties

To spend time in an original and fun way, there are ideas for a themed bachelorette party. They can be combined with the theme of the wedding itself or different from it.

The following options are popular.

  • . If girls love the film of the same name, then they can celebrate a bachelorette party in a retro cafe or at home. The party should look like a socialite, black cocktail dresses are suitable as outfits, and hairstyles are done with a bouffant or large waves. Cupcakes, cookies and other sweets are suitable as snacks.
  • . Heavy music lovers can go to a rock bar or to nature. Ideally, if at least a few of them will be on motorcycles. The clothes should have a maximum of black, leather and rivets, as a hairstyle, you can make a defiant bouffant, apply Smokey eyes on your eyes, and make up your lips with red lipstick.
  • Provence. A bachelorette party can be gentle and touching. To do this, it is enough to put on light dresses in pastel shades and go to nature, preferably to a lake or a flower field. Girls can collect bouquets of flowers, weave wreaths and enjoy fresh air and a picnic.

If you wish, you can embody any topic at a bachelorette party - creative ideas for a bachelorette party are limited only by the imagination of the participants: the more extraordinary the friends think, the more fun the holiday. Girls can go to a collective master class, for example, to create interesting hairstyles or professional makeup. Cooking, pottery, beadwork or drawing courses can be interesting.

You can arrange an active holiday with friends. In the warmer months, you can go on a mini-horse hike, play beach volleyball or rent bikes for a forest walk. In winter, you can go bowling or billiards, go ice skating or snowboarding.

How to get beautiful photos

In order for the bachelorette party to remain not only in memory, but also in photo albums, one of the stages of its implementation can be a professional photo shoot. For her, you can invite a photographer who will not only take original and high-quality pictures, but also subsequently process them in a graphics editor.

Another idea for getting original photos of a bachelorette party is to rent a studio with the desired interior for a certain time. It could be a royal palace style, a steampunk hideout, a stage with musical instruments, or a cozy living room with a fireplace, a large Victorian sofa and a fluffy carpet on the floor.

A photo session can be arranged in nature if there are picturesque places in the city or not far from it. To make the pictures original, you can stock up on special accessories that are sold in stores with festive attributes. These are all kinds of wigs, hats, mustaches and lips on sticks, etc.

If desired, girls can visit a museum or gallery to take vivid photos within their walls. You will first need to obtain permission from the administration, most often photos are allowed to be taken for a fee.

It is not necessary to come up with bright ideas for a bachelorette party photo shoot. After all, even in a city park, you can take original pictures with the support of a professional.

Outfit Options

When planning a party, you need to think over the ideas of dresses for a bachelorette party for the bride and bridesmaids in advance. The easiest option is to come in loose-fitting clothes, but if you pick up the same things, you get original photos. The choice of dress code will depend on the theme of the party, if any, and the location of the event.

In most cases, you do not need to come up with original outfit ideas for a bachelorette party - just wear the same wardrobe items, for example, short multi-colored skirts, bracelets with large buds or a veil. Girls can pick up ribbons in the style of those worn by graduates, only with the inscriptions "Bridesmaid". If you wish, you can go further and order the same T-shirts with inscriptions, for example, "Gang of the Bride".

If the girls are not satisfied with the standard dress ideas for a bachelorette party, they can dress up in a cowboy style. To do this, just wear jeans, a hat and a plaid shirt. If desired, it can even be tied with a knot at the waist. For a party on the beach or a boat, you can wear vests and sailor's caps, and for the theme of dudes, bright items of clothing are suitable.

The bride needs to think through a lot of organizational issues when planning a bachelorette party so that everyone is comfortable and fun. It is worth considering the following nuances:


Ideas on how to celebrate a bachelorette party are limited only by the own imagination of the bride and her bridesmaids. If you wish, you can arrange a fun and memorable party with minimal financial costs. The main thing is to stock up on a good mood and from the heart to spend time with your closest friends.

How and, most importantly, where are bachelorette parties held today? Suitable for any place where you can have fun with your girlfriends. The main thing is to set goals. What do you want - just keep the traditions, relax before the wedding, chat with the girls, light it up to the fullest, dance from the heart or get drunk corny? Yes, yes, and such a desire sometimes arises before the wedding. Depending on your expectations from the bachelorette party and choose the venue.

Where and how to spend a bachelorette party? Several popular options

1. Bachelorette party at home

If the bride has her own apartment, where no one can interfere, the bachelorette party is often organized at home. Well, this is quite consistent with the good old traditions of holding a bachelorette party. The girls help themselves, drink, have conversations, and maybe even shed a tear, remembering their carefree youth.

Being at home doesn't mean boring. You can not just sit, but arrange. Most Popular theme party for a bachelorette party - pajama . This is usually a sleepover party.

The girls gather at the bride's house or in neutral territory (for example, in a large hotel room), change into pajamas and nightgowns and have a nice time. It is believed that in such an intimate atmosphere people are as sincere as possible, so girls' conversations can be very intense and touching.

For a pajama party, it is advisable to prepare several interesting films - comedies, melodramas or even horror films. It is better to spend time in the twilight, so you need to buy. From drinks, you should choose mulled wine or any other hot alcoholic drink. As entertainment at a pajama party, a bachelorette party, various fortune-telling is suitable: comic or serious.

You can also arrange at home Spa party for a bachelorette party . This will kill two birds with one stone: have a wonderful time in a sincere company and put yourself in order on the eve of the wedding. For a party, you need to prepare aromatic candles, low-alcohol cocktails with natural juices and honey, as well as all the necessary accessories and cosmetics for a spa pedicure, scrubs, masks. And after all the procedures, you can make up each other and take a walk to the nearest bar to dazzle all its visitors with its beauty.

During a home bachelorette party, you can watch videos with the bride and her girlfriends: children's parties, school parties, graduation, outdoor recreation ... Sweet memories will brighten up the pre-wedding evening.

2. Bachelorette party in a cafe, bar or nightclub

This, of course, is a more expensive option, and it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to talk enough, but it will be possible to come off to the fullest, dance, sing karaoke, watch a male striptease or even order a private dance. Of course, you should not take a camera to such a bachelorette party, so as not to leave compromising evidence. Yes, and chatty girlfriends who do not know how to keep secrets are also better left at home.

3. Bachelorette party in a restaurant

It is better to choose a relatively expensive and luxurious restaurant. Girls in evening gowns, fine dining, champagne. Under soft music, you can calmly talk about everything, and then dance. Minus one: expensive.

4. Bachelorette party in the sauna

This option is also quite in the spirit of the old ones, because then the bride, on the eve of the wedding, also went to the bathhouse with her girlfriends. It is advisable to choose a sauna with a swimming pool, a decent banquet hall and additional services (for example, a billiard table can brighten up your leisure time). In some saunas, you can order spa treatments: scrubs, massages, body wraps.

In a word, you can spend several hours in a good sauna and never get bored. By the way, you can also invite strippers to the sauna, if, of course, you are interested.

For a bachelorette party in the sauna, you should choose only low-alcohol drinks or just juices and tea. As a treat, seafood and exotic fruits on skewers are suitable.

In the sauna at a bachelorette party, you can hold games and competitions with girlfriends. For example, give each single girlfriend a banana and a glass of yogurt. Whoever eats yogurt faster only with the help of a banana, using it as a spoon, will be the first (after the bride, of course) to get married. If the sauna has a swimming pool, you can take a wreath of artificial flowers with you. Let the girlfriends take turns throwing a wreath into the water from one place - whoever reaches the furthest or whose wreath touches the opposite wall of the pool wins. And her prize will be a speedy wedding.

5. Bachelorette party in a limousine

It is better to order a large limousine that can accommodate up to 12 people. Find out if bar refills are included in the rental price. If not, you need to prepare drinks and snacks. It's so romantic to spend the pre-wedding day next to your girlfriends, riding through the lantern-lit streets of your favorite city. The optimal time for which it is worth renting a limousine is 3-5 hours. Girls can even arrange dances in a limousine and share their emotions with passers-by through the hatch. Well, if you want to continue the banquet, you can always end the fun in the bar.

6. Bachelorette party at the water park

How wonderful it is to feel like a child again shortly before your own wedding. The bride and bridesmaids will have fun, get a lot of positive emotions. Then you can take a table in a cafe on the territory of the water park and indulge in conversations, memories and discussions of the upcoming one.

7. Bachelorette party in nature

If the weather is warm, the girls can have a nice picnic with meat cooked over a fire, guitar songs, outdoor games and Chinese sky lanterns. Of course, it will be quite difficult for girls to organize a picnic - the father and brother of the bride can help with this. And you can do it differently: team up with the groom and his friends and organize a joint hen-stag party in the fresh air.

8. Bachelorette party on a walk

If the weather is fine outside, the girls can go for a walk. But not for the usual, but for a very fun and interesting one.

Bridesmaids can wear long skirts, and the bride can dress up in an extreme mini, stockings and stilettos. Let this evening all the attention of the opposite sex goes only to her.

In order not to wander aimlessly, it is worth preparing a to-do list for the bride, which includes about ten items. These can be such tasks: ask a passerby for a condom, take an autograph from a man, pretending to have confused him with a star, take a picture hugging a bald man, etc. If organized by the bride herself, she can ask her bridesmaids to make such a list for her.

Such a walk turns into a crazy adventure, the ending of which can be a visit to a bar - for example, the one where the bachelor party takes place.

1. Choose the right day. A bachelorette party with alcohol and a rich program is best done at least three to four days before the wedding, so that there is time for a hangover, rest and recovery. There is a lot to do for the bride and go to bed early.

2. Consider a dress code.
For example, for a bachelorette party in a bar, nightclub or any other institution, you can pre-order T-shirts with slogans. On the T-shirt for the bride - the inscription "Bride", and for the bridesmaids - "Bridesmaid". The inscription "We have a bachelorette party!" can be placed behind. This will attract the attention of other visitors and protect against annoying boyfriends.

In some countries (for example, in England) it is customary to wear short skirts and high socks, and tie bows on your head. By the way, in an English bachelorette party it is important that at least one thing is pink.

You can also choose a color - let all the girlfriends come in clothes of a certain color. You can have a bachelorette party in cowboy hats. By the way, a bride at a bachelorette party can be with a veil, but short and not white. Options - a lot! Photos from a bachelorette party with a well-thought-out dress code are especially spectacular.

3. Don't disturb others. If the groom did not want to invite the bride and her bridesmaids to the bachelor party, you should not unexpectedly show up for this event. Why do you need unnecessary conflicts on the eve of the wedding? And if the groom does not inspire confidence, was it then worth submitting an application to the registry office?

4. Leave a memory.
Invite and arrange a photo shoot, choosing some interesting topic: for example, “back to childhood” (in short dresses, golfs and bows) or “crazy bachelors” (deliberately sexy outfits, languid look).

Photos from the bachelorette party will remain in the memory of both the bride and her bridesmaids.

Games and competitions for a bachelorette party

In principle, any games and contests are suitable for a bachelorette party - even those that are held at ordinary parties or at weddings. Here are just some of the fun games and competitions for a bachelorette party popular in different countries. We warn you right away: the games are not for the shy!

Kissing Game

This is a comic game that supposedly will allow you to test the ability of each of the girls in the ability to kiss men. For the game you will need a poster with a photo of a handsome man (you can take some celebrity), lipstick, scarf. The poster should be hung on the wall or laid out on the table. The girls are blindfolded in turn, untwisted on the spot, and then they are offered to put lipstick on their lips and kiss the man on the poster on the lips. Whose kiss is closest to the lips of a man - that girl wins.

The game "The most thrifty"

A list of various subjects is compiled, each of which is assigned points. When the girls gather for, the host will read out a list of items. Those girls who had the named item with them (or on themselves) receive the corresponding points. Points, by the way, can be made in the form of fake banknotes in ten and give out to the participants. Whoever scores the most points in the end wins, receiving some kind of prize.

Approximate list of subjects and points:

  • Condom - 20 points
  • Notepad - 10 points
  • Photo of husband or groom - 30 points
  • Stockings - 20 points
  • Toothbrush - 10 points
  • Bottle opener - 50 points
  • Mobile phone - 10 points
  • Comb - 10 points
  • Tampons - 10 points
  • Ex-boyfriend's phone number - 20 points
  • Own credit card - 20 points
  • Husband or fiance credit card - 50 points
  • Lighter - 10 points
  • Mints - 20 points
  • Ballpoint pen - 10 points
  • Ballpoint or gel pen with red ink - 30 points
  • Chewing gum - 10 points
  • Dark glasses - 10 points
  • Car keys - 10 points
  • Earrings in the ears - 10 points

Game "I want"

The moderator asks a question. For example: “Which of you would like to be a virgin again?” or “Which of you would like to get married this year?” (the question is chosen depending on the company gathered at). Those who responded participate in the game. One berry is placed in wide low bowls or bowls - pitted cherries or strawberries. The host explains: "You need to eat a berry without using your hands." The girls think that it will be quite easy to do this. But it was not there - the host comes up with a can of heavy cream and fills the bowls with them (at least half). And now the girls can start the race - who will eat the berry faster. The fastest one wins. Immediately after the competition, it is worth taking a picture of the girls with cream on their faces.

Game "I know who it is"

All girls, except the bride, are given sheets and pens. Assignment: Describe some funny or funny incident related to a love relationship or a wedding, wedding night or honeymoon (if the participant is married). The girls briefly describe the situation. If the bride knows who has what handwriting, you need to intentionally change it.

Example entry: “For my honeymoon, I bought a bunch of very sexy lingerie. On our second night, I emerged from the shower in a thong and an open leopard print bra. My husband laughed. All the following days of our honeymoon, I came out of the shower in his T-shirt.

Game "Truth and Only Truth"

Cards are prepared in advance: two for each participant in the party. Half of the cards are Truth Cards. The other half are Truth Substitutes (there may be fewer of these cards).

Truth cards contain questions of an intimate nature. The cards are shuffled and placed back side up. The girls take turns randomly taking a truth card, reading out a question and deciding whether they are ready to answer it. If the girl does not want to answer, she draws the “Truth Substitute” card and again faces a choice: which is better - still answer the question or complete the task from the “Truth Substitute” card. Either the answer or the task. Questions and tasks are compiled for a specific company.

Truth cards (example):

1. Have you ever made love in a car?

2. Have you ever imagined being in bed with your boyfriend's best friend?

3. Have you ever gone to work without wearing underpants?

4. Have you ever had an affair with a boss?

5. Have you ever made love on a train?

6. Have you ever made love on an airplane?

7. Have you ever danced on a table?

8. Have you had an affair with a foreigner? If yes, what country is he from?

9. Do you like to look at photos of handsome men from the catalog of men's underwear?

10. Have you ever had your boyfriend covered in cream or something and then licked it off?

Cards - substitutes for truth (example):

1. Take off your bra without taking off your top.

2. Drink a whole glass of champagne without stopping.

3. Dance like an Egyptian.

4. Show off your underwear.

5. Paint your eyelids with blue shadows.

6. Sing the song "A Million Scarlet Roses" in front of the camera.

7. Do ten squats.

8. Dance like a virgin.

Cards with questions should not be repeated - that is, after the card is drawn, it is put aside. Substitute cards are shuffled each time, so that the same task can go to several girls.

Planning a wedding and preparing everything carefully is a troublesome business that requires a lot of effort. However, there is another important event - a bachelorette party before the wedding. Most brides pay great attention to its holding, because a bachelorette party means the last party, while the bride has not yet become a married lady.

What do you need to know about bachelorette parties?

Since it is a long-standing tradition to arrange a bachelorette party before the wedding, certain rules or attributes of this event have been formed over time. Of course, this does not mean that they must be strictly matched; you can arrange a completely individual party. Here are the main ones:

How to have a bachelorette party?

First of all, you should decide on the date of the holiday, and it is better to choose a date a few days before the wedding. It is unlikely that someone will be able to take a good walk at a bachelorette party, and the next day look fresh and tidy at a wedding, be cheerful and in a good mood. Often, the same date is chosen for the bachelor and hen parties, a few days before the wedding.

Coming up with a funny script is not an easy task. It is best to combine some common common scenario with adding your own elements. Also, if the bride has a favorite movie or show, you can endure the entire holiday in his style.

Competitions will become an integral part of the bachelorette party. Here, the bridesmaids love to win back, and come up with the most varied and fun challenges. If you connect fantasy, the party will be a great success.

Party decoration

If you already got the role of an organizer at a bachelorette party, the question arises of how to hold a bachelorette party in a certain style or according to a scenario.

Firstly, if this is a party in a certain style, you can decorate the room with its attributes, come up with a dress code for all those invited. Picking up unusual accessories is not difficult, and on the Internet you can find ideas and photos on how to decorate the venue.

It would be very reasonable to make invitations for girlfriends. They can talk about the theme of the party, inform about the place, time, dress code, if any. It is recommended to decorate and select invitations according to the theme of the bachelorette party, and getting an “official” invitation is much more pleasant than in words. Friends should be invited in advance so that they can prepare well.

Should I give gifts?

It is not necessary to present gifts at a bachelorette party. However, many friends are wondering how to arrange a surprise for the bride? The best option would be themed gifts, for example, joint photos about the life of the bride before marriage, collected in a beautiful album. Or other surprises closely related to memories and girlfriends. You can present something for future family life or gifts for the home.

Who pays for a bachelorette party?

Another common question is who pays for the bachelorette party? Here opinions are divided. For example, abroad it is believed that the witness organizes and pays for the bachelorette party, since it is she who escorts her friend to family life and arranges her last free party. In other cases, it is believed that the bride pays, or her groom, who, as it were, gives this holiday to the bride - this is a typical Russian version.

Often at a bachelorette party, the amount is divided among all the friends, or each pays for herself. To avoid quarrels and conflicts, it is better to get together with friends in advance and discuss everything.

Budget options for a bachelorette party

How to celebrate a bachelorette party before the wedding on a modest budget? After all, the newlyweds already have sky-high expenses for the wedding, and besides, there is still a hen and stag party.

In such cases, the brides decide to have a bachelorette party at home, or go somewhere out of town. If girlfriends treat everything with understanding and without offense, they themselves can often offer a modest holiday, and thereby make it easier for the bride to work. Despite the simple holiday, it can be turned into real fun.

When celebrating at home, you can have a pajama party, or Barbie style. These are the most common themes, but the bride may have her own options. When celebrating in a country house, you can have a good time, arrange a small karaoke and sing songs, organize a buffet table and a pool, interesting contests.

In addition, in such an environment it will be convenient to tell fortunes with girls. Fortune telling is an integral element of a bachelorette party. You can guess from a book, stories, gifts, and so on. Basically, this is supposed to be fun, like competitions.

If you show imagination, you can have a great bachelorette party, which will be remembered by both girlfriends and the bride for a long time.

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